CAS-01_ROSSAVIK ADDITION - ARILD ROSSAVIKState of Minnesota Carver County THOMAS M SCOTT 317 EAGANDALE OFFICE CENTER 1380 CORPORATE CENTER CURVE EAGAN MN 55121 Arild Rossavik vs City of Chanhassen District Court First District Court File Number: 10-CV-06-1344 Case Type: Civil Other/Misc. You are notified that an order was filed on this date. Dated: October 19, 2007 cc: MARK W KELLY Notice of Filing of Order Carolyn M. Renn Court Administrator Carver County District Co 604 East Fourth Street Chaska Minnesota 55318 952-361-1420 Notice of Filing of Order Revised: 122002 STATE OF MINNESOTA 14161%� Y M (i190:)AL:3 J Arild Rossavik, vs. City of Chanhassen, UD U OCT 1 9 2007 DISTRICT COURT CARVER COUNTY COURTS FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Plaintiff, Defendant. Court File No. 10-CV-06-1344 ORDER & MEMORANDUM DENYING PLAINTIFF'S & GRANTING DEFENDANTS' MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT The above -entitled matter came on before the Honorable Kevin W. Eide, Judge of District Court, on August 22, 2007, at the Carver County Courthouse in Chaska, Minnesota, on the parties' respective motions for summary judgment. Mark W. Kelly, Esq., appeared on behalf of the Plaintiff, Arild Rossavik. Thomas M. Scott, Esq., appeared on behalf of the Defendant, City of Chanhassen. Now, therefore, based upon the arguments of counsel, the file and proceedings herein, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment is DENIED. 2. Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment is GRANTED. 3. Any other motions not specifically granted are respectfully DENIED. 4. Plaintiff s Complaint is dismissed with prejudice. 5. Defendant is awarded judgment against Plaintiff for its reasonable costs and disbursements. 6. The attached memorandum is incorporated by reference and contains the Court's Factual Background, Standards of Law and Legal Analysis. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. BY THE COURT: Date: October _/ G , 2007 . Ke ' W. Eide Judge of District Court 2 MEMORANDUM Factual Background Plaintiff is the owner of a home located on approximately four acres in Chanhassen, Minnesota, legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks. Hillside Oaks was established in 1984, with nine lots ranging in size from 2.5 to 3.9 acres. In February of 1987, Hillside Oaks was rezoned to A-2, Agricultural Estate District, as part of a comprehensive rezoning of the city. In 1991, the subject property was designated Residential — Large Lot in the City's Comprehensive Plan Update. On January 6, 2006, Plaintiff applied to the city to have his property rezoned to Single Family Residential, and the land use plan amended to Residential — Low Density to allow for its subdivision into five lots. Plaintiff had made three prior applications to the City for similar amendments, all of which were denied. On February 21, 2006, the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommended that the City Council deny Plaintiff's application, finding that the proposed development was inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the property; did not meet the minimum ordinance requirements for A2, Agricultural Estate District zoned properties; would significantly impact the character of the surrounding area; and is premature without the inclusion of abutting properties. On March 13, 2006, the Chanhassen City Council adopted the findings made by the Planning Commission and denied Plaintiffs application. Plaintiff subsequently commenced this action for a declaratory judgment, claiming the City's denial of his request was arbitrary and capricious; that there is a conflict of interest between counciimember Craig Peterson, a resident 3 of Hillside Oaks; and that the facts supporting the denial of Plaintiff's application are without a rational basis in fact. The parties both now move the Court for Summary Judgment. Standards of Law I. Summary Judgment Summary judgment should be granted where "the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is .no issue as to any material fact and that either party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law." Minn. R. Civ. P. 56.03. A material issue of fact is one which would affect the outcome of the case. Rathbun v. W.T. Grant Co., 219 N.W.2d 641, 646 (Minn. 1974); Pischke v. Kellen, 384 N.W.2d 201, 205 (Minn. Ct. App. 1986). Summary judgment is not a substitute for trial and may be granted only if, based on the entire record, no issue of material fact exists, and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Bixler v. J.C. Penney Co., Inc_, 376 N.W.2d 209,215 (Minn. 1985). Summary judgment is a "blunt instrument' that "should be employed only where it is perfectly clear that no issue of fact is involved in the cause of action." Donnay v. Boulware, 144 N.W.2d 711, 716 (Minn. 1966). The burden is on the moving party to show that there is no genuine issue of material fact. Thiele v. Stich, 425 N.W.2d 580, 583 (Minn. 1988). When determining whether the moving party has sustained this burden, a court must view the evidence in a manner most favorable to the nonmoving party. Greaton v. Enich, 185 N.W.2d 876, 878 (Minn. 1971); Ritter v. M.A. Mortenson Co., 352 N.W.2d 110, 112 (Minn. Ct. App. 1984). All doubts and factual inferences must be resolved against the moving party and in favor of the nonmoving party. Nord v. Herreid, 305 N.W.2d 337, 339 (Minn. 1981). If the moving party has satisfied its burden to show the absence of a genuine issue of material fact, the burden then shifts to the nonmoving rd party to show the existence of a genuine issue of material fact. Bixler, 376 N.W.2d at 215. If the nonmoving party then fails to present specific facts indicating the existence of a genuine issue of material fact, summary judgment is proper. Hunt v. IBM Mid America Employees Federal Credit Union, 384 N.W.2d 853, 855 (Minn. 1986). H. Judicial Review of Municipal Zoning Decisions The courts authority to interfere in the management of municipal affairs is, and should be, limited and sparingly invoked. White Bear Docking and Storage, Inc. v. City of White Bear Lake, 324 N.W.2d 174, 175 (Minn. 1982). The standard of review is the same for all zoning matters, namely, whether the zoning authority's action was reasonable — is there a `reasonable basis' for the decision? In other words, is the decision unreasonable, arbitrary or capricious or is the decision reasonably debatable? Id. at 176. A district court should establish the scope and conduct of its review of a municipality's zoning decision by considering the nature, fairness and adequacy of the proceeding at the local level and the adequacy of the factual and decisional record of the local proceeding. Swanson v. City of Bloomington, 421 N.W.2d 307, 312 (Minn. 1988). Where the municipal proceeding was fair and the record clear and complete, review should be on the record. Id. at 313. Where the municipal body has proposed formal findings contemporaneously with its decision and there is an accurate verbatim transcript of the proceedings, the record is likely to be clear and complete. Id. The standard of review is whether the municipal body's decision was unreasonable, arbitrary or capricious, with review focused on the legal sufficiency of and factual basis for the reasons given. Id. A city's denial of a land use request is not arbitrary when at least one of the reasons given for the denial satisfies the rational basis test. St. Croix Dev., Inc. v. City of Apple Valley, 446 N.W.2d 392, 398 (Minn. Ct. App. 1989), review denied (Minn. Dec. 1, 1989). When a city council states its reasons for denying [a F land use request], review is limited to the legal sufficiency and the factual bases for those reasons. Disko v. City of Waite Park, 566 N.W.2d 349,352 (Minn. Ct. App. 1997). Legal Analysis I. Whether there is a genuine issue of material fact as to Plaintiff's claim that the City's denial of his application for a land use amendment, rezoning and preliminary plat was unreasonable, arbitrary or capricious. Plaintiff argues that that the City's refusal to grant his rezoning request was arbitrary and capricious and without a rational basis. In support of his argument, Plaintiff points extensively to the May 2003 staff report prepared in response to his subdivision application submitted earlier that year. The staff report recommended approval of Plaintiff's rezoning and land use amendment request, making specific proposed findings to justify the approval. In spite of the staff recommendation, both the Planning Commission and the City Council voted to deny Plaintiff's requests. While the Court was not provided with a transcript of the Planning Commission meeting discussing the 2003 application, it did receive a copy of the transcript of the 2003 city council meeting discussing Plaintiff's application. At the council meeting, council members discussed concerns over the proposed subdivision's access onto Powers Boulevard. Council members also stated that developing the property as proposed without also developing the property to the north would effectively create an "island" in the middle of the Hillside Oaks development, and that it would be premature to approve a change in land use and rezoning of the property without a proposal which included the abutting property. The council then voted unanimously to deny Plaintiff s application, finding: 1. The proposed subdivision did not meet the minimum ordinance requirements for A2 — Agricultural Estate District properties; 2. The proposed subdivision is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan designation for the property; 3. The proposed subdivision is inconsistent with the intent of the comprehensive plan and unduly impacts existing land use as well as natural features; 1, 4. Because only one of the property owners in the subdivision is requesting land use amendments, rezoning or intensification of uses, the project is premature. Plaintiff's most recent application, the one at issue in this matter, was submitted to the City on January 6, 2006. The staff report prepared in connection with this application recommended denial of Plaintiff's application, and proposed findings consistent with the City Council's 2003 decision. The application came before the Planning Commission at their regular meeting on February 21,.7.006. At that meeting, Senior Planner Bob Generous presented the staff report to the commissioners. In response to commissioner questioning, Generous stated that in 2005 the City Council affirmed the "Residential Large Lot" land use for the subdivision. He also stated that he received one letter and spoke with two other neighbors, all opposing the application. In addition, Generous told the commissioners that the City generally will not approve a land use or zoning change where one lot in the middle of a neighborhood is changed and the others are not. The commissioners also heard comments from a neighboring property owner who stated his opinion that the Residential — Large Lot designation for the subdivision should remain. After the public hearing, the commissioners discussed their concerns with the application, primarily focusing on the fact that the application only included one lot in the subdivision and that until the neighbors collectively proposed a change, the application was premature. The commissioners then voted to recommend denial of Plaintiffs application. Plaintiff's application came before the City Council on March 13, 2006. Like the commissioners, council members expressed concerns over Plaintiff's proposed subdivision creating an island of development in the middle of a Residential — Large Lot subdivision. They also expressed concerns regarding maintaining the look and feel of the residential developments in Chanhassen by maintaining a wide variety of housing styles. Though counsel for Plaintiff 7 argued at the council meeting that the area had changed such as to justify Plaintiffs request because a number of new developments now surround Hillside Oaks, the council noted that those subdivisions were developed consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Plaintiff s proposal was not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Agreeing with the comments of the other council members, the mayor stated that the Council shouldn't consider such a land use change request when it involved only one property owner. The Council then voted unanimously to adopt the findings of the Planning Commission and denied Plaintiff s application. Plaintiff argues that the 2003 staff report is an honest analysis of his application, and that the stated reasons for denial of his application are unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious. Plaintiff also argues that his request was treated in an unjustifiably disparate manner to similar zoning requests. In response, the City argues that the inconsistency of Plaintiffs requested land use with the Comprehensive Plan is a legally sufficient reason to deny his request, and that based on the record, the City is entitled to summary judgment. In considering the parties' claims, the Court must first consider the nature, fairness and adequacy of the proceeding at the local level and the adequacy of the factual and decisional record of the local proceeding. The Court received affidavits including copies of the City's complete administrative file and transcripts from both the 2006 Planning Commission meeting and the 2006 City Council meeting discussing Plaintiffs application. Based on a review of the documentation provided and transcripts of the proceedings which included public hearings, the Court finds that the City acted fairly and that the record presented to the Court is adequate to consider the matters presented. Because the record as presented appears complete, the Court need only review whether the reason or reasons given by the City for denying Plaintiffs application were legally sufficient 3 and factually supported. Whether or not the City Council adopted the staff recommendations in 2003 or 2006 is immaterial. As long as at least one of the findings or reasons given for denying Plaintiff's application withstands a "rational basis" test, the decision of the Council must be affirmed. The most compelling reason given for denying Plaintiff's application is that the proposed subdivision is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the property. The Hillside Oaks subdivision was established in 1984. In 1991, Hillside Oaks was officially designated within the City's Comprehensive Plan as a Residential Large Lot subdivision. In 2005, the City Council affirmed the Residential — Large Lot land use designation. While the City may be able to amend the Comprehensive Plan, it is precluded from adopting zoning changes which are in conflict with the plan. See Minn. Stat. §473.858, Subd. 1 (2006). The City had a rational basis for denying Plaintiffs application based on its inconsistency with the land use designation in the City's Comprehensive Plan. In addition to having a rational basis for denying Plaintiffs application based on its inconsistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan, the City also had a rational basis for denying Plaintiffs application based on the fact that his request did not include any of the abutting properties. Plaintiff s proposed land use would create an island of higher density development in the middle of a large lot subdivision. Other homeowners within Hillside Oaks have the right to expect that the character of their neighborhood will be maintained. Where only one of the nine Hillside Oaks homeowners sought a land use change to allow for higher density development, the City Council had a rational basis for denying Plaintiffs application. E Conclusion The record presented to the Court in this matter is complete, and there are no genuine issues of material fact. Because the City had a rational basis for denying Plaintiffs application based on its inconsistency with the land use designation in the City's Comprehensive Plan and its failure to include any of the adjacent properties, the City's decision to deny the Land Use Map Amendment from Residential -Large Lot to Residential Low Density for Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, the rezoning from A2, Agricultural Estate District to RSF, Single Family Residential for Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, and the preliminary plat of Rossavik Addition must be affirmed. Plaintiffs motion for summary judgment is therefore denied, and Defendant's motion for summary judgment affirming the denial of Plaintiffs Comprehensive Plan amendment, rezoning and subdivision application is granted. K.W.E. 10 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER Arild Rossavik, Plaintiff, vs. City of Chanhassen, Defendant. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TYPE: Declaratory Judgment Court File No. 10-CV-06-1344 AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT GENEROUS ROBERT GENEROUS, being first duly sworn, on oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. I am a senior planner for the City of Chanhassen_ I was the primary City staff person reviewing Plaintiff's 2006 Application for a comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning and subdivision approval. 2. Attached hereto are copies of the following City documents which constitute the record of the 2006 Application by Plaintiff: A. Development Review Application dated January 6, 2006. B. Memorandum from Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal, to Robert Generous dated January 25, 2006. C. Memorandum from Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director to Bob Generous dated January 30, 2006. D. Letter from Carver County Soil & Water Conservation District to Robert Generous dated February 1, 2006, E. Memorandum from Mark Sweidan, Engineer, to Bob Generous dated February 14, 2006. F. Planning Commission Staff Report dated February 21, 2006. 133129 G. Findings of Fact and Recommendation dated February 21, 2006. H. Minutes of February 21, 2006 Chanhassen Planning Commission meeting. I. Memorandum from Bob Generous to Todd Gerhardt dated March 13, 2006. Minutes of March 13, 2006 City Council Meeting. K. Letter from Robert Generous to Arild Rossavik dated March 16, 2006 FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT Robert Generous Subscribed and swom to before me this 3rd day f Au Est, 2007. otary Pu i J#EIIN J. ENGELHARDT Publio-Minnesota�0^ m Jan at, zoto 133129 LET COVERAGE: LOT 1, BLOCK Ir / Bldg. = 3600 SO. FT. Driveway = 880 SQ, FT. Total = 3917 SO, FT. Net Area = 18,896.93 SO, FT. LOT 1 coverage = 20,73% LOT 2, BLOCK 1: Bldg. = 3600 SO, FT. Driveway = 400 SQ, FT. Total = 4000 SQ. FT. Net Area = 2055027 SO. FT, LOT 2 coverage = 19.57 LOT 3, BLOCK 1: Bldg. = 3600 SO, FT. Driveway = 400 SO. FT, Total = 4000 SO, FT, Net Area = 39,139,53 SQ, FT. LOT 3 coverage = 102% _ \ �, LOT 4, BLOCK L Bldg, - 3422 SO, FT. d Driveway 495 SO. FT, c e �� a �" J O Net \' AREAS: Total = SQ. ` Area = 36,499 SO, FT. / 3i _ _ LOT 4 coverage =10.7% s`I / LOT 1, BLOCK 1- 21,041 �-- 2 � LOT 2, BLOCK 1- 23,147 PID: 2s-3s3oo2o LOT 5, BLOCK 11 LOT 3, BLOCK 1- 41,746.4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Bldg, = 4000 SQ, FT. LOT 4, BLOCK 1- 36,499 Driveway = 400 SQ, FT. O / $ Lot 2, Block 1, HILLSIDE OAKS Total = 4000 SO. FT. LOT 5, BLOCK 1- 23,023 Area = 16,748,6 SO, FT, POWERS CIRCLE- 16,748.E ❑WNERS & DEVELGPER: LOT 4 coverage =23.9% 0 50 100 Scale 1" = 50 Revised January 4, 2006 Revised December 30, 2005 - 5 lots Revised August 8, 2003 - 3 lots Revised April 22, 2003 Revised April 1, 2003 Revised March 27, 2003 Revised February 7, 2003 Revised February 6, 2003 Revised December 27, 2002 Revised December 18, 1997 Revised December 15, 1997 Revised June 10, 1996- Driveway easements I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of me ivv. the boundaries of the above described land and of the location of all buildings, 11986 DEMARS-GADM L If any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, If any, from or on sold land. LAND SVRVRYORS, INC. Book -Pal; surveyed by me this Sth day of June, 1996. 30M Harbor Lane No, ��D4 a 346-10 Plymouth, W 55441 &W maw Phone,<612) 559-0908 David rook, L.S. N License No, 22414 Scale 1'=50, soo o 0 \ o 0 V o � SOo 0 Being S feet in width a d, joining lot lines, unless otherwise inaicat'-d, and Io feet in width adjoining righ t-of-Iraq lines, as shown on the plot, PRELIMINARY PLAT ROSSA VIK ADDITION >0 Building otherwise Site (typJ noted on Note: Lots 2 & 3 will be served by driveway easement, Drainage & Utility Easements are 10 feet in width along street lines and 5 feet in width along lot lines, (unless noted otherwise on drawing) PREPARED FOR, Arild Rossavik 8800 Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 361-6006 SURVEYOR: Dermars-Gabriel Land Surveyors, Inc. 3030 Harbor Lane Plymouth, MN 55447 559-0908 Existing A-2 Proposed RSF Setbacks RSF - 30 Feet Front 30 Feet Rear 10 Feet Side A RILD R 0 SSA VIK CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED BAN 0 6 2006 CHANHASSEN PANNING DEPT [01 to rn r fad Lfl Ld Q z LLJ J 71 I 0 Cr) q d> (DE a 0 25 50 SCALE IN NOTES: 1. 20' STREET TYPICAL, WITH 30' HAMMER HEAD TURN AROUND. (7 TON DESIGN) 2. LANDSCAPING TO BE PROVIDED AS SHOWN WITH NO ONE SPECIES ACCOUNTING FOR MORE THAN ONE—THIRD OF TOTAL PLANTINGS. GRADING LEGEND TREE REMOVAL PROPOSED 4" CONIFEROUS TREE PROPOSED 4" DECIDUOUS TREE PROPOSED SHRUB - - - - - - LIMITS OF GRADING EROSION CONTROL 100 FEET WIRE OR TWINE BALES PLACED ON EDGE BUTTED TIGHT TWO STAKES PER BALE EMBEDDED IN GROUND 10" MINIMUM 3" EARTH FILL DIRECTION OF FLOW 4' HAY BALES RUCK SIZE SHOULD BE AASHTO f1 ROCK A GEOTEMLE FABRIC SHALL BE USED UNDER THE ROCK TO PREVENT MIGRATION OF THE UNDERLYING SOIL INTO THE STONE OVERLAP GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 6" AND FAS1 STEEL F�NC� POSTS 7 —7 O.C. - 0 K) —ENGINEERING FABRIC MIRAFI ENVIRO—FENCE R APPROVED EQUAL) WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT a e e c_ _ ` ti1.+ ( m — ' // / V+ / //� / BACKFILL 08 i �g 906 �� k O O / / // �/ /// �1 j// EXISTING GROUND BURY BOTTOM 6" Il l N �c 1—Irmil o / Ill t=NOTE: II III— PAID FOR AS SILT FENCE —HEAVY DUTY CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OF ALL I I I EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS FOLLOWING TURF ESTABLISHMENT ll�► �� Bi 1 I 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE SPEC LVWE35030B EROSION CONTROL FENCE 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPEC LVNW35030C $AN. CITYOFCHANHASSEN 8 CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE � l Il 11 11 14fH � RECEIVED r\ i � � lIr 111 1 ull ��, > I ► 1 12„ SELECT GRANULAR SUBBASE JAN 0 6 2006 11 1 I PLACE ON APROVED SUBGRADE CIiANHASSEN PLF,NNING DEPT .>i/ (MNDOT SPEC. 2112) INSET A DESIGN FILE: 37951019 DRAWN BY: DESIGN BY: MAF RJG,GSB CHKED. BY: DWG. NAME: GSB PWR—GDX DATE: JUNE 1, 2004 REV. BY NO. DATE REVISIONS DESCRIPTION i Thresher Square 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.370.0700 Tel 612.370.1378 Fax I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ROFESSIONAL EN NEER UNDER THE LAWS Or E STATE OF MINNESOTA. GREGORY S. BROWN DATE: ao MN LIC. NO. RI�I 4- POWERS CIRCLE PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEET NO. OWNER: 1 ARILD ROSSAVIK 2 0' n V) z Q J n .. Q0 w Q z w J Li Y 0 AWINGS � L---A CD B / \ \ / / SAN. MH 3 RE 911.43 / \ IE 896.11 (IN) IE 892.66 (OUT) Well O 107'-8" PVC / // /// /// // // / _> 0 25 50 100 \\ \ \ l w \ \\38p t ® 0.40% SCALE IN FEET `ARI AE G. Fx; \ 6" PVC C-900 / // // / // /� 8 St eOv/°er WATERMAINCUSTOM GRADED h// >>9 // \ CB 1 cy / �2p a,1g s \ �S,LAN�. // / // // / RE 903.80 SAN. MH 4 \4� &, / � �p� VC H cs / / / /// / / IE 899.80 (OUT) RE 906.14 SA / / / IE 892.18 (IN) / \\ MR 3 / o/// // B--- CONNECT TO EXIST. IE 892.18 (OUT) - - o) / / / / 8" SAN. SEWER STUB 69a0p00>�w/ \� v� 4�11 �� _ rl� l / MHCB 2 RE 903.80 WI EXIST. rxisT� IE 899.49 (IN) SYSM�ous 'i - -_ �� / 1 , // �/ / IE 899.39 (OUT) �. V 0 0- 0 o: rn ✓ � � � / 0.409 � \ —Drainage & Utility fir/ ,' \ Easemen t �_' Mr \ / 7ge27:21� SAN. MH 1 M 38j•S¢� RE 905.40 IE 897.50 DESIGN F1LE: 37951019 DRAWN BY. RJG DESIGN BY: RJG,GSB CHKED. BY: DWG. NAME: GSB PWR—UT1 DATE: JANUARY 20, 2003 NO. BY I DATE 0. MHCB 5 RE 907.75 IE 903.75 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION III 1 11 1 1 I I1 I II I I I I 31'-12'' RCP 1 10 O :T TO EXIST. ERMAIN STUB / 'RELOCATED FIRE / J HYDRANT 98 �12" RCP MHCB 3 ® 6.09% RE 897.5 / 21'-12" RCP IE 893.50 ® 0.38% (� CONNECT TO EXIST. CB EXIST. CB RE 898.42 1 SAN. MH 2 IF. 893.42 RE 913.64 IE 896.88 (IN) \ IE 896.78 (OUT) 1-71'-12" RCP ® 13.44% MHCB 4 RE 907.5 IE 903.14 (IN) IE 903.04 (OUT) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY Thresher Square DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY 700 Third Street South LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE Minneapolis, MN 55415 812.370.0700 Teell LAWS OF E STATE OF MNESOTA. �` 612.370.1378 Fax j�•' /l DREG S. BROWN DATE:-] y /0 MN LIC. NO. 2 � INEENE POWERS CIRCLE PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN OWNER: ARILD ROSSAMK CITY OF CHANHgSSEN RECEIVED .TAN 0 6 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEP T SHEET NO. 2 2 CITY OF RECEIVED SSEN j o,N 0 6 Z006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT FA J !'rolwe FIISiM15£ J I ICi /C rol.a r \L rl Exrsr VIA IMST ro>;D � a D .GA2 \ _ I�1141 N . se w ne Scale I' = 50 ft Revised January 4, 2006 Revised December 30, 2005 - 5 lots Revised August 8, 2003 - 3 lots Revised April 22, 2003 Revised April 1, 2003 Revised March 27, 2003 Revised February Z, 2003 Revised February 6, 8003 Revised December 27, 2002 Revised December 18, 1997 Revised December 15, 1997 Revised June 10, 1996- Driveway easements 'o", 2 �G A / OGe[r f palvee Fa awM1+ts an �/uew M.m �sw ,� d9 _J WeI ?tiD J legit h N% ngALYB /oi NYS uiw.ete ws�o nd e,d )v met...tvn u4.Ld+Iv �f-ol-.y d+ez os scum a a+e p. e o� q LOT 1, atlR r I ff LOT z. AOVT 1- 21,141 LOT 4 JMw 1- 41,764 LOT ., Kao, 1- ]6A99 LOT 3. F2t 1- z3';9 P MS CIWU- I IVA TOTAL AREA- 162,205 sa. FT. F-1 60 X 60 Budding Site (typ.) unless otherwise noted on drawing gg9 ,9 1�S' Note, Lots 2 B 3 v91 be served by drivevay easement. Drainage & Utility Easements are 10 Feet M width along street lines and 5 feet in width along lot lines. (unless noted otherwise on drawing) PJD� erzsmvz9 LEGAL DESCRIPTIOM Lot Z Mo x L HILLSIDE OYLT OWNERS 8 DEVELOPER .I RxPoW aem w — Boo—ord LPwaaw. .. %311 361Em6 SLIRVFYOR� Load 1..le . n�c. mn2 L.n. NywM. IW R.II �.wma IT COVERAGE R 1. BLLC% 4 rwi.� ]61p Sa rr. roba� = sn7 = 1es9ansa !r. -wae = 2d la T z, lO?'P M4 - zo9a iP !I. Im sn rr. comma - Iaa9 m FT. T. erope = 195E DT I loot 1. t M1epa -= JV395]Sso i.W=J'ID . FT. sa .. FT. m.reae - lazz 9T ., 9.LC1r 1. a+w.ey . I9s m. rT rwe. _ ,41 =Fr. etsen. Lo.we> -Ialx LOT s, M.OL% L Adp Sam sa rt. s Told = Ian sa rt. roe. • Imo sP rr bee I') W. IT. LLOT. ro.»eae X9 ZomJng - Existing A-2 Proposed RSF Setbacks RSF - 30 Feet Front 30 Feet Rear 10 Feet Side PRELIMINARY PLAT I PREPARED F1Yb uu anrnoq we '~ ROSSAVIK ADDITION ARILD ROSSAVIK ➢e Ntl F U[ok. L3. MII Ltmse Nn zZ.1. 1.-,a c 1 �'ys5s ----=- PW 10 fI i LL� (p9 3 r r 8 t eEQ O Z. 4 O SW 0 n R ${ 0 V 1 V1 0 2 g O 11? '� f ? � I 1 _ ``J\V/ 0 \N a w�w s ¢� Z �a U 3 Op` to g 3O J U K <y > M d U V)Of � Z� o a u zo 39-3 iyy{Q�• U' a PROIE JAM r C �� •� r �III�II \\ � / /� �Wa'm so u,asooU'A tp., 'ar xm-nxaUNs-mu�s�o�sca�-u rWXRI-ud\L6-Hly/�aw�suc\a, f�9�1 anw 'n� Z Z. aw .n per -a�vn env \ U � tr a� 6 j 0 EL F 6`3 ®s G£ypIR \�S \ `• HS LN d 38 F • f • bN j � \ f ijb join SS ¢ww �gSB J 44 c \ F• R OJT. Q� I �LB fillvx o gull. � ^uM M 02'119 9WL/r/�'ll^Ho� by'llll-fM1tl\lM-uvle\610156[[\-a �p'un-ewd\us-xrN\sw,sstt\z b'sU arrvr, nu 16M1 qua sooz 'w w°r MvG low `9J DO SI 26 0 �i 111 11 uayaso �oaan J a oe_ e\ 1 I I CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JAN 0 6 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT \ �J c �JJ J 1 <. X n].a zV I V re]36 enn re]vv Imvsc I�rEOSE \ I \ N _ a® Scale 1' = 50 ft Revised January 4, 2006 Revised December 30, 2005 - 5 tots Revised August 0, 2003 - 3 lots Revised AprH 22, 2003 Revised Ap Il 1, 2003 Revised March 27, 2003 Revised February 7, 2003 Revised February 6, 2003 Revised December, 27, 2002 Revised December 19, 1997 Revised December 15, 1997 Revised June 10, 1996- Drtveway e.senents / / b� a 0 q4 / l s.e � L_41_ �O Q arp s r r m .ex+ uaMntro i t a,n. WwSs aMiBa Ixin K@ aro' le Fxt h U/rp egprYp r{»r-eF+y. rN.s a .vo.w an m. d x II LO! 1, A-= 1- 2 , LOT 2 ILOfX 1- M4, LOT 3, K" I- IIJKI LOT 1. 9LR]: I- 3 4" LOT s, BLDo, I- Z3gt3 POVEFS CIFCLE- 16.71 TOTAL AREA- 162,205 mo Ft 6X 6, t uBuilding Site .nI o ess therwise noted on draimg s� �99.9 1�a' Note: Lots 2 & 3 will be served by driveway easement. Dr.roge & Utility Easements are 10 Feet In width .long street lines and 5 feet in width along lot lines. (unless noted otherwise on or.wing) PPli m-3Sib`V LE6AL DESCRIPTION L.r 4 wm 1, HILLSIDE IWT OWNERS & DEVELOPER Mtl ROFFaW emv ea...: mw..wa Lrw.u.om., HH m1] 3c,-6avv SURVEYOR OemvzYatrW cvb Su'vyws, IM. 3a:L Nun,-- Lek NynauM, ,W RUl 7T COVERAGE: R 1. LQ1tY Sa rT. eeo sa rr. roml = SQ FT. aev 19..35O FT.a.7 Kepe = 20.]3X H Z ]LOW I °iewr - wo sa F.. - .vm Se - - zossv27 so. F1 xoa =1. aT 3, YlLK 1. I Fh. Ia) sa. Om, - Ia.Til I a F! Mea = 3(L?z 3ya F! Iazz or 1, am I. 114 3N2 Sa. FI. roe.l = 3m7m. rt. ♦ MOVMNn wr y =10.1x Lot 5, BLOLC L Atb. . = Sa FT. h«ewr - .Gy su FT. row = 14e sn rr M . 1."T W. FT, LpT 1 aore/Oae �2.,x Zorwng - Existing A-2 Proposed RSF Setbacks RSF - 30 Feet Front 30 Feet Rear 10 Feet Side aA PRELIMINARY PLAT - /REPARED f'UA ROSSAVIK ADDITION ARILD ROSSAVIK Da W E Crvd,, LS 1Xeke IYy Z$IH li ►1► i� 111 ��1 III 1" I I ph I j 1 I f CBI CITY OF CHANHASSE�- j 1 RECEIVED 1 / IaN 0 6 2006 7HANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT o zs so IOU \ SCALE IN 'EET NOTES: 1. 20' STREET TYPICAL, VATH 30' HAMMER HEAD TURN AROUND. (7 TON DESIGN) 7 LANDSCAPING TO BE PROVIDED AS SHOWN WITH NO ONE SPECIES ACCOUNTING FOR MORE THAN ONE-THIRD OF TOTAL PLANTINGS GRADING LEGEND TREE REMOVAL PROPOSED 4" CONIFEROUS TREE Q PROPOSED 4" DECIDUOUS TREE o PROPOSED SHRUB ------LIMITS OF GRADING EROSION CONTROL 7' BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE SPEC LVWE350308 X' BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPEC LMI111350300 Y C5 AGGREGATE BASE Ir' SELECT GRANULARL SUBBASE PLACE ON APROVED SUBGRADE HAY BALES WOO[ ag WI1 . AMW110 WOOL ♦ ®IQY[ IAlR 141E t 1® V®1 M ROI A IR`Ofl YPAAII ? M VmIM >Z ,IA M SIOE m,PreAw Wool o��wmd FNmuus ovExw CEoT FABRC 6' AND ENDINEERING FABRIC (YIRM ENNRO_FENCE STEEL FpC[ W APPRp`h0 EQUAL) POSTS T-T' D.G F. 11E91 Rf}FCRLEIETIT ElDSTNG GRWNp, --+.I 9 Iv `QURY BOTipI W' NOTE: PAID FOR AS SILT FENCE -HEAVY DUTY CCNTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OF ALL EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS FOLLOWING TURF ESTABLISHMENT EROSION CONTROL FENCE 3° �8; „� BY DATE RED DESUWP N N i1raN�� 700 M. Bb. BqM WMYM>•L w eau maTnu �F,. NVnY CFR THAT MS PLAN, sPEv cATNR M REPORT W PISPAR BY qE MQ1E W pRECT SU 9d AND THAT I. A pILY LICENSm FN TIE IAWS STATE DF T POWERS CIRCLE PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN OWNER: ARILD ROSSAAK 9 NO 2 MEAM1 BY' MAF DE9d BY: RJG.GSB cse DWG NAYS PWR mx OATS MINE 1, 2004 cars DAIS MN MG Na .zasrig yl II I I I liu I nn11 IId,i J�---_I L__J ;11, �I —----���--------------- I n II n n // I clrY nI \n II I / �/ OF CHANHASSEN n/ n I / �� RECEIVED / 0 6 2006 d /l lI l j \� CHANHASSEN P dINNING DEPi \ / SAN. MH 3 d \ / RE 911.43 d IE 896.11 (IN) 4-IE 89266 (OUT) MW/ O 107'-8" PVC / / d / d� / / �_� 0 25 50 100 OX `M>� _ 1\ O 0. 6" PVC C-900 / i \ / / W ��, •• �/ Bn,.y� � \ WATERMAIN SCAt[ N FEET / sp/s �. 'sA / // / ce 1 / 4/ry --VC HN. // / / I // / /// / EE 899.80 (fin REN906H4 ,. \ \Y / r �� SA / IE 89218 ((IN)CONNECT TO EXIST. IE 89218 (OUT)dd rl/\\ FII a <= -� o p 8" SAN. SEWER STUB ) g9EE MG, MHCB 2 r[usv \ \♦ /- ,0�� II / A / � RE 903.80 / 11J. IE 899.49 (IN) .' I IE 899.39 (OUT) OrvFage Q UtdityV / / ��� Emmnant-T y31-12 RCP O 1.00% at xp�\., / / n \ / CONNECT TO E70ST. $ r�r Do. V H / / //E SY 6" WATERMAIN STUB RELOCATED FIRE u• t�Dro*7 y h Utd,tr HYDRANT -12" RCP MHCB 3 \ %e O 6.09X RE 897.5 EOS°'"'Tt ' / / 4!• / / / / / n 21--12" RCP IE 893.50 O 0.38% �� O / f CONNECT TO EXIST. CB SS 7 ` i J of I 111 / / // / EXIST. CB RE 898.42 e�rY1 6'• \ _, b' // r SAN. MH 2 IE 893.42 \ SAN. MH 1 AT '�154 - I I n , / p RE 913.64 RE 905,40 l / n l , III / 11 IE 896.88 IN) IE 897.50 I , n I / I, IE 896.78 OUT) 1 I I d I If / If 71'-12" RCP RCP n I r/ O 13.44X \ O 1.OX // ;' 4 RE 9 n 11 I I RE 0 MHCB 5 / I IE 903.14.14 (IN) ^ RE 907.75 /) , I II , ! IE 903.04 (OUT) / IE 90 .7 ' 75 1 N. \.`' () I III I I II I Ipl1 II 37951019 „� .Y DATE REAS WS DES�WADN �; „TMAT �MS� ;� , POWERS CIRCLE SET"° >w•„� N�� pXECf IJq 1XAT I. A OULY RJG R GM �rrrr w wr y' UNOER M' L �C]TAOTOA rr UAS STATE 6 T Qom" odan. er: DAa .A�mv,. w PRELIMINARY ARILD ROSSAMK GSfi PAR-UTI DA,E s�.y unurY PLAN 2 JANUARY 20, 2003 DAM" IAI \ Greg 8 Shlreen Kahle, 8742 Flamingo Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 well 08740 \ 25-3980080 EXIST. Soo G8 Powers Boulevard B HOUSE \ .38o EXIST, Chanhassen, 8750 Porters MN551 ,., Chanhassen, MN 55317 CK / �\h U 25-3530010 e S GARAGE � e cotro"� 3736 \ Steven 8 Kristl Buon 8740 Flamingo Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 EXIST. or 25-3980090 g'As�JS' O ar / F�a t �f s rO�� J p Cheryl Doty r'Ql ` I "4p+tr' oilr�iRS C, S736 Flamingo Dr. J l•l Chanhassen, MN 55317B'J� 25-3980100 e Serbat, al3 tl8800 > / A+ HOUSE 1,Broirage R Utilityitdn9k / Easement— // �j / setbo / CD of st,toag —T\ ko ti bo / G � � l� �i 15• / ` 1S2 — � � l � ° / 7 njni co �Rroinage & Uti(itya1 \ ��l li \ \ v a !U ni l a Easements /l 8D � /� / o �� Lo !I DEMARS—GABRIEL LAND SURVEYORS, INC 3030 Harbor Lane No. Plymouth, MN 55447 Phone:(763) 559-0908 Fax :(763) 559-0479 o 0 % S 79°27 z1n e 0 281. a 54 — _I I hereby certify that this survey plan or report was prepared by me File No. PREPARED FOR. or under my direct supervision and that 1 am a duly Registered Land 11986 tree Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. As surveyed by r this 4th day of January, 2008. Book -Pepe nOe David E. Crook Blinn. Reg. No. 22414 Scale 1"=50' a /a 4 ° � o ,a J 6800 Powers Ad CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JAN 0 6 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT _'P1 ff//VZ W//ff #8740 EXIST. HOUSE 8736 EXIST. DEMARS—GABRIEL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 3030 Harbor Lane No. Plymouth, MN 55447 Phone:(763) 559-0908 Fax :(763) 559-0479 B 330 7I0 EXIST. ey6ark '_l 48800 61 XIST. 110 HOUSE / 1w1.10 vNkd of / Uad J / o is cm 1/0Ai / 7 INS L v/ a c _/ O� Q3 �r l p ti 21 „ _ ��I7p / It > �^ N JAN 1 8 p( CHANHASSEN PLANNIN / a \ o / 1 Ogffl��,9DD/l0�/ / Deaofes /fee /o be Aemos'ea, �1av Tofo/ Uo%ad Poice/Areo = J,72 acres , l /o1a/ Camp, = a.96 acres /41, 512S sq. /f./ /Bose%ne Camop` Coler = 26 X aimum CoaaPf Coreioge AI/abed M 9,4'12.96 sq, //./ Proposed /fee Rrseryafiao = 2DTt J2, MAf sq. Jf./ / Tree Reo/acemeat. ,01ereace is Caaopy eohera9e = 152/VJ2 sq. A/ ,lfo/bp'/rer = 1.2 Tofo/ /Iep/ocems�f = I9A95. IB sq. ff. Tofo!A.0/Trees /o Ae P/aafed = 19 flees Tab/e of Cr R quired Buffer AMV P/oe11�7S law"ev Rwmy' Eas//ugxd7 4 e- 6 oreis/a7 a cress/ay Avffa7aid /.iami-a/a7 /6und',T&7 IB s`iruhs a SAM& / ggo MW is asnre !ho/ ere7MM AeAM" o/ /he south MOW pWsed, im/e slwl to &/p screewy of hmWfhfs Ar /he propeitY /o ar south The Ae - Me /a tr *16d in o slogge d pcf/sn erery IS fee/ ab y Me /&70 at /he (um-oraind I herebycertify that this survey 1"` ""' PREPARED FOR.• Y y plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land 11986 tree Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Boot -Page OVAs surveyed by me this 4th day of Janvary, 2006.*//Ll/ ^��/t«Qi__,G F __d�� David E. Crook Minn. Reg. No. 22414 1 1"=60• Ren3ed %IE/a6 8800 PDX6' lrs B/m Message ` Page I of I Generous, Bob To: ar@arild.us Subject: RE: 5 lot split Arild: I have reviewed the plan you gave me 1/3/05 The lot areas may not include the area of the private street easement, so those numbers will have to be revised with a gross and net square footage. Fortunately, the impervious surface within the excluded area is also excluded from calculation of site coverage. This is not a custom graded development. Full drainage, grading and erosion control plans are required. House types (e.g., WO, FB, LO) and elevations are required. The private street would need to be included on the plans. A turn around, acceptable to the Fire Marshal and Engineering must be added. We will not permit the private driveways to serve as the turn around. This leads to too much conflict for future residents. Include preliminary construction plans for Powers Circle, utilities and storm water improvements. Note the front yards for Lots 2 and 3 are, by City Code section 20-615 (7), the northern property lines, which require a 30 foot setback. Provide dimension information on the building setback lines. Tree Preservation calculations are required including the tree survey. Provide landscape plan. Bob -----Original Message ----- From: ar@arild.us [mailto:ar@arild.us] Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:12 PM To: Generous, Bob Subject: 5 lot split Hi Bob After consulting I will request primary 5 lot split That will be the same as i applied for in 2003 . My surveyor is updating the plot, But I may be able to use the grading and utility connections by URS whiteout any changes before final plat application vision a possible shared Cul De Sac and 6 lot split I may ask to copy the ones you have on file. /_T1it:l 1/4/2006 0 0 50 100 Scale 1" = 50 AREAS,, LOT 1, BLOCK 1- 21,041 LOT 2, BLOCK 1- 23,147 LOT 3, BLOCK 1- 41,746.4 LOT 4, BLOCK 1- 36,499 LOT 5, BLOCK 1- 23,023 POWERS CIRCLE- 16,748.6 Cow w IIv cActtf— kl v✓u 162,205 SO, FT. 25-3530020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION,, Lot 2, Block 1, HILLSIDE OAKS ❑WNERS & DEVEL17PER,, Arild Rossavik 8800 Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 361-6006 SURVEYER,, Demars-Gabriel Land Surveyors, Inc, 3030 Harbor Lane Plymouth, MN 55447 559-0908 LET COVERAGE,, LOT 1, BLOCK 11 Bldg. = 3600 SO. FT. Driveway = 880 SO, FT. Total = 3917 SO. FT, Area = 21,041 SO, FT. LOT I coverage = 21.2% LOT 2, BLOCK 1+ Bldg. = 3600 SO, FT, Driveway = 400 SO, FT. Total = 4000 SO. FT. Area = 23,147 SO. FT, LOT 2 coverage = 17,37 LOT 3, BLOCK 11 Bldg. = 3600 SO, FT, Driveway = 400 SO, FT. Total = 4000 90, FT, Area = 41,746.4 SO. FT LOT 3 coverage = 9.6% LOT 4, BLOCK 1l Bldg. = 3422 SO. FT, Driveway = 495 SO, FT. Total = 3917 SO, FT. Area = 36,499 90, FT LOT 4 coverage =10.77 LOT 5, BLOCK 1+ Bldg. = 3600 SO, FT, Driveway = 400 SO, FT. Total = 4000 SO, FT. Area = 16,748.6 SO, FT. LOT 4 coverage = 23,9% Revised December 30, 2005 - 5 lots 1�,`� � )) 10 25-3530030 I \ CUSTOM 60 X 60 Building Site CtypJ � unless otherwise noted on drawing m J Revised August 8, 2003 - 3 lots � � Revised April 22, 2003 ( Utility & Ilrainage Easerients are shown thus � i l Zoning - Existing A-2 Revised April 1, 2003 coo -Building Sites to be Custom Graded- Proposed RSF Revised March 27, 2003 —� Revised February 7, 2003 V o i op ° - Revised February 6, 20030 Feet Front 0 Note; Lots 2 & 3 will be served b driveway easement, Setbacks RSF Revised December 27, 202 � V � — J � — — y y Revised December 18, 1997 \>\ 30 Feet Rear �— Drainage & UtilityEasements are 10 feet in width 10 Feet Side Revised December 15, 1997 Being S feet In �r/dth adjoining lot lines, Unless g Revised June 10, 1996- Driveway easements otherwise indicated, and io feet /n width aa'lo/ning along street fines and 5 feet !n width along lot lines, right-oF-way lines, as shown on the plat (unless noted otherwise on drawing) I hereby certify that this Is a true and correct representation of a survey of File No. PREPARED F�RI the boundaries of the above described land and of the location of all buildings, 11986 PRELIMINARY PLAT DENfARS-GABRM If any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, If any, from or on sold land. yam LAND SURV"ORS, INC. As curve ed by me this June, 1996, Book -Page Plymouth, Harbor Lana Na 346-10 R 0SSA VIK ADDITION A RILD R 0SSA VIK Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone,(612) 559-0908 David E. Crook, L,S. MN License No. 22414 Scale 1'=50' CIO", CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEC 1 9 2005 a? CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT 1 •W36 1 LXIST Fxls7r� � Mals --1---Z N _ 0 50 100 tS0 Scale V = 50 ft Revised Decenber 12, 2005 Revised July 14, 2004 Revised August 0, 2003 - 3 lots Revised April 22, 2003 Revised April 1, 2003 Revised March 27, 2003 Revised February 7, 2003 Revised February 6, 2003 Revised Decenber 27, 2002 Revised Decenber 16, 1997 Revised Decenber 15, 1997 Revised June 10, 1996- Drivewav / q2o r o t'J l Cjv / (C / NJ / LOT CDVERAGE� LOT » XOCK n / Totoi = 3917 W. FT. 1 wet A,wo = 61.76a3 0. FT, LOT I careeaOe = wBX LOT idp / = IBSFT. M we.a = n] m n. Totall - 2560 so. FT. r wee = 3A7B651 Sa FT uw. LOT 2 mpe = 7bF rLOT 3, MOCK 11 Mtlp 3600 mO. FT. r trwe.av' Sbe SFT. T.f.l = 3 . SO. Fr / Net = 29R61.7 Sa CT. cvver. LOT 3 ye =13eX / TOta' Cnve,agr 101396 So. FT. To41 wet Mea 61,71d3 SO. FT. Tatol Co —gw, 12./7. I .e,x.�tr are rrn.n n..r: i AREAS LOT 1, 1.➢LC 1- 95.97 Sa FT. LOT 2, 8IX% I- S.73L9 Sa FT. LOT 3. &OCK 1- ]O.e99b m FT. T13TAL AREA- 162,205 m FT. 60 X 60 Building Site (type) unless otherwise noted on drawing g99 ,9 log' n -Building Sites to be Custon Graded- r— _ -- Note Lots 2 8 3 will be served by driveway easement. Drainage 8 Utility Easements are 10 Feet in width A,w,w.Arwr tc °d i 10 1�fF vtA�ryy,r�F along street lines and 5 Feet in width along lot fines. �TheL o, ricm an Mw doe (unless noted otherwise on drawing) PID, 25-353 LEGAL DESCRIPTIDN, Let 2, Mode L -MLS2E WS DVNERS 8 DEVELDPER, ✓ed Ras V4 eMm ed.rs 6arwva s.5m7 cnanwssen, rN ]61-6aX SURVEYOR Iwm,s-God-iel Land Wveyw's, Gc ]II]0 NonnQ L354 559-O , ww 5su7 559-0908 Zoning - Existing A-2 Proposed RSF Setbacks REF - 30 Feet Front 30 Feet Rear 10 Feet Side =Meats :�°°^ �^%+� u9e6 PRELIMINARY PLAT PREPMU FM wryw�__ ROSSAVIK ADDITION ARILD ROSSAVIK IkvM E L,ocN. L.S NI LKense Na 22111 sole 1'=SIY Ii� y ' 1 " Iaon • .uu ���l�� 1 Iail•�' iN_i,'__ �� OF FA FYsic% / AI i • 1 .. • F' ®��m®POWERS CIRCLE PRELIMINARY• ' • GRADING, DRAINAGE AND FAA - SCANNED msr. MbE le 4ot __o 'EXIST. HOUSE \ SAMT YSOR 26 \ L— _ AA�L 'Ry 5 K'A7p� \ \ (rYpC,u�y� / / P 0.40t %'VC I 1 3]951019 IMM Fir. MAI, G6B XNE EXIST. HOUSE 36'-8" PVC C-9 WATERMAIN O .40" PVC 00.40 E I,�11lll l�� II11 II11 I „1 llll IIII 111 I nll 11 �� III ll/I lI 11 111 1lll I/ l/ p nlj /n I nl 1�,�'ti nnl I �lii /i l lli lti �. am ' C—9 WA f/WATERIMAIN 6" PVC C4(0TT/0�� 1 / AN. H 2 / / 0 26 I 60 10D IN FEET CONNECT TO EXIST. g' SAN. SEWER slue I / CONNECT TO EXIST. �— - CITY OF CHANHASSEN 6" WATERMAIN STUB RECEIVED �(G DEC 0 2 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT // / / I Cf TO I ' EXIST. CB /// "RCP / /, / / 90.30.38E / I n / / l I l / ECONSTRUCT TRAIL AFTER a�x r lI I I n I Il / I I l/ 1 1 l I nil STM CONST. I n f l 111 I I n / 7l'-12" RCP 81'-12" RCP a II l/ l/ a / O 13.44E 01.0E Ilp I 1 nll I 1 I Ill / c I i INi�I 1 111 1 II 1 I ul e� III I III I 1� .oa i."1 � DUILm IF uws ar .wramoo T. cm evaro.ms s.. J MHCB 3 SAN. MH 1 SAN. MH 3 RE 907.8 RE 909.10 RE 910 IE 093.50 IE 897.50 IE 896.11 (IN) IE 892.66 (OUT) MHCB 4 SAN. MH 2 RE 907. o4 (I RE 915.20 SAN. MH 4 IE 90 0IE OUT) IE 896.88 (IN) RE 906.10 IE 896.78 (OUT) IE 892.18 (IN) MHCB IE 892.18 (OUT) RE 90 .8 IE 90 5 nc / S 6D011N OF N0.��LL4 POWERS CIRCLE PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 9 N0. OWNER: 2 ARILD ROSSAMK 1 / 2 SCANNED N w 31 Iao O Scale 1' = 50 Revised July 14, 2004 Revised August 8, 2003 - 3 lots Revised April 22, 2003 Revised April 1, 2003 Revised March 27, 2003 Revised February 7, 2003 Revised February 6, 2003 Revised December 27, 2002 Revised December 18, 1997 Revised December 15, 1997 Revised June 10, 1996- Driveway easements PRELIMINARY PLAT uxa susvarors. Bic „ < 3e6-10 r.,,,..um ssr-ors Ia vH E.Croo, LS W Lk..No 22414 1'5' vrrew i,dtorcc e, r4y,rcr-.eY JMrs, as ours � ss nwm agp+m r per. ROSSAVIK ADDITION vl�. 1 0,3' AREAS, LOT 1, K= I- n,9J33 Sa FT. LOT 2, )LOCK 1- ".mg Sa. fT. LOT 3, ROCY: 1- 3a4M SQ FT. TOTAL AREA- 162,205 sn ", aa,u 60 X 60 Building Site (typ.) unless otherwise noted on drawing -Building Sites to be Custom Graded- Note, Lots 2 R 3 will be served by driveway easement Drainage B Utility Easements are 10 feet /n width along street lines and 5 feet in width along lot lines. (unless noted otherwise on drawing) I PREPARED FM PID, 25-353 LEGAL DESCRIPTIOw Lot 2, Nock 1, MLLSIX atw5 OVNERS 6 DEVELOPER, Mkd wosiorF eem CM/IM.5SLJ o..s s u 17 - IW M-wb-FBI( SURVEYOR, hmro-WbN LwM S,eveyars, inc. YLM MrGx Lune RY^ovtF, IN SSHJ sss-n9m Zoning - Existing A-2 Proposed RSF Setbacks RSF - 30 Feet Front 30 Feet Rear 10 Feet Side ARILD ROSSAVIK 'ITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEC 0 2 2005 VHASSEN PLANNING SCANNED 0� / N1 i<1 < V�V� I I#8730 \ EXIST. IHOUSE I ISusan & me: 0 50 100 150 Scale 1" = 50 f t #8736 EXIST. HOUSE cly \ a 6 anha: j #8 742 EXIST, HOUSE #8740 \ EXIST, HOUSE , u I 330 f & Jaque n Blzek Powers oulevard iasse , MN 55317) / �9 Set ac Well \� IC AREA sketch 18800 XIST, HOUSE l l i drainage & l O utility J Cr N Qj / btr y I °al ' !n ll dtii 01P O O ='l1d/n9 381,54 -___, a N)�j ayme & Carol Lee \\ \\\, \I (1 1380 Oaksfde Circle anhossen, MN Revised December 12, 2005 0 O 25-3530 30 Revised July 14, 2004 rn Revised August 8, 2003 - 3 lots Revised April 22, 2003 J �� Revised April 1, 2003 Revised March 27, 2003 Revised February 7, 2003 Revised February 6, 2003 Revised December 27, 2002 V Revised December 18, 1997 \iJ Revised December 15, 1997 � Revised June 10, 1996- Driveway easements / LOT 2, BLOCK 1: Bldg. = 1851 SO, FT. / Driveway = 713 SQ. FT. PID/ 25-3530020 Total = 2564 SO, FT. AREAS/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION! Net Area = 33,788.51 SQ, FT, / LOT 2 coverage = 7.6% LOT 1, BLOCK 1- 95,973,5 SQ. FT. Lot 2, Block 1, HILLSIDE OAKS LOT 2, BLOCK 1- 35,731.9 SQ, FT, / LOT 3, BLOCK 11 LOT 3, BLOCK 1- 30,499,6 SO. FT. OWNERS & DEVELOPER/ Bldg. = 3600 SO, FT. Driveway = 908 SQ, FT. TOTAL AREA- 162,205 SQ, FT, Arild Rossavik / Total = 3917 SQ, FT. 8800 Powers Boulevard Net Area = 29,261.7 SO, FT. Chanhassen, MN 55317 I LOT 3 coverage = 13,4% 361-6006 / Total Coverage! 10,398 SO. FT. SURVEYOR; Total Net Area = 81,760.3 SQ. FT. Total Coverage: 12,47 Demars-Gabriel Land Surveyors, Inc, OF CHANHASSEN CITY RECEIVED I 3030 Harbor Lane Plymouth, MN 55447 DEC 1 9 2005 ' S59-0908 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Utility &Drainage EasPrients are shown thus; I I soo _ I I 0 i o o 56161 teeing 5 fee t in width adjoining lot lines, unless o therwise indrea teol, and to fee t in width adjoining right-of-way lines, as shown on the Plat, CUSTOM 60 X 60 Building Site (typ,) unless otherwise noted on drawing -Building Sites to be Custom Graded - Note/ Lots 2 & 3 will be served by driveway easement, Drainage & Utility Easements are 10 feet in width along street lines and 5 feet in width along lot lines. (unless noted otherwise on drawing) Zoning - Existing A-2 Proposed RSF Setbacks RSF - 30 Feet Front 30 Feet Rear 10 Feet Side I hereby certify that this Is a true and correct representation of a survey of r((e ivo, the boundaries of the above described land and of the location of all buildings, 11996 PRELIMINARY PLAT PREPARED F13R., DEMAW-GAMM if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. yam_ UND SUBS' MRS� DYC. As surveyedaK me this 5t day of June, 1996. Book -Page 4 346-10 ROSSA VIK ADDITION A RILD R OSSA VIK 3030 Harbor Lane Na - Phone,(1 MN 55441 -09 Phone�<612) 559-0908 David E, Crook, L.S.-MN License No, 22414 Scale 1'-50' N 0 50 100 Scale 1' = 50 Revised July 14, 2004 Revised August 8, 2003 - 3 lot_ Re vise April 22, 2003 Revised April 1, 2003 Revised March 27, 2003 Revised February 7, 2003 Revised February 6, 2003 Revised December 27, 2002 Revised December 18, 1997 Revised December 15, 1997 Revised June 10, 1996- Driveway easements I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the above described land and of the location of all bAdIngs, DEMARS—GABRM If any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, If any, from or on sold land LAM Si%I3MORS, AM As surveyed by me this Sth day of June, 1996. 11986 Book-Paf 346-10 Scale 1'=50' PRELIMINARY PLAT i-- o �soo� Being S fee t m width adjoining lot (Ines, unless o therwlse inoOk-a tea, and Jo feet in width ad, joining r 0/7 t-of-way lines, as shown on thip pla t. ROSSA VIK ADDITION AREAS; LOT 1, BLOCK 1- 95,973.5 SO, FT. LOT 2, BLOCK 1- 35,731.9 SO. FT. LOT 3, BLOCK 1- 30,499.6 SO. FT. 162,205 SO, FT. 60 Building otherwise Site (typ.) noted on -Building Sites to be Custom Graded - Note., Lots 2 & 3 will be served by driveway easement, Drainage & Utility Easements are 10 feet in width along street lines and 5 feet in width along lot lines. (unless noted otherwise on drawing) PREPARED FDRI PID, 25-3530020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION., Lot 2, Block 1, HILLSIDE OAKS DVNERS & DEVELDPERI Arild Rossavik 8800 Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-~- og#4 SURVEYDRI Demars-Gabriel Land Surveyors, Inc. 3030 Harbor Lane Plymouth, MN 55447 559-0908 Existing A-2 Proposed RSF Setbacks RSF - 30 Feet Front 30 Feet Rear 10 Feet Side A RILD ROSSA VIK 30= Harbor Lane Noy Plymouth, HN 55"1 phone.l612) 559-0908 22414 #8736 a- / Lai Ln 0) PAW Y UT F F- a r N ,i d- 0 0 N 0 �i Q 0 0 J a_ •8742 EXIST. HOUSE DESIGN FILE: 37951019 DRAWN BY: MAF CHKED. BY: GSB DATE: JUNE 1, 2004 REV. BY DATE REVISIONS DESCRIPTION NO. DESIGN BY: RJG,GSB DWG. NAME: PWR-GR1 Thresher Square 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, MN 55418 612.370.0700 Tel 612.370.1378 Fax F 0 25 50 SCALE IN NOTES: 1. 20' STREET TYPICAL, WITH 30' HAMMER HEAD TURN AROUND. (7 TON DESIGN) 2. LANDSCAPING TO BE PROVIDED AS SHOWN WITH NO ONE SPECIES ACCOUNTING FOR MORE THAN ONE-THIRD OF TOTAL PLANTINGS. GRADING LEGEND TREE REMOVAL PROPOSED 4" CONIFEROUS TREE PROPOSED 4" DECIDUOUS TREE PROPOSED SHRUB — — — — — — LIMITS OF GRADING EROSION CONTROL 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE SPEC LVWE35030B 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPEC LVNW35030C 8" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE 12" SELECT GRANULAR SUBBASE PLACE ON APROVED SUBGRADE (MNDOT SPEC. 2112) INSET A I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF /THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 11 - GREGORY S. BROWN DATE: _MN LIC. NO. 9291'1 100 FEET POWERS CIRCLE PRELIMINARY WIRE OR TWNE BALES PLACED ON EDGE BUTTED TIGHT TWO STAKES PER BALE EMBEDDED IN GROUND 10" MINIMUM 3" EARTH FILL DIRECTION OF FLOW m HAY BALES ROCK SIZE SHOULD BE AASHTO /1 ROCK A GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE USED UNDER THE ROCK TO PREVENT MIGRATION OF THE UNDERLYING SOIL INTO THE STONE OVERLAP GEOTEX71LE FABRIC 6" AND FAS1 GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN STEEL FFNC� POSTS 7 -7 O.C. b r7 EXISTING GROUND' = -ENGINEERING FABRIC MIRAFI ENVIRO-FENCE R APPROVED EQUAL) WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT BURY BOTTOM 6" OF FABRIC NOTE: PAID FOR AS SILT FENCE -HEAVY DUTY CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OF ALL EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS FOLLOWING TURF ESTABLISHMENT EROSION CONTROL FENCE OWNER: ARILD ROSSAVIK SHEET NO. 1 2 #8736 r 7D 0' n In I`.03 102111 Q0 0 w 72 Q z w J L� Y (n F) E N 6i Q 0 J #8742 EXIST. HOUSE DESIGN FILE: 37951019 DRAWN BY. DESIGN BY: MAF GSB CHKED. BY: DWG. NAME: GSB PWR—UTY DATE: JUNE 1, 2004 NO. I BY I DATE 0. REVISIONS DESCRIPTION CONNECT TO EXIST. 8" SAN. SEWER STUB CONNECT TO EXIST. 6" WATERMAIN STUB -21'-12" RCP ® 0.38% RECONSTRUCT TRAIL AFTER STM CONST. 71'-12" RCP ® 13.44% III I I III .$AN. MH II I I I II Thresher Square 700 Third Street South Um Minneapolis, MN 68415 612.370.0700 Tel 812.370.1378 Fax MHCB 3 RE 907.8 IE 893.50 04 (OUT) SAN. MH 1 RE 909.10 IE 897.50 SAN. MH 2 RE 915.20 IE 896.88 (IN) IE 896.78 (OUT) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. GREGORY S. BROWN DATE: _MN UC. NO. 0 25 50 100 SCALE IN FEET SAN. MH 3 RE 910 IE 896.11 (IN) IE 892.66 (OUT) SAN. MH 4 RE 906.10 IE 892.18 (IN) IE 892.18 (OUT) POWERS CIRCLE PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN ../ryGr- Ci��Q ss�N G;pggygS '005 SHEET NO. OWNER: 2 ARILD ROSSAVIK (a-10 i. 0 50 100 Scale 1" = 50 Revised July 14, 2004 Revised August 8, 2003 - 3 lot! Revised April 22, 2003 Revised April 1, 2003 Revised March 27, 2003 Revised February 7, 2003 Revised February 6, 2003 Revised December 27, 2002 Revised December 18, 1997 Revised December 15, 1997 Revised June 10, 1996- Driveway easements I hereby certify that this Is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the above described land and of the location of all buddn" DEM"S-GABRM If any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, If any, from or on sold land Lam SUM' ORS' AWL' As surv�yed by me this Sth day of June, 1996. 11986 ,"M- PRELIMINARY PLAT Being S feet in width ad, joining lot /fines, unless otherw/se inatIcatep; and 10 feet In wldth adjolning righ t-of-way Unes, as shown on the pla t. ROSSA VIK ADDITION AREAS: LOT 1, BLOCK 1- 95,973.5 So. FT. LOT 2, BLOCK 1- 35,731.9 SO. FT. LOT 3, BLOCK 1- 30,499.6 Sa FT, 162,205 so, FT. 60 Building Site (typ.) otherwise noted on drawing -Building Sites to be Custom Graded - Note; Lots 2 & 3 will be served by driveway easement, Drainage & Utility Easements are 10 feet in width along street lines and 5 feet in width along lot lines. (unless noted otherwise on drawing) PREPARED FOR; PIDI 25-3530020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION; Lot 2, Block 1, HILLSIDE OAKS OWNERS & DEVELOPER; Arild Rossavik 8800 Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-448- 094¢ SURVEYOR; Demars-Gabriel Land Surveyors, Inc. 3030 Harbor Lane Plymouth, MN 55447 559-0908 Existing A-2 Proposed RSF Setbacks RSF - 30 Feet Front 30 Feet Rear 10 Feet Side A RILD ROSSA VIK 3030 Harbor Lam Na Plymouth, W 55"1 Phone4612) 559-0909 Da vid E. No. 22414 346-10 1'=50' 1 1 17' 1 08736 3 X 0 n / V) z Q J n / O L0 0) E N m d- 0 O N 0 w Q 0 J n 08742 EXIST, HL7USE DESIGN FILE: 37951019 DRAWN BY: MAF CHKED. BY. GSB DATE: JUNE 1, 2004 REV. BY DATE REVISIONS DESCRIPTION NO. DESIGN BY: RJG, GSB DWG. NAME: PWR-GR1 Thresher Square 700 Thlyd Street South Mlnneapolls, MN 65416 612.370.0700 Tel 612.370.1378 Fax 0 25 50 100 SCALE IN FEET NOTES: 1. 20' STREET TYPICAL, WITH 30' HAMMER HEAD TURN AROUND. (7 TON DESIGN) 2. LANDSCAPING TO BE PROVIDED AS SHOWN WITH NO ONE SPECIES ACCOUNTING FOR MORE THAN ONE-THIRD OF TOTAL PLANTINGS. GRADING LEGEND TREE REMOVAL PROPOSED 4" CONIFEROUS TREE PROPOSED 4" DECIDUOUS TREE PROPOSED SHRUB — — — — — — LIMITS OF GRADING INSET A EROSION CONTROL 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE SPEC LVWE35030B 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPEC LVNW35030C 8" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE 12" SELECT GRANULAR SUBBASE PLACE ON APROVED SUBGRADE (MNDOT SPEC. 2112) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF /THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. — / GREGORY S. BROWN DATE: o _MN LIC. NO. o� POWERS CIRCLE PRELIMINARY WIRE OR TWINE BALES PLACED ON EDGE BUTTED TIGHT TWO STAKES PER BALE EMBEDDED IN GROUND 10" MINIMUM 3" EARTH FlLL DIRECTION OF FLOW HAY BALES ROCK SIZE SHOULD BE AASHTO j1 ROCK A GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE USED UNDER THE ROCK TO PREVENT MIGRATION OF THE UNDERLI1NG SOIL INTO THE STONE. OVERLAP GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 6" AND FASI GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN STEEL FFNC� POSTS 7 —7 O.C. - 0 r7 EXISTING GROUND" = — ENGINEERING FABRIC MIRAFI ENVIRO—FENCE R APPROVED EQUAL) WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT BACKFILL BURY BOTTOM 6" OF FABRIC NOTE: PAID FOR AS SILT FENCE -HEAVY DUTY CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OF ALL EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS FOLLOWING TURF ESTABLISHMENT EROSION CONTROL FENCE OWNER: ARILD ROSSAVIK SHEET NO. 1 2 n I— V) z Q J E03 Fr -A w a z w J E f� j li � ll III 1 I III I I I lr i n l4 III ( 1 l ll (( ll I ll I f rl a 111 Illl — r/ a lI( fill ( l l� lI ll l ull 1 I l l/ CB 4 x6742 EXIST. EXIST HOUSE / HOUSE \ 36'-6" PVC <Z3 C-9 WATERMAIN 107,-8" Pvc t ® 0.40% // G L/, N.lIcB \ ® Q 8 P ° 3+2 .73// CONNECT TO EXIST. ' 40y, VC 8" SAN. SEWER STUB BO T. 107f 6" P C H EXIST. I C-9 WAT RMA 1 11 / / / MH HOUSE 6" Pvc c— oo / l /l li ll lil l l WATERMAIN / / / // / /) / // / / CONNECT TO EXIST. OAJ)o / / // // / 6" WATERMAIN :STUB H 2 4 P \ �� / /£ �S �� / / � \ SgIV TAR), 26 (T 2t6o SERV/C WA E "'PER \ (TYP/CgI�ERVICE /\ \ 0.4p9 PVC_ DESIGN FILE: 37951019 DRAWN BY: DESIGN BY: MAF GSB CHKED. BY: DWG. NAME: GSB PWR-UTY DATE: JUNE 1, 2004 REV.I BY I DATE NO. T / 9 �� �ll TA. i M / / 9 Ce4 NC 3 / cp l 14. J B CONNECT TO MHCB 3 EXIST. CB RE '907.8 IE 893.50 21 -1211 RCP MHCB 4 0N.7 RE 907.///®0.38% IE 90 44' (IN) 1 ll ll l / // // Il / ECONSTRUCT IE !3004 (OUT) // TRAIL AFTER lI STM CONST. MHCB c x I 1 ll l lhl RE 90 -.8 coo� 1 l/ ll /� /ll 71'-12" RCP IE 905 3 ao ! 1 111 111 ll ll / 1 ' ® 13.44% 1'-12" RCP ® 1.0% ! I II ll I ! I I ll II l�l I jB II III I II c II B II I I 0 AN. I / I II I II cla �"H 1 1 it II III I � II II II I I III II II I I ll „ u IIII g ---------- s SAN. MH 1 SAN. MH 3 RE 909.10 RE 910 IE 897.50 IE 896.11 (IN) IE 892.66 (OUT) SAN. MH 2 RE 915.20 SAN. MH 4 IE 896.88 (IN) RE 906.10 IE 896.78 (OUT) IE 892.18 (IN) IE 892.18 (OUT) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION REVISIONS DESCRIPTION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY Thresher Square DIRECT SUPERMSION AND THAT I AM A DULY 700 Third Street South LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE Minneapolis, MN 56415 LAWS OF E STATE 70FINNESOTA. 612,370,1378 Tel812,370.1378 Fax .O, / G`REGORY S. BROWN DATE: / 4_MN LIC. NO. 222L° POWER 0 x 0 25 50 100 SCALE IN FEET CIRCLE PRELI INARY UTILI� PLAN SHEET NO. 2 OWNER: ARILD ROSSMAK 2