CAS-16_PARADISE AUTOMOBILECITY OF CUMMSSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.11160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web She www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us April 12, 2005 W. David C. Darrell 7467 West Shore Drive Edina, MN 55435 Re: Paradise Auto — Planning Case No. 05-16 Dear Mr. Darrell: Staff has reviewed the submittal documents for the above -referenced project. Based on this review, the submittal is incomplete and can not be scheduled for public review. The following information needs to be submitted before we can initiate the City review process: 1. The application fee and development review application signed by the property owner. 2. Site Plan at a one inch equals 30 feet scale. 3. Location and design for the septic system and an alternate drainage field. 4. Show the flood plain elevation on the plans. 5. Wetlands must be delineated and surveyed. 6. Property line dimensions, location of all existing and proposed structures with distance from boundaries, distance between structures, building dimensions, and floor elevations. 7. Tabulation box indicating: a. Size of parcel in acres and square feet. b. Gross floor area of each building. c. Percent of site covered by building. d. Percent of site covered by impervious surface. e. Percent of site covered by parking area. L Projected number of employees. g. Number of seats if intended use is a restaurant or place of assembly. h. Number of parking spaces required. i. Number of parking spaces provided including handicapped. j. Height of all buildings and structures and number of stories. k. Breakdown of the building area allocated for specific uses, e.g., manufacturing, office, retail, showroom, warehouse, etc. 8. Building elevations from all directions indicating materials and colors. The City o1 Chanhassen • A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Mr. David C. Darrell April 12, 2005 Page 2 9. Grading and drainage plans showing existing natural features (topography, wetlands, vegetation, etc.), as well as proposed grade elevations and sedimentation and stormwater retention ponds. Plans shall include runoff and storage calculations for ten-year and 100 -year events. If stormwater is proposed to be muted to existing stormwater ponds, documentation shall be provided to demonstrate that the downstream pond is sufficient to accommodate the additional stormwater. 10. Storm water runoff calculations for 10 and 100 -year storm events. 11. All existing and proposed points of egress/ingress showing widths at property lines, turning radii abutting rights-of-way with indicated centerline, width, paving width, existing and proposed median cuts, and intersections of streets and driveways. 12. Vehicular circulation system showing location and dimension for all driveways, parking spaces, parking lot aisles, service roads, loading areas, fire lanes, emergency access (if necessary), public and private streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, direction of traffic flow, and traffic -control devices. 13. Landscaping plan in accordance with the provisions of Article XXV. 14. Location, access and screening detail of trash enclosures. 15. Location and detail of signage including method of lighting, height, width, sign display area, etc. 16. Lighting location, style, mounting and photometrics. 17. The building must incorporate a pitched roof element. Once you have submitted the required information, we will schedule this item for Planning Commission and City Council review. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1131. Since , Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner ec: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director &\plan\2005 planning cases105-16 paradise aulnmobildincomplae le er.dw Re: Paradise Auto — Planning Case No. 05-16 Administration PFax:955227.11too Dear Mr. Darrell: Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections April 18, 2005 CITY OF above -referenced project. Based on this review, the submittal is incomplete P j P CIIMIIIASSEN Mr. David C. Darrell Engineering 7467 West Shore Drive 7700 Market Boulevard Edina, MN 55435 PO Box 147 1. Wetlands must be delineated and surveyed. Wetland delineation means a Chanhassen, MN 55317 boundary between jurisdictional wetland and nonwetland based on the Re: Paradise Auto — Planning Case No. 05-16 Administration PFax:955227.11too Dear Mr. Darrell: Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Staff has reviewed the submittal documents which were resubmitted for the Phone: 952.27.1190 Fax 92227.2290 above -referenced project. Based on this review, the submittal is incomplete P j P and can not be scheduled for public review. The following information needs Engineering to be submitted before we can initiate the City review process: Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 1. Wetlands must be delineated and surveyed. Wetland delineation means a Finance boundary between jurisdictional wetland and nonwetland based on the Phone: 952227.1140 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Acceptable Fax 952.227.1110 wetland delineations shall be no more than three years old, unless Park A Recreation accompanied by documentation demonstrating: Phone. 952.227.1120 Fax. 952227.1110 (1) The delineation has been reviewed in the past three years by a person RecreationBente Coulter 2310 Coulterer Boulevard trained and experienced in the application of the 1987 Corps of Engineers Phone: 952.227.1400 Wetlands Delineation Manual; and Fax: 952.2271404 (2) The delineation is still accurate or has been revised to reflect existing site conditions. Planning A Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Wetland delineation report means a report containing a brief site narrative, Fax: 952.227.1110 maps of the site and all pertinent data sheets that document the Public Works establishment of a wetland delineation. 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Septic and soil absorption system must be a setback minimum of 75 feet Fax 952.227.1310 from the ordinary high water mark of the wetland. Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 2. Show a separate grading, drainage and erosion control plan showing Fax: 952.227.1110 existing natural features (topography (existing and proposed contours), Web site wetlands, vegetation, etc.), as well as proposed grade elevations, storm www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us water piping and sedimentation and stormwater retention ponds. Plans shall include runoff and storage calculations for ten-year and 100 -year events. If stormwater is proposed to be routed to existing stormwater ponds, documentation shall be provided to demonstrate that the downstream pond is sufficient to accommodate the additional stormwater. The City o1 Chanhassen • A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Mr. David C. Darrell Paradise Auto April 18, 2005 Page 2 3. All existing and proposed points of egresstingress showing widths at property lines, turning radii abutting rights-of-way. 4. Lighting location, style, mounting and photometrics. 5. Show a separate utility plan showing well, septic system and storm sewer without the site typography. 6. The application fee and development review application signed by the property owner. Please note that the lowest floor elevation must be two (2) feet above the flood elevation. Painted block is not an acceptable building material for the trash enclosure. Drive aisle widths for two way operation are 26 feet minimum. Landscape islands and peninsulas must have a minimum dimension of 10 feet from behind the curb to behind the curb. A separate conditional use permit and additional fees are required for development within the general floodplain district. Once you have submitted the required information, we will schedule this item for Planning Commission and City Council review. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1131. Since Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner ec: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director g1ptan\2005 planning cmes\05-16 pamdise aulomobile\incomplete letter 2.doc April 15, 2005 RUNOF CALCULATIONS FOR PARADISE AUTOMOBILE 625 FLYING CLOUD DRIVE, CHANHASSAN, MN. Site Location: Intersection of Highways 212 and 69 also known as "The Wye" north of Shakopee. Area of the Tract: 108021 sq ft (approx.) = 2.48 acres Area of Proposed Impervious Zone: 108021 x 25% = 27005 sq ft = 0.62 acres 1 inch of rain per day on the total tract sq ft = 1 x 108021 = 0.1042 cfs if all runs off. (12) x 24 x 3600 Runoff coefficient = 60% Runoff from pre-dvlpmt on total tract incl. infiltration. 0.60 x 0.1042 = 0.0625 cfs/inch of rain. Pre Project Runoff.10 Year 0.0625 x 4.3 = 0.2688 cfs. 100 Year 0.0625 x 6.0 = 0.375 cfs. Additional Runoff From New Impervious Area: New area additional runoff= 0.25 x pre Proi. x 0.40 0.60 Additional Runoff: !0 Year = 0.0448 cfs. 100 Year = 0.0625 cfs from Project TOTAL RUNOFF 10 Year = 0.3133 cfs 100 Year = 0.4375 cfs AFTER PROJECT If you need any further clarification, or if I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to phone or write. Sincerely, ITASCA ENGINEERILICf ]fes*k,,,.P.Box 616, Shakopee, MN 55379-0616 Ph: 952-445-7993 'W 75_ Lawrence E. Samstad, P. Registered Professional Enpir _p Minn. Reg. No. 6220 OF cHANHPSSEN RECEIVED APa 1 5 2005 t CMNHASSEN Wlt"NG DEPT Lower Minnesota River Watershed District S Len Kremer, President Hennepin County Ron Kraemer, Vice President Dakota County Lawrence Samstad, Treasurer Scott County April 6, 2005 Joseph Olson Harry S. Johnson Company 9063 Lyndale Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55420 Re: 625 Flying Cloud Drive Leo Forner, Secretary Carver County Assistant Treasurer Edward A. Schlampp, Manager Hennepin County Terry L. Schwalbe, Administrator Cell (952) 221-1089 Dear Joseph: As we discussed on the telephone yesterday, I am forwarding the attached information. This is from a recently completed cooperative project with the USGS, USACE and our District. Based on the information and map you supplied in your email showing your area of interest, I have supplied you with copies of the floodplain map for this area. The cross sections #60 and #61 in Table 6 I believe are in the area of your site. If you have questions, call me a 952-496-8842 or email me at terrys(a_)lowermn.com. Sincerely, oe Tet L. Schwalbe District Administrator Attachments Scott County Government Center 200 4rh Avenue West Shakopee, MN 55379 Phone: (952) 496-8842, Fax: (952) 496-8844 E-mail terrys@ajowermn.com FLOOD -PLAIN AREAS OF THE LOWER MINNESOTA RIVER PLATE B PLATE PLATE 7 PLATE 6 PLATE 2 Prepared in 2004 by the I inch equals 4,000 het FLOOD -PLAIN AREAS OF THE LOWER MINNESOTA RIVER U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Geological Survey 0 s.00u im.osm ±o unm lmohpo Photobwe - 2003 USDA -Farm Service Agency Onhophoto FLOOD -PLAIN AREAS OF THE LOWER MINNESOTA RIVER This document was prepared in 2004 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Upon the appropriate review, the information contained in this report may be used as "best available data" until the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) produces new Flood Insurance Study (FIS) maps for the affected communities. Study Area The study area extends approximately 36 river miles from the mouth of the Minnesota River upstream to about four river miles upstream of Carver, Minnesota. It is essentially the same study area as found in the 1973 USGS report titled "Flood -plain Areas of the Lower Minnesota River". Hydrology In October 2001 the USACE produced the report "Section 22 Study: Minnesota River Main Stem Hydrologic Analysis". This report has been reviewed and approved by the State of Minnesota. As done in the 1973 study, the discharge values developed for the gage near Jordan (USGS Gage 05330000) are used for the entire study reach. The old and new discharge -frequency information is provided in Table 1. Table 1: Adopted Discharge -Frequency Values for USGS Gage 05330000 near Jordan, Minnesota Peak Discharge (cfs) for Exceedence Frequency (%) 10% 2% 1% 0.2% Values Prior to 2001 48,400 91,400 115,000 182,000 Current Values Adopted in 2001 48,500 85,300 103,000 148,000 Hydraulics The hydraulic modeling effort began with converting the existing HEC -2 models into HEC -RAS. Next, because the 100 -yr flood profile developed as part of the 1973 study represents the "base" flood profile (the profile used to assess the impact of the floodway), base flood conditions were recreated in the HEC -RAS model. This involved removing the Interstate 494 bridge, the new Cedar Avenue bridge, and a number of fill areas along the south side of the Minnesota River between the Cedar Avenue bridge and Shakopee. Creating base flood conditions also involved including the now -removed railroad bridge just downstream of State Highway 41 at Chaska. The limits of effective flow were set based on conditions that existed in the spring of 1972 (the 1973 report used conditions in the spring of 1972 as "base" conditions). The recreated base flood profile is within 0.1 ft of the 100 -yr profile published in the 1973 report except between cross-sections 22 and 50, where it is up to 0.3 ft lower. The recreated base flood conditions model was not adjusted to better match the 1973 profile between cross-sections 22 and 50 because of what was learned during the calibration effort. This will be described in a following paragraph. After recreating the base flood conditions model, an existing conditions HEC -RAS model was developed. The new bridges and fill areas were added to the model and the railroad bridge just downstream of State Highway 41 at Chaska was removed. The limits of effective flow were adjusted appropriately to account for these changes. The existing conditions model also includes updated channel topography from USACE sounding data (cross-sections I — 42) and updated channel and overbank topography from USGS surveys conducted in 2000 (cross-sections 43-91). The USGS and USACE identified areas with significant changes in vegetation since the spring of 1972 and used that information to adjust the existing condition model's roughness coefficients (Manning's n values). The profiles for the 10%, 2%, 1 %, and 0.2% annual exceedence probability events (commonly referred to as the 10 -yr, 50 -yr, 100 -yr, and 500 -yr floods, respectively) were determined using the existing conditions model and the revised hydrology. As done for the 1973 report, coincident frequency was assumed to determine the starting water surface elevations (e.g. the 100 -yr elevation of the Mississippi River at the mouth of the Minnesota River was used as the starting water surface elevation for the 100 -yr flood profile of the Minnesota River). The Mississippi River hydrology has also been updated since the 1973 report. The changes, shown in Table 4, mean that the starting water surface elevations for the Minnesota River profiles also need to change. Table 4: Adopted Discharge -Frequency Values for USGS Gage 05331000 in St. Paul, Minnesota . Flood Event Peak Discharge (cfs) for Exceedence Frequency (%) 10 -yr 10% 2% 1 % 0.2% Values in 1973 Report 80,000 133,000 160,000 Not Provided Current Values 83,000 130,000 150,000 203,000 The results of the St. Paul FIS Mississippi River HEC -2 model at the mouth of the Minnesota River (cross- section 135) were used to get the starting water surface elevations, which are shown in Table 5. The 10,000 cfs reduction in the 100 -yr discharge on the Mississippi River results in about a 1.1 ft lower 100 -yr flood starting water surface elevation on the Minnesota River. Table 5: Starting Water Surface Elevations for Minnesota River Profiles Flood Event SWSEL (ft, NGVD29) 10 -yr 704.83 50 -yr 710.96 100 -yr 713.32 100 -yr Floodway 713.55 500 -yr 719.08 The existing conditions profiles for the 10 -yr, 50 -yr, 100 -yr, and 500 -yr floods are provided in Figure 2. The 1973 base flood profile is also shown in this figure for the purpose of comparison. The floodway follows the currently published floodway with minor changes to accommodate existing development and to remove a couple of small areas obviously outside the limits of effective flow. As was the case for the 1973 report, the floodway is set at the 100 -yr flood -plain boundary for much of the study area. Because of the reduction in the 100 -yr flood profile due to the reduction in the 100 -yr discharges on the Mississippi River and the Minnesota River, the floodway stage increase is assessed against a revised base flood profile generated by using the base flood conditions geometry and the current 100 -yr discharge and starting water surface elevation for the Minnesota River. The stage increase caused by the floodway is tabulated in Table 6. The stage increase does not exceed the State of Minnesota's 0.5 ft criteria. The 100 -yr flood -plain, the 500 -yr flood -plain, and the floodway are delineated on Plates 2 —10. The plates also show the HEC -RAS cross-sections, the location of the "historic" river mile markers shown in the 1973 report, and certified levees. It should be noted that the x-axes of Figures 1 and 2 represent the distance in miles upstream of the Minnesota River mouth measured along the centerline established for this study. Due to The calibration effort involved getting the base flood conditions model to generally reproduce the 1969 flood high water marks and getting the existing conditions model to reproduce the 1993, 1997, and 2001 flood high water marks. The 1973 report indicates that flood -plain changes between the flood of 1969 and the spring of 1972 would have increased the 1969 flood elevations nearly 0.5 ft in Savage. With the base flood conditions model calibrated to be 0.5 ft higher than the 1969 high water marks in and just upstream of Savage, the existing conditions model was noticeably (0.3 to 0.5 ft) higher than the 1993, 1997, and 2001 high water marks. Therefore, the models were adjusted so that the base flood conditions model is only 0.2 to 0.3 ft higher than the 1969 high watermarks in and just upstream of Savage. This resulted in abase flood conditions model that produces a slightly lower profile between cross-sections 22 and 50 than what was published in the 1973 report. The base flood conditions model was not calibrated to the 1965 flood due to changes that occurred in the Minnesota River flood -plain between the 1965 and 1969 floods. The most significant change was the placement of fill that inhibited flow over the south approach of the Interstate 35W bridge. This issue is also discussed in the 1973 report. The 1969, 1993, 1997, and 2001 flood discharges and starting water surface elevations used in the calibration effort are provided in Table 2. The discharge used is the peak flood discharge reported at USGS Gage 05330000 near Jordan, Minnesota. The starting water surface elevation were estimated using the recently revised St. Paul FIS Mississippi River HEC -2 model to determine the difference in water surface elevation between the recorded tailwater at Lock and Dam No. I and the mouth of the Minnesota River for the Mississippi River flows occurring at the time of the peak Minnesota River flows. Table 2: Calibration Discharge and Starting Water Surface Elevation Data Flood Event Discharge (cfs) SWSEL (ft, NGVD29) 1969 Flood 84,600 714.2 1993 Flood 92,200 706.0 1997 Flood 82,300 711.5 2001 Flood 87,100 710.9 The 1969, 1993, 1997, and 2001 flood high water marks and the HEC -RAS generated profiles for these flood events are'shown below in Figure 1. For both the base flood conditions model and the existing conditions model, Manning's n values were assigned as indicated in Table 3. Table 3: Manning's n Values Assigned to Type of Vegetative Cover Channel - includes vegetation above water to top of bank (cross-sections 1 - 85) 0.042 Channel - includes vegetation above water to top of bank (cross-sections 86 - 91) 0.038 Highway embankment 0.028 Open area without brush/trees 0.055 Open area with some brush/trees 0.065 Urban developed 0.070 Trees with some open area 0.10 Dense trees 0.15 changes in the channel centerline and more accurate tools for measuring the distance along a curved line, this distance does not necessarily coincide with what you would get using the historic river mile markers. 2 -ft contours obtained from the City of Bloomington, City of Chaska, Dakota County, and Scott County were used to delineate the 100 -yr and 500 -yr flood -plains in those communities. Outside of these communities, the 2 -ft contours of the 1973 report were used to delineate the 100 -yr and 500 -yr flood -plains. The underlying photos for Plates 2 -10 are the publicly available natural color orthophotos collected by U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency in 2003. Table 6: Floodway Stage Increases (Elevation data is in NGVD29 datum) XS # Revised Base Flood Existing Conditions 1 lood a Floodwa Fldwy Sith tage Increase XS # Revised Base Flood Existing Conditions 1 lood with Floodwa Fldwy Stage Increase XS # Revised Base Flood Existing Conditions 100 -yr lood with Floodwa Fldwy Stage Increase 1 713.22 713.55 0.33 26 715.79 716.11 0.32 57 720.19 720.47 0.28 2 713.34 713.70 0.36 27 716.14 716.37 0.23 58 720.37 720.64 0.27 3 1 713.48 713.84 0.36 28 716.33 716.51 0.18 59 720.45 720.72 0.27 4 713.64 713.98 0.34 29 716.43 716.63 0.20 59.5 720.50 720.77 0.27 5 713.77 714.09 0.32 30 716.57 716.77 0.20 60 720.55 720.81 0.26 6.1 713.85 714.19 0.34 31 716.77 716.99 0.22 61 720.60 720.86 0.26 6.5 713.88 714.24 0.36 32 716.97 717.25 0.28 63 720.66 720.92 0.26 6.7 713.91 714.25 0.34 33 1 717.07 717.34 1 0.27 64 720.74 720.99 0.25 7.1 713.96 714.31 0.35 34 717.19 717.46 0.27 65 720.97 721.20 0.23 8 714.04 714.39 0.35 35 717.28 717.56 0.28 66 721.23 721.44 0.21 9 714.13 714.47 0.34 36 717.50 717.76 0.26 67 721.34 721.55 0.21 10 1 714.18 714.52 0.34 37 717.53 717.81 0.28 68 721.41 721.63 0.22 ll 714.22 714.56 0.34 39 718.33 718.52 0.19 69 721.50 721.71 0.21 12 714.26 714.59 0.33 40 718.33 718.53 0.20 70 721.69 721.89 0.20 12.3 714.27 714.61 0.34 41 718.70 718.77 0.07 71 721.74 721.98 0.24 12.7 714.28 714.62 0.34 42 1 718.68 718.87 0.19 73 721.99 722.14 0.15 13.2 714.28 714.61 0.33 43 718.94 719.05 0.11 74 722.35 722.50 0.15 13.4 714.29 714.63 1 0.34 44 719.08 719.37 0.29 75 722.47 722.61 0.14 14 714.35 714.75 0.40 45 719.16 719.47 0.31 77 722.60 722.74 0.14 15 714.37 714.77 0.40 46 719.26 719.57 0.31 78 722.79 722.93 0.14 16 714.41 714.81 0.40 47 719.32 719.63 0.31 79 722.84 722.98 0.14 17 714.47 714.86 0.39 47.5 719.34 719.65- 0.31 80 722.88 723.02 0.14 18 714.54 714.93 0.39 48 719.36 719.66 0.30 81 722.93 723.07 0.14 18.4 714.55 714.94 0.39 48.5 719.46 719.77 0.31 82 722.95 723.09 0.14 19 714.63 715.02 0.39 49 719.49 719.80 0.31 83 723.00 723.14 0.14 20 714.74 715.12 0.38 50 719.53 719.84 0.31 85 723.10 723.23 0.13 21 714.82 715.20 0.38 50.5 719.60 719.90 0.30 86 723.27 723.39 0.12 22 714.88 715.25 0.37 51 719.70 720.01 0.31 87 723.29 723.42 0.13 22.5 714.92 715.28 0.36 52 719.75 720.05 0.30 88 723.53 723.64 0.11 23 714.85 715.22 0.37 53 719.87 720.17 0.30 89 723.70 723.80 0.10 23.5 714.93 715.29 0.36 54 719.95 720.25 0.30 90 723.83 723.91 0.08 23.7 715.06 715.41 0.35 55 720.00 720.30 030 91 723.89 723.97 0.08 25 715.19 715.55 0.36 56 1 720.08 720.38 0.30 i �.bULAS10*3 AOK • LaND f�hIR.GGI,• + IV5, gOy 40 PT a •AO(.p hC-(L6�,, • Fim*+5, fb Lr76 hill - VP'1.-L4• 44 Ip T, • SiTE 9-0v14RC0 1yY WIJILr?IN4 •7.1e'f• • 51'TE- C-Pvd.0 itf A•( IMPIMVIOuS bURr/tie'� - i4.b "-1, • SI -re 40vwklall 6{�{ */1,R,1i.lnlpr - 14, to -lo • NU,,Avvllli Oft LIA11"LOYs65 4¢G.Ik4.Tf.D - Z • Numii.Ira 01 rA-X-1QNdx r-LCtuir2.16,7 - qn • Nukn►etT�.pP t'+��+N6 'Yf••eBSr f'aCYlvGiy Iruculni��c� M�IJPIGA•fLO - g0 • H� dr't•1- O F ?'>LJ 1 L.41�I r.1 C+1 I" - 1 S TO rt.`j • ►.R'ip Womb Att.f70:\lk Di4t'L0,, %%.%101 OIsf'4-m. ..._..y4.y �' vr•TA4,1" 7-19 � 1 14ee.5 40 � t Toti.ri,T me W 6""L LAe 114A • pq.��._,u 1t U V.,,•w . V.AA•l AN 170M Woop- piY 111 • ,M 4t,.P'LFSy GILMIl l w1H • OT( M f / 1 / 1 1 X> CENTERLINE HIGHWAY 1\ dld, / PER BK 149 OF DEEDS, PG BS -�\ g\SVS 140\ dop • 4o f•w� Illi►41aMR pT7 S2 / / / �' B X MU N011-11! Awl-4G1+CIJhY AF` r,A44►P T' �� X9 II�4� / X K>14 J�•1NOU >l•, / _ V�/CONN&, 728 'B ? _ T. / X, X' Ea i / / SpTl$IN N �t4S I X X, X,XX Oro ���:/ lit. ��// � I � yi.- � y o, I ur X> �6O" FES-1pis 1 777 � 6ND Sb:f- � 6 pG � � y., � - � > TJ ./ ova %uYdfyv� f517 T �t4 roo'Y147•� I� ... ;o.- X / �i 6' X- CtT 17F IT X>�s ' � s� A =42.11'13„ 09()�,549.18 ,�7 ' R=745.87 f /; '� x > l r�ox,zv x, - - / ''��� U e / X, ,, ,S' : r, �i I - X, 'r` =- --'1/�� �Os,u. X /_ f .r >?s '!s '/ s ( �`•fet ! S 20 % K4' e _ / 4 �• Tu. a 4 T h � !a 9 CIO 7- 49 s Cil Ealy RIGHT OF WAY LINE / / '� Ja '� -- _ _ _ _ 8� , g , c��o� S. .>cS,4gG+' I > OF HWY. PER LEGAL DESCRIPTION - �(� .. / .F ,� r +,' r•;' 4 t -w, 19 E•ly RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF HIGHWAY PER COUNTY / / �s , L SECTION MAPS ---X / —EDGE OF WET AREA >09 — -, 0' 09 �� v �� o CENTERLINE X?1 \ /_ I �� I\�•r �'P> HIGHWAY PAVEMENT Oi n> / �\ >� A X'�, WET AREA r` 1 WET AREA >3' 00��/ // \ , I �-� fLOOT7 PI.AIIJ i20.15r7 �S .7 / / X, `\ / CjS X X jr �/ 571.29 - - -- e 88.43,1 5„ W 579.20 re //-SOUTH UNE OF NORTHWEST QUARTER ??O / OF SEC. 36, TWP. 116, RNG. 23 /x, X>_ 0 �5 /f X X�i / R LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, described as follows: Commencing at a point 1433.8 feet North 73 degrees 20 feet East from the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter, and said point lying in the center line of trunk Highway 169; thence South and at right angle to said Trunk Highway a distance of 33 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing South at right angles from Trunk Highway 169 to the intersection with the South line of the Northwest Quarter; thence West along sold South line to the intersection with the Southeasterly boundary of said Trunk Highway, thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly boundary to the actual point of beginning. GENERAL NOTES: 1. The bearing system used is assumed 2. The location of the underground utilities shown.hereon, if any, are approximate only. PURSUANT TO MSA 216D CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT (612) 454-0002 PRIOR -0 ANY EXCAVATION. 3. Zoning - Presently Fringe Business (BF) per City of Chanhassen. 4. Setback requirements per City of Chanhassen. Contact City Office, (952) 937-1900 Front = 25' Rear 20' Side 10' 5. Site area to legal description ROW = 133,305 square feet - 3.060 acres. B. This survey was made on the ground. 9. No current title work was fumished for the preparation of this survey, legal description, recorded or unrecorded easements and encumbrances are subject to revision upon receipt of current title work. 10 Elevation datum is based on NAVD 88 datum. Bench mark: MNDOT Station No. 1011A; Elevation = 715.59 MNDOT Station No. 1011A1; Elevation 714.73 LEGEND File no, 1-3-6795_ • Property Monument MIS _ Concrete to - Concrete Curb SORV - -- Overhecd Telephone No.2 - -� Underground Telephone 9J� -- Fence --- — --W Overhead Electric ---- - - ---w Overhead Telephone & Electric m Electric Manhole ® Unknown Manhole BOUNDARY AND Hydrant For: QI Power Pale FLWNG CLOUD DRIVE 625 FLYINGT.J�OUD DRIVE Guy Wire Anchor CARVER COUNTY f fa Gate Valve 13 Guord Post @ Cotchbasin ® Cotchtasin ® Air Conditioning Unit 4t6 Deciduous Tree (Diameter in Inches) Coniferous Tree (Diameter In Inches) + Light Pole 0 Gas Meter 17 Telephone Box ® Water Manhole O Guy Pole ® Sanitary Manhole 0 Storm Manhole - - - - -906- - - - Existing Contour X 851.27G Existing Spot Elevation Gutter X 934.3 Existing Spot Elevation 901-----__� t4s\v C,oh.L-z�USC - WHIM 29 2005 HARRY S. JOHNSON CO. INC CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED APR 1 5 2005 CHANHASSENPLANNING DEPT i File no, 1-3-6795_ --- dW.O SCALE: 1 INCH = 30 FEET REV"NS Date I hereby certify that this survey, plan a,- rreport was prepared by me or under my report direct supervision and that 1 am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws f the State of Minnesota Thomas E. Hodorff, L.S. Minnesota Reg. No. 23677 Date: ,BINE-4,244 --- __- BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY !' For: ERIC AARON SITE: FLWNG CLOUD DRIVE 625 FLYINGT.J�OUD DRIVE CHANIi111114111MM, lMMNESOTA CARVER COUNTY f —JI HARRYS. JOHNSON CO., INC. W LAND SURVEYORS" 9063 Lyndals Avenue South Bloomington, MN. 55M x.9524884.5341 Fax 952-884-5344 www. sourvyom.obm 9o,.k ="11 File no, 1-3-6795_ --- dW.O Vumber 2004N3 a"D TEM �°".° shee ti,. 1 OF* <.1 A4 l r7 iaT 111 ALUM GQ 40IL - Y,pMYA MO. 1NA-12[3.0'•" f'r 9 o L2 T 4 ILL. fo V A T 1 904 yaA.cAc 1/1wo1.47 62 X- .. L O O f- 7 L. A N = 1LA W, s - i IL+Ir 1a>r* ---- - Izk: x z4 ^ LZ} --5 • 'LOO &"4F- w LE G T RJ Uti L. y P -MV 1 JA • PPof'ML'< 1607Lc.G.0 /i, IK 1-iEaT11JG • CAMEJ:.aTB, A/c- GON Tctl L4, a DILj \Yb1.t..t S P7tri TP,NId IyY n\V l t. k- P M -r-.` T•tiT" r%Y K I+ o • o.LL 46y.vlfeC.•i rby nWN9R 0.i• G ErT la t_C c..TKIG.:7i O FLOOS7 f LjflJlf 14f A��� LaT LON T'O W2.S 9b �f w -O. S@E UOT4 SIyK oN 4416 Ww -T 4Max-q'mG is— Ml i 1-,--1 1 --7-1 Nxxm mL 4 fiAGT �LEVATfanl� IWiMikM MW1.11 / .0 w.rw xma.wp-_ N r� / A 1� Q �V J � J rJ� WET AREA _ VVV l , \`ysg TO end WT ..EA S 88'43'15" W 579.20 r rLo.N CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED 'PR 1 5 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT 41d CL J J LU 2 ccW Z w� Ucrw U U; Qg� �n�f I Oxy ° t a�z LN O R � 4 Q Q l) 2 f L T i - r4� L RI r � 7 4 i ,, <Nx bt LV0 to DRAWN D G n CHECKED DATE 4. b of SCALE JOS NO. aC41�p SHEET OF SHEET ° -�--+� =42'11'13" ; -� 54918 o ,+R-745.87/,- v Lim x / TiH 1 5 51Tb f �,Ar1 ', S volo •wnwr o�wi.. �5</.� / SE6 SH C.Ct.T� NUMryER 2 `s�w7 rJ� WET AREA _ VVV l , \`ysg TO end WT ..EA S 88'43'15" W 579.20 r rLo.N CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED 'PR 1 5 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT 41d CL J J LU 2 ccW Z w� Ucrw U U; Qg� �n�f I Oxy ° t a�z LN O R � 4 Q Q l) 2 f L T i - r4� L RI r � 7 4 i ,, <Nx bt LV0 to DRAWN D G n CHECKED DATE 4. b of SCALE JOS NO. aC41�p SHEET OF SHEET 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 General Phone: 952-227-1100 Administrative Fax: 952-227-1110 BldgQnspections Fax: 952-227-1190 Engineering Fax: 952-227-1170 Park/Recreaaon Fax: 952-227-1110 Planning Fax. 952-227-1110 Public Works Fax: 952-227-1310 Recreation Center Fax: 952-227-1404 Web Address: www.ci.chanhassemmmas FAX COVER SHEET �( I� Date: o`1- ' 71-� Company:,-�b`t�C C I �(� ►�S5c?� . L`�. Attention: Fax Numbbeer:n1 S/Z Sent By: � Direct Dial No: SZ_ 22? — ) 13 1 Sending 3— pages, including cover page. ❑ Please find the information you requested ❑ Please review and call me ❑ Please call to confirm receipt of this fax ❑ If you do not receive all pages, or are experiencing other problems in transmission, please call the sender at his or her direct dial number. 4e. n = n { m m0 z �, 00 MM zcn m= z N O D O CM m C77 z i 0 1 1 ,- t� \ 1 l• L, " L\ 1J2 \ �- �♦I II �':;_q;�{�?A�rf � f ` Sr8jji3t d'• (T���{ F ,- v vuau� •�-.wws-r-r W Z N O � ¢p N Lo It x LOU v-1 a Z OQ a W Q r Z U = V v vuau� •�-.wws-r-r - ate..., siw..a P` �C / 1 / i / / I 'j4.1 41, 416T*.IL 219 If t Killi 40 4 / TolL' k1 'rocs W I / � % > X> / CENTERLINE HIGHWAY tt ,:P VS / / 4 / PER SK 149 OF DEEDS. PG 85-, 1 f1N� t 8\ZV > � 1\ / °'R XS 's i_ANPS LA.P 11J 6� / / n n �% e, t e R ? • WOO MOPW& wOR-ar.N rsaxw000 - a+Y. t�•i / Q � \ /� i •� � '� � X� � ,*� o 4LrsP L6Ly GR6rev1 ASH - aT( Ie1 �i?�1` t X • J MU4o TIN• - 1R6R6tUkA� OT7 32 ^ �,/\ �/ b 6 , / \ ? P > NQf6t AVL 4cNZUFay AR PiH44� T'an / \ J ✓ n ^ I \ 6 W �` 6, X�bo X 8\t�Mtti,s' i2 ✓x,?'ems ' �' a :., *gra /I ?so X,� _ .61 / x •/ p X 3h,,NC\u ' / X> x : caHKao-r 8? `'>��� J '.2B /SO ?B f��AiLI `oS / --� l?�. >� ADVE TISIN Id I �_ X / X 1j / SIGN . _ _ we 4o j X> I fgru X / /O ?> />? . i / /� i / � l I ` • � O; - I'> roue ury� >? .� i f '21. 0000, i 1 / 11 t � ^�` \ 40 Xj I i / / 60' FES ens1't 1 X tip �� /. - too utvwl TuM --- Ida -.-. si ,'�" _. _ >? > . Mt R'f- 10-.v„ces..'i..14.• to --X' ?6 19 '16' , � t '/ )(" /.,•IF r x>oToF '/• Xj err U,, ?6 X' A =42'11 13 '01' /i = ?> ------=� 549-18 / ,/. rworc iza d > .Y >�,0 vif R=745.87, 9B i X>, , xo��g7Mv X. a/p t11 ?D �' 1LOTApu cv Co, LrI Ealy RIGHT OF WAY LINE _�J-4�NYi+ I OF HWY. PER LEGAL DESCRIPTION / ' i, pA �i Slvb=' // ?s v E•ly RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF HIGHWAY PER COUNTY SECTION MAPS - X EDGE OF WET AREA CENTERLINE 90 HIGHWAY PAVEMENT � �/ i 1` �• i S � / n O� / A X> / ?' WET AREA 1 WET AREA 3 ?z/ % Y% I fL000 PLAItJ-72O.bc2 /A>/ 10 1 i / i p t 571.29 X ` /, S 88043'15" W 579.20 /.0 �o i t�-SOUTH UNE OF NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEC. 36, TWP. 116, RNG. 23 /% / `�? 0 �9 X, / p 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, described as follows: Commencing at a point 1433.8 feet North 73 degrees 20 feet East from the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter, and said point lying in the center line of trunk Highway 169; thence South and at right angle to said Trunk Highway a distance of 33 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing South at right angles from Trunk Highway 169 to the Intersection with the South line of the Northwest Quarter; thence West along sold South line to the intersection with the Southeasterly boundary of said Trunk Highway, thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly boundary to the actual point of beginning. GENERAL NOTES: The bearing system used is assumed 2. The location of the underground utilities shown hereon, if any, ore approximate only. PURSUANT TO MSA 216D CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT (612) 454-0002 PRIOR 'n ANY EXCAVATION. 3. Zoning - Presently Fringe Business (BF) per City of Chanhassen. 4. Setback requirements per City of Chanhassen. Contact City Office, (952) 937-1900 Front = 25' Rear e 20' Side = 10' 5. Site area to legal description ROW = 133,305 square feet = 3.060 acres. B. This survey was made on the grou,d. 9. No current title work was fumishea for the Preparation of this survey, legal description, recorded or unrecorded easements and encumbrances are subiect to revision upon receipt of current title work. 10 Elevation datum is based on NAVD 88 datum. Bench mark: MNDOT Station No. 1011A, Elevation = 715.59 MNDOT Station No. 1011A1, Elevation 714 73 LEGEND • Property Monument GIS t _ Concrete th - Concrete Curb SURV - -- Overhead Telephone No. 2. — - - - Underground Telephone 9J� - . Fence i19 - -- — - —W Overhead Electric Overhead Telephone & Electric m Electric. Manhole Unknown Manhole Hydrant 0 Power Pole V - Guy Wre Anchor a Gate valve i UOfd Post TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY Catchbasin ® Cotchtasin ® Air Conditioning Unit 6" Decidu•tus T,ee (Diameter in Inches) Coniferous Tree (Diameter in Inches ' - Light Pole ® Gas Meter ® Telephone Box ® Water Manhole O Guy Pole ® Sanitary Manhole m Storm Manhole -906- - - - Existing Contour X 851.27 Existing Spot Elevation Gutter X 934.3 Existing Spot Elevation 90-1 ' - -- - - -- -- PRIMED ' 2 9 2005 HARRY S. JOHNSON CO. INC CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED APR 15 2005 CHANHAsSEN PLANNING DEP- vo SCALE: 1 INCH= 30 FEET I REVISIONS Date hereov cert `y that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I em a duty Registe,ed Land Surveyor under the laws if the State of Minnesota Thomas E.-Hodorff, L.S. --- -- Minnesota Reg. No. 23677 _late: 21_NE-4,201---_- _-- BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY For: ERIC AARON Q /'t!. ii■ ■ ism FLWNG CLOUD DRIVE 625 FLYINGQCLOUD DRIVC CHANHIOEN, IANNESOTA CARVER COUNTY HARRY S. JOHNSON CO., INC. W LAND SURVEYORS L.J 9063 Lyndals, Avenue South Bloomington, MIN. 55437 1%1.. 9524M-5341 Fax 852-684-5344 www.heIsurveyors.obm Bock Ile No. 1-3-67_95 W.G. Number TE N 2004263 meet 4� I 6IF .' ` Fml At -1 01M.T11t 11° r,'IId,AI/a,11A/1 NO. I84A-22K34*– 5 c u T" 4 E L 6 Y A T I O N E::D Uj-D L. O O 1C P L A?'j �:Ai4 1 ILrI-II - 1lwtN9141y5 �-•rim.,' MOThT 1 0 r y ; • ZOO ANr. 6 Lt G T 1ZJ LAL -7 F-mv 1 =a • PRoIN`l& r0r-uko A. 11C U;Rv wrlwa • •• wall yuPri+.+Gx..<1hLE t• n W M!'o4S+T-5/G Gv�NTgp 1.P°Ru, ror GO o{ A, by r_x"C+ TL+S y MY 9 t a3 LETT �l-"t6. C.'rtti C.lTY • r-LOon rLANIf 1hA.&OJ& LAT GON T'O ',j X. 4, it, -j i'O.. S!t we -rt glyrk oN 44j*awa-4To 17M1^QFwr- or F t' $1, -z': _t. 7 IIC9a 1YR4-_� x � � _ ' >.Z TN 1 5 51T is P'IA tJ 5 VQIO "2- wowA+oAve i .1 All SH E.fti tiUM'SF.R J LO gn • R WET AREA •14��'�'''. Y! 41 w _ :r 7 Q Z T 11° r,'IId,AI/a,11A/1 NO. I84A-22K34*– 5 c u T" 4 E L 6 Y A T I O N E::D Uj-D L. O O 1C P L A?'j �:Ai4 1 ILrI-II - 1lwtN9141y5 �-•rim.,' MOThT 1 0 r y ; • ZOO ANr. 6 Lt G T 1ZJ LAL -7 F-mv 1 =a • PRoIN`l& r0r-uko A. 11C U;Rv wrlwa • •• wall yuPri+.+Gx..<1hLE t• n W M!'o4S+T-5/G Gv�NTgp 1.P°Ru, ror GO o{ A, by r_x"C+ TL+S y MY 9 t a3 LETT �l-"t6. C.'rtti C.lTY • r-LOon rLANIf 1hA.&OJ& LAT GON T'O ',j X. 4, it, -j i'O.. S!t we -rt glyrk oN 44j*awa-4To 17M1^QFwr- or F t' $1, -z': _t. K.- -1. JA 9e�i� - W41 T• SLSUb- 1!i'z t- i � / I / / I (D11lKK KRR.1+ / / r _ An ,t 1 e 7\� 3 A -42'11'13" ; '� / •o �'�w ;'' -i 549.18 to t \ 1 R.745.87 I / _ w `OS Ovt'?,iY- TD INH y r1, RAy1T MRA, tR[ KR c— 7 IIC9a 1YR4-_� x � � _ ' >.Z TN 1 5 51T is P'IA tJ 5 VQIO "2- wowA+oAve i .1 SEE SH E.fti tiUM'SF.R J LO K.- -1. JA 9e�i� - W41 T• SLSUb- 1!i'z t- i � / I / / I (D11lKK KRR.1+ / / r _ An ,t 1 e 7\� 3 A -42'11'13" ; '� / •o �'�w ;'' -i 549.18 to t \ 1 R.745.87 I / _ w `OS Ovt'?,iY- TD INH y r1, RAy1T MRA, tR[ KR c— 7 IIC9a 1YR4-_� x � � _ ' >.Z TN 1 5 51T is P'IA tJ 5 VQIO "2- wowA+oAve SEE SH E.fti tiUM'SF.R J gn • R WET AREA •14��'�'''. Y! 41 w _ :r 7 Q Z T P`1 7 d �2 3� t �2r � � ' J• O R IL ` Q Z < S 88'43'1 I -EM a WT .Ru 571 29 5" W 579.20 T CO. CA. o� I^ d 4 .S A f q+ ` J 1 WET AREA I I RORNm ,UR R 51 7-S r L.A t, CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED APR 1 5 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT REVISIONS BY REvI'S:-��� sa<pR, OLD �L • fo Q !j Zzo Z CIL J J W 2 cr Q 0 w Z L C (' W ^ j W U w w �0 Q C Eyd� �Q�4LF J 4 >.Z 6 R ; } rx 2 gn • R Y! w _ :r 7 Q Z L\ a P`1 7 d �2 3� t �2r � � ' J• O R IL ` Q Z < �Ni J I ORAWN D L• 17 CHECKEO OATE 4 b og SCALE JOB NO. 8 Co •'7 SHEET OF I SHEET mm Foy PLA NKI N G COMMG'7 J0 � - aye x li APPu c� i I o t,,J Fo R -M • E(Zlc� A (-Wot--1 w1 L L, Be I�") T© GSW C74ml�: • EMIL APS'F-ot-J WILL e)fz-INS, For, 123Z o0 2lo Fv L S i 2L- PZI' 9F PeOJe(--7 Ffl(,-UGD SCANNED DAVID C. DARREL & ASSOCIATES, INC. DAVID C. DARRELL AIA NCARB ARCHITECTURE L PLANNING 7167 WEST SHORE DRIVE EDINA, MN seas 1613 P`ON�a IDG. n.p�u4 LTi sol 0 929-3682 (6'12) 2¢3�2i . /Y 95-Z 9Z9 -"z .r CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard — P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 — (952) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION Applicant Name and Address: David C Darrell 7467 West Shore Arive Edina, MN 55435 Contact: David C Darrell Architect Phone: 9529aCBT'Fax: 952 9293682 Email: pin a�rreZTCdearth n .ne Comprehensive Plan Amendment 11 t Conditional Use Permiq' 44z5'1 Interim Use Permit Non -conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development' Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review v Site Plan Review' Subdivision' r } �v 10-z •i0 Planning Case No. ()5 -1 b CITY OF CHANHA83EN RECEIVED APR 0 7 2005 Owner Name and Address: _Eric A -ran F?5 Flyina rinijd Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota Contact: David C Darrell Phone: 952 9293682 Fax: q5g?Q_6R? Email: pnddarrell@earthlink.net Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements Variance Wetland Alteration Permit Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment _ Notification Sig - - X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** - $50 CUP/SPRNACNAR/WAP/Metesunds - $400 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE �. 12,12 nn An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. Twenty-six (26) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/2' X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy In TIFF -Group 4 ('.tif) format. " Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED PROJECT NAME: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TOTALACREAGE: WETLANDS PRESENT: X YES NO PRESENT ZONING: REQUESTED ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: Parks &Open Space. Large Lot REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. o. 7 • OS Signature of Applicant mate Signature of Fee Owner Date WplanVonns\Development Review Application.DOCSCAGI,ED Rev. 3/05 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, described as follows: Commencing at a point 1433.8 feet North 73 degrees 20 feet East from the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter, and said point lying in the center line of trunk Highway 169; thence South and at right angle to said Trunk Highway a distance of 33 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing South at right angles from Trunk Highway 169 to the intersection with the South line of the Northwest Quarter; thence West along said South line to the intersection with the Southeasterly boundary of said Trunk Highway, thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly boundary to the actual point of beginning. GENERAL NOTES: 1. The bearing system used is assumed. 2. The location of the underground utilities shown hereon, if any, are approximate only. PURSUANT TO MSA 216D CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT (612) 454-0002 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 3. Zoning - Presently Fringe Business (BF) per City of Chanhassen. 4. Setback requirements per City of Chanhassen. Contact City Office, (952) 937-1900 Front 25' Rear — 20' Side = 10' 5. Site area to legal description ROW - 133.305 square feet = 3.060 acres 8. This survey was made on the ground. 9. No current title work was fumished for the preparation of this survey, legal description, recorded or unrecorded easements and encumbrances are subject to revision upon receipt of current title work. 10. Elevation datum Is based on NAVD 88 datum. Bench mark: MNDOT Station No. 1011A; Elevation = 715.59 MNDOT Station No. 1011A1; Elevation 714.73 LEGEND • Property Monument Concrete Concrete Curb SCANNED i' IRRI? .1 SURVEYOR 7. Statement on compliance with the following twelve general standards for conditional uses permits: a. Will not be detrimental to or endanger -the public health, safety, comfort, (convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the,city. b. Will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance. with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. d. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. e. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. Will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. h. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. Will be aesthetically cornpatible with the area. k. Will not depreciate surrounding property values. Will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. 5 a u T- 4 E L b V A -T I O N y a A. t- RL I?I& - v 1.D- GE✓a s.zi.` Rav-rai • 9.2'f, of S'rF_ G 4 V k- P -w V) ft 6+74 • 1'1 . b •1. of S1'� foYttfs7 by tMf817LN1o0S M�niL' ALLY • 15.6 W of srrs.:.o,Js.+�p b� Ya.�;•: as • WUM?7rwPC. of -o "s"'j- • PsR1u F+G SPr c•a y RAD r7 #I- 40 I- fA{M�1NG Sfa=r+S! PitPYlptj> ef'L, • fA.KK114::, 10'v Ib' L►,.I-los O•aYf H6d6h; K4 KF.41 P�4%t�doC ® 4RG�-11 A4M- SCOW.!• n'.VJ Cf" r'Nli. 1¢RGAJJ\� 1? TF�O. KELP SA/M M0,4(^ to• rnq or TLP 6 2 % !. ®p L O O PC 7 A 1.1 0wL i tQ11 o,aS 1"t 3,tZ4 Ip • 2oo ANF. w Le c T RJ LLL, y FR•v, s.e • PROrN-Lan rOKG4G p. IR N6AT1rJG • 4! W►u. yuynsc c4lhtf PuvS • ",Avvlwrt5 AIC 4 G�NTa1•'L'.. • DR{ \YELL # 4fi / f V T/��iwa 11 D\v,-Ie1L - P ILC, Te''Tq ISy q • 1• • ALL. yE.Zv14t1.'s 1by PW' -161t. 4i• O FL.00t7 rLAH'i 1y A•.ovt W'T GONM u2.'e a, .-t t -O. S!16, WeT! 'Z1gN oN yl1d�.l�rai TP tiu-y�rit •nrr•!•�wrw•v wo. ns•-as><sa•••, 11CJ[Sr�- 'i' 6 w s'r L e v AT 1 c 1.4,5 Sa►Ly.. ,/.-, i -or 8. i � G<xi[A•[ •qw•r �e �S � � 'ee r'• ���� ee x�� C� VA 67'IHl+ti/ J " V j 9NN.NOu � o m •r 1 � a ,� _ l_. iix D j. / t .D.n+�•c s .a#""""iii 1�x •//" - 'vo a ;:\ t' Y ` uy.` ♦ 1 Q x•iY �eJ� v / -4, •TW1Mq,y ' 1� G 421113 -i-'L 549.18 tie ' It A,• R-745.87,<'-, t � lb ♦ � ILQ,. Jf M1 lK • � • •• V, M Taw. u•s +�. . R N91ryr •EO CWx1Y , A .. ✓< �� ��WET AREA 571.29 - - S 88'43'15•• W 579.20 , d x cp r 1 O ' ' fit. � � i• WET AREA 1 r r 6 �.�14 917Y GF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED APR 0 7 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING UEpT REVISIONS BY DRAWN D4112 CHECKED DATE 4' b of SCALE Joe NO. SHEET ■ OF SHEET Rom Non -Scannable Item c rs Folder Number � " I Folder Name S l Job Number Z3 2 Box Number 0 5 �©� � s � \. �� ^ �� ?tea-�� . x �� _2�� �� � ��m� �� �. �� \ � . ^ � \ ^« \\\ © ^^� � � � � .�