SEPTEMBER 22, 1994
Chairman Boyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Chmiel, Mike Mason, Gal3r Boyle, Charlie Robbins and Tun
STAFF PRESEt: Todd ~t, Asst. Executive Director
Chmiel moved, Mason seconded to approve the Minutes of the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority meeting dated June 23, 1994 as presented. All voted in favor, except Robbins who
abstained, and thc motion carried.
Mason moved, Bolm seconded to approve the Minutes of the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority meeting dated July 21, 1994 as presen~ All voted in favor, except Robbins who
abstained, and the motion carried.
Gerhardt: Just a quick update. Staff has been working with Mr. Dean Johnson in trying to
enter into some option agreement on the piece of land along Kerber Boulevard. We've come
to agreement on what we think is a purchase price of about $100,000.00. He is also
interested in coming in and looking at the site plan and eliminating his rental prope~es them
and corffmg in with owner occupied townhouses with a range of about $150,000.00 to
Boyle: Todd, where is the property? I'm sorry.
Geflmrdt: It's located, you know where the new Wwnhouses are behind Byerly's?
Boyle: Yes.
Gerhardt: Okay. ff you go down Kerbcr Blvd to the new road that was cut in just on the
north side of the apartment buildings.
Boyle: The gray ones? Okay. I know where you're at.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22, 1994
Oextuudt: Okay. It would be, right where that new mad is cut in...
Bohn: Northwest comer.
6erhardt: That's one of the sites that kind of stood out. It's a nice level walking path
take you over to the Byerly's and City Hail There's a model upstairs.
Boyle: No, that's okay. I was just curious.
Chmieh Yeah, you should get it. I think it would be a good idea. I think it gives you a
little better visual
Bohn: You know to me, the more I think about it, that's probably the best location for that
senior housing.
Chmieh I've received a letter, unsigned but said representing several seniors indicating that it
would be a good site.
Mason: I've had some calls to the affimu~ve on that wo.
Boyle: Have you really, good.
Mason: Yeah. I really have. They're pretty up on that.
Bohn: One wonmn, and I can't think of what her name is. She lives out in Santa Vera I
think or one of those Santa, one of those fight over there. She was at the meeting, and I ran
into her at a going away party far somebody and she was ~elling me that she thought it was
the best site Wo.
Gerhm'dt: This is Santa Vera and this is Kerber. The rental apartments sit over here.
Holding ponds are down in this area.
Boyle: Oh this is up on thc hill?
Chmiel: Yeah.
Boyle: The old Kerbcr farm right?
~du Yeah.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22, 1994
Boyle: Okay.
Mason: I would think the people across from Oak Ponds would be fairly pleased with this.
Boyle: Is that a 3 story?
Get, t: It's 3 story and another fourth sWry with likr a walkout.
Robbins: Todd, just a general question with regard to the word senior. If we allow it to use
the senior, will it be restrictrxi for 55 or older or where does that come into play in terms of
senior AARP or whatever it's going to be w, nned at? Are we allowed to do that?
Gerhardt: As far as I know we are.
Mason: We are.
Robbins: Because I know when we were involved with the Heritage Apiumaents, those were
originally "senior" and that smlctum changed. I would just ask, will this come under the
same philosophy?
Gerhardu No. This is a completely different financing package than what the Heritage
Apartmen~ are. This is where the city would look at selling essential revenue bonds for it so
we would finance it publically through the city or the HRA, the bonding authority. The
benefits of doing that is going to save probably 1-1 1/2% intm~st and that makes a dramatic
difference in rent levels in feeding those ratr, s like that.
Robbins: Asking the question the other way, if you have a person that's a non senior who
applies, will we mn into a problem if they're not, if they're mined down or if they don't
q~sHf3, or whatever that comes into play?
Gerh~t: There will be probably a set of regulations that the city and the HRA will have to
go along with and there will probably have to be a set of regulations of how you market the
thing and some rules go along with the bond sale. Those spedfics I can't answer tonight.
Mason: I wonder if we can look inw that before that meeting on the 3rd. I mean just see
what other.
Robbins: Because you just don't want to raise twuble before you want to have trouble
If you know the answers...
Houdng and Redevelopment Authority - Seplem~ 22, 1994
Mason: Yeah, and I just wonder what other senior housing developments do. What lheir
rules and regs are.
Robbins: The one I'm thiniring of is like the l~ri_endship Village and a few others where, I
mean it specifically is, they've sta~ed for 55 and older. How they do that when they buy
there. See those are actually, well they're not condos either. Those are ahnost a forever
lease but it does not use "assistance" from Bloom/n~ I mean it is a private entity and if it
comes under our public funds, you might run into a problem by calling it for seniors only. I
just bring it up. You just want to have it here.
Chmiel: I think that Todd just sort of hit a little bit on that when he was talking. When
you're going out and bon~ing for this, I think we will specifically have to have regulations as
to who and what can be ~tlmitted into this facility. It's being built strictly for senior housing.
And that's what it really boils down to and I think that's, the age is another factor there and
I'm not sure if it should be 55 or if it should be, I think you can't be discriminatory of a
senior, depending where it goes.
Robbins: Now where does that con-~ into play? I don't know the answer. I lived where that
pond is, I'm going to have to move there~
Boyle: You might not qualify Clmr~. Todd, who's going to manage the ~, do we
know at this time?
Gerhardt: We do not know. We will be, that's what we're going to ask at our October 3rd
meeting at 5:30 p.m. and we're going to meet with City CoundL You're more than welcome
to be at that meeting. The I-IRA is invited. What we're going to do is try to set up RFP's
for...Two, to...for the management of the facih'ty and then worbing out the details for the bond
sale...because when you sell bonds like that, you're going to have to have information in
place. Your market studies need to be updated. Projections for...so there needs a whole list
of i~ems that need to be prepared but those two are...The third one would be the architecture.
So how would we, we'll bring in several firms that have a lot of experience with senior
housing management. An architect firm that has built a minimum nnm_her of housing projects
IlIId units in the 1Vlinnosota al'ea. And bring people in for...
Bohn: That Heritage Park Apartmen~ how many apartments in there were subsiclivt~cl? Not
one of them has got a senior living in it.
Gerhardt: ...senior projects and we're kind of following in their footsteps. We've worked
with Springst~d, our bonding consultants, who have mid bonds similar to this. They've come
in and talked to the City Council at their last...~g and Jim was at that one. Dakota
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22, 1994
County was very im~essed, or had a couple of fairly succes~ projects that returned tax
dollars back to the county... This project would be publically owned but it will pay laxes and
it gives a lot of controls back to the city. Programming, subsidies. It gives you the whole
gambit of how you want to...just gives you the whole control over the whole operation.
Boyle: Any other questions regarding senior housing?
Gerhardt: Just a reminder. October 3rd at 5:30. That will be to...Rl~'s proposals.
CAuniel: October 3rd?
Get. t: October 3rd at 5:30.
Bohn: Are you going to send a notice out or anything?
Gerhardt: There probably will be a packet.
Chmiel: Didn't we have something else on October 3rd? I don't have anything in here.
Mason: That has nothing to do with HR. I was just curious if you remem_l~r.
Boyle: Todd, do you want to make any opening comments on that?
Gerhardt: Well, it's interesting that we bring back settlgn~nt at the time we certify specials
on the properties. In talking to Charlie...few years trying to come m this stage and we're
finally getting something on a piece of paper that he's agreed to and so we feel that the
development agreement attached is one that is fair. It treats everybody with respect and it
reco~s that certain things that were done that lays out a fair compensation for Mr. James.
He had a development that was approved under our ordinances...with planning and activities
that occurred in Chanhassen and Target it changed the road alignment. So with that we
dramatically, we eliminated his project. In most cases, some people would...sue the city. But
we had a reason why we did that and that was because of the frontage road on the west side
of County Road 17, so we did impact that That was a very key element in how that mad got
that this se~ement is in line.
Boyle: Charlie, do you have any questions or comments?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22, 1994
Robbins: Yes I do. With regards to the settlement on the documents that we had looked at
with the se~lement from the ammmy. It says the setti~t valuation corning up to the 134
or 138, wherever the dollar sign. Assuming that that's in line, does this _mean then that, just
by the word settlement, does this mean that the thing is settled finally or is there still
anything that could be outstanding and come back to haunt us ~ on?
Gerhardt No. I should update you a little bit here. There was the awmxi as far as
condemnation. He was awarded money at that time and this is to make final compensation
for that and they take the lowest of the appraisals and...we added the addin%nal $194,000.00
in special asses~ts to that. Assnming the outstanding speciah on the ~-mmining lots that
Mr. James owns to the west of Byerly's,..jf he did that, he would not pursue this any timber.
There wash..We're kind of under the gun with them because they're already making
representation to us that they're not going to be able to meet the obligation of the
redevelopment agreement for Perkins and Taco Bell I thin~..which is not the case so we
need to take action on this settlement to move this whole project ahead. To delay it, that just
gives Ryan another opportunity or another excuse that we are trying to...
Robbins: So back to the question them By the nature of the word settlement, this is a
settlement. I mean this is a final becamse...Quit Oaims I see those daily in the business I'm
in, Quit Claims all it's doing is getting the title out of there. That doesn't mean you can't
come back la~er on. But that does take care of it so this settlement agreement has been
draf~ and it alleviates any of the funds to be or anything, for whatever reason he cannot
come back la~.r on to us and ask for more money because the value of the property has again
Get, t: Right, he cannot and he will not.
Robbins: Okay. Then I don't have a question.
Boyle: Todd if somebody, assumes Perkins wants public assistance in conjunction with
ownership and yet James is saying he agrees not to seek reque, a~ or apply for any public
financial assistance in conjunction with ownerahip but if somebody else comes in there, can
they come back then for public assistance? If winning, for example.
Gerhardt: I guess everybody can come back. I would, typically what I till some people. A
good example is the Pmss property. The land belfind the Pmss. That land was in a tax
increment district. People ask for assistance and when the district collapsed and we explained
to them that that property got assisumce. That when Mr. Beddor came in he used tax
increment to...public improvanents in that area. So in this case...we would tell him that he
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22, 1994
already got assistance and so did Mr. James. If they're not satisficd with that, I guess
always have thc right to come before you and ask for...
Bohn: We're not obligated to give it.
Boyle: No, but it could create a hinderance in the future.
Geflu~C I think that Mr. James is going to ultimately own the land over there. That if he
tries to enter into lease agreements and capture thc revenue off of those, he doesn't dispose of
his property. He tries to retain it as the investor.
Boyle: Paragraph 3, page 4. It says HRA acknowledges that James had previously received
city approval for a retail gasoline sales use on Lot 1, Block 2. What does that mean for the
future? Does that approval still stand or at some point in time can he still come back and say
I want to put a gas station on that pwpeny?
Chmicl: Maybe I can answer that. Todd, I had discussions with A~hworth last week,
Thursday and we talked with Gary Fuchs. Gary has not provided an i~n number 3 much
~t than what it reads here. It sort of gives us a way of weaseling out and saying what
we did agree to at that time and there's words contained in there that will rectify that
problem. Because I too, one of my concerns and ~ has got his too.
C-crhardt: That section shouldn't bc in this onc. There arc two settlement agreements.
Thcrc's one for thc lIRA which basically deah with thc money side of it and then there's
another one going to City Council on Monday night that deals with more or less, what I'll say
is the ordinance side of it.
Chmieh But both of those clarifications should I think be in here. And I'd like that to be
put in this one as well.
Boyle: But with thc two agreements, does one cause the other?
Gexhardt: No. They're.
Boyle: Stand alone agreements?
Gerhardt: Yes. One de, ah with city business and then one deals with HRA bttsincss. Like
you have no authority to grant him and say that, he had a gasoline...use for thc ~.
That can only be granted by the City Council. And all he's looidn§ for is that he just wants
to be recognized that he did have gaso~ there at one time because for some_ reason in hi~
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22, 1994
mind he felt that somebody told him he never did have that right. He is just in his own mind
wants to feel comfortable that he did have that at one time. Staff isn't disputing that City
Council hasn't dispute! that and the City Attorney is ~Hing us that you're not legally _hlnding
yourself to saying anything you did have or didn't have. So if he wants it in the agreement,
and that will get this thing settled, there it is.
Boyle: Sim, did you have any comments?
Bohn: No.
Boyle: Don, anything further?
Chmiel: No. That's the only thing I had.
Boyle: Milre?
Mason: That was thc only thing I had.
Boyle: So the next step would be to ask for a motion to affix)ye. However, I think it wonld
have to be approved Todd with ame~_dlng paragraph 3. Excuse me, go ahead Charlie.
Robbins: The thought is to have a motion with conditions on it for modifying anything
where the HRA was not involved. Now we've seen paragraph 3 that's not an lIRA item.
There might be other items in there that are non HRA related which were, for lack of a word,
we're not knowledgeable of.
Boyle: Would you make that motion for us Char~?
Robbins: Sure, I'll rnak~ a motion. I will move on the motion to accept the conuact but
with the restriction, or with the modi~ic~on that the contract of anything HRA related. I'm
as opposed to HRA.
Boyle: May I have a second?
Mason: Sure.
Robbins moved, Mason seconded that the URA approve the Setflesmnt Agreement with
the T.F. James Company with the modification that any non-URA related condition be
Housing and Redevel~t Authority - Sel~mber 22, 1994
stricken and come under the contracts with the City Council as opposed to !~ AH
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Com'hardt: At our last ~g this item was mism _k~nly omi~ed from the pack~ At this
time staff would just briefly like to go through some of the things that the HRA has !sid out
for goals this year and where we are to date. Landscaping plans, beaufort plans for TH
101 and Highway 5 and Red-E-Mix. We had Mike Schroed~ come in and makr a
presentation to the I-IRA regarding CR 17, Highway 5 intersection, ~ Plains, or Market
and Highway intersection and the both Rcd-~~ end Taco Shop intersection to put plants
up here. He made that presentation. Some of thc eon _eerns brought up at the HRA that time
wcrc rnain~c~ and cost. Those, and we took that plan on to City Council and th~ made
thc same conuncnts that you had. They were a litttc taken back by some of thc costs and
maintenance and some of thc direction that they gave was to look at trying W bring costs
down and to make this a little more maintenance friendly enviromnent for our public works
$chroeder and see with our equipment and how best to lay out this prope~ so we can get in
there with a mower and mow it fairly quickly. And the snow removal and how best to lay
that out. They should have met either this week or last week and I have...on how that
meeting came out but that's wh~re we are fight now. I would expect somethin§ back in the
next couple of months... Any questions?
Robbing: Yes. ~ust a statcmcnL Not a question. Who's allowing dumping of the cars back
there? There's several vehicles that were smashed up that you can see from TH 5. What's
the status of that?
Gerhardt: The cars have been removed. The cars were placed there as a part of the Hanus
remodeling project We put in a parking lot and landscaping trea~ts that went inw that
area. They've got a repair area and they had some cars that were in the way so they set them
have submittal a claim to us. We sent that onto the insurance company and we're taking the
position that they did it at their own risk. So those cars have been moved back onto their
property and, or towed.
Mason: Was that submktrd to HRA or to the City7
Gerhardt: It's a blanket coverage we have.
Mason: Why are we respon._,dble?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - Sel~m~ 22, 19o~
Robbins: We're not involved at all with that pr~.
~t: The cars were on our property and he is contending that he was forced to move his
cars over there and we disagreed with him. You can file a claim on anything these days so.
The insurance company is more than likely going to fight it because they don't see any
liability... He moved them over there physically by himself.
Chmiel: Were any of those cars licensed properly7
Robbins: Two of them were burned.
Chmiel: No, I mean licens~ with license pla~s with an upda~ license pla~.
There were a couple that were not and he contended the other two he had
licenses...and supposedly somebody swle one too.
Chmiel: The Sheriff office pursuing that too?
Gerhardt: There has been a claim, or a report filed with the Sheriff's office and I sent that on
over to the insurance company.
Boyle: Any other questions on landscaping? Okay, Todd.
Gedmrdt: The second one was the continuing to market the remaining land on West 79th
Sn'eet-.. We've met with the planners to sit down and really look at what's best for this piece
of ~ as part of the vision. Things like that. It was a possible senior housing site.
There have been other questions. Maybe a hotel and things like. that but what the planning
staff is coming up with is they thought there's going to be a greamr need for more additional
strip retail and that maybe some auto relami uses go along with it.
Boyle: Mike's idea.
Mason: Oh, that will go over big.
Gerhardt: That you look at more of a multi-tenant type of mrangement there.
Mason: Now that's even with the proposed enterlainment retail complex, movie theater.
Ga'hardt: No, this is separate.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22, 1994
Mason: Well I know but this is in addition to the city is still saying we need mom retail.
Geflucrdt: ...we had a dance studio that had a real difficult time finding space in town. Right
now there's not a lot of retail space available. If you look around, Marlmt Square's full
Charlie Jame~ supposedly has his all lemted out. Town Square is leased. Even Colonial
Center now is fully leased. Total Mart over behind the Legion's fully leased. And so there's
just no space available. You have some local people that want to expand and do some other
things that we really don't have the opportunity for them fight now.
Mason: What's Charlie have, do you know7 Can you say7
Cmrhardt: He has ginlro's Copying and I heard Paper Warehouse or a Hirschfield's.
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Boyle: Okay Todd, that brings us fight up to the trail syslmaz From downwwn following the
railroad tracks to Lake Susan Park.
Gerhardt: I know this is Ylm's goal on here and I think we keep running into road blocks
every time we talk about it. Now Todd Hoffxnan is taking a strong stand that he will not
recommend supporting the trail that would go next to the railroad tracks. He just doesn't
think it's a safe situation for children and things ~ thac
Bohn: Even with a 10 foot c~ fence7
Gerhardt: Even with the fence. He doesn't ~ the mix of children and railro~ uacks. He
just wouldn't support it.
Boyle: ~im, maybe you and Todd can chat on that. I'm sorry Don, did you have any
comments on that?
Chmiek No, I have nothing.
Boyle: Todd, did you have anything else in regards to goals?
Geflucrdt: No, that's iC
Boyle: Do we need to get an update on '94 goals?
Cm'hardt: No motion needs to be ~..
Houdng and Redevelopment Authority - Sep~mber 22, 1994
Boyle: Okay. Before we go inw new business, I'd like to recognize a visitor that has an'ired
and before we move on Steve, if you have any questions or presentations you'd like to give
to HRA, you're welcome to at this time.
Steve: Thank you. No, I don't know. I'm just really here just trying to get ed~
Boyle: We all are. Thank you. Olad to have you. Okay, that brings us onto new business.
C-erhardtz ...went through the budget and typically what we do is we take the months of
September and October to start thinking about projects and ideas of what you want to see
accomplished. Most of your projects are the West 78th Street upgrade and the Harms facih'ty
remodeling and a lot of those projects aren't contained in your operational part of your
budget. And attached is the 1994 budget to give you some idea~ You have an ex~ensive
staff that other than me and Don, that helps you in opera~g this tax increment disuicc The
plans play a key role in making sure that a lot of the developments meet the phnning aspect
that you wanted to see with the pedestrian orientation, the style. Architectmal style in roofing
that goes along with the landscaping. Just the administration part of the finance department
and you do have a good percentage of city staff assisting with _this operation. Some of the
other projects that you may want to st~ thinking about, I think you played a part of the
September festival or thc February Festival this last year with thc fireworks. That was...for a
first time program. It looks like. the City Council will probably support that project again this
year and Todd will probably submit another request of the HRA to fund the fireworks again
for that one. I've been getting a lot of compliments on the banners in the downtown. We're
trying to, one of the things you may want to look at is coming up with a seasonal banner.
Spring, summer, fall type banner that goes along with that I think the boulevard area is
really blossoming with the...looks kind of nice. The banners really add a little pi=.=~=~ and
color to the downtown. My wife ~ color so whenever you add color, she likes that. So
that's what we're trying to accomplish with the banners is to provide a little more color and
interest to the downtown.
Bohn: How about Christmas tree lights?
Gerhardt: That could be another thing. That's one of the things that.
Bohn: They weren't very good the last few yearn.
Czethardt: Well last year we were in the middle of the West 78th Street project so...electrical
wasn't available for it...But I've been assured by Mike Wegler that there's more than enough
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22, 1904
electricity to light it up and he's going to do that again this year and one of the other things
we were thinking about doing was adding some of the garland to the light posts. Have some
lights and bells that go on there like that to give it more of a festive type of look. Or if
that's some~ing that you want to try to... But that's basically what this general operational
budget is for. It's you guys that come up with the pwjects and ideas like that to make the
downtown a little more inim~sting.
Boyle: Do you recall what the fireworks was last year~ What it cost?
Gerhardt: I think it was around $5,000.00...
Robbins: Todd, on the banners, I recall about 2 or 3 years ago, or 4 years ago we had
banners we had started to look at them then.
Bohn: We did get some. We do have some.
Robbins: We had aliocated the money at that time. I thought we had allocated quite a bit to
buy a lot of banners. At that time, which would have been 2 or 3 years ago.
Bohn: Those were Christmas banners weren't they?
Robbins: I think it was more seasons where we had some throughout the year.
Gerhardt: What we have right now the Chrisunas banner and you're right Clm'lie, it was a
larger amount allocai~l at that time. What we also had to do at that time was buy the
brackets. The banners are fairly inexpensive. It's the bracke~ that they make the money on
and you can save more money I think with $2,500.00 1 think we saved by going through the
$on...in Chaska and having them manufacture the brac~ for us. They're a local firm so we
kept it local and it was, if you look at those brackets out there, they're heavy duty and they're
easier to put up and take down...aiso had some custom brackets. The square brackets that go
along the pipes, is some of their own manufacturing...so you did save some money there.
Right now what you have in inventm'y for banners is you have the winter banners, Christmas
banners. We have what is out there right now it's called the cauails and also have the
February Festival banners.
Bohn: You don't have any spring or summer.
Gerhardt: No.
Boyle: Todd, what is promotional expense?
Housing and Redevelopment Author~ - Sepl~mber 22, 1994
Gerhardt: Promotional expense is typically those dollars that went to the fireworks.
Boyle: Okay, that stuff comes out of that.
Gexhardt: And the rest of it goes over to the Rotary for putting on the 4th of July picnic.
Where we give out the hotdogs...
Boyle: $10,000.007 That's 5 for the freworks and 5 for the 4th of July or something7
Robbins: Why would the HRA fund the Rotary?
Gedmrdt: When we first started this picnic thing, city staff vohntmred it's time to put it on
and it got to be too much. It ended up to be too big so what we did was, and it was a lval
question of people wanting to be paid instmd of volunteering and things like that It was a
real question of how much we can really ask the _employees to volunteer for. And so we
asked if the Rotary was inl~a'ested in participating and serving out the hotdogs that we paid
for. It was last year they did do that Then this year we did pay them I think
Chmiel: I think it was $1,500.00 or something.
Mason: That's what I remember.
Gerhardt: For their labor in serving the hotdogs.
Chmiel: Yeah. I didn't agree with that but.
Boyle: Todd said, that would not be requested of us next yem'. That will not happen again.
Todd Hoffman did.
Gerhardt: The advcrfigng...the picnic would be the last that we do that. I think the Rotary
found out itself that it was a lot of work...
Bohn: We won't have a 4th of July?
Gerhardt: No..it won't be free. I think the Rotary will tak~ on.
Chmiel: Maybe. Maybe yet.
Gerhardt: Maybe? But I think we'll charge ~ a $1.50 for hotdogs. It will be, you'll have
to pay for it. It won't be free.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - Sepl~mber 22, 1994
Chmiel: What did it cost for total food last year7
Gerhardt: I think it was around $2,500.00.
Chmiel: You know for $2,500.00, I look at it and I think it's hell of a way to bring the
community together and I think it's an excellent time_ of the year but more specifically July
4th. I'm not, that's not a dead issue yet with rne as far as I'm concemecL I think what we're
going to do is see if we can get other volunt~s. If Rotary doesn't want to tak~ it, and I
belong to the Rotary Club and I wasn't too dam happy noting what they did charge. I think
they're there to provide a service to the commnnity. At least that's what I in the club for and
I don't think we should do thing8 as We did do, and I'vo already mentioned this to our
Oeducrdt: Well we were, I mean Todd and Don and L..do that but we got caught, we didn't
expect that it would go through that but we already had it advertised antt...open it up to the
Lion's or Saycees and things like that but it didn't give us enough time for people to prepare
for it If you are still thinking about it, doing it for next year, we need to start planning for it
now and getting those people that might want to take it on. If the Rotary isn't inlrresl~d, or
if the Lion's isn't interested, then we may want to drop it and opera it up to free entrrpfise. I
think that's one of the things that the Rotary had gone with is that's kind of competing with
their hotdogs~
Boyle: You know other service clubs do such events and contribute money back. A portion
of the earnings they make. Not only do they buy all the food and all the pop and all
beer, money that is revenues in the past, other service clubs, have donamd money back.
They'll pay for the band or the tents or whatever and that can happen. I mean that's the way
it should happen in my opinion.
Geltardt: The Rotary did give some money back and they do have a percentage of thek
Boyle: Okay. Well we discussed that a little bit last meeting too I think so. Okay, any other
questions regarding thc 1995 budget?
Cserhardtz This again is it keeps...think about what things you want to try to accomplish_
Bohn: What is for '95? Are we going to be looking at the Post Office?
Hou.dng and Redeveloptnent Authority - September 22, 1994
Gerhardt~ As part of the vision process, it's going to continue to look at the land in front of
City Hall...The big issue that you're going to pwbably deal with is the back side of the
Dinner Theater.
Bohn: Yeah, Vernelle...were going to come to this meeting when I talked to her last month.
Oexhardt: Yeah. We met with Vernclle last Thursday to utxlate you on thc bowling center...
We met with Vernelle and they have taken their concept to thc City Council I think the City
Council gave thumbs up on how the proposal looked on paper. However they still want to
see more of the details with the financials and make sure that this is a quality project. We
had a meeting with the atWrney and the city to start preparing those financial runs and what
we need to do now is to get more of a commiunem out of the Bloombcrg Company and Mr.
Dahlen and taking exactly what they're looking at from us. Right now there's some more
questions out there of which one of us is going to do the parking lot and things like that.
And arc they looking at us buying the land ar are they going to dedicate the land and so
there's some details that we have to get with Bloomberg Compani~ and I would anticipate a
meeting probably somefin~ next week to discuss those options.
Bohn: When are they going to the Planning Commi~on?
Oeflmrdt: I don't see it going to the Planning Commission for probably until afire'...
Bolm: Has the Planaing Commission seen any of this?
Oer~t: Yes. Thc concept that they presented to you, went to thc Planning Commission
and thc City Council and they gave preliminary approval as to thc concept.
Boyle: So that will be coming back to us.
Geflmrdt: What we're working on right now is the financial runs and seeing exactly what
role you're going to be playing in this. We had some concerns regarding the road that goes
back there and how it's...parking lot and how that's going to be done...I would anticipate it
would be in the next couple of weeks with Clayton and...
Bohn: Did they say anymore about the motel or restaurant?
C-erhardt: The hotel is being smrt~ There is constructed there in the early part of
November so. Financing is all in place and they're just completing their bids and...
Bohn: How about the restaurant?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - S~ 22, 1994
Oezhardt: That would go...
Boyle: Okay. I'd like to have a motion for approval of the bills,
Chrniel: So moved.
Boyle: Questiom?
Robbins: Don, on 7/25/94, payment of $41,055.00 for Heritage. Is that to th~ apartments or
to the dov¢loper. Items 2 and 3 on thc samo page. The Skyway T~nt and M~ro T~at. Was
that for the 4th of July celebration?
Ger~t: Yes. The Skyway Tent rental was for the 4th of luly. It was part of the yearly
contribution to that festival... And then as to the Hefi~e Pa~ Aparlneats. Under that
agreement, you give back their tax dollars as a loan and then when you gets to the year 2002,
instead of having to repay that back to the HRA...of investing that money back in and getting
it back as non-taxable dollars...
Robbins: On page 1 of dated 8-22-94. $1,112.44 to S~rgar. I thought we already were uaing
them to be the consultants.
~t: I don't know, I think it was BRW that we were planning to use.
Bohn: Yeah, BRW.
Robbins: Strgar, I believe I have in that same category. I'm just an'ious what we're using
them for is all.
Gerhardt: I would think that that one is to, I would think that that had to deal with the
Perkins and Taco Bell development. There were questions regarding slacking as they wanted
to try to move thc entrance closer to West 78th Street and they wanted to see it hnher
pushed towards Highway 5 to allow for stacking for cars to make a fight hand turn into the
Perkins and Taco Bell and they felt that that did not lay out as to their site. The traffic lights,
we had a problem with it so we probably hired SUgar to do a lrafl~c study analysh on that.
Robbins: Okay, why wouldn't the developer pay for that revenue?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22,
Gerhardt: Because we need justifica~on of professionals that justify our requests. In
showing that this is the best allm'native and how it could wodc. That's my guess on that one.
Chngel: Yeah, I think that's right. That's what it was.
Boyle: Jim, did you have any question?
Bohn: No.
Boyle: Mike or Don7
Mason: No.
Boyle: May I have a second?
Mason: Second.
Chmiel moved, Mason seconded to approve the bi#s of the Housing and Redevelopm~mt
Authority as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Boyle: The meeting is adjourned.
Mason: Well wait a minute. Almost done. I'm going to be out of town on the 20th of
October. I'm wondering if we can reschedule lIRA for the 13th or the 27th.
Boyle: I'm out of town the 27th.
Mason: I'm wondering if we can reschcdule liRA for thc 13th of October.
Boyle: I think I'm in town for the 13th. Does anybody have any problem with the second
Thursday of October?
Chmiel: Public Safety meeting.
Mason: What time is Public Safety?
Cerhardt: I don't anticipate a lot of...
Mason: Well if there's nothing major, so be it. I guess it's not that big a de~
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 22, 1994
Boyle: But we will miss you Mike.
Mason: Well thank you. I'll miss being ~ too.
Bohn: Send us a posmard.
Robbins: In regard to reschedulin§. Maybe this goes into '95 but can we pose a time change
of the meeting to 7:00 rather than 7:307
Boyle: I wouldn't have a problem with that
Bohn: I wouldn't either.
6er~t~ I lifink we can do that in January...
Chmiel: The only thing, as I ~ber, most times that they leave it at 7:30 is allowing
people enough time to get home. Do what they want to do to get here if they want to atm~
meetings. But as you can see, we have an awfizl lot.
Robbins: We all live here, what difference does it make?
Mason: Yeah, the only Irouble is in the summer there's an issue for coaching soccer and that
kind of thing.
Chmiel: And most other meetings that are held, including Council, are at 7:30. Planning
Commission's 7:30 and I think there's trying to be a consisumcy to that as well
Boyle: Mike, would it be okay if I ask for a motion for adjournment now?
Robblns moved, Mason seconded to adjourn the meeting. AH voted in favor and the
Submitted by Don Ashworth
Executive Director