OCTOBER 20, 1994
Chairman Boyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRE~~; Gary Boyle, Don Chmiel, and Jim Bohn
MEMBEI~ ABSENT; Mike Mason and Charlie Robbins
STAFF PRES~: Don Ashworth, Executive Director; and Todd Gerhardt, Assr Executive
APPRQVAL OF MINUTES: Chmiel moved, Bohn seconded to approve the Minutes of the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting dated September 22, 1994 as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Gerhardt: Basically what the HRA does is that they under State Statute they do hold public
hearings on disposing of property. You~,e entered into an agreement with Ryan Construction
to sell approximately 137,000 square feet of land due west of the Target parking lot at a price
of $4.00 a square foot. That's all I have to add right now. I can answer any questions that
the public may have during the public hearing.
Boyle: We'll open the public hearing and I will then go back because I missed Visitor
Presentations so we'll go back to that immediately after the public hearing. I don't lNnk, is
there any visitors here that wanted to address the HRA? We'll move forward then on that.
Therefore the public hearing is open at this point in time. So if there's any comments from
the floor. Jim, did you have any comments you'd like to make regarding the sale of the
Bohn: Todd, when do we.
Boyle: Okay, excuse me. I need to close the public hearing before we go to comments up
Chmiel: Proper procedure is you open it. Anyone for discussion. If no one discusses, then
you have to close.
Boyle: Okay, so if there's nothing from the floor, we'll close the public hearing.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Chmlel moved, Bohn seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. The public hearing was closed.
Boyle: Okay, now discussion.
Bohn: When can we stipulate the sidewalk in that area? At the time that they come in for
planning for their development or when we sell the land.
Gerhardt: I think we can deal with that issue when...review portion of it. Tonight, under
item number...
Bohn: It seems like we are always like one meeting behind what comes to requesting
changes made and it's always too late, like we did with Market Square.
Gerhardt: No. $ohn and I were discussing this prior to the meeting. He had some issues
regarding that and he would be acceptable tonight to considering options...on altering
sidewalks or in the styles of the buildings as long as you don~t make extensive changes that
he has to take to the Planning Commission or City Council... It's di~cult in this area trying
to keep all three bodies informed of which, what everybody wants so on a sidewalk issue if,
you know I think that can be best addressed under the architectural review to make sure that
we have a plan that's acceptable by the HRA and how they'd like to see the...
Belin: Okay.
Boyle: Don?
Chmiel: No, I guess I don~t have any specific concern relating to the land sale of that Outlet
B for the retail addition.
Boyle: Well therefore then I would assume that the HRA's in agreement to go ahead with the
sale of Outlet B, Retail Addition to Ryan Construction Company and I would recommend, or
I would like to direct staff to establish a closing date Todd, if you could at this time. I
assume there's not a motion necessary for the $4.00 because we voted on that last time I
Gerhardt: You already approved the purchase agreement and the terms and conditions in
there. This is just making the public aware that you are selling the land and that you are
Boyle: Okay. That's moves us onto old business.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Gerhardt: Thank you Mr. Chairman, I-IRA members. Included in your packet is a letter dated
September 28th by Thomas Palmquist from Ryan Construction. Mr. Palmquist is present
tonight. However, his request is in writing to the HRA requesting that they modify the
private redevelopment agreement between Ryan Construction and the HRA to extend the
year's in which Ryan would receive increment from 1996 through 1998 to read 1997 through
1999. They're making this request because of delays that have occurred in attempting to close
on the property. They can be...and I will agree with them that there has been delays
occurring due to a MnDot right-of-way issue that exists over there. There's a small track of
land that MnDot has an easement through and wdve been working with them diligently for
the last 6 months in trying to get them to release that easement We're down to the last,
hopefully the last couple of weeks in getting this issue resolved and so that is just one of the
issues. The second one was the Charlie James settlement that you approved at your last HRA
meeting and that the City Council approved approximately 2 weeks ago. Those are the two
main issues that delayed clearing rifle on the property. I would invite Mr. Palmquist to come
up here and give his views on it for the record but staff is in agreement with the request.
Boyle: Todd when would you, what would be a feasible dosing date as you see it at this
point in time?
Gerhardt: Well I was hoping, and given direction by our attorney that he would have a Quit
Claim Deed next week. However, I did receive a phone call from MnDot and that it is on the
final stage of review through their offices. However they are doing an informal appraisal on
the property and have not determined if we're going to have to pay for that easement or not.
I would hope that we could get some type of conclusion within tho next 2 to 3 weeks and
getting a Quit Claim from him on this. So as to a closing date, I think tho soonest that wo
could do that would bo within 3 weeks.
Boyle: Mr. Palmquist?
Tom Palmquist: Members of the HRA...Tom Palmquist with Ryan Construction Company.
We're in concurrence with the conditions of staff as to the reasons they~,,e outlined for, what
we've requested for changing the dates of the agreement. I guess one item with respect to the
closing date, given the fact that we really won't be able to begin construction until spring at
this point, our preference would be to prepare the necessary documentation and really delay
closing until a date in March sometime of 1995. At this point we anticipate being on the site
sometime in late March to do our site work. Wdve got approximately 30 days of site work at
Homing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
which point we would turn it over to the users and they'd begin their improvements sometime
in early April of 1995.
Boyle: And the target date of opening then would be where? Somewhere around June 1st or
something like that.
Tom Palmquist: I would think a little bit later than June 1st. I think the typical construction
period would be somewhere near 90 days at a minimum and probably 120 or so days as the
outside date from the time that we finish our site work.
Boyle: Okay. Don, do you have any questions?
Chmiel: No, I don't have any specific questions. I think I had some comments on our, at our
Council meeting indicating that there was some time restriction, time delays and in order to
really bring this to the forefront, conclusions were such as you read now.
Boyle: Okay.
Gerhardt: Staff would like to close as soon as we're provided clear rifle to the property. You
know there are some prorated development costs and things like that and if that comes in,
then we can work out with Ryan.
Chmiel: Yeah, I think that you're right and I don~t want the city sitting back holding for
additional dollars cost that are involved so whenever closing can take place, I think that'd be
upon direction with the city and discussion then with the Ryan to complete.
Boyle: I agree with that. And not pursuant to...or the issuing tonight. In other words, if
HRA does go along with this modification, that really shouldn't have a bearing on the closing
of it. Or possibly it could.
Gerhardt: The only thing that I can think of is if they think that we, I mean it wasn't possible
for them to get into the ground and put footings in and you know, you can do winter
construction. It's expensive in trying to make sure that the ground is thawed and grading and
stuff like that. So I guess it...their argument back to us would be one of that, if they would
have closed now and we would have provided clear rifle. However, it really depends on
when we can get clear rifle. We haven't been able to draw...
Chmiel: Having cross charge though and cost construction, it shouldn'~t be any different in
March as it would be in any other construction occurring now so I don't see that as any real
you know hard discussion back from Ryan.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Gerhardt: Well there is going to be some extensive grading going to have to occur out there
and unfortunately we don't allow people to grade ai%r the end of November. You just can't
grade frozen ground so they physically probably will not be able to get started on this site
until March.
Boyle: Okay. So even if the closing date might be delayed somewhat, staff would still
recommend approval of this request?
Gerhardt: Yes.
Boyle: Okay. Therefore I would open it up for a motion that we approve modifying the
agreement regarding the years in which Ryan are to receive tax increment from 1996 to 1998,
to read 1997 to 1999. Can I have a motion to that effect?
Bohn: I'll make the motion.
Chmiel: I'll second it.
Bohn moved, Cbmlel seconded flint lbe HRA approve the Redevelopment Agreement wilh
Rysn Conslrucfion on Omiot B, Retail Addition ~o modify Ihe yem~ in which mx increment is
~o be received lo 199%1999. Ail volmi in favor mui ~e motion tarried.
Gerhardt: Mr. Chairman, HRA members. Ifs typically a process of the HRA to see final
plans of...or any development that you provide tax increment. Tonight we have...Ryan's
consultants here to give an overview of the plans and the layouts for both Taco Bell and
John Dietrich: Thank you Todd. Members of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
John Dietrich from RLK Associates. We have worked with Ryan Construction on the design,
layout, engineering and landscape architecture of the Outlet B development It's to be known
as Chanhassen Retail Addition and the site plan that is in front of you here is the culmination
of a number of month's work between city staff and our office and Ryan Construction in
order to bring this site plan into conformance with the city codes, specifically under the
landscape standards for the Target PUD, the impervious ratio densities and dealing with tho
traffic and pedestrian access to this site. At this time we are looking to have subdivisions
prepared so that there would be three lots on the site, which is down from 4 and sometimes
discussed as 5 lots when the Target site was first developed in terms of a PUD. So we're real
excited about the final layout of this site and the users that are specifically identified at this
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
time, and that is Perkins and Taco Bell. At this time Perkin.~ is scheduled to be the lower
half of the site. Taco Bell in the northeast comer of the site. And a third site is identified as
a future restaurant for that parcel. Of those three land users, the max would have two drive
thru lanes whereas Perkin.~ would be a sit down restaurant and would occupy the southern
side. The Outlet A will also be controlled by the city and that encompasses the site and is
identified between the property line around the site in a heavy black line. So it's really like a
U shaped configuration that would be on the north, west and south. The idea and plan is that
that would be the area for the landscaping to acc, ommodate the gatowl~y presence at Powers
Blvd, West 78th Street and State Highway 5 offers tho views and vistas into this commercial
center and into the downtown corridor through Chanhassen. With that we propose that these
developments will work closely with the city as to coordinating the final placement of the
landscaping. We anticipate in the springtime there will be some more formalized plans by the
city for that landscaping so we'll have a real good handle on exactly whore that would be. In
terms of some of the elements of the site itself, tho proposal will have three outlets divided
through it. Signs/ge would consist of one monument sign for each of the three parcels. We
anticipate the future one will be in the northeast comer. Taco Bell's is located at the
northeast comer and for the Perkins site, it would be down along this road of Target I. ame.
There will be one pylon sign lo~ on the southwest comer of the Perkin.~ and down in this
comer beyond the city's control of Outer A. With that signage, the pylon sign would have
the three identified tenants on that sign and we anticipate they would be lit during business
hours only. In terms of access, all access will come into the site at the southern end of
Target Lane, where currently you are able to access Target Lane and come into the Target
store. So this will essentially function as a T intersection and allow tho traffic, cars to como
up through, turn into the Perkin-~ lot in two locations and then ~ the Taco Bell or access
the future restaurant. We are comfortable with that central access. That will allow multiple
opportunities to service the two outlets and also have two service lanes for tho Perldns site.
Taco Bell will have a drive thru and is located on the south side of the property with
significant landscaping on the south of that drive thru to assist in the screening of that. We
also' will have a heavy landscaped band running north and south and then we anticipate there
will be some landscaping within the city controlled Outer A. Perkin.~ will not have a drive
thru. The front door will bo facing north. Parking all the way around the site and we
anticipate their awnings will not be lit, nor will the Taco Bell have any lit or colorful band
around the building. We presented cross sections in order to identify the screening elements
of the parapet roofs for both the Perkin.~ and the Taco Bell from both West 78th Street and
State Highway 5. With the 4 foot parapet roof on both the Perltin.~ and the Taco Bell, we're
able to project the sight lines from, I'll take the Section CC for example. If we're on State
Highway 5 up at the high point coming across tho bridge and looking towards tho Perkin-~,
not even taldng into consideration the landscaping you would look through. You'd still not be
able to see the rooftop equipment with the parapet roof that is up there. We have also drawn
cross sections from State Highway 5 looking directly north whereas at both elevations the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
sight of the individuals in the cars are below the parapet roof. So the rooftop equipment will
be screened. We've also provided a perspective of the site which I think really begins to
suggest the entrance qualities that we'll be seeing for this Outlet B area. Target in the
background. If you're looking from Powers Boulevard is approximately halfway between TH
5 and West 78th Street so we'd be looking through a corridor directly east. With this...
Perkins is drawn with the green standing seam metal roof. The yellow canopy awnings which
will not have any Perkins on them. It will be strictly yellow. Tile accents and two colors of
an EISF which is a stucco dry wood type material which would add a masonry and textural
quality to the building. The Taco Bell will have also a stucco EISF ~nish. Multiple colors.
A cream and a brown in color and will have a tile roof. I'm sorry, I'm not an architect. I
don't know the property name of the tiling but it will, this perspective identifies the corporate
banding that was originally proposed. That banding will not be part of the Taco Bell. It will
be of a similar surface of the material that are the EISF...that would be going into the Taco
Bell. This was drawn to show how we anticipate the landscaping to look. These pine trees
are currently out there along Powers BlvcC There has not been any landscaping shown where
the future restaurant would be going. That we anticipate here and then more landscaping on
the south side. But it was important to maintain a visual entrance and corridor and with that
we still have Target in the background. The intent was to have these architectural styles and
buildings compatible with the Target and compatible with themselves in the outlot~ In terms
of the buildings themselves, Perking will have a green standing seam metal roof. Yellow
canopy awnings. Tile on all four sides and then individual style letters along the tiled areas.
Two colors of the EISF stucco appearance will make up the shell and composition of the
Perkins. They gave me all these so you get to see them too. But these are the two colors
that are proposed. The buff and the cream. The yellow.
Boyle: Is this the same thing?
John Dietrich: They're similar.
Boyle: A little different.
John Dietrich: The yellow is the awning. The green is the standing seam roof and the tile is
the accent tiles where the signage would be placed on the building. The awnings will not be
lit at night, as one of the conditions of the outloL They will remain as they are. In terms of
the Taco Bell, I again emphasize the color bandings will not be a part of the exterior
elevations. It will be stucco and possibly the darker brown color stucco r~mning as a relief
right under the pitched roof. The corporate or the signage above the door will remain as well
as the corporate logo of the bell. The roof will have a series of these tiles that will be on all
four sides. You can pass that arouncL
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Boyle: I don't think that's necessary. Thank you.
/Iohn Dietrich: With that, the two buildings are situated within the site but make notice...
where you cannot place buildings. We have two buried telephone cables. I believe they are
the fiber optic cables running through the site on the north. We have a watermain and a
sanitary sewer that are running through the site and then they begin to start cutting through
the site. So the buildable area within this outlet are very well defined and that was one of the
primary factors that said three buildable lots could go in here. In terms of access, we have an
existing sidewalk that hms along West 78th Street, along Powers and then the bituminous trail
that runs along State Highway 5. We are proposing to have a connection down along Target
Lane because we anticipate the majority of the foot traf~c would either be coming from west,
or from the east, from the downtown area or from the Byerly's or from the Target, which are
both located along the east. It's a logical place to have the sidewalk next to the roadway.
We would provide an entrance into the Taco Bell and also bring the sidewalk all the way
down to Outlet A. That was one of the requests that the Planning Commission had and City
Council, that we provide access down to the city controlled property. We will have the
sidewalk meander. It will not be a straight shot. We want to maintain tho same chnracte~
that is currently along the west or south side of West ?Sth Street. And with the landscaping
of overstory trees, shrub massings and some undulating berming in there, we feel this will
provide very good access to the pedestrians that would be walking along West 78th Street or
coming from the east. I tbini~ it's important to say that we are within the city identified
impervious density ratios. We could go up to a maximum of 70. We are at an impervious
surface ratio of 68. We anticipate the future restaurant will be of a comparable size and we
have programmed that as 70°4 impervious and that gives the overall area at 68%. If you take
all of Outlet B, which would include the city controlled property, the impervious ratio would
go down to a 52% for this entire block.
Boyle: John, can I interrupt just for a minute please?
John Dietrich: Sure.
Boyle: You say that the current undeveloped lot would be, would accommodate probably not
something the size of Perkin.~ but something the size of Taco Bell, is that correct?
John Dietrich: Yes.
Boyle: And the square foot of Taco Bell is?
$ohn Dietrich: The square foot of the Taco Bell building.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Chmiel: 1,800.
Boyle: 1,8007 Thank you.
1ohn Dietrich: In terms of lot size, Perking' lot is 1.37 acres. Taco Bell is .8 acres and we
anticipate the future restaurant to be of .95 acres. So it would be a smaller footprint probably
in that range of the square footage of that Taco Bell as placed on the site.
Boyle: Thank you.
John Dietrich: I believe those are a quick run through of the site and I'd be happy to answer,
or address any questions.
Bohn: Do you have any sidewalk going into where the future restaurant would go?
John Dietrich: At this time we do not. Not having an actual footprint of that building or this
pad will allow for a drive thru. We'd like to, not knowing how that was going to be
configured, we did not identify how that sidewalk would be accessed to it. I would be
concerned about dropping a sidewalk through the center because of the amount of traffic that
would be coming into both of these sites.
Bohn: That's why we want a sidewalk there because of the traffic. To keep people off the
John Dietrich: I understand that James. My concern is, I'm not sure where all the cross
traffic is going and if we have this access that would basically serve these.
Bohn: That access still doesn't give you an ~ into Perkins. It leads you up the street.
John Dietrich: We do have an opportunity to tie this sidewalk into that user when they come
forward. Or possible directly off the.
Bohn: You have no sidewalk going to Perkin.~ either do you?
John Dietrich: We have a sidewalk that comes down.
Bohn: To the driveway.
John Dietrich: And over.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Bohn: Where does it go?
John Dietrich: It comes down to the driveway and then you would have to.
Bohn: Walk through the parking lot.
John Dietrich: Correct. In terms of providing sidewalk, we found in our site development
that people anticipate having sidewalks near the roadways so that they have a logical
connection point. We did look at other locations for the sidewalk and felt that this would be
the best one to service these lots based on where the anticipated traffic flow would be coming
Bohn: I'd like to see a sidewalk coming in between Taco Bell and between the future
restaurant and running all the way into Perldns.
$ohn Dietrich: So if I understand you fight James, you would be requesting a sidewalk
through the center of the site?
Bohn: Right.
John Dietrich: I would say if that was to be a desire, then we should not have a sidewalk
over on this side. I feel that would be a duplication of accesses and that this area would
better serve these two locations. One, Taco Bell and Peridns because we feel most of the
traffic would be going out.
Bohn: Sure. Because that way the sidewalks at tho far end of the parking, the biggest part of
the parking lot is between Perkins' building and the street. So they have to go through the
whole distance of the parking lot to get to the building from the sidewalk.
$ohn Dietrich: They will have to cross the Perkins lot to access the sidewalk, yes.
Gerhardt: Just a suggestion to that. Jim and I talked earlier this week and Jun, just for your
information. This is their exit. You enter the Taco Bell here and you exit out this way. This
is kind of the plan, and I don't know if you can see this dashed line where the potential
restaurant would go but I would thini~ that the Fire Marshal is going to demand that they have
a paved surface around this building. Maybe another option is that we can come out here on
our piece of property and bring the sidewalk somewhere.
Bohn: We're going to have the same thing that we did with Target where they say the slope
is too high and you can't come in there because Target was supposed to put a sidewalk from
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
the street into Target, which they didn't do and tell me that the slope is too high. They can't
put the sidewalk in there. But that was agreed to by Ryan at the time Target was built and it
was never done.
Gerhardt: Well John, what would tho elevations from this point to this point be? I would
think that you're going to have that pretty much at grade.
John Dietrich: We anticipate these pads are about, I'm going off memory. I believe this
intersection is going to be about 4 feet higher than this pad in terms of grade elevations.
Bohn: And that was the trouble, thafs why Target didn't put their sidewalk into their building
either. Or Ryan didn't put one into Target either because they said the parking lot was too
low from coming off the main street into Target's parking lot. So it was never done, even
though it was agreed to.
Gerhardt: We're not going to have the slopes that they have on the north side of their
building. I mean this won't have.
Tom Palmquist: Not even close to that. I would say West 78th Street at the comer of Target
is a good 8-10 feet above.
Bohn: This is by the driveway going into Target
Gerhardt: Your main entrance...and I would agree with you that it's an $ to 10 foot drop
from the area that they're going and then it may even be 6 to 7 foot drop fight past the
landscape islands. From there to the parking lot.
Bohn: I also think it's important, what is the city going to be looking at in terms of...how is
that land going to bo structured in terms of landscaping or public use for access? Where are
the signs and monumentation going to bo placed?
John Dietrich: I would say we would be willing to work with staff to have some access
possibly coming off here to service this restaurant.
Boyle: It appears to me that Jim is concerned about the fact that somebody is coming off of
Powers Blvd on the northwest end. They have to walk all the way around to get access into
either Taco Bell or Perkins and I think that's his concern. So we would ask that you just look
at the feasibility of accessing that property some other direction than without the individual
having to walk all the way around tho property. Does that make sense?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Richard Wing: I don't know, is this informal ~Iim?
Boyle: You have the floor.
Richard Wing: This has been through Planning and through Council and all Planning's
recommendations were brought to Council and I think it went, well. It went through final
didn't it? So what you're seeing is really what you~e got and I think that if these concerns
exist, you*ve got to get in early to the Planning Commission meetings and then you have to
follow this forward through the Planning to the Council so by the time it gets here you're
satisfied. Because once it's here it's already been approved and I'm sort of saying, well I don't
disagree with you but it's sort of too late. I don*t mean, is that too harsh?
Boyle: No, I think it's a point well made but then I would ask the question, why is it here?
Richard Wing: Then I'm going to sit down because I don~t know. I'm not sure.
Boyle: Why are we wasting time on it?
Nancy Mancino: Dick, I know that this was a concern of the Planning Commission. Ladd
Conrad brought this up. One of the things that we gleaned from the Vision 2002 is that we
want a balance between pedestrian and motor access and we said balance. And again, so
much of downtown has been constructed for the auto entrance into different places and hasn't
taken into account the pedestrian and making it more pedestrian friendly. And that was one
of the concerns I know that the Planning Commission had too. In.~ad of having to walk
through big parking lots, being able to have access directly to a sidewalk. Via a sidewalk or
some other way.
Bohn: The City just got an award for being pedestrian friendly and.
Nancy Mancino: We want to continue it.
Gerhardt: Well, to answer why this is in front of you. In the private redevelopment
agreement it states that you have architectural approval of the buildings...the color of the
materials that are being used and some shapes and styles of buildings. So to stay in concert
with the contract, they have to get approval from you on the styles. Now it does not lay out
the sidewalks and trailway issues but they always seem to be a concern of/im's so Pve
always given this the opportunity for Jim to see the site plan as the Planning Commission and
City Council had approved it. Now if we go the other route and bring it to you first, then the
Planning Commission and City Council get mad because then they think that you have
approved the plans and so it's a no win situation for staff on this. So it's one that this is what
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
the Planning Commission and City Council have approved and as I stated in the beginning of
this, if there's any dramatic changes that you want to make to this plan, you must run it back
through Planning Commission and City Council to make them aware of your concerns.
Boyle: I think it's very open ended and Richard made the point Jim~ that in the future if we
want to make that type of structural changes, really need to goO on board during the planning.
Bohn: Then we have to be aware of it then.
Boyle: Okay.
Chmiel: Basically then what it should do is the preliminary portions of this should be
brought here prior to so that review can take place.
Bohn: I think I talked to you once about the sidewalks going down to this development.
Remember I talked to you about the sidewalk when that's developed down there. To make
sure that we have accessible, the buildings down there are accessible by sidewalk. But I've
never seen any of this before so.
Boyle: I think it would be unreasonable at this point to say for that Jim~ and excuse me and
forgive me if I'm cutting you off but to take this thing all the way back through the sessions,
probably would not be the most logical method to go right now. Or in the best business
interest of all parties. Your concern is well taken I'm sure by everybody but.
Belin: But when they put that third restaurant in there, they can take a look at it then.
Where the sidewalk's going to go for that third rostmmmt.
Boyle: And I tlainit that might be tho time that we attend the Planning Commission meeting.
Richard Wing: Gary?
Boyle: Yes.
Richard Wing: You keep using the word restaurant and ~im, I guess what I see going in that
lot isn't a restaurant. It's going to be a fast food with a drive thru that isn't going to be
pedestrian friendly or accessible at all so I guess...podestrian. Jun talked to me about it but
this comer I sort of have written off pedestrian wise. When we lost Target I think we lost a
major issue on that site. Your sidewalk issue with Target, I think we lost a major issue.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Bohn: There's going to be kids that don't have a drivers license yet that are going to be going
down to those restaurants.
Richard Wins: That's true. Well that's a 8ood point Good point. That's a good point.
Boyle: Then let's pursue it then when they put in the other one in. See if there's another
feasible way to do it. Can I just ask one question? On the entrance where you first come in
off of Target Lane, then you take a fight. You're going to go to Taco Bell. Is that entrance
and exit, and then you come and take a right. Yeah, fight there. That is the entrance and
exit to Taco Bell? How many feet is it, just out of curiosity? Is that like 12 feet?
John Dietrich: The roadway will be 25 feet. And there would be no parking along this main.
Boyle: The entrance into Taco Bell right there where your finger is now.
$ohn Dietrich: Yeah, there will be no parking.
Boyle: Right there. That's 25 feet?
$ohn Dietrich: Yes.
Boyle: Thank you.
Tom Palmquist: Mr. Bohn, to address your concern. As we play out this third lot, we can
incorporate some ideas to bring back through Planning as it relates to that sidewalk issue so
there are, to give you an option or two that we...address that issue.
Bohn: I appreciate that. We own outlet, and we still continue owning Outlet A?
Tom Palmquist: Yes.
Bohn: No, the one on the comer. Right there. Right where your finger is. Is the City going
to own that?
Chmiel: Ifs all Outlet A, which is city property.
John Dietrich: Outlet A comes around. It's also this piece and it is this sliver on the north.
Bohn: That sidewalk that ends right there. No, right there on the bottom. Right there. Can
that be continued on over to our asphalt path coming down along Highway 5?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
John Dietrich: I believe the grades would be too steep.
Bohn: How about, if it went at an angle over towards, right there. Yeah, right
Tom Palmquist: There's a mound of dirt, I believe I saw you had the final grade for that
exists right here so I guess it would be possible to extend that. I believe it...meander around
that mound of dirt.
John Dietrich: And I think that was one of the ideas of having this connecting. That would
allow access into the site.
Boyle: Will all the landscaping of Outlet A and the upkeep then will be city responsibility
Chmiel: Yes. If there's anything on the Outlet A, it will be the city's responsibility. And
that encompasses to the south, to the west and to the north, which is the Outlet A.
John Dietrich: As part of our grading we will be s~g those areas of Outlet A.
Boyle: Okay. Any other questions Jim?
Bohn: No.
Boyle: Don, any questions?
Chmiel: No. I guess I don't have any. I've seen this a couple different times and I guess as
it is fight now, I think ifs the best we can get for what we're looldng for so I appreciate some
of the changes that they have done within the proposal concerning tho aesthetics as to what
we really basically have. So I guess I don~ have any other questions in regard to it.
Tom Palmquist: If I might add one item. I guess I would expect that you should see
something come back for staff and planning within the next probably 45 to maybe 75 days.
Chmiel: Boston Chicken?
Tom Palmquist: At this point that appears to be...
Chmiel: No, I heard that in talking with some people here some time ago. Not at the city.
Part of 0.1. Simpson's in-laws who own that particular part of the business, from what I
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Boyle: Then that building would probably be about the same size as Taco Bell. I mean it
would not accommodate anything larger than that.
Tom Palmquist: No. The plan is difficult to read from where you're seated but what wdve
done basically is.
Chmiel: Yeah, this really shows it fight here.
Boyle: Oh okay. 1,800 to 2,000 square feet approximately, yeah. So as Richard says, iris
not a sit down restaurant. Ifs strictly only room for a drive up.
Chmiel: It could be a sit down as well in there. I'm not sure but that remains to be seen.
Tom Palmquist: When you look at the utilities and the easement problems there, it's just real
Boyle: That's why I was asking. There didn't look like there was much room. Okay, thank
you. Gentlemen, thank you. Todd, I guess in light of our responsibilities of approving
architectural styles, do we need a motion? I would assume. Okay. I would like to have a
motion then that HRA approve the architectural styles consistent with the rest of the
development area as proposed.
Chmiel: So moved.
Bohn: Second.
Chmiel moved, Belin seconded flint fl~e HRA approve ~e architec~ styles consistent wiih
fl~e rest of the development area for Peddm and Taco Bell. All voted in favor and ~
motion carried.
Gerhardt: Mr. Chairman, HRA members. At our last meeting staff handed out the 1995
budget in hopes that you would have the opportunity this past month to review the numbers
and the commentary that goes along with the budget. You continue to see increases in your
revenues from the development that have occurred this past couple years. We expect to see
some additional increases again next year of about 10°/6-15% with Target coming on and then
the following years with Byerly's coming on. So it's safe to say that you will continue to see
15% increases in your revenues in the next couple of years. As to the debt service, you
continue to have more than enough money to meet your obligations in that area. The second
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
page then shows the bonds that you sold since 1988 and the payments that are made on those
and then the revenues are shown at about $5,150,000.00 is the projections that we'll see in
1995 compared to the $4,757,000.00 that you see next year. With that the overall budget
itself, we continue to, would support the February Festival and 4th of July picnic. There is
money in there. If they should happen to want to do the...this year, Todd Hoff~rnan will be
meeting with Rotary members or other clubs that..put that on and so there is money in there.
If those conversations come to...and somebody wants to take on. There is money in there for
two more sets of banners, spring and summer. And also February Festival fireworks. Overall
dramatic changes in the '94 budget. The thing that will stick out are fees or services. In that
area. Substantial amount of changes in that area occurred due to the Vision process which
took substantially more time than what staff had anticipated. Also included in that is some of
the reports that Strgar did in downtown in cleaning up some of the traffic concerns that were
out there and the other one is the platting of Outlet B that you saw tonight with Ryan. That
staff did not actually take into their plan for 1994 and some of the landscape entries and
Hoisington's work in doing those concepts that were presented approximately 3 months ago.
We would hope that regarding those landscape entries, that we will bring back a modified
version of those three. One, that are maintenance friendly and two, that we could look at
probably doing an annual project a year. And that we could go to local contractors and put a
small bid specification together and go to like Lotus or down to Halla or Wilson Nursery and
ask them to bid on it. Keep everything local and on a small scale. Something that would be
easy for tho HRA to maintain... With that I am not seeing any other dramatic increases
within the budget and staff would recommend approval.
Boyle: Don?
Chmiel: I've got a couple questions Todd. One on that promotional expense. Is that tho
ones that you're referring to for 4th of July and some of the other functions?
Gerhardt: Sure.
Chmiel: Of that $10,000.007 Okay. In there I see nothing as far as for any advertising, and
the question I ask, is there a need even for that because basically the Tax Increment District
No. 1 is going to be totally, just about ended as far as expansion...
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion and a portion of the meeting was not
Bohn: ...Who's buying this land, the city or the HRA?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Gerhardt: The liRA is going to be purchasing the land and we would look at creating a
housing district in this ares~..your approval tonight, you could also direct staff in
modifications to the plan. To...out of the acquisition for lands to this area and that you were
the purchaser. Right now the purchase agreement included in the packet is basically an
option agreement up until April 1st at which time you would purchase it. So ifs a
combination option, purchase agreement and we have to go through the Planning
Commission, City Council to get the necessary approvals. If for some reason the Planning
Commission and City Council do not want to see senior housing project done on this site,
then we would not go along with the purchase.
Boyle: So in other words Todd, tonight the motion would be made to approve the purchase
agreement as written?
Gerhardt: Contingent upon City Council approval and an amendment to the tax incremenL
Boyle: Thank you. Well with that I would like for somebody to make the motion of that
Bohn: I'll make the motion.
Chmiel: Second.
Bolm moved, Chmiel seconded that the HRA approve the ~ agn~ment and dhect staff
to make the necessary modification to the Private Redevelo~ Agreement with Dean IL
Johnson Construction dated AInil 12, 1994, contingent upon City Council approval and an
amendment to the Tax Increment District. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Gerhardt: This is kind of an informal one...that you are now in the property management
business and these are the cash basis for both the Pauly's building, the I-Ianus building and the
Pryzmus building. In there it shows cash rentals for 5 months and what we had received and
then the total income from a monthly basis with balances brought forward for each month...
The only exception, and it also shows the expenses that we incurred...utility costs, taxes per
month, management fees, snow plowing. Any supplies we might purchase over there and
then year end balances and estimates for October, November and December...incurred all the
expenses for there. So as of the end of September on each one of these buildings, that is the
balance that you have received to date.
Boyle: On each one of the buildings or total?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Bohn: Total altogether.
Boyle: That's the total altogether, fight? No, individually?
Chmiel: Yeah, it shows.
Gerhardt: You received $10,196.00 from the Pauly building to date. After expenses. And
on the Hanus buildings, the account balance as of the end of September would be $23,200.69.
The Pryzmus building, as of the end of September $2,669.84.
Boyle: I'm with you now...
Crhere were two conversations going on at the same time at this point.)
Chmiel: Todd, when these are being done, when we get all done with these, if there's any
balances that are left, this goes into the main account into the HRA. In other words, if there
may be somewhere in the neighborhood of maybe $50,000.00.
Gerhardt: It would go into what we call the historical trust account and those fees are non
tax increment dollars so they go into what we call the historical trust account which pays for
certain things to maintain the downtown. Personnel help of Charlie Eyler who maintains the
downtown and a couple of summer help people. And basically it's the interest drawn off of
these monies that pay the bills.
Boyle: Okay. Thank you for the update.
Gerhardt: If you just want to...
Bohn: The two fellows that were in Pryzmus' building, are they out of there now?
Gerhardt: Yeah. We had sent checks to Jerry Singer and William Linsmayer and Mr.
Anderson I guess is out of jail now and he has not agreed to the $10,400.00 settlement. I
would expect he will come around here in the near future. That we are to propose the
building as being unsafe and have...that the building will be locked of November 1st. As for
Mr. Townsend, who the way I understand it is...and tried to get relocation dollars out of us. I
sent a letter to him today saying that we had denied his request and that based on State
Statute, based on our relocation...contacted MnDot right-of-way relocation experts and say no,
he does not qualify. So he feels very comfortable in upholding his ruling on it and the ruling
is that Mr. Townsend moved in 1992. We purchased the building in 1990 and it was the
responsibility of Mr. Pryzmus to tell him that he did not qualify for the relocation and it was
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Mr. Pryzmus' responsibility to tell us of any new tenants that would go in so we could send
them notices. So in either case ho would not have qualified for...
Chmiel: Yeah, I fully agree with that analysis of it. I_f ho wore in there prior to our
purchase, then that would have been another thing. But after the fact, he has no fights
Bohn: The only thing he can do is go back at~r Pryzrnus for not telling him. And he ain't
going to get anything.
Boyle: I know where he's coming from. The other two guys are getting it and he didn't get
it and he's going, wait a minute. Why me? I know. I'm sure that's whore he's coming from.
Chmiel: Todd and I have had some long discussions on this.
Gerhardt: ...he got to remain in the building at a very low rental rent for the last 2 years.
Chmiel: But did we not also give him something for moving to the other building?
Gerhardt: I was on vacation and he did badger staff because he was making the case that he
was going to quickly move into Heritage Apartments and we did pay the $850.00 damage
deposit that went along with that. So we have given him...to help him out, We became
aware of this, he was not a part of the, that he did not move into the building until 1992 until
August and we paid the $850.00 in July. It was Mr. Barckhoff that told me he moved in in
'92 so we investigated and the guy submitted certified letter claiming, and Mr. Pryzmus
signed it with him, claiming that yes, he did not move in until 1992. So from that we
rejected his claim based on his certified letter.
Bohn: Where did he move to?
Gerhardt: He's in, supposedly in the Market Square Apartments.
Bohn: Heritage Park?
Gerhardt: Heritage.
Boyle: Okay. Well thank you for that update too.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Chmiel: Just on that $529,000.00 for the City of Chanhassen special assessment payments.
What were all those for Todd?
Gerhardt: That goes back to the budget When you see on page, oh the back page of the
budget there's a $1,151,730.00... Those are the bond payments.
Chmiel: Oh, okay.
Gerhardt: So if you take that 529, 255 and double that, it's pretty close to that...
Chmiel: Okay. I just dicln~t know exactly what that was for. The only other thing that I just
wanted to point out, I know stuff is just busier than all get out and I need one more arm to
itch their back from all of the things that they're doing. These consultants and getting things
accomplished, are really draining us dry. And I would like us to really start looldng at some
of those things. What the basic need is for them to accomplish it. If we can do it in-house, I
would like to see some of those things done. B~ we're just, to me it's just like putting a
lot of money out there and letting it just get spent. I'm be~nning to really ~ some of
these fee costs and I think we can try to do something basically ourselves.
Gerhardt: Well you know, the Vision thing really took us out there.
Chmiel: Yes, that one, yes it did. It took us way out there.
Gerhardt: There's just no way I could have taken that.
Chmiel: No, I understand that.
Gerhardt: Or staff for the amount of time that Fred put into it and...I think he had 3 or 4 stmef
people in his office working on it almost 24 hours a day.
Boyle: It seems like every month we see $5,000.00-$6,000.00 in there for Fred. I assume
that's going to probably start coming down now right away.
Gerhardt: It should be wrapped up by now...as part of that newsletter. Things like that. And
then Decision Resources is going to come in and give you a, thafs that $2,000.00 for
Decision Resources. That's the firm that we used to do the phone survey. So there will be a
presentation back...
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - October 20, 1994
Chmiel: Is it necessary? When I say that, the only reason I say that is for the mere fact that
if they do come out, there's a few more dollars again. Or is it all a part of that cost? In
having him come in to make a presentation on that, what they did.
Gerhardt: It's included.
Chmiel: It's included in that total amount of dollars? Okay, then that's fine. I guess I'm
getting a little fight as I keep these budgets come through.
Gerhardt: You know we kind of got that feeling from you and thafs why we suggested that
when we do these landscape entries, I tried to...and Mike did an excellent job in cleaning up
over there and over where the Taco Shop and Red-E-Mix were...brought in some dirt and
graded the area. And that we kind of break these contracts into smaller things. Something
we need to write $25,000.00...
Boyle: It seems like a pretty good business to be in with some of these, none the less.
Could I have a motion to approve the bills?
Chmiel: So moved.
Bohn: Second.
Cbmlel moved, Bohn seconded to appruve the HRA bills as presented. All voted in favor and
the motion canted.
Bohn moved, C~miel seconded to adjourn the meeting. AH voted in favor and the motion
canted. The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Don Ashworth
Executive Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim