CAS-05_LIFESTYLE CENTER - SW CORNER OF LYMAN & POWERS BLVDS.15 -ate CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES NE NNESOTA DATE: _ April 13, 2015 RESOLUTION NO: 2015-22 MOTION BY: McDonald SECONDED BY: Ryan RESOLUTION ORDERING UPDATE TO THE ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREA WIDE REVIEW (AUAR) FOR THE 2005 METROPOLITIAN URBAN SERVICES AREA WHEREAS, on August 11, 2003 the City of Chanhassen, acting as the official Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU), approved Resolution 2003-70, an order for review requesting the initiation of an AUAR for the 2005 MUSA; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2003 the City Council adopted a Final AUAR Environment Analysis Document and Mitigation Plan in the 2005 MUSA; and WHEREAS, in November 10, 2008 the city adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, a significant amount of development has occurred in the AUAR area but there are vacant parcels; most significantly 118 acres with a land use designation of either office or regional commercial designated in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen is the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) assigned with the responsibility of conducting the AUAR; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Administrative Rule 4410.3610 requires that AUARs be updated every five years unless development has occurred and land use and densities have changed since 2003; and WHEREAS, the project area included approximately 600 acres within the City that is generally bound by Lyman Boulevard on the north, Audubon Road on west, Pioneer Trail on the south, and Powers Boulevard on the east, project area on the attached map shown as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the anticipated nature, location and intensity of projected future development is consistent with the development pattern stipulated in the current comprehensive plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Chanhassen adopts the Order for Review for the upd% to the 2005 Chanhassen AUAR. g::44/44/�� To d, Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufti9burger, Ma or YES NO ABSENT Campion Laufenburger McDonald Ryan Tjomhom SCANNED I IS - OS Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 Au A �- Councilman McDonald: Can somebody put it up on the screen? Todd Gerhardt: The donation of $3,400 from the CAA. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Councilwoman Tjomhom: Take out 25? Mayor Laufenburger: Yeah, remove $25,500. Replace it with $3,400. Is that the right number Mr. Hoffman? Todd Hoffman: Correct. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Councilman McDonald: Well I'll give it a shot. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, Councilman McDonald. Councilman McDonald: The Chanhassen City Council accepts the donation of approximately $3,400 from the Chanhassen Athletic Association and Dugout Club for dugout concrete for Lake Ann Fields 1, 2 and 3 and labor to assist with infield improvements at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Is that one still in? Okay. Bluff Creek Elementary School with the conditions noted. Mayor Laufenburger: That's a valid motion. Do we have a second? Councilman Campion: Second. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Councilman Campion. Any further discussion on the motion? Resolution #2015-21: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded that the Chanhassen City Council accepts the donation of approximately $3,400 from the Chanhassen Athletic Association and Dugout Club for dugout concrete for Lake Ann Park (Fields #1, #2 and #3), and labor to assist with infield improvements at the Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary School with the conditions noted. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. CONSENT AGENDA DO). ADOPT RESOLUTION ORDERING THE UPDATE TO THE AUAR, 2005 MUSA AREA; AND APPROVE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS. Mayor Laufenburger: Do we have a staff report? Kate Aanenson: Yes, thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. On your March 10 City Council meeting you directed to staff to prepare resolution for the update of the AUAR. That's 20 SCANNEC Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 + what the motion before you would be to approve that resolution. As a part of that, included are the two contracts. One for Hoisington-Koegler Group at $39,000 and one for Kimley-Hom at $51,960. Both of these groups worked on the original AUAR. Be happy to go through any of the parts of it but I think the applicant is the one that has a few questions and I'd be happy to answer any questions that they may have regarding the process and the recommendations of the consultants. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Ms. Aanenson. Before I ask the applicant to speak is there any questions or comments from council? Alright, is the applicant of the concept PUD present? State your name and address please. Darren Lazan: We are sir. Good evening Mr. Mayor. My name is Darren Lazan with Landform Professional Services and I represent Level 7 Development. The developer for the Quadrant which is the development that has spurred the discussion on the AUAR. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Darren Lazan: Appreciate your time to be here tonight. Have no power point. Was told I kept you up too late last time so I will try to keep it a little cleaner this time. We're excited to be here and excited to have this discussion. We continue to work on the plan and bringing this development forward. A lot of moving parts. A lot of exciting components coming together. We did request the AUAR be updated and we appreciate that consideration and I do want to acknowledge right up front that there's a natural tension that occurs on all of these projects. When an applicant is paying the bill and someone else is scoping and carrying out the studies so we acknowledge that. I understand that that's going to be the case going forward and I hope that's respected both ways and most of my comments are going to be as respectful as possible challenging some of those scope items since my client's the one paying the bill so we're going to walk through a couple of those and I think by way of just a little background. I think it's important to understand that while an AUAR is required along this road to approving this project, it's by no means the means at which a project is approved or denied. It's simply a means of updating a study that was done. It's a means to assess the site's ability to carry or to handle development at a given scale and the mitigation measures that may be necessary to handle that development so there's nothing in the AUAR that says okay, we completed the study. X square feet can be built or Y. That's all done down range at the PUD side. That's where you get to have the input on the layout of the project. On the components of the project. We've had a lot of use discussion. That's where that falls most likely in the PUD so I think we get balled up in this AUAR like it's going to tell us what can be built here or what can be approved here. It's simply a means to address those infrastructure components and say, this is what can be handled if these mitigation measures are enacted. Again by way, a little bit of background. The original AUAR was done in 2003. It's our understanding that was for roughly $100,000 dollars and it took about 6 to 8 months to complete. There was one scenario studied and it was called in that background information, it was called the worst case scenario which I think is a poor choice of words but we'll use their words for this study so. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Lazan, can I just interrupt you for a moment? 21 Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 Darren Lazan: Sure Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Lazan, my assumption is that you have a few points that you want to raise, is that correct? Darren Lazan: Yes sir. Mayor Laufenburger: Would you prefer that council or staff response to, respectfully respond to each point as you make it? Would that be easiest for you? Darren Lazan: No, I think at the end our request is that we move forward with the AUAR but we work together so unless the council cares to get into that, into the weeds that far we would be more than happy to do so but I think we can... Mayor Laufenburger: But my assumption is that your recommendation at the end will be based on all of these points, this is your recommendation. Is that correct? Darren Lazan: This is our request, but yes sir. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Darren Lazan: And I think it would be easier if we went through. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, alright. Darren Lazan: If council maybe weighed in on what they want more detail on we can do that. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, proceed. Darren Lazan: And as I mentioned this is an update to the original AUAR so we have an AUAR that's been completed. It's fairly extensive and this is an update. Extensive amount of development has occurred. Roughly two-thirds of the study area has been developed so that removes quite a bit of variables from the study and there has been extensive work done on part of the City. Not only our site but all the surrounding areas so we have a pretty decent body of work that's been done, not only when the study was originally done but subsequent to that with major traffic improvements on Lyman and Powers and 212 and so forth so there's a pretty significant body of work associated with that. And I think most of the concern that we have today that want to express is on the scope of the proposed AUAR that's outlined in the packet and that applies to both fee and structure obviously and without digging into all the details really there's three components that are of greatest concern. One is the number of scenarios proposed. As best I can tell from the information I have five scenarios are proposed. An existing. A no build scenario. Those could be combined. They may have intended to be combined but it didn't read like that. A, the Level 7 development proposal would be a scenario. The more intense development scenario is a proposed scenario and then a scenario developed from your visioning exercise you discussed earlier today so that's five scenarios compared to the original one scenario that was part of the original study. Four or five. To be fair that existing and no build should and could be 22 Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 the same scenario. There's approximately 13 workshops, meetings, chamber luncheons and so forth. This is roughly 3 times what was done with the entire original study so I think we'd like your input and we'd like some more consideration on the scope of the meeting involvement. The workshops. Can these be combined? Can this be streamlined? Again it's roughly 3 times the original scope of services in there. And the other major component is the traffic comprising roughly $21,000 of the study portion. It analyzes 7 intersections. That's 4 more than the original study analyzed. It didn't make mention of the work that's done. I think it's fair to assume that if you're reconstructing Lyman and Powers was completely redeveloped, the intersection was done with 212 that there should be an extensive body of work associated with that. It's currently under construction so we had hoped we could maximize those studies and move that forward. And again that reflects then obviously in the schedule. We kind of walked through that originally when we requested the AUAR. We're very anxious to get it started. It really is driving our process. The 6 month schedule that's out there is about twice what we originally contemplated when we met with staff in November. The fee as well is roughly twice but the scope and the schedule right now is very concerning that we, it appears we don't really start the AUAR components related to the development until June and that maybe speaks a little bit to the discussion earlier tonight about some of the visioning exercise that's bleeding into the AUAR. And I think probably fundamentally the heartache that we have with it as a development team is that we are bracketing the study of the infrastructure's ability to handle development with a no build, which would be exactly what you see today or existing and the most intense development. So we're unsure as to what the, until a concern is discovered along that way where we find limitations with the most intense development, we don't believe we will. There really is no point other than to expand the scope in doing the 3 steps in the middle. If the most intense development uncovers issues related to any one of the AUAR components, maybe then we adjust the scope. Back off and say well, the most intense development trips significant traffic concerns. Let's back up and analyze one other scenario that is likely to help bracket that but we believe based on what we've been told, what's been done on the roadways specifically in the past. What you contemplated in your Comprehensive Plan that that most intense scenario will in fact prove that the site can handle that component and normal mitigation efforts will be effective so with that we certainly can stand for any questions but I think our request respectfully is that we break that connection with the visioning exercise we talked about earlier tonight. That we allow the AUAR to go forward while that parallels because we think that will be very useful input to the next stage which is the PUD of development. That we order the AUAR tonight. Move it forward but we work with staff to help narrow that scope. That we focus on possibly the existing plus one or existing plus two scenarios instead of four. That we work to combine or streamline the workshops and luncheons and other meetings that are there to be more reflective of the original effort. And that we allow that to move forward as quickly as possible so that we can take that feedback and help craft the PUD application that you'll entertain at the next step. So with that I'll stand for any questions and certainly can dive into more detail if you folks want to get that far into the weeds but I think we basically covered our concerns and we look forward to your comments. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, thank you Mr. Lazan. Any questions or comments for the applicant from council? Councilman McDonald: Mr. Mayor. 23 "/ Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger: Councilman McDonald, yes. Councilman McDonald: It's not so much I have a question for the applicant yet but what I would like to do is get a little bit of input from Ms. Aanenson to comment on those three issues that he brought up. The number of scenarios. Number of meetings and workshops and traffic studies in general. Can you help me understand a little bit about the importance of these? Where the applicant fits into all this. I mean once we order this my understanding is, is that at that point the contractor will talk to everybody and bring everybody together at the table. Is that a correct assumption? Kate Aanenson: Yes ultimately. I mean once you go out for review on this you have so many days to enact it so we want to make sure that you're comfortable with what you put out there and receiving comments on that. So one of the things that we did commit to, Kimley-Hom has some meetings as does Hoisington-Koegler. Working with the applicant. As soon as this gets ordered that we'd sit down and try to set those meetings in place to make them seem less. Shorten up that schedule so we've already talked to them about that. Trying to get those on the books so we're not duplicating meetings. Kimley-Horn and Hoisington-Koegler and Level 7 development, we can all be at the same meeting at the same time, that would be very helpful and help shorten up the process and we certainly are willing to do that. Councilman McDonald: Okay. And then a question for the applicant. After hearing that, the fact that you know we are evidently willing to work with you and to try to get this thing done because there is a time limit evidently and as you heard tonight we will separate it from the whole thing about the visioning of what would be best for that area. Can you accept that and at that point are we good to go as far as ordering this study? Darren Lazan: Mr. Mayor, Member McDonald. Councilman McDonald. Certainly it's refreshing and encouraging to hear that we will work together to limit the number of meetings and I think that can be done and I'm comfortable that we can move forward with that component and work with staff to fine tune that. I think it's important, and I don't know that we're going to quantify tonight the traffic other than a good faith effort to make best use of the traffic and to relook at the number of intersections we study and so forth but again if it's a good faith effort to make the best use of those studies, we're fine. I think if we could get direction or confirmation tonight that we could arrive at what scenarios will be analyzed I think we will have the highest level of comfort that we can move forward and get this done. Councilman McDonald: Well I guess with that, isn't that part of your discussion with Kimberly - Horn? I mean from what you're bringing out here I would think that they would even agree with you that yeah we go no build to maximize it and then at that point if that's what creates a problem they're going to back off. You know I can't speak for them or anything such as that but as I understand the process you know you would have input into all of that with them and I would think that in order to again cut the time down yeah, you reduce the scenarios to try to get at a good answer. PZ11 Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 % Darren Lazan: I think that's an excellent point and we would be very excited to work in that manner. I think again if we could have just a little bit of summary clarification that we'll work together to address those three I'm more than happy to take that under direction and move forward. Councilman McDonald: Well I guess I would turn back to staff Mr. Mayor and just kind of ask that you know in outlining that, isn't that the way it works? Is that once we give this over to Kimberly -Horn that they will in good faith you know again try to work through this the most efficient manner possible? Kate Aanenson: Correct. I mean we're helping them. We're the governmental unit supervising this project so we've already talked to both parties on that. Trying to streamline those meetings and the like so yes, in good faith but I think just to reiterate. One of the issues that came up during the concept PUD was some of the traffic concerns in the neighborhoods so I'll let Paul Oehme, the City Engineer talk about that but we want to make sure that we are looking at some of those, the SRF looked at all the external traffic. Didn't look at the internal traffic and that's one of the things we want to make sure that our residents that raise that as concerns that we are addressing that so... Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Oehme before you talk about traffic, let me just clarify here. Mr. Lazan brought up three primary issues. The number of scenarios. The number of workshops. take that to mean the number of meetings. And number three is the traffic and it sounds to me like you agree that cooperation regarding the number of meetings and workshops is something that can be addressed. Darren Lazan: Yes sir. Mayor Laufenburger: Would you agree on that? Okay. So let's, before we go to traffic let me just clarify. The number of scenarios. Mr. Lazan, you're suggesting a no build scenario and a max build scenario, is that correct? Darren Lazan: Mr. Mayor I think we could start with a no build and a max build and very quickly in the effort identify whether any intermediate, and I would suggest our proposal would be a great intermediate. It'd be somewhere right in the middle of the no build and the max but we start with those two and then meet again if we have an issue and expand the scope if that's necessary. Mayor Laufenburger: Just to clarify for the council. As I read the packet and the Hoisington- Koegler Group proposal it specifically, very clearly identifies three scenarios and from those three you identified five so I'm, you don't have to explain. Darren Lazan: It's very simple. The two are existing and no build which have been added to the traffic and send to the engineering component so that's the three development scenarios and as I said sir it lays out like it's two more scenarios but really existing and no build should be the same. 25 Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 Councilman Campion: And Mr. Mayor I was confused as well. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Campion. Councilman Campion: And I was just thumbing through it. In Exhibit A I see what I think he's talking about. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Councilman Campion: It does read like five. Mayor Laufenburger: I stand corrected Mr. Lazan. So now let's talk about traffic. Mr. Oehme you want to, do you have some comments that you want to share with us regarding traffic studies? Paul Oehme: Sure Mayor Laufenburger, City Council members. So as Ms. Aanenson had indicated when we were going through the public process identifying, or through the project here we did hear from concerned residents in this area about traffic and the need to look at the traffic for this particular development in greater detail. The intersections that we identified are mainly internal intersections that we want to look at and specifically for pedestrian movements, crossings and such by city parks and at specific intersections as well too so that, we felt is a high priority for the City to look at in this study is the traffic and make sure that we're doing our due diligence and trying to cut down as much as we can on cut through traffic so. Mayor Laufenburger: Kate you want to add anything to that? Kate Aanenson: No but I mean certainly it doesn't mean we won't sit down with Kimley-Hom and take a look at that and see if there's ways that, if there's other information out there we'll always, you know we're willing to look at that and but we just want to put that out there that we picked those intersections because of the input we received but certainly willing to work on that. Paul Oehme: And Mayor if I can too. I mean the contract specifically for the traffic with Kimley-Horn it is a time and materials not to exceed amount so you know they're only going to bill us for what they have incurred in their costs so obviously we're not going to be passing any more than what Kimley-Horn is going to be billing us to the developer so I just want to make sure everybody's aware of that. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright. Let me move to other council members if I can. Any other questions or comments for the applicant or staff? Councilwoman Ryan: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Laufenburger: Councilwoman Ryan. 26 Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 N Councilwoman Ryan: Ms. Aanenson, when Mr. Lazan refers to, a couple times original effort and initial conversations, what is he referring to when he talks about time frames with 6 months versus 3 months and initial agreements of numbers of scenarios? What is that? Kate Aanenson: I think we had some initial conversations about what could potentially be a time frame and a dollar amount. Councilwoman Ryan: And so if for the, the proposed motion, I know we've verbally commented on making some of these changes but the motion says approving the professional services agreements which Mr. Mayor was referring to at the three scenarios. The time line and schedule and you know the meetings and workshops. I guess I'm not comfortable without a change to a services agreement that has been discussed with, I mean do we typically change service agreements before we vote on them? I mean this is an agreement that would be signed at the end of the night and from just the brief conversation that we've had there's been a lot of changes already so how does that typically? Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Gerhardt. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, City Council members. The agreement in front of you is a maximum contract. It's an hourly rate with a not to exceed dollar amount. So typically when we get into professional service contracts, not just with private developers but with well contractors. Water treatment plant studies. It's usually a not to exceed amount because there's so many unknowns. They may come back and say you know we'd like to look at a traffic studies if we go this way. What this agreement does is gives us the most flexibility. We're going to work with the developer. We're not going to require everything that's in the agreement. I think everybody has kind of said that tonight and I've got to believe Landform has entered into these with other communities. It gives staff and the developer the most flexibility so we don't have to keep coming back to council saying can we do one more study in this area. It's not to exceed $90,900 and you know its amazing how two engineering firms kind of get together and they kind of agree on what's the best method to study something. I've seen this multiple times over the last 5 years and it is kind of a trust thing but if you would like to eliminate things in the contract we can always bring something back to you so it's not to an exceed amount and I think there's been clear direct tonight that you know some of the meetings won't be needed. Councilwoman Ryan: And just to follow upon that because I, unless I didn't hear it I haven't heard an issue with the dollar amount. It's the time line that's I believe of issue and the fact that the AUAR update schedules in this document, that we would be voting on is again concerning because this is laid out and I want to make sure that everybody's in agreement with the timeline. Todd Gerhardt: Yeah. And what the timeline, you know the consulting engineers get together and talk about it. And the planners. Don't want to forget the planners. But when there's certain meetings that won't be needed that will reduce that timeline and if there's other things that we can study upfront, like the concerns regarding Pioneer Pass Park. Maybe we can hold off on that and concentrate on the Quadrant information first and bring that as kind of Phase I of the AUAR. So concentrate on the stuff that Scott and their group needs to move ahead and feel comfortable with what's occurring in and around the area. 27 Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 Councilwoman Ryan: And how does that relate to then what we would be voting on tonight? Todd Gerhardt: I think this agreement gives both of us the flexibility to flex the schedule. It's kind of open ended but I think we're trying to give them the assurances that we'll concentrate on their portion of it and that will be discussed at the first meeting with the consulting engineers. Kate Aanenson: Can I just add too? I think the other thing that, this is verbatim Minutes. We're on the record stating what our intentions are and in good faith it's on there so it's both our goals to keep this moving forward in a timely manner and we want to work together on that so. Mayor Laufenburger: I would also add, let me also add too that we're, both organizations have people who are very experienced in this sort of thing so when we say that we're going to approve this, essentially what we're doing is we're, we as a council are giving our permission to move forward with this process in an efficient and an effective way recognizing that this is most expensive, longest term scenario. Notice I didn't use that 5 letter word Mr. Lazan. So with the intent on both parties, given guidance by the council to speed things up and do it for less money. Councilwoman Ryan: And so would it make sense then to vote on moving forward with the AUAR and voting on that and then asking for the services agreements to come back after they've been revised? Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Gerhardt. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, City Council, I think that would delay it 2 weeks. You know you do have on the first page of the professional service contract scope of services. City retains HKgi to provide professional services described in the contract. HKgi must complete the services specified in the contract document before November 1 and then we also have, which one is it again Roger? Mayor Laufenburger: 3 is not to exceed. Todd Gerhardt: Not to exceed. Roger Knutson: Paragraph 2 is scope of services. Todd Gerhardt: Yeah the scope of services. So we can reduce the scope of services at any time SO. Roger Knutson: Maybe I could suggestion. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Knutson. Roger Knutson: If we could amend paragraph 2 to make you more comfortable. It specifically says, right now it says the City retains HKgi to provide the professional services described in the m Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 Contract Documents. The next sentence would read, the City retains the right to reduce the scope of professional services. Mayor Laufenburger: Is that an implied? Roger Knutson: I just think putting it in there would be a good idea, that's fine. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Councilman Campion: Now what? Mayor Laufenburger: Just a second. Councilwoman Ryan and the entire council, we meet second Monday and the fourth Monday of every month and I think that if we put too many restrictions on the City staff and the developer to come to us for check points that will naturally put a length of time on it. My experience for the last 4 years and Councilwoman Tjornhom and Councilman McDonald for much longer than that, we have seen that the professional staff that we have in place, with the experience that they have in place. The number of years and the projects that they've been involved with they will always, they will always do their best to insure that they're spending the City taxpayer's money wisely and efficiently so I, my view is that I would be in favor of giving them the approval to manage the program the way they have shown us to manage programs in the past. That would be my perspective. Any other council members for comments? Mr. Lazan, did you want to have a closing comment of some sort? Darren Lazan: I would, thank you. You know we certainly appreciate the effort to nail down the scope. Everybody wants to be clear upfront and had we had the time I would love to have a lot more discussion and go back and revise those but I think you know in the interest of moving it forward and making the best use of your time so we're not back here again if we, I think given the content of the discussion today if we could approve the contracts as amended by the City Attorney or as proposed by the City Attorney with the understanding that we're going to have an initial charge meeting or initial scope meeting and if for some reason at that point we're not able to come to an agreement on the reduction to the scenarios, the workshops and the traffic, maybe then we'll come back and bother you but we would like to move it along and I think I'm hearing tonight that there's an interest in doing so and I think that's probably the best and most expeditious route. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, thank you Mr. Lazan. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Gerhardt. Todd Gerhardt: One other item that wasn't included in the staff report is that after the initial scope meeting with the consulting professionals and Level 7 that $90,900 check be escrowed was not included in the motion. Mayor Laufenburger: So you want to make sure that that's included in the motion? 29 Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 Todd Gerhardt: But only until after that scoping meeting is completed and they feel comfortable with the scope. And same thing with the contract should be signed after that scoping study meeting with the consulting professionals and Level 7. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Comment or motion from council member Councilwoman Ryan: Mayor may I have, make a clarification then to what Mr. Gerhardt just said? So for the proposed motion based on what Mr. Knutson had suggested that adding to the motion about that $90,000 held in escrow as well the contract won't be signed until after the initial charge meeting. Todd Gerhardt: Yep, the scoping study. Councilwoman Ryan: Scoping study, okay. Todd Gerhardt: Yes. So then everybody would leave that meeting feeling comfortable on the vision going and still giving each party the flexibility to add or subtract to the contract. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay, thank you. Mayor Laufenburger: Anybody else comment or motion? Councilman McDonald: I'll do a motion. Mayor Laufenburger: Councilman McDonald. Councilman McDonald: Okay I would propose that the Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution ordering the update to the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for the 2005 MUSA area and approves Professional Services Agreement with Hoisington. Mayor Laufenburger: Hoisington. Councilman McDonald: Hoisington-Koegler Group Incorporated and Kimley-Hom and Associates Incorporated. And that we also add to this motion that there would be a $90,000 escrow amount after the scoping meeting and also that the contract would be signed after the scoping meeting and all parties are in agreement with scope. Mayor Laufenburger: And related to Mr. Knutson's comment about paragraph 2 of the Professional Services Agreement. Councilman McDonald: Also add Mr. Knutson's suggested improvement to number 2. Mayor Laufenburger: We have a motion. Is there a second? Councilwoman Ryan: Second. 30 Chanhassen City Council — April 13, 2015 d Councilman Campion: Second. Mayor Laufenburger: Councilwoman Tjornhom, I'll give that to you. Councilwoman Tjomhom: I didn't even say anything. Mayor Laufenburger: Excuse me. Todd Gerhardt: You're the Mayor. You can do that. Mayor Laufenburger: I've got a bad ear over here. I think I guess it was Councilwoman Ryan who said second. Thank you very much. So we're, the motion is the language as it shows on, in our packet with the addition of the payment and contracts to be, escrow payment and contract to be signed after the initial scoping study and the language that the City can reduce the scope of the contract at any time. Todd Gerhardt: Correct. Mayor Laufenburger: Any comments? Or discussion. Resolution #2015-22: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Ryan seconded that the Chanhassen City Council adopts a Resolution ordering the Update to the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for the 2005 MUSA Area; and approves professional services agreements with Hoisington-Koegler Group Inc. and Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. with the addition that the contract be signed and $90,960 escrowed after the scope of services meeting is held, and with the addition to number 2 of the Professional Services Agreement to add the sentence, "The City retains the right to reduce the Scope of Services." All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Laufenburger: That motion carries 5-0. Thank you very much staff and thank you very much Mr. Lazan and team. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Mayor Laufenburger: This is the appointments to the Park and Recreation Commission. Over the last several weeks we, the City Council and the Park and Recreation Commission has conducted interviews for the open slots on the Park and Recreation Commission and first of all I want to say thanks to all of the citizens that made application. We at the council are always pleased to see people willing to invest their time and their energy in improving the City of Chanhassen regardless of what commission it is and I'm pleased to make this in the form of a motion. That we appoint Jim Boettcher and Julie Hougham to each, appointing each of them to a 3 year term on the Park and Recreation Commission. And also appointing youth representative Lauren Dale as the youth representative for a one year term on the Park and Recreation Commission. And that is a motion. Is there a second? 31 0 CITY OF CAAHAASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone:952.227.1100 Fax: 952,227.1110 Building Inspections Phone:952.227.1180 Fax:952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax:952.227.1170 Finance Phone:952,227.1140 Fax:952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone:952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone:952.2271400 Fax:952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax:952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone:952.227.1300 Fax:952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone:952.227.1125 Fax:952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 15'�'S Av�2 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director DATE: April 13, 2015 6 SUBJ: Adopt Resolution Ordering the Update to the AUAR, 2005 MUSA Area; and Approve Professional Services Agreements "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a Resolution ordering the Update to the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for the 2005 MUSA Area; and approves professional services agreements with Hoisington Koegler Group hic. and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc." City Council approval of requires a simple majority vote of City Council. After conceptual PUD was given to the Lifestyle Center at the March 9, 2015 City Council meeting, staff was directed to prepare a resolution ordering the update to the AUAR. Attached for approval are two professional services agreements, one from Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. (HKgi) in the amount of $39,000 for land use planning, document preparation, project management and public engagement; and one from Kimley-Horn & Associates in the amount of $51,960 for engineering services (traffic, sanitary sewer, potable water and storm water). While the city is the Regulatory Governmental Unit (RGU) assigned with the responsibility for conducting the AUAR, the developer, Level 7 Development, is responsible for paying for the AUAR update. 1. Resolution. 2. Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Professional Services Agreement. 3. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Professional Services Agreement. gAplan12015 planning cases\2015-05 lifestyle cente6auaecc staff report 04-13-2015.dacx Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow SCANNED CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA DATE: April 13, 2015 RESOLUTION NO: 2015- MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION ORDERING UPDATE TO THE ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREA WIDE REVIEW (AUAR) FOR THE 2005 METORPOLITIAN URBAN SERVICES AREA WHEREAS, on August 11, 2003 the City of Chanhassen, acting as the official Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU), approved Resolution 2003-70, an order for review requesting the initiation of an AUAR for the 2005 MUSA; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2003 the City Council adopted a Final AUAR Environment Analysis Document and Mitigation Plan in the 2005 MUSA; and WHEREAS, in November 10, 2008 the city adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, a significant amount of development has occurred in the AUAR area but there are vacant parcels; most significantly 118 acres with a land use designation of either office or regional commercial designated in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen is the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) assigned with the responsibility of conducting the AUAR; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Administrative Rule 4410.3610 requires that AUARs be updated every five years unless development has occurred and land use and densities have changed since 2003; and WHEREAS, the project area included approximately 600 acres within the City that is generally bound by Lyman Boulevard on the north, Audubon Road on west, Pioneer Trail on the south, and Powers Boulevard on the east, project area on the attached map shown as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the anticipated nature, location and intensity of projected future development is consistent with the development pattern stipulated in the current comprehensive plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Chanhassen adopts the Order for Review for the update to the 2005 Chanhassen AUAR. ATTEST: Todd, Gerhardt, City Manager YES NO Denny Laufenburger, Mayor ABSENT g1plan\2015 planning casesx2015-05 lifestyle cent"tiaetesolutionAmx 1 11 Le y G— i 3 1 r �PO j` l 1 r �PO j` l PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this 13th day of April, 2015, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and HKgi. IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract consists of the following documents. In the event of conflict among the documents the conflict shall be resolved by the order in which they are fisted with the document listed first having the first priority and the document listed last having the last priority: A. This Professional Services Agreement B. HKgi proposal for 2005 AUAR Update dated March 25, 2015 C. Fee Schedule dated March 25, 2015 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The City retains HKgi to provide the professional services described in the Contract Documents. 3. COMPENSATION. HKgi shall be paid by the City on an hourly basis in accordance with the Fee Schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", but not to exceed $39,000 including reimbu sables. The not -to -exceed fees shall not be adjusted if the estimated hours to perform a task, the number of estimated required meetings or any other estimate or assumption is exceeded except for as provided under section 5 below. The City will normally make payment within 35 days of receipt of a properly itemized invoice. 4. COMPLETION DATE. HKgi must complete the services specified in the Contract Documents on or before November 1, 2015. 5. CHANGE ORDERS. All change orders, regardless of amount, must be approved in advance and in writing by the City. No payment will be due or made for work done in advance of such approval. 6. DOCUMENTS. The City shall be the owner of all documents, reports, studies, analysis and the like prepared by HKgi in conjunction with this contract. 7. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing services hereunder, HKgi shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of services to be provided. 8. STANDARD OF CARE. HKgi shall exercise the same degrees of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by a professional HKgi under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is included in this Agreement. City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies in the accuracy of HKgi's services. 1 9. INDEMNIFICATION. HKgi shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, including costs and attorney's fees, arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work or services provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder. 10. INSURANCE. HKgi shall secure and maintain such insurance as will protect HKgi from claims under the Worker's Compensation Acts, automobile liability, and from claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from the performance of services under this Agreement. Such insurance shall be written for amounts not less than: Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate Automobile Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit Excess/Umbrella Liability $2,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate The City shall be named as an additional insured on the general liability and umbrella policies. HKgi shall secure and maintain a professional liability insurance policy. Said policy shall insure payment of damages for legal liability arising out of the performance of professional services for the City, in the insured's capacity as HKgi, if such legal liability is caused by a negligent act, error or omission of the insured or any person or organization for which the insured is legally liable. The policy shall provide minimum limits of $1,000,000 with a deductible maximum of $100,000. Before commencing work HKgi shall provide the City a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverage in a form acceptable to City. 11. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City hereby retains HKgi as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. HKgi is not an employee of the City and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. HKgi shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. HKgi shall famish any and all supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary for HKgi's performance under this Agreement. City and HKgi agree that HKgi shall not at any time or in any manner represent that HKgi or any of HKgi's agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the City. HKgi shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for HKgi's own FICA payments, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, and/or self-employment taxes if any such payments, amounts, or taxes are required to be paid by law or regulation. 12. SUBCONTRACTORS. HKgi shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City. HKgi shall comply with Minnesota Statute § 471.425. HKgi must pay Subcontractor for all undisputed services provided by Subcontractor within ten days of HKgi's receipt of payment from City. HKgi must pay interest of 1.5 percent per month or any part of a month to Subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to 2 Subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100 or more is $10. 13. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, nor any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. 14. WAIVER. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect, in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 15. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The entire agreement of the parties is contained herein. This Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided herein. 16. CONTROLLING LAWIVENUE. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Carver County. 17. COPYRIGHT. HKgi shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting there from. 18. PATENTED DEVICES, MATERIALS AND PROCESES. If the contract requires, or HKGI desires, the use of any design, devise, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, HKgi shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the City. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, HKgi shall indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented designed, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright in connection with the services agreed to be performed under the contract, and shall indemnify and defend the City for any costs, liability, expenses and attomey's fees that result from any such infringement. 19. RECORDS. HKgi shall maintain complete and accurate records of time and expense involved in the performance of services. 20. MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. HKgi must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by HKgi pursuant to this Agreement. HKgi is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, including but not limited to the civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08, as if it were a government entity. In the event HKgi receives a request to release data, HKgi must immediately notify City. City will give HKgi instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. HKgi agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold City, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from HKgi's 3 officers', agents', city's, partners', employees', volunteers', assignees' or subcontractors' unlawful disclosure and/or use of protected data The terms of this paragraph shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. 21. TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT. The City may terminate this Agreement or any part thereof at any time, upon written notice to HKgi, effective upon delivery including delivery by facsimile or email. in such event, HKgi will be entitled to compensation for work performed up to the date of termination based upon the payment terms of this Agreement. CITY OF CHANHASSSEN BY: Denny Laufenburger, Mayor Dated: . 2015 AND: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Dated: 2015 I 'J M Dated: Brad Scheib, Vice President g:�plan\2015 flaming mes\2015-05 lifestyle centet\ymfessio l_services_ _chanhassen_hkgi.dm 2015 0 Hoisington Kocglcr 6TOUP Inc- M13 To: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director From: Brad Scheib, AICP, Vice President Subject: Proposal to perform an AUAR Update Date: 25 March 2015 This proposal is made in collaboration with Kimley-Horn Associates Inc. (KHA). KHA will provide expertise relative to traffic, sanitary sewer, potable water, and storm sewer systems per the attached work order. Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. will provide land use planning, document preparations, project management, and public engagement assistance. The following key tasks are proposed: Update development scenarios: Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. (HKGi) will utilize the development scenarios updated in April of 2012 as a starting point for the updated AUAR. These scenarios will be revised to reflect three alternatives described as follow: • One alternative will closely match development proposed by Level 7 Development LLC for approximately 80 acres (parcel 250230500 and parcel 250230300) located on the northeast corner of the 2005 AUAR project area. • A second alternative will reflect a "highest impact" scenario likely to include a greater concentration of office development. • A third scenario will be derived based on input provided through a "visioning" session to be facilitated by SRF Consulting Group on behalf of the City of Chanhassen. Development and public improvements that have been completed since the original AUAR was completed will be documented, quantified, and added to the development scenarios as existing conditions and background data. Table 7.1 Project magnitude will be updated using a comprehensive GIS database as the source data. The following meetings will be conducted as part of task 1: a. Two workshops with City Staff: one to confirm development scenarios and assumptions and a second workshop to review resultant environmental impacts (traffic and infrastructure focus). b. Two workshops with Level 7 Development LLC: one to confirm development scenarios and assumptions and a second workshop to review resultant environmental impacts (traffic and infrastructure focus). c. One meeting with other affected key property owners to inform them of the project update and to confirm development scenarios. d. Two workshops with elected/appointed officials: one to confirm development scenarios and assumptions and a second to review resultant environmental impact (traffic and infrastructure focused). 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1659 Ph (612) 338-0800 Fx (612) 338-6838 www.hkgi.com Direct (612) 252-7122 Email Brad@hkgi.com Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update - Proposal 25 March 2015 Page 2 e. A neighborhood/community workshop to present development scenarios and resultant environmental impact analysis (traffic and infrastructure focused). Task I - KeyDeliverables: we will prepare a summary presentation for task 1 supported by technical memorandums that will provide the content for updates to questions 6, 7, 9, 21 and 28. This summary will be the tool/mechanism to present the concepts and related evaluation to the various stakeholder groups listed above. 2. Review and Redline The current AUAR document: HKGi will review and update the remaining sections of the AUAR as needed. One workshop with City Staff is envisioned as part of Task 2. Task 2 - Key Deliverables: Fully updated AUAR document for circulation to key agencies. 3. Review and Update The current mitigation plan: HKGi will review, mitigation strategies that have been completed and re-evaluate existing mitigation strategies based on the modified development scenario(s). New mitigation strategies will be established as appropriate. One workshop will be facilitated with City Staff via phone/web conference. Task 3 - Key Deliverables: Updated Mitigation Strategies memo. 4. Facilitate formal review process: The draft updated document will undergo a 30-day public notice period during which comments will be received. The draft updated document will then be revised to address the comments received. The finalized updated AUAR and mitigation plan will be distributed for final review. If no objections are filed by any state agency or other party within 10 days, the documents will be adopted by the City of Chanhassen as the RGU. If objections are filed, resolution will be attempted or the Minnesota Environment Quality Board (EQB) will make a determination of adequacy. We envision one staff workshop to review comments received. This workshop may be facilitated via phone/web conference. We will conduct a public hearing as required by state statutes to present the final AUAR for consideration by the City Council. Task 4 - Key Deliverables: Distribution of draft plan documents (in electronic form), facilitation of agency review, and preparation of responses to comments. (Note: if responses to comments are overly complex, HKGi will evaluate level of effort and request additional budget as necessary.) 5. Meetings and Project Management: HKGi will work with City staff to facilitate necessary meetings in the update process. HKGi assumes frequent communications and correspondence with City staff in the updating of this AUAR. These communications will occur primarily via phone or web based conference. We assume roughly 2 hours per month over a 6 month time frame for this meetings and project management related work. Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update - Proposal 25 March 2015 Page 2 e. A neighborhood/community workshop to present development scenarios and resultant environmental impact analysis (traffic and infrastructure focused). Task I -Key Deliverables: we will prepare a summary presentation for task 1 supported by technical memorandums that will provide the content for updates to questions 6, 7, 9, 21 and 28. This summary will be the tool/mechanism to present the concepts and related evaluation to the various stakeholder groups listed above. 2. Review and Redline The current AUAR document: HKGi will review and update the remaining sections of the AUAR as needed. One workshop with City Staff is envisioned as part of Task 2. Task 2 - Key Deliverables: Fully updated AUAR document for circulation to key agencies. 3. Review and Update The current mitigation plan: HKGi will review, mitigation strategies that have been completed and re-evaluate existing mitigation strategies based on the modified development scenario(s). New mitigation strategies will be established as appropriate. One workshop will be facilitated with City Staff via phone/web conference. Task 3 - Key Deliverables: Updated Mitigation Strategies memo. 4. Facilitate formal review process: The draft updated document will undergo a 30-day public notice period during which comments will be received. The draft updated document will then be revised to address the comments received. The finalized updated AUAR and mitigation plan will be distributed for final review. If no objections are filed by any state agency or other party within 10 days, the documents will be adopted by the City of Chanhassen as the RGU. If objections are filed, resolution will be attempted or the Minnesota Environment Quality Board (EQB) will make a determination of adequacy. We envision one staff workshop to review comments received. This workshop may be facilitated via phone/web conference. We will conduct a public hearing as required by state statutes to present the final AUAR for consideration by the City Council. Task 4 - Key Deliverables: Distribution of draft plan documents (in electronic form), facilitation of agency review, and preparation of responses to comments. (Note: if responses to comments are overly complex, HKGi will evaluate level of effort and request additional budget as necessary.) 5. Meetings and Project Management: HKGi will work with City staff to facilitate necessary meetings in the update process. HKGi assumes frequent communications and correspondence with City staff in the updating of this AUAR. These communications will occur primarily via phone or web based conference. We assume roughly 2 hours per month over a 6 month time frame for this meetings and project management related work. Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update - Proposal 25 March 2015 Page 3 AUAR update Schedule: It is anticipated that this update will take approximately six to seven months to complete from notice to proceed. The Following is a general sequence of tasks. 1. April — conduct background data collection and analysis 2. April —workshop with Level 7 Development Company to understand development plans (lb) 3. April/May — meeting with other key property owners to discuss process and concepts (lc) 4. May/June — workshop with City Staff (and SRF) to confirm development assumptions and concepts(la) 5. June —workshop with elected/appointed officials to confirm concepts (1d) 6. June — firm up development concepts and conduct environmental impact analysis 7. June — begin updating AUAR text 8. July — workshop with City Staff to review analysis of environmental impacts (1a) 9. July — workshop with Level 7 Development Company to review analysis and environmental impacts (lb) 10. July— workshop with elected and appointed officials to review analysis and environmental impacts (1d) 11. July — lunch presentation to chamber and business community (10 12. July/August — neighborhood/community workshop (le) 13. August — complete updates to AUAR text and Mitigation strategies 14. August/September — complete formal AUAR review process 15. September/October — Approve AUAR AUAR update budget proposal: the above tasks will be completed for a fee of not to exceed $39,000 including expenses. It is assumed that expenses will be limited to mileage, plotting of presentation summary boards, and reproduction of draft documents. For this level of project, we estimate expenses at approximately $2,000, the bulk of which is with reproducing draft and final AUAR documents. This expense may be minimized by utilizing electronic PDF documents for distribution where accepted. Attached to this proposal is a work order proposed from Kimley-Horn Associates for transportation, infrastructure, and stormwater services. Kimley-Horn Associates will contract directly with the city for this work. The total fee estimate with HKGi and Kimley-Horn is estimated at $90,960. INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NUMBER 26 (TWENTY-SIX) Describing a specific agreement between Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ("Consultant"), and the City of Chanhassen ("Client") in accordance with the terms of the Agreement for Professional Services dated March 3, 2003, which is incorporated herein by reference. Identification of Project: 2014 Update - 2005 MUSA Area AUAR General Category of Services: AUAR Update Specific Scope of Basic Services: Provide engineering services to update engineering portions of the Chanhassen 2005 MUSA Area AUAR document as described in the attached Scope of Services (Exhibit A). Additional Services if Required: Deliverables: Method of Compensation: Schedule: Special Terms of Compensation: Other Special Terms of Individual Project Order: ACCEPTED: CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: TITLE: DATE: None identified at this time. Narrative text and figures to be incorporated into AUAR Update document by Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. To be billed on an hourly (cost plus) basis as detailed in the attached Estimated Costs summary (Exhibit B). See attached Project Schedule (Exhibit C). None None KIML.EY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 00 TITLE: DATE: EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO. 26 2014 UPDATE - 2005 MUSA AREA AUAR As a part of the 2014 update of the Chanhassen 2005 MUSA Area Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR), the City of Chanhassen has requested a proposal from Kimley-Horn and Associates ("KHA") to update the engineering portions of the 2005 MUSA Area AUAR. The 2005 MUSA Area AUAR is being updated to reflect current conditions and proposed changes to the future development scenarios evaluated in the AUAR. The following is a summary of our proposed scope of work for the AUAR update: 1. Review Proposed Development Changes • Review the three development scenarios developed by Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGi) for the easterly portion of the AUAR project area 2. Update Traffic Study/Transportation Plan • Update existing conditions narrative and figures • Perform field counts of existing traffic (AM/PM peak weekday) at seven intersections • Perform trip generation/distribution/assignment modeling for the three proposed development scenarios • Analyze traffic impacts for existing conditions, the no -build scenario, and the three proposed development scenarios • Analyze traffic -related noise and air quality. The noise discussion will focus on traffic volume increases being at a level that will result in imperceptible noise level changes to adjacent properties. Air quality will use MnDOT's screening methodology. No detailed modeling is expected or included in our proposed scope of work. • Review pedestrian crossings and connections to parks, trails, and open space areas. • Develop impact mitigation measures and transportation improvement recommendations Update Sanitary Sewer and Public Water Supply Plans • Update existing conditions narrative and figures • Review current City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan • Review current City of Chanhassen Water System Master Plan • Analyze the three development scenarios to determine projected flow/demand rates and impacts to municipal utility infrastructure • Develop impact mitigation measures and utility infrastructure improvement recommendations 4. Update Storm Water Management Plan • Update existing conditions narrative and figures • Review current City of Chanhassen Surface Water Management Plan and NPDES MS4 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO.26 2014 UPDATE - 2005 MUSA AREA AUAR As a part of the 2014 update of the Chanhassen 2005 MUSA Area Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR), the City of Chanhassen has requested a proposal from Kimley-Horn and Associates ("KHA") to update the engineering portions of the 2005 MUSA Area AUAR. The 2005 MUSA Area AUAR is being updated to reflect current conditions and proposed changes to the future development scenarios evaluated in the AUAR. The following is a summary of our proposed scope of work for the AUAR update: 1. Review Proposed Development Changes • Review the three development scenarios developed by Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGi) for the easterly portion of the AUAR project area 2. Update Traffic Study/Transportation Plan • Update existing conditions narrative and figures • Perform field counts of existing traffic (AM/PM peak weekday) at seven intersections • Perform trip generation/distribution/assignment modeling for the three proposed development scenarios • Analyze traffic impacts for existing conditions, the no -build scenario, and the three proposed development scenarios • Analyze traffic -related noise and air quality. The noise discussion will focus on traffic volume increases being at a level that will result in imperceptible noise level changes to adjacent properties. Air quality will use MnDOT's screening methodology. No detailed modeling is expected or included in our proposed scope of work. • Review pedestrian crossings and connections to parks, trails, and open space areas. • Develop impact mitigation measures and transportation improvement recommendations 3. Update Sanitary Sewer and Public Water Supply Plans • Update existing conditions narrative and figures • Review current City of Chanbassen Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan • Review current City of Chanhassen Water System Master Plan • Analyze the three development scenarios to determine projected flow/demand rates and impacts to municipal utility infrastructure • Develop impact mitigation measures and utility infrastructure improvement recommendations 4. Update Storm Water Management Plan • Update existing conditions narrative and figures • Review current City of Chanhassen Surface Water Management Plan and NPDES MS4 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) • Analyze the three development scenarios to determine likely storm water management requirements related to construction of the remainder of the public trunk roadway through the easterly portion of the AUAR project area • Develop impact mitigation measures and recommendations 5. Update Mitigation Section of AUAR related to the above plans • Develop narrative of necessary mitigation improvements related to traffic/transportation, sanitary sewer, public water supply, and storm water management based on the proposed development scenarios 6. Meetings • We have assumed attendance at the following meetings: o Two City Council meetings o Two meetings with Level 7 Development LLC o One meeting with key property owners in the project area o One public open house meeting o Three agency (MnDOT, Carver County, etc.) meetings o Four meetings with the City and/or HKGi • We understand that the City is contracting with SRF to complete a visioning process for the project area. We have assumed that we will not be participating in any of the meetings for this process. Our Scope of Work does nQt include any of the following services: • Topographic surveys • Updates to other sections of the AUAR • Air quality or noise modeling EXHIBIT B ESTIMATED COSTS INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO. 26 2014 UPDATE - 2005 MUSA AREA AUAR Kimley-Hom proposes to perform all services for the project on an hourly (cost plus) basis using our current standard hourly rate schedule. The following is a summary of our estimated costs for the project. Work Task Estimated Fee 1. Review Proposed Development Changes $ 1,410 2. Update Traffic Study/Transportation Plan $ 21,490 3. Update Sanitary Sewer and Public Water Supply Plans $ 5,220 4. Update Storm Water Management Plan $ 7,680 5. Update AUAR Mitigation Section $ 3,560 6. Meetings $ 9,600 Subtotal $ 48,960 Reimbursable Expenses $ 3,000 Total Estimated Cost $ 51,960 Our total estimated cost for the Scope of Work included as a part of this IPO is, therefore, $51,960 including all labor and reimbursable expenses. EXHIBIT B ESTIMATED COSTS INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO. 26 2014 UPDATE - 2005 MUSA AREA AUAR Kimley-Horn proposes to perform all services for the project on an hourly (cost plus) basis using our current standard hourly rate schedule. The following is a summary of our estimated costs for the project. Work Task Estimated Fee I. Review Proposed Development Changes $ 1,410 2. Update Traffic Study/Transportation Plan $ 21,490 3. Update Sanitary Sewer and Public Water Supply Plans $ 5,220 4. Update Storm Water Management Plan $ 7,680 5. Update AUAR Mitigation Section $ 3,560 6. Meetings $ 9.600 Subtotal $ 48,960 Reimbursable Expenses $ 3,000 Total Estimated Cost $ 51,960 Our total estimated cost for the Scope of Work included as a part of this IPO is, therefore, $51,960 including all labor and reimbursable expenses. EXHIBIT C SCHEDULE INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO.26 2014 UPDATE - 2005 MUSA AREA AUAR Work will be completed based on a schedule agreed upon with the City and HKGi. It is our understanding that a tentative schedule for the project is to start the work in April 2015 with a project duration of approximately four to six months. City Council Work Session — April 27, 2015 DISCUSS VISIONING PROCESS FOR THE LIFESTYLE CENTER. Todd Gerhardt asked for discussion of the Charge Statement to receive feedback from the council on how to proceed in the visioning process. He explained the need for flexibility in proceeding with a project like this. Councilwoman Ryan explained that her goal is when the visioning process is complete the council feels they had the time to explore all options, clearly understands the needs of community now and in the future, and the development team's vision of what they would like to see on this parcel. Councilman Campion favored expanding the vision for a lifestyle center without going into too much detail with a desired result of capturing information from the public to determine a relatively short list of permitted and prohibited uses. He explained how he would like to see the free market work. Councilwoman Tjornhom supports moving forward with visioning process to obtain feedback from residents, developers, and downtown business council. Councilman McDonald provided background information on how this parcel was zoned and explained that he does not feel it's the council's job to design what goes on this parcel. He would like the developer to present a plan to the council. Mayor Laufenburger explained that he supports Barry Warner doing the work of obtaining information from all parties involved, i.e. residents, developer, downtown businesses, etcetera. Councilman McDonald reiterated his disconnect and the need for the developer to come up with a plan first before spending time on visioning. Councilwoman Tjomhom agreed with Councilman McDonald. Mayor Laufenburger stated he also agreed with Councilman McDonald but after thinking about it would like to go through the visioning process to share with the developer what the people of Chanhassen would like to see. He explained what the AUAR will entail and that the developer will move forward on a parallel path. Councilman McDonald stated he would support completion of the AUAR before moving forward with the visioning process. Council members discussed receiving a vision from the developer to give to Barry Warner or getting a plan from the developer before moving forward with the visioning process. Mayor Laufenburger stated he would like to see a final visioning report no later than July 24th with the goal of giving the council clear understanding of what the residents want, architecture, and strategies outlined in the consultant's proposal. After discussion amongst council members and staff there was consensus from council to move forward with Barry Warner's proposal with one message that the developer speak with as much clarity as possible on their vision. Todd Gerhardt explained that staff will keep the council updated on the process. Mayor Laufenburger adjourned the work session at 10:05 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim SCANNED City of Chanhassen Quadrant Visioning Study Project Kick-off Meeting Friday, May 1, 2015 11:00 am Agenda 1. City Council Approval • Comments and Process/Scope Changes • Contract 2. Project Schedule • Meeting Sequence and Timing 3. "Charge" Statement 4. What Defines "Vision"? W N I E,,,I NE RS consulting Group, Inc. April 13, 2015 Ms. Kate Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR A VISIONING STUDY Dear Ms. Aanenson: Based on your request, we are pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional services for conducting a visioning study in association with the Quadrant and the adjacent parcels. For purposes of this letter, the "Quadrant' will refer to the contiguous 118 acres currently owned by several private parries. Study Background and Intent A 118 acre tract of undeveloped land is located in the City of Chanhassen near Lyman and Powers Boulevards near TH 212. The area is owned by several private parties with development designated for mixed land uses, including a retail center. Although general land use designations have been suggested, formal approvals for development have not been obtained from the City of Chanhassen. The visioning exercise and outcome is intended to inform elected policy makers and appointed officials, along with City staff, as to the values and priorities presented by the diverse stakeholder groups who have interest in future development of the Quadrant. Visioning for the purpose of this exercise, is intended to focus upon several topics to include: • Composition of development uses • Circulation including vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle • Open space functions • Edge treatments and landscaping • Programmable civic areas and amenities • Development character, scale and aesthetics Input garnered from the various interested parties will be used to inform the Quadrant and related development projects during their municipal approvals. www.srfconsulting.com One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150 I Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443 1 763.17S.0010 Faa: 763A7S.2429 An Equal Opportunity Employer Ms. Kate Aanenson, AICP - 2 - April 13, 2015 City of Chanhassen Approach Meaningful facilitation of the representative stakeholder groups will be paramount to achieve the study intent. To that end, meetings or other means will occur with individual groups to seek input from those individuals who have shown interest or are thought to present valuable perspectives for the proposed development. Each of the meetings, work sessions or active surveys will employ precedent project images that portray alternative approaches to related project elements. This technique will allow participants to compare and contrast how varying built projects responded to similar project elements. Participants will be asked to provide preference or priority for the images, and when possible, to provide subjective comments as to suggested changes or improvements that may benefit the Chanhassen application. Identified stakeholder groups and their engagement follow: Current development parcel properly owners — one to two (1-2) facilitated meetings dependent upon their Willingness to participate together. Adjacent neighborhood — one (1) facilitated meeting; likely to be held late afternoon or early evening. Community at large — web -based survey (see below). Chamber of Commene/Downtown Chanhassen Business Community — one (1) facilitated meeting; likely to be held early morning consistent with business owner availability. Ekcted/Appointed Of dale — one (1) facilitated meeting; likely a joint work session of the City Council and the Planning Commission. Web -based s n+ey — A web -based survey such as Mind Mixer or Survey Monkey would be made available to solicit input from interested parties for a defined period of approximately four (4) weeks. Participant input would be monitored and recorded. Study End Product Stakeholder input received from the various facilitated meetings, along with the web -based sampling, will be summarized in a concise report and made available to the City for use by staff, the City Council and Planning Commission. Ms. Kate Aanenson, AICP - 3 - April 13, 2015 City of Chanhassen ASSUMPTIONS Base mapping and concepts plans for parcel development will be provided by the City and will be used for any necessary mapping. Work sessions with staff will be the primary source of input to guide decision making. SCHEDULE We will complete this work within a mutually agreed -upon time schedule. Upon a formal notice to proceed, work would commence with a staff work session/kick off meeting. It is assumed that baseline work tasks would occur in April, followed by primary stakeholder group input during May and early June. A summary document would be made available in late June or early July. BASIS OF PAYMENT/BUDGET We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basis for the actual time expended. Direct project expenses, such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost, and mileage will be billed at the current allowable IRS rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted on a monthly basis for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. Based on our understanding of the project and our scope of services, we estimate the not -to -exceed cost of our services to be $30,000.00, which includes both time and expenses. The exact allocation of related consultant staff time toward specific work tasks and stakeholder meetings will be arrived upon in joint discussions between City staff and the consultant project manager. CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF SERVICES It is understood that if the scope or extent of work changes, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. Before any out -of -scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budget request for the new work and will not begin work until we receive authorization from you. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The attached Standard Terms and Conditions (Attachment A), together with this proposal for professional services, constitute the entire agreement between the Client and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. and supersede all prior written or oral understandings. This agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. Ms. Kate Aanenson, AICP - 4 - April 13, 2015 City of Chanhassen NOTICE TO PROCEED A signed copy of this proposal or a separate letter of authorization, mailed or emailed to our office, will serve as our notice to proceed. The email address is bwamer e.srfconsulting.com. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Barry J. Warner, FASLA AICP Senior Vice President BJW/bls Attachment A — Standard Terms and Conditions APPROVED (99nalum) Name Title Date This cost proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. SRF reserves the right to adjust its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal. SRF P15338 S\A1arkrling\PmJwm1r\201 i IstkrPmjnw6\PI5338_C/nn/xicrraQxadmnl_I}F1015_BfW.doc� ATTACHMENT A STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Standard Terms and Conditions together with the attached Proposal for Professional Services constitute the entire Agreement between the CLIENT and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. ("SRF") and supersede all prior written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. 1. STANDARD OF CARE a. The standard of care for all professional services performed or furnished by SRF under this Agreement will be the care and skill ordinarily used by members of SRF's profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. SRF makes no warranties, expressed or implied, under the Agreement or otherwise, in connection with SRF's service. b. The CLIENT shall be responsible for, and SRF may rely upon, the accuracy and completeness of all requirements, programs, instructions, reports, data, and other information furnished by CLIENT to SRF pursuant to this Agreement. SRF may use such requirements, reports, data, and information in performing or furnishing services under this Agreement. 2. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR All duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement will be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the CLIENT and SRF and not for the benefit of any other party. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the CLIENT or SRF. SRF's services under this Agreement are being performed solely for the CLIENT's benefit, and no other entity shall have any claims against SRF because of this Agreement or the performance or nonperformance of services hereunder. 3. PAYMENT TO SRF Invoices will be prepared in accordance with SRF's standard invoicing practices and will be submitted to the CLIENT by SRF monthly, unless otherwise agreed. Invoices are due and payable within thirty (30) days of receipt. If the CLIENT fails to make any payment due SRF for services and expenses within forty-five (45) days after receipt of SRF's invoice thereafter, the amounts due SRF will be increased at the rate of 1-1/2% per month (or the maximum rate of interest permitted by law, if less). In addition, SRF may, after giving seven days written notice to the CLIENT, suspend services under this Agreement until SRF has been paid in full of amounts due for services, expenses, and other related charges. 4. OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST Any opinions of costs prepared by SRF represent its judgment as a design professional and are furnished for the general guidance of the CLIENT. Since SRF has no control over the cost of labor, materials, market condition, or competitive bidding, SRF does not guarantee the accuracy of such cost opinions as compared to contractor or supplier bids or actual cost to the CLIENT. 5. INSURANCE SRF will maintain insurance coverage for Workers' Compensation, General Liability, Automobile Liability and Professional Liability and will provide certificates of insurance to the CLIENT upon request. 6. INDEMNIFICATION AND ALLOCATION OF RISK a. To the fullest extent permitted by law, SRF agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the CLIENT, their officers, directors and employees against all damages, liabilities or costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs) to the extent caused by SRF's negligent acts under this Agreement and that of its subconsultants or anyone for whom SRF is legally liable. b. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SRF, their officers, directors and employees against all damages, liabilities or costs to the extent caused by the CLIENT's negligent acts under this Agreement and anyone for whom the CLIENT is legally liable. 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Either party may at any time, upon seven days prior written notice to the other party, terminate this Agreement. Upon such termination, the CLIENT shall pay to SRF all amounts owing to SRF under this Agreement, for all work performed up to the effective date of termination. 8. OWNERSHIP AND REUSE OF DOCUMENTS All documents prepared or furnished by SRF pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service, and SRF shall retain an ownership and property interest therein. Reuse of any such documents by the CLIENT shall be at CLIENT's sole risk; and the CLIENT agrees to indemnify, and hold SRF harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses including attorney's fees arising out of such reuse of documents by the CLIENT or by others acting through the CLIENT. Page 1 of 2 (MN Standard Tema and Conditions) Rev: March 5, 2014 9. USE OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA a. Copies of Documents that may be relied upon by the CLIENT are limited to the printed copies (also known as hard copies) that are signed or sealed by SRF. Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, or of other types that are furnished by SRF to the CLIENT are only for convenience of the CLIENT. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user's sole risk. b. When transferring documents in electronic media format, SRF makes no representations as to long-term compatibility, usability, or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by SRF at the beginning of this Assignment. c. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies govern. d. Because data stored in electronic media format can deteriorate or be modified inadvertently or otherwise without authorization of this data's creator, the party receiving electronic files agrees that it will perform acceptance tests or procedures within sixty (60) days, after which the receiving party shall be deemed to have accepted the data thus transferred. Any effors detected within the sixty (60) day acceptance period will be corrected by the party delivering the electronic files. SRF shall not be responsible to maintain documents stored in electronic media format after acceptance by the CLIENT. 10. FORCE MAJEURE SRF shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to failure or delay in rendering any service called for under this Agreement resulting from any cause beyond SRF's reasonable control. 11. ASSIGNMENT Neitherparty shall assign its rights, interests or obligations under this Agreement without the express written consent of the other party. 12. BINDING EFFECT This Agreement shall bind, and the benefits thereof shall inure to the respective parties hereto, their legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 13. SEVERABILTfY AND WAIVER OF PROVISIONS Any provisions or part of the Agreement held to be void or unenforceable under any laws or regulations shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon the CLIENT and SRF, who agree that the Agreement shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. Non -enforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision, nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. 14. SURVIVAL All provisions of this Agreement regarding Ownership of Documents and Reuse of Documents, Electronic Media provisions, Indemnification and Allocation of Risk, and Dispute Resolution shall remain in effect. 15. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If negotiation in good faith fails to resolve a dispute within the thirty (30) days of notice of the dispute, or time period specified by applicable law, then the parties agree that each dispute, claim or controversy arising from or related to this Agreement or the relationships which result from this Agreement shall be subject to mediation as a condition precedent to initiating legal or equitable actions by either party. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the mediation shall be in accordance with the Commercial Mediation Procedures of the American Arbitration Association then currently in effect. A request for mediation shall be filed in writing with the American Arbitration Association and the other party. No legal or equitable action may be instituted for a period of ninety (90) days from the filing of the request for mediation unless a longer period of time is provided by agreement of the parties. Cost of mediation shall be shared equally between the parties. Mediation shall be held in a location mutually agreed upon by the parties. The parties shall memorialize any agreement resulting from the mediation in a mediated settlement agreement, which agreement shall be enforceable as a settlement in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 16. CONTROLLING LAW This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the principal place of business of SRF. 17. SITE SAFETY SRF shall not at any time supervise, direct, control or have authority over or charge of, nor be responsible for, the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety and security precautions and programs in connection with the work performed by any Contractor for the Project, nor for any failure of any Contractor to comply with laws and regulations applicable to such Contractor's work, since these are solely the Contractor's rights and responsibilities. SRF shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of any Contractor or Owner, or any of their agents or employees, or of any other persons (except SRF's own employees and consultants), furnishing or performing any work for the Project, except as specifically outlined in SRF's scope of services. Page 2 of 2 Quadrant Visioning Study Project Schedule April 14, 2015 (Draft) 1. Joint Work Session (5/11/15) 2. Project Kick-off Meeting • 3. Project Website and Survey Complete • 4. Survey Open to Public 5. Property Owner Meeting(s) • 6. Neighborhood Meeting 7. Chamber of Commerce Meeting 8. Summary Memorandum 9. City Staff Meetings O O MY OF MEMORANDUM 1d11111umaL11 TO: Mayor and City Council 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 FROM: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Chanhassen, MN 55317 , DATE: April 27, 2015 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 SUBJ: Discuss Visioning Process for the Lifestyle Center Fax:952.227.1110 Building Inspections To help develop a vision for The Quadrant, the Mayor suggested that City Council Phone: 952.227.1180 members come to the work session with thoughts, goals and ideas for the project. Fax:952.227.1190 Attached is a Charge Statement and Visioning Outline that you can use as a tool to Engineering gather outcomes and goals for the project. Phone:952.227,1160 Fax:952.227.1170 On Monday night we will have a brainstorming session to complete the Charge Statement and then discuss next steps in the process. Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax:952,227.1110 ATTACHMENTS Park & Recreation 1. Charge Statement Phone: 952.227.1120 2. Project Kick -Off Meeting and Schedule Fax:952. 3. Memo from Kate Aanenson dated April 13, 2015 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone:952.227.1130 Fax:952.2271110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax:952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us g?admin\tg\lifestyle centaWisioning memo 4-27-15.dmx Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Charge Statement Goal What is the purpose of the group (Stakeholders)? Results Desired Product/Outcomes expected from the group (Stakeholders). Scope of Responsibility & Level of Authority Who does the group (Stakeholders) report to? Timeline When is the project due? Next meeting date. Resources Available What other expertise is available & who are those resources? Communication What strategies would you like to be used to communicate? Expectations for Membership/Stakeholders Names and numbers of those present, member responsibilities. Project Kick-off Meeting Tuesday, April 14, 2015 1:00 — 2:30 pm Chanhassen City Hall Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Project Introductions • Background • Current Development Status • Desired Outcomes 3. Project Scope and Stakeholders 4. Project Schedule S. Stakeholder Engagement Techniques City of Chanhassen Quadrant Visioning Study Stakeholder Engagement Technique • Property Owners Individual or Joint Meeting • Neighborhood Residents Evening Meeting, Instant Poll and Survey • Broader Community Project website and Survey • Chamber of Commerce/Business Breakfast Meeting, Instant Poll and Survey Community • Elected and Appointed Officials Joint Work Session • City Staff Three (3) Meetings over course of project 6. What Defines "Vision"? 7. How is Vision Enforced? 8. Project Logistics • Land Use Concepts to be Shared with Public • Stakeholder Invitations • Website Hosting 9. Next Steps City of Chanhassen Quadrant Visioning Study Sample Meeting Agenda Date Time (Length?) Location Agenda 1. Review Meeting Agenda 2. Project Introduction • Project Tasks and Schedule • Desired Project Outcomes • Desired Meeting Outcome 3. Site Orientation • Location and Existing Features • Current Land Use • Guided Land Use • Land Uses/Development Concept under Consideration 4. Land Use Discussion • Issues and Opportunities with Land Uses/Development Concepts 5. Visioning Introduction • Survey 6. Next Steps/Adjorn City of Chanhassen Quadrant Visioning Study What Defines "Vision"? • Land Use • Circulation o Traffic o Pedestrian o Bicycle • Parking • Edge Conditions • Density • Public Uses/Spaces/Programming • Aesthetics o Building Form and Materials o Landscaping o Signage: Location, Form/Size, and Materials • What is Missing? Quadrant Visioning Study Project Schedule April 14, 2015 (Draft) • (5/11/15) • 1. Joint Work Session 2. Project Kick-off Meeting 3. Project Website and Survey Complete • 4. Survey Open to Public 5. Property Owner Meeting(s) • 6. Neighborhood Meeting 7. Chamber of Commerce Meeting B. Summary Memorandum 9. City Staff Meetings O O CITY OF 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone:952.227.1100 Fax:952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone:952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone:952.227.1160 Fax:952.227.1170 Finance Phone:952.227.1140 Fax:952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone:952.227.1120 Fax:952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone:952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone:952.227.1130 Fax:952.2211110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone:952.227.1300 Fax:952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone:952.22T1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director DATE: April 13, 2015 e1fr�� ,e,,t �n SUBJ: Discuss Visioning Process for the Lifestyle Center V l��/ As a part of the conceptual review of the Level 7 Development plan on March 9, 2015, the City Council directed staff to work on developing a Visioning Study for the Lifestyle Center property. Staff has consulted with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. to prepare a Professional Services Agreement. As outlined by Barry Warner in the attached proposal, the visioning process is intended to inform the elected and appointed officials along with the city staff, of the values and priorities presented to the various stakeholders. The focus of the study will on the following: • Composition of development uses • Circulation including vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles • Edge treatment and landscaping • Programmable civic area and amenities • Development character, scale and aesthetics Mr. Warner has outlined the suggested 3-4 month process and the stakeholder meetings. A web -based survey will also be a component of the visioning process. His proposal includes a budget of $30,000. Mr. Warner will be at the work session to answer any questions that the Council may have regarding the proposal. Staff recommends placing the Professional Services Agreement on the next City Council agenda for approval. ATTACHMENTS 1. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Visioning Study Proposal dated March 30, 2015. g:\plan\2015 planning cases\2015-05 lifestyle centerWision processkc work session 4-13.dacx Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow ��,iI DEIIIIC N EIt Consulting Group, Inc. March 30, 2015 Kate Aanenson, AICP DRAFT For REVIEW Community Development Director CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR A VISIONING STUDY Based on your request, we are pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional services for conducting a visioning study in association with the Quadrant and the adjacent parcels. For purposes of this letter, the "Quadrant' will refer to the contiguous 118 acres currently owned by several private parties. Study Background and Intent A 118 acre tract of undeveloped land is located in the City of Chanhassen near Lyman and Powers Boulevards near TH 212. The area is owned by several private parties with development designated for mixed land uses including a retail center. Although general land use designations have been suggested, formal approvals for development have not been obtained from the City of Chanhassen. The visioning exercise and outcome is intended to inform elected policy makers and appointed officials along with city staff as to the values and priorities presented by the diverse stakeholder groups who have interest in future development of the Quadrant. Visioning for the purpose of this exercise, is intended to focus upon several topics to include; • Composition of development uses • Circulation including vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle • Open space functions • Edge treatments and landscaping • Programmable civic areas and amenities • Development character, scale and aesthetics Input garnered from the various interested parties will be used to inform the Quadrant and related development projects during their municipal approvals. Approach Meaningful facilitation of the representative stakeholder groups will be paramount to achieve the study intent. To that end, meetings or other means will occur with individual groups to seek input from those individuals who have shown interest or are thought to present valuable perspectives for the proposed development. www.srfconsulting.com One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 350 1 Minneapolis, MN 55447-44/3 1 763,475.0010 Fax: 763,475.2429 M Equal Opportunity Employer - 2 - March 30, 2015 Each of the meetings, work sessions or active surveys will employ precedent project images that portray alternative approaches to related project elements. This technique will allow participants to compare and contrast how varying built projects responded to similar project elements. Participants will be asked to provide preference or priority for the images, and when possible, to provide subjective comments as to suggested changes or improvements that may benefit the Chanhassen application. Identified stakeholder groups and their engagement follow; Current development parcel property owners -one to two facilitated meetings dependent upon their willingness to participate together Adjacent neighborhood -one facilitated meeting, likely to be held late afternoon or early evening Community at large -web based survey (see below) Chamber of Commerce/Downtown Chanhassen Business Community -one facilitated meeting, likely to be held early morning consistent with business owner availability Elected/Appointed Officials -one facilitated meeting, likely a joint work session of the City Council and the Planning Commission Web based survey -A web based survey such as Mind Mixer or Survey Monkey would be made available to solicit input from interested parties for a defined period of about 4 weeks. Participant input would be monitored and recorded. Study End Product Stakeholder input received from the various facilitated meetings along with the web based sampling will be summarized in a concise report and made available to the city for use by staff, the City Council and Planning Commission. ASSUMPTIONS Base mapping and concepts plans for parcel development will be provided by the city and will be used for any necessary mapping. Work sessions with staff will be the primary source of input to guide decision making. SCHEDULE We will complete this work within a mutually agreed -upon time schedule. Upon a formal notice to proceed, work would commence with a staff work session/kick off meeting. It is assumed that baseline work tasks would occur in April, followed by primary stakeholder group input during May and early June. A summary document would be made available in late June or early July. - 3 - March 30, 2015 BASIS OF PAYMENT/BUDGET We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basis for the actual time expended. Direct project expenses, such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost, and mileage will be billed at the current allowable IRS rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted on a monthly basis for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. Based on our understanding of the project and our scope of services, we estimate the not -to -exceed cost of our services to be $30,000, which includes both time and expenses. The exact allocation of related consultant staff time toward specific work tasks and stakeholder meetings will be arrived upon in joint discussions between city staff and the consultant project manager. CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF SERVICES It is understood that if the scope or extent of work changes, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. Before any out -of -scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budget request for the new work and will not begin work until we receive authorization from you. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The attached Standard Terms and Conditions (Attachment A) together with this proposal for professional services constitute the entire agreement between the Client and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. and supersede all prior written or oral understandings. This agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. NOTICE TO PROCEED A signed copy of this proposal or a separate letter of authorization, either mailed or emailed to our office, will serve as our notice to proceed. The email address is bwarner@srfconsulting.com. -4- March 30, 2015 We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Bang J. Warner, FASLA AICP Senior Vice President Attachment A — Standard Terms and Conditions APPROVED: (signature) Name Title Date This cost proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. SRF reserves the right to adjust its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal SRF PProposal numbers issued by marketing /Domment l ATTACHMENT A STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Standard Terms and Conditions together with the attached Proposal for Professional Services constitute the entire Agreement between the CLIENT and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. ("SRF") and supersede all prim written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. 'f uel lyi, "A a • a. The standard of care for all professional services performed or furrushed by SRF under this Agreement will be theme and slap ordinarily used by members of SRF's profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. SRF makes no warranties, expressed or implied, under the Agreement or otherwise, in commotion with SRF's service. b. The CLIENT shalt be responsible for, and SRF may rely upon, the accuracy and completeness of all requirements, programs, instructions, reports, data, and other information furnished by CLIENT to SRF pursuant to this Agreement. SRF may use such requirements, reports, data, and information in Performing or famishing services under this Agreement. 2. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR All duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement will be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the CLIENT and SRF and not for the benefit of any other party. Nothing contained m this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in Favor of a third party against either the CLIENT or SRF. SRF's services under this Agreement are being performed solely fa the CLIENT's benefit, and no other entity shall have any claims against SRF because of this Agreement or the perfomrance or nonperformance of services hereunder. Invoices will be prepared in accordance with SRF's standard invoicing practices and will be submitted to the CLIENT by SRF monthly, unless otherwise agreed Invoices are dun and payable within thirty (30) days of receipt If the CLIENT fills to make any payment due SRF for services and expenses within forty-five (45) days after receipt of SRF's invoice thereafter, the amounts due SRF will be increased at the rate of 1-1/2% per month (or the maximum rate of interest permitted by law, if less). In addition, SRF may, after giving seven days written notice to the CLIENT, suspend services under this Agreemert mail SRF has been paid in full of amounts due for services, expenses, and other related charges. Any opinions of costs prepared by SRF represent its judgment as a design professional and are furnished for the gereral guidance of the CLIENT. Since SRF has no control over the cost of labor, materials, market condition, or cmnpetitive bidding, SRF does not guarantee the accuracy of such cost opinions as compared to contractor or supplier bids or actual cost to the CLIENT. 5. INSURANCE SRF will maintain insurance coverage for Workers' Compensation, General Liability, Automobile Liability and Professional Liability and will provide certificates of insurance to the CLIENT upon request. 6. INDEMNIFICATION AND ALLOCATION OF RISK a. To the fullest extent permitted by law, SRF agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the CLIENT, their officers, directors and employees against all damages, Eabilities or costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs) to the extent caused by SRF's negligent acts order this Agreement and that of its subconsultants or anyone for whom SRF is legally liable. b. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SRF, their officers, directors end employees against all damages, liabilities or costs (including reasonable attomeys' fees and defense costs) to the extent caused by the CLIENT's negligent acts under this Agreement and that of its subconsuatants or anyone for whom the CLIENT is legally liable. 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Either party may at any time, upon seven days prior written notice to the other parry, terminate this Agreement Upon such termination. the CLIENT shall pay to SRF all arraunts owing to SRF under this Agreement, for all work performed up to the effective date of termination •J •' • a••1 Iqa AR docmnents prepared or famished by SRF pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service, and SRF shall retain an ownership and property interest therein. Reuse of any such documents by the CLIENT shall be at CLIENT's sole risk; and the CLIENT agrees to Page 1 of 2 (Standard Terns and Conditions) Rev: August 18, 2011 indernink and hold SRF harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses including attomev s fees arising out of such reuse of documents by the CLIENT or by others acting through the CLIENT. . a1ll:•J u a ; a. Copies of Documents that maybe relied upon by the CLIENT are lima d to the printed copies (also known as hard copies) that are agned or sealed by SRF. Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, or of other types that are furnished by SRF to the CLIENT are only for convenience of the CLIENT. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user's sole risk. b. When transferring documents in electronic media format, SRF makes no representations as to long -tern compatibility, usability, or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by SRF at the beginning of this Assignment. c. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and the bud copies, the bard copies govern. d. Because data stored in electronic media format can deteriorate or be modified inadvertently or otherwise without authorization of this data's creator, the party receiving electronic files agrees that it will perform acceptance tests or procedures within sirtty (60) days, after which the receiving party shall be deemed to have accepted the data thus transfered. Any erors detected within the sixty (60) day acceptance period will be corrected by the party delivering the electronic files. SRF shall not be responsible to maintain documents stored in electronic media form after acceptance by the CLIENT. SRF shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to failure or delay in rendering any service called for under this Agreement resulting from any cause beyond SRF's reasonable control. 11. ASSIGNMENT 12. Neither party shall assign its rights, interests or obligations under this Agreement without the express written consent of the other party. This Agreement shall bind, and the benefits thereof shall muse to the respective parties hereto, their legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 13. SEVERABILITY AND WAIVER OF PROVISIONS 15. Any provisions or part of the Agreement held to be void or umsfoceable under any laws or regulations shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon the CLIENT and SRF, who agree that the Agreement shall be reformed to replace such sinckan provision or pan thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision Nan -enforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision, nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. Yjl / : All provisions of this Agreement regarding Ownership of Documents and Reuse of Documents, Electronic Media provisions, Indemnification and Allocation of Risk, and Dispute Resolution shall remain in effect. If negotiation in good faith fails to resolve a dispute within the thirty (30) days of notice of the dispute, or time period specified by applimble law, than the parties agree that each dispute, claim or controversy arising from or related to this Agreement or the relationships which result from this Agreement shall be subject to mediation as a condition precedent to initiating legal or equitable actions by either party. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the mediation shall be in accordance with the Commercial Mediation Procedures of the American Arbitration Association than currently in effect. A request for mediation shall be filed in writing with the American Arbitration Association and the other party. No legal or equitable action may be instituted for a period of ninety (90) days from the filing of the request for mediation unless a longer period of time is provided by agreement of the parties. Cost of mediation shall be shared equally between the parties. Mediation shall be held in a location mutually agreed upon by the parties. The parties shall memorialize any agreement resulting from the mediation in a mediated settlement agreement, which agreement shall be enforceable as a settlement m any court havingjurisdiction thereof This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the principal place of business of SRF. Page 2 of 2 (Standard Temns and Conditions) Rev: August 18. 2011 Au►aR CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 13, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger called the work session to order at 5:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilwoman Tjomhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Kate Aanenson, Todd Hoffman, and Paul Oehme PUBLIC PRESENT: Barry Warner SRF, One Carlson Parkway Scott Carlston 18315 Cascade Drive Kendra Lindahl 105 South Fifth Avenue, Minneapolis Rick Dorsey 14215 Green Vincent, Eden Prairie Darren Lazan Level 7 Development Jeff Fox 5270 Howards Point Road, Excelsior DISCUSS VISIONING PROCESS FOR THE LIFESTYLE CENTER Todd Gerhardt introduced Barry Wainer with SRF Consulting Group who reviewed their proposed visioning process to facilitate review of a lifestyle center. Councilman McDonald asked how the AUAR process is related to the visioning process. Todd Gerhardt explained Barry's task is to get feedback from business owners, public and people involved with the project separate from the AUAR. Mayor Laufenburger discussed feedback he has received from residents and council members regarding acceptable uses. Councilman Campion asked relative to defining uses, where in the process does that need to happen. Todd Gerhardt referred to the Villages on the Ponds as a similar type development using a PUD. Councilwoman Ryan asked about timing for determining what should be done with the proposed property and suggested a separate work session for council to decide their plan of action without a facilitator before proceeding with the visioning process. Mayor Laufenburger explained that the comp plan calls for a regional lifestyle center but did not think the specific uses have been discussed enough at this point. He noted that is what is being proposed with the visioning process. Councilman McDonald commented on getting input from the community but believes the council needs an independent third party to facilitate the entire process and continue on with the AUAR process running parallel. Councilwoman Tjomhom discussed what council members should consider in using the comp plan as the guide and making sure that whatever is done is complimentary to downtown. She explained that she would favor the use of a third party in the process. Councilman Campion stated he believes the AUAR process can run parallel with the visioning process. Mayor Laufenburger suggested that the visioning process should be changed to a listening process and supports the AUAR and vision process moving forward. Councilwoman Ryan reiterated that she does not favor the use of a third party before the council has determined their vision. Barry Warner explained that the proposed process is not set in stone and can be 9 City Council Work Session — April 13, 2015 revised along the way. He also explained that they are not advocates of the project but a facilitator and perhaps a meeting with the council is the first step in the process. Mayor Laufenburger recommended that each council member communicate with staff what they would like included in the Professional Services Agreement that the council will act on in 2 weeks. Darren Lazan with Level 7 Development expressed concerns with the scope of the AUAR and with the AUAR being involved with the visioning process. Barry Warner stated he had enough information to move forward. INTERVIEW APPLICANTS FOR COMMISSIONS: The City Council interviewed the following applicants for the Park and Recreation and Environmental Commissions: Jim Boettcher, and David Hess. DISCUSS PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY ADJANCENT TO THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT, GATEWAY. Kate Aanenson introduced Randy Scholl before reviewing the piece of property being purchased by RBSC Chanhassen LLC for development of an office building. Councilwoman Ryan asked what occurred that the process took a while to get going. Randy Scholl explained that it was on their part answering a lot of questions but they are now ready to move forward. Todd Gerhardt provided background information on how the City acquired this piece of property from various property owners. Mayor Laufenburger clarified that the item before them is the purchase agreement which will occur before moving forward with Planning Commission and City Council review. Councilman Campion asked about specific users for the building. Randy Scholl explained that he was unable to disclose that information at this time but there is adequate interest to move forward and reviewed the items that make this parcel attractive for development. Todd Gerhardt reviewed the pros and cons associated with development of this site before discussing the purchase amount and associated conditions. DISCUSS APPOINTMENTS TO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Mayor Laufenburger asked for comments from council members noting Mark Herzog and PJ Williams were unable to attend the interviews. After discussion by council members the consensus was to following the rankings by the Park and Recreation Commission. The work session was recessed at 6:55 p.m. The work session reconvened at 8:45 p.m. Councilwoman Tjornhom did not return to the work session. INTERVIEW APPLICANTS FOR COMMISSIONS: Council members interviewed Dan Willing, Don Vasatka and Joe Shneider for the Environmental Commission. Mayor Laufenburger adjourned the work session. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 2 0 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager CHANHASSENFROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director 7700 Markel Boulevard DATE: Aril 13 2015 t9 , pn Chanhassen, PO Box 147 p � l � 1� MN 55317 SUBJ: Discuss Visioning Process for the Lifestyle Center Administration Phone:952.227.1100 Fax: 952,227.1110 As a part of the conceptual review of the Level 7 Development plan on March 9, 2015, the City Council directed staff to work on developing a Visioning Study for the Building Inspections Lifestyle Center property. Staff has consulted with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. to Phone:952.227.1180 prepare a Professional Services Agreement. As outlined by Barry Warner in the Fax: 952.227.1190 attached proposal, the visioning process is intended to inform the elected and Engineering appointed officials along with the city staff, of the values and priorities presented to Phone: 952.227.1160 the various stakeholders. Fax:952.227.1170 The focus of the study will on the following: Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 . Composition of development uses Fax: 952.227.1110 • Circulation including vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles Park & Recreation • Edge treatment and landscaping Phone: 952.227.1120 • Programmable civic area and amenities Fax: 952.227.1110 a Development character, scale and aesthetics Recreation Center Mr. Weser has outlined the suggested 3-4 month process and the stakeholder 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phane:952.227.1400 meetings.A web -based surveywill also be a component of the visioning process. p g Fax: 952.227.1404 His proposal includes a budget of $30,000. Planning & Mr. Warner will be at the work session to answer any questions that the Council may Natural Resources have regarding the proposal. Staff recommends placing the Professional Services Phone: 222Z11Agreement on the next CityCouncil agenda for approval. Fax:95252.227.1110 � g pp Public Works ATTACHMENTS 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227,1300 1. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Visioning Study Proposal dated March 30, 2015. Fax:952.227.1310 Senior Center gAplan\2015 planning cases\2015-05 lifestyle cmterwision pro ms\cc work session 4-13.docx Phone:952,227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow SCANNED Co��,. ENGINE �� I NERS DESItC'ERS March 30, 2015 DRAFT For REVIEW Kate Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR A VISIONING STUDY Based on your request, we are pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional services for conducting a visioning study in association with the Quadrant and the adjacent parcels. For purposes of this letter, the "Quadrant' will refer to the contiguous 118 acres currently owned by several private parties. Study Background and Intent A 118 acre tract of undeveloped land is located in the City of Chanhassen near Lyman and Powers Boulevards near TH 212. The area is owned by several private parties with development designated for mixed land uses including a retail center. Although general land use designations have been suggested, formal approvals for development have not been obtained from the City of Chanhassen. The visioning exercise and outcome is intended to inform elected policy makers and appointed officials along with city staff as to the values and priorities presented by the diverse stakeholder groups who have interest in future development of the Quadrant. Visioning for the purpose of this exercise, is intended to focus upon several topics to include; • Composition of development uses • Circulation including vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle • Open space functions • Edge treatments and landscaping • Programmable civic areas and amenities • Development character, scale and aesthetics Input garnered from the various interested parties will be used to inform the Quadrant and related development projects during their municipal approvals. Approach Meaningful facilitation of the representative stakeholder groups will be paramount to achieve the study intent. To that end, meetings or other means will occur with individual groups to seek input from those individuals who have shown interest or are thought to present valuable perspectives for the proposed development. www.srfconsuIting.com One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150 1 Minneapolis, MN 554474443 1 763.475.0010 Fax: 763.475.2429 An Equal Opportunity Employer -2- March 30, 2015 Each of the meetings, work sessions or active surveys will employ precedent project images that portray alternative approaches to related project elements. This technique will allow participants to compare and contrast how varying built projects responded to similar project elements. Participants will be asked to provide preference or priority for the images, and when possible, to provide subjective comments as to suggested changes or improvements that may benefit the Chanhassen application. Identified stakeholder groups and their engagement follow; Current development parcel property owners -one to two facilitated meetings dependent upon their willingness to participate together Adjacent neighborhood -one facilitated meeting, likely to be held late afternoon or early evening Community at large -web based survey (see below) Chamber of Commerce/Downtown Chanhassen Business Community -one facilitated meeting, likely to be held early morning consistent with business owner availability Elected/Appointed Officials -one facilitated meeting, likely a joint work session of the City Council and the Planning Commission Web based survey -A web based survey such as Mind Mixer or Survey Monkey would be made available to solicit input from interested parties for a defined period of about 4 weeks. Participant input would be monitored and recorded. Study End Product Stakeholder input received from the various facilitated meetings along with the web based sampling will be summarized in a concise report and made available to the city for use by staff, the City Council and Planning Commission. ASSUMPTIONS Base mapping and concepts plans for parcel development will be provided by the city and will be used for any necessary mapping. Work sessions with staff will be the primary source of input to guide decision making. SCHEDULE We will complete this work within a mutually agreed -upon time schedule. Upon a formal notice to proceed, work would commence with a staff work session/kick off meeting. It is assumed that baseline work tasks would occur in April, followed by primary stakeholder group input during May and early June. A summary document would be made available in late June or early July. -3- March 30, 2015 BASIS OF PAYMENT/BUDGET We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basis for the actual time expended. Direct project expenses, such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost, and mileage will be billed at the current allowable IRS rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted on a monthly basis for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. Based on our understanding of the project and our scope of services, we estimate the not -to -exceed cost of our services to be $30,000, which includes both time and expenses. The exact allocation of related consultant staff time toward specific work tasks and stakeholder meetings will be arrived upon in joint discussions between city staff and the consultant project manager. CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF SERVICES It is understood that if the scope or extent of work changes, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. Before any out -of -scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budget request for the new work and will not begin work until we receive authorization from you. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The attached Standard Terms and Conditions (Attachment A) together with this proposal for professional services constitute the entire agreement between the Client and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. and supersede all prior written or oral understandings. This agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. NOTICE TO PROCEED A signed copy of this proposal or a separate letter of authorization, either mailed or emailed to our office, will serve as our notice to proceed. The email address is bwamer@srfconsulting.com. • -4- March 30, 2015 We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Barry J. Warner, FASLA AICP Senior Vice President Attachment A — Standard Terms and Conditions KuW 114V �I i� (signature) Name Title Date This cost proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. SRF reserves the right to adjust its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposaL SRF PProposal numbers issued by marketing [Domm 111 i E ATTACHMENT A STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Standard Terms and Conditions together with the attached Proposal for Professional Services constitute the entire Agreement between the CLIENT and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. ("SRF') and supersede all prior written m oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. a. The standard of care for all professional services performed or famished by SRF under this Agreement will be the care and stall ordinarily used by members of SRF's profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. SRF makes re warranties, expressed or implied, under the Agreement or otherwise, in connection with SRF's service. b. The CLIENT shall be responsible for, and SRF may rely upon, the accuracy and completeness of all requirements, program, instructions, reports, data and other infomuation finished by CLIENT to SRF pursuant to this Agreement. SRF may use such requizanarts, reports, data, and udomahon in performing or fiunala ng services under thus Agreement. 2. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR All duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreemm will be fa the sole and exclusive benefit of the CLIENT and SRF and not for the benefit of any other party. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a thud party against either the CLIENT or SRF. SRF's services under this Agreement are being perfamed solely for the CLIENT's benefit, and no other entity shall have any claims against SRF because of this Agreement or the perfomance or nonperformance of services hereunder. �ViVj51:l9VWtW1i14 Invoices will be prepared in accordance with SRF's standard invoicing practices and will be submitted to the CLIENT by SRF monthly, unless otherwise agreed- Invoices are due and payable within thirty (30) days of receipt. If the CLIENT fails to make any payment due SRF for services and expenses within forty-five (45) days after receipt of SRF's invoice thereafter, the amounts due SRF Will be increased at the rate of 1-1/2% per month (car the iamdmmm rate of interest pemmtted by law, if less). In addition, SRF may, after giving seven days written notice to the CLIENT, suspend services under this Agreement until SRF has been paid in full of amounts due for services, expenses, and other related changes. Any opinions of costs prepared by SRF represent its judgment as a design professional and are furnished for the general guidance of the CLIENT. Since SRF has no control over the cost of labor, materials, racket condition, or competitive bidding, SRF does not guarantee the accuracy of such cost opinions as compared to contractor or supplier bids or actual cast to the CLIENT. 5. INSURANCE SRF will maintain mismance coverage forWorkers' Compensation, General Liability, Automobile Liability and Professional Liability and will provide certificates of insurance to the CLIENT upon request. 6. INDEMNIFICATION AND ALLOCATION OF RISK a. To the fullest extent permitted by law, SRF agrees to indernonify and hold hamless the CLIENT, their officers, directors and employees against all damages, liabilities or costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs) to the extent caused by SRF's negligent acts order this Agreement and gat of its subconsultants or anyone for whom SRF is legally liable. b. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SRF, their officers, directors and employees against all damages, liabilities or costs (including reasonable attomeys' fees and defense costs) to the extent caused by the CLIENT's negligent acts under this Agreement and that of its subcamsdrsnts or anyone for whom the CLIENT is legally liable. Either party may at any time, upon seven days prim written notice to the other party, terminate this Agreement. Upon such to miatIM the CLIENT shall pay to SRF all amounts owing to SRF under this Agreement, for all work performed up to the effective date of termination All documents prepared or finished by SRF pmsusnt to this Agreement are instruments of service, and SRF shall retain an ownership and property interest therein. Rease of any such documents by the CLIENT shall be at CLIENT's sole risk; and the CLIENT agrees to Page I of 2 (Standard Tens and Conditions) Rev: August 19. 2011 indemnify, and hold SRF harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses including attomey's fees arising out of such reuse of documents by the CLIENT in by others acting through the CLIENT. • •11•n, a )_• a Copies of Documents that may be relied upon by the CLIENT are limited to the printed copies (also known as hard copies) that are signed or sealed by SRF. Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, or of other types that we furnished by SRF to the CLIENT are only for convenience of the CLIENT. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user's sole risk. b. When tramfeming documents in electronic media format, SRF makes no representations as to long -tern compatibility, usability, or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by SRF at the beginning of this Assigro ent c. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies govern d. Became data stored in electronic media foment can deteriorate or be modified inadvertently or otherwise without authorization of this data's creator, the party receiving electronic files agrees that it will perform acceptance tests or procedures within shdy (60) days, after which the receiving party shall be deemed to have accepted the data th as transferred Any errors detected within the sixty (60) day acceptance period will be corrected by the party delivering the electronic files. SRF shall not be responsible to maintain documents stored in electronic media format after acceptance by the CLIENT. r ei ; •1 M u ore)-, SRF shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to failure or delay in rendering any service called for under this Agreement resulting from any cause beyond SRF's reasonable control. 11. ASSIGNMENT 12. Neither patty shall assign its rights, interests or obligations under this Agreement without the express written convent of the other party. This Agreement shall bind, and the benefits thereof shall inure to the respective parties hereto, their legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 13. SEVERABILITY AND WAIVER OF PROVISIONS Any provisions o part of the Agreement held to be void a unenforceable under any laws or regulations shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon the CLIENT and SRF, who agree that the Agreement shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close aS possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision Non -enforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision, nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. All provisions of this Agreement regarding ownerstup of Documents and Reuse of Documents, Electronic Media provisions, Indern ification and Allocation of Risk, and Dispute Resolution shall remain in effect. 15. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If negotiation in good faith fails to resolve a dispute within the thirty (30) days of notice of the dispute, Or time period specified by applicable law, then the parties agree that each dispute, claim or controversy arising from or related to this Agreement or the relationships which result from this Agreement shall be subject to mediation as a condition precedent to initiating legal or equitable actions by either parry. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the mediation shall be in accordance with the Commercial Mediation Procedures of the American Arbitration Association then currently in effect. A request for mediation shall be filed in writing with the American Arbitration Association and the other party. No legal or equitable action may be instituted for a period of nmety (90) days from the filing of the request for mediation unless a longer period of time is provided by agreement of the parties. Cost of mediation sbaB be shared equally between the patties. Mediation shall be held in a location mutually agreed upon by the parties. The parties shall memorialize any agreement resulting from the mediation in a mediated settlement agreement, which agreement shall be enforceable as a settlementin any court having jurisdiction thereof This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the principal place of business of SRF. Pagc 2 of 2 (Standard Terms and Conditions) Rev: August 18, 2011