Memo from Todd Hoffman 2-16-07 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952,227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952,227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site WINI.ci .chanhassen.m n. us 01-00 ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 111 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DA TE: February 16, 2007 SUBJ: Site Plan Review - Chanhassen High School Campus Independent School District 112 is preparing to open the doors to the new Chanhassen High School in the fall of 2009. The school will be located on Lyman Boulevard on a 94.8-acre parcel of land purchased by the district in 2004 at a cost of $9,165,000 or approximately $97,000 per acre. The site is bound by Lyman Boulevard on the south and west, the Twin Cities and Northern Railroad on the north, shares common lot lines with the City of Chanhassen's Bluff Creek Preserve and two private homes on the east, and with the City of Chaska's electrical substation on the south. A gas pipeline owned and operated by Magellan is located on the property running east to west and north of center. The pipeline is protected by a significant "no touch" easement and represents one of the most challenging design considerations on the site. The site design definitely maximizes the use of available space. The need to construct significant recreation and athletic facilities in combination with the presence of the pipeline has resulted in the use of extensive retaining walls. Additional retaining walls are required to permit the construction of access roads to the building pad. Representatives of the district have~formed me that they studied the site design and layout extensively, with many &;aft proposals making their way to the trash heap prior to arriving at the proposed site design. The plan does include a pedestrian trail connection at the northeast comer of the site, in addition to pedestrian connections at all three road intersections on Lyman Boulevard. A trail will be constructed on the north side of Lyman Boulevard as one component of reconstruction of that road prior to the school opening. I have invited representatives from the School District to your February meeting to make a presentation and allowing time for a question and answer period. Please review the site plan submitted to familiarize yourself with the project and come prepared to discuss this exciting proposal. ATTACHMENTS 1. Development Review Application Letter dated January 31,2007 from Anderson-Johnson Associates Inc. 2. Site Plan 3. Location Map The City 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. January 31, 2007 ANDERSON-JOHNSON ~~ ASSOCIATES, ~ _ ,. ~ ~ INC. ~ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE · SITE PLANNING · CIVIL ENGINEERING Mr. Bob Generous, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 C11Yo;: CHANHAS~E}:j RECEIVED FEB 0 2 2001 C.'1~t:i~J'" Al"",>O\ .....,~ - ru~"...~.\.J L:~r't RE: Development Review Application Proposed New High School- Chanhassen Chaska Public Schools - ISD 112 Dear Mr. Generous: On behalf of Independent School District # 112 and Rozeboom Miller Architects, we are pleased to provide the enclosed information in support of the proposed New High School in Chanhassen. With this packet, we are applying for the following permits: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Rezoning (from A2 to 0-1) Site Plan Review Variances Wetland Alteration Pennit As you know, the School District received approval for an Interim Use Permit (for early grading work) and received acceptance of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) from the City of Chanhassen in December 2006. We understand that receipt of this application and supportive information, and your , determination of the packet's completeness, will allow us to be on the March 6,2007 Planning Commission agenda. ' General Proiect Description Existing Conditions The 94.8 acre parcel is bordered along its north side by the Twin Cities &Westem Railroad; to its west and south by Lyman Blvd.; and Bluff Creek and.its adjacent wetlands to the east. Chaska's electrical substation lies between the school's south property line and the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road. The majority of the property is cUlTently farmed for agricultural purposes with the highest point of the site and the steep grades along its east boundary are made up of native grasses and trees. A fairly significant wooded area lies along the south edge of the property. The old fann .homestead, with some remnants still remaining, lies in the southwest VALLEY SQUARE OFFICE CENTER . SUITE 200 . 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD . MiNNEAPOLIS, MN 55427 PHONE (763) 544-7129 . FAX (763) 544-0531 comer of the site just opposite Hazeltine Lake Drive. Existing wetlands predominantly lie along the east edge of the property with localized fingers extending at the north and south edges of the property toward the west. Approximately 25 acres of wetlands areas exist within the property limits. The topography ofthe property varies in elevation from 985 at the lowest point (east) to 1075 at the top of the grass bluff in the center of the site. Because the center of the site is at the highest elevation, drainage typically is directed toward the extents of the property eventually reaching either the bluff creek wetlands to the east or to the Lyman Boulevard ditch to the west and south. Drainage immediately south of the bluff will be carried to Bluff Creek via a fairly significant natural gorge immediately north of the electrical substation. Domestic water is available at the northwest the northeast corners of the site. A 12" water main extends. approximately 200' south of the northeast property corner where it terminates. Water off the northwest comer ofthe property actually lies north of the railroad tracks and at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Galpin Boulevard. Sanitary (trunk) sewer is located along the length of the east property line and connects the neighborhood to the north to a point extending south of the Lyman Blvd. and Audubon Drive intersection. Prooosed Site Improvements - Complete Build-out The new high school campus includes parking for approximately 1,000 cars, bus parking for approximately 30 buses and overflow and event parking for an additional 80 vehicles. Three entrance drives of Lyman Boulevard provide access to the school site. The south entrance drive is at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road and will primarily support bus and event parking. The proposed entrance drive at the southwest corner of the site, at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Lake Hazeltine Drive, will serve for limited ingress/ egress. The entrance drive west ofthe school will serve as the primary/ main entrance for students, visitors and service deliveries. . With the existence of the Magellan gas pipeline north ofthe school and north parking lot, the athletic facilities find themselves north ofthe pipeline easement. The exception to this is the proposed tennis courts and soccer fields which lie just south of the Magellan easement and are , located northeast and northwest ofthe building, respectively. Softball and baseball facilities are located in the northwest quadrant ofthe site and are tucked between the gas main and railroad tracks. The running track and field stadium, which is aligned in a northwest-southeast direction will bc carved into the hillside to allow the home bleachers to transition from an upper spectator plaza down to the field level. Home bleachers for, I ,600 spectators and visitor bleachers for 800 spectators are provided. Field events, including high jump; long/triple jump, pole vault, shotput, and discus are located along the east and southeast corners of the running track. Practice fields will be developed in the northeast quadrant of the site and tucked between the railroad tracks and existing wetland areas. . We have met with Carver County regarding the potential upgrades of Lyman Boulevard. We understand that until there is a "Design and Construction Agreement"between Carver County and the cities of Chanhassen and Chaska, fonnal design of Lyman Blvd. cannot take place. With that in mind and in an effort to anticipate the impacts of the Lyman Blvd. upgrades, we have provided a general layout for the proposed 4-lane roadway with turn-lanes into/ out of the school site. Bob, with this application we are providing the following infonnation: 1. Completed application - Development Review Application; 2. Fees will be submitted directly by ISD #112 as follows: a. Conditional Use Pennit (CUP): $425 b. Rezoning (from A2 to 0-1): $500 c. Site Plan Review: $500 + $4,000 (see note below) d. Variances: $200 e. Wetland Alteration Pennit: $275. f. Notification Sign and Escrow: $850 3. . Legal Description of property; 4. Plan Sheets (16 full-size sets folded, (1) 11 "X 17" copy and (1) 8.5"x II "); 5. Costs associated with the Trunk Water Main along Lyman Boulevard; 5. Colored renderings (6 copies); 6. Disk (PDF files of the Plan Sheets). We trust the enclosed infonnation satisfies the City's requirements. If you have any questions or require additional or revised infonnation, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Submitted, ANDERSON-JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~~R. Jay R. Pomeroy, LLA Project Manager enclosure cc: Steve Pumper - Chaska Public Schools - ISD 112 Steve Miller - Rozeboom Miller Architects Mark Bosch - Bossardt Corporation \-j Location Map Chanhassen High School Planning Case No. 07-06 City of Chanhassen . ! I jlll .I II I ! I Iii 'I. i~ .s: i II ill '" .. /' pll I . ill; \Ill lti"'e :Co 'I' III' 1111 II I! I I' ,I' .. 0 liT hj till ',"~ ~'5 Ill! I hI! liIi! III! 1"1 l~ '''r'~;i :",4.~::>. SUI i Ill. Ill! IIi1i .... '_1 t!I ~ II l , . -'.;!j) I ~ .<> -' I I ! / i j 1 " ~ .. III ~ ~l ~ ~~'ai ,g~&..g .ell f"~ =1':l.ld i~hil:! o ~ ~ In .. .. 0 , i .. 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