CAS-19_MEYER ADDITION - 1611 WEST 63RD STREETMetes & Bounds Lot Split for: Jay Meyer 1611 W 63rd Street Chanhassen, MN 55331 Iq*7_1M01*lei 71;A11[•]k,&I CURRENT PARCEL: Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County Minnesota. PROPOSED PARCEL A: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 2, said Block 1, thence northerly along the northerly extension of the westerly line of said Lot 2 a distance of 115.85 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there tenninationg. PROPOSED PARCEL B: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 2, said Block 1, thence northerly along the northerly extension of the westerly line of said Lot 2 a distance of 115.85 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminationg. EASEMENT DESCRIPTIONS: Existing easement to be vacated: That part of the existing drainage and utility easement as shown over Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying easterly of a line to be hereinafter referred to as LINE A: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said Lot 1; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said Lot 1, a distance of 93.50 feet to the point of beginning of said LINE A to be hereinafter described; thence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 115.87 feet to the northerly line of Lot 2, said Block 1, and said LINE A there terminatimg. Proposed Drainage and Utility Easements: EASEMENT NO. 1: A strip of land 5.00 feet in width over that part of Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, the southerly line of which is contiguous with the northerly line of Lot 2, said Block 1. Said strip of land is to extend by its full width from the most -easterly line of said Lot 1, to said above -referenced LINE A. EASEMENT NO. 2: The most -easterly 10.00 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Except the southerly 5.00 feet thereof. EASEMENT NO. 3: That part of the northerly 10.00 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying easterly of said -above reference LINE A, and lying westerly of the most -easterly 10.00 feet thereof. AREAS: Lot 1: 46,867 s.f / 1.08 acres Parcel A: 28, 699 s.f. / 0.66 acres Parcel B: 18,168 s.f. / 0.42 acres ZONING: Current: "RSF" Proposed: No Change SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: FRONT: 30' SIDE: 10' REAR: 30' Traverse PC x t-1 N 90.00'00" E 1137.97' �� 1a' x ---; _-� -- ;'-- %-- r 0a. 1 t t 1�1 t t t t , N a 1o1e. 1--- CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (TYP) t a• SMITARY SANER t t t + t t t , SS IN , SSI SSt 4 — I 1 1 t t x101\ rw�o w qq� / f%' I l 1 I ^010' I 101 I 1 1 I I 1 90.00'00" E 168.OT'--�-�•` ,�— BENCH MARK: -------- 'x TNH = 1017.38 .1 SAN MH — ' TOP --1013.3 INV. S=99526 1 r—TOSS IHSS 1 t r i � _ _.10 BLOCK RET WALL '' o 1 �e & CHAIN ONK FENCE101 9 Y _ I MLY LINE' 93.50 o EXIST. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT X 1 `,\ I� ,r� &/ r / / Li i ,/ ^ 1-" ,/ ,+ ; OF LOT 1 II ,,X r — \ TX 1 �-- �; T 1T ,' —,r/—/— i / , / �,�' TTI '-J, i '-7'' -- %T --J------'r-- 101 ' 1, — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — / — — — J — — — — 1°� i ED 10' D i'U EMENT NO4 )LJO 1, 5 1 c� i 1010' UNE A 6 r .'�� � I-�s��"90IMUMSETB#6K 1 „ rye Xt ° _t_t _1_• 7` / i / i /' ' r 1°1 '-•'�- 1a�' i / / e t I r22 54.a' : , :' ; % : % : °� / r ��^ ' ; '0 x10 27.7 r rM, •\ U) 1 EXISTING HOUSE % ' % I de i/ // r J/ J/ / M 1 I, 1 W r Opb i i ' 'i i I i 1 r C; "C' 0 75. 28 , _- ------7 ----- / I aa ------- 4,;/; �r xi i N i ♦ i I 0* 1 Y1 1t%`' X., 6. --------- - / ,,I r' 6 1° x 1 11 1----�0' X1 __ - - --------- X / ^°^ --------- ----- ' ` • — 1 N& X - i / i � , 30 r --w Z r r 1h '; r r ; / � � 0 .�0' ' /( m \ °110 1° 10111 ------/ ---- --- j r I I 11Yy --! X101ry I 1 --- --------- i ---- - - / ' _ 1 'I X1o, _ W I X1 --' - --i I / , , ii ,�a� r - --- -----�*.� 1 10. CMM 3 o. �. e i - /, x1� -- ; xloti ,I 1 . 1° ; rl x1� tL-------1'-•'°v )i', '-/ / x \\ INW CONER OF LOT 2. 1°�------�—X —'�--�— I-{--- ' t <&*'. 1 11p1° 9 _ .�-------- -- Z 1 / \ t�LocK 1. STODDYRT ADD. 1 X `� `, t t I t t T1.d2 1 y ox. K1 01'`• 1 Z �t t I 1 t 145.52' t 1 °11 1 W ' 1 10 , NORTH L E OF LOT 2% t 11+7 1 ` e /' -- 111 \ t\ %0Ui 1 \`t N 89 S9'18" W `�\�t �� INV. 1S RCP W X10 11• \ \ t t` t` 1 t x1 APRON 1008.1 x i 15 %1° ht D &OU EASEMENT NO. 1 e x X 1°1 O I XNdl1`HAIN LINK FEN 100 r x 10 L c _ 1W Z_ W 1 I ole• x to °ry° 1 IZ i Ip D'p I Xe;, Lu x 1 e 51 I, X 1010 �'' 1 1 115 X 1°1be ory° x 1 >fOGTH LINE OF LOT 1 o + 138.10' '�---� t' N 89.57'03" W 10� 1019.8 r r 1 r t , + r , t r 1 r X i r 1 r , 1 r 1 r , r 1 t toe `,�•�, I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed 1` Professional Land Surveyor under the laws of the State ti of Minnesota. X1°� _-4vu""Y' \_\.� 22703 10/29/12 Steven V. Ische License No Date OREMIER LAND SURVEYING, LLC 952443-3010 Metes & Bounds Lot Split for: Jay Meyer 1611 W 63rd Street Chanhassen, MN 55331 SCANNED OI^'OFcAANHA53EN RECFR'EP NOV 0 9 2012 PlANw 6 110 x10�1A 1 1 CNMNa�' NG DEPT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: CURRENT PARCEL: Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County Minnesota. PROPOSED PARCEL A: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 2, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION; thence northerly along the northerly extension of the westerly line of Lot 2, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, a distance of 115.85 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminationg. PROPOSED PARCEL B: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 2, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION; thence northerly along the northerly extension of the westerly line of Lot 2, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, a distance of 115.85 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminationg. AREAS: I Lot 1: 46,867 s.f / 1.08 acres Parcel A: 28, 699 s.f. / 0.66 acres Parcel B: 18,168 s.f. 10.42 acres LEGEND I ZONING: // A / t'� ,m, 0 1 � / •___ nOP SED 10' Current: "RSF" , "4 I�fZZIlIZ1I 1010' ® SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE Proposed: No Change ❑ CATCHBASIN i 1---- / I , I SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: o Storm Sewer Manhole '1 i i i , 0) i 1,10 010 x1 - ----,�5----------- n0; / ^o& FRONT: 30' ® WATER VALVE , l SIDE: 10' O Deciduous -- / I REAR: 10' Traverse PC 1:3 ATA M =1 139 6 rbyii F1 x 3 RQ �TREET f i----W�ww�—�-- 108 N 90'00100" E 119 j 137.97' 6.0 '� ; �• % \ I,, o EXIST. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT X 1Xr --------------------------rt NN 1� I PadPosED +mb a u .'_ l / 5 , X 1dP1 0 ! ,r 1 r' ; ' r I 1A. 0 1e 4.0, 54.4' 1 41 i 3i{.+ , l 1 Li 27.7 22.0' , / , I/ �, EXISTING HOUSE it I: rl d I N // A / t'� ,m, 0 1 � / •___ nOP SED 10' o ' !, -1e , "4 I�fZZIlIZ1I 1010' op6. 76.0' , ; xs--- --1---28.7 ----- C. 163(, C. Z -7 41 6+ o. 06 3 ac {f ,r7�r�lr' i 1---- / I , I %1°� `. Z .` 1 x '1 i i i , 0) i 1,10 010 x1 - ----,�5----------- n0; / ^o& SWALE / W I W ' X I' , l 0'( - -- / I I W I x101 4t I Z i i 16. W I` : a x1 LI N '• 1` ' t �040 = I x / / , i��LocK 1NWCORNEROFLOT2, I, STOOO"T ADD. 1 0NA. X I� 2 ; H I co I Z W - �G , ` I W �- QP I 1 `, X101 1h IW X ` ,' x 15 X101 0 20' 40' ,'' � � I --R-- o \'•`•� 0 1 4 1010. 1 1�S' ---- CONCRETE CURB $ GUTTER (TYP) '\ S' SANITARY SANER I BENCH MARK: -_-__-- -b TNH = 1017.38 1 X10.., , i r -t---r WW , i W i i 01901 109 BLOCK RET WALL 16. CHAIN 41NK FEN i� 10 I i Yp SAN MH — '� TOP --1013.3 INV. S=995.25 I -��SS-9 1 , , 1 � 1 \ `IN ED W— \ 01,yiJ 1 � ',N 90.00'00" E 168.OT i - --- ,p' N'LY LINE 1 93,50 a it r j OF LOT 1 11 t of j 1 —��-------T---, to LINE '__OPos�+o•nauEAB i CONS7RucJAErAi1i+Q EVENT so 0 WA$ASR1EQlAREO, I __"� 10to -rem15'. 1 Qi 1' FV r. ' co ArO 4i ;1 co Q %101 yr W el on O j 6.'W Ql ,y a w ;• ;, 01'1.0 , X101y i I t .,1� 1 4 - -WW"' 11030- 41 1011 r I _ o I +{�koo_ / ►P�, 1'1p '-T ----- �;0 I "— 1S cup "110 I NO XI J � - IP X 4b 145.52' - NORTH LM1E OF LOT 2% i L6 ; `,` N 89'5948" W `\ \�\ W �1 Ery. 1S RCP X� APRON - 1006.+ � 1 i , ' X 1010. i , 10� %% X 101'1 X 10 11 X 19�y " — 1 I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. -*°"1y-. \A -Ll 22703 10/29/12 Steven V. Ische License No Date EMERSE"CY OY6IFLOW ELEv. AT TOP OF CURB • +0+1A. Cotl+mLr, } I- ,'' � � I --R-- o \'•`•� `•� 1010 � �- -. � / •___ nOP SED 10' ybs�y71�¢S� !, -1e 1� "4 I�fZZIlIZ1I 1010' ' i D R UASEMENT xs--- LINK FENfa€ C. 163(, C. Z -7 41 6+ o. 06 3 ac {f r Z55G CHAIN I %1°� `. Z .` EXISTING DRAINAGE / 010 x1 i SWALE / W I W ; I X 0'( 10190 4t Z i i 16. W o10'x I N '• 1` ' t I C9 Zj3 iA U 2 1 H I co `, I .,w, `� W h I W �� y � X1"; � 5 1 X1o100� pe X10" i,\5 I j x101 1 X1"" ' 1 L — t $OOTFI LME OF LOT + o , 138.10' 41' N R9-97-113" W 1 1019.8 � 1 i , ' X 1010. i , 10� %% X 101'1 X 10 11 X 19�y " — 1 I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. -*°"1y-. \A -Ll 22703 10/29/12 Steven V. Ische License No Date EMERSE"CY OY6IFLOW ELEv. AT TOP OF CURB • +0+1A. Cotl+mLr, 7Tfe0. ��7Fa l�t(1yl.Sj�C�S�L looq �6/981�91 r o 1 o ybs�y71�¢S� ! 0 f� "4 I�fZZIlIZ1I cF 1128 cf ' 12235 /D1 r.g 2a5Z��5i� C. 163(, C. Z -7 41 6+ o. 06 3 ac {f Z55G OREMIER LAND SURVEYING, LLC 952-443-3010 Metes & Bounds Lot Split for: Jay Meyer 1611 W 63rd Street Chanhassen, MN 55331 IN OF RECEI\E'SJEr' NOV 0 9 2012 CHMIHASSEN PLANNING DEPT LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: CURRENT PARCEL: Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County Minnesota. PROPOSED PARCEL A: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 2, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION; thence northerly along the northerly extension of the westerly line of Lot 2, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, a distance of 115.85 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminationg. PROPOSED PARCEL B: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 2, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION; thence northerly along the northerly extension of the westerly line of Lot 2, Block 1, STODDART ADDITION, a distance of 115.85 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminationg. AREAS: Lot 1: 46,867 s.f / 1.08 acres Parcel A: 28, 699 s.f. / 0.66 acres Parcel B: 18,168 s.f. / 0.42 acres LEGEND ZONING: ^ Current: "RSF" /,�A SAN MH — ® SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE INV. S=998.20 Proposed: No Change ❑ CATCHBASIN SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: 0 Storm Sewer Manhole FRONT: 30' ® WATER VALVE SIDE: 10' O Deciduous REAR: 10' rraverse PC REVISED: 11/07/12 ^a X ^9. ^� 1 r' "' 0 SS SS�—SS SS I , SS SS ', SIS X^ * •3 RQ ATREET W W WTW—�V1j YW�wT ,�^ O 1 i ^� I ,� 1 O }1 �' ']ids• ^off N 90'00100" E 'W=137.97 •� ^�° _ �"_ . EE) 1b — — o — EXIST�DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT— X ^ Rt` (�^. %r X-------Tx-'2'—T—�—�— ,A,O PRCED 10'`vaU4-EAM I MkW , ' � 5 IXN e 1, r ^ d� O'!M1* ^ 54.4' I ' iT T I �'� I i e ♦ �'.� / --F----------- J , t. x 27.7 22.0' w, • , ' EXISTING HOUSE N ,I i' ♦WIT iA ,r♦,I 41 76.0' i ^��M1• Y -?---25-- -----01 X j ---- �' % ' % ' ' /`I 'I 7 -- ----- -- --- --' x / i I I Z i 1 - ---------------' W I ♦ r` I r' I � r eI Z I X I, ��NW CORNER OF LOT ' 0 �� FLOCK 1, STODD� ff ADD. , ,,b x Iz ; I I I ^o^e" BENCH MARK: - ^oba1 --- CONCRETE CURB $ GUTTER (TYP) TNH = 1017.38 ` 1 7 C 17 , O^ea, i rr e WSANMARY SIRWER ,ss ', \3S ° \v �, SS `� ', 3S `J ---I -�SS'`��SS—F- , „6�1Ihr-1.--rww Wiw— i BLOCK RET WALL It 6 CHAIN OINK FENCE •, ''IN 90"00100" E 168.OT- I , NLY LINE 93.50 OF LOT 1 J--- r LINE PROPOSR010•D&U CONSTRUCJ1tEiAIYIGO I wA�/lSR1:pu1RED! ^ I .40 ' co ' ' I Vp^'♦ i WW Ui � i I 7.0% LU olt 1 tl W q OW �. 1 o , Q' J x1106 i i I L ^ X 1 a- ,X/ Wcup I W / ,� 1 , , ^O . `— NORTH LINE OF LOT 2 I N 1 \,` `145.52' " ,\�\\ I I ,'i f�i-``I ^ i / ♦ /'� i I' I ^11 4, ��I I ``, N 89 5918 W\\ ,` ,,\ i `% �y'�i INV. 1s RCP I W ti I X ^O ^4 , 1 I X^ / APRON -1009.1 X ' PRO ED 10' J D & UIEASEMENT F X" i --- ` CHAIN LINK FENX O w r X ^°^O' `� ♦� `` `• O > , , ^e• I � � . � EIOSTING DRAINAGE / J / I X r�0 , LL I e0 / ♦ I � •`� SWALE z LU 92 a;' = I Xk I 5 %�pc , I e� / X,`dL° / X" 11 5 j X., / �' ' �— "diN LINE OF LOT 1— — o 136.10' ! - _Il 4, N 69°ST03' W 40 � 1019.8 X Ile,1 , I If I I 1 `,��• I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or X^°^C0 x4F �`% under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Land Surveyor under the laws of the State y of Minnesota. X ^ -Ov-u "r � "�" 22703 10/29/12 Steven V. Ische License No Date 6 9, EMERGENCY OVERFLOW ELEV. AT TOP OF CURB -1011A SCANNED OREMIER LAND SURVEYING, LLC 952-443-3010 ^ /,�A SAN MH — TOP -0013.3 INV. S=998.20 r ''IN 90"00100" E 168.OT- I , NLY LINE 93.50 OF LOT 1 J--- r LINE PROPOSR010•D&U CONSTRUCJ1tEiAIYIGO I wA�/lSR1:pu1RED! ^ I .40 ' co ' ' I Vp^'♦ i WW Ui � i I 7.0% LU olt 1 tl W q OW �. 1 o , Q' J x1106 i i I L ^ X 1 a- ,X/ Wcup I W / ,� 1 , , ^O . `— NORTH LINE OF LOT 2 I N 1 \,` `145.52' " ,\�\\ I I ,'i f�i-``I ^ i / ♦ /'� i I' I ^11 4, ��I I ``, N 89 5918 W\\ ,` ,,\ i `% �y'�i INV. 1s RCP I W ti I X ^O ^4 , 1 I X^ / APRON -1009.1 X ' PRO ED 10' J D & UIEASEMENT F X" i --- ` CHAIN LINK FENX O w r X ^°^O' `� ♦� `` `• O > , , ^e• I � � . � EIOSTING DRAINAGE / J / I X r�0 , LL I e0 / ♦ I � •`� SWALE z LU 92 a;' = I Xk I 5 %�pc , I e� / X,`dL° / X" 11 5 j X., / �' ' �— "diN LINE OF LOT 1— — o 136.10' ! - _Il 4, N 69°ST03' W 40 � 1019.8 X Ile,1 , I If I I 1 `,��• I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or X^°^C0 x4F �`% under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Land Surveyor under the laws of the State y of Minnesota. X ^ -Ov-u "r � "�" 22703 10/29/12 Steven V. Ische License No Date 6 9, EMERGENCY OVERFLOW ELEV. AT TOP OF CURB -1011A SCANNED OREMIER LAND SURVEYING, LLC 952-443-3010