CAS-15_SUSLA, LAURIE & DAVE WITHDRAWNNon -Scannable Item Item Description Folder Number Sueblaune 8 Dave - __ _ � �,� � 7109 FmnGw Treil �jj Folder Name Job Number 2322 '1 Box Number X050 • 0 The contents of this file have been scanned. Do not add anything to it unless it has been scanned. COY of 1700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phase: 952217.1160 Fax: 95M7.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park A Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning A Natural Resources Phone: 952227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us • May 24, 2007 David and Laurie Susla 7409 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Variance Application — Planning Case 07-15 Dear Dave and Laurie: This letter is to inform you that we are in receipt of your variance application for property 7409 Frontier Trail, located in the Auditor's Subdivision #2 on Lotus Lake. After review of data submitted, it was determined that the application is incomplete and the following information is missing: 1. Survey showing grades, slope, and location of existing trees and proposed tree removal. Therefore, your application is incomplete and we will not be able to review it until these items have been submitted. This also means that the 60 -day deadline to process an application will not begin until we have received all the necessary information to review the application. Our next submittal date is June 15, 2007 for the Planning Commission meeting on July 17, 2007. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (952) 227-1132. Sincerely, 155 Angie Auseth Planner GAPLANk2007 Planning Cases\07-15 Susla VarianceUncomplete Application.doc SCANNED The City of Chanhassen • A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. ACTION 1 To: h Date: 5 d l From: 'l e-. '- ❑ FOR YOUR COMMENTS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ NOTE & RETURN ❑ TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ❑ NOTE & FILE ❑ CALL ME ❑ FOR YOUR SIGNATURE ❑ SEE ME ❑ ❑ REPLY &SEND ME COPY COMMENTS: / d TSS tirJ h) 49 Ot^IcoI�J ® Copyn9ht 1959, 1970 ural OM. Akk:, I.., Bro .ills, N.Y. 10708 V.W. Eimicke Associates, Inc., Bmncville, N.Y. 10708 Tel. (914) 337-1900 • Fax (914) 337-1723 Distributed in Canada solely by V.W. Eimicke Ltd., Peted rough, Ontano Tel. (705) 7431202 • Fax (705) 743-9994 PRINTED IN DSA Form OA -4 City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 MOF Chanhassen, MN 55317 bll [ OF (952) 227-1100 Date: May 21, 2007 To: Development Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department By: Angie Auseth, Planner Subject: Request for Variances to 5 -foot Side Yard Setback; Hard Surface Coverage; and Accessory Structure Square Footage Allowance on property zoned Residential Single Family (RSF) located at 7409 Frontier Trail. Applicants: David & Laurie Susla. Planning Case: 07-15 The above described application for approval of a land development proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on May 18, 2007. The 60 -day review period ends July 17, 2007. In order for us to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on June 19, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your comments by no later than June 8, 2007. You may also appear at the Planning Commission meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. City Departments: a. City Engineer b. City Attorney c. City Park Director d. Fire Marshal e. Building Official E Water Resources Coordinator g. Forester 2. Carver Soil & Water Conservation District 3. MN Dept. of Transportation 4. MN Dept. of Natural Resources 5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6. U.S. Fish & Wildlife 7. Carver County a. Engineer b. Environmental Services 8. Watershed District Engineer a. Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek b. Lower Minnesota River c. Minnehaha Creek 9. Telephone Company (Qwest or Sprint(United) 10. Electric Company (Xcel Energy or MN Valley) 11. Mediacom 12. CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco 0 0 New Garap-e Variance Request Submitted by: Dave & Laurie Susla 7409 Frontier Trail 0 0 PROPOSAL: BUILD A SMALL DETACHED, GARAGE CLOSE TO OUR HOME. DETAILS: - Standard minimum depth of a two -car garage is 22 feet. Our garage will be 21 feet deep for one stall, and 23 feet deep for the second. - Standard minimum width of two -car garage is 24 feet. Our garage will be 24 feet wide, with an attached 4 x 9 foot area to allow for garbage & recycling bin storage. - This is a total of 528 square feet for the garage, and 36 square feet for garbage/recycling, for a total of 564 square feet. This is quite modest for a two -car garage, and puts us only 96 square feet over the 1,000 allowed for accessory space. - The garage will be placed 19 feet from the front of our house, and 2 feet from the north- west side property line. By moving the garage towards the property line, we can also move it towards our house, which helps our neighbor's views. - The garage roof will be a 6:12 pitch. The roof pitch of the house is 8:12. The lower pitch on the garage roof will help the garage to be less obtrusive — 4 feet lower at the peak than with an 8:12 pitch. - The driveway will be approximately 10.5 feet wide to house, with space to tum in to the garage, and a small tum -around area. - The existing power lines will be buried. Plan overview: 'ilk Page 1 0 HARDSHIPS: 0 - Our lot is quite narrow — 60 feet wide. If the back of the garage was 10 feet off the side property line, it would be extremely difficult to get a car into the garage, due to the angle of the tum. If side setback is enforced, the garage would be in front of the front door of the house, which would be strange and unsightly. - Our lot is on a very steep hill — from the street to the top of the hill, the elevation gain is about 19 feet. The existing driveway has a 20 degree slope, and although that slope wouldn't be allowed today, there are no good options for changing it. The side of the driveway is tree -lined with beautiful, large pines, and the area for the driveway is quite narrow. The steepness of the slope makes parking in the existing garage, and walking to the house unsafe for nearly half the year. - Other properties have been given similar leeway. Due to the narrow lots in our area, several variances have been given for garage placement. - Most other Residential Single Family lots do not have the combination of narrowness and steepness that we have on our lot. This variance request would not be applicable to other property within the same zoning classification. - We are not asking for the variance to increase the value of our lot. We are asking for the variance so we will have an adequate place to park our cars. The existing garage is inadequate. It is great for smaller cars, trailers, boats, and lawn equipment. However, the slope of the driveway, combined with shorter, 7 foot tall garage doors, make it impossible to park even a mid-size SUV, because the car roof hits on the garage opening. The garage door height cannot be changed because of the way the garage was constructed. Also, the existing garage (entry side) is located over 150 feet, and down the hill, from the house. This means there is no convenient place to store garbage and recycling bins. The walk between the house and the garage is difficult in bad weather. In winter, it is unsafe. - We have not created this hardship ourselves. The slope of the land, although quite steep, is natural. The narrowness of the lot is due to the original subdivision of the land. We have not divided or sold any part of our lot. - The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in our neighborhood. In fact, it will be beneficial. Please see the next page for further information. - This variation will not impair an adequate supply of light or air to adjacent property, increase the congestion of public streets, increase the danger of fire, endanger public safety, or diminish property values in the area. Page 2 0 0 BENEFITS OF PROPOSAL: - We will be continuing our efforts to reduce hard cover on our property. So far, we have eliminated approximately 628 square feet of hard cover on our lot. We removed a concrete patio (196 s.f), three dilapidated decks (130 s.f, 225 s.f., & 235 s.f), and an overhang (61 s.f). We removed the rotting retaining walls and replaced them with lower, stone walls, which are earth -friendly and permanent (new = 173 s.f., old = 182 s.f., net = 9 s.f. decrease). We also replaced dilapidated stairs with granite steps, at a gain of 228 s.f. We have moved from 35.2% hardcover to 31.9% hardcover. Adding the garage will allow us to eliminate approximately 728 additional square feet of hard cover — about 480 square feet (an area approximately 12' x 40') of driveway will be eliminated near the house, and about 360 square feet (approximately 20' x 18') from the road side of the new garage. The new garage will be located on space that is currently driveway, so it is not a net gain or loss of hard cover. We will be adding a path from the driveway to the house, at a hardcover gain of about 112 s.f. We are founding members of the Lotus Lake Clean Water Organization, a non-profit group that is working to help improve the water quality in Lotus Lake, and understand how important it is to reduce hard cover on all lots that drain to the lake. Changing the flat area by the house from driveway to lawn and plantings will help prevent the large quantity of runoff that currently occurs. This would be a total reduction of about 1,356 square feet of hardcover since we've purchased the property. We will have moved from 35.2% hardcover to 28.1%. - We will be continuing our efforts to beautify our property, and thus, the neighborhood. So far, we have re -landscaped the lake side of our home, removed several rotting wood retaining walls and decks, replaced the old retaining walls with low boulder walls, taken down two large dead/dying trees, and removed lots of other dead brush. We have planted trees, shrubs, and perennials to help hold the steep terrain. We've re -sodded our yard. We have repainted our home and garage, replaced the existing, rotting garage doors with new doors, and added new light fixtures. The area directly in front of our house is currently an eyesore. There is too much asphalt, and there is a large, rundown, planting area in the middle of the driveway. Most of the plants in the island are dead or dying. The island structure itself, poorly built with a combination of old railroad timbers and pressure treated wood, is falling apart. It was used as a dumping ground (by the previous owners) for leftovers (such as miscellaneous rock, brick, wood, etc.) from various projects. The new garage will fit in well with our home and our neighbor's homes, and will be beautifully landscaped. The new driveway will replace one that is in very bad shape, and will cover much less surface area. Page 3 0 0 - The new garage will be virtually unseen from the street. Due to the slope of the land, it will be difficult to see the new garage from the street. However, it is still very important to us to ensure it is well designed and good looking. - Garage style will be in keeping with existing home and neighborhood. The new garage will have cedar siding, windows, Timberline roof shingles, and trim to match our home. It will have two single garage doors, instead of one large door, which visually appears smaller. It will also have two roof sections, which again, appear smaller than one large roof. See elevations for further details. - We won't have to park our cars or trailers in the driveway, which helps to beautify the neighborhood. Many people who live on lakes have trailers, but they are not pretty to look at. Keeping the existing garage allows trailer and lawn equipment storage. The new garage will allow for two cars and garbage/recycling. No matter who owns this home in the future, the neighbors will appreciate not having to look at vehicles or trailers. It is important to note that the existing garage, although it is 11 feet from the property line, is actually 35 feet from Frontier Trail, so it's certainly not right on the road. - We will be burying the power lines to the house. This will be good for our neighbors to the north-east, since the wires will no longer drape across their driveway. The wires are ugly, hang quite low, and prevent access to the house by anything larger than a small truck. They also run through a number of large trees, which makes them dangerous in a windy situation. And again, this will help to beautify the neighborhood. - We have discussed this plan with both of our immediate neighbors, and they are happy with the plan. We felt it was important to show both of our next-door neighbors our plans, and not surprise them with a notice from the city. They understand our plans, and support them. Page 4 0 0 AN IDEA THAT ISN'T PRACTICAL: - Remove the existing garage, and build a larger garage up by the house. Eliminating the garage by the road and building a bigger one up by the house would not be good for the environment or for our neighbors. This plan has the following issues: Removing the existing garage is bad for the environment: - Removing the existing garage would leave a huge hole in the hill in front of our home. The foundation at the rear of the garage is 8 feet underground, and the garage is 22 feet deep by 24 feet wide. The north-west side of the garage has a retaining wall running from the front of the garage to the property line, at about two feet high next to the garage front. The quantity of fill dirt required to fill the hole would be tremendous — about 90 cubic yards. Fill is not stable, and to have that much of it on a steep bank is precarious at best. - Removing the existing garage would mean sending a functional garage to a landfill, which is wasteful and environmentally unfriendly. - Removing the existing garage would kill several large trees which are quite close to the garage foundation. Building a larger garage up by our house would not be neighbor -friendly: - If we were to tear down the existing garage, the new garage would need to be much bigger than the proposed garage in order to hold trailers, lawn equipment, etc. The garage up the hill will be visible from neighboring homes on our side of the street, whereas the existing garage down the bill is barely visible from our homes. Thus, a larger garage by our home is not better for us or for our neighbors. Page 5 E 0 EM 0 0 0 T-W.d c,X I S'C i N Cr ►+001c rirw c-VOLAcC Jd�J 9+Jd �xv 5 a � I 44! OI 1 1 JdiTB 1 "xrr ij T-W.d c,X I S'C i N Cr ►+001c rirw c-VOLAcC i J 0 ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 5300 S. Hwy. No. 101 Mimetonks, MN 55345 Phone (952) 474 7964 Fu (952) 474 8267 SURVEYED& LAURIE SUSLA SURVEYED: July, 2002 DRATTED: July 9, 2002 LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Lot 5, except the Southeasterly 70.0 fat tber so$ and the Southemanty 25.0 feet of Lot 6, Audihu'e Subdivision No. 2, Hemepm County, Minnesota. SCOPE OF WORK: I. SWwmgtbeleogtb and direction of boundary lion of the above legal deamipom. The scope of our services does coo include deleniaiog whet yon own. which it a legal matte. Please dock the legd description with your record@ or conedt with competed legal counsel, if necessary, to make ems that it is tarot, and that my matted of record, such as easemonri, that you wish shown on the survey, have been shown. 2. Showing the location of existing improvements we deemed important. 3. Setting new monuments or verifying old monuments to mach the corms of the propety. 4. Showing elevations on the site at Bela nod locations to give some indication of the topography of The site am the lake. The elevations shown ralete only to lbs benchmark provided mthis survey. Use that benchmark and check at lead me other feature shown on the map when determining other elevations for use on this site. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: 'w' Denotes If2' ID pipe with plastic phig haring State License Number 9235, sat, unless otherwise noted I hereby certify that ibis plan, spocification, report or survey was prepared by me or ander my direct supervision and War I am a licensed Professio)ul Engineer and Professional Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota em"s IL Parker P.E. At P.S. No. 9235 ElllvivaW, Arra.. / /1 7— L L _ l/ / dpe 5 0 GRAPHIC SCALE (m PM) E 0 PROPOSED Tae ftwim ofae drla mpao we @pp.!r - HARD COVER TABULATION: PROPOSED HARDCOVER House 1,070.6 Sq. Pr v 387.3 Sq. R ip 2549.0 Sq. Ft. Pave Pathway 112.0 Sq. Ft. Exiting Garage 532.6 Sq. Ft. New Garage 564.0 Sq. Ft. Concrete Steps 55.2 Sq. Ft. Porch 100.8 Sq. Ft, TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 5,371.6 Sq. Int. AREA OF LOT TO OWH \ H Z \ 28.0% �O:?gyp 4 9 \ r � dpe 5 0 GRAPHIC SCALE (m PM) E 0 PROPOSED Tae ftwim ofae drla mpao we @pp.!r - HARD COVER TABULATION: PROPOSED HARDCOVER House 1,070.6 Sq. Pr Stone Relearns Wats & Steps 387.3 Sq. R Biomrinom Driveway 2549.0 Sq. Ft. Pave Pathway 112.0 Sq. Ft. Exiting Garage 532.6 Sq. Ft. New Garage 564.0 Sq. Ft. Concrete Steps 55.2 Sq. Ft. Porch 100.8 Sq. Ft, TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 5,371.6 Sq. Int. AREA OF LOT TO OWH 19,161.4 Sq. Ft. %HARDCOVER 28.0% LI 0 ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 530OS.HWy.No.101 Mhmetooke,MN55345 Phooe(952)4747964 Faa(952)4748267 sDRvEYFox: LAURIE SUSLA SURVEYED: July, 2002 DRAFTED: July 9, 2002 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L,01 5, except the Southeasterly 70.0 fixer therec$ and the Soodsm sly 25.0 *a of Lot 6, Andimis Subdivision No. 2, Hemepm Camey, Miooeaau. SCOPE OF WORIL• 1. MDWing the hmgth and duKdm of boundary lines of the above 1*9 description. The scope Ofran services does not mchhde denim nkg what you own, which is a regal manner. Please check the legal description with your records or consult with creepiness legal couoeei, ifuetessary, to make sore that it is correct, and thet any momma ofrecord, such as wemmu, that you wish shown on the survey, have berm sbowa 2. Showing the location of existing mrpwemma we deemod important 3. Setting new mo®eab not verifying old mommmts to mark thecomas of the properly. 4. Showing alevations m the cm atselachod lonatioosm Sivesme todieatim of the topography of the sire mu the like. The elevations shown edam only to the botanists p rvided m this term Uwtsebeod=mkmddeckmleaao odw eahmsheammthemepwhm dammmmg other elevations for aro m d s alto. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: W Denotes 12• ID Pipe with plastic phis bearing State Lineae Number 9235, set, uolm otherwise noted. I hereby Gratify diet this Plan, specification, report or survey was prepared by me or wider my direct supervision and that I am a licensed Professional Engineer and Professional Surveyor rvrveyo�rrunderuder the laws of the State of Minnesoa t �nmoe I 1 \ T-r.Inn tno FL Parker P.E. & P.S. No. 9235 0 BE S 4 b r 'rb O�Z'r. GRAPHIC SCALE w e 0 4. 0 CURRENT ,Ta.�'eY torr m.hw• ne mw.boe w,tb a,trtA. butley vc rcowW formtle Hchovn Cskv4rioe• t0 HARD COVER TABULATION: EXISMG HARDCOVER House 1,070.6 Sq. Pt Sine Remining Walls & Steps 401.3 Sq. Ft Bibmmous Driveway 3,953.0 Sq. FL Gmge 532.6 Sq. Pt. Concrete Stops 55.2 Sq. PL Porch 100.8 Sq. It TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 6,113.6 Sq. It AREAOFLOTTOOWH 19,161.4 Sq. Pt %HARDCOVER 31.9% 0 TO: Angie Auseth, Planner FROM: Jerritt Mohn, Building Official 0 DATE: May 24, 2007 SUBJ: Review of variance requests for: Five (5) foot side yard setback. Hard surface coverage. Accessory structure square footage allowance. On property located at 7409 Frontier Trail. Planning Case: 07-15 I have reviewed the above request for a variances. The following conditions would be required: 1. A building permit is required. 2. If the building permit application is received after July 10, 2007, any portion of the structure less than five (5) feet from the property line must be of one- hour fire -resistive construction. G/PLAN2007 Planning Caccs/07-15 Susla Variancelbuildingofficialc nents.doc 0 0 lnc l ;�� ove hO--,y -i e�des �,ca oY1 (,ay I -t --,� �� CA -L Yrs+ COJeS 9 �--to 7 5�,�,�,--, r,�j ge 94Ltjl inn N o nk-A VCu La n Le, uxall, ��5-o1 C, tr -� 3 ea„ - 73X13 FraJ� r 1r�J 115-9 s�u-&n+ 6V&A, .,,,yi54`5 1V off �)a� Gia 0 i �r cvh � rah fv - SCMtOED TYoa.A vac v�\�n 112x5` �ivni��Ir 1 �c rc, s2o-Io 7725 g5 "b �� -(� ✓---- ---- -- J q -- c OM SCANNED May 24 07 03:00p Dave $ L 1 ji J J � I}nGARAGE ,&2-474-0718 z Ln F X W ' ILI a, o (a o 40 N � LO M ' Z F; Z J 5 24.1 i Y `, •• ' _ o I N 31 20'00" pp T� O .?.�4-& p.2 t i ji J J � I}nGARAGE ,&2-474-0718 z Ln F X W ' ILI a, o (a o 40 N � LO M ' Z F; Z J 5 24.1 i Y `, •• ' _ o I N 31 20'00" pp T� O .?.�4-& p.2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard — P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 — (952) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION Planning Case No. 0-7 — 1"S CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAY 14 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non -conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review (SPR)` Subdivision` Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) Variance (VAR) QLD Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Notification Sign - $200 (City to install and remove) X EVAow for Filing Fees/tt mey Cost" $5 UP/SPRA/AC AWAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEES aSG _ -p-D Cr,4 (,124— An a124 An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 (*.tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED 0 0 PROJECT NAME: SUS LA &-A-iZ A G"C LOCATION: I L1 09 f-aoN7t lYL---Mj4ILI C fi'1qN Hj 5S L_W LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (-OT i E)(CCrT Tuft SOU7HC-IgS7U- tLV 70.0 FEET -MCK&O�t f140lift SklTHC19STE)tZol aS.O FEET OF UT (o f7,1)17n1<'S Su6JtvISIO4 NO, Z, TOTAL ACREAGE: 00 CftvLYZ- COUNTY, M/NNb-Y-JTi WETLANDS PRESENT: YES PRESENT ZONING: �S REQUESTED ZONING: in�S F NO THIS IS W LAKEFt2UK7 LOT - PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: KcSI lb N -n WL- REASON FOR REQUEST: WC PWC- JZE()U L� 7 i N L' A GOLD A NEW C%I$QgL1, C LO S L 70 () U t2 I: M e, 71 N b- t+C M t, CLI-,✓ SIL -r SuUml iiCD I)0cUi11,1U1�7S FOIZ V-U)Z-TIfuYL I NF Ort-MA-TI0M, This application must be completed in full and be typewrt ten or dearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Daft Signature of Fee Owner Daft GipLANVoms\Development Review Appligtim.DOC Rev. 12/05 S L . 4-D 0 0 New Garage Variance Request Submitted by: Dave & Laurie Susla 7409 Frontier Trail SCAMNEO PROPOSAL: BUH.D A SMALL DETACHED, GARAGE CLOSE TO OUR HOME. DETAILS: - Standard minimum depth of a two -car garage is 22 feet. Our garage will be 21 feet deep for one stall, and 23 feet deep for the second. - Standard minimum width of two -car garage is 24 feet. Our garage will be 24 feet wide, with an attached 4 x 9 foot area to allow for garbage & recycling bin storage. - This is a total of 528 square feet for the garage, and 36 square feet for garbagetrecycling, for a total of 564 square feet. This is quite modest for a two -car garage, and puts us only 96 square feet over the 1,000 allowed for accessory space. - The garage will be placed 19 feet from the front of our house, and 2 feet from the north- west side property line. By moving the garage towards the property line, we can also move it towards our house, which helps our neighbor's views. - The garage roof will be a 6:12 pitch. The roof pitch of the house is 8:12. The lower pitch on the garage roof will help the garage to be less obtrusive — 4 feet lower at the peak than with an 8:12 pitch. - The driveway will be approximately 10.5 feet wide to house, with space to turn in to the garage, and a small turn -around area - The existing power lines will be buried. Plan overview: .4 Page 1 - Our lot is quite narrow — 60 feet wide. If the back of the garage was 10 feet off the side property line, it would be extremely difficult to get a car into the garage, due to the angle of the tum. If side setback is enforced, the garage would be in front of the front door of the house, which would be strange and unsightly. - Our lot is on a very steep hill — from the street to the top of the hill, the elevation gain is about 19 feet. The existing driveway has a 20 degree slope, and although that slope wouldn't be allowed today, there are no good options for changing it. The side of the driveway is tree -lined with beautiful, large pines, and the area for the driveway is quite narrow. The steepness of the slope makes parking in the existing garage, and walking to the house unsafe for nearly half the year. - Other properties have been given similar leeway. Due to the narrow lots in our area, several variances have been given for garage placement. - Most other Residential Single Family lots do not have the combination of narrowness and steepness that we have on our lot. This variance request would not be applicable to other property within the same zoning classification. - We are not asking for the variance to increase the value of our lot. We are asking for the variance so we will have an adequate place to park our cars. The existing garage is inadequate. It is great for smaller cars, trailers, boats, and lawn equipment. However, the slope of the driveway, combined with shorter, 7 foot tall garage doors, make it impossible to park even a mid-size SUV, because the car roof hits on the garage opening. The garage door height cannot be changed because of the way the garage was constructed. Also, the existing garage (entry side) is located over 150 feet, and down the hill, from the house. This means there is no convenient place to store garbage and recycling bins. The walk between the house and the garage is difficult in bad weather. In winter, it is unsafe. - We have not created this hardship ourselves. The slope of the land, although quite steep, is natural. The narrowness of the lot is due to the original subdivision of the land. We have not divided or sold any part of our lot. - The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in our neighborhood. In fact, it will be beneficial. Please see the next page for further information. - This variation will not impair an adequate supply of light or air to adjacent property, increase the congestion of public streets, increase the danger of fire, endanger public safety, or diminish property values in the area. Page 2 0 0 BENEFITS OF PROPOSAL: - We will be continuing our efforts to reduce hard cover on our property. So far, we have eliminated approximately 628 square feet of hard cover on our lot. We removed a concrete patio (196 s.f.), three dilapidated decks (130 s.f., 225 s.f., & 235 s.f.), and an overhang (61 s.£). We removed the rotting retaining walls and replaced them with lower, stone walls, which are earth -friendly and permanent (new = 173 s.£, old = 182 s.f., net = 9 s.£ decrease). We also replaced dilapidated stairs with granite steps, at a gain of 228 s.£ We have moved from 35.2% hardcover to 31.9% hardcover. Adding the garage will allow us to eliminate approximately 728 additional square feet of hard cover — about 480 square feet (an area approximately 12' x 40') of driveway will be eliminated near the house, and about 360 square feet (approximately 20' x 18') from the road side of the new garage. The new garage will be located on space that is currently driveway, so it is not a net gain or loss of hard cover. We will be adding a path from the driveway to the house, at a hardcover gain of about 112 s.£ We are founding members of the Lotus Lake Clean Water Organization, a non-profit group that is working to help improve the water quality in Lotus Lake, and understand how important it is to reduce hard cover on all lots that drain to the lake. Changing the flat area by the house from driveway to lawn and plantings will help prevent the large quantity of runoff that currently occurs. This would be a total reduction of about 1,356 square feet of hardcover since we've purchased the property. We will have moved from 35.2% hardcover to 28.1%. - We will be continuing our efforts to beautify our property, and thus, the neighborhood. So far, we have re -landscaped the lake side of our home, removed several rotting wood retaining walls and decks, replaced the old retaining walls with low boulder walls, taken down two large dead/dying trees, and removed lots of other dead brush. We have planted trees, shrubs, and perennials to help hold the steep terrain. We've re -sodded our yard. We have repainted our home and garage, replaced the existing, rotting garage doors with new doors, and added new light fixtures. The area directly in front of our house is currently an eyesore. There is too much asphalt, and there is a large, rundown, planting area in the middle of the driveway. Most of the plants in the island are dead or dying. The island structure itself, poorly built with a combination of old railroad timbers and pressure treated wood, is falling apart. It was used as a dumping ground (by the previous owners) for leftovers (such as miscellaneous rock, brick, wood, etc.) from various projects. The new garage will fit in well with our home and our neighbor's homes, and will be beautifully landscaped. The new driveway will replace one that is in very bad shape, and will cover much less surface area. Page 3 0 0 - The new garage will be virtually unseen from the street. Due to the slope of the land, it will be difficult to see the new garage from the street. However, it is still very important to us to ensure it is well designed and good looking. - Garage style will be in keeping with existing home and neighborhood. The new garage will have cedar siding, windows, Timberline roof shingles, and trim to match our home. It will have two single garage doors, instead of one large door, which visually appears smaller. It will also have two roof sections, which again, appear smaller than one large roof. See elevations for further details. - We won't have to park our cars or trailers in the driveway, which helps to beautify the neighborhood. Many people who live on lakes have trailers, but they are not pretty to look at. Keeping the existing garage allows trailer and lawn equipment storage. The new garage will allow for two cars and garbagetrecycling. No matter who owns this home in the future, the neighbors will appreciate not having to look at vehicles or trailers. It is important to note that the existing garage, although it is 11 feet from the property line, is actually 35 feet from Frontier Trail, so it's certainly not right on the road. - We will be burying the power lines to the house. This will be good for our neighbors to the north-east, since the wires will no longer drape across their driveway. The wires are ugly, hang quite low, and prevent access to the house by anything larger than a small truck. They also run through a number of large trees, which makes them dangerous in a windy situation. And again, this will help to beautify the neighborhood. - We have discussed this plan with both of our immediate neighbors, and they are happy with the plan. We felt it was important to show both of our next-door neighbors our plans, and not surprise them with a notice from the city. They understand our plans, and support them. Page 4 AN IDEA THAT ISN'T PRACTICAL: - Remove the existing garage, and build a larger garage up by the house. Eliminating the garage by the road and building a bigger one up by the house would not be good for the environment or for our neighbors. This plan has the following issues: Removing the existing garage is bad for the environment: - Removing the existing garage would leave a huge hole in the hill in front of our home. The foundation at the rear of the garage is 8 feet underground, and the garage is 22 feet deep by 24 feet wide. The north-west side of the garage has a retaining wall running from the front of the garage to the property line, at about two feet high next to the garage front. The quantity of fill dirt required to fill the hole would be tremendous — about 90 cubic yards. Fill is not stable, and to have that much of it on a steep bank is precarious at best. - Removing the existing garage would mean sending a fimctional garage to a landfill, which is wasteful and environmentally unfriendly. - Removing the existing garage would kill several large trees which are quite close to the garage foundation. Building a larger garage up by our house would not be neighbor -friendly: - If we were to tear down the existing garage, the new garage would need to be much bigger than the proposed garage in order to hold trailers, lawn equipment, etc. The garage up the hill will be visible from neighboring homes on our side of the street, whereas the existing garage down the hill is barely visible from our homes. Thus, a larger garage by our home is not better for us or for our neighbors. Page 5 e�n7 a.� 0 m Of v - O O Of W I� W r L-7 W 'Of X ` W r a � e J 9'" T-'4- 9'-0' x T-4' 4 rasa C, X 15'( I H (T HD Y`') c rl rvj &A -n -A & -c Of co W i k W O X 4 � e M 9'-0e 7-4e c� 9'-0' x 7'-4' N 0 CO N 0 x � e e ho Go C)M ?x x O e N u 1) avnn�e "SM—WAMAKIT m Joint Tefwus 4o delinquent taxes and transfer entered; Certificate I A Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( ) not required zertifcale of Real Estate Value No. (DW) b County Auditor Deputy 0 DEED TAX DUE: f 1-244-10 I Date: July 26, 2002 oen.d ry r®,a64.mu) POR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Robert M. Sowers and Lillian H. Sewers, husband and wife Grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to David M. Susla and Laurie C. Susla (awdats ) Grantees, as joint tenants, real property in Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lot Five (5), except the Southeasterly 70 feet thereof, and the Southeasterly 25 feet of Lot Six (6), Auditor's Subdivision Number Two (2), Carver County, Minnesota. Subject to restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any. together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: Cheek box if applicable: ❑ The Seller certifies that the seller does not know of any wells on the described real properly. ® A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document. I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and number of wells on the described real property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate. Robert M. Sowers Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here STATE OF MINNESOTALor il ian H. Ser COUNTY Or �IENNEPIN } u_ This instrument was acknowledged before me on July 26, Due by _RILUC M Somers and Lillian H. Somers, husband aed wife f mra•mr. sraaP oa>aal. m• mm mra A urn? • z5 aaauaugvrama a wo xor�i k BERGER { Check hie if pan or all M the land is 2002 • • Tara Si]I[iR1a5 fW nR I ffny a[ ,l d N Ma ndrrad do N be s w tine .and aaf, Of Grvaee): I>�•sa•oaoo.aseuramaaauamiuo,uoam,� I CERTIFIED HOME CLOSERS, INC. 5701 Kentucky Ave. No. Crystal, MN 55428 MaPMIf' UNaUmgarrp CWvwe d 1N5 ieMl r•UIIRa. David M. Susla Laurie C. Susla 7409 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 SCANNEC $200 Variance $50 Escrow for Filing Fees $250 Laurie Susla Check #6124 SCANNED CITY OF CHANHASSEN P O BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 05/18/2007 3:25 PM Receipt No. 0042480 CLERK: katie PAYEE: LAURIE SUSLA 7409 FRONTIER TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SUSLA VARIANCE PLANNING CASE 07-15 ------------------------------------------------------- Use & Variance 200.00 Recording Fees 50.00 Total 250.00 Cash 0.00 Check 6124 250.00 Change ;� WQ SCANNED 1 12/116/23 SUSLA, LAUNIh ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 5300 S. Hwy. No. 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone (952) 474 7964 Fax(952)4748267 SURVEY FOR: LA ME SUSIA SURVEYED: July, 2002 DRAFTED: July 9, 2002 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, except the Southeasterly 70.0 feet thereof, and the Southeasterly 25.0 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 2, Hennepin County, Minnesota. SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Showing the length and direction of boundary lines of the above legal description. The scope of our services does not include determining what you own, which is a legal matter. Please check the legal description with your records or consult with competent legal counsel, if necessary, to make sure that it is correct, and that any matters of record, such as easements, that you wish shown on the survey, have been shown. 2. Showing the location of existing improvements we deemed important. 3. Setting new monuments or verifying old monuments to mark the comers of the property. 4. Showing elevations on the site at selected locations to give some indication of the topography of the site near the lake. The elevations shown relate only to the benchmark provided on this survey. Use that benchmark and check at least one other feature shown on the map when determining other elevations for use on this site. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: "0" Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bearing State License Number 9235, set, unless otherwise noted. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, report or survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a licensed Professional Engineer and Professional Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. H. Parker P.E. & P.S. No. 9235 / /'-� 7— L_ t/ / N PROPOSED, The drawings of the driveway and path are approximate. e bVy. o 4 C 691 9'►� SON v - �� OA- 4+ 91 bp ,.' 899 ej6d eq 9 R ell / i T � a •/ , `4' �. + o��-- Sao 4o ti GRAPHIC SCALE 20 o to zo 40 ( IN FEET ) HARD COVER TABULATION: PROPOSED HARDCOVER House 1,070.6 Sq. Ft. Stone Retaining Walls & Steps 401.3 Sq. Ft. Bituminous Driveway 3,113.0 Sq. Ft. Paver Pathway 112.0 Sq. Ft. Garage 532.6 Sq. Ft. Concrete Steps 55.2 Sq. Ft. Porch 100.8 Sq. Ft. TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 5,385.6 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT TO OWH 19,161.4 Sq. Ft. % HARDCOVER 28.1% I0yYG. NO. 02207,21 ADVANCE ,SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO, 5300 S. Hwy. No. 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone (952) 474 7964 Fax(952)4748267 SURVEY FOR: LAURIE SUSLA SURVEYED: July, 2002 DRAFTED: July 9, 2002 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, except the Southeasterly 70.0 feet thereof, and the Southeasterly 25.0 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 2, Hennepin County, Minnesota. SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Showing the length and direction of boundary lines of the above legal description. The scope of our services does not include determining what you own, which is a legal matter. Please check the legal description with your records or consult with competent legal counsel, if necessary, to make sure that it is correct, and that any matters of record, such as easements, that you wish shown on the survey, have been shown. 2. Showing the location of existing improvements we deemed important. 3. Setting new monuments or verifying old monuments to mark the comers of the property. 4. Showing elevations on the site at selected locations to give some indication of the topography of the site near the lake. The elevations shown relate only to the benchmark provided on this survey. Use that benchmark and check at least one other feature shown on the map when determining other elevations for use on this site. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: "e" Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bearing State License Number 9235, set, unless otherwise noted. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, report or survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a licensed Professional Engineer and Professional Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. H. Parker P.E. & P.S. No. 9235 / •yo IN PROPOSED. The drawings of the driveway and path are approximate. Qr ` N 8� ,a / 099^'^� 09 f �/50 HARDCOVER TABULATION: �\ PROPOSED HARDCOVER GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 90 20 ( IN FEEL ) House 1,070.6 Sq. Ft. Stone Retaining Walls & Steps 387.3 Sq. Ft. Bituminous Driveway 2549.0 Sq. Ft. Paver Pathway 112.0 Sq. Ft. Existing Garage 532.6 Sq. Ft. New Garage 564.0 Sq. Ft. Concrete Steps 55.2 Sq. Ft. Porch 100.8 Sq. Ft. TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 5,371.6 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT TO OWH 19,161.4 Sq. Ft. % HARDCOVER 28.0% Pffig NO. 0,207,21