CAS-20_POWERS POINTE "PROJECT POLLY"Department of Employment and Economic Development October 23, 2014 Steve Cakolios, President Federal Package Network, Inc. 4044 Peavey Road Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Mr. Steve Dakolios: PP 411Y I am pleased to inform you that Federal Package Network Inc.'s application for Job Creation Fund designation is approved. As outlined in the application, Federal Package Network Inc. is expected to have $1,063,225 in eligible capital expenditures and create 37 new jobs. Based on those and other factors, the Department of Employment and Economic Development will provide up to $147,161 in a Job Creation Fund award to Federal Package Network Inc., consisting of up to $94,000 in a job creation award and $53,161 in a capital investment rebate. The contract will have a four (4) year term. A business subsidy agreement is being prepared by the Business and Community Development Division staff. They will also provide you with additional information on performance goals, reporting and requesting funds. For additional information, contact Emily Johnson, Job Creation Fund Program Manager, at 651-259-7450. Thank you for your investment and job creation in Minnesota. We are excited about your expansion and look forward to your long-term success. My best regards, Katie Clark Sieben Commissioner C: Senator Julianne Ortman Representative Joe Hoppe Mr. Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Business and Community Development Division 1st National Bank Building 0 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 0 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1351 USA 0 vvvnv.mn.gov/deed Toll Free: 800-657-3858 0 Phone: 651-259-7114 N Fax: 651-296-5287 N TTY: 651-296-3900 EQUM �In` EUPWAR MD SEWa �NR SC#,Nt4ED 0 The contents of this file have been scanned, Do not add anything to it unless it has been scanned. 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: Aupust 25,2014 RESOLUTIONNO: 2014-55 MOTION BY: Denny Laufenburger SECONDED BY: Vicld Ernst THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN SUPPORTS THE JOB CREATION AND CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT POLLY WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota (the "City), supports and encourages the job creation and capital investment represented by Project Polly, a health and beauty container manufacturing company, which is proposing to occupy and build -out a facility in the City; and, WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen understands that Project Polly intends to submit to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development an application for an award and/or rebate from the Job Creation Fund Program; and, WHEREAS, the proposed project meets the City's planning goals, and the City has given site plan approval for the building, and the land use is permitted in this zoning district; and, WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen held a city council meeting on August 25, 2014, to consider this matter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, after due consideration, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, hereby express their approval of the project proposed by Project Polly. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 25th day of August, 2014. AT15ft: --Tb�dd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayo&,� YES NO ABSENT Furlong Ernst Laufenberger McDonald Tjornhorn SCANNED 0 0 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 25,2014 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag led by Boy Scout Aaron Nowak COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Laufenburger, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson, Todd Hoffinan, Jill Sinclair, and Roger Knutson Mayor Furlong: Thank you Aaron and welcome everybody here in the council meeting and those watching at home. We're glad that youjoined us this evening. At this time I would ask members of the council if there are any changes in any of the agenda? If not, without objection we'll proceed with the agenda as published, PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT& None. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Furlong: Based on some changes to one of the items, item number E(7), I'd like to pull that and move that to the second item, or bring that to new. Well it's old but we'll take it under New Business. We really don't have an old business here on the agenda this evening but even though that could qualify so that will come under item, Section 1. E(7). Are there any other requests either by members of the council or by the public present in the council chambers today to seek a separate discussion. Questions regarding items E (1) through (8), excluding (7). Seeing none, is there a motion to adopt items E (1) through (8) excluding (7)? Councilman Laufenburger So moved. Mayor Furlong: Is there a second? Councilwoman Ernst: Second. Councilman Laufenburger moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: Approval of City Council Work Session Minutes dated August 11, 2014. 2. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated July 22,2014. 3. Bandimere Park Expansion Project PKI&T-1 14: a. Item Deleted. b. Approve Encroachment Agreement with Magellan Pipeline for Work in Pipeline Easement. 4. Resolution #2014-53: Preserve at Rice Lake: Approve MnDOT Noise Wall Agreement. Resolution #2014-54: Apple Tree Estates: Accept Public Streets and Utilities. SCANNED 0 Chanhassen City Council — August 25, 2014 0 6. Approval of Temporary On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License, German Dinner and Dance Event, October 11, 2014, St. Hubert Catholic Community, 8201 Main Street. Moved to l(l). 8. Resolution #2014-55: Approve Resolution of Support for a Business Application to the State of Minnesota Job Creation Fund. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. V1SFrOR PRESENTATIONS: EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT, INSTALLATION OF A COMMUNTFY ORCHARD AT OLSON COMMUNITY GARDENS, AARON NOWAIC Mayor Furlong: If you'd like to come forward tonight under visitor presentations I'd invite you at this time. Tonight we are going to receive a presentation from Aaron Nowak who is a Life Scout working on his Eagle Scout project and good evening Aaron. Thanks again for helping us earlier tonight with the Pledge of Allegiance. Aaron Nowak: Yep, thank you. I'm Aaron Nowak from Troop 345 in Deephaven, Minnesota but I do live in Chanhassen and my project will be working at the Olson Community Garden in Chanhassen and we'll be planting dwarf apple and cherry trees and also raspberry and blueberry patches. The key goals for this project is to give the community a place to go and pick fruit for their families and also there will be self sufficient plants and the wall will have a 30 year life span and trees even longer. Here is the work site that I'll be working in. It's at, it's along Santa Vera Drive and it's the long stretch from the entrance down to the end. And the project details is there will be a retaining wall with berry patches over it. There will be 16 berry plants. There will be 8 blueberry and 8 raspberry and then there will also be 3 dwarf apple trees along the long stretch and right next to that there will be 3 dwarf cherry trees. Here's a blueprint of the orchard. Sorry if it's hard to see but the retaining wall will be 38 feet by 12 feet long and it's a 20 foot slope and then there, on the left there will be the 8 blueberry plants. On the right there will be 8 raspberry plants and then right next to that there is 3 cherry trees and 3 apple trees. Here's the budget for this project. The retaining wall will be from Timber Masonry and it's 38 feet and that will be $1,705.00. Then the trees and plants, there's 3 Montmorency Cherry, 3 Honeycrisp Apple, 4 Chippewa Blueberry, 4 North Country Blueberry, 4 Heritage Raspberry and 4 Ann Yellow Raspberry and that would total $1,0 17.80 and the total for the whole entire budget will be like around $2,700. Here's some more details on the wall but we won't get into that tonight. And the labor cost, if we were to pay them $7.25 an hour minimum wage it would total 240 hours times $7.25 is $1,740 but it will be provided five by the Troop 345. Here's a timeline for the project. We plan on working, starting work September 20'h and we'll be building the retaining wall. We'll be amending the soil for the berry patch which we will have to make sulfur and sand and then we'll also plant the berries an edge for them that day. And then the next, or the next week, September 271 we will dig the holes for the apple and cherry trees and they'll plant the trees and also mulch and water. Any additional work will be on October 111 and I will water them for the first year to make sure they get established. And for tonight's actions I want, I was wondering if there was any questions for the project. I also want approval of the project and the budget. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you Aaron. Appreciate the presentation. Questions for Aaron? Councilwoman Tjornhom. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Aaron, we've seen a lot of boy scouts come up, or Eagle scouts, boy scouts and give presentations about ideas and tell me how you thought about this idea. 0 CITY OF CWNSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.22T1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreatio " Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mfl.us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Laurie Hokkanen, Assistant City Manager JL DATE: August 20, 2014 0 il RE- Resolution of Support for a private business (nicknamed Project Polly) application to State of Minnesota Job Creation Fund The City of Chanhassen has been approached by Greater MSP and a private business (identified as Project Polly) that is interesting in locating in a commercial industrial property that is currently under construction in Chanhassen. The name of the business is still confidential and has not been disclosed to the City, although the attached sheets provides details regarding proposed lease and improvement costs as well as estimates regarding jobs and wages. The company is planning to make application to the State of Minnesota Job Creattion Fund. In order to do so, the business must have a Resolufion of Support from the local jurisdiction. Such a resolution indicates that the local community's planning goals are not in conflict with the business. Given that the site plan has been approved, the building is under construction, and the use is permitted in the zoning district, staff does not see any conflicts. Staff recommends approval of the attached Resolution of Support. ATTACHMENTS 1. Project Polly Fact Sheet 2. Resolution of Support 3. Minnesota Job Creation Fund Fact Sheet Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow SCANNED 0 0 GINOVUS 8888 Key�ne Cmssing -It, 1450 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 462+0 Project Summary: CONFIDENTIAL - UDPATED Project Polly Capital Investment (Through 2019) Land Acquisition: TBD Lease Payments: $$5.25M Personal Property: $5.85M million in manufacturing and special tooling, logistics, and IT equipment EmDlovment and Pavroll (Excludino Benefits): (bv 12/3112019 Existing Jobs: 75 Average Hourly Wage: $36.33 New Jobs: 32 Average Hourly Wage: $13.89 Phase -In Positions Year 1 = 9 Professional Management - 3 Year 2 = 7 Manufacturing - 28 Year 3 = 11 Customer Care - 1 Year 4 = 3 Year 5 = 2 Company Overview Since 1976 the company has been designing and filling containers that hold many of the world's top beauty products. The company is a key solutions provider to many of the top health and beauty brands with FDA registered laboratory and production facilities. Services include injection molding, custom design, decorating & labeling, compounding & filling. With focus on innovative solutions, strong customer relationships and speed to market, they are a leader within the industry. A key differentiator is their ability to control the process and costs, via creation of the container through retail ready packaging. Proiect Description Based upon extensive internal strategic planning, logistics analysis, existing customer demand and current growth strategy, the company is evaluating building options for lease Proiect Competition Minnesota - Chaska, Shakopee, Chanhassen Wisconsin North Carolina Proiect Time Line Q3 2014 - Site Selection Q3 - 2015 - Operational Contact Information Larry Gigerich, Managing Director larry@ginovus.com; 317.819.0890 Leslie Wagner, Director leslie@ginovus.com; 317.819.4412 T 317 - 819 0890 �.gino�usxom F 317 - $19 0889 DATE: MOTION BY: 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2014 - BY: THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN SUPPORTS THE JOB CREATION AND CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT POLLY WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota (the "City"), supports and encourages thejob creation and capital investment represented by Project Polly, a health and beauty container manufacturing company, which is proposing to occupy and build -out a facility in the City-, and, WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen understands that Project Polly intends to submit to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development an application for an award and/or rebate from the Job Creation Fund Program; and, WHEREAS, the proposed project meets the City's planning goals, and the City has given site plan approval for the building, and the land use is permitted in this zoning district; and, WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen held a city council meeting on August 25, 2014, to consider this matter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, after due consideration, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, hereby express their approval of the project proposed by Project Polly. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 25th day of August, 2014. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor YES NO ABSENT Minnesota Job Creation Fund Program Program Overview The Job Creation Fund (JCF) program is DEED's newest program to encourage job creation and capital investment in new or expanding businesses. The program provides job creation awards of up to $500,000 and capital investment rebates of up to $500,000 for qualifying businesses. Eligibility Businesses may apply through a local government where their new or expanding business will be located and must be primarily engaged in manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, IT, or other eligible activities. At minimum, a business must: • Invest $500,000 in real property improvements within one year of designation as a Job Creation Fund Business; and, • Create 10 new full-time, permanent jobs within two years of designation as a Job Creation Fund Business; and, • Obtain a resolution of support from the local government where the business will be located. Benefits A business approved and designated by DEED for the program may request benefits after entering into a business subsidy agreement with DEED, making an investment of at least $500,000 within one year, and having at least 10 new permanent full-time jobs in place for one year. Benefits include: • Up to 7.5% rebate on capital investment in real property improvements in Greater Minnesota • Up to 5% rebate on capital investment in real property improvements the Twin Cities Metro • Between $1,000-$3,000 per new permanent full-time job per year, based on cash wages paid • All new jobs must pay at least $12.48 in total compensation • All wage and compensation levels are adjusted annually Provisions for Large Projects Businesses making a capital investment of more than $25 million may be eligible for these JCF awards: • Up to $2 million ($1 million in capital investment rebates and $1 million in job creation awards) if the business creates at least 200 full-time permanent jobs. • Up to $1 million in capital investment rebates for projects that will retain at least 75 full-time permanent jobs in Greater Minnesota or 200 in the Twin Cities metro area. Although equipment may be counted toward large project eligibility, the capital investment rebate only applies to the expenditures related to real estate — land and building — improvements. For More Information Application materials, frequently asked questions and other information can be found at http://mn.gov/deed/business 1/10/14 Business and Community Development Division Ist National Bank Building 0 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 M Saint Paul, MN 55101-1351 USA 0 www.poSftivelyminnesota.com Toll Free: 800-657-3858 M Phone: 651-259-7114 0 Fax: 651-296-5287 N TTY.' 651-296-3900 An equal opportunity employer and se-rce provider CITY OF CHANNSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PC Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227,1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Couller Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 0 June 26, 2014 Mr. Jeffrey Rainey Business Investment GREATER MSP Securian Building 400 Robert Street North, Suite 1600 St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Rainey: r3 - ac) Thank you for your request for comparative information regarding a potential manufacturing and distribution facility that may choose to locate in Chanhassen. It is our understanding that the potential user would be a manufacturing and distribution facility desiring land options of 15-20 acres. The city currently has a cluster of manufacturing, processing and distribution facilities, including: Rosemount Emerson General Mill Roberts Automatic Exlar The Twin Cities & Western Railroad (TC&W) is a Class III rail carrier based in Glencoe, Minnesota. This line runs through the City of Chanhassen, with a few businesses using rail spurs in conjunction with their operations. The railroad utilizes 294 miles of track in Minnesota and another 49 miles in South Dakota. The line is used to haul commodities such as com, soybeans, wheat, sugar, vegetables, ethanol, crushed rock, metals, plastics, fiiel oil, machinery, lumber, and manufactured goods between South Dakota, rural Minnesota and the Twin Cities. it operates six days per week serving more than 50 shippers along the line. If there is any other information that would be helpful as they consider locating in Chanhassen, we would be happy to assist. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, I T046exWJ& kA omorwwo Todd Gerhardt Laurie Hokkanen MIC I M, �� Kathryn R. Aanenson City Manager Assistant City Manager Community Development Director Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us SCANNED g:\plan\ka\ecmornic developmmt\grmtu msp\g�ta msp dmibution �ufacturing.dwx Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing forTioday and Planning torTornornaw 0 Year 2 = Year 3 = Year 4 11 Year 5 7 (*not 41) For a total of 41 next new jobs. 0 I look forward to receiving and presenting your responses - again, thank you for your participation! Contact me with any questions, Jeffrey From: Jeffrey Rainey Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 10:13 AM To: 'Kate Aanenson (kaanenson(&ci.chanhassen.mn.us)'; Jeffrey Dahl (jDahl(cbchaskamn.com); 'sdimaggio@ShakopeeMN.gov'; Gromberg, Jim (DEED) (Jim.Gromberg(cbstate.mmus) Cc: Joel Akason (JoeI.A1kason(dQreatermsp.orq) Subject: Company looking to build a manufacturing and distribution facility Importance: High Hello All, We have been contacted by a national site selection consultancy regarding a project that involves the creation of a Z�ufa�ctu 'ring and dist—n­bu­tion­`f�a-TT c'u ve�atta(hed the projen-de—tails that have been shared with us; we have not been told the name of the Company. The Company is looking to build; they are not interested in existing facilities. There are three communities in IVIN being considered - Chanhassen, Chaska, and Shakopee - along with communities in North Carolina and Wisconsin. ---��iness costs in addition to an overview of potential he Site Selector is tasking us wit gathering comparative'b c /e onomic development incentives at the local and state levels that could be available to support their client's project. Please look at your community's respective toolbox (TIF, abatement, credits, grants, loans, training incentives, fees r4i�cluctions, etc ... ) and provide a preliminary proposal. Please submit your responses by COB, Thursday June 1911, via Word, witlimaneuverable formatting., Thanks in advance for your assistance! Jeffrey Jeffrey Rainey Business Investment, GREATER MSP Office: +1651.287.5808 Mobile: +1651.261.7495 jeffrey.rainey(a)greatermsp.org www.greatermsp.or 0 Aanenson, Kate 0 From: Jeffrey Rainey <Jeffrey. Rainey@greatermsp.org> Sent: Wednesday, June 25,2014 3:14 PIVI To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: FW: Company looking to build a manufacturing and distribution facility Attachments: Project Poiiy_Summary_June2Ol4.docx Importance: High Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Kate — Here you go. If you have something to me by COB tomorrow, Thursday, that will be fine. Thanks Jeffrey From: Jeffrey Rainey Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:02 AM To: 'Kate Aanenson (kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us)'; Jeffrey Dahl (]Dahl@chaskamn.com); Gromberg, Jim (DEED) (lim.Gromberg@state.mn.us); Christianson, Renee (RChristianson@co.scott.mn.us) Cc: Joel Akason (Joel.Akason@greatermsp.org) Subject: RE: Company looking to build a manufacturing and distribution facility Importance: High Hello All — Following a conversation with the Consultant, here are updates on the timeline and response particulars: 1. Please submit your responses to me by COB. Wednesday June 25'h , / 2. The Consultant is acutely interested in what assistance your community could provide for the profile of this project, i.e.: the "toolbox" statement in my previous email below. 3. The Consultant has researched your respective community with regards to demographics, workforce, etc., and is not requesting any such additional information at this time. a. However, if there are a few unique facts that could not be gleaned from your community's websites, please include those " ��fied sites in your respective community and therefore is not requesting 4. The Consultant has already id additional sites. a. However, if there is a qualifying ready land site in your community with strong infrastructure and specific andsubstantive incentives attached to it, please include details. 5. Please keep your responses to 3-5 pages or less. One correction on the attachment I previously sent: Phase -In Year I = 8 0 0 Project Summary: CONFIDENTIAL - Project Polly Capital Investment (Through 2019) Land Acquisition: TBD Real Property: $7.5 million to construct a manufacturing and distribution facility. Personal Property: $5.6M million in manufacturing and special tooling, logistics, and IT equipment. Employment and Payroll (Excluding Benefits): (by 12/31/20191 Existing Jobs: 58 Average Hourly Wage: $35.56 New Jobs: 41 Average Hourly Wage: $13.79 Phase -In Year 1 = 8 Year 2 = 8 Year 3 = 7 Year 4 = 11 Year 5 = 41 Company Overview Positions Professional Management - Manufacturing - 33 Log istics/Distribution - 3 Customer Care - 2 Since 1976 the company has been a key solutions provider for injection molding, custom design, decorating & labeling, compounding & filling. With a focus on innovative solutions, strong customer relationships and speed to market, they are a leader. Proliect Description Based upon extensive internal strategic planning, logistics analysis, existing customer demand and current growth strategy, the company is evaluating infrastructure and ready land options of 15 - 20 acres for development ancl construction of a manufacturing and distribution facility. r Proliect Competition Minnesota - Chaska, Shakopee, Chanhassen Wisconsin North Carolina Proliect Time Line Q3 2014 - Site Selection Q1 2015 - Commence Construction Q3 - 2015 - Operational OC November 16, 2012 Mr. Jim Gromberg Office of Business Development Department of Employment and Economic Development State of Minnesota 332 Minnesota Street� E200 St. Paul, MN 55101-1351 Dear Jim: Thank you for your efforts to help Rosemount Emerson choose Minnesota to grow and expand their business. Rosemount Emerson is an integral part of the Chanhassen community. As both our largest employer and an active corporate citizen, we would be pleased to see that expansion occur right here in Chanhassen. Over the years, we developed an excellent working relationship with Rosemount Emerson. When the company most recently expanded their Chanhassen operations in 2006, we processed the approvals and permits administratively and expeditiously. Last summer, when parking needs exceeded supply, our partner agency, SouthWest Transit, stepped forward to solve the problem by providing shuttle service from the downtown parking ramp, Chanhassen Station. In short, we have demonstrated that we are willing and able to partner with Rosemount Emerson. As an additional incentive, should Rosemount Emerson select the "SuperValu" site for their expansion, the City would be willing to waive any building permit fees for non-structural remodeling within the building. Additionally, should the acquisition also entail remodeling at their existing facility, the City will -waive building permit fQc&farlhe reconfiguration of production and testing equipment� excluding HVAC and Fire Suppression. The SuperValu site, located at 19011 Lake Drive East, is well suited for this project. In addition to the existing 156,330 square feet, there is ample room for expansion, with the possibility of an additional 75,000 square feet. Attached please find a detailed analysis of the expansion potential. Infrastructure in the area is already sized to handle the traffic, and no improvements would be required on the part of Emerson Rosemount. The site is ideally located just off of Highway 5. MnDOT continues to make improvements to Highway 5 in Chanhassen, including plans for acceleration lanes at the intersection (Dakota) closest to this site. Mr. Jim Gromberg November 16, 2012 Page 2 If there is any other information that would be helpful to Rosemount Emerson as they contemplate the best course of action to grow their company, we would be happy to assist. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Todd Gerhardt City Manager Laurie Hokkanen Assistant City Manager Kate Aanenson Community Development Director