CAS-04_POWERS RIDGE BLDG CCoversheet Page I of 1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, October 12, 2020 Subject Chanhassen Apartments TIF Discussion Section 5:00 P.M. - WORK SESSION Item No: A.l. Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director File No: SUMMARY Staff is recommending that the City Council direct the developer to proceed with a PUD amendment for affordable senior housing with the consideration of 90% of the available TIF for 16 years and 50 units at 60%Area Median Income (AMI) for the life of the district. BACKGROUND Todd Simning has requested that the City Council/EDA consider a request for TIF for a 100-unit affordable senior housing project. Current entitlement for the site is for 88 units (currently at 16 units per acre); the developer is asking for 110 units, which could be permitted with a zoning amendment and the inclusion of affordable housing. This item as appeared at the City Council work sessions: • On duly 27, Mr. Simning presented his request. The City Council directed city staff and the developer to address a number of issues. • On August 24, the developer and city staff presented additional information on whether or not TIF was necessary for the project to go forward and if there was a need for affordable senior housing. The Council agreed to have the developer escrow for a TIF analysis by the city's Financial Advisor, Ehlers. DISCUSSION The city has received the TIF Note Cash Flow Analysis from Ehlers (attached). • The analysis anticipates $175,150 in Annual TIF Revenue generated from the development upon stabilization. • Using 75% of the available TIF provides 125% minimum annual mortgage coverage threshold to underwrite the project's $2.4 million gap financing. • Analysis for the term necessary to fill the 19-year cumulative gap at various % pledge amounts. For TIF, the statute requires that a rental development meet either of two requirements: • For as long as the TIF district is active, at least 20% of units set aside for occupancy at households at or below 50°/u of AMI, or • At least 40% of units set aside for households at or below 60°/u of AMI. In this case (at least as it pertains to satisfying the TIF statute), it requires the 45 to 55 units in the proposed development meet the 60% AMI requirement. Staff is recommending the following terms for the TIF district: 90% of the available TIF for 16 years with 50 units at 60%AMI for the life of the district. If the City Council is supportive of the affordable senior housing project and the terns of the TIF district, staff is recommending the following for next steps: • The developer will have to submit an application for the PUD (zoning) Amendment for the additional density. • The EDA will have to approve the TIF District. TIF Cash Flows https://chanhassen.novusagenda.com/agendapublielCoverSheet.aspx?ltemID=2079&Mee... 10/15/2020 City of Chanhassen, MN Senior Housing TIF Note Cashflow Analysis Assumes $175,150 in Annual TIF Revenue generated from the Development upon stabilization 75% of Available TIF provides 125% minimum coverage threshold Analysis of the term necessary to fill the 19-year cumulative gap at various % pledge amounts Pledge of Available Tax Increment Principal Amount of TIF Note (Cumulative gap) TIF Note Interest Rate Collection Year Year 1 Year Year Year Year 5 Year Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year11 Year12 Year13 Year 14 Year15 Year16 Year 17 Year 18 Year19 Year20 Totals: 75% 1 85% 1 90% 1 95% 2,392,440.75 2,392,440.75 2,392,440.75 2,392,440.75 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Annual TIF Note Payment 27,915.75 31,637.85 33,498.90 35,359.95 �1131,362.50 148,877.50 157,635.00 166,392.50 131,362.50 148,877.50 157,635.00 166, 392.50 31,362.50 148,877.50 157,635.00 166,392.50 131,362.50 148,877.50 157,635.00 166, 392.50 '31,362.50 148,877.50 157,635.00 166, 392.50 131,362.50 148, 877.50 157,635,00 166,392, 50 ,31,362.5Q% - ,148,877.50 157,635.00 166,392.50 131,362.50 148,87 Z50 157,635.00 166, 392.50 Y31,362. -148,877.50 157,635.00 166,392.50 131,362.50 148,877.50 157,635.00 166,392.50 31,362. 148,877.50 157,635.00 166,392.50 131.362,50 148,877.50 157,635,00 166, 392.50 _31,362.50 148,877. _" 1- 157,635.00 166,392.50 131,362.50 148, 877.50 157.635, 00 166, 392.50 31,362.5 148,877.5 152,051.85 27,585.80 131,362.50 127,640.40 - - 31,362. 131,362.50 - - -------------- - 2,392,440.75 2,392,440.75 2,392,440.75 2,392,440.75 Developer Stabilized NOI: 1,449,063.00 1,449,063.00 1,449,063.00 1,449,063.00 Add: TIF 131,362.50 148,877.50 157,635.00 166,392.50 Less: Mortgage (1,262,800.00) (1,262,800.00) (1,262,800.00) (1,262,800.00) Debt Service Coverage: 125.2% 126.5% 127.2% 127.9% Amount Above 125% Coverage: 1,925.50 19,440.50 28,198.00 36,955.50 The PUD governing this proposal requires parking to meet the R-12 standards. Parking plans meet ordinance requirements. Under the R-12 parking district requirements, the applicant must provide 2 parking spaces per unit, one and a half of which must be enclosed. Senior Housing parking requirement may be reduced due to the low demand generated by seniors. Bui ding A B C D Total Building 133,647 50,837 118,944 87,516 442,103 Area 51,159 # Of Units 100 80 88 76 344 Enclosed 136 129 124 89 478 Parking Provided Enclosed 150 120 132 76 478 Parking Required Surface parking is required at a ratio of 0.5 space per unit and 1 visitor parking per 4 units. This translates to a total of 258 surface parking spaces which the applicant is providing. COMPLIANCE TABLE PUD Proiect Proposal Hard Surface Coverage 35% 33.7% Setback from Collector NA 50 Setback from RSF District NA 137 feet Density 17.4 units 16.1 units tl. PRELIMIN `tY APtTYENT MIX AND T RENTABLE AREAS: 10800 1BR/DE1900 28R6950 38R®1200 38R®1275 TOTALS APT, TYPES BLDG.-`A' FAMILY 1 ` 38 26 i2 100 BLDG. "B-?" FAMILY 11 13LDG. "B-2' 7 11 8 9 / 8 9 12 40 41I Y "C' F>MILY/J 24 6 18 28 12 88 BLDG. 6lRG-"I2' S t ---- 43 -- =--' ---76 - —33 TOTALS 100 9 115 72 48 344 12. PRELIMINARY FAMILY APARTMENT TYPE PERCENTAGES: 67 1BR =25.0% 9 1BR/DEN = 3.4% 72 2BR =26.8% 170 ;RR --m.44JM 268 TOTAL FAMILY APTS. Background In 1987, the city approved a PUD agreement for Lake Susan Hills. The PUD permitted up to 411 single family units, created 3 outlots for medium density units and one outlot for high density units. The single family lots have been platted in 9 additions continuously since PUD approval. One of the outlots (Outlot Q designated for medium density units was platted in April 1993 for 24 units. The second oudot (Outot B), also designated for medium density units was platted on April 10, 1995 for 48 units. The third oudot (Oultot D) was platted in May of 1995 for 48 units. The fourth outlot (Outlot A), designated for high density was platted on April 4, 2000. Outlot A Outlot A is designated as Multiple Family (High Density Residential). The PUD contract states that the development shall provide a minimum of 21.5 acres of high density multiple family residential units. The total number of dwelling units of high density multiple family residential property shall not exceed 375, or a density greater than 17.4 units/acre. Except as modified herein, the development of the high density multiple family residential shall be in accordance with the uses, standards, and requirements of the R-12 Zoning District. 1MIED Maximum # of units 375 Density 17.4 Hard surface coverage 32% Maximum Height NA R-12 NA NA 35% 40 ft or 3 story Proposed 343 16.12 34.6% 40 ft or 3 story