Memo from LSA Design 5-25-07 ()~- I ~ lS ft MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DfSIGn MAY 3 0 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING OEPT To: From: Project: Subject: Date: City of Chanhassen~ ~ Kyle Williams, AlA . SouthWest Village Final Plat submittal- follow-up information May 25, 2007 Please accept the enclosed plans and documentation as our follow-up submittal, on behalf of Southwest Transit, for Final Plat approval of the SouthWest Village development in Chanhassen. · This memo with an LHB memo and LHB storm water calculations attached. · Civil Engineering plans for grading and utilities were submitted on May 17, 2007. These drawings are included on the attached CD. · Revised Final Plat documents o Five sets of the final plat, folded, 2 sheets each. o .tif documents included on the attached CD The following is a copy of the City of Chanhassen conditions of Preliminary Plat approval dated May 16, 2006. Responses to the conditions are in italics. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Southwest Village subject to the following conditions: 1. The preliminary plat must be revised to include a 25-foot wide drainage and utility easement over the sanitary sewer and watermain along Highway 101, south of the Southwest Station entrance and a 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement over the storm sewer in the northern portion of the property. The Final Plat has been modified to include a 25ft easement along TH101 along the easterly side of Outlot C. The Final Plat includes the storm easement in the northern portion of the property. Per MnDOT's request, it varies from 52ft wide to 30ft wide. 2. Encroachment agreements are required for the two drainage and utility easements due to the extensive landscaping and sidewalk proposed. 3. The applicant must show how bus-passenger vehicle conflicts will be minimized along the east- west access road. There will be approximately four buses per hour at this site during peak morning and peak afternoon hours. Buses travel along the bus only one-way road on the northeasterly portion of the site and turn easterly onto the east! west access road noted above, and continue to the intersection of Th101. Non-bus traffic will be controlled at each point of intersection along the Planning I Architecture I Urban. Design I Landscape.Architecture LSA DESIGN, INC. I 250 Third Ave. North, Suite 600 I Minneapolis, MN 55401 I 612.339.8729 I Fax: 612.339.7433 I www.lsadesigninc.com bus route with stop signs: at the Y intersection, at the exits to the parking deck, and in the future at the exits from the residential development. A stop sign, and right only sign will be installed for all traffic at the east/west access road intersection of TH101. 4. Bus routes through the site must be clearly shown on the plans. Plans submitted for building permit will graphically indicate the route described in Item 3 above. 5. On-street parking is not permitted on the private streets. Recommend deleting this requirement because the Townhomes are no longer part of this plat. 6. The private street design must be adjusted to accommodate the turning movements of a fire truck and a moving van. Recommend deleting this requirement because the Townhomes are no longer part of this plat. 7. The grading plan must show proposed contours, minimum two-foot contour intervals and proposed retaining walls, includingthe top and bottom of wall elevations. Please see the attached memo from LHB Engineers for responses to this section. 8. The grading plan must identify the proposed grades on each level of the parking ramp. Please see the attached memo from LHB Engineers for responses to this section. 9. Note the lowest floor elevation of the proposed town home units and include a grading detail showing hold down information. Recommend deleting this requirement because the Townhomes are no longer part of this plat. 10. Spot elevations must be shown along the east curb of the commercial area to ensure that the parking and drive aisle area meets the minimum slope requirement. Please see the attached memo from LHB Engineers for responses to this section. II. The first 30 feet of each private street extending from the access drive must be minimum 3%. Recommend deleting this requirement because the Townhomes are no longer part of this plat. 12. The sidewalks and trails shown within the public Right-of-Way shall be privately owned and maintained. 13. A catch basin must be installed at the ingress at Highway 101 and the storm sewer adjusted accordingly. Please see the attached memo from LHB Engineers for responses to this section. 14. The developer must submit written confirmation with the final plat application indicating that the MNDOT pond located in the south loop of the Highway 101 ramp has been sized to accommodate runoff from this development. Please see the attached memo from LHB Engineers for responses to this section. 15. Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals and must include storm sewer inlet capacity analysis to verify that 100% of the runoff from a IO-year event can be captured. Please see the attached memo from LHB Engineers for responses to this section, and attached calculations. A storm water calculation summary of the actual development, including the previously proposed Townhome development is attached as well. This calculation is included to estimate the actual runoff on a fully developed site. 16. The developer must verify that the proposed eight inch watermain will provide sufficient flow for the proposed residential, commercial and sprinkling uses on the site. Please see the attached memo from LHB Engineers for responses to this section. 17. The utility plan must be revised to show the following: Please see the attached memo from LHB Engineers for responses to these items. a. Show the proposed water service to the bus station. b. Due to differential settlement, the three valves and the sanitary sewer manhole must not lie within the proposed paver-block circle at the intersection of the access road at the western private driveway intersection. The valves can be relocated outside of the paver- block circle. Sanitary sewer manhole 503 can be installed to the north of the paver-block circle and an additional manhole can be installed to the west of the paver-block circle. c. Sanitary sewer manhole 501 must not lie within the sidewalk. d. Eliminate the 90 degree bend in the watermain at the Highway 101 intersection and replace with two, 45 degree bends. e. The final utility plan must show the sewer and water services to the townhome units. f. The lowest floor elevation of each unit must be shown on the utility plan. 18. MNDOT will be invoicing the City for a portion of the utility improvements for this development. The developer must pay for 100% of the invoices that the City receives for this work. We have had a brief preliminary discussion with City staff regarding this item, and understand the improvements in question are the turn lane into the site from TH101 and the signal at Lyman and 101. SouthWest Transit requested, and staff agreed, to discuss and clarify this proposed assessment prior to Council's action. The purposed of the discussion is to clarify the amounts of those improvements, and the contribution SW Transit has already made to MnDOT for those improvements, and others, as result of this development. 19. Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. These fees are collected with the building permit and are based on the rates in effect at the time of building permit application. The party applying for the building permit is responsible for payment of these fees. enclosures cc: 0501.4 21 West Superior Street, Suite 500 Duluth, Minnesota 55802 218727-8446 Fax 218727-8456 WWW.LHBcorp.com 250 3rd Avenue North, Suite 450 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 612338-2029 Fax 612 338-2088 ( PROJECT ~\/../. VI /"''vMe:.... ~U<O( i PROJECT # 0'44 \ 1 . ~2- DATE t;:::;:?-~-Ol ~U\TC- BY p t::>t::;> SHEET NO. \ OF 0 Ll-OI~ \ ~j~4/~ L....J I /..../Ad,A.~D~ c::... ~,[b~/-\. 101\", 1:::... I-/? ,,; /" - ___ 0..1-. 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I- :s (/) ~ w !Z w (.) l- ii) Z ~ I- W (!) :3 ..J :> 3: en !! ii u ~ 5 (I '" ~ j8~ ....: "5 l!! ... '" ~ ~ .~ :I: 0) 0 U e. ~ ~ ! :l ..; III ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ 2 ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ .. " ... 00 '" '" l .. ~ ~ Tributar TrCin~iL(~ot 1) RetCii1_ <hQt?) ljousiD_g (Outl()LC) Ql.Jt1ot A: IH_l01-bY!!larl!toad Qu!Lot A~f'.,I~S BuswaYn Outlot A: RetailfTransit Outlot B Total Notes: 1. Tributary based upon Preliminary Plat of SW Village dated 5-3-06 2. Transit includes station, parking structure, bus loading, plaza, and landscaping 3. Retail includes buildings, plaza, and landscaping areas computed from Site Plan Review 4. Housing areas computed from Site Plan Review 5. TH 101-Lyman Road includes truck loading bump-out 6. RetailfTransit tributary includes retail/garage access road, open-air parking, plaza, and landscaping 7. C refers to Manning's Runoff Coefficient . , SOUTHWEST VILLAGE Stormwater Contribution Calculations % Total Area 31.0% 9.5% 27.6!o, ..~ .90/0., n_ 3.0oM 4.1% 17.9%1 100.0%: Total 135,093 . 41,474 120,598 29,9.88 13,184 17,700 78 203 436,240 Area (SF) 14,379 . 6,312 38,802 2,9f3t5i 2,9'7.8-1 1,374 . 78 203 145,033 Weighted C 0.875 0.843 0.725 .. O.8f30i 0.792 ( 0.896 0.250 ' 1m ervious Pervious 120,714 35,162 81,796 27,003 10,206 16,326 . 291,207 Wt.Cx Area 118,273 . 34,963 . 87,434 2_6,3f!!lj _ . 1Q,'Hg_l_ 15,859 i 19551 312,910 % Storm Water Runoff 37.8% 11.2% 27.9% 8.4% .-------- 3.3% 5.1% 6.3% 100.0% updated 02.22.2007 250 Third Avenue North, Ste 450 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 612338-2029 Fax 612 338-2088 www.LHBcorp.com MEMORANDUM DATE: May 25, 2007 TO: Kyle Williams, LSA Design FROM: Nick DeBar RE: SW Village Preliminary Plat Review The following are LHB's responses (in italics) to the City of Chanhassen's preliminary plat review for SW Village dated May 16,2006: GRADING AND DRAINAGE The grading plan is incomplete. It must show proposed contours, minimum two-foot contour intervals and the proposed grades on each level of the parking ramp. Current grading plan shows proposed contours in onefoot increments. Note the lowest floor elevation of the proposed townhome units and include a grading detail showing hold down information. Townhome development is no longer a part of this plat. Spot elevations must be shown along the east curb of the commercial area to ensure that the parking and drive aisle area meets the minimum slope requirement. Current grading plan shows spot elevations along emt curb. The first 30 feet of each private street extending from the access drive must be minimum 3%. Townhome development is no longer a part of this plat. A catch basin must be installed at the ingress at Highway 101 and the storm sewer adjusted accordingly. Catch basins were constructed by ZRC on both curb lines at entrance to TH 101. The developer indicated that the proposed MNDOT pond located in the south loop of the Highway !OI ramp has been sized to accommodate runoff from this site. According to the developer, the design of this pond assumed 100% impervious surface, post-development from this site. The developer must submit written confirmation from MNDOT that runoff from this development can go to this pond. Confirmation wm provided after the preliminary plat was submitted. Contact Mary Lacho at MnDOT (952.368.5610) with any further questions. Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals and must include storm sewer inlet capacity analysis to verify that 100% of the runoff from a 10-year event can be captured. Attached. Duluth. MN Minneapolis. MN "' . RE: SW Village Preliminary Plat Review Page 2 RETAINING WALLS Staff is unable to determine if retaining walls are required or proposed on the site since the grading plan is currently incomplete. No retaining walls needed as shown on current grading plan ill ILITIES The developer must verify that the proposed eight inch watermain will provide sufficient flow for the proposed residential, commercial and sprinkling uses on the site. As engineers of record. we confirmed the water main was adequately sized. The utility plan must be revised to show the following: a) Show the proposed water service to the bus station. Completed - shown on current site improvement plan. b) Due to differential settlement, the three valves and the sanitary sewer manhole must not lie within the proposed paver-block circle at the intersection of the access road at the western private driveway intersection. The valves can be relocated outside of the paver- block circle. Sanitary sewer manhole 503 can be installed to the north of the paver-block circle and an additional manhole can be installed to the west of the paver-block circle. The paver-block circle is no longer proposed. c) Sanitary sewer manhole 501 must not lie within the sidewalk. Townhome Development is no longer a part of this plat. d) Eliminate the 90 degree bend in the watermain at the Highway 101 intersection and replace with two, 45 degree bends. Water main in this area was designed and constructed as part of ZRC work. e) The final utility plan must show the sewer and water services to the townhome units. Townhome Development is no longer a part of this plat. f) The lowest floor elevation of each unit must be shown on the utility plan. Townhome Development is no longer part of this plat. c: LHB File No.: 04417.32-F202 M :\04Pro j\04417\A DMN\F200\Me 1m \Pre limP latRe vRespo nse_07 -0525 .doc Duluth. MN Minneapolis. MN