APRIL 15, 2003
Chairman Sacchet call~ the meeting to order at 7:00 pan.
MEMBER$ PRE~ENT: Uli Sacchet, Steve Lillehaug, Rich Slagle, Alison Blackowiak, Bruce
Feik and Craig Claybaugh
STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Directac, Matt Saam, Assistant
City Engineer, Sharmeen A1-Jaff, Senior Planne~, and Angle Auseth, Planner
Debbie Lloyd
Jerry & Janet Paulsen
Kurt Papke
7302 Iatredo Drive
7305 Laredo Drive
1131 Homestead Lane
Angie Auseth presented the staff report on this item. Commissioners had discussions regarding
timeline of permit approvals and building inspections, the process by which the city approv~
building permits, and storm water runoff issues. The applicant presented their case outlining the
timeline and sketches of the ~.
Blackowiak moved, Feik seconded that the Planning Commission approve Variance g2(MI3-6
with the following conditions:
That the applicant will work with the City Forester and staff to determine best placement
for additional trees and/or shrubs.
No conversions of this space in the future would be allowable except to revert back to
green space.
All voted in favor and the motion ~arrted unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Angie Auseth presented the staff report on this item. Commissioners had concerns regarding the
legality of the non-conforming status of the lot, the footprint size and i .mpervious coverage.
Alison Blackowiak brought up the issue of lakescaping and Uli Sacchet questioned the setback
from the lake. The applicant presented his reasons for the need of variances and the house
design on the lot and answered concerns brought up by the commission arid staff. Jerry Paulsen
Planning Commission Summary Minutes - April 15, 2003
and Debbie Lloyd spoke at the public hearing. TI~ concerns were related to saving the trees,
the number of variances being asked for, and reasonable use of the tn'oink. 'Mrs. Lloyd felt that
what is currently on the lot should be considered reasonable use. The Planning Commission's
most important issue was the amount of hard surface coverage, and not wanting to increase that
amount, but reco~ized the fact that there was benefit from the applicant moving the house pad
away from the lakeshore.
Slagle moved, Claybaugh seconded that the Planning Comminnion table the Variance
g2003.7 and direct staff to work with the applicant to redesign the project to maintain the
current percentage of hard surface coverage. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 6 to O.
Commissioner lJllehaug asked staff to look at reducing the increase and the intensLty of the 4.4
feet on the southwest side of the lot in addition to maintain the 34.9 percent of hard coverage.
Commissioner Claybaugh's position was that by moving the house structure back from the
lakeshore high water mark is a positive. He was willinE to entertain the side yard and other
associated variances, but not willing to take those in conjunction with the intensity of the hard
cover surface. Whether the applicant addresses the square footage on the house or looks at more
organic materials for pads and patios, that's the applicant's call. Commissioner Slagle asked
staff to double check the roof overhangs in relation to the setback- Commissioner Sacchet asked
that when staff and the applicant work on the idea of the lakeshore landscaping, they take into
consideration the trees.
AT 7SS1 Ga~.AT Pt. An~S B0~.~VARI), ~$T PIyr_~ LA HAY~ AODIX~0N.
Nome Address -
Charles Stinson
Bart BlinsU'up
Nancy Manara
Gladys Hanna
David Knmk
Tom Manarin
Wyck Linder
Steve & Nancy Rogers
4723 Eastwood Road, Minn _eton_ ka
18736 The Pines, Eden Prairie
7552 Gre~ Plains Boulevard
400 Santa Fe Trail
7561 Great Plains Boulevard
7552 ~ Plains Boulevard
7550 Oreat ~ Boulevard
7520 Oreat Plains Boulevard
Sharmeen AI-Jaff presented the staff report on this item.
Commissioner Feik asked for cladfication on the abandonment of the road, that would be
abandoned equally to the properties north and south, and for other ways to divide the ~
without variances. Commissioner Blackowiak asked staff to clarify the wording as it related to
connection and assessment charges. Commigsioners had a lengthy discussion over the dedication
of right-of-way for driveway access and vacation request Commissioner Sacchet was concerned
with the preservation of trees on the site, canopy cove~age, and grading. Ernie Pivec, the
applicant was available to answer question. In the public hearing Charles Stin~ a developer
Planning Commission Summary Minutes - April 15, 2003
of an adjacent neighborhood, asked staff to consider burying utilities. He also suggested that the
property could be subdivided another way which would preserve more trees. Tom Manarin
talked about the cul-de-sac fight-of-way, trees and drainage. Oladys Hanna was concerned about
the placement of the cul-de-sac and preservation of the fire hydrant and mailboxes. Wyck Linder
was concerned about notification, and the fact that this was the first he had heard of this
subdivision. He also agreed with comments made by previous neighbors. David Krtmk talked
about tree preservation. Debbie Lloyd asked about private streets. After the public hearing, the
commission commen~ they were generally in favor of staff's recommendsfion and made the
following motion.
Lillehaug moved, Blackowiak seconded that the Planning Commission recommellds
approval of the preliminary plat for Subdivision 4~3-3 for LaHaye Addition for 2 lots ami a
variance to allow two driveways on a single residential lot as shown on the plans dated
Received March 14, 2003, subject to the following conditions:
1. Install sod in all of the pavement removal areas.
If grading material will need to be i .reported or exported to construct the lots and street,
the applicant and/or contractor must supply the City Engineer with a detailed haul route
for review and approval prior to site grading.
The new cul-de-sac on Orc~ Plains Boulevard shall be constmct~ to current City design
standard, a 45 foot radius, with B-618 curb and gutter.
A minimum 30 foot wide drainage and utility easement is required over the public
sanitary sewer line on Lots 1 and 2.
Remove any existing pavement within the cul-de-sac right-of-way so the existing
driveways have a maximum width of 24 feet, as pet' City Code.
Any grading or utility work outside of the ~ limits or right-of-way will require a
te~ easenmnt.
A ma,ximnm slope of 3:1 is allowed without a retaining wall. Revise the grading plan to
8. A private easement is required for the driveway of Lot 2 which crosses over Lot 1.
9. Revise the grading plan as follows:
Show the proposed neck radius for the cul-de-sac.
Show the proposed grades for the private street and cul-de-sac upgrmtes.
Add a benchmark and legend to the plan. The legend should define all of the
different line types, easements, silt fences, etc.
Move the building pad of Lot 2 out of the public easement for the sanitm'y sewer
Show all existing and proposed easements on the plans.
10. Revise the utility plan as follows:
a. Show the existing sanitary sewer line in Gre~ Plains Boulevard.
Planning Commission Summary Minutes -April 15, 2003
Show the existing watermain in ~ Plains Boulevard and Frontier Trail
Add a legend to the plan.
Label the existing size and type of pipe for both the sanitary and watermains.
Add a catch basin at the low point in the cul-de-sac with a storm sewer line that
discharges just east of the proposed driveway for Lot 2.
The water service for Lot 2 will have to be obtained from the existing main in Frontier
The proposed private street up~ should include a vehicle turnaround area, acceptable
to the City's Fire Marshall, and a copy of the private easement dedicated to the benefiting
property owners. In order to save the two existing oak trees on each side of the private
street, the existing slreet width may be maintained in this area.
Lot 2 cannot use the same driveway access off of Great Plains Boulevard as the private
street. The two driveway acxesses shall be separated by a minimum of five feet.
Detailed street construction plans and specifi~ons in accordance with the City's latest
edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates, including approved pavement
design, will be required for review and approval by the City Council at the time of final
plat consideration. Since the street i .m!u'ov~~ will become owned and ~ed by
the City, the applicant must enter into a development contract with the City and provide
financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee construction
of the public i .mpmvements. Permits fi'om the regulatory agency will be required,
incl .uding but not limited to Watersts~ District, MPCA, etc.
The site will be subject to one sanitary sewer and water connection charge for the new lot.
The 2003 connection charges for both sanitary and water are $4~ 13. The propem] is also
subject to sanitary sewer and water hook-up charges for the new lot. The 2003 trnnk
utility hook-up charges are $1,440 per unit for sanitapj sewer and $1,876 per unit for
water. The 2003 SAC charge is $1,275 per unit. These charges are collected prior to the
building permit issuance.
Building Official conditions:
Final gnuling plato and soil reports mint be submitted to the Inspections Division
before building permits will be issued.
Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water servia.
Retaining walls over 4 feet high require a permit and must be designed by an
en~neer licensed in the State of ~Vl'innesotlL
Because of the setbacks of the proposed new house, additional address n~
will be required at the driveway entrance. Address numbers must comply with
Chanhassen Fire Depa~ment Policy regarding premise identification pursuant to
Policy No. 29-1992 (copy enclosed).
Submit new proposed driveway dimensions to City Rn~neer and Chanhasseo Fire
Marshal. This is to ensure that fire apparatus can safely negotiate the driveway to
the new proposed single family dwelling.
The bluff i .m pact zone should be shown on the grading plan.
Planning Commission Summary Minutes - April 15, 2003
Based on the proposed developed ar~ of 1.57 acres, the watea' quality fees associated
with this project am estirrmted at $1,490 and the water quantity fees assoeiamd with this
project are estimated at $3,686. The applicant will not be assessed for areas that are
dedicated ouflots. No credit will be given for temporary pond areas. At this time, the
estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is
Approval of the subdivision is contingent upon tbe City Council approving the vacation
of the right-of-way.
Environmental Resource Specialist conditions:
Tree preservation fence shall be installed at the edge of the ~ limits l~rior to
any construction.
Access to Lot 2 should be from Great Plains Boulevard
Full park and trail fees will be collected in lieu of land dedication for the newly
lot in the amount of $2,400.
Access to Lot 2 shall be prohibited off of Frontier Trail
Show the proposed house elevation for Lot 1 and address the runoff to the west and
Show final proposed driveway locaflom.
Work with staff and fiimlize the plat and include the ~ information to
indude drainage and utility easement, etc.
Include the tree grove on the northwest corner of Lot 1 and the 2 big trees on the
south side of Lot 2 inside the tree protection fem:i~.
Lot n,,mber 2 will be custom graded and the house pad moved northwest as
Ail voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Commissioners felt that tbe conditions they added, highlighted in bold. conveyed their concerns
with the subdivision.
APPROVAL OF MII~jTE8: Ali~m Blackowiak noted the ]W_xnu~ of the Planning
Commission meeting dated April 1, 2003 as submitt~
Chairman Sa~ehex adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 10:05 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim