2005-09-22_Raingarden sizingRaingarden # Approximate inflow area (sf) Volume of Runoff (cf) Volume of Storage (cf) 1 6093 155.37 263 2 13746 350.52 357 3 15945 406.60 438 4 15170 386.84 263 5 18517 472.18 280 6 33215 846.98 854 7 27713 706.68 714 8 26793 683.22 489 9 28648 730.52 801 10 42079 1073.01 1162 11 13597 346.72 495 12 17614 449.16 495 Totals 6607.82 6611.00 Median rainfall event: 0.34" Volume of runoff calculated using: V=A*(.34/12)*.9 Raingarden Sizing