CAS-18_PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY INTERIM USE PERMITCITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES INTERIM USE PERMIT #08-18 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants an interim use to grade portions of the Public Works Facility site. 2. Property. The permit is for the following described property ("subject property") in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota: Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5`" Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. 3. Conditions. The permit is issued subject to the following conditions: a. A demolition permit is required for the removal of any structure(s). b. If future construction in this area is anticipated, these soils must be engineered for the intended structural loads and their placement must be properly compacted and tested as required by such soil engineering. A report, verifying placement, compaction and soil suitability, from the testing agency will be required before building permits will be issued. c. Install tree protection fencing at grading limits on north, where applicable, and west sides prior to grading. d. Clearing limits shall be inspected by the Environmental Resources Specialist prior to any tree removal. e. Wetland boundary, as field identified, needs to be shown on the drawing. f. Grading limits need to be modified to avoid impacts to the revised wetland boundary. g. Category 2 erosion control blanket needs to be shown on the slope in the northeast comer of the property. SCANNED h. All exposed soil areas must be stabilized within seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion has temporarily or permanently ceased. i. All disturbed areas shall be seeded with Mn/DOT Mixture 150 at 401bs/acre and mulched with Type 2 mulch disc -anchored at 2 tons/acre upon completion of grading for the interim use permit. j. The grading plan should be adjusted so that the drainage areas will not be altered, otherwise drainage calculations are required. k. The existing sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer and drainage and utility easements must be shown on the plan. 1. The grading limits in the northeast corner of Lot 6 must be shifted in order to maintain minimum 7.5 feet of cover over the watermain. m. Provide additional information to the Metropolitan Council in order to determine the maximum extent of grading allowed over the sanitary sewer. n. Abide by the Metropolitan Council's conditions of approval, if any. o. Permitted hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday with no work permitted on Sunday or legal holidays. p. The interim use permit will expire one year from the date of City Council approval. The permit may be renewed on an annual basis subject to City Council approval. Request for an extension must be submitted 45 days prior to the expiration date. q. All permits must be acquired prior to grading, including but not limited to a watershed district permit, and a Minnesota Pollution Control NPDES stormwater permit. A stormwater pollution prevention plan must be submitted to the City for review by Carver Soil and Water Conservation District. r. The grading plan must be signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. 4. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Penalty. Violation of the terms of this interim use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. 2 Dated: September 8, 2008 (SEAL) YCf1 awe—)Vii]:/A x►1 /�•MaI LM Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor By: Al �� odd Gerhardt, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4LMday o� 2008, by Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. I „ DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227-1100 3 KAREN J. ENGELHARDT Notary Public -Minnesota y CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION OS -1 Application of City of Chanhassen Engineering Department for an Interim Use Permit to import approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill to the site. On September 2, 2008, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of the City of Chanhassen Engineering Department for an interim use permit for the property located at 7901 and 7951 Park Place. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed interim use, which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT The property is currently zoned Industrial Office Park District, IOP. 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Office/Industrial Use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5'° Addition, Carver County, Minnesota; 4. Interim Use Permit Findings: a. The proposed grading will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. b. The proposed grading will be consistent with the objectives of the City's comprehensive plan, the standards for grading and excavation and the zoning code. C. The proposed grading will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. d. The proposed grading will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. e. The proposed grading will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by SCANNED such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. The proposed grading will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. The proposed grading will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash subject to compliance with the conditions of approval. h. The proposed grading will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. i. The proposed grading will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. j. The proposed grading will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k. The proposed grading will not depreciate surrounding property values. The proposed grading will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in the City Code. 5. The planning report #08-18 dated September 2, 2008, prepared by Alyson Fauske, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the interim use permit to permit the importation of up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 2nd day of September, 2008. CHANHASSEN PLANNING M Its g?plan\2008 planning cases\08-18 public works facility iup\t;ndings of fact.doc FA CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING CASE NO. 08-18 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 2, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a request for an Interim Use Permit to export/import approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill for grading on property zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) located on Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 50' Addition — Chanhassen Public Works Facility. Applicant: City of Chanhassen. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review on the City's web site at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/sere/plan/08-18.htm1 or at City Hall during regular business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Robert Generous, Senior Planner Email: beenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Phone: 952-227-1131 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on August 21, 2008) SCANNED CITY OF 7700 Market Boulevard PO Bax 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Bulklin9 Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 60094 Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227 1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web site www.d.chanhassen.mn.us 68-16 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer DATE: September 8, 2008 SUBJ: Public Works Facility Interim Use Permit Planning Case #08-18 PROPOSED MOTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department, dated August 14, 2008, subject to conditions 1 - 18 and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact." City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of City Council. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City is requesting an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to exporttimport approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill for grading on the property. Prior to any future development of the site, a separate site plan review and, potentially, wetland alteration permit will be required. PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on September 2, 2008 to review the IUP. The Planning Commission voted six for and none against a motion recommending approval of the NP. The Planning Commission had no issues or concerns with the proposed project. The Planning Commission minutes for September 2, 2008 are attached to this report. RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend adoption of the motion as specified on pages 7 and 8 in the staff report dated September 9, 2008 approving the Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill. ATTACHMENTS Planning Commission Minutes for September 2, 2008 2. Planning Commission Staff Report Dated September 2, 2008. e:\plan\2008 planning cases\08-18 public works facility iup\executive summary.doc Chanhassen is a Community for lite - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROPOSED MOTION: PC DATE: September 2, 2008 2] CC DATE: September 8, 2008 REVIEW DEADLINE: September 30, 2008 CASE #: 08-18 BY: AF, RG, TJ, JM, JS The Chanhassen Planning Coffwnissien that City Council approves an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department, dated August 14, 2008, subject to conditions 1 - 18 and adoption of the attached findings of fact. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting an Interim Use Permit to export/import approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill for grading on property— Chanhassen Public Works Facility. LOCATION: 7901 and 7951 Park Place (Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5"' Addition) APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227-1100 PRESENT ZONING: Industrial Office Park (IOP) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office/Industrial ACREAGE: 11.66 acres DENSITY: N/A LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City has limited discretion in approving or denying interim use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the use standards outlined in the City Code regarding Excavating, Mining, Filling and Grading and the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that all the applicable use standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi judicial decision PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The developer is requesting an Interim Use Permit to exportlimport approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill for grading on the property in order to correct the soil and to preliminary grade the site in preparation for the development of the property. Chanhassen Public Works Facility NP Planning Case 08-18 September 2, 2008 Page 2 All this area is zoned IOP. The property to the north of the site contains Paisley Park. The property immediately to the east is a City owned outlot containing woodlands and Riley Creek. The property to the south is vacant and contains portions of a large wetland complex which crosses over onto this site. The property to the west across Audubon Road contains General Mills, a vacant industrial property, and a day care facility. Water and sewer service is available to the site in Park Place. Access to the site will be provided via Park Place. The high point of the property is on the west side with an elevation of 974. The low point is in the south central portion of the property in the wetland with an elevation of approximately 920. While there is over a 50 -foot elevation change on the property, there are no bluffs on the property since the slope does not exceed 25 percent (a bluff must have both an elevation change of 25 feet or more and a slope of 30 percent or greater). The western half of the property is heavily wooded. A wetland exists in the south central portion of the property and extends onto the property to the south. A wooded corridor along Riley Creek is located to the east of the properties. Staff is recommending approval of the Interim Use Permit to permit approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill on the site. As part of the process, the City will create a zoning lot of the two lots, creating, in effect, one building site. Additionally, the City must vacate some drainage and utility easements. Chanhassen Public Works Facility IUP Planning Case 08-18 September 2, 2008 Page 3 APPLICABLE REGUATIONS Chapter 7, Article III, Excavating, Mining, Filling and Grading Chapter 20, Article IV, Division 2, Conditional Use Permits Chapter 20, Article IV, Division 5, Interim Use Permits Chapter 20, Article VI, Wetland Protection Chapter 20, Article XXII, IOP Industrial Office Park District BACKGROUND On March 17, 1986, the Chanhassen City Council approved the plans and specifications for Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5a' Addition, which constructed Park Place. On August 19, 1985, the Chanhassen City Council approved the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5'h Addition (Subdivision #85-9) creating seven lots in two blocks, one outlot and right-of- way for Park Place. Such subdivision re - platted Lots 2 through 10, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park. On July 2, 1979, the Chanhassen City Council approved the development contract for Chanhassen Lakes Business Park. r CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK t 5TH ADDITION is '-`�,- � ,� � � '�✓ ,, i On June 4, 1979, the Chanhassen City Council approved to the final plat for Chanhassen Lakes Business Park - On April 17, 1978, the Chanhassen City Council approved the rezoning of the property from R-1 A, Agricultural Residence District, to P-4, Planned Industrial District and preliminary plat approval of the proposed plat (PUD #75-1). Additionally, the City approved Resolution 78-18 authorizing the proposed North Lake Susan Sanitary Sewer, Water, Street and Storm Sewer Improvement Project #78-3 and Resolution 78-19 establishing the centerline for the right-of-way for the extension of Powers Boulevard from Highway 5 to Lyman Boulevard. In 1976 the City approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing 150 acres from Low Density Residential to Industrial. Chanhassen Public Works Facility IUP Planning Case 08-18 September 2, 2008 Page 4 DISCUSSION The City is proposing preliminary site grading and soil corrections to permit the development of the property for a public works garage. GRADING. DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL The applicant is requesting an interim use permit to remove approximately 15,000 cubic yards of topsoil from the site and place approximately 15,000 cubic yards of engineered soil to accommodate the future construction of a public works facility. The 11.86 -acre site lies south of Highway 5, east of Audubon Road and north of Park Road. Access to the site is from Park Place, a public City street. The site currently has a dirt driveway that provides access to piles of reclaimed asphalt, clay, street sweepings and granite chips. The clay, street sweepings and one pile of granite chips will be mixed and spread across the site; the remaining stockpiles will be removed from the site. There are no structures on the site. The majority of the site drains overland to the wetland located on Lot 5; the remainder drains overland to Riley Creek and the pond located in the City owned outlot to the east of Lot 6. The grading plan will be adjusted so that the drainage areas will not be altered; therefore, drainage calculations are not required. ,I 'I 1 i { gr_xas� r GRADING. DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL The applicant is requesting an interim use permit to remove approximately 15,000 cubic yards of topsoil from the site and place approximately 15,000 cubic yards of engineered soil to accommodate the future construction of a public works facility. The 11.86 -acre site lies south of Highway 5, east of Audubon Road and north of Park Road. Access to the site is from Park Place, a public City street. The site currently has a dirt driveway that provides access to piles of reclaimed asphalt, clay, street sweepings and granite chips. The clay, street sweepings and one pile of granite chips will be mixed and spread across the site; the remaining stockpiles will be removed from the site. There are no structures on the site. The majority of the site drains overland to the wetland located on Lot 5; the remainder drains overland to Riley Creek and the pond located in the City owned outlot to the east of Lot 6. The grading plan will be adjusted so that the drainage areas will not be altered; therefore, drainage calculations are not required. Chanhassen Public Works Facility NP Planning Case 08-18 September 2, 2008 Page 5 The proposed major cut locations are as follows: • The stockpile in the middle of the site, 12 -foot cut • The stockpile at the entrance, 10 -foot cut • The hill on the northeast corner of the site, 10 -foot cut The remainder of the site will be filled up to four feet. The existing sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer and drainage and utility easements must be shown on the plan. A 10 -inch lateral watermain loops from the 12 -inch trunk watermain within Audubon, along the north side of Lot 6, along the east side of Lots 5 and 6, and along the south side of Lot 5. The grading limits in the northeast comer of Lot 6 must be shifted in order to maintain minimum 7.5 feet of cover over the watermain. A 21 -inch trunk sanitary sewer owned and operated by the Metropolitan Council lies on the east side of Lot 6. The Metropolitan Council has authorized removal of topsoil over the utility. The applicant will provide additional information to the Metropolitan Council in order to determine the maximum extent of grading allowed over the utility. The applicant will be required to abide by the Metropolitan Council's conditions of approval, if any. The hauling operation is anticipated to begin as soon as permit approval is obtained. Permitted hours of operation will be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday with no work permitted on Sunday or legal holidays. The interim use permit will expire one year from the date of City Council approval. The permit may be renewed on an annual basis subject to City Council approval. Request for an extension must be submitted 45 days prior to the expiration date. All permits must be acquired prior to grading including, but not limited to, a watershed district permit, and a Minnesota Pollution Control NPDES stormwater permit. A stormwater pollution prevention plan must be submitted to the City for review by Carver Soil and Water Conservation District. The grading plan must be signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND RUNOFF The total land disturbance associated with the proposed project exceeds the minimum threshold for "small construction activity". Therefore, a NPDES Phase II permit to discharge stormwater associated with construction activities is required. This permit must include the General Contractor responsible for day -today operations of the site and the owner. This should be noted on the SWPPP included with the plan submittal. Chanhassen Public Works Facility IUP Planning Case 08-18 September 2, 2008 Page 6 WETLANDS A review of available data including the Chanhassen SWMP, NWI, and aerial photography indicates the presence of one large wetland complex on the site west of Park Place and a second wetland east of Park Place. It is possible that the wetland west of Park Place is not jurisdictional. In addition, Riley Creek flows along the eastern boundary of the subject property and has fringe floodplain wetlands. This wetland is classified as Manage 1 within the Chanhassen Surface Water Management Plan. A wetland delineation has been performed on that basin west of Park Place. This wetland is classified as Manage 2 within the City of Chanhassen Surface Water Management Plan. The flags will need to be located with GPS, a report prepared and the delineation reviewed by the LGU. As Chanhassen is the LGU it is recommended that Carver County Soil and Water Conservation District review the delineation for accuracy. No earth work can occur within the wetland areas as part of this interim use permit. Every effort must be taken to protect impacts to this wetland either through deposition of sediment due to runoff from the site or direct impacts due to earth disturbing activities within the wetland. In order for any work to occur within these wetland areas during future considerations, it must be shown that all practicable means of avoidance have been evaluated and the rationale for not avoiding wetland impacts must be given. Further, the impacts must be minimized to the greatest extent practicable and, where possible to do so, any impacts should be restored over time. Permissions will need to be applied for under the Wetland Conservation Act and the Clean Water Act. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will also need to review any work adjacent to Riley Creek. LAKES AND RIVERS The proposed project is bordered by Riley Creek. Riley Creek is identified in Article VII as part of the Shoreland classification System. The following setbacks will be required: • Current code requires a 75 -foot setback from the top of bank for Riley Creek. The Department of Natural Resources recently changed their rules to 100 feet. Any structures should meet this new requirement. • The right-of-way for any roads needs to be set back 20 feet from the top of bank. Riley Creek is an impaired water south of Lake Riley. Riley Creek discharges to Lake Riley from the site. Additional best management practices should be incorporated into the erosion control plan per Appendix A of the NPDES Permit. There are no lakes within 100 feet of the subject property. Chanhassen Public Works Facility IUP Planning Case 08-18 September 2, 2008 Page 7 OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. MISCELLANEOUS A demolition permit is required for the removal of any structure(s). If future construction in this area is anticipated, these soils must be engineered for the intended structural loads and their placement must be properly compacted and tested as required by such soil engineering. A report, verifying placement, compaction and soil suitability, from the testing agency will be required before building permits will be issued. RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommends that the Planning Geffflitiss City Council adopt the following motion and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation: "The Chanhassen City Council approves an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department, dated August 14, 2008, subject to the following conditions: 1. A demolition permit is required for the removal of any structure(s). 2. If future construction in this area is anticipated, these soils must be engineered for the intended structural loads and their placement must be properly compacted and tested as required by such soil engineering. A report, verifying placement, compaction and soil suitability, from the testing agency will be required before building permits will be issued. 3. Install tree protection fencing at grading limits on north, where applicable, and west sides prior to grading. 4. Clearing limits shall be inspected by the Environmental Resources Specialist prior to any tree removal. 5. Wetland boundary, as field identified, needs to be shown on the drawing. 6. Grading limits need to be modified to avoid impacts to the revised wetland boundary. 7. Category 2 erosion control blanket needs to be shown on the slope in the northeast comer of the property. 8. All exposed soil areas must be stabilized within seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion has temporarily or permanently ceased. Chanhassen Public Works Facility NP Planning Case 08-18 September 2, 2008 Page 8 9. All disturbed areas shall be seeded with Mn/DOT Mixture 150 at 40 lbs/acre and mulched with Type 2 mulch disc -anchored at 2 tons/acre upon completion of grading for the interim use permit. 10. The grading plan should be adjusted so that the drainage areas will not be altered, otherwise drainage calculations are required. 11. The existing sanitary sewer, watermain and stone sewer and drainage and utility easements must be shown on the plan. 12. The grading limits in the northeast corner of Lot 6 must be shifted in order to maintain minimum 7.5 feet of cover over the watermain. 13. Provide additional information to the Metropolitan Council in order to determine the maximum extent of grading allowed over the sanitary sewer. 14. Abide by the Metropolitan Council's conditions of approval, if any. 15. Permitted hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday with no work permitted on Sunday or legal holidays. 16. The interim use permit will expire one year from the date of City Council approval. The permit may be renewed on an annual basis subject to City Council approval. Request for an extension must be submitted 45 days prior to the expiration date. 17. All permits must be acquired prior to grading, including but not limited to a watershed district permit, and a Minnesota Pollution Control NPDES stormwater permit. A stormwater pollution prevention plan must be submitted to the City for review by Carver Soil and Water Conservation District. 18. The grading plan must be signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Reduced Copy of Grading Plan 4. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List gAplan\2008 planning cas¢\08-18 public works facility iup\slatrreport public works iup.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION Application of City of Chanhassen Engineering Department for an Interim Use Permit to import approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill to the site. On September 2, 2008, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of the City of Chanhassen Engineering Department for an interim use permit for the property located at 7901 and 7951 Park Place. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed interim use, which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT The property is currently zoned Industrial Office Park District, IOP. 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Office/Industrial Use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5a' Addition, Carver County, Minnesota; 4. Interim Use Permit Findings: a. The proposed grading will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. b. The proposed grading will be consistent with the objectives of the City's comprehensive plan, the standards for grading and excavation and the zoning code. C. The proposed grading will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area d. The proposed grading will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. e. The proposed grading will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. f. The proposed grading will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. The proposed grading will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash subject to compliance with the conditions of approval. h. The proposed grading will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. i. The proposed grading will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. j. The proposed grading will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k. The proposed grading will not depreciate surrounding property values. 1. The proposed grading will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in the City Code. 5. The planning report #08-18 dated September 2, 2008, prepared by Alyson Fauske, et al, is incorporated herein. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the interim use permit to permit the importation of up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 2°d day of September, 2008. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION W Its Chairman g:\plan\2008 planning cases\08-18 public works facility iup\findings of fact.doc `A CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard — P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 — (952) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PRINT it Name and rax. -1:al--dct t- Ii n � Email: Ay,r"ta 6--)C:.Chapliy n rnAuz' \. Planning Case No. 08 – I & — Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non -conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development' Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review (SPR)' Subdivision' Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Notification Sign – $200 (City to install and remove) X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost' - $50 CUP/SPRNACNARNVAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $ W AW Cb An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. "Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8'/3" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 (".tif) format. *"Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: UP LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: �S r� `f iv �L n Y�CLS�� r7 ci l iSt IIiSS A 4�c,n is3oo5o i- as- -is3oot,00 TOTALACREAGE: WETLANDS PRESENT: i� . YES NO PRESENT ZONING: REQUESTED ZONING: -Lo PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: ���r\\�(t f / 1n Cil�s�f I I REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: 1. jXy e / aty--1 SAY (cl I REASON FOR REQUEST: FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the speck ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that 1 am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to (his application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 6 is S lirec-L�r Dale /s- ®8 Date GAPLANTO msZevelopment Review Application.DOC Rev. 1/08 am 1'!� \��1!`� � � .'` rte•► U r� DO vF NOW roll Ml M r .-.."Al CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on August 21, 2008, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Chanhassen Public Works Facility Interim Use Permit — Planning Case 08-18 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,Q15� day of } , 2008. - 1 Notary kublic, Co,,. u J. Engel &/1 d Deputy Wrk KIM T. MEUWISSEN 3. Notary Public -Minnesota My Commiwion EzDirea Jan 31, 2010 Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later In the evening,depending on the order of theagenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for a Interim Use Permit (IUP) to imporUexport Proposal: approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill for grading on property Proposal: zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) — CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Applicant: City of Chanhassen Property Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5 Location: Addition A location map Is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: What Happens 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at the Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/sere/plan/08-18.html. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Joe Shamla by email at ishamla@ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at Questions & 952-227-1165. If you choose to submit written comments, it is Comments: helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any Interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommentlation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial(mdustrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, lease contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evening,depending on the order of thea enda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for a Interim Use Permit (IUP) to importlexport approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill for grading on property Proposal: zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) — CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Applicant: J City of Chanhassen Property Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5 Location: Addition A location map Is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: What Happens 1' Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at the Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www,ci.chanhassen.mn.us/sery/plan/08-18.html. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Joe Shamla by email at !sham la0ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at Questions & 952-227-1165. If you choose to submit written comments, it is Comments: helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this Item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial/industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested persori • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be Included in the report, lease contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. used as we This map is a compilation of rewrda. information and data located in various city.ceunty, state and federal oficas and other sources regarding the area shorn. and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant Mat the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent Mat the GIS Data can be used fix navigational, backing or any other purpose nNanng emoting measurement of distance or direction or precision in Me depiction of geographic features. 9 errors or discrepancies are found please =led 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Mnnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknorledges that the City shall rot be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnity, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arse out of Me users access or use of data proNded. used as ane. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in vanous city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The Gty does not warrant Mat the Geographtc Infomiabon System (GIS) Data used to Prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for namgatwai, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. M errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to IAnnesofe Statutes §466.03. Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable fn any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all dams brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which ansa out of the users access or use of data provided. CORE MPLS INDUST PORTF T ETAL CAMPBELL PROPERTIES LP II C/O CORE REALTY HLDGS MGMT INC C/O KNOWLEDGE LEARNING CORP ROBERT D & CARMEN J CHRISTIANS 1600 DAVE ST #450 ATTN TAX DEPT 6851 CARDINAL COVE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 -2447 PO BOX 6760 MOUND, MN 55364 -9535 PORTLAND. OR 97228 -6760 LOVE 4 ONE ANOTHER CHARITIES 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8205 K & L PARTNERS 7870 PARK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9500 PEERLESS INDUSTRIES INC 1969 WEST COUNTY ROAD C2 ROSEVILLE , MN 55113 -1246 MCGLYNN BAKERIES INC #366 C/O GENERAL MILLS TAX DEPT PO BOX 1113 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55440 -1113 DAVID SWARTOUT 10028 INDIGO DR EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55347 -1206 ALFRED A IVERSEN PMT CORPORATION 1500 PARK RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8200 TWO S PROPERTIES INC DEPT PT MN 08305 PO BOX 25025 GLENDALE . CA 91201 -5025 PRINCE R NELSON 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8201 PRN MUSIC CORPORATION 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8201 MUSTANG LLC 7860 PARK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9294 TH LOCATED ON LOTS 5 & 6. BLOCK 1. CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK 5 ADDITION-CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY. APPLICANT: CITY OF CHANHASSEN, PLANNING CASE 08-18. Alyson Fauske presented the staff report on this item. Papke: Kevin, start with you. Dillon: I don't have any questions right now. Thomas: Yeah, I don't think I do either. Laufenburger: This is city owned property, is that correct? Fauske: That's correct. Laufenburger: And the piles that have been placed there. Are these piles that are just storage for public utility or for public works? Fauske: Yes. Public works. Street sweeping. Some clay and my understanding is another pile of some granite. So just miscellaneous stockpiles that our current site could not accommodate. Laufenburger: So the intent is to remove all the, mix of some of the debris. Mix it in the soil. And then get rid of the other piles, like the granite. There's also a pile of wood chips there too. Fauske: Yes. Laufenburger: All those things, is that right? Fauske: Yes, it's become a little bit of a storage area so there are some materials that would stay on site. We know that there are some poorer soils out there that, organic material that would not support a structure, so those would be moved off the site. Laufenburger: Okay. And then the last question I had is, how, you want to take it, or the City would like to take advantage of this yet in this season. How long would this work take? Would they complete this before the first snowfall? Fauske: That's our anticipation. But the Interim Use Permit is valid for one year but the expectation is to get the work done this year. Laufenburger: Thank you. Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 Keefe: The wetlands, what do they do to protect the wetlands again? Fauske: At this point they would be putting up a silt fence. Erosion control measures to stay away from the wetlands. And then in the future with any site plan application, if there would be a wetland alteration permit, which we anticipate there would likely be due to the layout of the site and the location of the wetland, but at this point there would not be any impacts to the wetland. Keefe: Okay. Undestad: No questions. Papke: I have no questions myself. And since the city is the applicant, I guess we don't need to call up an applicant so with that. Generous: Different staff member though. Fauske: I asked him if he wanted to come tonight and. Papke: And seeing no members of the public present for this item, I will call the public hearing closed and bring it back to the Planning Commission for discussion. Pretty straight forward to me. Take out 15,000. Put in 15,000. Mix it up a little bit. Clean up. Good to go. Laufenburger: Put a bow on it. Thomas: Sounds good. Generous: No, that's the next application. The bow. Papke: Alright. Would someone like to make a motion. Laufenburger: I'll try. Mr. Chairman, the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department dated August 14, 2008, subject to the following conditions 1 through 18. Papke: Is there a second? Thomas: Second. Laufenburger moved, Thomas seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department dated August 14, 2008, subject to the following conditions: 1. A demolition permit is required for the removal of any structure(s). Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 2. If future construction in this area is anticipated, these soils must be engineered for the intended structural loads and their placement must be properly compacted and tested as required by such soil engineering. A report, verifying placement, compaction and soil suitability, from the testing agency will be required before building permits will be issued. 3. Install tree protection fencing at grading limits on north, where applicable, and west sides prior to grading. 4. Clearing limits shall be inspected by the Environmental Resources Specialist prior to any tree removal. 5. Wetland boundary, as field identified, needs to be shown on the drawing. 6. Grading limits need to be modified to avoid impacts to the revised wetland boundary. 7. Category 2 erosion control blanket needs to be shown on the slope in the northeast corner of the property. 8. All exposed soil areas must be stabilized within seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion has temporarily or permanently ceased. 9. All disturbed areas shall be seeded with Mn/DOT Mixture 150 at 40 lbs/acre and mulched with Type 2 mulch disc -anchored at 2 tons/acre upon completion of grading for the interim use permit. 10. The grading plan should be adjusted so that the drainage areas will not be altered, otherwise drainage calculations are required. 11. The existing sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer and drainage and utility easements must be shown on the plan. 12. The grading limits in the northeast comer of Lot 6 must be shifted in order to maintain minimum 7.5 feet of cover over the watermain. 13. Provide additional information to the Metropolitan Council in order to determine the maximum extent of grading allowed over the sanitary sewer. 14. Abide by the Metropolitan Council's conditions of approval, if any. 15. Permitted hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday with no work permitted on Sunday or legal holidays. 16. The interim use permit will expire one year from the date of City Council approval. The permit may be renewed on an annual basis subject to City Council approval. Request for an extension must be submitted 45 days prior to the expiration date. Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 17. All permits must be acquired prior to grading, including but not limited to a watershed district permit, and a Minnesota Pollution Control NPDES stormwater permit. A stormwater pollution prevention plan must be submitted to the City for review by Carver Soil and Water Conservation District. 18. The grading plan must be signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. rd CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROPOSED MOTION: PC DATE: September 2, 2008 2] CC DATE: September 8, 2008 REVIEW DEADLINE: September 30, 2008 CASE #: 08-18 BY: AF, RG, TJ, JM, JS The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department, dated August 14, 2008, subject to conditions 1 - 18 and adoption of the attached findings of fact. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting an Interim Use Permit to exportlimport approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill for grading on property— Chanhassen Public Works Facility. Div/ LOCATION: 7901 and 7951 Park Place (Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5's Addition) APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 PRESENT ZONING: Industrial Office Park (IOP) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office/Industrial ACREAGE: 11.66 acres DENSITY: N/A LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City has limited discretion in approving or denying interim use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the use standards outlined in the City Code regarding Excavating, Mining, Filling and Grading and the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that all the applicable use standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi judicial decision PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The developer is requesting an Interim Use Permit to export/import approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill for grading on the property in order to correct the soil and to preliminary grade the site in preparation for the development of the property. SCANNED Chanhassen Public Works Facility IUP Planning Case 08-18 September 2, 2008 Page 7 OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. MISCELLANEOUS A demolition permit is required for the removal of any structure(s). If future construction in this area is anticipated, these soils must be engineered for the intended structural loads and their placement must be properly compacted and tested as required by such soil engineering. A report, verifying placement, compaction and soil suitability, from the testing agency will be required before building permits will be issued. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approves an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department, dated August 14, 2008, subject to the following conditions: 1. A demolition permit is required for the removal of any structure(s). 2. If future construction in this area is anticipated, these soils must be engineered for the intended structural loads and their placement must be properly compacted and tested as required by such soil engineering. A report, verifying placement, compaction and soil suitability, from the testing agency will be required before building permits will be issued. 3. Install tree protection fencing at grading limits on north, where applicable, and west sides prior to grading. 4. Clearing limits shall be inspected by the Environmental Resources Specialist prior to any tree removal. 5. Wetland boundary, as field identified, needs to be shown on the drawing. 6. Grading limits need to be modified to avoid impacts to the revised wetland boundary. 7. Category 2 erosion control blanket needs to be shown on the slope in the northeast comer of the property. 8. All exposed soil areas must be stabilized within seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion has temporarily or permanently ceased. Location Map (Subject Property Highlighted in Yellow) Proposed Chanhassen Public Works Facility Interim Use Permit Lots 5 & 6, Block 1 Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5t' Addition Park Place Planning Case 2008-18 Date: August 14, 2008 To: Development Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227-1100 &� /TG By: Robert Generous, Senior Planner Subject: Request for an Interim Use Permit to exportlimport approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill for grading on property zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) located on Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5"' Addition — Chanhassen Public Works Facility. Planning Case: 08-18 PID: 25-1930050 & 25-1930060 The above described application for approval of a land development proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on August 1, 2008. The 60 -day review period ends September 30, 2008. In order for us to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on September 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your comments by no later than August 22, 2008. You may also appear at the Planning Commission meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. City Departments: a. City Engineer b. City Attorney c. City Park Director d. Fire Marshal e. Building Official L Water Resources Coordinator g. Forester 2. Carver Soil & Water Conservation District 3. MN Dept. of Transportation 4. MN Dept. of Natural Resources 5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Carver County a. Engineer b. Environmental Services 8. Watershed District Engineer a. Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek b. Lower Minnesota River c. Minnehaha Creek SCANNED City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 Mayor Furlong: Okay. Very good. Thank you. Any other questions of staff? If not I'll go ahead and open up the public hearing and invite all interested parties to come forward to the podium. Please state your name and address before addressing the council. Seeing no one I'll go ahead and close the public hearing without objection and bring it back to council for discussion. Any issues or thoughts or comments on this? Fairly straight forward. Councilwoman Tjomhom: Yeah, I think it's fairly straight forward. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Councilman McDonald: No comments. Everything seems fine to me. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Very good. Is there a motion to adopt staffs recommendation? Councilman Litsey: Make a motion that the City Council approve the easement vacation for Lot 27, Block 1, Liberty on Bluff Creek subject to the filing Liberty on Bluff Creek 3rd Addition plat and development contract. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjomhom: Second. Mayor Furlong: Motion's been made and seconded. Any discussion? Resolution #2008- 46: Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Tjomhom seconded that the City Council approve the easement vacation for Lot 27, Block 1, Liberty on Bluff Creek subject to the filing Liberty on Bluff Creek 3rd Addition plat and development contract. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. NEW PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING, PARK PLACE: A. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PRELIMINARY APPROVAL FOR ISSUANCE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM B. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF $7,550,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (NOT A PUBLIC HEARING). C. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL CONTRACT (NOT A PUBLIC HEARING). D. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR GRADING (NOT A PUBLIC HEARING). Greg Sticha: Good evening Mayor and City Council members. We'll start with item 4(a) but before we get to that I just kind of want to give a little time line on the process that we have in regards to the public works building. City Council has directed staff to look into funding for a SCANNED City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 public works building. As part of that process, and as discussion with City Council, we recommended issuing what are called G.O. Capital Improvement Program Bonds. With that in mind we've begun the process of putting together the data for the public hearings and eventual issuance of the bonds. Item 4(a) is the first step in that process for issuing the debt for the public works facility. Upon finishing my staff report we'll open the public hearing for discussion on the actual capital improvement program. The capital improvement program is slightly different than the CIP which you approve later this year. This particular capital improvement program deals specifically with capital improvements to public buildings that we plan on issuing general obligation debt for within the next 5 years. It does not have all of our CIP items in it. The passing of that capital improvement program then therefore allows us to eventually issue what are called G.O. CIP Bonds in the future for any of the facilities that are listed in that program. Passing the actual CIP program does not limit you in the future from adding or deleting items from that CIP program. It's just setting that CIP program up as of today with the items that staff and council's anticipating issuing general obligation debt for in the future. After the public hearing is closed and we pass the resolution approving the creation of the CIP plan, along within that resolution is also approval of the, preliminary approval of the issuance of the actual G.O. CIP bonds not to exceed $8.5 million. The second step in the process is to actually, as item 4(b) which would be to have the City Council adopt a resolution providing for the sale of the actual debt itself. That needs to be a separate resolution after the first resolution is passed. The other items on the agenda tonight Paul Oehme will be discussing, are not within the realm of the actual financing of the facility itself. Questions at this point? Mayor Furlong: If I, anybody else? If I may. Mr. Sticha, the item 1(a) which is the capital improvement plan, that's a 5 year plan that includes all items that we believe we'll be bonding for over the next 5 years. This year inclusive. Greg Sticha: Issuing general obligation bonds for public facilities, correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. And maybe you're going to get into this but that's two items and it's for a total of about $8.5-$8.6 million. Greg Sticha: It's two items. One item is the actual public works facility itself. We have listed the total of the two items correct is $8.5. $7.5 for the public works facility and around $995,000 for the fire station. Third fire station. Mayor Furlong: And if I'm jumping ahead just tell me, but then item (b), which is after we adopt the plan, that authorizes providing for the sale of the bonds only related to the public works facility. Greg Sticha: That is correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Greg Sticha: That is correct. Mayor Furlong: Just for clarification on what we're... City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 Greg Sticha: Yep. Mayor Furlong: Okay, go ahead. Greg Sticha: Sticking with item 4(a), there's a couple changes that I want to note to council. We found two items within the CIP program itself that we are going to be deleting. On page 5, in the first paragraph, starting in the middle of that paragraph approximately. After the comment, and is not centrally located within the city for the most efficient operations. That sentence will be deleted from the CIP program. And then on page 6 of that, of the same document, item number 2 under operating costs of the proposed improvements. That will be stricken from the CIP program as well. Those are not relevant to our situation. In addition, we provided you with a copy of the actual resolution. After our city attorney had a chance to review the resolution late last week, there was one small modification to the resolution. Mr. Knutson recommended adding a sentence at the very bottom of the resolution, and I've handed out a copy of the resolution and highlighted the change that he has recommended. The capital improvements have no relationship to the city's comprehensive plan is the sentence that has been added to that resolution. For comment on that I would let Roger answer any questions you may have on that particular item. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Knutson. Roger Knutson: Mayor. The statute provides that you either have to send this to the Planning Commission for their review, and you should do that if you find it has a relationship with the comprehensive plan. That's the language of the statute. So I understand that to mean is that if it's in conflict with your comprehensive plan, then you'd better send it over to Planning Commission to have them iron that out. But if you find it's not necessary or appropriate to send it to your Planning Commission before you're acting, then you should insert that sentence because that's what the statute says you should do. Mayor Furlong: And something that might relate to the comprehensive plan might be a change in land use or. Roger Knutson: Well you know it could be many things. Like if you're going to do a waste water treatment plant a long way from the end of the sewer pipe, someone would say wait a minute. If you're putting that way out there, that's going to have real implications for how the community develops. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Thank you. Greg Sticha: Okay. I'll proceed with the rest of the process in regards to financing the facility. After the public hearing is closed and resolution in item 4(a) and 4(b) assumingly are passed, there would be then a 30 day window for our residents to circulate a petition in regards to the bonding for the facility. If that petition would generate more than 522 signatures and come back to council within 30 days, a reverse referendum has essentially taken place and the issuance of the CIP bonds would no longer be an option and we would have to put it out there for a general Fl City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 referendum election and issue just plain G.O. debt in regards to bonding for the facility. After that 30 day window has closed and if a petition has not been signed, then we can proceed with the actual sale of the bonds. The current calendar has us reviewing our financial information with our rating agencies in the middle of October. Then coming back for actual award of bid on the bonds on the October 27d' council meeting. At that point we would then receive the funds for the bonding of the facility sometime in late November. That's kind of the whole map of the process in funding for the facility. At this point I certainly welcome any questions or if there are none I'll go ahead and open the public hearing in regards to item 4(a). Mayor Furlong: Okay. Thank you. Questions for staff on any items 1, or 4(a) through (d) at this point. No? Okay. If that's the case then we'll proceed and open the public hearing with regard to consideration and approval of the proposed capital improvement plan for public facilities and preliminary approval of issuance for capital improvement program general obligation bonds. I would invite any interested party to come forward and address the council on this matter. Seeing nobody, is there a motion to close the public hearing? Councilwoman Tjomhom: Move to close the public hearing. Mayor Furlong: Is there a second? Councilman McDonald: I'll second. Mayor Furlong: Any discussion on that motion? Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The public hearing to consider approval of a proposed Capital Improvement Program for Public Facilities and preliminary approval for issuance of Capital Improvement Program General Obligation Bonds was closed. Mayor Furlong: With that, let's bring it back then to council. Anything else Mr. Sticha or do you want to talk anymore about (b)? Greg Sticha: Ah no. We need to pass the resolution in 4(a) before we can talk about 4(b). Mayor Furlong: Okay. And so you want, before we do that let's make sure we've addressed items (c) and (d) as well, just so we get all the questions out on the table. So Mr. Oehme, if that falls onto your shoulders. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. Item 4(c) is recommendation to approve an architectural contract with Oertel Architects. About 2 months ago staff solicited proposals to architectural engineering firms for services for the new public works facility. On August 22nd of this year architectural proposals were received to the city and the city did receive 3 proposals. One from Architectural Alliance, Oertel Architects and TKDA. A selection committee here at city hall reviewed the proposals and rated each firm according to a selection criteria that was established in the proposal of request, and Oertel Architects had the lost cost -J� City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 proposal and was rated the highest by the selection committee in terms of their background knowledge in the preparation of the proposal. Staff has called the references for Oertel Architects as well and the firm has been rated highly by others who have worked with them on similar public works facility projects... And then again last Monday, September 2°d Oertel Architects was interviewed by staff for this project as well. Oertel Architects has designed and built several public works facilities in the last 8 years in all. They've worked on over 24 facilities here in the last 8 years. And staff does recommend, if this project moves forward, using Oertel Architects on this project. The recommendations, if council wants to move forward with this project is to direct staff to enter into a contract with Oertel Architects in the amount of $429,485 for these services, and that includes design, construction and designing and construction administration services and close out documents for the project, so that includes everything from schematic design all the way through final completion, as-builts and what have you so. Anytime along the way you know this contract will be written that we can get out of the contract. If for whatever reason we don't want to move forward with the contract anymore, and it is a time and materials contract that we are proposing so staff would be receiving monthly, by - monthly requests from the architect. We will be reviewing their requests. Hours. Those type of things and checking for accuracy and recommending denial or approval at that time so. At this time I stand for any questions that you may have. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for staff? Councilman Litsey: I just had one quick observation more than anything. Why the big difference between Oertel Architects and the other two were considerably higher. Paul Oehme: Yeah, that's a great question and that's one of the questions that we asked Oertel Architects when we interviewed them on Monday, and their come back was that we've designed you know several, you know over 2 dozen public works buildings here in the last 8 years. We've got the background. The expertise for this. We don't have to go in books and call up vendors and ask them questions and spend time researching different ideas and new techniques. They already have the background and knowledge to move forward on this project so. Councilman Litsey: That's great. I just, it seemed like a big difference. Paul Oehme: Yeah, it is. Councilman Litsey: It makes sense. Paul Oehme: It's over 2,000 hours worth of time that we think we can save by using Oertel. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, council. Oertel is also familiar with this. They helped us with some of the preliminary legwork as we were going through the justification for the public works. I think that also helps them. I think they also understand the scope of the work. That they're going to get a prepped site ready for footings the day the contractor would come on site. So you know that's a very cost saving measure when it comes to an architect also because they have to take into account soil borings and soil correction that might be related to this project, and having that site prepped prior to is also a cost savings measure. Oertel, like Paul has mentioned, this is their 10 City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 area of expertise is public works buildings and they've done a lot of them and they know what is involved with designing and administering construction of a public works facility. I'm excited to have staff, to have the opportunity to recommend them to you and they understand the whole scope. From cranes to the systems for maintaining the thickness of concrete. They've got a tight spec and a good spec to bid out this project so, as Paul stated we recommend Oertel and the price that is one that is not to exceed the dollar amount that they're proposing so there is some flex of about $40,000 in there that they would have to justify that additional $40,000 for that to occur. Mayor Furlong: So I guess to clarify that, because that was one of my questions. Mr. Oehme you mentioned that it's time and materials but it's also not to exceed. Paul Oehme: That's correct. Mayor Furlong: Alright. You were able to check references for this one as well? Paul Oehme: Yes. I've checked several cities, communities that they've worked with in the past and most recently the one, the public works building that they designed and helped construct in Waconia and the city manager highly recommends them. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Any other questions on this item at this time? Okay. Why don't we go ahead and talk about item 4(d) as well. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor. This item is an interim use permit application request to work the site. Removing poor soils from the site and bringing in potentially new structural fill in the amount of approximately 15,000 cubic yards to prep the site for a future public works facility. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 2°d to review the IUP and the Planning Commission had no issues or concerns with the proposed project. The drawing here, I'll briefly show you is the proposed site on the public works facility. It's off of Park Place which is north of Park Road and south of Trunk Highway 5. Audubon Road is right here. So it's approximately 10 acres of land that potentially will be needed for the future public works facility, but about only 213 of the property right now is recommended to be included in the IUP for grading at this time. We discovered that there are some additional wetlands that weren't originally on our drawings or on our city maps so we need to address those before we can potentially redevelop the site at this time. So staff and Planning Commission recommended adoption and the recommendations are on page 7 and 8 of your package so. The drawing that was included in your packet has been updated with all of the recommended contingencies or the recommendations that were discussed at the Planning Commission have been updated on this drawing so we are in full compliance and concur with the recommendations that are included in the package. Mayor Furlong: This item did go through the Planning Commission, is that correct? Paul Oehme: That's correct. Mayor Furlong: And Planning Commission had approval, recommended approval? 11 City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 Kate Aanenson: That's correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. As we're going through all these four items it occurs to me now, perhaps taking a step back, while the City Council and staff have been working on our options relating to public works facilities, those watching at home or in the audience maybe haven't had a chance of how we've gotten here. It's been an item that we've been talking about for a number of months. We've evaluated a number of alternatives. I know you don't have any presentation prepared Mr. Oehme, but maybe you could just give a quick executive summary on what brought us to today with all these different four items and bonding and correcting soils and architects and such like that. Paul Oehme: Yep, absolutely. This discussion actually at a staff level has been going on since 2006, and actually prior to that in 1990 a small addition to the public works, existing public works building was proposed at that time but we never, was never built upon. Staff had drafted in 2007 a feasibility study, a needs study for the public works, and that includes a park and maintenance departments as well. Utilities is included and streets and fleet maintenance. And the recommendation that came out of that report was to, well actually there's four options that were looked at. One was to expand upon the existing site. The existing site is only about 5 acres of property and the existing building structures are only about 24,000 square feet of space. Currently the facility is over capacity. Thus the need for the new public works facility. It's kind of a mess out there. There's, we have to park vehicles outside right now which, especially in the wintertime is very problematic. Our lifts are very old. Our roof leaks. They're over capacity. The building originally was built in 1980 and had one addition to it since then, but the feasibility study that we looked at justified that with the current fleet size and the amount of growth that we are expecting here in the city up until 2030, we couldn't recommend adding onto that facility knowing that you know, if we built an addition onto the existing facility. One, we wouldn't have room to begin with for current needs. And then two, we just don't have the space available to plan for future growth as well. So that was one option that we looked at. Another couple options we looked at, was it 3 or 4 existing facilities in the city. Warehouse type facilities and trying to retrofit a warehouse facility to a public works application, and what we found was it's very difficult and costly to make those type of transitions from one type of use to a facility that would need vehicles to run in and out with exhaust and everything. HVAC is a problem. You know typically where we're running bigger trucks, bigger loaders and the warehouse type facilities are just not set up for those type of applications so cost wise if we were to have to buy a facility and make the improvements necessary for a public works facility, it just didn't pan out for us. The facilities that we looked at. So we do have this site that's available that the city currently owns. It's about, I think it was 24 acres, but only about 10 of it is developable. The site currently is used for, we call it a bone yard to stockpile material with brush, tree limbs, dirt piles, sealcoat aggregate we stock there on occasion. And when we looked at this site, looked at what our needs, where currently and into the future, this site came out as our best option for a new facility and going through the process in 2007 and this year with the council, that's how we came to this recommendation. Mayor Furlong: Alright, thank you. Appreciate the summary. Any questions then with regard to the interim use permit for the grading. At this point. Okay. Alright. At this point then we've 12 City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 discussed or received staffs reports on each of the items. 4(a) through (d) for a variety of purposes. Let's take these as individual motions rather than a single motion, even though based on the staff report a simple majority is required for each item to approve. So are there any other questions at this point? Otherwise is there a motion for item 4(a)? Councilman McDonald: Yes Your Honor. I'll make a motion for item 4(a). I would make the following motion. The City Council adopts a resolution approving the creation of a CIP plan and adoption of a resolution giving preliminary approval of issuance of General Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds, not to exceed $8.5 million from 2008 to 2012. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjomhom: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Is there any discussion on that motion? Resolution #2008-46A: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council adopts a resolution approving the creation of a CIP plan and adoption of a resolution giving preliminary approval of issuance of General Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds, not to exceed $8.5 million from 2008 to 2012. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Furlong: Let's move on now then to item 4(b). Are there any questions on this item? If not, is there a motion? Councilman McDonald: I'll make a motion on this one also Your Honor. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Councilman McDonald: I make the following motion. The City Council adopts a resolution providing for the sale of $7,550,000 of General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there any, is there a second? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on this motion? Resolution #2008-47: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council adopts a resolution providing for the sale of $7,550,000 of General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Furlong: Move now to item 4(c). 13 City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, just on those First two items. The suggested changes that staff proposed prior to were included in those motions? Mayor Furlong: That's my understanding. Does anybody not have that understanding? Councilman Litsey: That's my understanding. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Very good. Thank you. 4(c) then. Is there any questions on this? If not, is there a motion? Councilman McDonald: Okay, I'll make the motion for 4(c) also Your Honor. I would make the following motion. The City Council is recommended to direct staff to enter into an architectural contract with Oertel Architects, Ltd. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjomhom: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on this motion? Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council direct staff to enter into an architectural contract with Oertel Architects, Ltd. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Furlong: That motion prevails 4-0. And the last item, item 4(d). Councilman Litsey: Sure I'll do it. Mayor Furlong: Might as well get in the minutes. Councilman Litsey: You were on a roll but, don't want to interrupt the flow here but Chanhassen City Council approves an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by the City of Chanhassen Engineering Department dated August 4, 2008, subject to conditions 1 through 18 and adopting of the attached Findings of Fact. Mayor Furlong: Very good. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjomhom: Second. Mayor Furlong: Very good. Any discussion on this item? Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council approves an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by the City of Chanhassen Engineering Department dated August 4, 2008 and adopts the attached Findings of Fact, subject to the following conditions: 14 City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 1. A demolition permit is required for the removal of any structure(s). 2. If future construction in this area is anticipated, these soils must be engineered for the intended structural loads and their placement must be properly compacted and tested as required by such soil engineering. A report, verifying placement, compaction and soil suitability, from the testing agency will be required before building permits will be issued. 3. Install tree protection fencing at grading limits on north, where applicable, and west sides prior to grading. 4. Clearing limits shall be inspected by the Environmental Resources Specialist prior to any tree removal. 5. Wetland boundary, as field identified, needs to be shown on the drawing. 6. Grading limits need to be modified to avoid impacts to the revised wetland boundary. Category 2 erosion control blanket needs to be shown on the slope in the northeast corner of the property. 8. All exposed soil areas must be stabilized within seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion has temporarily or permanently ceased. 9. All disturbed areas shall be seeded with Mn/DOT Mixture 150 at 401bs/acre and mulched with Type 2 mulch disc -anchored at 2 tonstacre upon completion of grading for the interim use permit. 10. The grading plan should be adjusted so that the drainage areas will not be altered, otherwise drainage calculations are required. 11. The existing sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer and drainage and utility easements must be shown on the plan. 12. The grading limits in the northeast corner of Lot 6 must be shifted in order to maintain minimum 7.5 feet of cover over the watermain. 13. Provide additional information to the Metropolitan Council in order to determine the maximum extent of grading allowed over the sanitary sewer. 14. Abide by the Metropolitan Council's conditions of approval, if any. 15. Permitted hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday with no work permitted on Sunday or legal holidays. 15 City Council Meeting - September 8, 2008 16. The interim use permit will expire one year from the date of City Council approval. The permit may be renewed on an annual basis subject to City Council approval. Request for an extension must be submitted 45 days prior to the expiration date. 17. All permits must be acquired prior to grading, including but not limited to a watershed district permit, and a Minnesota Pollution Control NPDES stormwater permit. A stormwatei pollution prevention plan must be submitted to the City for review by Carver Soil and Water Conservation District. 18. The grading plan must be signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Furlong: Thank you for everyone involved. There's a lot of work ahead of us but this is something that we're going to need to pursue to support our growth and provide quality city services so thank you for everyone involved. 2009 BUDGET: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE 2009 PRELUYUNARY LEVY. Greg Sticha: Thanks again Mayor. At our August 28`s work session staff reviewed the general fund budget and preliminary levy with City Council, and discussions were made about the setting of preliminary levy this evening. One of the requests that the City Council had made at that meeting was shifting the market value homestead credit out of the general fund and into the revolving assessment construction fund and we have done so with these documents. That revenue has now been shifted to the revolving assessment construction fund as per your request. A couple other items I just want to kind of note on and review, getting people caught up from our last work session meeting. Just a reminder that for 2009 the State legislature has put levy limits into place. In the staff memo I have listed the maximum increase in levy that we would be allowed by state law, and the amount that the proposed preliminary levy presented to you tonight. We are increasing by, a difference is about $36,000 between that and the maximum allowed by the legislature. It should be noted that even if we do not levy up to the maximum amount allowed by the legislature this year, we can capture that amount in future years. I confirmed that with the Department of Revenue. We are allowed to capture that difference in future years if we wish to do so. That's currently in the state law. As with anything in the legislature, they could certainly change that law and take that provision away from us but currently within the law it does provide for us to capture the difference between what we do levy this year and what the levy limit is. I would also like to just take a quick opportunity to kind of review some of the budget numbers that have been presented to you in the previous work session meetings but kind of get people caught up at home as to what the budget includes for 2009. The preliminary budget for the general fund shows an increase of approximately $640,000 in expenditures. Of that increase, nearly $600,000 of the increase is for increased wages and benefits for employees in the general fund, an increase in the police services contract, and about $170,000 for increased, anticipated increase in utility and fuel costs to the city that we are planning for 2009. The budget does include 1.25 FTE police officers for next year, and all other services to remain the same based on the preliminary budget that is presented before you this 16 of Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 Lynne Etling: Thank you. PERMIT TO EXPORTAMPORT APPROXIMATELY 15.000 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR GRADING ON PROPERTY ZONED INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK (1OP) CHANHASSEN, PLANNING CASE 08-18. Alyson Fauske presented the staff report on this item. Papke: Kevin, start with you. Dillon: I don't have any questions tight now. Thomas: Yeah, I don't think I do either. Laufenburger: This is city owned property, is that correct? Fauske: That's correct. Laufenburger: And the piles that have been placed there. Are these piles that are just storage for public utility or for public works? Fauske: Yes. Public works. Street sweeping. Some clay and my understanding is another pile of some granite. So just miscellaneous stockpiles that our current site could not accommodate. Laufenburger: So the intent is to remove all the, mix of some of the debris. Mix it in the soil. And then get rid of the other piles, like the granite. There's also a pile of wood chips there too. Fauske: Yes. Laufenburger: All those things, is that right? Fauske: Yes, it's become a little bit of a storage area so there are some materials that would stay on site. We know that there are some poorer soils out there that, organic material that would not support a structure, so those would be moved off the site. Laufenburger: Okay. And then the last question I had is, how, you want to take it, or the City would like to take advantage of this yet in this season. How long would this work take? Would they complete this before the first snowfall? Fauske: That's our anticipation. But the Interim Use Permit is valid for one year but the expectation is to get the work done this year. 13 66 — I SCANNED Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 Laufenburger: Thank you. Keefe: The wetlands, what do they do to protect the wetlands again? Fauske: At this point they would be putting up a silt fence. Erosion control measures to stay away from the wetlands. And then in the future with any site plan application, if there would be a wetland alteration permit, which we anticipate there would likely be due to the layout of the site and the location of the wetland, but at this point there would not be any impacts to the wetland. Keefe: Okay. Undestad: No questions. Papke: I have no questions myself. And since the city is the applicant, I guess we don't need to call up an applicant so with that. Generous: Different staff member though. Fauske: I asked him if he wanted to come tonight and. Papke: And seeing no members of the public present for this item, I will call the public hearing closed and bring it back to the Planning Commission for discussion. Pretty straight forward to me. Take out 15,000. Put in 15,000. Mix it up a little bit. Clean up. Good to go. Laufenburger: Put a bow on it. Thomas: Sounds good. Generous: No, that's the next application. The bow. Papke: Ahight. Would someone like to make a motion. Laufenburger: I'll try. Mr. Chairman, the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department dated August 14, 2008, subject to the following conditions 1 through 18. Papke: Is there a second? Thomas: Second. Laufenburger moved, Thomas seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic 14 Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department dated August 14, 2008, subject to the following conditions: 1. A demolition permit is required for the removal of any structure(s). 2. If future construction in this area is anticipated, these soils must be engineered for the intended structural loads and their placement must be properly compacted and tested as required by such soil engineering. A report, verifying placement, compaction and soil suitability, from the testing agency will be required before building permits will be issued. 3. Install tree protection fencing at grading limits on north, where applicable, and west sides prior to grading. 4. Clearing limits shall be inspected by the Environmental Resources Specialist prior to any tree removal. 5. Wetland boundary, as field identified, needs to be shown on the drawing. 6. Grading limits need to be modified to avoid impacts to the revised wetland boundary. 7. Category 2 erosion control blanket needs to be shown on the slope in the northeast corner of the property. 8. All exposed soil areas must be stabilized within seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion has temporarily or permanently ceased. 9. All disturbed areas shall be seeded with Mn/DOT Mixture 150 at 40 lbs/acre and mulched with Type 2 mulch disc -anchored at 2 tons/acre upon completion of grading for the interim use permit. 10. The grading plan should be adjusted so that the drainage areas will not be altered, otherwise drainage calculations are required. 11. The existing sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer and drainage and utility easements must be shown on the plan. 12. The grading limits in the northeast corner of Lot 6 must be shifted in order to maintain minimum 7.5 feet of cover over the watermain. 13. Provide additional information to the Metropolitan Council in order to determine the maximum extent of grading allowed over the sanitary sewer. 14. Abide by the Metropolitan Council's conditions of approval, if any. 15. Permitted hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday with no work permitted on Sunday or legal holidays. 15 Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 16. The interim use pemtit will expire one year from the date of City Council approval. The permit may be renewed on an annual basis subject to City Council approval. Request for an extension must be submitted 45 days prior to the expiration date. 17. All permits must be acquired prior to grading, including but not limited to a watershed district permit, and a Minnesota Pollution Control NPDES stormwater permit. A stormwater pollution prevention plan must be submitted to the City for review by Carver Soil and Water Conservation District. 18. The grading plan must be signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Keefe noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated August 5, 2008 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS: Papke: I had one question on the item that was in our packet. The firearm amendment. We had a_ Generous: You got that? Papke: I got that. Did everyone get a copy of the ordinance amending the Chanhassen city code concerning firearms? Thomas: Yeah. Generous: You may have to update your code books. Papke: Yeah, okay. Just a question on that. Does this mean if little Johnny goes out in the back yard with his BB gun and does a little target shooting, he's violating city code? Generous: Could be. Papke: I mean what constitutes a firearm? Generous: I believe a BB gun constitutes a firearm. Papke: Wow. Okay. Well we're not voting on that one. Generous: You don't need to see that one. Papke: Alright. Any other issues for discussion? Uri Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 Dillon: I have one. Papke: Yes Kevin. Dillon: And maybe we can on a future thing. You know we've had, I don't know what the guidelines are for these friendly amendments and stuff like that that have come up, and I, the last time we did this I got a little confused with you know the way that it was added on and then we all voted on it. So at some point if we have a working session or something some time I'd like to discuss you know how we go about doing that. What is and is not appropriate for these friendly amendments. Papke: Okay. Dillon: And you know what bearing they have on anything Papke: Good point. Maybe it would be a good time for you know a 15-20 minute tutorial on Robert's Rules of Order and how to conduct that sort of thing at our next working session. Shouldn't be, I would think there'd be some power point presentations available somewhere on the web that we could you know run through and there's enough planning commissions in the country that that kind of stuff must be available somewhere. So that's a very good suggestion. I've been thinking along the same lines myself. I know it's, it is. Generous: Speaking of which. Papke: Excellent. Good idea. Anything else? Alright, we're adjourned Chairman Papke adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 7:55 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 17 Affidavit of Publication Southwest Newspapers SCANNED State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Carver ) CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIEB NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Mark Weber, being duly swom, on oath says that he is the publisher or the authorized agent of the PLANNING CASE publisher of the new known as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Villager and has P Nal 8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY GIVEN full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: that the Chanhassen Planning Commission will hold a public (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal hearing on Tuesday, September 2, newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02, 331 A.07, and other applicable laws, as 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council amended Chambers in Chanhassen City Hall, Market Blvd. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a request this (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No. ' I 0 5 Usetlt'Permit5,000 was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said P sP Per ort approterimximately cubicport/ imforport import approximately 15,000 cubic Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit Said notice was cu[ from the columns of yards of fill for grading on property the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of type used in the composition located on Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, and publication of the Notice: Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5th Addition - Chanhassen Public Works Facility. Applicant: City of abcdefghijklmnopgistuvwxyz Chanhassen. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public By; review on the City's web site at Mark Weber www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/sery/ Ulan/08-18 html or at City Hall duringregular business hours. All interested persons are invited to Subscribed and sworn before me on attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Robert Generous, Senior Planner .., a I i# day R t t I14' 7 �.. Email: this of ,t '2008 4`.'• baenerousrci chanhassen mn.us '"` LAURIE A. h'gR-fR,yyNN Phone: 952-227-1131 (Published in the Chanhassen - NOTARYiC _ MusOrA - Villager on Thursday, August 21, 2008; No. 4105) � x�,Q y Notary Public RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $40.00 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter ............................... $40.00 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter .............................................. $12.19 per column inch SCANNED PLEASE PRINT CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION Applicant Name and Address: 110 ti ,r a� fit;\ i� hn��hc<„anLIQ Contact: ;-Toe r Phone: } - 7_u iuS Fax: 95 X37- i l70 Email: _� Flu �Ic L c C hacl swn rnr\ uS Planning Case No. Lit — Owner Name and Address: �ine_ Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non -conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review (SPR)* Subdivision* Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Notification Sign — $200 (City to install and remove) X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** - $50 CUP/SPR/VAC/VAR/WAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $Vy A\�I C U An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%” X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital cop v in TIFF -Group 4 (*.tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: kG r r 41taC6 Q� d 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: Lo -k--, rJ + �o IZn n Y��S�� I 1 L c�� T iCl 11FS +h /�c�C�l��c n �S— 1�1300�0—I`i3ovc�0 TOTALACREAGE: WETLANDS PRESENT: PRESENT ZONING: REQUESTED ZONING: YES NO PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: C r�(t Cc� / 1 r -\Cj L_k-7�4f l Cn l REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: CJi �C� �SYYII -EY(6k I REASON FOR REQUEST: t\e[;tAes4 —I-Qk:�-J u 1Vv-,7cl t FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owners Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Siature of Applicant \1 CA:S fec }or Dai Signature of Fee Owner Date GAPLANTonns0eveiopment Review Application.DOC Rev. 1/08 RIM 966.98 INV 961.53 N INV 960.03 S INV 959.83 E INV 958.63 S INV 960.33 RIM INV INV 954.09 E INV 953.49 W INV u v X v U LEGEND'92410 ❑ CATCH BASIN r Q FLARED END SECTION qa` fD Ln m RIM 967.25WATERMAIN /INV 9HYDRANT 56.05 - SANITARY SEWER / a MAILBOX TNH = EL.=937.50 m / L/ �� STORM SEWER (NAND 88) `� SIGN X X CHAINLINK FENCELINE s- - EDGE OF WETLAND O SANITARY MANHOLE _ - -\ ` --------- PLATTED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ,-� X923.71 Q STORM MANHOLE L9"E K '( + co , \ 1X7 WATER VALVE TREE N66 0 Q19 A6 _* _ �3 ��/ 9- k � I, MARSH - 9 i I / 'X942.b'f.> 21"ASN \ \ I - LIGHT POLE X30 ��% ✓00 fit - ® BOLLARD/FENCE POST � WATERMAIN MANHOLE 923.02IM'94 I(� � X926.81 ,�" - INV / �� 94"MAR � IRON NONUMENT FOUND ;-/"/ 922s0 01�If X927.9yj-� �t X927.68.6e 928 �7✓) + �i �� 7 � 127BOX .,. N89046'08"W��13 Box 4 239.32 T- I 9,301 X911.76 11! mil I -- --- ---- - SITE BENCHMARIF 12'BOX TNH = EL.=931.81 I3 Bok (NAVD 88)--�. \ \ I I / ji �I�a to x427J9 � X93. ) ry � ) 13"'90X1 r \ g Ov �m) . " i JJi ! f4•BOX 41'BASS + I ',� I I A ., 1 i. �/ X921.58 / _ + X929.46 X929.39 I I y1 O + + * 12"BOX �, 'q30 I 'p{�1th� I I 44 I I 1 '�..J 13 BOX + LOT 131" eOX 6 16'BOX , ., � -�. V� � �,� •- I X931.90 J �' X932.64 _ JX921.02 12. Box 30 o0* I + 14.00+,:' + RIM 92 6 INV 912.98 SW I (_ r"`jS + } 13"BOX -fl- N i fit: INV 910.88 SE 14•BOX 'I I X928.77 X929.40 SMH + X929.42 I .a 1 v RIM 919.90 _', X920.15 � I I INV 913.67 On On I I 14.80*, 14' BOX av Lr) __-_- ]0"SAN.__;. \ �^ 17 BOx11 13'•e�x N _ 7-�- t�� � 920 `\ I I :+ .,1+ /, / J. /_ _ RIM 926.03\\�_ � SAN. SEWER STUB �., v/ \ ` INV 905.83 �_\ \�C919.67 13' BOX 12'*X + 16" BOX , 7 LOCATION +/-' '.S .r 6 > Q \ . J O1 72 BOX } ff 4 3. _ II 14•BOx 1a' eo + C.Brg.=N75°!34'02" {;I cp 9zss2> 9�1��\ 1s^BOx A=10$054'164_ ' \ 388 L=1-:14.8Q�4 ✓ �\ �. ',I x926s 14 eA55�j6s R= `` \\ \\ IB^ �W Ng8 0 00 ' �// y F- - X923.62 nl r. I I I H D , 92A Ln 0 13, BOX 1X1928.42 X929.41 / X929.31 I '(NAVD 88) g25 I' { INV 925.62 �- _---_ ofri I _ I 37 oAK l l 1 15^Box 'R7 INV 91a.oz Z 12• + RIM 925.31 3'812K!, + j 13, POW _ :.\ J INV 920.13 Ln13' POP + I S89046'08"E + +' lreox ' + a Rov 20, Box rs eox__- J r X918 l 200.08 R x )����11� s - _- 45"oAK\ i FES X15 i7"COi -._�- `(j�''��( ,C.BFg.=N30°2 1/ INV 918.46 Ir ,' p=103°A3'31"_,. -0 1 12^eox L=107.92 �` NN I / 1z !eo* LS {- _ R=60.00 J 9 �° �� ` I t ZIT ON It t J 12" BOX L ' } FESS 18" RCP, , , INV91955 [p '92 J \ 7 / R}M 922.64 \\�� I , // // X92733 INV 91443 � V � I I � - ,9 5 -919-- Q I RIM 922.32 / X918.72 �7 j' - RIM 92 73 INV 9 8.32 \ \ \\ I. fV i X918.29AL -. i IO:: WN013 X927.,25 X918.62 I I SEEINSET LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 and Lot 6, CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK 5TH ADDITION, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA. AREA = 507,835 SQUARE FEET IZ `� OF CHANHASSEtl 7ECEIVED DEC 1 U 2008 INSETCHANHASSEN PANNING DEP* CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK 21" RCP FES INV 913.45/ , F\ I 11 I �1 I I \ Scale i\ feet 918.52 (WOOD) \ 50 (]D RIM 916.98 INV 913.98 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Kenneth L Whitehorn, Minnesota Land Surveyor Number 14677 Date: Zz-' lio-s TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY I 36"RCP FES - - 10^wN INV 916.20 312.44 CHANHASSEN LAKES N89046'08"w RIM 921.89 915.94 BUILD BUSINESS PARK 5TH ADDITION 1.67 5.07 \ INV916.265W CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA RIM 924.37 INV 918.33 S Scale In feet INV 916.27 E,W RIM 921.76 Revision INV 917.64 NW \ Project No. 08-069 INV 916.47 SW 0 50 100 150 / INV 916.73 NE 111Engineering • Surveying Drown by JDB/DRC 10" PVC \ INV 918.20 /�� / ! Landscape Architecture aredred by J \Book/Page L295/37 \ HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON, Inc. oats: / g 7510 Market Place Drive •Eden Prairie, MN 55344 / c� 952-829-0700 • 952-829-7806 fax atent: CHAN saes 0 25 50 100 \\ / HORIZONTAL SOME IN FEET FA 3k LL WJ3k t _ Cl \ BIC R x �v 0 mc i LEGEND EMSTI c PROPOSED a s z ave -W axon caxnun - anz_ _ X802—i SAoTu Anot m XZ IMNG T Y Lj� 43 U' V Z< OJ Qa \\ `� 1 `� \ ? 1 r`i • �t I NMDNG ,.rs � NOTES m �a a ' Y� J \ I S • \SS r 11 J( I /f / j I 1 ` l \ ru mma comma Mrwa�ss wsr ec NnAumT To mnomw aTHE aKA ws No ec . x<n uau Nsnxan .wrws CH THE s,E nnce axx ncsra® WALL GTOI BA91 911OR m N N SIRFZT GTOt llA FAQIXN C011RfA. ftATFS 0.CO. Slln. NO 9FfA IrtLIM'I14 caTwx DATA M Lrrn W No A I%ED mot cwwt caxtt. / � APPROMMATELY 15.000 O.Y. OP TOPSOIL REMOVAL APPRO%IMATELY 15.000 GY. EN(iNEER SOIL PLACED. N r �" 0-0 1 •o. s c�Eus • 100 °IXti® _ H A SCALE IN FEET i 1 / ' -- � j / LEGND E EXISTING PROPOSED z v , / i LMT= w 9'°T EIEYATNYI •99° %BOO LWNNHE .Wi°M � B T iFNQ - M19Li CX R°0. ENIRNICE -- TM Y.W110.E O . i SAN' I i GT1 BAN m GTw e/9n uAWItlE ® •v 1 '. A 1 raven m » » SIPN SEYEA _ I _ 1\ I • _ WATO ATET81Ax i -1- NAN 1 z:__ -0i l W J NU H _ as awi I era \°ter _ _ _ ZE cn CDV VO s 3 od m — NOTES a g $ \ \ AE•9169 a \ a NL F86rU1 CMI11f1 YEAAl1E4 NO TgEE pp°IECIAY! fp0!° MUST IN N NEQt m tlY11FH 6 O4AAnQS ND ff YIN- 1 � � � _ � \ \ TAd® Wll NL51111iffn N2/p5 M ME 41E HA\E BEFN RESILYen. AMA TK QFNMY W1S 9WL E N�ECIFD YT nE EMRQrE]ITIL REYAIYFS SPECNm 9RIOR ro ANr TREE RolovAi. r - � \\' S . • \° MINI GTOI BA91 S NENT TBM$ N ALL SIIEEf GTOI BA9N5 RFFFR m °lY UEIAL MT6 5TM 1101. NN dT09A REBIAMN° m°sw caxTRw_ IM T u _ _. - \Ti G46MIICOR! MIINIT IN TlAT HA4 TF1P NNiT �. \\v T4° ffi�M ®NM �3 W AT ',•' I M \ \ ° /ala T MAOIM pSfrNIU1� lab/Ac IVMI wnnlol ai a+AONe rm TK x uQ 9 T. 1 %1 / V 9 ruernm naMs a aREAATIaI Ns rae ML TO caa PN., YCXOAr ON M IEroG u IAM SANRGT WTH HO 1 Apilgm WNDAY I 1 [J \ fpL LOGTE gTEAYNI OE90L ApIST 9As HEl£55MY m 6 77. Flelle YEMY CONA °1EA 11AlFAYM1 )5. EA41QlIS 910W1 al ME MAN NE APPIIWYAIE EX61N0 G9nilIT yN{ \ y \ °\\ FMSINC °TIIITY IM.ATIa6 Ne APPROOY.IE OMTA7T GORFII SIAM aE GEI rTM Am 1EIi1CA11011 b xaAs NDat T° m�fllalOrl. OMT(M DATA M MMtOYIATE NO A9 WM CM1fA CQM1Y. o z \ RE�91fl0 a � ° \Mw908.5 0 APPROMMAMLT 15.0)0 C.Y. 6 iOPGOi RE110VAL - -- \ APPROAYAIELY 15,000 GT. ENCWEER SqL PUCm. 60 I Om p Mph Ww ..... PO JS L 08-03 1 1 _ ,I. I i -ill / 6F -A APP IAAMY 15.000 C.Y. OF MP50IL RELOVAL. APPRODYAIELY 15.000 C.Y. DIGMM SOIL RACED. r zF w Jw LEGEND Nc ~ << a� "SUNG PROPOSED = L, 7 grow �—eo�_ —Bao--� <Y w uwrn uveae mulaw eoa �BOy—� oQ Z S mmE AM :eoo x800 O0_' Fnd rnE�s�. rwa OU Oy flC°( E111RINL< � < (AI➢11IG W15 TTTi'TT� �m d NOTES E' a Au m°�ax mnRol uEAwAzs I a rmAum PPo011 ro on■umwr a o»nD acEnAnoos .vD x uAMAu■n uxla NL omulDm ANEAS a ,� siE NA1c ave eESD1m MNL G1lH 8191 SFOfIR 1PIP5 M NL SIWFf Glbl BAYIS wm ro arc o<c� RAres moo mm, Aro ma$A IE°Am■D F8°SIM C0111R0.. a =R DATA n APPROA M ND A°G�REa iAOY GN1ER CAIrtY. APP IAAMY 15.000 C.Y. OF MP50IL RELOVAL. APPRODYAIELY 15.000 C.Y. DIGMM SOIL RACED. c T O j - a y U ow �cE`m n oa N O— C 0 J C O O O O E OO d O T C N z W Q C N c c 1 6 T O Z L a O W J 2 D N w C- W Z O Q ». d .-°N a� °p t=i U 0 z a y w PRELIMINARY CONS TR UC TION PLAN to J u W w oo n- o LU m `v3 �' m = U = y Toa= 0 U a n o = t T N 3 W w V Q Q _oE�3 � o CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY e g CL Ld CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROJECT NO. OS -03 �OfLLJLLZIILLJ 7901 PARK PLACE W 8TH Stre t State Hwy 5 Arboretum Boulevard } F z f- � J ~�-- SHEET E DEX = < Q w QNa = Park Cour_ 1 TITLE SHEET = Q U -�- c Ikn n Drive ° Z SITE PLAN F- �' /� 3 REMOVAL PLAN ~ °0 0 Ua- 4 GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN ,^-�—�Ou ter bivd. 5 UTILITY PLAN a 6 STANDARD DETAILS } m 7 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREV EN77ON PLAN a 8 STORMWATER POLLUTIONPREVENTIONPLAN 9 LANDSCAPE PLAN N Z 0 V) as pSly, �4Ro� iYJ�N GtS1�s &�Si�R� w PROJECT LOCATION Q 0 OWNER: CITY OF CHANHASSEN DESIGNED CHECKED 77000MARKET BOULEVARD JS PO / PO BOX 147 PROJECT # CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 08-03 952-227-1100 -.1 . 1 OF 9 /x -14' RET 2'-14' RETAINING WALL 0 15 30 60 HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET SALT SAND + ■ E❑ �I FUEL ISLAND 0 WATER FILL STATION P. WASH AY 51" OAK rj9- + / 12"BOX 12 BOX \. 12 BOX -------------T----�-- 160 P Im O I 1 .01 HIH CN WELDING BAY MAINTENANCE AREA u^eox 13"BOX 0 13" BOX (\ + ( + j 131, BOX 4 I I I I X1 1 116 W WOOD SHOP SIGN SHOP VEHICLE STORAGE AREA FFE = 930 304.0' 26.0' R�qRtiq 4' RETAI�11G WALL 48 45" OAK R64.0' 13"BOX UTILITY OFFICE 5" BOX 36 0• SHOP AREA 1 eox 16" BOX 13"BOX ^',�) � 16" BOX + 14 BOX 30" OAK 13" BOX14" BOX + + J) 1 171, Idly O 0 00 BOX 13" POP 13" P P + 15" POP 13"POP 0• 2012 -BA s °o• ( + ( 18"BOX 12 COTS O m + M 12 -MAP 12"BOX0 15"BOX R100.0' i-4' RETAINING WALL >� >jlk AIL � I -lilk I LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED BOUNDARY LINE DESCRIPTION A LOT LINE ------- B RIVER ROCK (30'X30') CENTERLINE — — EASEMENT LINE -------------- E — — — — — -- CURB & GUTTER SAND (30'X30') 0- =tea OVERHEAD CABLE TV OTV OTv UNDERGROUND CABLE TV ury UN OVERHEAD ELECTRIC P OE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - UE DIE v ;aF Z POWER POLE -6- UNDEDGROUND GAS UG UG UNDEDGROUND FIBER OPTIC FO �a OVERHEAD TELEPHONE or OT UNDEDGROUND TELPHONE Ur UT SANITARY MANHOLE O • SANITARY SEWER - J ► CATCH BASIN ® ■ P ® • �' ■ STORM MANHOLE 0 • FLARED END Q STORM SEWER 8 -w— GATE VALVE ca WASH AY 51" OAK rj9- + / 12"BOX 12 BOX \. 12 BOX -------------T----�-- 160 P Im O I 1 .01 HIH CN WELDING BAY MAINTENANCE AREA u^eox 13"BOX 0 13" BOX (\ + ( + j 131, BOX 4 I I I I X1 1 116 W WOOD SHOP SIGN SHOP VEHICLE STORAGE AREA FFE = 930 304.0' 26.0' R�qRtiq 4' RETAI�11G WALL 48 45" OAK R64.0' 13"BOX UTILITY OFFICE 5" BOX 36 0• SHOP AREA 1 eox 16" BOX 13"BOX ^',�) � 16" BOX + 14 BOX 30" OAK 13" BOX14" BOX + + J) 1 171, Idly O 0 00 BOX 13" POP 13" P P + 15" POP 13"POP 0• 2012 -BA s °o• ( + ( 18"BOX 12 COTS O m + M 12 -MAP 12"BOX0 15"BOX R100.0' i-4' RETAINING WALL >� >jlk AIL � I -lilk I LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED BOUNDARY LINE DESCRIPTION A LOT LINE ------- B RIVER ROCK (30'X30') CENTERLINE — — EASEMENT LINE -------------- E — — — — — -- CURB & GUTTER SAND (30'X30') 0- =tea OVERHEAD CABLE TV OTV OTv UNDERGROUND CABLE TV ury UN OVERHEAD ELECTRIC OE OE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - UE DIE LIGHT POLE ;aF Z POWER POLE -6- UNDEDGROUND GAS UG UG UNDEDGROUND FIBER OPTIC FO FO OVERHEAD TELEPHONE or OT UNDEDGROUND TELPHONE Ur UT SANITARY MANHOLE O • SANITARY SEWER - J ► CATCH BASIN ® ■ CATCH BASIN MANHOLE ® • �' ■ STORM MANHOLE 0 • FLARED END Q STORM SEWER oo -w— GATE VALVE ca ►� FIRE HYDRANT b o WATERMAIN -I— COLD STORAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION A TOPSOIL (30'X30') B RIVER ROCK (30'X30') C WATERMAIN BREAKS (30'X40') D SEALCOAT AGG. (30'X30') E CLASS V (30'X30') F SAND (30'X30') c O j LL W Q Q J m N E 0- =tea a n � c � LL- o o (n O E y yo d T N Z o,c c Nov t o O w l J a_ a a•-= Q D D v 30" RCP D / v XDC"��HHHE�; � v / v REMOVE HYDRANT / v v REMOVE MANHOLE 340 MAP 21' ASH REMOVE TREES d /a REMOVE CURB TO / SAWCUT LINE a 4 / / REMOVE CULDESAC D 21" D D D Q \ m o v \ 10" wM / o v o � ti o I REMOVE= HYDRANT ADD 6' PLUG SAWCUT LINE G pA • nn�.� REMOVE CB AND \ 24LF 27" RCP it 0 45" OAK 13" BOX 15"BOX * 18"BOX REMOVE HYDRANT VV 20' BOX 12' BOX 3� 23 K 13"POP ABANDON 10" WM 0 15 30 60 HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET 0 51"OAK 12' BOX PLUG 10" WM ++ 12" BOX p i 0 12"BOX 12"BOX 13" BOX 13P BOX ( + ( + ( 13' BOX —^ 13'BOX 13' BOX 13' BOX 30' OAK 0 14"BOX �, J 16" BOX 0 S ' S 161180X ( + ( 13-80X a 14" BOX 12" BOX 17" BOX 140 BOX 0 0 14"BOX 13- POP W 15.POP13"POP REMOVE TREES 15-17' G77T N 0 Ion Box s(D ti 12 -MLP C')C,) i2"BOX 15"BOX �& �dL �Llk 2dL 12"BOX (D 12- BOX = T O j v y o � �� ow E w a`ov N O— j LEGEND a T c z ago= w EXISTING PROPOSED =—w 0 BOUNDARY LINE -:D- do .c o 00 LOT LINE — — — — — — — cc 0. J Ln MMCENTERLINE EASEMENT LINE -----------------_--- = (^ CURB & GUTTER °a m o as cw OVERHEAD CABLE TV ory OTV ,-0-0 0T s UNDERGROUND CABLE TV -UTV— —UTV— `o E D OVERHEAD ELECTRIC of of UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC VE UE LIGHT POLEt it POWER POLE --9- $ UNDEDGROUND GAS UG UG UNDED FIBER OVERHEAD T LEPH OPTIC ro OT z OVERHEAD TELEPHONE or or z UNDEDGROUND TELPHONE UT Ur �y x SANITARY MANHOLE 0 O d SANITARY SEWER ► w 0 CATCH BASIN CATCH BASIN MANHOLE 0 or 0 z STORM MANHOLE O w FLARED END 4 z STORM SEWER m Do0 z GATE VALVE w FIRE HYDRANT b WATERMAIN I I ZF- � J CHECKED PO N U Z U 3 _L J Z(/) a Q Y Y JQ U 0 a � O O U 0 g W J M U � 91- (f) z 0 5 w Ld 0 DESIGNED JS CHECKED PO PROJECT N 08-03 SHEET If 3 OF 9 I I 6 _. 30.50 t' , 0 944 -1 IN WALL i i ( 928 0 vv 0 1 � I PIG vr)_ 44v y N 16 _.gels 1� �32 vv Tr p, e 9L>6 7ft— IV SALTN 54 rn \ rn 15AND - - 29- RETAINING WALL a Oti �Z6 x j't : . , A r A WATER FILL o PATIO STIc IN rn, AR AAUTURE j ° G NERAT �. _ oo 0 15 30 60 HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET Ea o� U N m oy `` 01, 1 1929 ry \ 0 h Lo \� c\j N X \ Loo 0 \ QCY) rn x Z VEHICLE STORAGE AREA FFE = 930 BI OROLL BIOROLL c°' N 41�ETAINING WALL I A !III oo• I �I II i LEGEND C T EXISTING PROPOSED BOUNDARY LINE � � d o LOT LINE ------- N J CENTERLINE — — EASEMENTLINE -------------- — — — — — — — CURB & GUTTER O 0 O MAJOR CONTOUR Z ND V O+C MINOR CONTOUR c C SPOT ELEVATION X800 X 800 DRAINAGE ARROW 2 O w. ❑ N !n p a0 SOIL BORING •� T y N w N a N 0 SILT FENCE O J O -- CATCH BASIN Z T0UV CATCH BASIN MANHOLE 0 or STORM MANHOLE 0 Z FLARED END 4 o STORM SEWER oc N DRAINTILE DT DT C T O j � � d o .2v N J O a0 N O— J IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR O 0 O COMPLETE. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE Z ND V O+C APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AT LEAST 48 HOURS c C t N O O O LOCATION OF UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR IS 2 O w. ❑ N !n p a0 N d i N✓ 0 Q � T y N w N a N 0 J f N O J O Q O N L Z T0UV �a"v0 = CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL a Z 00 o E o GRADING NOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATIONS. SPOT ELEVATIONS ALONG PROPOSED CURB DENOTE GUTTER LINE ELEVATION. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED ON RECORD DRAWINGS AND, WHERE POSSIBLE, MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE Z APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AT LEAST 48 HOURS Q PRIOR TO EXCAVATION, TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD J LOCATION OF UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR IS a - RESPONSIBLE FOR RELOCATING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES J WHICH CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS O SHOWN ON THE PLANS. Z Ld (— CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL .J v) — Z (1-800-252-1166), 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION QQ w FOR LOCATIONS OF SMALL UTILITIES. = LL Q J Q CONTRACTOR REQUIRED TO PROTECT THE TREES TO BE O SAVED. SHOULD ANY PORTION OF THE TREE BRANCHES Y = � w REQUIRE REMOVAL TO PERMIT OPERATION OF THE 00 li O CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT, HE/SHE SHALL OBTAIN THE LL_o CK SERVICES OF A PROFESSIONAL TRIMMING SERVICE TOLd W O TRIM THE TREES. SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS RESULT IN THE BREAKING OF ANY LIMBS, } -� THE BROKEN LIMBS SHOULD BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY U m Q AND CUTS SHALL BE PROPERLY PROTECTED TO MINIMIZE ANY LASTING DAMAGE. NO TREES SHALL BE C7 REMOVED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION BY THE ENGINEER. Z COSTS FOR TRIMMING SERVICES SHALL BE CONSIDERED p INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. Q ch CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIP, STOCKPILE AND U RE—SPREAD SUFFICIENT TOPSOIL TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM 4 INCH DEPTH (COMPACTED) TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED OR SEEDED. r m THE FINISHED BUILDING SUBGRADE ELEVATION SHALL NOT VARY BY MORE THAN 0.10 FT. ABOVE, OR 0.10 FT. BELOW, THE PROPOSED ELEVATION. STREET OR PARKING AREA SUBGRADE ELEVATION SHALL NOT VARY BY MORE THAN 0.05 FT. ABOVE, OR 0.10 FT. BELOW, THE PRESCRIBED ELEVATION. AREAS TO RECEIVE TOPSOIL SHALL BE GRADED TO WITHIN 0.30 FT. OF THE REQUIRED ELEVATION, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY THE ENGINEER. TOPSOIL SHALL BE GRADED TO WITHIN 1% INCH OF THE SPECIFIED („ o THICKNESS. V) II.I THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE Ee REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY — NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO BE A CO—APPLICANT WITH THE OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE REQUIRED INSPECTION REPORTS AND BE RESPONSIBLE w FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES. a 0 DESIGNED CHECKED JS PO PROJECT # 08-03 SHEET 8 4 OF 9 EX.RIM=942.65----------- INV=915.25 PR.RIM=927.00- EX.RIM=925.36 INV=912.98SW -PR.RIM=929.50 r. R 5 INV=910.88SE LX.HSRT=M=Y4�.---------------------- RIQ=_827.59-------------------- INV=922.05 214 LF 15" RCP M M » PR.RIM=926.55 EX.RIM=926.03 INV=905.83 CB 4 RI Lr_ / RIM=926.10 al---N----T----�----r----� INV=921.10 r , 1 60 Li JHIY / D �► 30" RCP I I / RETAININ WALL v / / T TAP 10" DIP I I F\� /---------------------------- iF----- --------------------------- II- -- - -� F J �GQ / 10" WM I I I I I v------------ �4- ---------------- --- T 1 ----------------------- 17 CB 6 / RIM=927.20 a v/ INV=922.95 SALT ' SAND t , s \\\ wr c1 WATER FILL \ I STATION Ll Ll L \ � r \\ I CB 8 \\ a ! =929.50 WASH WELDING MAINTENANCE \ , INV= 23.40 \ BAY BAY AREA 04 2'-14' RETAINING WALL \\ FUEL tISLANDs' v .. \ co \ P . \ / P \ I \ \ \ \ \ Et Ll F \ \\ O/ CB 7 RIM=927.50 \\\ INV= 923.85 \ 0 15 30 .e HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET 0 I i R 0 a� 1 O I I WEI TIP 1p" TIP i \ ltl �T CB 3 \ RIM=927.56 INV=919.83 16111 III y. UTILITY jOFFICE SHOP AREA VEHICLE STORAGE AREA FFE = 930 ___----�TTREATMENT '� BASIN 1 RIM=9 INV=918.4118.41 A P� M \ PP CB 2 RI =923.90 V=918.35 d vv Spo i Dv z�RGP / v 54 \ �7 4' RETAINING WALL \ 48 12" FES \\\ PR.RIM=929.50 \\ EX.RIM=940.76 \ INV=917.81 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ m 10 i-4' RETAINING WALL �jlk X I& A I& AL �& I c T o � ' a y o � aU oa �o-� LEGEND oE� p 2 T C N z W oa p.0 ccc V L a O W E J EXISTING PROPOSED o o a w BOUNDARY LINE Lo d o 0go >� LOT LINE - - - - - - - CENTERLINE,'� EASEMENT LINE ------------ _ CURB & GUTTER ® y a h a m w OVERHEAD CABLE TV ON ON m �' a 0 m H w k' UNDERGROUND CABLE TV UTV UTV t o E D o a OVERHEAD ELECTRIC DE OE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE UE LIGHT POLEF it POWER POLE -6- __e_ UNDEDGROUND GAS UG UG UNDEDGROUNDFIBER OPTICEO OVERHEADTELEPHONE OT OT ~w- UNDEDGROUND TELPHONE UT UT - �1 SANITARY MANHOLE O • O SANITARY SEWER c ► a CATCH BASIN CATCH BASIN MANHOLE ® or z STORM MANHOLE O w FLARED END d / V z STORM SEWER -10o- GATE uc MGATE VALVE oa ►� w FIRE HYDRANT WATERMAIN I 1 UTILITY NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC # STRUCTURE DIA. CASTING TYPE FEATURES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF SITE 1 GRADING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY NEENAH 3067 V ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM THE 2 PLANS. NEENAH 3067 V ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE 3 APPROXIMATE. CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" H 3067 V (651-454-0002) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS Z W J PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. NEENAH 3067 V CB 5 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE Q < v ZQ CURRENT EDITION OF STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR = < J WATER MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND Z(n a W SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION" AS Q Y Y >_ PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF U d I ­_MINNESOTA. CB O Li J CATCH BASINS & MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS TO BE o O U R2573 SUMPED 0.04 FEET. CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS TO BE J SUMPED 0.15 FEET PER DETAILS. ELEVATIONS SHOWN M ON PLAN DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. U � ALL WATER PIPE TO BE POLY WRAPPED DUCTILE IRON PIPE (D.I.P.) CLASS 52 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TYPICAL HYDRANT CONSISTS OF: HYDRANT, GATE VALVE, 2.5' OF 6" DIP WATERMAIN & ANY HYDRANT EXTENSION. EXTENSIONS TO BE INCIDENTAL. } A MINIMUM OF 7.5' OF COVER REQUIRED OVER ALL CO WATERMAIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MIN. 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. A MINIMUM OF 18" OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 11' OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE TO BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE o PIPE (P.V.C.) SCHEDULE 40 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. N w CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AS -BUILT PLANS 0:: THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION AND SUBMIT THESE PLANS TO ENGINEER UPON COMPLETION OF WORK. STORM SEWER SCHEDULE STRUCTURE # STRUCTURE DIA. CASTING TYPE CB 1 STORMCEPTOR NEENAH 3067 V CB 2 48" NEENAH 3067 V CB 3 48" NEENAH 3067 V CB 4 48" NEENAH 3067 V CB 5 48" NEENAH 3067 V CB S 48" NEENAH R2573 CB 7 27" NEENAH R2573 CB 8 27" NEENAH R2573 w a 0 DESIGNED CHECKED JS PO PROJECT a 08-03 5 Of 9 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION 1. Contractor to verify that all applicable permits have been obtained and NPDES permit modification form has been submitted to MPCA prior to the start of construction. 2. Permittee(s) must plan for and implement appropriate construction phasing, vegetative buffer strips, horizontal slope grading, and other construction practices that minimize erosion, so that the inspection and maintenance requirements of Part IV.E. of the NPDES construction permit are complied with. The location of areas not to be disturbed (including tree protection fencing) must be delineated (e.g. with flags, stakes, signs, silt fence, orange tree protection fence, etc.) on the development site before work begins (Part IV.B.1). 3. Sediment control practices must be established on all down gradient perimeters before any up gradient land disturbing activities begin. These practices shall remain in place until Final Stabilization is achieved (Part IV.C.1.b). 4. Contactor to rough grade site and install utilities, then install and maintain all temporary/permanent erosion control BMPs as shown on plans and in conformance with the NPDES construction permit. 5. Contractor to achieve Final Stabilization prior to submission of the NOT. CHANGE OF PERMIT COVERAGE (PART II.B.5) For construction projects where the owner or operator changes, a. The original/current owner shall provide a copy of the complete notice of termination/permit modification form (as required in Part II.C.2.b) to the new owner. The original/current owner shall provide a SWPPP to the new owner and operator that specifically addresses the remaining construction activity. b. The new owner or operator shall submit a complete and signed permit modification portion (permit modifications include subdivision registration or permit transfer) of the notice of termination/permit modification form to the MPCA prior to commencing construction activity on site or in no case later than seven (7) days after taking ownership of the property. c. If an operator or general contractor has completed their portion of work on the site, is no longer in operational control of the project, and all contractual obligations between the owner and operator or general contractor relating to compliance �,,ith the terms and conditions of this permit have been met, the operator or general contractor, may transfer permit coverage back to the owner or to a new operator using the notice of termination/permit modification form. A signature from both the owner and operato<• is required. TERMINATION OF PERMIT COVERAGE The Permittee(s) coverage under this permit terminates at midnight on the postmark date of the Notice of Termination (NOT), or on the date an online NOT is submitted to the MPCA (PART II.C.1). Termination of coverage for the entire project (PART II.C.2.o) All Permittee(s) must submit a NOT within 30 days after Final Stabilization has been completed on all portions of the site for which the Permittee is responsible and all construction activity has been completed. If the site includes permanent stormwater management systems, the requirements for final cleanout/maintenance must be performed as required in Final Stabilization. Permittee(s) must submit a NOT within 30 days after selling the entire site including roads and stormwater infrastructure, and coverage is transferred to another owner. Termination of coverage for a portion of the entire project (PART II.C.2.b) All Permittee(s) must submit a NOT within seven (7) days after selling or otherwise legally transferring portions of the site to another party and they are no longer the owner or operator. The portions of the site being sold to another party must be in compliance with the permit (e.g. all temporary erosion protection and sediment control measures must be in place). The form must include signatures from the original Permittee(s) and contact information for the new owner of the property. Termination of Coverage prior to completing all Construction Activity (Part IV.G.6.a—c): Permittee(s) may terminate permit coverage prior to completing all construction activity, if Final Stabilization is achieved (all Parts IV.G.1-5 of the NPDES construction permit) and the following three (3) conditions are met: 1. Construction activity has ceased for at least 90 days. 2. At least 90% (by area) of all originally proposed construction activity has been completed and permanent cover established on those areas. 3. On areas where construction activity is not complete, permanent cover has been established. Alternative Permanent Stormwater Treatment Systems (PART II.C.3): Permittee(s) that use an alternative method for the Permanent Stormwater Management System are prohibited from terminating this permit until Final Stabilization has been achieved, pursuant to Part III.C.5 and Part II.C.3 of the NPDES Phase II construction permit. INSPECTION, MAINTENENCE, & RECORD KEEPING The contractor/operator must assign a trained individual(s) (pursuant to Part III.A.1-2) to oversee MAINTENANCE Part IV.E the implementation, maintenance, and repair of BMPs. This individual(s) shall also perform The Permittee(s) are responsible for the operation and maintenance of all temporary and permanent inspections, revise/amend the SWPPP (as necessary), and be available for an onsite inspection water quality management BMPs, as well as all erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs, for the within 72 hours upon request by the permitted owner (or its designee), local government units, or duration of the construction work at the site. The Permittee(s) are responsible until another MPCA (Part III.A.2.o.ii). cr examination of records or conducting surveys or investigations. U 0 Permittee has assumed control according (see change of permit coverage) over all areas of the site U v O � oo•-c 0 that have not been finally stabilized or the site has undergone Final Stabilization, and a NOT has The Permittee(s) must amend the SWPPP as necessary to include additional requirements, such as been submitted to the MPCA (Part IV.E.4.e). additional or modified BMPs, designed to correct problems identified or address situations whenever (Part III.A.5): a. There is a change in design, construction, operation, maintenance, weather or seasonal conditions that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or underground waters; b. Inspections or investigations by site operators, local, state or federal officials indicate the SWPPP is not effective in eliminating or significantly minimizing the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or underground waters or that the discharges are causing water quality standard degradation (e.g. nuisance conditions as defined in Minn. R. 7050.0210, subp. 2); or c. The SWPPP is not achieving the general objectives of minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges associated with construction activity, or the SWPPP is not consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. d. The MPCA notifies the Permittee(s) in writing, that the project's stormwater discharges may contribute to non—attainment of any applicable water quality standards, impaired waters standards, and/or TMDL Waste Load Allocations. In response, the Permittee(s) must develop a supplemental BMP action plan or appropriate SWPPP amendments describing SWPPP modifications to address the identified concerns and submit information requested by MPCA, which may include an individual permit application. If MPCA's written notification requires a response, failure to respond within the specified timeframe constitutes a permit violation. INSPECTION AND ENTRY (Part V.H) O j The Permittee(s) must comply with the provisions of 40 CFR 122.41(i), Minn. Stat. ch. 115,04 and Minn. Stat. ch. 1158.17. The Permittee(s) shall allow representatives of the MPCA or any member, employee or agent thereof, when authorized by it, upon presentation of credentials, to enter upon any property, public or private, for the purpose of obtaining information cr examination of records or conducting surveys or investigations. U 0 C INSPECTIONS (Part IV.E) 1. The Permittee's must routinely inspect the entire construction site at least once every seven (7) days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours. Following an inspection which occurs within 24 hours after a rainfall event, the next inspection must be conducted within seven (7) days after that. 2. All inspections and maintenance conducted during construction must be recorded in writing and these records must be retained with the SWPPP in accordance with Part IIID of the NPDES construction permit. Records of each inspection and maintenance activity shall include: a. Date and time of inspections; b. Name of person(s) conducting inspections; c. Findings of inspections, including recommendations for corrective actions; d. Corrective actions taken (including dates, times, and party completing maintenance activities); e. Date and amount of all rainfall events greater than 1/2 inch (0.5 inches) in 24 hours; f. Documentation of changes made to the SWPPP 3. Where parts of the construction site have permanent cover, but work remains on other parts of the site, inspections of the areas with permanent cover may be reduced to once per month. Where construction sites have permanent cover on all exposed soil areas and no construction activity is occurring anywhere on the site, the site must be inspected for a period of twelve (12) months (the inspections may be ceased during frozen ground conditions). Following the twelfth month of permanent cover and no construction activity, inspections may be terminated until construction activity is once again initiated or sooner if notified in writing by the MPCA. Where work has been suspended due to frozen ground conditions, the required inspections and maintenance schedule must begin within 24 hours after runoff occurs at the site or prior to resuming construction, whichever comes first. If sediment escapes the construction site, off—site accumulations of sediment must be removed in a manner and at a frequency sufficient to minimize off—site impacts (e.g., fugitive sediment in streets could be washed into storm sewers by the next rain and/or pose a safety hazard to users of public streets) (Part IV.E.4.f). All nonfunctional BMPs must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented with functional BMPs within 24 hours after discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access unless another time frame is specified below. Silt Fence: All silt fences must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches 1/3 of the height of the fence. These repairs must be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access (Part IV.E.4.a). Temporary and permanent sedimentation basins must be drained and the sediment removed when the depth of sediment collected in the basin reaches 1/2the storage volume. Drainage and removal must be completed within 72 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access (Part IV.E.4.b). 1/2 the storage volume. Surface waters, including drainage ditches, catch basins, and conveyance systems, must be inspected for evidence of erosion and sediment deposition. The removo; and stabilization of exposed soils must take place within seven (7) days of discovery unless precluded by legal, regulatory, or physical access constraints. If precluded, removal and stabilization must take place within seven (7) calendar days of obtaining access. The Permittee is responsible for contacting all local, regional, state and federal authorities and receiving any applicable permits, prior to conducting any work (Part IV.E.4.c). Construction site vehicle exit locations must be inspected for evidence of off—site sediment tracking onto paved surfaces. Tracked sediment must be removed from all paved surfaces, within 24 hours of discovery, or if applicable, within a shorter time to comply with Part IV.C.6 of the NPDES construction permit (Part IV.E.4.d). Infiltration Basins: All infiltration areas must be inspected to ensure that no sediment from ongoing construction activity is reaching the infiltration area and these areas are protected from compaction due to construction equipment driving across the infiltration area (Part IV.E.5). RECORD RETENTION (Part III.D) The SWPPP (original or copies) including, all changes to it, and inspections and maintenance records must be kept at the site during construction by the Permittee who has operational control of that portion of the site. The SWPPP can be kept in either the field office or in an on site vehicle during normal working hours. All owner(s) must keep the SWPPP, along with the following additional records, on file for three (3) years after submittal of the NOT. This does not include any records after submittal of the NOT. Any other permits required for the project; 2. Records of all inspection and maintenance conducted during construction. 3. All permanent operation and maintenance agreements that have been implemented, including all right of way, contracts, covenants and other binding requirements regarding perpetual maintenance; and 4. All required calculations for design of the temporary and Permanent Stormwater Management Systems. C T O j O � O O Z Z W — N O O V W O. 0 C N 0- LL_ 0 N ° d O O C N Z C N d U 0 C U v O � oo•-c 0 U L 0.9 ° d 00 T N O y F ? O O 3 � O O L N N a 0 Wv x ° Q N W r Q _o 0 Ui z w r..z11 MOM Q a w 0 U Z Of W W Z 0 Z w Q J it 91. 0 Z 0 V) 5 w X w 0 DESIGNED CHECKED JS PO PROJECT k 08-03 6 OF 9 O Z Z W — W N U�W LL_ J QYY OZ U 0 X a LL_ O O � J O U M U � � C LLJ Q Of O i- (/) 91. 0 Z 0 V) 5 w X w 0 DESIGNED CHECKED JS PO PROJECT k 08-03 6 OF 9 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS (PART IV) STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (Part IV.A) DEWATERING AND BASIN DRAINING (Part IV.D) The Permittee(s) must implement the entire SWPPP and the requirements of this NPDES permit. Jack Gleason � � L The BMPs identified in the SWPPP and in this permit must be selected, installed, and maintained Dewatering or basin draining that may have turbid or sediment laden discharge water must be in an appropriate and functional manner that is in accordance with relevant manufacturer discharged to a temporary or permanent sedimentation basin (and/or other appropriate BMP) on specifications and accepted engineering practices. the project site whenever possible. Discharge from the temporary or permanent sedimentation EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES (Part IV.B) Exposed Soils: All exposed soil areas shall be stabilized within 14 days (or 7 days for areas discharging to Appendix A. Special or Impaired Waters) after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Temporary stockpiles without significant silt, clay or organic components (e.g., clean aggregate stockpiles, demolition concrete stockpiles, sand stockpiles) and the constructed base components of roads, parking lots and similar surfaces are exempt from this requirement but must comply with Part IV.C.5 of the NPDES construction permit. Temporary/Permanent Drainage Ditches & Swales: The normal wetted perimeter of any temporary or permanent drainage ditch or swale that drains water from any portion of the construction site, or diverts water around the site, must be stabilized within 200 lineal feet from the property edge, or from the point of discharge into any surface water. Stabilization of the last 200 lineal feet must be completed within 24 hours after connecting to a surface water. Temporary or permanent ditches or swales that are being used as a sediment containment system (with properly designed rock ditch checks, bio rolls, silt dikes etc.) do not need to be stabilized. These areas must be stabilized within 24 hours after no longer being used as a sediment containment system. Storm Sewer Outlets: Pipe outlets must be provided with temporary or permanent energy dissipation within hours after connection to a surface water. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES (Part IV.0 Where five (5) or more acres of disturbed soil drain to a common location, a temporary (or permanent) sediment basin must be provided prior to runoff leaving the construction site or entering surface waters. All temporary basins shall be designed and constructed to the minimum standards specified in Part III.B of the NPDES construction permit (Part 111.6). Temporary or permanent drainage ditches and sediment basins that are designed as part of a sediment containment system (e.g., ditches with rock check dams) require sediment control practices only as appropriate for site conditions (Part IV.C.1.a). Down gradient systems: If the down gradient treatment system is overloaded, additional up gradient sediment control practices or redundant BMPs must be installed to eliminate the overloading, and the SWPPP must be amended to identify these additional practices as required in Part III.A.4, a. through c. of the NPDES construction permit (Part IV.C.1.15) . 3:1 slopes (or steeper) must be less than 75 feet in length: In order to maintain sheet flow and minimize rills and/or gullies, there shall be no unbroken slope length of greater than 75 feet for slopes with a grade of 3:1 or steeper (Part IV.C.1.c). Short—term activities: The timing of the installation of sediment control practices may be adjusted to accommodate short—term activities such as clearing or grubbing, or passage of vehicles. Any short—term activity must be completed as quickly as possible and the sediment control practices must be installed immediately after the activity is completed. However, sediment control practices must be installed before the next precipitation event even if the activity is not complete (Part IV.C.3). Inlet Protection: All storm drain inlets must be protected by appropriate BMPs during construction until all sources with potential for discharging to the inlet have been stabilized. Inlet protection may be removed for a particular inlet if a specific safety concern (street flooding/freezing) has been identified and the Permittee(s) have received written correspondence from the jurisdictional authority (e.g. city/county/township/MnDOT engineer) verifying the need for removal. Written correspondence must be documented in the SWPPP and available within 72 hours upon request. Permission to remove inlet protection based on a specific safety concern must still be obtained from the local jurisdictional authority within 30 days of removal (Part IV.C.4). Temporary soil stockpiles must have silt fence or other effective sediment controls, and cannot be placed in surface waters, including stormwater conveyances such as curb and gutter systems, or conduits and ditches unless there is a bypass in place for the stormwater (Part I V. C. 5). Vehicle tracking of sediment from the construction site (or onto streets within the site) must be minimized by BMPs such as stone pads, concrete or steel wash racks, or equivalent systems. Street sweeping must be used if such BMPs are not adequate to prevent sediment from being tracked onto the street (Part IV.C.6). basin must be visually checked to ensure adequate treatment is obtained in the basin and that nuisance conditions (see Minn. R. 7050.0210, subp. 2), impacts to wetlands, and erosion in receiving channels or on downslope properties will not result from the discharge. The discharge must be dispersed over natural rock riprap, sand bags, plastic sheeting, or other accepted energy dissipation measures. Adequate sedimentation control measures are required for discharge water that contains suspended solids (Part IV.D.1). POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES (Part IV.F) The Permittee(s) shall implement the following pollution prevention management measures on the site: Solid Waste: Collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, fabric, construction and demolition debris and other wastes must be disposed of properly and must comply with MPCA disposal requirements (Part IV.F.1) Hazardous Materials: Oil, gasoline, paint and any hazardous substances must be properly stored, including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous waste must be in compliance with MPCA regulations (Part IV.F.2). Truck Washing: External washing of trucks and other construction vehicles must be limited to a defined area of the site. Runoff must be contained and waste properly disposed of. No engine degreasing is allowed on site(Part IV.F.3). Concrete washout onsite: All liquid and solid wastes generated by concrete washout operations must be contained in a leak—proof containment facility or impermeable liner. A compacted clay liner that does not allow washout liquids to enter ground water is considered an impermeable liner. The liquid and solid wastes must not contact the ground, and there must not be runoff from the concrete washout operations or areas. Liquid and solid wastes must be disposed of properly and in compliance with MPCA regulations. A sign must be installed adjacent to each washout facility to inform concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper facilities (Part IV.F.4). FINAL STABILIZATION (Part IV.G) Final Stabilization requires all of Parts IV.G.1-5 or Part IV.G.6 of the NPDES construction permit: 70% Vegetative Cover: Final Stabilization requires that all soil dist+;rbing activities at the site have been completed and all soils must be stabilized by a u,;iform, live perennial vegetative cover with a density of 70% over the entire pervious surface area, or other equivalent means necessary to prevent soil failure under erosive conditions. Final Clean out of Permanent Stormwater Treatment System: The Permittee(s) must ensure that the permanent stormwater treatment system meets all design requirements in Part III.0 of the NPDES construction permit. This includes but is not limited to, a final clean out of temporary or permanent sedimentation basins that are to be used as permanent water quality management basins and final construction or maintenance of infi:tration basins. All sediment must be removed from conveyance systems and ditches must be stabilized with permanent cover. Removal of all Temporary BMPs: Prior to submission of the NOT, all temporary synthetic and structural erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs (such as silt fence) must be removed on the portions of the site for which the Permittee is responsible. BMPs designed to decompose on site (such as some compost logs) may be left in place. Projects on Agricultural Land: For construction projects on land used for agricultural purposes (e.g., pipelines across crop or range land) Final Stabilization may be accomplished by returning the disturbed land to its preconstruction agricultural use. ADDITIONAL BMPs FOR SPECIAL OR IMPAIRED WATERS DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTMTY (APPENDIX A) All requirements in Appendix A are in addition to BMPs already specified in the permit. Where provisions of Appendix A conflict with requirements elsewhere in the permit, the provisions in Appendix A take precedence. All BMPs used to comply with this Appendix must be documented in the SWPPP for the project (Appendix A.A). Exposed Soils: All exposed soil areas must be stabilized within (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased (Appendix A.C.1.o). Temporary sediment basin requirements described in Part III.8.1-5 of the NPDES construction permit must be used for common drainage locations that serve an area with five (5) or more acres disturbed at one time (Appendix A.C.1.b). RECEIVING WATERS There are no special or impaired waters within one (1) mile of the project location. Roof drainage to be directed towards biofiltration swale located westerly on the property. This swale will discharge to the wetland located southerly on the property. The remainder of the site will be directed to the stormwater pond located east of the construction site. Ultimate receiving water is Lake Susan. A drainage map is included in the construction plan set. PROJECT ENGINEER The project engineer and the Construction Manager are responsible for the implementation of the SWPPP and the installation, inspection and maintenance of the erosion prevention and sediment control BMP's before and during construction. City Engineer Paul Oehme 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952.227.1160 CALCULATIONS and CONTACTS TOTAL AREA DISTURBED 5.2 ACRES EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 0.2 ACRES PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 4.8 ACRES Construction Manager RJM Construction AGENCY PERMIT CONTACT PHONE NUMBER C O j V Jack Gleason � � L CARVER SWCD NA Chip Hentges 952.442.5101 N J O V Riley—Purgatory—Bluff Creek N O— J ACOE NA Christina Carballal 651.290.5372 Z 2 Ty C C Z W � c C cn C U y � � W � J oov— o o Krista Spreiter r W N O N O] ,a Ho J o w In aW V N d e ¢ 3 N U�r(L N N T N V p w 2 _ b o d �dac w L` _n3 oE � o _ Li Z Li rA o_ Li :. MPCA NPDES xxx.xxx.xxxx DNR NA Jack Gleason 651.259.5754 CARVER SWCD NA Chip Hentges 952.442.5101 WATERSHED DISTRICT NA Riley—Purgatory—Bluff Creek ACOE NA Christina Carballal 651.290.5372 STATE DUTY OFFICER MPCA 800.422.0798 cn EROSION CONTROL DESIGN Terry Jeffery 952.227.1168 0 EROSION CONTROL REVIEW Krista Spreiter 952.227.1173 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR Terry Jeffery 952.227.1168 w Z a J 0— O W LLJ Ch a_ O J J a_ 0f LLIa ry O H V) DESIGNED CHECKED JS PO PROJECT 8 08-03 SHEET p 7 OF 9 WATER 6" Distance to E variable No. No. 1/2"r 7.5' Minimum cover required over top of water main. Varies w Y 3"r 1/2"r Top Bituminous Material PROVIDE VALVE STEM RISERS TO WITHIN 6" OF THE SURFACE slOPe grade. W O IF THE DISTANCE FROM VTHE U F W of catchbosin. M ^ J m m z O U HDPE adjusting rings. Concrete Curb and Gutter SURFACE IS GREATER THAN 8'. CBAA>IASSEN Varies DRAINTILE O 6 1/2" t/2"F J Top Bituminous Material • lit Nxx K Cq = Q O _ Concrete Curb and Gutter rn04 CH NOTE: to 1/2" bed of mortarbetween e'• tY For Use Only with Private Driveways. each and a" Perking Lots, or Medians. Grout 28"R 6" thick concrete collar 12'R 16"68"R r Top Bituminous Material / 8 a SURMOUNTABLE •' ' " Jk r Concrete Curb and Gutter m y �Z X O >< X0 X 0 (.J IR J O m W K a O Cl ~< aJ FH yG J IM 'NIW ,L vNi O X ti oo ao� O vi O J < K J JJJ f a In o 3 > m U / rco O > ° ZW 3 Z KO F o O r N < /�( Z i� O a "m XJ wj ao J O Wp U a_4-0 3 Wza a x� U y J W 0 W O \ Z J U N E a Z <a< a m .o a i < o Qlv; toy Mo ¢ XtlW ,S L s 0 < 0 y U N �a JN ai WQ�U a �Sa J =a� a 2Zx�w o p�mZ0 a z 3iw3i� S Ono rc�a�' �wo O Lur OZJOJ Ou� J U ZIM,uF IZ .- 00* 41 c WFO �I00,_Q W ILI-W < COW W X<mw U� < K'. wFA� a Frcrc N O((Q�YQO O QWYJ �'J<} I< 2 Na 80 < 44 iiJ WW ml,� OF QUA Fp UUJ� p�Za-z Q�<� 5 J -- S N ¢ "M > ZO m N x�aWW rc�--ll miM[n M, OOU FUuTON 0< OJ 00-ZO J\oJ V.-ZU Na �a3iaa of oM" 1- aH- ZwmW _<O. of CIOU <_,aa~v <pjM 2 yzs2wW <an. po_'>=mH'5 TW~0A TSW 20<M xin�o�to INa_ CIT[ OF TYPICAL HYDRANT �IW111�1uG11 INSTALLATION REVISED: 2-08 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DEPARTME PLATE NO.: 1004 N P WATER 6" Distance to E variable No. No. 1/2"r 7.5' Minimum cover required over top of water main. Varies Bibby -Ste -Croix Sigmo 3"r 1/2"r Top Bituminous Material PROVIDE VALVE STEM RISERS TO WITHIN 6" OF THE SURFACE slOPe grade. '0 3 4" per it IF THE DISTANCE FROM VTHE U be fabricated or core drilled. of catchbosin. M ^ MnDOT B618 O U HDPE adjusting rings. Concrete Curb and Gutter SURFACE IS GREATER THAN 8'. CBAA>IASSEN Varies DRAINTILE B" .4 01. 6 1/2" t/2"F 3.T Top Bituminous Material • 41/2"r ; Wrn 3 a" ' MnDOT 8612 = Q O _ Concrete Curb and Gutter rn04 CH NOTE: to 1/2" bed of mortarbetween e'• tY For Use Only with Private Driveways. each and a" Perking Lots, or Medians. Grout 28"R 6" thick concrete collar 12'R 16"68"R r Top Bituminous Material / v SURMOUNTABLE •' ' " 1` r Concrete Curb and Gutter •17 grouted on both the SECTION 1/2- 10 1/2 NOTES: 28" 1. Steps shall be provided in all catch basin/manholes and storm sewer manholes. 2. Costing to be totally encased in concrete curb section. IM No block structures are allowed. TYPICAL CURB 4. a AND GUTTER wee REVISED: 2-08 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTME PLATE NO.: 5203 FILE NAME:G: ENC SPECS 520J WATER DROP LID Tyler Mueller No. No. 6860 H-10361 7.5' Minimum cover required over top of water main. Varies Bibby -Ste -Croix Sigmo No. No. B-5160 V13260OW PROVIDE VALVE STEM RISERS TO WITHIN 6" OF THE SURFACE 3" radius curb box,ter grade. for all ending points to oil draintile. is approximately 2,800 lbs.) IF THE DISTANCE FROM VTHE U be fabricated or core drilled. of catchbosin. 4. This detail to be used when 2' or more THE TOP NUT OF THE VALVE TO of existing soil sub cut is necessary. O U HDPE adjusting rings. of Curb SURFACE IS GREATER THAN 8'. Grade TOP Tyler No. 6860 26" Mueller No. H-10361 26" Bibby -Ste -Croix No. VB502 27" Sigma No. VB630G EXTENSION Tyler No, 58 14" No. 59 18" No. 60 24" Mueller No. 58 14" No. 59 20" Bibby -Ste -Croix VB520 No. 57 9" VB521 No. 58 14" VB522 No. 59 20" VB523 No. 60 26" Sigma No. V8630 BOTTOM Tyler No. 6860 65" Mueller No. H-10361 65" Bibby -Ste -Croix No. VB516 60" Sigma No. VB6302 60" Valve and Box to be EI plastic wrapped per BASE section 2.030 Adjust top to 3/4" below grade. Box to be set to provide 12" of adjustment. Sigma NO.VB63O Tyier No. 6860 Mueller No. H-10357 Bibby -Ste -Croix B-5001 Gale valve box, screw type, 3 piece, 5 1/4" shaft, size G box, 7'-6 extended, p6 round base GATE VALVE ADAPTER: 1/4" STEEL WITH PROTECTIVE COATING, 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE AND GATE VALVE ADAPTER. Mueller or American Flow Control Resilient Wedge Valve L Conforming to AWWA C-515-80 standards With oil stainless steel nuts & bolts. 18"X18"X8" concrete block aff OF GATE VALVE ��11pp��yypp��� AND BOX CHI= INSTALLATION REVISED: 2-08 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1006 FlLE NAME: G: ENC SPEC 1008 FLARE TO MATO 5' min. DIANETEn sox -sox a els H WIDTH OF WALK A� 1218--1 7/16- A DOME SECTION 00000000 4 000000000 00000000 t0 I -r ur mnrOw.) MKINT F. or L mo� Q1�6-�4Fmn IWn'-r ,�A—I PLAN VIEW OF DIGONAL RAMP DOME SPACING CURB A GUTTER 5,-4., 4. U.. � o o � L2 Z J 0.08 Fr./FT. OR RATTER © < w � o 7SECTION /FT \ Of 0.08 FT./FT.SLOPE OF FLARED SIDE, (If 3 V EXISTING CONDITIONS DO NOT PERMIT, MAY [7' 4' USE 0.10 FT/Fr OAB FT./FTSLOPE ) 5' .........:.. 6' 6' 3" 4 0"min. 6' 3" 7' ELEVATION OF RAMP 9' (D 1/2 INCH PREFORMED JOINT FTLLER MATERIAL, AASHTO M 213. Q WHEN A MEDIAN IS NOT MADE ENOUGH FOR TWO PEDESTRIAN RAMPS AND A 48" LANDING BETWEEN THEM, THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SHALL BE CUT THROUGH THE MEDIAN AT STREET LEVEL. Q 6" TO 8" IS THE REQUIRED OFFSET OF THE TRUNCATED DOME AREA FROM THE FRONT FACE OF I& ADABREQUIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE 2' 0" MIN. IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH (4' 0" TYP.) OF THE CURB RAMP. THIS 2' 0" BY 4' 0" WIDTH (TYP.) TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL CONTRAST VISUALLY WITH THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACE. THE ENTIRE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE A LIGHT COLOR (GRAY) WHEN THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A DARK COLOR. THE ENTIRE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE A DARK COLOR (GRAY) WHEN THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A -WHITE" OR LIGHT GRAY CEMENT COLOR. © SURFACE APPLIED TRUNCATED DOMES OR STAMPED CONCRETE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. © TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL MEET THE CURRENT MNDOT STANDARDS FOR DETECTABLE WARNING SYSTEMS. W1OF PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP REVISED: 2-08 1PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5215 FILE NAME: G: ENC SPECS 5215 CONCRETE 8612 CURB & GUTTER (TYPICAL) 1' FLOW FLOW 0.5' 1 1/2" - LVWE45030B WEAR 1 1/2" - LVNW350308 NON -WEAR 12" - 1009" CRUSHED MN/DOT 2211 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE APPROVED SUBBASE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION (LIGHT DUTY) NOTE: 1- V Grate Shown 2- VB Grote Shown shall be used at all low points. 0 /T vl Face of Curb J � Direction of Flow .7TI- _ tnl PLAN CrrrOF CATCH BASIN IBM= RECTANGULAR X 3 RECTANGULAR REVISED: 2-08 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 31 01 Fl NAM N SP JIOI 0" Aggregate Base a MnDOT select granular borrow m 0 Course Filter Aggregate o MnDOT 3149.2Hz 0 12" deep u • �1 N V) grade to drain Cloy Sub -grade 4" perforated pipe Notch clay sub -grade geotextile wrap (3733, Type 1) for pipe placement TRENCH DETAIL Perforated PVC, or Dual Wall smooth interior corrugated PE pipe. Cotchbosin casting PIPE DETAIL around collar pipe and grate Neenah Varies 1. Cleanouts required of ending points & at R3067 -V or equal te to be 2" below 23 to 38 CY CL.3 3" radius curb box,ter grade. for all ending points to oil draintile. is approximately 2,800 lbs.) ransition each U be fabricated or core drilled. of catchbosin. 4. This detail to be used when 2' or more Precast concrete or of existing soil sub cut is necessary. O U HDPE adjusting rings. of Curb 4" SUB -SURFACE CBAA>IASSEN Varies DRAINTILE Jg5'u Minimum of 2-2", 6 1/2" NW 0 r �oM, maximum of 5-2" Varies O concrete adjusment 0 0 N L Q O _ rings allowed with 1/4" rn04 3' minimum to 1/2" bed of mortarbetween a MLi each and a" in ~ Grout O 6" thick concrete collar on the outside. 6" Doghouses shall be grouted on both the SECTION inside and outside. NOTES: 1. Steps shall be provided in all catch basin/manholes and storm sewer manholes. 2. Costing to be totally encased in concrete curb section. 3. No block structures are allowed. 4. No wood shims are permitted in the adjusting rings. CrrrOF CATCH BASIN IBM= RECTANGULAR X 3 RECTANGULAR REVISED: 2-08 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 31 01 Fl NAM N SP JIOI 0" Aggregate Base a MnDOT select granular borrow m 0 Course Filter Aggregate o MnDOT 3149.2Hz 0 12" deep u • �1 N V) grade to drain Cloy Sub -grade 4" perforated pipe Notch clay sub -grade geotextile wrap (3733, Type 1) for pipe placement TRENCH DETAIL Perforated PVC, or Dual Wall smooth interior corrugated PE pipe. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5232 CONCRETE B612 CURB & GUTTER (TYPICAL) r FLOW FLOW r� \12 // / / / 1 1/2" - LVWE450308 WEAR 2 1/2" - LVNW350308 NON -WEAR 12" - 1009. CRUSHED MN/DOT 2211 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE APPROVED SUBBASE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION (HEAVY DUTY) 24"x36" slob opening for Neenah R3067 -V or equal 011 Note: 1- V Grate shown 2- VB Grates shall be used at all low points. Neenah R3067 -V costing and grate or equal. PLAN Minimum of 2 maximum of 5-2" 6" Conc. collar concrete adjustment rings with full beds of mortar. Precast concrete or 1=�QL_��HDPE adjusting rings. is i Grout 6" Conc. PIPE DETAIL around collar pipe NOTES: Varies 1. Cleanouts required of ending points & at 4 -0 Typ. 300 -ft intervals. 23 to 38 CY CL.3 2. Swing ties to be shown on as-builts 5" e for all ending points to oil draintile. is approximately 2,800 lbs.) 3. Openings in structure for draintile to U be fabricated or core drilled. Q 4. This detail to be used when 2' or more O of existing soil sub cut is necessary. O U aff OF Z 4" SUB -SURFACE CBAA>IASSEN 10 wM DRAINTILE RFvISFn. 9 -OR I NW 0 r �oM, PLATE N0: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5232 CONCRETE B612 CURB & GUTTER (TYPICAL) r FLOW FLOW r� \12 // / / / 1 1/2" - LVWE450308 WEAR 2 1/2" - LVNW350308 NON -WEAR 12" - 1009. CRUSHED MN/DOT 2211 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE APPROVED SUBBASE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION (HEAVY DUTY) 24"x36" slob opening for Neenah R3067 -V or equal 011 Note: 1- V Grate shown 2- VB Grates shall be used at all low points. Neenah R3067 -V costing and grate or equal. PLAN Minimum of 2 maximum of 5-2" 6" Conc. collar concrete adjustment rings with full beds of mortar. Precast concrete or 1=�QL_��HDPE adjusting rings. is A E E RIPRAP REQUIRED 12" TO 24" Varies 27" TO 33" 4 -0 Typ. n 23 to 38 CY CL.3 54" AND UP 5" e (One cubic yard is approximately 2,800 lbs.) Q,O x'- U C N 0 O 0 6" precast reinforced concrete slab. f barrel section under to slab To o ba a sect o 2 b have Flat top edge sealed with 2 beads of Romnek or equal. All joints in manhole to hove O" ring rubber gaskets. Precast concrete section NOTES: 1. Doghouses sholl be grouted on both the outside and inside. 2. No block structures are allowed. Manhole steps, Neenah R1981J or equal, 16" o.c., Aluminum steps approved. Minimum slab thickness, 6" for 14' depth. Increase thickness i" for " eachof depth greater than 1$, and reinforce with 6"x6" 10/10 mesh. Grout bottom of manhole to 1/2 SECTION diameter at pipe and slope grout 2" toward invert. �W��1�O�Fp CATCH BASIN MANHOLE REVISED: 2-08 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 31 02 FILE NAME: G: ENG SPECS 3102 SEDIMENT TRAP AS MANUFACTURED BY WIMCO,LLC.SHAKOPEE, MN., ESS BROS.,LORETTO, MN. OR SIMILAR SPECtlCIrWNN AND STAMYJA95 ORRON L9fB4 MX WNUA. OF MEL CONSTRUCION, 9TH Email. M1arMBLE AMF WEIGHT UVO An Si TUBAL Wald CODE - SMM. MA -14. SAFETY FACTM n/a M CFR 1926 - G" •A"0..�5 Tu�� WATER FLOW RATE (TNIgIGN T IT RJER) 0.707 .I, a 3' .-d WYMM Oh REG„ RATE 6.11. c„ s 15• and MODEL#CG23 NOTE: Clean filter media after each rain event and replace if filter is clogged with sediment. Remove debris/sediment from receptacle after each rain event. CIROF CATCH BASIN CI{AA)IASSEN SEDIMENT TRAP REVISED: 2-08PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5302A Fl NAME: N A We RIPRAP REQUIREMENTS PIPE DIA. RIPRAP REQUIRED 12" TO 24" 8 to 12 CY CL.3 PLAN 27" TO 33" 14 to 20 CY CL.3 36" TO 48" 23 to 38 CY CL.3 54" AND UP 62 CY and up CL.4 (One cubic yard is approximately 2,800 lbs.) GGRANULAR FILTER REQUIRED UNDER RIP RAP AND 2 LAYERS OF 500X MIRAFI FABRIC OR EQUAL ;A;1Z aJ Granular Filter (MNDOT 3601.28) SECTION A Geotextile Filter Type III 1 RIPRAP N Granular Filter (MNDOT 3601.28) SECTION B—B Geotextile Filter Type NI My OF RIPRAP CHEM DETAIL REVISED: 2-08 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3107 FILE NAM N P 2'-3' CRUSHED STONE OVERFLOW WEIR WASHOUT AREA a PLAN ACCEPTABLE ATTACHMENT TO KEEP LNER M RACE 2"-3" CLEAN STONE 10 ML PNSIIC 11111112• WAi110UT AREA 1Y MN. CONSTRUCTED BERM OR EXCAVATED PIT SECTION A -A NOTE(S): 1) PLACEMENT OF WASHOUT AREA SHALL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CONTRACTOR BUT SHALL BE AT LEAST THE MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE RIGHT OF WAY AS REWIRED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN SUCH A MANNER 50 THAT CONCRETE TRUCKS MAY PASS THROUGH THE WASHOUT AREA PRIOR TO THE STABILIZED ROCK CONSTRUCTION EXIT. 2) HARDENED MATERIAL SHALL BE BROKEN UP AND CLEANED OUT AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN A FUNCTIONING WASHOUT AREA VOLUME OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 3) WASHOUT AREA MUST BE GREATER THAN 50 FEET FROM ANY TREES. MOF CONCRETE MIMSEN WASHOUT AREA REVISED: 2-08 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLATE NO.: FILE NAME: G: ENC SPECS 5304 I 5304 C O j 5 U coU - v y On V O L a W ZQV)a N a p V Qa N O- U C N 0 O 0 Q o Ey C Moi O 0Z O U *&C 40.0,C) PSI Z co U 10 wM o 0 .T �A• V A NW 0 r �oM, 00 a1, 0 oJ O w n 0 0 N L Q O _ E°i' rn04 0 0 y a= m o a MLi V in ~ LaEJ3 O Z W OLd a - W Z Z Ch W W z 0 Z W Zf- LTJ J Lf) U coU QQU _LL_ a W ZQV)a p yy 7- Ckf Qa U Q LL_ 3: o p O U Z >_ I— �A• V A U 0- 0 Z O V) S W H Q DESIGNED CHECKED JS PO PROJECT B 08-03 SHEET N 8 OF 9 ARCPITECT: OERTEL ARCHITECTS 1795 ST. CLAIR AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55105 ((051) 696.5186 (651) 696.5188 (FAX) CIVIL ENGINEER: CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1591 PARK ROAD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (952) 227 1300 (952) 227 1110 (FAX) MEC�4ANICAL ENGINEER ALBERTSON ENGINEERING 2198 GOODRICH AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55105 ((051) 699.5083 (651) 699.5084 (FAX) STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: DARG, BOLGREAN AND MENK 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD - SUITE 210 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 (763) 544.8457 (763) 544.8914 (FAX) ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: PAULSON AND CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. 2352 EAST COUNTY ROAD J. WHITE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55110 (651) 407.6056 (651) 407.6476 (FAX) SITE/BUILDING INFORMATION SIZE OF PARCEL: 2. NO REQUIRED SEPARATION BETWEEN 518256 SOFT 1l.g5 ACRES GROSS FLOOR AREA OF EACH BUILDING: 82500 SOFT OF SITE COVERED BY: BUILDING- 54720 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE- 24' —0" 3. FULL FIRE SUPPRESSION IS A PART PARKING AREA- PACKAGE 1.5% PROJECTED NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 32 NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 501 NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 61 NEIGa-IT OF BUILDINGS VARIES BUILDING AREA AND HEIGHT BY USE: OFFICE- SOFT 8475 SOFT 14'-0"/1g'8" VEHICLE MAINTANANCE- VEHICLE STORAGE_- DEPARTMENT SH0P57_..____ WELDING BAYS - NASI -I BAY— MEZZANINE- DRAWING INDEX: T TITLE PAGE A1.1 FLOOR PLAN A1.2 MEZZANINE PLAN A3.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS E0.1 PHOTOMETRIC SITE PLAN N PUBLIC WORKS APPLICABLE CODES: 2006 I.B.C. 2007 MN STATE BLDG. CODE OCCUPANCY: B OFFICE S-1 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE / STORAGE CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 1. TYPE 7 -B PROPOSED SITE AREA VICINITY LAKE ANN PARK Ijo O O o' Ik1,000. A P6MMI SCALE ALLOWABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE ALLOWABLE S-1 UNLIMITED PER 507.4 (SPRINKLERED), 17,500 (UNSPRINKLERED) B UNLIMITED PER 507.4 (SPRINKLERED), 26,500 (UNSPRINKLERED) PROPOSED S -1 82/864 B 81405 S.F. • N OERTEL ARCHITECTS 1795 Saint Clair Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 (651)696-5186 Tel (651)696-5188 Fax www oertelarohitects. com PROJECT NAME: CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEC 8 2008 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT CHANHASSEN, MN (OFFICE/MULTI—PURPOSE) 2. NO REQUIRED SEPARATION BETWEEN OCCUPANCIES (TABLE 508.3.3) 7775 SOFT 261-0'' 54720 SOFT 24' —0" 3. FULL FIRE SUPPRESSION IS A PART OF THIS PACKAGE SOFT 24'-0" 2430 SOFT 26'-0" FIRE -RESISTIVITY: __26_40 SOFT 20'-0'' IBC TABLE 601 FOR TYPE I 1-B PROJECT NUMBER: 08'23 / O SOFT NA 7770 STRUCTURAL FRAME EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS 0 FIRE RATING DATE OF ISSUE: DECEMBER 5, 2008 INTERIOR BEARING WALLS 0 FIRE RATING EXTERIOR NONBEARING WALLS 0 FIRE RATING DRAWN BY: CMJ TRS CHECKED BY: JLO INTERIOR NONBEARING WALLS 0 FIRE RATING FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 0 FIRE RATING REVISIONS: ROOF CONSTRUCTION 0 FIRE RATING SITE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW IBC TABLE 602 FOR TYPE II -B, GROUPS B * S-1 APPLICATION SET EXTERIOR WALLS 0 FIRE RATING (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) (BUILDING IS 101 TO 30' + FROM ALL PROPERTY LINES t BUILDINGS) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGISTRATION SHEET NAME: SHEET NO: JEFFREY L. OERTEL TITLE PAGE T I PLOTTED: 12-05-2008 FILE NAME: A0.0_0825.du.9 I I OERTEL ARCHITECTS 1795 Saint Clair Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 (651) 696-5186 Tel (651)696-5188 Fax www oertelamhitects. com PROJECT NAME: CHAN HASSEN PUBLIC WORKS CHANHASSEN, MN PROJECT NUMBER: 08-23 DATE OF ISSUE: DECEMBER 51 2008 DRAWN BY: CMJ TRS CHECKED BY: J LO REVISIONS: SITE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION SET (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGISTRATION JEFFREY L. OERTEL FLOOR PLAN SHEET NAME: FIRST FLOOR 1/16"=1' -(0 FLOOR PLAN SHEET NO: PLOTTED: 12 -OA -2008 FILE NAME: AI.I_0823.dwg A1.1 PLOTTED: 12-05-2005 FILE NAME: A1.2_082BALK VEHICLE STORAGE (OPEN TO BELOW) 1 OT N I fl VEHICLE MAINT. BELOW F- - - - - li it fl li ,I fl I I b1 I I I I I I I I p I I u I I BOI-0' GEN. - ROOM ---------------------------------' 60 'p 5.F. m �q I I I I I Iq I I I I I I I-411 I � I _ I - I I I q MEZZ. 7000 S.F. FLOOR PLAN MEZZANINE PLAN I/1(0II=It nVANSIr OERTEL ARCHITECTS 1795 Saint Clair Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 (651) 696-5186 Tel (651)696-5188 Fax www.oertelarchitects.eom PROJECT NAME: CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS CHANHASSEN, MN PROJECT NUMBER: 05-2B DATE OF ISSUE: DECEMBER 5, 2005 DRAWN BY: CMJ TRS CHECKED BY JLO REVISIONS: SITE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION SET (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA JEFFREY L. OERTEL DATE REGISTRATION SHEET NAME: MEZZANINE PLAN SHEET NO: Al .2 LADDER TO ROOF _€i MECH TECH. ELEC. ACCESS ROOM ROOM ROOM r g+ 180 180 180 81-0 S.F. S.F. S.F. 10'-0" 101-0" . 10'-0" FLOOR PLAN MEZZANINE PLAN I/1(0II=It nVANSIr OERTEL ARCHITECTS 1795 Saint Clair Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 (651) 696-5186 Tel (651)696-5188 Fax www.oertelarchitects.eom PROJECT NAME: CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS CHANHASSEN, MN PROJECT NUMBER: 05-2B DATE OF ISSUE: DECEMBER 5, 2005 DRAWN BY: CMJ TRS CHECKED BY JLO REVISIONS: SITE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION SET (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA JEFFREY L. OERTEL DATE REGISTRATION SHEET NAME: MEZZANINE PLAN SHEET NO: Al .2 T.O. PRECAST EL. 124'-0" T.O. SLAB EL. 100'-0" PREFINISHED METAL COPING T.O. BRICK EL. 120-0" SOLDIER COURSE T.O. SLAB EL. 100'-0" AND FRAME AND FRAME INSULATED O.N. DOORS w/ FULL VISION PANELS IIS IL�� ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION T.O. PRECAST EL. 124'-0" T.O. SLAB h EL. 100'-0"� PREFINIS4ED - METAL COPING JIII C.O. BRICK '41'EL. 114'-0" CANOPY T.O. SLAB EL. 100'-0" PREFINISHED METAL SIGNAGE w/ DARK BRONZE LEAF LOGO 4 12" HIGH ANODIZED ALUMINUM LETTERS PLOTTED: 12-04-2008 FILE NAME: A3.1-0823.4uwg T.O. PRECAST EL. 124'-0" `. SLAB W100'-0" BRICK SOLDIER BRICK COURSE STOREFRONT WINDOWS w/INSULATED GLASS ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION PREFIN. ALUM.-/ STOREFRONT WINDOWS w/ INSULATED GLASS AND FRAME INSULATED O.N. COURSE STOREFRONT WINDOWS DOORS w/ FULL w/ INSULATED GLASS VISION PANELS SOLDIER COURSE PREFINISHED ALUM. CLERESTORY WINDOWS w/ INSULATED GLASS N.M. DOOR AND FRAME PREFINISHED FRIBBED INSULATED METAL COPING PRECAST PANEL w/ PREFINISHED EXPOSED AGGREGATE METAL COPING PREFINISHED INSULATED O.H. ROLLING DOOR BRICK--/ PREFIN. ALUM. -1 STOREFRONT WINDOWS w/ INSULATED GLASS PREFINISHED ALUM. CLERESTORY WINDOWS w/ INSULATED GLASS RIBBED INSULATED PRECAST PANEL w/ EXPOSED AGGREGATE ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION PREFINISHED METAL COPING 1/16"=11 PREFINISHED METAL COPING T.O. BRICK EL. 114'-0" BRICK SOLDIER COURSE BRICK T.O. SLAB EL. 100'-0" 1/16"=11 PREFINISHED METAL COPING T.O. BRICK EL. 114'-0" CANOPY BRICK SOLDIER COURSE T.O. SLAB EL. 100'-0" 1/16j1=11 T.O. PRECAST EL. 124'-00" T.O. BRICK/PRECAST EL. 120'-0" n OERTEL ARCHITECTS I 1795 Saint Clair Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 (651)696-5186 Tel (651) 696-5188 Fax www,oertelarchitects.com PROJECT NAME CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS CHANHASSEN, MN PROJECT NUMBER: 08-231 DATE OF ISSUE DECEMBER S/ 2008 DRAWN BY: CMJ TRS CHECKED BY: JLO REVISIONS: SITE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION SET (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SHEET NO: 1/1611=11 A30 SIGNATURE JEFFREY L. OERTEL !19Im / / / / I / / / / /Emil'�i / / / SOLDIER COURSE DATE Till / / / / / / / li... REGISTRATION igE,I / / / / I!IU / / / / / / / / llll' _ IRf P(n11�j��llll li I ¶ 11'I` il'� ov �� ` T.O. SLAB SHEET NAME: EL. 100'-0" EXTERIOR SOLDIER COURSE PREFINISNEDPREFINISHED BRICK PREFIN. ALUM. INSULATED O.H. INSULATED O.H. STOREFRONT WINDOWS ELEVATIONS DOORS w/ FULL DOORS w/ FULL w/ INSULATED GLASS VISION PANELS VISION PANELS ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SHEET NO: 1/1611=11 A30 To.O 10.0 'oO '0,0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 10.0 10.0 '0.0 T0.0 '0.0 TOA 10.0 '0.0 '0.0 'OA '0.1 '0.1 0.2 10.2 T0.3 "0.5 '0.7 '0.9 '0.9 10.9 '0.9 T0.7 '0.5 '0.3 1 . '0.2 '0.1 '0.1 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 1 '0.0 '0.0 'O.0 ,0 Ti '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 'ca '0.0 T0.0 TO.O '0.0 10.0 TO.0 '0.0 T0.0 T0.0 '0.0 '0.0 10.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 `0.1 '0.1 TO.1 "0.2 '0.3 0.3 '0.6 '0.6 '0.5 '0.5 0.6 10 0.3 '0.3 T0.2 '0.1 10.1 '0.1 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 10. '0.0 T0.0 '0.0 1 '0.0 10 '0.0 10.0 10.0 '047 '0.0 '0.0 'o.0 '0.0 'OA '0.0 '0.0 OA '0.0 '0.0 T0.0 TOLD T0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0A '0.1 10.1 TD.1 0.2 T0.2 '0.3 '0.4 '0.4 '0.3 1 . '0.4 '0.4 '0.3 '0.2 '0.2 '0.7 '0.1 '0.1 'O.0 TOLD 10.0 '0.0 .0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 10.0 T0.0 'o.a TDO TO.O 10.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 To.O '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 'a.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 10.0 '0.0 '0.D '0.1 '0.7 'o.1 '0.2 '0.2 1 0.2 '02 '0.2 '0.2 '0.3 T0.2 '0.2 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 'o.a `0.0 '0.0 10.0 '0.0 0. '0.0 '0.0 10.0 O '0.0 TOLD TO.0 '0.0 TO.a '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 'D.0 '0.0 '0.0 10.0 '0.0 "0.0 '0.0 '0.0 Toc '0.0 '0.0 `0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.1 '0.1 `0.1 PHOTOMETRIC SITE PLAN SCALEI 1' = 40'-0' PLOTTED: ® FILE NAME: LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE ' .o 'o.a 'a.o TOLD 'o.a TOLD Dlstrbutlon Yolfage INTENDED USE - Ideal for use In car lots, street Ilghling or parking areas. o.o 'o. 'o.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 .0 1oa '0.0 '0.0 10.0 "0.0 \ CONSTRUCTION - Rugged, .DG9' thick. aluminum rectilinear housing. Algia Lighting To.0 '0.0 T0.0 '0.0 '0.0 Tao �.Q Lo� '0. '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 `0.0 'o.0 '0.0 'o.o �\ Symbol Label TOLD 'o. TOLD TOLD TOLD 'a.o Too 'o.oz�.oAbo.o .o '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 `0.0 TOLD 'o.o 'o.o '0.0 Llo.o Catalog Number .o 'o. 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