EDA 1995 04 20 AGENDA CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMF.~ AUTHORITY THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1995, 7:00 P.M. CHANI-iASSEN CITY HAI.L, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of March 16, 1995 minutes. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Anyone wishing to address the lIRA may do so at this time. NEW BUSINESS 2, Report by Strgar-Roscoe-Fausch Regarding Oreat Plains Boulevard and Market Boulevard Geometrics. OLD BUSINESS 3. Consider Approval of liRA Subsidy to the Senior Housing Project. 4. Updat~ on West 79th Street Laud. HRA PRESENTATIONS 5. Approval of Billm. CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING MARCH 16, 1995 Chairman Boyle called the meeting to order at 7:00 pan. MEMBERS PRESENT: Don (~hmlel; Jim Bohn, Gary Boyle and ~ Mason. MEMBER ABSENT: Charlie Robbins STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director APPROVAL OF M~nYr~S: Chmie~ Bohn seconded a motion approving the February 16, 1995 lIRA minutes as presented. Motion carrie,& VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. AWARD OF BIDS, PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE: Staff presented the results of the bids received for the pedestrian bridge project. Two bids were received as follows: Edward Kraemex & Sons, Inc. C.S. McCrossan Construction, Inc. $441,758.45 $482,213.05 The engineer's estimate was $470,000. Staff recommended that the lIRA award thc contract to the low bidder, Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc., in the amount of $441,758.45. Bohn moved, Mason seconded that thc lIRA award thc bid to Bdward Kracmer & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $441,758.45. AH voted in favor and the motion carried. UPDATE REPORT, WEST 79TH STREET DEVELOPMENT: Staff gave a verbal update on the possible development of the land owned by the HRA on West 79th Street No action was taken. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Mason moved, Chmiel seconded a motion to approve the HRA Accounts Payable as presented. All voted in favor and the motion c. axried. ADJOURNMENT: Chmiel moved, Mason se~gonded a motion to adjourn the tmefing. AH voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted and wri~n by: Todd Gerhardt Assistant Executive Director CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Bxccutivc Dircctor DATE: April 12, 1995 SUBJ: Great Plains Boulcward and Market Boulevard Georr~trics This past year the HRA direcuxi staff to Boulevard on both the north and south sides between Americana Bank and Highway $. Fausch, Inc. (SRF) outlining the roadway proposed alternative improvements to roadway sections at Great Plains tracks, and Market Boulevard find a report from Strgar-Roscoe- both of these areas and a list of Dennis Eylcr from SRF will be present each of the alternatives and will improvements, ff this HRA is in a directed to move ahead with the engineer would like this work sealcoa~g streets. ~ ~.'? .. :..;.',.T$-.~,~' A'I"I'ACI'I~NT :' :"-'-~ the with the and before July 1, dated March 1, 1995. :'s meeting to give an overview of for the proposed zed charges, staff should be from contractors. Thc city when the city will be STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSLq,TING ENGINEERS & ~ TRANSPORTATION · CIVIL · STRUCIURAL · ~IVI~~ · PARKING SRF No. 0921635 March 1, 1995 CITY C illl SS[fl Mr. Charles Folch and Members of HRA CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317 EHGIHEERfllG i)EPT_ RE: GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD AND MARKET BOULEVARD GEOMETRICS Dear Charles and Members of HRA: As requested, we have completed our analysis of the roadway geometrics for both Market Boulevard and Great Plains Boulevard between West 78th Street and Trunk Highway 5. This letter will serve as our report on the existing conditions and convey our recommendations to improve the performance and level of service for these two streets. INTRODUCTION In 1989, street improvements were made to West 78th Street between Kerber Boulevard and Great Plains Boulevard, Market Boulevard between West 78th Street and Trunk Highway 5, and Great Plains Boulevard between West 78th Street and Trunk Highway 5. When West 78th Street (west of Kerber Boulevard) was reconstructed in 1993, additional widening of West 78th Street in the downtown area was also performed. In 1994, the Chanhassen HRA requested a review of the existing geometrics and traffic movements on Market Boulevard and Great Plains Boulevard, between Trunk Highway 5 and West 78th Street. EXISTING CONDITIONS Market Boulevard (see Figure 1) North of the railroad tracks, Market Boulevard operates as a single lane in each direction, except at West 78th Street where there currently is one southbound lane, and two northbound lanes (a right turn and through lane, and a left turn only Suite 1_50, One Carlson Parkway North, Minneapolis, Minnesola ~ (612) 47~ FAX (612) ,I7S-2~ Mr. Charles Folch and Members of HRA -2- March 1, 1995 lane). South of the railroad tracks, southbound Market Boulevard is two lanes, with an additional left turn lane at West 79th Street and both a left and right turn lane added at Trunk Highway 5. The geometrics for northbound Market Boulevard suggest that there may be potential traffic problems. As motorists approach Trunk Highway 5 from the south on Market Boulevard, there are two northbound lanes, a left turn lane and a right turn lane. North of Trunk Highway 5, there are still two northbound lanes until West 79th Street, where the right northbound lane becomes an exclusive right turn lane. North of West 79th Street, there is only a single northbound lane. This abrupt northbound lane drop creates confusion and could cause traffic operetions problems. Great Plains Boulev~lrd (see Figure 3) Southbound Great Plains Boulevard, between West 78th Street and Trunk Highway 5, currently operates as a single southbound lane with left turn lanes at West 79th Street and at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre entrance, and both left and right turn lanes at Trunk Highway 5. However, due to the unusually wide lanes (27 feet in some areas), many motorists attempt to use the facility as if it were two southbound lanes. This could be a hindrance to the operation of the street, as well as a hazard, as there are Isolated areas where there is insufficient room for two vehicles to traverse. Northbound Great Plains Boulevard, from south of Trunk Highway 5 to West 78th Street, currently operates as a single northbound lane with left turn lanes at Trunk Highway 5 (double left), West 79th Street, and the entrance to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. In addition, a right turn lane exists for motorists wishing to travel east at West 78th Street, as well as at Trunk Highway 5. No major problems were identified for northbound Great Plains Boulevard. However, slight modifications to the geometrics would provide for improved traffic flow as well as safety. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Market Boulevard To improve the efficiency and safety of Market Boulevard in this area, we recommend the following improvements (see Figure 2). Mr. Charles Folch and Members of HRA -3- March 1, 1995 1 Remove the concrete median on Market Boulevard north of West 79th Street, and revise the concrete median on Market Boulevard Immediately south of West 79th Street to provide enough pavement width for two northbound lanes. . Restripe Market Boulevard as shown to provide two northbound lanes from Trunk Highway 5 to West 78th Street, a single southbound lane from West 78th Street to the railroad tracks, and two southbound lanes from the railroad tracks to West 79th Street, with striped left turn lanes at West 79th Street and for the Americana Bank. Great Plains Boulevard In order to improve the overall efficiency of Great Plains Boulevard, recommend the following improvements to the geometrics (see Figure 4). . . . we m Remove the existing concrete median on Great Plains Boulevard south of Trunk Highway 5, and construct new concrete median as shown. Dual left turns are not necessary, and the new location of this median will improve the geometrics for southbound Great Plains Boulevard. Remove a portion of the median on Great Plains Boulevard (north of West 79th Street) as shown. This will provide a uniform street width for southbound Great Plains Boulevard between West 78th Street and Trunk Highway 5. Additional striping for southbound Great Plains Boulevard, to provide two southbound lanes, as well as the addition of a left turn lane just south of the railroad tracks, will clarify the intended usage of Great Plains Boulevard to the motoring public. Revise the signal system operation at Great Plains Boulevard. Due to the relatively Iow volume of northbound Great Plains Boulevard south of Trunk Highway 5, it would be possible to redistribute the green time available to various Great Plains Boulevard movements by reducing the green time given to northbound Great Plains Boulevard and Increase the green time for the southbound Great Plains Boulevard left tums. This will allow a greater volume of left turning vehicles to proceed east on Trunk Highway 5 without affecting the traffic traveling east-west on Trunk Highway 5. Mr. Charles Folch and Members of HRA -4- March 1, 1995 We have investigated four possible alternatives for accomplishing this. a) Eliminate the left turn arrows in both directions on Great Plains Boulevard. This would reduce delays and increase capacity during most hours of the day. However, there are times when the left turn arrows may be needed and there would be a risk of increased' accidents. This alternative is not recommended. b) c) Revise the signal system to split the Great Plains Boulevard traffic into separate phases for northbound and southbound movements. This option would also allow an optional second southbound left turn movement to be made from the through lane. However, the peak hour volume for this movement is less than 150 vehicles, which is far below the typical double left turn warranting volume of 400 vehicles per hour. This option would increase delays in the intersection and may require reducing the time available for Trunk Highway 5. This alternative would require modifications to the signal hardware. This alternative is not recommended. Revise the existing Great Plains Boulevard signal phase sequence to have both the northbound left turn and through movements lead and the southbound through and left turn movements lag. This arrangement would more efficiently divide the total green time available to Great Plains Boulevard by requiring the northbound through traffic to maintain a constant flow over its detectors to hold its green. The southbound left turn movement, when on with the southbound through movement, would be extended by vehicles in either lane. This option requires no field hardware changes and would retain the safety benefits of the protected-only left turn movements. Since this option can be implemented by simply reprogramming the controller, its cost would be minimal and could be tried immediately. We recommend Mn/DOT be contacted about implementing this alternative. d) Convert the left turn signals on Great Plains Boulevard to protected- permissive operation. This is the type of operation currently in use on Market Boulevard at Trunk Highway 5 and along West 78th Street. It provides the most flexible operation and would have the least total intersection delay. There is a possibility that there may be an increase in accidents, however. This alternative should be discussed with Mn/DOT. It would require modifications to the signal system. Mr. Charles Folch and Members of HRA -5- March 1, 1995 ESTIMATED COSTS The estimated costs for the aforementioned improvements are summarized below. The estimated costs include construction costs and allowances for design, inspection, legal, administrative and fiscal expenses. A detailed breakdown of construction costs is attached to this letter. Market Boulevard Improvements: Great Plains Boulevard Improvements: $29,470 $63.685 TOTAL COSTS: $93,155 We would be pleased to meet with the City Council, staff, members of the HRA and other interested parties to review any aspect of this report. Respectfully submitted, STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. David J. Juliff, P.E. Senior Engineer Dennis R. Eyler, P.E. Principal DRE:DJJ:bjh Enclosures Z LU REVISK~ ! I WI~T 78TH STREW' / ID I.~IE WHII'i~ 3,N,,IHASSEN ~Wl~T 78TH STREET BOULEVARD ~T 78TH STREET BATE CX31~L NO. el,e* REMOVE IDU~JT. ME])IAN ZPROlaO~ED CONC. MEDIAN BROKEN LINE WI.lITE REVISION .1-1ANHASSEN ~"~RO~S BOULEVARD WEST 78TH STRE~ m ~' DATE D. EYI_ER 2-95 CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P,O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Don Ashworth, Executive Director DATE: April 13, 1995 SUBJ: Consider Approval of HRA Subsidy to the Senior Housing Project When this imm was presenl~l at the joint the l~lief that approximately $100,000 per that the seaaior project could become a reality. debt coverage requirement ($22,000/year) seen as a means by which individuals not be helped. It was my belief that the units were in fact rented as it could the units were in fact subsidizech My were session, city hall/Dunbar/Carver were' "subsidy" not be a part of this proj( of the ' to have "their" project labeled as project" this into a "subsidized projectthey wanted their By contrast, almost all of ~..~.. calling felt that some our residentS;: ~ut that that type of subsidy available for · subsidy" where Council meeting, it was presented with be required from the HRA to ensure ;100,000 figure had two component:: : subsidy. The general subsidy was income to cover their rent could acumliy help ensure that all of the to ensure that 10% to 20% of wrong. Following the work with calls rexlue~ting that th~ stated that th~ did not want if the city were m turn from the waiting list. of subsidy program should be at any of the apamnents The long and short of aii"~f:.~~that staff is not al~nplin~any form of subsidy along with the project. Tli~ ~n _ as a market rate project, but to meet debt servi~ requirements, $22,0(~$~00 per year would be requ/red from the a re, ,e fo, the oje ._ S ,OOO-S , debt and reduce~ annually to zero in 2010 (see a~). Staff would recommend that thc HRA authorize thc $22,000 payment from this year's budget. Further, we would anticipate coming back to the HRA in 1996 with a plan for how future year allocations could be escrowed during the 1996 to 2000 time frame. SPRINGSTED Carver County (1995 Payable) Hennepln County (1995 Payable) HRA special levy Less: Subsidy Required to Meet Coverage Tests Remainder of NRA Levy $804,483,100 $826,308,300 0.013~0% $108,246 $22~726 $85,520 '1~;:-S.%;'-.'.%~-~'~ ~";E ;-i~.%"S;'?. '}:~%~:.i?~:'1 .?,'.': ~.'.'; :1; '.' :.'i;.?:~ i'::i'i".i:"i'!;. !:; i';~?N.':.";' ! ~.:,;.~-Z'::Ed';;.i..-":';;-%:; ::E':::::;::: .'%."F i":!.':!::; ~:i:";':d :.';;:'~%-! .';-:;.' :.::.i:'..;:..':,:;.:S:;, J ...... :': ':'~:::':' ";:.2%~ ~ 1%':";.'2~; % .":"'"~r' ?,2" :.;C:~': i;', .:..:: :'....':; ."':: ;' ~' :,..: ":"~ ............ :".;r L~;':; Z..";'; 2';';:;:': ': .3' :": .1.{. ::' 2.:::.% ::;':' 'i ............................................................ $85,520 15 $595 $475 $1201 $85,520 20 $595 $356 $239 I $85,520 25 $595 $285 $310 I $85,520 30 $595 $238 $357 i '11 i _mi,[ I I _ lB ..... CHANHA$SEN H.R.A. AHouNT CHEC~ I ACCouNTS pAYABLE 03-27-95 pURPOSE OLAIHANT pAGE 048801 58.52 DONALD ASHWORTH TRAVEL & TRAINING FEES, SERVICE 049802 5,527.02 BRW, INC. 049805 2,151.93 BARTON A$CHttAN ASSOC. FEES. SERVICE 049804 880.56 CAPIPBELL, KNUTSON FEES, LEGAL 049805 358.00 COHI'.UNITY RESEARCH & FEES, SERVICE DEVELOHENT GROUP 049808 398.85 STRGAR-RO$COE-FAUSCH INC FEES, SERVIOE 8 7,452.58 CHECKS WRITTEN Old blnk eoqu4.tt~on n~ettng O~moi411on, Pony Expre~l & przymul Bldg. TH 5 urban design & i~nd use ~kudy FebruArY $emtnAr, T. GerhArdt, K. A~.n.on ~nhunen ge~&tl Addn. CHANHA$$EN H. R. A. CHECK Il A ti O U N T C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 03-13-95 PAGE CL A I flA NT PURPOSE 058180 12.80 DONALD ASHWORTH TRAVEL & TRAINING 058181 1,854.54 CAHPBELL, KNUT$ON FEES, LEGAL 058182 1,835.80 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP FEEB, BERVICE 058183 398.16 HOLtiEB & GRAVEN FEES, SERVICE 058184 420.00 SCHOO~ DISTRICT 112 PROHGTIONAL EXPENSE 058185 108.87 8W SUBURBAN PUBLISHING PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 8 4,827.77 CHECKS WRITTEN ~NHASBEN H.R.A. A C C 0 U N T 8 p A Y A B L E 03-13-95 PAGE CHECK 8 A H 0 U N T C L A I H A N T P U R P O S E 058180 12.80 058181 1,854.54 058182 1,835.80 058183 388.18 058184 420.00 058185 106.67 8 4.627.77 TOTAL OF 8 CHECKS TOTAL HOLHE8 & GRAVEN ~:~-IOOL DISTRICT 112 SUBURBAN PUBLISHING CHECKS WRITTEN 4,827.77 DONALD ABHWORTH TRAVEL & TRAINING CAHPBELL, KNUT$ON FEES, LEGAL HOISlN~rON KOEQLER GROUP FEEB, SERVICE FEES, SERVICE PROHOTIONAL EXPENSE PRINTING AND PUBLISHING -- 4 I CHANHA~SEN H.R.A. A C C O U N T I P A Y A B L E 04-10-$5 pMIE : '.A : ..'~._-N-T-- -~J411BO 41TO~ 041151 11.37 04115! 100.00 TO00 (IE#HARDT T11AV~L. & TRAININe 04S153 liO,0O ~OV'T TNAININQ IERVIG~ 041156 27,323.10 II~RAI4 EXCAVATIN~ lNG TI~VEL & TI~INIH Trlvel AdYm~e flCHA Conference 28,115.77 CHECXI I~11TTEN TOT. Al_--OF-----4 -~H ESK ~"T~ ITe 0 S T'T? '4 ;~. ?, .. ;; $. I,' Dlaolt~4ofl, Prz~l~J8 & Pony ~xprel&