CAS-07_2017-07 MISSION HILLS SENIOR HOUSING (2)ft CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Todd Gerhardt, duly appointed and Clerk for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Resolution No. 2018-33 "Vacating Public Right of Way (Town Road) Outlot E, Mission Hills Planning Case File No. 2017-07" adopted by the Chanhassen City Council on April 23, 2018 with the original copy now on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 25`h day of April, 2018. ,AT odd Gerhardt, City Manager SCANNED CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE: April 23, 2018 RESOLUTION NO: 2018-33 MOTION BY: McDonald SECONDED BY: Tiornhom RESOLUTION VACATING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (TOWN ROAD) OUTLOT E, MISSION HILLS PLANNING CASE FILE NO.2017-07 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 412.851, after published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing before the hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation, the Chanhassen City Council has conducted a hearing to consider the vacation of the public drainage and utility easement legally described on the attached Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, following the hearing and consideration of the proposed vacation, the Council has determined that it is in the public interest to vacate the public right-of-way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen: The public right of way legally described on the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated. 2. The vacation shall not affect the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling the electric or telephone poles and lines, gas lines, sanitary and storm sewer lines, water pipes, mains, hydrants, and natural drainage areas thereon or thereunder, to continue maintain the same or to enter upon such way or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereof. 3. The City Manager is directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the County Auditor and County Recorder of Carver County. 4. This resolution shall be recorded prior to but concurrent with the recording of the final plat and development contract for Mission Hills 3'6 Addition. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23'd day of April, 2017. ATTEST: Aod-ardt, City Manager YES NO Laufenburger McDonald Tjomhom Ryan Campion zjot� / 1-0tala44�5�� Denny Lauf nburger, i ayor ABSENT EXHIBIT "A" Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. OESCf EM OF R= VAC nW fit, T000 Need MA WtIat E. Uk" Hft ocomdwg Go tMnaarded Flat aw/wt, .$'' i� _.....,....._.:::.x� IOfal U[ W M 1G 1/4 6111E X. T.1H, W n G' p 9 ` g 1 troy awMb Gat this swV". pen w I.Fw1 .a. A by s a oldw my ~ wM"^ a" ad 1 GII a `y t1t�rA L.W S.-Y. u11tlw tlr Iwo M tM flsi. of Waeow "N aft YLo aq of MSW. Me tSWA" F. f P" MM Uc Na M100 1N-aF. wW i1l11O lY Paa�+M`.w1 W 1 J JT\ s (m E�v.aX l CIF Fala11 UE OF W ! 1/4 Ci rar 6 1), T.IK W mus Otoo 200 SCALE 91 FEET Chanhassen City Council = April 23, 2018 Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, thank you Chief Smith. Any questions for Chief Smith? I would say you can put that whip away. I think you did just fine. Duly reported to Don Johnson too. Thanks Steve. Assistant Chief Steve Smith: Alright, you're welcomed. Mayor Laufenburger: Have a good evening. Thank you very much. Assistant Chief Steve Smith: Yep. PUBLIC HEARING: APPROVE RESOLUTION VACATING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY OF TOWN ROAD. Mayor Laufenburger: And who's is this this evening? George Bender: This is engineering's. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, thanks Mr. Bender. George Bender. Nice to have you with us this evening. George Bender: Thank you very much. Mayor Laufenburger: Staff report please. George Bender: I have short power point surrounding, or about this item. It's for a vacation of the right-of-way for the Mission Hills P Addition development. Mayor Laufenburger: Just for clarification, this is the Mission Hills Senior Living property is that correct? George Bender: That is correct. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, alright. George Bender: The Mission Hills Senior Living was originally platted in 1994 and that included Outlot E. Outlot E is currently being developed as the P Addition for the Mission Hills Senior Living Center. On the 1994 plat was right-of-way for Town Road. I have a map that will help you visualize where this is along the section line. This area when it was, the preliminary survey was done was not picked up and between the preliminary survey and the final plat this was identified and it would be in the way of the development moving forward and placing a building in the area. There is no future use for this right-of-way with 86t° Street being just to the north of the Outlot and being a much safer intersection with 101. And so the right -of - SCANNED 12 Chanhassen City Council 0pril 23, 2018 • way you know needs to be vacated and that's what the public, this tonight's public hearing is about. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Anything else Mr. Bender? George Bender: No, that pretty much covers it. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright. Any questions for staff regarding the vacation of this road that was platted on the property and essentially what we're doing is we're just releasing any requirements for this, that the City would have for this road is that correct? George Bender: Correct. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, alright. Any questions for staff? Alright at this time I would like to open a public hearing. If there's anybody present that would like to speak in, regarding this matter of vacating this right-of-way for Town Road in the Mission Hills Outlot E or now Subdivision 3. Third subdivision. Please step forward at this time. Alright there being none I'm going to close the public hearing and bring it back to council. Council at this time if you have any questions, comments or any motions you'd like to make. Councilman McDonald: Mr. Mayor I'll make a motion. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, and that motion is? Councilman McDonald: I would propose the City Council adopts a resolution approving the vacation of a portion of the public right-of-way legally described as Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. I don't see a Findings of Fact so we don't need to incorporate Findings of Fact. Correct Mr. Knutson? Roger Knutson: That's correct. You just need a resolution. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright. We have a motion to approve the resolution. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you very much Councilmember Tjornbom. Any discussion? Resolution #2018-33: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council adopts a resolution approving the vacation of a portion of the public right-of-way legally described as Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills according to 13 e Chanhassen City Council 41pril 23, 2018 the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Laufenburger: That motion carries 5-0. Thank you Mr. Bender. George Bender: Thank you. Mayor Laufenburger: And thank you council. VENUE/ALDI PROPERTY: APPROVAL OF ASSENT TO REGISTRATION OF LAND. Mayor Laufenburger: Is this your's Mr. Gerhardt? Todd Gerhardt: Yes Mayor. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Todd Gerhardt: Earlier as the council acted as the EDA, approved the Assent to Registration of Land for what would be the Venue and Aldi site. What was recorded against the property are several documents that the EDA approved as a part of the 1997 redevelopment of this property. The City Council the past several years decertified the TIF District and all the obligations under those agreements had been met and staff is recommending that the council assent in registration of the land for Bloomberg Companies and Frontier Development LLC. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. And Mr. Gerhardt just to restate that which was discussed in the Economic Development Authority meeting earlier this evening, what we are doing is we are simply agreeing that all of the restrictions that have been fulfilled can be removed from the title so that the new property owner, United Properties has a clean title to the development of their project, is that correct? Todd Gerhardt: That is correct. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Is there any questions or comments? I wonder if I would have a motion from somebody. Councilman McDonald: Mr. Mayor I'll make the motion for this one. Mayor Laufenburger: Alrighty, thank you. Councilman McDonald: I would propose the City Council approves the Assent to Registration of Land for the Venue/Aldi property. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright. Is there a second to this motion? 14 0 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, April 23, 2018 Subject Resolution 2018-33: Approve Resolution Vacating Public Right -of -Way of Town Road Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: H.I. Prepared By George Bender, Assistant City Engineer File No: Planning Case File No. 2017-07 PROPOSED MOTION "The City Council adopts a resolution approving the vacation of a portion of the public right-of-way legally described as Town Road within Oudot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota Council approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. BACKGROUND The public right-of-way was intended to be used for construction of Town Road along the section line described as the south line of the SW 1/4 of Section 13, T.116, R.23. The public right-of-way is shown on the recorded plat for the Mission Hills subdivision. DISCUSSION The area defined as public right-of-way is not being utilized as a roadway. It is an open field and is not intended to be utilized in the future and will become part of the Mission Hills Development. West 86th Street is located immediately to the north of the Town Road right-of-way. Staff recommends granting the vacation of the 66-foot wide public right-of-way as shown on the Mission Hills plat. ATTACHMENTS: D Vacation Application ❑ Notice of Public Hearing D Affidavit of Mailing ❑ Resolution sm, me 0 Proposed Road Vacation Survey COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — Market Boulevard CITY OF CIMIMSEN Mailing Address - P.O.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENTREVIEW Submittal Date PC Date: 6 CC Date. r�3 O 60-Day Review Dace: N ApplicationSection 1: (Refer to the apompriale Application Checklist for required submittal information (hat must accompany this application) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment ......................... $600 ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on -site sewers ..... $100 ❑ Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ❑ Single -Family Residence................................$325 ❑ All Others ..... ................................................... $425 ❑ Interim Use Permit ([UP) ❑ In conjunction with Single -Family Residence.. $325 ❑ All Others. ........................................................ $425 ❑ Rezoning (RF7) ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD)..................$750 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD.................$100 ❑ All Others. ..... __ ............................................... $500 ❑ Sign Plan Review...................................................$150 ❑ Site Plan Review (SPR) ❑ Administrative ...... ........................................ .... $100 ❑ Commercial/Industrial Districts" ..... .................$500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: ( thousand square feel) 'Include number of exi ti employees: . -Include number of new employees. _ ❑ Residential Districts ........................................ $500 Plus S5 per dwelling unit (— units) ❑ Subdivision (SUB) ❑ Create 3 lots or less........................................$300 ❑ Create over 3 lots .......................$600 + $15 per lot (_ lots) ❑ Metes & Bounds (2 lots)..................................$300 ❑ Consolidate Lots ............................................ ..$150 ❑ Lot Line Adjustment.........................................$150 ❑ Final Plat .............................................. ............ $700 (Includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)' -Additional escrow may be required for other applications through the development contract ❑ Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ S300 (Additional recording lees may apply) ❑ Variance (VAR) .................................................... $200 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) ❑ Single -Family Residence ............................... S150 ❑ All Others ....................................................... $275 ❑ Zoning Appeal ...................................................... S100 ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. S500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, the appropriate foe shall be charged for each application. ❑ Notification Sign (City to install and remove) ...................... ............ ....................................................... ........... ................. $200 ❑ Property Owners' List within 500' (city to generate after pre -application mee&V).................................................. $3 per address (_ addresses) ❑ Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) ........................................ ....................... $50 per document ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interim Use Permit ❑ Site Plan Agreement Q Vacation ❑ Variance ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit �❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 dots.) ❑ Easements (_ _ easements) ❑ Deeds Cr TOTAL FEE: �� O Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal. Mission Hills Senior Housing Owner, LLC requests that the'paper' road across our development site be vacated. The road was previously modified to the current 86th Street W. and is no longer needed. Property Addre sror Location �`t I l S denhasserr,-MN-'�5397 Parcel #: 255300400 zLegal Description: Total Acreage: 8.67 / Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: Planned Unit Development (PUD) Present Land Use Designation: Residential High Density Existing Use of Property: Agriculture ❑Check box if separate narrative is attached. ❑ Yes W1 No Requested Zoning: Not Applicable Requested Land Use Designation: Select One Q m 4. u rrj • 0 Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: Fax: Signature: Date: PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name Michael Hoagberg Contact: Address: 17550 Hemlock Avenue Phone: (952) 3784386 City/State/Zip: Lakeville, MN 55044 Cell: (612) 723-3330 Email: mhoagberg@headwatersdevelopm biz Fax: Signatu Date: March 23, 2018 This application must be completed in full an must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name Contact Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: Fax _ Who should receive copies of staff reports? 'Other Contact Information: Property Owner Via: ❑� Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Name: ❑ Applicant Via ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: ❑ Engineer Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: ❑ Other' Via ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM F PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM r CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 23, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §412.851 to consider the vacation of public right-of-way (Town Road) at Outlot E, Mission Hills, described as: Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Phone: 952-227-1164 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on April 12 and 19, 2018) g:\eng\vacations\mission hills - outlot e - town road - pc 17-07\ph notice to paper.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on April 5, 2018, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing Notice for the vacation of right-of-way (Town Road) on Outlot E, Mission Hills, Planning Case File No. 17-07 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kim T. euwissen, Deputy erk Subscribed and sw m to before me this, Nay of , 2018. J Notary Public JEAN M. STECKLING o Publk-Minnesota w�_ E�Ir Jan S 2078 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 23, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §412.851 to consider the vacation of public right-of-way (Town Road) on Outlot E, Mission Hills, described as: Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. DECfRIPTON OF ROAD VACATION iwn Pee! ..t,o W l.t 4 M� .... Ce g to IM rRpJ.e pal oww. \ Cor— I tYr YirM.Ma toot, aoa n s,00tr w n.r to r,s Iro a v.c.nol �? �vsvox \ 44 »SSR. fj n ,l -t n ..w.uuwu.rvrn Y IInM Ywn Y. ✓ rgpl .o o' Gt f, m. w uF>M oe f mY .W�uM.r IM bn o, e SN el � Ybrim� b� �M� F0 p1 0 0o soo om.a ue ssa mr a botm. m�e AME � uIC SGIE m REl E �.ot.,. Pi% 11 SUNDR IDS - 1 m,,.-.�.n o L4VD All All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Phone: 952-227-1164 (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 12 & 19, 2018) g:tengWacations\mission hills - outlot e - town road - pc 17-07\ph notice to mail.docx CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE: April 23, 2018 RESOLUTION NO: 2018-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION VACATING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (TOWN ROAD) OUTLOT E, MISSION HILLS PLANNING CASE FILE NO.2017-07 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 412.851, after published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing before the hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation, the Chanhassen City Council has conducted a hearing to consider the vacation of the public drainage and utility easement legally described on the attached Exhibit "A'; and WHEREAS, following the hearing and consideration of the proposed vacation, the Council has determined that it is in the public interest to vacate the public right-of-way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen: The public right of way legally described on the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated. 2. The vacation shall not affect the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling the electric or telephone poles and lines, gas lines, sanitary and storm sewer lines, water pipes, mains, hydrants, and natural drainage areas thereon or thereunder, to continue maintain the same or to enter upon such way or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereof. 3. The City Manager is directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the County Auditor and County Recorder of Carver County. 4. This resolution shall be recorded prior to but concurrent with the recording of the final plat and development contract for Mission Hills P Addition. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23rd day of April, 2017. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufenburger, Mayor YES NO ABSENT E EXHIBIT "A" Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. DESCRIPTION OF ROAD VACATION Roof withe O E. Mission Hills, '� Waffled ocCo my to the reearEao Plot tnreot. ;P' \ Corver Cwnly, Minnetola. CmVe, 4 \ `11V TOyM ROAD AS STDRN DE �= 1Y99M InY' VACATED) (t0 ACATEATE D) \ /Ir SIXIIX UM IY TXE 5.' �/• XM. LYE V TIE NO 1/4... o[ SEC 2e. T.116. R.23 h•�^G'��' !t p N /� � O• fti'i. i.� UI nrsey artify toot this survey. pan. or report .m f; VOW" by me or unor my e✓eat suoerNstm WW <i that I am a sly Lleensso Lone Surveyor unear the kee of the Slots el Minnesota. p 100 20D [; Doles this 23re pay of Mara. 2010 j "DE AND SCALE IN FEET •L..1Fkl.— r.�s Oae1 • v5 oe l eonora E. Crtson. P.L.S. YMn. Lk. No. eeeao seu�.�,.m uem.eTo b•fo-J•b S UNDE Hi-Y,-f•J6 urec 9af-eY-esm) Ss rero f.1n nfa w LAND SURVEYING na..oam 1 KENNA PROPERTIES LLC MANEESH BHAGAT ZETTEL INVESTMENTS LLC 1096 SYMPHONY LN 125 MAIN ST SE #130 19580 VINE RIDGE RD CHASKA, MN 55318-4589 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414-2161 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9118 MELISSA A MUIR MISSION HILLS GARDEN HOMES MICHAEL S & STEPHANIE R DILLE 22485 CANTREL WAY 2681 LONG LAKE RD 291 TIMBER HILL RD FARMINGTON, MN 55024-4011 ROSEVILLE, MN 55113-1128 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179129 CHRIS & ALANNA LIEBHART ANDREW 1 BRONCZYK MATTHEW R KLEY 3051 VENEZIA TER 311 WINKLER CT 3136 3RD AVE S CHINO HILLS, CA 91709-6610 COLOGNE, MN 553224510 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408-3221 HEATHER 1 HEYER GREGORY SELLS STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT 3526 GRIMES AVE N 3808 DOTTY ST 395 JOHN IRELAND BLVD 631 TRAN MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55422-2838 CARMICHAEL, CA 95608-2715 ST PAUL, MN 55155-1801 JANET E BROWN BEVERLY HAFFNER ROBERT C & SUSAN 1 ERICKSON 501 MISSION HILLS DR 509 MISSION HILLS DR 513 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 VICKIE L NOVAK BEVERLY E CHRISTENSEN BERNARD M & JOANN C GAYTKO 516 MISSION HILLS DR 517 MISSION HILLS DR 521 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 DALE E HETLAND ANNE M SUDDENDORF GRACE REGALADO 524 MISSION HILLS DR 525 MARSHLAND TRL 525 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN S5317771S CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 JENNIFER YOUNGS PAMELA R MURRAY SAMANTHA BOLAND 529 MARSHLAND TRL # 45 529 MISSION HILLS DR 530 MISSION HILLS WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 DREW D CARLSON PATRICK A HUTTNER KAREN 1 CWAYNA DOUGHERTY 531 MISSIONS HILLS WAY W 532 MISSION HILLS DR 533 MARSHLAND TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 KATHY J MCKIM KELLEY P BENTLEY DUANE D & DONNA M MOORE 533 MISSION HILLS DR 534 MISSION HILLS W 536 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 BONNIE JEAN THURK PHYLLIS 1 RILEY MARIE L & JEAN E ANDERSON 537 MISSION HILLS DR 538 MISSION HILLS WAY W 539 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 HARTIN FAMILY TRUST LYNETTE LAABS VI QUANG 540 MISSION HILLS DR 541 MISSION HILLS DR 542 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 URBAN CAPITAL HOLDINGS LLC KELLIE L WEILBRENNER KLINGELHUTZ FARMS LLC 5421 TRACY LYNN TERR 543 MISSION HILLS WAY W 545 LAKE DR APT N205 MINNETONKA, MN 55345-4237 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179323 APPLE TREE ESTATES LLC STEPHANI K THYKESON THOMAS H BERGE 545 LAKE DR APT 205 545 MARSHLAND TRL 545 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553179323 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 HEATHER S VALITON DIANE M DEPOE SEAN S WARK 547 MISSION HILLS WAY W 548 MISSION HILLS DR 549 MARSHLAND TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CAROL L ERICKSON ERIC W & MEGAN E TEALE NAM T NGUYEN 549 MISSION HILLS DR 550 MISSION HILLS WAY W 551 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 DAVID F NICKOLAY STEPHEN W JONES JR ERWIN C & CLARA MAE SIDER 552 MISSION HILLS DR 553 MARSHLAND TRL 553 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 JULIE A STOLL CAROL K GELDERT HEIDI L BUCKENTINE 554 MISSION HILLS WAY W 557 MISSION HILLS DR 558 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 RODNEYA FERROZZO HEATHER M RUDNICKI HOWARD M LONGPRE 560 BLACKBIRD CT 561 MARSHLAND TRL 561 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177703 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 VALERIE LUEBKE PATRICIA STRUCK JONATHAN M SCHLUETER 562 MISSION HILLS WAY W 563 MISSION HILLS WAY W 564 BLACKBIRD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177703 KIM M FEIST ARDIS M OLUFSON NAJLAA OUALLEN 565 MARSHLAND TRL 565 MISSION HILLS DR 566 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 JANE M VANDEN PLAS GREGORY A MARTELL ROBERT 1 BAUER 567 MISSION HILLS WAY W 568 BLACKBIRD CT 569 MARSHLAND TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177703 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 DEBRA 1 MCGARRY JULIE L JORGENSON VIOLA MARIE COLLINGHAM LIVING 569 MISSION HILLS DR 570 MISSION HILLS WAY 573 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 BRETT WEIGEL JOCELYNE RYAN BARBARAI WELLUMSON 576 BLACKBIRD CT 576 MISSION HILLS DR 577 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177703 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 TIMOTHY B LAMBERT EDWARD MILLER RENEE D WALSTROM 578 MISSION HILLS WAY W 579 MISSION HILLS WAY W 581 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 ANDREW B SANVICK ANNE M SAMUELSON BURTON BRANDRUD 582 MISSION HILLS WAY W 583 MISSION HILLS WAY W 584 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 VIRGINIA A WELLUMSON VICTORIA L OLENDER CAROL R VENEZIA 585 MISSION HILLS DR 585 MISSION HILLS WAY 586 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 DAVID B & ALLISON C ORFIELD DENNIS R & DIANE E SIEFKER REV LENORE J MOLSTAD 587 MISSION HILLS WAY W 588 MISSION HILLS DR 589 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 COREYALLEN MILLER NANCYI GOLLING MARY MILLER 589 MISSION HILLS WAY W 590 MISSION HILLS WAY W 591 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 LAUREL BOSECK WAYNE L BEAN RYAN L MAAS 592 MISSION HILLS DR 593 MISSION HILLS DR 594 MISSION HILLS WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 GORDON G WAINWRIGHT JARED A KRUEGER HEATHER L TRIMBLE 595 MISSION HILLS WAY W 596 MISSION HILLS DR 597 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177717 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 WILLIAM D HEINRICH 1R DONNA LEVASSEUR CARVER COUNTY 598 MISSION HILLS WAY W 599 MISSION HILLS WAY W 602 4TH ST E CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHASKA, MN 55318-2102 MATTHEW L & KATHLEEN ALBRECHT JAY ANDREW ELLIOT ERIC 1 BORM 6220 CASCADE PASS 639 SPRINGHILL RD 6972 PIMA UN CHANHASSEN, MN 553179476 SAINT PAUL, MN 55127-3598 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179230 GEORGE W & LESLIE GILMAN HOUCK INVESTMENTS LLC FREDERICK Q KAMPS 7470 ATHERTON WAY 776 APPLEWOOD CIR 8410 WATERS EDGE DR EDEN PRAIRIE, MN SS346-4410 VICTORIA, MN 55386-8254 CHANHASSEN, MN 553178698 KENNETH J & GARNITA A WENCL PATRICK S & CONSTANCE SULLIVAN GREGORY A & DANA J OHNSORG 8412 WATERS EDGE DR 8500 MAYFIELD CT 8500 WATERS EDGE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553178698 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 TRUST OF DOROTHY S JAMES JOHN F & SHIRLEY M ROBINSON GARY R SCHULTZ 8501 MAYFIELD CT 8502 WATERS EDGE DR 8507 WATERS EDGE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 JEFFREY RAYMOND SICHENEDER BRAD H & CAROL M WILLMSEN JOHN S & BARBARA AJACOBY 8508 WATERS EDGE DR 8510 WATERS EDGE DR 8516 WATERS EDGE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 MATTHEW S RUDDYJR RICHARD & EVELYN J KETTLER KARLA K THOMSON 8520 MAYFIELD CT 8521 MAYFIELD CT 8524 MAYFIELD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 SUSAN M DEAN CONNIE M MOEHL J A & JUDITH A HRUBY 8525 MAYFIELD CT 8540 MAYFIELD CT 8544 MAYFIELD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 BRIAN A & LOU ANN D KLINGELHUT NORMAN C 1R & KIMBERLY GRANT BRIAN & LOUANN KLINGELHUTZ 8860 KLEIN DR 9021 LAKE RILEY BLVD 9731 MEADOWLARK LN WACONIA, MN 55387-4566 CHANHASSEN, MN 553178650 CHANHASSEN, MN 553178626 CHANHASSEN GATEWAY PLACE LLC PO BOX 10 ALBANY, MN 56307-0010 LJ WILLIAM D HEINRICH JR 598 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 TODD ANDERSON 553 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 SUSAN LUDGATE 8500 MAYFIELD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 KAREN ATKINSON 589 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSENM, MN 55317 CAITLIN WOOLDRIDGE 553 MARSHLAND TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 KATIE HASSIG 14308 WOODHAVEN RD MINNETONKA, MN 55345 M ROSANNE BOOTZ 540 MISSION DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 BRIAN NORDMANN 550 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DEUTSCHE BANK NATL TRUST 5720 PREMIER PARK DR W. PALM BEACH, FL 33407 MANEESH BHAGAT 571 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 NORRENE COZINE 585 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JANE HELD 8540 MAYFIELD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ANDREW ENGESSER 582 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ANNESUDDENDORF 50 HUNTERS CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 KATHRYN ANN SEPTER 578 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CINDY FLOREK 576 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSSEN, MN 55317 GREGORY MEUWISSEN 593 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 TOKEN REICHOW 589 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JACQUELINE SWANSON 509 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CONNIE MILLER 573 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PATRICIA ADAMS 8521 MAYFIELD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DOUGLAS TUCKER 585 MISSION HILLS WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 GREGORY MARTELL 7760 ATHERTON WAY EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55346 JOSEPH CITTERMAN 531 MISSIONS HILLS WAY W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PENELOPY STARKEY 525 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 GERALD DAVID GONEAU 583 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE: April 23, 2018 RESOLUTION NO: 2018-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION VACATING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (TOWN ROAD) OUTLOT E, MISSION HILLS PLANNING CASE FILE NO.2017-07 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 412.851, after published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing before the hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation, the Chanhassen City Council has conducted a hearing to consider the vacation of the public drainage and utility easement legally described on the attached Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, following the hearing and consideration of the proposed vacation, the Council has determined that it is in the public interest to vacate the public right-of-way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen: 1. The public right of way legally described on the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated. 2. The vacation shall not affect the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling the electric or telephone poles and lines, gas lines, sanitary and storm sewer lines, water pipes, mains, hydrants, and natural drainage areas thereon or thereunder, to continue maintain the same or to enter upon such way or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereof. 3. The City Manager is directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the County Auditor and County Recorder of Carver County. 4. This resolution shall be recorded prior to but concurrent with the recording of the final plat and development contract for Mission Hills and Addition. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23rd day of April, 2017. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufenburger, Mayor YES NO ABSENT EXHIBIT "A" Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. DESCRIPTION OF ROAD VACATION Town Rood within 0utjot E. Weston Hill$. according to the recorded plot thweaf. 91 Carver County. Minnesota d-I 3 91I)W14 ON PLAT W S (TO W \�AC�MD) � LINE Of' THE 1/4 IOF` Kc t 3. t. 1 1�5. R.0 ........... ffORTH I OF 1ME he 1/4 W WQ 2k T. I Id, R.23 A, ri I heresy oertf, that thle money. pl.,, or report was prepared by me or under my dre t wpv sign and that I duly Liaso.ed Land Surveyor under the aws of the State of Minneedo. lows 0 100 200 Dated thle 225rd day of INIorah. 2018 SMDEfilMD SCALE N FEET rN ItIM BY . MI E. �"- , ( ). Ne Leonard P. Corivan. P.L.S. Minn. Lie. 1, ,,ago 9.. "11. ww=55=�5 JISUNDE e52-811-2VO (I.. 02-916-9W Saab, uam%.. LAND SURVEYING 14 DESCRIPTION OF ROAD VACATION Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. r- J ii F� R o' sa \ TOWN ROAD AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF MISSION HILLS (TO BE VACATED) r_ SOUTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 J ',—OF SEC. 13, T.I I6. R.23 NORTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 24, T.116, R.23 !i \ rJ r_ \ p I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. <1 Alw /v �i r7%, YIL. A /'/ A /r v ll/ vL/ Dated this 23rd day of March, 2018 I C SUNDE LAND S RV IN LLC. By.—---- 9001 Ea! Leonard F. Carlson, P.L.S. Minn. Lic. No. 44890 [jJSUNDE 910 952 LAND SURVEYING 2014-179-8 865/33 T.118, R.23, S.13 20141799-ctbn.dwg MAP CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR VACATION OF RIGHT-OF- WAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 23, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §412.851 to consider the vacation of public right-of-way (Town Road) at Outlot E, Mission Hills, described as: Town Road within Outot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Phone: 952-227-1164 (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on Thursday, April 12 and 19.2018: No. 4575) Affidavit of Publication Southwest Newspapers State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Carver ) Laurie A. Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Vil- lager and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No. S� 7-> was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of type used in the composition and publication of the Notice: Subscribed and swom before me on this L I day ofCA=:;2A:V .2018 N lic A.041* Laurie A. Hartmann JYMME JEANNETTE BA" m. NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 01131123 RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... S31.20 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter ................................. $31.20 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter .............................................. $12.97 per column inch ,111 CityofChanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 MINNEAP LIS . HN � P * _ 15APR *18 � ql� € M �q t > nrrner nowEs 021 P $ 000.470 + •0003195036 APR 162018 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 55317 CITY OF REG—m - APR 20 ENr,wjEr11I%GDFPT. IIII"IIln lllllI'II'IIIIIn'1411I'I""II1141P'III'I"IIII Gordon Lee Lindstrom Rev Trust 543Missions Hills Vl ,jTXIE 553 _7PC 000cii=r'- Chanhassen, MN 5 RETLiRN+TO SENDER NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED 'UNABLE TO 7ORWARD UTF SC: 5533.7014747 *2478-04587-16-3T 5 5 317>9147 11JJJ�Ilsrini)'ii!'II'firllrllinlrflir1,lr�iifinl�hillalJ.r9�. KATHRYN ANN SEPTER 578MISSIONH NIXIE 553 DE 1 0004113/18 CHANHASSEN, VACANT I LINABLE TO FORWARD i VAC SC: 55317014747 *2478-98163-09-43 SST;;gxr.� 4 IIIiIIiIIIIiIIIllirilllilIII I'll lt'Iiiliil'IIIII'Ilriifl,LrrIli 1 WILLIAM D HEINRICH JR 598MISSION NIXIE 553 DE 1 0004/13J18 CHANHASSEP - TO 3E :DEF. VACANT u'NASLE TO Fv'S:ARD VAC BC: 55317014747 *2478-08926-09-43 �59-i�>�i�l�`�'$'II"'llrinrirllllll'li'llllflllllllifrfiiffilirlrrlll'IIIfII'II t SgEO TODDA.NDERS( NIXIE 553 DE 1 0004/13/18 1 553MISSION H =ET � TO S`NDEa CHANHASSEN, I VACANT I ....ABLE TO FO.'.„ARD i S531?$77ic VAC BC: 55317014747 *2611-17966-99-43 55317>0147 I'I'l1IIIr111r1I11'I1lI"'fill'Illl'i'lll'il'rnrtritfirf{rrf,rif ; ' 00 Marht Boulevard ) Box 147 ianhassen, MN 55317 fl81f V!'if�"e!-'°c1l-L�' PIA S IL qe _ _ .� PITNEY BONES 02 1 P $ 000.470 0003195036 APR 05 2018 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 55317 MATTHEW R KLEY 31363RD AVES NIXIE 553 FE 1 0004%09/18 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 5'. RETURN TO SENDER NOT DELIVERAB:E AS ADDRESSED :luwv� E TO env wwvn ❑TF 5L: 55317014747 '0379-67442-89-26 MISSION HILLS GARDEN HOMES seat u_ a- - 2681 LONG LAKE RD- ROSEVILLE,MN551: RcTUR7i TO SENDER NO SUCH STREET UNABLE TO FORWARD NSS BE: 5532.7034747 *2478-00048-05-42 �s.5,7'1 �f�,rlf,f��{1+fi�i{��{,1{�i,yll,ff„4gflllfll�nf���i�llli�t *1�r r HEATHER L TRIMBLE 597 MISSION HILLS' CHANHASSEN, MN ` NIXIE 553 DE 1 0004l13/18 ! TO JI�E _VL _R I ` V AC AN I T� GAP .�. ARM t UP:As,—E BC: 55317014747 '2578-09393-05-41 KELLIE L WEILBRENNER _ 543MISSIONHILL! NIXIE 553 DE I. 0004l13.l18 CHANHASSEN, MN _ _ -U= �� y�;;• �_;, V�Svi-v sC 1l P+L A% 1 U-mAuiE TO FOWARD 5531703-4747 *2378-02007-05-42 III tiiy,,s1,1i1IIII] III I„l1+Ii1++h{1111,11i,i{ii{,if�+iiii{il City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 •A, `�sc 4� f11jr4T'TEfD.T )L:ffV4: ;~,05115; 0.5 APR 21?1B 02 1 P� 000.4I 0003195036 APR 052018 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 5 5317 441 I'c` j & �j -< RYAN L MAAS 594 MISSION HILLS Wt" CHANHASSEN, MN 551 N1 X1 E .5 $ ,n1: 9326889528563.9 voi;D BC RETURN TO SENDER UNDELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED :U AI Ao LE TO FORWARD 55317014747 '0878-01097-14-30 pA 1 nQ ++.= kt1EW 6bxa, G 4:: t-XV'; MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 55317 �,Ltsr ulsst�S.f s i x b$ I$ L l 1 1 1j \� 16' S '1u1 � 11'111'11111111'ii:i:111'711i:i; /� `i11'1 MELISSA A MUIR 22495CANTRELI""NIxrF 553 FE 1 Z204/12/18 FARMINGTON,N RETURN TO SENDER i NOT DELIVERABLE- AS ADDRESSED UNABLE TO FORWARD n 1�u� Y1 I Tr n..cp`7 71� ��d3"��Ei�]UT; MANUAL "rRfiC -REG ¢GZT'b-$8�16i-05-42 _K'_w_ 4ZE-rli-li:i•'i-0il'`l..ii°i••^%uiiiliirrii'°"iii `I'i"i':'11 I Ghaxhassen,MN55317 CITY Or itj(;R4I0D APR 2 0 201u EN('WEESiliii r_EF--" 02 1P 000:" 0003195036 APR 052018 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 55317 KELLEYPBENT - p;-1_T_ -_- __ _ 4. - - 1. 534 MISSION F .o CHANHASSEN, RETURN TO SLTTlSL.a NOT i%€;<YI VE;€ ARi F AS p AZLE TO U TFF* BC: 55317914747 `Z17B-6Z618-65_*z j74IPIjiIliti idil_'i1��z ifs,�S4iiijeall�l �a9�@E�' "B.lflf � it CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on April 5, 2018, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing Notice for the vacation of right-of-way (Town Road) on Outlot E, Mission Hills, Planning Case File No. 17-07 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kim T. euwissen, Deputy erk Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of 2018. gcMWD Notary Public /AmyN JEAN M.STECKLING otary Public -Minnesota �""�wb^ EWrec.len 31, 2018 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 23, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §412.851 to consider the vacation of public right-of-way (Town Road) on Outlot E, Mission Hills, described as: Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. DECrRPTM Of ROAD VACAnW �\ S aacerelnq le m. rrowew eml Inrrol. .;P' Carver Ceun1Y. YN.w.ote. Qj'. rF �v Yrl. Kr59T—. pv..) 9Mx IYE R M A r/. ri Y. ,. ..,............ k nw.er e.nxr n er .. w u,.a..r a.n .m..Y� roe mY r en a ealy IRn..O Lme w..p aw uY R �! Dul.a NI. ua Aar or uo-ln. ]Ole J � SVUF /No N LLc SCNE Ix EEET N ss5UDE SITlV®ING All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Phone: 952-227-1164 (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 12 & 19, 2018) g: eng\vacations\mission hills - outlot e - town road - pc 17-07\ph notice to mail.docn CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE: April 23, 2018 RESOLUTION NO: 2018-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION VACATING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (TOWN ROAD) OUTLOT E, MISSION HILLS PLANNING CASE FILE NO.2017-07 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 412.851, after published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing before the hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation, the Chanhassen City Council has conducted a hearing to consider the vacation of the public drainage and utility easement legally described on the attached Exhibit "A'; and WHEREAS, following the hearing and consideration of the proposed vacation, the Council has determined that it is in the public interest to vacate the public right-of-way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen: The public right of way legally described on the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated. 2. The vacation shall not affect the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling the electric or telephone poles and lines, gas lines, sanitary and storm sewer lines, water pipes, mains, hydrants, and natural drainage areas thereon or thereunder, to continue maintain the same or to enter upon such way or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereof. 3. The City Manager is directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the County Auditor and County Recorder of Carver County. 4. This resolution shall be recorded prior to but concurrent with the recording of the final plat and development contract for Mission Hills Yd Addition. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 231 day of April, 2017. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufenburger, Mayor YES NO ABSENT EXHIBIT "A" Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. DESCRIPTION OF ROAD VACATION Town Road within Outlot E. Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof. :?' > Carver County, Minnesota. r,4.. TOMS ROM AS SHOWOROH pt OT MtED)LlS (TO BE VA \ 540H HILLS .F� $ONTN LINE OF THE Sw I/4 J W SEE, IJ. 1. 115. R 23 \ `� NgtTN LINE dF THE " 1/e OF SEC. x. T.110. RR] •��iwL��R `A, irii>.}iv :r r r� N ti O C ` 'J JF K A rV��ir/ViMIi �%AVM 9 I heraay csNfy that this wavy. plan, or report was prepared by me or under my affect wpsrNsho and a3 that I an, a duly Lkensed Lana Surveyor under the I... of the Stale of Minnesota. 0� Dated this 23 d day al Marts. 2018 "DEE/LANO 5/j1RV LLLL�C.. SCALE IN FEET By IJAal.--__ y wol Eon elm+ r (al • swu Ne Laanafd F. Carlson. P.L.S. Mbn. Lk. No. 1e890 953-MI-]w uF¢ 9site) Ss SUNDEw,...iey maw °rn fAND SUSV6YING ^aw'amm aM�ne-a ewer Asa sn u1s Amr.lns-.wl.•.a sw KENNA PROPERTIES LLC MANEESH BHAGAT ZETTEL INVESTMENTS LLC 1096 SYMPHONY UN 125 MAIN ST SE #130 19580 VINE RIDGE RD CHASKA, MN 55318-4589 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414-2161 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9118 MELISSA A MUIR MISSION HILLS GARDEN HOMES MICHAEL S & STEPHANIE R DILLE 22485 CANTREL WAY 2681 LONG LAKE RD 291 TIMBER HILL RD FARMINGTON, MN 55024-4011 ROSEVILLE, MN 55113-1128 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179129 CHRIS & ALANNA LIEBHART ANDREW 1 BRONCZYK MATTHEW R KLEY 3051 VENEZIA TER 311 WINKLER CT 3136 3RD AVE S CHINO HILLS, CA 91709-6610 COLOGNE, MN 55322-4510 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408-3221 HEATHER 1 HEYER GREGORY SELLS STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT 3526 GRIMES AVE N 3808 DOTTY ST 395 JOHN IRELAND BLVD 631 TRAN MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55422-2838 CARMICHAEL, CA 95608-2715 ST PAUL, MN 55155-1801 JANET E BROWN BEVERLY HAFFNER ROBERT C & SUSAN J ERICKSON 501 MISSION HILLS DR 509 MISSION HILLS DR 513 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN SS3177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 VICKIE L NOVAK BEVERLY E CHRISTENSEN BERNARD M & JOANN C GAYTKO 516 MISSION HILLS DR 517 MISSION HILLS DR 521 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 DALE E HETLAND ANNE M SUDDENDORF GRACE REGALADO 524 MISSION HILLS DR 525 MARSHLAND TRL 525 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 JENNIFER YOUNGS PAMELA R MURRAY SAMANTHA BOLAND 529 MARSHLAND TRL # 4S 529 MISSION HILLS DR 530 MISSION HILLS WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 DREW D CARLSON PATRICK A HUTTNER KAREN 1 CWAYNA DOUGHERTY 531 MISSIONS HILLS WAY W 532 MISSION HILLS DR 533 MARSHLAND TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 KATHYJ MCKIM KELLEY P BENTLEY DUANE D & DONNA M MOORE 533 MISSION HILLS DR 534 MISSION HILLS W 536 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177715 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN S53177716 BONNIE JEAN THURK PHYLLIS J RILEY MARIE L & JEAN E ANDERSON 537 MISSION HILLS OR 538 MISSION HILLS WAY W 539 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 HARTIN FAMILY TRUST LYNETTE LAABS VI QUANG 540 MISSION HILLS DR 541 MISSION HILLS DR 542 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 URBAN CAPITAL HOLDINGS LLC KELLIE L WEILBRENNER KLINGELHUTZ FARMS LLC 5421 TRACY LYNN TERR 543 MISSION HILLS WAY W 545 LAKE DR APT #205 MINNETONKA, MN 55345-4237 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179323 APPLE TREE ESTATES LLC STEPHANI K THYKESON THOMAS H BERGE 545 LAKE DR APT 205 545 MARSHLAND TRL 545 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553179323 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 HEATHER S VALITON DIANE M DEPOE SEAN S WARK 547 MISSION HILLS WAY W 548 MISSION HILLS DR 549 MARSHLAND TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CAROL L ERICKSON ERIC W & MEGAN E TEALE NAM T NGUYEN 549 MISSION HILLS DR 550 MISSION HILLS WAY W 551 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177701 DAVID F NICKOLAY STEPHEN W JONES 1R ERWIN C & CLARA MAE SIDER SS2 MISSION HILLS DR 553 MARSHLAND TRL 553 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 JULIE A STOLL CAROL K GELDERT HEIDI L BUCKENTINE 554 MISSION HILLS WAY W 557 MISSION HILLS DR 558 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 RODNEY A FERROZZO HEATHER M RUDNICKI HOWARD M LONGPRE 560 BLACKBIRD CT 561 MARSHLAND TRL 561 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177703 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 VALERIE LUEBKE PATRICIA STRUCK JONATHAN M SCHLUETER 562 MISSION HILLS WAY W 563 MISSION HILLS WAY W 564 BLACKBIRD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177703 • C� KIM M FEIST ARDIS M OLUFSON 565 MARSHLAND TRL 565 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 JANE M VANDEN PLAS GREGORY A MARTELL 567 MISSION HILLS WAY W 568 BLACKBIRD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177703 DEBRAI MCGARRY JULIE LJORGENSON 569 MISSION HILLS DR 570 MISSION HILLS WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 BRETT WEIGEL JOCELYNE RYAN 576 BLACKBIRD CT 576 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177703 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 TIMOTHY B LAMBERT EDWARD MILLER 578 MISSION HILLS WAY W 579 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 ANDREW B SANVICK ANNE M SAMUELSON 582 MISSION HILLS WAY W 583 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 VIRGINIA A WELLUMSON VICTORIA L OLEN DER 585 MISSION HILLS DR 585 MISSION HILLS WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 DAVID B & ALLISON C ORFIELD DENNIS R & DIANE E SIEFKER REV 587 MISSION HILLS WAY W 588 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 COREY ALLEN MILLER NANCY 1 GOLLING 589 MISSION HILLS WAY W 590 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 LAURELJ BOSECK WAYNE L BEAN 592 MISSION HILLS DR 593 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 NAILAA OUALLEN 566 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 ROBERTIBAUER 569 MARSHLAND TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 553177711 VIOLA MARIE COLLINGHAM LIVING 573 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 BARBARAJ WELLUMSON 577 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 RENEE D WALSTROM 581 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 BURTON BRANDRUD 584 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 CAROL R VENEZIA 586 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 LENORE 1 MOLSTAD 589 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177716 MARY MILLER 591 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 RYAN L MAAS 594 MISSION HILLS WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 • GORDON G WAINWRIGHT JARED A KRUEGER HEATHER L TRIMBLE 595 MISSION HILLS WAY W 596 MISSION HILLS DR 597 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177717 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 WILLIAM D HEINRICH 1R DONNA LEVASSEUR CARVER COUNTY 598 MISSION HILLS WAY W 599 MISSION HILLS WAY W 602 4TH ST E CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177702 CHASKA, MN 55318-2102 MATTHEW L & KATHLEEN ALBRECHT JAY ANDREW ELLIOT ERICJ BORM 6220 CASCADE PASS 639 SPRINGHILL RD 6972 PIMA LN CHANHASSEN, MN 553179476 SAINT PAUL, MN 55127-3598 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179230 GEORGE W & LESLIE GILMAN HOUCK INVESTMENTS LLC FREDERICK Q KAMPS 7470 ATHERTON WAY 776 APPLEWOOD CIR 8410 WATERS EDGE DR EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55346-4410 VICTORIA, MN 55386-8254 CHANHASSEN, MN 553178698 KENNETH 1 & GARNITA A WENCL PATRICK S & CONSTANCE SULLIVAN GREGORY A & DANA J OHNSORG 8412 WATERS EDGE DR 8500 MAYFIELD CT 8500 WATERS EDGE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553178698 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 TRUST OF DOROTHY S JAMES JOHN F & SHIRLEY M ROBINSON GARY R SCHULTZ 8501 MAYFIELD CT 8502 WATERS EDGE DR 8507 WATERS EDGE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 JEFFREY RAYMOND SICHENEDER BRAD H & CAROL M WILLMSEN JOHN S & BARBARA A JACOBY 8508 WATERS EDGE DR 8510 WATERS EDGE DR 8516 WATERS EDGE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 CHANHASSEN, MN 553179749 MATTHEW S RUDDY 1R RICHARD & EVELYN 1 KETTLER KARLA K THOMSON 8520 MAYFIELD CT 8521 MAYFIELD CT 8524 MAYFIELD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 SUSAN M DEAN CONNIE M MOEHL 1 A & JUDITH A HRUBY 8525 MAYFIELD CT 8540 MAYFIELD CT 8544 MAYFIELD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 CHANHASSEN, MN 553177719 BRIAN A & LOU ANN D KLINGELHUT NORMAN C 1R & KIMBERLY GRANT BRIAN & LOUANN KLINGELHUTZ 8860 KLEIN DR 9021 LAKE RILEY BLVD 9731 MEADOWLARK UN WACONIA, MN 55387-4566 CHANHASSEN, MN 553178650 CHANHASSEN, MN 553178626 CHANHASSEN GATEWA PO BOX 10 ALBANY, MN S6307-00: Ll 0 WILLIAM D HEINRICH JR MANEESH BHAGAT 598 MISSION HILLS WAY W 571 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 TODD ANDERSON NORRENE COZINE 553 MISSION HILLS DR 585 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 SUSAN LUDGATE JANE HELD 8500 MAYFIELD CT 8540 MAYFIELD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 KAREN ATKINSON ANDREW ENGESSER 589 MISSION HILLS WAY W 582 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSENM, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CAITLIN WOOLDRIDGE ANNE SUDDENDORF 553 MARSHLAND TRL 50 HUNTERS CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 KATIE HASSIG KATHRYN ANN SEPTER 14308 WOODHAVEN RD 578 MISSION HILLS WAY W MINNETONKA, MN 55345 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 M ROSANNE BOOTZ CINDY FLOREK 540 MISSION DR 576 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSSEN, MN 55317 BRIAN NORDMANN GREGORY MEUWISSEN 550 MISSION HILLS WAY W 593 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DEUTSCHE BANK NATL TRUST TOKEN REICHOW 5720 PREMIER PARK DR 589 MISSION HILLS DR W. PALM BEACH, FL 33407 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JACQUELINE SWANSON 509 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CONNIE MILLER 573 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PATRICIA ADAMS 8521 MAYFIELD CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DOUGLAS TUCKER 585 MISSION HILLS WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 GREGORY MARTELL 7760 ATHERTON WAY EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55346 JOSEPH CITTERMAN 531 MISSIONS HILLS WAY W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PENELOPY STARKEY 525 MISSION HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 GERALD DAVID GONEAU 583 MISSION HILLS WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 �J CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 23, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §412.851 to consider the vacation of public right-of-way (Town Road) at Outlot E, Mission Hills, described as: Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Phone: 952-227-1164 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on April 12 and 19, 2018) gAmg\vacations\mission hills - outlot e - town road - pc 17-07\ph notice to papecdoc 6 6 CITY OF CHANHASSEN P 0 SOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 03/26/2018 2:14 PM Receipt No. 00374108 CLERK: AshleyM PAYEE: Fabyanske, Westra, Hart & Thompson, P.A. Outlot E, Mission Hills Mission Hills Senior Living ------------------------------------------------------- Vacation 300.00 Recording Fees 50.00 Total Cash Check 61960 Change al SCAMMEO 350.00 0.00 350.00 0.00 FABYANSKE, WESTRA, HART & THOMSON, P.A. 61960 INVOICE DATE DESCRIPTION INV AMOUNT CR LMS/SCC 3/23 3/23/2018 Application Fee - PID 255300400 350.00 Check# / Date 61960 3/23/2018 City of Chanhassen 350.00 W-Still N1 T MNNNG MD ENGI MNG IOD'I16lgf mimmG IN U.B.A 6 PG 2-ol�--c�-► COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF CHANHASSEN Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 1 Fax: (952) 227-1110 0 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENTREVIEW Submittal Date. 3,%�/ I u PC Date /J CC Date ��J O 60-Day Review Date. /J n (Refer to tho appmpoale App,icuhon ChucAbsl fw required submillal information tbal +nusr ac'cumpa oy this application) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment .........................$600 ❑ Subdivision (SUB) ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on -site sewers..... $100 ❑ Create 3 lots or less ........................................ $300 ❑ Create over 3 lots .... ................... $600 + $15 per lot El Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ( lots) ❑ Single -Family Residence ................................ $325 ............................ ❑ Metes & Bounds (2 lots). ..... $300 ❑ All Others ......................................... ......... _...... $425 ❑ Consolidate Lots ................ .............................. $150 ❑ Interim Use Permit (IUP) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ....... .................................. ❑ ....$700 Final Plat ..................................................... . $150 ❑ In conjunction with Single -Family Residence.. $325 (Includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)' ❑ All Others_....................................................... $425 *Additional escrow may be required for other applications ❑ Rezoning (REZ) Through the development contract ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD)..................$750 EJ Vacation of Easemenls/Righlof-way (VAC)........ $300 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD................. $100 (Additional recording fees may apply) ❑ All Others... ....... .............................................$500 ❑ Variance (VAR) .................................................... $200 ❑ Sign Plan Review...................................................$150 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) ❑ Site Plan Review (SPR) ❑ Single -Family Residence ............................... $150 ❑ Administrative..................................................$100 ❑ All Others ....................................................... $275 ❑ CommerciaVlndustrial Districts"......................$500 ❑ Zoning Appeal ...................................................... $100 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: ( thousand square feel) ❑ nance menmen( )................. ZoningOrdinance Amendment ZOA $5�� 'Include number of exlstinu employees: *Include number of new employees ❑ Residential Districts....... """""' "" """ $500 NOTE When multiple applications are processed concurrently, Plus 55 per dwelling unit (_ units) its) the appropriate too shall be charged for each application. ❑ Notification Sign (City to install and remove) ....... .............................................................................................................. $200 ❑ Property Owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre -application meeting) .................................................. $3 per address (_ addresses) ❑ Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) ... ......................................... ......... __.............. $50 per document ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interim Use Permit ❑ Site Plan Agreement Vacation ❑ Variance ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 dots.) ❑ Easements ( easements) ❑ Deeds �= TOTAL FEE: O Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal. Mission Hills Senior Housing Owner, LLC requests that the 'paper' road across our development site be vacated. The road was previously modified to the current 86th Street W. and is no longer needed. cuA lok L r1Iits Property Addressor Location: Parcel #: 255300400 Legal Description: Total Acreage: Acreage: 8.67'/ Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: Planned Unit Development (PUD) Present Land Use Designation: Residential High Density Existing Use of Property: Agriculture ❑Check box if separate narrative is attached ❑ Yes ® No Requested Zoning: Not Applicable Requested Land Use Designation: Select One <D S v II SCANNED Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: Fax: Signature: Date: PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Michael Hoagberg Contact: Address. 17550 Hemlock Avenue Phone: (952)378-4386 City/State/Zip: Lakeville, MN 55044 Cell: (612) 723-3330 Email: mhoagberg@headwatersdevelopmpN.biz Signature: Date: March 23, 2018 This application must be completed in full an must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (If applicable) Name: Contact: Address: Phone. City/StatelZipCell: Email: Fax Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? 'Other Contact Information: ED Property Owner Via: Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Name: ❑ Applicant Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: ❑ Engineer Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City/Stale/Zip: ❑ Other' Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM to D Z m m Cl 89 K61029zsILola Town Road within Outlot E, Mission Hills, according to the recorded plat thereof, j' Carver County, Minnesota. f ` i� �O . ;; �' • mod+ /4r, TOWN ROAD AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF MISSION HILLS (TO BE VACATED) \ J NORTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4—� OF SEC. 24, T.116, R.23 c� G J .. SOUTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 -OF SEC. 13, T.116, R.23 \ A // /A A-,r' J J / rV/v/c7A_h �A / J e � rJ N '/ A //A //. 'A / I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report wat prepared by me or under my direct supervision and 1 that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this 23rd day of March, 2018 00 200 SUNDE LAND S RV IN L�oLC.. 6y.------------- Leonard F. Carlson, P.L.S. Minn. Lic. No. 44890 2014-179—e 063/33 7.115. R.23, S.13 201417913—wcationAwg MAP v / c. c. J / n ^ k SCALE IN FEET Is'UUND �l 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • 5Suite26) I18 I J ,v/ /Ly Bloomington, Minnesota 55420-3435 Il 952-881-2455 (Fax: 952-888-9526) LAND SURVEYING �.sunde.com 0 r� U March 23, 2018 City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 HEADWATERS DEVELOPMENT - Re: Request to vacate town road across 8.67 acre site (PID: 255300400) at Highway 101 and 86' Street This property is currently legally described as Outlot E, Mission Hills. The City has approved the replatting of the property as Lot 1, Block 1, MISSION HILLS 3`d ADDITION. However, the former town road that crossed this property was not vacated after 86d' Street was shifted to the north of the property. The physical road itself has been removed from the property. The former road must be formally vacated in order to record the new plat of Mission Hills Yd Addition and develop the 152-unit senior living community that the City has approved on this property. Therefore, Mission Hills Senior Housing Owner, LLC requests that the City council formally approve the vacation of the former town road within this property. Sincerely,, i Michael J. Hoagberg Member Mission Hills Senior Housing Owner, LLC MHoagberg(&headwatersdevelopment.biz -,r,ANNED