2. Beddor RLS 122 & 123 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.cLchanhassen.mn.us CD MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner rf1f DATE: June 5, 2007 SUBJ: Approval of Registered Land Surveys 122 and 123 Planning Case No. 07-13 The City has been asked to approve two (2) Registered Land Surveys for the following parcels: . Registered Land Survey 122, Tracts A & B (1050 & 1030 Pleasant View Road) in connection with the sale of a portion of Tract B; and . Registered Land Survey 123, Tract D & Government Lot 1 (950 & 910 Pleasant View Road). Currently, a tennis court and a driveway lie within 950 Pleasant View Road which should be included as part of the parcel of 910 Pleasant View Road. Cluistmas LakE' In the case of both of these requests, the applicant is adjusting a property line <!! new lot is not being created as a result of this action). This request meets the City's exception to platting, and may be approved as an administrative subdivision. Thus, no plat is required. The City 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Approval of Registered Land Surveys Planning Case 07-13 June 5, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Two Registered Land Surveys (RLS) accompany this request. RLS is defined as: A survey of "registered" (Torrens-title) land, usually done to shorten lenethv leeal descriptions, or divide larger parcels of "Torrens-title" land into smaller tracts. Minnesota State Statute S508.47, subd. 4 requires that the RLS be approved "in the manner required for the approval of subdivision plat." Thus, although the City's ordinance does not require anything more than an administrative subdivision for approval, Minnesota Statutes require the City to approve the RLS as they would a subdivision plat. To satisfy this requirement, the City must hold a public hearing prior to approval of the RLS. City and County staff reviewed the legal descriptions of both RLS' s, which were prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor, and found them to be accurate. Once the City has approved the RLS's, the Mayor and City Manager will execute the RLS mylars and provide the dates of approval. These will then be forwarded to the City Attorney's office for recording. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval of the attached Registered Land Surveys referred to as RLS 122 and RLS 123. ATTACHMENTS 1. Public Hearing Notices and Affidavits of Mailing. 2. RLS 122 and RLS 123. g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07 - I 3 beddor registered land surveys 122 & 123\staff report.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE ST ATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on May 24, 2007, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for RLS 122 and RLS 123 - Planning Case 07-13 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. ~- K n J. Eng dt, De y Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me thi&9.4fh day of mCL1 ,2007. 0) c :;:: Q) Q) :iE O)S .5 .Ci) ... (f) co._ Q)E :E:E .2 0 :co ::JO) D.c -.2 o c Q) co 0- :;::D. o c ZQ) (f) (f) co J: C co J: o 0) c :;:: Q) Q) :iE c 0)0 .5 .Ci) ~ (f) Q) E :E:E .2 0 :cO ::JO) D.C -c o c Q) co 0- .- D. - o c ZQ) (f) (f) co J: C co J: (,) W m -0 0 ~ c ~ .Ot .~m ~! g ... 5~rn ~~ ~ w ~ co 0 ~.~ c. cu- 'E >."- a.G.> rn.9 IDG.>~ rn~rn ~o cuc~ g~ c~c ~sG.> ~ID~ S g<~ w~ G.>.~o <G.>~ w>rn ~o a.'~ ~G.> ~~; ~~~ EO~ -> a.~rn ~'5 s~~ c~c ~wrn~>- cu~o G.> G.>O~ ~ ~ CD ~ -e 8.~ ~.~ <<i ~ c. ~ 2 ~ :U~:g G.> D uIDorn!._.--Ec -_ w-c ~~B ~~~E~~~~8~ o~ 2~G.> en"fij 2 CU CD CD '0 0 <D -5 ~ .9 1:: ::-.g E"g S IDW'- 'O>~~~-ccmcu .-= ._~C en .c Cf) c: "0'" '"5 0.5 :::I.c a. U ctJ :E 0 0 ~ou ~_3E~E~~-~ ~> U~ E ~ .~ c: ~ 0 .$ ;: "en.o ~ 5 0 ~ co c5 >. CD 'c~~ 8~~';~CUID'OE~ ~g c:~E sQ.(/) canj.Y..c"OQ)Eo-,- -(ij Cf)()~ ~ctJQ) E~(tI-o~EID~2 um ~Q) "0 ~ == 0 ~ ~ ~ E ... 0 .E ~ ~ ~ ~ '0 = 5 ~'so ~g~8~~~~~~ 5S ~B~ - 55 - . 'E Q; -.!!! 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This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use~s access or use of data provided. ~ -- Christmas Lake -u o ~ CD Cil Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use~s access or use of data provided. DARCY E WESTLlND & ALEXANDER WESTLlND 825 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -9545 MICHAEL & ELIZABETH GOTTSACKER 6495 NEZ PERCE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9349 STEVEN E SCHOTTLER & KIMBERLY K SCHOTTLER 1140 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9236 BEDDOR ENTERPRISES LP PO BOX 489 CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -0489 RANDY & JANET BAUERNFEIND 6481 NEZ PERCE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9349 THOMAS & FOTINI DONNELLY 6491 NEZ PERCE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9349 STEVEN M BEDDOR 1010 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8328 MARY B MEUWISSEN 4265 CO RD 123 MAYER, MN 55360 -9631 FRANK JR & MARILYN BEDDOR PO BOX 489 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -0489 LAWRENCE E & KATHLEEN M KERBER 6420 POWERS BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9434 IRENE Y JOSEPH 6290 RIDGE RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9438 GINA M SCHMIDT 790 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9509 WESLEY J HAWKINSON & CHRISTINE M HAISSIG 6370 PLEASANT VIEW CV CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9263 W & B GULLICKSON TRUST ETAL C/O DAVID MICHAEL GULLICKSON 830 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -9545 JAMES B & CHRISTINE Z GREEN 6380 PLEASANT VIEW CV CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9263 JOHN H L ODOM JR BARBARA A F ODOM 6390 PLEASANT VIEW CV CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -9263 ROBERT B & MARY C REINS MOEN 1180 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN , MN. 55317 -9236 PETER E & JULIE L KAISER 6400 PEACEFUL LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8326 DEUTSCHE BANK NATL TRUST CO C/O COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS INC 7105 CORPORATE DR PTX-C-35 PLANO , TX 75024 -4100 JOHN MICHAEL NORTON & KATHLEEN E NORTON 6500 TROENDLE CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9344 EDWARD W SZALAPSKI JR & VICTORIA BEECROFT SZALAPSKI 850 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9545 JAMES ERIK & PATRICIA JOHANSON 6500 PEACEFUL LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9510 PHILIP GRANT & LEEANNE LARSEN 6493 NEZ PERCE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9349 DAVID M & LORI J MILLARD 915 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9545 ANN B WARE & ROBERT M BOWEN FAMILY TRUST 1225 LILAC LN EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9053 RONALD H & JANICE M MASON 800 PLEASANT VI EW RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9545 SHARON JAN NOV ACZYK 6371 PLEASANT VIEW CV CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9264 MARY F MEUWISSEN 4265 CO RD 123 MAYER, MN 55360 -9631 FRANK OL YN & ANN MARIE KAIM 6450 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7539 FRANK BEDDOR III 5225 WILSHIRE BLVD SUITE 525 LOS ANGELES, CA 90036 -4301 MICHELLE M BEDDOR 1001 E 17TH ST APT 105 TUCSON. AZ 85719 -6768 DAVID A BEDDOR 1050 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -8328 Public Hearing Notification Area (500 feet) Beddor RLS 122 & 123 Planning Case 07 -13 City of Chanhassen - ___./~.~- Christmas Lake Lake Lucy Road REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. CARVER COUNTY, MiNNESOTA R.L.S. FILE No. R. T. DOC. No. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAY 0 4 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT ~-~ / "\ .,~ / \ ..;,- ,.: ./" .. .. 'O., ~ .<,' C~}. ;.' /' C~ t: V,tJ ,t{l."t.. c.O.OO 0'\' '}..:;" ).' /' ' v 0'\8 ~~Q ,\90 '~':' .' ~1Z ,\,,-.88 ... b ~'\ "- 6"- ( ~ / 8~'bc').. ..:"'. .:. \..~'\'}.. . ~S~1to :" ~\ ~ ~ "' \S\ .S~~S, ....; / .' " 'v ~ ~/............. \. ~v\..), ~~ J'.>" ~""" .~. ~ '\ ....- R=20 00 - -- ,,\. 0 :.~\.~. / ...~"':\... ,cl ""/ li -60000' 00" li ...94035' 46 \. ~#.~ .":'';'''f '/ ~. \/ ~ 9/ L=20.94 L=99.06 \. ~#, ...1::) / ~... 't;J~~' / ~' :"~ / }. ., / <0 I ~ ..... ^\ (}' / 1"'/ L, 50 Q; / \' j' / T R ACT C rr / .~F' <i I f? A C.,. \ ~ /,:~~/ // '1'\. J .~~ \ / ;:-.:;' q,- I) ;.1 ~ ; I / :":,. fa L Ut.,. t... . \~h"\ '" . IIty and 0 . _ .,... ..' JLM '. ';2 - Per lot ram?ge Easement .............. _ -- . , _ 70.46 ....-.. '. :". ~ _01- Chnstmas Acres........... ~ .......... ......... R- '2 002' 51" 19 9~.....L....: ......f?:::::518 . . .." 05.080'0";;;;' Ii 05 . , . 15 .... ......... '026' t:.. L - 111.92 N74000' L1 ==24034' 00" l=222.17......... ,N81 OO',W S76042' 4 1 Iff 272.94 JLM TRACT D l./l o ." -..J :" '.J. o . .J .... ~ . ..' ~ ~ :." 'I' ..( , Tf?AL-. .... (XI to <..a lJl l'~ r l:-r.~ (O( .~ .~! IT: J~ .. ..'..' .\:: i::. J..:: ",::; ",'i .: [.. . ."( 11 ,. .." it 1~'~ F': .r.: l..} ~1 l~: J r. '_- : ,. .... '.' SCALE IN FEET L. ~ i ........IItIUID. ..J .... 0 60 120 o Denotes 1/2 inch x 18 inch Iron Monument Set end Marked RLS 24992 THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT B. R.L.S. No. 122 IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF SOUTH 76042' 41" EAST JLM @ Denotes Judicial Landmark found · Denotes Iron Monument Found LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA R.L.S. FILE No. R. T. DOC. No. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED I hereby certify that in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 508, Minnesota Statues of 1949 as amended, I hove surveyed the foHowing described property in the County of Carver, State of Minnesota. to wit: MAY 0 4 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Tracts A and B. Registered Land Survey Number 122, Carver County, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof. That the survey shown hereorr-is a correct delineation of said survey. Dated this day of ,20~ Gregory R. Prasch Minnesota License No. 24992 CHANHASSAN. MINNESOTA The Registered land Survey was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassan, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held this day of , 20_ CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF CHANHASSAN, MINNESOTA By Mayor By Clerk COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 395, MiMesol.a laws of 1971, this Registered land Survey has been approved this of 20_ day John E. Freemyer Carver County Surveyor COUNTY AUDITOR Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify that there ore no delinquant taxes for all years prior to 20_ for land described on this Registered land Survey and transfer entered. Dated this day of , 20~ Mark lundgren Carver County Auditor COUNTY TREASURER Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify that the taxes payable for the year 20_ for land described on this Registered Land Survey have been paid on this day of 20~ T om Kerber Carver County Treasurer REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Carver County. Minnesota I hereby certify that this Registered land Survey was filed on this at 0' clock _ M. as Document No. day of , 20____ Carl W. Hanson JR. Registrar of Titles LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS SHEET 1 OF ~ SHEETS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA R.L.S. FILE No. R.T. DOC. No. L A K E: CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED C H R IS T.M A 5 N'E OF CHRISTMAS LAKE sHOREL I I MAY 0 4 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT It) o JLM ...... ~~:, T- O) C\/ W I: ...... T- O 'l:t o C\/ o Z SCALE IN FEET I r ~ -- ~ o 60 120 /.1./ JL M ::? o~€> " ~. ~CQ 1JJ It) I.t) 0) !:fj "1-' co ~ 00 "- - <' ,,'f:: ........-> .'. ~.r.l , ...". c:.~~.~ '\" ;"'.. "..' JLM 0 Denotes Judicial landmark found TRACT A ,-."-1 ...... o Denotes 1/2 inch x 18 inch Iron Monument set and marked RLS 24992 /1 Right-at-way -L~ Easement / 0 C\J JLM ~r 3(}- Utility and ""'1: ) Ori veway Easemen t.~'::::"l 25 lit: per doc. no. 112260 'l1.6 JLM rr. I.~ - - - -<()ffi':" 00 ~07' 00"[ 156. 13 .: I ill ................{....1/0 ~t~ 20: . ~ ~gj I' I CO ~ ~ g ~ I I ~~ cci 0;\ I f8b III 0 <-.., I ('f')0 ~-o Z ~ ~ ~I I lIlo. - en 't- 'f t' ~ ~ I .....-t,. III E . ~ E ~J ! ..:::'; :g Ingress and Egress ii/I' Utility Easement per ~ Easement per doc. / I / doc. no. 112260 and .. _~~/AC_~_B_. ~ no. ~I,:~,\ l ~-t ~::,e.:'s"8el~ per doc ."~;"1 ~1 /.r y /II,!I I ~~4.50 '" .,::: ;::, ~ / "';' :/~~y/ Ill,' !VI~J J ......-} o.y f . NORTH LINE OF THE 2 (j) / / ,'I I . G/ ~ :..... SF 1/4. NE 1/4. SEC. _C\ - / I .~O/ ')1 : "', / / !:: :3 I I JLM ?,CP' ~~ __I_+-__~~! 1::.:,.201~__;.~.:~ '; ,0 ~'" ~I 12 61 ~ T 101.4784.......... ....-.~~i~~4! WW ~~ L-~ i>:~ ~ . 131. "Wi I ~. 195. ?6o"w ..... -c: 582024'26 L:.~ 1? 0 AD; S8J .00 ~ l' :: I /...... _ ; I:' :.<t ~ t:: ~ ..."...- ~/ 1 1-'; ~~ ..: ~ . . '. . "':" Sanitary sewer and watermain easement. per doc. no. 22372 THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 1/4, NE 1/4, SEC. 2. TWP. 116, R. 23 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NORTH /... '\:,:,.: ,. ':.Y .,. .'. ! - "') (.:. to.l ::./ . N90.00'OO"E 90.00 :' :.": '.,r", .\.: :...... .to .1 "- a 0) C\J C\J ~ CV) s:> o ~ o "- a 2 121.03 133.64 588035'41 "W ~~ ;.t:\ :,>-:1( .)., ",1 '. "3 ;... .. f f..! C... .'~' .\..' I .- ,,",0 o 'lJ L..Jl/) SE corner of SE 1/4. NE 1/4. Sec. 2. Twp. 116, R. 23 .............. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS CAST IRON MONUMENT rOUND SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS R.L.S. FILE No. REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA R.T. DOC. No, '."' I hereby certify that in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5081 Minnesota Statues of 1949 as amended, I have surveyed the following described property in the County of Carver. State of Minnesota, to wit: Tract D. Registered Land Survey Number 123, Carver County, Minnesota. and That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and of Government lot 1 in Section 2. Township 116 North. Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian described os follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence on on assumed bearing of North, along the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, 0 distance of 1320.00 feet; thence on 0 bearing of West a distance of 544.50 feet; thence South 42 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 100.32 feet; thence South 83 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 195;95 feet; thence North 3 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 32.09 feet; thence South 82 de~rees 24 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 188.12 feet, to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 82 degrees 24 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 101.48 feet; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 133.64 feet; thence North 7 degrees 40 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 299.07 feet; thence North 31 degrees 39 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 89.59 feet; thence North 88 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 156.13 feet. to the intersection with 0 line bearing North 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds East 0 distance of 291.73 feet to the point of beginning. The boundaries of the premises an!~marked by Judicial landmarks (except for the southerly boundary located in Pleasant View Road) set pursuant to Torrens Case No. T -630 as shown on the plat of survey on file in the ,office of the Clerk of Court. The above described property is subject to on easement for public right-of-way purposes in Pleasant View Road over the southerly 20 feet thereof. That the survey shown hereon is a correct delineation of said survey. Dated this day of ,20~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED Gregory R. Prosch Minnesota License No. 24992 MAY 0 4 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT CHANHASSAN, MINNESOTA The Registered land Slrvey was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassan, Minnesota, at 0 regula- meeting held this day of 20~ CITY COUNCL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSAN, MINNESOTA By Mayor By Clerk COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County. Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesola laws of 1971. this Registered land Survey has been approved this of , 20~ day John E. Freemyer Carver County Surveyor COUNTY AUDITOR Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify that there are no delinquant taxes for all years prior to 20_ for land described on this Registered land Survey and transfer entered. Dated this day of , 20~ Mark lundgren Carver County Auditor COUNTY TREASURER Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify that the taxes payable for the year 20_ for land described on this Registered land Survey have been paid on this day of , 20~ Tom Kerber Carver County Treasurer REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Carver County, Minnesota . I hereby certify thot this Registered land Survey was filed on this at 0' clock _ M. os DOCUTlent No. day of 20_ Carl W. Hanson JR. Registrar of Titles LOT SURVEYS COMPAN~ INC. LAND SURVEYORS SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS