CAS-14_LAKE HARRISON (3)Name and Address of Local Government Unit: City of Chanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name of Applicant: Pemtom Land Companv Project Name: Lake Harrison, 05-14 Application Number: 050514 Type of Application (check one): ❑ Exemption Decision ❑ No Loss Decision ® Replacement Plan Decision ❑ Banking Plan Decision ❑ Wetland Type/Boundary Decision Date of Decision: July 29, 2005 Check One: ® Approved ❑ Approved with conditions (see note on page 2 regarding use of wetland banking credits) ❑ Denied Summary of Project/Decision (indicate exemption number per MN Rule 8420.0122, if apphcable):Proiect proposes the filling of 43,548 square feet of wetland for the purpose of constructing 39 single family residential homes Project proses to construct 64,950 square feet of NWC and 23,388 square feet of PVC. See attached Findings and Conclusions for details of decision. List of Addressees: Landowner: Mr. Dan Herbst, The Perntom Land Company Members of Technical Evaluation Panel: Greg Graczyk, Carver Soil and Water Conservation District Brad Wozney, Board of Water and Soil Resources Watershed District or Watershed Management Organization (if Applicable): Bob Obermeyer, Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District -Page I of 2 Lake Harrison Notice of Decision 7/29/2005 Department of Natural Resources Regional Office (select appropriate office): DNR TEP Representative (if different than above) Julie Ekman, DNR Hydrologist NW Region: NE Region: Central Region: Southern Region: Regional Director Reg. Env. Assess. Ecol. Reg. Env. Assess. Ecol. Reg. Env. Assess. Ecol. 2115 Birchmont Beach Rd. NE Div. Ecol. Services Div. Ecol. Services Div. Ecol. Services Bemidji, MN 56601 1201 E. Hwy. 2 1200 Warner Road 261 Hwy. 15 South Grand Corp of Engineers Project Manager Joe Yanta, Army Corps of Engineers- St. Paul District Individual members of the public who requested a copy, summary only Allison Fraser, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. You are hereby notified that the decision of the Local Government Unit on the above - referenced application was made on the date stated above. A copy of the Local Government Unit's Findings and Conclusions is attached. Pursuant to Minn. R. 8420.0250 any appeal of the decision must be commenced by mailing a petition for appeal to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the mailing of this Notice. NOTE: Approval of Wetland Replacement Plan Applications involving the use of wetland banking credits is conditional upon withdrawal of the appropriate credits from the state wetland bank. No wetland impacts may commence until the applicant receives a copy of the fully signed and executed "Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits," signed by the BWSR wetland bank administrator certifying that the wetland bank credits have been debited. THIS DECISION ONLY APPLIES TO the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Additional approvals or permits from local, state, and federal agencies may be required. Check with all appropriate authorities before commencing work in or near wetlands. LO V7NT UNIT 7/29/2005 Sig at re Date Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator Name and Title - Page 2 of 2 Lake Harrison Notice of Decision 7/29/2005 Rapids, MN 55744 St. Paul, MN 55106 New Ulm, MN 56073 Corp of Engineers Project Manager Joe Yanta, Army Corps of Engineers- St. Paul District Individual members of the public who requested a copy, summary only Allison Fraser, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. You are hereby notified that the decision of the Local Government Unit on the above - referenced application was made on the date stated above. A copy of the Local Government Unit's Findings and Conclusions is attached. Pursuant to Minn. R. 8420.0250 any appeal of the decision must be commenced by mailing a petition for appeal to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the mailing of this Notice. NOTE: Approval of Wetland Replacement Plan Applications involving the use of wetland banking credits is conditional upon withdrawal of the appropriate credits from the state wetland bank. No wetland impacts may commence until the applicant receives a copy of the fully signed and executed "Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits," signed by the BWSR wetland bank administrator certifying that the wetland bank credits have been debited. THIS DECISION ONLY APPLIES TO the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Additional approvals or permits from local, state, and federal agencies may be required. Check with all appropriate authorities before commencing work in or near wetlands. LO V7NT UNIT 7/29/2005 Sig at re Date Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator Name and Title - Page 2 of 2 Lake Harrison Notice of Decision 7/29/2005 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard • P.O. Box 147 • Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name of Applicant: Mr. Dan Herbst, The Pemtom Land Company Project Location: S'/2, SW 1/4 Sec. 3, TI 16N, R23W in Chanhassen. MN Type of Application (check one): ❑ Delineation Decision ❑ Exemption Decision ❑ No Loss Decision Replacement Plan Decision ❑ Banking Plan Decision Date of Decision: July 29, 2005 Findings and Conclusions On July 12, 2005 the Chanhassen City Council approved the Wetland Alteration Permit to fill and alter wetlands on site, subject to the following conditions: The wetland alteration permit is contingent on final plat approval for Lake Harrison. Has been met. 2. A wetland delineation report illustrating wetland type, boundary and vegetation shall be submitted prior to final plat approval. Has been met. 3. The applicant shall submit a Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) application illustrating two alternatives that demonstrate proposed plans were sequenced in the following order of decreasing preference: 1) Avoidance of wetland impact, 2) Minimization of wetland impacts, 3) Rectification of wetland impacts and 4) Mitigation of wetland impacts. The applicant shall not impact basins A, G and F until it is demonstrated that these impacts have met the above sequencing requirements. Has been met. Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). The plans shall show fixed photo monitoring points for the replacement wetlands. A five-year wetland replacement monitoring plan shall be submitted yearly beginning one growing season after the wetland is created. The applicant shall provide proof of recording a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. The applicant shall secure City approval of a wetland replacement plan prior to any wetland impacts occurring. Proposed with project. 4. All impacts, including the filling of wetlands and conversion of wetlands into storm water pond, shall be mitigated with the proposed project. The applicant shall demonstrate and document how replacement will be satisfied to ensure the 2:1 replacement ratio for all impacted wetlands. Proposed with project. 5. A wetland buffer with a minimum width of 20 feet shall be maintained around Wetlands A, B, C, E, F, G and H. A wetland buffer with a minimum width of 16.5 feet shall be maintained around Wetland D and any wetland mitigation areas. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign. Proposed with project. 6. Building setbacks of 40 feet from the wetland buffer strips shall be maintained for all proposed building pads. Lot 3, Block 3 and Lot 11, Block 3 shall be revised to meet building setback requirements. Proposed with project. 7. Lots 11-15 Block 3 and Lot 10 Block 2 shall be revised to incorporate all of wetland B into Outlot C. Has been met. 8. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used as PVC and storm water ponds. Has been met. 9. Erosion and sediment controls shall be installed for the planned sanitary sewer crossing for Wetland A area. Silt fence, mulch and wetland seed shall be used for restoration. All 3:1 slopes shall be covered with category 3 erosion blanket. Proposed with project. 10. Chanhassen type 2 heavy duty silt fence with straw/hay bale re -enforcement shall be provided for all silt fences adjacent to wetland and creek areas. Chanhassen type 1 silt fence shall be installed at the OHW elevation of storm water basins following permanent outlet installation. Proposed with project. 11. Silt fence shall be installed between wetland impact areas and the remaining wetland. Proposed with project. 12. Construction phasing of the road shall be provided for the wetland/creek crossing. Due to potential concentrated flows, a creek crossing plan shall be developed and outlined in the SWPPP. A detail shall also be provided. Stabilization of the crossing area shall be provided within 24 hours following temporary or final grade. The silt fence shall be wrapped up and around the culvert leaving the wetted perimeter free of silt fence. Soil shall be prevented from entering the waters of the state. Proposed with project. 13. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPDES Phase II Construction Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering)) and comply with their conditions of approval. Must be obtained prior to grading. CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: Title: Iter Resources Coordinator Date: July 29, 2005 Message Haak, Lori From: Hentges, Chip - Waconia, MN [chip.hentges@mn.nacdnet.net] Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:15 AM To: Haak, Lori Subject: Comments for Lake Harrison Page 1 of 1 Lori, Staff from the Carver Soil and Water Conservation District have the following comments regarding the Sequencing and Wetland impacts being proposed to this development. Following are our comments: - Wetland A impacts: ? on sequencing - could the road alignment be moved to the north to avoid part of Wetland A - Wetland D - in reviewing the contours of the property and the fill being proposed for the road - avoidance is impractical and a better function and value would be to mitigate on site. - Wetland H - same comments as of Wetland D - these small wetlands in the past have been problems on other developments where after a few years with creative landscaping the wetland will disappear. - Wetland J has been discussed with the city and avoidance of the site will not just impact 1 - 2 lots, but several. To maintain the hydrology to the wetland the developer will need to remove the road with the cul-de-sac. This will eliminate that portion of the property from being developed as the road will need to meet Chanhassen Cities requirements for roads. If the wetland would stay - impact from the lots to the North West will have significant changes and as mentioned previously in a few years with creative landscaping the site will disappear. Any questions you have - please contact me. Chip Hentges Conservation Technician, Carver SWCD g,ad VO KcSfofe C S1'X-4 4-0v c e" -fro e ?0-(k ctiy � 1 0)� —112 � lieu 0� G �V fiy,1/0� . ,�J_ 4V sl �h�/y 6Y 1 Ua It- 4/ de� Jed WL ,= Z57o tiwC- (_a.a(ed �,vi��C-��II �S✓�!S :t� 2�/�ac�i+.t.P�-hjaS�/IS At I LOOX5�'u ;O mak' �tl� ,, b 6/30/2005 Seez;nf l' obaJe b bejrw NN(, 'h n,ik;gkkioll "5 s SQtu4j wlNtrt k% Rte . Name and Address of Local Government Unit: City of Chanhassen - P.O. Box 147 - Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name of Applicant: Mr. Dan Herbst, The Pemtom Land Company Application Number: 050514 Type of Application (check one): Date of Application: June 20, 2005 ❑ Exemption Decision ❑ No Loss Decision ❑ Wetland Boundary and Type Determination ® Replacement Plan Decision ❑ Banking Plan Decision Location of Project: S SW 3 116N 23W V2 r/4 Sec. Twp. Range Summary of Project: The project proposes a single family residential development of 37 homes on approximately 62 acres. The applicant is proposing partial or complete filling of 8 wetland basins for a total of 40,793 square feet (0.94 acres) and excavation of a portion of 1 basin for a total of 2,755 square feet (0.06 acres). The total wetland impact proposed is 43,548 square feet (1.00 acres). The applicant is proposing to replace wetland impacts onsite with 64,950 square feet (1.49 acres) of New Wetland Credit in the form of wetland creation and 23,388 square feet (0.54 acres) of Public Value Credit in the form of storm water ponding. You are hereby notified that the above -referenced application was made to the Local Government Unit on the date stated above. A copy of the application is attached. Comments will be accepted on this application until July 5. 2005 A decision on this matter will be made on July 11, 2005 at Chanhassen City Hall at 7:00 p.m. Contact Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator at 952.227.1135 for details or changes to the decision-making schedule. • ;r! 6, II Date Water Resources Coordinator Title List of Addressees: Landowner Mr. Dan Herbst, The Pemtom Land Company Members of Technical Evaluation Panel Greg Graczyk, Carver Soil and Water Conservation District Brad Wozney, Board of Water and Soil Resources Watershed District or Watershed Management Organization (If Applicable) Bob Obermeyer, Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District Lake Harrison App Notice Page I of 2 9/16/04 Department of Natural Resources Regional Office (select a ro riate office) NW Region: NE Region: Central Region: Southern Region: Regional Director Reg. Env. Assess. Ecol. Reg. Env. Assess. Ecol. Reg. Env. Assess. Ecol. 2115 Birchmont Beach Rd. NE Div. Ecol. Services Div. Ecol. Services Div. Ecol. Services Bemidji, MN 56601 1201 E. Hwy. 2 1200 Warner Road 261 Hwy. 15 South Grand Rapids, MN 55744 St. Paul, MN 55106 New Ulm, MN 56073 DNR TEP Representative (if different than above) Jufie Ekman, DNR Area Hydrologist Corp of Engineers Project Manager Joe Yanta, Army Corps of Engineers — St. Paul District Individual members of the public who requested a copy (summary only) Allison Fraser, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Lake Harrison App Notice 9/16/04 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. MEMORANDUM DATE: June 20, 2005 TO: Ms. Lori Haak, City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mr. Joe Yanta, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch 190 Fifth Street East, St. Paul, MN 55101-1638 CC: Mr. Dan Herbst, The Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Phone: 9521937-5150 Fax: 9521937-5822 Ref: 20021044.00 Mr. Justin Larson, Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. 150 South Broadway, Wayzata, MN 55391 /� FROM: Allison Fraser, Environmental Scientist amo,&/1 J ui ori RE: Request for Wetland Permit Approvals, Lake Harrison Residential Development, City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota With this submission we are requesting approvals from the City of Chanhassen as the Local Governmental Unit (LGU) under the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for 43,548 square feet (1.0 acres) of WCA and Corps jurisdictional fill on the proposed Lake Harrison Residential Development. The Applicant is proposing to replace wetland impacts onsite with 64,950 square feet (1.49 acres) of New Wetland Credit in the form of wetland creation and 23,388 square feet (0.54 acres) of Public Value Credit in the form of stormwater ponding. The Notice of Wetland Application will be forthcoming from Ms. Lori Haak on behalf of the City of Chanhassen. If you have questions regarding the submittal, please call me at 952- 906-7426. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JUN z 0 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Westwood Professional Services, Inc. PLANNING ENGINEERING •SURVEYING TRANSMITTAL Date: To: June 14, 2005 Lori Haak City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd[][IPO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 From: Allison Fraser Regarding: Lake Harrison Wetland Delineation Proj. No.: 20021044.00 Items: No Description 1 Wetland Delineation Report Purpose: For your approval Remarks: Allison Fraser Environmental Scientist Delivery: Mail Copy to: Dan Herbst, The Pemtom Land Company; File �V 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 Fac 952-937-5822 ToR Tree: 1-888-937-5150 E-mail: wms@westwoodps.com TWIN CITIES/METRO ST. CLOUD BRAINERD Designing the Future Today -Since 1972 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 10, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services—Shawn Williams, City/rwsp. Chanhassen 50 Allison Fraser Kentucky blue s Poo pratensis Wetland Identification: Wetland K County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: Flag K 6 # of Flags: 6 VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT w.tcid. rxl uocid. rl NIA rl Common Name (Dominants >_ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea H 50 FACW+ Kentucky blue s Poo pratensis H 40 FAC - white clover Tri olium re ens H 20 FACU+ common plantain Plantago =yar H 20 FAC+ wool ass Scir us cyperinus H 20 OBL comttton dandelion Taraxacum o tcinale H IS FACU % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 25 Remarks: Overall Dominant Ve etation/Communi : Kentucky bluegrass, common dandelion/ upland mowed % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 60 Remarks: Overall Dominant Ve etation/Corrummi : reed canary grass, Kentucky bluegrass/ Type 2 — Wet Meadow SAMPLE POINT w.tcid. n u.cid. M MIA n Common Name (Dominants >_ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status Kentucky blue ass Poa pratensis H 50 FAC - common dandelion Taraxacum o tcinale H 30 FACU reed canary grasis Phalaris amndinacea H 20 FACW+ white clover Trifolium re ns H 20 FACU+ Drainage Patterns Remarks: Clay saturated 2 inches below surface % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 25 Remarks: Overall Dominant Ve etation/Communi : Kentucky bluegrass, common dandelion/ upland mowed grass SAMPLE POINT HYDROLOGY w.t cid. Q un cid. rl N/A rl Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) X Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 2 X Water -Stained Leaves No Water in borehole, Depth (in) >12 X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: Clay saturated 2 inches below surface SAMPLE POINT wet side n Upside fxl NIA fl Primary FWrologyIndicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >27 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) >27 X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland K Transect Sample Point: Flag K 6 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors= Matrix with a Value >_ 4 and a Chroma of < 2 in mottled soils or <- 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few (<2% of exposed surface), Common (2.20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,10. 1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon SL Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, Math 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = foamy & cfa soils) SAMPLE POINT wet side 0 upside ❑ N/A ❑ Maimed Soil TVDe Houghton and Muskego soils Depth (inches) Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Moist Mottle Matrix Mottle Munsell Color (Munsell Color Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-2 A 2.SY 311 None None Silt 2-12 B 2.5Y 4/1 10YR 4/6 Common/Distinct Silty Clay 0-2 A 2.5Y 3/1 None Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Meets hydric soil indicator F3. SAMPLE POINT wet side ❑ Unside D N/A ❑ Manned Soil Tvoe Houghton and Muskeao soils Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture orches Yes Munsell Moist Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast X 0-2 A 2.5Y 3/1 None None Silt Loam 2-27 B 2.5Y 4/1 10YR 4/6 Common/Distinct, Silt Loam Remarks: Distance from Weiland Edge 6 2.5Y 4/3 Common/Faint, 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic 10, 2/1 Common/Prominent Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: The B horizon indicates the area may have been filled, however, meets hydric soil indicator F3 Depleted Matrix. WETLAND DETERMINATION DHmr"lC rulmI Hers..e L rips... u n/M u Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Weiland Edge 6 ft. NIA 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation Wetiand Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applic SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Up side I] N/A ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 10 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of H droph'c Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 10, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services — Shawn Williams, City/Twsp. Chanhassen 40 Allison Fraser fox sedge Cares m1 inoidea Wetland Identification: Wetland J County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: Flag J 1 # of Flags: 7 white clover Trifolium re ens VEGETATION SAMPI F PnINT Wet side 11 llnside rl N/A Fl Common Name Dominants a 20percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status sweet -sent bedstraw Galium tri omm H 40 FACU+ fox sedge Cares m1 inoidea H 20 OBL reed canary grass Phalarts amridinaeea H 20 FACW+ white clover Trifolium re ens H 10 FACU sugar male Acersaccharum T 5 FACU common blue violet Viola papilionacea H 5 FAC % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 66 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: sweet -sent bedstraw, reed canary grass, fox sed e/ T e 3 —Shallow Marsh SAMPI F Pf)INT Wmside rl Ilnside 6d N/A rl Common Name.(Dorninants a 20 percent) Sciendric Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status common buckthorn Rhamnus calhamca S 40 FACU sweet -sent bedstraw Galium tri locum H 30 FACU+ common dandelion Taraxacum o wtnale H 20 FACU reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea H 20 FACW+ sugar maple Acersaccharum T 10 FACU common blue violet Viola papilionacea H 5 FAC % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 25 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: common buckthorn and woodland herbaceous/ upland woodland HYDROLOGY SAMPI F Pr11NT Wet side ri1 Upside rl N/A rl Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary HydrologyIndicators 2 r uired) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 11 Water -Stained Leaves No X Water in borehole, Depth (in) 14 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: 1 11 SAMPI F Pltl JT Wet side rl lln side rxl N/A Fl Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Weiland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >18 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) >18 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland J Transect Sample Point: Flag J 1 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value ? 4 and a Chrome of <_ 2 in mottled soils or 5 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few (<2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many 1'20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast Imatrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by Ito 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon S1. Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA March 1999. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy 8 clayey soils) RAMP] F PnINT Wet side rxl Ue side F1 N/A fl Mannpd Snil Tyne Lester-Kilkennv Loams Depth Horizon Moist Soil Matrix inches Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Col Mottle Texture Abundance/Contrast 0-8 A 10YR 2/1 None None Silt Loam 8-18 B 10YR512 7.SYR416 Common/Distinct Silt Cla 10YR4/3 10YR518 Few/Faint Silty Clay Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Meets hydric soil indicator F3 Depleted Matrix SAMPLE POINT wet side ❑ Upside x❑ NIA ❑ MaDDed Soil Tvue Lester -Kilkenny Loams Depth Horizon inches Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Texture Abundance/Contrast 0-8 A 10YR 2/1 None None Silt Loam 8-18 B 10YR4/3 10YR518 Few/Faint Silty Clay Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? Hydric Soil? Yes X No Undetermined Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Remarks: Matrix chroma too high in the B horizon X WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT wet side ® Upside ❑ WA ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 3 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficienty to render the presence of H dro he Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils notapplicable? SAMPLE POINT wet side ❑ Upside O NIA ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes` Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes` Hydric Soils Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Welland Edge 10 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficient to render the presence of H dro h 'c Vegetation, Welland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils notapplicable? WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 10, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services - Allison Fraser City/rWsp. Chanhassen Wetland Identification: Wetland I County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: Flag I I # of Flags: 4 Taraxacum o ecinale VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side O Upside ❑ N/A ❑ Common Name (Dominants t 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status bare soil Ind. Status 80 reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea H 20 FACW+ Kentucky bluegrass Poo pratemis H 10 FAC- H 30 FACU+ common dandelion Taraxacum o ecinale H 10 FACU Flattened Vegetation Undeternimed - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: --r— % of Dominants FAC or wetter. 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: reed canary grass/ Type I - Seasonally Flooded Basin SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Up side ® NIA ❑ Common Name (Dominants t 20 percent) Scientific Na " Stratum % Cover Ind. Status Kentucky bluegrass Poa Pratensis H 70 FAC - clover Tri olium re ens H 30 FACU+ common dandelion Taraxacum o ecinale H 10 FACU Flattened Vegetation Undeternimed - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 0 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: Kentucky bluegrass, clover/ upland mowed lawn SAMPI F POINT HYDROLOGY Wet side F-1 Upside ❑ NIA 11 Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators 2 r uired Wetland Hydrology Present? X Inundated, Depth (in) 0_5 Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 0 Water -Stained Leaves No X Water in borehole, Depth (in) 14 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undeternimed - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside © NIA ❑ Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary HydrologyIndicators 2 required) Welland H rolo Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) 13 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) 15 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: Oxidized root channels below 16 in. 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Welland I Transect Sample Point: Flag I 1 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value> 4 and a Chrome of <- 2 in mottled soils or <_ 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance = Few (<2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redoxl= Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). A AL Histosol A9,10.1-2 can Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon SL Sandy Mucky Material FL Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat 172. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix Fg. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Feld Indicators of Hydric Soils fMid est Region) USDA March 1998. (A = all soils S - sandy soils F = loamy & clayey soils) CAMPI F PnINT WM ido rxl H. side fl NIA fl Mannp_d Soil Tyne Lester -Kilkenny Loams Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-3 A 10YR 411 2.5Y 5/1 10YR 3/3 Common/Prominent Common/Distinct Clay Loam 3-10 Ab 10YR 2/1 10YR 313 Common/Distinct Clay Loam 10-19 B 10YR 411 10YR 416 common/Distinct Clay Loam Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Depleted soil surface is fill. The A and B horizon is buried. Depleted B horizon within 12 inches of the surface. CAuor a PnlNT we. �:..e n u., eide flx Nm rl Wln.,..nd Snil Tvnp Lester-Kilkennv Loams Depth Honzon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture inches Yes Munsell Moist Munsell Moist)_Abundance/Contrast Yes No 0-10 A 10YR 311 2.5Y 5/2 Common/Distinct Silty Clay to render the presence of Hydrophy 10YR 4/4 Few/Distinct 10-16 AB 10YR 4/1 2.5Y 5/3 Common/Distinct Mucky Clay 10YR 3/3 Common/Distinct 16-22 B 2.5Y411 7.SYR414 ;ky Clay Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Top 10 inches is fill. Hydric soil located within 12 inches of the surface. Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Weiland Edge `Has the area been altered suffic WETLAND DETERMINATION wet slue ey up sloe u mw X Yes No X Yes No X Yes No X Yes No 5 ft. N/A to render the presence of Hydrophy JHMrLC rUINI xrer sae lJ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? X Yes Is the area a wetland? Yes Distance from Weiland Edge 20 ft. 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the pre u Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Remarks: sine L ri' . u X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? X No Remarks: N/A ce of Hydrophyfic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydi WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS ❑ Yes' ❑ Yes` ❑ Yes' 2 Revised 06117102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland H Transect Sample Point: Flag H 2 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value 2 4 and a Chrome of 5 2 in mottled soils or <_ 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A. horizon within the soil profile. Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance= Few (<2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface(. Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chromal. A Al. Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon S1. Sandy Mucky Material F I. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat 172. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA March 1998. (A= all soils, S = sandy soils, F =loamy 8 clayey soils) SAMPLE POINT Wetside rxl Upside ❑ NIA ❑ Manned Soil Tvne Lester-Kilkennv Loams Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-1 A 10YR 3/1 None None Silt Loam 1-8 AB 2.5Y 4/1 10YR 4/3 Common/Distinct Sand ClayLoam 8-14 B 10YR 5/1 10 YR 4/6 Common/Distinct Sandy Loam Hydric Soil? X_ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Meets hydric soil indicator F3 Depleted Matrix SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Up side O NIA ❑ MaDDed Soil TVoe Lester -Kilkenny Loams Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture inches X Munsell Moist Munsell Moist Abundance/Contrast Yes 0-10 A 10YR 311 2.5Y 5/2 Common/Distinct Silty Clay 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the pres( Distance from Wetland Edge 10YR 4/4 Few/Distinct 10-16 AB 10YR 4/1 2.5Y 5/3 Common/Distinct Mucky Clay 10YR 313 Common/Distinct 16.22 B 2.5Y 411 7.5YR 4/4 Common/Distinct Mucky Clay Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Top 10 inches is fill. Hydric soil located within 12 inches of the surface. WETLAND DETERMINATION Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not AAMYLC YVINI ' No Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X` Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes Hydric Soils Present? X Yes Is the area a wetland? X Yes Distance from Wetland Edge 5 ft. 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the pres( Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not AAMYLC YVINI Wet side U Upside No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' No Remarks: N/A Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not AAMYLC YVINI Wet side U Upside U MIA U Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes` Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 15 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficient) to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Welland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 10, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services — Allison Fraser City/Twsp. Chanhassen Wetland Identification: Wetland H County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: Flag H 2 # of Flags: 7 Taraxacum o rcinale H VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side © Upside ❑ N/A ❑ Common Name (Dominants 2! 20 percent) Sc)entfic Name Stratum %Cover Ind. Status bare soil Ind. Status 80 sedge s . Carexs . H 20 NA reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea H 20 F.ACW+ H 30 FACU+ common dandelion Taraxacum o rcinale H 10 FACU Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: reed canary grass, sedge spp./ Type 1 — Seasonally Flooded Basin SAMPLE POINT Welside ❑ Upside ® N/A ❑ Common Name(Dominants a 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status Kentucky bluegrass Pod pratensis H 70 FAC - clover Trifolium re ens H 30 FACU+ common dandelion Taraxacum o rcinale H 10 FACU Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: % of Dominants FAC or wetter: a Remarks: Overall Dominant Ve etation/Communi : Kentucky Bluegrass, clover/ upland mowed lawn SAMPI F POINT HYDROLOGY Wet side fxl Un side r1 NIA r I Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 12 X Water -Stained Leaves No X Water in borehole, Depth (in) 14 X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other- Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Uo side NJ NIA ❑ Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland H rol Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) 13 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) 15 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: Oxidized root channels below 16 in. I Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland G Transect Sample Point: Flag G 8 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value_ 4 and a Chrome of < 2 in mottled soils or <_ 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the sail profile. Mottle Abundance = Few (<2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (-20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chrome). AI. Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon SI. Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix 178. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox 174. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils F = loamy 8 clayey soils) SAMPLE POINT wet side R Uu side ❑ NIA ❑ Maooed Soil Tvoe Lester -Kilkenny Loams Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix (Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-10 A N2/0 None None Mucky Loam 10-18 A2 N210 None None Mucky Clay Loam Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Meets hydric soil field indicator F1 Loamy Mucky Material RAMPI F POINT wet side 11 un side rxl N/A ❑ Manned Soil Tvoe Lester-Kilkennv Loams Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle Texture Abundance/Contrast 0-18 A 10YR 211 None None Silt Loam 18-20 A 10YR 2/1 10YR 3/3 Common/Distinct Clay Loam Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soil? Yes X No Undetermined Remarks: Mottling begins below 12 inches of the soil surface. Distance from Welland Edge WETLAND DETERMINATION JAmrL=rVINI rrex sine 1 vpsme u u Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes` Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Welland Edge 5 ft. N/A -Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applic SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside ® NIA ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes` Hydric Soils Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 10 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Ve etation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils notapplicable? WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 5, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services — Allison Fraser City/Twsp. Chanhassen Wetland Identification: Wetland G County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: FIaX G 8 # of Flags: 12 Poa ratensis H VEGETATION SAMPI F POINTWet side 19 Upside ❑ NIA ❑ Common Name (Dominants >_ 20 percent) Sclentifrc Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status reed canary ass Phalaris amndinacea H 80 FACW+ Kentucky bluegrass Pop pratensis H 10 FAC - sedges . Carex spp. H t0 NA Poa ratensis H 20 FAC - Canada goldenrod Solida o canadensis H 20 FACU green ash(seedling) Fraxinus pennsylvanica H 10 FACW % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: reed canary grass, cattail/ Type 2/3 — Wet Meadow/Shallow Marsh SAMPI P POINT Wetzide rl Upside Iia NIA r -I Common Name (Dominants > 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover . _*d. Status smooth brome grass Bromus inermis H 40 UPL reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea H 30 FACW+ Kentucky bluegrass Poa ratensis H 20 FAC - Canada goldenrod Solida o canadensis H 20 FACU green ash(seedling) Fraxinus pennsylvanica H 10 FACW % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 25 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: smooth brome grass, reed canary s/ upland meadow HYDROLOGY SAMPLF POINT Wet side RO Up side ❑ NIA R Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary HydrologyIndicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 12 Water -Stained Leaves No X_ Water in borehole, Depth (in) 16 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside R NIA ❑ Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators 2required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >20 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) >20 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland F Transect Sample Point: Flag F 10 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value_ 4 and a Chroma of 5 2 in mottled soils or 5 1 in unmomed soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance = Few 1<2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (,20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). 10YR 2/1 A1. Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon SL Sandy Mucky Material Ft. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hvdric Soils (Midwest Renioni USDA. March 1998. (A = all soils. S = sandv soils. F = loamv 8 clayey soils) SAMPI F PrIINT Wet cido R tM vide F1 NIA F1 Manned Snil Tyne Hamel Loam Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Mottle Munsell Color Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-24 A 10YR 2/1 None None Silt Loam 24-30 B 2.5Y512 10YR4/6 Common/Distinct Silty Clay Loam No Hydric Soil? Yes X No Undetermined Remarks: Mottling within AB begins below 12 inches, and mottles are few and faint. Hydric Soils Present? X Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Depleted matrix with mottles below thick black A SAMPLE POINT wetside ❑ Uoside [Ax N/A ❑ Manned Soil Tvoe Hamel Loam Depth Horizon Matrix Color inches Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-14 A 10YR 2/1 None None Silt Loam 14-22 AB 10YR 3/1 10YR 3/3 Few/Faint Sandy Clay Loam Welland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Hydric Soil? Yes X No Undetermined Remarks: Mottling within AB begins below 12 inches, and mottles are few and faint. WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ® Upside ❑ WA ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Welland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 7 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophyfic Vegetation, Welland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils nota livable? SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside IJ NIA U Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Welland Edge 10 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or H dric Soils not applicable? WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 9, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services—Shawn Williams, Cityrrwsp. Chanhassen 80 Allison Fraser sweet -sent bedstraw Galium tri orum Wetland Identification: Wetland F County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: Flag F 10 # of Flags: 11 comfircy S m h mm ojfficinale VEGETATION RAMPI P PnINT Wnl cidn Ed UD side rl NIA fl Common Name Dominants a 20percent) ScientiFic Name Stratum_ !a Cover =.C800" Ind. Status reed can ass Phalaris arundinacea H 80 FAC W+ sweet -sent bedstraw Galium tri orum H 10 FACU+ common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica S 5 FACU comfircy S m h mm ojfficinale H 5 UPL Galium frij7oirum H 20 FACU+ American elm Ulmus americana T 10 FAC W - common dandelion Taraxacum o +cinale H 10 FACU common blue violet Viola papilionacea H 10 FAC % of Dominants FAC or wetter. 40 % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Data point collected in woodland opening at wooded wetland edge. Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: reed canary grass, green ash/ Type 7 — Wooded Swam green ash, common buckthorn, herbaceous woodlands cies/ upland woodland SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside ® NIA ❑ Common Name (Dominants? 20percent) Sclendric Name Stratum ' % Cover Ind. Status Breen ash Frawn" pennsidranira T 30 F.ACW white snakeroot A eralina altissinia H 30 FACU common buckthorn Rhamnus cathanica S 20 FACU garlic mustard Alliaria etiolata H 20 FAC sweet -sent bedstraw Galium frij7oirum H 20 FACU+ American elm Ulmus americana T 10 FAC W - common dandelion Taraxacum o +cinale H 10 FACU common blue violet Viola papilionacea H 10 FAC % of Dominants FAC or wetter. 40 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: green ash, common buckthorn, herbaceous woodlands cies/ upland woodland HYDROLOGY RA"DI P DnIMT Wn,efdn TO Iln cidn rl N/A rl Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary HydrologyIndicators 2required) Wetland Hydrology Present? inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >30 Water -Stained Leaves No Water in borehole, Depth (in) >30 X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined- Explain: X Drainage Patterns Remarks: RAMPI P DnIMT WM cidn F1 11—idn rxl N/A n Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >22 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) >22 X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland E Transect Sample Point: Flag E 5 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors= Matrix with a Value>_ 4 and a Chroma of <_ 2 in mottled soils or 5 7 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few (42% of exposed surface(, Common (2-20% of exposed surfacel, Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) - Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). At. Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon St. Sandy Mucky Material Ft. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4, Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox 174. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) SAMPLE POINT Wet side rxl un side ❑ N/A ❑ Manned Soil Tvoe Lester-Kilkennv Learns Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-6 A N2/0 None None Mucky Loam 6-18 A2 N2/0 None None Clay Loam No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Meets soil field indicator F7. SAMPLE POINT Welside ❑ Upside 9 NIA ❑ Manned Soil Tvoe Lester -Kilkenny Loams Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle AbundancetContrast Texture 0-10 A 10YR 211 None None Silt Loam 10-17 A2 N2/0 None None Silt Clay Loam No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Hydric Soil? Yes X No Undetermined Remarks: Assumed nonhydric based on the lack of wetland hydrology and wetland vegetation. WETLAND DETERMINATION AAMYLt YUINI Wet side 29 Upside U N/A U Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 3 ft. N/A `Has the area been altered Sufficiently to render the presence of H dro h is Ve elation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric; Soils notapplicable? SAMPLE POINT wet side ❑ Upside ® N/A ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Welland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes` Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 15 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophyfic Vegetation, Wetland H drology, or Hydric Soils notapplicable? WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 9, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services — Shawn Williams, City/Twsp. Chanhassen 50 Allison Fraser common buckthorn Rhamnus catharrica Wetland Identification: Wetland E County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: Flag E 5 # of Flags: 5 quaking aspen Po ulus tremuloides VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side (9 Upside ❑ NIA ❑ Common Name (Dominants >_ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status recd canary eras Phalaris arunduiacca it 100 FACW+ % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: reed canary grass, cattail/ Type 3 — Shallow Marsh SAMPLE POINT Wet side Fl Un side iia N/A Fl Common Name (Dominants t 20 percent) 'Sclentrfic Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status common buckthorn (seedhno Rhamnus catharrica H 50 PACU common buckthorn Rhamnus catharrica S 30 FACU black cherry Prunus serotina T 20 FACU quaking aspen Po ulus tremuloides T 10 FAC Remarks: Water at soil surface % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 0 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: common buckthorn, black cherry/ upland woodland SAMPLE POINT HYDROLOGY Wet side R Unside rl N/A Fl Primary Hydrology indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2required) ',Welland Hydrology Present? X Inundated, Depth (in) 1 Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 0 Water -Stained Leaves No X Water in borehole, Depth (in) 0 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: Water at soil surface SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Un side rxl NIA ❑ Primary Hydrology Indicators Soconclary Hydrology indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) 14 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) 16 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland D Transect Sample Point: Flag D 10 SOILS Mineral Hydric Sol Colors= Matrix with a Value_ 4 and a Chrome of <_ 2 in mottled soils or <_ 1 in un mottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance = Few (<2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (,20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). None AI. Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix 175. 'Dock Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon SI. Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peav?mt F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils SAMPLE POINT Wet side rxl U. side rl N/A rl Man and Rnil Tvnn Hamal 1 nam Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Texture Abundance/Contrast 0-20 A 10YR 2/1 None None Muck Silt Loam 10-14 AB 10YR 3/1 None None Sift Loam 14-19 B 10YR 412 10YR 4/3 Few/Faint Silt Loam Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Meets field indicator A2 Histic Epipedon. SAMPLE POINT Wer=im n 11 Dido n Nm n Mn --- rl Q-il T.,..e camel t .. Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Mottle Munsell Moist Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-10 A 10YR 2/1 1 None None Silt Loam 10-14 AB 10YR 3/1 None None Sift Loam 14-19 B 10YR 412 10YR 4/3 Few/Faint Silt Loam Hydric Soil? Yes X_ No Undetermined Remarks: Mottling below black surface, however, mottles are faint and abundance is not greater than two percent. WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ® Upside ❑ NIA ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist. ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X_ Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 5 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophyfic Vegetation, Welland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils notapplicable? SAMPLE POINT wet side ❑ Upside © N/A ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 10 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered suffiriently to render the presence of Hydrophytic V talion, Weiland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No. Investigator(s): Wetland Identification: Transect Sample Point: SAMPLE POINT Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Westwood Prof. Services -Shawn Williams, Allison Fraser Wetland D VEGETATION Wet side O Up side ❑ NIA ❑ Date: Mav 10, 2005 Cityfrwsp. Chanhassen County & State Carver/MN # of Flags: 11 Common Name (Dominants >_ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status reed canary ass Phalaris amndinacea H 70 FACW+ green ash Fraxtnusnn lvanica T 20 FACW stinging nettle Urtica diotca H 10 FAC+ spurred touch me -not Impattew ca osis H 10 FAC W reed canary grass Phalaris amndinacea H 10 FACW+ sweet -sent bedstraw Galtum trt orrun H 10 FACU+ % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: reed canary grass, cattail/ Type 3 - Shallow Marsh SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside ® NIA ❑ Common Name (Dominants >_ 20percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status common buckthorn(seedling) Rhamnus calhartica H 40 FACU common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica S 30 FACT Virginia creer Parthenocissus quinquefolia H 10 FAC - reed canary grass Phalaris amndinacea H 10 FACW+ sweet -sent bedstraw Galtum trt orrun H 10 FACU+ % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 0 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: common buckthorn/ upland woodland SAMPLE POINT HYDROLOGY Wet side n Un side rl NIG rl Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 0 Water -Stained Leaves No X Water in borehole, Depth (in) 5 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: IL Drainage Patterns Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wetside ❑ Un side n NIG n Prima H rol Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >19 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) >19 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns I Remarks: 7 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland C Transect Sample Point: Flag C 21 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors =Matrix with a Value- 4 and a Chrome of <2 in mottled soils or 5I in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few (<% exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Motile Contrast Imatrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and valuel, Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). w t. tttstosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon S 1. Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat 172. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox 174. Depleted Below Dark Surface B Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey solis SAMPLE POINT Wer<ide r,a u. Ido n u1e n saw ---- I Q-il T W, n.l I . Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix (Munsell Color) Moist Mottle Matrix (Munsell Color r Mottle r Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-16 A 10YR211 None None Mucky Loam 16-17 B 10YR411 None None Sandy Clay Loam 17-22 B 10YR4/1 2.5Y6/4 10YR4/6 Many/Distinct Common/Distinct Sandy Clay Loam Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Depleted matrix below black A horizon SAMPLE POINT WMt ide n u., ido n MIA n Iu�....-A Q. it T I .'- Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-12 A 10YR 2/1 None None Silt Loam 12-14 B 2.5Y 5/3 10YR 416 Common/Distinct Sand Cla loam 14-20B2 Remarks: 515GY 7.5YR4/6 Common/Distinct ClayLoam 20-35 B3 2.5/10Y None None Sandy Loam Hydric Soil? Yes X No Undetermined Wet side ❑ Up side © NIA ❑ Remarks: Matrix chroma too high below A horizon. X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Welland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? /s the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge 'Has the area been altered sufficienth SAMPLE POINT Weiland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge WETLAND DETERMINATION Wet side I@ Upside ❑ NIA ❑ X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' X Yes No Remarks: 20 ft. N/A to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applical Wet side ❑ Up side © NIA ❑ X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Yes X No Remarks: 20 ft. N/A to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Welland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicat WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No. Investigator(s): Wetland Identification: Transect Sample Point: SAMPLE POINT Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Westwood Prof. Services — Shawn Williams, Allison Fraser Wetland C VEGETATION Wet side Od Un side m NIA m Date: May 9, 2005 City/Twsp. Chanhassen County & State Cs # of Flags: 59 Common Name (Dominants >_20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status recd canary grass Phalaris ana/dinacea H 100 FACW+ % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Ve etation/Communi : reed canary grass, cattail, American elm/ Type 2/3/7 - Wet Meadow/Shallow Marsh/Wooded Swam SAMPLE POINT Wer side rl un side rxl NIA n Common Name (Dominants >_ 20 cent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea H 100 FACW+ % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 1 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: reed can s/ upland grassland SAMPLE POINT HYDROLOGY Wet side rxl Un side rl NIA rl -Primary Hydrology Indicators Seconclaty Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 8 Water -Stained Leaves No X Water in borehole, Depth (in) To X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side rl U. sid. 6X11 N/A rl Primaivdroloov Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) 26 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) 29 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetemuned - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland C Transect Sample Point: Flag C 8 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value > 4 and a Chrome of < 2 in mottled soils or <_ 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few (42% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (diner by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chrome). Al. Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon S I. Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix 177. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hvdric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA_ March 1998 /A = all soils_ S = s.ndv coil.. F = 1..mv R day.v .MIO SAMPLE POINT WMt id. &l 11. id. n N/A n IMS ---A C-11 T....e I .. Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-18 A N2/0 None None Mucky Loam 16-20 A2 N210 10YR 313 Common/Distinct Clay Loam 20-30 A2 N2/0 10 YR 3/3 Common/Distinct Sandy Clay Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Meets hydric soil indicator Ft. SAMPLE POINT Wetside fl U.side Ixl N/A rl Mannnd Snil Tvnn Hamcl I nam Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist) Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0.16 A 10YR 2/1 None None Silt Loam 16-20 A2 N210 10YR 313 Common/Distinct Clay Loam 20-30 A2 N2/0 10 YR 3/3 Common/Distinct Sandy Clay Hydric Soil? Yes X No Undetermined ft. Remarks: Mottling located below 12 inches. 'Has the area been altered suffidentiv to render the Dresence of Hvdroohvtic Vegetation. Welland Hvdroloov. or Hvdric Soils not annliral WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ® Upside ❑ N/A ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes` Welland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes` Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 20 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered suffidentiv to render the Dresence of Hvdroohvtic Vegetation. Welland Hvdroloov. or Hvdric Soils not annliral JAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside © NIA ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 18 ft. N/A .Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicat WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 0611 ]102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 6, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services—Allison Fraser Cityrrwsp. Chanhassen Wetland Identification: Wetland C County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: Flag C 8 # of Flags: 59 VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side Ixl Uo side ❑ N/A rl Common Name (Dominants 2:20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica S 30 FACU stinging nettle Urtica dioica H 20 EAC+ garlic mustard Alharta etiolata H 20 FAC unknown seedling NA H 20 NA box elder Acer negundo T 10 FACW- reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea H 10 FACW+ Viola papilionacea H 10 FAC stinging nettle Urtica dioica H 10 FAC+ % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 66 Remarks: % of Dominants FAC or wetter. 20 Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: common buckthorn, stinging netting, garlic mustard/ Type Marsh/Wooded swam 2/3/7 — Wet Meadow/Shallow SAMPLE POINT Wet Bide n uo'ide n Nm n Common Name (Dominants 2.26cent) scienartc Name Stratum . % Cover Ind. Status aarlic mustard .11hariu penotala H 40 FAC common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica S 30 FACU sweet -sent bedstraw Galium tnorum H 30 FACU+ purple crane's -bill Geranium maculatum H 20 FACU white snakeroot q eratina altissima H 20 UPL box elder Acer negundo T 10 FACW- common blue violet Viola papilionacea H 10 FAC stinging nettle Urtica dioica H 10 FAC+ % of Dominants FAC or wetter. 20 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: garlic mustard, common buckthorn, sweet -sent bedstraw/ upland woodland HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT Wet side rxl Uo side rl N/A rl Primary Hygrology Indicators Seconclavy HydrologyIndicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 8 Water -Stained Leaves No X Water in borehole, Depth (in) To Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side fl Upside rxl MIA r1 Prima iYdroloavindicators Secondary HvdrologyIndicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) 22 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) 24 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Pattems 1 Remarks: Hydrology too deep 1 "tea Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland B Transect Sample Point: Flag B 7 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value >_ 4 and a Chrome of 5 2 in mottled soils or < 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few J<2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chrome and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AL Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon Sl. Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators OfHvdric Soils Midwest Regionl RegionUSDA, March 1996. (A= all soils, S = sand soils, F = loam 8 cla soils) SAMPI F POINT wer cid. n u.. �:ee n urn n xL.......A o.:1 T...._ c1 ------ 1— 1,. -- Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-20 A 10YR 2/1 None None Silty Clay Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Hydric Soil? Yes X_ No Undetermined Remarks: Assumed nonhydric based on the lack of wetland hydrology Remarks: Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Assumed hydric based on the presence of wetland hydrology SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside O N/A ❑ Manner) Snil T%nn Glencoe. clav loam Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-38 A t0YR211 None None I Silty Clay Loam X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Hydric Soil? Yes X_ No Undetermined Remarks: Assumed nonhydric based on the lack of wetland hydrology WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side p Upside ❑ NIA ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Weiland Edge 12 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetafion Weiland Hydrology, or Hydnc Soils not applical SAMPLE POINT wet side ❑ Upside 99 NIA ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Welland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Welland Edge is ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation Welland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applical WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 10, 200 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services - Shawn Williams, CityfTwsp. Chanhassen Allison Fraser Wetland Identification: Wetland B County & State Cs Transect Sample Point: Flag B 7 # of Flags: 20 VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Un side ❑ N/A ❑ Common Name (Dominants 2 20 percent) Scientific Name ` Stratum % Cover Ind. Status reed canary crass Phalaris arundinaceo H S0 FACW- een ash Fratxinuspennsylverruezi T 10 FACW common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartics S 10 FACU sweet -sent bedstraw Galium M ovum H 20 FACU+ box elder Acer negundo T 10 FACW- stinging nettle Urtica diotea H 10 FAC+ u le crane's -bill Geranium maculatum H 10 FACU reed canary grass Phalaris amndinacea H t0 FACW+ of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: Reed canary grass understory/ Type 3/5/7 — Shallow Marsh/Shallow Open Water/Wooded Swamp. SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Uo side 6a N/A rl Common Name Dominants >_ 20percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status garlic mustard Alharia etiolata H 40 FAC American elm Ulmus americana T 20 FACW common buckthorn(seedling) Rhamnus cathartica H 20 FACU sweet -sent bedstraw Galium M ovum H 20 FACU+ box elder Acer negundo T 10 FACW- stinging nettle Urtica diotea H 10 FAC+ u le crane's -bill Geranium maculatum H 10 FACU reed canary grass Phalaris amndinacea H t0 FACW+ % of Dominants FAC or wetter: s0 Remarks: Overall Dominant Ve etation/Communigarlic mustard, American elm, common buckthorn/ upland woodland POINT Inundated, Depth (in) X Saturated, Depth (in) X Water in borehole, Depth (in) Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation Inundated, Depth (in) Saturated, Depth (in) Water in borehole, Depth (in) Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation HYDROLOGY Wel side Z Upside ❑ N/A ❑ Oxidized Root Channels Secondary rolo Indicator Water -Stained Leaves Oxidized Root Channels 0 Water -Stained Leaves 4 X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Topographic Position FAC -Neutral Test Other - Explain: Topographic Position Other - Explain: Remarks: Remarks: Wet side ❑ Up side Z NIA ❑ 24 26 X Yes No Assumed - Explain: Undetermined - Explain: Secondary Hydrology Indicators 2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Oxidized Root Channels Yes Water -Stained Leaves X No: X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Topographic Position Other - Explain: Undetermined - Explain: Remarks: 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland A Transect Sample Point: Flag A 41 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Calors = Matrix with a Value >- 4 and a Chrome of <- 2 in mottled soils or < 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few J<2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chrome and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). Al. Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon Sl. Sandy Mucky Material Fl. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest !1qiGnJ USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, 5 = sandy soils, F = loam & cla a soils) SAMPLE POINT Wet side © Uo side rl NIA rl Mannon Cnil Tvna Tarril I nam Depth (inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix (Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-10 A 10YR 2/1 None None Mucky Loam 11-23 1 A 10YR 2/1 10YR3/3 Common/Distinct Silt Loam 23-28 Ab N210 10YR4/4 Common/Distinct Clay Loam Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Meets field indictor A2 Histic Epipedon. SAMPLE POINT Wet side rl Iln widn rxl NIA F1 Mannn.i Cnil T..nn T..,il t n Depth Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist MottleTextureinches Abundance/Contrast X 0-17 1 A 10YR 211 1 None I None I Silt Loam 11-23 1 A 10YR 2/1 10YR3/3 Common/Distinct Silt Loam 23-28 Ab N210 10YR4/4 Common/Distinct Clay Loam Hydric Soil? Yes X No Undetermined Distance from Wetland Edge 2 Remarks: No mottling in upper 12 inches, buried A horizon at 23 inches. N/A SAMPLE POINT Wet side WETLAND DETERMINATION ® Upside ❑ N/A ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Welland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 2 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applic SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside © N/A ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes` Welland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Welland Edge 8 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophylic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils notapplicable? WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06117102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: Ma 5, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prot Services -Allison Fraser Cityrrwsp. Chanhassen Wetland Identification: Wetland A County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: Flag A 41 # of Flags: 47 VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side [9 Upside ❑ N/A rl Common Name (Dominants >_ 20 percent) Sclendflc Name Stratum %Cover Ind. Status spotted touch-me-not Impatiens ca ensis H 30 FACW garlic mustard Alliaria etiolata H 20 FAC reed canary grass Phalarts arundinacea H 20 FACW+ box elder Acernegundo T 10 FACW- common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica S 10 FACU catchweed bedstraw Galium a arine H 10 FACU common plantain Plantago major H 10 FAC+ thistle spp. Cirsium spiz. H 5 % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: spotted touch-me-not, reed canary grass, garlic mustard/ Type 213/7 Marsh/Wooded Swam — Wet Meadow/Shallow SAMPLE POINT wet side rl No side rd NIA rl Common Name (Dominants >_ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica S 40 FACU box elder Acernegundo T 20 FACW- common buckthorn seedlings Rhamnus cathartica H 20 FACU purple crane's -bill Geranium maculatum H 20 FACU reed canary grass Phalaris arandinacea H 10 FACW+ catchweed bedstraw Galium a arine H 10 FACU common plantain Plantago major H 10 FAC+ thistle spp. Cirsium spiz. H 5 °% of Dominants FAC or wetter: 25 Remarks: Overall Dominant Ve etation/Cominunity: common buckthorn/ upland woodland HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT Wetside W ue stale rl NIA n Primary Hydrollogiv Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 2 Water -Stained Leaves No X Water in borehole, Depth (in) 5 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined -Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: SAMPLE POINT wet side n IIn�ide n NIA n Prima H rolo Indicators Secondary Hydrology indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >28 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) >28 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns I Remarks: 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland A Transect Sample Point: Flag A 1 SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors= Matrix with a Value t4 and a Chrome of 52 in mottled soils or 51 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A. horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance=- Few (<% exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). Al. Histosol A9,10.1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon SI. Sandy Mucky Material FL Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix 177. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A= all soils. S = sandv soils. F = loamv 8 clavev soilsl SAMPLE POINT Wet side 0 UD side F1 N/A rl Mnnnad Snil Tvna Hounhtnn muck Depth (inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-16 A N2/0None None Silt Loam 7-17 Mucky Loam 16-20 A2 N2/0 NoneNone None Cla Loam 10YR 414 Common/Distinct Mucky Silt Loam Hydric Soil? X_ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Depleted matrix in B horizon with mottles, buried organic A horizon. Yes No Hydric Soil? X Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Soil meets hydric field indictor A2 Histic Epipedon. SAMPLE POINT wee side n [Inside w N/A n Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Texture Abundance/Contrast 0-7 A 10YR 2/1 None None Silt Loam 7-17 B 2.SY 5/2 10YR 4/6 2.5Y 5/1 Common/Distinct Clay Loam Common/Distinct 17.22 1 Ab 10YR 211 10YR 414 Common/Distinct Mucky Silt Loam Hydric Soil? X_ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Depleted matrix in B horizon with mottles, buried organic A horizon. WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT wet side ® Up side ❑ MIA ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 6 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic V etation, Wetland Hydrology, or H dric Soils not applicable? SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside B N/A ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes' Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 12 ft- N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applic WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: _ Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: Ma 5, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prof. Services—Allison Fraser Cityrrwsp. Chanhassen Wetland Identification: Wetland A County & State Carver/MN Transect Sample Point: Flag A I # of Flags: 47 VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT wet amide rxl u., ide n um n Common Name (Dominants >_ 20 percent) Seientl/lc Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea H 100 FAC W+ stinging nettle Urtica dioica H <5 FAC+ FACW- Kentucky bluegrass Poa pratensis H 30 FAC - dandelion Taraxacum o tcinale H 20 FACU reed canary grass Phalaris amndinacea H 20 FACW+ common plantain Plantago mayor H 10 FAC+ % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 1110 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: reed canary grass, spotted touch-me-not, garlic mustard/ Type 2/3/7 Mush/Wooded Swam — Wet Meadow/Shallow SAMPLE POINT wet side 1-3 Uoside 10 MIA rl Common Name (Dominants 2:20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status box elder Acer negundo T 30 - FACW- Kentucky bluegrass Poa pratensis H 30 FAC - dandelion Taraxacum o tcinale H 20 FACU reed canary grass Phalaris amndinacea H 20 FACW+ common plantain Plantago mayor H 10 FAC+ e/ of Dominants FAC or wetter: so Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: Box elder and Kentucky Blue ass/ mowed upland HYDROLOGY SAMPLF POINT wet Bide IH u...iee n ..'. n Prima H rot Indicators Seconds Hydrology Indicators 2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes X Saturated, Depth (in) 6 Water -Stained Leaves No X Water in borehole, Depth (in) 9 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explains Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explains Drainage Patterns Remarks: SAMPLE POINT wet.ide M u...1de n a",. n Prima H roto Indicators Seconds Hydrology indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Saturated, Depth (in) >22 Water in borehole, Depth (in) >22 Oxidized Root Channels Water -Stained Leaves Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Yes X No: Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation L.Drainage Pattems FAC -Neutral Test Topographic Position Other -Explain: Remarks: Assumed - Explain: Undetermined - Explain: 1 T S No r irr os y CD ^� � CD 0 b vei¢uVi `2 rim �w 0'� a� _ - 3 WvD mry O. O i% n N 0 O 0330 � in �G 20n n o who m O C 5 O O_ H pn .. Z v `G CD A CD w a ^ n O O N D 3 x n S A� irr y CD ^� � CD 0 b Z O � b 0 O v: x 0 .. o„ a CD CD w ^ Z D r LC CD 0 3 O Q' 0 K co O C c Q N l< ■ Q I-1 A O - O T y o IU .r ID Z sw 1. 1 o3�A y � N R o ap a � I-1 A O - O T y o IU .r ID Z sw 1. 1 o3�A EXHIBITS .N� DATA FORMS Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS Cowardin Wetland Classification System Source: Wetlands and Dee venter Habitatsqf the United States (FWS/OBS Publication 79/31; Cowardin et. al. 1979). 51-990777 Symbol Subsystems System Specific Classes _ Symbology Sample Lacustrine L (1) Limnetic 2 Littoral RB, UB, AB, OW, RS, US, EM, SYMBOLOGY EXAMPLE SYSTEM SUBSYSTEM / CLASS L2iil� SUBCLASS. WATER REGIME UPLAND (NON -WETLAND) ° n20WH J --(LINEAR DEEPWATER HABITAT) - Q — Pr Lardy represents upland areas. but may include unclassified wetlands such as man modified areas. non photo identifiable areas and/or unintentional omissions Palustrine P None RB, UB, AB, US, ML, EM, SS, FO, OW Riverine R (1) Tidal Lower (2) Perennial Upper (3) Perennial (4) Intermittent 5 Unknown Perennial RB, UB, SB, AB, RS, US, EM, OW Classes .S ecial Modifiers Water Regimes Rock Bottom RB b — beaver d — Partially drained ditched f — Farmed h — diked/impounded r — artificial substrate is — spoil x — excavated A — Temporarily flooded B — Saturated C — Seasonally flooded D — Seasonally flooded/well drained E — Seasonally saturated F — Semi -permanently flooded G — Intermittently exposed H — Permanently flooded J — Intermittently flooded K — Artificially flooded Unconsolidated Bottom UB Streambed SB Aquatic Bed AB Rocky Shore RS Unconsolidated Shore US Emergent EM Open Water OW Moss Lichen ML Scrub Shrub FO Forested FO Circular 39 Wetland Classification System Source. Wetlands o(the United States U.S. Fish and W ildlirc .Service Circular 39; Shaw and Fredine, 1971) Type and Definition, Aperoximate Cowardin E uivalents Type 1: Seasonally flooded basin PEMA, PFOA PUS Type 2: Wet meadow PEMB Type 3: Shallow marsh PEMC, PEMF, PSSH PUBA PUBC Type 4:. Deep marsh L2ABF, L2EMF, L2EMG L2US, PABF, PABG, PEMG, PEMH, PUBB PUBF T e 5: Shallow open water L1, L2ABG, L2ABH L2EMA, L2EMB, L2EMH, L2RS L2UB, PABH, PUBG, PUBH Type 6: Shrub swamp PSSA, PSSC, PSSF PSSG, PSS1, PSS5, PSS613 Type 7: Wooded swamp P 01 PF05, PF06B PFOC, PFOF T e 8: Bog PF02, PF04 PF07B PSS2, PSS3, PSS4 PSS7B . Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Wetland Delineation Report — Lake Harrison June 14, 2005 Page 5 Wetland Delineation Summary Table Hydric NWI Dominant Vegetation Hydrology Depth Munsell Soil Wetland Classification Soils? Wetland? (z 20% cover) (Inches) Colors (Saturation/Static Water) Matrix, Mott/ea I.D. Size (S.F.) Circular 39 Cowardin Mapped?/ Observed? Yes/No Wetland Upland Wetland Upland Wetland Upland spike rush, Kentucky Kentucky bluegrass, reed B: 10YR2/1, B. 2.5Y5/2, L 358 Type 1 PEMA Yes/Yes Yes bluegrass, reed canary canary grass, dandelion >20/>20 >22/>22 2 5Y6/2 10 YR416 grass 2.5Y511 798,828 Remarks: Wetland size and classification represents wetlands located within the property boundary, which differ somewhat from the classifications Total 18.34 acres of wetlands shown on NWI mapping. 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Wetland Delineation Report — Lake Harrison June 14, 2005 Page 4 Wetland Delineation Summary Table Hydric NWI Dominant Vegetation Hydrology Depth Munsell Soil Wetland Classification Soils? Wetland? (>_ 20% cover) (Inches) Colors (Saturation/Static Water) Matrix, Mottles I.D. Size (S.F.) Circular 39 Cowardin Mapped?/ Yes/No Wetland Upland Wetland Upland Wetland Upland Observed? box elder, Kentucky A: N2/0, B: 2.5Y5/2, At PEMB/ reed canary grass bluegrass, dandelion, reed 6/9 >22/>22 None f0YR4/6 154,361 Type 2/3/7 PEMC/ PFO1Cd Yes/Yes Yes canary grass, 2.5Y5/1 spotted touch-me-not, common buckthorn, box A: 10YR2/1, A: 10YR2/1, A 41 garlic mustard, reed elder, purple crane's -bill 215 >28/>28 None None canary grass, PEMC/ garlic mustard, American A•10YR2/1, A: 10YR2/1, B 296,378 Type 3/5/7 PUBG/ Yes/Yes Yes reed canary grass elm, common buckthorn, 0/4 24/26 PF01C sweet -sent bedstraw None None common buckthorn, garlic mustard, common C 8 PEMB/ stinging nettle, garlic buckthorn, sweet -sent 8/10 22/24 A: N2/0, A: 10YR2/1, mustard, unknown bedstraw, purple crane's- None None 267,501 Type 2/3/7 PSS1Cd/ PFOtCd Yes/Yes Yes seedling bill, white snakeroot C 21 reed canary grass reed canary grass 8/10 26/29 A: 10YR2/1, B: 2.5Y5/3, None 10YR4/6 D 12,882 Type 3 PEMC Yes/Yes Yes reed canary grass, common buckthorn 0/5 >19/>19 A: 10YR2/1, B: 10YR4/2, green ash None 10YR4/3 E 561 Type 3 PEMC Yes/Yes No reed canary grass common buckthorn, black 0/014116 A: N2/0, A: 10YR2/1, cherry None None green ash, white F 15,841 Type 7 PF01C Yes/Yes No reed canary grass snakeroot, common >30/>30 >221>22 B: 2.5Y5/2, A: 10YR2/1, buckthorn, garlic mustard, 10YR4/6 None sweet -sent bedstraw smooth brome grass, G 40,329 Type 2/3 PEMB/ Yes/Yes Yes reed canary grass reed canary grass, 12/16 >201>20 A: N2/0, A: 10YR2/1, PEMCd Canada goldenrod, None None Kentucky bluegrass H 1,592 Type 1 PEMA No/Yes Yes sedge spp., reed Kentucky bluegrass, 12/1413/15 B: 10YR511, B: 2.5Y4/1, Tana grass clover 10YR4/6 7.5YR414 1 256 Type 1 PEMA No/Yes Yes reed canary grass Kentucky bluegrass, 0/14 13/15 B: 10YR4/1, B: 2.5Y4/1, clover 10YR4/6 7.5YR4/4 sweet -sent bedstraw, common buckthorn, J 5,703 Type 3 PEMC No/Yes No fox sedge, reed canary sweet -sent bedstraw, 11/14 >18/>18 B: 10YR5/2, B: t0YR4/3, grass common dandelion, reed 7.5YR416 10YR5/8 canary grass reed canary grass, B: 2.5Y4/1, K 3,064 Type 2 PEMB Yes/Yes Yes Kentucky bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, common dandelion, reed 2/>12 >27/>27 BIOYR4 f0YR4/6 white clover, common white common canary grass, white clover 10YR4/6 6 2.5Y4/3 plantain, woolgress f OYR2/1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Wetland Delineation Report — Lake Harrison June 14, 2005 Page 3 CONCLUSIONS Westwood delineated and flagged 12 wetlands on the site (Wetlands A through L) that encompass a total of 798,826 square feet (18.34 acres). Westwood found NWI to be inconsistent with field observations. More wetlands were delineated on the site than is depicted on NWI mapping (see Exhibits 2 and 5). Westwood found observed soil textures to be relatively consistent with mapped soil series. All delineated wetlands, except Wetlands H, I, and J are located in mapped hydric soil units. Westwood requests that the City of Chanhassen, as the Local Governmental Unit (LGU), provided written confirmation that the delineated wetland boundaries shown on the attached Wetland Boundary Map are acceptable for local administration of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Please call me at (952) 906-7426 if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. Allison M. Fraser Environmental Scientist Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Wetland Delineation Report — Lake Harrison June 14, 2005 Page 2 Soils, vegetation, and hydrology information were recorded for each point on data fomes, which are included at the back of this report. Species dominance for vegetation measurements was based on the percent aerial or basal coverage visually estimated within a 30 -foot radius for the tree and shrub layers and a five-foot radius for the herbaceous layer within the community type sampled. Wetlands were classified according to Wetlands of the United States (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Circular 39; Shaw and Fredine; 197 1) and Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (FWS/OBS Publication 79/31; Cowardin et. at. 1979) (see the Classification Systems Table at the end of this narrative). Common names for vegetation identified in this report and on the attached data forms generally correspond with the nomenclature used in the National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: North Central (Region 3) (USFWS, Reed, 1988) and/or Vascular Plants of Minnesota (University of Minnesota, Ownbey and Morley, 1991). Prior to delineating wetland boundaries in the field, Westwood reviewed National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) mapping (1989) (Exhibit 2), the Digital Soil Survey of Carver County, Minnesota (Met Council, 1998) (Exhibit 3), the DNR Public Waters and Wetlands Inventory for Carver County (Minnesota DNR, 1986), and MnDNR draft Public Waters Inventory (date unknown) (Exhibit 4). The wetland boundaries were marked using pink "wetland delineation" pin flags, and located using professional surveying methods. The location of the wetlands and the transect locations are shown on the attached Wetland Boundary Map (Exhibit 5). RESULTS Mapping NWI mapping depicts two large wetland complexes on the property. One wetland complex shown in the northwest portion of the site is classified as Types 113/7, and the second wetland complex shown in the south central portion of the site is classified as Types 3/5/7. Three small wetlands mapped as Type 3 are also shown in the central portion of the site. Digital soils mapping indicates that the site includes Glencoe clay loam, Hamel loam, Lester -Kilkenny loams, Houghton and Muskego soils, Klossner and Muskego mucks, and Terril loam. Glencoe clay loam, Hamel loam, Houghton and Muskego soils, and Klossner and Muskego mucks are listed in Hydric Soils of Minnesota (MRCS, revised December 1995). All other soils are indicative of upland. The DNR Public Waters and Wetlands Inventory for Carver County (Minnesota DNR, 1986) and MnDNR draft PWI indicates that a wetland located in the south central portion of the site is DNR Public Waters Wetland 10-8W. No other DNR Public Waters, Wetlands, or Watercourses exist within the Lake Harrison site. Wetland Descriptions Westwood completed the wetland delineation and found 12 wetlands located within the property. These delineated wetlands are depicted on the attached Wetland Boundary Map and are described in the following Wetland Summary Table. Detailed data collected at the sample points for these wetlands are provided in the attached data forms. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Local Governmental Unit 0 CITY OF WHASSEN for Prepared by WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT Lake Harrison SW Y4 of Section 3, T1 16N, R23W Chanhassen, Minnesota JUNE 2004 City of Chanhassen Ms. Lori Haak 7700 Market Boulevard, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1135 Fax: (952) 227-1935 The Pemtom Land Company Mr. Dan Herbst 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: (952) 937-0716 Fax: (952) 937-8635 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: (952) 937-5150 Fax: (952) 937-5822 Project No.: 20021044.00 WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT Lake Harrison City of Chanhassen, Minnesota June 14, 2005 CONTENTS WETLAND DELINEATION NARRATIVE • Wetland Delineation Results • Wetland Classification Systems Table EXHIBITS 1. Site Location and USGS Topography 2. National Wetlands Inventory Mapping 3. Digital Soils Mapping 4. MnDNR Public Waters and Wetlands 5. Wetland Boundary Map WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORMS REPORT PURPOSE This delineation report and the attached exhibits and data forms constitute the wetland delineation report for the site referenced above. This delineation report provides the required documentation for wetland boundary determinations in conformance with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991. On administration of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Westwood requests written confirmation indicating that the delineated boundaries shown on the attached Wetland Boundary Map are acceptable. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is located in the SW '/< of Section 3, T 116N, R23 W, City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota (Exhibit 1). Harrison Lake, woodland, and a single-family residence bounds the site to the south, Galpin Avenue bounds the site to the east, and single-family residences and woodland bounds the site to the north and west. This f62 -acre site consists primarily of woodland and includes a single-family residence, pole building, and 18.34 acres of Type 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7, wetlands. WETLAND DELINEATION METHODOLOGY Westwood delineated and flagged a total of 12 wetlands located throughout the site between May 5 and May 10, 2005. Wetlands were delineated using the level two routine determination method set forth in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station, 1987), in which sampling transects were established in representative transition zones of identified wetlands. Transects consisted of one sampling point in upland and one point in wetland. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Carlson Property/ 20021044.00 Date: May 5, 2005 Investigator(s): Westwood Prot Services -Allison Fraser City/TWsp. Chanhassen Wetland Identification: Wetland L County & State Carver(MN Transect Sample Point: Flag Ll # of Flags: 4 Tara mm o icinale H VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side fxl Uo side fl NIA fl Common Name (Dominants?: 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status Kentucky bluegrass Poa pratensis H 20 FAC - reed canary grass Phalaris amndinacea H 20 FACW+ spike rush Eleocharis obtuse H 70 OBL Tara mm o icinale H 20 FACU Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 67 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: spike rush, Kentucky blue ass, reed canary grass/ Type I — Seasonally Flooded Basin SAMPLE POINT Wetside fl Uoside fxl NIA fl Common Name (Dominants z 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status Kentucky bluegrass Poo pralensis H 70 FAC - reed canary grass Phalaris amndinacea H 20 FACW+ common dandelion Tara mm o icinale H 20 FACU Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 33 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: Kentucky bluegrass, reed canary grass, common dandelion/ upland mowed grass SAMPLE POINT HYDROLOGY Wet side 17 Up side N/A ❑ Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels X Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >20 X Water -Stained Leaves No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) >20 X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side ❑ Upside © NIA ❑ Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Welland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >22 Water -Stained Leaves X No: Water in borehole, Depth (in) >22 X Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC -Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Remarks: 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Carlson Property_ Job No.: 20021044.00 Wetland Identification: Wetland L Transect Sample Point: Flag L I SOILS Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value > 4 and a Chrome of 5 2 in mottled soils or < 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A - horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few J<% exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (-20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redoxl = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,10. 1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon S 1. Sandy Mucky Material F 1. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gieyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils AAMPI P PnINT Wol tido rxl fin tide m NIA n Mannad Snil Tuna Houghton and Muskeao soils Depth inches Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-10 A 1 OYR 2/1 None None Silt Loam 10-16 B 1 OYR 2/1 2.5Y 5/2 2.5Y 6/2 10YR 5/6 Common/Distinct Clay Loam Man /Distinct 16-20 Ab N210 10YR 3/3 Few/Faint Clay Loam Hydric Soil? X_ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Depletions long root channels in 10-16 layer. It meets hydric soil status but the soil has been disturbed. SAMPI F POINT Wetside n Uoside rxl N/A FI Manned Soil Tune Houahton and Muskeao soils Depth inches - Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Munsell Color Moist Mottle Matrix Munsell Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture 0-7 A IOYR 2/1 None None Silt Loam 7-17 B 2.5Y 5/2 IOYR 4/6 2.5Y 5/1 Common/Distinct Clay Loam Common/Distinct 17-22 Ab IOYR 2/1 1OYR 4/4 Common/Distinct Clay Loam Hydric Soil? X_ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: Depleted matrix in B horizon with mottles within 12 inches of the soil surface WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ® Up side ❑ N/A ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes* Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes* Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes* Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 4 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Ve etation, Welland Hydrology. or Hydric Soils notapplicable? amlmvLc rvIP11 rrelsNC u P9.e L .IM u Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes* Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes* Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ❑ Yes* Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 8 ft. N/A *Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic V talion, Welland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils nota plicable9 WETLAND BOUNDARY REMARKS 2 Revised 06/17102 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. MEMORANDUM 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Phone: 952/937-5150 Fax: 952/937-5822 DATE: July 11, 2005 Ref: 20021044.00 TO: Ms. Lori Haak, City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mr. Joe Yanta, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 190 Fifth Street East, St. Paul, MN 55101-1638 CC: Mr. Dan Herbst, The Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Ms. Allison Fraser, Mr. Justin Larson, and Mr. Dwight Jelle Westwood Professional Services, Inc. FROM: Rob Bouta, Sr. Environmental Scientist RE: Addendum to Lake Harrison Wetland Permits Application Response to Comments from City of Chanhassen (Emails and Letter dated July 1, 2005) This memo responds to the City of Chanhassen and agency comments on the Lake Harrison Residential Development Wetland Permits, which were contained in the correspondence cited above. This memo responds the comments individually below. Comment 1. The sequencing discussions for Wetlands D and J are lacking. The rationale for impact (pages 8 and 9) should be clarified. Response 1. The proposed fill in Wetlands D and J is justified on the basis of: (1) the indirect wetland drainage and impact that would occur even if these wetlands were physically avoided, (2) their location with respect to other larger wetlands, which results in spatial restrictions on the street and lot layout, and (3) their relatively small size and low potential for future wetland functions. Even if these wetlands were physically avoided, development of their tributary drainage areas would irrevocably alter their character and future wetland functions. Avoiding physical impacts to Wetlands D and J would require retaining walls up to 28 and 11 feet high, respectively, at the edge of city streets. Such high retaining walls would pose barriers to amphibian mobility and public safety hazards for neighborhood children. Maintaining their existing drainage areas would require shifting the alignment of Harrison Road and Harrison Circle 200 and 50 feet south, respectively. As a result, Harrison Road would be located within the structural setback from Lake Harrison. Avoiding the drainage areas of both wetlands would render approximately five usable acres undevelopable and result in the loss of approximately 13 lots when compared to the existing design. The small size, limited functions, and dismal outlook for future functions of these wetlands makes wetland fill the preferred alternative. Avoidance of these wetlands is not practicable given the purpose of the project, which is to meet the increasing demand for residential lots in the City of Chanhassen. Avoidance of wetland fill and indirect wetland drainage would require avoidance of the tributary drainage areas of these wetlands, which would require elimination of approximately 13 of the 39 residential lots proposed or a 33 percent decrease in the project magnitude. Memorandum — Addendum to Lake Harrison Wetland Permits Application July 11, 2005 Page 2 Table 1 provides a summary of how these wetlands would be affected by development if they were physically avoided and their drainage areas were still developed and converted to residential use. Figures 1 through 4 show the existing tributary drainage areas of these wetlands on the existing conditions and proposed grading plans. Table 1. Existing and Likely Future Characteristics of Wetlands D and J Characteristic Wetland D Wetland J Size 0.30 acre 0.13 acre Tributary Drainage Area 3.46 acre 1.81 acre Existing Watershed:Wetland Ratio 11.5:1 13.9:1 Future Watershed:Wetland 23:1 (80% reduction) 6.3:1 (55% reduction) Ratio if Avoided — 80% Open water, 20% Reed canary _ 50% Open water, 25% Reed Existing Vegetation grass (excavated for ice skating rink) canary grass, 15% Fox sedge,10% Cattail Likely Future Composition Reed canary grass, Kentucky Reed canary grass, Kentucky if Avoided bluegrass, Yard waste bluegrass, Yard waste Figure 1. Existing Drainage area of Wetland D and Existing Topography Memorandum — Addendum to Lake Harrison Wetland Permits Application July 11, 2005 Page 4 S.F. Sr. sr. Figure 4. Existing Drainage area of Wetland D and Proposed Grading Plan Comment 2. It is unclear whether the watersheds for remaining wetlands will be significantly altered by the proposed development. The pre and post -development wetland watersheds should be presented in tabular form. Response 2. Wetland watersheds that will be significantly altered by the project are limited to those of wetlands that will be entirely filled. The larger wetlands that are located partially within the project site have watersheds that extend well beyond the property boundaries. Accurate assessment of watershed alterations outside the project boundaries is beyond the scope of this project. Nevertheless, this project will not adversely affect the hydrology of wetlands that will be avoided or expanded through wetland replacement. It is predictable that the hydrology of these wetlands will be sustained through maintenance of existing watershed areas, connections to upstream wetlands, and connections to stormwater ponds that will provide NURP treatment prior to discharge to wetlands. Details are presented in Table 2 below. Table 2. Wetland Watersheds and Proposed Watershed Acreage of Lake Harrison Wetlands Wetland Size Existing Watershed Post -Development Watershed ID (onsite Watershed Entirely Acres/Notes acres) (acres Within Site? Wetland hydrology to be sustained by an A 3.54 69.41 No upstream stormwater pond and linkage to Wetland C. Wetland G = Lake Harrison: Most of B 6.80 60.26 No watershed is located offsite. Development will appreciably affect onsite watershed. Located downstream of Lake Harrison. C 6.14 69.41 No Hydrology depends on substantial offsite watershed area. Entire wetland to be filled. Not D 0.30 3.46 Yes Applicable. Memorandum — Addendum to Lake Harrison Wetland Permits Application July 11, 2005 Paoe 5 Table 2. Wetland Watersheds and Proposed Watershed Acreage of Lake Harrison Wetlands Wetland Size Existing Watershed Post -Development Watershed ID (onsite Watershed Entirely Acres/Notes acres) Within Site? Combined with Wetland C and New E 0.01 0.31 Yes Wetland Credit area. Linked with and downstream of Lake F 0.36 3.45 Yes Harrison. G 0.93 8.94 No 9.50 acres Entire wetland to be filled. Not H 0.04 1.42 Yes Applicable. Entire wetland to be filled. Not I 0.01 1.42 Yes Applicable. J 0.13 1.81 Yes Entire wetland to be filled. Not Applicable. K 0.07 0.71 No Combined with Wetland A and New Wetland Credit area. L Entire wetland to be filled. Not 0.01 0.95 Yes Applicable. Comment 3. Wetlands A, C and G, which are partially degraded, may be able to be fully or partially restored for 25% new wetland credit. Restoration of these basins would be preferable to some of the proposed new wetland creation areas, especially the wetland creation to the south of Wetland G. The feasibility of restoring these wetlands should be explored. If restoration is not feasible, the rationale should be explained. Response 3. All wetlands on the site are at least somewhat vegetatively degraded, including Wetlands A, C and G. Reed canary grass is a dominant species on each of these wetlands and extremely difficult to control. Considering the abundance of reed canary grass in these wetlands, the fact that all of these wetlands extend beyond the property boundaries, and the challenge of effectively controlling reed canary grass without a long term funding mechanism for ecological restoration and management, the prognosis for restoration of native species in these areas is quite poor. Long-term ecological restoration funding mechanisms are sometimes feasible on projects that include commonly -owned outlots and homeowners associations with annual fees. However, this project involves development of single family lots, and the wetlands in question will be platted in outlots and dedicated to the City of Chanhassen. Therefore, the City will become the authority responsible for long-term stewardship and management. As indicated in the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Rules excerpts below, restoration of wetland vegetation is eligible for only Public Value Credit unless the Technical Evaluation Panel concurs that this is an exceptional natural resource value project. While the project team recognizes the merits of ecological restoration, the factors discussed above indicate that vegetative restoration is not ecologically feasible on this project. Minnesota WCA Rules Part 8420.0541 Actions Eligible For Credit Subv. 4. Exceptional natural resource value proiects Projects that restore exceptional natural resource values of wetlands may receive either public value or new wetland replacement credit solely or in combination as determined by the local government unit with concurrence of the technical evaluation panel. The amount and type of credit allowed shall be based on a functional assessment that documents the restoration of these values. Memorandum - Addendum to Lake Harrison Wetland Permits Application July 11, 2005 Paoe 6 Subp. 8. Restoration of wetland vegetation Reestablishment and maintenance of permanent native, noninvasive vegetation cover on a wetland that is dominated by invasive or exotic species may receive public value credit. Replacement credit may not exceed 25 percent of the total wetland area vegetatively restored and the vegetative restoration and maintenance plan must be approved by the technical evaluation panel. The technical evaluation panel may require a monitoring period in excess of 12 months after the vegetative restoration is completed before approving the site for replacement credit. Comment 4. The Mn/DOT 25B seed mix specified (page 13) is outdated. A Mn/DOT 325 or BWSR W 1 mix should be used instead. Response 4. The Final Wetland Plan will be updated to substitute Mn/DOT Seed Mix 325 for Mn/DOT Seed Mix 2513, which was initially proposed. Seed mix 325 is detailed in Table 3 below. Table 3. Native Sedge/Prairie Meadow Seed Mix 325 Common Name PLS Rate Kg/ha I lb/acre % of Mix Component Bluestem, big 1.7 1.5 15.0 Fringed brume 1.7 1.5 15.0 Wheat grass, slender 1.7 1.5 15.0 Virginia wild -rye 1.7 1.5 15.0 Switch grass 0.6 0.5 5.0 Fowl bluegrass 1.7 1.5 15.0 Indian grass 1.7 1.5 15.0 Prairie cord grass 0.6 0.5 5.0 Grass Totals: 11.4 10.0 100.0 Common Name Bulk Rate k Iha Iblacre % of Mix Component Blue -joint grass 0.22 0.2 10.0 Bottlebrush sedge 0.34 0.3 15.0 Tussock sedge 0.22 0.2 10.0 Fox sedge 0.22 0.2 10.0 Reed manna grass 0.22 0.2 10.0 Fowl manna grass 0.22 0.2 10.0 Green bulrush 0.22 0.2 10.0 Wool grass 0.22 0.2 10.0 Soft -stem bulrush 0.34 0.3 15.0 Sedge Totals 2.22 2.0 100.0 Common Name Bulk Rate kg/ha Ib/acre % of Mix Component Winter Wheat` 61.6 56.0 80.0 Rye-grass, annual 12.3 11.2 16.0 Wheatgrass, slender 3.1 2.8 4.0 Cover Crop Totals: 77.0 70.0 100.0 Wet Forbs Mixure (Special Prov.) 2.2 2.0 100.0 GRAND TOTALS: 92.8 84.0 100.0 `Oats to be substituted for spring plantings Purpose: Native sedge/prairie meadow mix. Reaches a height of 915 mm to 1.2 m (36 to 48 inches). Developed for use on hydric soils and for wetland restoration. Memorandum — Addendum to Lake Harrison Wetland Permits Application July 11, 2005 Pace 7 Comment 5. The vegetation management plan (page 13) should be enhanced. The plan should provide a detailed outline for the treatment of reed canary grass and purple loosestrife. Response 5. The vegetation management plan (page 13) should be enhanced. The plan should provide a detailed outline for the treatment of reed canary grass and purple loosestrife. Wetland Replacement Vegetation Management Vegetation within wetland replacement areas will be managed for a period of five years as specified in Minnesota Rules 8420.0530 D (14). Vegetation management within wetland replacement areas will include the following components: 1. Newly created wetland areas at least one foot above and below water levels shall be seeded to Mn/DOT seed mix 325, a native sedge/prairie meadow mix. Wetland buffers shall be seeded to Mn/DOT seed mix 350, a native grass and forb mix. 2. The seedbed preparation, native seed mix application rates, and seeding methods to be used are detailed in the Wetland Construction and Seeding Notes shown on the Wetland Replacement and Revegetation Plan (Exhibit 10, Sheet 14 of 14). 3. The wetland replacement areas shall be assessed during standard wetland replacement monitoring events for the presence of noxious weeds and invasive nonnative species. 4. If noxious weeds and invasive non-native species are identified within the wetland replacement area during the five-year management period, reasonable efforts will be made to control these species using appropriately timed herbicide applications or other methods. While reasonable steps are proposed, it should be recognized that reed canary grass control is somewhat experimental and effective reed canary grass control cannot be guaranteed. The following steps will be considered for treatment of non- native species during the first five years after seeding, with the intention of developing a plant community with less than 50 percent cover of reed canary grass: Year 1 Maintenance 1. The seeded wetland and buffer shall be mowed at a height of 4 to 6 inches two times during the first growing season and before September 30. 2. Purple loosestrife shall be pulled by hand if it comprises less than 5% of the wetland cover, and spot sprayed with Rodeo herbicide during late August or September if it covers 5% or more of the replacement wetland. 3. Leafy spurge and thistles shall be spot sprayed with 2,4-D or Roundup herbicide twice annually if they cover more than 20% of the buffer. 4. Reed canary grass shall be sprayed with Rodeo or Roundup herbicide during late October if it covers 10% or more of the created wetland and buffer. 5. All herbicide treatments shall be applied according to label instructions. Year 2 Maintenance I. If reed canary grass covers more than 20% of the wetland fringe and buffer, it shall be sprayed with Rodeo or Roundup herbicide during early May of the spring that follows the fall herbicide application. 2. The seeded wetland and buffer shall be mowed at a height of 6 to 8 inches once between June I and July 15. Memorandum -Addendum to Lake Harrison Wetland Permits Application July 11, 2005 Paoe 8 3. Purple loosestrife shall be pulled by hand if it comprises less than 5% of the wetland cover, and spot sprayed with Rodeo herbicide during late August or September if it covers 5% or more of the replacement wetland. 4. Leafy spurge and thistles shall be spot sprayed with 2,4-D or Roundup herbicide twice annually if they cover more than 20% of the wetland buffer. 5. Reed canary grass shall be sprayed with Rodeo or Roundup herbicide during late October if it covers 10% or more of the created wetland and buffer. 6. All herbicide treatments shall be applied according to label instructions. 7. Dead vegetation areas covering more than 4 square feet, and created as a result of herbicide spraying, shall be reseeded or planted in a manner consistent with the Wetland Replacement Vegetation Plan. Year 3 to 5 Maintenance 1. Purple loosestrife shall be pulled by hand if it comprises less than 5% of the wetland cover, and spot sprayed with Rodeo herbicide during late August or September if it covers 5% or more of the replacement wetland. 2. Leafy spurge and thistles shall be spot sprayed with 2,4-D or Roundup herbicide twice annually if they cover more than 20% of the wetland buffer. 3. Reed canary grass shall be sprayed with Rodeo or Roundup herbicide during late October if it covers 30% or more of the created wetland and buffer. 4. All herbicide treatments shall be applied according to label instructions. 5. Dead vegetation areas covering more than 4 square feet, and created as a result of herbicide spraying, shall be reseeded or planted in a manner consistent with the Wetland Replacement Vegetation Plan. Comment 6. The vegetation management plan and wetland mitigation plan sheets should specify that newly created wetland mitigation areas should be seeded in a swath that extends at least F above and F below the normal water level of the mitigation areas. Response 6. The plans have been revised to include the provision for seeding Mn/DOT Mix 325 at least one foot below and one foot above the water levels of replacement wetlands. Comment 7. Please also conduct MnRAMs of impacted wetlands and wetland mitigation areas to ensure that greater functions and values are provided by the replacement wetlands than are lost through wetland impacts as a result of the proposed project. Response 7. WCA rules do not require the completion of MnRAMs for wetland permitting purposes, and MnRAMs are typically only required in cases where sequencing flexibility is requested or invoked by the Local Government Unit. Although the Applicant has not completed MnRAMs or requested sequencing flexibility for this project, existing information supports the conclusion that proposed wetlands will provide at least equal replacement of existing wetland functions. The pivotal wetland function for purposes of ecological values and stormwater sensitivity is Vegetative Diversity/Integrity. Other primary wetland functions, such as Water Quality and Flood Flow Attenuation, are engineered and designed into the stormwater management system. Reed canary grass is a dominant species within wetlands on the project site, and frequently covers more than 50 percent of the wetland areas. The Final Guidance for use of MnRAM 3.0 (Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, July 2004) indicates that wetland plant communities with over 50 percent cover of invasive species are Memorandum — Addendum to Lake Harrison Wetland Permits Application July 11, 2005 Page 9 considered Low Quality. This submission includes an update to the native seed mix and detailed language regarding control of invasive species (see Responses 5 and 6). This project also includes a proposal for 1.5:1 New Wetland Credit wetland replacement. The updated native seed mix, control of invasive species, and 1.5:1 wetland replacement will all help ensure at least equal replacement of wetland functions and values. Construction for Lake Harrison Haak, Lori From: Dan Herbst [danherbst@pemtom.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:03 AM To: Haak, Lori Cc: Bement, Bill; Dwight Jelle; Aanenson, Kate; Mike Beier; Michael Byrd; Justin Larson Subject: FW: Construction for Lake Harrison Lori, you asked if I would send you something confirming my conversation with Joe Yanta. Page 1 of 2 The documentation was sent per Justin to the Corps on June 20,2005. Joe Yanta indicated that he did not have time to review it until the end of July. I asked him why he could not post the public notice as soon as he got the documents - that is not the protocol at the Corps to post a notice until after it is reviewed I asked if there is anything any of us can do to help him and he said. No. I told him I had a loan on the land costing me over $1,000 per day and crews were standing by waiting to start to create a new neighborhood for Chanhassen.He basically told me that he had a slew of projects ahead of me and that he did what he could by reviewing the file and reducing the review period to August 18, 2005. Terry Bros. is going to look at working around the entrance area and see if they can reduce the crossing impact to under 400 sq.. ft.and finish the clearing and grubbing as well as upland grading. I still do not see how this qualifies as a Navigable Water of the United States of America and therefore falls under the jurisdiction of the U. S. Corps of Engineers but I am a bit stupid about these matters. There is no one in this world that really cares about producing affordable housing for people other then lip offering lip service. Maybe I am getting too old for all this do dah dan . ----Original Message ---- From: Allison Kampbell [mailto:allison.kampbell@westwoodps.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 9:27 AM To: Dwight Jelle; danherbst@pemtom.com; Justin Larson Subject: FW: Construction for Lake Harrison rgbv From: Yanta, Joseph J MVP [mailto:joseph.j.yanta@mvp02.usace.army.milI Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 8:53 AM To: Allison Kampbell Subject: RE: Construction for Lake Harrison The revised notice is completed and was just posted, with an expiration date of August 18. As we discussed yesterday, the applicant can go ahead with upland grading and up to 400 SF of fill for a crossing under the nonreporting GP, although he does so at his own risk (no guarantee of approval for the LOP). Dan Herbst called yesterday, to ask if I could look at the site and expedite approval. I am supposed to try to stay off the phone as much as possible this week to finish up several special assignments, but I will call him back later today. The main problem, of course, is that this level of impact requires first a notice and then the review/documentation. Although the documentation may take only a day or so once I can get to it (and if there are only minimal interruptions - it will take longer if the phone calls and drop- in visitors increase), I cannot circumvent the required notice period. From: Allison Kampbell [mailto:allison.kampbell@westwoodps.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 3:30 PM To: Yanta, Joseph J MVP 8/3/2005 Construction for Lake Harrison Subject: Construction for Lake Harrison Hi Joe: The City of Chanhassen WCA approval is attached for Lake Harrison Project. Thanks, Allison Kampbell, Environmental Scientist Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-906-7426 direct Email: allisonkampbell@westwoodoscom Website: www.westwoodps.com «WCA Approval.pdf>> Page 2 of 2 Minnesota DNR Waters Field Survey Report Project HARRISON LAKE Lake No. 10-8 City AT CHANHASSEN County CARVER Req. No 2005-103 Sec 3, 10 Twp. 116 Rng. 23 Watershed MINN. RN. - SHAKOPEE SURVEY DATE: 4r28105 - GJ 6 7 8 SURVEY CREW: Scherek, Schaffer AMA y ZE AT, LAKE S1Meandered �iYa3 Area Acres ■ Non -meandered Planimetered Area 18 Acres ❑ Unknown t'Kf2 y DATUM ADJUSTMENT - ❑ Assumed ❑ 1912 ■ 1929 ❑ 1988 Source: MN/DOT B.M. " 1008 Q 1992" CONTROL BENCHMARK Location: SE'/4 - Sec. 4, T116, R23 Elevation: 1034.48 Description: disk on top of aluminum rod, at entrance to Lake Minnewashta Regional Park, 109' W -NW of Hwy. 41 and 9' east of east leg of regional park sign SURVEY WORK COMPLETED ■ levels ❑ topography ❑ cross sections ❑ profiles ■ OHW ■ establish benchmarks ❑ outlet elevations ❑ other: WATER LEVELS _ Highest Recorded: Water Surface: 993.30 Lowest Recorded: OHW Elev: 993.6 Range: Highest Known: OUTLET General Description: no functioning outlet was observed; the lake is considered to be landlocked Runout Elevation and Description: the highwater runout is at least 995.9 and probably higher, but less than 1000 BENCHMARKSSET Location: on south side of lake (NW -SE -NW -NW, Sec. 10-116-23) Elevation: 996.27 Description: top NE comer of wood retaining wall around sandbox/play area, at edge of wetland fringe in yard area at the easterly of the two homes on the extreme south side of the lake Location: on S -SE side of lake (center E %2 of NW -NW, Sec. 10-116-23) Elevation: 1000.50 Description: 60d spike 0.5' above ground in the S -SW side of a 1.4' ash, on the side of a steep bank near the toe, prominent ash tree in the area, pink ribbon on the tree and the spike Prepared By (� -('T,,11 Title Date / l l�I le John M. Scher,�j/ S.C.S. f / Ili 9 . . , The O.H.W. level is based on the average reduced elevation of the 12 best trees of the 17 which we documented (oak, ehn and ash). No stainlines or washlines were observed. No water level is shown for the lake on the I958 (photorevised 1993) USGS quadrangle. On the quadrangle the lake is depicted by an area of open water and some scattered marsh symbols, generally contained within the 1000 contour; much the same as it appears presently. During our investigation of the lake we found no functioning outlet and, as such, the lake is considered to be landlocked. As per some limited elevations on the north side of the lake and an interpretation of the contours on the quadrangle, the highwater runout is between 995.9 and 1000. In conjunction with our levels to the lake, we obtained elevations on three existing survey points (nails in the ground) that were marked with lath. I assume they were set by the surveyor for the proposed development on the north side of the lake, since they were all at that location. The survey points were designated Sta. "Win" #83 (our elev.= 995.68), Sta. "Daylight" #80(our elev =1029.36) and "SB -11" (our elev=1033.70). The elevation on the lath marking "SB -11" is 1034.01, or 0.31' higher than our elevation. Its possible that the other surveyors elevations are NAVD-1988 datum, although the MN/DOT printout for our starting B.M. "1008 Q 1992", shows only 0.18' difference between NGVD-1929 and NAVD-1988 datums. Lake Harrison - Requested Variances Chanhassen, MN 4/1/2004 Lot Block IVariance Requested Reason for Request 1-10 2 Reduced front yard setback Reduction of front setback helps minimize from 30' to 25' impacts to the woods and wetlands located within and behind the proposed lots. The requested variance is suggested in the tree preservation ordinance. 12 1 Reduced bluff buffer and There is a fair amount of buildable land on setback from 20' no impact top of the slope that is not considered bluff zone and 30' building setback which creates a wonderful opportunity for to 0' no impact zone and 10' arguably the best location on the site for a building setback. home. The hardship is that there already exists a 30' overhead power line easement from the property line on the uphill side of the buildable area. This, in conjunction with the bluff setbacks, consumes too much of what is considered quality buildable area. We are proposing a custom graded and built home on this lot that will be sympathetic to the existing conditions. By reducing the no impact zone and building setback we can build an upper bracket home on an excellent site without any impacts to the bluff itself. Max. Road Maximum slope of road from By increasing the slope of the road by 1% Slopes 7% to 8%. we are able to match existing topography better and save more of the wooded slopes throughout the site. We are requesting this in only a few select areas of the site where it makes sense to do so. The requested variance is suggested in the tree preservation ordinance.