2005-09-27_City comment respons letter 9-16-05 September 27, 2005 Robert Generous Senior Planner, City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Chanhassen West Business Park Planning Case #-05-23 Comments dated 9-6-05 Dear Bob, This letter is in response to comments received from the City of Chanhassen dated 9-6-08 regarding final plat approval for Chanhassen West Business Park. The plans have been updated to reflect comments from the city, as well as from Carver County Planning and Zoning. Please find our responses to the city comments below. 1. Landscape plantings have been changed to meet minimum requirements, and a revised Landscape plan has been included in the plan set. 2. A note and detail have been added to the Tree Preservation Plan describing tree protection fencing installation. 3. A note has been added to the Tree Preservation Plan describing what to do in case of damage or removal of trees that have been designated to be preserved. 4. A Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Form for Water/Wetland projects has been submitted. 5. A wetland buffer is included on the plans around all wetlands. All structures are outside of a 40’ setback, which is shown on the Site Plan. 6. The developer will address this issue 7. The site drainage has been looked at in-depth, and a revised stormwater management plan is attached to this letter. 8. The pond’s emergency overflow has been labeled, a detail provided, and a turf re - enforcement mat has been added for stabilization. 9. Temporary stabilization has been addressed on the SWPPP 10. Discharge point stabilization has been addressed on the SWPPP 11. Slope stabilization has been addressed on the SWPPP 12. The swale on the west side of the property has been removed and replaced with storm sewer, so an erosion control blanket will no longer be necessary in that area. Installation time frame for other erosion control blankets is described in the SWPPP, and the blankets have been identified with a hatch on the grading plan. 13. Temporary sedimentation basins have been identified on the plan in the areas requested. A temporary outlet has been called out on the grading plan, and a detail has been added to the details sheet. 14. A general note has been added to the grading plan instructing the contractor to install Wimco-type inlet protection on all catch basins on site and on neighboring Galpin Blvd. The city standard detail for Wimco-type inlet protection is on the details sheet as well as a detail for a Wimco-type inlet control that is not in a curb line. 15. Refer to #14 16. Type 2 silt fence has been installed along Outlot A as requested. 17. The two different types of silt fence have been designated with different linetypes, and are called out on the plans as specified. 18. Street sweeping is described on the SWPPP 19. The developer will address this issue 20. The specified permits have been applied for. 21. The developer will address this issue 22. The developer will address this issue 23. The developer will address this issue 24. A water service has been added to Lot 6 25. Proposed hydrants are clear of any landscaping or lighting features within a 10’ radius. Small utility box locations will have to be coordinated with the respective companies. 26. A note regarding fire protection during construction has been added to the Site Plan. 27. The proposed street name is Galpin Court, and has been included on the plans. 28. A note has been added to the Tree Preservation Plan describing tree waste disposal 29. The developer will address this issue. 30. The developer will address this issue during construction. 31. The storm sewer has been designed for the 10-year, 24-hour storm event, and the calculations are included for city review. Drainage & utility easements have a minimum width of 20 feet, and are included over all public storm sewer. 32. Private easements will be dedicated at the time each individual lot is platted. 33. Private easements will be dedicated at the time each individual lot is platted. 34. The developer will address this issue 35. On the site plan a. The cul-de-sac radius has been changed to 48 feet b. The parking driveway aisles have been changed to 26 feet wide c. The public street has been changed to 36 feet wide d. The access width to Galpin Blvd has been widened to 3 lanes and 44 feet e. The access locations to lots 1 and 8 have been shifted to the west and are aligned to be across from each other f. A 6-foot wide sidewalk ahs been added along the public street g. The Galpin Blvd access radii have been labeled h. The access to Lot 5 has been aligned perpendicular to the shared driveway i. Street lights have been shown j. Handicap parking spaces and ramps have been added 36. On the grading plan a. The silt fence has been modified as requested b. The contour lines have been revised as requested c. The contour lines have been revised as requested d. Retaining wall tops and bottoms have been added e. Emergency Overflows have been shown, and all are at least 1.5’ lower than proposed adjacent lowest floors f. The parking lot slope on Lot 6 has been revised to exceed the minimum g. A removal note has been added as requested h. A rock construction entrance has been shown i. No retaining walls are proposed within the public right-of-way or public utility easements j. A 20-foot easement has been added to the storm sewer between lots 2 & 3 k. Contour lines appear for the berm on Outlot B 37. On the utility plan a. All existing and proposed easements are shown, to the best of our knowledge b. Stub inverts for the proposed sanitary and storm stubs have been added c. A storm sewer schedule has been added to the Public Storm Sewer plan d. Public storm sewer pipe has been changed to RCP e. A sump has been added to CBMH 2A f. The watermain has been revised to C900 PVC when the pipe diameter is proposed to be less than 12”. (The comment requested we revise the sanitary sewer from DIP to C900: we assume this was a typographical error, and watermain was meant to be noted) g. Pipe crossings have been added to the utility profiles h. Minimum vertical separation is 18” for all pipe crossings i. Watermain fittings have been called out 38. A note has been added to the grading plan. The developer will address this issue. 39. The specified details have been added to one of the two details sheets 40. A professional engineer will sign the plans prior to final approval 41. The pond has been designed to NURP standards 42. Cross-access easements for the shared entrance drives will be obtained as each individual lot is platted. 43. The developer will address this issue 44. The latest city details and specifications have been specified in the plans and project manual. Detailed plans will be provided prior to final platting and construction of utilities, and it is understood that pre con meetings will need to take place. Permits will be obtained by Schoell & Madson, Inc. 45. The developer will address this issue 46. Private streets will be constructed to city standards. The developer will submit an inspection/soil report after construction has been completed. 47. Six foot wide sidewalks have been added to the plans 48. All of the rear yards of the proposed buildings are at least 3 feet higher than the HWL of the pond 49. The developer will address this issue 50. The memo has been received, and comments from Carver County have been addressed in the plan revisions 51. Plans for the proposed city utilities and street have been reduced to 22”x34” size. 52. A conservation easement shall be dedicated over Outlot C 53. We look forward to working with city staff to resolve any drainage issues that may arise 54. A berm has been added to Lot 5 outside the wetland buffer The Wetland alteration permit was subcontracted out to Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, and they have been working with the City to address any concerns. Please contact Mark Kjolhaug or Mike Deryuter at 952-401-8757 with any remaining issues that have yet to be addressed. If you have any further questions or comments regarding these responses, please contact Jerry Backman or myself. We look forward to working with the City through final approval. Sincerely, Jared Jones, E.I.T. Schoell & Madson, Inc. CC: Pat Minger, Minger Construction Paul Moline, Carver Planning & Zoning