CAS-04_2019-04 CONTROL CONCEPTSn September 28, 2020 11TY OF CHAAASSEN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Associated Bank, NA c/o Trade Services MS 7059 2870 Homgren Way Green Bay, WI 54304 Re: Letter of Credit No. 00000758 Control Concepts - Planning Case File No. 2019-04 Enclosed please find the above -referenced original letter of credit for your files. This letter is no longer needed and can be cancelled. If you have any questions, please contact me at 952-227- 1131. Sincerel Robert Generous Senior Planner BG:jms Enclosure c: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director gAplan\2019 planning cases\19-04 control conceptslc release letter - 00000758.do S�NASG PH 952.227.1100 • www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us • FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN • MINNESOTA 55317 AssociateRank NOVEMBER 14, 2019 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT BENEFICIARY: CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD, BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 OUR REFERENCE: 00000758 AMOUNT: USD $335,711.00 ISSUE DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 2019 EXPIRY DATE: NOVEMBER O1, 2020 EXPIRY PLACE: OUR COUNTERS DEAR SIR OR MADAM: WE HEREBY ISSUE, FOR THE ACCOUNT OF CONTROL CONCEPTS INC. AND IN YOUR FAVOR, OUR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $335,711.00, AVAILABLE TO YOU BY YOUR DRAFT DRAWN ON SIGHT ON THE UNDERSIGNED BANK. THE DRAFT MUST: A) BEAR THE CLAUSE, "DRAWN UNDER LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 00000758, DATED NOVEMBER 14, 2019, OF ASSOCIATED BANK, N.A.". B) BE SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OR CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN. C) BE PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT AT ASSOCIATED BANK, N.A., C/O TRADE SERVICES, MS 7059, 2870 HOLMGREN WAY, GREEN BAY, WI 54304, ON OR BEFORE 4:OOP.M. ON NOVEMBER O1, 2020. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL AUTOMATICALLY RENEW FOR SUCCESSIVE ONE-YEAR TERMS UNLESS, AT LEAST FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS PRIOR TO THE NEXT ANNUAL RENEWAL DATE (WHICH SHALL BE NOVEMBER IST OF EACH YEAR), THE BANK DELIVERS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CHANHASSEN CITY MANAGER THAT IT INTENDS TO MODIFY THE TERMS OF, OR CANCEL, THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. WRITTEN NOTICE IS EFFECTIVE IF SENT BY CERTIFIED MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID, AND DEPOSITED IN THE U.S. MAIL, AT LEAST FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS PRIOR TO THE NEXT ANNUAL RENEWAL DATE ADDRESSED AS FOLLOWS: CHANHASSEN CITY MANAGER, CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD, P.O. BOX 147, CHANHASSEN, MN 55317, AND IS ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY THE CITY MANAGER AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO THE RENEWAL DATE. Trade Services, M.S. 7059, 2870 Holmgren Way, Green Bay, WI 54304 Phone 800-230-5506, Fax 920-327-6040, SWIFT: ABGBUS44XXX Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender Page 1 of 2 0 THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SETS FORTH IN FULL OUR UNDERSTANDING WHICH SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY BE MODIFIED, AMENDED, AMPLIFIED, OR LIMITED BY REFERENCE TO ANY DOCUMENT, INSTRUMENT, OR AGREEMENT, WHETHER OR NOT REFERRED TO HEREIN. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. THIS IS NOT A NOTATION LETTER OF CREDIT. MORE THAN ONE DRAW MAY BE MADE UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE MOST RECENT REVISION OF THE UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS, INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION NO. 600. WE HEREBY AGREE THAT A DRAFT DRAWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION. ASSOCIATED BANK, N.A. DEIRDRE O'CONNELL VICE PRESIDENT Trade Services, M.S. 7059, 2870 Holmgren Way, Green Bay, WI 54304 Phone 800-230-5506, Fax 920-327-6040, SWIFT: ABGBUS44XXX Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender Page 2 of 2 r • Associated Bank SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 NON EXTENSION NOTICE RE: CONTROL CONCEPTS INC. 18760 LAKE DRIVE E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9394 ATTN: CORY WATKINS CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD, BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 OUR REFERENCE: AMOUNT: EXPIRY DATE: EXPIRY PLACE: 00000758 USD$335,711.00 NOVEMBER 01, 2020 OUR COUNTERS • WE REFER TO THE SUBJECT LETTER OF CREDIT ISSUED IN YOUR FAVOR. P a-oiq -0(-{ IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT WE DO NOT ELECT TO EXTEND THIS INSTRUMENT FOR ANY ADDITIONAL PERIOD OF TIME. THE CREDIT WILL, THEREFORE, EXPIRE AT OUR COUNTERS ON NOVEMBER 01, 2020. SHOULD YOU REQUIRE ANY ASSISTANCE, PLEASE CONTACT US. WHEN REFERRING TO THIS LETTER OF CREDIT, REMEMBER TO QUOTE OUR REFERENCE NUMBER 00000758. ASSOCIATED BANK, N.A. DEIRDRE O'CONNELL VICE PRESIDENT SUMINED — +a �3:\ �. Trade Services, M.S. 7059, 2870 Holmgren Way, Green Bay, WI 54304 Phone 800-230-5506, Fax 920-327-6040, SWIFT: ABGBUS44XXX Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender CITY OF CHANHASSEN Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED SEP 1,5 2020 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT NM04K November 5, 2019 Ms. Julie Seaton 0 0 CITY OF C HANHASSE N Chanhassen is a Community for Life- ProvidingforToday and Planning for Tomorrow US Bank National Association Standby Letters of Credit BC-MN-H2OG 800 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 Re: Letter of Credit No. SLCMMSP09654 Control Concepts - Planning Case File No. 2019-04 Dear Ms. Seaton: Enclosed please find the above -referenced original letter of credit for your files. This letter is no longer needed and can be cancelled. If you have any questions, please contact me at 952-227- 1131. Sincerely, CITY HASSEN Robert Generous Senior Planner BG:jms Encl. c: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Corey Watkins, Control Concepts 9APIW\2019 Planning caul\19-03 convol conceptsUc release IetterAmx PH 952.227.1100 • wwwAchanhassen.mo.us - FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN • MINNESOTA 55317 • ®bank.* U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION STANDBY LETTERS OF CREDIT: BC-MN-H2OG 800 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD, BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 NO. SLCMMSP0%54 EXPIRATION DATE: NOVEMBER 30.2020 DATE: AUGUST 22, 2019 DEAR SIR OR MADAM: SWIFT: USBKUS44 PHONE: 612-303-7374 612-303-7395 FAX: 612-303-5226 WE HEREBY ISSUE, FOR THE ACCOUNT OF CONTROL CONCEPTS INC 18760 LAKE DRIVE EAST CHANHAASSEN, MN 55317 AND IN YOUR FAVOR, OUR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $335.711.00, AVAILABLE TO YOU BY YOUR DRAFT DRAWN ON SIGHT ON THE UNDERSIGNED BANK. THE DRAFT MUST: A) BEAR THE CLAUSE, "DRAWN UNDER LETTER OF CREDIT NO. SLCMMSP09654, DATED AUGUST 22.2019. OF "US BANK ASSOCIATION 800 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 BC-MN-H2OG": B) BE SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OR CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN. C) BE PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT AT US BANK ASSOCIATION 800 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS, MN 5540213C -MN -1420G, ON OR BEFORE 4:00 P.M. ON NOVEMBER 30.2020. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL AUTOMATICALLY RENEW FOR SUCCESSIVE ONE-YEAR TERMS UNLESS, AT LEAST FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS PRIOR TO THE NEXT ANNUAL RENEWAL DATE (WHICH SHALL BE NOVEMBER 30, OF EACH YEAR). THE BANK DELIVERS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CHANHASSEN CITY MANAGER THAT IT INTENDS TO MODIFY THE TERMS OF. OR CANCEL. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. WRITTEN NOTICE IS EFFECTIVE IF SENT BY CERTIFIED MAIL POSTAGE PREPAID, AND DEPOSITED IN THE U.S. MAIL, AT LEAST FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS PRIOR TO THE NEXT ANNUAL RENEWAL DATE ADDRESSED AS FOLLOWS: CHANHASSEN CITY MANAGER, CHANHASSEN CITY HALL 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD. P.O. BOX 147, CHANHASSEN, MN 55317, AND IS ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY THE CITY MANAGER AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO THE RENEWAL DATE. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SETS FORTH IN FULL OUR UNDERSTANDING WHICH SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY BE MODIFIED, AMENDED, AMPLIFIED. OR LIMITED BY REFERENCE TO ANY DOCUMENT, INSTRUMENT, OR AGREEMENT. WHETHER OR NOT REFERRED TO HEREIN. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. TIES IS NOT A NOTATION LETTER OF CREDIT. MORE THAN ONE DRAW MAY BE MADE UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE MOST RECENT REVISION OF THE UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS. INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION NO. 600. WE HEREBY AGREE THAT A DRAFT DRAWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Document #: T2110 Date: 09-23-2019 Time 3:57 PM Pages: 12 Cert # 39714.0 Filing Fee: $46.00 Paid on 09-23-2019 County: Carver State: MN Requesting Party: CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Kaaren Lewis Registrar of Titles Pc ao,z?-c�--1 Oment #: A683466 Date: D9-23-2019 Time 3:57 PM Pages: 12 Recording Fee: $46.00 Paid on 09-23-2019 County: Carver State: MN Requesting Party: CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Kaaren Lewis County Recorder CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED OCT 2 4 2019 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT This cover page has been added to this document by Carver County Land Records and Is now an official part of this recorded document CTrY OF CHANHASSEN SITE PLAN AGREEMENT # 2019-04 CONTROL CONCEPTS SPECIAL PROVISIONS AGREEMENT dated June 24, 2019, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, (the "City"), and Bauer Design Build, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company (the "Developer"). 1. Request for Site Plan Approval. The Developer has asked the City to approve a site plan for (referred to in this Agreement as the "project"). The land located in Carver County, Minnesota, is legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7`s Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. 2. Conditions of Site Plan Approval. The City hereby approves the site plan on condition that the Developer enters into this Agreement and fiunish the security required by it. 3. Development Plans. The project shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. If the plans vary from the written terns of this Agreement, the written terns shall control. The plans are: Plan A–Site Plan prepared by Loucks, Inc., dated May 3, 2019. Plan B—Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan prepared by Loucks, Inc., dated May 3, 2019. Plan C --Landscaping Plan prepared by Loucks, Inc., dated May 3, 2019. Plan D – Utility Plans prepared by Loucks, Inc., dated May 3, 2019. Building Elevations prepared by b d h & young dated May 3, 2019. 4. Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all required screening and landscaping by July 30, 2020. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. 5. Security. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit from a bank, cash escrow, or equivalent ("security") for $335,711.00 (erosion control, landscaping and storm water infiltration and detention). If the Developer requests a Certificate of Occupancy prior to the installation of site landscaping, then the developer shall provide to the city a letter of credit or cash escrow in an amount sufficient to insure the installation of said landscaping. PROCEDURES FOR LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION a. Requests for reductions of Letters of Credit must be submitted to the City in writing by the Developer or his Engineer. b. Partial lien waivers totaling the amount of the requested reduction shall accompany each such request. c. Any reduction shall be subject to City approval. 6. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: Michael Bauer Bauer Design Build 14030 21g` Avenue N. Plymouth, MN 55447 Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Manager at the following address: Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317, Telephone (952) 227-1100. 7. Other Special Conditions. City Council approves a site plan for a 54,276 square -foot, two-story office, warehouse and manufacturing building subject to the following conditions: Building 1. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 2 0 0 3. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key Plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, Separated or non -separated, Fire resistive elements (Ext walls, Bearing walls - exterior or interior, Shaft, hrcidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. 4. Detailed occupancy -related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 5. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to: allowable size, protected openings and fire -resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. 6. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Engineering and Water Resources 1. The applicant shall provide a traffic memo, prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, evaluating conflicting driving movements with Water Tower Place and the northern driveway access 2. Vacate drainage and utility easements except the standard 10 -foot wide easement associated with the front of the parcel in addition to the standard 5 -foot wide easement associated with the side and rear portions of the parcel. 3. The wetland, wetland buffer, and the Bluff Creek Overlay District on the site shall be preserved and protected in perpetuity. Staff recommends that the developer dedicate those areas to the city to ensure conservation of these critical areas. 4. Provide a permanent 20' easement over the trail throughout the parcel. 5. The applicant shall remove all existing fence located on the east side of the property. 6. Apply for an Encroachment Agreement for the private sidewalk. 7. Provide top of wall and bottom of wall elevations for entire retaining wall build, which includes retaining wall built below grade, i.e. bottom of wall. 8. Replace any striping removed in Century Boulevard. 9. All striping and signage shall meet the requirements of the MN-MUTCD manual. 10. Indicate lineal (running) slope design for the trail. Trail slopes shall meet ADA requirements. 0 0 11. Staff recommends the installation of a gate valve downstream of the trench drain to isolate possible hazardous material from entering the storm system. The operation and maintenance plan for the storm system should include the procedure for this isolation protocol. 12. Salvage existing topsoil and indicate stockpile location. 13. Water main fittings shall be epoxy coated. 14. Core drill to existing sanitary sewer main will require the installation of a boot at connection. 15. As the developer will be required to remove all material surrounding the existing public proposed for connection, Public Works will inspect sanitary sewer manhole that is being and determine if repair or rehabilitation of the manhole is required (e.g. rebuilding chimney, installing VI barrier, etc.). 16. Appropriate city permits for construction within the public right-of-way shall be obtained prior to construction. Work within city streets requires a traffic control plan. 17. A preconstruction meeting with Public Works and Engineering shall be scheduled by the contractor prior to working within the public right-of-way and the connection to any public utilities. 18. Identify stockpile locations on plan. 19. All call -outs on construction plans that reference a detail shall be updated to incorporate the sheet the detail is illustrated on and the detail number referenced for construction. 20. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure and submit proof that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, RPBCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, PCA, etc.). 21. A SWPPP shall be submitted for review that meets the conditions of the NPDES Construction Permit 22. Provide design details for the stormwater management systems and associated hydrology models. 23. The applicant shall assess alternatives to conveying stormwater system discharge on and across City property that will not cause erosion or degradation. 4 0 0 24. The applicant shall demonstrate through modeling that the receiving municipal stormwater system has adequate capacity to accept the increased drainage volume. 25. Provide a planting and revegetation plan specific for grading within the bluff impact zone and the wetland buffer. 26. Provide boring locations on grading and stormwater utility plan sheets. Environmental Resources 1. The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to meet minimum requirements for the north bufferyard. Plantings shall be located between trail and parking lot. 2. The applicant shall protect existing trees to be preserved along Century Boulevard. Tree protection fencing shall be placed at the dripline or greater distance prior to any construction activities and maintained until construction is complete. Any trees that die will be required to be replaced. The trail alignment within the Bluff Creek Overlay District shall be field inspected and approved by the city prior to any removals and construction activity. No live, significant oak trees shall be removed for trail construction. Fire 1. There is only one hydrant on the property. Several are needed to meet minimum spacing requirements per MN Fire Code. Parks 1. The developer shall be responsible for planning, engineering, and constructing the "wetland trail." Connection points for this new trail shall be the terminus of the Trotters Ridge trail, the intersection of Century Boulevard and West 82°a Street, and the intersection of Century Boulevard and Water Tower Place. Bid documents, including plans and specifications, shall be approved by the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to soliciting bids. Project bidding shall occur in a competitive environment with a minimum of three bids being received. The results of the bidding process shall be reviewed with the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to award. Cash payment for trail construction shall be made from the City of Chanhassen to the developer upon completion, inspection, and acceptance of the trail. 2. Trail easements within Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7h shall be dedicated to the city to accommodate the "wetland trail'. Planning 0 0 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the security required by it prior to receiving a building permit. 2. A separate sign permit application, review and approval shall be required prior to site sign installation. 3. The building needs additional articulation to break up long expansions of wall area on the north side of the building. 8. General Conditions. The general conditions of this Agreement are attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. 9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: E ISA Ryan aY Todd Gerhardt, City Manager ( ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) n� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thij�AZday of , 2019, by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and by Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhass n, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and ursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. —r OTARY P LIC KIM T. MEUWISSEN Notary Publb-Minnesota Mly COmmhnW Expkes Jen 31, 2025 0 C. -_ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: E ISA Ryan aY Todd Gerhardt, City Manager ( ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) n� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thij�AZday of , 2019, by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and by Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhass n, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and ursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. —r OTARY P LIC KIM T. MEUWISSEN Notary Publb-Minnesota Mly COmmhnW Expkes Jen 31, 2025 0 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA (ss. COUNTY OF n LJ DEVEL E BY: Michael Bauer Its President Q The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this,4pdday of AIC ' 20 I by Michael Bauer, President,. Bauer Design Build, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company. DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227.1100 NOTARY PUBLIC nip... ANETARTMANN NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA WCQMMISSIONEJIFIFES01131M20 CITY OF CHANHASSEN SITE PLAN AGREEMENT EXHIBIT "A„ GENERAL CONDITION 1. Right to Proceed. Within the site plan area, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this site plan agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security and fees have been received by the City, and 3) the City has issued a building permit in reliance on the foregoing conditions having been satisfied. 2. Maintenance of site. The site shall be maintained in accordance with the approved site plan. Plants and ground cover required as a condition of site plan approval which die shall be promptly replaced. 3. License. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers bd the contractors a license to enter the site to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriatey City conjunction with site plan development. 4. Erosion Control. Before the site is rough graded, and before any building permits are issue � Th the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented, inspected, and app Y the City. City may impose additional erosion control requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be certified seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc an as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion at the Developer's expense. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. No development will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless there is full compliance with the erosion control requirements. Erosion control shall be maintained until vegetative cover has been restored. After the site as been stabilized to where, in the opinion of the City, there is no longer a need for erosion control, the City will authorize removal of the erosion control measures - need 5. Clean up. The Developer shall maintain a neat and orderly work site and shall daily clean, on and off site, dirt and debris, including blowables, from streets and the surrounding area that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, its agents or assigns. 6. Warranty. All trees, grass, and sod required in the approved Landscaping Plan, Plan C, shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality, and disease free at the time of planting. All trees shall be warranted for twelve (12) months from the time of planting. The Developer or his contractor(s) shall post a letter of credit or cash escrow to the City to secure the warranties at the time of final D acceptance. 7. Responsibility for Costs. A. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from site plan approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. B. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Permit, including engineering and attorneys' fees. C. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Permit within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all development work and construction. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of 8% per year. 8. Developer's Default. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer is fust given notice of the work in default, not less than four (4) days in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 9. Miscellaneous. A. Construction Trailers. Placement of on-site construction trailers and temporary job site offices shall be approved by the City Engineer. Trailers shall be removed from the subject property within thirty (30) days following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. B. Postal Service. The Developer shall provide for the maintenance of postal service in accordance with the local Postmaster's request. C. Third Parties. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Agreement. D. Breach of Contract. Breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits. E. Severability. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. F. Occugancv. Unless approved in writing by the City Engineer, no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities tested and approved by the city. G. Waivers/Amendments. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. H. Recording. This Agreement shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. 1. Remedies. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City's cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may he exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. Construction Hours. The normal construction hours under this contract shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, with no such activity allowed on Sundays or any recognized legal holidays. Construction activities in conjunction with new developments and city improvement projects, including but not limited to grading, utility installation and paving, requiring the use of heavy equipment shall be permitted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any weekday and 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. No such activity is permitted on Sundays or public holidays. Operation of all internal combustion engines used for construction or dewatering purposes beyond the normal working hours will require City Council approval. K. Soil Treatment Systems. If soil treatment systems are required, the Developer shall clearly identify in the field and protect from alteration, unless suitable alternative sites are first provided, the two soil treatment sites identified during the site plan process for each lot. This shall be done prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. Any violation/disturbance of these sites shall render them as unacceptable and replacement sites will need to be located for each violated site in order to obtain a building permit. L. Compliance with Laws Ordinances and Regulations. In the development of the site plan, the Developer shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the following authorities: 1. City of Chanhassen; 2. State of Minnesota, its agencies, departments and commissions; 3. United States Army Corps of Engineers; 4. watershed District; 5. Metropolitan Government, its agencies, departments and commissions. M. Proof of Title. Upon request, the Developer shall furnish the City with evidence satisfactory to the City that it has the authority of the fee owners and contract for deed purchasers too enter into this Development Contract. N. Soil Conditions. The Developer acknowledges that the City makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the property or its fitness for construction of the improvements or any other purpose for which the Developer may make use of such property. The Developer further agrees that it will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its governing body members, officers, and employees from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the property, unless hazardous wastes or pollutants were caused to be there by the City. O. Soil Correction. The Developer shall be responsible for soil correction work on the property. The City makes no representation to the Developer concerning the nature of suitability of soils nor the cost of correcting any unsuitable soil conditions which may exist. 10 0 0 CONSENT Owners of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Site Plan Agreement, affirm and consent to the provisions thereof and agree to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by them. Datedthis S dayof Ayyv'34 2010) By coo.( 6.,,*,L Itit A1"4jc✓ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of Aigi 201$ by Cory Watkins, General Manager, Zion investment, LLC, a Minnesota Limi Liability Company /F' il/ _ _ 7t. DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Ma&d Boulevard P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227-1100 Notary Public Minnesota 11 PUBLIC embank. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION STANDBY LETTERS OF CREDIT: BC-MN-H2OG 800 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD, BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 NO. SLCUMSP09654 EXPIRATION DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 2020 DATE: AUGUST 22, 2019 DEAR SIR OR MADAM: SWIFT: USBKUS44 PHONE: 612-303-7374 612-303-7395 FAX: 612-303-5226 WE HEREBY ISSUE, FOR THE ACCOUNT OF CONTROL CONCEPTS INC 18760 LAKE DRIVE EAST CHANHAASSEN, MN 55317 AND IN YOUR FAVOR, OUR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $335.711.00, AVAILABLE TO YOU BY YOUR DRAFT DRAWN ON SIGHT ON THE UNDERSIGNED BANK THE DRAFT MUST: A) BEAR THE CLAUSE, "DRAWN UNDER LETTER OF CREDIT NO. SLCMMSP09654, DATED AUGUST 22, 2019, OF "US BANK ASSOCIATION 800 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 BC-MN-H2OG"; B) BE SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OR CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN. C) BE PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT AT US BANK ASSOCIATION 800 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 BC-MN-H2OG, ON OR BEFORE 4:00 P.M. ON NOVEMBER 30, 2020. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL AUTOMATICALLY RENEW FOR SUCCESSIVE ONE-YEAR TERMS UNLESS, AT LEAST FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS PRIOR TO THE NEXT ANNUAL RENEWAL DATE (WHICH SHALL BE NOVEMBER 30, OF EACH YEAR), THE BANK DELIVERS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CHANHASSEN CITY MANAGER THAT IT INTENDS TO MODIFY THE TERMS OF, OR CANCEL, THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. WRITTEN NOTICE IS EFFECTIVE IF SENT BY CERTIFIED MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID, AND DEPOSITED IN THE U.S. MAIL, AT LEAST FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS PRIOR TO THE NEXT ANNUAL RENEWAL DATE ADDRESSED AS FOLLOWS: CHANHASSEN CITY MANAGER, CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD, P.O. BOX 147, CHANHASSEN, MN 55317, AND IS ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY THE CITY MANAGER AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO THE RENEWAL DATE. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SETS FORTH IN FULL OUR UNDERSTANDING WHICH SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY BE MODIFIED, AMENDED, AMPLIFIED, OR LIMITED BY REFERENCE TO ANY DOCUMENT, INSTRUMENT, OR AGREEMENT, WHETHER OR NOT REFERRED TO HEREIN. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. THIS IS NOT A NOTATION LETTER OF CREDIT. MORE THAN ONE DRAW MAY BE MADE UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE MOST RECENT REVISION OF THE UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS, INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION NO. 600. WE HEREBY AGREE THAT A DRAFT DRAWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION A ORIZEDSIGNAI IR $=4 -'D Generous, Bob From: Mike LaQua <mike.l@bauerdb.com> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 11:19 AM To: Generous, Bob Cc: Cory Watkins (/ Subject: RE: Control Concepts- Site Plan Agreement Cost breakouts Bob: Below, please find the cost breakouts as requested. Landscaping = $42,654p� (, Erosion Control = $12,538 Storm Infiltration System= $173,600 V -TW Storm Detention System = $76,400 ✓-~ 33S '-1 I I Michael LaQua Sr. Project Manager BnUER DESIGN BUILD CLIENT FOCUSED ...Value Driven ..auilding Quality 14030 21" Avenue N, Plymouth, MN 55447 P:(763)972-0000 F:(763)972-8707 D:(763)999-7217 C:(612)597-3739 www.bauerdesignbuild.com 91 'LIKF"Us on Forebook! From: Mike LaQua Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 3:37 PM To: Generous, Bob <bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: RE: Control Concepts- Site Plan Agreement Cost breakouts I will request it. SvL7. 2, / � 1 3Z�a2 Storm water to include storm structures, pipe & underground filtration system? Landscaping to include irrigation? 1 gam NAMED Generous, Bob From: Generous, Bob Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 12:53 PM To: 'Cory Watkins' Cc: Henricksen, Erik; Unmacht, Matt; Sinclair, Jill Subject: RE: 8077 Century Blvd - City Inspection Cory, You can reduce you letter of credit to $32,192.00. If you submit to the city an as -built survey of the stormwater infiltration and detention facility, the security can be reduced further to $4,692 for the 10% landscaping security. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. 0 Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH. 952.227.1131 FX. 952.227.1110 www.ei.chanhassen.mn.us JE From: Cory Watkins <cwatkins@ccipower.com> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2020 10:55 AM To: Generous, Bob <bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: RE: 8077 Century Blvd - City Inspection :.• Thank you for the update. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to expedite this in parallel as the Letter of Credit renewal is upon us and it a significant cost to renew. Regards, Cory Watkins From: Generous, Bob [mai Ito: bgenerous(a)ci chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2020 3:08 PM To: Sinclair, Jill; Cory Watkins Subject: RE: 8077 Century Blvd - City Inspection 1 Cory, That's only for the landscape portion of the security. I'm still waiting on Engineering and Water Resources to determine if the rest can be reduced or eliminated. From: Sinclair, Jill <jsinclair@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 4:11 PM To: Cory Watkins <cwatkins@ccipower.com>; Generous, Bob <bRenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: RE: 8077 Century Blvd - City Inspection Hi Bob and Cory, I was able to fit in an inspection today. Everything is complete. The LOC can be reduced to 10%. Jill Sinclair ® Environmental Resources Specialist —ISA Certified Arborist MN4545-A CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH. 952.227.1133 FX. 952.227.1110 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us r V From: Cory Watkins <cwatkins@ccipower.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 11:12 AM To: Sinclair, Jill <isinclair@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Cc: Generous, Bob <beenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: RE: 8077 Century Blvd - City Inspection The landscaper has replaced all of the trees that you had questioned. Please let me know if you can re -inspect so that we can move forward with the 90% release. Thanks Cory Watkins Control Concepts (952)345-6203 From: Generous, Bob[mailto:baenerous(a)ci.chanhassen.mn.usl Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 8:41 AM To: Cory Watkins Subject: FW: 8077 Century Blvd - City Inspection Here's comments on the landscaping From: Sinclair, Jill <isinclair@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 2:44 PM To: Generous, Bob <bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: RE: 8077 Century Blvd - City Inspection Hi Bob, All of the landscaping is in, but a little over a handful of trees took a hit during the hot weather and have brown leaves now. They need to replace the trees- ideally waiting a month or so to do so the weather is more mild -and then do a re -inspection for the 90% release. Jill Sinclair ® Environmental Resources Specialist -ISA Certified Arborist MN4545-A CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH. 952.227.1133 FX. 952.227.1110 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us r( r From: Generous, Bob<beenerousC@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 2:31 PM To: Bender, George <GBender@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Henricksen, Erik<EHenricksen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Sinclair, Jill<isinclair@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Unmacht, Matt <MUnmacht@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: FW: 8077 Century Blvd - City Inspection They are requesting a release or reduction in their security, which we are holding for erosion control, landscaping, storm detention and storm infiltration. Thanks From: Cory Watkins <cwatkins(accioower.com> Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 12:04 PM To: Generous, Bob<beenerous(aci.chanhassen.mn.us> Cc: Ryan Villigan (rvan.v@bauerdb.com) <rvan.v@bauerdb.com> Subject: 8077 Century Blvd - City Inspection M. This email is to request the follow up inspection by the City of Chanhassen in order to release the financial assurance / letter of credit currently being held for the project. Please let me know the best times that work for you. Regards, Cory Watkins President Control Concepts Inc. Tel: (952) 345-6203 Fax: (952) 474-6070 NEHAVE Mould! Our new address is: 8077 Century Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 All phone numbers and email addresses will remain the same. COVID-19 Update: Control Concepts is currently manufacturing and shipping products as normal. Control Concepts carries a large inventory and is actively monitoring all parts required to provide our SCR power controllers to customers in a timely manner. Due to the recent virus outbreak & likelihood of an enforced shutdown, Control Concepts will not be held responsible for parts shortages, quarantines or shutdowns of any kind that could result in delayed delivery of Control Concept's products. Please see our updated terms and conditions; https://ccipower.com/contact-us/contact-information/terms-conditions WHO POWERS YOUR PROCESS? - SCR Design Enaineerina Cheddist - Fusing and Fusekits - Digital Communication Ootions - Video Tutorials Contact us: (952) 474.6200 1 (800) 765.2799 1 www.ccioower.com Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient and received this in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and then completely delete this email from your system. You are hereby notified that the copying, use or distribution of any information or materials transmitted in or with this message is strictly prohibited. PC 1`i-0`1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Bauer Design Build and Zion Investments, LLC for Site Plan approval for a 54,726 square foot, two-story, office, warehouse and manufacturing building. On June 4, 2019, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Bauer Design Build and Zion Investments, LLC for site plan approval. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development, PUD. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Office Industrial uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7s' Addition. 4. Site Plan Review: a. Is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; Finding: The proposed development is in compliance with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides as well as meeting the design standards for Arboretum Business Park. b. Is consistent with site plan division; Finding: The proposed development complies with the Site Plan review requirements of the Chanhassen City Code. c. Preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; Finding: The site has been significantly altered by previous grading on the parcel. The proposed development is in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring SCANNED developed areas. The development is preserving the Bluff Creek primary zone located on the site. d. Creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; Finding: The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development. e. Creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: . 1) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. Finding: The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, subject to compliance with the conditions of approval. e. Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and traffic circulation. 5. The planning report #2018-11, dated June 4, 2019 prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. `A RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Site Plan for Control Concepts subject to the recommended conditions of approval contained within the staff report. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 4'h day of June 2019. CHANHASSEN PLANNING LIM F- 2 PROPOSED MOTION: PC- 19-vy PC DATE: June 4, 2019 CC DATE: June 24, 2019 REVIEW DEADLINE: July 2, 2019 CASE #: 2019-04 BY: RC, RG, EH, TH, DN, JS, ET "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the site plan for a 54,276 square -foot, two-story office, warehouse and manufacturing building subject to the conditions of approval and adoption of the findings of fact and recommendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 54,276 square -foot, two-story office, warehouse and manufacturing building. LOCATION: Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7h Addition (PID 25.0680020) 8077 Century Boulevard APPLICANT: Bauer Design Build 14030 21' Avenue N. Plymouth, MN 55447 (763)999-7217 mikel@.bauerdb.com Zion Investments, LLC 7014 Willow Creek Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (952) 474-6200 cwatkins@cciyower.com Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 2 of 15 PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development (PUD)/Bluff Creek Overlay District 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office Industrial ACREAGE: 5.23 acres DENSITY: 0.16 F.A.R. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city's discretion in approving or denying a Site Plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the city must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY Site plan approval for a 54,276 square -foot, two-story office, warehouse and manufacturing building. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article 2, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office - Institutional Developments Arboretum Business Park Development Standards BACKGROUND On May 29, 2007, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: Preliminary and final plat for two lots and one outlot (Arboretum Business Park 7s' Addition). Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor. Site Plan for a 51,800 square -foot office/warehouse building (Mamac Systems) with a variance to permit only 32 percent building transparency on the western building elevation and with a 20 - foot setback variance for the drive aisle in the southeast comer of the site for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor on Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7' Addition. On September 24, 2001, the Chanhassen City Council approved Interim Use Permit (IUP) #2001-1 to grade a portion of the Arboretum Business Park development and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) #2001-8 to permit development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The IUP and CUP included this property. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 3 of 15 On July 28, 1997, the City Council approved the following: the ordinance for PUD #92-6 rezoning approximately 154 acres from Agricultural Estate, A2, to Planned Unit Development, PUD, and the PUD #92-6 granting final plat approval for Arboretum Business Park. DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 54,726 square foot, two-story, office, warehouse and manufacturing building. The building footprint is 39,779 square feet with a second floor storage/manufacturing area of 14,497 square feet. a ■ Site Constraints Wetland Protection The City of Chanhassen Wetland Inventory, the National Wetland inventory, a review of historic aerial photography and a site visit reveal that wetland is present on the site. The applicant has submitted a wetland delineation and type determination for city review and approval. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs present on the site. Bluff Creek Primary Zone Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 4 of 15 The eastern portion of the site is located within the Bluff Creek Primary Zone, A Conditional Use Permit was approved in 2007 for development in the overlay district. This area is proposed for preservation as permanent open space. A 40 -foot structure setback with the first 20 feet in buffer is required. A trail connection is required by the city from Century Boulevard to the existing trail around the wetland complex. Shoreland Management The property does not lie within a shoreland overlay district. Floodplain Overlay This property does not lie within a floodplain. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Size Porton Placement The main entry is located in the northwest comer of the building with a secondary access on the north side of the building as well as an entrance in the southwest comer of the building. The main entrance is highlighted with a red colored metal canopy. Material, Color and Detail The applicant is proposing the building material of multi -textured, gray and exposed aggregate, precast concrete wall panels with partition lines and banding. The concrete panels at the entrances incorporate a dark gray, sandblasted finish. The upper levels of the building are a light gray, exposed aggregate finish with the lower portion of darker random rack finish. Accent and articulation is added through the spacing of aluminum storefront systems at the entrances and lower and upper five foot by seven foot window groupings along the street frontage. Five feet by five feet upper level windows are spaced around the warehouse area of the building. However, the building needs additional articulation to break up long expansions of wall area on the north side of the building. To avoid long unbroken expanses, buildings of more than 40 feet Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 5 of 15 in width shall be divided into smaller increments (between 20 and 40 feet) through articulation of the fagade. This can be achieved through fagade modulation -stepping back or forward or extending a portion of the fagade. Height and Roof Design The building height is 30 feet 6 inches to the top of the parapet. The parapet is topped with a dark metal coping material. The parapet is highest at the building entrance, then steps down to 29 feet 6 inches along the office spaces and steps down to 28 feet at the south end of the building. The height of the building at the loading doors on the east end of the building is 24 feet 8 inches. Facade Transparency The applicant meets the 50 percent glazing (window) requirements. Windows are provided in all office areas of the building. The windows are within anodized aluminum window frames. Loading Areas, Refuse Area, etc. Delivery and service overhead doors are located on the east side of the building facing the Bluff Creek preserved area. This side of the building is shielded by the building from the public right- of-way of Century Boulevard. Lighting The applicant is proposing 25 -foot tall light poles around the parking lot as well as wall pack units around the building. LED lighting is proposed. All lighting shall be shielded and have 90 degree cut-off angles pursuant to city code. Signage The applicant is proposing signage on the north elevation of the building and a monument sign at the entrance. Wall signage is permitted on the street frontage. However, the city may approve signage on the north elevation if wall signage is not included on the west elevation. Signage must follow the standards for the IOP district. Monument signage may not be located within drainage and utility easements and will need to be moved to another location on the site or the easement may be vacated. A separate sign permit must be submitted for each sign. Site Furnishings The applicant is proposing constructing a trail as part of the development. They provide a patio for outdoor seating/picnic area in the southeast comer of the building. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 6 of 15 Landscaping Minimum requirements for landscaping at the proposed development include 4,498 sq. ft. of landscaped area around the parking lot, five landscaped islands or peninsulas, and 18 trees for the parking lot. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping, but lacks landscape islands or peninsulas in the parking lot area. Bufferyard and Boulevard tree requirements: Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 4,498 sq. ft. >4,498 sq. ft. Trees/parking lot 18 trees 18 trees Islands or peninsulas/parking lot 5 islands/peninsulas 0 islands/peninsulas The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping, but lacks landscape islands or peninsulas in the parking lot area. Bufferyard and Boulevard tree requirements: The applicant does not meet bufferyard minimum requirements for the north property line. Staff also recommends that the applicant increase plantings to meet minimum requirements. Along the south property line, staff does not recommend adding trees to meet minimum requirements due to a lack of space. The rear wooded area on the lot is within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. This wooded area is in the primary zone and shall be preserved with the exception of the public trail connection. The plans show the removal of a large oak tree for the installation of a park trail. After an inspection of the site, it appears that a trail could be installed without the removal of any significant oak trees. Staff recommends that the trail alignment be field inspected and approved by the city prior to any removals and construction activity. The developer shall install Conservation Area signage at the edge of the preservation area. Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard C — North 7 Overstory trees 5 Overstory trees prop. line, open space, 17 Understory trees 0 Understory trees 350' 17 Shrubs 0 Shrubs Bufferyard B — South 7 Overstory trees 7 Overstory trees prop. line, 500' 15 Understory trees 12 Understory trees 22 Shrubs 23 Shrubs Boulevard trees —1 tree 11 Trees 11 Trees r 30' The applicant does not meet bufferyard minimum requirements for the north property line. Staff also recommends that the applicant increase plantings to meet minimum requirements. Along the south property line, staff does not recommend adding trees to meet minimum requirements due to a lack of space. The rear wooded area on the lot is within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. This wooded area is in the primary zone and shall be preserved with the exception of the public trail connection. The plans show the removal of a large oak tree for the installation of a park trail. After an inspection of the site, it appears that a trail could be installed without the removal of any significant oak trees. Staff recommends that the trail alignment be field inspected and approved by the city prior to any removals and construction activity. The developer shall install Conservation Area signage at the edge of the preservation area. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 7 of 15 Access, Lot Frontage and Parking Location The lot fronts on Century Boulevard and proposes two access driveways. Parking is distributed on the western and northern sides of the building with truck docks located on the east side of the building. An access drive is provided around the entire building. Staff has concerns regarding the alignment of the northern access driveway with Water Tower Place. The applicant shall provide a traffic memo, prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, evaluating conflicting driving movements with Water Tower Place and the northern driveway access. This memo should contain recommendations for improvements and/or alignment adjustments. Fire Lane No Parking areas for all the curbing except those directly adjacent to parking spaces will need to be painted yellow with NO PARKING FIRE LANE signs posted per city/fire code. Miscellaneous There is only one hydrant on the property. Several are needed to meet minimum spacing requirements per MN Fire Code. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, Separated or non - separated, Fire resistive elements (Ext. walls, Bearing walls - exterior or interior, Shaft, Incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. Detailed occupancy -related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to: allowable size, protected openings and fire -resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. EASEMENTS There are several existing easements on this property as shown on the survey. Two existing drainage and utility easements are atypical. Staff believes standard drainage and utility easements associated with the lot lines are appropriate for this site. The atypical portions of the existing easements should be vacationed to avoid the need for additional encroachment easements. A permanent easement will be required to be granted over the city's trail that will traverse through the property. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 8 of 15 PARKS & RECREATION The applicant is proposing a trail connection to the trial within Century Boulevard and the trail located within the Bluff Creek primary zone. No Park and Trail frees are being collected because there is no subdivision. The developer shall be responsible for planning, engineering, and constructing the "wetland trail". Connection points for this new trail shall be the terminus of the Trotters Ridge trail, the intersection of Century Boulevard and West 82"d Street, and the intersection of Century Boulevard and Water Tower Place. Bid documents, including plans and specifications, shall be approved by the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to soliciting bids. Project bidding shall occur in a competitive environment with a minimum of three bids being received. The results of the bidding process shall be reviewed with the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to award. Cash payment for trail construction shall be made from the City of Chanhassen to the developer upon completion, inspection, and acceptance of the trail. Trail easements within Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7d' Addition (formerly Outlot C, Arboretum Business Park) shall be dedicated to the city to accommodate the "wetland trail". UTILITIES The developer will extend sanitary sewer and water service to the building from the existing utility lines in Century Boulevard. This will include the wet -tap of the existing 12 -inch DIP water main in the street to establish an 8 -inch C900 service connection for water, and the core drilling into an existing sanitary sewer manhole in the street to establish a 6 -inch PVC service connection for sanitary sewer. All work within the public right-of-way, including the connections to the public utilities, will require permits through the city accompanied by traffic control plans. Prior to working within the public right-of-way and the connection to any public utility main, the applicant's contractor shall contact Public Works to schedule a preconstruction meeting. All call -outs on construction plans that reference a detail shall be updated to incorporate the sheet the detail is illustrated on and the detail number referenced for construction. This will promote clarity between public improvements and private construction (e.g. curb details, gutter details, pavement details, etc.). Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 9 of 15 GRADING The applicant is proposing to grade the site to accommodate the construction of an industrial building. Through the proposed grading plan, drainage will he routed away from the building into a series of catch basins and stormwater pipe located in the parking areas, and directed to an underground storage and treatment device. Grading for a public trail will be conducted within the Bluff Creek Primary Zone under the approved 2007 Conditional Use Permit for the development of the Arboretum Business Park Seventh Addition. This trail connection was a requirement by the city as passed by Resolution 2007-34 on May 29, 2007. The applicant is proposing the construction of an approximately 80' long modular block retaining wall between the northern parking lot and the public trail. While the top of wall and bottom of wall elevations provided are less than 4', the bottom wall elevation is noted to be "at grade." Bottom wall elevations of the entire wall section, or below grade, shall be provided. If the wall exceeds 4' in total height, the wall shall be designed by a registered engineer, and plans shall be submitted for review. DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). All erosion control shall be installed and inspected prior to initiation of site grading activities. The applicant has proposed to install a trench drain directly adjacent to the loading docks located at the east side of the building. The trench drain is designed to capture stormwater, which is then routed to an underground detention facility, then to an infiltration facility, where overflow from infiltration is routed to a wetland and subsequent stormwater pond. Staff has concerns that in the event of a spill at the loading docks, if hazardous material and/or metals are utilized at the site, Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 10 of 15 they may enter the private storm system via the trench drain. Staff recommends the installation of a gate valve downstream of the trench drain to isolate possible hazardous material from entering the storm system. The operation and maintenance plan for the storm system should include the procedure for this isolation protocol. The proposed redevelopment will need Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) permits. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of City Code describes the required stormwater management development standards. Section 19-141 states that "these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features." These standards include abstraction of runoff and water quality treatment resulting in the removal of 90% total suspended solids (TSS) and 60% total phosphorous (TP). The applicant has proposed a sub -surface stormwater management system which includes stormwater detention and infiltration prior to discharge to a wetland and stormwater facility north of the site. Further stormwater system design details are required to assess system functionality and performance. Staff also recommends alternatives be explored to manage flow and erosion from the point discharge exiting the site to the downstream facility. Compliance Table Code Proiect (Control Concepts) Building Height 3 stories 2 stories 40 feet 30.5 feet (to top of highest parapet) Building Setback N* - 0' E# - 0' N - 144'E# - 309' W -50,S-0' W -80'S-34' * There is a wetland buffer setback: 30 feet building, 15 feet parking # There is a 40 -foot setback required from the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary. Parking Stalls 84 stalls 92 stalls (Office = 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet ((11,614/1,000)*4= 46); Manufacturing = 1 per employee on largest shift (28 employees); Warehouse = I space per 1,000 square feet for the first 10,000 square feet, then 1 space per 2,000 square feet ((9,782/1,000)=10) Parking Setback N - 0' E #- 0' N - 70'E - 230' W -10,S-0' W -10,S-11' Hard Surface Coverage 70% 48% Lot Area 43,560 sq. ft. 227,850 sq. ft. (5.23 ac.) Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 11 of 15 Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the site plan for a 54,276, two-story building, plans prepared by Loucks and BDH & Young, dated 05-03-2019, subject to the following conditions: Building 1. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key Plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, Separated or non -separated, Fire resistive elements (Ext walls, Bearing walls - exterior or interior, Shaft, Incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. 4. Detailed occupancy -related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 5. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to: allowable size, protected openings and fire -resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. 6. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Engineering and Water Resources The applicant shall provide a traffic memo, prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, evaluating conflicting driving movements with Water Tower Place and the northern driveway access 2. Vacate drainage and utility easements except the standard 10 -foot wide easement associated with the front of the parcel in addition to the standard 5 -foot wide easement associated with the side and rear portions of the parcel. 3. The wetland, wetland buffer, and the Bluff Creek Overlay District on the site shall be preserved and protected in perpetuity. Staff recommends that the developer dedicate those areas to the city to ensure conservation of these critical areas. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 12 of 15 4. Provide a permanent 20' easement over the trail throughout the parcel. 5. The applicant shall remove all existing fence located on the east side of the property. 6. Apply for an Encroachment Agreement for the private sidewalk. 7. Provide top of wall and bottom of wall elevations for entire retaining wall build, which includes retaining wall built below grade, i.e. bottom of wall. 8. Replace any striping removed in Century Boulevard. 9. All striping and signage shall meet the requirements of the MN-MUTCD manual. 10. Indicate lineal (running) slope design for the trail. Trail slopes shall meet ADA requirements. 11. Staff recommends the installation of a gate valve downstream of the trench drain to isolate possible hazardous material from entering the storm system. The operation and maintenance plan for the storm system should include the procedure for this isolation protocol. 12. Salvage existing topsoil and indicate stockpile location. 13. Water main fittings shall be epoxy coated. 14. Core drill to existing sanitary sewer main will require the installation of a boot at connection. 15. As the developer will be required to remove all material surrounding the existing public sanitary sewer manhole that is being proposed for connection, Public Works will inspect and determine if repair or rehabilitation of the manhole is required (e.g. rebuilding chimney, installing 1/1 barrier, etc.). 16. Appropriate city permits for construction within the public right-of-way shall be obtained prior to construction. Work within city streets requires a traffic control plan. 17. A preconstruction meeting with Public Works and Engineering shall be scheduled by the contractor prior to working within the public right-of-way and the connection to any public utilities. 18. Identify stockpile locations on plan. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 13 of 15 19. All call -outs on construction plans that reference a detail shall be updated to incorporate the sheet the detail is illustrated on and the detail number referenced for construction. 20. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure and submit proof that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, RPBCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, PCA, etc.). 21. A SWPPP shall be submitted for review that meets the conditions of the NPDES Construction Permit 22. Provide design details for the stormwater management systems and associated hydrology models. 23. The applicant shall assess alternatives to conveying stormwater system discharge on and across City property that will not cause erosion or degradation. 24. The applicant shall demonstrate through modeling that the receiving municipal stormwater system has adequate capacity to accept the increased drainage volume. 25. Provide a planting and revegetation plan specific for grading within the bluff impact zone and the wetland buffer. 26. Provide boring locations on grading and stormwater utility plan sheets. Environmental Resources 1. The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to meet minimum requirements for the north bufferyard. Plantings shall be located between trail and parking lot. 2. The applicant shall protect existing trees to be preserved along Century Boulevard. Tree protection fencing shall be placed at the dripline or greater distance prior to any construction activities and maintained until construction is complete. Any trees that die will be required to be replaced. The trail alignment within the Bluff Creek Overlay District shall be field inspected and approved by the city prior to any removals and construction activity. No live, significant oak trees shall be removed for trail construction. Fire 1. There is only one hydrant on the property. Several are needed to meet minimum spacing requirements per MN Fire Code. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 14 of 15 Parks 1. The developer shall be responsible for planning, engineering, and constructing the "wetland trail." Connection points for this new trail shall be the terminus of the Trotters Ridge trail, the intersection of Century Boulevard and West 82nd Street, and the intersection of Century Boulevard and Water Tower Place. Bid documents, including plans and specifications, shall be approved by the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to soliciting bids. Project bidding shall occur in a competitive environment with a minimum of three bids being received. The results of the bidding process shall be reviewed with the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to award. Cash payment for trail construction shall be made from the City of Chanhassen to the developer upon completion, inspection, and acceptance of the trail. 2. Trail easements within Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7d' shall be dedicated to the city to accommodate the "wetland trail'. Planning 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the security required by it prior to receiving a building permit. 2. A separate sign permit application, review and approval shall be required prior to site sign installation. 3. The building needs additional articulation to break up long expansions of wall area on the north side of the building. ATTACHMENTS 1. Application for Development Review 2. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 3. Control Concepts Title Sheet, Preliminary Floor Plans and Building Elevations 4. Atlas Land Survey 5. Existing Conditions 6. Demolition Plan 7. Site Plan 8. Grading and Drainage Plan 9. Storm Sewer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 10. SWPPP Notes 11. Utility Plan - Sanitary Sewer & Water Main 12. Utility Plan - Storm Sewer 13. Utility Plan - Foundation Draintile 14. Civil Details Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard — Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 15 of 15 15. Landscape Plan 16. Landscape Details 17. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List gAplan\2019 planning cases\19-04 control wncepcs\staff report control concepts 6A-19.docx CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING CASE NO. 2019-04 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen Planning Commission will hold a public hearingonTuesdal, June4, 2019at 7:00p -M. in the Council Chambers in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor for property located at 8077 Century Boulevard and zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). Applicant: Bauer Design Build, Owner. Zion Investments, LLC. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review on the city's web site at wwwci.chanhassen. mn.us/2019-04 or at City Hall during regular business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Robert Generous, AICP Email: bgenerousC ci.chanhassen.mmus Phone: 952-227-1131 (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on Thursday, May 23, 2019; No. 4740) SCANNED Affidavit of Publication Southwest Newspapers State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Carver ) Laurie A. Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Vil- lager and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No. y 7 7� was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of type used in the composition and publication of the Notice: abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz O�� V' Laurie A. Hartmarm Subscribed and swom before me on this�37 " day of 2019 JYMMEJEANNEffEBARK )NOTARYPUBLIC- MINNESOTA -My COMMISSION EXPIRES 01/31123 Public RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $31.20 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter ................................ $31.20 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter .............................................. $13.62 per column inch Pc (9 - o-+ CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on May 23, 2019, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing to Consider a Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit for Development within the Bluff Creek Corridor for Property located at 8077 Century Boulevard, zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD), Planning Case File No. 2019-04 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me thiQ3,A day of .2019. Notary C JEAN M STECKLING Notary P�Mkneeota �gg MyWy�.o jw 31, 2MM4 i Public SCANNEr, This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees Or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. ((TAX—NAME)) ((TAX—ADD—Ll)) eTAX_ADD_Uin,aTAX_ADD_L3» «Next Record »dTAX_NAME» «TAX_ADD_L1» aTAX_ADD_L2u,dTAX_ADD_LU Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time; Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until ' later in the evening, depending on the order of theagenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers 7700 Market Blvd. Consider a Site Plan Review & Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor for property Proposal: located at 8077 Century Boulevard, zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). Applicant I Bauer Design Build / Zion Investments, LLC Owner: Property 8077 Century Boulevard Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: What Happens W Wthe 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the city's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2019-04. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Generous by Questions & email at �enerous(Mci chanhassen minus or by phone at Questions & 952-227-1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is Comments: helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project website listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/notifyme to sign up! City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Welland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a Public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. Al the Planning Commission meeting staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and dismiss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commerclalllndusnal. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete, Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesparsonlrepresentative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Smile; also available to review the project with any intimated! person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken antl any correspondence regarding the application will be induded m the report tot" City Counal, B you wish to have something to be included in the report, lease tooted the Planni Staff person named on the notigcalion. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until ' later in the evening, depending on the order of theagenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers 7700 Market Blvd. Consider a Site Plan Review & Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor for property Proposal: located at 8077 Century Boulevard, zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). Applicant I Bauer Design Build / Zion Investments, LLC Owner: Property 8077 Century Boulevard Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: What Happens W Wthe 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the nnniect. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the city's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2019-04. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Generous by email at bgenerous(fti chanhassen mn us or by phone at Questions & 952-227-1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is Comments: helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project website listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/notifyme to sign up! City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Condibonal and Interim Uses, Welland Aflerations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within SW feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested Party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a mcommendation. These reports are available by request. Al the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as apart of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vole of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commeroiallindustrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519 99 requires all applications to he processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Stag is also available to review the project with any Interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Counal. If you wish to have something to be inducted in the report lease contact the Planni2i Stag person named on the notification. PIN TAX NAME 250680020 ZION INVESTMENTS LLC 250750020 BOERGER BUILDING LLC 250680010 MAMAC PROPERTIES LLC 250750030 CENTURY 2000 PARTNERS LLP 250750060 BALL RANCH CO LLC 250740010 COEUR TERRA LLP TAX—ADD _L1 7014 WILLOW CREEK RD 2860 WATERTOWER PL 8189 CENTURY BLVD 3610 HIGHWAY 101 S 1850 LAKE DR W 7801 PARK DR STE F TAX_ADD_L2 EDEN PRAIRIE CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN W AYZATA CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN TAX—ADD—L3 MN 55344 - MN 55317-8004 MN 55317-8002 MN 55391-3424 MN 55317-8585 MN 55317-9219 SHAPE.STArea() 8077 CENTURY BLVD 2860 WATER TOWER PL 8189 CENTURY BLVD 7920 CENTURY CT 2885 WATER TOWER PL 8085 CENTURY BLVD CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING CASE NO. 2019-04 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor for property located at 8077 Century Boulevard and zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). Applicant: Bauer Design Build, Owner: Zion Investments, LLC. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review on the city's web site at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2019-04 or at City Hall during regular business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Robert Generous, AICP Email: bgenerousAci.chanhassen.mmus Phone: 952-227-1131 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on May 23, 2019) gAplan\2019 plmming cares\19-04 control concepts\ph notice to villager.docx sc-A WD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 CITY OF CHMNSEN Phone: (952) 227-1130 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 AGENCY REVIEW REQUEST LAND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Please review and respond no later than the review response deadline Agency Review Request Date: Agency Review Response Deadline: Date Application Filed: May 7, 2019 May 23, 2019 May 3, 2019 Contact: Contact Phone: Contact Email: Robert Generous, AICP 952-227-1131 bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Senior Planner Planning Commission Date: City Council Date: 60-Day Review Period Deadline: June 4, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. June 24, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. July 2, 2019 Application: Consider a Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor for property located at 8077 Century Boulevard and zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). Applicant: Bauer Design Build, Owner: Zion Investments, LLC. Planning Case: 2019-04 Web Page: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2019-04 In order for staff to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. City Departments: Federal Agencies: Adjacent Cities: ❑ Attorney ❑ Army Corps of Engineers ❑ Chaska ® Building Official ❑ US Fish & Wildlife ❑ Eden Prairie ® Engineer ❑ Jackson Township ® Fire Marshal Watershed Districts: ❑ Minnetonka ® Forester El Shorewood ® Park Director E] Carver County ❑ Victoria r ® Water Resources F-1 Lower River ❑ Law Enforcement [:] Minnehaha Creek Adjacent Counties: ® Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Carver CouCountyAgEl Hennepinencies: Utilities: ❑ Scott ❑ Community Development E3 Engineer ® Cable TV - Medi School Districts: El Environmental Services ® Electric - Minnesootata Valley F-1 Historical Society ❑Electric -Xcel Energy ❑ Eastern Carver County 112 ❑ Parks ❑ Magellan Pipeline ❑ Minnetonka 276 El &Water Conservation District ® Natural Gas - CenterPoint Energy ® Phone - Centurylink Other Agencies: State Agencies: ❑ Hennepin County Regional Railroad ElBoard of Water & Soil Resources Authority ❑ MN Landscape Arboretum El Health [I Historical Society ❑ SouthWest Transit El Natural Resources-Forestry El TC&W Railroad ❑ Natural Resources-Hydrology ❑ Pollution Control ❑ Transportation C, CITY OF CHANHASSEN P 0 BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 05/06/2019 2:58 PM Receipt No. 00408201 CLERK: AshleyM PAYEE: Zion Investments LLC 7014 Willow Creek Road Eden Prairie MN 55344-3224 Control Concepts- Planning Case 2019-04 (BG) ------------------------------------------------------- Site Plan Review 1,050.00 Sign Rent 200.00 Vacation of Easements/ ROW 300.00 Total Cash Check 7109 Change SCAANEC 1,550.00 0.00 1,550.00 0.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard CITY OF CHANHASSEN Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 0 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW w 7 Submittal Dater _ PC Date: `I t -I CC Date: �� I 60 -Day Review Date: Section.apply) (Raler to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this applicatkm) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment.. ..... ............. _. $600 Subdivision (SUB) ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... $100 ❑ Create 3 lots or less .......................................$300 ❑� Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Previously Paid ❑ Create over 3 lots. ..........lots) 3600 + $15 per lot ❑ Single -Family Residence ................................ $325 ❑ Metes & Bounds (2 lots)................................. $300 ZAll Others......................................................... $425 ❑ Consolidate Lots. ............................................. $150 ❑� Lot Line Adjustment ..................................... $150 El Interim Use Permit (IUP) .. ❑ Final Plat ................. ................. $700 In conjunction with Single -Family Residence.. $325 (Includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)' ❑ All Others........................................................ $425 *Additional escrow may be required for other applications ❑ Rezoning (REZ) through the development contract. ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750 Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD ................ $100 (Additional recording fees may appy) ❑ All Others.. ............................................... ....... $500 ❑ Variance (VAR) .................................................... $200 ❑ Sign Plan Review ................................................... $150 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Q Site Plan Review (SPR) ❑ Single -Family Residence ............................... $150 ❑ Administrative................................................ $100 ❑ All Others....................................................... $275 Z Commercial/Industrial Districts* ...................... $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: ❑ Zoning Appeal ...................................................... $100 (54.852 thousand square feet) Include number of xi ; employees: 44 ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. $500 'Include number of new employees: ❑ Residential Districts ........................................ $500 mu TE: when multiple applications are processed concurrently, Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. Notification Sign (city to install and remove) ........... - ...................................__.................... ........... ................ ................... $200 ❑ Property Owners' List within 500' (city to generate after pp n9 Previou51Paid $3 per address P Y ( y 9 pre -application meting) .......................y. Previous) addresses) ❑� Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply)..................yPaid .................. $50 per document ❑� Conditional Use Permit Previously Paid ❑ Interim Use Permit =�❑� Site Plan Agreement ❑ Vacation ❑ Variance ❑ Welland Alteration Permit ❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) 0 Easements ( 2 easements) ❑ Deeds TOTAL FEE: $1,55000 Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal. Proposing construction of new 54,852 sf office/industrial building with warehouse Property Address or Location: 8077 Century Blvd Parcel #: 25.0680020 Legal Description. Refer to attached ALTA Total Acreage: 5.20 Wetlands Present? ® Yes ❑ No Present Zoning: Planned Unit Development (PUD) Requested Zoning: Not Applicable Present Land Use Designation. Office/Industrial Requested Land Use Designation: Not Applicable Existing Use of Property: Vacant CITY OF CHANHASSEN ❑Check box if separate narrative is attached. SCANNED CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Section 3: Property . Applicant APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. 1 further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Bauer Design Build Contact: Michael LaQua Address. 14030 21 st Avenue N Phone: (763) 999-7217 City/State/Zip: Plymouth, MN 55447 Cell: (612) 597-3739 Email: mike.l@bauerdb.w Fax: (763) 972-8707 Signature: _ - Date s 1.1s PROPEFTY10WNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Zion Investments, LLC Contact: Cory Watkins Address: 7014 Willow Creek Road Phone: (952) 474-6200 City/State/Zip: Eden Prairie MN 55344 Cell. (612) 834-1225 Email: atkins@ccipower.com Fax Signature: Date: 5111 19 This application must be completed i nd must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Loucks Inc Contact TREVOR GRUYS, PE Address: 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite #300 Phone: (763) 496-6706 City/State/Zip: Maple Grove, MN 55369 Cell: (952) 334-7593 Email: tgruys@loucksinc.com Fax: Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? *Other Contact Information: Property Owner Via: ❑� Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Name: Patrick L Schneider Q Applicant Via: 0 Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: 5810 West 78th Street, Suite 150 ❑i Engineer Via: 0 Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: Minneapolis MN 55439 Other' Via: j] Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: PatrickS(c-Dcalhouncommercial.com INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documentsandpayment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy t0 the city for processing. SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM [,I mmmbw---. ow saw CONTROL CONCEPTS A�w ,w c f dp " I OPI10 IIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIII CONTROL CONCEPTS ��^1 a! I I>� ti' WW tt11 i III I I KININ qW • N • L .�.,�.._.,I W WAS m!m iGii 1 P n OPI10 IIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIII CONTROL CONCEPTS ��^1 a! I I>� ti' WW tt11 i I I KININ qW • N • L .�.,�.._.,I mws® WWWol1 EA «oWs mcusrwWaJav* evWrls®Ma. FRECIgIWN pP HO -MC IFM MTPMF OPI10 CONTROL CONCEPTS ��^1 1 I>� ti' WW tt11 rWANHASRFN IAKI I I1 i I I II I I—, 1 I 1 11 1 �� tlltl �ql Iplllypl IrQl�lpl I i � 1 I 1 1 I , I 1 I I 11 1 1 II 1 1 II I I II I ("( 1 M 1 w 1 w 1 L _y _l L _y _y______ ' 11ML I 1 M 1 1 1 I I r T y r --I iL l I 1 MIEi 1 1 �' 1 Ii11Ll I M1IIEL tl I_ 1 IIYE I ' 1 w 1 tl. I I M I ___ L _l I, 11 T-------------------------- -i-i i ' 1 r I Y '1' 1 1 i Wol I .La 1 1 Ws 1 Ilo I Wv. Y^- 1 l 1 1 ___________i —---------- T------ i______ I I , 11YE! I I 1 p r M I I ®' , 1111Q I W p 1 V116 11' I Yy -- 1 ' -------------- mws® WWWol1 EA «oWs mcusrwWaJav* evWrls®Ma. FRECIgIWN pP HO -MC IFM MTPMF Orkii OPI10 CONTROL CONCEPTS ��^1 +� ti' WW tt11 rWANHASRFN IAKI Orkii CONTROL CONCEPTS CHANHASSEN MN M T W�A19 COTIO SPACE PL-IEVEIl SP02 �qq '00-411110-1 VVIV KI I I I I I L__l L__J L_ J L__l L__1 L__J L__J L__J L__l L__J L__J , ♦ ♦ 1 11 I II 1 r Imo^ �¶ wM i t i Ma,i iquLii iWkii iwYLii N -i ISVtI lv�gl Ilq I 1 I 1 11 � I II 1 I II 1 1 11 I ,. ♦ I CIO I 1 i i. 1 it 1 L__l § ------ -1 r----------t-----*-----�--------- I �1 I Y I Y 1 _ 1 1r1fl � w I 1 I gILL, I 1,111f 'W ' r 1 1 nn i ,______�______ 1 r I I ®' i i �^' i nun i nun n I r l r , 1 1 � I � � 1 w I w m Y I 1 I I .In I --- -- -------- ------------ --- r � --„-- — - ; IY I Y 1 1 I ' f 1 ran i m Ya rAW I Wa I � -- l r , ----- 1 1 IYI I ,YIY �- II I. 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CHANHASSEN, MN enusa OMAN .uue CONTROL CONCEPTS CIX UCT LIS, TLC I �v:�tl, nrwurvwrt �m.tmou CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAY 0 3 2019 S EE, INMX CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT "" C C..CANNEC' LG TO.1 �1 �• g .Iga1S w NO/1 N ,1 •• � � � €o lON 5 S — 9 Iqe; IV - too. - - — - On 0 00 — E ` Ca. - q1 ql ql .qg •q1 – S '§ 'IS Sig -. ,i1 .E1 .E1 i qa q, q, E5 _ •q1 'q1 _ q3 8' q3 Ea _ - •11 .41 41 +E1 S — 9 Iqe; IV - too. - - — - On 0 00 — E ` Ca. ��\ r � k � , F • % ,(.._ - ƒ• A ®| °� ! ! ■ @ ( ° +; + !§ 4jtI,.Q1W� �W I n ik s dE4# 3 Ei€P€ s ■ 3• E Eii' jJ;l S lit 3€E c I 1VO/1�nN�SNo� 1pN �3 I I :j I 6 ii I Till I iE 39 3 i� V f4i a } i?.1 14 I Q— O`/ E 4 CE i �sa� s if �$��Stia17[ ilS �=li,t fit, t :1i# elP A x ]�. i n I \, I Q— O`/ E 4 CE i �sa� s if �$��Stia17[ ilS �=li,t fit, t :1i# elP Np�1pNN1SNpp'ypy1pN JA I 1 --- I rl } i UP u u 1Pt;: i� 3" F StF iC p 1 01 s�1Y i3 € i�lt•;, � � �`I. .s f now AINO NOUMHOANI 803 O �iin .4t(f{g§F ,Ieoe �31 �PX3N ! iMu iip�j YP��11ei JA I 1 --- I �`I. .s f JA I 1 --- I j NI �s 01 p 1Rll Al N011W11HOMI UCj F boa illlllltll �! � ! �� 6€�3 9 61 QB l�6 f $ $ $ l€l 1� is o 'MY13111 11 ANI g a (\ g != Y f °IieF g � e .'.. 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BEf 1� 30¢39 40- ei@pe �5 $$$(�35 8 3F h €I 3�B! ®° i �€ 5€i�p¢�€c let fill ! 3 3p°$4 dbQ3 b f@ 3 F 4 3E-fi !�9991�E 11111 ei�� ° 1i�g�i ie WIN! gF 4Y. i 9�y ! y�'+�eE e€ @9e €@ 3i Sf�� °4 @ �I � ! �e°.ilI l 3194 6 yit j ¢!4 !p! @Y4p $!"B F83I ' 1qE "� Y9fi ;1@ I55€ I.Eele�i (f( ig ill tillp @E �Jljl �6 Y fiff 43 $! 3Ee !3E-�4 @� oil @F qY�€ai;°E€j a °# 3 E 6 f } geg - €A !e ell a4 i! �! fie e�s ��F �fi a��F F�E���� 26� �34 Fp e ; 9➢a �'-3i iil Fl 38 flit Is8Fe3�8l3°a€�@ a 3;6P 3 3 !•H3 tF3fx 89 g3 t3g 3 ° E« €!$ ! € EEl= '! s14 E°d !E! eIM 3°b€81x3! €1! - � ¢ B € - €, e. 338 -e1 a 131 3 6da8= 2.1 L1 TRANSMITTAL 5/3/2019 RECIPIENT CITY OF CHANHASSESN 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attention Bob Generous Phone 952-227-1131 PROJECT NAME: Control Concepts PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 TRANSMITTED VIA: Courier ❑ Direct 45 min ❑ 90 min ❑ 2 hour ❑ 3 hour ❑ Same Day ❑ Next Day i■ LOUCKS Other ❑ US Mail ❑ Pick -Up ® Hand Delivery ❑ UPS - Ground ❑ UPS — 2 Day ❑ UPS — Next Day ❑ FAX — Number: fax number MESSAGE Bob, Please find enclosed the information for the Application for Development Review submittal for the Control Concepts project located at 8077 Century Boulevard in Chanhassen, MN. Please do not hesitate to contact me (763-496-6706, tgruys@loucksinc.com) with any questions regarding this submittal or if additional information is needed. Regards, Trevor CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAY 0 3 2019 CMHASSEN pAAWM DEPT SCANNED Trevor Gruys, PE PLANNING I CIVIL ENGINEERING I LAND SURVEYING I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE I ENVIRONMENTAL www.loucksinc.com 1 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300, Maple Grove, MN 55369 1 763.424.5505 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED (Per Schedule A of the Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Commercial Partners Title, LLC, as agent for Chicago Title Insurance Company, File No. 54247, effective date March 21, 2018.) Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract and Torrens Property DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL A That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying west, south, southwest and west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL B That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying east, north, northeast and east of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAY 0 3 2019 i:ul DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION August 1. 2018 All Drainage and Utility Easements as dedicated in Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, and all Drainage and Utility Easements as dedicated in ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK, Carver County, Minnesota, lying within said Lot 2, Block 1, except the north 5 feet, west 10 feet and south 5 feet thereof lying west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. Y- o: -�Y ; W Q O O Q C °i t— �/� V J pPmE m N N u r- N 0. �zHc �w m$m Cb Y o m o m °c $Lcc_m°nBZmm«a y ap m"`^Q 5 0 O Z n N: N fi £ o o m? w a L 5 o o f J,ll y Q O O L Y O m m O£ V wpE w w e w y� y N �'S O w E O L 9 O O O 3 wQa e $ w� m«o£ oCwEpoi oanU a Q V.0 1 C p f C Y N$ C N p 0 rnZ m N V 9 n p w N Z W Y" m_ s Z>w= �a aLa5 m ww w Q�._ ccrn-«mcaE°7sso cw s`$ AV0. J O mo< £3n EOZ cmo i�" . ■ �O inw VEoBm www .« Q�'° MUD Umm$ Y- iw_� !6'98Zw7 Z pw WrnV mmU9oo q ym o cN902 Doo �o3$ N 2, E m 2 c a - R m m '. J W O o: -�Y ; W Q O O Q C °i t— �/� V J iw_� !6'98Zw7 Z pw WrnV mmU9oo q ym o cN902 Doo �o3$ N 2, E m 2 c a - R m m '. J W O o: -�Y ; W Q O O Q C °i 00 $tnm qH V; - V i w a$ w£�- O c m' V N O u. �/� V J pPmE m N N u r- N 0. �zHc �w m$m Cb Y o m o m °c $Lcc_m°nBZmm«a y ap m"`^Q 5 0 O Z n N: N fi £ o o m? w a L 5 o o f Q O O L Y O m m O£ V wpE w w e w y� y N �'S O w E O L 9 O O O 3 wQa $ w� m«o£ oCwEpoi oanU a Q V.0 1 C p f C Y N$ C N p 0 rnZ m N V 9 n p w N Z W Y" m_ s Z>w= �a aLa5 m ww w Q�._ ccrn-«mcaE°7sso cw s`$ AV0. J O mo< £3n EOZ cmo i�" . ■ �O inw VEoBm www .« Q�'° MUD Umm$ tl]tlA1W53�lSLl ATaI!i »°45 0^�P U3�tlllStlltl(] OO7J\9l5L WLloi��M EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED (Per Schedule A of the Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Commercial Partners Title, LLC, as agent for Chicago Title Insurance Company, File No. 54247, effective date March 21, 2018.) Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract and Tonens Property DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL A That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying west, south, southwest and west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99,88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bean North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying east, north, northeast and east of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. hand, Itis Hu. , " W.• w ,ted .v. DRANK BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 ■ ■ Lo KS PLANNING .,.p.,.d ey M. w u,m., m dlu C supry -"IM1x m a duly uu L d suwyor u,a., d,. b...r SUBMITTAL CIVIL ENGINEERING e"Su.; Mm 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 7200 Hemlock lane, Suite 300 WND SURVEYING �• Maple Grove, MN 55369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MUL. sunldwr.n �PlS 763424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 www.l uckzi,c.com ... Data 08/01/18 'a zzzpr iwEpz 53p�Z z u0 waup za> >_3aw u N z 3 \ Y =zv a. gf ■ "SIOT LSLM5\ Y4 -456^W U3Atlf15\tlltlO OOVJ\9lSL l�LLOEVM EXHIBIT t , DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT / 'Utlot it DESCRIPTION .• A N LM of [ol Y August 1, 2018 That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying 10 feet west, south, southwest and west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing / South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds ar. East along the south line of said Lot 2, a J / distance of 546.74 feet to the point of �0 / beginning of the line W be described; / thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 9 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 roOy degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 Y / feet; thence northwesterly 9 feet along @ / anon-tangential a non tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a i" 15101 / central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 H seconds and a chord that bean North 62 1.01 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West, E thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East not tangent to said curve, „ I 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and b I said line there terminating. h I 1 I •�� Except the north and south 5 feet thereof. I .r I '—==s =19, bptN ------------- is .1 0 r� :S1 '—==s =19, bptN ------------- A Lot .1 F 1 5/87a Poet o/ 9*.h,-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is .1 0 :S1 ii 5e Cane, sl Lor2 Popd I A Lot .1 F 1 5/87a Poet o/ 9*.h,-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .1 0 :S1 ii 5e Cane, sl Lor2 Popd I i" 15101 s 1.01 "nay twt di• am ,, p1•n w upon w DRANK BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 ■. OI ICVC v ,\J a•p•r.ebr m mmr ets ax myu,.n w",H•Ime I.-& PLANNING I vn • awy meow r•.ay dlr w wrma,• I•.• w /—/� �_/ �ementolo belllw.tW SUBMITTAL 0 :S1 ii 5e Cane, sl Lor2 Popd I i" 15101 s �-Paht of CMMIIMMTtlt S Ih Ie•dL0Y' 5e Cane, sl Lor2 Popd I s 1.01 "nay twt di• am ,, p1•n w upon w DRANK BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 ■. OI ICVC v ,\J a•p•r.ebr m mmr ets ax myu,.n w",H•Ime I.-& PLANNING I vn • awy meow r•.ay dlr w wrma,• I•.• w /—/� �_/ �ementolo belllw.tW SUBMITTAL CIVIL ENGINEERING easta•ar Nbn•w". LAND SURVEYING ,/ 08/01/18 MISIT IBSUID 60— 0 6Q 72W MapleG Lana, Suits 300 F• ARCHITECTURE LA.NDSCAPEVIRONMENTAL Maple Grove, MN 55369 ENVIRONMENTAL st" L. s,•nnleal . ws ]63.626.5505 License No. 48988 www.leucksinc.com .. Date W/01/1E SCALE IN FEET � � m wu. --8 v Sly }%)/ a . .l .a.`,,;.,'3, !:!! 4� !!; I 2 - | !|;!l,�,|��; Lo ■§§; / rK` -,|°,|(t |j;| q ! r77 !}�! �/:•• e,; g� .!; > U \S <0 !;�! 2 w ®!;)fo Et --g-��`) - - f!%-z- ,.. !!!|§o °� )k\� ; Agib! R2 ■ /mu ■■ DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED (Per Schedule A of the Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Commercial Partners Title, LLC, as agent for Chicago Title Insurance Company, File No. 54247, effective date March 21, 2018.) Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract and Torrens Property DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL A That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying west, south, southwest and west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL B That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying east, north, northeast and east of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED N;Af A 3 2019 Chwm,,,,,,,ur PLANNING DST DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION August 1. 2018 All Drainage and Utility Easements as dedicated in Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, and all Drainage and Utility Easements as dedicated in ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK, Carver County, Minnesota, lying within said Lot 2, Block 1, except the north 5 feet, west 10 feet and south 5 feet thereof lying west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. EXHIBIT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION August 1, 2018 All Drainage and Utility Easements as dedicated in Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, and all Drainage and Utility Easements as dedicated in ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK, Carver County, Minnesota, lying within said Lot 2, Block 1, except the north 5 feet, west 10 feet and south 5 feet thereof lying west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. �4.41'72•M 13694 I _ �a IIB11-W28.1Y =74 'p-/ ?ir ?� 3 CBcyC 90 9. 2B. 00 / #5 / r V � I N I I r� I' I 1:, Drainage and Utnlity Easement per plot of 101 ARBORErIAW BUSYNESS PARK 7rH ADDl77ON -�� Point of Begifnifg- L— — — — — — — — — — — — — L 516.74 •, sI_ , N89O32'15OW 699.82 1 � I / \�-Point of Commencement , -n , f South line of Lot 2�/ SW Comer of Lot 2, Block I :/ , tJ I r• A I I , h ♦( K I I—I l 1 I• ii I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 i•: VPLANNING Lo I I V CKS prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that Drainage and utility SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of om easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYINGA� the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 0 60 r♦ I I r I• I r— (• (- �- — " ♦< I I I I1/ h- / v••u•♦, •, ai v �i , I • L� �i �i ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 (-A N Life of Lot 2 �4.41'72•M 13694 I _ �a IIB11-W28.1Y =74 'p-/ ?ir ?� 3 CBcyC 90 9. 2B. 00 / #5 / r V � I N I I r� I' I 1:, Drainage and Utnlity Easement per plot of 101 ARBORErIAW BUSYNESS PARK 7rH ADDl77ON -�� Point of Begifnifg- L— — — — — — — — — — — — — L 516.74 •, sI_ , N89O32'15OW 699.82 1 � I / \�-Point of Commencement , -n , f South line of Lot 2�/ SW Comer of Lot 2, Block I :/ , tJ I r• A I I , h ♦( K I I—I l 1 I• ii I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 i•: VPLANNING Lo I I V CKS prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that Drainage and utility SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of om easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYINGA� the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 0 60 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 �- — " Maple Grove, MN 55369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE � Max L Stanislowski - PLS 763.424.5505 I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 i•: VPLANNING Lo I I V CKS prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that Drainage and utility SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of om easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYINGA� the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 0 60 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 �- — " I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 ■ ■ VPLANNING Lo I I V CKS prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that Drainage and utility SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of om easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYINGA� the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 0 60 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 �- — " Maple Grove, MN 55369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE � Max L Stanislowski - PLS 763.424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 www.loucksinc.com 6— Date 08/01/18 SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED (Per Schedule A of the Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Commercial Partners Title, LLC, as agent for Chicago Title Insurance Company, File No. 54247, effective date March 21, 2018.) Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract and Torrens Property DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL A That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying west, south, southwest and west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL B That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying east, north, northeast and east of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 546.74 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds and a chord that bears North 62 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds East, not tangent to said curve, 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. SHEETS 1 OF 2 I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 ■ ■ \� Lo U C K C J PLANNING prepared l y me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of SUBMITTAL CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING the State of Minnesota. �/�J � OKI 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Ma'%���• Maple le Grove, MN 55369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Max L Stanislowski -PLS 763.424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 www.loucksinc.com Date 08/01/18 SHEETS 1 OF 2 EXHIBIT B�A� row i PoO~y% Q / I I I I 80 I - IN/ina n!Iof2 l\ South line of Lot 2�/ -Point of Commencement SW Corner of Lot 2, Block l '.j ; N 3 o_ O� l J SHEETS 2 OF 2 I I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 ■ ■ L O I VJ I C K C PLANNING ry60prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of 0 � 120 CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED . 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 4 y' Maple Grove, MN 55369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Max L. Stanislowski -PLS s SCALE IN FEET 763.424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 www.loucksinc.com o., Date 08/01/18 SHEETS 2 OF 2 EXHIBIT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION August 1, 2018 That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, lying 10 feet west, south, southwest and west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing / a South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds / East along the south line of said Lot 2, a prepared l y me or under my direct supervision and that rr��/� Drainage and utility va SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of /�/_�_� J easement to be vacated distance of 546.74 feet to the point of / beginning of the line to be described; the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 0 60 thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 V Q �O seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 O' degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 'pro feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along 6 �l a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a J central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 License No. 48988 N seconds and a chord that bears North 62 www.loucksinc.com degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; Its thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 V seconds East, not tangent to said curve, y 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. Except the north and south 5 feet thereof. I Y� Y/ I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 cr I I prepared l y me or under my direct supervision and that rr��/� Drainage and utility va SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of /�/_�_� J easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING/y�`y` the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 0 60 t: 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 / = \ �—a ------29211 -- Drainage and Utdlty Easement per plot of ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADOIIIOW - T -------------- -Point of Commencement SW Comer of Lot 2, Block I r- -- r. I I • - h< -A N Line of Lot 2 I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 ■ ■ I PLANNING prepared l y me or under my direct supervision and that rr��/� Drainage and utility va SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of /�/_�_� J easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING/y�`y` the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 0 60 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 / = \ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Max L Stanislowski -PLS 763.424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 N www.loucksinc.com es= Date 08/01/18 v SCALE IN FEET Yy c� Y . I-\ Drainage and Utdlty Easement per plot of ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADOIIIOW - T -------------- -Point of Commencement SW Comer of Lot 2, Block I r- -- r. I I • - h< -A N Line of Lot 2 t`. _ r, . r, I. ♦� /1 h! K Cg 117.59 NO'12'17 E Ns Ss '•19 /4 �� d" a°�ir-2yo 4P P 7� a N89°32'15'W 49.J/ \ ll r'\ \ Y r't I,. n I r\ rl Vii\ I 54674 Point of Beginning N89 °32'15 °W 699.82 South line of Lot 1-/ J. / IFSla:l I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 ■ ■ Lo I ' C KC V J PLANNING prepared l y me or under my direct supervision and that rr��/� Drainage and utility va SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of /�/_�_� J easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING/y�`y` the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 0 60 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 / = Maple Grove, MN.5369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Max L Stanislowski -PLS 763.424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 N www.loucksinc.com es= Date 08/01/18 v SCALE IN FEET t`. _ r, . r, I. ♦� /1 h! K Cg 117.59 NO'12'17 E Ns Ss '•19 /4 �� d" a°�ir-2yo 4P P 7� a N89°32'15'W 49.J/ \ ll r'\ \ Y r't I,. n I r\ rl Vii\ I 54674 Point of Beginning N89 °32'15 °W 699.82 South line of Lot 1-/ J. / IFSla:l I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 ■ ■ Lo I ' C KC V J PLANNING prepared l y me or under my direct supervision and that rr��/� Drainage and utility va SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of /�/_�_� J easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING/y�`y` the State of Minnesota. 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED 0 60 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 = Maple Grove, MN.5369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Max L Stanislowski -PLS 763.424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 N www.loucksinc.com es= Date 08/01/18 v SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION August 1, 2018 ca That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ARBORETUM O BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION, Carver o / County, Minnesota, lying east, north, A, / northeast and east of the following described 0 / line: °0 / Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing a South 89 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds R/ East along the south line of said Lot 2, a J� distance of 546.74 feet to the point of \Qj beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 280.88 feet; thence North 89 ----------------------- 29221 N0012'17'E . 2914 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 h feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along 4 Qf a non-tangential curve concave to the J southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a 1� central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 wQ) seconds and a chord that bears North 62 v ti „ degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; I thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 V seconds East, not tangent to said curve, If ti 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. rr, h' Drolnoge and Utffity Easement per plot of lOi ARBORETUM BUSNESS PARK 7rH A00177ON- �— — — — — — — — — — — — — -Point of Commencement SW Comer of Lot 2, Block / ( -A N Line of Lot 2 I r♦ L 11 , ( h� /1 h( H I Y—I I I I I hereby certify that this survey, plan m report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 . ■ LO' I C V K C J PLANNING prepared by me ns under my direct supervision and that 212 Drainage and utility SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of /�/_�� J easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING the State of Minnesota.,,// 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED /%/�� �!y�`y`' • 0 60 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 — Maple Grove, MN 55369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 9� 763.424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 N C.-00 Cec www.loucksinc.com \ Date 08/01/18 -v SCALE IN FEET ate, 49.31 ` - �J. N89'32Y5'W • r\ O, I w F- 0 w 3 I �i.li ----------------------- 29221 N0012'17'E . 2914 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds West 49.31 h feet; thence northwesterly 99.88 feet along 4 Qf a non-tangential curve concave to the J southwest, having a radius of 129.00 feet, a 1� central angle of 44 degrees 21 minutes 42 wQ) seconds and a chord that bears North 62 v ti „ degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds West; I thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 17 V seconds East, not tangent to said curve, If ti 29.14 feet to a north line of said Lot 2 and said line there terminating. rr, h' Drolnoge and Utffity Easement per plot of lOi ARBORETUM BUSNESS PARK 7rH A00177ON- �— — — — — — — — — — — — — -Point of Commencement SW Comer of Lot 2, Block / ( -A N Line of Lot 2 546.74 Point of Beginning -_ t_ N89'32'15eW 699.82 r, South line of Lot 2�� \ li. r_ I Y' I r♦ L 11 , ( h� /1 h( H I Y—I I I I I hereby certify that this survey, plan m report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 . ■ LO' I C V K C J PLANNING prepared by me ns under my direct supervision and that 212 Drainage and utility SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of /�/_�� J easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING the State of Minnesota.,,// 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED /%/�� �!y�`y`' • 0 60 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 — Maple Grove, MN 55369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 9� 763.424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 N C.-00 Cec www.loucksinc.com \ Date 08/01/18 -v SCALE IN FEET ate, 49.31 ` - �J. N89'32Y5'W • r\ O, I w 0 w 3 I �i.li 546.74 Point of Beginning -_ t_ N89'32'15eW 699.82 r, South line of Lot 2�� \ li. r_ I Y' I I hereby certify that this survey, plan m report was DRAWN BY: NRS PROJECT NUMBER: 17516 . ■ LO' I C V K C J PLANNING prepared by me ns under my direct supervision and that 212 Drainage and utility SUBMITTAL I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of /�/_�� J easement to be vacated CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING the State of Minnesota.,,// 08/01/18 EXHIBIT ISSUED /%/�� �!y�`y`' • 0 60 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 — Maple Grove, MN 55369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Max L Stanislowski -PLS 763.424.5505 ENVIRONMENTAL License No. 48988 N www.loucksinc.com em•. Date 08/01/18 -v SCALE IN FEET WE CAPS 17022 / n r- -/- / / A ,r �p`6 0 T o c?, r tee/ e edR h< l l l l\l \ /`/( � 9 r• I I i r. y66 L k49 ♦ %( � / I I Y L� q14 �-Ddlnlated wetland by Temocan on April 30, 2018. \ pp /{1/ /x I S9' I` I I I T I INT H a x 9 9 \ \ \ ° i/ 9 1 V z9� 4Y \\ /JJ��� \ RBA -967.39 N`yr�°1^yam ^P G +i� g 010 z 9s 94y'1 �\ \ \ x x \ JJ .far \ (q'a1�4' 9611 1 \ xq}a zAj \Y® g}9\ �\ \ .b \ 1\ \. \ \,� 19 ' .. •, RIM=967.Ce 30Cio \\ .Y 1s/ \ ' 1 ( l �%„9 t \ ! ,589°ai7r'i.3"E 409.8(1 A1" �� \ \ ^ %9' CAPE I r� \`•' r♦ I' / \ / INV=980.42(S) \ 9969 1� \ x9 t9839� 940 h / 1 h ( 14 INVs959.71(W) / 1 1 . I / I 1 - /✓ I INV=959.59(N) s 9 aaa---777/// 9 �' I\, \ --..- `' .. -` . ""'�� `` / \ \ i 44� \ 9 1.1_ 1\ I \ f r CAP,# a 9s/. r� 66 I` ti\ ` 1 \ .��` \ \ \ \ \ `Oa_. e \ \ , \ ' \ \ m O \ \ `� t x 19839 �� RIM -967.88 ®/ 967. 9, 1. 9l \ '_*,_ - '- / '�• \ \ \ S6` qb I I +.�. 'e \ \ r0 �_•1r '\, �0,, \ \ �-Drainage and utility easement per plat of ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK =--_ ---__ `3¢F \ / 9 7. 0. 1 96 � �7 \ \'Q� 9�yr �•.-� 1 / - - .._ ._.._ ,."gip.. _.. _-._..----`...����`- r`\\ \ bl ,tet' I \- \ \ \ . 95xp - e ...�_... ,�� a \�,.. 94ry --meg \ 1 YIL ✓ CAPS t 61>\ ori' \ \ \ \ _. �•�.... / x - `. -%9 - -� \ .` \�'K.�- �c-"`''� \ % \ \ 39 a� 19839 ��. a�V s - / -.-=+ -X -X . _ _ zz \ -----_ - - - - - \ - 69.} x _��.� a 969 \ \�_ - -�`- a - - - - -=\\ 969.6 x I q69 \ / / / / x _• / - --9(i7x9'G- "=,. ` �\ `\\\\ x9g16 9 x9p1° /CAP \ 1 g094 x969r°19 946. � A ii 970.3x89° / \ glob x9664 \ / _ x `�,\k \`\\\\�\ \\\ \\\\x°j'S2 j 'S4 \ f 1• '� / ^°' /1 / .(� \ // 99 1 l6 1 \\ 's \\\�\\ t \ \�\\\ I \ I 11 x94 \\ i /x9 j �9f6113z' f./i fill 1 x96 1 e x96 \ \\ 11 �C \ x y 6 /�f 4b „ ]� eS. /o/' 1 x /_ % l9 \, \ t ,, ,, \,\ \ \\ \\\\ I I I \ \ x194}. y / 94 tl ' % I < 1 2 v 1 91 ,t�C! / SMH / !F 91084 - _- --x \\ J RIM97 =0.87 3 n _ g1-- Y \ `\ INV 95 _-xg6 L y ` 911.91\ x`\ x` I �\ / We 113 x 8691 \ 7 /' I' \ V I 1 1 , 1 ' \ \ \ ( x \ �g6L6 _96(�^<- \ I I I 1I ` �" � x'\^A\\i y91 911 / \ \`/ Pt �y a %947bR \ I I 1 , 1 9 \ \ I ` ax-`[k-ainage and utBif ea/lent er\ + 1 a ax f� g1M1 i z 9906 x X91 y J 2 \ 11\U1111F1 �- 4�.�ty41 q i 1 I i 'Pk! Of At�@atEiG(l BUSINESS PAR/f�i\I !.IEE I V I X � � 1 ° / ` j T n \ x 11\1 �,`\`�\ \ \ \ g9 911j OB -4/ -Bituminous trail falls q t 69� LOT L \ I I �' 1 ' 1 1 \ I '\ / ` t,! h Eaf property line. I `\ x9 71/ 1 RIM -971.60 ` o ` 81 1 '^ '� +L % 11. q^\r 9jO �`gj� 1 / �� / x - _" ---"'.. „.,` � I I I ' � �� I' I �I p 9 6 94h�\ G6 - -- - ( 1� \ 1 fb tlA,H�x I L 1 RIM -911,11 i INVN985.19(S/E) 1 x �Ai 1„�` 1 _ l0- x�nee (V / NV=96514(W) q11 i L ` \ INV -98494(N) x V 91 1 Ax q4�i-� 9r' > �p 1 1f ` / -v L3 /�zg1'1p 4? I x96 \f+u�� J I BM 7 9I x q9 r L x 969 x 9lg 4 �0��, ` , , 1 1 ` 11' , \,\ ``\\ 1� \ LAV - _- �- - � � / /, _� all 0 / J 4 x is 0 ° 4 `�1c.\ %� xg1 \ .. 1\. '\ L-4., 1I\\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\ �^ \ / J ` '_ 14 x 1\' 0I i xg101 \` `1 1 r 11 • \\\\ \ \\\\\\ \\\'\ \ \\ q -� �� I I 4\x 9 4Q Ol % /� I 91 Inn ,cis xg106 x9 ` %919b x�q1 \\\`\\\\.� \\\\ ` \\�TM\ \\x9� I�J�` I� I \1\\_¢�``�1\\`\\•, j� \\\\ \\\ xg51�(��'I/ / 9514 �r n n x \ \yyx\\\a 91 \ \}r\ \\ \ \ A , _ ` l0 16 - 6 \ ..QO& ❑ q /1\ - w� \ \ \ \ `\\\ \ \\ \ \ s..- roii>�e and utility easement -per plat of ./ / \ I q14 91 x l-� tD\ zi11� 1 \ \ \ �"� 9688 x�s\ \ % �h5`{\t�y�'J\\\` \�.a\v / ,. A(tBORSIL4f �8(/SINESS PARK 75T/H AD-'�- .. 1s!"• 9 - t0� -.1 1 \'\1j e 1 1 �9 `\ \ \9/'� - I �5 L�jz l 80 ..A I - I - 915 \ �xg1 ` \(91'LB v 9119 \3 ��` dt""0�- 99 j 9I I� 1 ( I I t/ 1 x` \ \\�1TM' / 9 } ./� ._,i ` / /ML i ` g \01 / x 9 I 1.8 /` I Y'r_` ._y 91.t'L, .. �C x 91 ' . \ % 91 q6 9T9' II t I 1 -� i 951P �._.-.-.��.. .. _1'I i-- �1�'_ x. g114 ..x�g916 - - \9 _.. -.- .. g114.�- ./- __ '\-\ \� \ r �. x1441 /9 x h ghll x/ xLATH �991e� � � �I- 1 N-.�g1------- �_--_-x_-_-= xq�---- 91' ....-_-..x _ x .J I 1 9^'1\ \\ 1c Gfb 9 _ o �3. -- - ._ w� - - r - - - i- _ _�-.� ^ '. - �� -J .L �c - - - LATH / 6 1 -�--' d x 16 91 'N L41 ' \r fi �' cAza 9 cns 97r 9 .,- - - -- _. �4} 91g1. - 9>q 9> 73 ' \ \ \� .�, 6a \ �- J 9� 9�. A /\ 6.16 _ --- 9]6.2 9]5 ] 9]SJ TC \ 975.6 915.] _ 4748/ ,__ - - - - Lr, 976 .�. -757- -� '�. 76.1 \ \ 4 \ �\ \\ \ F11 \ Rg` i.'API TH CAP 9,r 7 A `t- \ \ fill 0 h l 64 _ >. _...._- 6 9 \ y,, y 1 r 976.62 949 990 ` 91 RCP q1 I qic �12 RCP s`t 9168 >.\ ._- 9 -.e., r x w„`� i - 0 19839 4 %9 ` CB r >> N89 ,32 /5 W 1599.2 v 6 �y. 16b v '--x Y" �. g� I� 0 p96°' / % 163 1 919 9116 »� >� RIM -976.56 > BLOCK RETAINING WALL (- I \ 9 RIM -974.88 n cai \. ai 18'RCP -� » ---976 _- \ 9 Ix 96 I x0'60 11 - x x 9 % n a 916 ` q16- INV=971.250 n _N 6 r �� fib LATH / CB �/J INV=972.49(W) no x I^I x INV=971.08(S) w x91`1 I-r��16. x xq1 IINN\kB7 4I I i! INV=972.38(E) <-L 4`� INV=971.02(E) N\ ��� ( x 9161 „p `r� 96\� 96°y A 33() BIJUWINGUS SERFAGE Y 1 I/ x `4 \ I p �/f RIM=976.04 (� - /I I I �- ( I 'e r I INV=969.69(NW) LATHS 960.9 INV=969.55(8) v Fj G 1.y6 I LATH J9 z DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED 4. Benchmark: MnDOT monument JON MNDT, located in Chanhassen, 0.25 mile south along Trunk Highway 41 from the junction of Trunk Highway 41 (Per Schedule A of the herein referenced Title Commitment) and Trunk Highway 5 in Chanhassen, at Trunk Highway 41 milepoint 6.9, 83.5 feet north of a power pole, 26.0 feet west of Trunk Highway 41, 81.02 Feet north of reference mark 1, 2.0 feet east of a witness post. Elevation = 1027.44 (NGVD29) Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Site Benchmark: Top nut of fire hydrant located on the westerly side of the site along the westerly side of Century Boulevard. Elevation = 975.95 (NGVD29) Abstract and Torrens Property 5. We have shown underground utilities on and/or serving the surveyed property per Go - her State One -Call Ticket Nos 181153120 & 181154099 The TITLE COMMITMENT EXCEPTIONS (Per Schedule B, Part II of the herein referenced Title Commitment) The property depicted on this survey and the easements of record shown hereon are the same as the property and the easements described in the Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Commercial Partners Title, LLC, as agent for Chicago Title Insurance Company, File No. 54247, effective date March 21, 2018. The numbers below correspond to those in the title commitment. 1-8 & 10-16 do not require comment. 9. Easement for utilities and drainage as shown on the recorded plat of Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition and plat of Arboretum Business Park. Shown hereon around the entire site. 17.Subject to the following matters as shown on the survey prepared by Schoell Madson dated April 17, 2007: a) Encroachment of bituminous trail along the West line of the subject property. Shown hereon. ALTA/NSPS OPTIONAL TABLE A NOTES (The following items refer to Table A optional survey responsibilities and specifications) 1. Monuments placed (or a reference monument or witness to the corner) at all major corners of the boundary of the property, unless already marked or referenced by existing monuments or witnesses to the corner are shown hereon. 2. The address, if disclosed in documents provided to or obtained by the surveyor, or observed while conducting the fieldwork is 8077 Century Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317. 3. This property is contained in Zone C (area of minimal flooding) per Flood Insurance Community Panel No. 2700510005B, effective date of July 2, 1979. 4. The Gross land area is 227,850 +/- square feet or 5.23 +/- acres. 7. (a) There are no observable buildings on this site. 8. Substantial features observed in the process of conducting fieldwork, are shown hereon. 9. There are no striped parking stalls on this site. SURVEY REPORT 1. The Surveyor was not provided utility easement documents for the subject property except for those shown on the Survey. 3. The bearings for this survey are based on the Carver County Coordinate System NAD 83 (1986 Adjust). following utilities and municipalities were notified: JAGUAR COMMUNICATIONS (507)219-8081 CITY OF CHANHASSEN (952)227-1300 CENTURYLINK (800)283-4237 LIGHTCORE (800)283-4237 LIFETIME FITNESS (507)219-8081 CENTER POINT ENERGY (406)541-9571 MEDIACOM (800)778-9140 MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC (952)492-8210 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS (877)366-8344 XCEL ENERGY (800)848-7558 i. Utility operators do not consistently respond to locate requests through the Gopher State One Call service for surveying purposes such as this. Those utility operators that do respond, often will not locate utilities from their main line to the customer's structure or facility. They consider those utilities "private" installations that are outside their jurisdiction. These "private" utilities on the surveyed property or adjoining properties, may not be located since most operators will not mark such "private" utilities. A private utility locator may be contacted to investigate these utilities further, if requested by the client. ii. The locations of underground utility lines shown hereon is an approximation based on available maps, unless otherwise noted on the survey. iii. Maps provided by those notified above, either along with a field location or in lieu of such a location, are very often inaccurate or inconclusive. EXTREME CAUTION MUST BE EXERCISED BEFORE AN EXCAVATION TAKES PLACE ON OR NEAR THIS SITE. BEFORE DIGGING, YOU ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE AT 811 or (651) 454-0002. 6. The location of wetland delineation markers, which have been determined by a qualified specialist, are shown hereon. CERTIFICATION To Control Concepts Inc., a Minnesota corporation, Chaska Gateway Partners Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, Commercial Partners Title, LLC and Chicago Title Insurance Company: This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1 - 4, 7(a), 8, and 9 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on May 4, 2018. Date of Plat or Map: June 12, 2018 &144Q 10 Max L. Stanislowski, PLS Minnesota License No. 48988 mstanislowski@loucksinc.com SURVEY LEGEND MA MAPLE ® ® CATCH BASIN OA OAK QO STORM MANHOLE TR TREE (GEN) O SANITARY MANHOLE -0 HYDRANT M GATE VALVE LIGHT POLE SIGN .972.5 SPOT ELEVATION © ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER 0 GAS VALVE 0 ELECTRIC METER O 1/2 INCH X 14 INCH IRON MONUMENT SET, MARKED "LS 48988" • IRON MONUMENT FOUND NAIL MONUMENT FOUND TITLE ITEM NUMBER 01, LICENSED '.Ilp� _ LAND SURVEYOR �N�'•. No. 48988 ; `Q O OF M CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAY 0 3 2019 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT > STORM SEWER ->-SANITARY SEWER I WATERMAIN ELE-UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC FO -UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC - GAS -UNDERGROUND GAS -x-x-x-BARB WIRE FENCE -' -WL-EDGE OF WETLAND CONCRETE CURB D CONCRETE �• _g�2'' -\CONTOUR EDGE OF WOODS \� �, ,........ N 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET :. LOUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com NDD QUALIFICATIr, CADD files prepared by the Consultant for the project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultants approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that parry shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant Gum any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. �1gC11�/I���e�A�C�a9lal[•1►1c� 05/08/18 SURVEY ISSUED 06/12/18 ADDED WATERMAIN I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota X- /. Max L S,anislowski - PLS License No. 48988 Date 05/08/18 Loucks Project No. 17516 Project Lead MLS Drawn By NRS Checked By MLS Field Crew DMP/GCF CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN n CONTACT LIST BUILDING OWNER ARCHITECT CONTROL CONCEPTS EMAIL: BDH+YOUNG INTERIORS I ARCHITECTURE EMAIL: JGEARS@BDHYOUNG.COM 18760 LAKE DRIVE EAST CWATKINS@CCIPOWER.COM 7001 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH PHONE: 952.345-8322 CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 PHONE: 952474-6200 SUITE 200 CORY WATKINS EDINA, MN 55435 JEFF GEARS GENERAL CONTRACTOR CIVIL ENGINEER / LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BAUER DESIGN BUILD EMAIL:MIKE.L@BAUERDB.COM 14030 21ST AVENUE N PHONE: 763-972.0000 LOUCKS EMAIL:JDONOVAN@LOUCKSINC.COM 7200 HEMLOCK LANE, SUITE 300 PHONE: 763-496-6724 PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 MICHAEL LAQUA JON DONOVAN PROJECT MANAGER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER CALHOUN COMMERCIAL EMAIL:PATRICKS@CALHOUNCOMMERCIAL.COM 5810 WEST 78TH STREET, SUITE 150 PHONE: 952.929-2011 VAA EMAIL:DJOHNSON@VAAENG.COM 2300 BERKSHIRE LANE NORTH, SUITE 200 PHONE: 763-577-9115 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55439 PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 PATRICK L SCHNEIDER DAVE JOHNSON a SHEETINDEX NO NAME TITLE 0.0 - GENERAL T0.1 FTITLE SHEET CIVIL C1.1 I EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2.1 SITE PLAN C3.1 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3.2 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C3.3 SWPPP NOTES AND DETAILS C4.1 UTILITY PLAN —SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN C4.2 UTILITY PLAN — STORM SEWER C4.31 UTILITY PLAN - FOUNDATION DRAINTILE C8.1 I CIVIL DETAILS LANDSCAPE L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN, RANTING DETAILS AND NOTES L1.1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L2.1 LANDSCAPE DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL PRA SITE PLAN REVIEW -PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLAN -LEVEL 01 PR.2 SITE PLAN REVIEW - PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 02 PR.3 SITE PLAN REVIEW - PRELIMINARY ELEVATIONS LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE C1'�'t OP�OE� DSS4� �N�NGOEF� �,.��apSSFN N interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue South, Suite 200 Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com 1=-TAMPLA CI DESIGN BUILD CONTROL CONCEPTS Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the state of MINNESOTA Printed Signature 2019-05-03 50937 Date Lk # Issue Record Date 1 05.03.20191 SITE PLAN REVIEW SET I Sheet Title TITLE SHEET Sheet Information Job Code 00770 Drawn By KF/MN Reviewed By JG Date T 0 2019-05-03 0 :30 G0 %7=m-N- S'UALE 1\ FEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. SURVEY LEGEND MA MAPLE QM CATCH BASIN OA OAK Q STORM MANHOLE TR TREE (GEN) Q SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT X GATE VALVE 1 LIGHT POLE SIGN 972.5 SPOT ELEVATION E❑ ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER 0 GAS VALVE 0 ELECTRIC METER I / / O 1/2 INCH X 14 INCH IRON MONUMENT I / / SET, MARKED "LS S SMH • IRON MONUMENT FOUND / 0 RIM -963.36/ A NAIL MONUMENT FOUND INV=0.00 0.00 STMH / ❑9 TITLE ITEM NUMBER - / O RIM=98 0 NV=000 0p0 CA P,4 /I 17022 T - BIT Tr�i� O�®\/ P is P J may, 01 IzZicP y p� / �I /� 900' 9 ( ti a _-Oelinlated rebond by Terrocon on April 30, 2018. A . rN I I I rN N66 9yN. \� ` 9a\. �i \ , C I �%" 1 I I I I T: eN T F< x9 \ \ x .,09 }12 ,�•1 ♦i \A l l \/ t �Y \ } \ /�\ p09 .14 g9 x9 CB 90 w (�O.\ / //1 �' x9 \ ` , xgai \+ / 9 9 x93' \ / RIM=9fi].39 , \ S�,�V�10 A0 'O g61 \, �b9®1 / �� \` \ x9N9 1 \ \\ \ \ 3\ \ / e x93. ,to.Rop Oi� i g6 y ® 1 1 � \ \ \, j CB-- �- 4 X, X 95}y \ O I M 4� \.,. \ \.xAn\. CAP/ RIM=967.30 y/� 61: �'. SSS`SJx S89 47 43 E 409.8U qe1' \ \ �, 19839 - I INV=980.42(5) \l y1 " o x 9a�. f / / 1 h ( INV -959.71(W) \ 0 T�' p0} X \ I / 1\ I 1 CAP INV=959.59(N) a \ 9SB x I ' ab` \s 19839 - RIM=967.88 ® rn 96)g4.. W 9676 r�_> ._ e --- y - --- "'"-�---_- Drainage and utility easement peTplot of�IR8Li8El{k V/SESS PARK -- ___ - _ --- 957 .x' 0D' 1`O g6 _ ,-�` 6S o0 / _. \ CAP \y6, I x a �C�---- \ �\ .. -WL �\9'` ;49 /-/�\� x9 -...,.� '�_ % 7 ���� 955_,�hiC. w�Xg 6 x9xry9ati9 -,yX_x "x�9� _x pax 19839 b� _ _ _ _ _.- .._.. .._.777-7- '1969 a�..� - - X 9 b J r / x e 0 x / \969.3 x �\ t 4 "... - .-. _. ._ 66L-1 x 963�. 9 „\ 4 \\fix ` 9 4 _ / -- s "-- a �� 9663 \ 67 96T x �� xyp2� _94 ago r'' 90.5 CAP / \ _6X 96 �a 694 09 / y `�• \ xN\ �'` \ x 1° y r199 QO 1G Q 0< 9 ` �4p9 ,�/ ` / ..- r - --988--_ -_.. -.�. \ x x x - X6�A rx �\ a\\�\x9^R9 \ 8703 x 5 0„ // ` x°'00 00 / / '\ xAgA \ \ x ' X9 G X X 96 00 X /- 3` ca _ x96 ,� 1 RIM -970.87 5 4, i i NV 956.54:/"`�.. 96 �- X q69? \+ 1 V / ` '1`I \ '\/- R / 1 ` 0 0 q/�1x9 y� x xa \\ •'�� 47 i I `\ _/ �''^ `✓ \\ n� 6 I tl i I ^\\\ i \ 'o I / g 1 1 1 + 1�\x xXa'��Xx gj ! I / �,`% ' 1� x/-,` + 9•"� -Drainage and utility easement per II 'LATH- 9p1 i I I plat of ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARkI�\ / C j 0 A of 4o y f_ x g1 9 O6 I x 90 0 6y 1 1{\ x �x \ 19r II V ` c x- x e., x a x `3b$ ' p\ ! 1 1 I II I X 91 161 / ��-Bduml oue II falls t `' dd 9 CB E. of droDart Iine. 1 x 96 LOT L�L��.'g� �7 \ J 1 / RIM=971.60 / 40 V q1. / '111 \ I v b I l5'RCPxy1 x916-gfd�o� * ^� �I 9 6 \ \+ 013 - CP INV-965.19(S/E) 1 X 9?g� ATH I tX 9p0 INV=98694(N) X x 9V' x a5� 9p00 X A 'Al' 4 N q1} y , 0 a 9bgT W' Xq1 L. \,, q10. x g.,. LATH 9 I ti x \ o0 I BM V 3j X ,Nr TNH= d• ¢ o X ._._ \ 9p1N L 9 x lbq 1t 91 �W x J N_/ \ATH' _.... \ X. I x9 I IT b X e1o r \ q X 91}� 91 P t i ,5�� x 551 ,, LATH��_ 17 i f. `i I 9l ! A 0 4 \ I \ `\ .-P `- X \ \, \• \ 0 xmm 4 I I II, 0cr4 \ \X6 \ \` ` N� \ ~y.. 9- I �- I1NYxl s� a'_1 x\11\ X'd1oN •\ Y .9521 '`1 l - 1.67- 9\\,•, _ z �^ I 1 0 0 1 1\ ` \ \ x .,` \ \ 9.S] \LATH T� \ +32�'pX' i - I \ xA _�` \ vwsce�N.e�. L A Drainage and y eosehJent per plot of x ,316, \I \.. 6 x x. 0 \ \\\ bbb - /� ARBORETUV BUSIN PARK 7TH A0 i 8 5" I Y l \ 9 9 - lD ,+ C �'--___-----80 9 '' V '\ ' ' - a m W Q \ S 5 6 -l- _ I TR 15.y �j I 9�Tp ( 1y0 V g1 a ` 9 0 �g99 9 ^ Ip x a9 •� �TjM � 0 L 1 A A a ILS% 9 / II X y11� x xy1 a / x91 A1C 95 rn a I 1 9 \\ F}�°Q� x r % xy9 LPP X _ - L I 1 1a} - 6 X91 - 5 _. __ -..-. .. - \� C x96 / I l x 21 9`0TH 951 _ tel` } 0 6�• 4"T 1 x 9 / \ • 2'TR p 1 1 g16 9 6 a _ \ ] I , /D li w _�-_ y. _, 9. ar. A _b _ 141 'Ll _ _ - _ -,[ �ry x x �', JLa'1\ * x �1- L ...tom^^` �, `! _ `_ y I_ I b�� �_� �--VI 1 • 6fTR \\\\ a " 6 9� • 4.T 4 T -GAS, x 1 r� TR • 4"TR a'� 8"MA a'L 9 • 8 MA • 4 TR ' 73 - _<`N. •-.. 0 A / .'�.. ? - LATH y 6D g500 ' GAS GAS 'I 4"TR• 4°TR 4'TR 6"TR. 4"TR• 6" �� 1 15 91 m 6'TR .T . 8 N 9 gl 91 >4 9)4. . 4 TR 974.7 1a:,- \ `CAP x" 91 �% 977.1 vz� v6z s]57 - 975.] c 1 vti6 '9jJ. 60 .L ° CAP/ ATH' 47481 A 6.16 1y ,', 9]fi.fil 9��5 919} __-_- - 31119 9 11 c? CP ..1.. 7� __cr.1b. 12"RCP 6 5 ..... -T ._._9159 O I e_./ 976 915E a 3]6.1 - x S t Y 4' .. �_ ,`''° \ xg�' �,� '. ` ,,.` I i9839' 1 'a 1 12"R 9 I 9 a ( A CB C - �A - >) NB9 32 /5 W 641'6 y163 q16> g1b5. fi hg 6. I oo pg60'� X 9 h j 13 b 7 STM `BLOCK RETAINING WALL - \ RIM -974.88 A a_ / ui I8" >J 976' i < 0 X �" X 9b l CIB X 90 1/ g116 X q11 X g1�6 � X 9/,3 INVRI972.49(W) A o x g169 + (^(I�l X g1' 9 INV 971 08(S) ry RIM I 1 77 INV=9]2.36(5) T -L 6``- INV=971.02(E) INV -971.41 I v INV -972.}}(E) I BITUMINOUS SURFACE Y / A >�"RCP I I I I -KI SMH RIM RIM=976.96 INV=958.92 CB -> < RIM=97]46 I I I I Y6 N RCP >> N X I.� g x I/ ♦ - X 916 CB RIM=976.04 I INV-96969 INV=969.55(5) I I I vm X g160 16 LATH' 100 96\\ gV 9b0} LATH LATH' g09� 906h aOJy X 96x,6 » STORM SEWER ->-SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN - ELE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC FO -UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC - GAS UNDERGROUND GAS ---BARB WIRE FENCE -' -WL-EDGE OF WETLAND CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE CONTOUR �w EDGE OF WOODS X51 a CALL BEFORE YOU DIGI % Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. h 119 interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-693-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN LOUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name _ Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL Z Sheet Title 0 EXISTING CONDITIONS Z O Q Sheet Information O LL Z ODate CU_ 2019-05-03 auae soot. oanen 1 9 r 1/ t• $ter \ �O 7 IN/ CB RIM=9W.39 ew. \• cap. 6,�'�q""'� Qo REMOVE nweeo (s _ CURB & GUTTER i IN a5 e(rW+j� REMOVE BITUMINOUS PATH j' wM=sfi7.e6 a/' PROTECT r /! PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES /r \ DURING DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION SAW -CUT, REMOVE, & REPLACE BITUMINOUS AS NEEDED / I 1 r j/ / J ' t e ) I SAW -CUT, LOVE, & REPLACE BITUMINOUS I -� AS NEEDED FOR UTILITY I CONSTRUCTION + A REFER TO UTILITY PLAN 1 _ m * A f`I w i rnN s ca g N RIM=97 a INV -971.41 1.41 0 A 0 L I N U e SMH — RIM -976.96 INV=958.92 < m �9 I— ma e J J � I S I <'a 00 SS N n NC % D is 3 y, „m V$ P O (y/1 o Jo` 4�i \ U RO 60 =N%7=m ti'(.ALE IN FEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. SURVEY LEGEND r Signature ^, MA MAPLE 00 CATCH BASIN >> r OA OAK ® STORM MANHOLE —>—SANITARY SEWER TR TREE (GEN) Q SANITARY MANHOLE I WATERMAIN 08-03-18 -0 n ELE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CALL BEFORE YOU DIGI N GATE VALVE FO—UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC /r 0 LIGHT POLE GAS—UNDERGROUND GAS TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 '+ SIGN --—BARB WIRE FENCE ce RIM=971.60 .972.5 SPOT ELEVATION — —WL—EDGE OF WETLAND 10 r . Information J CB - © G OCONCRETE WARNING: 0 ELECTRIC METER V INV -9 19(5/E) wv es.14(WJ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS \ ' f IN 64.94(1) 1 OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY ` COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF 7 o r LINES. 1 f \ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT rN00 BM TN f f 9 95 Date ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES .OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE > 'I C1.2 a r 3 CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED LL 2019-05-03 • 1 DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. REMOVE PORTION 2009 131311 ! Young Spam Drl9n OF EXISTING CURB & GUTTER t e ) I SAW -CUT, LOVE, & REPLACE BITUMINOUS I -� AS NEEDED FOR UTILITY I CONSTRUCTION + A REFER TO UTILITY PLAN 1 _ m * A f`I w i rnN s ca g N RIM=97 a INV -971.41 1.41 0 A 0 L I N U e SMH — RIM -976.96 INV=958.92 < m �9 I— ma e J J � I S I <'a 00 SS N n NC % D is 3 y, „m V$ P O (y/1 o Jo` 4�i \ U RO 60 =N%7=m ti'(.ALE IN FEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. SURVEY LEGEND J Signature 05/03/19 MA MAPLE 00 CATCH BASIN >> STORM SEWER OA OAK ® STORM MANHOLE —>—SANITARY SEWER TR TREE (GEN) Q SANITARY MANHOLE I WATERMAIN 08-03-18 -0 HYDRANT ELE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CALL BEFORE YOU DIGI N GATE VALVE FO—UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC Gopher State One Call 0 LIGHT POLE GAS—UNDERGROUND GAS TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 '+ SIGN --—BARB WIRE FENCE TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 .972.5 SPOT ELEVATION — —WL—EDGE OF WETLAND 10 ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER Information CONCRETE CURB © GAS VALVE OCONCRETE WARNING: 0 ELECTRIC METER \ 2'~ --\CONTOUR O 1/2 INCH X 14 INCH IRON MONUMENT rYY`yYY EDGE OF WOODS SET, MARKED TILS 48988" O RIM=96J.3B • IRON MONUMENT FOUND INV=0.00 �/ A NAIL MONUMENT FOUND STMH ©RIM=983.21 /'� INV=0.00 TITLE ITEM NUMBER I7 DEMOLITION LEGEND / REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVING J / \ +++++++++++ REMOVE EXISTING TREES/WOODS \ x .... x x x x •x . REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER, / \ RETAINING WALLS, FENCE, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING UTILITIES OeII0lateE wetland by Teacon a Apra 30, tole. / /\ 1 \ \ \ \ \\ \�\ \\ �� �wL '/ m \ ® POLEESS, LIGHT POLES, BOLLARDS, p PARKING rr/� rr r J \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ I \ METERS, SIGNS, ETC. \t_ l \ / / REMOVE EXISTING TREES /\... \ o"T�-z SITE DEMOLITION NOTES / \�Ww / 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND/OR RELOCATE EXISTING PRIVATE UTILITIES \\ AS NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ACTIVITIES WITH UTILITY �x-x�cx_-z-x-x-z- COMPANIES. \ \ \ _ = = 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE FEATURES NOT \ \ �•�� ��-� �� NOTED FOR REMOVAL. �`TZ �� ��\\\� \\\\\ \\\\ -I\ \ \ 9�^- -- / / 3. CONTRACTOR TO CLEAR AND GRUB EXISTING VEGETATION WITHIN PROTECT EXISTING TREES ` -' - - - - - _ - - - - - - -�7_ ��-�` 4 ��` \\\\ \ z .- - - �\ \\\\ \ \ \ / CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, STRIP TOP SOIL, AND STOCKPILE ON-SITE. REFER TO GRADING PLAN AND SWPPP FOR SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL REMOVE TREE— \�� \�\ \\� \\\ \ \ \ I \ , / , REQUIREMENTS. TYP------ _________ sad___ \\',\\\\\\\\\\ \\ X//�/ _ / / / / / 4. CLEAR AND GRUB AND REMOVE ALL TREES, VEGETATION AND SITE DEBRIS i 1 r PRIOR TO GRADING. ALL REMOVED MATERIAL SHALL BE HAULED FROM THE SITE DAILY. ALL CLEARING AND GRUBBING AND REMOVALS SHALL BE h PERFORMED PERT E CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY ESTABLISHED UPON REMOVAL. SEE THE 10; \ STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP). \�\ \ \\ \\\\✓ I iii I I / / I S CONTRACTOR T ACTOS OTHERWISE REMOVE ALL SITE SURFACE FEATURES WITHIN REMOVAL IM PROTECT EXISTING TREES >< + L1AH1+++++ ++ am 7 f ' ---- \\ Ii�i1'\��\°�1���1�\ \ +�'++++�`,\ I f II I I \ \/rBiturntertylinatrol ll. \\ I I I� \\"\' ++ +1+i +++++E. of+ ` J I I II 11 II + v+ + I I i 1 \ III 11 Ta+�+ ++ ++++ / I PROTECT EXISTING TREE �\ I i I I1 I\ �\ \\ \11� �"I\�\ \ +\ +� + + + \ `+ + + + } J +\+ + + �rt 4 REMOVE & RELOCATE \ \ \ \ \ ♦ I EXISTING SIGN \\ \\ \\\\ \\ ` \ x \ \+ + + + + \ COORDINATE LOCATION 'F- � �- 1 \\ \� \\ �\ \\ \' \ \ + / / / I WITH CITY / \ \\ `\ \ \ \ + + + + + REMOVE FENCE AS NEEDED ( PROTECT EXISTING TREE \ ' , / \\ \ \ \ \\ �y\ \ �\ \ \ \ +'++ + + / I FOR BITUMINOUS PATH CONSTRUCTION + PROTECT EXISTING TREE PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES\ \ \ \\ �'` DURING DRIVEWAY AND y I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, }� + + / UTILITY CONSTRUCTION + �� + J // / ALTERNATE C3 r REMOVE TREE _ \ \ \ �(\ \ \ \ \ \ +\+ / REMOVALS FOR CITY \ f \ \\\ + „ r/' TYP \ + BITUMINOUS TRAIL \ �x REMOVE TREE REMOVE TREE \ \ \ ~ \ \ 1r\ \ I \\�� �\ �\ \` �+ +apae57 +\+ TYP \� \'"^— ' TI I I I I I \+ + _ + + A+, s + + / 0 1H +, + + + + + + + + � 12 RCP �----�- — j7 STmH BLOCK RETAINING�'/ALL RIM 97488 AU �8"R�> » �_�•`, + + i + / �... 1t 976.56 A> INV -971 .25(W) A '�_�—. / ` ATH'' + + + + + + ` I INV -973.49(W) Aa- INV -971.08(5) N » 77NV-972.36(S)o - I - REMOVE TREE PER CONVERSATION ` INV=971.02(E) "V=972.33(E) R1M=976.04 WITH TODD HOFFMAN + + + + + + + .. PROTECT EXISTING TREE LINE NV=909.69(NW) (PARK &RECREATION DIRECTOR) ` + ^^TH+ ( I=969.55(s) b V ll T Nv m I I + A _ ';;7PROTECT EXISTING TREES I i —\ v ♦ v OR REMOVE BITUMINOUS PATH RIM=97745 CLEAR AND GRUB AS NEEDED FOR BITUMINOUS PATH CONSTRUCTION PROTECT EXISTING LIGHT POLE DURING CONSTRUCTION I I REMOVE BITUMINOUS PATH -� I I I h ung interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN .i, LOUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name J Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL J Z Sheet Title O DEMOLITION PLAN Z CALL BEFORE YOU DIGI O Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 '+ TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 Sheet Information WARNING: O THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF 7 LINES. L THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT rN00 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF LJ -O Date ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES .OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE 'I C1.2 ^ CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED LL 2019-05-03 • 1 DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 2009 131311 ! Young Spam Drl9n f GYM few o `- �' \\ MATCH EXISTING --i CONCRETE )E RIAN RAMP T� P -SEE DETAIL%i r 0 PLAT CURB TYP-SEE DETAIL 34APER TO 1 FLAT CURB MATCH OISTING CURBB� GUTTER & BI MINOUS PAVEMENT J MATC1 JEXISTIN( ITUMIN PO ATI OUBLE SIDED IRE LANE SIGNS TYP-SEE DETAIL HEAVY DUTY ` BITUMINOUS ` / 0!g PAVEMENT f w�CV TYP-SEE DETAILf</ PROTECT EXISTING . TREES-TYP MATCH EXISTING — BITUMINOUS PATH MATCH EXISTING \ CURB & GUTTER & BITUMINOUS / PAVEMENTr CONCRETE APRON TYP-SEE DETAIL I � FLA CURB TYP-SEE DETAIL I I P BITUMIlilOUS PAVEkiENT MATCH EXISTING SE&ION I P l , I------- --- eo---- I i 1 MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER & BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT I MATCH EXISTING BITUMINOUS PATH PROTECT EXISTING TREES-TYP i TYP-SEE DETAIL I 40' AVERAGE BUFFER AREA ITWIT11ONIII11111 It27 Issue Record 871111n 0 i PROPOSED 0 /4- • I e STORM MANHOLE O mIIV ( 11 TYP �Pl b CULVERT WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL a' 5.0' HYDRANT �I �4 GATEVALVE IIM 4Pw POST INDICATOR VALVE opiv 0 LIGHT POLE 0 POWER POLE )� SIGN v P - / SOL BORINGS WATER MANHOLE (� TELEPHONE MANHOLE Z ® UTILITY MANHOLE / (ID � I --W- WATER SERVICE --S^+ SANITARY SERVICE -- 40' AVERAGE BUFFER AREA ITWIT11ONIII11111 It27 Issue Record 871111n 0 PROPOSED 0 /4- • I e STORM MANHOLE O mIIV ( 11 TYP �Pl b CULVERT WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL a' 5.0' HYDRANT �I Control Concepts Parking Office: 1" floor — 11,614 SF Total: 11,614 SF / 1000 = 11.61 x 4 = 46.46 (47 spaces) Manufacturing: le' floor — 16,852 SF 2"° floor —14,497 SF Total: 31,349 SF (28 spaces based on actual number of employees per zoning requirements) Warehouse: 1" floor — 9,782 SF Total: 9,782 SF / 2000 = 4.89 (S spaces) Sub total Required - 80 -Delineated wetlwd by Term n w April 30, 2018. + + } + + \ + + + + + f CALL BEFORE YOU DKq Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 .-WL- _WL—.. — WL MATCH EXISTING BITUMINOUS TRAIL WARNING: z O 30 60 %7m= SCALE IN FEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. PAVEMENT TYPES as CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE PAVEMENT LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT DHEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SEE PAVEMENT SECTIONS ON SHEET C8.3 FOR TYPE AND DEPTH INFORMATION. . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. CIVIL LEGEND Issue Record 871111n 0 PROPOSED 0 /4- • 1 STORM MANHOLE O WATERSHED SUBMITTAL CATCH BASIN �Pl b CULVERT WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL HYDRANT -♦ �4 GATEVALVE IIM 4Pw POST INDICATOR VALVE opiv 0 LIGHT POLE 0 POWER POLE )� SIGN v P - BENCHMARK SOL BORINGS WATER MANHOLE (� TELEPHONE MANHOLE Z ® UTILITY MANHOLE (ID � I --W- WATER SERVICE Control Concepts Parking Office: 1" floor — 11,614 SF Total: 11,614 SF / 1000 = 11.61 x 4 = 46.46 (47 spaces) Manufacturing: le' floor — 16,852 SF 2"° floor —14,497 SF Total: 31,349 SF (28 spaces based on actual number of employees per zoning requirements) Warehouse: 1" floor — 9,782 SF Total: 9,782 SF / 2000 = 4.89 (S spaces) Sub total Required - 80 -Delineated wetlwd by Term n w April 30, 2018. + + } + + \ + + + + + f CALL BEFORE YOU DKq Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 .-WL- _WL—.. — WL MATCH EXISTING BITUMINOUS TRAIL WARNING: z O 30 60 %7m= SCALE IN FEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. PAVEMENT TYPES as CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE PAVEMENT LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT DHEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SEE PAVEMENT SECTIONS ON SHEET C8.3 FOR TYPE AND DEPTH INFORMATION. . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. CIVIL LEGEND Issue Record 871111n 0 PROPOSED 0 SANITARY MANHOLE • 1 STORM MANHOLE O WATERSHED SUBMITTAL CATCH BASIN b CULVERT WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL HYDRANT -♦ �4 GATEVALVE IIM 4Pw POST INDICATOR VALVE opiv 0 LIGHT POLE 0 POWER POLE )� SIGN v P - BENCHMARK SOL BORINGS WATER MANHOLE (� TELEPHONE MANHOLE Z ® UTILITY MANHOLE (ID ELECTRIC MANHOLE PLAN --W- WATER SERVICE --S^+ SANITARY SERVICE -- HANDICAP PARKING (gam -+•--�-- - DIRECTION OF FLOW M SPOT ELEVATION 1t• i^diµ-r• CONTOURS /"•77�/ ---->--- SANITARY SEWER ---,-- ----»-- STORM SEWER Information --_- (— WATERMAIN —I- ----hid-^— FORCEMAIN _rM_ -:+;�---OT-- DRAINTILE »DT— LL SILT FENCE CURB B GUTTER = = = = RETAINING WALL — TREELINE V,% -- — — — - EASEMENT LINE - — — — - -- - -- — -- SETBACK LINE - . — . — . - ---X----X-- FENCE UNE —%—X- -- TEL-- -- UNDERGROUND TELE -----GAS--- - UNDERGROUND GAS ------OH----- OVERHEAD UTILITY ------FO---- UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC ---fLE----- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ------CTV----- UNDERGROUND CABLE TV - PROPERTY LINE i V CONIFEROUS TREE (j DECIDUOUS TREE PARKING COUNTS BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT �— r -C — BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT E + +] SITE NOTES CURRENT ZONING: PUD PROPOSED ZONING: PUD PROPERTY AREA: 227,850 SF / 5.23 AC EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 305 SF / 0.007 AC PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 109,336 SF / 2.51 AC DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN STANDARDS YARD (BUILDING) SETBACKS: FRONT 30 FT MINIMUM SIDE 10 FT MINIMUM REAR 30 FT MINIMUM PARKING SETBACKS: FRONT 10 FT MINIMUM SIDE 10 FT MINIMUM REAR 10 FT MINIMUM OhF-STREET PARKING AND DESIGN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM PARKING LAYOUT DIMENSIONS (90 DEGREE PATTERN): PARKING SPACE WIDTH = 9 FT PARKING SPACE LENGTH = 18 FT DRIVE AISLE WIDTH = 26 FT OFF-STREET PARKING CALCULATIONS TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED = 80 STALLS TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED = 92 STALLS (INCLUDES ADA STALLS) ACCESSIBLE PARKING ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS REQUIRED = 4 STALLS PROPOSED ACCESSIBLE STALLS PROVIDED = 4 STALLS SITE DATA 1. ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE DETAIL SHEET(S) AND STATE/LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS. 2. ACCESSIBLE PARKING AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTES SHALL BE PROVIDED PER CURRENT ADA STANDARDS AND LOCAL/STATE REQUIREMENTS. 3. ALL CURB DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. TYPICAL FULL SIZED PARKING STALL IS 9'X 18' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL CURB RADII SHALL BE 5.0' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. BITUMINOUS IMPREGNATED FIBER BOARD TO BE PLACED AT FULL DEPTH OF CONCRETE ADJACENT TO EXISTING STRUCTURES AND BEHIND CURB ADJACENT TO DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS. 8. SEE SITE ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR SITE LIGHTING. WETLAND BUFFER DATA 40' WETLAND BUFFER AREA = 10,645 SF 40' AVERAGE WETLAND BUFFER AREA = 10,650 SF SIGNAGE AND STRIPING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SITE SIGNAGE AND STRIPING AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAINT ALL ACCESSIBLE STALLS, LOGOS AND CROSS HATCH LOADING AISLES WITH WHITE PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT, 4" IN WIDTH. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAINT ANY/ALL DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC ARROWS, AS SHOWN, IN WHITE PAINT. 4. ALL SIGNAGE SHALL INCLUDE POST, CONCRETE FOOTING AND STEEL CASING WHERE REQUIRED. 5. ALL SIGNAGE NOT PROTECTED BY CURB, LOCATED IN PARKING LOT OR OTHER PAVED AREAS TO BE PLACED IN STEEL CASING, FILLED WITH CONCRETE AND PAINTED YELLOW. REFER TO DETAIL. 6. ANY/ALL STOP SIGNS TO INCLUDE A 24" WIDE PAINTED STOP BAR IN WHITE PAINT, PLACED AT THE STOP SIGN LOCATION, A MINIMUM OF 4' FROM CROSSWALK IF APPLICABLE. ALL STOP BARS SHALL EXTEND FROM DIRECTIONAL TRANSITION BETWEEN LANES TO CURB. 7. ALL SIGNS TO BE PLACED 18" BEHIND BACK OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. FIRE LANE NO PARKING AREAS FOR ALL THE CURBING EXCEPT THOSE DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PAINTED YELLOW WITH "NO PARKING FIR[ LANE" SIGNS POSTED PER CITY FIRE CODE. h ung interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN mm LOUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys — PE Printed Name _ Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL J Z Sheet Title O SITE PLAN Z _O Q Sheet Information ryO LL Z ODate (� C2• LL 2019-05-03 e;ppB BEM A Y., Spam Dslpn a m 4W `I 1 Y l I f r` SMH O RIM=963.38 INV=0.00 e" STMH RIM -983.21 / INV=0.00 / v /1 l A r\ r l /\ r\ r- 'I- 1 I A A / 1 I 1 L// I 1 L_ J RIM=967.ee 67.00 -EX 67.96 ±EX 9 p �955� 9$7� y�S y ` r 67.71 -FX 68.29±EX 68.28 y6� _ ti �\ \ .44 / g 9 _ a. _.. �,-0-.53----0- - .u, $] S -3, :_. 0, 55 5:0'% - �_ 69-7 --g -C!56:01_ SS.OQ ` 11111 now ir�-11111_ r 9 6.269 1 61.16 -96796(y 965 964 / \ °9°'S . x 0° 0 69.47 0 969 968 4 \ .a , / m /8.88 s ° 0 / O /"7 t 69.-S 967 - I Y 70.15 - / v 6 QTS ���!n�' ''%✓1��'pis �rFl-; 6i.94 60.06 / i 9Ta3 D.T 69.4F ® 1� 970 / ° It SMH 09.98 �' 70.59 66.45 flits=970.87 r' t P INV -951.5 7062 71 62 ` Z. %' � X66.6 `` 66.68 • a 66 1 i 1�V�� A ��; 40 71.40 71.40 4 2 RETAINING WALL ELEVATIONS `v ,` 71.40 TW -65.33 \( -, � , 71.28 1 BW -64.50 �/ - ( ^ \ \\ 67 67 ❑ / ! 9 x.m TW -64.53 \ ` \ 67.30 / ! ox 70.69 �'^ BW 61.53 \ ¢� 71.42 70.81 " 3 TW -60.25 67.40 A ' r GEIJ 70.73 ❑ BW -60.00 67.40 RIM -971.60 � ' l � Z Ig,Rca PROPOSED BUILDING 67.30 < a 968 / rcr i -..._..._._.... FFE = 971.40 a ( R 971.59 ._ / .. ., o INV -9 .5 S I „ Ir (� 701 1 INV 5.14 Xpl q / _ 9 69 69.87 _ 'd 71 \ t 4, .08 qj a 69.87 4 74.2 ±EX c' / a a 74 9 ±EX /j 70.00 71.40 ? 71.40 .3% ` ATC^/\ r --- I 71.08 E IST G j g �i.W 72.29 y o� - +) 71.40 3.77 / X2.90 71.61 / 7349 X X 71.40 1.5% 71.13 2.0`%, 7 .22 o 71.090I Ll 1 I 5 N/^� 71.76 7k 7 a 71.40 31.49 01y.�(, -- i 74.33 ±EX - - 7.> 71.4 72.73, °'<1.6971 7.59 c.�r� ------ ---80 9 9 72.08 9)0.401= 70.8 0 ' -- 4%° Q 2.0,7 70.81; ,,70.90 `_ I I 75± Sj o� 2-� 1�5��9 1:0%. A`I° 4.76 E 4j �3 �%I N " 971 71.18 2' 0,9.57 2.2'/.'----0}--� 1.8% 70.10 i 17518±EX' a•,.P -473 972 971 _ 1 �- - _ _ x �.- _ - _ 4 970.82 12"RCP ' x q p 4 y 7 5MH- BLOCK RE7AINI &# ,ALL RIM -97488 a iri 18 -RCP -- » --976- X .XC� x �X //x^> �M 97950 Aa � ' p>� INV971z6(w) APC -S> / - CB / '79,; INV=972.49(11 A= X x INV=971.08(5) N xB / 4rya• ?,� I RIM -975.77 m I 77 INV -972.36(a^) I INV -971.02(E) N\ x �}8+ CB INV=971.41 c I INV -972.33(E) I, A "NCP I I I I -�-'-- .� INV=969. 9(NW) 77 NV_989.55(S) y m SIAH - RIM=976.96OR INV=958.82 - -_-> < RIN=977.46 I I ACTIVITIES MUST BE CONDUCTED SO AS TO MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL OF AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE X�A \ �y 4 4 X W / / + _µ)ms--- / + +. + 4-- 'e + 4 +/+/+ * + ++ 7+��\ moi -1�� �,i' 4:h / } O :tU 60 %7=m GALE IN FEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. CIVIL LEGEND E)95TING PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE • STORM MANHOLE O CATCH BASIN 00 CULVERT HYDRANT GATEVALVE N POST INDICATOR VALVE ®P1v LIGHT POLE # ., POWER POLE )j SIGN v BENCHMARK SOIL BORINGS- WATER MANHOLE 1YY��611 TELEPHONE MANHOLE UTILITY MANHOLE ELECTRIC MANHOLE WATER SERVICE SANITARY SERVICE FF HANDICAP PARKING L` DIRECTION OF FLOW SPOT ELEVATION 1Y CONTOURS --1----- SANITARY SEWER-� --Y>-- STORM SEWER --- WATERMAIN -FM---- FORCEMAIN -FV- --D>-DT- DRAINRLE -D>-DT- SILT FENCE CURB k CUTTER RETAINING WALL TREELINE 'r% - - - - - EASEMENT LINE - - - - - q�i D - - • -- SETBACK LINE - . - . - . - -X-X--- FENCE LINE -X-X- ------ ,u.- UNDERGROUND TELE ------ 4AS --- UNDERGROUND GAS --CH---- OVERHEAD UTILITY -FO---- UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC ---fu-- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - -----fTs-- UNDERGROUND CABLE TV PROPERTY LINE CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE ' PARKING COUNTS Q BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. GRADE THROUGH THE ADA AREAS OF THE PARKING LOT SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 2% SLOPE IN ANY DIRECTION. 3. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.16 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 4. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. 5. ACTIVITIES MUST BE CONDUCTED SO AS TO MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL OF AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE. 6. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), AND "BW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 7. REFER TO THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW (REPORT NO. 61801313), DATED MARCH 13, 2018 AS PREPARED BY BRAUN INTERTEC FOR AN EXISTING SUBSURFACE SITE CONDITION ANALYSIS AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS. 8. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 9. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 1 O.SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 11.SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 12.SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. X qF0 CALL BEFORE YOU DIGI % Gopher State One Call + TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. J ung hg interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN im .LoucKs PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name _ Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL Z Sheet Title 0 GRADING AND Z DRAINAGE PLAN 0 Q Sheet Information ryoo 10 LL Z O Date r U- 2019-05-03 C3. 1 �ZDD9 6DH • Y.W Spam D..VD / O PoM=883.36 i INV=0.60 1 / /JJ RIM 963-21 INV7 .. .......- myG.oa 1� r f A�f� / PCO a , _ o O v IN X18 NV= \ i F INV.HS N CR J FIM=967. B rn ? T1 1 I 1 968 - `. �Y \ / 9 a 6 e II 9 ROCK d, �1 CTI o` CONST N LCIJ O 1 v AN TRANCEa ° 7EE DETAIL \ INLET y\ v i I � 1 ..r / ,� . •„� 1, ;,�iy,�,� i PROTECTION TYP-SEE DETAIL s PROPOSEE� Si PelA 411 ACTIVITIES MUST BE CONDUCTED • AS .• • TO • •AQUATIC DETAIL �I EXTENT POSSIBLE wl- _ / r . _ +s y a •sw e w • °•••!•7+� a ••••••ad n ' �•:_-ii i ��••°•�•fa•• � • 4�• s •e a••. •a!< i • I- a f r r +sc e '.:4 • e ei•_• ► • ••yd••� :•"•••a•••• :•••�•i4 • •s°••�'••i •� •�c••w •fa •�•� la IL•�•�•�•�i!i�s�1�a�• ��•�••.e�•i•�•�Q•:iw•�•�!�•�. rf�a_�A�•� �: •�•�!:•�'®• ........ )�•� !')••`O!•• • [ .As•, w e w Y• • r C -• - •• _• i e •_• r e a ailkwi • ! • • • • • •_• - • - • - • .• oma. , _ ? •, Tar• • _O r. •• J••. •• _ _ -e a r _! • � • _ _ __z • Y _ - • r • e . • • •-•-. • � • • a ! •. s • :.6- _' f.••.•v� _•_-•.�i.•.�-•'°��i•• •+_•.••�•�•� •_••�__•Z: °•'4�s :°ami`•�••ia:ems=`•!a�si;•�•�•s•:•�•��. ��a�a�l�•a•�!•!i•'�r�•i`: ••.. °••• • �������•fe•••••A�PY1Jl��••_� •a !)• ••_• _ �1 •• • _ _ • ____ ___ = __ ]• • 6__._ • . -.e • e•.•_.!!•�!• w•e}••••- �•!°•„!!•1,Sf••., .•\•..•ie•••.. �••:fp••s /r / _•_�_! _ • • • • • • r•-r!•�.Y•.e•.:,��iSri_. �•.�•S•v_. !�.••!� •.. ��.••.•.•..•..� ..� ' - _-______-_-•-__:__.�"-"i!iii.�•iiiv`i•�siiy!•e•i�?a�• •i!• � �•�•�•�•!•!•,r:!c w ` 96,>j n \ INLET \ \ PROTECTION IN, TYP-SEE DETAIL PROPOSED BUILDING FIFE= 971.40 ROCK a m CONSTtCTION E TRANCE °� SEE DETAIL I �' \ 1 I rm _ INLET PROTECTION TYP-SEE DETAIL i� 41 _ � 4 e _ A �g� 9j3 T 971 IT C8 �, I 4Y6.62 �Q�—.:..:...,--� m � ,.-., - • 12 RCP 41.,, ..._. 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M11h0una interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information rive I Fr.FNn CONTROL CONCEPTS SANITARY MANHOLE • BIO ROLLS STORM MANHOLE O - CATCH BASIN k CULVERT 53706 HYDRANT { DO GATEVALVE N WWPIV POST INDICATOR VALVE •P1Y M LIGHT POLE CITY SUBMITTAL 0 POWER POLE 06-19-18 o- SIGN 07-12-18 BENCHMARK SOIL BORINGS_ WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL WATER MANHOLE 08-02-18 Q'7 TELEPHONE MANHOLE 0 UTILITY MANHOLE 0 ELECTRIC MANHOLE CITY SUBMITTAL —W—• WATER SERVICE —34 + SANITARY SERVICE R HANDICAP PARKING- ”' U11 DIRECTION OF FLOW _ 19L �• SPOT ELEVATION NA CONTOURS PREVENTION --->--- SANITARY SEWER T ----» ---- STORM SEWER % Gopher State One Call - _-- I ---- - WATERMAIN --FM-- FORCEMAIN —FV_ T>--- DRAINTILE »--DT— z SILT FENCE 4� "'-�•.+-= CURB k GUTTER = = RETAINING WALL -„ r`rY`V'y`rY_r •' TREELINE — — -- — -- EASEMENT LINE - - . — — . — SETBACK LINE — — — - - -x—x-- FENCE LINE —XX- --SET.—• UNDERGROUND TELE —-TC&S--- UNDERGROUND GAS L _OH_ OVERHEAD UTILITY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT —FO ---UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC --Fl_ UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC _-4CTV----UNDERGROUND CABLE TV PROPERTY LINE VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE � CONIFEROUS ROUS TREE C3.2 CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DECIDUOUS TREE 2019-05-03 \/V'•Jl 1 • DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. PARKING COUNTS — r BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT SWPPP LEGEND D * wN �•i!ie-: �•:�: i•�!i••`°•a:i•°•i•�%°e!ai• i •!:`• �!•Y�i mss... r�J'.� •:!: i4•°•°•ih��•:•i �":•:•:�a•e ••i+° ie•. f°Qi i i�:�"••!•+a^e4ri • . • • � � e f )_ee. •wA A • • •aa r r G=� i•�!ie °•i•• �.:•e °��sr �•e i•�<•w•e^i^�'°isi` ���a�^s. rs;•.eIVA.•:V.,�•1� 1 eei• V��p�•j%6�s• !•�Y•�� �•• •a4�,�•�a•.a�a 'O;;•®esr••e••r�:•fa �•!•, c 1'•-. • � • • • • ••• . i" • . • • s -r a s . � e` , P • e ! N. C iV •a•• !�, ... ...... . -• • e> r e. e c e• -1 r • •':•ems •:���•:�:•:�i•:�•�:�a�O�y)�:���:`°�i�:�e` �i�^�a�i�w:��������i� ��i •! . •`wa •s 1 7 a••a•°�0�:°� q.N. :A� P��YJn�@�e�,\tea ���•, •�1 •• ••••�•ii•i4•i4•i•�~��,o i•�•��e•�•:•1 �A•^•�s�•iai�ea n•j. �. �� o 4141 /,�/�. ss••i �•vi'sY• •+°,i i n �•ii• °:' Ua� i i�:•:1: il,,i •iV'i•�•�e�y°�•°•ui.iP i•�°i •'si•�•i i iQ �si•:�a. �� / . , �•i•:`�•�•i•i`:•is�•:^isi'`i`�•i •^i`i`i``:c�� '�!'•°a•�'s°• �s . ., ••;[• a ,, 1 I � 1'.1�•�•�\�•�1;:���,� �,..,��.:A �a�P'.. �0 �• "•,,�fQ?�Y•••y7r[e•,•'I•••a Vii•, ,. e/% •=ra•s ,f�••q lf•f•. ,•, ses•°,1"� •s..•Ar� ":.j:`:•`•i o°: if�•i•: ••\ •� e,••�•1 •e ,••�•,,•;j e•1 a••I••.•s•a •• ye ••!• ,e `a • • • a =fhF`r••4`e•)•11•a•: e•i^-r•:•:'1^n•�•s.!Aise_ •'�. wi!i �*a°: i!%��i. Ie�e!•.•�e �Y�I�.I�a �e �•�Y�•�A �Y Ir rnlne�rle�a �•�! • , \�•�•w•�•a ••`••,•\' 1 `I {{...±±•I �e�•1•:•:I�•il•I•: •:1 x•1.1 M�a�•V•�e�i :����11:�=1a r••�11�.�:�.•�f\ (:4%y.��1i�:: !:i %lea �� V�•�•�•4�A�.•i�f�•i `!sy``i•+TioK \, �' �•:I:a:•4;H114i•ii•i•i1i•i`•ir^•i°�'i•:•i•:'°i•:•:�o• ��y�'•�`a •� •�ee�1•a •• •a•f.11a \•i 1•, !•1•a ee. IYf•�•+• Y•a, )•^•••w! ••°'♦ •1 •a ••P•U•a•',+�. .H 1 - .. f • f'r • • • e • ��•�'i�•�I �L•,�0�•�I�A �1 �•�•�I�t•,^,•�i'11�•�•�••y'RUM.a���, • )1�i i:. •i e ��i•. .,1. :i l: :hl!����' .�S 1-•����i!%e�.�rsr�e�e�•�••••••d:i .� ; ;:. Iii %I•i•i !i^i o•4w1fal, , •���s��i'irir��nii o•�ei!i•:^i i•:' •�e�e�Qs2 1's ® ' • •A 6 ' • '••••a+•,•!, ••a ••„••.•A •! r••Aa •v��•�!e••••A •••�a,: ,•i ,111, `, '•s y �•, • f ••,y e•� •• Aa �•1 re •e•c•••yw•ee•••a. ♦ ,•,••.., . � • "•P•e,°so• .r.••s^a.••�• •a .•: • •dab•••eae_•e •••ss .� 6.3 •je�•�+�•�•� i•��:•�^�.js�•dl �•�,••' III 0.04 .,.-ll.T IB'R >> » GB NV=9fi9.69(NSILT FENCE TREE PROTECTION FENCE NIM=w6.D4 \ TYP-SEE DETAIL TO BE INSTALLED AT IW) n I INV -969.55(5) „ EDGE OF GRADING Vm LIMITS ALONG TRAIL I EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TYP-SEE DETAIL TYP-SEE DETAIL I I I :il) fill =N= %7=m N 'I''I'"l' NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. M11h0una interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information rive I Fr.FNn CONTROL CONCEPTS TREE PROTECTION FENCE TO BE INSTALLED AT EDGE OF GRADING LIMITS ALONG TRAIL TYP-SEE DETAIL 7 ° d�A �u .43.5 k 5F� SANITARY MANHOLE • BIO ROLLS STORM MANHOLE O - CATCH BASIN k CULVERT 53706 HYDRANT { DO GATEVALVE N WWPIV POST INDICATOR VALVE •P1Y M LIGHT POLE CITY SUBMITTAL 0 POWER POLE 06-19-18 o- SIGN 07-12-18 BENCHMARK SOIL BORINGS_ WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL WATER MANHOLE 08-02-18 Q'7 TELEPHONE MANHOLE 0 UTILITY MANHOLE 0 ELECTRIC MANHOLE CITY SUBMITTAL —W—• WATER SERVICE —34 + SANITARY SERVICE R HANDICAP PARKING- ”' U11 DIRECTION OF FLOW _ 19L �• SPOT ELEVATION NA CONTOURS PREVENTION --->--- SANITARY SEWER T ----» ---- STORM SEWER % Gopher State One Call - _-- I ---- - WATERMAIN --FM-- FORCEMAIN —FV_ T>--- DRAINTILE »--DT— z SILT FENCE 4� "'-�•.+-= CURB k GUTTER = = RETAINING WALL -„ r`rY`V'y`rY_r •' TREELINE — — -- — -- EASEMENT LINE - - . — — . — SETBACK LINE — — — - - -x—x-- FENCE LINE —XX- --SET.—• UNDERGROUND TELE —-TC&S--- UNDERGROUND GAS L _OH_ OVERHEAD UTILITY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT —FO ---UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC --Fl_ UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC _-4CTV----UNDERGROUND CABLE TV PROPERTY LINE VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE � CONIFEROUS ROUS TREE C3.2 CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DECIDUOUS TREE 2019-05-03 \/V'•Jl 1 • DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. PARKING COUNTS — r BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT SWPPP LEGEND TREE PROTECTION FENCE TO BE INSTALLED AT EDGE OF GRADING LIMITS ALONG TRAIL TYP-SEE DETAIL 7 ° d�A �u .43.5 k 5F� SILT FENCE 111111111 = BIO ROLLS INLET PROTECTION - EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERN PROPOSED DRAINAGE PATTERN 05/03/19 53706 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET Date Lic # 0 Issue Record ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN . LoUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING G NEERING LANDS SURVEYING EYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys – PE `+]009 6DH ■ YwnH Saxe Damp Printed Name _ � Signature f� 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL J Z Sheet Title O STORM WATER POLLUTION Z PREVENTION PLAN CALL BEFORE YOU Dlq Ip (S WP P P ) % Gopher State One Call F=- TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 TOLL FREE: I -BOO -252-1166 z Sheet Information WARNING: O 0 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF J LINES. L THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OFDate ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, 1 ^ ^ VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE O C3.2 CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED LL 2019-05-03 \/V'•Jl 1 • DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. `+]009 6DH ■ YwnH Saxe Damp OF va Wzz 00 z a u V w o L IRDV RD U 'c m � D m m v 69 c 91 /J J S V � ~ O < r om �O �N Nl N � n / O n SWPPP NOTES UNIT QUANTITY TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EA 1. THE NATURE OF THIS PROJECT WILL CONSIST OF CONSTRUCTING A BUILDING, SURFACE EA B. EXPOSED SOIL AREAS: ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS FOLLOWING A 0.511 SILT FENCE (STANDARD)/TREE PROTECTION PAVEMENTS, RETAINING WALL, UNDERGROUND RETENTION & DETENTION SYSTEMS, AND 2,630 OVER 24 HOUR RAIN EVENT. SY UTILITIES. INLET PROTECTION C. STABILIZED AREAS: ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS 2. THE INTENDED SEQUENCING OF MAJOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: II D. FROZEN GROUND: AS SOON AS RUNOFF OCCURS OR PRIOR TO RESUMING C1 FL40_WF« CONSTRUCTION. 1. INSTALL VEHICLE TRACKING BMP Flit NAME G:\ENG\SPECS\3312 E. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED FOR 3 YEARS AFTER FILING 2. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION Chanhassen OF THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION AND MUST INCLUDE: DATE AND TIME OF ACTION, NAME 3. INSTALL SILT FENCE AROUND SITE OF PERSON(S) CONDUCTING WORK, FINDING OF INSPECTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4. CLEAR AND GRUB SITE FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION, DATE AND AMOUNT OF RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 0.5 5. STRIP AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL Rice Marsh INCHES IN A 24 HOUR PERIOD. 6. REMOVE PAVEMENTS AND UTILITIES Lake Park ' 7. ROUGH GRADE SITE " G H 8. IMPORT CLEAN FILL FOR REPLACEMENT AND BALANCE 16. MINIMUM MAINTENANCE 9. INSTALL UTILITIES 8 Country Club A. SILT FENCE TO BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, SUPPLEMENTED WHEN NONFUNCTIONAL, OR 1/3 10. INSTALL BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING FULL; WITHIN 24 HOURS 11. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER STAPLES 12. INSTALL PAVEMENTS AND WALKS B. SEDIMENT BASINS DRAINED AND SEDIMENT REMOVED WHEN REACHES 1/2 STORAGE 13. FINAL GRADE SITE ° p1 VOLUME. REMOVAL MUST BE COMPLETE WITHIN 72 HOURS OF DISCOVERY. 14. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM STORMWATER SYSTEMS Leve C. SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM SURFACE WATERS WITHIN (7)SEVEN DAYS 15. SEED AND MULCH d w D. CONSTRUCTION SITE EXITS INSPECTED, TRACKED SEDIMENT REMOVED WITH 24 HOURS. 16. WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE 15 STABILIZED, REMOVE SILT' SILT FENCE TO BE PLACED FENCE, INLET PROTECTION, AND RESEED ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THE REMOVAL. E. PROVIDE COPIES OF EROSION INSPECTION RESULTS TO CITY ENGINEER FOR ALL EVENTS ON CONTOUR. SEE SLOPE/GRADE GREATER THAN Yz" IN 24 HOURS 3. SITE DATA: F. PERMITTEE MUST, AT A MINIMUM, INSPECT, MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ALL DISTURBED 2 wAREL... WW AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 4.201 AC SLOPE SURFACES AND ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES AND SOIL VARIABLE PRE -CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0.007 AC STABILIZATION MEASURES EVERY DAY WORK IS PERFORMED ON THE SITE AND AT LEAST LESS THAN 2% 100 FEET WEEKLY UNTIL LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY HAS CEASED. THEREAFTER, THE PERMITTEE ALL s olwmm u ar ww ED REN T`�E umavAo POST -CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2.509 AC MUST PERFORM THESE RESPONSIBILITIES AT LEAST WEEKLY UNTIL VEGETATIVE COVER IS E°wW"Po 10 - 20 % 25 FEET ESTABLISHED. 11 10o�xI A,INI GENERAL SOIL TYPE: SEE GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT SEE SPECS. 2573 & 3886. LOCATION OF SILT FENCE 17. THE SWPPP, INCLUDING ALL CHANGES TO IT, AND INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS 4. THE LOCATION OF AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED MUST BE IDENTIFIED WITH FLAGS, STAKES, MUST BE KEPT AT THE SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY BY THE PERMITTEES) WHO HAVE SIGNS, SILT FENCE, ETC. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. OPERATIONAL CONTROL OF THE SITE. 5. ALL DISTURBED GROUND LEFT INACTIVE FOR SEVEN (7) OR MORE DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED BY 18. OWNER MUST KEEP RECORDS OF ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT, THE SWPPP, ALL 1:6 SILT FENCE NEAR TOE OF -- SEEDING OR SODDING (ONLY AVAILABLE PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 15) OR BY MULCHING OR INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE, PERMANENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS; COVERING OR OTHER EQUIVALENT CONTROL MEASURE. LOCATION OF SILT FENCE AND REQUIRED CALCULATIONS FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STORM WATER FOR PEREMITER CONTR01_ CMOF MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. THESE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED FOR THREE YEARS AFTER FILING SILT NPDES NOTICE OF TERMINATION. 6. ON SLOPES 3:1 OR GREATER MAINTAIN SHEET FLOW AND MINIMIZE RILLS AND/OR GULLIES, REVISED: 3-12 SLOPE LENGTHS CAN NOT BE GREATER THAN 75 FEET. 19. SWPPP MUST BE AMENDED WHEN: DENOTES SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1. ALL 3:1 SLOPES TO BE STABILIZED WITH EROSION 5,300 A. THERE IS A CHANGE IN DESIGN, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, WEATHER OR SEASONAL CONTROL BLANKET CONDITIONS THAT HAS A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON DISCHARGE B. INSPECTIONS INDICATE THAT THE SWPPP IS NOT EFFECTIVE AND DISCHARGE IS EXCEEDING 7. ALL STORM DRAINS AND INLETS MUST BE PROTECTED UNTIL ALL SOURCES OF POTENTIAL WATER QUALITY STANDARDS. DISCHARGE ARE STABILIZED. C. THE BMP'S IN THE SWPPP ARE NOT CONTROLLING POLLUTANTS IN DISCHARGES OR IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT. 8. TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROL AND CAN NOT BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATERS OR STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. TEMPORARY 19. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA STOCKPILES WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF SILT, CLAY, OR CRGANIC COMPOUNDS ARE EXEPMT EX: CLEAN AGGREGATE STOCK PILES, DEMOLITION CONCRETE STOCKPILES, SAND A. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PREFABRICATED CONCRETE WASH-OUT CONTAINER WITH RAIN STOCKPILES. PROTECTION PER PLAN. B. CONCRETE WASH-OUT TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH SIGNAGE STATING "CONCRETE WASHOUT 9. SEDIMENT LADEN WATER MUST BE DISCHARGED TO A SEDIMENTATION BASIN WHENEVER AREA DO NOT OVERFILL". POSSIBLE. IF NOT POSSIBLE, IT MUST BE TREATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE BMP'S. C. CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER NEEDS TO BE PUMPED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF STANDING WATER IN WASHOUT AREA. 10. SOLID WASTE MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY AND MUST COMPLY WITH MPCA DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS. 20. IN THE EVENT OF ENCOUNTERING A WELL OR SPRING DURING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR TO CEASE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND NOTIFY ENGINEER. 11. EXTERNAL WASHING OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MUST BE LIMITED TO A DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE. RUNOFF MUST BE PROPERLY CONTAINED. 21. PIPE OULTETS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. 12. NO ENGINE DEGREASING IS ALLOWED ON SITE. 22. FINAL STABILIZATION 13. THE OWNER WHO SIGNS THE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION IS A PEP,MITTEE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FINAL STABILIZATION REQUIRES THAT ALL SOIL DISTURBING ACVTIVITIES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT. THE OPERATOR AND THAT DISTURBED AREAS ARE STABILIZED BY A UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER (CONTRACTOR) WHO SIGNS THE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION IS A PERMITTEE FOR PARTS II.B., WITH 70% OF THE EXPECTED FINAL DENSITY, AND THAT ALL PERMANENT PAVEMENTS HAVE BEEN PART ]INC, PART ILB-F, PART V, PART IV AND APPLICABLE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY INSTALLED. ALL TEMPORARY BMP'S SHALL BE REMOVED, DITCHES STABILIZED, AND SEDIMENT REQUIREMENTS FOUND IN APPENDIX A, PART C. OF THE NPDES PERMIT AND IS JOINTLY SHALL BE REMOVED FROM PERMANENT CONVEYANCES AND SEDIMENTATION BASINS IN ORDER RESPONSIBLE WITH THE OWNER FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE PORTIONS OF THE PERMIT. TO RETURN THE POND TO DESIGN CAPACITY. 14. TERMINATION OF COVERAGE-PERMITTEE(S) WISHING TO TERMINATE COVERAGE MUST SUBMIT A 23. RESPONSIBILITIES NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) TO THE MPCA. ALL PERMITTEE(S) MUST SUBMIT A NOT WITHIN A. THE OWNER MUST IDENTIFY A PERSON WHO WILL OVERSEE THE SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION 30 DAYS AFTER ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET: AND THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE: CONTACT: A. FINAL STABILIZATION, PER NPDES PERMIT PART IV.G. HAS BEEN ACHIEVED ON ALL COMPANY: PORTIONS OF THE SITE FOR WHICH THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE. PHONE: B. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP AS DESCRIBED IN THE PERMIT. 15. INSPECTIONS B. THE OWNER MUST IDENTIFY THE A PERSON WHO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LONG TERM A. INITIAL INSPECTION FOLLOWING SILT FENCE INSTALLATION BY CITY REPRESENTATIVE IS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REQUIRED. SYSTEM: CONTACT: COMPANY: PHONE: ESTIMATED QUANTITIES DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EA 2 PREFABRICATED CONCRETE WASHOUT EA 1 SILT FENCE (STANDARD)/TREE PROTECTION LF 2,630 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SY 4,575 INLET PROTECTION f A 14 BIO -ROLL II NA UNWERSITY OF MINNESOTA Trevor Gruys I Design of Construction SWPPP (May 31 2020) 24. THE WATERSHED DISTRICT OR THE CITY MAY HAVE REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTIONS OR AS -BUILT DRAWINGS VERIFYING PROPER CONSTRUCTION OF THE BMPS. SITE VICINITY MAP Shorewood Purgatury Par,. (D 4, ti Edenbrook i5r\� COnservallon Lake Area aye Mlnnewashla ,. u ee nu $ x U Bent Creek Goll I i._1 I Eden Praid CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER SPECIAL WATERS SEARCH MAP m Construction Stor\? ater Special Waters Search • .. _. - �r :_,0`1'r01 Ott'.. Intilidn:44,8611 In ­93-64ril NimrN, w.t .htA3 Find Special Waters J�IIIIIE OV `"`" _ © "tonal PI Features Selected ClearBufler Clear 1 - rssment Unit 07020012-.'s0 irments: Fishes saessmenfs, Fishes s,�essmert5' 7t,rtsrdtiy; TuFD,d;;y , , Legend _ :T T Special Wags p NIPCALIsted Calcareous Fen DNR Listed Calcareous Fen AN Wilderness Area Mississippi River O O O 44rctum_,.FSty U vi AI LaMscard! ArLnmtulr, I 4 TA 5 FT. MIN. LENGTH STEEL POST Park 1v (EDRegional -' AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING 9xIY ///---GEQTEXTILE FABRIC ai PER DRE wS cuuv%: q'iol'"0 YIG DRE F"016OM' IX CEQTE%TLE FABRIC PLASTIC ZIP TIES (50 LB. TENSILE) / 36 WIDE / FNLASTc ZIP TIES FAB36RIC1WANCOEHORAGE LOCATED IN TOP B" PRS Cyd , TRENCH.BACKFILL ENTRANCE Ne ENGINEERING Wl7H TAMPED NATURAL SOIL C1 FL40_WF« LOWF 6..MIN. F Mmnesota (s) Pnsley Pa7kQ Flit NAME G:\ENG\SPECS\3312 N1 Landscape _ Chanhassen r Arboretum int w ow am 6"MIN, 61WI0.UM Rice Marsh P'" MACHINE SLICE o� Lake Park ' PROJECT SITE " G H Bearpath Golt 0. 8 Country Club SILT FENCE, HEAVY DUTY 1 2 _ AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 36" WADE AN STAPLES q.� FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH. BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL Ho2eltme Nanorlel w F p1 ,sm Golf Club aA"°xw cw Leve Tuskn Town Course 0 FLOW d w r PLA ud""`FER ART ., .' BI tf Cr k GGlf C u ee nu $ x U Bent Creek Goll I i._1 I Eden Praid CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER SPECIAL WATERS SEARCH MAP m Construction Stor\? ater Special Waters Search • .. _. - �r :_,0`1'r01 Ott'.. Intilidn:44,8611 In ­93-64ril NimrN, w.t .htA3 Find Special Waters J�IIIIIE OV `"`" _ © "tonal PI Features Selected ClearBufler Clear 1 - rssment Unit 07020012-.'s0 irments: Fishes saessmenfs, Fishes s,�essmert5' 7t,rtsrdtiy; TuFD,d;;y , , Legend _ :T T Special Wags p NIPCALIsted Calcareous Fen DNR Listed Calcareous Fen AN Wilderness Area Mississippi River O O O 44rctum_,.FSty U vi AI LaMscard! ArLnmtulr, I 4 TA 5 FT. MIN. LENGTH STEEL POST 5 FT. MIN. LENGTH STEEL POST AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING TO STOP MUD MIGRATION THROUGH ROCK. AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING 9xIY ///---GEQTEXTILE FABRIC ai PER DRE wS cuuv%: q'iol'"0 YIG DRE F"016OM' IX CEQTE%TLE FABRIC PLASTIC ZIP TIES (50 LB. TENSILE) / 36 WIDE / FNLASTc ZIP TIES FAB36RIC1WANCOEHORAGE LOCATED IN TOP B" (50 L.B. TENSILE) LOCATED IN TOP e" TRENCH.BACKFILL ENTRANCE TIRE COMPACTION ZONE ENGINEERING Wl7H TAMPED NATURAL SOIL FLOW FL40_WF« LOWF 6..MIN. F , REVISED: 2-10 Flit NAME G:\ENG\SPECS\3312 N1 _ wa r IN FEEFAPFEXETRFE� w ow am 6"MIN, 61WI0.UM P'" MACHINE SLICE o� NI0„ HARDWOODS 6' - 12 DEPTH H 0 0. SILT FENCE, MACHINE SLICEDTO 2 SILT FENCE, HEAVY DUTY 1 2 5 FT. MIN. LENGTH STEEL POST AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 36" WADE AN STAPLES q.� FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH. BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL F ,sm N aA"°xw cw 0z FLOW d w r PLA ud""`FER ART ., .' Z� SILT FENCE TO BE PLACED iO3 6' ON CONTOUR. SEE SLOPE/GRADE AND LENGTH CRITERIA BELOW Ed 1, IN. 2 wAREL... WW f SLOPE SILT FENCE, PREASSEMBLED 1 2 VARIABLE SLOPE GRADE MAX LENGTH LESS THAN 2% 100 FEET 2 - 5, % 75 FEET ALL s olwmm u ar ww ED REN T`�E umavAo 5 -10% 50 FEET NOTES: E°wW"Po 10 - 20 % 25 FEET SILT FENCE PER MNOOT SPECS, SOURCE 2005 11 10o�xI A,INI GREATER THAN 20% 15 FEET SEE SPECS. 2573 & 3886. LOCATION OF SILT FENCE 7O To Protect Area From Sheet Flow FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL 2 Maximum Contributing Area: 1 Acre SLOPE VARIABLE DESIRABI-E _ 1:6 SILT FENCE NEAR TOE OF -- SLOPE OUTSIDE OF CONSTRUCTION LIMITS LOCATION OF SILT FENCE FOR PEREMITER CONTR01_ CMOF SILT FENCE REVISED: 3-12 PLATE No.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5,300 FILE NAME: G:\ENG SPECS 5300 ANCHOR TRENCH (SEE DETAIL AND NOTES BELOW) SURF PL?/ 9CF OOP STAPLE PATTERN/DENSITY / SHALL FOLLOW MANUFACTURERS ANCHOR TRENCH 1. DIG 6"X6" TRENCH 2. LAY BLANKETS IN TRENCH 3. STAPLE AT 1.5' INTERVALS 4. BACKFILL WITH NATURAL SOIL AND COMPACT. 5. BLANKET LENGTH SHALL NOT EXCEED 100' WITHOUT AN ANCHOR TRENCH NOTE: SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE FREE OF ROCKS, SOIL CLUMPS, STICKS, VEHICLE IMPRINTS, AND GRASS. BLANKETS SHALL HAVE GOOD SOIL CONTACT. OVERLAP END JOINTS MINIMUM OF 6' AND STAPLE OVERLAP AT 1.5' INTERVALS. STAGGER JOINTS OVERLAP LONGITUDINAL JOINTS MINIMUM OF 6" ■ LOUCKS I EROSION CONTROL BLANKET LOUCKS PLATE NO, 3016 DRAWN 22016 r n V It 1"-2" CLEAN CRUSHED ROCK 18" MINIMUM CUT OFF BERM TO MINIMIZE RUNOFF FROM SITE FILTER FABRIC W SEDIMENT TRAP MANUFACTURED BY WIMCO,LLC.SHAKOPEE, MN., ESS BROS., CORCORAN, MN. OR EQUAL SPECIRC4710NS AND STANDARDS DESIGN LOADS AMC wl OF STEEL LOhISIT LlIJ1 WIN OFTEN. AL1ANI "WE WI LOAD N/A Aws gmucnR WELn�';; 01.1-24. SAFETY FACrpi N/A 28 GP 1226 - OSIN :S RI O M M M siNIDAane_ WATER FLOW RATE (MINI TYPE FF PETER) 0.707 CFS O 3- HWI YACIMIIY OVERFIGN RATE 5.24 CFS O 15' NFAO MODEL#CG23 DEFLECTOR PDIT OVERFLOW 1 - C£NTER OF FILTER ASSEMBLY OVERAOW 2 - 70P OF CURB BOX 10' FILTER ASSEMBLY r CURB HIGH-FLOW HIGH-FLOW FABRIC NOTES: 1. CLEAN FILTER MEDIA AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT AND REPLACE IF FILTER IS CLOGGED WITH SEDIMENT. 2. REMOVE DEBRIS/SEDIMENT FROM RECEPTACLE AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT. UffOF CATCH BASIN CSEN SEDIMENT TRAP REVISED: 1-10 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: 5302A FILE NAME: G:\ENC\SPECS\5302A ENEFF OF INFRUEND TERNER PAUL UP ,0..0.0. P,w, ° an {'am°e "�w. ILAEREENNER NE fl0ar ST2nH 9Po06E AND UMIFLOW Cn"Nw.TID, EUPPI NI RxxM° W nENGINEER. M MINE ✓ mow[ w W wr m ' I :°e°•w"N°'°' rc mP: mules L , r - UT, INSTALIAw04 UNAI _BAR alwmxp 9E nT PROTECTION AND TNENtlIMG DETA&S �Aq °V6"w 1 FURN °'s:vc � rO°,Ni F,WF Itt, NOTE: FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED UNDER ROCK TO STOP MUD MIGRATION THROUGH ROCK. MPt 9xIY t,lll My OF ai PER DRE wS cuuv%: q'iol'"0 YIG DRE F"016OM' IX ROCK 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL CONSTRUCTION C9ANBASSEN uxx° wrox ° c me Nr° atxwww"w qua ae rwl o w,wwwa ENTRANCE REVISED: 1-10 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: 5301 nLE NAME c:\ENc\sPEcs s3o1 m , SEDIMENT TRAP MANUFACTURED BY WIMCO,LLC.SHAKOPEE, MN., ESS BROS., CORCORAN, MN. OR EQUAL SPECIRC4710NS AND STANDARDS DESIGN LOADS AMC wl OF STEEL LOhISIT LlIJ1 WIN OFTEN. AL1ANI "WE WI LOAD N/A Aws gmucnR WELn�';; 01.1-24. SAFETY FACrpi N/A 28 GP 1226 - OSIN :S RI O M M M siNIDAane_ WATER FLOW RATE (MINI TYPE FF PETER) 0.707 CFS O 3- HWI YACIMIIY OVERFIGN RATE 5.24 CFS O 15' NFAO MODEL#CG23 DEFLECTOR PDIT OVERFLOW 1 - C£NTER OF FILTER ASSEMBLY OVERAOW 2 - 70P OF CURB BOX 10' FILTER ASSEMBLY r CURB HIGH-FLOW HIGH-FLOW FABRIC NOTES: 1. CLEAN FILTER MEDIA AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT AND REPLACE IF FILTER IS CLOGGED WITH SEDIMENT. 2. REMOVE DEBRIS/SEDIMENT FROM RECEPTACLE AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT. UffOF CATCH BASIN CSEN SEDIMENT TRAP REVISED: 1-10 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: 5302A FILE NAME: G:\ENC\SPECS\5302A ENEFF OF INFRUEND TERNER PAUL UP ,0..0.0. P,w, ° an {'am°e "�w. ILAEREENNER NE fl0ar ST2nH 9Po06E AND UMIFLOW Cn"Nw.TID, EUPPI NI RxxM° W nENGINEER. M MINE ✓ mow[ w W wr m ' I :°e°•w"N°'°' rc mP: mules L , r - UT, INSTALIAw04 UNAI _BAR alwmxp 9E nT PROTECTION AND TNENtlIMG DETA&S �Aq °V6"w 1 FURN °'s:vc � rO°,Ni F,WF Itt, A, cc IxRM °Pu4ENENT ,wT";,w iA,Er' a MPt 9xIY TREE PR07CPCN sGN DErn1L ai PER DRE wS cuuv%: q'iol'"0 YIG DRE F"016OM' IX ( 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL Im°ecT w, NA.mN.N,Am m„w "FN.w�""IO'Bnm ,NAR NMoI uxx° wrox ° c me Nr° atxwww"w qua ae rwl o w,wwwa �I ° ENGINEERING 1 u m , REVISED: 2-10 Flit NAME G:\ENG\SPECS\3312 q " VEGETATION PROTECTION DETAIL r IN FEEFAPFEXETRFE� �A ° DEPARTMENT 61WI0.UM P'" TP- " m.:.1 1111Il I 10 HARDWOODS SCENE NNIFERs IIIEW NI C, PE a i= n AN q.� �AE WEAR`�'cO' "�)TP¢ `A.EW ,sm wo uu0. „ r. aA"°xw cw N PLA ud""`FER ART ., .' // o � OMP OiG1G1 ON NT71NG BAn( III' III W II" M: 2 wAREL... WW PMINixG SYgLL BRnNp1E5 M0�'NW"MRp'"uPM PRUNING DETAILS (MIN, II n,° °"0s a" EFL"T FAI W ALL s olwmm u ar ww ED REN T`�E umavAo E°wW"Po 11 10o�xI A,INI SEDIMENT TRAP MANUFACTURED BY WIMCO,LLC.SHAKOPEE, MN., ESS BROS., CORCORAN, MN. OR EQUAL SPECIRC4710NS AND STANDARDS DESIGN LOADS AMC wl OF STEEL LOhISIT LlIJ1 WIN OFTEN. AL1ANI "WE WI LOAD N/A Aws gmucnR WELn�';; 01.1-24. SAFETY FACrpi N/A 28 GP 1226 - OSIN :S RI O M M M siNIDAane_ WATER FLOW RATE (MINI TYPE FF PETER) 0.707 CFS O 3- HWI YACIMIIY OVERFIGN RATE 5.24 CFS O 15' NFAO MODEL#CG23 DEFLECTOR PDIT OVERFLOW 1 - C£NTER OF FILTER ASSEMBLY OVERAOW 2 - 70P OF CURB BOX 10' FILTER ASSEMBLY r CURB HIGH-FLOW HIGH-FLOW FABRIC NOTES: 1. CLEAN FILTER MEDIA AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT AND REPLACE IF FILTER IS CLOGGED WITH SEDIMENT. 2. REMOVE DEBRIS/SEDIMENT FROM RECEPTACLE AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT. UffOF CATCH BASIN CSEN SEDIMENT TRAP REVISED: 1-10 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: 5302A FILE NAME: G:\ENC\SPECS\5302A ENEFF OF INFRUEND TERNER PAUL UP ,0..0.0. P,w, ° an {'am°e "�w. ILAEREENNER NE fl0ar ST2nH 9Po06E AND UMIFLOW Cn"Nw.TID, EUPPI NI RxxM° W nENGINEER. M MINE ✓ mow[ w W wr m ' I :°e°•w"N°'°' rc mP: mules L , r - UT, INSTALIAw04 UNAI _BAR alwmxp 9E nT PROTECTION AND TNENtlIMG DETA&S �Aq °V6"w 1 FURN °'s:vc � rO°,Ni F,WF Itt, h urs interiors ! architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoting.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN LOUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1 AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name _ Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 A, cc IxRM °Pu4ENENT ,wT";,w iA,Er' a SLLPE RIMMING CETML TFLPOIIARr 1'rgTEcn,M iFNCE MTAiL TREE PR07CPCN sGN DErn1L SAND, ONZ Flu DETAIL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET ENGINEERING PLATE: m REVISED: 2-10 Flit NAME G:\ENG\SPECS\3312 5312 VEGETATION PROTECTION DETAIL r DEPARTMENT h urs interiors ! architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoting.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN LOUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1 AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name _ Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL Z Sheet Title O SWPPP NOTES AND DETAILS Z O IRAPPREAPARQ Sheet Information O 1 Z ODate (� �20DB BOH ! YOFny Spxe aa12n f / I j I / i 1 r CB _- R1M 330 A `N IN BBO S) NV= CB ' f8V-9 9(N / 4 MM -997.88 M1 1 Q / ` o / Vv RIM=970.87 /4 It� INV=956.54/ 404 4 STORM BOTTOM OF PIPE=968.8 RIM -8710 SANITARY TOP OF PIPE=958.Q8± 5 RCp >> !t 7 "ra. CP R 971.56 j 107 LF -6" PVC @ 2.0006 INV 5.14(W) �r INV 65.14(N) / f 64.84(N) 1 CORE DRILL INTO o EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE 'r INV=957.97± 1 (VERIFYi1 �! INVERT & SIZE)i )� - o > � 8 LF -8" PVC WATERMAIN e ' / A WET TAP EXISTING 12" DIP (VERIFY WATERMAIN I TYPE SIZE)� / 3 s". J SMH O RIM=983.38 / INV=0.00 1 STMH ORIM -983.21 j NV=0.00 f / f 40 J 0 `--------7-Drainage and utility eosement per plat of ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK - i / r / -1 SANMH 1 RIM=971.89 INV(E)=960.21 INV(W)=960.11 / STORM BOTTOM OF PIPE=962.34± SANITARY TOP OF PIPE=961.39± 81 LF -6" PVC @ 2.00% SANITARY SEWER SERVICE STUB I N V=961.83 (VERIFY LOCATION, INVERT '1 & SIZE W/ MECHANICAL) SANITARY MANHOLE f{ 8" GATE VALVE O THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT, AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY CATCH BASIN 11.25 DEG. 8" BEND D 1 A WM BOTTOM OF PIPE=965:'83± 1 SANITARY TOP OF PIPE=958.64± DG DEFLECT Wtq AS NEEDED TO ' MAINTAIN 18" VERTI#AL SEPARATION' POST INDICATOR VALVE H 0 LIGHT POLE A - CB M49 77 4. ALL STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE INV=971.41 a SIGN A a P BENCHMARK 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - R11 RIM=978.96 sy-- INV=958.82 i , I I <- 3 s". J SMH O RIM=983.38 / INV=0.00 1 STMH ORIM -983.21 j NV=0.00 f / f 40 J 0 `--------7-Drainage and utility eosement per plat of ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK - i / r / -1 SANMH 1 RIM=971.89 INV(E)=960.21 INV(W)=960.11 / STORM BOTTOM OF PIPE=962.34± SANITARY TOP OF PIPE=961.39± 81 LF -6" PVC @ 2.00% SANITARY SEWER SERVICE STUB I N V=961.83 (VERIFY LOCATION, INVERT '1 & SIZE W/ MECHANICAL) PROPOSED BUILDING FIFE = 971.40 DUAL 8" COMBINED DOMESTIC/FIRE WATER SERVICES (VERIFY LOCATION, INVERT & SIZE W/ MECHANICAL) 15 LF -8" PVC WATERMAIN I I I - ---- H .. 18'fiLY' INV B7 L25{W) %arc INV 971.08(S)) I w INV -971.02(E) 121 LF -8" PVC WATERMAIN �.wt I � + + + + \< + + +t+ + + + + /+ + + + ,\H 1�++++ I++++ ++++/y�}+�++++++\`+I+/+ ` + + + +. + + + } + + + + + + + + + /+ -f / +-+ +-+ +{ �. f1+ 7 +111t_ 4 / + �+ + + + + + + + + 4+ +/+ * +/.rte s/�+ -tt +,+ ,K +/+ 4 +/+,+ +7+�� + +/ + 4 j/+/+ * +/+� + + + + + + + + / + + '+ + + + +/+ + +� /h\// / J,/ V xA//�/// �rainyge andA l ty �semgrtt per / i ^ T ply of ARBDREBU.SIjiESS PARK <X r--- L--- V X, / / V �. -Dr, no d try eeasef ent peg plaof ARBORF H _- v-,L-/� 71- 601 El 8"X6" TEE I I - -HYDRANT W/ GATE VALVE 10 LF -6" PVC WATERMAIN cB RIM: .04 WV=969.69(N Q. INV -889.55(5 (j Vm 8"X8" BEND 03 LF -8" PVC WATERMAIN i.4 J 0 :30 60 %7=m SCALE IN TWEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. CIVIL LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE • STORM MANHOLE O THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT, AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY CATCH BASIN 00 D 1 COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND a oq THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. DG GATEVALVE ' a a4 POST INDICATOR VALVE H 0 LIGHT POLE # 0 POWER POLE 4. ALL STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE PLANNINNG SIGN v P BENCHMARK 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SOIL BORINGS_ ENVIRONMENTAL sy-- WATER MANHOLE MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM Maple Grove, MN 55369 soo I 1 SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND H SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 8.0 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE SET _I_ - --YE--� WATER SERVICE GA: --5----: SANITARY SERVICE GAS.-- _-.GPS ,. HANDICAP PARKING 7 Lti. -*---- DIRECTION OF FLOW - "" STORM SEWER DUAL WALL HDPE 12" TO 18" DIAMETER SPOT ELEVATION PERFORATED PVC 4" TO 6" DIAMETER MINNESOTA. CONTOURS Trevor D. Gruys - PE }___ iMH T ---}7 - - STORM SEWER Signature RIM IB 56 INV ---972. (W)) A> Ao. FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA .. FORCEMAIN -FM- 77 INV -972. (S) --- DRAIW ILE » DT - Issue Record IN 97Z E) '-"'-"-"- I- I 117 I I� I I I- j7 170 LF -8" PVC WATERMAIN 11.25 DEG. 8" BEND - - --- -- -- CB_ - - - - - -- - - SETBACK LINE - - -I RIM=977.46 LINE -X-X- TEi---- UNDERGROUND TELE ---SAS------ STORM BOTTOM OF PIPE=968.67± -''b---- OVERHEAD UTILITY WM TOP OF PIPE=966.21± FIBER OPTIC --- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC DEFLECT WM AS NEEDED TO ---- UNDERGROUND CABLE TV - MAINTAIN 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION PROPOSED BUILDING FIFE = 971.40 DUAL 8" COMBINED DOMESTIC/FIRE WATER SERVICES (VERIFY LOCATION, INVERT & SIZE W/ MECHANICAL) 15 LF -8" PVC WATERMAIN I I I - ---- H .. 18'fiLY' INV B7 L25{W) %arc INV 971.08(S)) I w INV -971.02(E) 121 LF -8" PVC WATERMAIN �.wt I � + + + + \< + + +t+ + + + + /+ + + + ,\H 1�++++ I++++ ++++/y�}+�++++++\`+I+/+ ` + + + +. + + + } + + + + + + + + + /+ -f / +-+ +-+ +{ �. f1+ 7 +111t_ 4 / + �+ + + + + + + + + 4+ +/+ * +/.rte s/�+ -tt +,+ ,K +/+ 4 +/+,+ +7+�� + +/ + 4 j/+/+ * +/+� + + + + + + + + / + + '+ + + + +/+ + +� /h\// / J,/ V xA//�/// �rainyge andA l ty �semgrtt per / i ^ T ply of ARBDREBU.SIjiESS PARK <X r--- L--- V X, / / V �. -Dr, no d try eeasef ent peg plaof ARBORF H _- v-,L-/� 71- 601 El 8"X6" TEE I I - -HYDRANT W/ GATE VALVE 10 LF -6" PVC WATERMAIN cB RIM: .04 WV=969.69(N Q. INV -889.55(5 (j Vm 8"X8" BEND 03 LF -8" PVC WATERMAIN i.4 J 0 :30 60 %7=m SCALE IN TWEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. CIVIL LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED h ung interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN UTILITY NOTES SANITARY MANHOLE • STORM MANHOLE O THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT, AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY CATCH BASIN 00 D CULVERT COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND HYDRANT THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. DG GATEVALVE N CAV POST INDICATOR VALVE ®a1v 0 LIGHT POLE # 0 POWER POLE 4. ALL STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE PLANNINNG SIGN v P BENCHMARK 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SOIL BORINGS_ ENVIRONMENTAL 6. ALL NEW WATERMAIN AND SERVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 8.0 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA DEPTH WATER MANHOLE MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM Maple Grove, MN 55369 TELEPHONE MANHOLE 763.424.5505 SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND UTILITY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 8.0 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE ELECTRIC MANHOLE LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 --YE--� WATER SERVICE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. --5----: SANITARY SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, :. HANDICAP PARKING 7 Lti. -*---- DIRECTION OF FLOW - "" STORM SEWER DUAL WALL HDPE 12" TO 18" DIAMETER SPOT ELEVATION PERFORATED PVC 4" TO 6" DIAMETER MINNESOTA. CONTOURS Trevor D. Gruys - PE }___ SANITARY SEWER T ---}7 - - STORM SEWER Signature i -- WATERMAIN �I- FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA .. FORCEMAIN -FM- --- DRAIW ILE » DT - Issue Record SILT FENCE '-"'-"-"- CURB B: GUTTER 13.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES, 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL RETAINING WALL a. PIPES 4 -INCH TO 10 -INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. TREELINE b. PIPES 12 -INCH TO 60 -INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. - - --- -- -- EASEMENT LINE - - - - - - - -- - - SETBACK LINE - - - - - - - _X___x_FENCE LINE -X-X- TEi---- UNDERGROUND TELE ---SAS------ UNDERGROUND GAS -''b---- OVERHEAD UTILITY -UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC --- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ---- UNDERGROUND CABLE TV - PROPERTY LINE CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE PARKING COUNTS Q BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT h ung interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN UTILITY NOTES 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPEC[ FICATIONS,THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT, AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. 2. ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 3. ALL CONVECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS RESRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, OR WORK IMPACTING PUBLICUTILIT LOUCKS ■ ■ 4. ALL STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE PLANNINNG BUILDING FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE REQUIRED BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND ALL UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ENVIRONMENTAL 6. ALL NEW WATERMAIN AND SERVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 8.0 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA DEPTH 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM Maple Grove, MN 55369 SEWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST WATERMAIN TO AVOID CONFLICTS WITH 763.424.5505 SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND www,loucksinc.com SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 8.0 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE ATTAINED. LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 7. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, 8. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY WATERMAIN C900 PVC 6" TO 8" DIAMETER ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND SANITARY SEWER PVC SCH 40 6" DIAMETER THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL STORM SEWER DUAL WALL HDPE 12" TO 18" DIAMETER ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF PERFORATED PVC 4" TO 6" DIAMETER MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE 9. ALL SANITARY SEWER WYES, TEES AND SERVICES SHALL BE 6" PVC SCH 40. Printed Name 10.CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OF UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM FOR ENGINEER'S REVIEW. Signature 11.ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS, LOCATED WITHIN 10 05/03/19 53706 FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA Date Lic # RULES, CHAPTER 4714. 12.ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST Issue Record BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 13.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES, 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL CHAPTER 4714: a. PIPES 4 -INCH TO 10 -INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL b. PIPES 12 -INCH TO 60 -INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. C. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL d. WATER -TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. I. , 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL J Z Sheet Title 0 UTILITY PLAN Z SANITARY SEWER & CALL BEFORE YOU Dlq 0 WATERMAIN % Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Q TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 2 Sheet Information WARNING: 0 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF i LINES. - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT �/ 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF I..L_ Date ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, O A 4,II w VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED 2019-05-03 DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. ::2009 e0H It raunq span �qn a r i ! I! 1 / FES 1 W/ TRASH GUARD -'- --- _ AND GROUTED RIP -RAP I N V=958.88 111 LF -18" FIDPF @ '1.01% 7 i O Q \ a. PV 7a R� tea'° ' IN X960 S) INV= I(W) 1 INV=95 9(N) \ CB RIM -967.86 CB10 � { RIM=968.88 \ INV=961.16 SUMP=958.16 15 LF -12" HDPE @ 4.5% - INLET INV=960.48- I 36" ACCESS RISER - RIM=969.58 I NV=958.17 36" ACCESS RISER-�L RIM=970.38 f I N V=958.17 �r INFIL1 53"x41" PERFORATED ARCH CSP UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION SYSTEM (1,055 LF TOTAL) J TOP OF PIPE=961.58. OUTLET=959.97% INV=958.1 r, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE DOWP v TO NATIVE SOILS CLASSIFIED AS POORLY f GRADED SAND W/ SILT OR SILTY SAND (SP -SM, $M) ESTIMATED TO BE AT AN ELEVATION OF 961± acp ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE SYSTEM AND r ?51± ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE SY EM. 58 R 971.9% - CONTRACTOR TO BACKFILL WITH FREE DRAINING IN = 5.(S/E / GRANULAR MATERIALS (100% PASSING 3 -INCH( SIEVE IN 64.94(N ;1 J, AND 0-20% PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE) UP TO - Al+ THE BOTTOM OF THE SYSTEM. 36" ACCESS RISER-� RIM=971.51 I N V=958.17 36 ACCESS RISER RIM=972.30 INV=958.17---- 36 ACCESS RISER RIM=971.98 j I NV=958.17 I i i I - I ---801---...I I� A u 4 A GB RIM=975.77 INV -971.41 n �Z"RCP RIM RIM=978.96 INV=958.92 I - RIM RIM=970.87 INV -958.5)4) A /M /Ni 'T It- 1 o o W I, i LL Y I I CB RIM=977.46 I I SMH O RIM=963.36 / INv=a.00 STMH O RIM=963.21 y INV=0.00 / CB 50 RIM=969.27 I N V=964.39 SUMP=961.39 - - - - �- Drainage and utility 7 r OUTLET 21 LF -12" HDPE @ 4.5% INV=959.97INLET INV=963.44 36" ACCESS RISER RIM=969.93 I N V=960.04 INLET INV=960.48 \� t LF-12" HDPE @ 4.50% 1BMH 20M=970.18 %%-_964.92 V(W)=961.16 UMP=958.16 54 LF -12" HDPE @ 2.0% 25 LF -4" PVC DRAINTILE SLOPE TO DRAIN TYP-SEE DETAIL CBMH 21 08" NYLOPLAST) RIM=970.00 I N V=966.00 STORM BOTTOM OF PIPE=962.34± �-OUTLET INV=960.04 \-14 LF -12" HDPE @ 0.0% -OCS MH 40 RIM=970.35 W EI R=964.46 6"X6" ORIFICE=960.04 I N V=960.04 14 LF -12" HDPE @ 0.5% INLET INV=959.97 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40 'L SANITARY TOP OF PIPE=961.39± 12" ROOF DRAIN STUB 4 LF -12" HDPE @ 2.0% N V=964.40 (VERIFY SIZE, INVERT & c _ LOCATION W/ MECHANICAL) INV-Q,Q A ' NV -97236, ) - INV=972.33( 0 CBMH 311 RIM=970.65 INV(N)=964.32 INV(E,W)=963.81 37 LF -12" HDPE @ 0.5% CBMH 30 RIM=970.40 INV=963.62 SUMP=960.62 80 LF -12" HDPE @ 3.9% INLET INV=960.48 DET 1 54" CSP UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM (350 LF TOTAL) TOP OF PIPE=964.54 OUTLET=960.04 I N V=960.04 per plat of ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK -_ - O 30 60 =N%7=m SCALE IN I''EET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. h IM -N interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CIVIL LEGEND CONTROL CONCEPTS EXSBNO PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE . STORM MANHOLE O Gam-" �'�' CATCH BASIN `r'lr '•Fii� CULVERT HYDRANT G CATEVALVE N L , POST INDICATOR VALVE SIV 8077 CENTURY BLVD I� LIGHT POLE 0 POWER POLE f C H A N H A S S E N, MN SIGN A BENCHMARK SOIL BORINGS_ IbA WATER MANHOLE (fj TELEPHONE MANHOLE QJI UTILITY MANHOLE �1 ELECTRIC MANHOLE 3.Y---= WATER SERVICE -S-•. SANITARY SERVICE HANDICAP PARKING L� "--- DIRECTION OF FLOW SPOT ELEVATION CONTOURS / ->-- SANITARY SEWER ---♦- / ^->> STORM SEWER -- I -- WATERMAIN / -FM-- FORCEMNN -EY- DRAINTILE »DT- / SILT FENCE CURB & GUTTER / - --- RETAINING WALL CO / rylf_' YY-YI TREELIKE lEASEMENT LINE O 25 LF -4" PVC DRAINTILE \ - - - - SETBACK UNE - - - - SLOPE TO DRAIN -x-x- FENCE LINE -x x C 1 TYP-SEE DETAIL -TM- UNDERGROUND TELE / W( --OAS- UNDERGROUND GAS L L... RI = �� \ OAS - OVERHEAD UTILITY O RIM=965.04 � / -�"'- INV=961.54 / \ -FO-- UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SUMP=958.54 /� � --E+� UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CABLE TV / PROPERTY LINE O + + + + 1 + + + F + \+I + CONIFEROUS TREE + + + + + + �F + ' DECIDUOUS TREE + + + /. + + + + + .. +/+/+ Y + -WLR..-WL` �\ + + + + + + j` + + + + + + )/F ��+/+ �/ +/+-K�%�#, x- PARKING COUNTS Q + -+ + /+ + + + + + + + + 4 +/V' 4+j'�,4-- BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT + f + + + + + + + + +/+'�+/ + 4 + + +/ + + + + + + + +I 4 +/+ / +/--�4-�/�r �+ �+ + + + + + + + +� +/+ * +/ + +/+ +�+��\ + UTILITY NOTES �+ + + + + + + + + + + * +/ + 4 + +/+ +/+ �+ + + + + + + + �F + + /r +/ + + + +/+ +/ +/ +� 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND N+ +--- �-+- + + > + + /H +✓ + + / +/+ + +-L 9 LF -12" HDPE @ 0.5% N�/ j �/� `���y / / T THSE LOCAL GOVERNING UUN TE AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES T ES S ECIF CATOION OF THE NCITY ODE, INLET INV=961.44 CB 70 // / % �/ // // // // // ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. RIM=965.70 / // // / // / �I 2, ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL SUMP6959.20///� // / h/ // // / //// // // / /� COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND 25 LF -4" PVC DRAINTILE /// j �!//// ///// // /�/ THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. SLOPE TO DRAIN I / / // / \ / / / // / / // / I / 3. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TYP-SEE DETAIL / I // / / /X / // / / // / / /r STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, OR WORK IMPACTING PUBLIC ' I 14 LF-12"HDPE@1.0% ?(/// // %`////// // / UTILITIES. 'm O V CKS INLETINV=962.06 4. ALL STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE PLANNING / / / / BUILDING FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CIVIL ENGINEERING h / / / / / X / / / / /I LAND SURVEYING INLET INV=963.32 / I / \/ // // / / // �� // // / // �/ 5. AM INIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 41 LF -12" HDPE @ 2.0% i / C / Orainyge andi(tility �seIngMt per /I / / / / REQUIRED BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND ALL UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. \\ // / T/oyo?AR90RELWBUSPESSPAPK<X ENVIRONMENTAL />/ 6. ALL NEW MAY BE E REQUIRED TIN AND O MAINTAINIAES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 8.0 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM DEPTH 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 SEWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST WATERMAIN TO AVOID CONFLICTS WITH Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 TRENCH DRAIN 80 NEENAH R -4999 -CX BOLTED RIM(W)=967.30 RIM(E)=967.30 INV(W)=966.30 INV(E)=966.14 OUT=964.14 r--- 25 LF -4" PVC DRAINTILE I SLOPE TO DRAIN L--- TYP-SEE DETAIL -12" ROOF DRAIN STUB 4 LF -12" HDPE @ 2.0% I NV=964.40 (VERIFY SIZE, INVERT & LOCATION W/ MECHANICAL) SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND ' Q www.loucksinc.com SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 8.0 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE ATTAINED. LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 36" ACCESS RISER RIM=967.48 i 11 // // / /// // / // // / //i / 7. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT / / / INV -960,04 � �. �////// UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, 8. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY WATERMAIN C900 PVC 6" TO 8" DIAMETER ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND SANITARY SEWER PVC SCH 40 6" DIAMETER THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL STORM SEWER DUAL PERFORATED 12T O 18" DIAMETER ENGINEMINNESER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF ,• / / / / / / / / / / /� Trevor D. Gruys - PE 9. ALL SANITARY SEWER WYES, TEES AND SERVICES SHALL BE 6" PVC SCH 40. Printed Name 1 O.CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OF UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM FOR ENGINEER'S REVIEW. Signature 11.ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS, LOCATED WITHIN 10 05/03/19 53706 kI / // // FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA Date Lic # 11 M/ / / / / / / / Ji RULES, CHAPTER 4714. 12.ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST Issue Record tSIVOA / BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER // STRUCTURES. 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL -DrAna n3. t�¢y easofnent per playof /; f PARK17 AD�IT!u / / 13.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES, 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL CHAPTER 4714: a. PIPES 4 -INCH TO 10 -INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL b. PIPES 12 -INCH TO 60 -INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. C. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL d. WATER -TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET ;.--- _,._�®05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL " -s »---------'- >> � 1 _..._ •' 974,138 . >> -- >> - » ��p/� 250 Ab L6 18"RCP 9L08(S) 271.02(E) I or J RIM=976.04 INV -969.6 INV=989.55(5) U _ Z Sheet Title bo I� V 0 UTILITY PLAN CBMH 32 Z STORM SEWER 102 LF -12" HDPE RIM=969.25 @ 0.5% INV=964.32O CALL BEFORE YOU Dlq % Gopher State One CallTWIN FREE: 252 51166 002 Q ' TOLL 1-8006 I � 2 Sheet Information WARNING: CALLING FOR ALLCUTIILITY NTIONS CTORUTI IT O OFEALLLL EXICNTSTING ES.ETHEY SHALLLRESPONSIBLECOO COOPERATE WITHFOR COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF i LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF Date ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE O CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED2019-05-03 ILL DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. C4.2 ^.2008 90H ■ Y..g Span 0.1p I I / f T I 7 i �er y*1 1 ;M=INV=IN �0 I( t NV -9 N)\ RIM=967.88 / \ /�e ' 1 t g SLH RIM=970.87 /j � INV=95fi.5 � 7 J C4 % sl. ; ce RIM -97i.60 CH R INV -9 971.59 .19(SA) / Y CS INV 65.14(W) 7 A> / IN fi4.94(N) !� /� ! INV=972.49( INV -972.36(5 , n i w ISO �, i7 / INY-971.OY(E) INY=971.41 a am INV=972.33( ^>a'J D4 / RCP em j ®Plv r i �v 1 t A j !I o J a � INV=958.82 o - BENCHMARK I ca _ SOIL BORINGS_ I I ' - I RIM=977.46 I� I I TELEPHONE MANHOLE UTILITY MANHOLE N ELECTRIC MANHOLE ) 1 n j r SANITARY SERVICE HANDICAP PARKING p (� n .064a"O ' SPOT ELEVATION its I}------- ----BO --- _ !I A i A T - »-- STORM SEWER s o -- I - WATERMAIN j 4 SMH O RIM -963.36 INV=0.00 STMH ORIM -963.21 INV=0.00 a. FINISHED FLOOR FOUNDATION (SEE STRUCTURAL) }" DIA. HOLE TYPICAL 2" MIN. 6" MIN. 2" MIN. TRENCH DETAIL COARSE FILTER AGGREGATE MN DOT 3149.2H 6" PERFORATED PVC PIPE PIPE DETAIL NOTE: SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR FOUNDATION DRAINTILE ON INTERIOR OF BUILDING. LOUCKS PLATE NO. I EXTERIOR FOUNDATION DRAINTILE DETAIL DRAWN 312018 wt v I / 4 % I + + + + + + +� /++ + +/+ + + + +H--__-- IH+ + I + + + + t --� + + +`+/ + ----3-Drainage and utility easement per plat of ARBORETUM HU57NESS PARK-= ---_____-_ + + + + + -#f�+ + + + + + + ,F + ---- I- + + 1++++++ �1 -�` + / + + + + + +'+ F +/+/ + L+--H�-y-- + + + + + + + + + +/+/+ y + -WL- -WL' + + + + +/ + + + + + + + _+ + + + + + + + + + +/+ K +/+ ,4 +/+/+ +%'1� �+ + + + + + + + + �+ + * +/ + 4 +/+ + / +/+ .... + + + + + + +/ +/ + ,4 +/ + + ,-v +/+ V CONNECT OND DETENTION SYS EM ABOVE INV=9O 38 LF 6" SOLID PVC SLOPED TO DRAIN // y/ Ik///X/;�/ ////// //fix Drainypeanal0tility elasemgrnt per TPl�otA1W0REUVBU57,&FSS PARK,' 445 LF -6" PERFORATED �� \ \ �/ /I / / / / / / / / >/ PVC DRAINTILE PROPOSED BUILDING FFE=971.40 M / /? COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL FOR INTERIOR DRAIN TILE CONNECTIONS TO EXTERIOR DRAIN TILE SYSTEM \ L--- _ ���//// 410 LF -6" PERFORATEDIM PVC DRAINTILE �/ A -Dremo id t,T¢y easefnentpe pla of ARBOR B NES'.PARK j>'N ADPTh T I CONTROL CONCEPTS Y CS PROPOSED STMH 77 RIM=978.58 A> RIM -974.88 I a INV=971.25(W) AF / /� ! INV=972.49( INV -972.36(5 Ad INV -971.088((5) n_ i w ISO �, i7 / INY-971.OY(E) INY=971.41 a CULVERT INV=972.33( ^>a'J D4 / RCP em POST INDICATOR VALVE ®Plv i MH I �v 1 C / POWER POLE X C H A N H A S S E N, MN INV=958.82 o - FINISHED FLOOR FOUNDATION (SEE STRUCTURAL) }" DIA. HOLE TYPICAL 2" MIN. 6" MIN. 2" MIN. TRENCH DETAIL COARSE FILTER AGGREGATE MN DOT 3149.2H 6" PERFORATED PVC PIPE PIPE DETAIL NOTE: SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR FOUNDATION DRAINTILE ON INTERIOR OF BUILDING. LOUCKS PLATE NO. I EXTERIOR FOUNDATION DRAINTILE DETAIL DRAWN 312018 wt v I / 4 % I + + + + + + +� /++ + +/+ + + + +H--__-- IH+ + I + + + + t --� + + +`+/ + ----3-Drainage and utility easement per plat of ARBORETUM HU57NESS PARK-= ---_____-_ + + + + + -#f�+ + + + + + + ,F + ---- I- + + 1++++++ �1 -�` + / + + + + + +'+ F +/+/ + L+--H�-y-- + + + + + + + + + +/+/+ y + -WL- -WL' + + + + +/ + + + + + + + _+ + + + + + + + + + +/+ K +/+ ,4 +/+/+ +%'1� �+ + + + + + + + + �+ + * +/ + 4 +/+ + / +/+ .... + + + + + + +/ +/ + ,4 +/ + + ,-v +/+ V CONNECT OND DETENTION SYS EM ABOVE INV=9O 38 LF 6" SOLID PVC SLOPED TO DRAIN // y/ Ik///X/;�/ ////// //fix Drainypeanal0tility elasemgrnt per TPl�otA1W0REUVBU57,&FSS PARK,' 445 LF -6" PERFORATED �� \ \ �/ /I / / / / / / / / >/ PVC DRAINTILE PROPOSED BUILDING FFE=971.40 M / /? COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL FOR INTERIOR DRAIN TILE CONNECTIONS TO EXTERIOR DRAIN TILE SYSTEM \ L--- _ ���//// 410 LF -6" PERFORATEDIM PVC DRAINTILE �/ A -Dremo id t,T¢y easefnentpe pla of ARBOR B NES'.PARK j>'N ADPTh 3 % is { T I CONTROL CONCEPTS Y CS PROPOSED STMH 77 RIM=978.58 A> RIM -974.88 I a INV=971.25(W) AF - CB RIM -975.77 /� ! INV=972.49( INV -972.36(5 Ad INV -971.088((5) n_ i w ISO �, i7 00 INY-971.OY(E) INY=971.41 a CULVERT INV=972.33( ^>a'J D4 CATEVALVE RCP em POST INDICATOR VALVE ®Plv i MH I 7 7 1 _ RIM RIM=978.98 POWER POLE X C H A N H A S S E N, MN INV=958.82 o - BENCHMARK I ca _ SOIL BORINGS_ I I ' - I RIM=977.46 I� I I 3 % is { T I CONTROL CONCEPTS � PROPOSED v li! SANITARY MANHOLE 0 0 30 60 a SCALE IN FEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. h uffl interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CIVIL LEGEND CONTROL CONCEPTS 01111111111111111,111 PROPOSED 0 SANITARY MANHOLE . 0 STORM MANHOLE O ISO CATCH BASIN 00 b CULVERT HYDRANT D4 CATEVALVE N em POST INDICATOR VALVE ®Plv 8077 CENTURY BLVD ]!1, LIGHT POLE POWER POLE X C H A N H A S S E N, MN SIGN o BENCHMARK _ SOIL BORINGS_ WATER MANHOLE TELEPHONE MANHOLE UTILITY MANHOLE ELECTRIC MANHOLE WATER SERVICE - SANITARY SERVICE HANDICAP PARKING p (� DIRECTION OF FLOW .064a"O ' SPOT ELEVATION its CONTOURS ----7---- SANITARY SEWER T - »-- STORM SEWER ��•� -- I - WATERMAIN -FM- FORCEMAIN -FM- V DRAINTILE »DT- �VV SILT FENCE CURB k GUTTER RETAINING WALL f'YYYYWYI TREELINE - - - - - EASEMENT LINE - O SETBACK LINE - - - - -%----::- FENCE LINE -% %- I -SEL- UNDERGROUND TELE V ---- CMIS-- UNDERGROUND GAS -OH---- OVERHEAD UTILITY O -FO--- - UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CABLE TV PROPERTY LINE -( CONIFEROUS TREE O DECIDUOUS TREE PARKING COUNTS Q BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT UTILITY NOTES 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS,THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT, AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. 2. ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 3. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, OR WORK IMPACTING PUBLIC ■ LoUCKS UTILITIES. 4. ALL STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE PLANNING BUILDING FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CIVIL ENGINEERING 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LAND SURVEYING REQUIRED BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND ALL UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 6. ALL NEW WATERMAIN AND SERVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 8.0 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA DEPTH 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM Maple Grove, MN 55369 SEWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST WATERMAIN TO AVOID CONFLICTS WITH 763.424.5505 SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 8.0 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE www.loucksinc.com ATTAINED. LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 7. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, WATERMAIN C900 PVC 6" TO 8" DIAMETER SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY SANITARY SEWER PVC SCH 40 6" DIAMETER ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND STORM SEWER DUAL WALL HDPE 12" TO 18" DIAMETER THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL PERFORATED PVC 4" TO 6" DIAMETER ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 9. ALL SANITARY SEWER WYES, TEES AND SERVICES SHALL BE 6" PVC SCH 40. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name 10.CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OF UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM FOR ENGINEER'S REVIEW. �� Signature I I.ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS, LOCATED WITHIN 10 05/03/19 53706 FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714. Date Lic # 12. ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST Issue Record BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 13.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714: 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL a. PIPES 4 -INCH TO 10 -INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL b. PIPES 12 -INCH TO 60 -INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. C. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL d. WATER -TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL CALL BEFORE YOU Dlq Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 �i�777 TOLL FREE: 1-600-252-1166 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. if Z Sheet Title 0 UTILITY PLAN Z FOUNDATION DRAINTILE 0 Q 75 Sheet Information ry0 IL Z O Date C4.3 LL 2019-05-03 s0X9 fi0H • Ywn9 $� DmIgn /0 r >s / ,, NOTES: 1. Shape of back of buttress 48" may vary as long as poured 22 1/2' BEND against firm undisturbed 90' BEND/TEE earth. 2. Dimension C1,C2,C3 should B2 be large enough to make B3 angle D equal to or larger 6" than 45'. 3. Dimension A1,A2,A3 should V-5" be as large as possible V-6" without interfering with 1'-5" MJ bolts. 4. 0 = 45' Minimum. 5. Place polyethylene between 12" concrete & pipe. 6. All bends & fittings shall 2'-0" be restrained with Megalugs 2'-6" thrust restraints or equal S -O" & - See note 4 PLAN 90' BENDS Variable -4 S Mind. CONCRETE SHALL BE IN CONTACT WITHW THIS QUADRANTOF PIPEBEDDINGUNDISTUR SECTION A -A PLAN 22 1/2" BENDS CITYOF CONCRETE CHANHASSEN THRUST BLOCKING REVISED: 2-08 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1002 FlLE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 1002 PLAN 45' BENDS e - See ' CROSSES HYDRANT LEADS BUTTRESS DIMENSIONS NOTES. 1. MEGALUGS TO BE USED AT ALL MECHANICAL JOINTS. 48" PIPE 22 1/2' BEND 45' BEND 90' BEND/TEE SIZE 61 p1 B2 D2 B3 03 6" 1'-5" 1 --5" 1'-5' V-5" 2'-1" V-6" 8" 1'-5" V-5" 2'-1" V-6" 2'-8" 2'-0" 12" 1'-10" l'-10" 3'-4" 2'-0" 4'-9" 2'-6" 16" S -O" 2'-0" 3'-10" S-0" 6'-2" S-6" 20" 3'-6" 2'-B" 5'-6' 3'-4" 8,_4e 4'-0" 24" 4'-4" S-0" 6'-10" 3'-10' 9'-8" 5-0" 30" - - 9'-3e 6'-0" 17'-0 6'-0" PLAN 90' BENDS Variable -4 S Mind. CONCRETE SHALL BE IN CONTACT WITHW THIS QUADRANTOF PIPEBEDDINGUNDISTUR SECTION A -A PLAN 22 1/2" BENDS CITYOF CONCRETE CHANHASSEN THRUST BLOCKING REVISED: 2-08 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1002 FlLE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 1002 PLAN 45' BENDS e - See ' CROSSES HYDRANT LEADS cted MIND 909 i�%/////%%% Varies IS MNDOT 3149.28 �� Ir IF WarnVaries Varies Dep h to e Determined by Soils Engineer. -I - PipB Diameter I` Natural Ground The bottom of the trench shall be shaped to fit the pipe. barrel for at least 50% of the outside diameter ® Compacted native fill materials MNDOT 3149.28 MNDOT 3149.2H ® NOTES: 1. When existing soil conditions are not acceptable for backfill and/or compaction in the pipe zone, pipe bedding and backfill shall be used as shown above. 2. A soils engineer will be required to determine the depth of the pipe foundation embedment material if needed. Pipe foundation material shall be accordance with MNOOT 3149.2H course filter aggregate. 3. Trench slopes shall conform to current OSHA rules and regulations for excavations and trenches. CITiOF PIPE BEDDING CHANHASSEN IN POOR SOILS REVISED:11-16PLATE NO.: wessel ENGIN=ERING DEPARTMENT 2201 HYDRANTS SHALL BE CLOW MEDALLION (SHOWN) OR MUELLER SUPER CENTURION ALL HYDRANTS MUST BE PRE -APPROVED BY THE CITY THE HYDRANT MARKER SHALL BE A SPRING MOUNTED STAINLESS STEEL OR ALUMINUM ROD 5' IN OVERALL LENGTH, FOR SIDE MOUNT APPLICATION, USING RED & MITE REFLECTIVE TAPE WRAPPING. INSTALL MAGNETIZED EXISTING OR FUTURE TRACER BOX CURB OR GUTTER UNE (SNAKE PIT) AND HYDRANT TRACER WRING A5 VALVE BOX STREET NEEDED PER DETAILS 5500,5501,5502 ZYARD 4GATE HYDRANT SHOE AND BARREL SHALL BE10' TYPICAL PLASTIC WRAPPED PER SECTION 2.03o. CITY WILL FURNISH ANODE BAG,STRAP yeas AND STAINLESS STEEL BAND TO BE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR 'WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. LVE TEE 1 1/2" CLEAR ROCKTERAND 2 LAYERS OFSOLID CONCRETE BLOCK POLYETHYLENE (4 MIL.) NOTES: 1. ALL HYDRANTS SHALL HAVE WEEP HOLES. 2. HYDRANT BURY DEPTH SHALL R A5 PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATION 'WITH A MINIMUM OF 7.5' COVER OVER HYDRANT LEAD, 3. ALL PAINTED SURFACES SHALL E SUBJECT S TWO YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD A5 NOTED IN SECTION 2SH L THE DEAWATERMANHDR SPECIFICATIONS. 4. HYDRANT INSTALLATION SHALL INCLUDE A HYDRANT MARKER. 5. ALL JOINTS SHALL RE RESTRAINED VIA MEGA -OPCS MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINT. 6. ALL HYDRANT TO BE PLUMB TO VERTICAL AXIS, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TO BE 1/2" PER FOOT OF HYDRANT. 7. HYDRANT TO BE SECURELY COVERED WTH PLASTIC WRAP OR BAG TO INDICATE THAT IT IS OUT OF SERVICE. CITY OF TYPICAL # - I I CII�N]I�SSEN HYDRANT INSTALLATION HLVISED:11-16 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1004 wes FILE NAME: G:\ENG\SPECS\1004 Add mastic between frome and rings- V i 5" SECTION VIEW Minimum thickness of precast base is 6" far 14' deep or less, and increases 1' in thickness for every 4' of depth greater than 14'. Manhole costing• lid and adjusting rings (see plates 2110 & 2111) Provide IM barrier an all sanitary sewer manhole(see plate 2109) 6" Concrete collar -ATI joints in manhole to have "wring rubber gaskets and InT-shield external seols at barrel and cane section joints on sanitary applications or approved equal. A mo.imum of 2 all manhole risers to be used directly below cone section Pipe shall be cut out Rush With Inside face of wall. -Kar-n-seal required. Precast inverts must be 1/2 of pipe diameter and benches sloped 2" toward the invert NOTE: 1. Kor-n-seal manhole or equal considered acceptable alternate. 2. All dog houses shall be grouted on Inside and outside. 3. Men the manhole structure is constructed outside the traveled roadway a witness Fast and sign (MH) shall be installed next to the manho 4, Minimum of 2-2' ad Nsting rings, maximum of 3 adjusting rings or a total of 8" of stack height for new constructon. i trill OF STANDARD SANITARY CHANHASSEN MANHOLE REVISED: 3-16 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE No.: ; )1 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 2101 Compacted Native Fill Material, Compacted to 95% of the Standard Proctor Density/ _ > _I 12 I Varies I _ 1 I It- -1 1 1-1 I III -I I- 2' Outside 2' Pipe Diameter Natural Ground The bottom of the trench shall be shaped to fit the pipe barrel for of least 50% of the outside diameter NOTES: 1. When existing soil conditions are not acceptable for backfill and/or compaction in the pipe zone, pipe bedding and backfill shall be used as shown on detail plate 2201. 2 Trench slopes shall conform to current OSHA rules and regulations for excavations and trenches. CITY OF PIPE BEDDING IN GOOD SOILS CHANHASSEN RCP & DIP REVISED: 11-16 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PATE NO.: 2202 FILE RAME:C: ENG SPECS 2202 WATER Tyler No. 6860 7.5' Minimum cover required XI over top of water main. Mueller No. H-10361 �® Bibby -Ste -Croix No. B-5160 Provide Valve Stem Risers To Within 4' Of The Surface DROP D If The Distance From The Top Nut Of The Valve To The Surface Is Greater Than 8'. Grade L _J Adjust top to 3/4" below Tyler No. 6660 26" grade. Box to be set to Mueller No. H-10361 26" provide 12" of adjustment. Bibby -Ste -Croix No. VB502 27" Tyler No, 6860 TOP Mueller No. H-10357 Bibby -Ste -Croix B-5001 Tyler No. 58 14" Gate valve box, screw type, No. 59 18" 3 piece. 5 1(4" shaft, size No. 60 24" G box, 7'-6' extended, Mueller No. 58 14" #6 round base No. 59 20" Bibby -Ste- Croix VB520A . 57 9" Gate Valve Adapter: 1/4" VB 521. 58 14" Steel With Protective EXTENSION VB522o. 59 20" Coating, 1/2" Rubber V652. 60 26" Gasket Installed Between The Gate Valve And Gate Valve Adapter. Tyler. 6860 65' Muellero. H-10361 65" Clow. Mueller or Bibby -o. VB516 60" Approved Equal Resilient Wedge Valve Conforming to AWWA ox to be C-509 Standards With BOTTOM ed per Stainless Steel Nuts a & Bolts and 2" Bronze Operating Nut. L::::::n � e BASE 8"x8"x16" Concrete Block anoF TYPICAL GATE VALVE C SEN AND BOX INSTALLATION REJISE0: 3-16 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1006 FILE NAME G: ENG SPECS 1006 "I/I BARRIER" INNER MANHOLE RING SEAL 6" CONCRETE COLLAR--% PRECAST MANHOLE CONE SECTION 27" BENDS NOTES. 1. MEGALUGS TO BE USED AT ALL MECHANICAL JOINTS. 48" 2. PLACE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDER ALL GATE VALVES TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTui En ON THE Material, Comppacted to Clodatetl-blue tracer AND HYDRANTS. -- 95� of the Standard, HYDRANT SECTION MEW 3. THRUST BLOCKING ALL TEES, BENDS. AND HYDRANTS. Wuterroom 4. ALL FITTINGS, NUTS,, AND BOLTS SHALL BE BLUE CORE Lic # OR STAINLESS STEEL. SLEEVES 5. BLOCKING SHALL BE AGAINST UNDISTURBE) SOES. Malnle,e to 9rooddhe once. rad CITYOF UNDER HYDRANT TYPICAL be aa. box (mated oa TRACER 'WIRES TO BE TIED TO PIPING w1H PLASTIC ZIP TES OR TAPE SUITABLE FOR A LUG CHAN�IEN , NANODE INTERVALS UNLESS NEAR FITTINGS THEN 12" Embedment LOCATION L LOCON REVISED: 2-16ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE No.: 1009 FILE NAME: G: G SPECS 1009 6" 5. QUALIFIES FOR LEED CREDITS Foundation Material cted MIND 909 i�%/////%%% Varies IS MNDOT 3149.28 �� Ir IF WarnVaries Varies Dep h to e Determined by Soils Engineer. -I - PipB Diameter I` Natural Ground The bottom of the trench shall be shaped to fit the pipe. barrel for at least 50% of the outside diameter ® Compacted native fill materials MNDOT 3149.28 MNDOT 3149.2H ® NOTES: 1. When existing soil conditions are not acceptable for backfill and/or compaction in the pipe zone, pipe bedding and backfill shall be used as shown above. 2. A soils engineer will be required to determine the depth of the pipe foundation embedment material if needed. Pipe foundation material shall be accordance with MNOOT 3149.2H course filter aggregate. 3. Trench slopes shall conform to current OSHA rules and regulations for excavations and trenches. CITiOF PIPE BEDDING CHANHASSEN IN POOR SOILS REVISED:11-16PLATE NO.: wessel ENGIN=ERING DEPARTMENT 2201 HYDRANTS SHALL BE CLOW MEDALLION (SHOWN) OR MUELLER SUPER CENTURION ALL HYDRANTS MUST BE PRE -APPROVED BY THE CITY THE HYDRANT MARKER SHALL BE A SPRING MOUNTED STAINLESS STEEL OR ALUMINUM ROD 5' IN OVERALL LENGTH, FOR SIDE MOUNT APPLICATION, USING RED & MITE REFLECTIVE TAPE WRAPPING. INSTALL MAGNETIZED EXISTING OR FUTURE TRACER BOX CURB OR GUTTER UNE (SNAKE PIT) AND HYDRANT TRACER WRING A5 VALVE BOX STREET NEEDED PER DETAILS 5500,5501,5502 ZYARD 4GATE HYDRANT SHOE AND BARREL SHALL BE10' TYPICAL PLASTIC WRAPPED PER SECTION 2.03o. CITY WILL FURNISH ANODE BAG,STRAP yeas AND STAINLESS STEEL BAND TO BE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR 'WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. LVE TEE 1 1/2" CLEAR ROCKTERAND 2 LAYERS OFSOLID CONCRETE BLOCK POLYETHYLENE (4 MIL.) NOTES: 1. ALL HYDRANTS SHALL HAVE WEEP HOLES. 2. HYDRANT BURY DEPTH SHALL R A5 PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATION 'WITH A MINIMUM OF 7.5' COVER OVER HYDRANT LEAD, 3. ALL PAINTED SURFACES SHALL E SUBJECT S TWO YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD A5 NOTED IN SECTION 2SH L THE DEAWATERMANHDR SPECIFICATIONS. 4. HYDRANT INSTALLATION SHALL INCLUDE A HYDRANT MARKER. 5. ALL JOINTS SHALL RE RESTRAINED VIA MEGA -OPCS MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINT. 6. ALL HYDRANT TO BE PLUMB TO VERTICAL AXIS, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TO BE 1/2" PER FOOT OF HYDRANT. 7. HYDRANT TO BE SECURELY COVERED WTH PLASTIC WRAP OR BAG TO INDICATE THAT IT IS OUT OF SERVICE. CITY OF TYPICAL # - I I CII�N]I�SSEN HYDRANT INSTALLATION HLVISED:11-16 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1004 wes FILE NAME: G:\ENG\SPECS\1004 Add mastic between frome and rings- V i 5" SECTION VIEW Minimum thickness of precast base is 6" far 14' deep or less, and increases 1' in thickness for every 4' of depth greater than 14'. Manhole costing• lid and adjusting rings (see plates 2110 & 2111) Provide IM barrier an all sanitary sewer manhole(see plate 2109) 6" Concrete collar -ATI joints in manhole to have "wring rubber gaskets and InT-shield external seols at barrel and cane section joints on sanitary applications or approved equal. A mo.imum of 2 all manhole risers to be used directly below cone section Pipe shall be cut out Rush With Inside face of wall. -Kar-n-seal required. Precast inverts must be 1/2 of pipe diameter and benches sloped 2" toward the invert NOTE: 1. Kor-n-seal manhole or equal considered acceptable alternate. 2. All dog houses shall be grouted on Inside and outside. 3. Men the manhole structure is constructed outside the traveled roadway a witness Fast and sign (MH) shall be installed next to the manho 4, Minimum of 2-2' ad Nsting rings, maximum of 3 adjusting rings or a total of 8" of stack height for new constructon. i trill OF STANDARD SANITARY CHANHASSEN MANHOLE REVISED: 3-16 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE No.: ; )1 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 2101 Compacted Native Fill Material, Compacted to 95% of the Standard Proctor Density/ _ > _I 12 I Varies I _ 1 I It- -1 1 1-1 I III -I I- 2' Outside 2' Pipe Diameter Natural Ground The bottom of the trench shall be shaped to fit the pipe barrel for of least 50% of the outside diameter NOTES: 1. When existing soil conditions are not acceptable for backfill and/or compaction in the pipe zone, pipe bedding and backfill shall be used as shown on detail plate 2201. 2 Trench slopes shall conform to current OSHA rules and regulations for excavations and trenches. CITY OF PIPE BEDDING IN GOOD SOILS CHANHASSEN RCP & DIP REVISED: 11-16 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PATE NO.: 2202 FILE RAME:C: ENG SPECS 2202 WATER Tyler No. 6860 7.5' Minimum cover required XI over top of water main. Mueller No. H-10361 �® Bibby -Ste -Croix No. B-5160 Provide Valve Stem Risers To Within 4' Of The Surface DROP D If The Distance From The Top Nut Of The Valve To The Surface Is Greater Than 8'. Grade L _J Adjust top to 3/4" below Tyler No. 6660 26" grade. Box to be set to Mueller No. H-10361 26" provide 12" of adjustment. Bibby -Ste -Croix No. VB502 27" Tyler No, 6860 TOP Mueller No. H-10357 Bibby -Ste -Croix B-5001 Tyler No. 58 14" Gate valve box, screw type, No. 59 18" 3 piece. 5 1(4" shaft, size No. 60 24" G box, 7'-6' extended, Mueller No. 58 14" #6 round base No. 59 20" Bibby -Ste- Croix VB520A . 57 9" Gate Valve Adapter: 1/4" VB 521. 58 14" Steel With Protective EXTENSION VB522o. 59 20" Coating, 1/2" Rubber V652. 60 26" Gasket Installed Between The Gate Valve And Gate Valve Adapter. Tyler. 6860 65' Muellero. H-10361 65" Clow. Mueller or Bibby -o. VB516 60" Approved Equal Resilient Wedge Valve Conforming to AWWA ox to be C-509 Standards With BOTTOM ed per Stainless Steel Nuts a & Bolts and 2" Bronze Operating Nut. L::::::n � e BASE 8"x8"x16" Concrete Block anoF TYPICAL GATE VALVE C SEN AND BOX INSTALLATION REJISE0: 3-16 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1006 FILE NAME G: ENG SPECS 1006 "I/I BARRIER" INNER MANHOLE RING SEAL 6" CONCRETE COLLAR--% PRECAST MANHOLE CONE SECTION 27" MANHOLE CASTING & LID AS PER DETAIL PLATES (2110 & 2111) HDPE, EPP OR PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS �- MANUFACTURES SEALANT OR I e MASTIC SEAL BETW&I EEN BARRIER AND STRUCTURE 4 INFI-SHIELD EXTERNAL SEALS AT BARREL AND CONE SECTION JOINTS ON SANITARY APPLICATIONS OR APPROVED EQUAL AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER. NOTES: 1. TRIM TOP OF SEAL TO 1" ABOVE TOP OF RINGS. CASTING SHOULD NOT REST ON SEAL. 2. PLACE "MASTIC" ON TOP OF CONE SECTION AND BENEATH SEAL. 3. NOT TO BE USED WHEN THERE ARE NO RINGS OR MORE THAN 18" OF ADJUSTMENT RINGS. 0 CITYOF & CHANHASSEN BARRIER REVI SED! 10-1s ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE IN 2109 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 2109 CUSTOM LOGO Compacted Native Fill 48" MANHOLE CASTING & LID AS PER DETAIL PLATES (2110 & 2111) HDPE, EPP OR PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS �- MANUFACTURES SEALANT OR I e MASTIC SEAL BETW&I EEN BARRIER AND STRUCTURE 4 INFI-SHIELD EXTERNAL SEALS AT BARREL AND CONE SECTION JOINTS ON SANITARY APPLICATIONS OR APPROVED EQUAL AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER. NOTES: 1. TRIM TOP OF SEAL TO 1" ABOVE TOP OF RINGS. CASTING SHOULD NOT REST ON SEAL. 2. PLACE "MASTIC" ON TOP OF CONE SECTION AND BENEATH SEAL. 3. NOT TO BE USED WHEN THERE ARE NO RINGS OR MORE THAN 18" OF ADJUSTMENT RINGS. 0 CITYOF & CHANHASSEN BARRIER REVI SED! 10-1s ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE IN 2109 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 2109 N CUSTOM LOGO Compacted Native Fill 12 AWG Copper TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTui En ON THE Material, Comppacted to Clodatetl-blue tracer Right of way line -- 95� of the Standard, HYDRANT SECTION MEW Wuterroom Density/ Lic # Drlve-In Magnealum I wRE CONTINUES Malnle,e to 9rooddhe once. rad Varies UNDER HYDRANT Use MNDOT 3149.26% be aa. box (mated oa TRACER 'WIRES TO BE TIED TO PIPING w1H PLASTIC ZIP TES OR TAPE SUITABLE FOR Renewed. Granular Borrow , NANODE INTERVALS UNLESS NEAR FITTINGS THEN 12" Embedment 3. CASTINGS MEET HS -25 REQUIREMENTS Bc Material --II FF --1 J 8" MNDOT 3149.26 6" 5. QUALIFIES FOR LEED CREDITS Foundation Material MNDOT 3149.2H If Required see Note 1) "Bc" Denotes Outside Diameter of Pipe 2' 2' Outside Pipe Diameter ® Compacted native fill material/95% proctor MINI 3149.2B MNDOT 3149.2H NOTES: 1. A soils Engineer will be required to determine the depth of the pipe foundation embedment material if needed. Pipe foundation material shall be in accordance with MINI 3149.2H course filter aggregate. 2. P.V.C. bedding shall be MNDOT 3149.2B select granular borrow with 100% passing a 3/4" sieve, and less than 10% passing a NO. 200 sieve. 3. Trench slopes shall conform to current OSHA rules and regulations for excavations and trenches. CITY OF 0 PIPE BEDDING 1 CHANHASSEN FOR P.V.C. PIPE REVISED: 11-16 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: 2203 FILE NAME: G:\ENG SPECS\2203 N CUSTOM LOGO NOTE 12 AWG Copper TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTui En ON THE S 46 Clodatetl-blue tracer Right of way line -- wire(TYP) HYDRANT SECTION MEW Wuterroom r/ Lic # Drlve-In Magnealum I wRE CONTINUES Malnle,e to 9rooddhe once. rad Grad. lave) In -ground trace UNDER HYDRANT lateral log be aa. box (mated oa TRACER 'WIRES TO BE TIED TO PIPING w1H PLASTIC ZIP TES OR TAPE SUITABLE FOR Renewed. the month or wet side of , NANODE INTERVALS UNLESS NEAR FITTINGS THEN h ..is, aerWce. 1.0' Mrax 3. CASTINGS MEET HS -25 REQUIREMENTS THE CONNECTIONS MUST BE MADE WITH THE --II FF --1 J 8" j11 07-12-18 i-------------------------- 5. QUALIFIES FOR LEED CREDITS CPFYOF I LJ2 HYDRANT TRACER I.0' Max 1' WIRE DETAIL 2" LETTERS 08-02-18 7. FRAME -CAST CRAY IRON, ASTM -A -4g CLASS 40A REVISED: 1-17 II water aerNce s.rMa. aeede can.lap PLATE NO.. 5505 5.O' Max ftp I Tap. or ploata tie Its,) 05-03-19 MANHOLE CASTINGS Service- Plan view AND LIDS DETAIL L J Not to to scble Not Notes 1.Wlring Mown away from the piping far all Wime shall be instated immediately odlMcent to the werNce pipe. The iera. shall be fattened to Me piping with pthen. ilea or water proof tape at Bo' Intel kept when near fittings then the maximumapaci q n ie 1.0'. 21eaws 2' col[ of extra red and blue ell In access box. Red wine h from grounding anode and blue wire ie the trade .1. far the service pipe that oonneme to the main line wiring. aoat attach wcurbetap to allow far aeyl® m etments tobemade without demo try wires Prushed grade cume.ap -Grade level cin -ground trace wire box located on the north or Most was of the water servo.. 12 AWG Capper ) Clodstetl-blue I tracer win (TYP) i let AWG Copper dad text -red. Factory aonnxlee to In grounding anode rod. 1 1 1 mm, continue. with `/f Drive -In Mogneslum stn t. to and grounding anode mtl oaenwata to main linPa string. g (see Ian view Meaw P ) 9 4.11ha dater Copperhead! must be made Lwithoc the gauge Water Service -Section View apnneartet. or pem.ad equal. lte Lod,fog Not to scale Canneclara or approves eQYOVl A ! OF WATER SERVICE CHANHASSEN TRACER WIRE DETAIL REVISED: 1-17 PATE N ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT o.: 5504 FILE NAME: C: ENG SPECS 5504 25"-.5" 2" BIT. WEAR �2.1 BIT BASE I&I BARRIER REQUIRED ON SANITARY STRUCTURES ONLY SEE DETAIL 2109 MIN. 2-2"ADJ. RINGS MAX. 3 ADJ. RINGS 6" THICK CONCRETE 27" COLLAR NOTE: 2 -PIECE COVER RISER RINGS ARE NOT ALLOWED. BIT. WEAR COURSE ADJ. DETAIL MANHOLE CASTING & LID AS BE PER DETAIL 2111. J- �- BITUMINOUS BASE OR BINDER g. MANUFACTURES SEALANT HDPE, EPP OR BETWEEN FRAME AND RINGS PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS I^ I&I BARRIER REQUIRED ON27.. 6" THICK CONCRETE SANITARY STRUCTURES ONLY COLLAR SEE DETAIL 2109 BIT. BASE OR BINDER COURSE ADJ. DETAIL NOTES: 1. PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS SHALL BE BEDDED WITH 1/4" TO 1/2n MORTAR. 2. HDPE AND EPP ADJUSTING RINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH MANUFACTURES SEALANT OR APPROVED EQUAL. 3. ALL ADJUSTS SHALL INCLUDE NEW RINGS FROM CASTING TO CONE. 4. WOOD SHIMS NOT PERMITTED TO BE USED IN ADJUSTING RINGS. CITY OF MANHOLE CASTING AND 11F,[I ADJUSTING DETAIL REVISED: 10-16 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2110 FILE NAME: G:\ENG\SPECS 2110 MINIMUM 6" OF COMPACTED SAI SHOWN AS TYPICAL ONE PIPE LENGTH PROPOSED SEWER 1 3" MIN. SEPARATION DIRECT BURY I TYROFOAM ISULATION MINIMUM R AS DIRECTED BY HE ENGINEER. Notes: 1. INSULATION DETAILS SITE SPECIFIC, SEE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE CONSTRUCTION 2. INSULATION AND COMPACTED SAND SHALL EXTEND 12" PAST OUTSIDE OF PIPE. 3. INSULATION SHALL OVERLAP AT JOINTS BY A MINIMUM OF 12". CFFIOF INSULATED PIPE CROSSING REVISED:3- MMEK PLATE NO.. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2204 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 2204 Not to Scale In PARE EXTENDED A PERMANENTLY Me BOX (SEE DETAIL) PLASTIC TE PIPING (TIP PVC OR HOPE WATERMAN HYDRANT PLAN VIM CUSTOM LOGO NOTE RAISED FLUSH TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTui En ON THE S 46 Signature NORTH OR EAST SLOE OF HYDRANT LEAD THEN -- INSIDE OF VALVE BOXES PER DETAIL HYDRANT SECTION MEW ACT 14 -AWG COPPER CLAD FACTORY 5634 - STORM MANHOLES Lic # GROUND CONNEC TED TO ANODE GROUND ROD. 5640 - WATER MANHOLES wRE CONTINUES ALL 011ffR TRACER RAE TO BE 12 -AWG Issue UNDER HYDRANT CLAP-STEEL-BWE TRACER HIRE LEAD AND CONNECTS TO TRACER 'WIRES TO BE TIED TO PIPING w1H PLASTIC ZIP TES OR TAPE SUITABLE FOR DRIP£ -IN MAGNESIUM GROUNDING ROD MAINLINE WIRING. U NOEHGROJND USE AT 5' MAXIMUM , NANODE INTERVALS UNLESS NEAR FITTINGS THEN SPACING IS P MAXIMUM. 3. CASTINGS MEET HS -25 REQUIREMENTS THE CONNECTIONS MUST BE MADE WITH THE --II FF --1 J 8" MCE APPROPRIATE COPPERHEAD SNAKEBITE 07-12-18 LOCKING CONNECTORS OR APPROVED EQUAL 5. QUALIFIES FOR LEED CREDITS CPFYOF I LJ2 HYDRANT TRACER C�iiIi�`SEN 1' WIRE DETAIL 2" LETTERS 08-02-18 7. FRAME -CAST CRAY IRON, ASTM -A -4g CLASS 40A REVISED: 1-17 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.. 5505 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 5505 ftp O�CITYOF 1 3/8" LETTERS 2 1/4• n -L LED FLUSH 'a MACH. GRGOVE IN UD SEA OIL RESISTANT T -GASKET, 1/8• NITRILE, (60 OURO) T-SEAL/CONCEALED PICKHOLE DETAIL GASKETED LIDS USED FOR SANITARY AND WATER MANHOLES 9/16' 1 1/2" LETTERS 5/16" %RAISED FLUSH / FONT •BIRCH" 1 1/2" LETTERS RAISED FLUSH FONT "BIRCH" 2' LETTERS RAISED FLUSH CONCEALED I PICKHOLE PER NF 1015 Manhole Casting, Lid and Adjusting Rings (See Plates 2110 & 2111) 6" Concrete Collar s - Manhole steps shall be Neenah R -1981J, 16" on center. ' Steps Shall be on Downstream Side Unless Pipe Diameter is 18" or Larger All joints in manhole to have "O"ring rubber gaskets, I n Pipe shall be cut off 4" from the _ 11� Inside face of the manhole wall. Precast Inverts Must be 1/2 of / Pipe Diameter and Benches / SECTION VIEW Sloped 2" Toward the Invert Minimum thickness of precast base slab is 6" for 14' depth or less and increases to a minimum slab thickness of 8" at depths greater than 14' or if the structure is larger then 48" diameter. NOTE: 1. All dog houses shall be grouted both inside and outside of the structure. 2. When the manhole or catch basinstructure is constructed outside of the traveled roadway a witness post and sign (MH) shall be installed next to the MH 3. If a sump MH is required, a minimum sump depth of. 4' shall be constructed below the lowest pipe invert in the structure. MY OF CHANHASSEN STANDARD STORM MANHOLE REVISED: 10-16 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3100 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 3100 h ung interiors architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN LOUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE CUSTOM LOGO COMPONENT NUMBERS, ALL FRAMES ARE: RAISED FLUSH 1642 S 46 Signature CHANHASSEN LOGO IID NUMBERS: CONCEALED 5631 - SANITARY MANHOLES PICKHOLE 5634 - STORM MANHOLES Lic # PER NF 1015 5640 - WATER MANHOLES we Issue 40 B fOLTS �� �,` 1 NOT REQUIRED UNLESS CALLED OUT IN CONDIT ONS. y , SPECIAL 2. DIMENSIONS ARE IN ENGUSH MEASUREMENTS 06-19-18 3. CASTINGS MEET HS -25 REQUIREMENTS --II FF --1 J 8" 4. MANUFACTURED IN USA 07-12-18 -II 1/4• 5. QUALIFIES FOR LEED CREDITS I LJ2 MnTriamlc WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 1' 6. UO -CAST GRAY IRON. ASTM A-411 CLASS 358 2" LETTERS 08-02-18 7. FRAME -CAST CRAY IRON, ASTM -A -4g CLASS 40A RAISED FLUSH CONCEALED PICKHOLE DETAIL 6. FINNISH -BARE METAL NO PAINT OR COATINGS 9. WEIGHTS: FRAME 126 LBS / UD 122 LBS 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET ftp O�CITYOF 05-03-19 MANHOLE CASTINGS CgMSEK AND LIDS DETAIL REVISED: 3-16 J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PUENO: 2111 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 2111 Manhole Casting, Lid and Adjusting Rings (See Plates 2110 & 2111) 6" Concrete Collar s - Manhole steps shall be Neenah R -1981J, 16" on center. ' Steps Shall be on Downstream Side Unless Pipe Diameter is 18" or Larger All joints in manhole to have "O"ring rubber gaskets, I n Pipe shall be cut off 4" from the _ 11� Inside face of the manhole wall. Precast Inverts Must be 1/2 of / Pipe Diameter and Benches / SECTION VIEW Sloped 2" Toward the Invert Minimum thickness of precast base slab is 6" for 14' depth or less and increases to a minimum slab thickness of 8" at depths greater than 14' or if the structure is larger then 48" diameter. NOTE: 1. All dog houses shall be grouted both inside and outside of the structure. 2. When the manhole or catch basinstructure is constructed outside of the traveled roadway a witness post and sign (MH) shall be installed next to the MH 3. If a sump MH is required, a minimum sump depth of. 4' shall be constructed below the lowest pipe invert in the structure. MY OF CHANHASSEN STANDARD STORM MANHOLE REVISED: 10-16 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3100 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 3100 h ung interiors architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN LOUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL J Z Sheet Title O CIVIL DETAILS Z O Sheet Information O 1 Z ODate ('R LL 2019-05-03 vv• .,zaw eoH &sung space De.lfK, M m_ N NOTE' 1- V Grate (Shown) 2- VB Grate shall be used at all low points. o���000 Face of Curb N . Direction of Flow PLAN Catchbasin casting and grate Neenah Grate to be T below R3067 -V or equal 3" radius curb box. clutter grade. 5 transition curb on each 's 4'-0" typ. side cf catchbosin, if See detail 2110 for adjoining a surmountable curb. ring adjustments. TOP of Curb ESERVE 24" x 36" ,a 6" thick concrete collar Precast `. 5„ 3' Minimum HYDRANT Minimum thickness of precast base Doghouses shall be ! orauted on both the 3" Grout Inside and outside. the structure is larger then 48" 1/4" PER FT. 6"Min. base SECTION NOTES: 1. Steps sholl be provided in all catch basin/manholes and storm sewer manholes 2. Casting to be totally encased in concrete curb section. 3. No block structures are allowed. CITYOF STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN CMSEN 1 2' X 3' REr,TANGULAR REVISED: 10-18 711 PUTE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3101 FILE NAME: G: ENC SPECS 3101 i:; it i.11!•;��r�i.,�i..0i.,�i.�ia�i.�ir�ir0i:_0is �,it MIN. OF 4" -I MINIMUM V BEHIND AGG. BASE UNDER BACK OF CUR3 CURB (IF TOTAL THICKNESS OF SECTION ALLOWS) 12" 8" 20" SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1. UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS AT MAX. SPACING OF 200'. 3. CONSTRUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2531. ■ a LOUCKS I FLAT CURB AND GUTTER (12") RAD. LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2012 DRAWN V2016 PLAN 24"x36" slab opening for Neenah R3067 -V or equal ote: 1- V Grate shown 2- VB Grates shall be used at all low points. enah R3C67-V casting and grate or equal. See detail 2110 for ring adjustments. 6 Concrete collar Concrete slob per detail 2108. Top of barrel section under top slob. to have flat top edge sealed with 2 beads of Ramnek or equal. E w z •L Varies J 's 4'-0" typ. 9 /2"r VARIABLE I w INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF I ESERVE CJ PANEL. GREEN LETTERING AND BORDER I� HYDRANT Minimum thickness of precast base VALVE BOX 6 6 slab is 6" for 14' depth or less and increases to a minimum slab thickness VARIES 5'-6' of 8" at depths greater than 14' or If (SEE PLANS) the structure is larger then 48" 1/4" PER FT. diameter. SLOPE TO ROADWAY I CURB 'i Grout bottom of manhole to 1/2 4" CLASS 5 BASE diameter at a and slope grout 2" toward andPe 2' 3 2 6" NOT TO SCALE Min. WOOF 8612 FOR CONCRETE THICKNESS 6' LONG MINIMUM SEE NOTES BELOW. NOTES: TYPICAL ADA PARKING 1. TYPICAL 6" THICK CONCRETE SIDEWALK. 2037 2. USE 8" THICK FOR COMMERICAL DRIVEWAY CROSSING. MMSEK INCLUDE 1-5' LONG PANEL ON EACH SIDE OF DRIVEWAY TD BE 8" IN THICKNESS. 3. JOINT SPACING AT 5' INTERVALS. EXPANSION JOINT SPACING AT 100' INTERVALS AND WHEN ABUTTING EXISTING CONCRETE CR STRUCTURE. PLATE NO,; 3102 4. AGGREGATE USED IN THE CONCRETE MIX SHALL BE GRANITE. COMBO CITY OF MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 28"R -- CONCRETE 16" CHANHASSEK SIDEWALK 68"R REVISED: 10-ta ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE No.: 5214 ry FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 5214 CURB &GUTTER NOTES: i:; it i.11!•;��r�i.,�i..0i.,�i.�ia�i.�ir�ir0i:_0is �,it MIN. OF 4" -I MINIMUM V BEHIND AGG. BASE UNDER BACK OF CUR3 CURB (IF TOTAL THICKNESS OF SECTION ALLOWS) 12" 8" 20" SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1. UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS AT MAX. SPACING OF 200'. 3. CONSTRUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2531. ■ a LOUCKS I FLAT CURB AND GUTTER (12") RAD. LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2012 DRAWN V2016 PLAN 24"x36" slab opening for Neenah R3067 -V or equal ote: 1- V Grate shown 2- VB Grates shall be used at all low points. enah R3C67-V casting and grate or equal. See detail 2110 for ring adjustments. 6 Concrete collar Concrete slob per detail 2108. Top of barrel section under top slob. to have flat top edge sealed with 2 beads of Ramnek or equal. E `AIL joints in manhole to have •L Varies "0" ring rubber gaskets. 's 4'-0" typ. 9 /2"r n o 5" Precast concrete section INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF Manhole steps, Neenah R1981J or ESERVE equal, W' on centers. PANEL. GREEN LETTERING AND BORDER ACCESSIBIUTY AT EACH QQ " Minimum thickness of precast base �J 6" •�s� slab is 6" for 14' depth or less and increases to a minimum slab thickness DESIGNATED HANDICAP of 8" at depths greater than 14' or If SECTION the structure is larger then 48" NOTES: diameter. 1. Doghouses shall begrouted both I inside and outside of the structure. 2. No block structures are allowed. Grout bottom of manhole to 1/2 3. D sump is required a minimum diameter at a and slope grout 2" toward andPe sumpp depth of 4' shall be constructed NOT TO SCALE below the lowest pipe invert in the WOOF 8612 structure. 6' LONG MINIMUM LOUCKS PLATE NO. LOUCKS TYPICAL ADA PARKING OCITYOF 2037 TYPICAL 4' DIAMETER MMSEK CATCH BASIN MANHOLE REVISED:10-16 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO,; 3102 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 3102 W z J r VARIABLE - w IX 1/4" PER FT. SLOPE :a TOWARD ROADWAY MINIMUM 11' 12' VARIES 1� CURB TOPSOIL TYPICAL 3" MNDOT 2360 SPWEA3403 6" CLASS 5 BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER SOIL ENGINEER NOTES: 1. SHOULDERS TO BE BACKFILLED AND RESTORED WITH TOPSOIL AND RE -VEGETATED WITH SOD OR SEED / MULCH. 2. THE CONTRACTOR OR DEVELOPER SHALL SUPPLY A 2 YEAR 100% MAINTENANCE BOND UPON CITY ACCEPTANCE. 3. THIS DETAIL / SPECIFICATIONS ARE MINIMUMN REQUIREMENTS, ADDITIONAL DESIGN MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON EXISTING SUB -GRADE SOIL CONDITIONS. 4. BITUMINOUS TRAILS MAY NOT BE CONSTRUCTED ON UNSUITABLE SOILS. NO, WASTE MATERIAL, BLACK DIRT, OR ORGANIC SOILS ALLOWED. 5. PATCHING OF EXISTING TRAILS SHALL BE FULL WIDTH AND NO LESS THAN 4' LONGITUDINALLY . CITY OF BITUMINOUS CHANHASSEN TRAIL REVISED: to if, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: 5216 FILE NAME:G:\ENC\SPECS\5216 6" DIP, CONC. FILLED, PAINTED OSHA YELLOW ■ LOUCKS 1" CROWN 24" DIA. 2,500 PSI CONCRETE 1/2" CROWN LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2039 DRAWN 12/2016 TYPICAL BITUMINOUS PATCH DETAIL EXISTING BITUMIOUS SURFACE SAWCUT ALL BITUMINOUS EDGES, (TYP.) 2" MNDOT 2360 SPWEA340C TACK COAT 2357 2" MNDOT 2360 SPNWB33UB 12" MIN. CLASS 5, 100% CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE. PATCHING NOTES: 1, SAW CUT ALL EDGES, REMOVE BITUMINOUS PATCH AREA AND ENOUGH CLASS 5 MATERIAL TO ACCOMMODATE BITUMINOUS PATCH. 2. MECHANICAL COMPACTION OF GRAVEL BASE REQUIRED PRIOR TO PAVING. 3. APPLY TACK TO ALL EDGES. CONTRACTOR MAY USE WEAR COURSE MATERIAL IN LIEU OF BASE COURSE MATERIAL. 4. USE PLATE COMPACTOR TO CONSOLIDATE BASE COURSE PATCH. 5. ALLOW BASE COURSE TO FULLY COOL BEFORE PLACING WEAR COURSE. 6. RE -APPLY TACK TO ALL EDGES (IF NEEDED) AND PATCHED BASE AREA. 7, ROLL PATCH FROM EDGES TO CENTER. REMOVE OR ADD MATERIAL DURING ROLLING SO PATCH IS TRUEND A LEVEL WITH SURROUNDING SURFACES. CONTRACTOR TO STRINGLINE ALL PATCHES ES P RIOR TO APPROVAL. 8. MNDOT 2360 -ORDINARY COMPACTION METHOD REQUIRED. 9. PATCHED AREAS SHALL MATCH ROADS EXISTING THICKNESS FOR SECTION. affOF TYPICAL STREET CHANHASSEN PATCHING BITUMINOUS REVISED: 10-16 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PATE ND.: 5202A FILE NAME: G: ENG\SPECS\5202A 10" AGGREGATE BASE w a MNDOT SELECT GRANULAR BORROW LY 0 COURSE FILTER AGGREGATE M oz MNDOT 3149.2H ¢ 12' DEEP o w N N GRADE TO DRAIN CLAY SUB -GRAD_ NOTCH CLAY SUB-GRA4" PERFORATED PIPE SDR 35 DE FOR PIPE PLACEMENT TRENCH DETAIL Perforated PVC I PIPE DETAIL 6" CONC COLLAR ON TES: GROUT AROUND 1. CLEANOUTS REQUIRED AT 300' INTERVALS & -.' PIPE ALL ENDING POINTS. 2. SWING TIES TO BE SHOWN ON AS-BUILTS FOR ALL CLEANOUTS AND ENDING POINTS TO ALL DRAINTILES. '• 3. OPENINGS IN STRUCTURE FOR DRAINTILE TO _. BE FABRICATED OR CORE DRILLED. 4. THIS DETAIL TO BE USED WHEN 2' OR MORE OF EXISTING SOIL SUB CUT IS NECESSARY. 5. ALL DRAINTILE TO HAVE TRACER WIRES. CITYOF 4" SUB-SURFACF CHANHASSEN DRAINTILE EVISED:3-16 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: 5232 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 5232 -REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR ADA PARKING SIGN LOCATION REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR ACCESS AISLE SIGN LOCATION (AISLE TO CONTAIN THE DESIGNATION "NO PARKING" COMPLYING WITH MSBC 134.0502 IF ACCESS AISLE SIGNS ARE NOT SHOWN) 4" WIDE PAINTED LINES, 18" O.C., H 45 DEG. TRAFFIC WHITE (AISLE TO CONTAIN THE DESIGNATION "NO PARKING" COMPLYING WITH MSBC 1341.0502 IF ACCESS AISLE SIGNS ARE NOT SHOWN 4" WIDE PAINTED LINES, TRAFFIC WHITE REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR STALL DIMENSIONS 5" NAMETER LINES 4" WIDE 6" Distance to CL variable /2r�3"r 12"x`18' STANDARD HANDICAP PARKING PROVIDE PAINTED e 9 /2"r Top Bituminous Material SIGN WITH SEPARATE'VAN ACCESSIBLE' INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF �- ESERVE LETTERING AND BORDER ON PANEL. GREEN LETTERING AND BORDER ACCESSIBIUTY AT EACH WHITE BACKGROUND. PARKING p Bituminous water service 8"• 18" DESIGNATED HANDICAP II ® Concrete Curb and Gutter PARKING STALL. CENTER 6" • Distance to variable " I SYMBOL IN STALL. 36" HC SIGNAGE PER MINNESOTA slope RULES 1341.0502 NOT TO SCALE 9; k3/4" per WOOF 8612 HC SIGNAGE PER MINNESOTA 6' LONG MINIMUM LOUCKS PLATE NO. LOUCKS TYPICAL ADA PARKING Mcdonald 74M1A series with a 8" opening frame & cover or equal shall be installed. 2037 ■ STALL STRIPING CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON 8" 12" NOTE: PLATE NO.: 5207 BOLLARDSNSLEEVES.COM OR EQUAL. DRAWN 03/2017 6" Distance to CL variable /2r�3"r 12"x`18' STANDARD HANDICAP PARKING 1 e 9 /2"r Top Bituminous Material SIGN WITH SEPARATE'VAN ACCESSIBLE' V`O 3 4' or ft �- ESERVE LETTERING AND BORDER ON PANEL. GREEN LETTERING AND BORDER Right -of -Way WHITE BACKGROUND. PARKING p Bituminous water service 8"• 18" MnDOT 8618 II ® Concrete Curb and Gutter ACCESSIBILITY SHALL BE 4"x4" AND BE 6" • Distance to variable " I 3"r 1/2"r Top Bituminous Material II slope RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. Use #4 (1/2") rebor slab reinforcement in r.o.w placed ® 6" from each edge. 9; k3/4" per WOOF 8612 HC SIGNAGE PER MINNESOTA 6' LONG MINIMUM Concrete Curb and Gutter 5. Aggregate used in the concrete mix shall be granite.. HEAVY DUTY HDPE DOME TOP Mcdonald 74M1A series with a 8" opening frame & cover or equal shall be installed. DECORATIVE SLEEVE BLUE OR YELLOW pI�'I�TY�O�F�1p CIPf11119JL1E11 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON 8" 12" NOTE: PLATE NO.: 5207 BOLLARDSNSLEEVES.COM OR EQUAL. For Use Only with Private Driveways, UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A COMBO Parking Lots, or Medians. MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 28"R -- 12"R 16" Top Bituminous Material :A - 68"R N a i ■ LOUCI<s ry L CURB &GUTTER NOTES: - 17 1/2" 10 1/2" Surmountable BACK OF CURB OR SIDEWALK (REFER Concrete Curb and Gutter •"j 28" 4" 4" 1 7 1 /8"r -I 2. MAINTAIN PLUMB UNTIL CONCRETE IS 1 SUFFICIENTLY CURED. J"' Bituminous = 3. HOLD CONCRETE FOOTING BELOW {2 Surface Bituminous Curb i4 f� 4" Shoe Formed 18" DIA. SHOWN ON PLANS. CFIiOF 4. SIGN CENTERED AT HEAD OF PARKING SPACE - MAXIMUM OF 96" FROM TYPICAL CURB HEAD OF PARKING SPACE. CHANHASSEN AND GUTTER REVISED: 10-16 LOUCKS PLATE NO. ENG NEER PJG DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.; 5203 FILE NAME: G:\ENG\SPECS\5203 Chanhassen Fre Department FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 7700 Market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph. 952.227.1150 Fx. 952,227.1190 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY #061991 REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE LANE SIGNAGE 1. Signs to be a trunintur r of 12" x 18". FIRE 2. Red on white is preferred. LANE NO sheeting on alumimtm is preferred PARKING 4. Wording shall be: NO PARKING FIRE LANE 5. Signs shall be posted at each end of the fire lane and at least at 100 foot intervals along the fire lane. 6. All signs shall be double aided facing the TO' direction of travel. 7. Post shall be set back a militiaman of 12" but not more than 36" from the curb. S. A fire lane shall be required in ort of fire dept. connections emending 5 feet on each side and & along all areas designated by the Fire Chief. GRADE g Post shall be "U" channel 2lbs./foot. NOT TO SCALE 18" BELOW IGRADE 9. Yellow painted curbing may be required. Contact Fire Marshal/CMef for specific painfing requirements Fire Lane Installation FP 06-1991 Page 1 of 1 3/4" per foot - 12"x`18' STANDARD HANDICAP PARKING 1 e 12'x6•' STANDARD'VAN _ g•• 8" Concrete pavement SIGN WITH SEPARATE'VAN ACCESSIBLE' ACCESSIBLE' PANEL. GREEN �- ESERVE LETTERING AND BORDER ON PANEL. GREEN LETTERING AND BORDER Right -of -Way WHITE BACKGROUND. PARKING p Bituminous water service ON WHITE BACKGROUND. SYMBOL OF N II ® VARIES ACCESSIBILITY SHALL BE 4"x4" AND BE STEEL PIPE. EMBED IN " I WHITE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. USE HARDWARE PER SIGN SUPPLIER'S Max. Spacing in Expansion Joint (typ) II 6" DIA. SCHEDULE 40 RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. Use #4 (1/2") rebor slab reinforcement in r.o.w placed ® 6" from each edge. VAN 2. Contraction joints shall be 1/3 the depth of the slab. HC SIGNAGE PER MINNESOTA 3/4" per foot - RULES 1341.0502 1 e 12'x6•' STANDARD'VAN _ g•• 8" Concrete pavement Use #4 (1/2") Rebar ACCESSIBLE' PANEL. GREEN SECTION A -A No Scale LETTERING AND BORDER ON 'A Right -of -Way WHITE BACKGROUND. '�p Box installed over p Bituminous water service 2" DIA. 6' LONG MIN. N II GALVANIZED SCHEDULE 40 VARIES STEEL PIPE. EMBED IN o g I I CONCRETE FILLED BOLLARD Max. Spacing in Expansion Joint (typ) II 6" DIA. SCHEDULE 40 NOTE: 1. Use #4 (1/2") rebor slab reinforcement in r.o.w placed ® 6" from each edge. GALVENZIED STEEL PIPE 2. Contraction joints shall be 1/3 the depth of the slab. 3. Bituminous paving section to the right-of-way is the some as the street 6' LONG MINIMUM 4. Maximum pavement slope allowed within 30' of the street is 4.5%. 5. Aggregate used in the concrete mix shall be granite.. HEAVY DUTY HDPE DOME TOP Mcdonald 74M1A series with a 8" opening frame & cover or equal shall be installed. DECORATIVE SLEEVE BLUE OR YELLOW pI�'I�TY�O�F�1p CIPf11119JL1E11 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON IN COLOR. AVAILABLE FROM 77 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: 5207 BOLLARDSNSLEEVES.COM OR EQUAL. FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 5207 UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A COMBO MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. - EXPANSION JOINTS AT MAX. SPACING OF 200'. COMPACTEDOR �,: 3. :A - - UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE. i ■ LOUCI<s SURMOUNTABLE 2014 CURB &GUTTER NOTES: - 1. BOLLARDS TO BE PLACED 12" BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR SIDEWALK (REFER •"j Ir TO SITE PLAN.) - -I 2. MAINTAIN PLUMB UNTIL CONCRETE IS SUFFICIENTLY CURED. J"' = 3. HOLD CONCRETE FOOTING BELOW 0 GRADE OF FINISHED CONCRETE TO CREATE FINAL PAVING PATTERN AS 18" DIA. SHOWN ON PLANS. 4. SIGN CENTERED AT HEAD OF PARKING SPACE - MAXIMUM OF 96" FROM HEAD OF PARKING SPACE. LOUCKS PLATE NO. LOUCKS TYPICAL ADA PARKING 2038A SIGN / BOLLARD COMBO DRAWN 03/2017 3/4" per foot 8" 5' MIN 2.0% / MAX 4.5% GRADE :. 1 e j6" _ g•• 8" Concrete pavement Use #4 (1/2") Rebar Slab Reinforcement 6. Class 5 base incidental to apron SECTION A -A No Scale 36' Max. Industrial /Commercial 'A Right -of -Way 8618 Curb &Gutter�- 8618 Curb & Gutter '�p Box installed over p Bituminous water service E°ry N ACG. BASE 05-03-19 VARIES -I GRADE OF FINISHED CONCRETE TO TVAA Contraction Joints A Max. Spacing in Expansion Joint (typ) Valley Gutter is e' PLAN No Scale NOTE: 1. Use #4 (1/2") rebor slab reinforcement in r.o.w placed ® 6" from each edge. rebor to be 2' on center, being 6" on center in the gutter. 2. Contraction joints shall be 1/3 the depth of the slab. 3. Bituminous paving section to the right-of-way is the some as the street paving section. 4. Maximum pavement slope allowed within 30' of the street is 4.5%. 5. Aggregate used in the concrete mix shall be granite.. 6. If water shutoff is in the driveway pavement a cover as manufactured by Mcdonald 74M1A series with a 8" opening frame & cover or equal shall be installed. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL pI�'I�TY�O�F�1p CIPf11119JL1E11 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON REVISED: 3-16 77 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: 5207 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 5207 UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A COMBO ATTACH SIGN TO POST WITH APPROPRIATE STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, WASHES & NUTS. (TYP. AT TOP & BOTTOM OF SIGN) ro FT "NO PARKING" rl In � 2" DIA. & LONG MIN. II GALVANIZED SCHEDULE 40 o STEEL PIPE. EMBED IN •a I CONCRETE FILLED BOLLARD 6" DIA. SCHEDULE 40 ;g I GALVENZIED STEEL PIPE & LONG MINIMUM HEAVY DUTY HDPE DOME TOP DECORATIVE SLEEVE BLUE OR YELLOW IN COLOR AVAILABLE FROM PAVEMENT SECTION VARIES 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL e •?� - COMPACTEDOR WATERSHED SUBMITTAL M 07-12-18 - - �•i I'.:. NOTES: RIs R28" '• R68" e 1. BOLLARDS TO BE PLACED 12" BEHIND A • 4 4 BACK OF CURB OR SIDEWALK (REFER 08-02-18 n 1 aA GMP PRICING SET ACG. BASE 05-03-19 VARIES -I GRADE OF FINISHED CONCRETE TO TVAA a - SHOWN ON PLANS. 12" 4. SIGN CENTERED AT HEAD OF PARKING 28" HEAD OF PARKING SPACE. MIN. OF 4" MINIMUM V BEHIND 5. PROVIDE (1) SIGN PER ACCESS AISLE AGG. BASE UNDER BACK OF CURB 18" DIA 6. HC SIGNAGE PER MINNESOTA RULES CURB (IF TOTAL 1341.0502 THICKNESS OF LOUCKSPLATE NO, LOUCKS SECTION ALLOWS) SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1. UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A COMBO MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS AT MAX. SPACING OF 200'. 3. CONSTRUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2531. LOUCKS PLATE NO. ■ LOUCI<s SURMOUNTABLE 2014 CURB &GUTTER DRAWN 2/2016 ATTACH SIGN TO POST WITH APPROPRIATE STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, WASHES & NUTS. (TYP. AT TOP & BOTTOM OF SIGN) ro FT "NO PARKING" rl In � 2" DIA. & LONG MIN. II GALVANIZED SCHEDULE 40 o STEEL PIPE. EMBED IN •a I CONCRETE FILLED BOLLARD 6" DIA. SCHEDULE 40 ;g I GALVENZIED STEEL PIPE & LONG MINIMUM HEAVY DUTY HDPE DOME TOP DECORATIVE SLEEVE BLUE OR YELLOW IN COLOR AVAILABLE FROM interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN LoUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name _ Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record BOLLARDSNSLEEVES.COM OR EQUAL. 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL •?� - COMPACTEDOR WATERSHED SUBMITTAL •'J j UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE. " 07-12-18 - - �•i I'.:. NOTES: 1. BOLLARDS TO BE PLACED 12" BEHIND WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL BACK OF CURB OR SIDEWALK (REFER 08-02-18 TO SITE PLAN.) • 2. MAINTAIN PLUMB UNTIL CONCRETE IS GMP PRICING SET SUFFICIENTLY CURED. 05-03-19 3. HOLD CONCRETE FOOTING BELOW -I GRADE OF FINISHED CONCRETE TO 1r CREATE FINAL PAVING PATTERN AS a - SHOWN ON PLANS. 4. SIGN CENTERED AT HEAD OF PARKING SPACE- MAXIMUM OF 96" FROM HEAD OF PARKING SPACE. 5. PROVIDE (1) SIGN PER ACCESS AISLE 18" DIA 6. HC SIGNAGE PER MINNESOTA RULES 1341.0502 TYPICAL ADA ACCESS AISLE LOUCKSPLATE NO, LOUCKS NO PARKING SIGN / BOLLARD ■ COMBO DRAWN 12/2016 interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN LoUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name _ Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL z Sheet Title O CIVIL DETAILS z _0 Q Sheet Information ry IO LL z ODate (� 0LL 2019-05-03 Co.z - 2006 aDH k Ywn9 SPRN 0•N9n CE lV NOTE: MINIMUM RIPRAP REQUIRED 24"x36" SLAB OPENING FOR NEENAH R-3067 CASTING WITH D.L., D.R. OR TYPE V GRATE. 27" 0 SLAB OPENING FOR NEENAH R-3250 & R-1733 CASTING. ELEVATION CONCRETE CLASS ADJUSTING RINGS, PIPE SIZE 4" - MAX. 10" 1MIN. 8. 1 2" `•0 NLEr_ NFICE OPENING 6" PRECAST Y REINFORCED INVERT " StOtBOR6P'6(BLB®SET IN ELEVATION - G A MORTAR BED. DOGHOUSES SHALL BE GROUTED STEPS 16" O.C. ON DOWNSTREAM OUTLET SIDE. 16 0, EXTRUDED ALUMINUM OR STEEL OUTSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE. REINFORCED COPOLYMER PLASTIC. PRECAST BASE SLAB 22 27 IV PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE 20 SECTIONS WITH "O" RING RUBBER LEAST #4 REBAR, 12" ON CENTER. GASKETS. +,. NYLOPLAST SNOUT STRUCTURE IV OR APPROVED EQUAL. LOUCKS 11 Q til 4318 OUTLET FLOW --� 'o MINIMUM SLAB THICX,NESS IS 6" FOR 14' f DEPTH. INCREASE THICKNESS 1" FOR 4' M OF DEPTH GREATER THAN 14'. 3 zo r'4 LOUCKS PLATE NO. LOUCKS SUMP CATCH BASIN / 4304 r; MANHOLE DRAWN 2/2016 ■x LOUCKS FINISHED GRADE 2" BIT. WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPWEA240B TACK COAT, MN/DOT 237 2" BIT. NON -WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPNWB230B 6" AGG. BASE, CLASS 5 OR 2 MN/DOT 3138 12" SELECT GRANULAR, NN/DOT 3149.D GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC TYPE V, MN/DOT 3733.2 APPROVED SUBGRADE STANDARD BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2031 DRAWN 12/2016 INn IAL BAUKFILL O b l F.r DAM RM) :P"C S. HAUNCH ECHE / e DMVAETER MIN. CORK. MEMO 3 COVER PROFILE FOUNDATION : e•.tr tz 116-A. tYJr 1Y 2MrIW W41F tY "I- M- 10'-iM 1r 8911•,69(1• INITIAL FILLFNVELOF£ OO i I • BACKFILLIEOUEREME FLLLOWTHEODUEUWa OFMMATM. j (D MINNUMMERCHWIDTNMU6T.WOMFOnR MER GDM'AGTIONOFINUYW IMT MSUWERIHEriPE, iE THE THENCF WMTH!6 TIE MINIMUMAMWNT REWIRED FOR PROPER IS 1) AND To SUPPW1 HORIZONTAL PRESSURE R MMIM VALUE N: 133. 1Y. FROM THE RPE dBLEM.TME MANUFACTURERS UM (T 1 1 (3 MINIMUM EMBANKMENT WOTM On M) FOR NRNL FILL ENVELOPE SHALL BE: I 3.M BUT NO LEMMAN! D ♦ 47 (TABLE W j. O THE FOUMCKHON UNDER ME PIPE AND SIM BACKFILLSHALL BE ACEO.MTE TO SUPPORT WE LOA AGING UPON IT(W1L O BEOOMO MATERIPLBWLLL BEAREIATIYELT L009E M4TER4LTIMi19 RgIMLY 9NMPEp TO FITTME BO1lGM OFTIE TFE.ANOA OEPW OF W PER FOOT OF PILL HEIGHT (NlM• MAK (FIG. MI, THE MWMJM PARTK:IE S IS NOT TO EK(6FD 71N DIAMETER 9.11, O cOReuWIEOSTEEL PIPE (CSP)MELLORI. I O HNIKCNZCNE MATERNY SINLL SE HAMSHOYEIIDW9HOVEL YICED TNM pIACE TOALOW FW PROIER COMPACllp1(10.11 ®INRIKR XPN FAN PIPE EMBED RTO ME=TBW,OF, SM, SO, eW ORW U.M. SOL CLNBIRCK-0 GY6TEM raft ABM PART, (&2). ROVF➢EOIIAL AMGLOMPACTEDTOMWSTANDARO.WT0ORPERART MD.AMKIMI BEFO =BILEEIGMEN LtH. AMID MILLETSBM OE RACEOINACOMROIER MANXERC BEPERV DEPTH ANOCOMPACT:O BEFOR`-AIDING RHE HFM LIFT. AMID NO MORE THAN WE UFT SIDE -70 -SIDE DIFFERENCE 91NLL BEPERMTED (10.16102). O INITIAL BACKFILLABOVE HPEMAY INCIUDEROiDBASE MATERMI IACD MOM PAVEMENT W APR CASE -4 NE TABIEABJVE I O TOTPL HEIGHTOF CONPACTEO COVER Fqi CCMVFNt1ONAL HIGHWAY 1OM918 MEABUREp FRIXd'OP OFPIPE iO BOLIOIA CF I FLEXIBLE PAVEAENTWTOP OF PoOID PgVFAEMLASTMATM, tI.I). OT FIWLLBA^a(RLLCTW ANO COMPACTIW REWIREMENT98NALL FOLLOW TXE RLOJECT PIT'NBANOEPECIFIGTWB PERHE ENONEEROF RECORDH1.1,11.21 I NOTES: GEOIIXTILESHOULDBEWMIME DFORUSETOPPEV--WSOfLMIGRATEDINTOVARYINGSOILT SI'ROWrC GINEERI. • FOR MULTIPLE BARREL IMTALLATONSTIEMCOMMENMDMINMUMSTMDAR W9 IW BETWEEN PMILLELPIF£RUNSSHMLBE NO LESS THW W FOR DIAMETERS M',AETERS UP TOW, FOR DMETEM > •, TIE MINIMUM SPACING M DMAIETER2 M W. MICHEWR M LESS (ASMA7M,iB.1) CONTACTYOURLONTEGHRBPFSENTATIYEFW NWSTANOPAD SPgLING. 233CSP-STANDARDBACMLLROUND-ASTM C NTECH' C0NTECH 233 -CSP ROUND ENGLNEEKED SOLUTIONS LLC STANDARD BACKFILL DETAIL W Wn.Lw,bNFS.PwnL�. 1,1 ASTM III', e�un.PaM+4 o--suMlaB. vM41N AMM tlq.y&11II 611MFi0.0 6,9016]IAMM FAK MTEON,NN. 11XMie I.- ISAI - 6ULi: NTA. dMMMOTFE:- OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE ELEVATION TABLE CS NO A B C D E F G H 1 960.04 960.04 960.04 970.35 964.46 6x6 960.04 46" E MINIMUM RIPRAP REQUIRED TOP OF WEIR INVERT ELEVATION - G ELEVATION .� "• CLASS 0 PIPE SIZE 5 5 III w I. • ,,; INLET 5 5 III NLEr_ NFICE OPENING OUTLET SIZE - F 24 INVERT 8 10 ELEVATION - G WEIR/ORIFICE RIM - (EMERGENCY OVERFLOW) D PRECAST MANHOLE 2. SECTIONS 'TO 72 , •. TOP OF WEIR ELEVATION ORIFICE OPENING SIZE- F MINIMUM RIPRAP REQUIRED I I INVERT ELEVATION - G L (FT.) RCP CMP/HDPE QUANTITY QUANTITY (C.YJ (C.Y.) CLASS 0 PIPE SIZE 5 5 III WILL VARY INLET 5 5 III NLEr_ y i B OUTLET ELEVATION 24 12 8 10 III 30 DOGHOUSES SHALL BE GROUTED 12 13 OUTLET BOTH ON THE INSIDE AND 16 ELEVATION OUTSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE. 42 PRECAST BASE SLAB 22 27 IV WEIR TO BE REINFORCED WITH AT 20 26 32 LEAST #4 REBAR, 12" ON CENTER. >48 1 22-28 OUTLET CONTROL IV LOUCKS PLATE NO. LOUCKS STRUCTURE- 4318 ■ DRAWN 2/21116 WEIR/ORIFICE ■ LOUCKS FINISHED GRADE 2.5" BIT. WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPWEA240B TACK COAT, MN/DOT 2357 2.5" BIT. NON -WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPNWB230B 8" AGG. BASE, CLASS 5 OR 2 MN/DOT 3138 12" SELECT GRANULAR, MN/DOT 31490 GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC TYPE V, MN/DOT 3733.2 APPROVED SUBGRADE HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION 1'(12"-27" DIA. PIPE) 1.5' (30" AND LARGER PIPE) -I RIPRAP 6" GRANULAR FILTER MATERIAL GROUT GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TYPE IV SECTION B -B NOTE: ONE CUBIC YARD IS APPROXIMATELY 1.4 TONS. L DIAD LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2032 DRAWN 12/2016 R PLAN 1= n RIP -RAP OUT FROM THE APRON SHALL NOT BE HIGHER THAN THE APRON INVERT. RIPRAP I 1'(12"-27" DIA. PIPE) 1.5'(30 " AND LARGER PIPE)) 6'GRANULAR FILTER MATERIAL - SECTION A -A �GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE IV EXTEND 1' UNDER APRON LOUCKS PATE NO. i■ LOUCKS GROUTED RIPRAP 4309 DRAWN 2/2016 NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH FIBER REINFORCEMENT FOR INCREASED TENSILE STRENGTH. PRODUCT SHALL BY NYCON-XL-200 OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. CONTRACTION JOINS SHALL BE SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 8 FEET APART. JOINT SHALL BE SAWED TO A DEPTH OF J TO J OF SLAB THICKNESS. 3. 1 J" X 15" EPDXY COATED DOWELS SHALL BE PLACED 12" OC AT THE MIDPOINT OF THE SLAB ACROSS ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. LOUCKS PLATE NO. ■■ LOUCKS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 2033 SECTION DRAWN 12/2016 4' CONCRETE WALK MN/DOT 2521 ■% LOUCKS I CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION 4" GRANULAR MATERIAL MN/DOT 3149 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2034 DRAWN 12/2016 (CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW) UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION SYSTEM (INF 1) SCALE: N/A See City Plate No. 3107 for riprop placement. Tie last 3 pipe joints.1 Use 2 tie bolt fasteners per joint. Install at 60' from top or bottom of pipe. Anchor ISOMETRIC 2A NTS Provide 3 anchor clips to fasten trash guard to flared end section. Hot dip galvanize after fabrication. 6•• TRASH GUARD SIZING Pipe Size Bars 'H' Bolts 12"-18" 3/4"0 4" 5/8" 21"-42" 1"Ib 6" 3/4„ 4B"-72" 1 1/4"0 12" 1" H Anchor both sides. NOTES. 1. All reinforced concrete aprons shall be furnished & installed without trash guards, unless otherwise specified. 2. All new reinforced concrete aprons on new pipe shall have the joints tied back for the first 3 joints from the apron. 3. All new reinforced concrete aprons on existing pipe shall be tied to the first pipe adjacent to the apron. 4. Trash guards shall only be placed on inlets when specified. Cfff OF FLARED END SECTION REVISED: 10-16 PATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3108 FILE NAME: G: ENC SPECS 31 C8 BACK OF CURB ROW LINE FRONT OF GUTTER A PERPENDICULAR A--1 MINIMUM RIPRAP REQUIRED I I DIA. OF PIPE (IN.) L (FT.) RCP CMP/HDPE QUANTITY QUANTITY (C.YJ (C.Y.) CLASS 12 8 5 5 III 15 8 5 5 III 18 10 6 7 III 24 12 8 10 III 30 14 12 13 III 36 16 14 17 III 42 18 22 27 IV 48 20 26 32 IV >48 1 22-28 1 30-40 32-40 IV R PLAN 1= n RIP -RAP OUT FROM THE APRON SHALL NOT BE HIGHER THAN THE APRON INVERT. RIPRAP I 1'(12"-27" DIA. PIPE) 1.5'(30 " AND LARGER PIPE)) 6'GRANULAR FILTER MATERIAL - SECTION A -A �GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE IV EXTEND 1' UNDER APRON LOUCKS PATE NO. i■ LOUCKS GROUTED RIPRAP 4309 DRAWN 2/2016 NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH FIBER REINFORCEMENT FOR INCREASED TENSILE STRENGTH. PRODUCT SHALL BY NYCON-XL-200 OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. CONTRACTION JOINS SHALL BE SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 8 FEET APART. JOINT SHALL BE SAWED TO A DEPTH OF J TO J OF SLAB THICKNESS. 3. 1 J" X 15" EPDXY COATED DOWELS SHALL BE PLACED 12" OC AT THE MIDPOINT OF THE SLAB ACROSS ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. LOUCKS PLATE NO. ■■ LOUCKS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 2033 SECTION DRAWN 12/2016 4' CONCRETE WALK MN/DOT 2521 ■% LOUCKS I CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION 4" GRANULAR MATERIAL MN/DOT 3149 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2034 DRAWN 12/2016 (CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW) UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION SYSTEM (INF 1) SCALE: N/A See City Plate No. 3107 for riprop placement. Tie last 3 pipe joints.1 Use 2 tie bolt fasteners per joint. Install at 60' from top or bottom of pipe. Anchor ISOMETRIC 2A NTS Provide 3 anchor clips to fasten trash guard to flared end section. Hot dip galvanize after fabrication. 6•• TRASH GUARD SIZING Pipe Size Bars 'H' Bolts 12"-18" 3/4"0 4" 5/8" 21"-42" 1"Ib 6" 3/4„ 4B"-72" 1 1/4"0 12" 1" H Anchor both sides. NOTES. 1. All reinforced concrete aprons shall be furnished & installed without trash guards, unless otherwise specified. 2. All new reinforced concrete aprons on new pipe shall have the joints tied back for the first 3 joints from the apron. 3. All new reinforced concrete aprons on existing pipe shall be tied to the first pipe adjacent to the apron. 4. Trash guards shall only be placed on inlets when specified. Cfff OF FLARED END SECTION REVISED: 10-16 PATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3108 FILE NAME: G: ENC SPECS 31 C8 BACK OF CURB ROW LINE FRONT OF GUTTER A PERPENDICULAR A--1 Cl) l'J vI V V A TIERED PERPENDICULAR C-1 C7)_N 1/ _ I I Signature (ON -WALKABLE OR YALKABLE SUPFACE 4 FLARE 05/03/19 NON -WALKABLE OR q WALKABLE SaRFACI FLARE W Lic # Cl) l'J vI V V A TIERED PERPENDICULAR C-1 C7)_N 1/ _ I I Signature 05/03/19 53706 B C PARALLEL i CURB OR YAR. 1-0" MIN. CURB AND GUTTE REQUINED LANDING 1H• R. 0-02 FTJR. MAX. a ''r'..°.'•a6"' >0.06 FT./FT, AND i CONCRETE 50.023 FT✓FT PREFERRED B WALK SECTION A -A PERPENDICILIR/TUX13/13IAGDNAL CMB OR i CMB AND GUTTER VAR. S+ �^ 1H" R.HAW R WINED LANDING a •'. �...:. ...._ ::• oA2 FT./FT. MAX. '. CONCRETE >0.02 FT./iT. AND WALK 50.05 FT./FT PREFERRED L SECTION B -B FAN REVISION, OR REvlsla CURB AND A WDI JANMRY 23. 2017 INSTALL CMP PIPE PER ASSHTO M-36, AASHTO SECTION 12 OR HDPE PER ASTM D2321 NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WRAPPING SIDES OF TRENCH & PIPE. FREE DRAINING ANGULAR WASHED STONE NON LIMESTONE/CARBONATE MATERIAL 5/8" MIN. PARTICLE SIZE. THE MAXIMUM LOS ANGELES RATTLER LOSS SHOULD BE 35% PER AASHTO T-96 AND NO GREATER LOSS THAN 10% PER AASHTO T-104 MAGNESIUM SULFATE SOUNDNESS TEST ON THE NON -IGNEOUS PORTIONS AND AS MODIFIED BY THE MNDOT LABORATORY MANUAL (MNDOT 2005) COMPACT TO MIN. 90% STANDARD DENSITY PER AASHTO T-99 PLACED IN LIFTS OF 4-611 GRANULAR BEDDING, ROUGHLY SHAPED TO FIT THE BOTTOM OF PIPE, 6" IN DEPTH. CONCRETE L 0-02 R./FT. MAX. WALK SECTION C -C PARALLEL/DEPRESSED CORNER C: WALK BX -1001 FLARE Ntw; DIAGONAL ALL ONLY BE USED AFTER ALL FAN® HER CURB RAMP TYPES HAVE BEEN VALUATED AND DEEMED IMPRACTICAL NOTES: LANDINGS SHALL BE LOCATED ANYWHERE THE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE (PARICHANGES DIRECTION.AT THE TOP OF RAMPS THAT HAVE RUNNING SLOPES GREATER THAN 5.0%. ANI 7 THE APPROACHNG WALK IS INVERSE GRADE GREATER THAN 2X. INITIAL CURB RAMP LANDINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN 15'FROM THE BACK APPLIOF CURB. WITH 6' FROU THE BACK OF RUNNING BEING THE OVERfl5. 06TANCE, ONLY SECONDARY ABLE WHEN THE INITIAL RAMP RIREQUIR SLOPE EVERY OVER 5.0X. SECONDARY LIMB RAMP LRUDNOS ARE NE WIRED FOR THA30• OF VERTICAL RISE WHEN THE ON JOINTS RUNNING SLOPE IS GREATER THAN 5.02. CONTRACTION JOINTS JOINTS SHALL 8E T THE OPS ALONG ALL GRADE BREAKS WITHIN THE PAR. 1/4" DEEP O] VISUAL JOINTS SHALL BE USED AT THE TOPS OF CONCRETE FLAG ADJACENT TO WALKABLE SURFACES ALL GRADE BREAKS WITHIN THE PAR SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR NLAR TD THE PATH OF TRAVEL. IBE BOTH SIDES OF A SLOPED WALKING SURFACE MUST BE EQUAL LENGTH. (EXCEPT AS STATED 3N 6 BELOW. TO ENSURE INITIAL RAMPS AMC INITIAL LANDINGS ARE PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED. LANDINGS SHALL BE CAST SEPARATELY. FOLLOW 51DEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON SHEET 6 AND 3.. THE ADA SPECIAL PROVISIONS - PROSECUTION OF WORK (ADA). MODIFIED FAN ® TOP OF CURB SHALL MATCH PROPOSED ADJACENT WALK GRADE. USED WHEN RIGHT -0F -WMT WHEN THE BOULEVARD IS 4'MIOE OR LESS, TIE TOP OF CUR TAPER SHALL MATCH THE RAMP 0 SLOPES TO REDUCE NEGATIVE BOULEVARD IS CONSTRAINED ARD SLOPES FROM THE TOP BACK OF CURB TO THE PAR. ALL RAMP TYPES SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM 3' LONG RAMP LENGTH. 4 -MINIMUM WIDTH OF DETECTABLE WARNING IS REQUIRED FOR ALL RAMPS.DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL CONTINUOUSLY EXTEND FOR A MIN. OF 24" IN THE PATH OF TRAVEL. DETECTABLE WARNING TO COVER ENTIRE WIDTH OF SHARED -05E PATHS AND THE ENTIRE PAR WIDTH OF THE WALK. DETECTABLE WARNING SHOULD BE 6" LESS THAN THE PAP/TRAIL WIDTH. AMC LENGTH OF RADIAL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHOULD NOT BE GREATER THAN 20 FEET. RECTANGULAR DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE SETBACK 3" FROM THE BACK OF CURB.RADIAL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE SETBACK 3• MINIMUM TO 6° MAXIMUM FROM THE BACK OF CUM. 8 MATCH FULL HEIGHT C.M. 2 41MINIMIIM DEPTH LANDING REQUIRED ACROSS TOP OF RAMP. 3 3" HIGH CUR WHEN USING A 3' LONG RAMP. A" RICH CURB WHEN USING A 4' LONG RAMP. DE 4 AND RETURNED TYPICAL L R DETAILS N FLARES RETURNED CURBS. WHEN INITIAL LANDING IS AT FULL CURB HEIGHT. I T O (✓ DETECTABLE WARNINGS MAY BE PART OF THE I'% 9THE DETECTABLE AREA IF [T IS NO THE DETECTABLE WARNING AREA. FEASIBLE TO CONSTRUCT THE LANDING OUTSIDE OF E © THE GRADE BREAK SHALL BE ERPENDICULAR TO THE BACK OF WALK. THIS WILL ENSURE S THAT THE GRADE BREAK IS PEBPENOINLARQTHE DIRECTION OF TRAVIL.ITYPICAL FOR ALL) T WHEN ADJACENT TO GRASS, GRADING SHALL ALWAYS BEIM USED WHEN RASIBLE.V CUPS. W USED.ADJACENT SHALL BE PLACED OUTSIDE THE ETSIDEWALK LIMITS WREN RENT HO WAY ALLOWS. WHEN ADJACENT TO PARKING LOTS. CONCRETE ON BITUMINOUS TAPERS SHOULD BE USED Y OVER V CARP TO REDUCE8 END REQUIRE AND FACILITATE SNOW ICE REMOVAL. A T'MN TOP RADIUS MADE MBREAK REQUIRED TO BE CONSTRUCTIBLE.. _ _ 9 PAVE FILL WALK WIDTH. W "S• SLOPES ON FANS SHALL ONLY BE USED WHEN ALL OTHER FEASIBLE OPTIONS HAVE BEEN 2 EVALUATED AND DEEMED IMPRACTICAL I LEGEND THESE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE RANGES SHALL WE THE STARTING POINT. IF SITE CONDITIONS WARRANT, LONCITUDNAL SLOPES UP TO 8.3% OR FUTTER ARE ALLOWED. S Y INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE BETWEEN 5.0% MINIMUM AND 8.3% MAXIMUM IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN V AND THE CROSS SLOPE SHALL NGT EXCEED LOI ITNDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE GREATER OH THAN 2.0% AND LESS THAN 5.0% N THE DBRECTION SHOWN F AND CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.07- LANDING .0%LADING AREA - A -X 4'MIN. IS -X 5'MIN. PREFERRED) DIMENSIONS AND MAX DEPRESSED CORNER LOX SLOPE N ALL DIRECTIONS. LANDING SHALL BE FULL WIDTH OF INCOMING PARS. X" CURB HEIGHT STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 1 OF 6 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS APPROVED: 1-23-2017 �� NEVNED: DATE WGNEER STATE PROJ. NO. (T.H. ) SHEET NO. OF SHEETS h interiors architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN LouCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys - PE Printed Name _ Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # Issue Record NONE 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL z Sheet Title O CIVIL DETAILS Z O a Sheet Information fOf, 1..L Z ODate (' R � 2019-05-03 vv =xoaN epx : rIMRO sw« D«Iw 8" LOW PERMEABLE SOIL MIN. 12" DRAINAGE ZONE (%" CRUSHED STONE) 3.16 FINISHED GRADE AT TOP OF WALL SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR PROPER DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING. SEE DRAWING #304 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION rJ RETAINED SOIL F 24MI� WALLS WITH LEVEL GRADE AT THE TOE. REFER TO RECON'S I INFORMATION FOR WALLS WITH A TOE SLOPE CONDITION. RETAINING WALL WITH FULL ® Copyright 2016 Recon Wall Systems, Inc. M Rights Reserved HIGH CAP BLOCK APPROXIMATE LIMITS 39M I ,. —J I— OF EXCAVATION 39M CROSS SECTION J 45M CITY RESUBMITTAL only. Anyone making use of this drawing does soat their own 1:1 BENCH CUT RECOMMENDED 45M risk and assumes all liability for such use. Final design for i J — J 60M �— J APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF Professional Engineer who is familiar with the product and DRAIN TILE EXCAVATION VARY WHERE BOB SUBCUT IS REQUIRED (4" MIN.) `"EMBEDMENT] 1 // DI UNREINFORCED CONCRETE OR CRUSHED SUBCUT TO A DEPTH "D" AS REQUIRED AND REPLACE WITH SUITABL STONE LEVELING PAD (5" MIN. THICKNESS) COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL TO ACHIEVE THE REQUIRED BEARIN CAPACITY AND SLIDING RESISTANCE AS DIRECTED BY THE SITE FOUNDATION SOIL GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ALL STRUCTURAL FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MIN. 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. "EMBEDMENT SHOULD BE THE GREATER OF 6" OR H!20 FOR WALLS WITH LEVEL GRADE AT THE TOE. REFER TO RECON'S EMBEDMENT RECOMMENDATION DOCUMENT FOR ADDITIONAL PRODUCT TO BE OLD WORLD INFORMATION FOR WALLS WITH A TOE SLOPE CONDITION. RETAINING WALL WITH FULL ® Copyright 2016 Recon Wall Systems, Inc. M Rights Reserved HIGH CAP BLOCK Disclaimer: This drawing has been prepared by ReCon Wall Systems, Inc. and to the best its knowledge, accurately TYPICAL GRAVITY WALL th represents the product use in the application is 07-27-18 CROSS SECTION illustrated. This drawing is intended for conceptualpt4 purposes 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL only. Anyone making use of this drawing does soat their own 08-03-18 RECON WALL SYSTEMS, INC. risk and assumes all liability for such use. Final design for Retaining Walls 7600 W. 27th STREET, #229 construction purposes must be completed by a Registered ST. LOUIS PARK, R PAK, M M N 55426 Professional Engineer who is familiar with the product and 9IS 27 who has taken into account specific site conditions. DRAWING #103 www-reconwalls.com M BOTTOM VIEW BIKE RACK TO BE LANDSCAPE FORMS /611 MODEL EMERSON OR EQUAL STAINLESS STEEL LEVELING GLIDES 112" HOLES FOR ANCHORING - SURFACE Z�II MOUNT PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS CAST ALUMINUM FRAME COLOR TO BE STANDARD POWDER COAT COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER. SET SCREW FOR SECURING COVER PLATE CONCRETE SURFACING MANUFACTURER - LANDSCAPE FORMS www.landscapeforms.com 800-521-2546 3 1 EMERSON BIKE RACK 8.4 SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" 1 � Buffers filter pollutants, reduce ftogding and A provide fiabitat. Help protect water quality: RILEY �J'^ NO MOWING BEYOND THIS LINE PURGATORY BLUFF CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT rpbcwd.org PROTECTED CONSERVATION AREA This city owned area preserves a part of the Bluff Creek Overlay District, an important natural resource. Under City Ordinance, existing plant material shall be left in a natural state. No clearing or removal of vegetation in this area may occur. No dumping of yard waste or debris is allowed. Dead trees or branches provide an excellent habitat for native wildlife an shall not be removed from the conservation area. CONSERVATION AREA SIGN interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN LOUCKS PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Trevor D. Gruys — PE Printed Name Signature 05/03/19 53706 Date Lic # INNER Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL J Z Sheet Title 0 CIVIL DETAILS _O Sheet Information ryO I Z ODate rQ d LL 2019-05-03 vv •T -:10(19 ®11 ! YWI 20. D11W LANDSCAPE I TYP. i 1 I +V f I T75 i AC LANDSCAPE EDGING TYP. I G TH I AC L 115 TY— C7 PLANT SCHEDULE DECIDUOUS TREES QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT SIZE SIZE WL AE F — 3 — 2.5"Cal C7 PLANT SCHEDULE DECIDUOUS TREES QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT SIZE SIZE WL AE 2 ACCOLADE ELM Ulmus'Morton' B & B 2.5"Cal 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL BO 3 BURR OAK Quercus macrocarpa B & B 2.5"Cal KC 3 KENTUCKY COFFEETREE Gymnocladus dioica B & B 2.5"Cal PB 6 PAPER BIRCH Betula papyrifera 25 gal + + + �+ + + /+ + SGM 1 SIENNA GLEN MAPLE Acer freemanii'Sienna Glen' B & B 2.5"Cal + \+ +, + +/+ I` r,+ QB 2 SWAMP WHITE OAK Quercus bicolor B & B 2.5"Cal + +� + + + W EI 8 WHITESPIRE BIRCH CLUMP Betula populifolia'Whitespire Sr.' B & B 8' HGT ORNAMENTALTREES QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT SIZE SIZE ABS 4 AUTUMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY Amelanchier x grandiflora'Autumn Brilliance B & B 1.5"Cal TH 5 THORNLESS HAWTHORN Crataegus crus-galii'Inermis' B & B 1.5"Cal SHRUBS QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT MIN SIZE SPACING AC 34 AUTUMN MAGIC CHOKEBERRY Aronia melanocarpa 'Magic Carpet 5 gal 24" HGT 48" o.c. GF 27 GRO-LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC Rhus aromatica'Gro-Low' 5 gal 24" SPRD 48" o.c. CONIFEROUS SHRUBS QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT I MIN SIZE SPACING SG 6 SEA GREEN JUNIPER Juniperus chinensis'Sea Green' 5 gal 18" SPRD 60" o.c. TY 22 TAUNTON YEW Taxus x media 'Taunton' 5 gal 18" SPRD 1 48" o.c. PERENNIALS QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT I MIN SIZE SPACING WG 30 ROZANNE GERANIUM Geranium'Rozanne' 1 gal 24" o.c. SD 40 STELLA D- ORO DAYLILY Hemerocallis x'Stella de Oro' 1 gal 24" o.c. GROUND COVERS CODE COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SM 2 DECORATIVE STONE RIP RAP GREY TRAP ROCK RIP RAP SIZE -5"-12" OVER FABRIC NS NATIVE SEED BWSR SEED MIX 36-211 SM 1 STONE MULCH WASHED GREY TRAP ROCK 2.5" 3" DEPTH OVER FABRIC SOD TURFSOD - = + + + + + 14 +/+ * +; + A- +/+/+ / +/+ \ + + / +; + LIMITS OF 2'•<ZI%/�,,� pp. 16 > L'ARIDSC WE EDGING\, 966- TYP. PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40 I ` J / ALTERNATE C3 % STABILIZATION ASSOCIATED WITFV / CITY BITUMINOUS TRAILPNS tl SOD / / / soD i I I / +&'0A L-1 1 SM 1 2 QB TH - ABS , j 1 •,,, x , / / / i \ `♦ wooNow IL r. LANDSCAPE EDGING TYP. LIMITS OF IRRIGATION TYP. 0 30 60 a SUALL IN FEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS BUFFER YARD REQUIREMENT (470 TOTAL LF) 2 CANOPY TREES PER/100' UNIT (ONLY NEED 75% OF REQUIREMENT) TREES REQUIRED = 7 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED = 7 4 UNDERSTORY TREE PER/100' UNIT (ONLY NEED 75% OF REQUIREMENT) TREES REQUIRED = 14 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED = 9 6 SHRUBS PER/100' UNIT (ONLY NEED 75% OF REQUIREMENT) SHRUBS REQUIRED = 21 TOTAL SHRUBS PROVIDED = 23 DUE TO EXISTING PLANTINGS ON OR VERY CLOSE TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE IN THE BUFFER YARD, MINIMAL PROPOSED PLANTINGS ARE PROVIDED TO AVOID OVER PLANTING AND ENCOURAGE LONG TERM HEALTH OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL. LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIREMENTS (56,225 SF OF VEHICULAR AREA) PROVIDE 8 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA PER 100 SF OF VEHICULAR AREA LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED = 4,498 SF TREE REQUIREMENTS (4,498 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA) PROVIDE 1 TREE PER 250 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA TREES REQUIRED = 18 TOTAL. TREES PROVIDED = 34 FOUNDATION PLANTINGS SHRUBS AND TREES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED ALONG BUILDING FOUNDATION GENERAL NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. HE SHALL INSPECT SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK. VERIFY LAYOUT AND ANY DIMENSIONS SHOWN AND BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ANY DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN AND/OR INTENT OF THE PROJECT'S LAYOUT. ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK OR MATERIALS SUPPLIED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING ROADS, CURBS/GUTTERS, TRAILS, TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. ANY DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE UTILITIES AND PROVIDE THE NECESSARY PROTECTION FOR SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTION / MATERIAL INSTALLATION BEGINS (MINIMUM 10'- 0" CLEARANCE). ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE LAID SO THAT TRENCHES DO NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF ANY EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. EXISTING CONTOURS, TRAILS, VEGETATION, CURB/GUTTER AND OTHER EXISTING ELEMENTS BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ANY AND ALL DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME. THE ALIGNMENT AND GRADES OF THE PROPOSED WALKS, TRAILS AND/OR ROADWAYS ARE SUBJECT TO MELD ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED TO CONFORM TO LOCALIZED TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AND TO MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND GRADING. ANY CHANGE IN ALIGNMENT MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CALL BEFORE YOU Dlq Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN ..LoucKs PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Nathan EJkhoff — LA Printed Name Signature 05/03/19 52050 Date Lic # WL 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL 1 � + + + + + + + + + + �+ + + /+ + + + \+ + + + + 4 + + + + + + �+ + + + + + \+ +, + +/+ I` r,+ / + + "+ / +, + + + + + +� + + + + + + + + + +' +/ + 4 +' + - = + + + + + 14 +/+ * +; + A- +/+/+ / +/+ \ + + / +; + LIMITS OF 2'•<ZI%/�,,� pp. 16 > L'ARIDSC WE EDGING\, 966- TYP. PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40 I ` J / ALTERNATE C3 % STABILIZATION ASSOCIATED WITFV / CITY BITUMINOUS TRAILPNS tl SOD / / / soD i I I / +&'0A L-1 1 SM 1 2 QB TH - ABS , j 1 •,,, x , / / / i \ `♦ wooNow IL r. LANDSCAPE EDGING TYP. LIMITS OF IRRIGATION TYP. 0 30 60 a SUALL IN FEET NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS BUFFER YARD REQUIREMENT (470 TOTAL LF) 2 CANOPY TREES PER/100' UNIT (ONLY NEED 75% OF REQUIREMENT) TREES REQUIRED = 7 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED = 7 4 UNDERSTORY TREE PER/100' UNIT (ONLY NEED 75% OF REQUIREMENT) TREES REQUIRED = 14 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED = 9 6 SHRUBS PER/100' UNIT (ONLY NEED 75% OF REQUIREMENT) SHRUBS REQUIRED = 21 TOTAL SHRUBS PROVIDED = 23 DUE TO EXISTING PLANTINGS ON OR VERY CLOSE TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE IN THE BUFFER YARD, MINIMAL PROPOSED PLANTINGS ARE PROVIDED TO AVOID OVER PLANTING AND ENCOURAGE LONG TERM HEALTH OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL. LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIREMENTS (56,225 SF OF VEHICULAR AREA) PROVIDE 8 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA PER 100 SF OF VEHICULAR AREA LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED = 4,498 SF TREE REQUIREMENTS (4,498 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA) PROVIDE 1 TREE PER 250 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA TREES REQUIRED = 18 TOTAL. TREES PROVIDED = 34 FOUNDATION PLANTINGS SHRUBS AND TREES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED ALONG BUILDING FOUNDATION GENERAL NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. HE SHALL INSPECT SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK. VERIFY LAYOUT AND ANY DIMENSIONS SHOWN AND BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ANY DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN AND/OR INTENT OF THE PROJECT'S LAYOUT. ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK OR MATERIALS SUPPLIED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING ROADS, CURBS/GUTTERS, TRAILS, TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. ANY DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE UTILITIES AND PROVIDE THE NECESSARY PROTECTION FOR SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTION / MATERIAL INSTALLATION BEGINS (MINIMUM 10'- 0" CLEARANCE). ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE LAID SO THAT TRENCHES DO NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF ANY EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. EXISTING CONTOURS, TRAILS, VEGETATION, CURB/GUTTER AND OTHER EXISTING ELEMENTS BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ANY AND ALL DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME. THE ALIGNMENT AND GRADES OF THE PROPOSED WALKS, TRAILS AND/OR ROADWAYS ARE SUBJECT TO MELD ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED TO CONFORM TO LOCALIZED TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AND TO MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND GRADING. ANY CHANGE IN ALIGNMENT MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CALL BEFORE YOU Dlq Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN ..LoucKs PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Nathan EJkhoff — LA Printed Name Signature 05/03/19 52050 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL Z Sheet Title O LANDSCAPE PLAN Z O Q 2 Sheet Information O ILLZ O Date u- 2019-05-03 Ll .1 02M eon A Ymg %p Uft LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION: COORDINATE THE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING a INSTALLATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS WORKING ON SITE. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL COMPLETE GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. WHERE SOD/SEED ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADE OF SOD/SEED SHALL BE HELD 1" BELOW SURFACE ELEVATION OF TRAIL, SLAB, CURB, ETC. SEED ALL AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING OTHER THAN THOSE AREAS NOTED TO RECEIVE SOD. SEED SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MULCHED AS PER MNDOT SPECS. SOD ALL DESIGNATED AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING. SOD SHALL BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR IN DRAINAGE SWALES, THE SOD SHALL BE STAKED TO THE GROUND. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, DECIDUOUS SHRUBS SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 5 CANES AT THE SPECIFIED SHRUB HEIGHT. ORNAMENTAL TREES SHALL HAVE NO V CROTCHES AND SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 3' ABOVE ROOT BALL. STREET AND BOULEVARD TREES SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. ANY CONIFEROUS TREE PREVIOUSLY PRUNED FOR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES SHALL NOT BE USED. ALL CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL BE FULL FORM, NATURAL TO THE SPECIES, WITHOUT PRUNING. PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT SCHEDULE IF DISCREPANCIES IN QUANTITIES EXIST. SPECIFICATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES. ALL PROPOSED PLANTS SHALL BE LOCATED AND STAKED AS SHOWN ON PLAN. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVE ALL STAKING OF PLANT MATERIAL PRIOR TO ANY AND ALL DIGGING. NO PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVAL IS REQUESTED OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF A BID AND/OR QUOTATION. ADJUSTMENTS IN LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE NEEDED IN FIELD. SHOULD AN ADJUSTMENT BE ADVISED, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE FERTILIZED UPON INSTALLATION WITH DRIED BONE MEAL, OTHER APPROVED FERTILIZER MIXED IN WITH THE PLANTING SOIL PER THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS OR MAY BE TREATED FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH AN APPLICATION OF GRANULAR 0-20-20 OF 12 OZ PER 2.5" CALIPER PER TREE AND 6 OZ PER SHRUB WITH AN ADDITIONAL APPLICATION OF 10-10-10 THE FOLLOWING SPRING IN THE TREE SAUCER. ALL PLANTING AREAS RECEIVING GROUND COVER, PERENNIALS, ANNUALS, AND/OR VINES SHALL RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 12" DEPTH OF PLANTING SOIL CONSISTING OF AT LEAST 45 PARTS TOPSOIL, 45 PARTS PEAT OR MANURE AND 10 PARTS SAND. ALL AREAS RECEIVING SEED OR SOD MUST RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 6" DEPTH OF TOPSOIL. TOPSOIL TO BE INCORPORATED INTO THE UNDERLYING SOIL DURING FINAL SITE GRADING. SOIL SURFACES COMPACTED DURING CONSTRUCTION AND REMAINING PERVIOUS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DECOMPACTED THROUGH SOIL AMENDMENT AND/OR RIPPING TO A DEPTH OF 18". AVOID DISTURBING UTILITIES, TREE ROOTS AND OTHER EXISTING VEGETATION. ALL PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER PLANTING DETAILS. WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE CORRUGATED PVC PIPING 1" GREATER IN CALIPER THAN THE TREE BEING PROTECTED OR QUALITY, HEAVY, WATERPROOF CREPE PAPER MANUFACTURED FOR THIS PURPOSE. WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN THE FALL PRIOR TO 12-1 AND REMOVE ALL WRAPPING AFTER 5-1. BLACK METAL EDGER TO BE USED TO CONTAIN SHRUBS, PERENNIALS, AND ANNUALS WHERE BED MEETS SOD/SEED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL SHRUB BED MASSINGS TO RECEIVE 3" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AND FIBER MAT WEED BARRIER. ALL TREES NOT IN PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE A 4' DIA. TREE RING WITH 4" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK. WOOD MULCH TO BE DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, ALL ANNUAL AND PERENNIAL PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE 3" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH WITH NO WEED BARRIER. SPREAD GRANULAR PRE EMERGENT HERBICIDE (PREEN OR EQUAL) PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS UNDER ALL MULCHED AREAS. MAINTENANCE STRIPS TO HAVE EDGER AND MULCH AS SPECIFIED/INDICATED ON DRAWING OR IN SPECIFICATION. IF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS CONCERNED OR PERCEIVES ANY DEFICIENCIES IN THE PLANT SELECTIONS, SOIL CONDITIONS OR ANY OTHER SITE CONDITION WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL OR GUARANTEE, HE MUST BRING THESE DEFICIENCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PROCUREMENT AND/OR INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR THE OWNER ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION OF ALL LANDSCAPE AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ON-GOING MAINTENANCE OF ALL NEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF OWNER ACCEPTANCE. ANY ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO OWNER ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM INCLUDING, BUT NOT NECESSARILY LIMITED TO, PRUNING, FERTILIZATION AND DISEASE/PEST CONTROL. CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE NEW PLANT MATERIAL THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEAR FROM THE DATE OF OWNER ACCEPTANCE. WARRANTY (ONE FULL GROWING SEASON) FOR LANDSCAPE MATERIALS SHALL BEGIN ON THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AFTER THE COMPLETION OF PLANTING OF ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIALS. NO PARTIAL ACCEPTANCE WILL BE CONSIDERED. REPRODUCIBLE AS -BUILT DRAWING(S) OF ALL LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION AND PRIOR TO PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE THE APPROPRIATE DATES FOR SPRING PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLATION AND SEED/SOD PLACEMENT IS FROM THE TIME GROUND HAS THAWED TO JUNE 15. FALL SODDING IS GENERALLY ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 - NOVEMBER 1. FALL SEEDING FROM AUGUST 15 - SEPTEMBER 15; DORMANT SEEDING IN THE FALL SHALL NOT OCCUR PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1. PLANTING OUTSIDE THESE DATES IS NOT RECOMMENDED. ANY ADJUSTMENT MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CONIFEROUS PLANTING MAY OCCUR FROM AUGUST 15 - OCTOBER 1 AND FALL DECIDUOUS PLANTING FROM THE FIRST FROST UNTIL NOVEMBER 15. PLANTING OUTSIDE THESE DATES IS NOT RECOMMENDED. ANY ADJUSTMENT MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PROTECT ALL EXISTING OAKS ON SITE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN. IF EXISTING OAKS ARE DAMAGED IN ANY MANNER, ABOVE OR BELOW GROUND IN THE ROOT SYSTEM, AN ASPHALTIC TREE PRUNING PAINT SHOULD BE APPLIED IMMEDIATELY AFTER WOUNDING. OAKS ARE NOT TO BE PRUNED, REMOVED OR TRANSPLANTED BETWEEN APRIL 15 AND JULY 1. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF THESE DATES ARE UNAVOIDABLE. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH TO HIS SATISFACTION THAT SOIL AND COMPACTION CONDITIONS ARE ADEQUATE TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DRAINAGE AT AND AROUND THE BUILDING SITE. IRRIGATION NOTES: VERIFY PROPOSED IRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT AND CONFIRM COMPLETE LIMITS OF IRRIGATION PRIOR TO SUPPLYING SHOP DRAWINGS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AN IRRIGATION LAYOUT PLAN AND SPECIFICATION AS A PART OF THE SCOPE OF WORK WHEN BIDDING. THESE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ORDER AND/OR INSTALLATION. IT SHALL BE THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE THAT ALL SODDED/SEEDED AND PLANTED AREAS ARE IRRIGATED PROPERLY, INCLUDING THOSE AREAS DIRECTLY AROUND AND ABUTTING BUILDING FOUNDATION. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A WATERING/LAWN IRRIGATION SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE TO THE PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS AND TO PLANT MATERIAL GROWTH REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR IS NOT TO SPRINKLE ACROSS PAVEMENT. CONTRACTOR TO INCORPORATE RAIN SENSOR INTO IRRIGATION SYSTEM. PLANTINGS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF IRRIGATION ARE TO BE WATERED REGULARLY UNTIL PLANTING/SOD/SEED HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. '-3A' ro - �v A'v lee . THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGH THE WARRANTY PERIOD. STAKING IS SUGGESTED, BUT NOT REQUIRED. ANY STAKING MUST CONFORM WITH PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN A.N.A. GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD PRACTICES PRUNE DAMAGED AND CROSSING BRANCHES AFTER PLANTING IS COMPLETE CUT BACK WIRE BASKET REMOVE ALL FLAGGING AND LABELINGr FROM TREE. WATER TREE THOROUGHLY DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. PLACE BACKFILL IN 8-12" LIFTS AND SATURATE SOIL WITH WATER. DO NOT COMPACT MORE THAN NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN PLUMB. 16"x2" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE STRAP TREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH SAFETY FLAGGING - ONE PER WIRE ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH OR JUST ABOVE GRADE. MULCH - 4" DEEP. NO MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK - SEE SPECS. WOOD STAKE (OPTIONAL) EDGE VARIES - SEE PLAN SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TESTING PERCOLATION RATES PRIOR TO PLANTING. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF POOR DRAINAGE EXISTS. DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" REFER TO PLAN 3 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 1 SCALE: 3/4" =1'.0" f), �I(uou� LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALL CONTAINERIZED PLANTS. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING SHRUBS TO BE PLACED SO THAT TOP OF CONTAINER SITS FLUSH WITH PROPOSED GRADE. MULCH - 3" DEEP - SEE SPEC LANDSCAPE FABRIC - SEE SPEC. EDGING MATERIAL - SEE SPEC. EDGE VARIES - REFER TO PLAN PLANTING SOIL - SEE SPEC. BUILDING WALL (TYP) 7 1 MAINTENANCE STRIP AT BUILDING EDGE SCALE: 11/2" =1'-0" LANDSCAPE EDGER (TYP) SEE SPECS GEOTEXTILE WOVEN LANDSCAPE FABRIC ROCK MULCH - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR MORE INFO. BUILDING WALL OR BACK OF CURB "Illllulllll!lil!"'w �� 'VIII II��IIIIIIII �I��IIIIIIIIIII, ,, 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL , THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGH THE WARRANTY PERIOD. STAKING IS SUGGESTED, BUT NOT REQUIRED. ANY STAKING MUST CONFORM WITH PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN A.N.A. GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD PRACTICES PRUNE ANY DAMAGED BRANCHES AFTER PLANTING IS COMPLETE. REMOVE ALL FLAGGING AND LABELING FROM TREE. WATER TREE THOROUGHLY DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. PLACE BACKFILL - IN 8-12" LIFTS AND SATURATE SOIL WITH WATER. DO NOT COMPACT MORE THAN NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN PLUMB. 16"x2" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE STRAP SAFETY FLAGGING - ONE PER WIRE MULCH - 4" DEEP - PER SPECS. MULCH MUST NOT BE IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK. WOOD STAKE (OPTIONAL) EDGE VARIES - SEE PLAN SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING ROOT BALL SET ON MOUNDED SUBGRADE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TESTING PERCOLATION RATES PRIOR TO PLANTING. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF POOR DRAINAGE EXISTS. CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" VARIES SEE PLAN t MULCH - SEE SPECS. �— 3" DEPTH EDGER - SEE SPECS. EDGE VARIES -SEE PLAN 4 PERENNIAL PLANTING L2.1 SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" 12" DEPTH (MIN). LOAM PLANTING SOIL - SEE SPECS. LOOSEN ROOTS OF PLANT MATERIAL PRIOR TO PLANTING h u ung interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN ..LoucKs PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc-com LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Nathan Ekhoff — LA Printed Name � �I a J Signature 05/03/19 52050 Date Lic # Issue Record 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL 06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL 1 Z Sheet Title 0 LANDSCAPE DETAILS z _0 Q Sheet Information 0 LL z O Date LL 2019-05-03 I 12. 1 c2O0B BON k Yw g S� O Tgn Rai 0 m 10 =1'-0" CONF. RM. 304 2 102 ENTRY rP r� SF 134 SF LCT TT Ts � LOBBY 548 SF i \i I J OFFICE _11 0 261 SF I OFFICE 114 151 SF __ IF- � I I J OFFICE 11 151 SF r-- � I I I OFFICE` � I 130 SF � 1 L OFFICE 117 142 SF I K � J OFFICE 142 SF WORK RM. I COLAS. los 92 SF OFFICE r 159 SF I J OFFICE x- 112 (/`) I 159 SF I J I 32 SF r-"TwT-�`T�1 III I III I 1 u�---- JIB ----= III 1 III I Ifi---- JIIII� -7 a�saT--llf- — I III II _O_PE_N II OFFICE II -----_J 11 I 1,374 SF II ----711 III I I I III I � I I I I IR I I I III I � I I I I ----A II I III I � I I II I OFFICE- 11,614SQ.FT. COMMONS 127 - 581 SF r -- T---- I LARGE CONF r ----1T----7 ROOM I I I Lq ip 635 SF r -----r----7 I� OFFICE OFFICE 108 107 24'. 0" OFFICE OFFICE I OFFICE I 103 104 105 I 130SF_ _J 130 SF _-J 150SF _-J HALL I I I I I I I I 106 SHOWER 278 SF ROOM I� OFFICE OFFICE 108 107 130 SF f� 130 SF I I WAREHOUSE 14x5 I 1 145 147 DEMO/ CART I PROMO. L - - -1 I I 71-20-1 TABLE CONF.RM. 130 SF 145 IPALLETI 130 SF I RACK I I I I I I I I I I I I RACK I I I I I I I I I I I OFFICE IT 1 BUILD. 144 STORAGE 130 SF 121 I I ___J 130 SF I I _ 6x2_5 _ J L - J OFFICE 17 IT __IF 14 ® 130 SFI 1 130 SF I 9,8® L _L 1 ------T-----------7 I OFFICE OFFICE F-1 2-3-1 142 13C SF r 130 SF \ I I I L__J I L ---J 8x5 I 8x5 HR OFFICE OFFICE ® 141 130 SF 130 SF CART I RACK J L__� OFFICE 125 130 SF IF 1 I I I L _ _ J OFFICE 18 172 SF WOMENS \ 138 223 SF L --J II \ HALL I� 160 SF 1L_JL_1 NO I LOCKERS y- BREAK I I� Fld ROOM 488 SF 1® j 1,108 SF I r—� L J I L _ J E I �I � I I I I o 4 -----JI IL -----J —LI4-----JI II I ------d IL---- L-----Ji I - -----JI --JI �y�� STAIR BI 1�,�Fop ENTRY 130 374 SF - LEVEL 01 ENTRY 146 404 SF MENS I I I I I I I I � J WELLNESS SHOWER ROOM ROOM I� I� 86 SF 87 SF 1L_JL_1 NO I LOCKERS y- BREAK I I� Fld ROOM 488 SF 1® j 1,108 SF I r—� L J I L _ J E I �I � I I I I o 4 -----JI IL -----J —LI4-----JI II I ------d IL---- L-----Ji I - -----JI --JI �y�� STAIR BI 1�,�Fop ENTRY 130 374 SF - LEVEL 01 ENTRY 146 404 SF MENS I I I I I I I I I� r--_1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 4' 1 224 SF ---------- JAN. CL. IPALLETI BENCH I ,40 ///VIII 1 Sx5 30 SF SHOWER ROOM 137 122 SF POWER LAB 150 2,340 SF I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2' I IPALLETI I RACK II II I I I I I I I I 1 2' 1 1 T 1 IPALLETI IPALLETI I RACK I I RACK] I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I II I II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2' 1 1 2' 1 PALLETI IPALLETI RACK I I RACK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 2' 1 1 T I IPALLETI IPALLETI I RACK I I RACK I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------T -------7 r— T------T- 8x5 1 I I 8x5 I 8x5 I BENCH BENCH HR PALLET I I I I PALLET I PALLET 14x5 14x5 CART I I RACK I I I I RACK I RACK I L -------------------J L------------L-------L------ ----------J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r--_1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 4' 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 V 1 ---------- IPALLETI IPALLETI BENCH I I RACK I I I I I I I I I I I I RACK I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Sx5 I I I I I I I I L__J I I I I I I I I L__J WAREHOUSE 14x5 I 1 145 147 I PALLET CART I 9,045 SF L - - -1 I I F_ 7 I I I 1 I TABLE II 11 I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I 4' 1 I IPALLETI IPALLETI I RACK I I I I I I I I I I I I RACK I I I I I I I I I I I - - L - - - - - - I I I I 1 L__J I I I I 1 1 I 1 L__J ------T -------7 r— T------T- 8x5 1 I I 8x5 I 8x5 I BENCH BENCH HR PALLET I I I I PALLET I PALLET 14x5 14x5 CART I I RACK I I I I RACK I RACK I L -------------------J L------------L-------L------ ----------J r T 1 r ----------_T T 8x5 I I 8x5 I 8x5 PALLET 1 BENCH 14x5 1 1 BENCH 1 PALLET I PALLET CART HR 14x5 I RACK I I RACK L-------L-----------J L------------L-------L------ L ° CBwA 151 ° 90 SF THICKEND SLAB CNC ROOM 152 3,564 SF THICKEND SLAB I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 4' 1 1 4' 1 PALLETI IPALLETI I RACK I I RACK I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 4' 1 1 4' 1 PALLETI IPALLETI I RACK I I RACK 1 I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I L__J L- _J I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I II L__J L__J T - r--_1 I I I I ----1--- T------ ---------- 8x5 BENCH I BENCH 1 8x5 1 Sx5 1 HR I PALLET I 14x5 I 1 145 1 PALLET I PALLET CART I TABLE I RACK I RACK I J-------L-----------J I L - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - L - - - - - - I I BENCH 1 I I ___J ASSEMBLY L _ 6x2_5 _ J r ---I I I I TABLE I 9,8® I I ------T-----------7 I r T T------ I 8x5 I I BENCH I BENCH 8x5 I 8x5 HR 1 PALLET I I 14x5 I 14x5 I PALLET I PALLET CART I RACK I I I I RACK RACK I I I I I J-------L-----------J L-----------J-------L------- r T 1 r ----------_T T 8x5 I I 8x5 I 8x5 PALLET 1 BENCH 14x5 1 1 BENCH 1 PALLET I PALLET CART HR 14x5 I RACK I I RACK L-------L-----------J L------------L-------L------ L ° CBwA 151 ° 90 SF THICKEND SLAB CNC ROOM 152 3,564 SF THICKEND SLAB I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 4' 1 1 4' 1 PALLETI IPALLETI I RACK I I RACK I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 4' 1 1 4' 1 PALLETI IPALLETI I RACK I I RACK 1 I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I L__J L- _J I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I II L__J L__J r--_1 I I I I BE BE I I L_6x2_5_J IF -I F TABLE I I 6x4 I J___ -J I I BENCH 1 I I ___J L _ 6x2_5 _ J r ---I I I I TABLE I I I I 6x4 I I I L____J I I I BENCH I I r L_6x2.5_J I I I I I I I I I T -- — I I I I I I I I I I L--------L------J 12' - 9112" r I II I - - ---_---J ON SHIPPING \\ F-14-8-1\ 737 SF \ 1 \ \\ 9x10 OVERHEAD W/ WINDOWS WI 6x8 \ \ \ DOCK LEVELER \ \ 9x10 OVERHEAD WI WINDOWS F —r I L______J I I I I I I` I I ' II �: 1 I I I I ,- I I, I I I I I I I I" I I' I I� I I. I I. I I 1r I I '• BENCH 8x3 I I I, I I I BENCH 18x3 I L L F-7 � 1 L_J I I I I I I r--7 I I '- I LI _J r-------------- DRIVE-IN 12x14 OVERHEAD W/ WINDOWS L MECH.I ELEC.I RISER 153 400 SF F I I OVERALL BUILDING I I FOOTPRINT - 39,778 SQ.FT. I I L___J 39-91/7 d rn 4 PR.3 interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue South, Suite 200 Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com BAUER DESIGN BUILD .. CONTROL CONCEPTS Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the state of MINNESOTA 2019-05-03 50937 Date Lic # Issue Record No. Date Description 05.03.2019 SITE PIAN REVIEW SET Sheet Title SITE PLAN REVIEW - PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 01 Sheet Information Job Code 00770 Drawn By KF/MN Reviewed By JG Date 2019-05-03 P R A 0 m z PR.3 interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue South, Suite 200 Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com I TilPI= 4 C� DESIGN BUILD Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN 118" = T-0" 3 PR.3 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the state of MINNESOTA Printed Signature 2019-05 50937 Date Lk # Issue Record No. I DateDescription 05.03.2019 SITE PLAN REVIEW SET Sheet Title SITE PLAN REVIEW - PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 02 Sheet Information N Job Code 00770 Drawn By KF/MN Reviewed By JG Date P R . L 2019-05-03 12'-9112" 18'-o" ANGLED t DARK GRAY SAND BLASTED FINISH PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL "79F 1/8" = 1'-0" EW - PRELIMI TH 118"= T-0" 228'- o" MULTI TEXTURE LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE - MULTI TEXTURE LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL. LOWER PORTION OF PANEL WITH RANDOM METAL WALL CAP ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DARK GRAY SAND PANEL. LOWER PORTION OF PANEL WITH RANDOM METAL WALL CAP DARK GRAY SAND RAKE FINISH AND UPPER PORTION OF PANEL FLASHING PUNCHED OPENING -TYP. BLASTED FINISH PRECAST FLASHING BLASTED FINISH PRECAST RAKE FINISH AND UPPER PORTION OF PANEL EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH CONCRETE PANEL EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH CONCRETE PANEL i_ , r., N — -- j1 __ 'f � I I I 1/8" = 1'-0" EW - PRELIMI TH 118"= T-0" 228'- o" MULTI TEXTURE LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE - MULTI TEXTURE LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL. LOWER PORTION OF PANEL WITH RANDOM METAL WALL CAP ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DARK GRAY SAND PANEL. LOWER PORTION OF PANEL WITH RANDOM METAL WALL CAP DARK GRAY SAND RAKE FINISH AND UPPER PORTION OF PANEL FLASHING PUNCHED OPENING -TYP. BLASTED FINISH PRECAST FLASHING BLASTED FINISH PRECAST RAKE FINISH AND UPPER PORTION OF PANEL EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH CONCRETE PANEL EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH CONCRETE PANEL i_ , r., N DARK GRAY SAND BLASTED FINISH PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL ALUMINUM STOREFRONT — PUNCHED OPENING -TYP. ACCENT METAL ENTRY ALUMINUM STOREFRONT CANOPY SYSTEM -TYP. REVIEW - PRELIMINARY ELEVATION - On' n" __.. _.. SIGNAGE: INDIVIDUALLY LIT CHANNEL STYLE LETTER ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM -TYP. interiors architecture 7001 France Avenue South, Suite 200 Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com to 0 BAU I E R 1/8"= T-0" REVIEW - PRELIMINARY ELEVATION - MULTI TEXTURE LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL. LOWER PORTION OF PANEL WITH RANDOM RAKE FINISH AND UPPER PORTION OF PANEL EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH. METAL WALL CAP FLASHING 1/8" = P-0" REVIEW - PRELIMIN 176-o' ALUMINUM STOREFRONT PUNCHED OPENING -TYP. MULTI TEXTURE LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL. LOWER PORTION OF PANEL WITH RANDOM RAKE FINISH AND UPPER PORTION OF PANEL EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH. METAL WALL CAP FLASHING r. DESIGN BUILD WCONCEPTS Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the state of MINNESOTA JEFFREY GFIARS Printed Name Signature PV 2019-05-0 11 50937 Date Lic # Issue Record No. 1 Date Description MITT 05.03.2019 SITPN REVIEW SET Sheet Title SITE PLAN REVIEW - PRELIMINARY ELEVATIONS Sheet Information Job Code 00770 Drawn By KF/MN Reviewed By JG Date P R' 2019-05-03 — -- j1 __ 'f ALUMINUM STOREFRONT ALUMINUM STOREFRONT --� ACCENT METAL ENTRY SYSTEM -TYP. PUNCHED OPENING -TYP. CANOPY DARK GRAY SAND BLASTED FINISH PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL ALUMINUM STOREFRONT — PUNCHED OPENING -TYP. ACCENT METAL ENTRY ALUMINUM STOREFRONT CANOPY SYSTEM -TYP. REVIEW - PRELIMINARY ELEVATION - On' n" __.. _.. SIGNAGE: INDIVIDUALLY LIT CHANNEL STYLE LETTER ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM -TYP. interiors architecture 7001 France Avenue South, Suite 200 Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com to 0 BAU I E R 1/8"= T-0" REVIEW - PRELIMINARY ELEVATION - MULTI TEXTURE LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL. LOWER PORTION OF PANEL WITH RANDOM RAKE FINISH AND UPPER PORTION OF PANEL EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH. METAL WALL CAP FLASHING 1/8" = P-0" REVIEW - PRELIMIN 176-o' ALUMINUM STOREFRONT PUNCHED OPENING -TYP. MULTI TEXTURE LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL. LOWER PORTION OF PANEL WITH RANDOM RAKE FINISH AND UPPER PORTION OF PANEL EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH. METAL WALL CAP FLASHING r. DESIGN BUILD WCONCEPTS Project Information CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the state of MINNESOTA JEFFREY GFIARS Printed Name Signature PV 2019-05-0 11 50937 Date Lic # Issue Record No. 1 Date Description MITT 05.03.2019 SITPN REVIEW SET Sheet Title SITE PLAN REVIEW - PRELIMINARY ELEVATIONS Sheet Information Job Code 00770 Drawn By KF/MN Reviewed By JG Date P R' 2019-05-03