EDA 1995 09 28CHANHASSl~ HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORrEY REGUI~R MEETING SEPTEMB~ 28, 1995 Chairman Boyle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRES~; Don Chmiel, Mike Mason, Gary Boyle, and Jim Bohn MEMBERS ABSENT: Charlie Robbins STAFF PRI~-qENT: Todd Gerhardt, Asst. Executive Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mason moved, Chmiel seconded to approve the Minutes of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting dated August 24, 1995 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. REQUEST BY RUSSEIJ, PAULY TO EXTEND ~ LEA~E WITH ~/:IRA. Todd Gerhardt presented the staff report on this item. Bohn: Is that March 1st or April lst? Chmiel: March as it indicates, yeah. Boyle: Well I think we'll just move right forward. I'd like to have a motion then that we approve the extension of the lease until March l, 1996 on a month to month basis. Chmiel: I would do move that. Bohn: I'll second it. Chmiel moved, Bohn seconded flint the Housing and Redevelopment Authority approve the exteusion on the least with Panly% Inc. until Mal~h 1, 1996 on a month to month basis. All voted in favor and the motion carried mumimously. REQUEST BY RYAN (~X)NSTRU~0N TO MODIFY ~ REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REGA~G ~ TACO BEIL DEVELOP~. Todd Gerhardt presented the staff report on this item. Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 28, 1995 Boyle: Todd, just one quick question to you. What is the status with Perkins, just to refresh the memory? Gerhardt: Perkins is probably about, it's 50% complete. It's under construction right now and they, Perkins would receive the '96, '97, '98 increment. They're moving ahead. Everything is signed. They probably will occupy before the...deadline so they will be meeting their requirements. Chmiel: Mr. Chair? It's just basically as I look at this...from what was intended for Boston Market in using those specific years as opposed with Taco. And so that's basically all... Mason: Is that then an issue for Boston Market? Because that's getting flip flopped? Gerhardt: I never talked to the Boston Market representative. I think...as long as they receive their full 3 years of increment, I don't think. Mason: Sure, yeah. Okay. Boyle: It really is no change on their increment. Could I have a motion that we approve the amendment to the contract with the condition that Ryan Construction reimburse the city for attorney's costs. Bohn: I'll make a motion. Mason: I'll second. Boyle: Any discussion? Bolm moved, Mason seconded flint the Housing and Redevelopment Authority approve amendment to the contract with Taco Bell with the condition that Ryan Construction reimburse the city for attorney% costs. AH voted in favor and the motion carded unanimously. CQN~IDER APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH APPLE AMERICAN IJMITED PARTNERSHIP OF MN (APPLEBEE$). Todd Gerhardt presented the staff report on this item. Boyle: Thank you Todd. Good job on it by the way. The net revenue is for the period of what again Todd? 1998 to the year 2000? Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 28, 1995 Gerhardt: The net revenue, for taxes I took into account 1998 to the year 2000. And the building permit would be a one time fee. The liquor license and sewer and water based on an Boyle: Okay, understand. Gerhardt: Some of the other questions that were brought up at the last meeting was what the total assessments against the site were and that's $114,480.00. And the only other major change in the purchase agreement that has occurred is the request to change the closing date from January 31st to April 15th, 1996. Staff has again agreed with this change based on Applebee's process...which is approximately a 3 month process. And they have not made application yet. I would see them probably getting in here in the later part of December time frame. So allowing them a few months after that to get city approval. And then we'd close after that. Boyle: I think there was also an issue about the closing fee and I see that the purchasers agreed to pay the closing fee. Gerhardt: Yes. Boyle: Okay. Jim, do you have any questions? Bohn: What, what say will we have over the looks of the building or the building site itself after we well it? Gerhardt: I'd like to survey the rest of the I-IR. I think, if I.romember right, that the HRA. I don't want to speak for anyone. Do you want to see architectural review of it? It's always been a controversial item between the Planning Commission and City Council in looking at the architectural view of the building. There's been discrepancies in the past where the HRA has seen site plans and then saying yeah, that's what we like. And then the developer has taken it back to Planning Commission and City Council saying well this is what the I-IRA likes. You can't change it because this is what our deal is predicated on. And tho Planning Commission and City Council then feel shorted. That they can't give it their full review. So in the past few years we've taken the approach that once they have Planning Commission and City Council approval, I would then ask the developer to come back to make a presentation to you to show you the final product and that you don't make major changes so they can go back through the Planning Commission and the City Council process to get their input. Under city ordinance that's how a site plan is reviewed. Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 28, 1995 Boyle: I personally agree with that agenda and I think it's in the best interest of the purchaser to go that direction too. It makes it a much smoother transition. Mason: Mr. Chairman, I concur 100%. I think with, we have city ordinance as a due process if you will for going through architectural review. I do not personally feel it's the purview of the HRA. I think Planning Commission does a fine job on that and City Council should have and does have ultimate say on that~ I agree with that 100%. Gerhardt: Mr. Chairman, I know that Jim has, it's close to his heart and I know some of these buildings turn out arid the sidewalks go and I will try to keep him appraised of when the Planning Commission meeting is so he can attend that meeting and give his view of the HRA's, or his thoughts about how that should... Boyle: And I think that invitation would apply to any member of the HRA to attend those meetings and that would be the appropriate time to voice your opinion. Mason: Do you agree with that Jim? Bohn: Right. Boyle: May I have a motion to consider to approve the purchase agreement with Applobee's as stated before us. Mason: Move approval. Boyle: May I have a second? Chmiel: I'll second. Boyle: Any discussion or further questions? Mason moved, Chmiel seconded that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority approve the Purclmse Agreement with Apple American Limited Partnership of MN (Applebee~) m presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ~ PURCI~A~qE AGREI~IENT WHH TII~ PLUS, Todd Gerhardt presented the staff report on this item. Boyle: And when would earlier might be? Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 28, 1995 Gerhardt: I think we were talking... Tires Plus Representative: We're anticipating, we're hopeful that the City Council will approve the final plans, site plan approval for tho Tires Plus facility on about the 23rd so we intend to notify McCarville's of the intent to close immediately after that, which would probably put us in that early October. 12th or 13th. Boyle: Thank you. Jim? Bohn: I don't have any questions. Boyle: Don? Chmiel: No. I too think that the way Todd has pulled this together, it's very easy to read and know exactly what these figures are. Mason: Very helpful. Chmiel: I certainly appreciate that. Mason: Very helpful Todd. Boyle: May we have a motion to approve the purchase agreement with Tires Plus with a purchase price of $260,000.00. Bohn: I'll make the motion. Boyle: Second? Chmiel: I'll second it. Boyle: Any further questions or discussion? Bohn moved, Chmiel seconded that the Homing and Redevelopment Authority approve the purchase agreement with Tires Plus with a purchase price of $260,000.00. AH vo(~.xi in favor and the motion carried nn~mlmously. lIRA PRF~ENTATIONS: Boyle: Do we have any HRA presentations? Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 28, 1995 C~rhardt: I would like to make one. I met with the Centennial Committee about .2 weeks ago and they are really interested in rebuilding the railroad depot and they would like to ask the HRA to find a home, or determine a location for it. That's the only request they're making out of... Now lot mo preface that. Chmiel: You've got one choking and one laughing. Mason: Doing good so far Todd. Gerhardt: The big selling point is that they're not asking you for any money. They want to raise the money to move the railroad depot. They want to raise the money to fix up tho railroad depot and they want to raise the money to put the, they want to pay for it all. All they're asking for is a piece of land to put it on and that we come up with the design that the HRA, and I would suggest City Council approve both the design, and Planning Commission. The design and the location of it. They're anxious to do this and going onto the coat tails of the Centennial in that they would raise money calling this the Centennial Depot. If it would be located next to old Village Hall, in that area, they would like to call that Centennial Park. And wanted to have me express to you that they would like to see it over in that Pony/Pauly/ Pryzmus area but for what it's worth, that was that small group's consensus. Where they would like to see it. Staff would like to present back to you at your next meeting three concepts at three different locations and then have you direct us to take it to tho Planning Commission and City Council and get their endorsement. And then once we have determined a site, let this group go to town to raise the money to fix the railroad depot up and put it on a permanent home. Boyle: Well I think you're right on target personally and I think that first of all, I think the idea of having three options, or three alternatives and I think the idea of going through City Council and Planning before coming here is an excellent, or not excellent, lust the proper and right way to go. So I would concur with that, unless anybody else has another. Bohn: No. I agree. Totally agree. Boyle: We'd love to find them a home but there's a proper protocol and I think' that Todd, your recommendations are right on target. Let's proceed ahead where they go to City Council. First of all, come. Get some options. Go to City Council. Mason: Mr. Chairman, I would really hope that when everything is said and done, tho HRA can accommodate that. I know some people, and Pll admit to chuckling a little bit about that but it would be fun to have that railroad station in a permanant place in Chanhassen and that Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 28, 1995 would, yeah. I would hope I-IRA would at some point down the line be able to accommodate that. Boyle: Yes Don, you had a comment. Chmiel: Just one quick comment. In the event the Cent~nial Commission is not able to raise total dollars for whatever's going to eventually transpire, how are we going to pick up the rest of it? Gerhardt: Well I would not, we're not asking you to up front the cost. That was not their request. Chmiel: No, I realize that but I'm just saying. Gerhardt: I think if they do a fine job of collecting the necessary money to, or even coming to 50%, then let them come back and make a request. Maybe you could help assist with that. But I'm convinced that the method that they're thinking about doing in getting this accomplished is one where they will raise enough money. I am working on trying to come up with an estimated cost. That's another thing that we need to do and so once we have that. We have to got a handle. It's about $5,000.00... We're getting some estimates on reshingling the roof with using new shakes and we're getting some estimates for the windows and replacement... Chmiel: Do we want to replace the windows? Gerhardt: Well the windows that need to be replY. And then of course...and then Merit Heating and Cooling has volunteered to install a brand new heating and air conditioning facility. Mason: Here, here, Well what the hock, you know. Boyle: Well it probably would need a new air conditioner. I mean it's going to be heavily populated. Bohn: We're not going to hire another outside consultant to do the design work. We're going to have the house do it? Gerhardt: Well I would ask the HRA that Mike Schroeder from HGA has done a couple of concepts for that park area~ Knows the area quite well. I would recommend using Mike. He's fairly reasonable but you know, if you want to go with somebody else. It's just that you Housing and Redevelopment Authority - September 28, 1995 know, we've gone with some local people when they volunteer their time, it doesn't seem to get the input that really needs to go into it. So I think we should really use a professional services that specializes. There's three concepts that you don't like. I don't see a lot of work that needs to go into this. I mean you're basically going to lay a building on and put some landscaping and brick work. What the Ceotennial Committee wants to do is soil brick work to people like Merit Heating and Cooling can buy a $500.00 brick and Campbell, Knutson and Scott and Fuchs can buy a $500.00 brick and have their name encarved. And then that's the money they will use to go in and renovate the facility. It was successful in Excelsior in putting in their playground and I think it would even be nearer here in having the names all the way around the building and people walking up there and saying this is .part of my building. My name's here and then you have your kids run around and try to Find your name. Lions group could come in and buy a brick. The Rotary could come in and buy a brick. Mason: I mean this is the kind of deal where John or Jane Q. Public could buy a brick7 Gerhardt: Sure. And then the bigger the brick, the more money you get. Bohn: How about Jeff from the Planning Commission? He did some plans and drawings for old St. Hubert's park in front of Old St. Hubert's after Pauly's was gone... (Taping of the meeting ended at this point in the discussion.) APPROVAL QF BH,I,~;: Mason moved, Chmiel seconded to approve the Housing and Redevelopment Authority bills. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Mason moved, Chmiel seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt Asst. Executive Director Prepared by Nann Opheim