CAS-03_MINNETONKA MIDDLE SCHOOL WEST / DENNIS CLARK PLANNING CASE 06-03Minnesota Department of Natural Resources November 20, 2006 DNR Waters, 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55106 RECEIVED Phone: (651) 772-7910 Fax: (651) 772-7977 NOV 2 2 2006 Mike Condon, Building & Grounds Supervisor Minnetonka West Middle School Independent School District 276 6421 Hazeltine Blvd. Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RE: SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF RESTORATION ORDER, MINNETONKA WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL, PUBLIC WATER WETLAND #10-132, CARVER COUNTY Dear Mr. Condon: The actions you have taken to remove the sediment that had formed a delta in Public Water Wetland #10-132 and to install features on the middle school grounds as well as on the slope above the wetland to prevent sediment from reaching this Wetland in the future have been determined to be satisfactory based on site inspections and conversations with City of Chanhassen and Carver SWCD staff. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Julie C. Ekman Area Hydrologist c: DNR Conservation Officer, Jackie Glaser DNR Enforcement Supervisor, Scott Carlson DNR Wetland Enforcement Officer, Marty Book City of Chanhassen, Don Asleson Carver SWCD, Mike Wanous Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek WD, Bob Obenneyer St. Paul PW Permits Unit DNR Information: 651-296-6157 • 1-888-646-6367 • TI'Y:651-296-5484 • 1-800-657-3929 An Equal Opportunity Employer Who Values Diversity 4•S' Printed on Recycled Paper Containing a Vs' Minimum of 10% Post -Consumer Waste M11% �4pSr�0F Minnesota Department of Natural Resources mw WowJackie Conservation Officer Glaser 570 W. 78th St, #2001 Chanhassen, MN 55317 P73NN AL15 MN 554 118 .iUL Zki F1-1 - moi :L G o,C- cL,-, 4Qss e., Do,,, A s le sow 7700 Mc.. -kir 131A P 0• box 147 LI^ak�aJSU, M/J 55317 "=-i; .' . LLI,.L1,,,16,.d1lmill .....ILi1;IL..i11I'll ., 11i'i STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ENFORCEMENT DIVISION RESTORATION ORDER EXTENSION RECEIVED JUL 19 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN NOTICE OF RESTORATION ORDER COMPLETION DATE CHANGE LANDOWNER: Independent School District 276 C/O Mike Condon, Mtka West Middle School Buildings and Grounds Sup. CEASE AND DESIST ORDER NUMBER: N/A RESTORATION ORDER DATE: October 26, 2005 RESTORATION COMPLETION DATE: May 31, 2006 The restoration completion date for all restoration work required by the Restoration Order listed above has been changed. By agreement of the Local Government Unit, Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Enforcement authority the completion date listed above is changed to July 31, 2006. All required restoration work must be completed by this date. Failure to comply with Restoration Order is a misdemeanor. CONSERVATION OFFICER: Jacqueline Glaser Signature: Q^''( t Date: July 18, 2006 RETAIN A COPY AND SUBMIT COPIES TO: LANDOWNER, LGU, SWCD Mllµe_ �4p1"�OF Minnesota Department of Natural Resources O N W Conservation Officer �'NAMp� Jackie Glaser 570 W. 78th St, #2001 Chanhassen, MN 55317 DHOV C '} of C�cu�tass� y A-1. '. bo n Rs le soA 7700 M&' -Ye.+ blvd P.O. 6Ox /Y7 cl," (ajsa Mr/ S S 3t7 S= - i 7,--_ i4- I�IIIIII�I��JI��l�llll�lllll� �l�llll� llllllllllllll�l�llld STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ENFORCEMENT DIVISION RESTORATION ORDER EXTENSION NOTICE OF RESTORATION ORDER COMPLETION DATE CHANGE LANDOWNER: Independent School District 276 c/o Mike Condon, Mtka West Middle School Buildings and Grounds Supervisor CEASE AND DESIST ORDER NUMBER: N/A RESTORATION ORDER DATE: October 26, 2005 RESTORATION COMPLETION DATE: May 31, 2006 The restoration completion date for all restoration work required by the Restoration Order listed above has been changed. By agreement of the Local Government Unit, Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Enforcement authority the completion date listed above is changed to June 31, 2006. Afoating silt curtain is to be placed immediately as listed in the Restoration Order. All required restoration work must be completed by this date. Failure to comply with Restoration Order is a misdemeanor. CONSERVATION OFFICER: Jacqueline Glaser Signature: 9,v� Y-'�'( -Ys/ Date: November 15, 2005 Copies submitted to Landowner St. Paul PW Permits Unit DNR WEO, Marty Book City of Chanhassen, Don Asleson DNR Hydrologist, Julie Ekman Carver SWCD, Mike Wanous DNR Enforcement Sup, Scott Carlson Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District Larson Engineering of Minnesota 3524 Labore Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110-5100 MAY. -9.06 Mr. Don Asleson City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55371 ,..,.°OS 0 m 0 0 o POSTAL IA28 .44—, QVI Irlr lrlr 11 rlll r 111 11 l 11 111 l l rll„III I - : LLq► 1 Larson Engineering of Minnesota 3524 Labore Rwd White Bear Lake, MN 55110-5100 651.481.9120 Fax: 651.481.9201 w Aarsonengr.com Project: Reported to: GENERAL: PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE RECEIVED MAY 10 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Minnetonka Public Schools Date: April 27, 2006 2006 Wetland Restoration Minnetonka, Minnesota File No. 12066013.000 Mike Condon cc: Chip Hentges Minnetonka Public Schools Dennis Clark 5621 County Road 101 Jim Stenger Minnetonka, MN 55345 Mark Becker Don Asleson On April 27, 2006 a pre -construction conference was held at Minnetonka Middle School West in Chanhassen, MN. The purpose of this meeting was to coordinate efforts of all parties involved, to discuss responsibilities, and establish an understanding of the contract documents, safety requirements, and schedule. The following parties were in attendance: Dennis Clark, Property Owner Chip Hentges, Carver SWCD Jim Stenger, DMJ Corporation Bert Nelson, Larson Engineering Mark Becker, ISD 276 Roger Pocta, Larson Engineering Michael Murphy, Larson Engineering Don Asleson, City of Chanhassen The overall work schedule and construction procedures were discussed and some of the main points were as follows: 1. The Contractor and Owner have signed the contracts and they have been distributed to all parties. 2. Larson Engineering has received the Certificate of Insurance and Workman's Compensation Certificate from the Contractor. 3. The Contractor was directed toward the pay request form located in the project specifications. Based upon the rapid construction process, it is anticipated that only one request for payment will be needed and the pay request will be for payment in full. Payment retainage will not be withheld under this scenario. 4. Material submittals need to be completed and submitted for approval from Larson Engineering. 5. The following Schedule of Work was discussed and determined: Work begins May 1' and all restoration must be completed prior to June 30, 2006. The extent of the sediment removal shall take place from the silt curtain to a point determined through aerial photography from information to be received from the Carver SWCD. This information will be passed on to Larson Engineering and the Contractor. 6. Erosion control blankets must be added as part of restoration of the sediment removal from the water's edge to a point of existing rip -rap which has been washed down to the lower portion of the sediment plume. 7. Removal of trees near the south side of Dennis Clark's driveway will take place to allow construction equipment to access the sediment. Stumps will not be removed to maintain root structure to help the existing soils remain in place during storm events. 8. Chip Hentges, Carver SWCD, has been made aware of the construction schedule as he will be the contact with the Department of Natural Resources. He will notify the DNR of the work schedule. 9. Mark Becker, Jim Stenger, Roger Pocta, Bert Nelson, and Mike Murphy reviewed the work performed 4/21/06 by Michael Scott Construction at the Minnetonka Middle School West project to reduce the impact of the 18" PVC pipe daylighting on the embankment of the west side of the property. Improvements were suggested and will be implemented by Larson Engineering and Michael Scott Construction. Improvements include placing sand bags to reduce the flow under the wood baffle added to a catch basin which diverts flow from the 18" PVC pipe. Also, placing an 18" — 90° bend at end of the 18" PVC pipe where daylighting, and adding a riser section extending upward to an elevation 2' below the rim of a catch basin located just southwest of the lowest door of the school. The sand bags will be added the morning of 4/28/06 and the pipe work is planned for the morning of 5/2/06. REMARKS: This report summarizes the information presented at the pre -construction meeting. The parties present were responsive to the discussions and good cooperation throughout the project is anticipated. If there are any questions, please contact our office. LLaarso_n Engineering, Inc. Michael A. Murphy, f E. Project Manager EAOWTrofecls-2006ftnnetwiui Public Schools- 2006 Wetland Restomtionug Pre Con Meeting\Pre-Constmc ion ConfAcc WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT (OPTIONAL) METAL, WOOD POST, OR STAKE. 8' MAX. SPACING, 2' INTO GROUND. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF 1 I f I I ENGINEERING FABRIC NEW 3" BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PLACED IN 2 LIFTS FABRIC ANCHORAGE I I ! I 1 > TRENCH. BACKFILL WITH I o I /I J I Ul L' TAMPED NATURAL SOIL 00 00 O �_�-j0�_O 00 00 OOop O .. Ooo� o� Ooo L'� D�DOo�$�o0 po�oOoo oOoo I I I I I 1 / NEW 8" CLASS 5 _ CRUSHEq LIMESTONE III -1I -1I I I 11-11 I I I I -III III I I I II I I I I-II I-1 BASE A GREGATE III -III 111-1 I1 -I I I I I I-1 11=1 11=1 11=111=111=111=I I I IRA 1I 1=1I I -1I 1=1I=1I 1=1I -1I 1=1I I -1I 1=1I 1=1I1=1I 1=1 / i I ,I /J I `\ NATURAL SOIL NOTE: DEPENDING Upot CONFIGURATION, ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE MESH EXISTING SUBGRADE SOIL J I I I I I TIC jrY \ \ \ / FIRST / WITH HOG RINGS, STEELiPOSTS WITH WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES.I I1te \ F FLOOR ELEV SILT FENCE 311 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT INSTALLATION DETAIL 2 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE I I I I I I I v I I 1 \ �ETEL I I I I I I I \ \ 1 �2 SAN MH BOX LLLLLL777777 I I I I I I \ \off \\ RIM=1051.9 qy \ INV=1036.8CPLA \ S•Z �. /// \ \ ^ \ q,J \ �•I I II 1 G II 11 11 II \\ \\ \\ \\ 1111\\ \\� \\\ \– ��--, e``�`'� . to ;�4``�------- – ---< 2YZ_rJENPD- 'PIE=1009,25« I I I I I I 1 \ 1 1 I \ \ \ \ �-� �� ``—.�— �.� a,_—tit. •.'Q�2'-------- .FIRST — 12Alk; FLOOR n'/ 1 + / / / / / / rs 1–`_ tir ---- \ ELEv 4 ! rn / a6 i < \ \ CATeH-B SN – –' _ –_ _ \ i 'Cz' wj i�/ //// / /� // / l I I ! (o !,e'Y / I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 \ o f RRIIM=1041.10 – ` – _ ` _ , – – .r' FIRST50.1 N/DOT CLASS IV r / ! / l / i I I I I �t JIII! -j-<�}L \ — — vW�ta�s 2 — — —— — — — /' - FLOORr� RIP -RAP OVER MIRIFI / 1 I 1 I I o l I I w I II / / / - _ - - - -_ - -/EIEV A�i% _ i -1500X FABRJC./ 1 ! 4f / \ `oi I II I 1 7 \ \ / I ! ,/ / t / / «_._�- ___«- - ` - - - - - - - - - - - - �� \\ l i= .6 �I 2 /0 V.1 �► / ' / / / % Eg 1040.50 1041 - II I 11� / //// %//ovo 1 / / // I ! ~2 R 2 oI \ ^3 • Ir.� ^S -CATCi B AS T 1009 RIM4.21 2 I v /It/ / 1038 \ INVins�.7 �. / � ( i --I ' � I I ( � " _ I / � / / ,L � � ` � < '� `' \\ I ia38 X � `? � g,; II I �— � �—� SILT FENCE �I, U f t J T 1035 3 TELE M. r I T TYP� 1 I \ \ P WERI it \ \ \ '-Z ISI T FENCE, ❑❑ _ \ P1;ILE \ y \ II g `` 1 1 1 1 1�\ �\ � c'1 � a` �) I �,, � ";i2; FILTRATION BASIN \� ,4 � BTM= 1035.0 100YR= 1039.4 00 LF.E=1 06.7 GF \\\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ �\ 11 1 110\ 1 \ \ r' _\\���� cB �` – --DT— OT Dt REMOVE AND REPLACE I I \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 1 1 1 \ \ \ \ \\ 1111 M u FES 3 6 VEGETATION AS DIRECTED I I I \ \\\\� \ \\ \ 11_11 -1 1 INLET PROTECTION i1T'. UNIJ i 0 BY CARVER SWCD. I ,� \.,//.\ REPLACE EXISTING PRIVA\ TE 1) `IVE�\\\ ENTRANCE WITH 3""BITUMIN0b$,\ \\\ ' I PAVEMENT OVER 8*, CLASS 5 B4 \ AGGREGATE AFTER EROSION;PLU1� I I REMOVAL AND RESTORATION HAS I BEEN COMPLETED. 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ oN \ \j — REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF 1 \ \ \'o \ \\ \\ \\ s \\ \ Ix \ \\ 1 I J UTI \ EROSION PLUME,;1300 CY 1 \ \\\o \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ 1 (I�I�-\-Ot� SECTION LINE J i DT DT Q gL C" \I I INVi W=1037;55 IN✓IN E-1038.10 EXISTING BUILDING -}i----« 12 STS _ \ I -- CATCH BA R M64 , i � INV W-1038,2 1038 / o 1039 ./� _�----- --------------------- __---- 1040 __ _l�.10NN,pN� 1041 /` 1046- - _-- _ 1042 ----_-- -- / / 1047-104 -- ----------- ------ _ - - - - 8 - _ �o� .- - X`X_`--.— X . - - _- X X ---- :K -- X X z O w a2 F' 0 m L 0 W o w O Z F.wOL ° W EL Q N C 23 g�aZO o C� G z =co 01-wz w I w 0 K a ¢ z N � C z�v oWw >amU) O N N _ /w) w cwi W D e > 0co WLL o v WW1 -y0 O z d n 2 LLI o 3 m Q _ O o 7 2 O J ILJ O L 0 FnO w Z v ° I Ia L 0 z 0 Ln z 0 z 0 Fn oc d z z3�°M 20 LLJ >2NJf°- OU°5O �NJOtn 2JOmz F' 0 c0 ti 04 OW 0 ZQ — urOW04U Nz to F.wOL ° W d J W C 23 C� G N m O oco N co N � C z�v O � O N N _ /w) w L =_ a v o v J Lu v ,n M ° J ILJ O L 0 FnO w Z v ° I Ia L 0 z 0 Ln z 0 z 0 Fn oc d z z3�°M 20 LLJ >2NJf°- OU°5O �NJOtn 2JOmz F' 0 c0 ti 04 OW ZQ — urOW04U Nz ZW�N Z F.wOL ° W N WX J W 23 0 2 0 12056054 N SHEET J Y 0 10 20 40 Q w C 1 ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. 0 U 0 PROJECT: 2005 DRAINAGE I IMPROVEMENTS N,INr, ETA NKA P LIC 0 LS 4276 MINNETONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 276 17000 LAKE STREET EXTENSION MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA 55345 VICINITY MAP INDEX OF DRAWINGS PROJECT CONTACTS Mmnotonka ,a, 42e��,°,ggx# Country Cluo'. L �* e 1 ye"d" H I �I }tl IR s m rf Rd _il Herman Field Perk I ,2n �: ' Lai F G:\CNiN200S12058054- drug d� u mashla / j , Park �r 0 .: Hamson Agdem Ava a d ti Park SI �41ol Dower Lr... P• _._-_ pd z E gv } t' E / r 4 Moody HA RJ oy a 4 `4 m �i o wasmSt �I .view Dr crde-- Minnetonka Middle School West 6421 Hazeltine Boulevard 0 � i r R C ] J r 1 fl T Title, Vicinity Map, SheE:t Index, Contacts e 31r g TSite Plan and Details W 0 Z m D�¢� Pnaa San[ Z W ¢ W H HiLS Pork Minnetonka Middle School West 6421 Hazeltine Boulevard 0 � i r R C ] J r 1 fl T Title, Vicinity Map, SheE:t Index, Contacts CO Topographic Survey C1 TSite Plan and Details Civil Engineer: Michael A. Murphy, F.E. Larson Engineering of Minnesota 3524 Labore Road White Bear Lake, MPH; 55110 Tel: 651.481.9120 Fax: 651.481.9201 mmurphy@larsommn.com Surveyor: Daniel L. Thurmes, L.S. Cornerstone Land Surveying, Inc. 200 East Chestnut Street Stillwater, MN 55082 Tel: 651.275.8969 Fax: 651.275.8976 dlt-csls@mcleodusa.net Z O > W r QW F - >L0 LL 0 J W Z �ZW�fA coo NZWtoW W 0 Z m D�¢� It Z W ¢ W H g�—W0 0 a >m Z OF= -ZZ W W _ F W K 1 < O J g ¢a. O 7 a.¢ZLL 2 w Z O ow � N LL W ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. K E W wo W > o U j a :I.- > O nLL m D ' O WWLU <o �W n w F- 0 2 0 m r 4+ >L0 O Z �ZW�fA coo NZWtoW N Iii -W d 0 . C C 0 N T 46 O O 7 � N ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. O N_ � J L �}� 0 N O tJW FEGAI Mou Iiiiiii W W W J F Z 2p >ITj ouamb IYNJOch �JOm UJI O2NJ- r W OW >L0 M LO UJIz Z �ZW�fA coo NZWtoW I.... Iii -W N 0 . o 2 o 0 12056054 SHEET LU o YT LU ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. U vS BENCHMARKS: ELEVATIONS BASED ON TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY CLARK ENGINEERING DATED AUG. 14, 1996. THE RIM ELEVATION OF THE CATCH BASINS AS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY WERE USED AS BENCH MARKS. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PART OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 3, Tl 16, R23, CARVER COUNTY,MN GACINA2005\12056054 -Minnetonka West\56054 CO. Avg THE ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM ISASSUMED FIELDWORK WAS PEFORMED MAY. 7, 2005 TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES WERE SHOT TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITIES DESPITE THICK FOLIAGE. A GOPHER STATE ONE CALL UTILITY DESIGN LOCATE WAS INITIATED ON THIS SITE. THE UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON WERE FIELD LOCATE PER VISIBLE STRUCTURE AND GOPHER STATE ONE CALL MARKINGS WHERE POSSIBLE. CITY AND UTILITY AS -BUILT PLANS WERE RELIED ON FOR OTHER INFORMATION. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OF WHICH WE ARE UNAWARE MAY EXIST.%7 0 20 40 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! VGopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 TOLL FREE: 1-800-.252-1166 ki Ian was prepared supervision, and Land Surveyor e of MINNESOTA. Daniel L. Thurmes Registration No: 25718 Date: -S-1-1 -05--- LEGEND: 1 FOOT CONTOUR INTERVAL ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE C W O b an d W UN F 1N W W N C Zz m m M N N V U E O o (DRO. I—z ;�;o p � � L ce W N R LL N p W co f LL � 0 Z UI + DENOTES FOUND 0 1/2" IRON PIPE to DENOTES SET d 112" IRON PIPE C WELL a CATCH BASIN K HYDRANT *A WATER VALVES 0 SIGN m UTILITY POLE g LIGHT POLE El TELE/ELEC BOX 'On Y/ GAS VALVE —a.— OVERHEAD WIRES O MANHOLE p CULVERT m GAS METER —.- FENCE CURB CONCRETE 1 FOOT CONTOUR INTERVAL ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE C W O b an d W UN F 1N W W N C Zz m m M N N V U E O o (DRO. I—z ;�;o p � � L ce W N R LL N p W co f LL � 0 Z UI + W U) V a a� t� 0 a 0 0 I-- 0 to SHEET d k F.. C r M I— J V 0 N O 0 J 0 U � Z Z ^�^ L .u... L O N_ 'On Y/ 4, m V, J W 1,0 7 Late-. fD Nm 0 (L W U) V a a� t� 0 a 0 0 I-- m r` 12056054 SHEET W k F.. � r M I— J V Q to J 0 U � Ln QxU.)D 2Q :)0 WNJOCO) WWQmW WO 02 Z Z y2�W� C � 0 BZW 0O13 ZNW OZWtoW Naaaa �Z 0 12056054 SHEET C) LU YCOQ U til K S Q O U � / O ) OOA °O° o�o0 °090 EROSION CONTROL FAB 4 SILT fw MN/DOT CLASS IV RIP -RAP OVER MIRIFI 50OAABBRIC. -SURGE BASIN f=--1 - END I PIPE=1009.25 l 1 I I I I I IzLo I o I I I O / o_ i I 1 /t O % 12" S.TS 1 12» 'i/ �� I I I I 1 t I w� I \ \ \ \ //e SILT FENCE EX. CATCH BASIN RIM=1041.10 INV W=10.35.2 INV=1036.20 z w PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB. E- Z S �6" Q O z 7 z / W N ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE Q U) K ¢ 2 N ZLU w O MANHOLE STEPS, COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE g LU¢ am¢QZw w /ti REINFORCEMENT OR EQUAL, 16" O.C. co) I- w Z 12» 'i/ �� I I I I 1 t I w� I \ \ \ \ //e SILT FENCE EX. CATCH BASIN RIM=1041.10 INV W=10.35.2 INV=1036.20 _------- / / / CORE DRILL EXISTING CATCH BASIN FOR 18' / / �// I HDPE OPENDING. / l / / / I \ / ) ���� \ �\�/ ��I ice_ l� �� _ l\ I \ \ r/, , y \ 42. o,� \I \\ �; I Il \ �Q� �\ \\ \ I \ \\ \ I o 10 IC) / ! / >s If �' o �o it I / '' I l l o \ 1 ;Q I I \ \\ i �� 1 v / I 1 / / 1 \\\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 00 X It LoI I I I I I/_ /o L Loll I� _L44 C) w_ 00 TELE EROSION CONTROL FABRIC � / I BOX I I I I 1 \ \ 1 \ 1`.TWIN \ \ \ `� � .� — � I �� `�` — � 1 \ \ \ \ \ 1 � \-- I I \ i TELE M.H. �l/1' I I I I i I 1 \ \ \ POWER Ld POLE r L F.E=1006.7 PLAN 6" OORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE #4 BARS, 12" O.C. E.W. 4 5' SECTION A—A j�—SSFCTION B—B SURGE BASIN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE G:kCiviR2005k12056054 - Minnetonka WeatZ6054 C1 dwg \ 1 \ 1 \1 1 \ \ \ \ _ i i — INLET PROTECTION TYP. Di F.E\1036.8 " 10371 \\ \ \\ \ �. 118" P<.C. « X CB -1 RIM=1042.30 INV=1036.90 C1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ >� \ \ \ \ SUMP=1035.90 \ \ \ \ �v Q/\ \ / � 'S REMOVE PORTION OF 18 PVC AND FLARED END SECTION AS 1 SITE PLAN \\ \\\� �\ /// o, d ti ° FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SITE C1 MANHOLE FRAME & COVER: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ NEENAH R-2540, TYPE C GRATE \\ \ 'o MINIMUM OF 2, MAXIMUM OF 5 CONCRETE ADJUSTMENT RINGS WITH FULL BED OF MORTAR BETWEEN EACH AND A 4" COLLAR ON THE OUTSIDE. NO SHIMS \ OF ANY MATERIAL ALLOWED. z w PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB. E- Z r ¢Uj �6" N O z 7 z o W w�oz ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE U) K ¢ N N ZLU w O MANHOLE STEPS, COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE }^w LU¢ am¢QZw O z REINFORCEMENT OR EQUAL, 16" O.C. co) I- w Z w m a F= K O J oda > ¢aQz zz 0 O 8" PRECAST SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BLOCK V H w aw� L" N TO TOP OF THE PIPE SHALL BE USED LL 1 LL WITH SIZE AND DEPTH PROHIBIT THE wU w s a vILa� C a GROUT AROUND PIPE AT 0 5 10 20 LUw3 EXTERIOR OF CATCH BASIN w 8" MINIMUM SLAB THICKNESS, W =003 0 _------- / / / CORE DRILL EXISTING CATCH BASIN FOR 18' / / �// I HDPE OPENDING. / l / / / I \ / ) ���� \ �\�/ ��I ice_ l� �� _ l\ I \ \ r/, , y \ 42. o,� \I \\ �; I Il \ �Q� �\ \\ \ I \ \\ \ I o 10 IC) / ! / >s If �' o �o it I / '' I l l o \ 1 ;Q I I \ \\ i �� 1 v / I 1 / / 1 \\\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 00 X It LoI I I I I I/_ /o L Loll I� _L44 C) w_ 00 TELE EROSION CONTROL FABRIC � / I BOX I I I I 1 \ \ 1 \ 1`.TWIN \ \ \ `� � .� — � I �� `�` — � 1 \ \ \ \ \ 1 � \-- I I \ i TELE M.H. �l/1' I I I I i I 1 \ \ \ POWER Ld POLE r L F.E=1006.7 PLAN 6" OORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE #4 BARS, 12" O.C. E.W. 4 5' SECTION A—A j�—SSFCTION B—B SURGE BASIN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE G:kCiviR2005k12056054 - Minnetonka WeatZ6054 C1 dwg \ 1 \ 1 \1 1 \ \ \ \ _ i i — INLET PROTECTION TYP. Di F.E\1036.8 " 10371 \\ \ \\ \ �. 118" P<.C. « X CB -1 RIM=1042.30 INV=1036.90 C1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ >� \ \ \ \ SUMP=1035.90 \ \ \ \ �v Q/\ \ / � 'S REMOVE PORTION OF 18 PVC AND FLARED END SECTION AS 1 SITE PLAN \\ \\\� �\ /// o, d ti ° FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SITE C1 MANHOLE FRAME & COVER: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ NEENAH R-2540, TYPE C GRATE \\ \ 'o MINIMUM OF 2, MAXIMUM OF 5 CONCRETE ADJUSTMENT RINGS WITH FULL BED OF MORTAR BETWEEN EACH AND A 4" COLLAR ON THE OUTSIDE. NO SHIMS \ OF ANY MATERIAL ALLOWED. WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT (OPTIONAL) METAL, WOOD POST, OR STAKE. 8' MAX. SPACING, 2' INTO GROUND. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF NATURAL SOIL ' ENGINEERING FABRIC FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH. BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES. SILTATION FENCE INSTALLATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE }. PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB. E- Z O �6" N M SEAL WITH 2 BEADS OF RAM-NEK. W ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE WO '0' RING RUBBER GASKETS. N w G MANHOLE STEPS, COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE }^w 5" MIN. PLASTIC, WITH 1/2" GRADE 60 STEEL ,a. REINFORCEMENT OR EQUAL, 16" O.C. co) VARIABLE PRECAST CONCRETE SECTION m a A. oda > J m 8" PRECAST SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BLOCK V JW TO TOP OF THE PIPE SHALL BE USED WITH SIZE AND DEPTH PROHIBIT THE NJ� FWw FABRICATION OF PRECAST UNITS. •. GROUT AROUND PIPE AT gzwxrh EXTERIOR OF CATCH BASIN 8" MINIMUM SLAB THICKNESS, W 6' MINIMUM DIAMETER PRECAST + CONCRETE SLAB, REINFORCED IL • WITH #4 REBAR 0 8" E.W. SECTION CATCH BASIN 23 MANHOLE DETAIL s C1 NOT TO SCALE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT (OPTIONAL) METAL, WOOD POST, OR STAKE. 8' MAX. SPACING, 2' INTO GROUND. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF NATURAL SOIL ' ENGINEERING FABRIC FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH. BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES. SILTATION FENCE INSTALLATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 0 z 0 0 z 0 z 0 d z h E- Z O ~ N M w0> W WO aw N w G o� }^w �N N 1p 0L -SYN IY co) j0U) UJ v � oda OW J m V JW M a 0 z 0 0 z 0 z 0 d z h E- Z w ~ SHEET M w0> W WO aw wQ >=NJ� ounpo IY co) j0U) Q U � j0Wz OW Z NJ� FWw gzwxrh �nOWT-U W � 0zW IL CID W 23 0 o 12056054 SHEET W aw C1 ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. Q U 0 PROJECT: 2005 DRAINAGE ����dM3S8YyNyy� N M,ynf,,,q �a K*S VICINITY MAP Mary Lake 9 C- a j J `x (Y 4 Ka i_; df k �re � Ha+itta'1 Frets Perk a \ Rd Afd4errvy A.6 �` Park S` IMPROVEMENTS X P "e1w, Yti FL' W 6&$tD 11111 milill MINNETONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 276 7 a v A )y r� e r.?^ HdS aa* Minnetonka Middle School West 6421 Hazeltine Boulevard 4_ Title, Vicinity Map, Sheet Index, Contacts CO Topographic Survey C1 Site Plan and Details W ::) Z O W f� aW¢� a Z WW Q W ¢ w �Z ¢ — O J FZ(/O) am¢C1 W *x r 5i � 3 n x z z A w� uYe'"F.. j aaQZLL 0 U = w z 0 0 Ww ra�c W F ¢ — U) m W Y W a v A )y r� e r.?^ HdS aa* Minnetonka Middle School West 6421 Hazeltine Boulevard 4_ Title, Vicinity Map, Sheet Index, Contacts CO Topographic Survey C1 Site Plan and Details W ::) Z O W f� aW¢� a Z WW Q W ¢ w �Z ¢ — O J FZ(/O) am¢C1 W *x r 5i � 3 n x z z A w� uYe'"F.. j aaQZLL 0 U 17000 LAKE STREET EXTENSION MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA 55345 INDEX OF DRAWINGS T Title, Vicinity Map, Sheet Index, Contacts CO Topographic Survey C1 Site Plan and Details PROJECT CONTACTS Civil Engineer: Michael A. Murphy, P.E. Larson Engineering of Minnesota 3524 Labore Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Tel: 651.481.9120 Fax: 651.481.9201 mmurphy@larsommn.com Surveyor: Daniel L. Thurmes, L.S. Cornerstone Land Surveying, Inc. 200 East Chestnut Street Stillwater, MN 55082 Tel: 651.275.8969 Fax: 651.275.8976 dlt-csls@mcleodusa.net Z o_r W r W r< WQ Ii 0 W U Z 0 Wcn.jO(n WaIZZ Q�tnJLU Q � N_WWW W ::) Z O W f� aW¢� a Z WW Q W ¢ w �Z ¢ — O J FZ(/O) am¢C1 W Z n x z z A w� =o�wz k— W O J � Z aaQZLL 0 U = w z 0 0 Ww ra�c W F ¢ — U) m W Y W LL, a a x F— a m0 r0U)wLL q- U)0 Q WW UZ U) = Y LU Lj U Q m v Q — 0 0 J J 0 L = 0 ram = N JZ p W �3a IAV r W TI WQ r Wcn.jO(n WaIZZ Q�tnJLU Q � N_WWW -0m j Z Z Uj OWNLU Z O W f� Z� a -Z �Z 0.r ❑ Z0 LU L = 0 ram = N JZ p W �3a IAV V/ �0UW.a� WOF- >2NJF. OUpm0 r W TI WQ r Wcn.jO(n WaIZZ Q�tnJLU Q � N_WWW -0m j Z Z Uj OWNLU Z O W f� W Q = a (6 �Z ❑ Z0 LU Z U w 0 T ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. 0 0 0 W W o Ww J a Z 0 W z V/ �0UW.a� WOF- >2NJF. OUpm0 r W TI WQ r Wcn.jO(n WaIZZ Q�tnJLU Q � N_WWW -0m j Z Z Uj OWNLU Z O W f� W Q = LU Z � W 0 J U (6 �Z Z0 o o 0 12056054 SHEET (6 Z0 LU U w T ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. 0 0 0 BENCHMARKS: ELEVATIONS BASED ON TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY CLARK ENGINEERING DATED AUG. 14, 1996. THE RIM ELEVATION OF THE CATCH BASINS AS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY WERE USED AS BENCH MARKS. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PART OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 3, Tl 16, R23, CARVER COUNTY,MN SURVEY NOTES: THE ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM ISASSUMED FIELDWORK WAS PEFORMED MAY. 7, 2005 TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES WERE SHOT TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITIES DESPITE THICK FOLIAGE. A GOPHER STATE ONE CALL UTILITY DESIGN LOCATE WAS INITIATED ON THIS SITE. THE UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON WERE FIELD LOCATE PER VISIBLE STRUCTURE AND GOPHER STATE ONE CALL MARKINGS WHERE POSSIBLE. CITY AND UTILITY AS -BUILT PLANS WERE RELIED ON FOR OTHER INFORMATION. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OF WHICH WE ARE UNAWARE MAY EXIST. 0 20 40 %7=m CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 TOLLFREE: 1-800-252-1166 Ian was prepared supervision, and Land Surveyor e of MINNESOTA- ---- INNESOTA. '- --- --- --- Daniel L. Thurmes Regis ration No: 25718 Date: -5-1-1 -05--- LEGEND: OS LEGEND: 0 DENOTES FOUND 4.10 112" IRON PIPE 0 DENOTES SET m 1/2" IRON PIPE HJV WELL a CATCH BASIN JOS>Fa HYDRANT YPA WATER VALVES 0 SIGN 0 UTILITY POLE $ LIGHT POLE El TELE/ELEC BOX e GAS VALVE -- OVERHEAD WIRES O MANHOLE p CULVERT a GAS METER —. FENCE �:.C)H2 CURB 0 CONCRETE 1 FOOT CONTOUR INTERVAL ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE M 4.10 12056054 SHEET m .— Mr HJV V) JOS>Fa s 04 0 oC0 0 2 = a, Zv = O O_ O N_ AL �✓ M L = 0 �WOmW J JW 7 y 04 �a WG=ZZ 0 Z 0W� 0 o 12056054 SHEET .— Mr HJV V) JOS>Fa lil 0 2 LU� Q=NJH O U O WNJOm �WOmW WG=ZZ �:.C)H2 CO) F. W cr. z W�O WZc2J O0 LLJZNW OZW(0W Naz in 0 o 12056054 SHEET w YCOU lil tY 2 Q O U 0 o // // ///•►. / MN/DOT CLASS IV RIP -RAP OVER MIRIFl 500X FABRIC. -SURGE BASIN( T) END PIPE=1009.25 000000 // // o ��o�000000��--«—��<< 72" S. T. / o 0 0 / 000 0 00°o // //000°o �p EROSION CONTROL FAB / / // } / oo // / , , I I I I N (ry I I �/ / / / / ^/ // I I I I I� I� I N 1 v C1 SILT CE � e� / x qV �� x' A% Aj `` N '�I h'LLJ I ;' g / I / / / xLLJ __� I I I I � I I I 1 I T I \ ' v( �TELE I I I I 1 Il 1 I \ i TELE M.H / /i QiHnm r �N N _ - Obs F.E=1006.7 PLAN rul B,6X I 1 \\ 1 \� \TWIN El I I I I i I A \ \ P ER I I I I I 1 A \ \\ PdLE v 1 1 (� .•ate v vv v v vv v v v \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ >.�,\ Q� 6" PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE #4 BARS, 12" O.C. E.W. J¢ m A a 5' SECTION A -A SECTION B -B SURGE BASIN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE a N aD 1 n. ".. O / a Q I I I I /I , , 0 MAX ROW FOR 12• / STEEL PI 0 16. « = 15.66 1 1 / I X // // 7� --�« —« _ w / / --- EX. CATCH BASIN RIM=1041.10 INV W=1035.2 INV=1036.20 I MAX FLOW FOR 12' STEEL PIPE 0 1.44X = 4.63 CFS —<:--- / o / ^ CORE DRILL EXISTING CATCH BASIN FOR 180 II a SILT FENCE HDPE OPENDING. I I z U� w \ \ \42 LU SEAL WITH 2 BEADS OF RAM-NEK. SHEET w 0 - W U z � o wDoz • ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE aaa: '0' RING RUBBER GASKETS. N Z' Lu Lu MANHOLE STEPS, COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE 5" a�-Lo am¢C7 W 0 z zv cn = z z ��wz (D -r' o N ww O O I=�1J� PRECAST CONCRETE SECTION L ¢aQz"' 8" PRECAST SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BLOCK 1wwoU5W >amcaa TO TOP OF THE PIPE SHALL BE USED Q�LOL a T N�LLi LL 3 w � w a FABRICATION OF PRECAST UNITS. z Q U F a a = w 7 0 1- >� 0 5 10 20 CD U) 0 • GROUT AROUND PIPE AT � w�Ww� �_ Z w o 0 J J o —<:--- / o / ^ CORE DRILL EXISTING CATCH BASIN FOR 180 II a SILT FENCE HDPE OPENDING. I I V vvvv z % 1 VA 1 /1 II A\ \' 0 LLJ Ap p. CIL \ /yc \ \ C3F.E.=1036.8 INLET PROTECTION TYP. � C1 �\\ --_ \\ \ \ 7037 \ \ \ \ 18" P.V.C. MAX FLOW FOR 18' PVC 0 0.54% = 11.15 CFS \ \ \ X— \ X CB -10 \ \ \ — — \ \ \ X RIM=1042.30 INV=1036.90 Cl x \ \ V AA , SUMP=1035.90 \ v v A v Avv v oNo \ \ \ \ \ / REMOVE PORTION OF 18' PVC AND SITE PLAN \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / �0FLARED END SECTION AS REQUIRED \ \ \ \ / o FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. MANHOLE FRAME & COVER: NEENAH R-2540, TYPE C GRATE MINIMUM OF 2, MAXIMUM OF 5 CONCRETE ADJUSTMENT RINGS WITH FULL BED OF MORTAR BETWEEN EACH AND A 4" COLLAR ON THE OUTSIDE. NO SHIMS OF ANY MATERIAL ALLOWED. H \ \ \42 0 10 SEAL WITH 2 BEADS OF RAM-NEK. SHEET Lu X' • ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE '0' RING RUBBER GASKETS. N w MANHOLE STEPS, COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE 5" MIN. PLASTIC, WITH 1/2" GRADE 60 STEEL zv X REINFORCEMENT OR EQUAL, 16" O.C. -r' o N D O O VARIABLE PRECAST CONCRETE SECTION L 0d00 8" PRECAST SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BLOCK c JW TO TOP OF THE PIPE SHALL BE USED WITH SIZE AND DEPTH PROHIBIT THE T Q O a FABRICATION OF PRECAST UNITS. z Q J Lf) OLu W • GROUT AROUND PIPE AT � q EXTERIOR OF CATCH BASIN 8" MINIMUM SLAB THICKNESS, 6' MINIMUM DIAMETER PRECAST CONCRETE SLAB, REINFORCED / WITH #4 REBAR 0 8" E.W. x I \�\ ��� \ \ 1 I BASIN MANHOLE DETAIL m c�— o\\� \\ \ 11 1 1 I A EROSION CONTROL FABRIC m 0 V vvvv z % 1 VA 1 /1 II A\ \' 0 LLJ Ap p. CIL \ /yc \ \ C3F.E.=1036.8 INLET PROTECTION TYP. � C1 �\\ --_ \\ \ \ 7037 \ \ \ \ 18" P.V.C. MAX FLOW FOR 18' PVC 0 0.54% = 11.15 CFS \ \ \ X— \ X CB -10 \ \ \ — — \ \ \ X RIM=1042.30 INV=1036.90 Cl x \ \ V AA , SUMP=1035.90 \ v v A v Avv v oNo \ \ \ \ \ / REMOVE PORTION OF 18' PVC AND SITE PLAN \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / �0FLARED END SECTION AS REQUIRED \ \ \ \ / o FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. MANHOLE FRAME & COVER: NEENAH R-2540, TYPE C GRATE MINIMUM OF 2, MAXIMUM OF 5 CONCRETE ADJUSTMENT RINGS WITH FULL BED OF MORTAR BETWEEN EACH AND A 4" COLLAR ON THE OUTSIDE. NO SHIMS OF ANY MATERIAL ALLOWED. NOT TO SCALE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT (OPTIONAL) METAL, WOOD POST, OR STAKE. 8' MAX. SPACING, 2' INTO GROUND. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF NATURAL SOIL ENGINEERING FABRIC FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH. BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL PRISMOIDAL VOLUME RESULTS ORIGINAL SURFACE MODEL: FINAL SURFACE MODEL: CUT COMPACTION FACTOR: FILL COMPACTION FACTOR: RAW CUT VOLUME: X COMPACTED CUT VOLUME: TOTAL CUT VOLUME: RAW FILL VOLUME: COMPACTED FILL VOLUME: TOTAL FILL VOLUME: NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES. SILTATION FENCE INSTALLATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE EXISTING PROPOSED 0.00 % 0.00 % 12.19 cu yd 0.00 cu yd 12.19 cu yd 738.15 cu yd 0.00 cu yd 738.15 cu yd H �6 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB. 0 N SEAL WITH 2 BEADS OF RAM-NEK. SHEET Lu X' • ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE '0' RING RUBBER GASKETS. N w MANHOLE STEPS, COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE 5" MIN. PLASTIC, WITH 1/2" GRADE 60 STEEL zv � REINFORCEMENT OR EQUAL, 16" O.C. o N D O O VARIABLE PRECAST CONCRETE SECTION L 0d00 8" PRECAST SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BLOCK c JW TO TOP OF THE PIPE SHALL BE USED WITH SIZE AND DEPTH PROHIBIT THE T Q O a FABRICATION OF PRECAST UNITS. z Q J Lf) OLu W • GROUT AROUND PIPE AT � q EXTERIOR OF CATCH BASIN 8" MINIMUM SLAB THICKNESS, 6' MINIMUM DIAMETER PRECAST CONCRETE SLAB, REINFORCED '' WITH #4 REBAR 0 8" E.W. SECTION CATCH BASIN MANHOLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT (OPTIONAL) METAL, WOOD POST, OR STAKE. 8' MAX. SPACING, 2' INTO GROUND. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF NATURAL SOIL ENGINEERING FABRIC FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH. BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL PRISMOIDAL VOLUME RESULTS ORIGINAL SURFACE MODEL: FINAL SURFACE MODEL: CUT COMPACTION FACTOR: FILL COMPACTION FACTOR: RAW CUT VOLUME: X COMPACTED CUT VOLUME: TOTAL CUT VOLUME: RAW FILL VOLUME: COMPACTED FILL VOLUME: TOTAL FILL VOLUME: NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES. SILTATION FENCE INSTALLATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE EXISTING PROPOSED 0.00 % 0.00 % 12.19 cu yd 0.00 cu yd 12.19 cu yd 738.15 cu yd 0.00 cu yd 738.15 cu yd J D Z Z IL W N H r 0 N Z SHEET Lu X' Zo N w C1 OUp3O wtnj0v) zv � o N D O O W .3 L 0d00 c JW � :E a W J D Z Z IL W N H t0 h 0 Z SHEET Lu X' Zo WO�-WQ i2NJ� w C1 OUp3O wtnj0v) �J D O O mZ W Lu Wo=ZZ Q�NJ� W :R ie zLu z Q J Lf) OLu W WC4U � NZWcoW �Z o o 0 12056054 SHEET w Zo U w C1 ALL EXISTING ITEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. D U O MIMyEo_' �1P�EUF Minnesota Department of Natural Resources W Conservation Officer Jackie Glaser 570 W. 78th St, #2001 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CI4y of C. ai use., A+,1., : boA AsIeSon 7700 Mv.-0jBlvd 00, box I Y7 Cl�ckl arSa, MAI s S317 S, -:R17-0147 I.I.I.,I I IIII„�IIII �IIIIII,IIIIIIIIII I I II„ t 11„i t USA Larson Engineering of Minnesota 3524 Labore Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110-5100 651.481.9120 Fax: 651.481.9201 w .Iarsonengr.com Larson i June 29, 2005 Ms. Lori Haak Water Resources Coordinator City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Minnetonka West Erosion Restoration Dear Lori: RECE vel) -N JUN 3 0 2005 "^'paEN PLANNING DEPT We are in receipt of your e-mail dated June 22, 2005 regarding four questions related to the subject project. We have calculated some of the information and I will present it in the order listed on the e-mail. 1. Could you send me the calcs for the current design? We have performed the design calculations and show them on the attached drawing. The maximum flow of the two lines entering the northern catch basin is a combination of 4.63 cfs and 15.54 cfs for a total of 20.17 cfs. A maximum flow for the 12" steel pipe exiting the northern catch basin down to the state highway 41 roadway ditch enclosure is 15.66 cfs. The 12" pipe obviously is the controlling volume. 2. Why was the 18" pipe between catch basin #1 and the existing catch basin to the north connected? The 12" steel pipe coming from the east toward the northern catch basin was the original installation. When heavy rainfall would occur, water would back up on the roof of the school building. Subsequently, a 6" PVC pipe was connected to the catch basin near the school building and routed to the location where the embankment erosion is occurring. However, the 6" diameter pipe was unable to handle the roof water and a number of years ago, an 18" PVC pipe was installed to replace the 6" pipe. The increased pipe size resolved the roof water problem, but it caused the present erosion condition. The purpose of terminating the 18" outflow pipe was to eliminate embankment erosion. Installing a new catch basin over the 18" pipe and rerouting the water into the existing north catch basin utilizes the existing 12" steel pipe without increasing its carrying capacity which is adequate to drain roof water off the building. 3. The depth of the gate valve along TH-41 needs to be confirmed. A minimum of 7.5 feet of cover is required over the watermain. I understand that you will be following up with the engineering department to get this information. 4. Have you run the numbers for the 24" CMP under Mr. Clark's driveway? Withthe change in timing, we will need to make sure a 24" pipe can handle it. Our calculations indicate that the 24" CMP located beneath Mr. Clark's driveway would handle a maximum flow of 26.78 efs. The discharge water from the Minnetonka School outlet pipe and structure would be 15.66 cfs. This would permit an additional 1 I cfs from the surrounding area to flow through the CMP culvert beneath Mr. Clark's driveway. We have included several site drawings for your review and further comment as needed I have an 8:30 am meeting scheduled with Xcel Energy for Thursday and I am in the process of trying to schedule a meeting with MN -DOT and will notify you as progress develops. We have also calculated the volume of material that will be needed to fill the erosion created from the school property. That information is also on the drawing and a total calculated volume of 738.15 cubic feet will be needed to restore this area. W. Pocta, P.E. t Manager cc: Mike Condon, Minnetonka Public Schools E \CivittProjecls - 21MSMnnetoi*a Public SchoolslMinnelonl ablest M,Wle Soho `uM a west erasion G29-05. duc PUBLIC WATERS RESTORATION Cease and Desist j�,� AND REPLACEMENT ORDER Order Number: ��a N.A. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 103G.2372, and Minnesota Rules, part 6115.0255, the Commissioner of Natural Resources hereby orders Independent School District 276, clo Mike Condon, Minnetonka West Middle School Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, to restore the bed of Public Water # 10-132W located in: SEA SE%4 NEV4, Section 4, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County. Findings of Fact: 1. On Friday, September 23, 2005, Conservation Officer Jacqueline Glaser and Area Hydrologist Julie Ekman inspected the northwest shoreline of Public Water Wetland 10-132 and saw that a large amount of sediment had washed into this basin blanketing an area approximately 60 feet wide, 25 feet waterward, and of an unknown thickness. See attached photos. Water was presently carrying more sediment into this basin during the site visit Further inspection of the area showed that sediment has been entering this water body via a drainage ditch adjacent to Hwy 41 as well as overland via gullies. Ms. Ekman's conversations with Lori Haak, City of Chanhassen Water Resources Coordinator and Mike Condon, the Middle School Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, revealed that the major source of the runoff carrying the sediment is the School District property to the north of basin 10-132W. 2. Approximately 1500 square feet of this basin has been inundated with sediment most likely containing pollutants typically found in urban storrnwater runoff. 3. It was apparent from Ms. Ekman's conversations with Mr. Condon that the sediment discharge was entirely unintentional. Order: 1. You shall accomplish restoration by doing the following: Floating silt curtain will be placed on the waterward side of the sediment across the entire plume to contain the area The sediment will be removed entirely from the basin. Potential re -sedimentation of this basin will be prevented by installation and construction of effective stormwater management methods. Email correspondence from Aaron Mlynek, Carver SWCD Urban Conservation Technician, detailing storrnwater, erosion control, and sediment control recommendations are attached. 2. The restoration work described above must be completed as follows: Floating silt curtain is to be placed immediately; sediment removal will take place in conjunction with the construction of stormwater management methods or by May 31, 2006, whichever is earlier. 3. You must contact Area Hydrologist, Julie Ekman at (651) 772-7910 within seven days of completing the work required by this Order. The culmination of successful restoration is the issuance of a Certificate ojSatisjactory Restoration. This Order is final and binding on you, unless within 30 days of the date on which it was served on you, you appeal the terms and conditions of this restoration order to the commissioner by filing a written request for review. Please mail any such request to: DNR Waters, Violations Coordinator, 500 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul, MN 55155-4032 Violation of this order is a misdemeanor. ys 10 06 os DNR ation Officer Badge Number Da e Jacqueline Glaser Issuance Record: In person r or, by certified mail on it,/db/os Date Attachments C: DNR Enforcement Supervisor, Scott Carlson City of Chanhassen, Don Asleson _ DNR Wetland Enforcement Officer, Marty Book Carver SWCD, Mike Wanous DNR Area Hydrologist, Julie Ei man Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District, Bob Obermeyer St. Paul PW Permits Unit C C i r 7 2005 The SWCD has reviewed the proposed restoration and stormwater management plan for the Minnetonka Middle School West submitted by Larson Engineering dated 06.17.05. Please review and consider the following suggestions. Stormwater 1. Consider reducing the discharge to the 12" steel pipe by installing a flow diverter / splitter to take a maximum of Scfs to the 18" PVC. This would reduce the discharge of the 12" steel pipe to around 10cfs. 2. Consider installing a sump for the northern catch basin. The sump should provide some energy dissipation. 3. Grade a berm for diverting water from shedding over the top of the restored gulley area and into the CB's. Erosion Control 1. The erosion control fabric details need to be specified. For the area exposed in the Hwy 41 ditch a turf re -enforcement mat is needed. The turf re -enforcement mat (TRM) specification must meet the expected shear stress of the channel. For example, if the expected shear stress is less than 3.2 lbs / ft2 a C350 Vmax3 from North American Green (or comparable product) could be used. 2. The restored gulley area must be blanketed with 100% coconut fiber blanket following seeding. 3. If possible, provide a smooth transition terrace area in the grading of the slope. 4. If a flow diverter / splitter is possible and 5cfs or less is planned to discharge from CB -1 over the slope a slight channel / waterway must be provided and a TRM is needed for the channel area. 5. Riprap will be needed for the 18" PVC if the 5cfs will be discharged. Using riprap specified for the velocity of the possible discharge from CB -1 rock checks or ribbons should be provided in the channel. The ribbons should span the width of the channel with the overflow area in the center of the rock. The rock check should be 24 inches wide and 1 foot high. Space this checks every 40 feet, with the first one 40 feet from the top of slope. (There will be 7 checks). 6. Riprap is needed at the 24" FE on the south side of the private drive as erosion is occurring south of the FE to the wetland area. Sediment Control 1. The silt fence protection around the inlets should be replaced with dandy bags, silt sack inlet protection, wimco inlet controls or ESS Brothers inlet controls or similar products. 2. A temporary rock weeper (2 feet high, 4 feet long, the width of the channel) is needed to back up the silt fence in the ditch just north of the 24" FE. This rock could be salvaged and used as the energy dissipation for the surge basin. 3. Silt fence used should be machine sliced monofilament geotextile, Chanhassen type 1 specifications. 4. Install a floating silt curtain immediately in the wetland area to contain sediment discharge to wetland and for removal of sediment in the near future. 5. Remove accumulated sediment in the wetland area and restore wetland area following restoration or the gulley. ;71 ,Kk IV\ /Gaoo Pqlm',4 �xff, ti Larson Engineering of Minnesota 3524 Labore Road While Bear Lake, MN 55110-5100 651.481.9120 Fax: 651.481.9201 w .Iarsonengr.com 5 Larson June 29, 2005 Ms. Lori Haak Water Resources Coordinator City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Minnetonka West Erosion Restoration Dear Lori: pECENEDssrt JUN 3 0 2005 N PLANNING DEPT We are in receipt of your e-mail dated June 22, 2005 regarding four questions related to the subject project. We have calculated some of the information and I will present it in the order listed on the e-mail. 1. Could you send me the calcs for the current design? We have performed the design calculations and show them on the attached drawing. The maximum flow of the two lines entering the northern catch basin is a combination of 4.63 cfs and 15.54 cfs for a total of 20.17 cfs. A maximum flow for the 12" steel pipe exiting the northern catch basin down to the state highway 41 roadway ditch enclosure is 15.66 cfs. The 12" pipe obviously is the controlling volume. 2. Why was the 18" pipe between catch basin #1 and the existing catch basin to the north connected? The 12" steel pipe coming from the east toward the northern catch basin was the original installation. When heavy rainfall would occur, water would back up on the roof of the school building. Subsequently, a 6" PVC pipe was connected to the catch basin near the school building and routed to the location where the embankment erosion is occurring. However, the 6" diameter pipe was unable to handle the roof water and a number of years ago, an 18" PVC pipe was installed to replace the 6" pipe. The increased pipe size resolved the roof water problem, but it caused the present erosion condition. The purpose of terminating the 18" outflow pipe was to eliminate embankment erosion. Installing a new catch basin over the 18" pipe and rerouting the water into the existing north catch basin utilizes the existing 12" steel pipe without increasing its carrying capacity which is adequate to drain roof water off the building. 3. The depth of the gate valve along TH41 needs to be confirmed. A minimum of 7.5 feet of cover is required over the watermain. I understand that you will be following up with the engineering department to get this information. 4. Have you run the numbers for the 24" CMP under Mr. Clark's driveway? With the change in timing, we will need to make sure a 24" pipe can handle it. Our calculations indicate that the 24" CMP located beneath Mr. Clark's driveway would handle a maximum flow of 26.78 cfs. The discharge water from the Minnetonka School outlet pipe and structure would be 15.66 efs. This would permit an additional I 1 cfs from the surrounding area to flow through the CMP culvert beneath Mr. Clark's driveway. We have included several site drawings for your review and further comment as needed. I have an 8:30 am meeting scheduled with Xcel Energy for Thursday and I am in the process of trying to schedule a meeting with MN -DOT and will notify you as progress develops. We have also calculated the volume of material that will be needed to fill the erosion created from the school property. That information is also on the drawing and a total calculated volume of 738.15 cubic feet will be needed to restore this area. W. Pocta, P.E. t Manager cc: Mike Condon, Minnetonka Public Schools E:\Di Wroje s - 2005VAirmel Pudic Sdw Mirvieionpe West M We Sdn rM west erosion 6-29-05.a