CAS-14_LAKE HARRISON - FILE 1 OF 2Lots 11 & 12 Detail �r-�►d -Hod -pod f - Ho Lot Line _ / — —Power Line Easement a ¢ oo Bluff Building Setback J a o T�� !/ a T Bluff No Impact Zone Bluff Line Bluff No Impact Encroachment 7- WThis graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. -Wartullow- emtom Land Company I� Lake Harrison — Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 . J �r-�►d -Hod -pod f - Ho Lot Line _ / — —Power Line Easement a ¢ oo Bluff Building Setback J a o T�� !/ a T Bluff No Impact Zone Bluff Line Bluff No Impact Encroachment 7- WThis graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. -Wartullow- emtom Land Company I� Lake Harrison — Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 Cross Section A -A Scale: 1"=20' EXISTING HOME SITE LINE AT 10 YR. GROWTH r SITE UNE A7INSTALLATION Cross Section B -B Scale: F'= 20' w --Ewlemtom Land Company POWER UNE PROPERTY EASEMENT UNE POWER UNE EASEMENT IL A I POWER LINE EASEMENT PROPOSED HOME PROPERTY POWER LINE BLUFF NO BLUFF LINE EASEMENT IMPACT ZONE LINE T This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. Lake Harrison Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 02p05 Westwood Professional Se—ces. Inc. VARIANCES SOUGHT L Max Street Grades - 7% Increased to 8% a' 1pp201J }pp' Westwood Professanal Services, Inc. will, " 719s Anay.. w..< I [dm hare. M1 SSHG MCT:9s3-913-915a He 952933y] M�1 104EE Call 66 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651 .5e-OW2 Mn. Toll Free 1 BW -252-1166 o l n/ r 103. 0 0 NvQG N 0 NQO�. .8 O N O Day our J A /n_ contour 40 o _ � I Prepared foc PeR d emJ de w we M/6t The Pemtom Land Company 7W A.W. Drive Pdm Pl9trie, Mndoweda 55 Lake Harrison X 0 L nT fi0' 'a"1.4E .l3os "7ort 05/03/05 Wwwe 1 oe 2 Variances Exhibit Lot 7, Block 1 Section Detail Scale: 1"=20' ROW ROW/ GRADING EXTENTS GRADING EXTENTS LINE PROPERTY LINE WITH VARIANCE TO ORDINANCE This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. Take Harrison - = e mto m Land Company Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 — o mos westeaae i Inc. VARIANCES SOUGHT 1 Setback to Right -of -Way - YY Reduced to 25' 2 Max Street Grades - 7% fncrr—A •^ °m 109 0' 1w 200' 300' Westwood Rofersiotdl5ervices, Inc. � �•• —•: „"�"` ". I I ,. n�rssw .Asr X]A]]-S fSB es f52]]]-L]l M14 Ptepa d far eW Os�l�. �r/Ye The Pemtom Land Company 7592 n..4p .. Dade Fda Prairie, M aaob, 5 Lake Harrison Can se Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Tein CRY Area 651-45e-0002 Nn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 Aj X 0' 20 CO' 60 2W21a..E.aSa- o..e 0.5/0.1/05 sem 2 o 2 Variances Exhibit Lot 4, Block 3 Section Detail Scale: 1"=20' PROPOSED HOUSE HOME WITH ROAD AT 7% GRADES AND 30' FRONT YARD SETBACK T�1 II i r i EXISTING GRADES PROPOSED GRADES ROW ROW/ L GRADES WITH ROAD AT 7% GRADING EXTENTS GRADING EXTENTS LINE PROPERTY LINE AND 30' FRONT YARD SETBACK WITH VARIANCE TO ORDINANCE - "• This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plansfor d. T � etails111 �P Harrl1O�ii = emtom Land Company Kv = Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 Lots 11 & 12 Detail — Power Line Easement Bluff Building Setback J Bluff No Impact Zone / Bluff Line Bluff No Impact Encroachment -, - emtom Land Compan 1 -'T t Nod �-- AT L� -� 4N�> N to Scale � — B - 1— • This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. Lake Ke H a rri s O�i = Y Chanhassen, MN 1 j 5/09/0051 Cross Section A -A Scale: 1"=20' EXISTING - HOME SITE LINE AT 10 YR. GROWTH _ r y Cross Section B -B Scale: 1"=20' 12 w -- emtom Land Company POWER LINE EASEMENT PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED HOME POWER LINE EASEMENT i I POWER LINE PROPERTY EASEMENT LINE L6 A& 4111 IIIL••,_ POWER LINE BLUFF NO BLUFF EASEMENT IMPACTZONE LINE T This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. Lake Harrison Chanhassen, MN 5/09/005 0 200 west.oaa Pro, �IIj+ i. _. 4 m<. VARIANCES SOUGHT L Max Street Grades - 7% Increased to 8% 1 f�. \• hee I0 100' 200' 300' ". WestwoodProfessiorulServices.Inc. nes A•Fv.. o— F6 hsi. Is. Tum: eS]APS]SI1 NC X]A3]y]] aY ILS tic The Pemtom Land Company P kll P,., wnaaeON Coll 46 Boars before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin Gly Area 651 {56-0002 Fes, Mn Toll Fee i BM -252-1166 YY ry,. 111 � Off' J�� , 3.1 SIOoQs , �Ory'o j- / Dayt ghl � CO]11011(� O p ! O �F o /or Lake Harrison ce.aneFeea. ee;]a,eeata X 0 20' e0 b- '00210.FEY 05owc n.c 05/03/05 5 I W 2 Variances Exhibit Lot 7, Block 1 Section Detail Scale: 1"=20' ROW ROW/ GRADING EXTENTS GRADING EXTENTS LINE PROPERTY LINE WITH VARIANCE TO ORDINANCE - w T Harrisonaphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. Lake �--j 1'i V*Wtvmw= emtom Land Company 11 1 = Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 2005 Westwood Fn Serdces. Inc. VARIANCES SOUGHT t Setback to Right -of -Way - 30' Reduced to 25' 2 Max Street Grades 756 Iticrr. --A ._ om 0' Too* 200' 300' 948 \� 999. 5 o r A�'� \` O ID- .06r �� a� \ o 5 IQ�c IPp..d f�- Ihn'n The Pemtom Land Company 2592 Anit,.m Drive Eden Pn4ie, � mol Con 46 roars before 699og: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Two cty Area 651-450-0002 Mn. To free 1-600-252-1166 t ap tour �\a Tp�6 Lake Harrison rj 0' 20' b' 60" 2.21OW 80s DWG u.e 05/03/05 6 2 m 2 Variances Exhibit Westwood R'ciessnW Sffwes, Inc. ". nss awy.. bry I See, w,.�e.w ss5u rrm:e5]-]]13150 is f5]A]]-SQ2 948 \� 999. 5 o r A�'� \` O ID- .06r �� a� \ o 5 IQ�c IPp..d f�- Ihn'n The Pemtom Land Company 2592 Anit,.m Drive Eden Pn4ie, � mol Con 46 roars before 699og: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Two cty Area 651-450-0002 Mn. To free 1-600-252-1166 t ap tour �\a Tp�6 Lake Harrison rj 0' 20' b' 60" 2.21OW 80s DWG u.e 05/03/05 6 2 m 2 Variances Exhibit Lot 4, Block 3 Section Detail Scale: I"=20' ROW LINE G/ emtom PROPOSED HOUSE HOME WITH ROAD AT 7% GRADES AND 30'FRONTYARD SETBACK r17'+/ IJ MAL J J ROW/ PROPERTY LINE Land Company EXISTING GRADES PROPOSED GRADES GRADES WITH ROAD AT 7% AND 30' FRONT YARD SETBACK This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. GRADING EXTENTS WITH VARIANCE GRADING EXTENTS TO ORDINANCE Lake Harrison — Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 . 1 11 ,' .. _ _� , I -I / .__ nv� -- yVd - HUd Lot Line — -- w z 4 — Power Line Easement ^ M ao Bluff Building Setback J Q o / a - It -4Nd U Bluff No Impact Zone z � Bluff Line Bluff No Impact Encroachment– �L, N tclScale — W Lake This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. Lake Harrisonemtom Land Company n — Nd�amd�� Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 Cross Section A -A Scale: 1"=20' EXISTING HOME Cross Section B -B Scale: 1"=20' POWER LINE EASEMENT PROPERTY LINE POWER LINE EASEMENT EXISTING HOME POWER LINE PROPERTY POWER LINE BLUFF NO BLUFF EASEMENT LINE EASEMENT IMPACTZONE LINE ". This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. �a.Harrison � - = emtom Land Company T i l 1 = Chanhassen, MN 5/09/055 'V" l J� \ \ Jl+t / - t J 0,31 . VARIANCES SOUGHT L Max Street Grades - 7% Increased to 8% Cell e6 It., 6efo-e diggmg: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. TW free 1-600-252-1166 1 ,. 1 Prepared for m o..m ME The Pemtom Land Company 7591 e.Mg. Mine Eden Pr tr e, Minnaola 55344 Lake Harrison Chavluaeen. Nitro lz Y 0 20 40 60' zaazro••exeos omv ,ee 05/03/05 9 1 tv 2 Variances Exhibit xE - YE :8 3 =3 V O 3 0 100' 200 300 Westwood oodRofesSiaridlSennces,Inc. ,rv9�w wm,m-xzan-stso r .�xzan-sauewe twwww�-- Cell e6 It., 6efo-e diggmg: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. TW free 1-600-252-1166 1 ,. 1 Prepared for m o..m ME The Pemtom Land Company 7591 e.Mg. Mine Eden Pr tr e, Minnaola 55344 Lake Harrison Chavluaeen. Nitro lz Y 0 20 40 60' zaazro••exeos omv ,ee 05/03/05 9 1 tv 2 Variances Exhibit Lot 7, Block 1 Section Detail Scale: 1"=20' ROW ROW/ GRADING EXTENTS GRADING EXTENTS LINE PROPERTY LINE WITH VARIANCE TOORDINANCE Thi,,,aphic i,forillustralvelowpow, only. Seefinalplan,fo,letails. Lake Harrison _=7wemtom Land Company — Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 W..t..d Profezlzionol Se+r@es, t& a VARIANCES SOUGHT 1 Setback to Right -of -Way - 30' Reduced to 25' 2 Max Street Grades 796 Incr----' ey. or 100• 200 300' I Peep (eC ad The Pemtom Land Company 25W Anagram met Fden Paine. Minnaole ss6+1 Lake Harrison Cdr 46 Hwrs 6efere digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-154-0002 Mn. TNI free i-600-252-1166 r 0, 20' w 60 zwzroas¢.em..owc u.e 05/03/05 2 a 2 Variances Exhibit :i a i; - ra 8 N N N 4 6 RN G D N 4 II.Yr �tllrrY (' WeSYWOOd Pf�2551(N10I SMVICfS, k1C. ��?A�M1���e9 Mlt� . I " w.r. ssaasr.s+so rs sszarr-sau I Peep (eC ad The Pemtom Land Company 25W Anagram met Fden Paine. Minnaole ss6+1 Lake Harrison Cdr 46 Hwrs 6efere digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-154-0002 Mn. TNI free i-600-252-1166 r 0, 20' w 60 zwzroas¢.em..owc u.e 05/03/05 2 a 2 Variances Exhibit ` Lot 4, Block 3 Section Detail Scale: 1"=20' PROPOSED HOUSE HOME WITH ROAD AT 7% GRADES AND 30' FRONTYARD SETBACK _J ° d e /'77 I EXISTING GRADES ROW LINE ROW/ PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED GRADES GRADES WITH ROAD AT 7% GRADING EXTENTS GRADING EXTENTS AND 30' FRONT YARD SETBACK WITH VARIANCE TO ORDINANCE - w T Harrison This graphic is forillustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. Lake �-y ���l�On 7Nemtom Land Company H 1 n = Chanhassen, MN 5/09/05 Construction Plans for: Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control (SWPPP) for. Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for: Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Contact: Dan Herbst Phone: 952-937-0716 Fax: 952-937-8635 Prepared by: W Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Program Drive Eden W kie- MN 55364 Bronx 9 519 3 79150 Fac 951-937-5823 Project Number: 20021044.00 Contact: Justin A. Larson, P.E. Vicinity Map Site (Not to Scde) City Project #05-13 NO. INDEX SFiEEr NO. DESCRIPTION 1 COVER SHEET 2 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN - OVERALL 3 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 4 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 5 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 6 GRADING DETAILS 7 GRADING DETAILS a GRADING PROFILES 9 SWPPP NARRATIVE 10 SWPPP PRE -DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREA MAP 11 SWPPP POST -DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREA MAP 12 SWPPP GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 13 WETLAND IMPACTS & REPLACEMENT PLAN (EXHIBIT 9) 14 WETLAND IMPACTS & REVEGETATION PLAN (EXHIBIT 10) Vicinity Map Site (Not to Scde) City Project #05-13 NO. DATE REVISION SHEETS 1 07/13/05 GTY COMMENTS ALL 2 07/20/05 GTY COMMENTS ALL Construction Plans for. Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control for: Lake Harrison Cn=.mason, Minno,t. West Revision Date 07/20/05 Date 06/10/05 Shr 1 of 14 ■ Ii sl\ 1 1 \ I CMI:a Ha a Eaf«e EIg GOPHER- &TATE ONE T.k�. W. CRY Area 8510-5212000 W Mn. idl Free 12800-252`1 I—MnDOT CAL 3 ERO51 I I \ AANWT �S ITPC PROMS ON WETLAND—C N% 9)2J I�i1 I �', \ Elaw `-• -' ��`. ;ey `�� `•. pp�6s� �"A '9`. e., F i- ' vbaLN O s� ems® ts i Pie ��pr BAK F °�I,Y/+; ������ .y, e,(� $ ����.-• .5 i� �I r qti eek . r. ,r`.� '�e s �S�NP' fig► ♦ y ,�i All Ply/ ,g �-'��`p�9 e •,���� ..1►1�� ®� .sof . z�°'\�l I� LBG@i@ �. V DENOTES SON- OaDENOTES DENOTESSA.T FENCE (TYPE I) VENOMS H YY DUTY SILT 1:� FENCE (TYPE 1) —990-- DENOTES ETOSTMG CONTOURS —ow— DENOTES PROPOSED v�nih�C CONTWRS < 0--� DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWIli �Y •—wy DENOTES PRCPOSFD STORM Iy SEWER DENOTES EXISTING TREE UNE !'VWYrY DENOTES APPROMATE TREE REMOVAL ETE9TS .. - • 936.3 DENOTES EYISTRTC SPOT .. ELEVATION T.� DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT y� Gr..{ A, v`r� a.EVAT]OW DENOTES WO -ROLL EROSON CHECKS DENOTES ENEE CY OVERFLOW E]EVAPON DENOTES EROSION CONTROL so 100' I» 7� kT Latest Revision Date: 07/20/05 E-14 ma 044mr0201; G.re 06/20/05 se..c 3 of 14 Lake Harrison Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan I CFanbaaw.n, Mi.vaola W 11 f`r 4 OUTLOT C 1 ------ _ _ ' I ____ �rePE II I SE50T,fiACKS ( TIM ) OHWL=99{.0 WETLAND—B NWL 993.5 I I�,y����<>��. `�. WeSYNIOOd nLAe>MAtl.�o.wy lK r�.E.r rwl rr�iH � rr� PreWled for �fANya pr Pemtom Land Company s�tm mails Easuzasam 1� eE °s" 759 A ,g D ,, Nft�'wta 5s1w 4a Ha— Eefwa di"bT.. '� STATE ONE Q y W CO? Mn. TC Fr m 6580-4253-6066 fZ EI 'PUTL T A, \ \ \ TYPE 1 sir FENCE tn. C Lake Harrison N DENOTES SOIL BORING DENOTES SILT FENCE 0 6o cn rn DENOTES HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE DENOTES OOSTNG CONTOURS �gg0__ CENPROPOSED CONTOURS o—ro--d DENOTES EnSTNG STORM SEWER W—wy DEMOTES PROPOSED STORM SEWER DENOTES EnSTNG TREE UNE �yyyyyl DENOTES APPROxMATE TREE REMOVAL UWTS •esa-3 DENOTES EASTNG SPOT ET£'ATKN DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT 1 ETEVA110N DENOTES BIO- EROSON O ECKS E.or. DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERNDW ELEVATION DENOTES EROSION CONTROL BLANIO=T X 0' 50' 100' 150' West Revision Date 07/211/05 E -I. 2M'"� 37 w� 06/20/05 1 4 OP 14 Grading, Drainage 6E I Erosion control Plan 0 NbUTL& CT Q , ;z ZJ - ik; iml k IOWA AN ON 1� \1 -ni WETLAND—G L MMIN I �i ENTRANCE (T' 7;PE7, AT FENCE UTLOTB IVEri. Sfi-T FENCE J ft 971-5 /TSMNX w STRW70 RE TREE PROIEC WETLAND -A OHW-S94.O FENCE MPI LEGM,M FLUE DENOTES SOL DOMING DENOTES SILT "a ODPOIES WAVY DUTY SU FENCE —980— DENOTES EASTING CONTOURS DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS DENOTES E)=NG STORM SE�I FNy DENOTES PROPOSED STORM I DENOTES ENSTING TREE UNE DENOTES APPROVMATE TREE REMOVAL LOTS M3 DENOTES EWBING SPOT ELEVATIOoi y. DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT EEVAVON DENOTES BI EROSION S DE1401ES EMERGENCY O=MATION DENOTES EROSION CQNTROL BLANKET Westwood Prafessad Services, Inc. W Pemtom Land Company w F— 5 74s 4392Z 7 Ed. Frain, IAinve+ole 55 sLr FENCE Lake Harrison I "I 11 IlI II 50, 1w IWI L~ Data 07/20/05 ".7- vIIIw 06/20/05 S 5 oP 14 Graat& Dminap & Brosim Conhvl Pbn I N " CCq I., W-�� IPP - -ni WETLAND—G L MMIN I �i ENTRANCE (T' 7;PE7, AT FENCE UTLOTB IVEri. Sfi-T FENCE J ft 971-5 /TSMNX w STRW70 RE TREE PROIEC WETLAND -A OHW-S94.O FENCE MPI LEGM,M FLUE DENOTES SOL DOMING DENOTES SILT "a ODPOIES WAVY DUTY SU FENCE —980— DENOTES EASTING CONTOURS DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS DENOTES E)=NG STORM SE�I FNy DENOTES PROPOSED STORM I DENOTES ENSTING TREE UNE DENOTES APPROVMATE TREE REMOVAL LOTS M3 DENOTES EWBING SPOT ELEVATIOoi y. DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT EEVAVON DENOTES BI EROSION S DE1401ES EMERGENCY O=MATION DENOTES EROSION CQNTROL BLANKET Westwood Prafessad Services, Inc. W Pemtom Land Company w F— 5 74s 4392Z 7 Ed. Frain, IAinve+ole 55 sLr FENCE Lake Harrison I "I 11 IlI II 50, 1w IWI L~ Data 07/20/05 ".7- vIIIw 06/20/05 S 5 oP 14 Graat& Dminap & Brosim Conhvl Pbn °2005 Westwml PmfessinnN e—ire, m, LOT CORNER HEVATKN 99 LOT RtmHER . Joi12 .`<TMIFC BE8<d • •F •• A 1 A r �-- �--- -- ORAIBACE AOroW swuD BE INSTALLED • TRIP ORT UP$@EAY VOO 510E I 520.5 f1N91 (ROAR EIEYAMIN ATEREM M PAD -�B OOWNVERAppEE 'S BLMKE1r — 8 m LO 5110 < A�)GMRF ) b 5 2A.00 MRNMUM BASEMENT EUOOR i ti" 1� u` PI[nAOn R 1 EIEVAHGNiW we R Vsl FRONT GMME SAB E3 MDN Tz. NOTES: NNde m .ba 00101ES GNUQ PLAT T x WSJ, `kI I.V (RRNTAEFT SIE OF LOT) _G.L,OFM MIN • IOF,N,\FP 1. SIGN SWILL NAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO POSTS. 10, AD - GRADED FOR 6A' D8TF13T14E Sousa�Owvtw T �„ ONSH GGRA NIYATION AT REM M PAD .axa:M vlww. ztlnl n wlcart. SECTION A -A RMI sCI TO FRONT GMAC£ SAB E AT,,, r 2. INSTALL SIGNS A7 ALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. M M - GRSROLIHOADED FOR OeRRQNCE ERWITHISH d �ATKN9.0 TO FROM GNUGE SLAB EREVATIOI AT REAR OF PM awu=s°° T W Frx+ M. r -0' NOTE b-WMAWT u mart '_° LOPE: mRF. ppAw FA: : THE (1) IMKATES TUT THE GARAGE 15 •:awlT�AAL NW-NOSIIR OOTEXTUE F F E. � BLOCK OR Q7 EEET BELOW THE MST W - RM.DI FLOOR ELEVATION NXETNC B£11 FLIER FAOBC UNDER UNDO iii /// ro MTwr tr R6S m - 519E t9LN9IFi NONE FLIER IPE 3- SIGN SH ETT HAVE WHITE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK LETTERING. INDICA17' T�OOEWGARAO: 1THE OGR YET S OPE MINING 1.0 Y\ � •ki NAA 2 SLTHE OR ST 1. AOK S1flFA1£ SIAL BE TREE OF fld%S s °w"' •a^ °"'�r,r„ iLOdl flEVA1XN THE (3) MOCATE.S THAT THE GARAGE IS 3 BLOOCS OR 21 FEET BELOW THE MSTTYPICAL LOT ELOOI ETE MON. CLODS, S AND GRABS MATS/01ANKETS SHALL HATS GOOD SOR CONTACT FR09W BIANIIEIS 2. LAY BLANIQ:IS LOOSELY ANDSTARE OR TWIT I IT MATS SLOPE SECTION B -B PiYAI OYIIELOW N.TS. STApIE TO MAINTAIN WLCT CONTACT WTH MSFAW1pN 9. � M1Me, d ��� THE SOL OONM SIREM �„ �a leas mW: w nw,Nn`° w a.w b Fm •+•� Raa.w raea w smN mMv:dru •m�T.N U„a•WMb4 rtgiemeMe mus Y :nL 6we rol atwY vlak r .+ebM bnq ..:N nms.w. Pam. ORANGE W MLOR C:wttgy\Y i-SkI L/ap Negro{ Mle v r sN Irae w IFLUT ye z.am. »are 1904 rvl+re 4e0 •au / AM TLP ml R'.be Iabee b ��p AM TPazls vP ]I Ie.le M' ;V".put H . ti In va p0�c _ FR Keq CONTR(L FENCE - )YPE 1 1, Ipe 2 we bte w Pe w . ,pe 1 mID Iq py°s iulJep m pa hla Ipe 2.. MuRI Y W^ ,a•ep Asp CITY OF CNANNASSEN I FENCE 2-97 Y0- SOOD {IUGR FMRIC fi UN w N T - 2' WASHED c/ MSM 1W WNMV. WT GFE BRAY aWMUM TO Y UMUZE faUIOF FROM SITE p NOTE: FRIER FABRIC SHALL BE RACED VIAER Rtt i0 STOP Wq MKRRAM}I THROUGH pOCN. crry OF ROCK MANNASSSN ° SAW E --- _-. 2-97 ` SB01 B' NUMOER NOTE SR lake per WUOT specific.,-; z e 200, mMAine >IFeO mm.fim�en. ]6 -P. b[(eruJ t. z,etl . wem, ritN ] e%, k I s]e 5lrmgtN T -P. ( lies pro za• R,INCiF IR' nTTRIO MINER SECTION AA CITY OF OfF ROAD CB CNANNASSEN FILTER BARRIER 2-01 ` 5502 SEDIMENT TRAP AS MANUFACTURED BY WIMCO,LLC.SHAKOPEE, MN. 6' I MODEL/CG23 yw:r s Hm. ...w m ram r a Rom ewam.a .Rmr°"°wde 0. a Mae Y9 r/) d we m� Brow v M a. W/ NOTES: NNde m .ba N•ee r,we .mea - a+• M w a w•.w rw V> a wrmw vrwd W°e o- W Nxav 1. SIGN SWILL NAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO POSTS. •_� T �„ T. �w°m xoe , 0 .axa:M vlww. TarW rm. mma T. a..mRa ,- w N•+ 2. INSTALL SIGNS A7 ALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. d rwaw .:m ea awu=s°° T W Frx+ M. r -0' wR�a eM.+w _ ee•' M ram ar um d:w a �yrr„ a •Mea. e.w.w. R em .ws :�.. e:m er. r.,... a w m:a� a w.. a..e°`r'+ 3- SIGN SH ETT HAVE WHITE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK LETTERING. NOTE: Rw.. '- vI°'°'°'^ °e'"°'- s °w"' •a^ °"'�r,r„ -- 0. LETTER SIZE. (TITLE -87. (INFORMATION-6-).�� 9. � M1Me, d ��� 9. d �„ �a leas mW: w 9. Yriry �am d �rA M rm: ws: w.n <.wY. .epe/sM.e rtrtaru�e YM m aMa<. gM.sse ::WA�ew m ry�ane mw.ne. µ.moil F Wi. m mu aMa. CITY OF CNANNASSEN CIECOl1WS CITY OF OECbl10US PLANTING CEIY OF CONFERO(IS TREEPLANING CITY OF DEVELOPMENT CLTY OF uTw BA$IN TRAP �� CNANBASSEN CBANNASSEN CNANNASSEN 44-0 �N CNANNASSSN SEDIMENT „. _m. _..... 2-97 ^'"" sBTo 2-97 N.„ x> 53n 1-97 san "'m`" °Ve 1-98 ' 53>3"" - - °"`: 1-04 " 5302A GENERAL NOTES: • ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SNOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE/(RUINER MARES UNLESS OTHERWL'A NOTED. • REFER TO THE FOAL PLAT OR SITE PLAN FOR CURRENT HORIZONTAL SIM DNENSRENS AND LAYOUT. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND OUNATKIN OF EXISONG UTWTEES AND TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES WITH THE OWNERS AND FELL-VERBY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCII(W!. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE MCWEET OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS • THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT GOPHER STATE •CNE CALL• FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS 651-454-0002 • ALL SILT FORCE AND OTHER EROSION CDITROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN -PUCE PBM TO PINY EXCAVATION/OOVSTRUCTON AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR GROAID COVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. CASTING SILT FENCE ON -SIE SHAG RE MAINTAINED PND OR RENOVID PFA SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL M THE ORADPIG CONTRACT. IT IS OF EKTROuE NPORTANCE To BE AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONDITIONS WEIR RESPECT TO MESON CONTROL TEMPORARY PONDING, DOOM HAYBALES, ETC_ REQUIRED BY AGENCIES/OWNER SHALL BE WGWENTN. TO THE GRADING. • THE GRADING CONTRACTOR MUST BE AWARE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTIUTIES • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL AND STATE RULES INCLUDING THE NATIONAL PO L TTANT DISCHARGE ELD NATKIN SYSTEM (WINES) PERMIT REQUIREMENTS • THE SITE MUST BE KEPT N A WELL-DRAVED I)DNDITON AT ALL TIMES THE OONTRACICR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY DITOH4 PIPING M OTHER MEANS REQUIRED TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE DURNG CONSTRUCTION LOW POINTS IN ROADWAYS OR BUILDING PADS MUST BE PRONGED WITH A POSITIVE OUTFLOW. • PUBLIC STREETS USED FOR HAULNG SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF SOL AND DEBRIS STREET SWEEPING SHALL BE CONCURRENT WITH EARTHWORK ON SITE • HAULING HOURS MUST BE CONFIRMED WITH THE CHY PRIOR TO BECNNING MORK • CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL EXISTING APPROACHES 91 �I of I I DIRECTION K NOW W IT' _ 0.5' 0.5' gREL1Kk1 CF TIDO W STREET LOT BENCHING N.TS 0911 4 Hwm Before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL TWm Gly Ae9 651-454-0002 MAL MR. ToR Free 1-600-252-1166 10.1 ZZO' CLAY UNER BENEATH NLTI TYPICAL POND SECTION latest Re, -W. D tc 07/20/05 M.T.S. E-.. 2oozaolwlr9voWc D.Ie 06/20/05 meet 6 QP 14 I �x•ar o-ar 6+ex H. _ wya RI ---- _ Lake Westwood ro«d PDHalsEBS,Inc. I .--���; : °.~� " I `" Pemtom Land Company Harrison ng )FBFAxiBrwm DeN. An.4F.ro D ram na:. rMl x)eI )eFlm Pa mR 75 O6 9/ ave tails FIPmveST-I)qS15e Rae f9-flT�l Bde.Pr.ETIe• AEhMIemR $.5344 puvhuem. Mlrvleaol. a '2005 Westwood Professiond Seriees• Inc. 10' 14.5' ORAMAGE a BWLEVARD URUTY EASEMENT IY w S R' 26 kew S VAMEs vI1116 (YAMS) 6'-3A32 CWCRETE % MSMED GFACE KIEA XGVSE I — FesReD (RALE Fal PAD I FL w Deouo ALL I AT Y.LL1(1.Vi 9.tl I o.s e¢o. cARAsc sue ua[ss DnXnATx=j aA.Aw RaR 41WEAS "PE 41WEAS0055B now. _ _ _ — I / a To 4RfRALE DAY B/.4YENi naM — , -- -- EFKAfmFD Eu f i W1W PRCPoSED a(anp AT Ir .T EIEVADCN �EHaEEPID Rl MTABF eFwnvlG � (lm.) 'am ow WALK -OUT (WO) surge[ aARRL soA (rw.) .Ts. 1r uR. r2e wo. r vAFnEs AT l0 ff 6 W Fla$IED a<AK FasA9sM IP� z/ eAS KT R«R D.5' Twsat_.---- U.r TOPSf FAMMyD F%L f '-ExOCFKD •4 Al1TAeLE BFNWI' SR LOOK -OUT (LO) S Y a r veltlEs) ze' Rar ]' vAMES vARiEs Fss 1 (RACE .V1EA Ig15F I I raID® {S(AEE Faf PAD Y4 okr I a aw - ?— Las Ta•sw. a�is iD suealAa � -�. __.___ as lo,nm i/ T ow / EYIM[RED Fu AIIiAO£ KARYW 50. (1W.) (p SaTAIXE RAMBLER N,S W: 50. (MJ LAl) t flMUwAY F41 REFER TO PLAN SHEET FOR DIMENSIONS & EXACT SIDEWALK LOCATION NOTE: STREET C VARIES. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR DIMENSIONS CL —30' ROW 30' ROW 15.5' 15.5' I 30% SLOPE IMDOT - MnWT 2350 MINW50308 WEAR CWRSE Mn00T SPEC. 2357 BITUMINWS TACK COAT 2'- WDOT 23W LVNW3503OB BASE COURSE 127 - Q 5 AGGREGATE BASE. IOOX CRUSHED STONE 24' MMT 314928 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTE: PRIVATE UTAITffS %B1 HAVE TO BE INSTALLED IN THE ROW IN SOME CASES WE TO RETAINING WALL RESTRICBONS TYPICAL LOCAL STREET SECTION I31' BACK TO BACK) Y�[•if:E•'39 PL 10' g •''0-N I I IXtNNAGE a UTWTY EASEMENT O O o PIAN MEW FOR SPECIFIC SIDE SIDEWALK a WTFAu GOITER lo.00'�laar �2 ROLIs dF SOD BACK aF WRB (TMP) SLOPE VARIE\_. I N OtwE VARIES Et-1/2� PCLVWE35M O UnDOT SPEC 21 BITUARRO TK ODAT Y Y T SPED 2350 LVNW3503DB BASE CWRSE 6' Mn T SPEC. 2211 CLASS 5. 100% CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE BASE 24' Mn WT SPEC 3149.28 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW COMPACTED SUBGRADE TYPICAL PRIVATE DRIVE SECTION W BACK TO BACK) I W i-r+1 w) �re�=14-.• b rrmanK+K I ff'^�' '._r_.". far. Westwood Professional Services, Inc.I ., '^'"' ,: �, �, aye.e w n"Aw•�.ND.A• �a^ ��= ,� Pemtom Land Company FG a6AMI. rye AM PA.w:szen.$= Fa�fSlasT+saz: /Ow 1•s 7597 Ampsos Drive /6 %. 43922 Eden Prairie, tdlaRvda 55344 Lake Harrison Clunhaseen. AUnnnOL. COY 48 Hours before dggNg: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin CKY Neo 651-454-0002 Mn. Toff Free 1-800-Z52-1166 Latest Revium Date 07/20/05 E -IF 3fp2,DUOrt owe DMe 06/20/05 6 7 w 14 Grading Details f RDADMAY 6'-3A32 CWCRETE 4'as COIPACIED SUBCRADE — CONCREfB WALKWAY ALL t RoADwAY 5 URSE 3' BITWEAR W 41WEAS "PE 41WEAS0055B 6' CL 5 AGGREGATE BASE 1ODX CRUSHED R" Mn T 3138-1 I APPROVED COMPACTED 51AKitADE MnDOT SPEC 2105 A 2112 — BITUMINOUS TRAIL Y�[•if:E•'39 PL 10' g •''0-N I I IXtNNAGE a UTWTY EASEMENT O O o PIAN MEW FOR SPECIFIC SIDE SIDEWALK a WTFAu GOITER lo.00'�laar �2 ROLIs dF SOD BACK aF WRB (TMP) SLOPE VARIE\_. I N OtwE VARIES Et-1/2� PCLVWE35M O UnDOT SPEC 21 BITUARRO TK ODAT Y Y T SPED 2350 LVNW3503DB BASE CWRSE 6' Mn T SPEC. 2211 CLASS 5. 100% CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE BASE 24' Mn WT SPEC 3149.28 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW COMPACTED SUBGRADE TYPICAL PRIVATE DRIVE SECTION W BACK TO BACK) I W i-r+1 w) �re�=14-.• b rrmanK+K I ff'^�' '._r_.". far. Westwood Professional Services, Inc.I ., '^'"' ,: �, �, aye.e w n"Aw•�.ND.A• �a^ ��= ,� Pemtom Land Company FG a6AMI. rye AM PA.w:szen.$= Fa�fSlasT+saz: /Ow 1•s 7597 Ampsos Drive /6 %. 43922 Eden Prairie, tdlaRvda 55344 Lake Harrison Clunhaseen. AUnnnOL. COY 48 Hours before dggNg: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin CKY Neo 651-454-0002 Mn. Toff Free 1-800-Z52-1166 Latest Revium Date 07/20/05 E -IF 3fp2,DUOrt owe DMe 06/20/05 6 7 w 14 Grading Details rofesslond Se mcs. Inc HIGHOVER TRAIL , PRIVATE DRIVB WestwoodRofessiors�IServices,Inc � mmoeva I" ]559Mwem 0.ire \ ue�va�,�e vs sss.+ 7� Ps FFwt: )S}.9))-5150 Fa a_95}A))-SF}} 439n RR 2 HIGHOVER TRAIL , IMINN -My :`;77�!�)� 1 .114 n pev-inm -j RS(¢tl K 11 LAKE HARRISON ROAD P)epue for m- Pemtom Land Company F� 759] Arugram Drise Filen N) e, Minnesota SiJ-4A Lake Harrison Latest Revision Date: 07/20/05 F -u zmz�wano}.o.c D.,� 06/20/05 s4.c 8 O 14 GIading I Profiles O PRIVATE DRIVB WestwoodRofessiors�IServices,Inc I" ]559Mwem 0.ire \ ue�va�,�e vs sss.+ 7� Ps FFwt: )S}.9))-5150 Fa a_95}A))-SF}} 439n IMINN -My :`;77�!�)� 1 .114 n pev-inm -j RS(¢tl K 11 LAKE HARRISON ROAD P)epue for m- Pemtom Land Company F� 759] Arugram Drise Filen N) e, Minnesota SiJ-4A Lake Harrison Latest Revision Date: 07/20/05 F -u zmz�wano}.o.c D.,� 06/20/05 s4.c 8 O 14 GIading I Profiles O R$ \ Y� INN' (� IMINN -My :`;77�!�)� 1 .114 n pev-inm -j RS(¢tl K 11 LAKE HARRISON ROAD P)epue for m- Pemtom Land Company F� 759] Arugram Drise Filen N) e, Minnesota SiJ-4A Lake Harrison Latest Revision Date: 07/20/05 F -u zmz�wano}.o.c D.,� 06/20/05 s4.c 8 O 14 GIading I Profiles O Westwood Professional 1 INTRODUCTION This document presents o Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) far LAKE HARRISON in CHANHASSEN, Minnesota. The site is located MIDWAY UETWEN I AKE I U9Y ROAD AND LONG ACRES DRIVE ON THE WELT GIDE OF LAKE HARRISON is owned by PEMTOM LAND COMPANY h 7597 ANAGRAM DRIVE OEM PRAIRIE. MN 5344. The Site is approximately 63.! acres with 39 single family and 0 multifamily units. Construction will consist of, but not limited to, mass site grading. installation of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, bituminous streets, and stone water treatment ponds. Approximately 22,5 acres of the site will be disturbed and 814 acres of the completed development will be covered by impervious surfaces. The SWPPP Is prepared in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations as established by the Clean Water Act. This report shall be an the site at all limes during construction. The owner must also keep this SWPPP an file for three years after submittal of the Notice of Termination. The following are outlined in this SWPPP: — Existing site conditions — Proposed site conditions — Control measures for storm water pollution prevention during construction — Control measures for storm water pollution prevention otter constructfon — Inspection and maintenance procedures 2 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS There is a single family residence located in the center of this 61 acre estate. A long gravel driveway meanders through the site from Galpin BIW to the home. There are smaller storage structures, a pod, and an extensive gravel trail system throughout the site. The topography of the land can be described as 3 separate land formalins. The central portion of the project fortes what can be termed o 'peninsula' dividing the project in half from the northwest to the southeast with wetland on both sides of it. There's more than 20' of elevation difference between the Welland B located in the southwest carrier and the weUands an the north side of the peninsula. The wetlands located at the lower elevations (A & C) appear to be fed by this wetland mound the north end through a series of smaller wetlands and depressions. There exists a 24' culvert beneath Galpin BIW that conveys storm water off site. Sleep wooded slopes along the western project limits define the 2nd formation. while an open grassy hillside along the northeast comer defines the 3rd formation. Approximately half the site is wooded. The other half of the site is wetlands The site consists Of Type 'B' sols, nd curve numbers were obtained from 'Technical Release 55: Urban Hydrology far Small Watersheds.' A curve number of 58 was used for the existing condition of woods and grassy wetlands while a CN of 70 was used for proposed residential lots based an ? cine lot density. Refer to attachments for existing and proposed drainage areas. 3 PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS Much of the roads, driveways, private drives, and half the house pads we designed to convey storm water to either of two NURP Ponds far treatment prior to discharge into public waters. Wetland B is proposed to continue to feed into Weiland F. Weiland F wll overflow into NURP Pond —1. Pond —1 will treat impervious surface water as aforementioned prior to discharge into Wetland C. Welland C volume ond rate Is controlled by a 15' culvert that will be placed under the new roadway to connect Wetland A. NURP Pond -2 is the primary treatment facility for storm water runoff from impervious surfaces in this area of the project. The discharge point far this Pond is also Wetlond A. There is some roadway water that will be discharged into Wetland A via a catch basin with a 4' sump. Rip—rap and filter material is proposed at all outlets. Ultimately, o majority of all water is proposed to continue to be discharged off—site via a subsurface 15' culvert located in Golpin Blvd. Below is a summary of the increase in impervious surface for LARK UARRIS_O : EXISTING PROPOSED ULTIMATE 0.4 8.0 8.0 ". Westwood Professional Services, Inc. mss a.,ym„o.M Ear n;7c xw sssu en.er. ssx-ssz-s+ss rss:>szazs.wz The storm water treatment pond on site has been designed to meet or exceed NPOES standards. The table below summarizes the results. 4 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION BEFORE AND DURING CONSTRUCTION The following storm water pollution prevention measures are shown in the plans and shall be Implemented prior to construction: — Install silt fence around the perimeter of areas to be graded as shown on the grading and erosion control plan. — All temporary stockpiles must have silt fen" around them to trap sediment — Construct grovel construction entrances at field entrances to the site- - Inlet protection is to be provided for ail storm water inlets. The following storm water pollution prevention measures are shown in the plans and shall be implemented during construction: — Phase grading work to minimize the duration that any disturbed sol is exposed. — Place MnDOT CAT. 3 Erosion blanket an all steep slopes — Place minimum 6 inches of topsoil over areas when grading is complete- - Place minimum 2 tons/acre of straw on all areas after reaching find grade with topsoil and anchor straw with either a straight disk or netting. — Seed and mulch or place sod on ail disturbed areas within the following time frames: — Slopes greater than 3:1 — within 7 days — Slopes from 10:1 to 3:1 — within 14 days — Slopes flatter than 10:1 — within 21 days — Protect disturbed areas, including stockpiles, that ore not completed but will remain inactive far greater than 14 days with mulch, plastic sheeting, or temporary seeding — Lome stockpiles o minimum 1DO feet from catch basin Inlets. ponds, and site drainage routes — Concrete trucks will utilize the concrete washout area shown an the plans to wash and rinse their equipment prior to leaving the site. After concrete work Is complete, any remaining debris will be collected and removed from the site — Remove any sediments that have been tracked onto public streets within 24 hours — Removed any spll of fuel, oil, air other chemical immediately upon detection — Collect all construction debris in dumpsters and roll—off boxes — Store construction materials in on orderly manner — Inspect pollution control measures as specified in Sectio 6 — Repair silt fences, inlet protection gravel construction entrances and other erosion and sediment controls as needed — Dewatering or basin draining activities of turbid " sediment laden water will be discharged to a temporary or pernonsnt sedimentation basin or treated with the appropriate BMP prior to entering the surface water. Energy dissipation wilt be provided at all discharge points. Dewatering or basin draining activities will not cause erosion in receiving channels or adversely impact wetlands. MnDOT CAT. 3 Erosion, blanket and seed shall be applied to exposed Creek slopes near/around road crossing within 24 firs. of temporary/foal grade. fur wwww �rr� r^NNru rfe I � .. v wr.r e �a� IswY 1'd air 6 rr.w. 119E I lu aaer v 5 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION The following storm water pollution prevention measures will be implemented after construction by the contractor: — All disturbed areas without permanent impermeable surfaces will be vegetated for final stabilization. See specifications for permanent seed mixtures. — Silt fence, inlet protection and other erosion and sediment control devices ,It be removed after vegetation is established — Storm water catch basins, manholes, pipe, and ponds will be maintained by the CITY OF CHANHASSEN in accordance with their Storm woter Management Plan once project has been accepted by the CHANHASSEN. 6 SWPPP INSPECTIONS Inspections shall be conducted every seven days and within 24 hours after a rainfall event exceeding 0.5 inches in is 24 hour period. The following shall be completed during each inspection: — Record date and time of inspection — Record rainfall records since most recent inspection — Inspect the site for excess erosion and sedimentation — Inspect site for debris, trash and spills — Inspect temporary erosion and sedimentation control devices — Inspect construction entrances for sediment tracking onto public streets — Record recommended repairs and modifications to erosion and sediment controls — Recommend any necessary changes to this SWPPP — Record repairs and modifications implemented since previous inspections — Inspect the adjacent streets and curb and gutter for sediment, litter, and construction debris. The following guidelines will be used to determine if pollution control devices require maintenance, repair, or replacement: — If sediment control devices such as silt fence are filled to 1/3 of the height of the fence, the contractor shall remove all sediment within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If inlet protectim devices appear plugged with sediment, are filled to 1/3 capacity, or have standing water around them, the contactor shall remove the sediment and clean or replace the filter within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If the gravel construction entrances we filled with sediment the contractor shall either replace the entrance or add additional grovel within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If sediment from the site is observed an adjacent streets or other properties. the contractor shalt remove the sediment within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If sediment from the site is observed on adjacent streets or other properties, the inspector shall identify the source and discharge location of the sediment and instruct the contract" to implement additional erosion and sediment controls at those locations to prevent future discharges. — If building materiels, chemicals, or general refuse is being used stored, disposed of, " otherwise managed inappropriately, the contractor shall correct such defects within 24 hours of detection or notification- - If excessive sediments or debris are observed at the flared end section outfalls, the inspector shall determine the source and discharge locations of such materfds- If the discharge has occurred on the property, the contractor shall remove the sediments and debris within 24 hours of notification and erect the source of such materials as directed by the inspector. — If sediment from the site is observed to be discharged from the site, the MPCA will be notified the same day. — Other at the discretion of the inspector or contractor. Prepared foe Pemtom Land Company 7591 Anngres Dn,- Frim Pru -ie, Afirv�ao_a 55} The owner or an alternate will conduct the inspections as specified in this SWPPP. The owner is PEMTOM LAND COMPANY. Alternate. will include individuals to be designated by the owner and may Include contractor personnel or other qualified individuals and shall be listed below. TITLE REWIRED PROVIDED NPDES PERMIT CONTACT NUMBER PERMANENT POOL po-49 0.77 (min) 1.24 WATER QUALITY VOL- DISCHARGE RATE (as) 185.55 (max) 116.19 4 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION BEFORE AND DURING CONSTRUCTION The following storm water pollution prevention measures are shown in the plans and shall be Implemented prior to construction: — Install silt fence around the perimeter of areas to be graded as shown on the grading and erosion control plan. — All temporary stockpiles must have silt fen" around them to trap sediment — Construct grovel construction entrances at field entrances to the site- - Inlet protection is to be provided for ail storm water inlets. The following storm water pollution prevention measures are shown in the plans and shall be implemented during construction: — Phase grading work to minimize the duration that any disturbed sol is exposed. — Place MnDOT CAT. 3 Erosion blanket an all steep slopes — Place minimum 6 inches of topsoil over areas when grading is complete- - Place minimum 2 tons/acre of straw on all areas after reaching find grade with topsoil and anchor straw with either a straight disk or netting. — Seed and mulch or place sod on ail disturbed areas within the following time frames: — Slopes greater than 3:1 — within 7 days — Slopes from 10:1 to 3:1 — within 14 days — Slopes flatter than 10:1 — within 21 days — Protect disturbed areas, including stockpiles, that ore not completed but will remain inactive far greater than 14 days with mulch, plastic sheeting, or temporary seeding — Lome stockpiles o minimum 1DO feet from catch basin Inlets. ponds, and site drainage routes — Concrete trucks will utilize the concrete washout area shown an the plans to wash and rinse their equipment prior to leaving the site. After concrete work Is complete, any remaining debris will be collected and removed from the site — Remove any sediments that have been tracked onto public streets within 24 hours — Removed any spll of fuel, oil, air other chemical immediately upon detection — Collect all construction debris in dumpsters and roll—off boxes — Store construction materials in on orderly manner — Inspect pollution control measures as specified in Sectio 6 — Repair silt fences, inlet protection gravel construction entrances and other erosion and sediment controls as needed — Dewatering or basin draining activities of turbid " sediment laden water will be discharged to a temporary or pernonsnt sedimentation basin or treated with the appropriate BMP prior to entering the surface water. Energy dissipation wilt be provided at all discharge points. Dewatering or basin draining activities will not cause erosion in receiving channels or adversely impact wetlands. MnDOT CAT. 3 Erosion, blanket and seed shall be applied to exposed Creek slopes near/around road crossing within 24 firs. of temporary/foal grade. fur wwww �rr� r^NNru rfe I � .. v wr.r e �a� IswY 1'd air 6 rr.w. 119E I lu aaer v 5 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION The following storm water pollution prevention measures will be implemented after construction by the contractor: — All disturbed areas without permanent impermeable surfaces will be vegetated for final stabilization. See specifications for permanent seed mixtures. — Silt fence, inlet protection and other erosion and sediment control devices ,It be removed after vegetation is established — Storm water catch basins, manholes, pipe, and ponds will be maintained by the CITY OF CHANHASSEN in accordance with their Storm woter Management Plan once project has been accepted by the CHANHASSEN. 6 SWPPP INSPECTIONS Inspections shall be conducted every seven days and within 24 hours after a rainfall event exceeding 0.5 inches in is 24 hour period. The following shall be completed during each inspection: — Record date and time of inspection — Record rainfall records since most recent inspection — Inspect the site for excess erosion and sedimentation — Inspect site for debris, trash and spills — Inspect temporary erosion and sedimentation control devices — Inspect construction entrances for sediment tracking onto public streets — Record recommended repairs and modifications to erosion and sediment controls — Recommend any necessary changes to this SWPPP — Record repairs and modifications implemented since previous inspections — Inspect the adjacent streets and curb and gutter for sediment, litter, and construction debris. The following guidelines will be used to determine if pollution control devices require maintenance, repair, or replacement: — If sediment control devices such as silt fence are filled to 1/3 of the height of the fence, the contractor shall remove all sediment within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If inlet protectim devices appear plugged with sediment, are filled to 1/3 capacity, or have standing water around them, the contactor shall remove the sediment and clean or replace the filter within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If the gravel construction entrances we filled with sediment the contractor shall either replace the entrance or add additional grovel within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If sediment from the site is observed an adjacent streets or other properties. the contractor shalt remove the sediment within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If sediment from the site is observed on adjacent streets or other properties, the inspector shall identify the source and discharge location of the sediment and instruct the contract" to implement additional erosion and sediment controls at those locations to prevent future discharges. — If building materiels, chemicals, or general refuse is being used stored, disposed of, " otherwise managed inappropriately, the contractor shall correct such defects within 24 hours of detection or notification- - If excessive sediments or debris are observed at the flared end section outfalls, the inspector shall determine the source and discharge locations of such materfds- If the discharge has occurred on the property, the contractor shall remove the sediments and debris within 24 hours of notification and erect the source of such materials as directed by the inspector. — If sediment from the site is observed to be discharged from the site, the MPCA will be notified the same day. — Other at the discretion of the inspector or contractor. Prepared foe Pemtom Land Company 7591 Anngres Dn,- Frim Pru -ie, Afirv�ao_a 55} The owner or an alternate will conduct the inspections as specified in this SWPPP. The owner is PEMTOM LAND COMPANY. Alternate. will include individuals to be designated by the owner and may Include contractor personnel or other qualified individuals and shall be listed below. TITLE COMPANY NAME CONTACT NUMBER OWNER THE PEMTOM LAND COMPANY DAN HERBST (952) 937-0716 CONTRACTOR TERRY BROS., INC. MIKE BAIER (952) 443-0015 ALTERNATE N/A N/A N/A 7 ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION — Creek massing detail will be submitted with the final utility construction plans. Lake Harrison Latest Revision Date 07/20/05 E -i, 2nano„Svcoi owc cox 06/20/05 Avec 9 ar 14 SWPPP Narrative NAME CONTACT NUMBER MPCA --- 651-297-2274 CHANHASSEN PAUL OEHME 952-227-1169 WESTWOOD JUSTIN LARSON 952-906-7473 — Creek massing detail will be submitted with the final utility construction plans. Lake Harrison Latest Revision Date 07/20/05 E -i, 2nano„Svcoi owc cox 06/20/05 Avec 9 ar 14 SWPPP Narrative �rn � •J t� / 1 WW 11, MR �1i YYYIIt�L li \ — `ARK.R'Sk� a•.� 1 z�,�::� r `:i�� _� ,�M0 �� j► � r• 11'll 0,10i� \�F� ��. \ P • • /i vc `�\\� O\ �F�\\\\\ 1 t y \I .ems ., \ \\ .�.�..�','Wo I/% W� 1'�hiiJfAA� •��/t .�I.1♦.� Y g` �`c \ ♦ �,,5 \ ��jA&N. \ � WA F IIIf" ,t `i`+ \'t7 C��> "Vs^i'cj'.` "���i♦��I3`�•��6p,�. �N,'r.�./�*.I ,�\.�1�i.i:'MI__ ���\�L�)�\ \� Y•errs W 1146 IM S e.:t `�2 �`e�- \`®1�ln�`\```\�[�`. �\��\\\ ���.,;,� - F .,,.s_f�_' f r qeY4ea1[•7✓/r./.�. ��:`�T: l. r QM QW110 WIN , •., �\i J a\N.1�;�1►` v 5 V^�a- �i / • s e� r l �IW d<z (iirlN WmFEm>eAhsAamtxyiWe,am oauoN<3d M PFO(255IXd$2YICP5, tic. IT9Maly vMr Fw1•T•t Gr��Yr I �m1M I O.ii Fu I PEP --d for o—a Flgnc 957.+)]3150 Fac 95J-91T-s•II [my TaW 1. WMOGSeed Yh]35-Xativa 5M9MM1a1ne LMadev Yli Com�On Naw PLS Ya* a9Ya Naos KdYh AmYe0. .] +s 1&0 3A zs +eA Cana, aMepYF Is 150 NIpY ]ksmv 1] s G,,,. Gu TOWS common Nama DWkRM KdY1c plop ;s0 0 F.WA as 1W. 12 1 10 so M 1] 1$ 50 Mfm s v 15 wbmxmmMAnatrindry Pw*mJ ass aD 05 &0 SA Gou TWb: n.1 t0A 100.0 Camm� MSY beta Ac(mmboWa Kw onoMNn on Ol 100 DdYYW� o w lto Fta*Nva on os Lao Fwm ii�0. 02 700 It4nmwu aE Dz MOnvWbWa FOM TNb os 0 1 10.0 Cresrbia0 w�m.eY.rw 012 10.0 Kb[1 on 0Y2 0,3 150 son -team YA.Am ad. Dd ,sD rdMs il3 z0 ,o0e Spiv FaF KdY[ NibXNY D,6 'Ad nad ramal +x3 112 N.o MMdM J, u 4A (23.388 SOuae Feet) To.r Tom: no no lx♦ PROPOSED STORM SEWER NO IMPACT WETUND EXCAVATION WM PoDSMcn (SpaMPma.l 23 2.0 IWO fiaANO TOTAtS SIJ x0 lOn.o \ (581 S i:V, Feet) %Y'WWY APPROXIMATE TREE 'OMi bDewNMYdb RFpva. xMro YO]Mpam awbsF mtt WaYe a Naga d 915 min bIS I%YNYWreal b wb antr WYCrt9Yiot aM OO Dslaoa lb addl oa dW NaN. mmymY*mnawmli aexNsanMSad xbMww.Deampmtrma nrdlttaN Mmtr.auYM Mslal W Ion Mde. SedJm, m<abx gesYi, bm mNT'a IaM ve beslvWald MMMf21aNaM 'rre..>o�rnalst*Pmmt ad•.+Ya aPeN�if*d .N Om ba]md oe.. Legend WI 48 Hwrs before di,,1n, GOPHER STATE ONE CALL TMIn City Arw 6&1-454-0002 Mn. TWI Free 1-800-252-11" Tab*3. Mn TSWMi M -Ma GnF and FoNM'v eer�Inrrn Wme PLS Rale 1,011,14 L bac Can en BFnImL Mp 211O 3+5 N6Fn gFas 38 z5 18D 0rolem. YM 3A zs +eA Cana, aMepYF 3a SO i1S Y\Id'9e. CarWa 33 20 H8 SrMl: yass 1.1 +O LO G,,,. Gu TOWS common Nama DWkRM KdY1c plop VhdoV 827 NIA R . alnnl 1W. 12 1 10 +Mmalvays,sWmo 3.1.1 2A 3A 4.0W. CF4 CtaP TOWa ]8.J N +ttl.0 Fab IaOMJ OaIw) o.F SA IMA i. D TOTALS caAxo rorAls x9 M. IS wbmxmmMAnatrindry ' Ta 3 Mn TFdb Mk FJ FIEFw Gammon Name YOnnkalNane uaL.eee. wn MwmM AIN neam Ac(mmboWa Kw onoMNn ACs-Yesv MisetA Csa]a cMndlNb ONE FOOT ABOVE AND BELOW GaMgpagfaY[bNM Fs.Mrla2.stMe WY. tarbOrtm Fta*Nva t4Ya TMiM�W LYsm:Jnv[wbM (F (From WCmd Bulla Edge) neFawMMM FW. n FiaOb N MY.Iw FMYt Bm anK wnd MOnvWbWa RMYtlIM. R0Y1/mr CwMowc. neadeJ RaMMF FFMi sn:.n w�m.eY.rw caldemm Aar - " pio TnpucxfaMwue va..m bnY veeem naero Vawil. Ve2nusNCa Ilvammz. ddn 3rsu auN RR. As syeNeE b fie seed mrtm/BFm.N SFetleF YMEe PmAad MeooM.d9na SDSMmm M*W M0e Y0med. TMse apaiea an news legmeF aM Nry aM18108 Fn F W IYFO winum mbaamW aAme. TM4 Seaaand PWrWg Spiv FaF Gwmmi SlMlnp Ipi's.L 1 Sept 10b011 ]0 04 Ab MW.15 Pemtom Land Company 2597 ATMg♦m Drive Bdw I'ralTle, MUwow 55344 Lake Harrison wetland Replacement I & Revegetation Plan Ch.h .iee, A4imewlA Exhibit 10 WETLAND FILL Ml WETLAND REPLACEMENT I.D. un (40.793 Sw. Feet) A WETIAND I.D. HYDROLOGY MONITORING POINTS METIANO EXCAVATION/DRAINAGE ® (2.755 SW. Feet) — — DELINEATED WETLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND MITIGATION/REPLACEMENT ❑ LIMITS OF WETLAND(WetwBUFFER Reolion. New AREA PRONDED 1) ARE AT L NEWLY CREATED WETLAND AREAS AT LEAST NEMY 1771 ONE FOOT ABOVE AND BELOW ______ WILDING SETBACK WATER LEVELS SHALL BE SEEDED 10 (F (From WCmd Bulla Edge) SEAD MIX 325, A NA1M1E SEDGE/ PW/DOTRMIE PRANE MEADOW WIC ❑ WETLAND LW1iFER MONUMENT IS ff�� OTY OF 0-IANHASSEN WETLAND BUFFER REGRADED WETLAND BUFFER AREAS SHALL SILT FENCE V V BE SEEDED TO MN/DOT SEm MIX 350• A HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE NARK GRASS -WILDFLOWER SEED MIX DEVELOPED FOR PRAIRIE REGIONS x-982-- EXISTING CONTOURS STORY WATER PONDING —982_ PROPOSED CONTOURS (Pul F Vdm• Cr.G ) (23.388 SOuae Feet) EXISTIIG STORY SEWER li PROPOSED STORM SEWER NO IMPACT WETUND EXCAVATION EXISTING TREE LINE (S f-MRi9atim. No Loss) \ (581 S i:V, Feet) %Y'WWY APPROXIMATE TREE REMOVAL LIMITS *ya EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION LP FUWO PHOTO MOWTORNG POINTS 0' 1C0• 200' 300• latest Revision Date 07/20/05 P-] 2m 1444 0020ee DMc 6/20/05 mta 14 OF 14 Pemtom Land Company 2597 ATMg♦m Drive Bdw I'ralTle, MUwow 55344 Lake Harrison wetland Replacement I & Revegetation Plan Ch.h .iee, A4imewlA Exhibit 10 Lots 11 & 12 Detail L -P B B -B B -W _ �emtom Land Company This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. Lake Harrison — Chanhassen, MN 7/11/05 Lots 11 & 12 Detail Lot Line��^`�—�—end ,u, Power Line Easement Bluff Building Setback i Bluff No Impact Zone Bluff Line _Bluff No Impact Encroachment W _ --N emtom Land Company / This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. See final plans for details. T-1— — 0,0 •� h /_/ Not t1cale Lake Harrison — Chanhassen, MN 7/11/05 F_ 0 U o, (U O (U v) 0 0 (U (r (U (U CD 3 0 d a- n. v v 0 CU 0 0 (U D1 3 / v v 0 ni lV ®2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 Development Data Typical Lot (Varies) Zoning Standards (M/nimums) Total Site Area 62.021 as / 15 - Lot Width ® Setback 90 ft. (100 ft. on Private Rd.) Existing Zoning Rural �1 Street \ I o01 Lot Depth 125 ft. Proposed Zoning PUD - I~- f n Tiv^V � p9 �,9' I I - Average Lot Area 19,5251 sq. ft. Proposed Land Use Low Density, Residential o_ N 90 N o -)r- n1 C�� vV nV r1 / _ _______ vV�- v v \ I �1 <?� -Front Yard Setback 30 ft. Street Dedication 6.221 ac. n Lir\L_IvLILIV sl <; \ /,7 $ S C ` \ I - Side Yard Setback 10 ft. Outlots 23.46± ac. I _ IS Drainage & I \ �.'f '31 ti �o� '� L7 COnAr� )� 90.00 UtilityEasement _ - J•-6,32 0 �\ � �L �� �� v1 vcl I. r \� I - Rear Yard Setback 30 ft. Total Proposed Lots 39 1 1 r x' 43 0 ou cA � L7 . a A ri r•� 1-7-1 A l �n �r �- r v I -Wetland Buffer 16.5 ft. 0►rerail Site Density (Gross) 631 lots/ac. ,NOD°46' \ \ A 9a �o \ j? S4 �. o I I Setback Line 03 �T R 1• \� /F C. L7 \ I - Structure Setback from Buffer 40 ft. Dimension I (See Development Data) IfO - S87°43', 0" �9 �R 4 / \ I Street dimensions listed reference back of curb. at Setback E�23 .78 �_ 1 ,�� \ I -ROW Width 60 ft. Lo - tz� - 7- - - - - ' - -- _ ° , p 15 °E All streets to have curb and gutter as per City I ( 10 IN Lot Dimension $87 4 30 E 00. 44 ARCEL 3 ,1• +g3 - Road Width 31 ft. Back -to -Back standards. 21,352 sr �7 - - - - - - �� 01Cul-de-sac ROW 60 ft. Rad./45.5 ft. Curb I Lot Number 1 016 16,0001 s.F. 25,650 sf Drainage and utility easements shall be provided I I I as required by the City. 1 �1 I 1 Approx. Lot Area 5 \ 34,241 sf \ -\ / _ r--- \ sl o Is Setback 4 \ - L--------- -J 37 / o f \ \ M M Dimension 29,990 sf \ 90 - �I 9 1 )_ \ I \\�\�\\ ^ (,� (No Scale) I 1 502 sf - \ ^ F _ NOM =:_=z.! The lot dimensions and areas on this plan are / 11 r------_ 24,302 sf / I 795 ' \�\\ WETLAND E d �; approximate. Refer to the Final Plat and supporting 756 s I 2 / \ \ �,J data for exact lot dimensions and areas. T.eg81�� Title CO>�l>�111@ILt� 16,190 s . \\\\ e41 ,` <' PARCEL 1: C) That part of the South 835.33 feet of the East One-half of the Southwest Quarter Section 3 Township 116 Range 23 ` Carver County Minnesota measured at right angles to and \ e , N I tib / Ro°w° L` % / \� \ \\ \ ^ C� C, parallel with the south line of said East One-half of the f 23,374 sf \ \ 17,101 3 �� \ \ \ O i�; �_ Southwest Quarter lying westerly of the center line of Carver / aW y County, Rood No. 117. A Torrens Certificate Number. 30251 8 / \ 16,287 sf X\\\ cJ 30,616 sf � i PARCEL 2: y / �� - - 11 -r )A 1 it �\ \\ / / /. ti \ \ /�/�'S5 / \� \\\ i Range Carver County, Minnesota described as follows. \ � That port of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 6 ane 23 nt, Commencing at the southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter,' vV VV �)lv \7 C_ ��� �`� �-v thence runningEast on the section line 1335.00 feet to a po \\\ ^ ��\J� / /���jv 20, 52 sf /�/ 26,116 sf/^ \ \ \ \ O� TA $87 /154 1195.05 l marked by a as pipe; thence North 1320.00 feet to a pointrnt \\ 33,802 sf 2 \ \ \ \ 522,524 sf marked by an iron pipe; thence West 1335.00 feet to a point in \ the section line marked by a gas pipe; thence South 1325.00 i feet to the lace of beginning. w420.00 e e 10 \\ l � ,/ / , / / 28,338 sf >/ /` \ \ \ I tI/ETL.�ND D / / ,�u I 31.711 sf\�� _ - J %i` //' 7 //�� \ � I PARCEL14) 3. - / 53,9 2 sf /V,/ v /'/� \ /j�/ %/\ \ \ \ \ \ Il / \ 253 That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter e I I //' \/ of Section 3, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, O \ ,` /�+ / ,/\r , / 8 Y/ ) \ I described as follows Beginning at the southwest corner of O I/ X 1 / , / 8,158 sf / n 1// / ti // a'1 \ \/ / \ %` said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, thence / 26,469 sf / / // northerly along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the 62,896 sf / / •\ J � I I I / \ <� ///' / /j/ 22,938 sf j /� ' \ s'o /\ ��� \ \ o l / Southwest Quarter a distance of 2.10 feet; thence easterly to a C� I I I / \ //// 15 / / �// // / '� point in the east line of said Northwest Quarter of the �\/ I �32,oi3 sf / / / / �/ ��� / \ \\\\ G�� \ l Southwest Quarter distant 7.15 northerly of the southeast r \ n '\ corner thereof,' thence southerly along said east line 7.15 feet / , / 9 \ 266,814 sf ( / / ' / / 9� / / \\ \ QP`, ! / / Q to said southeast corner; thence westerly along the south line // 7c � `ti 29.356 sf/, / \ \ \ � N I y/.�9 53.612s�r� ///// 1Q // 16,431 sf �\ \ of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the �''� // point of beginning. --__------ `� I I /// At�l�j eoo� \ /// Ij /�\\\ //�� \\\ \ oo� / /� P 9' 9• DRAINAGE AND U77LITY ✓// /// j \ \ / _ '� \ \ / \ \ 3°°0 / / �I PARCEL 4: EASEMENT OVER ALL ^ I //' Q � �//' 13 16,433 sf OF OUTLOT 6 V // W( / 109,493 sf ��! / \ y�°,0 \ / i\ \ / / ^ \ 15 h Lot 1, Block 1, BRENDEN POND 2ND ADDITION, according to the 3 / /Qj recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. 4 ���<LLI'G /// /2 / 196,554 i ! 16,824 sf \\\ / /�t` \\ \ \\ \ / •4i / / �j \ / / L 26 Cal \ j' 71,666 Sr L.)� \ / 28,284 sf 8 \�A`\ \ \WETLAN6*C_ _ _ /' OUOTTL V / /. '�r // a 43,860 sf ---------- \ \ 1 / DEVELOPER. O�LOTB Pemtom Lan d Company2s12 03 sf 0 I 226,079 sf / / �C Eden Anagram Prairie, MNrive 169,357 sf I \� o \ 4 629 sf / \ /% �. I I ) Phone: (952) 93863516 L 9\� I I I ' ./ / / V hx. (952 ) s�/l //l g30� \\\ 43,8 3 sf J I I / / Contacts: Dan Herbst I- I WETLA Lfi -B \ / / 30,014 f - - - - - - - - - - J 228 // 8� I/ PLANNER/ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: l/ 16,348 sf 11 7 �\\` / / / /� \ I \/ Westwood Professional Services Inc. 87 ts8 155 _ l / / I / / 7599 Anagram Drive I r r- '" i, n' n r 188 L - - - J L - 22,646'sr- _ - \\ / I Eden Prairie, MN. 55344 i/7C_ vvvvL�� ivv 1/I )L_ r7 AM iwrAv ° ' " -JL---- -�� '�� II S 74854E 2312.49 528' Ll _ Phone: (952) 937-5150 nyr vv r;iiiiviv A " \ _ Fax: (952) 937-5822 l�i / Contact: Dwight Jelle J 1 0' 100, 200' 300' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 20021044PPP01.DWG Date. 3/18/05 sheet 2 of 15 Lake . Westwood Professional services, Inc. I Leeeby cat" thN tfiL pLe wn propend by me es ,order ery Ret,,, d� � � r � e n� ,e..• �, s > Prepared for. The Pemtom Land Company • Pre D1. Harrison 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Qs Drawn: SRL %$97 Anagram Drive Pat Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 3/18/05 Reooxl�by/debc/d.b : Eden Prairie, Minnesota 5$34 Chgnhaggen, Minnesota Daft Ltem" Na J f Q 111 Ko] 1 •<MU1lloro i'c.. • L 0 o2005 Nes �pd r9fession Inc. - - - - - - i III 3EL \` y ---J r _ g T I \ / MH-' RE®1 ¢ ; ----� <-- IE -11 8• PVC 1 SAN. ----RE 11 . 28• 1 I �• DIP DD 0 0 M z J 11 U 82 7 82 \\\ RE -1052.19 IE -1038.1 MH -19 \\\ Q I I IE=1038.50 \\ \\ \ \\\ I\\ J 10 \ _ / / / 1 MH -20 RE -1049. LLIi IE -1039. W ~ I I I\ I j \ I \ (L ------------------------- ------------------------ /MH-21 1 MH -21 RE=1059.97 --� IEe1049.00 II 8' DIP WM I ' 1 I I 11 I I I I 1 I I ' 1 1 11I \ It I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 12 1 � t \ i I 1 I 1 1 1 ._L-------- ______________ General Utility Notes q \ I I I I I \ I i SEWER _...�---- -- MHCT TO i I � H-9 37 1\ MH -8 WETLAND -E I j RE -995. n IEnn984.83 L WETLAND -H \ RE -9 R ` Ee99B.2 IE -987.21 4 E-1002.78 \ \ \\ e991.76 5 /i X X/ \ < 71 15 OUTLOT C .I 1 I 1 1 'i 1 1 1 14 MH -12 • ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 3 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. RE -1018.44 1 I \ • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR \ I " 7 111 5 \\ • UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL \ CONFORM TO THE 1999 ED. OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER \ MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER \ ----- \ SPECIFICA11ON FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., • THE WATER SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MIN. OF 7.5 FT. OF COVER. THE SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE 7 MH -14 R-1028.0 I REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. IE -1019.0I i MH -13 RE.I000 6 I IE -991.0 i I I l I q \ I I I I I \ I i SEWER _...�---- -- MHCT TO i I � H-9 37 1\ MH -8 WETLAND -E I j RE -995. n IEnn984.83 L WETLAND -H \ RE -9 R ` Ee99B.2 IE -987.21 4 E-1002.78 \ \ \\ e991.76 5 /i X X/ \ < 71 15 OUTLOT C .I 1 I 1 1 'i 1 1 1 14 MH -12 • ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 3 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. RE -1018.44 1 I IE=1007. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR \.. I " 7 111 3 // ' L W DIP WM / /. 12 0 4 17 8 ✓ // E W P SAN. 9 Q I I Call 48 Hours before digging: -I-------------- --------- - -- - GOPHER STATE ONE CALL I- - - - - - - - - _ _ I Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 7 --------i I I __---_ 1 / I f--------- I I I 1 I II I I I J I -- -- )TA - TA ETLAND D mil\I 3 / e• PVC / ��. \• - ---p / / I SEWER ' \ - `> , � • \� CONNECT TO \EX. MH MH -A 8974.181 76. 974.18IE-976. Al RE•11 5.89 <IE 4.69 I \\ WETLAND -C g/ / - 5 6• DIP WM CONNECT To Ex wm--_ . �..----, _--- t \��I OUTLOT B res ------- T � ' REm1007.78 11 96.78 `. E-1012.48 IE -1001.48 9 MH -5 \ i RE -1013.11 i i \� ` 6 IE -1001.03% rrc J �r1r v -v • ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 3 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. 1 I • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR \.. I _ _ __J L_____ \ 111 • UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL • SEE ARCH. PLAN FOR EXACT BLDG. LOCATION. SEE SITE PLAN FOR LAYOUT DIMENSIONS. CONFORM TO THE 1999 ED. OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER SERVICE ENTRY LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE ARCHITECT. MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER • VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOC. & ELEV. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. ----- SPECIFICA11ON FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., • THE WATER SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MIN. OF 7.5 FT. OF COVER. THE SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE CITY AS -BUILT CONSTRUCTION PLANS TO CHECK REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. LOCATION AND MATERIAL TYPE. • ALL WATERMAIN PIPE TO BE PVC C-900. • ALL SANITARY MAINLINE AT 0.4% MINIMUM GRADE. I l I\ • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION • ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 3 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION. OF THE PROPERTY LIMITS. • UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL • SEE ARCH. PLAN FOR EXACT BLDG. LOCATION. SEE SITE PLAN FOR LAYOUT DIMENSIONS. CONFORM TO THE 1999 ED. OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER SERVICE ENTRY LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE ARCHITECT. MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER • VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOC. & ELEV. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN." AND TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICA11ON FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., • THE WATER SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MIN. OF 7.5 FT. OF COVER. THE SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE CITY AS -BUILT CONSTRUCTION PLANS TO CHECK REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. LOCATION AND MATERIAL TYPE. • ALL WATERMAIN PIPE TO BE PVC C-900. • ALL SANITARY MAINLINE AT 0.4% MINIMUM GRADE. I hereby on8y Out tbis ph• was prepared by = = ®der my xsvtdams . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. � m of °N"` 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Jyain A. ape pg Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952.937-5822 Daw 3/18/05 Limn Na 43922 D"kned: JAL Checked JAL Drawn: JAL Ramrd Drawingby/datx Legend EXISTING SANITARY SEWER - 4 WATER I HYD. W/VALVE STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER -4- WATER t - WATER I HYD. W/VALVE »� STORM SEWER - N - Prepared for. Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive &len Prairie. Minnesota 55344 Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota 0' 100, 200' 300, P-7 20021044UTPOI.DWG Date: 3/18/05 Sheet 5 OF 15 Preliminary Utility Plan rj ®20 `,JNes#wgo ofessio vi s,,�I — �° I I I i Call 48 Hours before digging: / _ I L GOPHER STATE ONE CALL lz� \ / / /� — — — — — — — Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 ZZ >w� J^'a•< I / ^— a `� a 1 ry \ I ` \\\ WETLAND—E ,! ap^o`o o � \ \ \ �I �� ^&ci�61 � � o� /TAs LAND D ipso \ �\ PR. Qo� / \ I� J » , � �9� � ` � � \ � �� �• \ '// / l \� :OwJ (�1 a L ' I I OUTLOT 9n ^�\ ` �' I \\ 9z� / �" i ( J j � �- �� � I \ \ \ l Ln M < ^ / 1 WETLA —B (U 0jLo r C TREE PRESERVATION %LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS J iL Li Total Site Area 2,701,378 sf (62.0 Ac ) / 3 Tree Preservation Site Area 1,470,950 sf (33.8 Ac.) (removing park, wetlands and bluff) ca w Baseline Canopy Cover 1,118,015 sf (25.7 Ac.) (76.0%) ca El Canopy Cover After Grading 431,387 sf (9.9 Ac.) / M Required Amount of Canopy (46%) 676,637 sf rn w Additional Canopy Cover Required 245,250 sf x 1.2 = 294,300 sf 7 X Landscape Trees Required 294,300 sf / 1089 = 270 Trees a- ra Landscape Trees Provided 319 Trees * See attached Tree Mensuration Packet for mensuration calculations and individual tree information. U I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me m under my Revl✓dnas . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. � e that : of the duly ' n e 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Daren 111. lAbum Phone: 952.937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Data 3/18/05 Lim, Na 43233 i OUTLOT B \ I m ^� ^6110 /� � •\ I `sJ } Ill LEGEND Existing Tree Canopy Q -rr"�Existing Tree Canopy (per tree preservation ordinance) -Post–Development Tree Canopy (per tree preservation ordinance) 0' 100' 200' 30C NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION P-7 20021044TPP01.DWG Date: 3/18/05 sheet 6 of 15 Dt�. Prepared for. Lake DUL Pemtom Land Company Harrison Overall Tree Dawe: DbII. Preservation Plan 7597 Anagram Drive Rerord Drawlag by/dew Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota 02005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: �' — / I \ //11 °5GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 1Twin City Area 651-454-0002 t\ /' / \ Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 0 i , \ A. \ `. '� .� \ . \ . cP A. \ A CP 0 6 5 C1 SP 5'I 530�T.—.---'----.—_-- — \ D 1 1; i SP 5 6 3 x13 —• — — — — —— CJ A .. ... .. x 1 S T w x 165 5 C 1 C ix 16526 C P \ 1 .. 1657 jt65I 16 K, fa.16 22 SP 1 SPC r SPw 15' \ — / .. ... .. G'�11SPC T,r W 12' 040CP I C / \ c9 \ I x 6 7 \ \ \ �O rw 1022.... x SP 3635 �.7. 5 , 3 !, \ \ \ \ ... � .. \ x 0X 15/33636 ,1042 BOX 14/N x 3364 650 g�Xx 33663 \ x EU76 '� / t\� �Q O X B / / y \ \ \ \ 3 p lNT 3368 7.369 \ 165 O / / x 16538 \ \ \ x BOX Z x BOX 9IN x BOX 16/N 6510 BOX 12 / / SPC/ 12' '.�\_� x 3 91 e3d 5231N >�X 6460 W N EU 8 / OJ O V Q / J. / \ \ �. —\ x BOX ip/ O NO M SOX 4/N fRT r ' .. 7649 _ x16511ELA 7 / I x7 T10 QO ���YI// A- xF652 /x SPC�S 6 \\ \\ \\ \ x O XfU 6 1� V� BOX X 1650 x 16501 x 16 60 357 BOX 25/,(JBOX 6 ry, BOX 6IN ELA 6 EU 8 E 8 ' 018L �O 16 Olt, \ \ \ \ \\ `.' x x II x E 4 .6 t �• '.x A 49 x A '7/l 6 x ELA 2 x OX 9 65 i LJ66 BOX 9 / /�"'SPW 718' \ \ \ \ x 336336 4 X EU 9 BO 9 1165 f EL 8 / 63 9 ' 7665 fOX . (I/ 4{ /+/ _ - - 478 x164 _ �A :12X / x7 4 I 1 :� 09 I \ \ x S 8 1647 480 EU x 16486 B R 8 \ \ \ \ I ELS �6�83 EU 6 x 1650 I l P \ 1 \ \ \ ELS 6 16467 16477 1B x 1649 507 1658@ l n. y x ELS 13 q6 6 EU 13 x A 6 OXx6/6508 x 16455 : 1 I : ASH 6 492 Q�,S x7 6585 765 6 xi 89 . K164✓g8gg >,A x'�Q4bfM B 7 xWXi o s 6 7� / 6 x16456 / < 10 1 49 8 x/ 590 09 x763 1/ I60 /R 11 x 1 h6 1 E'.. �'Q1 \ ELA 1 x 76 91 � 10 x BO 1 °. / /""ny R 7 5 1 16128 x 16 Piff r§,8614Y444,,, I \\ \ \ \ \ y .. I t� 16SSSSB 6 x 16,}��'08 x'Y I 17 x L S� X 10 7 85 PI3R 8>. 161 15 Pl )I \ \ V \ 452 \ x SSyyII,, \ ` A 10 \ .x 76 $'IR 1Q1�BlR 8\ 67 1 9 1 B x16472 x23G.J�� Asp xp,�q B 1 088 PlR 1611 76100: j 181'E 67 \ Cfl 16 x 4 x16447 ELS 0E 7g \ " 165 4 \ / x 1710 x�� . 6 \ \ �'CP X - BOX Q1 ASH I ` 1 2 I 8 PI Qgy 6 8 x 1 \ BOX' 8. x 23064 3065. f w x 1 lR 8 P 15 x 761 A /p \ \\ \ a 164 BOX 6 - BOX 6 °;zLA 10' x 1X A 11 / 160 76097 PIR 8 16x 7 1 165 S 6 x 6 763 16 x 1� i 6 161 / 167161 x1 \ \ x 1 ` U� 594 x x 6 -SPC 15 x ASH 1 X EU x 1 y ASP - x 6 x P R PIR B X F9 Qr6 x x BOX �� I 76 95 x ® R 6 j l ,8 1 9 P.. . 23861 6 A�SAG \ 7 23066 x ELA 1658 A 1 A4 68 x p \ \ I 6 H 7 x B 431 X 6 061 .. �.. I x g 6 x x 1/ X R \ 9 \ H x 23067 f6 OI 149' x57X BOX 12 76578 \ x 59 A 95 1� 7 63218 x! 6049 x 16 18 8 PIR' IR 8x 1 �Y97 x 6678 x IRJBR PIR \ \ \ \ \ TSOH 98 o19Oo [t(_gJV1 U x I x ASHx� 7 xASH 6 x B X 7X64 EU. 6 ........ / 605.k `6 2 x A V_ P! x R B` CO \ OX 1 A 6 x BOX .... .. x 616 A 0 6 23 x1g(��Q1 1618 :16182 \ \ AS I 6 4 ... 23069 A 6 7667 \ xi 2 160/1 R488 761 5 i�1R x <L I ' 40 6 x 23068 x BOX 6 .\ 'DELA I ... x H x �8s� 04 x084 O .... x 7EU 9 \ BOX 6 3070 ...x 166 4 1 I x 6602 /z it 60 RSB LO x764 xA nBOX 7 ASH 6 �:" BO 11X 1 72 7166 H 9 16332 xi 7 x ' 713 pl 16266 PIR g \ OXw 1 6 5 , x 7 7 x766 1 xASH 6 163 SH 6 xPIR PlR 6 x762 5 x x 88 \ \ x U 6 x ASH 160 7 x _ \ (•7 I ELA 6 084 23 :\ E 1 x 6037 B x 9 x x PIR x 297 x 18 1626 ®lR \ \ \ x 230 I3 ASH 6 977 SH \ I I x q 6 PlRx x ' . 22 9 762 4 PIR 1 78 5� IR:S$IR V o \ B x f�66 x AS 2X x 1 6 x 761 762 x B \ o 23059 g0 PIR 8 27B / x ELA 12 X X22 8 x 667 163 I x 16� 6 3� x 16 JO x P x 2 IR 1 193 \ \ N I ®E 229 7 ' I LA/ f xASH E I x R 6 ! \ .4r.' I 1633 8 1 is l% 626PR ELA 13 1g6g6 7 x A H 11 PlR P!R B x 16LO 1 25 23075 23058 W r 16 06 111 60 I I 8 x ASH 6 O x 7 x 16 09 I 762 16336 I ' x16 2x7 7� 41 Hx 6291 x P 8 xASH 9 x p 2� I 1 019,16008 16/0 6 Js e—' x. 162 . I x 62 x ASHl 2 x 163 27 x 1 0'f /R q 1 OBx PIRk162 22� O 1 I ASH x 7 8 P1R� Q��l �gy f PlR 6 01 I x 426 23 2'. .x BOXS'QN x229,30 6 A 6 P✓� 6 x160 7601�� lR8 x I g 75 _ 2308 `x 0 230 x (� • PlR 1 151 KI, o I £U \ ASHja x 2987 OX 7 O- V O 2 39 BO 9 / x lB 931 x A 3 7 I ` x � � 097 x 15158a„ pip 1 x � 775 5f78,7�g�6� 227 x a u \ 420 \ x %OX 9 - �/ x 3B 3 70 1602477 R` 6237 _ 23 A O 1\% 7 / POR x1Wd X 1� x p/ 3� PI!& x Pl Pl \ BO P� g ' S/pgg x 15 1 15 f5 IR 8 R 8 \\ M " 2305 / O A ASH / 16287 5079 1 /R221602 1x09 0 8 1 17 /RI x x 8 I51.� / u I 16418 O AS7/ ';'r x'23053 x BO 8 / 2 014 7 230 2 x ELA 9 60 I8� PlR �l 8 1Ax P7fF i x 5 x Ply 7 PI 7� PIR i \ N x ':' ..O .... 23054 BOX 6.. x� r,ffg� (� xA 9 710 x 86 93 IRB x7511ycBgji 1 192 15 N I ASH 10 7P BOX 12 ri0 \ A V(� g 701 PIfF iS z7. �5/ / x d�& \ \ +� \ 23056 -x. 288; 1 x 2 7 23 3 7 .` •f��V Q� Px 1508 9y x PIR 0 FFIR7.4732 PlR 8 x fp5°fBDgR P BI q�3i x 1527 p� 149 ASHS z O x A30 xASH 7. 7 h0' !Z / R" * 3 4 X50 R 8 x 0� 151p2 pfJUi3�;-151 14 7 651 x 752 B x Pl �l B 1 \ Z xo I x 1 \ 10 O`v OV 0� R x OKR S 11 x 15 1 x 7 ! e 8 x PlR 4 1 7 5183 1 90 P7Rk 15 PO92 P 4 7� 7 2303E I 1 088 7570�1gyR R2 QR a I ,! /7`'� t O , .. \ / / �� 7.O / O �9 619:1 PZ115707/ 3 Pim Ai 136 xf 1 i B 5 x IR B151 894 x iF520�x ll� \\ 4 23 x 16415 O PRS x / i8q PI 8 9 gX xi g 2 79 ... EU 30 /6 213,0 x 81 4 /R 8 /Rxg51 7 P 79 2 15 \ 6 1 9 J I x 164/4 / / '♦ I 1 �57CP /F� lR lR Q_ ASlI 7 �Q "xE 12 �2yp8 9. 7 '301QELA O I RC 7 PlR 8 �7 8 x �x � 8 x W I%,�j�,�13 : T 229 E'30 6 301 23 S,Hg X 2 023 O 1tf 75 B x C 6 7 x' 9 x POP QS _ x 2 9 / x Ol / A 6 ! C� \ 8 P/R x P 13� 69 x 8 1 34 74932 V \ , @ \ l/7 I '�'dSF1.s13X EU Ay�l 2. 23 30 n tq • 3 .7 \ 230 22 94 /" 00 $ J 75067 AZ0H \ IC1I ® P Ga 409 : y�/ 2 93 ASH 1:L9' A A H 6 x BOX 20 x ASN 78 x 1 R 12 1507 x 14953 I„ 14910 x fp' . R /x / x EU 5X 996 E A 6 A 15066 BOX \} 15083 1 T' '* m 45 Of \ % I 6x 16410 w' \ : - x/EU 6 / / l x20X� 2 020 (1 J� x \A 1R ASH 5 \\ OKR 15 1 54 BSW 36 x B 6 L/WJ.iL\L J ASH 10 x,4546 1490 EL 9 ASH 15 1 952 q j cS x11641 WW 6 / 2 999 15 8,75 84 x15 15 xA H 1� x g 9 X75286 x7 /6 x0 8 ASH 6 x x109 12 Existing Tree Canopy x OX 7 x 7 A q�� x BOX 14 O 5 A 7 x sYWYYW�- t 1).... _.... .. .. ...x 50 A/9 153 xl /l�O� ' 068 xOKR g PY llgpg7 �..� :'� 2L2 / 15 7 1A54; 5 75 ' x xtq�y t�q BASH 18 \ 14956 x ExistingTree Canopy fA EU x 30 x A x / 15 9 x iiOX f OKW 7 f g PY U x23087 x2 2 E 12 X& SH1O11 15070 x (per tree preservation ordinance) 229 8 i 37g 1 378153 BOX 2 X 5 61 \ x "lYWww� Ld ASH 8X ( 8 3051 23 3 /38 x 53 ( "8 75313 15289 x BOX 8 150 B x 7 OX x 1501 ii \ x 1494 Ate{ g FRT 60 r 6 \ Post—Development Tree Canopy A 7 .x x L' 18 EU 7 A 70 ASH T 11X x OKR, OKW A JYWYYY+l1~ I."" 7 5377 ' 1538 15 1g x15 9 YC 01 30, 60' 90, :� A� x xAiAk114o 059 15 18 OK 32 (per tree preservation ordinance) IL O- ry� ry� I SH 10 BO MPS 8 x 15072 X 6 x AS 1495.9 1495 ' A / I ' 23 2 \ , Mco J :: ' x 531733X �` \ B x NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION .� 2" 88 2309 6 C/'� 1 2 390 ' x x174896 EL iR43 P-7 20021044TPP02.DWG J I x fU 230 3 ASlif : ELA p ASH 6 17.52H90 \ . U Ia FR 70 �� ti _ ,. �' EU x Bqk g 1 A93 x q53 18 ' x 1528,0X49 61 H 9 "27X X OKW 7 B��R 6 �1.3 ASH 6 x �K nate: 3/18/05 sheet: 7 of IS I bemby ftmfy tbtl two Pin aro prepared by me m -,dm my � Lake Prepared for. . ,ac wperaWm end &.t I em . dnly uemed rwNoscApa n>m Tree Preservation Plan Westwood Professional Services, Inc. �e f..y. of �e : of b0enwu t � Pemtom Land Company Harrison 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Damn K Laberee Drawm VUL 7597 Anagram Drive Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5622 Dees 3/18/05 U, No. 432M Remd RmMa h detw Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota 0 u U E CL (11 LO M M 0 v 0 0 N UO m 3 6 Q V M X N N z Z Z Z Q J LJ W / 0 3 a w A 0 ro M c 2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. n 0 v x� W ry R 1 BSW 21 x �p�1& 6 x '04x -r4' '? \ A/I x S 91N x 8276 ELA d BOX 14 15447 x 154 9 15493 x 80X 12 x BOX 8 15428 88 \ ' x 15492 BOX11549� 55�, x 15439 x BOX" fB IN 8328 87N 32 69 x BSW K' 7 154 1 EU £U e x 7� 6 BOX 13 Z'PT 14X 15426 X RC t5XOK 41 x 0 4. ` S 9 EU 6 - E OX 7 _ K 1)1V X286$$ 27 0 769 1758 17 3 x15438 1 9 - x R - C 2 BS 8 ^8 13 x1Z' x OX 10 \ 1Q751 x BOX 9X x \W x1 5 17512 7510xBSW 91912 xBf)941T x75431 BOX 7 gg6 BOX 3 0 1 OX 13 15436 I \ \ \EL �8 x 52� x 15445 x BOX 9 1 x 51 T BOX 13 \ 5 B 1 , x 15446 x A3Tfl 7 BOX N 5 11 \ BOX 70 7,543 OX �x 204 �20 i4 x'6` \ x 75�677J 17 80 x 7533 \X1075 77332 % DR $` x 5 ` H 2 775 BSW S 2 ` x 7C 75 {\ i SW \ x fLA \ x B 54712 x I7 7 J 775 f X 16 6 x 20 5554 7 94ii 8 B 1 JQ \ 20427 045 2 54 *59776 �O 1 6�ffQ BSW 12 KR T 0 67 \ 7 2 *596 T7 \ x OA x7 4 2 x i 17 9 17 X 1 �24-... \ \ \ O 12 20428 �';�� AS/ 8 \ x'�o x 7597 x 2X x 156 \ 74 B B x 248 3297 CDR 043000 f2 69 7B7 709 CT 1750 . OKR.70432 x 20449 0 x �S 1 x 9 f 3 O 7 \ 17 17 0 x 49 ��.... x .... POP g1 69 B fU 2 \ 5 x W6 \ 4 \ 1769 � x 1 99 \BS x 575 76 BR 7 1 20 8 x 29 'BRC \ W 7 x 80� X1 7 *abs 1 70 \ IR 6 17 � 62 x 0 7557 i.. T 32 7 17 91 �qq,ii8'' x KR f0 � M 65 17 ix01R 93g 1 56668 � OX 176 .COR ! D PO x;r..7 3 x S 9 � x A 1 7 i tx 5 7 O 6 7594 E 1 5 B 59,{x 1755 xc' O 5 1650 6 `i BOX CDR 17lN ....''x CDR . 1N i ®q 68 1287 xV7 1767 W 1 x l 7 K, \ 9 \ ! 1 5 OI x X \� x B0 1 \ 2983 MPS76 17X x B ' al BS BSW l B O 1 15 \ I X 32 10X �"1 53 xi x &6 5 7 8 ' x 647 \ 1R 9 x�U 6 '7,nRUe)p0-x3 9 N S 6 xi 6 3 XX7111 1 I (� x5f 1 x17. = C2 691N .. ' V B R 76 9 3 x 75 10 \ M 70' 3 88 3 1 R 6/ I rogBg 2998! 86r176 x ASH \ , ' 2 34 1 x W 3 6 1775,6 ry 7�\ x i 759 x IRN 2 u I I 7 0 i S \ 76 5 0538 8 \ M xC/J{0�96 B 5 xlN12I 75 xAS H x176 x Nf0 \4 \ M 2 kt+ ASH j7 `1 s " 8 S,{,y1 I x 468 \ x S 5 x lRN 0 Zi15 9 2 ,` x /N x 26 1 � 1 7 / MMMMMMPPPPPP `P 4 x ! N �0 R° °2R0771 ` x A 0 ( I �{ 732 2 1 AS N A 7 IR 7 8 x 2 72\ I A 0 4 / M q 25 I x° 0 64 207 / 7 I 0 8x 5�/ OR 1 CO i x I 1 1RN , x ASH 96 CO O x 17659 ASH 18 711 07 1 W 6 0 0 B 7 I I I I 4 32963 O O 7 2 MPS 14 . ASH 1 N, A 1 3296 xx l x IB 773 l BSW 1�' IRN 774 0742 4 O 45 1 ' B 8/N'. RC' 0 BSW x HIE HI 7 61 2{/g 2 / X E2�0A7 5a% -y / x 20748 x 0 637[ ° 69 O,�J959 ° �AL 8 OV / MPR 7 S 2 1 / 1 x 2079 x MP 49 / 0 £U MIN 0- - 1 O ASH 17 x 20$17 x 747, 05 6 S 2 5 9 xJ2960ASH 61N 7 10 01111 B O� M S 22 �rlPrdml 5 /B /W x fB 9 210 I 7 SX W x 228 ^ 90 2 Mo x B 56/N 81 °R 9 A H 8 AODC Ot� x0762 X2 67 / 7 x 32953 2 1 ++ ' I� 3MPS 1 flN / Aij 80 I O 20 3 20 o I "828 "l 2 87 B f P f7 N 5 MS 200 Q� 257 07 x 32 5< 08 6 1 ASf H 911 R 23 MP 77 0 7 5 1 777 X ELA 701 x 0 29f i 2 R BS 02 x S 9/ P 7 x M S m 208 xCH8B B 2 818 M 32� x 7 x BSW 12 z O� 2/ M 8 88 -2 0858 A2a8a1 x A 8 x 2 80 ' 6 x� 20 83 0859x 862 2 82 M S 12 796 1� /� 2 x 20857 ELA 8 BS ELA 8 B 7 x M S 6 x PS 2X / 'M 8` !06 BµPS x M S T3 / 20 Q_ AS / A 2 A O // BO 20X V 9 ~x A°SH6f0 XRT 6 x J}�08 0 06 9c pS 1, 20 6 X / 20856 871 T 8 /61 4 O O^ 2 584 x 7 0 7 (U 2085.'7( x 206 6 x I 1B (U XBOX 1 6 MP f0 55 MP f0 38X x BRC 13 / 07 7 x >. 20847 OBJ41 /x 2 79 79 x R 25 PS j/ / S z x 01Mfps2 �1 RN 6 PS h8 PS 7 �� g ! AS 17 PS � '� \ x A 5884X 9 x 2 3 / 8 2062 O 82i 48 ///206 Jy / )�IdP 9S Q a- I x 208 7 x 20 6/ x A 8 B6W 12 S 2 P 676 M Sx P76 20 / x N ..y x OX 7 1 CL 45 ��^ 2 34 x 07 207 7 f7 x 06p4UF 12 / x20N12 LJ x ASH SW 6 i- 208 ASH 1 P 9 MP i1J( x 2 87 / ELq/ f0 S gV$ LO 208 / x B 77 PS 3 M 5 2 x 2064 x 2064 20620 x MPS A 593 q x E 7 x 2086 x 2 02z 7 t SH MPS 6 0640 PS 11 2 12 2 0 / p S x S x 68 ` 206 3 xM�Sv,�II X2 9 AWS? 1 MPS 7f 20C1� q I 2 06 / 2 84 7 / 4 206 6 x 206D6 80 113 O W HIB ASH 700 20S 7 xPS / MP 6 20605 20636 t� M OKRx 04 2010 BSW 4 / MP / / / 2064 fi 5 MP 38( 21(�6� 6� 270 xASH 2BX / 692 x MP 91 0 20 7 / x 20 x A H 2T 20X9 Ff 38D X 206 3 x / �. �- \ MPS f x MPS 7 / Bs 8 PS 9 xASH 016 LLI l 8/ `` x MPS 5 x E 1 �y520 13 206032 � c 1:3/ / X X MP 6 MPS Q0602 0X 4 I hereby certify th■t thL pin w.. peepered by me as coda my R■ WO= . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. r thele`of thed* 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Daren K Isberee Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952.937-5822 Date 3/18/05 U mr Na 43233 14 "^K " 1 b 65ss Call 48 Hours before digging: X 18496 OKR 37 POP GOPHER STATE ONE CALL .9 \ x 18 P9;. 2 x 165 Twin City Area 651-454-0002 G' x 9�P 9 " .P 5 18 9 . Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 '\ x 185gg X 1854.�'OP' xx1»0 x e. Sfl18 I BRCS x81 7 x 1 5733 570 - N X06 x 18205 OVAX 18643 FRT 994 OKR 74 18 x� 7 x78585 �Q\ O x18 0 FRT X 18644 x OKR x BRC 7 BRC 9X M N OKR 13 x18589 x185 B - OKR 11590 18203 BRC 19X x1'88(5R87 xPOP9 xFRT it 8591 95 18597 1 \ 12 OK85R 7 x ASH 10 X 1859 xF X x 8W 34 \ xPR)°17 OKW 10 \ \ \ x0 x f86 \ x 860521 A 14 R 21 x 18632 \ \ A x78633 xPIW� ASH 12 18 A6 27 \ x 8R40 \ \ O r x 18H7f4D A 12 x18625 ASH 2OX x £� \ JOJ 8SH 5 x £U 80XP ` 186 \ 'OJ \ \ x 150 x 1c8gR 9 R \J� J x186 1 A CP ASH � oCQ\ x012815 xAS \ 996 9000 7004 \ JO OUTLOT \ \ \ DULPrepared for. DUL Pemtom Land Company Dnwm DbII ���� 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 • LEGEND Existing Tree Canopy Existing Tree Canopy (per tree preservation ordinance) -ff yt"VYVru Post -Development Tree Canopy (per tree preservation ordinance) 0' 30' 60, 90' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION P-7 20021044TPP04.DWG Date: 3/18/05 sheet 9 of 15 Lake Harrison Tree Preservation Plan Chanhassen, Minnesota a ., o2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. � = F�74— NJ. ---- \1 16 'gKR 714 7 xR Pf X PO Op 10 . 0_ a x . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 F= 952-937-5822 I haeby enUfy that d" phm w prepaued by me m wader my dhid mpavidon aid that I em a duly homrd LANDSCAPE ARCMM3CT uuda the 1n of the SWe of Mimmofa Daren hL Laberee Dam 3/18/05 Ltamee Na 432M Ded;oed: DMI. Chxke& DML Drawzr DML Renard Rmmft bbv/date: Prepared for. Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Men Prairie, Minnesota 55344 LBGBND -^'� Existing Tree Canopy Existing Tree Canopy (per tree preservation ordinance) -4Yw'YYVY'1-- Post—Development Tree Canopy (per tree preservation ordinance) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Lake Harrison Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 P-7 20021044TPP05.DWG Date: 3/18/05 sheet 10 oa 15 Tree Preservation Plan J V) C) U E W N M M 0 v 0 0 N If). 0 CD 3 d a v M x N N LD Z Z Q J W N W LD 3 ca Ld w ra El 0 oa M U o2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: XI °077 xR x xHIB 9 xl xBoo 12 s " x \ GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 73781 ^ 3 3 11 BO 77 73125. OKR f0 c1�20g g xHlB.71 724 . x 33 -{q \ x fRr 8 62 182 PPHAA9P4uDr3D 3214 1317 x IB 1 \ 160.' 'Y c s x R 13 x}32 POP 8 xB 9 x33123 xBOX 8 . 12054 ° \ Twin Cit Area 651-454-0002 \ Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 7383 x1311 37183122 _� xECA 6.,'HlCW 7 \ i 4'D P s 098 x.t 119' x73 6 x12 x 3713 \\ \ x7762 92 775,} 7752 \ I 131 x� 9D I x130 LAB 8.'10 .. x C RO� x x13114 \ ELA 9 Soy775 50 xt 1 ELA " 12059' . xOKW \ x BOX "13188 R 73 1314 x 13 7 f 7 I K7 x 13095 13D x 131 / x 120607 x . -� . \ \ \ x 7751 749 . " ELA if Hl 6 13107(( 36 I .. 7sP�p6 )\ p/ 0 3 x.P 'rte .. 1 99 x ASH ty xHIB OKWx�QOKW20 nX� x B 8 \ \ BOX'1 6 x x if / O1R .Y 1 7 4g ' C 10 18160 x : 1�8. OX 72 _ R OX x IB 9 xOK�1 ~ ` \ \ \ \ Bpi' 774] 8•,> lR 14 181 I : x t9 - 13106 12092 1 \ x 77 LA611 x " 18164 x PI 613 x 87��PpplRggi x 1 13150 O 1309 x 130100 _ x 3/X7738 IB 27X x QA x f W x 7 x 9 � 1 \ x 7757ELA 10 BOX i SPC 9 /R"1,gR OKR 8 , I x x13101 IB 12d,3$% MPS 12048 7842 \ \ f 1815 MPR 9, 19 x A9 x BOX 1� OX 6 \ x BOX \\ x \ 7758 x PIR 1 12428R i3-' - \ \ 1 \ BOX 30 18165 x 181 x IBS 1 262 OKR 12` x 13105 MPV - ` \ SPC 10 PJ{ �3 x 151 - �R 11 x 12423 x 12421 ` H1B 19X x \ .....✓. O 132 1 xY3235 x 80 CHB 14 R 9 \ 1310 I B4 \ \ x18159 P 10 x13 SP 12 232 x 126 OK 35 RC 2207 BOX 10 -'12095 x SH 28 I \ \ x7830 PIR 13 O1 x �2a36 32 7 f, �� 110�V 7. 1209 120 Lt7o1 ...���qqq 7831 ELA 54X 18166 1 SH A�('1 .9 I x 1239 12392 �- - MPV B. x 1 2 B2fA1 IB 7 x OKR ,1YIIB 6 9 / � 9 x x 18 x x M 7 \ \\ ELA 60 A 1� 2 ASP 8 13140 1 102113894 x x ELA 1221 Q 12207 - 1 97 12091 -MPS G \ l x 72393 X 6 12212 SH $ MPV MPV ^^ 78 \ \ \ O' 9 �c q5p x x ��,I � x 1 x x� 6 2087 QK..... x \ 13245 7 132 ELA OKR 3 OXR B I 12099 8 PO�P3B4� xxIB99 x 7313 R 27 1 /B 96 1 x C 21 1�7'B 9 x 122 x MPV 6 x B 7 12109. 78 5 x B 36 OX \ \ 3 P 10 9 POP ELA 6 12 1238 CIlBB x 0 x MPV 2�_alp�,08 12068 x 7�affj'�" 1 xf - 8 ........ xf'OHH96 CHB x \ 99 _PV 7 121H(B '7B 6 x 88 B12A e0q \ \ R .e,12384 323 x 11 MPSB 7 " x /tel 4 x x P \ 0 - 9 x 13 8 x73728 AIB 8 x 2324x 8x 123x 12199 1 AB PO 11 \ O 6 OKW 29.E 7X B 8 IRN 2 7p� A 18151 P x73 if x\ 6 x 12 x 12 1232 Q x 3 PS t0 7 92 \ all o " J B l0 CH1213 ,O CHB lB 7.c H1B 8 i �1 ASH f 7 B X 9 \ \ X� }g�� \ B 1 x 79 x MP2077 , x ' \\ 18 OS d 11 .A f x OX' x MP 5 MY 6 % � H/B 7 '-" ' �� / � � 1 � � O \ � BO 41 t 7885 \ \ V \� \\ x 18720 07 070 ,{ 13 -1 l7y) 6 72362 x Elm 1 3�fn 31, " �JOQ x 12078 1119 x B 1 8 1 x BO#7 86 y \ POP 16 OX 74 1 OP 'i x 1 368/' B78i"'� x 7 x /r FY S 12104 : 4 MPS 7 _ 12375 369 .� Efto, B 9 \ l�%07 OP POP 0 ... 7 O x x x ® ELR 9 /&..14X 1 .. x 'T x x 1212 x M S 9 7887 \\ X 18727 �� 18113 11 SP 10 13131 x ,( >y I � H x 64 1232 x 314 / .x COR 17' POP 0 x" 16 12 R xf .7 'EtR 2} 7272H126 xHIB 7 , BOX 30X ASH 30 g1p x 18119 (181140K170 7 08 ..... �8 x /8430 x 1¢1 ' S/J . JiHB 1� 99 • n 1 R 7 , x 1 011;., L7 . 1' 7888 ` 8 `, \ ` 18�l(!? CH77 xELA76 x7 B 7 BO 3110•% 12178 161 xBOX 6 12082 18118-� �\ 12 R 6 1E,� 56 xHIB i 1 33 x 7 x PS 9 120 13076 �� 437 X12 x x 11369 x CHB f9X f f 6 x B 6 074 1307 CHB it CHB 1240$" x CHH _�j 8 72356 "� � 1221 8� HIB 6 1 IB : x 1215 � �� x. S 10 MPS�7 x 1PS ' \ x BOX H[ "x� ".. x12352 xC... xELA 7 121- HIB ,} '12432 HlB /3xN CHB 7 72146 x HlB 121 12144 K OM2 6 x x HIB 2309 x x 0� x 165 xMPS CNB li 14X xBox BO 817 x MP 310 7368 \ 18081 18 x BOX 9x B 12433 OKW 1' CHB 1 H 8 18099 B 9 180 !� IRN 6 13053 CHB 4 72 QR x 1 158 14 OX 9 x OX 13 1 r `a 13078 55 % x O ` x x } "'GHB x 12351 x 0 x 0 x 8 Q x C 9" . x 179 7 _ \ 1148 480 }-X x 18�� 130 x CHB 8 HIB BO -� BOX44,, �7 0 3 x P 79 }? 1ii0'A ?flR 72 IRN 1 I CHB 12349 07 % 12173 I� ,L. x _ x `ity B 80 x - x B f0 % x l 6 12169 12754 .x7 - x 11988 1484 �M 47n �, 1137 96 A� f0 x 12 34 CHB 7 7 �+ MPS 17 `�o1fR 12 x Pp rs MPS f0 IRN f0 . NIB f0 � � � ��pp x x 190 5 f - OKR 8. 31X B 7 x il1231D' x x IB x 1�3�q 82333 HlB 11 2 1217 xifLp6 �� "17475 11476 CHB 3 7'OX 8 x BOX 10 9 POP 60 x 73074 I 13055 x 2348 HIB 34 x 12306 20 x BOX B x lm i 7 18088 xL N62 x 13073 T HIB 6 x CHB 8 CHB"91c H1B 1923 2 �� OKR 6 f f '.,� BOX 6 O O CP N x pX M 8 O` 7 CHB 1 52 x xt 121ACi 474 g\ x 72339 CH8 8 x g x i1 \ x 70 x � 8 \ HB f0 x 1243 x CH8 7 12224 x 159 � 6 ASHx 8 � x 1813 13051 HlB 9 9X HB B 1 . g BO. 48 x 11471 114 3 ` 11382 OX 1 f3 x 11991 OX SH 11378 BOX x 18094 ' ELA q 5 x •y�, MP 6 1138 CHB 8 99 QA 12 090 439 C!I x 12340 (Z, \ x HOl?26 \ x BOX BOX 7 4 AK 91 6� x1 .OS " xHI 8 CHBxf2341 12342 \ 12226 234 x' L'14 1 146 BOX 6 x 1470 x 472 11379 180 H 10 ` O 1 I BOX ifIX tYIB x$ xPa 9 x 6 12150 xB X 9 "11gg3 1 x 1488 11 1 S 8 x113 OX 9 x \ x 068 13049 x 1 343 L / x 1223 2 236 . 12237 - OKL 6 x ��p9 q� x 1�I 0 PS x MP 6 1149 MPS 6 Q ( lB 7 CHB 1 x AfPS'8 x 11975 I9 M OX \ 1 OKR 6\ 12344 1 f4 /B 6. MPS 121 .MPSx3 1146 0 13085 13 1 x 304 1. .o 1 x CHB7�8 x 0 6 12148 AS 1 ASH 11 84 \ 18 68 IRN 6 RN x O 33 (� 7 .. 07 x 12442 x ' x \ x \ X A 9 120 ELA D x 130HIS 7 ' V x Ij(CH 60 48 ` 7 .( 440 "11 ^7.. OKR 12 x 1 1 x 12227His A 8 2137 x 11995. x 119 3 17497 464 BO 8 I 730 1 Q 7 Y oU , 21�H4B917 x 12443 !B 1 1 BOX 9 72 1214Y X 6 ASH 7 : BOX 8 HA 7 x x y C \ \ x f �� 6 x 303 13046 __ CC77 CHB 2 .Hl x x 45 x x 1 1 CHB 9 H PS 6 11 6 7146 x / .9 RN t �.. Q2445 1 . 492 igo73 x 1385 1 63 \ X 12232 1418 10 / BOX 135 x 465 MPS x B03XV2X x MP 3 x B 9 BO 71 H 6 �'x 811 46 CHB 8 11971: f7 72 S 6 X 1146 ' 130 8 0� 52 x E!A B 7 x 04. x MPS .8 x M S 1149 BOX \q x ' x J 3 HI / 12 1 x a5 143 \\11386 HA 30 x 1yyAI(4 T� CH8 4 - x 124 19X '\ . x 12229 CHB I I1 x ASH f2 1 38 PS S 11389 11362 1 ' ( GH HIB 8 . H18 6 12 65 x 12 44 2242 . . x M 7 S I\ 1 x MPS 15 \ 122.30 361 1 CHB 6 x 267 x CHB 6 x R I /R 6 x R 1 11970" 11494 1436 \ x B 9 8 12238 MPV 9 ASH 8 x x 0 x13 35 73033 �/ 2450 _ � x12304 12266 x 2246 1 � x x 450 10 B 1 29GH 6' 0:�1RN 6 O 12.� HIB 9 SM2 - " . TfB�B� x ill' + x 12X 1145 \ x 1l I 1 \ BOX 6 / x OKR 7 \ x'r,3I / B E $ 8 13032 x 13047 r 1 12266 x 1 2241 137g,�26 CH 6 x 036 x CHB 7 LA 7 \ 1 CHB 9 2249 6 B 9 O 76 x x 71449 x POP \ 1 32 X i 8 K \ 1 459 x 12269 /RN 60 72243 .L x 1 460 I O 1 jx �& 9 1 6 13 11 5 8 12 x 1 , x 12454 " 12'4 ' /. CHB 12 CHB i 1 �' SH x 160 1 0 6 x i 25 CHB112 z. 15 ` - . (1 x ASH }3 x 1�,2pp72y� 12270 x"1 - / 12 1999 OKR 12 113 0 M E1P 12 f 057 Ali�9 130 K 6 \ffi 11X \ O�V "BOX 9 CHB 7 C 8 x 1 / 0 12 x ASF/ 7 x 1 4S 7 MP 10 \ 113 I f 11� x X 12274 x 12026". / CHB B POP r^n X 12 I x12456 72461 .x12302 DKR s A�S/H 9 x11447 446 11447,11440 Mp 16 ` 9 \x f 0 I x 1300 J6 ELA 7 x 1 37X .,..r QHB 12301. f 251 ZO25 2 2 0 O(Q 11 458 x i l B 22X MP A l a MPS"'xHB s x M 5 x . BOX 7:1227 B X 6 S C9 x 1.528 / x 3®�1� IO x 4 B 0 /.XY2 x Sly 1 92` \ 1328 \\ xp/g@178" .x BOX 6 20 2 01 / x 11426 xxi 91 HA 2 \ 10 0 4 ... x 16 : x 12276 60X 8 x 12 p/�R 6 x MPBB SD 8 / 71442 MPS 8 H /II S B �Cixh 1341 BOX A132 X1 D 124 �0 ¢7- CHB7 1 7 B i2 I' 1�J27 F- IRN.7 CHB- 27: x 0629 . - 0 13 \ . IRN 73 12460 x 12467 x 123 O 719 x 17443 O g{R534Y O 12252 x ASH I IM 4 4 OKR 7 x llj MP 770 MPS 14 x BOX V) % 0 2485" : 1 ASH 11 \ U H BAK 6 1228 12 x)12p0g42 120 x 7 f oo ..... .. 12298 B 6x 722 9' B 7 'V12 1 / x 12 0 Oi$SI 2 11964/ CHB 7 OP 7x .. 1 x 2 1 _ x 9 x1229 6" CHB H 7 6 x A 8H B X 8 9 S 8 1742 . 8 A x x 11394 1321 B B I 7 12281 \O B 7 203 200 7 1 5 ..x1141SLL417 P71 x MPS 1 B' x 1�1p3g4. pOP 11 135 x AS 191 . Q - x CHB q 962 KR 42 ��„ /� MPSS A� 173 P �11P320 1 7 AI< \ ...... 12476 tZ 1\ H 8 / 1 11418 (+�j x 1 01 x ELR 8 I2b"gg468 - ::.... /- �"'� x P 416 x POP 11 x MRS 9 ` 7247 . c 19 x 12 5 x 122 x 122 7 391CHS\ 10 X 8 MPS 7 N 7 x 1 1 953 2 / x 11456 0 9 x ,1g1y4yyj N 7 11319 H K 6 HA 6 12256 0 0o O� 1 x 1201 959 SH BOX 6 1 04 / 8 113 \ 24 4 HAK Y. x 122 91 x ASH 48� I f HB 6 ; / 1 CHB 6 ASH9 71 1135410 1 5 x ¢¢�� X x 0%POP 9 x OP 13� . 1gB4 0124 2 CH�I� 10 x 12293 722/ x7CHB 6 ' ,q 0 / x 1195 CHB $� 17414 POP 9 7 403 / MPS 9 x PS CD x 130 ELA x 13 4 x I9 ORR OKL 8 xCFI x C d OKB ®6 x B x 11 L 5� x B�IJP'l0 ASH 22 x1POP i x M9 HIS O ` \ I 950 1 4% g 22793 99� \ x 34 (U x12290 4 f 56 S 9 x 11408 / MPS 7 x1 52 P 7 .\�. \ x 0 \ CHB 8 I / 7 11958 ASH 9 x 11413 POP 9 / POP x 31 113 x i 8 1 x 12289 x CHB 7 SSS (fig t� x MPS 6 11499 / ELA 13 x P B MP; o x13 i3 ELR 6 x12033 17 J V' r� x BOX 11 / / f x CDR 25 x1 P4\ / 2481 12480 12479 I / A 8 Q,� • �( 11957 \ m / I —X X X x CHB 6 - x19 12034 ASH 10 / ` x POP 14 1CDR7 FT D x MPS B \ 1010 "J 011498 7497 X 11401 1 398 777!!! x C 4 FT d / I , \ I X X x 11��8 OR 8' / \ 1 Qj X N X Z 1� z IL Lio l �. o � LEGEND I m M Y Ld 13 Existing Tree Canopy M N I j Existing Tree Canopy CO I G YY� (per tree preservation ordinance) W � � Post—Development Tree Canopy 0 I (per tree preservation ordinance) 0 30' 60' 90' I \ o Co NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION P-7 20021044TPP07.DWG g U / 1 Lake Date: 3/18/05 Sheet 12 OF 15 I hereby cwdfy that We plan wr prepaed by me of mdv my . direct wpvvWm and aat I am ■duty Ifam'ed» �.a. Dom. ��� for. Pemtom Land Company Harrison Tree Preservation Plan Westwood Professional Services, Inc. f� under �a et the: er v Chocked DML .7 7599 Anagram Drive Dnwm DWIEden Prairie, MN 55344 D� hE liaberee 7597 Amagram Drive Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Date: 3/18/05 pSanM No. 43233 Raved PMft -b°/dow Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota e2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. �-.0 \ . - / - X I I1 1 Call 48 Hours before digging: 7 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 01 32< <� x90 �� 7 3 x Mn Twin Toll Free 1 Area 68004252000 S 018 / C 30 �0 \P� > 4 9 z x 90C7��SP \ gc S �®0 909 90 9SPC 1 � 9020PIR B fd23 X24 C 15 SPC 14 x / Q� x SPC 13 PIR 2 1 C 13 9041 9 074 SP 17 �� `x 5PC !R 26 \ PR 14 042 03B `$$ Q� X R 23 \ 75PC�77 911 \ ' ' (`� 1 x 044 x 04324 \ 711i 7 SPC ` 24 \ x 91114 v \ x PIR B 6720 _PIR 19173 ' \ I x 91 �V V X PIR �l X9039 ` x 76; O xSPC 9771 ' 9094 \\\ MPS 6 \ ' . , C 20 SPC 1B1 PC 15 SPC72 1�� 910 SPC x SPC77$PC515 x x x SPC 12 ' ` / TLAND—D 910 9092 91 C 13 C W �C 8 x SP 813909 14 SPW 16 / e 9107 SPC 1 \ 1014 / \ ASH R 14 910 `t �c pC x.7SPc 18 C ' x10 7 10 4 �g7 \ ." C \ 63 x 1017 9049 \ x P! V9O\. SPC \ '� 1 0 7 L / ( x ELA 6 x EL1 70 �e X l 82� BRC 20 P_✓ X9 212 OKP O ELA BOX 9J X 905 2 \ x CHB \ \ 1008 �OO / I 9173 it f0 ��ELA6� 1V "� pppez R \ x 9 �+ / < c9 �8, iBOX 16 054 9 X9 A 42 18 �GQ �� \ S _ _ \� sr ,, �� ) 1 976 I 7 2 x so �� ` �yz \ OKP . 9 \ \ % 9172 2 x CHB x 9003( \ \ / V X 782ELA35X x 7ELA 81 \ _ \ \ \ J917( \ 7819 7811 \ " . \ 9a7? x HB 1 \ I \ \ x ELA 70X x XOX 15 - \ \ 7813 '9 �7 �CS \ \\ x 7T i0 xEjo 787 0770.\ [�"\ `� \ 9� \ i>n 6 \ \ x 7825 RA £1X 6 \\ \\ x111Xx 803 B0617 \ \ \\ \ \ \ x ELA BBOX 12 \ 9' c9, x fdp� 16 �4XD x BOX 25 \ `\ x78277 \\ `\ x 7828 BOX x 7794 \ ELA 45X77�?X 71 x B SOX 8 M.BOX"'15X`t \\ 9.t67X 7787 / Qo \ ` 17 � \ \ ` 7629 x778 X s 7788 x�c� \ " •\ /� . J / \ x QA 35X £LA R80X 10 4 1a� \\ \\ xeoz fo x C / U \ \ \\\ � X�_�B7j8���g ��\6[�.• \ \ \ \ 7781 BOX ' l l \ x ELA 43X x 7775 V[''� LI ELA 54 ' •\ \ BOX 15 p / 9 / 974'. 7780 1 \ \ \ t9> x¢A928x xeoz 10 \ x �c014 / ' (��� •� / 736 1 y l \ \ 9132 KR 41 :I 0 24 x 7882 \ 7765 Sp SPC 13 82 / 0 . r^ BOX 8 \ x BOX 16X n tfc x 9734 `+J `\ x ELA19 7766 9\ 9\ V `its x 9 PIR i3 �• �� ^QO .. /\� / / 77 BOX 21X / \ �, J- yV \ N \ \ \ x 777X7 x (J' SPC 1'2�' w 12 ��FF!!11ggddZZ 0 x 4 \ x Bv.�' ELA947X ......... l � 1205411J05 OKW 7 \ x 776 7754 7755x \ POP x BOX 1COX 15 " . , .. ................ . \ 9 x7762 5 . .. .. .. ... �... / / .... rx 3713 \ \ \ `\ E' IA¢9 x BOX � 70175 l r \ x �l50 C ry \ \ \ BOX 74 '•"\... \ / / / xBOX51 7749 - .. �B � � x 8 ` ¢O7X 6 X - 1� \ \ \ 709! gg,�,, 7746 N . xOKW 9 \ 7756 x"7BlBI 13X X 27 11 ' x72050 9 _� �,, \ \ ` x 775710 X ELA 17 BOx 7744 x 76 22 } l l Z n ELA x MPS 7 OX 6 \ x 7842 ` BOX 13 Z J BOX \ \ x 7758 BOX30 CL d MPS 6 1 I\ \ \ sX .. x 78577 2 \ \\ `\ x7Ecnos4x x 7 _ . 9747831 k l l • a �... � x.MPS G \ xM7 I \ \ \\ ELA 60 70X 1X I l 7 ` 78 gg \ \ .... .. L..I 78 5 MP 43 70X \ \ • 978 :. p $ .. _ LBGBND 13 iygao 6 x 12066 x B 9 6 7.4 /.... k l12 x12 4 \ i 76 4 xeo412 \ \\ — �rwm r� Existing Tree Canopy 12072 rz 7`9. � g x �o e E ' t'n � � x 7 1z . Existing Tree Canopy r I a'. 7 92 \ \ .� ° A�isH.11.' (per tree preservation ordinance) W OD x ASH 1 7 MP PS t0 x B X 9 \ +►... ... `-' "' ." 7608. .... o \ ' 719 4 \ Cp x"Box 19 / / 1�1 Post—Development Tree Canopy , CL Oj 120 ao x1 s1 xgp i 6 \\ V\ (per tree preservation ordinance) 0 30 60 90 l�0 X 78" B B ' SC V C7 MPS 7 x7 B 9 90 .� \ \ 9 e NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION M S 9 Box \ `v` \ BOX 30X C\�.. �\ \ / / P-7 20021044TPPOS.DWG Lt x7888 _ \ \ \ ` i / / Date: 3/18/05 siiee� 13 of 15 1��f.7 pwv����� Lake . � W t ,nn 1 r . am, c DA. Prepared for. Pemtom Land Company Harrison Tree Preservation Plan Westwood Professional Services, Inc. AR� ,� �. >sm� �. sm. �,,.. � y C7ledred: DbII, 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Daren hL Laberee V=Wn: Db' 7597 Anagram Drive Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Date 3/18/05 Tums No. 432U Rmwd Dnwlog b7/dtls Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota U o 2005 Westwood Professional Services Inc \ ell 'll 1-816 �A&F`�Y I before Plant ListCall 48 GOPHERu STATE ONES CALL ,,�' � _ � � Twin City Area 651-454-0002 94 I CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 6 1 OVERSTORY 133 Patmore Ash / Froxinus pennsylvanica 'Patmore' 2.5" BB _ Hackberry / Celtis occidentalis 2.5" BB Discover Elm Ulmus dovidiona var. japonica 'Discover ' 2.5" BB �yy�a� Skyline Honeyl cust / Gleditsia triocanthos var. inermis Skycole mfmg 2.5" BB PlNotes a w _ Remand Linden / Tilia americana 'Redmond' 2.5" BB v — a°\ — — _ _ Northwood Red Maple / Acer rubrum 'Northland' 2.5" BB 0ee �° m — — — Northern Pin Oak / Quercus ellipsoidalis 2.5" BB Contractor shall provide one year guarantee of all plant materials. The r '•� ���� g s=. Siouxland Poplar / Populus deltoides 'Siouxland' 2.5" BB guarantee begins on the date of the Landscape Architect's or Owners written acceptance of the initial planting. Replacement plant materials shall also have i \ _ l /aA° ,g+•,° a one year guarantee commencing upon planting. ORNAMENTAL 28 Spring Snow Crabapple / Malus 'Spring Snow' 1.5" BB Profusion Crabapple / Malus 'Profusion' 1.5" BB All plants to be specimen grade, Minnesota—grown and/or hardy. Specimen Thornless Hawthorn / Crataegus crus—galli var. inermis 1.5" BB grade shall adhere to, but is not limited by, the following standards: All plants shall be free from disease, pests, wounds, scars, etc. • Y \ \ Amur Maple /Acer ginnala (Clump) 4' BB All plants shall be free from noticeable gaps, holes, or deformities. Japanese Tree Lilac / Syringo reticulata 1.5" BB All plants shall be free from broken or dead branches. \ s \ Shadblow Serviceberry / Amelonchier canadensis 1.5" BB All plants shall have heavy, healthy branching and leafing. `...• l \ \ Coniferous trees shall have an established main leader and a height to \ m 3 n 5 than :. \ • • / I +'� ,� m � \ \ � \ EVERGREEN 197 Slack Hills Spruce/Picea glauca densata 8' BB width ratio of no less j \ Austrian Pine/Pinus nigra 8' BB \ Plants to meet American Standard for Nurser Stock ANSI 60.1-1990) o \\ Norway Pine /Pinus resinosa 8' BB Y ( a ? ' / , \ \ WETLAND E WScotch Pine / Pinus sylvestris 8' BB requirements for size and type specified. Techny Arborvitae / Thuja occidentalis 'Techny 6' BB L ` \ Plants to be installed as per standard ANSI planting practices. SHRUBS 44 Grey Dogwood / Cornus racemosa 36" Pot bottom minimum 12" loam planting soil on trees and 6" on shrubs (sides and Red Twigged ea baile • 36" Pot ottom of hole), / gg Dogwood /Cornus serlc Y' ) Taunton Spreading Yew / Toxus x media 24" Pot Compact American Cranberrybush Viburnum / Viburnum trilobum 'Compacta' 24" Pot Backfill soil to be existing top soil from site free of roots, rocks larger then 1 Dwarf Winged Euonymus / Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' 24" Pot one inch, subsoil debris, and large weeds. I \\S Glossy Black Chokeberry / Aronia melanocarpa elata 24" Pot Contractor shall verify locations with all utilities prior to installation of plants. Mint Julep Juniper / Juniperus chinensis 24" Pot Y P t \\ Snowmound Spirea / Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound' 18" Pot m •, /� \ \ Hunter Shrub Rose /Rosa 'Hunter#2 Cont. Staking of trees optional; reposition if not plumb after one year. NOTE: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY. Wrap all smooth—barked trees — fasten top and bottom. Remove by April 1. " /I Open top of burlap on BB materials; remove pot on potted plants; split and \ \ I \\ g \ a\ \ V break apart peat pots. Prune plants as necessary — per standard nursery practice and to correct poor °'z •� \ \ �¢, \ / branching. 4/ f •' / // / �hO'ss` ` / rd,_ \\ \\ \\\ \ Plants shall be immediately planted u p on arrival at site. Properly heel—in OULL TA materials if necessary, temporary only. 1 ` I All disturbed areas to be sodded unless otherwise noted: sod to be standard •� + '�/g°&^ / Minnesota grown and hardy bluegrass mix. All sod areas shall be prepared with n f/ Vr- moo+'. \ �a / •', \ - \` r 4" of topsoil and raked to remove debris and ensure drainage. Slopes of 3:1 / �. ' f° \ �'.. 'ETLAND D a� or greater shall be staked. 1012 v Four inches of shredded hardwood bark mulch shall be used around all trees y o l J o o � � � >•' \•.• \ 1 within turf areas. a +a* ^ / / / + • • •'.. j i \ \ '—� I All shrub planting beds (within sodded areas) shall have weed barrier fabric, 4" / of shredded bark mulch and Valley—View Black Diamond (or equal) poly edging. \ 9 9• `MoR / / ' r o�a.. A' •� \ ,$ •�` °� The edging shall be placed with smooth curves and at least 3' from the centers of evergreen trees. Utilize curbs and sidewalks for edging where possible. ��ao` / / / / `� ` \ .; / o r •• ,z a e^�-`� \� \ ` ...� „� I / / Mulch to match existing conditions (Where Applicable). All perennial beds and ornamental grass beds shall have weed barrier fabric, 2" 1/ % • / r J °O� J \ / of shredded bark mulch and Valley—View Black Diamond (or equal) poly edging. The edging shall be placed with smooth curves. Utilize curbs and sidewalks for r ' 910 99a \ f, � � i \ \ .� N edging where possible. \ \ Shredded bark mulch 4" deep shall be provided in all planting beds adjacent to sidewalks and driveways. 90 ' +2 " \� ` \ �a \ \ � i'• �:• '� \ \ �, / / � / Contractor shall contact Gopher State "One Call" (651-454-0002 or 800-252-1166) to verify locations of all underground utilities. Actual location of plant material is subject to field and site conditions. No planting will be installed until all grading and construction has been completed in the immediate area. Contractor shall provide necessary watering of plant materials until the plant is fully established or irrigation system is operational. Owner will not provide water for Contractor. Provide irrigation to all planted areas on site. Irrigation will be design/build by U{ ` 1 , t \ ��6. \ wm , ` I \ \w • .. , / Landscape Contractor. All information about installation and scheduling can be. ( �, • . / o ' \ °.• s obtained from General Contractor. OUTLOT �" —� \\\ } � ?P°e � '�• � � � ! ,,,� 9n / Repair, replace, or provide sod/seed as required for any roadway boulevard r - / °�3� / t t ` \ Wil\ \ areas adjacent to the site disturbed during construction. M 4. / ( \ o o; \ ` m \ 6 a \ \ Repair all damage to property from planting operations at no cost to owner. 4_ +°'.da l , ° $'..' ` M1 OU/7—OTB / / No plant material substitutions will be accepted unless approval is requested of the Landscape Architect by the Landscape Contractor prior to submission of the obid and/or quotation. Cu row. - CD M\"\777' N \ \ l\ I I _ N Evergreen Tree Detail Tree Detail Shrub Detail — — — �— Z z LEGEND Ramow wnipN«. est Wit maw P � ne wl mbdkwtH laanaMs P�hM �u�Ne vIN INm WaJrotlb pads lmw laadae Niwt • w ranahw uwlwWmwea°n9.1d °i ed:..aEp «e a r m Existing Tree Canopy to Remain 0 and stddnl r opibnd: 3 a taN Edged PI. Nyy W ahh epeaRrd q Arp p!el/ r nPd: T" W Vis• �.. )pe� � r Ant Iw,rJr. ) eda .here adpant b loon mom / TWO alaly. 5 dram pmq (nxw) « r M1sl bmah. Sid r1 Pate W M 2'%Y naN aae0 a lxm tw Q' Bohan M e S W] 4M = etal wi w ah P LJ �Swift par r W 2IY et�d .ad « Pe %ms d Wer eWldNtwt aouq utl artle rent W. r� etM ddNwl« Pah Sena. hos r Per a0h tr IarN Del%aPYwe W v_ a t!w %m 3 Deets pa t nand and wt" root Ea6 pdardme• w W. , tfY .ids elrap. ,rata . ..::— Scaly eldw and Mtlan W Mia O Awn bse r Doer shh IY rs1 pd,«apdwe « PdlemAtne. b n4 t 1/Y ekr shw. AAare srWDN1 r WIZ=. M nap hon '�.'i: ;;.^•z•✓,. / pwndrs u= W Z hwdra ,Moe ho P r to l b: crap ham B l Wont PR sih a Iftf bockel eW pwrgYls uPapd to M1sl ErprJla M. P dept of p1l. Inst ow N %aP ♦' deptl! W epedRsO mdah v1« 2 X Shc Wmt PRs — da not pts a/oNst hunk Wont Wr — do W1 pA apAls! !rink Backei Want Pit aph epaoMsd Eaddal w1 U x tal BOWIr Wwl pitLd ahh spsaMM EatlM sW CIand borarr! W hale 0' 100, 200' 30, I,q rJI �r l4r ti Sm* srw webotlpn d hds 6 vl,,r r\P!llpl' ROr W Amerrw Stand«d far Nursery Stock a- •. w) � : _ f« mNNam Eat stu um W ,a ru m, Sl NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION P-7 20021044PLP01.DWG mNAnbW sha � Farm 3' deep sMaNq EaeN Z corm r aerp aat«r1 lwrW set rust Edi w undrt wEP1 « mrpW sW mound ma ing hew _J sot root EW P undrr WI W « nand pandNs air 1NMad die pads U Lake Date: 3/18/05 sheen 14 of 15 huvby caW, fttft pin �. byA N � Preliminary . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. � �.` � �. �. '�" D �°°` Dom. of for. WePe1Y1to2Y1 Land Company Harrison DML p y 7599 Anagram DDrive DMWZC Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Daren hL I eberee D11II Landscape Plan 7597 Amgram iDnve Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Aix 3/18/05 Liomu Na 43233 Rwmd Dardna by/datic Eden Prairie, MiMe9ota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota -_ Pemtnm Land Cnmnanv 1 tiarrlsc 9 � �g a dP 4'gg� R si I i s x o= 139, U p p p6°Ki ?t BF ii g a F I a 4tiEt g;4p It i I I �ff+Fp s33eF 4a?i$q E S;Fg^ dt d8 d-�i4 Fas Lj it' SII tt[� 4 �f 2 iy_4eE a€[s �g 4 lE4I 6 6 ��8 W N i; I d ou a: 2uj z z SES "iL� € 8t i yss 0_ w All iag is i f a iyF x�ddj:d � 5! t� $ �;a ii lsj3 it ve E P4 °77a �g"'i ii �ys �iyy alp Ep3F Lj t t< {{6 a f a I v aaz g i €tlit ------- F bi w o ci€' sal of J A y 1 ^ rS iy. __________ a l lifF 3 � i} ij A I iP r • jbi wash byk 2 IFZ fl / 1 ems.{I e1�-7 �♦ ;5 +n '•mt e�9�� � —lbw j.•� n< <i>/ N � �. �"++% a... �1a a`' _be —_ „' Mme♦ y v{�� 15 � 4 �4. `� 94 AL I FbK bL, q ii �.- F..ly.�s 1 % i'f�,Pfb y - cc i jai 44 ^ .eS'/ I.e� b3, --- 2i ii bL, a?s •p +is• 3, *+M b•e'� _ .1 / tl1L -,F_ rg ii •c Y13 i � fi++ ,. ,.�c� -'._ y4t v b 1 Y c�•. h �>/ ���• t tl �E•'-S'T +1 '/r' 4 .a ,�r'-�:.� i . ; 7p 9 .v+ 10. _. . aw.+•n •( ScA eS' J 2 cc tuZ Q s R�______________ � � r 1 i a i i x; --- ------ \L_— 974 two ----i---(----------01 _ I g _ _ y +1o<: 1 \ \\ \\ P o"7 m r / /�. ` \ \ ,1 r' ,(� Aw //t V,N E'f"/""" / I /----------( I I I l \ I ( ^ / 9B •' _ _,� \\ ' R / �rk� / �\ i i I ---_-_- I I ------------ ----- I I ----------i - /Vow WETLAND E Al r7 IN ♦ 1 �. ' � ! ^���� i ( gqa \ �\ \ ! \\ t i 1 I \//vvss' (/ o��' 4 I \� I\\ l l l I i \` _ � , \` �I, � � \ m ,! ! � � % �^�''\ Wil- 1 �`\ �\` � ;'�•\ \ \ \� \ \� IX ; I �\\\\ � II 11 �.��\, 1 I �//\ � � � \\ / / / / � V I I f , ( 1 \ 1 ` , � s, " �,�- � \ .\\` 1 t ( _ (•oma �\ � \ �� /B�� � // \ � / I l OUTLOT A +p,M1 1 \ . , /` 11 \\ J I \ \\ \>�\ ; (� °'� / 1 1 ETLAND-D N 012 .01 jK I \ I 1 �&� ( / / .. ,/ 1 / •! � \ \ � / � -. 1 / __ �\�� �•.,;;1 ;'� \ \\ \ `. \.\,\ \,\ � ."'\..---\\ \ � I 11 l/ l I \ � / ,�/ �\ \ \ \�, a o � ,\ t \ '°°, \\ \ ` \ `'\ \gym::•\ \\ �`.\ \\\ `\ � \\ \ \ \ I I( ;1l l �,M1 L` I./ / o' i 1 ' n � ` I\ tt t� ,,,,`,`, �� \\`\ ` \� \o I /� •� � _ `1 \\ \\\\ \\\ \ /� i °' / \ / �J / —411 on I I i 1 •\ \ \ rroca.� 4\ \ '01° � �` I I \ , \ '\ \ � __ ____ / / , / \! \\\VVETLA D- 9,, /• / I IV I (I I r 1 ( OUTLOT / ,�, � `•,x lel__ ( r i / I .\._ --_ -- —� ' o 1 \ \ \ m \ ` ` too- too o I , >`-. r ( / i'ioe`�9ot rl\ •\ I 1 / Z8 t \ \ 1 `1 �'°o I // // // /! i / 1 ; \Il WETLAN -B \ \ \ ° s° / / _ °$� �Q 1 it ®2005 Westwood Professional Inc.i Servces, /1i \�l 7--g16--- � l '��i� � �I, � � — — __00,, Plant 48 Hours before digging: NTRI, O i Plant List GOPHER STATE ONE CALL m / _ 7 S Twin City Area 651-454-0002 g74 I CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 SM 20 Sugar Maple / Acer saccharum 2.5" BB OV ABM 42 Autumn Blaze Maple / Acer x 'Jeffersred' 2.5" BB SA 35 Summit Ash / Fraxlnus pennsyivanica 'Summit' 2.5" BB �� RL 32 Redmond Linden / Tilia americana 'Redmond' 2.5" BB rlmffi% Notes — t PC 10 Profusion Crabapple / Malus 'Profusion' 1.5" BB Contractor shall provide one year guarantee of all plant materials. The I 01 - 0,8 - — — AM 14 Amur Maple / Acer ginnala (Clump) 4' BB y ...... plant materials shall also have � d •'•;' � °+ 9„' BHS 34 Black Hills Spruce /Picea glauca densata 8' BB aconetyear bguarantee tcommeocnghupoo plantingP I Architect's or Owner's written la ' CS 10 Colorado Spruce / Picea pungens 8' BB PP 24 Ponderosa Pine / Pinus ponderosa 8' BB All plants to be specimen grade, Minnesota-grown and/or hardy. Specimen TA 101 Techny Arborvitae / Thuja occidentalis 'Techni 6' BB grade shall adhere to, but is not limited by, the following standards: } ty (I t q All plants shall be free from disease, pests, wounds, scars, etc. All plants shall be free from noticeable gaps, holes, or deformities. NFS 28 Neon Flash Spirea / Spiraea japonica 'Neon Flash' #5 Cont. All plants shall be free from broken or dead branches. •';'_ JRW 6 Java Red Weigela / Weigela florido 'Java Red' #5 Cont. All plants shall have heavy, healthy branching and leafing. S{. SGJ 17 Sea Green established main leader and a h to `.. = r width ratio of no less than 5.3. 9 Ofl RS 12 Red Silver Grasse/ M anthus sinerus ensis nsisiSRots 1 #3 Cont .... ram....... ..-..... : � r : nefl er scnRudbeckiae'Goldsturmb 1 Cont. Coniferous trees shall have a est el ` " Salvia Salvia x su erba 'Mainacht'e #1 Cont. Plants to meet American Standard Nurser Stock ANSI 60.1-1990 h G GC 65 Goldsturm ow MNS 48 May Night /p y ( ) � \ 127, 1 1 � y �'�. \\ requirements for size and type specified. a •' H t $A� ` s '" Yo i g Plants to be installed as per standard ANSI planting practices. 11 AM \ Use minimum 12" loam planting soil on trees and 6" on shrubs (sides and J bottom of hole). NOTE: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY. Backfill soil to be existing top soil from site free of roots, rocks larger then one inch, subsoil debris, and large weeds. ca � / � ' \\ Contractor shall verify Ipcations with all utilities prior to installation of plants. Staking of trees optional; reposition if not plumb after one year. \ Wrap all smooth-barked trees - fasten top and bottom. Remove by April 1. , 9gBM1 /•`-• .\ -�, � L t/ i� � �. — -- r \m - , /� 1 Open top of burlap on BB materials; remove pot on potted plants; split and / ;' 3 \\ \ ,, �$ \ \ ♦ �\ / m , V / break apart peat pots. Prune plants as necessary - per standard nursery practice and to correct poor branching. Plants shall be immediately planted upon arrival at site. Properly heel-in / o.%•' / / f s9f '�•.._ ._� \\ OUTL t� LL-- --� __ materials if necessary; temporary only. All disturbed areas to be sodded unless otherwise noted: sod to be standard ♦- C / / ,dyo°ry^^ ,* moo'"�,,.. \ 0 7. •";`•; $ �.,, \ py` t Minnesota grown and hardy bluegrass mix. All sod areas shall be prepared with of topsoil and raked to remove debris and ensure drainage. Slopes of 3:1 a° ' y„y..`.••• ..,. a 111 � AA / or greater shall be staked. S 8 �� \ "••1"•. aM1 i0.'\ ENTRY MONUMEN NZ 1 ♦'••., /o Four inches of shredded hardwood bark mulch shall be used around all trees oo o / +�. •.: �� &4; � SEE L �''` � within turf areas. All shrub planting beds (within sodded areas) shall have weed barrier fabric, 4" of shredded bark mulch and Valley-View Black Diamond (or equal) poly edging. \$ '•.,l ' •� / oe \ \ r1 meq;, `& �, \ The edging shall be placed with smooth curves and at least 3' from the centers / a �:'dba of evergreen trees. Utilize curbs and sidewalks for edging where possible. s' : ` '�-'ti.-- _ '34 \ I �- / Mulch to match existing conditions (Where Applicable). ropy, Tp ~ l; ( � : V°�+ j •.'> � ,p9� 1 Entry Median and Entry Monuments to have 1 Y2" - 3'a" washed river rock mulch shrubs and trees. Perennial areas to have 3" shredded bark . :, :, .�: �. / mulch over weed barrier fabric. Separate mulch types with Valley-View Black e r- ` t (,,,�,O/�, Y.:' -\'• .: / Diamond (or equal) poly edging. %All perennial beds and ornamental grass beds shall have weed barrier fabric, 3" • ' .. ' . : . :' . -� ...:...•�"•• . - of shredded bark mulch and Valle View Black Diamond or equal) Y- ( Poly edging. b 'tggB '. i . \..� �.'`••ti The edging shall be placed with smooth curves. Utilize curbs and sidewalks for edging where possible. �, \ 1 a • \ \. 9�M1 Shredded bark mulch 4" deep shall be provided in all planting beds adjacent to I u '\ 'S �' : N n •a>a, \' �, / B e ,p sidewalks and driveways. os ♦, � o Contractor shall contact Gopher State "One Call" (651-454-0002 or 800-252-1166) to verify locations of all underground utilities. Actual location of plant material is subject to field and site conditions. TRY EDIAN • � � q,6 F 9? `Y•gtz � � D No planting will be installed until all grading and construction has been ) EE I completed to the immediate area. \ 1. .• \ •'� ,....:q <„ / all prow necessary watering of plant materials until the plant is fff ? i:: , / 1 .• �' fullypestablished or Irrigation system is operational. Owner will not provide water TA L OV/LO/ � � � � �J`:•\ :; ^r , �y •.•J. �••i \ •"'��.., � J / r Contractor. Provide irrigation to all planted areas on site. Irrigation will be design/build by Landscape Contractor. All information about installation and scheduling can be 7 ' + ( �o�> „„ ,� � �• "� / obtained from General Contractor. '/ � qe �` N � �p = X ��) .� I r •. $ 1 :.. y OV / T LOT ! O / / Repair, replace, or provide sod/seed as required for any roadway boulevard � i � , ` ' _p.'•. r.: .. ° : ; : . ". N •� areas adjacent to the site disturbed during construction. ^�. 7 Repair all damage to property from planting operations at no cost to owner. No plant material substitutions will be accepted unless approval is requested of the Landscape Architect by the Landscape Contractor prior to submission of the bid and/or quotation. in Evergreen Tree Detail Tree Detail Shrub Detail 0NUNN N o LEGEND CITY OF CHANHASSEN (U RECEIVED R.. aM.Iheh, .et .0 mow on \0 "T pWoo wn mound matching shmbe ® LOe out wlreated bvlawre wWra grwndne with flnIMW alta grade OYO 1w0ery ntat Ml plantN, beds Mall rewlw 1• of Existing Tree Canopy to Remain JUN 2 0 2005 ne tool mlWnwtW brmMn Leave Iwdws Intact2 yinq and staking Is opllond: (per tree preservation ordinance) epwlRetl mu1M mid "sed bartls Newt. PLANNING DEPT 3 Edge all 0 tiny beds with epeclsed Nog end .taking 1. optional: Tep el emm 6' mow Vw+b (mmv) o b oral bents. .agar wh.,e adPcent to law aroma Bolttom or oak. r ( 1^.t agile. yww (i *op or .takes s' Deas vaund ( ) w to M1.t banah. staanq posts to to z•rz .toned wood or paned Benwn of with+ s (mh1 e"ow �d .tea danwtor pe.fn J BIaLp pwto to W 2•%i v onM " or panted Rwv 3 ports eauldntnnt ora-d Md wbW root bol. - dobwor pats. Sawn two to pose .HA 16' Img P'AropNooe Or :•: .y Rea 3 epos .guaatml is to me y"OPO roost sal. pa>euN.w a rat. 1 1/Y .oma ebos. srn,ih .lore ma bottom of Iwl. Sazn fro to pose wIM 1B' Iwq pollwepNana a � •'lp :`s'Y,.r pay.NNw4 t .% 1 11r oldo seep. whero wroeoN is =11*1 fou nap f,wh :. (U i whore noppng Is OOMW fa: nap ham groundne upwind to flr,l banMw O �•� „� grwrdlne upward to flret branchn ep epwdRwJ mulch Dour Plant 1' d th of BatllAl plant pit with µwdflW boekei wg (U �T �• place 4- depth of plant Pith — do not POs aganrt WNa epphe . IO.t nk 2 % Bdl pant DI4 — do nal pW agalna Wnk a Badrt,l plant pit with ry.dflW baMMl wA Botl,tw plant pit .1m .p.aeed baadn wg 4. 75 V Sc rhy eldss and bottom of hd. 0' 100' 200' 301 Scmify .lass and Wtt"n of ha" `. i Ml�i.y r' Relw to Mwwfow Stondmd for N Owy stook mi for mW.. ball .he, Rehr to Mnerim Slmdmd for Nursery Stock Fran 3' wn N for minMum "I aha ♦ dere watg MtIn O Fame s deep watwng bamo barn Sot mot Mi ton undlelNed uwbw9 Or E-14 20021044PLFOI.DWG O ♦ \ r wmPa oO wan mound motOhhg tress (L) Wt root Gala un"t NW wbwo w n.turvi pmmalne with RnlehW who grad. Date: 6/20/05 Sheet 1 OF 2 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. cempactW w1 mound matMnq tress Lake � rwWM groundns with flnbged We grade do hereby Certify that adspLn Seas prepared by me m under my Rev'd . direct supervlafoa and that i am a duly Ifcaued LANDSCAPE °'° �� D)AL Prepared for: Fula! Eden rade lawn of the State of Minnesota Pemtom Land Company Harrison C3ieekeri DIt�4e Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344nares by �� " °rxra' Dom• 7597 Anagram Drive Landscape Plan Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Data 6/20/05 TA, Na 43233 Reord Df°' �Z Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota O U U f d v 0 0 (u u7 0 0 N 0 N V) 61 m 2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Entry Median Scale : 1" = 10' Plant List (Median and Entry Monuments) CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE PC 10 Profusion Crabapple / Malus 'Profusion' 1.5" BB NFS 28 Neon Flash Spirea / Spiraea japonica 'Neon Flash' #5 Cont. JRW 6 Java Red Weigela / Weigela florida 'Java Red' #5 Cont. SGJ 17 Sea Green Juniper / Juniperus chinensis 'Monlep' #5 Cont. RSG 12 Red Silver Grass / Miscanthus sinensis 'Rotsilber' #3 Cont. GC 65 Goldsturm Coneflower / Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' #1 Cont. MNS 48 May Night Salvia / Salvia x superba 'Mainacht' #1 Cont. mtuM graundNe "kn MMalfa grate I hereby certify that thla plan was prepared by me or under my . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. nx� `° under the laws of thed tate htim e.or LANDSCAPEuly licensed 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 D ren K La ee Phone: 952.937.5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Date: 6/20/05 Lto N0. 432M Lake Harrison Road Entry Monument Scale : 1" = 10' Dedxned: DML Checked: DML Dnw= DML Record Dawley by/dela: Prepared for. Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 Lake Lucy Road Entry Monument SOMEONE Scale : 1" = 10' Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Lake Harrison Minnesota X 0' 10' 20' 30' E-14 20021044PLF02.DWG Date: 6/20/05 Sheet: 2 Op 2 Median & Entry Monument Details R1 r U U IL N M m 3 75 O L� r 7 0 N 0 0 N Ql 3 a i v It 0 N 0 0 N 'A L'J 02005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. /�i '' \��ll�. '1 \ / \ 7----976-' '—+ Call 48 Hours before digging: I b,N TR 0 �# / a Y I - -� - _'�' • _ . _ Plant List dd GOPHER STATE ONE CALL H ° Twin City Area 651-454-0002 en CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 SM 20 Sugar Maple / Acer saccharum 2.5" BB �, s% �• _ _ " r t n� I I ABM 42 Autumn Blaze Maple / Acer x 'Jeffersred' 2.5" BB !� 10s+ \ I SA 35 Summit Ash / F oxinus pennsylvanica 'Summit' 2.5" BB —r �T RL 32 Redmond Linden Tilia americana 'Redmond' 2.5" BB Plm Nc* res .—.i 4 — — — PC 10 Profusion Crabapple / Malus 'Profusion 1.5" BB Contractor shall provide one year guarantee of all plant materials. The m — — i I � .. � _ — — AM 14 Amur p /Ace g Halo (Clump) 4 BB rat materials shall also have -.oo^^ '�•.•.\ �, Maple r inguarantee begins on the date of the Landscape Architect's or Owners written Op bh. u BHS 34 Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca densata 8' BB aconet year guarantee initialplanting. upon planting. la ' 3 ^:\. CS 10 Colorado Spruce / Picea pungens 8' BB pp 24 Ponderosa Pine / .%• ° _'_ /^'" g TA 101 Techny Arborvitae / Pinus Thujaooccidentolis 'Techny' 6' BB gradeah t adhere t but gis not lim ted by, the following tand rds:Peamen I s cirade, innesota—rown sail o, All plants shall be free from disease, pests, wounds, scars, etc. i/ All plants shall be free from noticeable gaps, holes, or deformities. \ % NFS 28 Neon Flash S Irea S iraea a onica 'Neon Flash' #5 Cont. All plants shall be free from broken or dead branches. P / P 1 P JRW 6 Java Red Weigela /Weigela florida 'Java Red' #5 Cont. All plants shall have heavy, healthy branching and leafing. SGJ 17 Sea Green �- -1'•� width ratio of s less than 5:3. established main leader and a height to 1 � -��� • ..:` � � � RS 12 Red Silver Grasse/ Miscanthus thus siiperus o nsisSRotslber' /j3 Cont. • _ °.l9....... :' GCG 65 Goldsturm Coneflower( /n Rudbeckiae'Goldsturm' #1 Cont. Coniferous trees shall have a es ei a n ht w MNS 48 May Night Salvia / Salvia x superba 'Mainacht' #1 Cont. Plants to meet American Standard for Nursery Stock (ANSI 60.1-1990) requirements for size and type specified. a •. H � t j 12 RL:'r¢e i � \ Plants to be installed as per standard ANSI planting practices. '`.`: ,\ Use minimum 12" loam planting soil on trees and 6" on shrubs (sides and bottom of hole). NOTE: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY. Backfill soil to be existing top soil from site free of roots, rocks larger then ' / \ one inch, subsoil debris, and large weeds. Contractor shall verify locations with all utilities prior to installation of plants. / \\ Staking of trees optional; reposition if not plumb after one year. Wrap all smooth—barked trees — fasten top and bottom. Remove by April 1. 44 / ��1 •10. ._ Open top of burlap on BB materials; remove pot on potted plants; split and break apart peat pots. Prune plants as necessary — per standard nursery practice and to correct poor 1 - •i ! , rp.. ipt1 \ \ �` �, / branching. r m — ' ' •�, / • • / � sol "a � \ /y � � ' / Plants shall be immediately planted upon arrival at site. Properly heel—in ti:'' sz •'�... 1 / materials if necessary, temporary only. OUTL T A y P Y Y All disturbed areas to be sodded unless otherwise noted: sod to be standard l ::• /�^^ . 1 \ i : $ , �•.,. ` op Minnesota grown and hardy bluegrass mix. All sod areas shall be prepared with 7.I \ \ $ry 4" of topsoil and raked to remove debris and ensure drainage. Slopes of 3:1 or greater shall be staked. a \ "•• 1a ENTRY MONUMEN ,I 0 6J � .. p72. •. `' f $� �DETAIL � f / � � Four inches of shredded hardwood bark mulch shall be used around all trees p r within turf areas. " %� v�'' •'N �` ` ) w All shrub planting beds (within sodded areas) shall have weed barrier fabric, 4" of shredded bark mulch and Valley—View Black Diamond (or equal) poly edging. / r �� The edging shall be placed with smooth curves and at least 3' from the centers / ` :'....•: e °'d "��? of evergreen trees. Utilize curbs and sidewalks for edging where possible. i / ` moi`••., -w:` ;•,. ` . `'' ' �•..'s \ / Mulch to match existing conditions (Where Applicable). 1 ,o&�i. ( •9se --r L.J o.�:.� j / Entry Median and Entry Monuments to have 1 washed river rock mulch ,Z ^d r' < -. t, •" 1.,. 4" deep around all shrubs and trees. Perennial areas to have 3" shredded bark �_. m°' \ . r•' ' \ mulch over weed barrier fabric. Separate mulch types with Valley—View Black t '^ - \. ..: , ••'� .. �. 'Y% � Diamond (or equal) poly edging. C e l i I •';'. 1 \ 1 All perennial beds and ornamental gross beds shall have weed barrier fabric 3" of shredded bark mulch and Valley—View Black Diamond (or equal) poly edging. The edging shall be placed with smooth curves. Utilize curbs and sidewalks for edging where possible. Shredded bark mulch 4" deep shall be provided in all planting beds adjacent to e \. g :: � \ ° -_ •., $ ,�:.A '•9� ;. �` / y o / / sidewalks and driveways. Contractor shall contact Gopher State "One Call" (651-454-0002 or 800-252-1166) to verify locations of all underground utilities. Actual location of plant material is subject to field and site conditions. 31 TRY EDIAN � EE D TAIL No planting will be installed until all grading and construction has been co mpleted in the immediate area. ' �' Contractor shall provide necessary watering of plant materials until the plant is :'••:`.. 7°, 972 :' I .1 °� : ,o byy.'• '•• ,-,r�,� fully established or irrigation system is operational. Owner will not provide water � •. I 1 OUTLOT � ~ ` "•\ ; • ' J' •..""�+ .."�"... /9'% � / for Contractor. 1 1 - f Provide irrigation to all planted areas on site. Irrigation will be design/build by Landscape Contractor. All information about installation and scheduling can be obtained from General Contractor. OVTLOT B / / Repair, replace, or provide sod seed as required for any roadway boulevard areas adjacent to the site disturbed during construction. * f '� ' ,,' ..y�;•• .. ::� 1 Repair all damage to property from planting operations at no cost to owner. No plant material substitutions will be accepted unless approval is requested of the Landscape Architect by the Landscape Contractor prior to submission of the bid and/or quotation. ID 0 Evergreen Tree Detail Tree Detail Shrub Detail LEGEND CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED N Nemo. conMiww. wt roA no.. .-� ran c .wive ek mound matching Mmbe . out m4dbacted brandwe naWral prwnmina with flnlahed alta grade JUN 2 l.aw lead.w mead. 0) kwn..s d.m. „toot`w brantlnm ullnedmmuich and wend ei� iawk 3 � �'rn'� Existing Tree Canopy to Remain 005 `�' Nng and .taking I. pnanm: (per tree preservation ordinance) CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT ,.4 Mn9 and etaldng Is ptlanal: Tap of old 5' X (,! pound (moot) o b flM punch. Edge all .r.'Iwod bade with pwlMd e Bolton o! to to b (mm.) sMo..wood edger Mere adppnl to lam arrow � • Top of .1 W e above ppaE (maw) p to hal Enmdr. Wed .veto fe be 2•%R' stained .oe0 u paF[M _J Bbei," o! etch s (m belowwn d! .teal aMaty poem a Wig``-�•�.�.n / e" DeBlMaapooeb.-� etoFtl .wd a pointed Shoe hwe to Poosts with iV Img "WropMtWd*en. or A. f .. .y. !I' ^n-���•�'.4;: NOM 3 .vela puNMat TWM and wbW IWl bdl. pmpUNVlq 0 ml, 1 1/Y Md! aBb,. _ [ • e- - /. $dart./ .Idea aim bottonn of llde a y Sewn lrea to ppb with IV Img pdpropyme p • 'Jn i�.'„sr;. potethNww, iso me. 1 1/a• wide w mom. Msero rapDmg h called /err. wrap from Cu \ Mhse wnping b oked ler: nap ken pounonne uDwand to feat bmchw gob + dlin. upwpd to feat branches Now 4• depth of eponlflod on over S.&RI plant Pit with pwifled back@I pD CD yd' plant pito - do not pile egohtl trunk Naw 4• depth of eperJBed mooch nhw 2 X Btll plant pile - do net VIe against bunk an r BakWl plant pit with spedflad b x,kMl wg ?X Boa Bacell plant pit with spenifisd bo kfll wd 3 - sea Ify adw, and bottom of hood 0' 100' 200' 300' Sb riy sides and bottom of hma R few to Mnaft n standard for N., stork a Beier to NnslStmdmd ian Nun mw, Stock far mmlmum ball W. can '' far mmMum bdl alio. Foam 3• dap raising twin (U + E-14 20021044PLFOI.DWG set mat boot ll undd wbwg m (u \ Fenn 1, dsp watsm0 bYn campb] gr ek mounddmatching trove y Date 6/20/05 sheet 1 of 2 CD (U sal root tom m undisturbed! a pg an ria gran e s grad. _f<ompwtw ,ak mound matching trees a natural pwndnh. with flnWea Wt. pada Lake I hereby certlfy that this plan esu prepared by mto RB°�O°x Prepared for. Inc. e under my r street -,on that I am a duly hone LANDSCAPE Dedgtod. DhIIe Final Westwood Professional Services ARE underlaws of the state of Mimmot. F DM. Pemtom Land Company Harrison 7599 Anagram Drive _DNWN D1�II. Landscape Plan Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Daren a �� " 7597 Anagram Drive �. Phone: 952.937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Date 6/20/05 License Na 43233 Reand Dm2to;_ty/date Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota O U U X a_ v 0 0 Ll Lr) 0 0 N 0 N 0) 3 a N 0 L� J CL V 0 N 0 0 N 0) 3 c v 0 ... N 0 0 N }7 m2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Entry Median Scale : 1" = 10' Plant List (Median and Entry Monuments) CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE PC 10 Profusion Crabapple / Malus 'Profusion' 1.5° BB NFS 28 Neon Flash Spirea / Spiraea japonica 'Neon Flash' #5 Cont. JRW 6 Java Red Weigela / Weigela florido 'Java Red' #5 Cont. SGJ 17 Sea Green Juniper / Juniperus chinensis 'Monlep' #5 Cont. RSG 12 Red Silver Grass / Miscanthus sinensis 'Rotsilber #3 Cont. GC 65 Goldsturm Coneflower / Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' #1 Cont. MNS 48 May Night Salvia / Salvia x superba 'Mainacht' #1 Cont. i .i a ndN. elth fmle W 4te 9,o I hereby certify that this plan me prepared by me or under my . direct sap-vtelan end that I am a duly licensed LANDSCAPE Westwood Professional Services, Inc. AE rva under the laOf the tate eF Mianeeala 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 D ren M4 La 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Date 6/20/05 License Na 43233 Lake Harrison Road Entry Monument Scale : i" = 10' Dedxne& DML MAL Draw= DML Record Dnwiog_bv/date: Prepared for. Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 Lake Lucy Road Entry Monument Scale : 1" = 10' 0000000 Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota X 0' 10' 20' 30' E-14 20021044PLF02.DWG Date: 6/20/05 Sheep 2 OF 2 Median & Entry Monument Details Al p lJ ®2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED .JUN L 0 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT fore ucti Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control (SWPPP) for. Lake Harrisolma Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for: Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Contact: Dan Herbst Phone: 952-937-0716 Fax: 952-937-8635 Prepared by: . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 9S2 -937-S150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Project Number: 20021044.00 Contact: Dwight K. Jelle, P.E. Vicinity Map XUNiRpF RIDGE CIR. /L k.' a d Ln ao vARo �� L-/nke� GA IN q BRACKETTS RIX s, i �P 2 PP F J NgyJ a Ebb MURRAY ST. Q4� 1° CHRl4 MMS U. STRATF-R- .n 41LT ET L J p J 0.O SJ0.XAV i p � r�Q(i� FL. LRAC LA� II , a N XgyDq R O ORCI(RO lP. a SSI' a p KGEHNENz KD En KH FEYRI CR ti IEN d HO44y 4 �,,E S I1 4 S6YMFR GATE N BAY q �,P a 6RTN c CIR V. Bi CIR. E. `P Z �STELLNlx > 'e 17 \Ll Rd. qq Va '� REST o ST' - S i CDt 63W Si.a A S o w AVE. p ILL. SL DWf a CT. BRPH, p ��v�.yiY' a � nRtyGC lPN .Sq V.65<M1 ST FS k �a ub � CVF+ ±' CRESTVIEV D' Te qr�, ?`�" CR iVIC f C i FFiCi. �* LLR'Y IACe N m m RA 3 LAKE "y di^ RB HIGH GATESh. V \'p j Y V'JJ P \�.� dSHEN DPH p 9RE CIR vi 90. 4p LAKE CT B E ie ptN 1 u o CARVER SEH LA ¢ KE B �Y d ENEr 'yRR E 3,4 a Lpke Luc V wJ= ggdO, HARRIS.. �~ Site S � GUC LINT gA' RED P % UTICA LR. CIR. bNTIAL sd tt pp4�'� 4 tt BUTTE C F_TEA yr TgRADDUkA DR.p8, H g�� ya AR. Lake Ann 5HP`5' H TR. F MA.£TT!C WAY ,O' qLHILL Cr %ER STRE. y,WUT CUm y Cmc C,C HASSENFF 'e4`^ 2000 POP. 20,321 yERq( ICKDRY WAYOPPBW 17 50EY5AGC La 4. 5 AFBOFETLM BLV PARK c 19 CT. (Not to Scale) City Project #0544 Construction Plans for: Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control for: Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota Date: 06/20/05 Sheet 1 of 14 E-14 20( IIVDEX SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 COVER SHEET 2 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN — OVERALL 3 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 4 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 5 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 6 GRADING DETAILS 7 GRADING DETAILS 8 GRADING PROFILES 9 SWPPP NARRATIVE 10 SWPPP PRE—DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREA MAP 11 SWPPP POST—DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREA MAP 12 SWPPP GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 13 WETLAND IMPACTS & REPLACEMENT PLAN (EXHIBIT 9) 14 WETLAND IMPACTS & REVEGETATION PLAN (EXHIBIT 10) Vicinity Map XUNiRpF RIDGE CIR. /L k.' a d Ln ao vARo �� L-/nke� GA IN q BRACKETTS RIX s, i �P 2 PP F J NgyJ a Ebb MURRAY ST. Q4� 1° CHRl4 MMS U. STRATF-R- .n 41LT ET L J p J 0.O SJ0.XAV i p � r�Q(i� FL. LRAC LA� II , a N XgyDq R O ORCI(RO lP. a SSI' a p KGEHNENz KD En KH FEYRI CR ti IEN d HO44y 4 �,,E S I1 4 S6YMFR GATE N BAY q �,P a 6RTN c CIR V. Bi CIR. E. `P Z �STELLNlx > 'e 17 \Ll Rd. qq Va '� REST o ST' - S i CDt 63W Si.a A S o w AVE. p ILL. SL DWf a CT. BRPH, p ��v�.yiY' a � nRtyGC lPN .Sq V.65<M1 ST FS k �a ub � CVF+ ±' CRESTVIEV D' Te qr�, ?`�" CR iVIC f C i FFiCi. �* LLR'Y IACe N m m RA 3 LAKE "y di^ RB HIGH GATESh. V \'p j Y V'JJ P \�.� dSHEN DPH p 9RE CIR vi 90. 4p LAKE CT B E ie ptN 1 u o CARVER SEH LA ¢ KE B �Y d ENEr 'yRR E 3,4 a Lpke Luc V wJ= ggdO, HARRIS.. �~ Site S � GUC LINT gA' RED P % UTICA LR. CIR. bNTIAL sd tt pp4�'� 4 tt BUTTE C F_TEA yr TgRADDUkA DR.p8, H g�� ya AR. Lake Ann 5HP`5' H TR. F MA.£TT!C WAY ,O' qLHILL Cr %ER STRE. y,WUT CUm y Cmc C,C HASSENFF 'e4`^ 2000 POP. 20,321 yERq( ICKDRY WAYOPPBW 17 50EY5AGC La 4. 5 AFBOFETLM BLV PARK c 19 CT. (Not to Scale) City Project #0544 Construction Plans for: Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control for: Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota Date: 06/20/05 Sheet 1 of 14 E-14 20( u U I: CL M U7 (`7 N Z 117 0 0 N 0 N 'a U n If7 LO 0 0 N m i7 'Al X 'al I— U U N v 170 Lr) 0 0 N In rn 3 0 L� n v v 0 N 0 0 0.1i 3 i v 0 N 0 N 11 12005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. SEE 0.5' (VARIES) NOTE: SILT FENCE SHALL BE ORANGE IN COLOR 28' CENTER OF BERM OVERFLOW WIDTH AS INDICATED IN PLAN VIEW OL ROADWAY VARIES a 4' ww z -I 0� LOT CORNER ELEVATION � A I /� A y 12 . ro n STAPLES \\\//'\�J1LL�my✓\/ \ \ , , 4 / ----- ------ i --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ----------9Q LOT NUMBER MATS/BLANKETS ' yY i + i DRAINAGE ARROW SHOULD BE DIRT 1 UPSTREAM POND SIDE 520.5 FINISH GROUND ELEVATION INSTALLED \TAMP VERTICALLY a `.:,_ OVER MAT/ `—� 8 — B AT REAR OF PAD DOWNSLOPE Q "� LQ 517.0 (IF APPLICABLE) \\��\'\i\l machine sliced woven 524.0 MINIMUM BASEMENT FLOOR `V � � � i i '' ' TOP OF OVERFLOW Q ELEVATION //\ �� TOP OF BERM To IL /� FRONT GARAGE SLAB ELEVATION I steel T -Posts with 3(501b) tensile f OF W ON LOT �9 70 �QQ�K strength plastic zip ties per GARAGE FLOOR EL. DENOTES GARAGE PLACEMENT , ' , / /j\L(ER C1� 3 %1qX 1.0' (RIGHT/LEFT SIDE OF LOT) ABO MIN. ' Wp(ER 4 00 00 O UNLESS OTHERWISE 0 LAP ' /// ��: URCE Of 50 L0, SLO = GRADED FOR 6.0' DIFFERENCE FROM , /�`\� OVERFLOW WIDTH AS INDICATED FINISH GROUND ELEVATION AT REAR OF PAD\ TO f SECTION A—A IN PLAN VIEW FRONT GARAGE SLAB ELEVATION. f e( i f W0, SWO = GRADED FOR 9.0' DIFFERENCE FROM r OVO�O0 FINISH GROUND ELEVATION AT REAR OF PAD TO FRONT GARAGE SLAB ELEVATION. FENCE — TYPE 1 - --_----- O OOOOOO o Silt fence per NOTE: WO m WALKOUT "\/ TYPICAL SLOPE '. /TOP OF BERM TOP OF OVERFLOW F/ G LO a LOOKOUT THE (1) INDICATES THAT THE GARAGE IS SOIL STABIU7A11 NON—WOVEN GEOTEXTILEl/ / AND/OR RIP RAP IF INDICATED. STABILIZE 1 BLOCK OR 0.7 FEET BELOW THE FIRST R = RAMLER ISOMETRIC VIEW FILTER FABRIC UNDER ; - -- To BOTTOM OF SLOPE FLOOR ELEVATION. SLO = SIDE LOOKOUT NOTE: TYPICAL TREATMENT := X 3• ,, THE (2) INDICATES THAT THE GARAGE IS WET SLOPE LINING 1.0 ,5•. MP MAX 2 BLOCKS OR 1.4 FEET BELOW THE FIRST 1. SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE FREE OF ROCKS, FLOOR ELEVATION. THE (3) INDICATES THAT THE GARAGE IS CLODS, STICKS AND GRASS. MATS/BLANKETS SHALL HAVE GOOD SOIL CONTACT EROSION BLANKETS k TURF REINFORCEMENT SECTION B—B POND 3 BLOCKS OR 2.1 FEET BELOW THE FIRST TYPICAL LOT 2. LAY BLANKETS LOOSELY AND STAKE OR _000 0 00 OO FLOOR ELEVATION. MATS SLOPE OVERFLOW N.T.S. i O O O 'L/ O O 1" 2" WASHED ROCK �tij� OOOoOo STAPLE TO MAINTAIN DIRECT CONTACT WITH INSTALLATION Type 2 to be used to protect all wetlands. THE SOIL. DO NOT STRETCH SEE 0.5' (VARIES) NOTE: SILT FENCE SHALL BE ORANGE IN COLOR 32' 28' R.O.W 3' VARIES VARIES 1' OL ROADWAY VARIES 1" diameter rock filter ww z -I 0� z J 01 w z J 01 FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE /� A 8ma�ng Steel T Posts 24" in ground Note: Zip Ties FINISHED GRADE FOR PAD Silt fence per MNDOT specifications, source 2000, machine sliced woven L3 DQ�Q monofilament, 36"wide fastened to / O I steel T -Posts with 3(501b) tensile ROP OF W ON LOT �9 70 �QQ�K strength plastic zip ties per GARAGE FLOOR EL. �\0 PVg o o Q T -Post. (Machine sliced) 6' Min. Depth of sat 00 00 O UNLESS OTHERWISE fence embedment. OOOOO00000000 NOTE: NOTED. --------- — T --- ---- --- ------ L3.0' --- -�� ------------- `-"--- EROSION CONTROL OVO�O0 — FENCE — TYPE 1 - --_----- O OOOOOO o Silt fence per MNDOT — — — 00 � �O�O�O0 specifications, source 200, AREA INLET WITH _ FILTER FABRIC machine sliced woven GRATE 300 00 oI ))) 000o monofilament, 36" wide n A 6" MINIMUM DEPTH >S O WF 00 00 fastened to steel T—Posts Note: _000 0 00 OO with 3(501b) tensile strength Type 2 silt fence is the some as type I with ha bales y installed as per detail. i O O O 'L/ O O 1" 2" WASHED ROCK �tij� OOOoOo plastic zipties per P 4' minimum T—Post.(machine Type 2 to be used to protect all wetlands. — Fti�T sliced) ° ,rJ�o�N ENGINEERED FILL—�',. --ENGINEERED 24,. 18" MINIMUM CUT OFF BERM M\NM�M 20 — — RUNOFF 12" ,r,xspacin9 TO MINIMIZE RUNOFF FROM SITE 0 " - Hay or Straw Bales no a.d .Iota amen m,wyn Wo 1.5 to z7 into ne yume Zip Ties elal.Unoocvedfibal-.de NOTE: FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED UNDER ROCK Sola ae to oo bod nn.— no,,r.mx, amain. FILTERED WATER TO STOP MUD MIGRATION THROUGH ROCK. EROSION CONTROL SECTION AA FENCE — TYPE 2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN SILT FENCE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ROCK CONSTRUCTION CITY OF OFF ROAD CB CHANHASSEN FILTER BARRIER ENTRANCE REVISED: 2-97, 1-02,1-03.1-04 DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 5300 REVISED: 1-98 DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 5301 REVISED:1-04 DATE: 2-01 PLATE NO.: 5302 FILE NAME: 393_5300 FILE NAME:393_5301 FILE NAME:393-5302 32' 28' R.O.W 3' VARIES VARIES 1' OL ROADWAY VARIES !L1 OJI ww z -I 0� z J 01 w z J 01 FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE FINISHED GRADE FOR PAD EL. OF GROUND AT WALKOUT 9.0' I DIRECTION OF W ON LOT BELOW GARAGE SLAB GARAGE FLOOR EL. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. --------- — T --- ---- --- ------ L3.0' --- -�� ------------- `-"--- J_ — — — _ _ — — TO SUBGRADE - --_----- S_TREET PROFILE — — — — — — — — — 0.5' TOPSOIL �.---------------- ------ - _ 0.5' FLOW N STREET DIRECTION OF 0 \ BASEMENT FLOOR ENGINEERED FILL—�',. --ENGINEERED FILL MATCH PROPOSED GROUND AT WALKOUT ELEVATION ENGINEERED FILL WALK -OUT (WO) \ SUITABLE BEARING SOIL (TYP.) N.T.S. 17' EL. OF GROUND AT LOOKOUT 6.0' BELOW GARAGE SLAB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. til 0.5' TOPSOIL ENGINEERED FILL SUITABLE BEARING SOIL (TYP.) 0.67' L — L 0.5' TOPSOIL ENGINEERED FILL SUITABLE BEARING SOIL (TYP.) ------ I3.5' TO SUBGRADE 0.5' TOPSOIL SUITABLE BEARING SOIL (TYP.) VARIES FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE FINISHED GRADE FOR PAD ENGINEERED FILL LOOK -OUT (LO) N. T S. X3.75' TO SUBGRADE 0.5' TOPSOIL SUITABLE BEARING SOIL (TYP.) R.O.W VARIES FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE ENGINEERED FILL I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my . direct snpervlsion,Ad-d —that'A am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL Westwood Professional Services, Inc. /ENcmrE1111it-ttantr the laws 9l the State of Manesoa. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 T A. pg Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952.937.5822 Drt>r 06/20/05 Licmee Na 43922 GRADE FOR PAD SUITABLE BEARING SOIL (TYP.) CL ROADWAY ENGINEERED FILL ENGINEERED FILL q ROADWAY LOT BENCHING N.T.S. BENEATH NWL� TYPICAL POND SECTION N.T.S. 0.5' Domed: M Prepared for. DKJ Pemtom Land Company Dawn: rbcs 7597 Anagram Drive Record Drawing by/daft Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 GENERAL NOTES: • ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE/GUTTER GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. • REFER i0 THE FINAL PLAT OR SITE PLAN FOR CURRENT HORIZONTAL SITE DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGR,4PHICAL FEATURES WITH THE OWNERS AND FIELD—VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRF'TOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS • THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT GOPHER STATE "ONE CALL" FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS 651-454-0002 • ALL SIL; FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN—PLACE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR GROUND COVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. EXISTING SILT FENCE ON—SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OR REMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. IT IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE TO BE AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO EROSION CONTROL. TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES, HAYBALES, ETC., REQUIRED BY AGENCIES/OWNER SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING. • THE GRADING CONTRACTOR MUST BE AWARE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTILITIES • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL AND STATE RULES INCLUDING THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. • ALL STREETS DISTURBED DURING WORKING HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. A ROCK ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED ACCORDING TO DETAILS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS. • ALL EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF ROUGH GRADE COMPLETION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE ADEQUATE SEDIMENT TRAPPING SYSTEMS INSTALLED AROUND THEM. • TEMPORARY SEEDING FERTILIZING, AND MULCHING MUST BE APPLIED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING UNLESS WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED WITHIN 60 DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION. • THE SITE MUST BE KEPT IN A WELL—DRAINED CONDITION AT ALL TIMES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY DITCHES, PIPING OR OTHER MEANS REQUIRED TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. LOW POINTS IN ROADWAYS OR BUILDING PADS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A POSITIVE OUTFLOW. • PUBLIC STREETS USED FOR HAULING SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF SOIL AND DEBRIS. STREET SWEEPING SHALL BE CONCURRENT WITH EARTHWORK ON SITE. • HAULING HOURS MUST BE CONFIRMED WITH THE CITY PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. • AREA TO BE GRADED = XX.X AC. • TOTAL SITE AREA = XX.X AC. • HARD SURFACE AREA AT FULL BUILD OUT = XX.X AC. Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 E-14 20021044DTFOI.DWG Date: 06/20/05 sheet. 6 of 14 Grading Details u U E d 0 m V 6 m 3 75 N 0 F- F- A A V V 0 cu 0 N N 11m 3 V V o_ N 0 0 N 11 91 r 97 02005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. DATUX ELEV 1015.00 PVI STA = 0+75 PVI ELEV = 1057.50 A.D. _ -5.20 K = 19.23 - 100.0000' vc - 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 HIGHOVER TRAIL DATUH ELEV 870.00 H.P. ELEV = 1019.94 LP. ELEV = 1004.68 H.P. STA = 10+78.44 LP. STA = 14+84.69 PVI STA = 10+74 PVI STA = 14+40 PN ELEV = 1025.50 PVI ELEV = 998.00 A.D. = -15.51 A.D. = 12.51 H.P. ELEV = 1010.73 K= 18. K= 35.56 I 51 H.P. STA 17+26.89 0 a+w n+uv N+VV 11+VV N + 41 0 O ^ LAKE U II a w� w � \ 1 PM ELEV = N M + MO 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 HIGHOVER TRAIL DATUH ELEV 870.00 H.P. ELEV = 1019.94 LP. ELEV = 1004.68 H.P. STA = 10+78.44 LP. STA = 14+84.69 PVI STA = 10+74 PVI STA = 14+40 PN ELEV = 1025.50 PVI ELEV = 998.00 A.D. = -15.51 A.D. = 12.51 H.P. ELEV = 1010.73 K= 18. K= 35.56 I 51 H.P. STA 17+26.89 . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952.937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 la�MIZINM' s :14 LAV I hereby ccefy that this phn rqs prepared by me or under my dieeU that I am a duly Iictund PROMMONAL 1BN laws of the state of bltnnpobL Liceme Na 439= PM STA = 13+50 PM f1EV = 1003.15 A.D. _ -4.01 K = 19.95 80.0000' VC o M + + o M o_ II II p s > p M a H II 29 > w a W W .,rw ervv .rvV a+w n+uv N+VV 11+VV 1"2+VO 225.0000' VC LAKE PVA STA = 5+90 \ 1 PM ELEV = 1079.00 A.D. _ -5.62 o K = 13.34 H.P. ELEV = 979.69 h 75.0000' VC m n ac PM STA = 5+00 L.P. ELEV = 978.10 H.P. STA = 4+66.67 PM ELEV = 1072.00 + m m A.D. = 0.85 OR PM STA = 4+66.67 L.P. ELEV = 977.14 K = 64.35 n n p PM STA= 4+351 I PM ELEV = 979.75 ^ LP. STA - 1+04.64 PM ELEV = i om 155.00OD' VC p m > h PM ELEV - 978.00 A.D. _ -2.76 N PM STA = 1+00 \ a w K= 27.13 N a+ A.D. = 1.50 K = 20.00 PM ELEV = 977.00 \ 75.0000' VC ^p 30.0000' VC I A.D. - 1.75 N I o n H� K = 37.14 55.0000' VC o \ o 065.0000' II w PM STA = 0+25a PM STA = 2+75 VC 0 / PM ELEV = 1056.25 PM ELEV = 1052.00 n / A.D. _ -3.92 L.P. ELEV - 1049.28 A.D. = 6.09 °+' o_ / K = 12.76 LP. STA = 1+74.06 K = 16.43 Oi m++ rn+ m M I IPM 50.0000' STA = 1+50 VC I 100.0000' VC I tl II > / m N^Cq N �^ PM ELEV = 1047.50 d n N upi A.D. - 10.60 �1 II > w/ m O It II U p o K = 14.15 1n� M r n r 0 o I 150.0000' vc +it a w> w + i p+ m p n \ a > W ± 0N n a q• 11 u O O w •O N // \ 0.75 \ w I 0.7 % w \ 1 i n0On pN t0< Nn hN bb bN b� C y^ Nm SOI map pn tC nH ^N �Op g 0 0 O p O p O p O p O p O O O p O o p p O p O p O p 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952.937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 la�MIZINM' s :14 LAV I hereby ccefy that this phn rqs prepared by me or under my dieeU that I am a duly Iictund PROMMONAL 1BN laws of the state of bltnnpobL Liceme Na 439= PM STA = 13+50 PM f1EV = 1003.15 A.D. _ -4.01 K = 19.95 80.0000' VC o M + + o M o_ II II p s > p M a H II 29 > w a W W .,rw ervv .rvV a+w n+uv N+VV 11+VV 1"2+VO 225.0000' VC LAKE HARRISON CIRCLE PM STA = 10+25.60 PM ELEV = 980.44 A.D. = 6.25 K = 36.00 I � 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 14+00 13+00 12+00 11+00 10+00 9+00 8+00 7+00 6+00 5+00 LAKE HARRISON ROAD JAL Prepared for. AIQ Pemtom Land Company 1'hawa IbdS - Drive itftora �� �/� 7597 Anagram Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 4+00 3+00 Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota 18+00 DATUM EL 17 060.00 O e. 2+00 1+00 0+00 E-14 20021044DTF03.DWG Date: 06/20/05 Sheet. 8 of 14 Grading Profiles 225.0000' VC \ 1 o H.P. ELEV = 979.69 m n ac L.P. ELEV = 978.10 H.P. STA = 4+66.67 + m m LP. STA = 7+00 PM STA = 4+66.67 L.P. ELEV = 977.14 PM STA = 7+00 PM ELEV = 979.75 LP. STA - 1+04.64 \ II > PM ELEV - 978.00 A.D. _ -1.50 PM STA = 1+00 \ a w A.D. = 1.50 K = 20.00 PM ELEV = 977.00 \ K = 36.67 30.0000' VC I A.D. - 1.75 I K = 37.14 55.0000' VC \ o 065.0000' VC + Oi m++ rn+ m m N^Cq N �^ d n N upi \ �1 II > m O It II U 1n� M r n r a GS H> 0 > a w> w + i p+ m \ \ 0.75 \ i 0.7 % v \ an et m1� a N 0 r V! m N O M M N N e) N M I� N O b M b o Mb O M ^ N N b n W N M D M n b fN r00 r� N On M� O hN b� M1� TH b0j [V [OH �O b0 NOl nN b4J n� MOl d06 <� MO. MOi MOi b bW b t0 N < �M N [V ON M O tO N N W " d r� nn A A N O+ Q N 0 T err W e. O) 0 A A T mA PO X01 mp mpi mp, rnq T 14+00 13+00 12+00 11+00 10+00 9+00 8+00 7+00 6+00 5+00 LAKE HARRISON ROAD JAL Prepared for. AIQ Pemtom Land Company 1'hawa IbdS - Drive itftora �� �/� 7597 Anagram Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 4+00 3+00 Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota 18+00 DATUM EL 17 060.00 O e. 2+00 1+00 0+00 E-14 20021044DTF03.DWG Date: 06/20/05 Sheet. 8 of 14 Grading Profiles U U a 0 M IT ., 02005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 1 INTRODUCTION This document presents a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for LAKE HARRISON in CHANHASSEN, Minnesota. The site is located MIDWAY BETWEEN LAKE LUCY ROAD AND LONG ACRES DRIVE, ON THE WEST SIDE OF GALPIN BLVD. LAKE HARRISON is owned by PEMTOM LAND COMPANY & 7597 ANAGRAM DRIVE, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344. The Site is approximately 61.4 acres with 39 single family and 0 multifamily units. Construction will consist of, but not limited to, mass site grading, installation of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, bituminous streets, and storm water treatment ponds. Approximately 22.5 acres of the site will be disturbed and 8_0 acres of the completed development will be covered by impervious surfaces. The SWPPP is prepared in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations as established by the Clean Water Act. This report shall be on the site at all times during construction. The owner must also keep this SWPPP on file for three years after submittal of the Notice of Termination. The following are outlined in this SWPPP: — Existing site conditions — Proposed site conditions — Control measures for storm water pollution prevention during construction — Control measures for storm water pollution prevention after construction — Inspection and maintenance procedures 2 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS There is a single family residence located in the center of this 61 acre estate. A long gravel driveway meanders through the site from Galpin Blvd to the home. There are smaller storage structures, a pool, and an extensive gravel trail system throughout the site. The topography of the land can be described as 3 separate land formations. The central portion of the project forms what can be termed a "peninsula" dividing the project in half from the northwest to the southeast with wetland on both sides of it. There's more than 20' of elevation difference between the Wetland B located in the southwest corner and the wetlands on the north side of the peninsula. The wetlands located at the lower elevations (A & C) appear to be fed by this wetland around the north end through a series of smaller wetlands and depressions. There exists a 24" culvert beneath Galpin Blvd that conveys storm water off site. Steep wooded slopes along the western project limits define the 2nd formation, while an open grassy hillside along the northeast corner defines the 3rd formation. Approximately half the site is wooded. The other half of the site is wetlands. The site consists of Type "B" soils, and curve numbers were obtained from "Technical Release 55: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds." A curve number of 58 was used for the existing condition of woods and grassy wetlands while a CN of 70 was used for proposed residential lots based on ? acre lot density. Refer to attachments for existing and proposed drainage areas. 3 PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS Much of the roads, driveways, private drives, and half the house pads are designed to convey storm water to either of two NURP ponds for treatment prior to discharge into public waters. Wetland B is proposed to continue to feed into Wetland F. Wetland F will overflow into NURP Pond —1. Pond —1 will treat impervious surface water as aforementioned prior to discharge into Wetland C. Wetland C volume and rate is controlled by a 15" culvert that will be placed under the new roadway to connect Wetland A. NURP Pond -2 is the primary treatment facility for storm water runoff from impervious surfaces in this area of the project. The discharge point for this Pond is also Wetland A. There is some roadway water that will be discharged into Wetland A via a catch basin with a 4' sump. Rip—rap and filter material is proposed at all outlets. Ultimately, a majority of all water is proposed to continue to be discharged off—site via a subsurface 15" culvert located in Galpin Blvd. Below is a summary of the increase in impervious surface for LAKE HARRISON: EXISTING PROPOSED ULTIMATE 0.4 8.0 8.0 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me m under my direct supervision and flat I = a duly licenced PROFESSIONAL IiNCIhl)i>Rt-mider�thi`Lws of the State of Minnesota. Ltc+ame No 43922 The storm water treatment pond on site has been designed to meet or exceed NPDES standards. The table below summarizes the results. 4 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION BEFORE AND DURING CONSTRUCTION The following storm water pollution prevention measures are shown in the plans and shall be implemented prior to construction: — Install silt fence around the perimeter of areas to be graded as shown on the grading and erosion control plan. — All temporary stockpiles must have silt fence around them to trap sediment. — Construct gravel construction entrances at field entrances to the site. — Inlet protection is to be provided for all storm water inlets. The following storm water pollution prevention measures are shown in the plans and shall be implemented during construction: — Phase grading work to minimize the duration that any disturbed soil is exposed. — Place wood fiber blanket on all steep slopes — Place minimum 6 inches of topsoil over areas when grading is complete. — Place minimum 2 tons/acre of straw on all areas after reaching final grade with topsoil and anchor straw with either a straight disk or netting. — Seed and mulch or place sod on all disturbed areas within the following time frames: — Slopes REQUIRED PROVIDED NPDES PERMIT — Slopes from 10:1 to 3:1 PERMANENT POOL (Ac—FT) 0.77 (min) 1.24 WATER QUALITY VOL. DISCHARGE RATE (CFS) 185.55 (max) 116.19 4 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION BEFORE AND DURING CONSTRUCTION The following storm water pollution prevention measures are shown in the plans and shall be implemented prior to construction: — Install silt fence around the perimeter of areas to be graded as shown on the grading and erosion control plan. — All temporary stockpiles must have silt fence around them to trap sediment. — Construct gravel construction entrances at field entrances to the site. — Inlet protection is to be provided for all storm water inlets. The following storm water pollution prevention measures are shown in the plans and shall be implemented during construction: — Phase grading work to minimize the duration that any disturbed soil is exposed. — Place wood fiber blanket on all steep slopes — Place minimum 6 inches of topsoil over areas when grading is complete. — Place minimum 2 tons/acre of straw on all areas after reaching final grade with topsoil and anchor straw with either a straight disk or netting. — Seed and mulch or place sod on all disturbed areas within the following time frames: — Slopes greater than 3:1 — within 7 days — Slopes from 10:1 to 3:1 — within 14 days — Slopes flatter than 10:1 — within 21 days — Protect disturbed areas, including stockpiles, that are not completed but will remain inactive for greater than 14 days with mulch, plastic sheeting, or temporary seeding — Locate stockpiles a minimum 100 feet from catch basin inlets, ponds, and site drainage routes — Concrete trucks will utilize the concrete washout area shown on the plans to wash and rinse their equipment prior to leaving the site. After concrete work is complete, any remaining debris will be collected and removed from the site — Remove any sediments that have been tracked onto public streets within 24 hours — Removed any spill of fuel, oil, or other chemical immediately upon detection — Collect all construction debris in dumpsters and roll—off boxes — Store construction materials in an orderly manner — Inspect pollution control measures as specified in Section 6 — Repair silt fences, inlet protection gravel construction entrances and other erosion and sediment controls as needed — Dewatering or basin draining activities of turbid or sediment laden water will be discharged to a temporary or permanent sedimentation basin or treated with the appropriate BMP prior to entering the surface water. Energy dissipation will be provided at all discharge points. Dewatering or basin draining activities will not cause erosion in receiving channels or adversely impact wetlands. Deetyaed: IAL Checked: DRJ Draws DO Record Drawht8 by/date 5 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION The following storm water pollution prevention measures will be implemented after construction by the contractor: — All disturbed areas without permanent impermeable surfaces will be vegetated for final stabilization. See specifications for permanent seed mixtures. — Silt fence, inlet protection and other erosion and sediment control devices will be removed after vegetation is established — Storm water catch basins, manholes, pipe, and ponds will be maintained by the CITY OF CHANHASSEN in accordance with their Storm water Management Plan once project has been accepted by the CHANHASSEN. 6 SWPPP INSPECTIONS Inspections shall be conducted every seven days and within 24 hours after a rainfall event exceeding 0.5 inches in a 24 hour period. The following shall be completed during each inspection: — Record date and time of inspection — Record rainfall records since most recent inspection — Inspect the site for excess erosion and sedimentation — Inspect site for debris, trash and spills — Inspect temporary erosion and sedimentation control devices — Inspect construction entrances for sediment tracking onto public streets — Record recommended repairs and modifications to erosion and sediment controls — Recommend any necessary changes to this SWPPP — Record repairs and modifications implemented since previous inspections — Inspect the adjacent streets and curb and gutter for sediment, litter, and construction debris. The following guidelines will be used to determine if pollution control devices require maintenance, repair, or replacement: — If sediment control devices such as silt fence are filled to 1/3 of the height of the fence, the contractor shall remove all sediment within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If inlet protection devices appear plugged with sediment, are filled to 1/3 capacity, or have standing water around them, the contactor shall remove the sediment and clean or replace the filter within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If the gravel construction entrances are filled with sediment the contractor shall either replace the entrance or add additional gravel within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If sediment from the site is observed on adjacent streets or other properties, the contractor shall remove the sediment within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If sediment from the site is observed on adjacent streets or other properties, the inspector shall identify the source and discharge location of the sediment and instruct the contractor to implement additional erosion and sediment controls at those locations to prevent future discharges. — If building materials, chemicals, or general refuse is being used, stored, disposed of, or otherwise managed inappropriately, the contractor shall correct such defects within 24 hours of detection or notification. — If excessive sediments or debris are observed at the flared end section outfalls, the inspector shall determine the source and discharge locations of such materials. If the discharge has occurred on the property, the contractor shall remove the sediments and debris within 24 hours of notification and correct the source of such materials as directed by the inspector. — If sediment from the site is observed to be discharged from the site, the MPCA will be notified the some day. — Other at the discretion of the inspector or contractor. Prepared for. Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 The owner or an alternate will conduct the inspections as specified in this SWPPP. The owner is PEMTOM LAND COMPANY. Alternates will include individuals to be designated by the owner and may include contractor personnel or other qualified individuals and shall be listed below. TITLE COMPANY NAME CONTACT NUMBER OWNER THE PEMTOM LAND COMPANY DAN HERBST (952) 937-0716 CONTRACTOR TERRY BROS., INC. MIKE BAIER (952) 443-0015 ALTERNATE N/A N/A N/A 7 ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION Lake Harrison Minnesota Date: 06/20/05 SWPPP Narrative E-14 20021044SWF01.DWG Sheet. 9 of 14 NAME CONTACT NUMBER MPCA --- 651-297-2274 CHANHASSEN PAUL OEHME 952-227-1169 WESTWOOD JUSTIN LARSON 952-906-7473 Lake Harrison Minnesota Date: 06/20/05 SWPPP Narrative E-14 20021044SWF01.DWG Sheet. 9 of 14 b1� D D]" aiiici-Wim �v'%ovok:i• 6Y!W. ;aI i 101: 107±10 I; *AWdl; *7AW071tom`{* dlmt awy, mrxwlvvu _ 1. r Uw;—L;t:V C LupL Professionalservices,Inc. Rate DKJ Pamtom Land ComiDanv I kiarrison J N 0 0 N V Cl) 3 0 L� 0 l7 v v 0 (U 0 0 N m 3 11V 7 0 N 0 0 N M A LOWU rl Ultf ZONUI Icil acl vit-tz), 11 it. I 7� I—)" the ftt; of mmuota I : I che&e& JAL I Pamtom Land Comt)anv I liarrisc F- U U f L0 0 v cu Lr) 0 0 Cu 0 (U m 75 3 (U 0 F_ 3 v v 0 Cu 0 N (U m 3 / c v 0 N 0 0 Cu / .I N 0 id X v 0 \ V - �i--- "1 gei+bb 4IJL I f � / V99 \ l l l { m I 899 01 q92 / \ 1 WETLAND CONSTRUCTION NOTES WETLAND SEEDING NOTES Lake Harrison Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota Chanhassen, Minnesota 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST AT (952) 937-5150 BEFORE 1. WETLAND REPLACEMENT SEED MIXES SHALL BE ACQUIRED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AFTER FINAL GRADING OF THE WETLAND REPLACEMENT AREAS. THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2003 SEEDING MANUAL (MN/DOT OFFICE OF 2. CONTRACTOR PAYMENT FOR WETLAND REPLACMENT CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, 2003 [see http://www.dot.state.mn.us/environment/seeding manual/ WETLAND REPLACEMENT ACCEPTANCE BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST. SeedingManua12003.pdfl) AND THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, 2000 EDITION (MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, 2000). 3. WETLAND REPLACEMENT CONTRUCTION SHALL OCCUR BEFORE OR CONCURRENT WITH 2. AFTER COMPLETION OF FINAL GRADING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED MN/DOT PRAIRIE SEDGE WETLAND FILL. MEADOW MIX (No. 25B) AT A RATE OF 30 POUNDS PER ACRE ON DISTURBED SOILS ABOVE WATER 4. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED UNTIL VIABLE LEVELS WITHIN WETLAND REPLACEMENT AREAS AS SHOWN ON THE VEGETATION PLAN. COVER HAS ESTABLISHED. SILT FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED UPON FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE 3. MN/DOT NATIVE GRASS AND FORB MIX (No. 350) SHALL BE SEEDED AT A RATE OF 84.5 POUNDS PER ENGINEER. ACRE ON DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN WETLAND BUFFERS AS SHOWN ON THE VEGETATION PLAN. 5. SILT FENCE THAT IS INITIALLY INSTALLED BELOW WETLAND REPLACEMENT AREAS SHALL BE 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT WRITTEN CERTIFICATION OF NATIVE WETLAND SEED MIX MOVED AND REINSTALLED ABOVE THE SATURATED SOIL ZONE AFTER WETLAND REPLACEMENT CONTENTS AND SUPPLIERS FOR APPROVAL BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST PRIOR TO AREAS ARE GRADED AND ACCEPTED. ANY SOIL RIDGE LEFT AT THE INITIAL SILT FENCE INSTALLATION. LOCATION SHALL BE REMOVED. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY OR CONFIRM EXISTING ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO INITIATING 5. SUBSTITUTIONS OF SIMILAR SPECIES OR MIXES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL WETLAND REPLACEMENT EXCAVATION. SCIENTIST. 7. EXCESS EXCAVATED SOIL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OUTSIDE OF WETLANDS. 6. PRIOR TO SEEDING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KILL AND PLOW OR DISC VEGETATION THAT COVERS MORE THAN 25 PERCENT OF THE GROUND IN THE AREA TO BE SEEDED. 8. ALL SLOPES IN EXCAVATED WETLANDS SHALL BE 5:1 OR FLATTER. AT LEAST HALF THE SLOPES 7. THE SEEDBED SHALL BE PREPARED BY LOOSENING TOPSOIL TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3 INCHES. WITHIN EXCAVATED WETLANDS SHALL BE 10:1 OR FLATTER. 9. WETLAND REPLACEMENT EXCAVATION SHALL BE FINISHED AND SMOOTHED WITH 6 TO 12 8. SEED SHALL BE BROADCAST EVENLY OVER THE SEEDBED BY HAND OR BY USE OF A MECHANICAL "CYCLONE"SEEDER. INCHES OF BLACK TOPSOIL. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IDENTIFY TOPSOIL BORROW LOCATIONS IF SOILS AT THE BOTTOM OF 9. SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH TYPE I MULCH AT A RATE OF 2 TONS PER ACRE AND THE EXCAVATED WETLANDS ARE NOT BLACK. TOPSOIL BORROW LOCATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO MULCH SHALL BE ANCHORED WITH A DISC OR TACKIFIER. APPROVAL BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST. 10. THE SEEDING SHALL BE ACCEPTED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST AT THE END OF THE FIRST COMPLETE GROWING SEASON IF THE NURSE CROP AND EARLY PRAIRIE SPECIES ARE PRESENT IN REASONABLE DENSITY. I hereby milry that We plan was prepared by me m order my dirt an ind that I am a duty limned PROFESSIONAL aavlaiama . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. » 7- Eden Of the state of h n„erela. 7599 Anagram Drive Prairie, MN 55344 J A. P.ti Phone: 952.937-5150 Fax, 952-937-5822 17a� 03/18/05 uaum No. 43922 Wetland Cross Section I � I I DaWgued: JAI. JAL Draw= JAI, R.aedad 17mIft by/data M -I _ M -I _. -, ,, Table 1. Mn/DOT Seed Mix 25B - Native Prairie Sedge Meadow Mix Common Name Botanical Name % of Mix Bluestem, big Andropogon gerardi 5.0 Canada anemone Anemone canadensis 0.1 Marsh milkweed Asclepias incarnata 0.5 New England aster Aster novae-angliae 0.6 Swamp aster Asterpuniceus 3.0 Fringed brome Bromus ciliata Blue -joint grass Calamagrostis canadensis Switch grass Bottlebrush sedge Carex comosa NUA Tussock sedge Carex stricta Fox sedge Carex vulpinoidea Bulk Rate kg/ha 11 Me Showy tic -trefoil' Desmodium canadense Wheat grass, slender Elymus trechycaulus 6.0 Virginia wild -rye Elymus mgmicus 6.0 Joe-pye weed Eupatorium maculatum 0.4 Boneset Eupatodum perfoliatum 0.3 Reed manna grass Glyceria grandis 0.3 Fowl manna grass Glyceria striata 0.2 Early sunflower Hellopsis helianthoides 0.7 Blue -flag iris Iris virginica-shrevii 0.5 Common rush Juncus effusus 0.2 Meadow blazingstar Liatris ligulistylis 0.4 Tall blazingstar Liatris pycnostachya 0.4 Great blue lobelia Lobelia siphilitica 0.1 Rye grass, annual Lolium italicum 10.0 Monkey flower Mimulus ringens 0.1 Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 0.6 ReGreen NA 42.0 Switch grass Panicum virgatum 1.0 Fowl bluegrass Poe palustris 5.0 Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 0.6 Green bulrush Scirpus atrovirens 0.3 Wool grass Scirpus cyperinus 0.3 Soft -stem bulrush Scirpus vallidus 1.0 Grass -leaved goldenrod So/idago graminifolia 0.2 Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans 6.0 Prairie cordgrass Spartina pectinate 2.0 Blue vervain Verbena hastata 0.5 Ironweed Verona fasciculata 0.2 Culver's root Veronicastrum virginianum 0.1 Golden Alexander's Zizea aurea 0.4 Rate: 30 lbs/acre (33 kg/ha). Description: Native sedge/prairie meadow mix. Reaches a height of 36 to 48 inches. Developed for use on hydric soils and for wetland restoration. Installation Note: Sedges, meadow grasses, and meadow forbs are best installed by broadcast method. ' These species are native legumes and they shall be pre -inoculated with the proper bacterial culture. WETLAND FILL (40,793 Square Feet) WETLAND EXCAVATION/DRAINAGE (2,755 Square Feet) WETLAND MITIGATION/REPLACEMENT (Wetland Creation; New Wetland Credit) NEWLY CREATED WETLAND AREAS ABOVE WATER LEVELS SHALL BE SEEDED TO Mn/DOT SEED MIX 25B, A NATIVE WET PRAIRIE AND WILDFLOWER MIX. CITY OF CHANHASSEN WETLAND BUFFER �y REGRADED WETLAND BUFFER AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED TO MN/DOT SEED MIX 350, A NATIVE GRASS -WILDFLOWER SEED MIX DEVELOPED FOR PRAIRIE REGIONS. STORM WATER PONDING (Public Value Credit) (23,388 Square Feet) NO IMPACT WETLAND EXCAVATION \ (Self -Mitigation, No Loss) (561 Square Feet) Prepared for. Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive ]Men Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 Table 2. Mn/DOT Seed Mix 350 - Native Grass and Forb Mix Common Name PLS Rate kg/ha Ib/ac % of Mix Component Bluestem, big 3.4 1 3.0 21.5 Indian grass 2.8 2.5 18.0 Bluestem, little 2.8 2.5 18.0 Grams, sideoats 3.4 3.0 21.5 Wild -rye, Canada 2.2 2.0 14.0 Switch grass 1.1 1.0 7.0 Grass Totals 15.7 14.0 100.0 Common Name Bulk Rate kg/ha 11 Me % of Mix Component Winter Wheat 62.7 56.0 80.0 Rye-grass, annual 12.5 11.2 16.0 Wheatgrass, slender 3.1 2.8 4.0 Cover Crop Totals 78.3 70 1 100.0 Forb Mix F-3 (See table 3 below) 0.6 0.5 100.0 GRAND TOTALS 94.6 1 84.5 100.0 ' Oats to be substituted for spring plantings. Table 3. Mn/DOT Forb Mix F-3 SE Forbs Common Name Botanical Name Milkweed, butterfly Asclepias tuberosa Aster, heath Aster ericoides Aster, smooth -blue Asterlaevis Milkvetch, Canada' Astragalus canadensis Partridge pea' Chamaecrista fasiculata Prairie clover, white Da/ea candidum Prairie clover, purple Dales puipureum Tick -trefoil. showy' Desmodium canadense Ox -eye, common Helio sis helianthoides Blazin star, rough Liatris aspera Blazin star, tall Liatris pycnostachya Bergamot, wild Monarda fistulosa Penstemon, showy Penstemon grandiflorum Coneflower, grey -headed Ratibida pinnata Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Goldenrod, stiff Solids o rigida S iderwort, Ohio Tradescantia ohiensis Vervain, blue Verbena hastata Vervain, hoary Verbena stricta Alexanders, golden Dzia aurea Rate: As specified in the seed mix tabulation. All species shall be provided in equal weights. Substitutions should not be allowed. These species are native legumes and they shall be pre -inoculated with the proper bacterial culture. Table 4. Season of Planting Spring Fall Dormant Seeding April 15 to July 20 Sept. 20 to Oct. 20 Oct. 20 to Nov. 15 Ml WETLAND REPLACEMENT I.D. A WETLAND I.D. • HYDROLOGY MONITORING POINTS - - - DELINEATED WETLAND BOUNDARY e-- -n LIMITS OF WETLAND BUFFER AREA PROVIDED ---------- 40' BUILDING SETBACK (From Wetland Buffer Edge) o WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT SILT FENCE - NO WM WIN 09 HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE - 982 EXISTING CONTOURS ----982- - PROPOSED CONTOURS -�- ❑ EXISTING STORM SEWER 5---u►--a PROPOSED STORM SEWER EXISTING TREE LINE rN YYYYI APPROXIMATE TREE REMOVAL LIMITS 9NO, EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION 0' 100' 200' 300' P-7 20021044WTF02.DWG Date: 6/20/05 sheet: 14 OF 14 Lake Harrison Wetland Replacement & Revegetation Plan Chanhassen, Minnesota Exhibit 10 0 U Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 CID N 3 N 0 U 0 0 N 0 0 N 3 0 0 N 0 0 N �7 02005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. fore ucti Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer and Streets for. Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for: Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Contact: Dan Herbst Phone: 952-937-0716 Fax: 952-937-8635 Prepared by: . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Project Number: 20021044.00 Contact: Justin A. Larson, P.E. Vicinity Map 40. a R0. MGNiRI,i AVF (1//� r / 1I In\q R. RIDGE PO RPaY my S0.. � "v � 6 GalPl s � ' Labe PARK ST. Lnke� ® ? c o ak w O h 2 GAIN A RB BRACKETTS U. J Llnde� � MURRAY ST. '^ CNRl4 N4S LA. RR } STRAY— S LP, j YaP`'� p ` KOENNEIQ KGE NCN KU FG� f4 ' LIEN ICY CPO BAY STA SPS y 61TH {I 4 SOMMER GATE }' q [IR. V, o CIR. E. TR/ 0� RD.2 �,P P ARES! o Si. .. 'PE, u q�S1E CPRv{� a 63tl Bi.a A GN J 17 .J9.�' Dlg o W AVE. Ot .'V/ ILLr ST. 'MIl Y u cT. BqE> ,sPNS u 60.196E LAH >4 V.B a a 05. yJ CRESTVIEV 0 Mq F„ CFE TVIE CY R _ CIR. LLCM L0.IR RB,w w m > LAKE �^ rc > s J aU NIL (AtE Sj 4 CP T r �jA �` SNENA p AN ('YkEY CIR EfEER �i C�r3. aJJ v CIR. I - LAKE EC > CARVER ` S A� Vf 4 d P 5 a `pyo- ¢KE B a SES "ARF V$ H i Lake Luc ARM RD. ¢ i 4 ff NIIRRILL CT. �B/OH uxT � 4 Site ` � uncA LA. n 1PCPo CT. cuxEg = „ REO P % JC�d 9R Orb 4' CIR, TI BIB TEC1 {I �r 9C i � �,�, T4VAA fOTirF�s Y Bpa� SRA 9R SWzr`F. 4 9R. Lake Ann g TR MASTIC WAY R v HILL $� 9 R AI > RMCER Si. luT CURE j m i, Gl➢vER CT. C HASSEN m 2000 POP. 20,321 a VL�BERrx 10 RYY WAY 17 O ® 5 mL 150E SAGE La 4, ARBORETIm Hlv PARK i9 cT. (Not to Scale) City Project #05-14 NO. I DATE i REVISION I SHEETS CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JUN 2 0 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Construction Plans for: Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer and Streets for: Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota Date: 06/20/05 Sheet: 1 of V 4 INDEX SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 COVER SHEET 2 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 3 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 4 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AND TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS 5 OVERALL PLAN 6 SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN — LAKE HARRISON CIRCLE 7 SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN — LAKE HARRISON CIRCLE 8 SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN — LAKE HARRISON ROAD 9 SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN — HIGHOVER TRAIL & BACK YARD WATER MAIN 10 SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN — PRIVATE DRIVE 11 SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN — BACK YARD SANITARY SEWER 12 STORM SEWER & STREET CONST. — LAKE HARRISON CIRCLE 13 STORM SEWER & STREET CONST. — LAKE HARRISON CIRCLE 14 STORM SEWER & STREET CONST. — LAKE HARRISON ROAD 15 STORM SEWER & STREET CONST. — HIGHOVER TRAIL 16 STORM SEWER & STREET CONST. — PRIVATE DRIVE 17 RIGHT TURN LANE IMPROVEMENT PLAN Vicinity Map 40. a R0. MGNiRI,i AVF (1//� r / 1I In\q R. RIDGE PO RPaY my S0.. � "v � 6 GalPl s � ' Labe PARK ST. Lnke� ® ? c o ak w O h 2 GAIN A RB BRACKETTS U. J Llnde� � MURRAY ST. '^ CNRl4 N4S LA. RR } STRAY— S LP, j YaP`'� p ` KOENNEIQ KGE NCN KU FG� f4 ' LIEN ICY CPO BAY STA SPS y 61TH {I 4 SOMMER GATE }' q [IR. V, o CIR. E. TR/ 0� RD.2 �,P P ARES! o Si. .. 'PE, u q�S1E CPRv{� a 63tl Bi.a A GN J 17 .J9.�' Dlg o W AVE. Ot .'V/ ILLr ST. 'MIl Y u cT. BqE> ,sPNS u 60.196E LAH >4 V.B a a 05. yJ CRESTVIEV 0 Mq F„ CFE TVIE CY R _ CIR. LLCM L0.IR RB,w w m > LAKE �^ rc > s J aU NIL (AtE Sj 4 CP T r �jA �` SNENA p AN ('YkEY CIR EfEER �i C�r3. aJJ v CIR. I - LAKE EC > CARVER ` S A� Vf 4 d P 5 a `pyo- ¢KE B a SES "ARF V$ H i Lake Luc ARM RD. ¢ i 4 ff NIIRRILL CT. �B/OH uxT � 4 Site ` � uncA LA. n 1PCPo CT. cuxEg = „ REO P % JC�d 9R Orb 4' CIR, TI BIB TEC1 {I �r 9C i � �,�, T4VAA fOTirF�s Y Bpa� SRA 9R SWzr`F. 4 9R. Lake Ann g TR MASTIC WAY R v HILL $� 9 R AI > RMCER Si. luT CURE j m i, Gl➢vER CT. C HASSEN m 2000 POP. 20,321 a VL�BERrx 10 RYY WAY 17 O ® 5 mL 150E SAGE La 4, ARBORETIm Hlv PARK i9 cT. (Not to Scale) City Project #05-14 NO. I DATE i REVISION I SHEETS CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JUN 2 0 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Construction Plans for: Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer and Streets for: Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota Date: 06/20/05 Sheet: 1 of V 4 H U U f 0_ (U N 0 (U C3 0 N CO (U 0) 753 V 0 LL H- FI V V o_ (U CD O (U 11m 3 i v CD 0 N CD CD N 11 .1 ® 2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. N Variable 9' m Wye Plugged End Lc F 1/8 Bend m 6" PVC SDR -26 Pipe Min. Slope 1/4" Per Foot J 2"x2" Marker 1/2 Piper Diameter Min. Sae Note 2. -` a ` N SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION DETAIL Services to be Used in Conjunction with Plastic Frye Sewer Main for Depths of Cover with Less Than 16 Feet. NOTES: s o the Same Trench, Install a 6' Heavy Metal Fence Post Next to 2 z 2 Marker and Paint Top of Post Florescent Green. 3. Cleanout Required on Private Property If Distance from Main to House Exceeds 90 Feet. 4. All pipe shall be bedded on granular borrow 314A or course filter U CITY OF TYPICAL SANITARY CHANHASSEN arie 5' 0 3 I PLATE lw.: 2001 FILE NAME 393_2001 12" V-10" V-10" a 2'-0" 4'-9" 2'-6" (HYDT) S -O" AO ti S-10" 3'-0" R/W 3'-6" 20" S-6" 2•-8" R/W S-4" 8'-4" CON 24" 4'-4" 3'-0" W-10" S-10 9'-8" O 30" W p1y Neenah R3290 -L casting and 9'-3" 6'-0" 17'-0 9" VB520 N4per MH Gate valve location .m CATCH BASIN be Used Directly Below Cone Section DATE 2-97 on projection of 8" DIP 5" Qui W'^z i GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN property line. R/W R/W NOTE: '}I¢- 'aP No block structures are allowed. All dead ends to be GATE VALVE ADAPTER. 2. When the manhole or catch basin structure is constructed outside'. extendeda minimum of Q ES CT10N No drain holes one pipe length beyond ffi Z NOTE: gate valve and closed grout 2" toward invert. Water main to be on with plug tied back to DATE 2-97 north and west side tee. U Qo ��'o of center line. Unless 1/2 Dia of pipe i kar' Fmm hydrants pose conflict OATS rf If7 2-J Of with proposed sidewalk. CITY OF TYPICAL CHANHASSEN INTERSECTION REVISED: DATE: 2-97 PLATE No: 1001 FIE NAME393_1001 CL PL Variable 9' io _z Wye Plugged End Lc F 1/8 Bend m 6" PVC SDR -26 Pipe Min. Slope 1/4" Per Foot J 2"x2" Marker 1/2 Piper Diameter Min. Sae Note 2. Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION DETAIL Services to be Used in Conjunction with Plastic Frye Sewer Main for Depths of Cover with Less Than 16 Feet. NOTES: 1. Solvent Weld all Joints. (Non Gosketed) 2. When Sanitary Sewer Service is not Accompanied by a Water Service in the Same Trench, Install a 6' Heavy Metal Fence Post Next to 2 z 2 Marker and Paint Top of Post Florescent Green. 3. Cleanout Required on Private Property If Distance from Main to House Exceeds 90 Feet. 4. All pipe shall be bedded on granular borrow 314A or course filter aggregate (3149H). CITY OF TYPICAL SANITARY CHANHASSEN SEWER SERVICE REVISED: 2-99.1-04 DATE: 2-97 PLATE lw.: 2001 FILE NAME 393_2001 Natural Ground _o moa o«y uc nSr -II iEm-w _ oec II mOv� u - a -o E -m a o,n p Osma NOTE: The Bottom of the Trench Shall be Shaped to Fit the Pipe Barrel for at Least 50% of the Outside Diameter. CITY OF PIPE BEDDING SSEN GOOD SOILS CHANHA RCP i- DIP REMSED: DATE: 2-97 PLATE fro.: 2202 FILE NAME: 393_2202 Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 NOTES: 1. Shape of back of buttress may vary as long as pourer against firm undisturbed earth. 2. Dimension C1,C2,C3 should be large enough to make angle 0 equal to or larger than 45° 3. Dimension A1,A2,A3 should be as large as possible without interfering with MJ bolts. 4. B - 450 Minimum. 5. Place polyethylene between concrete & pipe. 6. All bends & fittings shall be restrained with Megolugs thrust restraints or equal ,s - See no PLAN 90' BENDS CONCRETE SHAT IN CONTACT Wf THIS OUADRANI OF PIPE e - See note 4 PIAN 45' BENDS e - See -... . SECTION A -A PLAN 22 1/2' BENDS CITY OF CONCRETE THRUST CHANHASSEN BLOCKING RENSED DATE: 2-97 PUTS No.: 1002 FRE W1ME 393_1002 CL b EN iV 0 Bend as Needed - Plug - « ere � 7and . Slope = 1/4"/Ft. Limtion 2"x2" Marker 6" PVe & service line. 7amD '� *� Tee or bend 1 CY. concrete encasement. Sanitary Sewer NOTES: 1. Solvent Weld all Joints. (Non Gasketed) 2. When Sanitary Sewer Service is not Accompanied by a Water Service in the Some Trench, Install a 6' Heavy Metol Fence Post Next to 2 x 2 Marker and Paint Top 6" of Post Florescent Green. 3. The Use of Bends Shall be Restricted to the Two Shown on This Detail. 4. Cleanout Required on Private Property if Distance from Main to House Exceeds 90 Feet. CITY OF SANITARY SERVICE CHANHASSEN RTHAN 16RDEEP)R 9 SEO2-97, 1-0211-011-04 DATE 2-97 PATE No.: 2002 nLE NAME: 393 3002 - 'Compacted ' Backfill 12" ++ + + + + + ++++-+ + + .... + + + Embedment + t + + + t + + + Material + + + + + 5 + + + 6" Pay Depth + + + + + Q' + + + Increments (typ.� + + + + + + + + + + 6" Pay Depth / / / / / / / / / / Foundation - Increments (Typ.) / / / / / / / / If Re "red (see Note 1) "Be" Denotes outside diameter of pipe NOTES: 1. A soils Engineer will be required to determine the depth of the pipe foundation embedment material if needed. Pipe foundation material shall be in accordance with MNOOT 3149.2H course filter aggregate. 2. P.V. . bedding shall be MNDOT 3149.28 select ranular borrow with 10 C o OX 9 9 passing a 3/4" sieve, and less than 10% Dossing a NO. 200 sieve. 3. A.B.S. bedding shall be dMNDOTless than 20 select granular borrow with 100% passing a 3/4" slave and less than 20% passing a NO. 200 sieve. CITY OF PIPE BEDDING CHANHASSEN P.V.C. + A.B.S- REUSED: DATE: 2_97 PLATE NO.: 2203 FILE NAME 393_2203 I hereby certify that this plan was, prepared by me or under my . Westwood Professic^al Services, Inc. � li tt ofie ate BernardPROFESSIONAL 7599 Anagram Drive 1 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 J#stfn Aoft, P$ Phone: 952-937-5750 Fax: 952.937-5822 Dam 06�20/05 ytm N, 43922 UJ O NQ 1" CORPORATION STOP z 0 E0 PLUGGED END WATER MAIN AFTER MEETING TEST REQUIREMENTS THE AIR BLEED LINE SHALL BE DISCONNECTED AT THE PLUG WITH NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. CITY OF AIR BLEED CHANHASSEN DETAIL REVISED: DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 1003 FILE NAMC393_1003 Manhole Casting and Adjusting Ring (See Plate 2110) Provide Idd Barrier on all sanitary sewer manhole(see plate 2109) Manhole steps, Neenah R1981J or Aluminum, 16" on center. o Steps Shall be on Downstream -y Side Unless Pipe Diameter Is 18" or Larger All joints In manhole to have "0" ring rubber gaskets. A Maximum of 2 Short Manhole 4'-0" Risers to be Used Directly Below Cone Section Pipe shall be cut out flush 0 5" with inside face of wall. >a f• "z'+ ' J � Precast Inverts Must be 1/2 of Pipe Diameter and Benches Wmi Sloped 2" Toward the Invert `Minimum thickness of precast base is 6" for 14' deep or less, and increases 1" in thickness for every 4' of depth greater than 14'. NOTE: 1. Kor-n-seal manhole or equal considered acceptable alternate. 2. All dog houses sholl be grouted on inside and outside. 3. When the manhole or catch basin structure is constructed outside the traveled roadway a witness post and sign shall be installed next to the manhole. SECTION CITY OF STANDARD CHANHASSEN MANHOLE REVISED:2-97.1-03.1-04DAZE: 2-97 PLATE NO, 2101 FILE NAIIE3933101 MMMUM B" OF 1 . COIAPACTED SAND BUTTRESS DIMENSIONS PROPOSED SEWER w PIPE 22 1/2' BEND 45° BEND 900 BEND/TEE SIZE B1 D1 B2 02 83 D 6" l'-5" V-5" 1'-5" V-5" 2'-1" l'-6" 8" 1,-5" V-5" Y-1" V-6" 2'-8" 2'-0'• 12" V-10" V-10" 3'-4" 2'-0" 4'-9" 2'-6" 16" S -O" 2'-0" S-10" 3'-0" 6'-2" 3'-6" 20" S-6" 2•-8" 5'-6' S-4" 8'-4" 4'-0" 24" 4'-4" 3'-0" W-10" S-10 9'-8" 5'-0" 30" W p1y Neenah R3290 -L casting and 9'-3" 6'-0" 17'-0 9" VB520 N4per PLAN 90' BENDS CONCRETE SHAT IN CONTACT Wf THIS OUADRANI OF PIPE e - See note 4 PIAN 45' BENDS e - See -... . SECTION A -A PLAN 22 1/2' BENDS CITY OF CONCRETE THRUST CHANHASSEN BLOCKING RENSED DATE: 2-97 PUTS No.: 1002 FRE W1ME 393_1002 CL b EN iV 0 Bend as Needed - Plug - « ere � 7and . Slope = 1/4"/Ft. Limtion 2"x2" Marker 6" PVe & service line. 7amD '� *� Tee or bend 1 CY. concrete encasement. Sanitary Sewer NOTES: 1. Solvent Weld all Joints. (Non Gasketed) 2. When Sanitary Sewer Service is not Accompanied by a Water Service in the Some Trench, Install a 6' Heavy Metol Fence Post Next to 2 x 2 Marker and Paint Top 6" of Post Florescent Green. 3. The Use of Bends Shall be Restricted to the Two Shown on This Detail. 4. Cleanout Required on Private Property if Distance from Main to House Exceeds 90 Feet. CITY OF SANITARY SERVICE CHANHASSEN RTHAN 16RDEEP)R 9 SEO2-97, 1-0211-011-04 DATE 2-97 PATE No.: 2002 nLE NAME: 393 3002 - 'Compacted ' Backfill 12" ++ + + + + + ++++-+ + + .... + + + Embedment + t + + + t + + + Material + + + + + 5 + + + 6" Pay Depth + + + + + Q' + + + Increments (typ.� + + + + + + + + + + 6" Pay Depth / / / / / / / / / / Foundation - Increments (Typ.) / / / / / / / / If Re "red (see Note 1) "Be" Denotes outside diameter of pipe NOTES: 1. A soils Engineer will be required to determine the depth of the pipe foundation embedment material if needed. Pipe foundation material shall be in accordance with MNOOT 3149.2H course filter aggregate. 2. P.V. . bedding shall be MNDOT 3149.28 select ranular borrow with 10 C o OX 9 9 passing a 3/4" sieve, and less than 10% Dossing a NO. 200 sieve. 3. A.B.S. bedding shall be dMNDOTless than 20 select granular borrow with 100% passing a 3/4" slave and less than 20% passing a NO. 200 sieve. CITY OF PIPE BEDDING CHANHASSEN P.V.C. + A.B.S- REUSED: DATE: 2_97 PLATE NO.: 2203 FILE NAME 393_2203 I hereby certify that this plan was, prepared by me or under my . Westwood Professic^al Services, Inc. � li tt ofie ate BernardPROFESSIONAL 7599 Anagram Drive 1 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 J#stfn Aoft, P$ Phone: 952-937-5750 Fax: 952.937-5822 Dam 06�20/05 ytm N, 43922 UJ O NQ 1" CORPORATION STOP z 0 E0 PLUGGED END WATER MAIN AFTER MEETING TEST REQUIREMENTS THE AIR BLEED LINE SHALL BE DISCONNECTED AT THE PLUG WITH NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. CITY OF AIR BLEED CHANHASSEN DETAIL REVISED: DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 1003 FILE NAMC393_1003 Manhole Casting and Adjusting Ring (See Plate 2110) Provide Idd Barrier on all sanitary sewer manhole(see plate 2109) Manhole steps, Neenah R1981J or Aluminum, 16" on center. o Steps Shall be on Downstream -y Side Unless Pipe Diameter Is 18" or Larger All joints In manhole to have "0" ring rubber gaskets. A Maximum of 2 Short Manhole 4'-0" Risers to be Used Directly Below Cone Section Pipe shall be cut out flush 0 5" with inside face of wall. >a f• "z'+ ' J � Precast Inverts Must be 1/2 of Pipe Diameter and Benches Wmi Sloped 2" Toward the Invert `Minimum thickness of precast base is 6" for 14' deep or less, and increases 1" in thickness for every 4' of depth greater than 14'. NOTE: 1. Kor-n-seal manhole or equal considered acceptable alternate. 2. All dog houses sholl be grouted on inside and outside. 3. When the manhole or catch basin structure is constructed outside the traveled roadway a witness post and sign shall be installed next to the manhole. SECTION CITY OF STANDARD CHANHASSEN MANHOLE REVISED:2-97.1-03.1-04DAZE: 2-97 PLATE NO, 2101 FILE NAIIE3933101 MMMUM B" OF 1 . COIAPACTED SAND 7.5 Minimum cover required PROPOSED SEWER w 7y2"R a .tkiO r '•�•'". • •1. ( IN STYROFOAM INSULATION MANSTION TO SPECIFIED ONE PIPE LENGDI 2. PLACE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDER ALL GATE VALVES DEPTH (TYPICAL). INSTALL grate or equal. VERTICAL BENDS W M MEGA LUGS Precast concrete or AS REWIRED. 71 2" WATERMAIN UNDER STORM SEWER CITY OF WATER MAIN CHANHASSEN ST ORM 6 1/2" ROSSNI GER REVISED: 1-99 DATE: 2-97 UTS PNO.: 2204 FIE NAME 393.2204 is 7.5 Minimum cover required and grate Neenah w 7y2"R a Grate to be 2" below 3" radius curb box. I� O 2. PLACE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDER ALL GATE VALVES w� grate or equal. DO Precast concrete or w 71 2" m Grade Varies 'a C O " of O x 6 1/2" HORSESHOE DETAILS Manhole Casting and Adjusting Z O 24" x 36" Ring (See Plate 2110) o 0 O z o WIW Provide I& Barrier on all sanitary 5. 3' minimum H �O M w m i Ld P` �u 'NTN .L <� oD 1:b U o, a rc S K ¢w � CL > steel repair sleeve or approved equal CL✓/ a in a 2Z valve box, screw type, so that offset vertical portion aH In W ] a No. 60 24" of cone is facing downstream. ¢ 3 �o O All joints in manhole to hove 3 W p1y Neenah R3290 -L casting and WVI> wo �zu E NM 9" VB520 N4per anis "-16 .m CATCH BASIN be Used Directly Below Cone Section DATE 2-97 PLATE 8" DIP 5" Qui W'^z i GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN 'XWW.9'L V CID W 1. Kor-n-seal manhole or equal. '}I¢- 'aP No block structures are allowed. R. 0 J m.°I.. GATE VALVE ADAPTER. 2. When the manhole or catch basin structure is constructed outside'. 0 �V i i7 ASF Q ES CT10N No drain holes with concrete ffi Z S W t/l0 1 1 grout 2" toward invert. $�� -xo F DATE 2-97 post and sign shall be installed next to the manhole. u rc U Qo ��'o CHANHASSEN 1/2 Dia of pipe i kar' Fmm n OATS rf If7 2-J Of wooer � � ui p zo�O D.� a a mp 0 rc o 3 u iut � a Tit C arc i W,g } 'N'3N rc W%20 ZA, a - �°in�$i �o o� m W W0, miN� w OOF0 Omi-N W0,4Z0 r-a'Z >ida�aQ U\�� �zJni�� ZxM MyM Z_J oi-W mo -0 1'mU �d IYrila sak'xa< ^ a F-: Nr•i3lei of K���> W ODU dnaass-5 ap-- Z YZ�LJ` aaaw pum <M 0 pYaW xr=na INSTALLATION amarc =UJ U1 Minimum thickness of precast base integral with base section CITY OF TYPICAL Increases 1" in thickness for every CHANHASSEN SECTION 4' of depth greater than 14' deep. INSTADLLATION REVISED, I_00 -20-401. 1-02 OATS 2-97 PLATE NO.: 1004 FILE NAME ]93_1004 is 7.5 Minimum cover required and grate Neenah over top of water main. 7y2"R a Grate to be 2" below 3" radius curb box. gutter grade. 2. PLACE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDER ALL GATE VALVES 5' transition each grate or equal. side of calchbasin. Precast concrete or THE TOP NUT OF THE VALVE TO 71 2" Top of Curt Grade Varies PLAN SECTION 6 1/2" HORSESHOE DETAILS Manhole Casting and Adjusting concrete adjusment 24" x 36" Ring (See Plate 2110) Top of barrel section under top slob rings allowed with 1/4" Provide I& Barrier on all sanitary 5. 3' minimum sewer manhole(see plate 2109) F 'ama�rc o._ yOa Manhole steps. Neenah R1981J between each and a 60 Cut bell from DIP 6" thick concrete collar NOTES: or equal, 16" on center. join with stainless "A" 6" Aluminum steps approved. Manhole steps shall be placed steel repair sleeve or approved equal c valve box, screw type, so that offset vertical portion CHANHASSEN NOTES: No. 60 24" of cone is facing downstream. O I 2. Costing to be totally encased in concrete curb section. All joints in manhole to hove `+ 4•_0• Neenah R3290 -L casting and 0" ring rubber gaskets. ries LDP CITY OF 9" VB520 N4per A Max. of 2 Short Manhole Risers to "-16 VB521 N14" CATCH BASIN be Used Directly Below Cone Section DATE 2-97 PLATE 8" DIP 5" FILE NANE:3)3_3101 NOTE: GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN Minimum slab thickness, 6" for 14' tee section THE GATE VALVE AND 1. Kor-n-seal manhole or equal. '}I¢- 'aP No block structures are allowed. Horseshoes Tilled .' GATE VALVE ADAPTER. 2. When the manhole or catch basin structure is constructed outside'. and reinforce with 6"x6" 10/10 mesh. BOTTOM ES CT10N No drain holes with concrete CATCH BASIN the traveled roadway a witness m aWsides grout 2" toward invert. WITH SOUMP mortor on all F (see detail: DATE 2-97 post and sign shall be installed next to the manhole. 0� of CHANHASSEN 1/2 Dia of pipe Bibby -Ste -Croix N6 60" 3. Pipe shall be cut Flush with OATS rf If7 2-J "LATE NO.: 3102 Resilient Wedge Valve 9 Valve and B with inside face of wall. plastic wrapC-515-80 standards .yO all stainless steel 4. All dog houses shall be grouted the inside nuts & belts. :<'-.'; on and outside. 5. Precast Invert should be 1/2 18"X18"X8" concrete black Dia. of pipe and benches sloped CITY OF 21" GATE VALVE CHANHASSEN 2 toward invert. AND BOX 79" INSTALLATION 6. Precast Invert is required. Precast 8"-1/4 bend Minimum thickness of precast base integral with base section is 6" for 14' deep or less, and Increases 1" in thickness for every SECTION 4' of depth greater than 14' deep. CITY OF SEWERSANITARY CHANHASSEN OU SDE DROP MANHOLE REASE0:2-97.1-03.1-04 IMTE: 2 J7 �M NO.; 2103 FILE NAME 39J11DT FINAL GRADE b MINIMUM 6" SAND FILL �3 MINIMUM STYROFQAM SAND FILL \ INSUlAT10N RIGID INSULATION NOTE: PIPE SHALL BE CENTERED UNDER INSULATION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. COVER OVER PIPE - a WIDTH OF IN5ULATING BOARD - b 5' 5' 6' 3' CITY OF INSULATION CHANHASSEN DETAIL REMSED: 2-97 J DATE 2-97 PLATE NO.. 2205 ME NAME: 393_2205 _ ped9naL. JAL Checltmk M Dnwa: TAI. Remrd emMU indate rt Street PL Variable 6' METAL FENCE POST DENOTING CURB BOX. TOP 6" PAINTED BLUE. CURB BOX N 1 1/4"� STANDPIPE AND STATIONARY ROD. 7 Water Service 1"Xt" Corporation Cock 1" Type "K" Copper Concrete Block Support water er Main NOTES: 1. DO NOT PLUG END OF CURB STOP. 2. THE USE OF PIGTAILS ARE NOT PERMITTED. 3. THE COPPERSHAL LINE BETWEEN THE MAIN LINE AND CURB BOX SHALL BE ONE CONTINUOUS PIECE. SPLICES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. 4. CORPORATION COCK TO BE 1"X1" INSIDE DIAMETER. 5. SADDLE REQUIRED ON 6" DIP OR SMALLER MAIN. 6. SADDLES WHEN REQUIRED SHALL BE FORD SME F202 DOUBLE STRAP. 7. STAINLESS STEEL SADDLES REQUIRED ON ALL PVC WATERMAIN. CITY OF TYPICAL WATER CHANHASSEN SERVICE REVISED: 1_98DATE 2-97 PLATE NO, 1005 FILE NAME: 393_1005 _ "I/I BARRIER" INNER - MANHOLE RING SEAL AS MANUFACTURED BY "STRIKE PRODUCTS" PRECAST, BLOCK, OR BRICK MANHOLE CONE CORBEL 48" Frame and Cover HDPE OR PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS 27" - . 'I , � MASTIC SEAL 4 NOTES: 1. TRIM TOP OF SEAL TO 1" ABOVE TOP OF RINGS. CASTING SHOULD NOT REST ON SEAL. 2. PLACE "MASTIC" ON TOP OF CONE SECTION AND BENEATH SEAL 3. NOT TO BE USED WHEN THERE ARE MORE THAN 5 RINGS OR NO RINGS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THE SEALS, THEN CONTACT THE CITY UTIUTY SUPERINTENDENT FOR INSPECTION AT (952) 227-1300. CHANHASSEN BARRIER REw5ED:1-04 IJTDDl -D3 LATE NO.: P 2109 ME 3'-0" NOTE: L Grate Shown Face of Curb Direction of Flow PLAN Catchbasin casting 7.5 Minimum cover required and grate Neenah over top of water main. R3290 -L or equal Grate to be 2" below 3" radius curb box. gutter grade. 2. PLACE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDER ALL GATE VALVES 5' transition each grate or equal. side of calchbasin. Precast concrete or THE TOP NUT OF THE VALVE TO HDPE adjusting rings. Top of Curt Grade Varies Minimum of 2-2", Precast concrete or �- HDPE adjusting rings. 6 1/2" maximum of 5-2" Tyler No. 6860 26" Varies concrete adjusment 24" x 36" Mueller No. H-10361 26" Top of barrel section under top slob rings allowed with 1/4" Praeast 5. 3' minimum to 1/2" bed of mortar F 'ama�rc o._ yOa 2 beads of Ramnek or equal. between each and a 60 3" Grout 6" thick concrete collar NOTES: H-10357 on the outside. ring rubber gaskets. 6" Doghouses shall be Tyler No. 58 No. 59 fig" Gate grouted on both the SECTION valve box, screw type, inside and outside. CHANHASSEN NOTES: No. 60 24" 1. Steps shall be provided in all catch basin/manholes and storm sewer manholes. 2. Costing to be totally encased in concrete curb section. 3. No block structures are allowed. No. 59 20" 4. No wood shims are permitted in the adjusting rings. Neenah R3290 -L casting and Bibby -Ste -Croix PLAN Minimum of 2 maximum of 5 CITY OF 9" VB520 N4per STORM SEWER CHANHASSEN VB521 N14" CATCH BASIN REVISED: 1-00, 1-03 DATE 2-97 PLATE NO.: 3101 FILE NANE:3)3_3101 F Precast concrete section GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN Minimum slab thickness, 6" for 14' DROP UD 7.5 Minimum cover required wATLTt Tyler No. 6860 tv over top of water main. Mueller No. H-10361 MEGAWG BENDS Bibby -Ste -Croix No. 8-5160 PROVIDE VALVE STEM RISERS 2. PLACE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDER ALL GATE VALVES TO NITHIN fi" OF THE SURFACE grate or equal. IF THE DISTANCE FROM PLAN Minimum of 2 maximum of 5-2" THE TOP NUT OF THE VALVE TO concrete adjustment rings with full THE SURFACE IS GREATER THAN 8'. Grade CHANHASSEN TOP Precast concrete or �- HDPE adjusting rings. m o 3/4" below Tyler No. 6860 26" 6" precast reinforced concrete slab. FILE NMIF-M3_1009 to be set to Mueller No. H-10361 26" Top of barrel section under top slob of adjustment. Bibby -Ste -Croix No. VB502 27" to have flat top edge sealed with F 'ama�rc o._ yOa 2 beads of Ramnek or equal. Z ^� 60 "Dia" Denotes outside All joints in manhole to have "0" NOTES: H-10357 EXTENSION ring rubber gaskets. foundation embedment moterial if needed. Pipe foundation material shall Bibby -Ste -Croix 8-5001 Tyler No. 58 No. 59 fig" Gate Precast concrete section valve box, screw type, r CHANHASSEN 3 piece, 5 1/4' shaft, size No. 60 24" DATE: 2-97 G box, 7'-6 extended, Mueller No. 58 14" M6 round base No. 59 20" both the outside and inside. Neenah R3290 -L casting and Bibby -Ste -Croix PLAN Minimum of 2 maximum of 5 2. No block structures are allowed. 9" VB520 N4per Precast concrete or GATE VALVE ADAPTER: 1/4" VB521 N14" Varies STEEL WITH PROTECTIVE V0522 N20" 2 beads of Ramnek or equal. COATING, 1/2" RUBBER VB523 N26" F Precast concrete section GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN Minimum slab thickness, 6" for 14' 1n approved. THE GATE VALVE AND depth. Increase thickness '"'or '}I¢- 'aP No block structures are allowed. depth greater each 4' of de r a p 9 e t than 14', GATE VALVE ADAPTER. M eachof depth greater than 14', and reinforce with 6"x6" 10/10 mesh. BOTTOM ES CT10N No drain holes Grout bottom of manhole to 1/2 CATCH BASIN SECTION diameter at pipe and slope Tyler N65" grout 2" toward invert. WITH SOUMP RIMSE0:1-00.1-03.1-04 DATE 2-97 Mueller N361 65" CATCH BASIN CHANHASSEN MANHOLE Bibby -Ste -Croix N6 60" OATS rf If7 2-J "LATE NO.: 3102 Resilient Wedge Valve 9 Valve and B Conforming to AWWA plastic wrapC-515-80 standards BASE section 2.03with all stainless steel nuts & belts. 18"X18"X8" concrete black CITY OF GATE VALVE CHANHASSEN AND BOX INSTALLATION REVISED:2-97.1-03,1-04 DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO, 1006 FlIE NAME: 393_1 GO6 0.75" 1.5" BIT. WEAR U27' 2" BIT BASE NEEHNAH-1979-0207 WITH 2" MIN. RISE ORE OR APPROVED EQUALCAST CONCRETE USTING RINGS Rings shall be set on ABS sealant or approved equal THICK CONCRETE LLAR NOTE: 2 -PIECE COVER RISER RINGS ARE NOT ALLOWED. BIT. WEAR COURSE ADJ. DETAIL CASTING SHALL BE NEENATt MCI #309 AND SHALL INCVARIES SEE CHART TYPE LIDS STAMPED SANIJli- STORM SEWER AS APPROPCONCEALED PICK HOLES BIT. BASE OR BINDER MIN. (2-2") ADJ. RINGS MAX. (3-4 ) ADJ. RINGSHDPE OR (1-2"RING WITH PRECASTCONCRETE MORTOR = 0.2') ADJUSTING RINGS I 6" THICK CONCRETE COLLAR BIT. BASE JR BINDER COURSE ADJ. DETAIL WEAR COURSE COVER RISER DEPTH OF CASTING SET THICKNESS SIZE BELOW BASE COURSE OR BINDER COURSE 1.5 2 RISE 1.25 ll--�2�0_- 2 RISE 0.75 2.5_ 2 RISE 0.25 NOTES 1. PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS SHALL BE BEDDED WITH 1/4" TO 1/2" MORTAR. 2. HDPE ADJUSTING RINGS SHALL BE BEDDED WITH SEALANT MANUFACTURED BY LADTECH INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL- CITY QUALCITY OF MANHOLE CASTING AND CHANHASSEN ADJUSTING DETAIL REV5Ep:1-00.1-04 E DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 2110 MNME. 3931110 24"06" slab opening for Neenah R3290 -L or equal Prepared for. Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 CONCRETE BLOCK (TYP.) -o TEES HPI NYEIRANT LEADS NOTE: L grate shown CROSSES . DENOTES MEGAWG BENDS NOTES: Neenah R3290 -L casting and 2. PLACE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDER ALL GATE VALVES AND HYDRANTS. grate or equal. AT CERTAIN HYDRANTS. PLAN Minimum of 2 maximum of 5-2" 6" Cone. collar concrete adjustment rings with full CITY OF beds of mortar. CHANHASSEN MEGALUG Precast concrete or �- HDPE adjusting rings. m REvlscD:t-Q4 A 6" precast reinforced concrete slab. FILE NMIF-M3_1009 Top of barrel section under top slob NO'a BcA65711se MNOOT 3149.2A - to have flat top edge sealed with Zmwpu 'ama�rc o._ yOa 2 beads of Ramnek or equal. Z ^� Dia+12' Min. "Dia" Denotes outside All joints in manhole to have "0" NOTES: 1. When existing soil conditions are not acceptable for backfill and/or compaction Varies ring rubber gaskets. foundation embedment moterial if needed. Pipe foundation material shall be accordance with MNDOT 3149.2H course filter aggregate. 4 -0 Typ' Precast concrete section r CHANHASSEN NOTES: Fill1-98 DATE: 2-97 5" 1. Doghouses shall be grouted on 24"x36" slob opening for Neenah R3290 -L or equal both the outside and inside. Neenah R3290 -L casting and grate or equal. PLAN Minimum of 2 maximum of 5 2. No block structures are allowed. beds of mortar. 6" Cone. collar Precast concrete or HDPE adjusting rings. Manhole steps, Neenah R1981J or Varies 12" 16" Top of barrel section below to slob equal, 16" D.C., Aluminum steps 2 beads of Ramnek or equal. Varies All joints in manhole to have approved. F Precast concrete section 5• Monhole steps, Neenah R198IJ or Minimum slab thickness, 6" for 14' 1n approved. Doghouses shall be grouted on both depth. Increase thickness '"'or '}I¢- 'aP No block structures are allowed. depth greater each 4' of de r a p 9 e t than 14', 1 depth. Increase thickness 1" for M eachof depth greater than 14', and reinforce with 6"x6" 10/10 mesh. s. ES CT10N No drain holes Grout bottom of manhole to 1/2 CATCH BASIN SECTION diameter at pipe and slope grout 2" toward invert. WITH SOUMP RIMSE0:1-00.1-03.1-04 DATE 2-97 CITY OF CATCH BASIN CHANHASSEN MANHOLE RENSE1:1-0o, 1-03 OATS rf If7 2-J "LATE NO.: 3102 FILE NAME:393 1102 Prepared for. Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 CONCRETE BLOCK (TYP.) -o TEES HPI NYEIRANT LEADS CROSSES . DENOTES MEGAWG BENDS NOTES: 1. MECALUCS To BE USED AT ALL MECHANICAL JOINTS. 2. PLACE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDER ALL GATE VALVES AND HYDRANTS. 3. THRUST BLOCKING AT ALL TEES, BENDS, AND AT CERTAIN HYDRANTS. 4. ALL FITTINGS, NUTS, AND BOLTS SNALL BE SPRAYED USING A BITUMINOUS COAL TAR COAT SUPPLIED BY THE MANUFACTURER. SLEEVES 5. Blocking against undisturbed soils. CITY OF TYPICAL CHANHASSEN MEGALUG LOCATION REvlscD:t-Q4 DATE: 1098 PLATE No.: 1009 FILE NMIF-M3_1009 NO'a BcA65711se MNOOT 3149.2A ver o Granular Borrow r n`ea`^ Zmwpu 'ama�rc o._ yOa 0 v The bottom of the trench shall be shaped to fit the pipe barrel for at least 50% of the outside diameter Dia+12' Min. "Dia" Denotes outside diameter of pipe NOTES: 1. When existing soil conditions are not acceptable for backfill and/or compaction in the pipe zone, pipe bedding and backfill shall be used as shown above. 2. A soils engineer will be required to determine the depth of the pipe foundation embedment moterial if needed. Pipe foundation material shall be accordance with MNDOT 3149.2H course filter aggregate. CITY OF PIPE BEDDING CHANHASSEN IN POOR Fill1-98 DATE: 2-97 /SOILS PLATE NU. 2201 FILE NAME 3931201 24"x36" slob opening for Neenah R3290 -L or equal NOTE: L grate shown Neenah R3290 -L casting and grate or equal. PLAN Minimum of 2 maximum of 5 _ 3" Radius concrete adjustment rings with full beds of mortar. 6" Cone. collar Precast concrete or HDPE adjusting rings. m A 6" precast reinforced concrete slab. Varies 12" 16" Top of barrel section below to slob to have flat top edge sewith 2 beads of Ramnek or equal. Varies All joints in manhole to have "O" ring mbber gaskets. F Precast concrete section 5• Monhole steps, Neenah R198IJ or equal, 16" o.c., Aluminum steps 1n approved. Doghouses shall be grouted on both the outside and inside. e NOTE: 'aP No block structures are allowed. Minimum slab thickness 6" for 4' p A 1 1 depth. Increase thickness 1" for M eachof depth greater than 14', �6" and reinforce with 6"x6" 10/10 mesh. s. ES CT10N No drain holes CITY OF CATCH BASIN CHANHASSEN WITH SOUMP RIMSE0:1-00.1-03.1-04 DATE 2-97 PLATE NO.: 310 V I "f FILE NAME 3931104 Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota E-14 20021044SDTF04.DWG Date: 06/20/05 Sheet 2 OF 17 Construction Details U U d a a C7 cu U7 O 0 (U CO (U ND 753 In CD Li V - C7 a a o_ cu CD CD (U / m 3 / a a CD N CD CD (U NOTE: Surmountable Curb & Gutter to be transitioned into a 8618 type at catchbosin. Catchbasin Frame & Grated Neenah R -3290-L or equal \ i with L Grate A_ Neff Catchbasin to be depressed 2" below design gutter line grade. A- ��r Suanountoble Concrete ISOMETRIC Curb & Gutter No Scale 2 - R4-60" Long Rebars Each way c c 0 5' Min. Transition 5' Min. Transition `o n Top of 2, n w Curb w Design gutter line grade 2 - g4-80' LONG ISI Rebars Each way 1 Frame & Casting SECTION A -A No Scale CITY OF CURB CHANHASSEN CONSTRUCTION AT CATCH BASIN LENSED: 1-98 DATE a 2-97 PLATE NO.: ,yAo,-N TLE NAME-3933106 VAI VV. _. all CIRCUM 45.5' RADIUS - 285.88'/380° Jae 90 0 Jam" N AJ '� J STANDARD CUL-DE-SAC X Y. COM. ND. 60' RAD. 48'RAD. URBAN 60' RAD. 45.5RAD. RURAL 60' R. 40' RAD.. aNNOTE: 1. ALL DISTANCE FOR STREET MW ARE MEASURED TO BACK OF CURB. 2. PWS 8' GRAMEL SHOULDER. (RURAL) CITY OF TYPICAL CHANHASSEN CUL-DE-SAC REVISED: DATE: 2-97 PLATE No.: 5205 FRE NAME: 393_5205 OI "KNEE 91M1 BE Dneh ED A NWI RERN2LIVt a109Dx are W. UN Willi NPxCT REEEI r T 0.1.4 I % 011K C oe-FC1a® eamaAL Rat£cesi 5£aal Mack R4a,0.Y. TPE IE DeWOWKN. M 27" TO 33' 14 to 20 CY CL3 SSp WATT KP S •.6T WXP, RA4.1. tA4ElA, ams. I➢LSTAB,F MCGN. 36" TO 48" 23 to 38 CY CL3 eA4 LWP PXXEr Pad wATT ".°L) .AND Na wLT W1.4T. O NN 9W _ RE imusho AM Eve..,. VIBE (2f54 " 6'4 v 12'3 Lm0). 2 OJ uaxnxc srMaMp a4LL BE IIwMtE Tr.PPLRD snEi y W-sw be RdMmNa MLLa(BRXp IRNA SATES Sal -SW p IPPRDYFD EWN_ 2' r� waxy. wEAnERNRaa as, cowwR a, © Exim.d sNxo. ens SINE x r1vE-x use bal © AG[1S MCn E "I I AWENA MEAINawl a' x I Vie x a' NOUN. (D mows, xlarwu Mauro wo. O fEmFA LEAK 1N RIE LWAIN E .NJ_ Ex1ETe AW ME M. CAPES w WE BASE 5221 CF ME aTNpNw nlRapl sPMAR s AIwf1E w-nEKNE Nes Granular Filter (MNDOT 3601.28) mwwlEss awracaos suu a .. Nes slue eE EW IL To eumM w_Wo- s wA1ERMW NSENdLER MPf 1123 wa A BVSYM ME MY W.LL Geotextile Filter Type 111 .T nals. GENERAL NOTES: Top Bituminous Material 68"R wr eaxrAw Au uooacAnws xErrswer To .11 wall uwnxe Asamsial RIPRAP a1QA Is YAIMIFH.WCE PIIpfJ1AV. DETAIL WE o0q Pe.x oxW E AND M. dy" Te WE an. (2) RARE wuoWREs GATE; 2-97 .0 It t ASPa.wllEs APPLETS win ALL LWPalE Ts AQ .00FEWIX1s As REWIIR. SDR. -35 77 ME MaT L... o' N151,EE1 IIDtt A55E40LEs SINE BE STAxm W Wv ..NEM. r LuwxNws saw. Mavaa w We Masa auL eE Ixa tCho Axa nMD n m1 Bituminous Bituminous Curb wsTILATMN PPoM TO I..TM . Fw WE x.s'..N"IWANCE lnt.1 v bace., am vracmu. ww WE MMTxmaa Rsr. Ra y s .l w. NL Expap KT.LL C9YPwprs s1V11. BE EAc1aRr FMawD BANaI AanaC Ex41a TYPICAL CURB as .. a mil A-YGR xfAMMw. ra 1. As PER ./DOT sF4c AND GUTTER dEw UmE L IBLY SNM1 se PRYCNWLT daWsmn FOR 1. YM wo LAI➢ DATE" 2-97 No EP.A. avosm. FILE NAME: 39}_5203 NL J00.13 (IKWgNa Rw5 BElwmr UoT XUS NA STREET w04MC5) CHANHASSEN SINE BE PIALE° IN WXWIi. e VUEE BOOM OR HNAMO. s WN1 LE HSTALIM AT Mt STREET dPvaNCs n1AT s 4AVE Ix DMDa1E saE U.T PqE e T MDYIDE M AWAY nli NgLfRS LDGRa Ai aD% wFNIXD Fuss: (RW _ epov-mea) CITY OF LIGHTING CHANHASSEN POLE /� RENSEP.2/97, 1/98, 1/05 DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 5240 FILE NAME 393_5240 PIPE DIA. RIPRAP REQUIRED OF go CL 5 UNDER ALL CURB & GUTTER 12' TO 24" 8 to 12 CY CL.3 PLAN NM 27" TO 33' 14 to 20 CY CL3 GRANULAR FILTER REQUIRED 36" TO 48" 23 to 38 CY CL3 UNDER RIP RAP AND 2 54" AND UP 62 CY and up CLA LAYERS OF 50OX MIRAFI (One cubic yard is approximately 2,800 lbs.) FABRIC OR EQUAL tc. lice to Trees; power polo. E _7`N1 2' r� RIPRAP N O low fa Granular Filter (MNDOT 3601.213) SECTION A -A Geotextile Filter Type III N2." R4RIPRAP IN 5221 c_ E Granular Filter (MNDOT 3601.28) SECTION B -B Geotextile Filter Type 111 +2Y1 16' Top Bituminous Material 68"R CITY OF RIPRAP CHANHASSEN DETAIL REVISED: 1-98 FILE NAME: 393_310] GATE; 2-97 PLATE NO.: VIV7 See City Plate No. 3107 for riprop placement. Anchor Clip Tie last I t Dints. Use 2 tiee bolt fasteners per joint. Install at from top or bottom of pipe. IN ofProvide 3 anchor clips to fasten Trash Guard to Flared End Section. N Hot dip galvanize ofler fabrication. Anchor both sides. ISOMETRIC TRASH GUARD SIZING Pipe Size Bors 'H' Bolts 12"-18" 3/4"0 4"5/8" 21"-42" 1 d 6" 3/4" 48"-72" 1 1/4"0 12" 1 NOTES: 1. All Reinforced Concrete Aprons shall be furnished and installed with Trash Guards. 2. All new Reinforced Concrete Aprons on new pipe shall be tied back 3 pipe lengths back from opron. 3. All new Reinforced Concrete Aprons on existing pipe shall be tied to the first pipe adjacent to the apron. CITY OF FLARED END CHANHASSEN SECTION AND TRASH GUARD ASM..: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 3108 E NAME: 393_31M PL RARE TO MATCH 4 In. r w eAx WIDTH OF WALK VARIABLE i --I LT9-1 ]A I 1 °Aar pR. DOME SECTION HYDRANT 00000000 4 0 0 000000 o0 o o oa 0o 0 VALVE BOX 6' 6' rss / _11u' + VARIES W-6' Oso a te_ �4 m n 1� SEE PLANS c oca - 1/4" 1/4" SLOPE PER FT. TO ROADWAY PLAN VIEW OF DIGONAL RAMP p" DOME SPACING .I ...,.. .._,_s� 5'-4" 1 4' 0" o C NCRI SEE NOTES 1& 3 � "�"""r"""" L i 4" Class 5 Base :::m ".MF m nATWn(2) a w 6 2' 3' 2.5' 1 SECTION A -A Y5 a J Ed Min. 9 0.m RAT4aPE OF Ron s WINE,ill WOF A Erin 0. 0 `T /rrxs oo xoi rLrner. NAY 5' 4' VSE Olo Fr /Fr.- om n/FrsLox ) 6' S' 6. 3 4. 0 -min. 6 3" 6' Y ELEVATION OF RAMP s B 10' 9' O 1/2 INCH PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL. AASHM M 213, ® WHEN A MEDIAN IS NOT WIDE ENOUGH FOR TWO PEDESTRIAN RAMPS AND A 46" LANDING BETWEEN THEM, ME PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SHALL BE CUT THROUGH THE MEDIAN AT STREET LEVEL ® 6" TO 8"15 THE REQUIRED OFFSET OF THE TRUNCATED DOME AREA FROM THE FRONT FACE OF CURB. AOA REWIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL RE 2' 0" MIN, IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND SHALL NOTES: EXTEND ME FULL WIDTH (4' 0" TYP.) OF THE CURB RAMP. THIS 2' 0" BY 4' 0" WIDTH TP.) TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL CONTRAST VISUALLY WITH THE ADJACENT WALKING SURF CE. THE 1. TYPICAL 6" THICK CONCRETE COMMERICAL ENTIRE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE A LIGHT COLOR LIGHT MAY, WHITE OR YELLOW) WHEN 2. USE 7 1/2' THICK FOR COMMERICAL DRIVEWAY CROSSING. w) 3. JOINT SPPACING AT 5' INTERVALS. EXPANSION JOINT SPACING AT 100' THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A DARK COLOR. THE ENTIRE UNCATEO DOME AREA SMALL BE A O "ARK COLOR (RED, RDARK MAY, OR BRIGHT YELLOW) WHEN THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A INTERVALS AND WHEN ABUTTING EXISTING CONCRETE OR STRUCTURE. WHITE" LLIGHT GRAYAY CEMENT COLOR. ® SURFACE APPLIED TRUNCATED DOMES DR STAMPED CONCRETE WALL NOT BE ALLOWED. ® TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL MEET THE CURRENT MNOOT STANDARDS FOR DETECTABLE WARNING SYSTEMS. CITY OF CONCRETE CITY OF PEDESTRIAN CHANHASSEN SIDEWALK CHANHASSEN CURBRAMP REVERED: 2-9A 1-03 DATE: 2-97 PUTS NO.: 5214 REVISED. 1-98, 1-04. 1-05 DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 5215 FILENAME:393_.5214 FILE NAME: 39)3215 ZBisw 7112-0882 HARDWARE PACKAGE INCLUDES: .L.,, (4) 1°x4" GAILY. CARRIAGE BOLTS FULL THREADS N (4) ROUND FLAT WASHERS. I (5) 1" NUTS. \MI\ (4) LOCK WASHERS. 8 (4) Y. 3'dr TAPPED RETAINING WASHER. T 875'ro 17* DIA. BOLT CIRCUS (4) NOTCHES IN SHAFT TO ALLOW BOLT HEAD N 2 CLEARANCE S• NOTES 1. FINISH, HOT DIP GALVANIZE PER ASTM -A155 (LATEST REVISON). 1N 2. BASEPUTE TO BE PERPENDICULAR TO SHAFT MIS (h 1') AND HOLE CENTERUNE CONCENTRIC (4.135) TO SHAFT AXIS. 3. STENCIL MIN 1/2 IN. LETTERS MANUFACTURER'S NUMBER AFTER GALVANIZING. 4. PILOT PONT AND SHAFT MES TO BE CONCENTRIC (+/- 9.66" DIA. .125 F/H) AND IN UNE (+/- 2'). PO 5. PUKE CUT SLOT PERPENDICULAR TO THE BASEPLATE 8. PREHEAT, TUMBLE9LAST, HANDGRIND, AND CLEAN BASEPLATE HEUX AND PILOT PONT ON ALL WELDED AREAS ]. FLAMEOUT IRREGULARITIES PERMISSIBLE. (1) VALLEYS NOT TO EXCEED 3/32• BELOW NOMINAL SURFACE LEMEL (2) _ PEARS OR POUTVE IRREGULARITIES NOT TO EXCEED 1/32' 14 DIA ABOVE NOMINAL SURFACE LEVEL OR INTERSECTIONS OF HEUX NOMINAL SURFACES 8. ALL MATERIAL IS TO BE NEW, UNUSED AND MILL TRACEABLE MEETING THE FOL.OWNG SPECIFICATIONS: BACFPUM ASTM A - 2O LATEST AASHTO BUI_1 70.) STEEL CONFORM TO PASHT 0 TECH ( SHA 1- A STEELASPM: A252 -(LATEST REVISION) GRADE 2 STEEL PIPE PILES. ALTERNATE MATERIAL ASTM ALL RADIAL SECTIONS NORMAL AS} -(LATEST REVISION) TYPE E OR 3. CRAG: B. TO MIS +/- 3e STEEL 8 S OR ASTM ASTEELLATEST REVISION) GRADE B STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBING ilASM A636-(U1E51 RENSON) HOT ROLLED STEEL PILOT PONT: ASTM M75 -(LATEST REVISION) STEEL -_- PITCH BAR. E4LISL CARR BOLT PFR ANS 810.8.1, 845 JAES GRADE -5 T 10. BASEPLATE IS PERMANENTLY STAMPED WITH ALL ADIAL SECTIONS NORMAL MANUFACTURER'S IDENTIFICATION "ABC' IN 1/2' LETTERS AND To AXIS +/- 3' DATE CODE IN 1/4' LETTERS ,-/ 11. HARDWARE SHOULD BE PACKAGED IN BURLAP BAG AND ATTACHED TO FOUNDATION. HEUX MUST BE FORMED BY MATCHING METAL DIE RECONVENED) TORQUE: NO GREATER THAN 18,000 FT. LB. (SNE MEW OF TRUE HEUCAL FORM) CITY OF LIGHTING ASSEMBLY CHANHASSEN BASE DETAIL REVLSED: DATE:,Z _^ PIATE NO.: 5241 FRE NAME 393_5241 -03 . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Treated Wood Posts 4•x4- x 8'-0" No. 2 Grade Lumber or better NOTE The barricade board face surfaces shall be fully reflectorized in alternate silver -white and red striping, using a reflective sheeting conforming to the requirements of MnDot Spec. 3352.2A2a, Standard No. 1. Prior to installing the reflective sheeting, the barricade boards shall be given a complete coating of White Wood Primer paint conforming to MnDot spec 3513, followed by a second coat of white paint conforming to MnDot spec. 3531 applied only to the surfaces not coved with reflective sheeting. The barricade boards shall be completely pointed and reflectorized sheeting applied before being installed on the posts. The barricade shall be placed 10'-0" from end of bituminous road, barricades to be centered on the roadway, to be facing traflc Row. Barricades to be installed in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Trafic Control Devices. CITY OF TYPICAL CHANHASSEN BARRICADE REVISED: DATE 1-02 PULITE NO.: 5244 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my I 1RNrvlaialt6 supervlelon and that I am a duty licensed PROFESSIONAL HNA the laws of the State of Mimteeota. Lker!" No. 43922 NOTES: 1. Grates to be made in (2) PIECES 2. All metal sholl be hot -dipped -galvanized I- Sea Detail A -A / 57`0 O.D. F1/4 -X1• FLAT SM. SFE. SiNcture R<aukee (2) Piece Grata Per Drawing N.W.L Hae .;MooTH eAR� O 4' o.c. EACH WAY - (4) 1/2' 013 UNC Hex Head Stainless Steel Bata with Nuts and Washers 1/4' STE0. PLATE 9'1012' "� HwL DETAIL A -A INLET PIPE NOTES: 1. Standard pipe bedding required on both Intel R outlet plpes 2. Inlet pipe must be larger then must pipe. CITY OF POND OUTLET CHANHASSEN s-MuCTURE REVLSE0:1-00, 1-03, 1-05 DATE: 2-97 PUTS NO.: 3109 FILE NAME 393>109 Cure Plant se 1" per ft. slope Face of Curb PLAN Design Grade SECTI( PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL See City Detoil 5215 for Truncated Dome Detail \ LANDING 177 2.OX MAX. Concrete Sidewalk 0 slope crete i Base lees slant e 6'-0" WHERE RAMP UP IS SHOWN IN PLAN VIEW SECTION B -B J Note: Silt fence per MNDOT specifications, source 2000, machine sliced woven monofilament, 36"wide fastened steel T -Posts with 3(501b) tens strength plastic zip ties per T -Post. (Machine sliced) EROSION CONTROL FENCE - TYPE 1 T Posts 24" in ground Ties 'Mia. Depth at silt Hence embedm"l, Note: Type 2 silt fence Is the same as type I with hay bales installed as per detail. Type 2 to be used to protect all wetlands. Hov or Strove Bines Tn,ml Ma mm mv,` We IS 1. ".b Me sv wh bblXaNs16'wn I�' Zip Ties EROSION CONTROL FENCE - TYPE 2 CITY OF SILT CHANHASSEN FENCE REVISED: 2-97. 1- DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 5300 FILE NAME 393_5300 > IAL Prepared for. DIU Drawn ;TAI. Record Diawlrta by/daft PL CL PL 30' 30' 15.5' to Bock 15.5' to Back Wear Course to be 1/2" Above Edge of Gutter 3.0% 2.0%- ` F�1 1.5 : 1 4° Topsoil, Seed LLL 1 ++/2"-MNDOT 2350 LVWE35030B & Mulch or Sod. Surmountable Tack Coat - 2357 Concrete Curb 2"-MNDOT 2350 LVNW35030B 12" -Class 5 Aggregate Base, 100% Crushed 24' MNDOT 3149.28 Select Granular Borrow (See Note 7) NOTES 1. Right -of -Way Required - 60'. 2. Maximum street grade 7.0% 3. Minimum street grade 0.75% 4. 4.0" Topsoil placed in disturbed areas. 5. 2 Rolls sod behind curb. 6. The bituminous wearing surface shall be placed the next construction season following placement of the bituminous base. 7. A test roll of the prepared sub rade shall be performed b the owner p epa 9 P Y in the presence of a city inspector. The city has the authority to require additional subgrode correction based on the test roll. CITY OF TYPICAL CHANHASSEN RESIDENTIAL STREET SECTION 1EVISE0:2-97 , 2-0 1-05 1, 1-03 PATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 5200 "ILE NAMU3933200 CITY PROJECT NO. CITY OF CHANHASSEN SEWER, WATER OR COMBINATION SEANCE (CIRCLE CNE) street Let_ Block_ Addllion Downstream Manhole No.- Sta. at P.L from Downstream Manhole_ Elevation at C.L. of Sewer Main_ Distance from Sewer Main to Clean -out___ % of Grade for Service to be installed__ IF MINIMUM GRADE SERVICE Length, Size and Tye of Service Pipe_ Depth at P.L._ WATER: Downstream Manhole No. - Stu. of P.L. from Downstream Manhole_ Length, Size and tye of Service Pipe_ Depth at P.L.__ OCheck if Sewer Service Riser Installed -Denotes Sewer Service End -Denotes Water Service End (SHOW SCKETCH WITH TIES HERE) Contractor Foreman OF go CL 5 UNDER ALL CURB & GUTTER 2'-0" 1 4'-0" 2'-0" 1/2"x6" Galvanized Bolts Loeolion anal Depth of awrioe CeHIOea by with Cut Washers Date (Carriage, Hex, or Sq.) NOW; 7-1/2" V-3 1/4' 5 Al tc. lice to Trees; power polo. E _7`N1 o4nerore ICI not nw�ln a .dhin CITY OF -3 1/4" O low fa n Nominal 61x6-0' _ 241 No N2." Grade Lumber 5221 c_ E Posting Lola, a Medians. Ex. Ground CHANHASSEN +2Y1 16' Top Bituminous Material 68"R ev `" �' '-' :•:, APPROX. • +/2- Conerele Curb and Gutter Y-8 SDR. -35 77 28" r 4" 8" 1 1/8"r Bituminous Bituminous Curb $UffOCe 6" Shoe Formed v Treated Wood Posts 4•x4- x 8'-0" No. 2 Grade Lumber or better NOTE The barricade board face surfaces shall be fully reflectorized in alternate silver -white and red striping, using a reflective sheeting conforming to the requirements of MnDot Spec. 3352.2A2a, Standard No. 1. Prior to installing the reflective sheeting, the barricade boards shall be given a complete coating of White Wood Primer paint conforming to MnDot spec 3513, followed by a second coat of white paint conforming to MnDot spec. 3531 applied only to the surfaces not coved with reflective sheeting. The barricade boards shall be completely pointed and reflectorized sheeting applied before being installed on the posts. The barricade shall be placed 10'-0" from end of bituminous road, barricades to be centered on the roadway, to be facing traflc Row. Barricades to be installed in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Trafic Control Devices. CITY OF TYPICAL CHANHASSEN BARRICADE REVISED: DATE 1-02 PULITE NO.: 5244 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my I 1RNrvlaialt6 supervlelon and that I am a duty licensed PROFESSIONAL HNA the laws of the State of Mimteeota. Lker!" No. 43922 NOTES: 1. Grates to be made in (2) PIECES 2. All metal sholl be hot -dipped -galvanized I- Sea Detail A -A / 57`0 O.D. F1/4 -X1• FLAT SM. SFE. SiNcture R<aukee (2) Piece Grata Per Drawing N.W.L Hae .;MooTH eAR� O 4' o.c. EACH WAY - (4) 1/2' 013 UNC Hex Head Stainless Steel Bata with Nuts and Washers 1/4' STE0. PLATE 9'1012' "� HwL DETAIL A -A INLET PIPE NOTES: 1. Standard pipe bedding required on both Intel R outlet plpes 2. Inlet pipe must be larger then must pipe. CITY OF POND OUTLET CHANHASSEN s-MuCTURE REVLSE0:1-00, 1-03, 1-05 DATE: 2-97 PUTS NO.: 3109 FILE NAME 393>109 Cure Plant se 1" per ft. slope Face of Curb PLAN Design Grade SECTI( PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL See City Detoil 5215 for Truncated Dome Detail \ LANDING 177 2.OX MAX. Concrete Sidewalk 0 slope crete i Base lees slant e 6'-0" WHERE RAMP UP IS SHOWN IN PLAN VIEW SECTION B -B J Note: Silt fence per MNDOT specifications, source 2000, machine sliced woven monofilament, 36"wide fastened steel T -Posts with 3(501b) tens strength plastic zip ties per T -Post. (Machine sliced) EROSION CONTROL FENCE - TYPE 1 T Posts 24" in ground Ties 'Mia. Depth at silt Hence embedm"l, Note: Type 2 silt fence Is the same as type I with hay bales installed as per detail. Type 2 to be used to protect all wetlands. Hov or Strove Bines Tn,ml Ma mm mv,` We IS 1. ".b Me sv wh bblXaNs16'wn I�' Zip Ties EROSION CONTROL FENCE - TYPE 2 CITY OF SILT CHANHASSEN FENCE REVISED: 2-97. 1- DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 5300 FILE NAME 393_5300 > IAL Prepared for. DIU Drawn ;TAI. Record Diawlrta by/daft PL CL PL 30' 30' 15.5' to Bock 15.5' to Back Wear Course to be 1/2" Above Edge of Gutter 3.0% 2.0%- ` F�1 1.5 : 1 4° Topsoil, Seed LLL 1 ++/2"-MNDOT 2350 LVWE35030B & Mulch or Sod. Surmountable Tack Coat - 2357 Concrete Curb 2"-MNDOT 2350 LVNW35030B 12" -Class 5 Aggregate Base, 100% Crushed 24' MNDOT 3149.28 Select Granular Borrow (See Note 7) NOTES 1. Right -of -Way Required - 60'. 2. Maximum street grade 7.0% 3. Minimum street grade 0.75% 4. 4.0" Topsoil placed in disturbed areas. 5. 2 Rolls sod behind curb. 6. The bituminous wearing surface shall be placed the next construction season following placement of the bituminous base. 7. A test roll of the prepared sub rade shall be performed b the owner p epa 9 P Y in the presence of a city inspector. The city has the authority to require additional subgrode correction based on the test roll. CITY OF TYPICAL CHANHASSEN RESIDENTIAL STREET SECTION 1EVISE0:2-97 , 2-0 1-05 1, 1-03 PATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 5200 "ILE NAMU3933200 CITY PROJECT NO. CITY OF CHANHASSEN SEWER, WATER OR COMBINATION SEANCE (CIRCLE CNE) street Let_ Block_ Addllion Downstream Manhole No.- Sta. at P.L from Downstream Manhole_ Elevation at C.L. of Sewer Main_ Distance from Sewer Main to Clean -out___ % of Grade for Service to be installed__ IF MINIMUM GRADE SERVICE Length, Size and Tye of Service Pipe_ Depth at P.L._ WATER: Downstream Manhole No. - Stu. of P.L. from Downstream Manhole_ Length, Size and tye of Service Pipe_ Depth at P.L.__ OCheck if Sewer Service Riser Installed -Denotes Sewer Service End -Denotes Water Service End (SHOW SCKETCH WITH TIES HERE) Contractor Foreman OF go CL 5 UNDER ALL CURB & GUTTER Tina by Date 6" 1 Distance to E variobIs Loeolion anal Depth of awrioe CeHIOea by 0 F Date Sr 1/2'r Top Bituminous Material NOW; e ape Service ties Mall be swing tin of Rol more won 100 th length between tie paints and ahWI be lktl to Perm ... st sWcturea win as bud"Ydaing can wive boxes anhaes. til, b sin . hydrants. tc. lice to Trees; power polo. property camera lNe,h_. a utility boxes veli not be accepted. R n n nm the Ii a point of not mom than 156 al be ,$IdL o4nerore ICI not nw�ln a .dhin CITY OF A A STANDARD CHANHASSEN I 10' 12. 4 L 6" TIE CARD REVISED: 1-98, 1-03 MTE: 2-i7 PLATE NO.: 5221 FILE NAME 3933221 Posting Lola, a Medians. 28'R CHANHASSEN � w�'i�w�e�er♦� F 4�4�i �i �i Iii �i �• 1 i i • NOTE: FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED UNDER ROCK TO STOP MUD MIGRATION THROUGH ROCK. CITY OF ROCK CHANHASSEN cE NTRA CNSTRUCTEoN REMSE0: 1-98 DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.. 5301 FILE NAME:393_5301 L _ NOTE: MINIMUM OF go CL 5 UNDER ALL CURB & GUTTER Twin City Area 651-454-0002 6" 1 Distance to E variobIs /2°r 0 F O W Sr 1/2'r Top Bituminous Material P.C. e ape ° 3 4" a O� P 8618 CURB ti SURMOUNTABLE & GUTTER a:HTRANS'ITION ftt MnDOT 8618 A A ^ Concrete Curb and Gutter TYPICAL COLLECTOR RADIUS - 30' I 10' 12. 4 L 6" 6'wrable o e Top Bituminous Material Nme MnDOT 8612 J 4'Pwa . `. Coronets Curb sad Gutter 7IT MNDOT 8618 CONC. C & G y NOTE: s' tY For Only with Private Driveways, Posting Lola, a Medians. 28'R CHANHASSEN +2Y1 16' Top Bituminous Material 68"R ev `" �' '-' :•:, SURMOUNTABLE • +/2- Conerele Curb and Gutter Finished Grade One piece PVC SDR. -35 77 28" (Size as per plan) m 4" 8" 1 1/8"r Bituminous Bituminous Curb $UffOCe 6" Shoe Formed v CITY OF Ridgid SDR -35 TYPICAL CURB CHANHASSEN AND GUTTER LENSED: 2-97 DATE" 2-97 PLATE No., 5203 FILE NAME: 39}_5203 CHANHASSEN P E 0" Aggregate Base REVFILE z MnOOT select granular borrow o 3 Course Filter Aggregate g o 3149.2H . ' �-MnDOT 12' deep e ' Y1�°a N Vel droin rode to Clay Sub -grade 4" perforated Is Notch clay sub -grade gaotextile wrap (3733, Type 1) for pipe placement TRENCH DETAIL Perforated PVC, or Dual Wall smooth interior corrugated PE pipe. 1 Grout 6" Cone. PIPE DETAIL around collar Pipe NOTES: 1, Cleanouts rsquired at ending points or as shown on plans. 2. Swing ties to be she"::, :n as-builts for all ending points to ail draintile. q---,,:,;. 3. Openings in structure for draintile to .;_.,.:,.. . be fabricated or core drilled. 4. This detail to be used when 2' or more of existing soil sub cut is necessary. CITY OF 4" SUB -SURFACE ' CHANHASSEN DRAINTILE RENSED:1-00,2-01.1-04 DATE: 2-97 it PLATE N0': 5232 FILE NAME3933232 lar Silt fence per MNDOT specifications, source 200, machine sliced woven monofilament, 36" wide fastened to steel T -Posts with 3(501b) tensile strength ( ) 9 plastic zip ties per T-Post.(machine sliced) RUNOFF WTH I FILTERED WATER) SECTION AA �1 CITY OF OFF ROAD CB CHANHASSEN FILTER BARRIER RensEm�-a DATE: 2-01 PLATE NO, 5302 FRE NAME -3935302 Pemtom Land Company 7597 ,Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 0 F O W Q of P.C. _ �q0 ,P JP CATCH BASIN IN RADIUS O� P 8618 CURB ti SURMOUNTABLE & GUTTER a:HTRANS'ITION CURB & GUTTER A A TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL RADIUS - 20' TYPICAL COLLECTOR RADIUS - 30' I 10' 12. 4 L 6" 7 w. 6„ .� 7IT MNDOT 8618 CONC. C & G SURMOUNTABLE C & G SECTION A -A CITY OF TYPICAL CURB CHANHASSEN RADIUS REVISED: 1-00 DATE: 2-97 PLATE NO.: 5204 FILE NAME: 393_5204 Finished Grade One piece PVC SDR. -35 77 cleanout riser (Size as per plan) m w Lang Tum T -Y SDR. -35 Ridgid SDR -35 NOTE: 1. Hub with threaded 2. Solvent weld all clean out metal plug to be set at final grade. Metal top joints.(Non gusted) plug to be made of such material to allow locates via metal detector. CITY OFSUB-SURFACE CHANHASSEN P E CLEANOUT REVFILE DATE 2-97 PUTS NOu 5234 NAME: 39 FILE NAME: 3933234 SEDIMENT TRAP AS MANUFACTURED BY WIMCO,LLC.SHAKOPEE, MN. r r m.zKWs` oBsiiw Mans - use mrrm.V. u.[prCau AM rdrtnr to.6n Ny Ira arp fn P - mxv I Xr. SYSSr rICNe N" IRR r/Or Nr, "a- 1'!Pd I --a). rlunlar arsxr[o, Rn as s.eC .l• a r6' hm MODEL#CG23 AWaLR FL2 am oro -aw,e ,..rmverr P rar0 -av rmeear /C IRRI tA'Mar ooeso NOTE: Clean filter media after each rain event and replace if filter is clogged with sediment. Remove debris/sediment from receptacle after each ruin event. CITY OF CATCH BASIN CHANHASSEN SEDIMENT TRAP REVISED DATE.. 1-04 PLATE NO.: 5302A FRE NAME:39 _5 2A Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota E-14 20021044DTF05.DWG lose 06/20/05 sheer 3 OF 17 COYLsti diol Details D U f d d 0 ID N Ln 0 0 N 0 N '0l 11 is F- M U 0 - OD 3 cti 7) It cu 0 0 cu 11m 3 75 110 N 0 0 rU WE ®2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. -- --I � I I I I I 1 1 / /� I I I I I //// \\ I I A 1 1 10 ¢' N _ . I I 5 //// �\ I 9 L� I I I I I I I I 997.4 1 1 998.5 ///// \�\ I I I I I I O i I I I I I // I I 2 I I I I (,i') I I I WYE=1+23 I .I WYE=1+38 //// I I I 999.9 I I fa I 1 I I I // 3 I I 11 I I F- I I I //// I I I I I wYE=o+s4 1 I � W L ---------J I I I ,, I I I I I I I !�----------I 1 I I // / 1 1 I I I I W I I SERVICES TO BE 1 8"-11 1/,46,B�ND / 11 I I I I L!J N I 1 I I EXTENDED 10' 11 1 8"-22 2° BEND (�` I y I I h 1 1 PAST R.O.W. I 3/ v / I I i I I I 1 1C - -f I I (T�-) L- - _ / / / / / I I m r I I I I -IJ I I I //// / I I m Z I I 11 20"-45° BEND I I I // v/ I 1001.? I I i rn I I 20"-'�1 � 4° BEND I I I / --- I m i I I 8"-11 1/4b ND 1 1 8"-11 1/4° BEND I I HYD. w/AUX. VALVE I I N I 1 �-------� I " " I J • X'-6" PVC WYE -1+42 8 x 6' REDUCER I �� I I � �— r �k 8"X 8 TEE I- -' r. I p 0 / � I I _ _ - _ .e - - - - - - •. GRND. EL.=1010.2 ..: M _ 4 L --- --- 1 ��� - J I - - 4 16 '— �- 2 --.-- - as as _ �� _ -/ _-__ -_-/ �- -} * _ -- -`"1 -� 1" COPPER SERVICE -_-----_j - - - - - _ - _. _ , r -- - - - - - - � � \ ` �' w/CURB STOP (TYP. ) � > I I MH -2 I - - - - ------ \ \ 1--'\ \ i MH -3 8" G.V. I I I MH -6 \ \ \\ \ 6" PVC SANITARY 1000.5 i/ ---------I -- I I I I I I \ \\ SERVICE (TYP.) MH -4 10' SEPARATION I I I I HYD. w/AUX. VALVE I I \ \ \ \ WYE=1+34 11 BETWEEN SANITARY \ \ � I 1 32'-6" PVC I \ \ / AND WATER MAIN I I \ \ I I I I 8"x 6" TEE I I \\ 1002.4 \\ � /� � � (�') I I I I GRND. EL=1004.7 1 I \ \ \ \ 7 11 13 / 1004.3 I I O I I O II I �� \ \\ WYE=1+31 `\ `\ i � / 1000.6 I 996.5 I 999.6 // / I I I I \ \ 5.5 RISER \ \ / f / WYE=0+87 I I WYE=0+45 I I WYE=0+61 II II WYE=0+17 `\ \\ `\ \\ ice/ 4.0' RISER 1 I I I 5.5 RISER I I I I 4.0' RISER \ 8 \ mo i EXIS7 v � HOUSE 'Is`-, 12 1 1 11 I 10 I 1 g \\ `\\ v 1 - Lake Harrison Circle Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 GENERAL NOTES: DENOTES SANITARY SEWER SERVICE XXX.X INVERT ® END OF STUB. DENOTES SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYE=X+XX WYE LOCATED ON MAINLINE FROM DOWN STREAM M.H. FLAG HYDRANTS PER CITY DETAIL 1004 EXTEND RODS ON DEEP VALVES. ALL DROP MANHOLES TO BE CONSTRUCTED USING OUTSIDE DROPS. ALL UTILITY WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S 2005 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL PLATES. ALL SANITARY SERVICES AND WYES SHALL BE 6" PVC SDR 26 ALL WATERMAIN SHALL HAVE 7.5' MINIMUM COVER S !!I 0' 50' 100' 150' 1015 15 . .... . - .... .. ................ .........:...................................................... :.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:...................: ....... ...... -........... ........ ..... . .... ............I .. .... ......... :. .. .. ::::::: ......: :. . ... .I...... . .. . . . ...... ... ..... ........ . . ... :. ::::: r .... . ... I . . I.I......... ..... :: ::::::: .. ... . ... ............ ................................................................:.........:....... :.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:...... :..................:.. �'_ C R 1 ..:....... ..2 ...20. PVC .900:D-.8::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:::......:.........:.........:..................:::....... ... .. . .......:....... .:.... ..............................................:....... .:....... .:WATER MAIN:.... :........ ....... ....... .... -. ....... ....... ...... ....... ...............................................................:......4..•....... ,............. WITH 7.5 MIN:COVER...:.........:.........:.........: :. ........:........ ....... ....... ....... ....... . .. ....... ....... ...... 1010 ..... ...... ....... .... .:....... :........ .....:.........:.........:..................:.........:.........:.........:... ... ..... ..:.............. .... .. :. :. :. :. :::::: :::: :. :. .::: :: ::: :: ::: .. . 1010 :. :. :. ...6.�..:. .. .... .............. .............. .............. .. .:. .:. .:. .............. ............ ............ .............. .... ........... .... ....... ......... .............. .............. ::::::: :::\:: ..:: ..::::: :::::: :: ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..... ::: ... .:.. .. ....... ....... :. :.... � ... • .... ::�.. .... ...... ..4.... ::::::: ....... .... ::::::: ::::::. .. ::::::: .. �....... :�:: -::.. ...... .... ....... :: ::::::: 100 5 .....:.........:.........:... ......:...........................:.........:.........:.........:......... :.........:.........:. :. : ... ....:.... ....:....... .. .. . ...:.......�...... :.........:....... .. ... .. ..:...... ........: .:.......... ... .:. :....... ....... ...... :. .. .... :. .. / .::......: ... P o © —18....::.... ..::.......: ... .::....... 599'.8w, VC C90 R .... ..... ....... ....... :.... ..: :.. ... ... .. :.. ....: 1005 .............................................................................................................................................................. .........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:... ..............................�...............4...I.........:.......... % .� �. ........, w .. ...: ................. ............................ ... .....................:............... .:. :. / ..... :...... .... ........... .. ............... . WATER MAIN:.....:":........:.......:.....-:.......:':'.........:'.........:.........:".........:'........ ..... ....................................................................... ... ..... .... .......:V1......�. ...N .I ...............:..... ...... .......:.. ......:.........:... ..:. .. ... .. .:. .. ..... .. .. ...,. WITH 7.5 MIN. COVE1�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......:::.:•:....: ...... .... ...... ....... :.......:::.......: ..... ...... ... .................................................................... ....... .� . . ...%. ...:a. .:. ....... :ti.�: .. .. .. ... .. ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ........................................ ..................:.........:.........:....... . �. ... .... :. .. ...... . ....... _. . .. ..0. :. ... ..... .. 1000 ................................................................................ .........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........: �:. ........� ..7 .. .....I ......... .....:......... .....W...:.. W...... .. ...... ...... . .. .. ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... : : : ....... .... ....... ....... : . ...... 1000 ..................................................................................................................................................... . ..................... .................................:........ 4.............................. .R. ......... \n9 MH -4 .... p �. ......:.................. ,� .. : ........N......:.......... :.... ....:. .. . '..... .......................:...................:........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...: .............. ...... ...... ... .... ... ..... :.. .... .... .. .. :.........:.........:.........:..................................... ...............:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.......:::STA:12+15.:...... ......:.........:.........:.........:..................:.........:.........:(SEE �:... ......VC.. .. ......... -. ��. .. .....� �. .,n...:..... ..:........ .: ...... .....1:.: :. .. .. . W :::....... ....... .:......., N a ... ... .... ... ....... .... ....... .. ..... .. ....... ..... ..... ... ...... ... ... ....... .........:.............................................................................:..�5.. ....:6).......:.. .. .. �... ... .. - - 995 ...................................................:.........:.........:.........:........ ..... :. :. .:. :. :. ........................................................................................... :. :. .:. .. :: .. 14. ¢:9' .: ...:.:: 3 ��.. - _ ...... .......... ..... .. .. 0::: ...... ....I..:iti:... :. tn:.. .. ....... ....... .. ....I.. ....... ...... ....... ....... :. :. :. :. ... ....... .. ...... ....... 995 :.................. :. .. . .. ........... .............. :. :. :. .........:........:: ..... .. ... ....... .. ....... ....... ... .... .... .............. .............. ....... ....... ..... ...:.........:..................:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:................. .........:......:..:.:..:... ..........................:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.... ..:......:.......:..... 8 .� .. ... .�.". : 149 ^8 PVC:DR o.: 35 b. 6b .... ..... ...... ....... ..... ... .. ... ...... �s�t rte% ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ....... .. .. .... ..... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........................: ..................:.........:...................:.. ....:...... 8 .PVC...... 3DR:35.®. 144'-8" .:. .... .... ....... . PVC . SQ ..35 - :..... S. ....... STA:17+76 . ..................... ................................................................. ...........MH.1 ... ....... :_. .. .:. :. :. RE=1010;38:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::......::::::::.. .:::::::::::: ....... ...... 990 ......:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........RE=1005.69.-.......:. .......:.......... ....... ....... ....... ....... :. :. _ ..... ....... ....... IE - 9..4.50 ....... ....... ....... :. :: :: 990 ...................................................................................................................... .............................. .. .............................................................IE.. .............. :.........:.........:.........:.........: =393.79: .... ... ....... ....... : .. ...... .............. .............. .... .... .......... ............ ............ .............. ............ ......................................:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:. ......:IE=993;89.:.........:STAA ............ ..... 4+82:.........:.........:STA.16+26:::::::::::::::::::::::::.. .. ...... ....... ... ....... :.........:.........:.......... :::::: :.........:RE _ -1004.68. ..... :RE=1007.50:. ... ....... :.........:.........:........:::.. .: ....... .... .. ....... ....... .. .......... ' ....:.........:..W......:.........: ..................:_ .......:tE=992.78. ........ ::.......::IE=893.61:::.........:........ .... ....... ...._ ::::::: ..... ....... ....... :.........:.........:....................................:..M.�. ............................... ...:.........:.........:........... ....... IE=992.78.:.........:........::IE-9.....:::.......:::....... ....... ....... .... ....... 985 .........:.........:.........:.........:.........:...................:.........:.. _.w....:.........:.........:.........:.........:IE=ss2.sa :..... :........ :. :. .... ....... ....... ...... ............ .. ....... ....... ............ ............ 985 ............................................................. ... ... .. ... .... ..�_, .. .W.. .. .... .... ...... ..a.W.. .. .. .. ...... ...... ...... ....... .. .. .. .:.. .. .. .. ... .. .. . ...... ...... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ...... .. . .. '''' - ..M ... ..... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ... ....... ..... ...... ....... .. .... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..n.U.. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ..... ... ....... ...... ... ... .. ....:... : .,. .: ..to.W ...... .. ... .. ... ....... ..... ...... ...... ...... .... ..... .... ..... ... . .....:. :.........:.. :. : : .. . . :. ..........+ v;...:.... ... ....... ...... ... ....... ... ...... ..... .... ...... .... ..... .. . ....... . ..... .. .. .980 980 12 13 14 18 I V 17 E-14 20021044UTF02.DWG I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my Revidons W direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL �d�e& M Westwood Professional Services, Inc. er rhe wa of the State of Minnesota -; >� 7599 Anagram Drive im Eden Prairie, MN 55344 A ona �� Phone! 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 J>� O/05 43922 Reaord��/tiatc/datc �� Tdcense Na Prepared for. Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Lake Harrison Chanhassen, Minnesota Date: 06/20/05 sheer 7 OF 17 Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Construction Plans Lake Harrison Circle I -- C:4 U g CU O V In O O N 0 Cu a) 3 (`7 0 L� F— V' 0 R1 0 0 (U a) i .117 7 0 N 0 0 N ®200 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. � I / Call 48 Hours before digging: REMOVE PLUG & CONNECT , / c GOPHER STATE ONE CALL TO EX. X" DIP WATER MAIN 8"-450 BEND Twin City Area 651-454-0002 \ \ \ _ 8"-450 BEND Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 / / 234'-8" PVC C900 DR -18 \ /vv i' WATER MAIN WITH 7.5' MIN. COVER z / /X, \ OUTLOT A r ..: _ �NOTE: / a° S GENERAL NOTES: \ 10 (T•(P.) COMPACTION EFFORTS INSIDE YARD / DENOTES SANITARY AREAS SHALL MEET SPECS CALLED XXX.X INVERT ®END OF STUB. R SERVICE \ FOR UNDER STREETS. (TYP.) / DOTESANITARY 8"-22 1/2° BEND �/ '� �\ / / WYE=X+XX WYE LOCATEDON MAINLINE FR FROM g \�si�\ 4/ / DOWN STREAM M.H. / /^� \ �� EX. MH a \ :o y ,/ �� O °e / / FLAG HYDRANTS PER CITY MH -1 DETAIL 1004 20"-22 1/20 BEND\ I q �. 20"-22 1/2° BEND EXTEND RODS ON DEEP VALVES. 20"-22 1/20 BEND I \ Q tta+ \` \ ALL DROP MANHOLES TO BE / //��� �Sq� `� 20"-22 1/2° BEND 20 —22 1 2 BEND II \ O/ ` o \ Q CONSTRUCTED USING OUTSIDE DROPS. 10 \\ �� //� �` EX. MH ,� o �\\ \\ >`" i ALL UTILITY WORK SHALL BE IN 10' SEPARATION / \ \ I 1 �/ / / ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S 2005 / � // \\ \ I \ J = STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND BETWEEN SANITARY / i k / / DETAIL PLATES. AND WATER MAIN SERVICES T \ \ \ \ \ I 1 m (TYP.) / / BE EXTENDED \ \ \ / /ALL 10' PAST R.O.W. \ \\ \ \ I \\ ` SHALL ABE 6" PVCRSDRS26ND WYES (te.) >\\ OUTLOT B 7.5 RISER / / \ \ ;;. c ALL WATERMAIN SHALL HAVE 7.5 / \ (ED . \ \ J / / MINIMUM COVER / 6" PVC SANITARY / �\ n \ 978.3 / n \ \ / / \ \ \7 // /M SERVICE (TYP.) // // ��\� // // \\ 20"-11 1/4° BEND `,� 1 COPPER SERVICE / \ \ WYE=0+56 / / \ \ / W/CURB STOP 20" PVC PLUG \\ "•. � 990.7 20"-45° BEND \� / \\ \\ 20"-11 1/40 BEND / MH -2 WYE=2+67 / / / \. \. �/ E-14 20021044UTF03.DWG Date: 06/20/05 Sheet OF 17 Lake Sanitary Sewer I hereby cvtlfy flat tLis plan ., a prepared se me or under my Prepared for: dlreet ou - flat I am a duly Ifomeed PROFESSIONAL ��� TAl. P � a . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. �, under ��,of �e Sete of Minnesota Qtedced DR, Pemtom Land Company Harrison and Water Main 7599 Anagram Drive Drawn IMS r�� Eden Prairie, MN 55344 J A P.H 7597 Anagram Drive Construction Plans Phone: 952-937-5750 Fax: 952-937-5822 Raad L20/05 Ltemm Na Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota take Harrison Road o2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. / , ' / / / _ �s 11 f— (a U (L O) M V 7 N 0 0 (U 0 (U m 3 N 0 I D It It o_ (U 0 0 N a) 3 7 7 0 (U 0 0 (U H o2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 10 SEE-- < / I ET 8 I 1 -----------------1 ------------------� S --II I J HOUSE F — L EXISTING I I I I 10 I I I 10' SEPARATION BETWEEN SANITARY I ; AND W.M. (TYP.) L---- --------- I I 11 I I 1041.0 I I I WYE=2+35 I I 6" PVC SANITARY SERVICE (TYP.) I 1" COPPER SERVICE w/CURB STOP (TYP.) I ---- MH -20 ----------I I I 12 ' I I I I I I HYD. w/AUX. VALVE 7'-6" DIP 8"x 6" TEE I GRND. EL.=1062.0 I 12" DIP PLUG —T — j MH -19 8"-11 1/40 BEND 8"-450 BEND H HOd HOd HOd HOd Hod Hod Nod — 12"-11 1/40 BEND — — Q I N a I 8" G.V. r—r I EXISTINGI- r _ ILI t n I 114nilCC I 1 LT—� 1 Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 GENERAL NOTES: DENOTES SANITARY SEWER SERVICE XXX.X INVERT ® END OF STUB. DENOTES SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYE=X+XX WYE LOCATED ON MAINLINE FROM DOWN STREAM M.H. FLAG HYDRANTS PER CITY DETAIL 1004 EXTEND RODS ON DEEP VALVES. ALL DROP MANHOLES TO BE CONSTRUCTED USING OUTSIDE DROPS. ALL UTILITY WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S 2005 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL PLATES. HOd — — ALL SANITARY SERVICES AND WYES SHALL BE 6" PVC SDR 26 Hod ALL WATERMAIN SHALL HAVE 7.5' MINIMUM COVER Lake Sanitary Sewer I hereby t1ut..thL plan was prepared by me or under my . direct on and t I am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL Rev ed� � fAL Prepared for. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. u -n the >� of the State of Minnesota 7599 Anagram Drive � ) ' ChWIM& DKJ Pemtom Land Company Harrison and Water Main Eden Prairie, MN 55344 1 A. pg °rte 1Ms 7597 Anagram Drive Construction Plans Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 /� Brous Na 43922 Record hyLdom Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota Private Drive 4 A U E 0 - UN UN M n Ln 0 0 N 0 N 11 0 UU F 0 - cu N 0 N �O o2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 12 �— --F 1— 10 I 9 I II I I i I , I I I I I I I 5' CONCRETV SIDEWALK (TYP.) 1' INSIDE PROP NTY LINE (TYP.) , I II I I II i I i I CBMH-12 I I jI L 2 R (n 15 -- _—_-- I I CBMH-13 i7CASTnING --- - CBMH-14 I—_----------ADJUStYP.) I I I 1 I I I 13 I I DRAINAGE & UTILITY / 1 1 EASEMENT (TYP.) I I / II II ---� ED I I I EXISTING HOUSE 12 ; ; 11 1 ; 10 —15 II I II I II I I � I I I � I I I I I _I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 I � � I / � 4 I I I 1 I 4" PERFORATED UNDER DRAT /.('TYP.) / SEE DETAIL I / �J -- //,/' (TYP.) 1 CB -18 SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) / / >x STMH-16 CB -17 —60' ROW (TYP.) Lake Harrison Circle \\ \ 8 Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 GENERAL NOTES: 14 _ 113 G. 15 -- _—_-- I I CBMH-13 i7CASTnING --- - CBMH-14 I—_----------ADJUStYP.) I I I 1 I I I 13 I I DRAINAGE & UTILITY / 1 1 EASEMENT (TYP.) I I / II II ---� ED I I I EXISTING HOUSE 12 ; ; 11 1 ; 10 —15 II I II I II I I � I I I � I I I I I _I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 I � � I / � 4 I I I 1 I 4" PERFORATED UNDER DRAT /.('TYP.) / SEE DETAIL I / �J -- //,/' (TYP.) 1 CB -18 SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) / / >x STMH-16 CB -17 —60' ROW (TYP.) Lake Harrison Circle \\ \ 8 Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 GENERAL NOTES: • RADIUS TO BE 8618 C. & G. WITH 10' TRANSITION FROM Q I 2 + DENOTES GUTTERLINE ELEVATION AT INTERSECTIONS O I 5 IN ROADWAY • MIN. 9" CLASS 5 UNDER C & G • HOLES TO BE PRE—CUT IN ALL I I HAVE DRAINTILE INLETS. OZ I I N I STREETILIGHT (TYP.) I WL--- wl Q ----- —J N _ ----------- W Y 1 , i i Q J i CBMH-21 I ADJUST G.V.I (TYP.) I I CONSTRUCT PED. RAMP 1 __j 15 -- _—_-- I I CBMH-13 i7CASTnING --- - CBMH-14 I—_----------ADJUStYP.) I I I 1 I I I 13 I I DRAINAGE & UTILITY / 1 1 EASEMENT (TYP.) I I / II II ---� ED I I I EXISTING HOUSE 12 ; ; 11 1 ; 10 —15 II I II I II I I � I I I � I I I I I _I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 I � � I / � 4 I I I 1 I 4" PERFORATED UNDER DRAT /.('TYP.) / SEE DETAIL I / �J -- //,/' (TYP.) 1 CB -18 SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) / / >x STMH-16 CB -17 —60' ROW (TYP.) Lake Harrison Circle \\ \ 8 Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 GENERAL NOTES: • RADIUS TO BE 8618 C. & G. WITH 10' TRANSITION FROM SURMOUNTABLE CURB + DENOTES GUTTERLINE ELEVATION AT INTERSECTIONS • ALL RCP SHALL BE CLASS 5 IN ROADWAY • MIN. 9" CLASS 5 UNDER C & G • HOLES TO BE PRE—CUT IN ALL STORM STRUCTURES THAT HAVE DRAINTILE INLETS. • CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER CURB IS COMPLETE. THEY SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE HAS BEEN STABILIZED AND THEN SHALL BE REMOVED. PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO. 5302 • ALL SIGNAGE TO BE INSTALLED BY CITY. • 55.90 = 1055.90 • ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITH IN 48 HOURS TO MINIMIZE EROSION • ALL UTILITY WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S 2005 STANDARD SPECIFICATION AND DETAIL PLATES 0' 50' 100' 150' CASTING NOTE: ALL CATCH BASIN CASTINGS IN CURB SHALL BE SUMPED 0.15 FEET AND MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN PROFILES REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS. I Lereeby arl* flat 116 pLn wee preM by me of ands my RevidOK . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. d' ' of t e Sts e o °N"` t� 7599 Anagram Drive - checked. �KJ Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Dravm Im Phone: 952.937-5150 Fax: 952-937.5822 �� A /y0/05 P$ timUca,� NQ 43922 Reend nra..�ns eyia.rs Date: 06/20/05 Sheet 13 of 17 Lake Prepared for.Storm Sewer Pemtom Land Company Harrison and Street 7597 Anagram Drive Construction Plans Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota Lake Harrison Circle U U E 0- 'q- U-) VN Cl) it) O O N 0 N ID O) 3 a ri 0 F N C) O .-a N 0 O N 0) 3 V O_ N 0 0 N 11 / Call 48 Hours before digging: 005 Westwo ofea�sional Services, Inc. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL \\ OUTLOT A STM" , , I - CBMH-10;, /�/�u LA. T^1 ycArea 60�„ 454n 0002 Twin Cit Date: 06/20/05 sheet 14 oB 17 Lake Storm Sewer t ems, ua that ed. t I a Puly�d b7 me or varier me and Street . dialct I t dale >� PROFESSIONAL °° JAL ��� for.Pemtom Land Company Harrison Westwood Professional Services, Inc. � ,order � �e ssn � Mlaada.. c�a. � � y 7599 Anagram Drive` Eden Prairie, MN 55344 7 A Larson, g - DMWTC As 7597 Anagram Drive Construction Plans Phone: 952.937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 05 Liceeee Na 439M Record Dmb by/date Eden prairie, Minnesota 55344 Chanhassen, Minnesota Lake Harrison Road '7 02005 Westwood Professional Services, Ink! /I �///I I i 1 CBMH-37/ - 12 L\I 1 f � I I I 10 I l I f % I e � CIH -38 CB -42 SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE o I I 1 1 1 CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) N 28'R (TYP.) 1 I STMH-39 — — — — CBMH-40 I I I • ------` - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------------- • — J N + + • • - ' d NOd --- ___.-. -_. HOd Hod frod — F_ _F __F JJI J HOUSE F — r L EXISTING I I � I I L__J J R (TYP.) d CONSTRUCT PED. RAMP (TYP.) [03:II'il r- —r _� I EXISTING I HOUSE 11 I r --r L_J ADJUST MH CASTING (TYP.) 4" PERFORATED UNDER DRAIN (TYP.) EXISTING HOUSE r- Lr�-� F_ _j I I EXISTING HOUSE I L- _ -F- — — — J — HOd I EXISTING I HOUSE F_ I EXISTING HOUSE I L 40d lJ EXISTING HOUSE Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 GENERAL NOTES: • RADIUS TO BE 8618 C. & G. WITH 10' TRANSITION FROM SURMOUNTABLE CURB * DENOTES GUTTERLINE ELEVATION AT INTERSECTIONS ALL RCP SHALL BE CLASS 5 IN ROADWAY • MIN. 9" CLASS 5 UNDER C & G • HOLES TO BE PRE—CUT IN ALL STORM STRUCTURES THAT HAVE DRAINTILE INLETS. • CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER CURB IS COMPLETE. THEY SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE HAS BEEN STABILIZED AND THEN SHALL BE REMOVED, PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO. 5302 • ALL SIGNAGE TO BE INSTALLED BY CITY. • 55.90 = 1055.90 • ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITH IN 48 HOURS TO MINIMIZE EROSION • ALL UTILITY WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S 2005 STANDARD SPECIFICATION AND DETAIL PLATES CASTING NOTE: ALL CATCH BASIN CASTINGS IN CURB SHALL BE SUMPED 0.15 FEET AND MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05 FEET. RIM U x 0 - Lr) M v In O 0 (U 0 (U ,O o2005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Ms �— �L \ 4 300, \ "\ a 12' � � o a MILL & OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT 12"x 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone., 952-937-5150 Fax: 952.937-5822 EXISTING BIT EDGE VARIES (14.17\AT FULL LANE WIDTH) VARIES (12' AT FULL LANE WIDTH) 2.0% SLOPE BITUMINOUS TRAIL 2.0% SLOPE 17, 8618 CURB AND GUTTER 1-1/2" — MnDOT 2350 LVWE35030B WEAR COURSE MnDOT SPEC. 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3-1/2" — MnDOT 2350 LVNW35030B BASE COURSE 6" — CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, 100% CRUSHED STONE COMPACTED SUBGRADE vv o 2' TRANSITION GRADED 27, TOWARDS WETLAND .3� �C�AF RIGHT TURN LANE STREET SECTION I hereby certify that this pin war prepced by me m ander my dtmt wpspl�ia`A flat I = a duly licensed PROPMONAL HN¢NIIF!<f ands she hewn of the StRte of Mlanesotc ilceoee Na 43922 Dafts d: JAL Otedkedh M Draws IAL Remrd Dqtwft by/dow i Prepared for. Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER S1)kTE \ONE' CALL Twin City Art Mn. Toll Free I EXIS PROPERTY s (TYP) EXISTING BIT 8-� AIL (TYP) 9 4 X\ GENERAL NOTES ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED/MULCHED WITH MNDOT 50B MIX ALL STRIPING/SIGNAGE TO BE COMPLETED BY COUNTY Lake Harrison 14 iiT,T'*'T1 E-14 20021044STF01.DWG Date: 06/20/05 Sheet 17 OF 17 Right Turn Lane Improvement Plan ® 2004 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. H In U Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL tn un m Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 (U N Q 0 v 0 ❑T 0 (U CD In ' In0 TRAFFIC CON7ROL BOX ® S7EEL/WOOD POST HH HAND HOLE v SIGN— 7RAFFIC/OTHER # m 3 GATE VALVE ® MAIL BOX o - w X - w ❑s v Mw ID ®w 0 ® CABLE N BOX Qw v 0 —CTV— 0 '3 E (U � GAS UNE m 9 3 ,o' a � POWER UNDERGROUND O ELECTRIC BOX —SAN— SANITARY SEWER 0 —ST0— STORM SEWER ELECTRIC MANHOLE —TOH— TELEPHONE OVERHEAD ® ELECTRIC TOWER —TuG— PROPOSED LEGAL PARCEL 1: That part of the South 835.33 feet of the East One–half of the Southwest Quarter, Section 3, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, measured at right angles to and parallel with the south line of said East One–half of the Southwest Quarter lying westerly of the center line of Carver County, Road No. 117. Torrens Certificate Number: 30251 PARCEL 2: That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 116, / Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota described as follows: ' X / Commencing at the southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter - thence running East on the section line 1335.00 feet to a point marked by a gas pipe, thence North 1320.00 feet to a point ___J� marked by an iron pipe; thence West 1335.00 feet to a point in t; I F the section line marked by a gas pipe, thence South 1325.00 n i T I 9 F� feet to the place of beginning. E:I�C)r-A InIr_-A/ S l % L, L, V LJL, V PARCEL 3. .� V Ll ,_^,LI,_11I / /^VI That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter L LINE OF THE OFT of Section 3, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, .4- '�� `� 7 \�\ E NW. 1/4 OF TH� PARCEL 3 described as follows; Beginning at the southwest corner of \\S . 4 OF SEC. 3 SE. COR OF THE NW.— G said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence \ 1/4 OF THE SW. 1/4/� _ �✓ �� 7° '30`E 6 ,¢¢ OF SEC. 3 r �• �tg3E northerly along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the _ c 4 4 – , �1 it �- Southwest Quarter a distance of 2.10 feet; thence easterly to a �_lEs 0 – – point in the east line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 7.15 northerly of the southeast N . THE SW.— 7 O\ \� OF s£c. THE sw. 1/q,. corner thereof thence southerly along said east line 7.15 feet l \ \\ a to said southeast comer, • thence westerly along the south line { 1 \ of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning. PARCEL 4: Lot 1, Block 1, BRENDEN POND 2ND ADDITION, according to the recordedplot thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. L A L, G o 7 g L nd g ❑ pgS (� wea m,o¢rrs u .p rna Y ym h`. yy� y`,ry 11 i awce erz p It V. C0. Gtl h 4, � s cm �au.u4'e@ y y ? o w rt �Tljr? mw Y i!x G H rrls EJ3 Luka Luc � � vv 3 � • Luke Ann y Y i,ou� 63 V g A rcmc wr ii v�mav�m m tl n °ti 4 $ i CHAN ASSEN K 'kp 9 2000 POP. 20,321 in. srmvu IBJ O� 16 01. Cf.0 S V. �t�ll 6 — .gx x •n. CITY OF C IVED ANHASSEN MAR 2 2 2005 CHAWMEN PLANNING DEPT NOTA The lot dimensions and areas on this plan are approximate. Refer to the Final Plat and supporting data for exact lot dimensions and areas. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 120' 240' 360' C-13 20021044EXFOI.DWG Date 3/18/05 sheet 1 of 15 Lake Harrison Existing Conditions Plat Chanhassen, Minnesota 0 Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 LEGEND Q BUSH/SHRUB STORM MANHOLE CONIFEROUS TREE ❑T TELEPHONE BOX DECIDUOUS TREE CD 7ELEPHONE MANHOLE ' WETLAND TRAFFIC CON7ROL BOX ® S7EEL/WOOD POST HH HAND HOLE v SIGN— 7RAFFIC/OTHER # TRAFFIC LIGHT SIGN— 7RAFFTC/OTHER GATE VALVE ® MAIL BOX HYDRANT HANDICAPPED STALLvii WA7ER METER C PERC TEST ❑s CURB STOP BOX Mw MONITORING WELL ®w WATER MANHOLE ® CABLE N BOX Qw WELL GAS METER —CTV— CABLE N '3 E STREET LITE —GAS— GAS UNE GUY WIRE —POH— POWER OVERHEAD ,o' POWER POLE —PUG— POWER UNDERGROUND O ELECTRIC BOX —SAN— SANITARY SEWER ELECTRIC METER —ST0— STORM SEWER ELECTRIC MANHOLE —TOH— TELEPHONE OVERHEAD ® ELECTRIC TOWER —TuG— 7ELEPHONE UNDERGROUND Os SANITARY MANHOLE —war— WA7ERMAIN co SEWER CLEANOUT —x— FENCE LINE ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN —U `v— DECIDUOUS TREE LINE ® CATCH BASIN CONIFEROUS TREE LINE ® FLARED END SECTION CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE SURFACE WINDMILL GRAVEL SURFACE a B177JMINOUS SURFACE G o 7 g L nd g ❑ pgS (� wea m,o¢rrs u .p rna Y ym h`. yy� y`,ry 11 i awce erz p It V. C0. Gtl h 4, � s cm �au.u4'e@ y y ? o w rt �Tljr? mw Y i!x G H rrls EJ3 Luka Luc � � vv 3 � • Luke Ann y Y i,ou� 63 V g A rcmc wr ii v�mav�m m tl n °ti 4 $ i CHAN ASSEN K 'kp 9 2000 POP. 20,321 in. srmvu IBJ O� 16 01. Cf.0 S V. �t�ll 6 — .gx x •n. CITY OF C IVED ANHASSEN MAR 2 2 2005 CHAWMEN PLANNING DEPT NOTA The lot dimensions and areas on this plan are approximate. Refer to the Final Plat and supporting data for exact lot dimensions and areas. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 120' 240' 360' C-13 20021044EXFOI.DWG Date 3/18/05 sheet 1 of 15 Lake Harrison Existing Conditions Plat Chanhassen, Minnesota 0