CC Minutes 5-14-07City Council Meeting - May 14, 2007 h. Approval of Three Month Extension to Variance #05-10 for 9015 Lake Riley Boulevard, Laura Cooper. i. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Liquor License, Chanhassen Rotary Club, Fourth of July Celebration, July 3 & 4. j. Approve Release from Contract for Private Redevelopment Between the City of Chanhassen and Coeur Terra, LLP. k. Approve Professional Services Agreement with WSB & Associates, Inc., PW009Z. l. Approval of Agreement with PCI for Temporary Concrete Batch Plant for TH 212 Project. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Debbie Lloyd: Good evening. Debbie Lloyd, 7302 Laredo Drive. I'm going to keep this short but I need to say this now to make it a matter of public record. As you are aware for over 6 years I've watched what's happening with developments within Chanhassen. After shoreland code wasn't properly applied in a subdivision within my neighborhood. It's sad to say that despite bringing information to the attention of the city staff and council that their application of city ordinance to all residents and developers doesn't exist within our borders. It does appear that certain developers are set to higher standards than others. It is the ordinance, it is the city code which puts each one of us on a level playing ground, and I didn't plan that. Thank you. Tonight nd you have before you the final plat for 2 phase of the Preserve for approval. As you are aware I did raise questions about this development in an email correspondence. Mayor Furlong: Excuse me Ms. Lloyd. Is this the reason why you pulled that item from the consent agenda? Debbie Lloyd: No. Not in and of itself solely. This relates to something else as well. Mayor Furlong: Alright. Debbie Lloyd: Condition 13 for Addition 1 of the Preserve specifically mentions the construction of Bluff Creek Boulevard improvements to serve the development, and that the development is assessed for this project, but there's no mention of setback. The ordinance requires 50 feet. The setback of 3 homes from Bluff Creek Boulevard is less than what ordinance requires along a collector street and less than what was required of Town & Country, also a PUD established along the very same collector street. When the Preserve was approved the developer claimed no variances were required. The only mention of any setback condition in the report was a 40 foot setback for the primary corridor. That is the Bluff Creek corridor. The exception for the street setback was not stated again. Therefore implied that they were meeting all city standards. The Preserve is a multi-phased development and as such may have violated 3