CAS-22_STOCK AND BARREL INDOOR FIRING RANGE - 18832 LAKE DRIVE E6 The contents of this file have been scanned, Do not add anything to it unless it has been scanned, 0 0 0 0 Walters, MacKenzie From: Melissa Johnson <johnsonm@stockandbarrel.com> Sent: Monday, June 4,2018 2:23 PIVI To: Walters, MacKenzie Subject: Name Change MacKenzie, C) -LV I IS - 2 -7 - We changed our business naine from Stock and Barrel, LLC to Stock and Barrel Chanhassen, LLC. Thank you! May 23, 2018 0 0 6j)'y ) C' - Z-�- CITY OF C HANHASSE N Chanhassen is a Community for Life- Providing forToday and Planning forT( CSM Investors Inc. 500 Washington Ave S #3000 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Re: Conditional Use Permit #2015-22 Indoor Gun Range Dear CSM Investors Inc: After conducting an inspection on Friday, May 4, 2018 the city has determined that the property at 18832 Lake Drive East is compliant with the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) #15-22. Thank you for your cooperation and if you have questions or concerns, please contact me at 952- 227-1132 or mwalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, MacKenzie Walters Assistant Planner GAPLAN\Cup 1upWap\AmwJ lnspm6m Doc=mts\Stmkmd 13�1\2018 Stmkmd Bam] CLJP15-22Comp1i=ce Lzeuff.doc PH 952.227. 1100 - www.d.chanhassen.mn us - FX 952.227. 1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD - PO BOX 147 - CHANHASSEN - MINNESOTA 55317 April 17, 2018 0 0 CITY OF C HANHASSE N Chanhassen is a CDmmunityfbrLife-PmvicrirkgforTodayi DIN Stock and Barrel 18832 Lake Drive E Chanhassen, TON 55317 Re: Conditional Use Permit #2015-22 Indoor Gun Range Dear Stock and Barrel: On May 11, 2018 city staff conducted an inspection of your business located at 18832 Lake Drive E to verify that you were in compliance with the conditions placed upon your Conditional Use Permit. During the inspection staff requested that you submit proof of liability insurance as required by section i of CUP 2015-22 which reads: L The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city mana er in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times Staff has not yet received the requested proof of liability insurance. Please provide staff with the requested proof of liability insurance by June 1, 2018. Staff cannot issue a letter of compliance for your CUP until it has received the requested documentation. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at 952-227-1132 or mwalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, MacKenzie Walters Assistant Planner Enc. G:\PLAN\Cup lup Wap\A=ual Inspection D�erus\Stmk and Baurvl\201 8 Stmk and Barrel CUPI 5-22 request for additional dDCUITMA1111MAOC SCANNED PH 952.227.1100- www.ci.chanhassen.mus. FX952,227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD - PO BOX 147 - CHANHASSEN - MINNESOTA 55317 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERAUT #2015-22 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set fordi herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for the following use: A 15,048 square -foot indoor gun range at 18832 Lake Drive East as shown in the schematic date stamped Received September 4, 2015. 2. Prove . The permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center Second Addition. 3. Conditions. Subject to the following conditions: a. Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. b. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. c. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. d. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. e. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. 0 0 f Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. g. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. h. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. i. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. j. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. k. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval - 1. The transport of fireamis on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. m. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. n. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. o. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. p. if additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. 4. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 2 0 0 5. Layse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Penalty. Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: October 26, 2015 CrrY OF CHANFL4SSEN L-A SEAL -0 STATE OF MRSINESOTA ) (ss COUNTY OF CARVER Denny Laufenburgcr, Mayor Todd Gerhardt, City Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 12015, by Denny Laufenburger, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. lb)""4 00:411 -OW City of Chanhassen P. 0. Box 147 Chanhassen, NIN 55317 3 Notary Public April 17, 2018 Ckk? 2 2 - CITY OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen is a Community for Lffe-PmvidingforToday and Planning forTornorrow Stock and Barrel 18832 Lake Drive E Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Conditional Use Permit #2015-22 Indoor Gun Range Dear Stock and Barrel: According to city records, there is a conditional use permit for an Indoor Gun Range recorded against your property located at 18832 Lake Drive East. The city must conduct an inspection to ensure the site is in compliance with the conditions of approval, as specified in the enclosed Conditional Use Permit dated October 26, 2015. An inspection of the property will take place on Friday, May 4,2018. If the site is found to be in compliance, future inspections will occur annually. However, if the site is in violation of the conditions of approval, staff will work with the property owner to bring the site into compliance in a timely manner. Annual compliance inspections will be scheduled from the time of compliance. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me prior to the inspection date above, at 952- 227-1132 or mwalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, �6� *4001 MacKenzie Walters Assistant Planner Enc. G:\PLAN\Cup 1up WapAwwl Inspmtion D�ts\Stmk and B�1\2018 Stmk and B�I CUPIS-22 lnsp�tim Leua Ch� add�.dm Pill 952.227.1100 - wwwAchanhassen.mus - FX952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD - PO BOX 147 - CHANHASSEN - MINNESOTA 55317 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTEES, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERM[T #2015-22 1. Perndt. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for the following use: A 15,048 square -foot indoor gun range at 18832 Lake Drive East as shown in the schematic date stamped Received September 4, 2015. 2. Prove . The permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center Second Addition. 3. Conditions. Subject to the following conditions: a. Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. b. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. c. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. d. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. e. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. f Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. g. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. h. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. i. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. j. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. k. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 1. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. in. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. n. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. o. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. p. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. 4. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 0 0 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this peimit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Penal . Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: October 26,2015 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 0 SEAL STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss COUNTY OF CARVER Denny Laufenburger, Mayor Todd Gerhardt, City Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2015, by Denny Laufenburger, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen P. 0. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 April 17, 2018 0 CITY OF C HANHASSE N Chanhassen is a Community for Life -Providing forToday and Planning for Tomorrow CSM Investors Inc. 500 Washington Ave S #3000 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Re: Conditional Use Permit #2015-22 Indoor Gun Range Dear CSM Investors Inc.: According to city records, there is a conditional use permit for an Indoor Gun Range recorded against your property located at 18832 Lake Drive East. The city must conduct an inspection to ensure the site is in compliance with the conditions of approval, as specified in the enclosed Conditional Use Permit dated October 26, 2015. An inspection of the property will take place on Friday, May 4, 2018. If the site is found to be in compliance, future inspections will occur annually. However, if the site is in violation of the conditions of approval, staff will work with the property owner to bring the site into compliance in a timely manner. Annual compliance inspections will be scheduled from the time of compliance. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me prior to the inspection date above, at 952- 227-1132 or mwalters@ci.chanhassen.=.us. Sincerely, MacKenzie Walters Assistant Planner Enc. G:\PLAN\Cup 1up Wap\Annual ftwpcctim Docunntents\Stock and B�UOI 8 Stock and Bwel CUPI 5-22 Inspection Lcttcr.dcczzC PH952.227-1100 - www.d.chanhassen.mn.us - FX952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD - PO BOX 147 - CHANHASSEN - MINNESOTA 55317 CITY OF CIIANHASSEN CARVER AND IIENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #2015-22 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for the following use: A 15,048 square -foot indoor gun range at 18832 Lake Drive East as shown in the schematic date stamped Received September 4, 2015. 2. Prop . The permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center Second Addition. 3. Conditions. Subject to the following conditions: a. Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. b. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. c. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. d. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. e. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. f, Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. g. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. h. Each range shall have a clear and concise saf6ty plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. i. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. j. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. k. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 1. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. in. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. n. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. o. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. p. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. 4. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 0 0 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is -granted in–accordance with the ChanhassmZoningADrdinance. 6. Criminal Penalty. Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: October 26, 2015 CITY OF CHANHASSEN M SEAL in STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss COUNTY OF CARVER Denny Laufenburger, Mayor Todd Gerhardt, City Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2015, by Denny Laufenburger, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, d —the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen P. 0. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 91 Notary Public Affidavit of Publication Southwest Newspapers State of Minnesota) CITY OF CHANHASSEN )SS. CARVER & HENNEPIN County of Carver COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING CASE NO. 2015-22 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Laurie A- Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized that the Chanhassen Planning agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Vil- Commission will hold a public lager and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: hearing on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council (A) 'fliesenewspapers have complied with therequirements constirming qualification as a legal Chambers in Chanhassen newspapff, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd. amended. The purpose of this hearing --7 is to consider a request for a (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No. Conditional Use Permit to permit -Yl 7 a 15,000 square -foot indoor gun was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said range (Stock and Barrel) on Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of property zoned Industrial Office the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Park (IOP) and located at 18832 inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of type used in the composition Lake Drive East (Lot 1, Block and publication of the Notice: 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2nd Addition). Applicant: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Grindstone Construction Services. Owner: CSMInvestors, Inc. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review on the City's Laurie A. Hartmann web site at wwwci.chanhassen. mn-us/2015-22 or at City Hall during regular business homrs. Subscribed and sworn before me on All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Robert Generous, AICP, thit�ay Of 015 Senior Plarmer Email: bgenerous@ ci.chanhassen.nin.us JYMVE: JEANNE7E MRK Phone: 952-2Z7-1131 jyn, (Published in the Chanhassen 40YARY P'��C - M NNESOTA Villager on Thursday September My MM.MSSICH DPAES 0113iPA 24,2015: No. 4187) lie RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space .... $31.20 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter ............................. — $31.20 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter .............................................. $12.59 per win= inch /I 0 CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professionai Association November 12, 2015 Ms. Kim Meuwissen City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, NIN 55317 Re: Miscellaneous Recorded Documents Dear Ms. Meuwissen: RECEIVED JAN 15 2016 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Please find enclosed, for the City's files, the following original recorded documents: 1. Encroachment Agreement with Thomas and Lisa Smith recorded on December 21, 2015 as document number A620974; 2. Encroachment Agreement with Bryan and Jennifer Grimm recorded December 21, 2015 as document number A620975; 3. Interim Use Permit #2015-24 with Bethel Fellowship Church recorded December 28, 2015 as document number T197832; and 4. Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit 2015-22 to Allow an Indoor Gun Range recorded December 28, 2015 as document number A10272782. Thank you. Very truly yours, CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Jean M. Olson, Legal Assi., /jM0 Enclosures 1838160 CrrY0F0Kqft4$SEN RMMVED JAN 15 2016 ET,777-77771 =C SCANNED 0 CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) 0 14-� 1, Karen J. Engelhardt, duly appointed and acting Deputy Clerk for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Resolution No. 2015-67A "A Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit 2015-22 to allow an Indoor Gun Range in the Industrial Office Park (IOP) District" adopted by the Chanhassen City Council on October 26, 2015 with the original copy now on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof Witness my hand and official seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 14'b day of December, 2015. Kffl& J. Eng�h�, De�* Clerk , 001 sCANNED 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: October 26, 2015 RESOLUTION NO: 2015-67A MOTION BY: McDonald — SECONDED BY: Campion RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT' 2015-22 TO ALLOW AN INDOOR GUN RANGE IN THE INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK (IOP) DISTRICT WHEREAS, on September 4, 2015, Stock and Barrel made application with the City of Chanhassen for a conditional use permit to allow a 15,048 squaro-foot indoor gun range in the Industrial Office Park (IOP) District on property located at 18832 Lake Drive East, legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center Second Addition; and WHEREAS, the Chanhassen Planning Commission held a public hearing on this request on October 6, 2015 and voted 5-0 in favor to recommend the Chanhassen City Council approve the conditional use permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Chanhassen City Council approves Conditional Use Permit 2015-22 for a 15,048 square -foot indoor gun range located at 18832 Lake Drive East as shown in the schematic date-stamped Received September 4, 2015; subject to the following conditions: a. Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. b. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. c. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. d. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. e. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. f. Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. -6 9. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. h. Each range shall have a clear and concise safi!ty plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. i. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insammee which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. On-sitc instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. k. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 1. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. m. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. n. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. o. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. p. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. Termination of Perm . The City may revoke the pen -rut following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this pernut shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. If the conditional use is discontinued for six months, the conditional use permit shall become void. 2 0 0 Criminal Penal . Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 2& day of October, 2015. A SI: . 71 �-�odd Gerhardt, City Manager YES Laufenburger Campion McDonald Ryan Tjomhorn Denny La�cAgurgq Mayor X NO ABSENT 12J2112015 0 7WO.W40 - MinrmotaAdministrabve RIO Minnesota Administrative Rules Authenticate 7030.0040 NOISE STANDARDS. Subpart 1. Scope. These standards describe the limiting levels of sound established on the basis of present knowledge for the preservation of public health and welfare. These standards are consistent with speech, sleep, annoyance, and hearing conservation requirements for receivers within areas grouped according to land activities by the noise area classification (NAC) system established in part 7030.0050. However, these standards do not, by themselves, identify the limiting levels of impulsive noise needed for the preservation of public health and welfare. Noise standards in subpart 2 apply to all sources. § Subp. 2. Noise standards. Noise Area Classification Daytime Nighttime L50 LIO L50 LIO 1 60 65 50 55 2 65 70 65 70 3 75 80 75 80 Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07 History: I I SR 43; 18 SR 614 Published ElectronicaHy: December 12, 2003 Copyright Q 2003 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All rights reserved. SCANNEU httpsJtwww.revism.mn.gmfrtAes/?Id=7030.0040 1PJ21/2015 7030.0050 -Minnesota Administrative R ' Minnesota Administrative Rules 7030.0050 NOISE AREA CLASSMCATION. Subpart 1. Applicability. The noise area classification is based on the land use activity at the location of the receiver and determines the noise standards applicable to that land use activity unless an exception is applied under subpart 3. Subp. 2. Noise area classifications. The noise area classifications and the activities included in each classification are listed below: Noise Area Land Use Activities Classification I Household Units (includes farm houses) Group quarters Residential hotels Mobile home parks or courts Transient lodging Other residential Motion picture production Medical and other health services Correctional institutions Educational services Religious activities Cultural activities and nature exhibitions Entertainment assembly Camping and picnicking areas (designated) Resorts and group camps Other cultural, entertainment, and recreational activities. Railroad terminals (passenger) Railroad terminals (passenger and freight) Rapid rail transit and street railway passenger terminals Bus passenger terminals (intercity) Bus passenger terminals Gocal) Bus passenger terminals (intercity and local) Other motor vehicle transportation Airport and flying field terminals (passenger) Airport and flying field terminals (passenger and freight) Marine terminals (passenger) Marine terminals (passenger and freight) Automobile parking Telegraph message centers Transportation services and arrangements Wholesale trade Retail trade building materials, hardware, and farm equipment Retail trade general merchandise Retail trade food Retail trade automotive, marine craft, aircraft, and accessories Retail trade apparel and accessories Retail trade furniture, home Runishings, and equipment Retail trade eating and drinking Other retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate services Personal services 01 SCANNED WVs./Avwwxonsormn.gm/rLAe&M&-7030.0050 IM 120/2015 7030 ' 0050 - Min�otaAdministrabve R Business serviceo Repair services Legal services Other professional services Contract construction services Governmental services (except correctional institutions) Miscellaneous services (except religious activities) Public assembly (except entertainment assembly and race tracks) Amusements (except fairgrounds and amusement parks) Recreational activities (except designated camping and picnicking areas) Parks. 3 Food and kindred products -- manufacturing Textile mill products -- manufacturing Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics, leather, and similar materials -- manufacturing Lumber and wood products (except furniture) -- manufacturing Furniture and fixtures -- manufacturing Paper and allied products -- manufacturing Printing, publishing, and allied industries Chemicals and allied products -- manufacturing Petroleum refining and related industries Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products -- manufacturing Stone, clay, and glass products -- manufacturing Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products -- manufacturing Professional, scientific, and controlling instruments; photographic and optical goods; watches and clocks -- manufacturing Miscellaneous manufacturing (except motion picture production) Railroad, rapid transit� and street railway transportation (except passenger terminals) Motor vehicle transportation (except passenger terminals) Aircraft transportation (except passenger terminals) Marine craft transportation (except passenger and freight terminals) Highway and street right-of-way Communication (except telegraph message centers) Utilities Other transportation, communication, and utilities (except transportation services and arrangements) Race tracks Fairgrounds and arnu ement parks Agricultural Agricultural and related activities Forestry activities and related services (including commercial forest land, timber production, and other related activities) Fishing activities and related services Mining activities and related services Other resource production and extraction All other activities not otherwise listed. 4 Undeveloped and unused land area (excluding noncommercial forest development) Noncommercial forest development Water areas Vacant floor area Under construction hgpsJAv�.reAsor.mrLgmkdosMd=7030.0050 213 1021015 7030.0050- Min�otaAdministrabve R Other undeveloleand and water areas. 0 Subp. 3. Exceptions. The noise area classification for a land use may be changed in the following ways if the applicable conditions are met. A. The daytime standards for noise area classification I shall be applied to noise area classification I during the nighttime if the land use activity does not include overnight lodging. B. The standards for a building in a noise area classification 2 shall be applied to a building in a noise area classification 1 if the following conditions are met: (1) the building is constructed in such a way that the exterior to interior sound level attenuation is at least 30 dB(A); (2) the building has year-round clunate control; and (3) the building has no areas or accommodations that are intended for outdoor activities. C. The standards for a building in a noise area classification 3 shall be applied to a building in a noise area classification I if the following conditions are met: (1) the building is constructed in such a way that the exterior to interior sound level attenuation is at least 40 dB(A); (2) the building has year-round climate control; and (3) the building has no areas or accommodations that are intended for outdoor activities. D. The standards for a building in a noise area classification 3 shall be applied to a building in a noise area classification 2 if the following conditions are met: (1) the building is constructed in such a way that the exterior to interior sound level attenuation is at least 30 dB(A); (2) the building has year-round climate control; and (3) the building has no areas or accommodations that are intended for outdoor activities. Statutory Authority: MS s 116 07 History: I I SR 43; 18 SR 614 Published Electrouicalilly: December 12, 2003 Copyright nc 2003 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All rights reserved. httpS:/A�.rwisor.mn,gov/rul�nd=7030,0050 3/3 Decibel (Loudness) Comparis Chart Page I of 3 . I.. .. CONTACT SIAR(H OUR SIT[ NAME Comparison Chart IEnvironmental Noise F -Weakest sound heard OdB E�-�er Quiet Library at 6' 30dB Normal conversation at 3' Telephone dial tone 60-65dB 8OdB F City Traffic (inside car) =F 85dB Train whistle at 500', Truck Traffic F-90dB Jackhammer at 51Y 95dB Subway train at 209 95dB Level at which sustained exposure may result in hearing loss 90 - 95dB Hand Drill 98dB Power mower at 3' 107dB Snowmobile, Motorcycle 100dB Power saw at 3' 10dB Sandblasting, Loud Rock Concert =F-1 15dB Pain begms 125dB Pneumatic riveter at 4' 125dB Even short term exposure can cause permanent damage - Loudest recommended exposure WITH hearing protection 140dB Jet engine at 1 140dB 12 Gauge Shotgu 165dB Death of hearing tissue F 1 80dB F Loudest sound possible JF 194dB OSHA Daily Permissible Noise Level Exposure Hours per Sound level 8 9OdB 6 IF 92dB 4 95dB 3 97dB 2 1.5 F 102dB 1 105dB �5 IF 110dB SCANNED http://www.gcaudio.com/resources/howtos/loudness.html 12/21/2015 Deoibel (Loudness) Compari Chart Page 2 of 3 sf 0 .25 or less 11 5dB NIOSH Daily Permissible Noise Level Exposure Hours per day F__7��ncl level 8 =F-85dBA Barely Perceptible Change F_3dB 6 86dBA 4 88dBA 3 F77777789clBA 2 1 9OdBA 1.5 =F-92dBA 1 11 94dBA -5 IF 97dBA .25 orless F 100dBA 0 112dBA Perceptions of Increases in Decibel Level Normal piano practice Imperceptible Change 1dB Barely Perceptible Change F_3dB Chamber music, small auditorium Clearly Noticeable Change JF_5dB Piano Fortissimo About Twice as Loud OdB About Four Times as Loud 20clB Sound Levels of Music Normal piano practice F-60 -70dB Fortissimo Singer, 3' 7GdB Chamber music, small auditorium F 75 - 85cIB Piano Fortissimo F 84 - 103dB Violin F-82 - 92dB cello 85 -11 1dB Oboe —]F-95-112dB Flute 92 -103dB Piccolo 90 -106dB Clarinet 85 - 114clB French hom =F-90 - 106dB Trombone JF_85 - 114dB Tympani & bass drum 1 06dB Walkman on 5110 94dB Symphonic music peak 120 - 137dB Amplifier, rock, 4-6 120dB Rock music peak 150clB NOTES: One-third of the total power of a 75 -piece orchestra comes from the bass drum. High frequency sounds of 24,000 Hz are the most clarnaging. The uppermost octave of the piccolo is 2,0484,096 Hz. Aging causes gradual hearing loss, mostly in the high frequencies, http://www.gcaudio.com/resources/howtos/loudness.htmi 12/21/2015 Decibel (Loudness) Compari Chart Page 3 of 3 So - Speech reception is not seriously impaired until there is about 30 dB loss; by that time severe damage may have occurred. • Hypertension and various psychological difficulties can be related to noise exposure. • The incidence of hearing loss in classical musicians has been estimated at 4-43%, in rock musicians 13-30%. Recent NIOSH studies of sound levels from weapons fires have shown that they may range from a low of 144 dB SPL for small caliber weapons such as a 0.22 caliber rifle to as high as a 172 dB SPL for a 0.357 caliber revolver. Double ear protection is recommended for shooters, combining soft, insertable car plugs and external car muffs. Statistics for the Decibel (Loudness) Comparison Chart were taken from a study by Marshall Chasin M.Sc., Aud(C), FAAA, Centre for Human Performance & Health, Ontario, Canada. There were some conflicting readings and, in many cases, authors did not specify at what distance the readings were taken or what the musician was actually playing. In general, when there were several readings, the higher one was chosen. Additional Resources The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) -http:/ANww.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/noise/ American Tinnitus Association — Information and help for those with tinnitus Hear Tomorrow — The Hearing Conservation Workshop H.E.A.R. — Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers American Tinnitus Association — for musicians and music lovers TumlttotheLe —from the American Academy of Audiology Listen to Your Buds — from the American Speech -Language -Hearing Association Binge Listeninq7 Is exposure to leisure noise causing heanng loss in young Australians? fl>dfl — report from Australian Hearing, National Acoustic Laboratories Hearing Aids and Music� Interview with Marshall Chasin. AuD — from the American Academy of Audiology Safe Listening Resources — from the National Hearing Conservation Association OSHA Noise and Heanna Conservation - All contents 0 2007 by Galen Carol Audio San Antonio, Texas USA and may not be copied or reproduced without permission. Website by Stylefish. http://www.gcaudio.com/resources/howtos/loudness.htmi 12/21/2015 CITY OF CHANH91SSEN PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 FAX (952) 227-1110 TO: Campbell Knutson, PA Grand Oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, MN 55121 WE ARE SENDING YOU El Shop drawings El Copy of letter 0 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE JOB NO. 12/16/15 2015-22 ATTENTION Jean Olson RE: Document Recording Z Attached Under separate cover via the following items: El Prints 0 Plans E] Samples El Specifications El Change Order El Pay Request El - COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 10/26/15 15-22 Certified Resolution 2015-67A approving Conditional Use Permit 2015-22 for Indoor Gun Range at 18832 Lake Drive East El FOR BIDS DUE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval El Foryouruse 0 As requested El For review and comment El FOR BIDS DUE El Approved as submitted El Approved as noted Returned for corrections For Recording E] Resubmit copies for approval El Submit copies for distribution 0 Return corrected Prints 171 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS As requested, attached is a certified resolution for recording Conditional Use Permit 2015-22 in Hennepin County. COPY TO: Jennifer Moya, CSM Corporation Chris Schutrop, Stock and Barrel SIGNED "-1 ) Kim"Meuwiss 2)227-1107 "'-ANNcI7 If enclosures am not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 0 CERTIFICATION STATE OF NM'4NESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) 1, Karen J. Engelhardt, duly appointed and acting Deputy Clerk for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Resolution No. 2015-67A "A Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit 2015-22 to allow an Indoor Gun Range in the Industrial Office Park (IOP) District" adopted by the Chanhassen City Council on October 26, 2015 with the original copy now on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 140 day of December, 2015. K.aWn J. En t4dt, DelJ6�, Clerk CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND KENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: October26,2015 — RESOLUTION NO: 2015-67A MOTION BY: McDonald — SECONDED BY: � Campion RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERmrr 2015-22 TO ALLOW AN INDOOR GUN RANGE IN THE INDUSTRIAL OFT17CE PARK (IOP) DISTRICT WHEREAS, on September 4, 2015, Stock and Barrel made application with the City of Chanhassen for a conditional use permit to allow a 15,048 square -foot indoor gun range in the IndustrW Office Park (10P) District on property located at 18832 Lake Drive Fmt, legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center Second Addition; and W]lIEREAS, the Chanhassen Planning Commission held a public hearing on this request on October 6, 2015 and voted 5-0 in favor to recommend the Chanhassen City Council approve the conditional use permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Chanhassen City Council approves Conditional Use Permit 2015-22 for a 15,048 square -foot indoor gun range located at 18832 Lake Drive East as shown in the schematic date-stamped Received September 4, 2015; subject to the following conditions: a. Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration ot or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. b. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. c. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. d. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rourids within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. e. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. f. Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. I 0 0 9. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. h. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. i. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. k. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 1. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. in. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. n. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. o. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. p. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. If the conditional use is discontinued for six months, the conditional use permit shall become void. 2 0 0 Criminal Penal . Violation of the terms of this conditional use pern-fit is a criminal misdemeanor. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 26h day of October, 2015. A7ST,: odd Gerhardt, City Manager YES Laufenburger Campion McDonald Ryan Tjornhorn Denny La7f��64 Mayor X NO ABSENT Thomas J. Campbell Roger N. Knutson Thomas M. Scott Elliott B. Knetsch Joel J. Jamnik Andrea McDowell Pochler Soren M. Mattick John F. Kelly Henry A. Schaeffer, III Alina Schwartz Shana N. Conklin Amy B. Schutt James J. Mong6, III David H. Schultz Kurt S. Fischer Grand Oak Office Centet 860 Blue Gentian Road Suite 290, Eagan, MN 55121 651-452-5000 Fax 651-234-6237 www.ck-law.com 0 0 CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Ms. Kim Meuwissen City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Rejected CUP #2015-22 Dear Ms. Meuwissen: December 7, 2015 RECEIVED DEC 0 9 2015 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Please find enclosed the original unrecorded Conditional Use Permit #2015-22. Hennepin County has a written policy that all Conditional Use Permits must be in a Resolution format and that only a copy of the Resolution will be acceptable for recording. Therefore, they rejected this document for recording. Please prepare this same document in a Resolution format and send me a certified copy of it for recording. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you. Very truly yours, CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Olson, Legal Assistant /jmo Enclosures 184750vi CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #2015-22 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for the following use: A 15,048 square -foot indoor gun range at 18832 Lake Drive East as shown in the schematic date stamped Received September 4, 2015. 2. Pro . The permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center Second Addition. 3. Conditions. Subject to the following conditions: a. Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. b. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. c. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. d. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. e. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. - . � ft 0 0 f. Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. g. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. h. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. i. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. k. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 1. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. m. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearin safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. n. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. o. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. p. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. 4. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 2 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Pen Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: October 26, 2015 SEAL STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss COUNTY OF CARVER CITY OF CHANHASSEN / Todd Gerhardt, City Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisg g day of aq�&9w 15, by Denny Laufenburger, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. NtjPublicU KAREN J. ENGELHARDT Notary Public -mi MY C�*� E)Ow DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen P. 0. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 9. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall Fax:952.2271110 require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy Website shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us times. 10. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow SCANNED 0 0 October 28, 2015 Uff OF Chris Schutrop Midwest Armory, LLC CMSEN DBA Stock and Barrel 7887 Fuller Road 7700 Market Boulevard Eden Prairie, MN 55433 PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Schutrop: Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 This letter is to confirm that on October 26, 2015, the Chanhassen City Council approved Fax: 952.227.1110 the conditional use permit for an indoor gun range on Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2' Addition, subject to the following conditions: Building inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 1 . Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use Fax: 952.227.1190 changes to any buildings on the site. Engineering 2. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota Phone: 952.227.1160 State Building Code. Fax: 952.227.1170 3. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 4. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition Fax: 952,227.1110 rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota - Park & Recreation The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax:952.227,1110 trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. Recreation Center 5. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 construction specifications of the gun range. Fax: 952.227.1404 6. Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, Planning & unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. Natural Resources Phone: 952.227-1130 7. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced Fax,952.2271110 range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the Public Works premises. 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 8. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, Fax: 952.227.1310 published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 9. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall Fax:952.2271110 require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy Website shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us times. 10. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow SCANNED 0 Chris Schutrop October 28, 2015 Page 2 instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. 11. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 12. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. 13. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. 14. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. 15. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. 16. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the Proposed Parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. A building permit must be applied for the structure improvements. The following is a link to the building permit requirements: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/buildingpemiits. If substantial construction has not taken place within one year of the date on which the conditional use pen -nit was granted, the permit is void except that, on application, the council, after receiving recommendation from the planning commission, may extend the permit for such additional period as it deems appropriate. If the conditional use is discontinued for six months, the conditional use permit shall become void. You will need to submit the standard operating procedures, safety plan, proof of liability insurance and outside security plan for city review and approval. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1131 or by email at bgenerous(a)ci.chanhassen.mn.us- Si Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner ec: Brad Kittleson, CSM Investors, Inc. Jeff Berends, Grindstone Construction Services Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Lt. Eric Kittelson, Carver County Sherriff s Office Jerry Mohn, Building Official 9:\Plan\2015 planning �\2015-22 indcoar firing range cup\approval iew.docx 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 FAX (952) 227-1110 TO: Campbell Knutson, PA Grand Oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, MN 55121 WE ARE SENDING YOU Shop drawings Copy of letter 0 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL JOB NO. DATE -T" 10/27/15 2015-22 ATTENTION Jean Olson RE: Document Recording E Attached El Under separate cover via the following items: El Prints 0 Plans E] Samples E] Specifications El Change Order El Pay Request El - COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 10/26/15 15-22 Conditional Use Permit 2015-22 (indoor Gun Range) FORBIDS DUE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: Ej For approval El For your use ED As requested For review and comment FORBIDS DUE REMARKS [I Approved as submitted F-1 Approved as noted Returned for corrections For Recording El Resubmit copies for approval E] Submit copies for distribution El Return corrected prints Ej PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO: Chris Schutrop, Stock & Barrel S I G N E D ---k)i A(14 I ) Kim Meuwissen'�t' 2.27-1107 SCANNEP If enclosures am not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 0 0 1%, CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #2015-22 1. Permit. Subject to the term and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for the following use: A 15,048 square -foot indoor gun range at 18832 Lake Drive East as shown in the schematic date stamped Received September 4, 2015. 2. Prop The permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center Second Addition. 3. Conditions. Subject to the following conditions: a. Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. b. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. c. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. d. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. e. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. f. Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. g. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. h. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. i. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. k. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 1. The ti-drisport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. in. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. n. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. o. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. P. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. 4. Termination of Perm o . The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 0 0 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Pen Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: October 26,2015 CITY OF CHANHASSEN M SEAL By. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss COUNTY OF CARVER Todd Gerhardt, City Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ? 7A day of (PT�01 5, by Denny Laufenburger, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen P. 0. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 N* blic KAREN J. ENGELHARDT Notary PLNL-Mftssota 11 1�v my C�� ao— I Cr y:P ; I: I 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 Councilman McDonald: I'd like to make a motion that the City Council adopts the resolution certifying delinquent utility accounts to the County Auditor. Mayor Laufenburger: And the delinquent code violations as well? Code enforcement accounts. Councilman McDonald: And also that the City Council adopts the resolution certifying delinquent code enforcement accounts to the County Auditor. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, the motion is that the City Council adopts the resolutions certifying both delinquent code enforcement accounts and delinquent utility accounts to the County Auditor. Is there a second? Councilman Campion: Second. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Mr. Campion. Is there any discussion? Resolution #2015-66: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded that the City Council adopts the Resolution Certifying Delinquent Water and Sewer Accounts to the County Auditor. Ali voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Resolution #2015-67: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded that the City Council adopts the Resolution Certifying Delinquent Code Enforcement Accounts to the County Auditor. Ali voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A 15,000 SQUARE FOOT INDOOR GUN RANGE (STOCK AND BARREL) ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 18832 LAKE DRIVE EAST, LOT 1. BLOCK 1. CHANHASSEN EAST BUSINESS CENTER 2ND ADDITION; APPLICANT: JEFF BERENDS. GRINDSTONE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES/PROPERTY OWNER: CSM EWESTORS. INC. Mayor Laufenburgcr: Do we have a staff report this evening9 Bob Generous: Thank you Mayor, council members. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Generous, good evening to you. Bob Generous: This is weird. It doesn't look like that on my screen. The applicant, well it was originally Grindstone Construction Services. They modified their application. There you go, thank you. To note that Midwest Armory, Limited Liability Company will be the actual entity running this operation and so they filled out the, re -filed the application for that. CSM Investors are the property owners and management company for this development. The Planning SCANNED 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 Commission held a public hearing on October 6, 2015 to review the proposed development. At that time the applicant presented an extensive review of how the actual construction activity and the safety and sound proofing of the facility would be done. The Planning Commission voted 5 to 0, 5 for and zero against a motion to recommend approval of the conditional use permit. Property is located at 18832 Lake Drive East. This is on the east side of town just off of Dell Road and Highway 5. It's the third building in on the, in the CSM development out there and it's actually the comer, northeast comer unit within the building. This is located within Hennepin County. It's one of the few areas of the community that are in Hennepin County. The property is zoned industrial office park and conditional, indoor gun ranges are a conditional use permits within the IOP District. In 2011 the City did amend our city code to make it a conditional use in this district. At that time we had someone that was interested but they never came forward so it's been dormant until recently. Again the proposed location of this facility would be in the northeast comer of an existing building. The total building square footage is 64,000 square feet. They're taking about 15,000 square feet. Currently there's 34,000 square feet of this building that's vacant so there's additional vacant space just to the south of where they're proposing to go in. Again this is a breakdown. The existing users on the west end of the building. They're going in the northeast comer and there would be additional space for tenants south of this unit. As part of their construction they will be required to sound proof it and make it safe so that all the ammunition that would be fired in there and all the noise would be contained to the unit. One of the things we looked at in reviewing this was the amount of parking that was existing out there. Staff went to the site when, one afternoon in there were I I vehicles parked and they have over 140 around the building so. This is a generalized schematic layout of the facility that they're proposing. The majority of the unit, about a third of it would be in the gun range itself and then they would have classrooms, common area. Some retail space within the middle of the place and then membership. Seating and lounge areas. The commercial or retail area that they're proposing would be in the store front area and it represents less than 20 percent of their total space so really it's the services that they're providing. The training and the gun range are the primary use of this facility. Staff is recommending approval of the CUP for Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2' Addition subject to conditions of approval in the Planning Commission staff report and adoption of the Findings of Fact that the Planning Commission had done before. With that I'd be happy to answer any questions. Mayor Laufenburgcr: Alright, thank you Mr. Generous. Just as, for the record there was a, this item came before the Planning Commission, was it last month? Bob Generous: October Oh. Mayor Laufenburger: October 6th and at that time there was discussion. There was also a public hearing at that time is that correct? Bob Generous: Tlat's correct. I I 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger: Let's see, before I have the applicant come forward is there any questions of staff by council? Councilman Campion: Not at this time. Mayor Laufenburger: Well prepared Mr. Generous. I just have the one. If we give approval to this, will this come back before the council again? Bob Generous: Only if we're tying to void it. Mayor Laufenburger: But the assumption is that all of the findings, all of the conditions will be met by the applicant is that correct? Bob Generous: Oh yes. Yes. Mayor Laufenburger: And who's responsible for insuring that the applicant meets all of those conditions? Bob Generous: The staff will review it as part of the building permit application. That they have, meet all those standards. Additionally we will rely on any complaint that we receive out there and then work with the applicant to address any of that. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Bob would you do me a favor and would you bring back, there. That one right there. What is north? Bob Generous: North would be to the right. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, so in fact the gun range is in an interior portion of the building as opposed to against an exterior portion of the building, is that correct? Bob Generous: That's correct. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Alright. Thank you for that clarification. Is the applicant with us tonight? And if so would you like to address the council? Not required but I welcome you to do so if you'd like. Please state your name and your address. Jeff Berends: Mayor, council, Jeff Berends from Chaska, Minnesota representing Grindstone Construction. Mayor Laufenburger: So you are the, you are the builder of the. Jeff Berends: Correct. 12 0 0 Chanhassen City Council —October 26, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger: The inside, is that correct? Jeff Berends: That's correct, Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, and who's that with You? Chris Schutrop: Sure. My name is Chris Schutrop from Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Mayor Laufenburger: And you are, you will be the manager or the proprietor the space, is that correct? Chris Schutrop: Correct. I'm one of the partners. I'm one of the owners of the facility, yes. Mayor Laufenburger: Great. Grindstone, is that correct? So talk a little bit about, can you help us with the, answering the question how are you going to keep the sound out? Jeff Bcrends: Well there's a couple different parameters that we're required to do. Sound being one of them. Also controlling the lead vapors that's required from the EPA, the County, that's all registered through all that. Thirdly the actual sound is deaden by certain, certain insulation panels that the system that we're using has enforced- I can show a couple different. Mayor Laufenburger: Yeah there's a camera right above you if you just, if you want to place it rightoverthat. Right down there, exactly. So there are panels that the, whoever is on the range they've very close to proximity to where the weapon is shot, is that correct? Jeff Berends: Exactly. There's sound panels on the side. There's also sound panels approximately 10 feet down the range which will absorb the sound and then the actual, we're actually build, construct a building within a building. The masonry walls are surrounding the actual range and so they're all solid filled, core filled masonry walls and then within that there's steel panels that help guide the actual bullet down to a containment system which is steel plate and then it funnels down into a containment where the actual lead is in essence harvested and then recycled. Mayor Laufenburger: Wonderful, wonderful. Mr. Schutrop, can I ask you a couple questions? Chris Schutrop: Absolutely. Mayor Laufenburger: This is a, Mr. Generous made mention of somebody who was thinking about this back in 2011. Was that you? Chris Schutrop: That was not us, no. Mayor Laufenburger: It was not you, okay. 13 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 Chris Schutrop: It must have been another. Mayor Laufenburger: So can you talk a little bit about, I know there's a, there seems to be kind of a pent up demand for this. Can you talk a little bit about why you chose Chanhassen for this and how will it be used besides just individual recreational people that will want to use it? Chris Schutrop: Sure, absolutely. That's a fantastic question. So to address a little bit about the geographic area is that if you look at the Twin Cities area on a map there's only a handful of ranges in the United States and inside Minnesota we're only looking at about 5 public facilities and what that's done is it's created sort of a bottle neck and specifically when we look at the actual overlay onto a, like a Twin Cities area map, there's this large voided region and that's the entire southwest metro and as a result the residents who want to go out there and practice and go somewhere safe to do this, or you're forced to go out into some farm field you know way outside city limits or they're forced to drive across town. So simply what we're doing is we're just looking at the market overall and saying people want to have this. We want to go out there and provide a place so that they can safely go out there and shoot. Where they can go out there and get educated in a workplace that they can go out there and train from that. Really when we're talking about who's going to be using this facility, it's a number of different organizations so it's everything from private individuals who are gun owners. Just want to do this for fun. To the other side of the spectrum which would be other businesses. So there's a number of private security organizations that want to utilize this as well as some very high level conversations at this point with organizations like the U.S. Marshal service and a couple other law enforcement agencies who are looking at potentially finding a place where they can go out there and get an adequate heated facility, especially during the winter months inside of that. Mayor Laufenburger: Of course. Chris Schutrop: Yeah one of them being Hennepin County Sheriff. Talking to Sheriff Stanek about that and we've had very brief conversations with Sheriff Jim Olson as well so yes. Did that answer your question sir9 Mayor Laufenburger: It does. Chris Schutrop: Ahight. Mayor Laufenburger: Just one more question. As with anything of this nature I would think that there are competitions where a rifle club or a team of people may gather and become a team so will you have a team at, what will the name of this place be called? Chris Schutrop: Sure so the actual legal entity itself is Midwest Armory Shooting Center. The trade name, the DBA is Stock and Barrel. 14 0 9 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. So will there be a Stock and Barrel shooting team that may compete with other shooting teams around the metropolitan area or even the region or the nation? Chris Schutrop: Sure so we won't actually have our own organization if you will inside that but what we'll do is we'll host a number of other organizations. The NRA has a number of competitions around there as well as organizations of the USPSA or IBPA which are groups of individuals who are just dedicated to having fun shooting and doing it safely so our facility's going to be open for individuals and groups like that to basically give them a facility where they can come. They can do it in a safe environment and really accommodate those needs so it will be a good hub for everyone around. Mayor Laufenburger: Now training. Will you also offer, win somebody be able to use your facility for gun safety training for young people that want to, families want to make sure their kids are learning the proper use of firearms. Will you do that as well? Chris Schutrop: Yep, absolutely. So really our, my background is firearms education. I had a large national firearms training organization. That's how I got started in the industry then branched out from there to a couple other ventures but the first thing we'll start out with is the basic Minnesota Firearms Safety Course that the DNR requires and that we encourage for really anyone out there to go out and take, and it's all 100 percent centered around safety. So not learning anything as far as how do you become an excellent marksman but really that base level of safety, right. Additionally on top of that we'll have third party organizations that want to go out there and teach their particular curriculum. Maybe they do conceal and carry classes and we'll have classrooms and obviously the range for their use on top of that, and we'll also have some in -houses courses available for our customers as well. Mayor Latifenburger: Great. Well thank you Mr. Schutrop for coming forward with this idea and Jeff, supporting him with your construction. Thank you very much. Any questions for either or diem? Councilwoman Ryan. Councilwoman Ryan: Yes Mayor, Actually I have a few questions for you. I know there was the public hearing and you went, had a long discussion with the Planning Commission. However I don't know how much that was followed because I have received a number of questions for excuse the redundancy from the Planning Commission but just to let people know what this, you know what your facility is going to be about. Mayor asked about some of the noise concerns as well as you know the sound proofing. How do you go about the sound proofing from not only when the bullets, you know when you capture the bullet traps I think is what it's called as well as the sound of the fircarm. What are you doing for the sound proofing there? Chris Schutrop: Sure, absolutely. That's a fantastic question so first off we're lucky enough to be partnered with Grindstone who's actually built 3 ranges here in Minnesota in the past couple of years and basically you know when you look over the past 40 years of range development. It 15 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 started out from a basically a pile of dirt in a field to sort of what it is today and what we're building and that's essentially the first thing we were looking at containing the noise is, like Jeff was saying. We're building a building within the building so we have our normal structure and then on top of that we are actually putting essentially a sarcophagus. A concrete and steel sarcophagus that really does two things. It first contains the projectiles completely 100 percent and it also contains the noise. So the entire right to sell inside the actual building has 8 inch thick concrete walls that are steel reinforced so 8 inches is a lot of medium, especially something hard like concrete for noise to escape. On top of that what we go up there and do is apply a lot of sound proofing materials that industry wide. So back in the shooting area where people actually stand in the lanes and they shoot from it's all encapsulated with acoustic foam. Somewhat like what you would see in recording studio and basically what the end result is that outside sarcophagus still indoors. You're looking at about 40 to 50 decibels so right now we're probably talking close to 65 and 70 decibels. It does an excellent job of containing the noise. When you go actually outside the building I would be shocked if there was actually anyway to actually hear it coming out there and that's sort of based off of a recent range they built up in Ramsey called Toe the Fence where you know the law enforcement got the same concerns about, and when they went out there they ironically next to them about 2 yards away with a child care facility and when the law enforcement officers actually brought the decibel readers, the child care facility was putting off more noise than the actual range was. Mayor Laufenburger: Those kids. Chris Schutrop: Those kids right. Those darn kids so reallyjust the advancements in technology around building ranges and then sort of taking care of noise and really trying to contain that has been perfected over the years. The standard stereotype, I mean I grew up in Chanhassen right by Moon Valley and you could hear people going out there and shooting because it's an outdoor range but that, the nice thing is that the way that we're constructing it it's completely contained inside that and there's a conditional use permit that basically keeps us accountable to that. So if there is an issue we're required to go out there and address that issue but we don't anticipate doing that from the way that we're engineering that and the organization which is SRI. They've built hundreds of ranges around the world. They're the ones who actually engineered the range for us. Had the plans that we were talking about in our planning meeting last time. They were masters of that. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay. Chris Schutrop: Yep. Councilwoman Ryan: I'm going to keep going if you don't here. Then also noted that you have a range safety officer who is certified. Do they work the range? Are they in the building?. How does that work and what's that process like. 16 0 9 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 Chris Schutrop: Sure so one thing that we want to be very, very mindful of is safety. That's the most important thing out there so what we have in our standard operating procedures is that actually every single one of our employees, whether they're sitting at the front desk. Whether they're you know scrubbing toilets at the end of the day, which will probably end up being me, or whether you know it's a person who's actually in the range keeping an eye on people, they're all certified range safety officers through the National Rifle Association which is a certification process and a curriculum they go through so that range safety officer is sort of an open ended question to a degree because everyone that is going to be staff is going to have that certification. Additionally we have a number of volunteers who basically in exchange for range time can go out there and sort of hang out in the range bay and you know part of it's to keep safety within that but every single person who goes into that range is required to watch a safety training video. That's about 15 minutes long and it briefs them on how our procedures are. Councilwoman Ryan: Required by law or required by your facility? Chris Schutrop: Required by us. By our policy. There's no law that but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't go out there and do it obviously it's just common sense. So on top of that we'll actually have individuals in there keeping a mind on safety but also to go out there and there's a lot of people who shoot but maybe haven't shot in a while and they're sort of there to lend a hand in any way possible from that so. Councilwoman Ryan: And then in terms of the monitoring with, obviously people could bring in their own guns and ammunition so who checks the guns and the ammunition to make sure that, I'm sure that the bullet traps are certified for certain caliber of the ... so who's monitoring that to make sure they're within the range? Chris Schutrop: Sure. There's a specific check in area that we have. We call it the range desk and basically they're the gate keepers to the actual range. Councilwoman Ryan: So that goes, they're there before they go into the range? Chris Schutrop: Yep. So they go in there and that also happens to be a point of sale as well so basically when someone brings in their own ammunition, the types of traps we're using, a lot of ranges actually use rubber berm traps that basically chunked up tires in the back. The problem is is that those can start on fire so our range traps are actually solid steel which obviously steel doesn't start on fire. It's what everyone is going to and a majority of all law enforcement ranges are switching over to. So because they're steel we're very cautious about what kind of ammunition in there because we don't want steel core ammunition which can dent it up so basically every single round that comes in there gets inspected and it's a very complex system. We have a magnet and basically you wipe over it and if it sticks you can't bring that in there and we have ammunition varies calibers for individual. 17 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 Councilwoman Ryan: So if it's not right do you have them put it in their car? Do they, I mean they don't bring it into the range right? Chris Schutrop: Yeah they're not allowed to bring it in so basically we'll take them, and we could hold onto it for them or they can bring it to their car but we're not going to let them take that in. Councilwoman Ryan: Take it in. Chris Schutrop: Under the oh yeah, I won't shoot it kind of a premise so we're very mindful. We want to protect our couple hundred thousand dollar investment in our bullet traps so yeah. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay. I'm still going here. I'm not familiar, I've not been to an indoor gun range before. Chris Schutrop: That's quite abight. Councilwoman Ryan: So what is the policy for people staying within their lane? Are they, once they're in the gun range are they free to move about? Do they stay in the, their specific lane? How is that monitored or managed? Chris Schutrop: Sure, so basically when a person goes in they're renting a lane right? So you have bays which is sort of a group or a, there we go. That's perfect. So this is like a bay for example and each bay have multiple lanes inside of there. Now once someone goes out there and they shoot they might be by themselves and they be with 2 or 3 other friends. 3 is the maximum that we allow per lane right. So what we want to go out there and do is that they can move about. They can hop out and go to the bathroom or what have you but that gun can't be unattended and also once that gun goes there and it's taken out of the case, which is only done at the actual fiting point, they don't get to walk around with that and stroll about right. If they want to change out to do a different gun or leave or what have you, it gets put back in it's case up at the firing line and then whatever else is done at that point so people can move about inside of there and stuff. Councilwoman Ryan: Ahight. Chris Schutrop: Our main concern is what, where are the guns at right now so that's why we have that strict policy that they stay sort of on that firing line or they're basically cased and closed off. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay. And then the, thank you for the explanation on all of this. The biggest area of concern for me really is the retail area. I just wanted to familiarize myself with some of the safety protocols that you had within the range. But in terms of the retail element of your business, when people want to rent guns, what information do they need to provide you? If M 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 people want to purchase guns or ammunition, what type of documentation and background checks, what is that process from your end and then Mr. Generous I'd ask the same. I read somewhere that the City also can provide documentation for providing permits to shoot guns so 1, if someone could just familiarize me with that please. Chris Schutrop: Sure, great question. So for buying guns the, there's obviously a very strict set of laws that is governed by the ATF. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. If you want to go out there and buy a gun in Minnesota, there's sort of a couple different classifications but we'll generalize it and we'll say a long gun which means you have to be above 18 years old and you have to go through an FBI background check called the 4473. That's issued by the ATF. Basically you fill out an extensive form. Sign it and then we go out there and we call the Nick's Background Check Center in West Virginia and they run an instant background check on that individual. Standard operating procedure, Gander Mountain, Cabela's, you name it. That's what they have to do by law, right. If someone wants to go out there and purchase a handgun for example, Minnesota law dictates that they have to go out there and get one of two things. Either a permit to purchase, which is issued by for example Carver County Sheriff or a permit to carry which is also issued by law enforcement, the sheriff s department. Basically what that is is the same background check in essence and basically certified to do that so it's sort of double dipping with the background check process but everyone who goes through and buys a gun is going to be going through the federal law and state law on how we go about going and doing that and that msures that there are zero mcidences where things can fall between the cracks right. To answer your second question about, or first off did that answer your question? Councilwoman Ryan: Yes. Chris Schutrop: Okay. Yep to answer your second question about gun rentals which we will do because a lot of people want to go out there and buy a gun and they don't know where to start and it's kind of like brand new luxury cars when you buy it and then you take it off the lot. It drops in value so you want to try it out first right. We go out there and require people to go ahead and get a permit to purchase or a permit to carry and that way when they put that down they'll be able to see okay well they have this. They currently hold this which means that they got the sign off from law enforcement to be able to go out there and own a gun so we can let them go ahead and rent said gun inside of that. Councilwoman Ryan: So they're going to go through, is it Carver County or will it be the City to get? Chris Schutrop: They can go through any law enforcement agency. For example like Bloomington police department will issue permit to purchases. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay. "Ll 9 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 Chris Schutrop: Permits to carry are always issued by the County in which you reside so like Hennepin County or Carver County and once you have those permits they're usually good between I and 5 years so permit to purchase is I year. Permit to carry are good for 5 years. Councilwoman Ryan: So the permit to purchase is then, you'll require that in order for them to rent a gun to shoot at your range. Chris Schutrop: Yep, correct and they keep that in their wallet. It's essentially like a card with their name on it. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay. ChrisSchutrop: And then wejust go out there and we compare that to the ID piece there and then that sort of satisfies us as far as you know alright some individual, we know that they have been vetted already. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay. Chris Schutrop: So yes. Councilwoman Ryan: Thank you. No more putting you in the hot seat but I appreciate all your information and answers. You're very knowledgeable so I appreciate it. Chris Schutrop: Well thank you. Thank you. Mayor Laufenburger: Any other questions of either Mr. Schutrop or Jew. Okay, thank you very much. We did have a, you're welcome to sit down if you like. Thank you very much. There was a public hearing but I see some people in attendance tonight that may choose to speak either for or against this. I would like to invite Representative Cindy Pugh with us tonight. Is there some things that you wanted to say Representative? State your name and address please. Representative Cindy Pugh: Thank you Mr. Mayor and council members. My name is Cindy Pugh and my husband Jack and I live at 260 Mountain View Court. Mayor Laufenburger: Here in Chanhassen. Representative Cindy Pugh: In Chanhassen. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Cindy. Representative Cindy Pugh: So yes. Yes, thank you Mr. Mayor and council members. I'm just really appreciative of this opportunity to address you. I'm just so pleased to be herein support of this brand new, modem indoor shooting range right here in Chanhassen. I know I don't have to 20 0 9 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 tell you of the economic benefits to such a business growing our City's tax base. For over 28 years and counting my husband Jack and I have been proud to live in Chanhassen and are delighted by how business friendly our community has always been. I'm excited about the possibility of our neighbors and friends spending more of their time and entertainment dollars right here in our city as a result of business opportunities like the one before you tonight so just really, really grateful. But even more importantly I'm thrilled that we're seeing a training and practice venue for Carver County's almost 4,000 carry permit holders. I was just really so pleased to hear that this entity will fill a significant void not only in the Twin Cities but in Minnesota and I know that there is I think a growing need so I think this is just really a fabulous opportunity for us as a city. These law abiding citizens take the responsibility of carrying a firearm very seriously so having a conveniently located site where they can safely learn and practice their skill is vital. Safe responsible shooting is a part of our Minnesota heritage but without a place to go and shoot together as a family how can our mom and dads pass down that heritage, that respect and that responsibility to their sons and daughters. So I'm looking forward to personally participating in the future success of this business right here in Chanhassen. I did receive my permit a year before last and so I'm really looking forward to practicing here and just wanted more than anything to convey my really enthusiastic support for this project so I decided to take that opportunity to do so tonight so. So thank you Mr. Mayor and council members. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Representative Pugh. Representative Cindy Pugh: Appreciate the opportunity. Mayor Laufenburger: Any question of Representative Pugh from the council? Okay, thank you very much. Representative Cindy Pugh: Okay thank you. Mayor Laufenburger: I had, I gave an opportunity for somebody to speak in favor of this. Is there anybody present in the council chambers tonight who would like to speak against this application? Alright so I know many others here would like to say something as well but I'm going to restrict that at this time so thank you very much Representative Pugh for conveying your view and I'm sure it's shared by many others that are here tonight. Let's bring this back to the council. Any questions, comments or motion? Councilman McDonald: Mr. Mayor, if you're ready for a motion I'd like to make one. Mayor Laufenburger: Please do. Councilman McDonald: I make the following motion that the Chanhassen City Council approves the conditional use permit for an indoor gun range on Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 21 Addition subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact. 21 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger: We have a valid motion. Thank you Councilman McDonald. Is there a second? Councilman Campion: Second. Councilwoman Tjomhom: Second. Mayor Laufenburger: I think I heard Councilman Campion just a moment before you Councilwoman Tjomhom. Councilwoman Tjomhom: What? Mayor Laufenburger: Let's give that one to Councilman Campion okay. Is there any discussion? Councilwoman Ryan: Mr. Mayor? Mayor Laufenburger: Councilwoman Ryan. Councilwoman Ryan: I prepared a couple comments and I wanted to think about before, before reading them but I know, I am going to support the motion but this is a serious, a serious business to me and I gave it a lot of thought when I saw it on the agenda and talked to some folks to get their feedback so I just, it's important for me to express my feelings here. Mayor Laufenburger: Please do. Councilwoman Ryan: Just because I'm not as familiar with going to gun ranges or a lot of the legalities around gun ranges in general, I decided to do some reading and it was very informational. The first thing that I came across was the law that Governor Pawlenty signed in 2005 called the Shooting Range Protection Act. I had no idea that that law existed and it gave me a great deal of information and helped me understand the expectations put forth by the State which I think are very important for us to understand. Tonight's conversation which I really appreciate all your information that you provided me helps me better understand what this business is as well as this particular site. My main concern has not been the range itself because I know you had addressed some of the noise and the bullet traps, etc. but it was really the retail or the rental side of the operation. And I know there's a lot of conversation right now in our communities and no matter what side of the whole gun debate you're on, this is an important conversation for all of us to have and be having at council. At the State level as well as at the national level and you know and I believe that as City Council members it is our job to ask the questions and really understand what this gun range is going to mean to the people within our community. I was very pleased to read and learn that the law enforcement has been involved with this application as well as having people, you know having them support it and I'm glad 22 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 that Stock and Barrel is putting the, you know the time and the energy into the education and the training aspect of this business as well because as Representative Pugh expressed it is important for us to be training people with the use of guns and safety. But and I believe you mentioned we're not out in the farmlands or you know shooting on outdoor ranges. We're talking about a gun range here in Chanhassen right outside of our downtown area near child care. Near schools and our businesses and I think it's very important that you know we understand the implication of that business, thus the many questions that I asked you tonight. So it's a big decision. One that I am going to support but I ask that the, you know the City and the County continues to do their due diligence and safety of the facility as well as the business owners to make sure that they're doing everything that they can to keep it safe and secure within the confines of your building and you know the parking lot and the surrounding areas so with that I will support this motion but I felt it important to express my thoughts tonight so thank you for the time. Mayor Laufenburger: Yep, thank you Councilwoman Ryan and I know that the people of Chanhassen appreciate the manner in which you represent them by finding answers to questions that you don't know so I applaud your efforts in that area. I would also say that this is a, this will be a very welcomed addition but we as citizens of Chanhassen and the surrounding communities, we have a responsibility to use this in a proper way. In a responsible way and the fact that it will be convenient, hopefully people will not replace the convenience with lack of discipline. It's important that, and Representative Pugh mentioned this. It's important that the children that grow accustomed to using firearms understand that there is a responsibility that they take on by using that firearm in a responsible way and in a safe way so I am, I too am pleased that this Stock and Barrel will be here and I think it will be a very welcomed addition to the community but in no way does it relieve the citizens of Chanhassen the responsibility to behave safely with and around firearms at all times. So Mr. Schutrop you have a, you have a big responsibility in being the overseer of this and whether you like it or not we're going to look to you for, for the results that we see and we just hope that it will be always good results so just, that's a burden that comes with leadership in some cases so nice to have you with us in that regard. Any other comments or questions? Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves the conditional use permit for an indoor gun range on Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 21d Addition, subject to the following conditions and adopts the Findings of Fact: Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. 2. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. 3. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. 23 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 0 4. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. 5. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. 6. Firearms shall not be stored onthe premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. 7. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. Ile range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. 8. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. 9. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. 10. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. 11. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 12. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. 13. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at 0 times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. 14. In the industrial office park district� retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. 24 0 Chanhassen City Council — October 26, 2015 15. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. 16. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. AD voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Laufenburger: That motion carries 5-0. Thank you very much. Wish you the best of luck Mr. Schutrop and Mr. Berends in your construction and to all of the other present, thank you for being with us this evening. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Gerhardt, any administrative presentations? Todd Gerhardt: Just one update. The pedestrian crossing down at Pioneer Pass is installed. There's a little landscaping that needs to be completed so there's safe pedestrian access to the park to the west of Pioneer Pass now so credit goes to Paul. His staff and the contractor for getting that work done as soon as possible before those little white flakes start coming down so. Mayor Laufenburger: Very good. Very good. Anything else Mr. Gerhardt? Todd Gerhardt: That's all I have for now. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Laufenburger: Any council presentations at this time? I have just one. There was a notice in the newspaper yesterday. Long time Chanhassen has passed away. Mr. Dick Mingo who has been a fixture in our community for more than 50 years and he passed away on Thursday and the funeral is tomorrow morning at St. Hubert's. I have personally known Mr. Mingo for over 50 years. He was my high school athletic director, football coach and my first Little League coach in 1958 and over the last many, many years Dick, Dick and his wife Rosemary, former Rosemary Pauly. Rosemary Mingo is, the two of them, when they were married they made a commitment to one another that baseball would be part of their marriage and Dick Mingo pretty much personified that. For the last 30 years he has been a scout. Excuse me, a clinic, a clinician for the Minnesota Twins means, which means the Minnesota Twins have sent him all over the state and the region to conduct clinics. Additionally 42 years ago he initiated the high school all start baseball series which we now call the Play Ball Minnesota Series and he was very instrumental in contributing more than $150,000 to the University of Minnesota Eye Clinic through the donations that came along with that. With that all star 25 CITY OF CHONSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.2271160 Fax: 952.227.1170 0 0 N, 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: October 26, 2015 0�� SUBJ: Conditional Use Permit for Indoor Gun Range (Stock & Barrel) Planning Case 2015-22 PROPOSED MOTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the conditional use permit for an indoor gun range on Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2 "d Addition, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact." City Council approval requires a majority vote of City Council. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Finance The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to permit a 15,000 square -foot Phone: 952.227.1140 indoor gun range (Stock and Barrel) at 18832 Lake Drive East within an office Fax:952.227.1110 industrial building at Chanhassen East Business Center. Park & Recreation the safety and compatibility of the facility. Phone: 952.227.1120 PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY Fax: 952.2271110 Planning Commission minutes for October 6, 2015 are included in the consent agenda 7901 Park Place The Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 6, 2015 to review the Recreation Center proposed indoor gun range. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend that 2310 Coulter Boulevard City Council approve the conditional use permit for the indoor gun range. Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Senior Center Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit subject to the conditions of Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 the Planning Commission staff report. Websits ATTACHMENT www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 1. Conditional Use Permit 2. Planning Commission Staff Report Dated October 6, 2015. g:\plm\2015 plararing casm\2015-22 indwr firing range cup\exwutive sununary.doc SCANNED Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow The Planning Commission was concerned about the noise from the facility as well as Planning & how the bullets would be contained. The applicant presented a lengthy explanation Natural Resources about the design of the gun range facility, which assured the Planning Commission of Phone: 952.227.1130 the safety and compatibility of the facility. Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works Planning Commission minutes for October 6, 2015 are included in the consent agenda 7901 Park Place for the October 26, 2015 City Council packet. Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 RECOMMENDATION Senior Center Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit subject to the conditions of Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 the Planning Commission staff report. Websits ATTACHMENT www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 1. Conditional Use Permit 2. Planning Commission Staff Report Dated October 6, 2015. g:\plm\2015 plararing casm\2015-22 indwr firing range cup\exwutive sununary.doc SCANNED Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA Conditional Use Permit # 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for the following use: A 15,048 square foot indoor gun range at 18832 Lake Drive East as shown in the schematic date stamped received September 4, 2015. 2. Pro . 'Me permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center Second Addition. 3. Conditions. Subject to the following conditions: a. Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. b. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. c. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. d. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. e. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. 0 0 f Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. g. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. h. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. i. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. k. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 1. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. m. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. n. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun - related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. o. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. p. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. N 0 0 4. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this perroit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Pena . Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: October 26, 2015 CffY OF CHANHASSEN M SEAL L -M STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss COUNTY OF CARVER Denny Laufenburgcr, Mayor Todd Gerhardt, City Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this — day of 2015, by Denny Laufenburger, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pummt to authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen P. 0. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROPOSED MOTION: PC DOE: October 6, 2015 CCDATE: October26,2015 REVIEW DEADLINE: November 3, 2015 CASE #: 2015-22 BY: AF, RG, EK, ML, JM "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the conditional use permit for an indoor gun range on Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2' Addition, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to permit a 15,000 square -foot indoor gun range (Stock and Barrel). LOCATION: 18832 Lake Drive East (Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2nd Addition) APPLICANT: Midwest Armory, LLC DBA Stock and Barrel Attn: Chris Schutrop 7887 Fuller Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (612) 839-1835 chris.schutrop(a),mail.com CSM Investors, Inc. Attn. Brad Kittleson 500 Washington Ave. S., Ste. 3000 Minneapolis, MN 55415 (612) 395-7080 bkittIesonAcsmf,gM.net 0 Planning Commission Indoor Gun Range CUP — Planning Case 2015-22 October 6, 2015 Page 2 of 9 PRESENT ZONING: Industrial Office Park (IOP) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office Industrial ACREAGE: 4.33 acres DENSITY: NA LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAIKING: The city has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in die Zoning Ordinance. If the city finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to permit a 15,048 square -foot indoor gun range. The proposed use will represent approximately 24 percent of the total building area (64,000 square feet). The proposed hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. seven days per week. They estimate that they will have 375 clients per week initially, growing to 750 per week after one year. Classes will be held throughout the week and the facility will be available for groups - Peak hours of use will be between 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. weekdays and on the weekends. The applicant anticipates that during the 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. workday, the designated parking stalls will be more than enough to handle any traffic for the projected nine customers per hour. During those hours, it is expected that police and government training will be the largest percentage of use. Starting around 4:00 p.m., they expect to see more traffic trickling into the range, but not achieving peak traffic until about 6:30 — 7:00 p.m. The off -hours timing of peak usage should not pose a problem for parking. Weekends will be the highest expected times of use. The facility could see two thirds of the total weekly traffic on weekends, resulting in an average of 21 customers per hour. If the allotted parking spaces cannot accommodate them, CSM has assured the applicant that overflow parking will be available for customers during off hours. The training classes and events, in order to draw the largest crowds, will be held at off hours. Most classes will begin at 6:00 p.m. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article IV, Conditional Use Permits Section 20-298.5, Gun Range, Indoor Chapter 20, Article XXII, "IOP" Industrial Office Park Planning Commission Indoor Gun Range CUP — Planning Case 2015-22 October 6, 2015 Page 3 of 9 BACKGROUND Site Plan Permit 95-18 dated September 9, 1996, by and between the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota ("City") and CSM investors, Inc. ("CSM"), recorded July 18, 1997, in the office of the Hennepin County Recorder, as Document No. 6759580, affecting Lots I and 2, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Second Addition. Site Plan Review was for the construction of two office warehouse buildings with areas of 64,000 square feet and 40,600 square feet were approved. On May 6, 1996, the City Council approved the final plat for Subdivision #95-18 for Chanhassen East Business Center, CSM Investors, Inc. and DataServ, Inc., to subdivide 61.6 acres into three Lots and two 0 HIGHWAY NO. 5 ---- MTT--ffffTqt—TTM1—jT7M-- AVAILABLE 34.825 S.F. Outlots. Lots I and 2, Block 1, will contain office/warehouse buildings, which are located easl of this site. With this proposal, the applicant subdivided Outlot A into two lots and one outlot. The parcel located south of Lake Drive East contains the DataSery building. Outlot B will contain a pond. The pond is also under construction. ANALYSIS Indoor gun ranges are conditional uses in the Industrial Office Park District. The proposed use intends to occupy 15,048 square feet of the available 34,825 square feet available. The unit will be located in the northeast comer of the building. The 14 -lane shooting range (5,265 square feet) will be located in the interior of the building with class rooms (1,094 square feet), general use (5,092 square feet) and a central retail area (2,787 square feet). Retail uses are limited to 20 percent of the unit area. A gun safe is proposed for the unit to permit overnight storage of weapons. FU� Cl..r�� S1 S.W2 C17. 4 0 Planning Commission Indoor Gun Range CUP — Planning Case 2015-22 October 6, 2015 Page 4 of 9 Conditional Use Permit Criteria Sec. 20-298.5. - Gun range, indoor. (1) The gun range shall not be located on any lot adjacent to an existing residential district. *Adjacent property zoned Industrial Office Park (2) The gun range when established shall not be located within 1,000 lineal feet, measured from building to building, of an establishment licensed to dispense intoxicating or nonintoxicating liquor. Indoor gun ranges shall not sell or dispense intoxicating liquors, nor shall they be in a building which contains a business that sells or dispenses nonintoxicating or intoxicating liquors. *Nearest liquor store is approximately 1,100 feet away across Highway 5. Liquor sales are not permitted in the IOP district. (3) The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. *Must comply. Will be evaluated at the time of building permit. (4) The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. ch. 87A. *Must comply. These standards establish best management practices as well as noise standards. (5) The building and method of operation shall conform to the applicable Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, and OSHA standards for indoor ventilation, emission into the atmosphere, indoor sound levels, lead containment and outside noise standards. *Must comply. Will be evaluated at the building permit review. (6) The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The cerfified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. *Must comply. Will be evaluated at the building permit review. Planning Commission Indoor Gun Range CUP — Planning Case 2015-22 October 6, 2015 Page 5 of 9 (7) No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. *Must comply. Will be evaluated at the building permit review. (8) Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. *Must comply. Will be evaluated at the building permit review. A vault is shown on the plan schematic. (9) On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. *Must comply. (10) Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. *Must comply. A copy of the safety plan will be required in prior to building occupancy. G 1) The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. *Must comply. A copy of the insurance certificate will be required prior to building occupancy. (12) On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. *Must comply. (13) An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. *A copy of the safety plan will be required in prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. e 0 Planning Commission Indoor Gun Range CUP — Planning Case 2015-22 October 6, 2015 Page 6 of 9 (14) The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. *Must comply. (15) Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. *Must comply. (16) In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. *Must comply. (17) In multi -tenant buildings, the gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. *Must comply. Will be evaluated at the building permit review. (Ord. No. 527, § 2, 8-22-11) The applicant proposes to convert 15,048 square feet of existing interior space of the building located at 18832 Lake Drive East. A parking analysis is required to determine if the existing and proposed uses of the site exceed the available parking on the site. Should the parking analysis reveal that additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. Parking requirements for this use are for recreational facilities. Based on having 14 shooting lanes, the total required parking spaces are 48. The existing office -warehouse use in the northwestern portion of the building consists of 1,800 square feet of office space and 27,325 square feet of warehouse space with a required parking of 28 parking spaces. The 19,825 square feet of vacant buildin& if assumed to be 30 percent office and 70 percent warehouse, would require at a maximum 42 spaces. The three use scenarios above would require a total of 118 parking spaces. The building has a total of 127 parking spaces on the lot with an additional 16 spaces adjacent to the western drive aisle. Staff visited the site on a Thursday afternoon and counted a total of I I vehicles parked around the building Planning Commission Indoor Gun Range CUP — Planning Case 2015-22 October 6, 2015 Page 7 of 9 LJJIV #F- D LSMFW AOfA If A,' A AS -BUILT _A_ BUILDING PLAN RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the conditional use permit subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1. Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. 2. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. 3. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. 4. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. Planning Commission Indoor Gun Range CUP — Planning Case 2015-22 October 6, 2015 Page 8 of 9 5. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. 6. Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. 7. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. 8. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. 9. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. 10. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. 11. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 12. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. 13. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. 14. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. 15. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. 16. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. 0 0 Planning Commission Indoor Gun Range CUP — Planning Case 2015-22 October 6, 2015 Page 9 of 9 ATTACHMENTS I . Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Indoor Gun Range Narrative dated September 9, 2015. 4. Parking Plan Narrative by Andrew Carter dated September 23, 2015. 5. Site Survey. 6. Site Plan. 7. AS -Built Building Plan dated July 24,2014. 8. Gun Range Layout dated Received September 4, 2015. 9. Emails between Bob Generous and Steven Murphy dated September 28, 2015. 10. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List. g:\Plan\2015 p1mining cmm\2015-22 ind� fuing =ge cup\staff repon stmk & baffelAm a 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Grindstone Construction Services and CSM Investors, Inc. for a Conditional Use Permit to operate an indoor gun range. On October 6, 2015, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Grindstone Construction Services and CSM Investors, Inc. for a conditional use permit for the property located at 18832 Lake Drive East. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I - The property is currently zoned Industrial Office Park District, IOP. 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Office Industrial uses. 3. The legal description of the property is Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2d Addition. 4. Section 20-232: a. The proposed use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. It must meet all the city and state criteria for gun ranges. b. The proposed use will be consistent with the objectives of the citys comprehensive plan and the zoning chapter of the City Code and will comply with the requirements for indoor gun ranges. c. The proposed use will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. Building requirements will assure that it meets all health and safety codes for such uses. d. The proposed use will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. The use must meet indoor ventilation, emission into the atmosphere, indoor sound levels, lead containment and outside noise standards. e. The proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. The use is proposed within vacant space in an existing building. f The proposed use will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. The proposed use will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. The use must meet indoor ventilation, emission into the atmosphere, indoor sound levels, lead containment and outside noise standards. h. The proposed use will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. The proposed use will be within vacant space in an office industrial business park. i. The proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. The proposed use will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k. The proposed use will not depreciate surrounding property values. 1. The proposed use will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. The proposed use will meet the standards of section 20-298.5 of the zoning ordinance. 5. The planning report #2015-22 dated October 6, 2015, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the conditional use permit for an indoor gun range. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 6th day of October, 2015. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman ciTYOFCHANNASSEN C�20 15 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard SEP 0 4 2 Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 CHAWASM Pa CITY OF CENSEN APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Date: il:� PC Date: 10 — 6 —16 CC Date: JA0 60 -Day ReView Date: I I — 13 - Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) El Comprehensive Plan Amendment ......... ............... $600 El Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... $100 El Conciftional Use Permit (CUP) El Single -Family Residence ............... ................ $325 EDAll Others ............. ...................................... El Interim Use Permit (IUP) El In conjunction with Single -Family Residence- $325 0 All Others ........................................ ............ ... $425 El Rezoning (REZ) El Planned Unit Development (PUD) ............. .... $750 D Minor Amendment to existing PUD ................. $100 El All Others ......................................................... $500 [I Sign Plan Review ................................................... $150 El Site Plan Review (SPR) [I Administrative .................................................. $100 El Commercial/industrial Districts* ..................... * $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: thousand square feet) Include number of existing employees: Include number of new employees: El Residential Districts ............................. 7 ... 7 .... 7 ... 7.1500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) C] Subdivision (SUB) El Create 3 lots or less ........................................ $300 El Create over 3 lots ....................... $600 + $15 per lot lots) Metes & Bounds (2 lots) ......................... ........ $300 El Consolidate Lots .............................................. $150 E] Lot Line Adjustment ......................................... $150 F] Final Plat .......................................................... $700 (includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* *Additional escrow may be required for other applications through the development contract. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concunrently, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. 0 Notification Sign (City to install and remove) ................. .......................... - ................................................ ....................... 0�> Z Property owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre -application meeting) ........... ............. $3 per address La,ad­d'r'e's­ses) )( 3 � tf� fj)41 21 Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) .............. ................ ................................ ..... (aper document E Conditional Use Permit [:] Interim Use Permit 0 Site Plan Agreement El Vacation El Variance 0 Welland Alteration Permit El Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) El Easements( easements) TOTALFEE: $675.00 Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal: Indoor Gun Range Property Address or Location: Chanhassen East 11 18832 Lake Drive East Parcel #: 1811622220004 Legal Description: — Total Acreage: 4.33 Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: Industrial Office Park District (IOP) Present Land Use Designation- Office/Industrial Existing Use of Property: Office Warehouse R] Check box is separate narrative is attached Chanhassen East Business Center 2nd Addition Lot 1 Block I El Yes 0 No Requested Zoning: Industrial Office Park District (10P) Requested Land Use Designation: OfficelIndustrial SCANNED Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC) ........ $300 (Additional recording fees may apply) El Variance (VAR) ............... ................................. _ $200 D Welland Alteration Permit (WAP) [] Single -Family Residence .................. - ........... $150 El All Others ....................................................... $275 El Zoning Appeal .................................. ................... $100 El Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) ................. $500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concunrently, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. 0 Notification Sign (City to install and remove) ................. .......................... - ................................................ ....................... 0�> Z Property owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre -application meeting) ........... ............. $3 per address La,ad­d'r'e's­ses) )( 3 � tf� fj)41 21 Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) .............. ................ ................................ ..... (aper document E Conditional Use Permit [:] Interim Use Permit 0 Site Plan Agreement El Vacation El Variance 0 Welland Alteration Permit El Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) El Easements( easements) TOTALFEE: $675.00 Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal: Indoor Gun Range Property Address or Location: Chanhassen East 11 18832 Lake Drive East Parcel #: 1811622220004 Legal Description: — Total Acreage: 4.33 Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: Industrial Office Park District (IOP) Present Land Use Designation- Office/Industrial Existing Use of Property: Office Warehouse R] Check box is separate narrative is attached Chanhassen East Business Center 2nd Addition Lot 1 Block I El Yes 0 No Requested Zoning: Industrial Office Park District (10P) Requested Land Use Designation: OfficelIndustrial SCANNED 0 0 ISection 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, 1. as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Midwest Address: City/State/Zip: LLC. d.b.a. Stock and Barrel Contact: 7887 Fuller Rd. Eden Prairie. MN Phone: Chris Schutrop, Cell: (612) 839- 1835 Email: chris.schutrop@gmaii,com Fax: Signature: Date: 10/21/15 PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, 1. as properly owner, have full legal capacity to. and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Contact. Contact: Name: Phone: Address: phone: Address: Cell. City/State/Zip: — Fax: Email: — Date: Signature: — This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Contact: Name: phone: Address: Cell: City/StaterZip: Fax: Email: Who should receive copies of staff reports? -Other Contact Information: 21 Property Owner Via: E] Email [D Mailed Paper copy Name: Grindstone Construction Applicant Via: El Email El Mailed Paper Copy Address: 300 Railroad Ave. Ste. 300 Engineer Via: F1 Email Mailed Paper Copy city/State/Zip: uelano, MN 55328 Other* Via: El Email Mailed Paper C . � jeffb rin stonecs corn INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing (required). PRINT �FORM SUBMIT FOeM E Section 3: Properly Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, 1, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Grindstone Construction Services Contact: Jeff Berends Address: 300 Railroad Ave. Ste, 300 Phone: (763) 972-2804 City/State/Zip: Delano, MN. 55328 Cell: (612) 839-3063 Email: je,%@gdndstonecs.com Fax: Signature: Date: 914115 ' -as U PROPERTY OWNER: Intsigning this application I property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: CSM Investors, Inc. Contact: Brad Kittleson Address: 500 Washington Avenue South Suite 3000 Phone: (612) 395-7080 City/State/Zip: Minneapolis, MN 55415 Cell: (651) 323-8525 Email: eson@csmcorp.net Fax: Signature: Date: 9/3115 This a 16ab must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by appli%5�ityltOrdinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: Fax: Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? 'Other Contact Information: FZI Property Owner Via: 0 Email Z Mailed Paper Copy Name: Chris Schutrop Applicant Via: 2) Email E] Mailed Paper Copy Address: Engineer Via: El Email E] Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: Other* Via: 2 Email E] Mailed Paper Copy Email: chris.schutropftmail.com INSTRUCTIONS T APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing (required). SCANNED 41 City of Chanhassen Planning Department 7700 Market Blvd. Chanhassen, MN. 55337 Subject: Indoor Gun Range To Whom It May Concern; September 9, 2015 We propose to construct a welcoming, high-end, highly safe Indoor Firing Range with storefront and classrooms in Industrial Zoned Chanhassen. Our facility will use state of the art construction techniques to safely accommodate the indoor discharge of firearms, including advanced air filtration that will meet or exceed EPA and OSHA standards, advanced soundproofing, the best and safest backstop and armor technology available, and a full reclamation system that ensures no lead is left on the range. Therefore: we request to apply for a Use Permit, pursuant to the City Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20-298.S to construct an Indoor Firing Range. We're planning hours for operation to be 9am to 9pm, 7 days a week. At opening, we expect to see 375 people per week use our range, growing to 750 people per week within a year. Industry expertise and research was used to calculate these estimates. We expect to have events, especially fundraising events for charity and community partners. In addition, we will be available for corporate outings, birthday and other parties, and firearms and safety experts to come and give talks. No alcohol will be served, and no minors will be allowed unescorted. Our waiver system requires a parent or legal guardian sign a waiver for a minor; and only if delegated in writing on said waiver can a non -parent or non -guardian of at least 21 years of age escort a minor on our range. We will have classes throughout the week. Some will be concealed carry permit classes taught by certified third -party instructors. Other classes will be our in-house courses, focused on improving skills and safety. Certain courses will be made available to the public for free as a service to educate the basics of firearms safety. We will also offer courses on non -lethal self- defense, including women's self-defense and krav maga. All firearms instructors will display current certificates for public inspection. The display area will be a storefront for the sale of gun -related branded merchandise, firearms accessories (holsters, belts, and cleaning materials), targets, range equipment, and as a Federal Firearms Licensed dealer, firearms and ammunition. All firearms sales will involve background checks, and comply fully with Federal and Minnesota laws, and will be regulated by the ATF. Rental firearms will also be available and also will comply with any applicable laws. 0 0 We know that the people of the southwest metro already have keen interest in firearms. Gander Mountain has built the largest gun store in Minnesota here, and there are many other gun stores and firearms -related businesses. We want to provide a safe, comfortable location for the diverse and vibrant community of shooters, already in the area, to come and further their education and skill. The primary and ultimate purpose of a firing range is training and practice, the result of which are safe and discerning gun owners. We're not bringing guns or shooters to Chanhassen, but we do seek to create responsible, safe firearms enthusiasts out of our clientele. We wish to do more than merely arm citizens, as the existing stores do; we wish to convey the deep and abiding love of law, civic responsibility, and ongoing practice to our guests, and to become the ambassadors to the fun and exciting world of shooting sports. Respectfully, 6 -1 - Chris Schutrop 9/23/2015 Parking plan for Chanhassen: In addition to insuring that Stock&BarTeI has 20 parking stalls, plus one parking stall per firing lane, we will primarily operate during "off -hours." We've planned for 375 customers/week when we open, swelling to 750 customcrs/week by the end of the year. If broken up evenly, at maximum expectations we would see 9 customers/hour throughout the week. Of course in real life, customers ebb and flow, and we can predict the trends for busiest times. Our range is open only to those 21 years of age and older; our highest traffic will be after work hours on the weekdays. We anticipate that during the 9:00am to 5:00prn workday, our designated stalls, as mentioned above, will be more than enough to handle any traffic we see. During those hours, we expect police and government training to be our largest percentage of use. Starting around 4:00pm, we expect to see more traffic trickling into our range, but not achieving peak traffic until about 6:30-7:00pm. Our highest traffic times during the workweek should be between 6:00 and 8:00pm. Like the last organization to use the space we are looking at, the off -hours timing of peak usage will not pose a problem for parking. Weekends will be the highest expected times of use. We could see 2/3 of our total weekly traffic on weekends alone, resulting in an average of 21 customers/hour. If our allotted parking spaces cannot accommodate them, CSM has assured us that overflow parking will be available for customers during off - hours. Our training classes and events, in order to draw the largest crowds, will be held at off - hours. Most classes will begin at 6:00pm, so people can stop by after work, when they're already commuting. In order for us to make our events and classes as profitable as possible, we will want to hold them after the workday. Andrew Carter General Manager, Stock&Barrel ALTAIACSM Land CSM CORPORATION Title Survey LOT 1, BLOCK 1 CHANHASSEN EAST STATE HIGHWAY NO. 6 7-'-V PLAT BUSINESS CENTER SECOND ADDITION . . . . . . �271 A 11 .--- 11 - I - A 10 --,w A= 1 q71 1 OT I 4 ..'r A g -7 41 1-st�y bl;.k Wldmg 1:7 7 p. M, APPA.—P-1— Z. jj AP 12. -- --- -- k ED —LOT ROCM� 'T P.. A, �AMMAW CSM CORPORATIO A.. 2MI ��A N [�AL�TAACSM LAkND T"L. , W.W. TME SU" 8� PAW PPL 86�w*4 SITE PLAN HIGHWAY NO. 5 1,4 q IL 40 vi J� OD !�f DW4,(x_ MESA VArtAblOf ( 1, Q�L.5 sp f�urdsF,D L-emso Pcfek - tsabdiF AS -BUILT BUILDING PLAN BD -1 mm 7/24/14 Map CHANHASSEN EAST BUSINESS CENTER - PHASE 11 csm BD -1 STA"O �4 `�q sloe i 0�&o 7 (bo.s � (,"to 7.% -f 1>04 20".0 e,' SCANNED 61 5ZA0 (Jr E Oak, Pl�—T) Total SF 15,048 Gun Range Sf 5,265 qtw Classrooms SIF 1,094 �m'o Retall 2,787 Other General Use Areas 5,092 Lounge Areas Restrooms Break Areas Gun Cleaning vault Safe A(MIleaS Simulator office CITYOFCRANKASSEN RECEIVED SEP 04 Z015 C4Qft90FL&fI%INGDFPT STA"O �4 `�q sloe i 0�&o 7 (bo.s � (,"to 7.% -f 1>04 20".0 e,' SCANNED 61 01 0 ----- Original Message ----- From: Murphy, Steven A [mailto:steven.a.murphy@lmco.comI Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 5:38 PM To: Generous, Bob Subject: 2015-22 Indoor Gun Range sound proofing? Mr. Generous, 2015-22 Indoor Gun Range. What is the plan for sound proofing of the range so that firing can't be heard outside the building? The planning documents don't mention sound proofing. The application letter mentions "advanced soundproofing" but what does that really mean? We live in a residential neighborhood not far from the proposed range. By my calculations, we are approximately 1400ft from the proposed range. We don't want to be listening to constant gun fire all the time. Just saying it will meet MPCA outside noise rules is not necessarily sufficient. There is often a big difference between the rules and what I would consider annoying noise. We like peace and quiet. What is the proposed maximum caliber to be used and type of ammunition? Which way is North on the floor plan that was submitted? The shape of the floor plan (rectangular) doesn't match the shape of the building (L shaped). Based on the bump -outs on the bottom left and right ends of the drawing, it appears that North is either down in the drawing or to the right. Generally, North is up in drawings. There's also no scale on the drawing. Given the lack of a North arrow in the drawing, does the person who made the drawing know what they are doing? The plan only shows armor on one wall. What about the side walls for people who can't hit what they are aiming at? City code requires the range to be more than 1000ft from a liquor store (building to building). Has anyone made a precise measurement of the distance to Haskell's liquor across 5 from the proposed range? I measure 1055 ft but my margin of error could easily put it below 1000ft (or farther away). What are the proposed hours of the range? How many firing lanes will the range consist of? My main concern here is noise and safety. As long as it is quiet and safe I have no objection. Thanks. 0 Generous, Bob 0 From: Generous, Bob Sent: Monday, September 28, 201S 2:33 PM To: 'Murphy, Steven A' Subject: RE: 2015-22 Indoor Gun Range sound proofing? Mr. Murphy, The applicant is required to soundproof the facility so that adjacent units may not hear the activity. These standards will reduce the noise so that it is not noticeable outside as well. I am told that it has less noise than a day care center. We don't have the specific building plans yet since they are usually prepared when the applicant is sure they can proceed, but they must follow national standards and must comply with state and federal requirements. Over the years, they have development sophisticated systems (noise, ammunition traps and air handling) for these ranges. They have not specified the maximum caliber of ammunition. It will be included as part of their building permit. The bullet traps are designed to catch all rounds aimed down range. The unit is located in the northeast corner of the building. There is an office warehouse unit in the northwest corner of the building with a building width of 190 feet. North would be on the right. The plans do not show the northwest portion of the building. The city has calculated the separation from the Haskell's building to the northwest corner of the building to be 1,072 feet. Range hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. seven days a week. The peak hours of usage will be between 6 and 8 p.m. weekdays and weekend hours. They are proposing 14 shooting lanes. As part of the city's review, we have submitted the application to both the sheriffs office and the city's fire and building officials. They did not express any concerns. I shall include a copy of this email as an attachment to the staff report. If you have additional questions or need more information, please contact me. Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner 7700 Market Boulevard P.O.Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1131 bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life— Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) )as. COUNTY OF CARVER ) 1, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on September 24, 2015, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Indoor Gun Range Conditional Use Permit - Planning Case 2015-22 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. e Subscrihed and sworn to before me thisAv Nay of &*rntv r- 2015. otary VOKIM T.. MEUWISSEN t ta P I M= L" c? 0 ta Notary Public-MkW*9ota M my : 4 1_ Evw_ 0 y C�� EVWN JW 31, 2020 Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for a Conditional Use Permit to permit a 15,000 Proposal: square -foot indoor gun range (Stock and Barrel) on property zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) Applicant: Applicant: Grindstone Construction Services. Applicant: Owner: CSM Investors, Inc. Property 18832 Lake Drive East (Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Location: Business Center 2nd Addition) A Imation map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at the Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.cl.chanhassen.mn.us/2015-22. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Robert Generous Questions & by email at bigienerous(fti.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at Comments: 952-227-1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. NEWI Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/notifyme to sign up! City Reirieria, Procedure: • Subdivisions. Planned Unit Developments. Site Man Reviews. Conditional and Interim Uses. Weiland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Man Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Manning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested Perry is invited to aftend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject applimbon that includes all pedinent information and a recommendation. These reports am available by mqvest. At the Manning Commission meeting, staff Wit give a verbal oversew of the reficrt and a recommendation The item will be operned for the public to speak about the proposal as a pan of the hearing process. The Commission will does the public hearing and discuss the Item and make a mocrimandatlon to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, all or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission 9 recommendation Rezonmi land use and cods amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except razonings and land use amendments from residential to commemelAndustdal. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to Iss processed within 60 days unless the applican(waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity my take sewral months to complete. Any person Waning to follow an item through the process should check With the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting, • A neighborhood spokespersorilrepresentative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal Staff is also available to review the project with any interested mrson(s). • Because the Manning Commission holds the public hearing. the City Council does not. Unutes am taken and any correspondence regarding the application Wit be included In the report to the City Council. 0 you wish to he" something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the nmficadn. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for a Conditional Use Permit to permit a 15,000 Proposal: square -foot indoor gun range (Stock and Barrel) on property zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) Applicant: Grindstone Construction Services. Applicant: Owner: CSM Investors, Inc. Property 18832 Lake Drive East (Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Location: Business Center 2nd Addition) A loeation map Is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhoogs about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead th11111F public hearing through the following steps: What Happens 1 . Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at the Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2015-22. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Robert Generous Questions & by email at bqenerous(a_ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at Comments: 952-227-1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. NEWI Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/notifyme to sign up! Cry Rexi Procedure: • Subdivisions. Panned Unit Diveloprinents, Site Plan Reviews. Conditional and Interim Uses. Wei Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Man Amendments and Code Amendments require a public henifing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of Me application in writing. My interested party Is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject applicafion that Induces all permient information and a recommurridation. These reports are available by request. At the Manning Commission meeting. staff Wit give a verbal overview of the report and a recornmendation. The item Wit be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a pad of the hearing process. The Commission will dose the public heading and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirrin or modify wholly a partly the Planning Commission x recionimendation Razonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezorings and land use amendments from residential to cornmencialAndustnal. • Mineable State Statute 519 99 (squires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant Waves this standard. Some applications due to their mmi may take severill months to complete. Any peni Wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokespersonlrepresentative is encouraged to provide a contact roar Me city. Often developers am encouraged W meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal Staff Is also available to review the project with any Interested personi • Bemuse Me Planning Commission holds the public heading, the City Council does not. IiAnutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be Induced in the report to the City Cwndl. If you Wish to haw sometring to be Included In Me report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. CSM INVESTORS IN( ATTN BRAD KITTLEIE 500 WASHINGTON A MINNEAPOLIS MN x GRINDSTONE CONS SERVICES ATTN JEFF BEREND 300 RAILROAD AVE 1 DELANO MN 55328 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROPOSED MOTION: PC D*: October 6, 2015 CC DATE: October 26,2015 REVIEW DEADLINE: November 3, 2015 CASE#: 2015-22 BY: AF, RG, EK, ML, JM "The Chanhassen Planning Conunission recommends approval of the conditional use permit for an indoor gun range on Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2' Addition, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to permit a 15,000 square -foot indoor gun range (Stock and Barrel). LOCATION: 18832 Lake Drive East (Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2nd Addition) APPLICANT: Grindstone Construction Services Atm. Jeff Berends 300 Railroad Ave, Ste. 300 Delano, MN 55328 (763) 972-2804 ieffbabgrindstonecs.com CSM Investors, Inc. Attn. Brad Kittleson 500 Washington Ave. S., Ste. 3000 Minneapolis, MN 55415 (612) 395-7080 bkiftleson(,'Dcsmcorr).net SCANNED 6 N 0 -T:;L- ! V*11,1, I ccc a-� aged CC dOd CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMIENDATION Application of Grindstone Construction Services and CSM Investors, Inc. for a Conditional Use Permit to operate an indoor gun range. On October 6, 2015, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Grindstone Construction Services and CSM Investors, Inc. for a conditional use permit for the property located at 18832 Lake Drive East. The Planning Cormnission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Industrial Office Park District, IOP. 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Office Industrial uses. 3. The legal description of the property is Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2 "d Addition. 4. Section 20-232: a. The proposed use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. It must meet all the city and state criteria for gun ranges. b. The proposed use will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and the zoning chapter of the City Code and will comply with the requirements for indoor gun ranges. c. The proposed use will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. Building requirements will assure that it meets all health and safety codes for such uses. d. The proposed use will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. The use must meet indoor ventilation, emission into the atmosphere, indoor sound levels, lead containment and outside noise standards. SCANNEC 0 0 e. The proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. The use is proposed within vacant space in an existing building. f. The proposed use will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. The proposed use will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. The use must meet indoor ventilation, emission into the atmosphere, indoor sound levels, lead containment and outside noise standards. h. The proposed use will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. The proposed use will be within vacant space in an office industrial business park. i. The proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. j. The proposed use will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k. The proposed use will not depreciate surrounding property values. 1. The proposed use will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. The proposed use will meet the standards of section 20-298.5 of the zoning ordinance. 5. The planning report #2015-22 dated October 6, 2015, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the conditional use permit for an indoor gun range. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 60' day of October, 2015. CHANHASSE PLANNIN� COMNUSSION BY: Its Acting f,'pil-airman CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 6,2015 Vice Chainrian Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Weick, Mark Undestad, John Tietz, Nancy Madsen, and Lisa Hokkanen MEMBERS ABSENT: Andrew Aller and Maryarn Yusuf STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner PUBLIC HEARING: INDOOR GUN RANGE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, PLANNING CASE 2015-22: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PERMIT A 15,000 SQUARE FOOT INDOOR GUN RANGE (STOCK AND BARREL) ON PROPERTY ZONED INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK ROP) AND LOCATED AT 18832 LAKE DRIVE EAST (LOT 1. BLOCK 1, CHANHASSEN EAST BUSINESS CENTER 2ND ADDITION). APPLICANT: GRINDSTONE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. OWNER: CSM U*4VESTORS, INC. Generous: Tbank you Chairman Weick and commissioners. One item, the Minnetonka Middle School item was published and noticed for tonight but that item was withdrawn so that's why we don't have that on the agenda. Before us is Planning Case 2015-22. We have the numbers wrong. Grindstone Construction Services and CSM Investors Inc are the applicants. Again this is a public hearing tonight before the Planning Commission. This item is scheduled for City Council on October 26th. The property is located at 18832 Lake Drive East. This is on the east side of town. It's part of the only part of the city that's actually within Hennepin County. The development of this area by CSM began in 1996. At that time they platted the most, two most easterly lots and they outlotted this parcel. The first 3 buildings in Chanhassen East Business Park are each 64,000 square foot buildings so they were office industrial warehouse buildings. The request before us, this property is zoned industrial office park. It's guided in our Comprehensive Plan for office industrial uses. In the IOP district indoor gun ranges are listed as conditional uses. Access to this property will be via Lake Drive East which is a collector roadway under the City's hierarchy of street systems. Again the IOP district permits indoor gun ranges as conditional use permits. In 2011 the City amended our city code to allow these indoor gun ranges as a conditional use in the IOP District. At that time 17 criteria were developed for reviewing and approving such uses. We also looked at outdoor gun ranges at that time but it was not approved and that portion of the shooting range information died. Again this, the unit that the developer is looking, or that the applicant is looking at is in the northeast comer of the third building within the Chanhassen East Business Park. On the east side of this building there's approximately 34,000 square feet of vacant space. Their intention is to occupy approximately SCAt4NED 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 15,000 square feet of the building. While I'm on here, the entire building on this lot has 127 parking spaces scattered throughout the site. There's some additional ones on the west that would be available as overflow parking if necessary. Based on the uses within the development the proposed use would require 48 parking spaces. Immediately to the north and east of this unit there are 50 parking spaces. The existing tenant to the west is about 1,800 square feet of office space and the rest is 27,000 square feet of warehouse space. Their parking requirements are 28 spaces and then we assume the rest of the vacant space would develop or be occupied in the future with a mixture of 3 0 percent office and 70 percent warehouse just to figure out whether there's sufficient capacity in the site for parking. Those numbers are high. Generally we don't get that much office space unless it's all office use and then. So between the 3 units there would be 118 required parking spaces and again the site has 127 so we don't believe that will be an issue. Again here's the breakdown of the existing use of the building. On the west side is an existing office warehouse user. Primarily warehouse. The 15,000 square foot that's being proposed for this use represents about 43 percent of the vacant space within that building so, and then again there's 19,825 square feet of vacant space that would be to the south of this building. Again this unit is in the northeast comer of the site of the building. Its access is on that northeast comer too. There are some other fire doors that would be into the unit but that would be the entrance into the space. Again this is an indoor gun range and appurtenant uses. The gun range is, represents 5,265 square feet of this space which is about 35 percent of the use. There's also classrooms in there that are proposed for that. They would represent 7 percent of the area. There's a commercial or retail area right in the entrance and that goes into the other office and lounge area and that represents 18 1/2percent of the use of the unit. Under the IOP district regulations and the criteria up to 20 percent of an industrial space may be used for more like retail or commercial type uses so they fall within the guidelines. And then the rest of it, 34 percent of the area would be a lounge area, lavatories, offices, things like that. The gun range itself is proposed to have 14 lanes for shooting. Again they'd have to comply with all the requirements for noise, HVAC and the ability to stop ammunition that's used with that. One of the criteria we look at is they have to specify the maximum size round that could be fired in this facility. The proposed use complies, well as far as they can up to this point complies with all those criteria. A lot of it will come out as we review the building permit. We will look at the specific construction standards and the air handling equipment and things like that. Staff is recommending approval of the conditional use permit for the indoor gun range subject to conditions in the staff report and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. And with that I'd be happy to answer any questions. Weick: Open for questions. Madsen: I have a question about the noise. So if they build it and there's noise that a tenant could hear, is there any remedy for the City to go back and correct that? Generous: Yes there would be because it's a requirement under the ordinance and so they would be in violation of this conditional use permit and we can make them correct that. K I 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 Madsen: Thank you. Tietz: Bob, so that means that any adjacent walls where there's unoccupied space now but potentially rented in the future, that parcel to the south. Generous: Yes. Tietz: The sound attenuation would be part of the building permit review for that, for any walls that abut and adjacent. Generous: For all interior units and also exterior units because we don't want the noise to go out into the general public either so. And they probably could explain it better. There are systems in place that they've been using for these. As I stated in the report they've told me it's not, it's loud as a daycare. Not as loud as a daycare. Weick: Any other questions at this time? Great. If the applicant would like to make a presentation, you're welcome to do so at this time. Just state your name and who you're representing. Jeff Berends: Jeff Berends with Grindstone Construction and then this is Chris Schutrop with Block and Technical. The actual tenant. Weick: Okay. JeffBerends: And then Fritz Budig from Grindstone Construction as well. Fritz will beableto help understand, give you an understanding of the technical parameters as far as sound attenuation. How we're going to contain the bullets within the gun range itself and then Chris will be able to help identify any questions pertaining to operations and things like that so Fritz you want to talk at all about sound or anything? Fritz Budig: Absolutely. Tietz: Is the mic on? I don't think so. Weick: Yep. Fritz Budig: Is it on? Weick: Yep. FritzBudig: Hello. AsJcffsaidmy name is Fritz. I'm with Grindstone Construction. We're working with the team on doing the construction of this indoor shooting range facility. I want to address one of the concerns is the bullet trap. The containment system on a safety factor. The 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 entire bullet trap face, none of that actually projects into the shooting range. For example where the bullet trap containment system meets the floor and where it meets the walls, it's recessed into the floor and walls so there aren't any protruding areas to cause any ricochet so for the shooters perspective it's all down range. It all goes into the containment system. The bullet trap material, the backstop if you will is a 3/8 thick armor platted AR500 steel and right directly where die primary target area is, it's actually a half inch thick steel for a little extra you know support. Basically it's the front edge of it is a knife edge. We brought a couple pictures. I don't know if you can see them or not but. Generous: If you put it right on top of that. Fritz Budig: Right on top of here? Generous: No on top of this. Fritz Budig: Okay. There we go. So what you're seeing there, I know it's hard to maybe decipher. I'll start with this picture here. So this is, this is the back side of the range so when you come in behind die, in the range area the bucket underneath there is what collects the lead if you will. The bullet. The cylinder or the area that looks like its angled back is actually this picture here. That's the front knife edge you see as the shooter so as you're shooting down range you're actually, your target is centered on the two areas right in the back, if that picture makes a little bit of sense there. And then the black space you see to the left and right of that knife edge that is actually the front edge of this cylinder right here where it's collecting all of the bullets so to speak. All rounds that are fired either at the floor, the side walls, the ceiling plates, die backstop which I'll kind of get into that and show you guys that, all rounds get directed back towards that backstop. If someone misfires, shoots and hits the floor, it goes into the backstop. It's amazing. The system out of, from Shooting Range Industries is a proven system. If a bullet, if a shooter shoots and hits the ceiling panels, the same deal. There's armor platted baffles every so often that there is virtually impossible for a round to escape from this, if you will the chamber from the shooting area. 'Me bucket you're seeing in that picture before is then the bullet goes into that. The bucket gets emptied as needed. It could be an every other day. A weekly basis depending on the amount of use. The back area is vacuumed. Cleaned up and you know I guess that's about it for that bullet trap. There's the ammunition to be used, I know it had been brought up that the ammunition is a certain size. It can go up to a 50 caliber. It's got to be either rim fire center fire. It's got to be, there can be shotgun slugs but it's primarily pistol rifle shotgun slug. There's no shotgun. No muzzle loaders. It's you know bird shot, that kind of stuff I should say. The ceiling plates, which are a series of ceiling plates that go at an angle. At a 30 degree angle away from the shooting stand and those are what I was talking about earlier that are protecting the structure of the building and neighboring tenants and HVAC equipment and all kinds of stuff. There are 9 of those, The first 3 are right from the firing lane at a flat right in front of you and those 9 plates are covered with 2 by material. Plywood and then a fireproof ceiling system so in the event that a shooter does shoot straight up in the air, the fireproof panel and the plywood absorb the bullet. It dissipates and it just falls apart up in that system. It doesn't ricochet back 4 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 down so as a shooter you're safe all along. The next 6 panels down the range are basically taking that bullet, if someone decides to shoot and it hits one of the panels. It takes that and it just brings it right back to the bullet trap. Everything again directs back to that bullet trap. The bottom edge of the steel baffles are in line so your steel baffles I'm talking about are actually in line with the top of the bullet trap system itself so there's, you know again everything's again self contained. The firing line stalls are I think we have in your book you have a picture that we can show them. The firing line stalls are 42 inches in width for each shooter. There'll be 14 lanes like was mentioned and they're actually separated by diamond plate, more of a decorative steel but within that steel we dump pea gravel inside the steel of all things and the pea gravel really dissipates the shock of that bullet so if a shooter were to mistakenly shoot to the left or right, your fellow neighbor shooter's going to be fine. Perfect. So see this right here, it's not a very good representation but that is actually 2 inches thick. Filled with pea gravel. So that's what separates you from your neighbor while you're shooting. And I guess that's it for the firing lanes. Are there any questions on the ceiling plates, the firing line stalls, the backstop, anything? What's what? Oh yeah I'm sorry. So outside of the steel, the actual construction of this room is an 8 inch masonry wall, core filled solid so. Yeah, all 4 walls so you'll have the wall behind the firing lane. You'll have the wall behind the steel backstop. Then you have the walls to your left and right so the backstop, if the backstop should fail, which 1, because it's unheard of. It's you know, you still have an 8 inch thick masonry wall that's reinforced with rebar and concrete solid grouting. So that's that and then it's, the ceiling system again is all protected by the baffles. Weick: Okay. Fritz Budig: Okay, no questions on that then? Tietz: Just one, or a couple questions related to HVAC and fire protection. Fritz Budig: Sure. Tietz: I assume that there are penetrations in that ceiling then to bring air in and fresh, and circulate air and then the fire suppression system would be above that ceiling and below the ceiling9 Fritz Budig: Yes that's, I'm going to skip a page back here. I brought, I got as far as the HVAC system goes that's 100 percent what's going to happen. The I-fVAC system's got a large make up air. It's got intake and exhaust and it's got air scrubbers in it to get the lead out of the air. The contaminants out of the air. Meeting all the clean indoor acts. The filters are then cleaned based on a meter to tell us when they're dirty. When they need to be cleaned so yeah that takes all that up. The fire protection, I'll open this up and show you this, the baffles which if you haven't seen it rain they're kind of hard to picture. I'll show you if I can get this underneath your deal. If I can get that in there. There we go. Perfect. So what you're seeing here in this top part of the plan, all these V's here, that's your, that's the actual range system itself that you're shooting into. The end down here is your firing line. Going down this section here is a 5 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 cut through section through the range so if you see this here, those at an angle. There's 6 of them. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. Those are all at that 30 degree angle pointing the bullets down to the gun trap. The bullet trap. Okay. Your fire protection system, the lighting, all that good stuff is inbetween the baffles so you have complete coverage in the event of a fire. The sprinkler heads will go off at needed. Tietz: Okay, thanks. That helps explain it. I didn't know if it was a continuous ceiling or it's a baffled ceiling with a 30 degree. Fritz Budig: Yep. Tietz: Thanks. FritzBudig: You'rewelcome. Anymore questions on that? Undestad: While you have that plan on there, are all the dashed lines in the bigger plan, are those all masonry walls? Fritz Budig: Sorry, in here? Undestad: Yeah the cross hatched lines. You've got a couple of them running through the middle of the building and the perimeter. Fritz Budig: Right here. Undestad: No, no. Fritz Budig: Right here. Undestad: Right there, yeah. Fritz Budig: Yes. Yes that's, this is, what we're going to do is we're proposing, it's 14 lanes. HVAC system works on a 7 lane increment so we'll have these 7 lanes as one. So this will be a masonry wall, correct. And then this will be another. This masonry wall may or may not go in but it will for sure go in for the 7. This masonry wall may stop short of that but yes. Undestad: And then the entrance to the lanes it looks like you've got to go through a double masonry wall to get into the actual shooting area. Fritz Budig: Correct. That's our airlock. We have a constant negative pressure inside the gun range so that will be your airlock which is exactly what it is and then you go on into the next room. 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 Undestad: Okay. Fritz Budig: And that's all, that's all masonry as well. I do want to bring up, I know noise is a concern and we're well aware of it and we do our due diligence and we have a plan in place to remedy that. We've actually, I know it was brought up here in the meeting that the decibel readings, we've built a few of these things in the past. We've actually taken decibel readings right outside the back door of a gun range. Same exact manufacturer. The door was behind, right in this area. The decibel readings were in the upper 50's, low 60's which is comfortable. Very tolerable. There is a daycare facility next door to this place so we took the readings, the Chief of Police and I took the readings. The one we built, yes. It was and the kids were out playing, having a great time and the noise was actually louder than what we were getting from the gun range so I know the Chief kind of got a kick out of that one so. T11e, in an effort and to keep the noise down is what we do is on the first, on the first 10 feet of the range here we put a sound attenuated material. It's about 2 inches thick and that's where primarily where your noise comes from, the muzzle blast. Then we also put it on, back here just so it deadens that sound as well. Once that bullet leaves the muzzle and is traveling down here it's fairly quiet again until it hits that backstop and then we have some soundproofing procedures that we do on this back wall as needed. So, and then throughout the space, throughout the retail area, throughout the classrooms and kind of, it's kind of a situation where we get the range in. We get it operational like you're seeing a conditional use permit. If we find we need more, more sound product in there we kind of just you know we add it as we need it basically. It's hard to, it's hard to know until you actually start using it exactly how much you need. Undestad: So one more. So is Grindstone Construction, is that all you guys do is, you do all the construction for these gun ranges? Fritz Budig: It's not all we do but it's one of the things that we do. Undestad: You've done a number of them. Fritz Budig: I did. We have. We've done, this will be our fourth one so we've done Ramsey. Total Defense in Ramsey. It's on our website. I did Maple Grove Law Enforcement range some years ago and we did another range up in the northern metro. Another private range. So we've done a few of these too. We've worked with Shooting Range Industries. Tliey're a great company out of Las Vegas. They stand behind their equipment. They've been in business for over 20 years. They have ranges that they sold 20 years ago. I wasn't doing it then but they're still on the market being used today so it's a good product. Undestad: Do they do all the engineering and stuff for the lanes and the? Fritz Budig: They do. They've done all the engineering and one of the things nice about Shooting Range Industries is, as this is being constructed they send a range supervisor out so they're supervising the assembly of it. Once we get it assembled they supervise the testing of it. 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 It's, they're not just selling this product and throwing it out there. It's a tried and true tested product at the end of the day. Weick: Other presentations? Fritz Budig: No sir, that's all I have. Chris do you have anything you want to talk about? Jeff Berends: Do you have any questions about security within the building or anything like that? Tietz: Yeah I'd have a question about safety and security and how ammunition is handled and how it's maintained. You know if a user of the facility comes in with their own ammunition and how it's controlled inside the space and when they leave and the type of supervision over anyone who is in the facility. Could you explain how that is handled? Chris Schutrop: I can do that. Fritz Budig: You want to do that? Chris Schutrop: Yeah I can absolutely do that. So fantastic question. Basically a couple different ways on how that, how that process works. So an individual walks in and as soon as they walk in, you know we obviously have policies and we have a receptionist also and for someone who's going for the first time but we require that inside, or I should say outside the actual shooting range itself everything is going to be eased and unloaded so that includes your ammunition. That includes your gun and what have you so they're able to then, you know from thatjuncture, gun is all cased. Fully secure. They go out there and we bring them into the range and once they're inside the range, that's when they can unease it and load up their magazines or their gun and what not and have a good afternoon. As far as any storage of ammunition on site, that's done within compliance of state regulations on that so beyond a certain amount of ammunition is required to be stored in a certain way and we're going to be in compliance with that standard that's inside of that. As far as safety goes, every single one of our employees that we have is Range Safety Officer certified and every single customer that comes in for the first time and on an annual renewing basis is required to go through a range safety brief and that's done by an NRA certified Chief Range Safety Officer and they've had very, you know the ... standards as far as how do you safely go out there and shoot and run a range. NRA's done a fantastic job of putting a curriculum out there and basically we're just going to follow exactly what they have because it works. So on top of them going through that process every single one of our employees, like I mentioned is also Range Safety Officer certified so that in the event of something happening or what not, everyone's able to go out there and keep a mind on safety. You know we sort of have, you know a main goal and really what our purpose is to do is to go out there is perpetuate safety, education and training to people so that's what we're about and that's my background primarily is going out there in the education side of things and I have you 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 know ran thousands of range sessions and that's sort of the process that we find works best and we never had an incident as a result of that so, does that answer your question? Tietz: Well it does partially. If you had all 14 lanes in use and you say that your active hours are between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. likely and you have folks waiting, what's your ratio of instructors or supervisors to the number of people at the shooting range or at the 14 slots? Is it a ratio of you know 4 to I or what's, what kind of supervision do you provide in the facility? Chris Schutrop: Sure absolutely. So in a scenario where all the, all the bays are packed or the lanes are packed I should say we'll go out there and we'll have a supervisor dedicated to that range. Now keep in mind that with the width of this and the way that it's set up it allows us to be very, very on top of things. I've been to ranges in different states that don't have a safety officer at all in the entire facility and sort of self governed. We'll actually go out there and have a staff member actively supervising watching these individuals and once again everyone who's walking into this range has gone through a basically a 10 minute safety brief on the exact procedures and processes that keep everyone safe as a result. Tietz: Okay. Chris Schutrop: Any other questions on that piece? Weick: I do. Is it only bring your own gun or do you also offer guns on site for people to use? Chris Schutrop: Sure, yeah absolutely that's a great question. So it's both obviously. You can come on there with your own guns that you want to use and everything and we also offer a service where people can go out there and rent that and if they're renting we require a you know state issued ID, so your drivers license. And then we also require a permit to carry or a permit to purchase which are either, in the case of a permit to purchase it's a city issued document basically saying that you went through a background check so we can, the people going up are getting access and obviously a permit to carry is a state issued and they go through the exact same background check processes so it helps sort of vet everyone before we go out there and handle a gun obviously. Yep, did that answer your question? Weick: Yes. Chris Schutrop: Fantastic. Undestad: On that same topic there, what I mean from the city standpoint what's, I didn't see anything in here that kind of says yes, this is what we do and this is our policy on there because I think the rental side of thing is where most of the range is getting a little dicey in there anyways so. Chris Schutrop: Sure. 0 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 Undestad: I like what you're doing with the background and that but, you know you're telling us you do this but 6 months into die range you know is there something in place that says everybody that rents a gun will get this background check? Chris Schutrop: Sure. It's not so much that we're issuing a background check. We're looking at the documentation that is issued. Undestad: That they need to have. Chris Schutrop: As a result and if for some reason let's say someone gets their licenser from the state and lo and behold something happens. They commit a crime. They get convicted of it. The State actually goes out there and actively takes that back from them so they do that process. Does that somewhat answer, I didn't fully understand your question but... Undestad: Yeah, no, no again the process I like that that's in place but you know if somebody comes into your establishment and says I don't have one of these. Can I rent a gun? I'm just going to shoot it for a little bit or something. Chris Schutrop: Yeah the answer is no. You know it's a policy that we have in place because we want consistency and you know I'm a business guy and I'll go on a slight tangent but you know processes run businesses so we don't want to go out there and deviate from that ultimately so the answer is that it's a policy that we have that's non-negotiable. So someone can't necessarily come off the street and say yeah I just want to go out there and use and we say hey that's fantastic. You know what this is the phone number and the address of the Carver County Sheriff. You can go down there and apply for your permit to purchase or we teach permit to carry classes and then you can apply with the State to get that. So for us it's not so much a well you know let's do a back alley deal kind of here. It's a hard policy that we require and is inside of our standard operating procedures. Undestad: Okay. And how many of these do you have? Ranges. Chris Schutrop: I don't have any ranges. My background is, is that for the past 5 years I've gone out there and started a firemen's training company and that operates in about 27 states. We teach about 30,000 people a year through that company and I own that organization. Then in apparel I also own a company that manufacturers ... ammunition and law enforcement ammunition so the next segue obviously was open a range so that's my background a little bit. Undestad: But you'll be the operating entity of this range? Chris Schutrop: Sure I'm the CEO of the organization. We'll obviously have. Undestad: So the stock and barrel. 1101 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 Chris Schutrop: Yep, Stock and Barrel, I'm the CEO of that company. I'm a shareholder of that and then obviously day to day operations we have a number of employees that will be running that, a number of which are former law enforcement and military which we find are the best people to hire so it sort of helps reinforce the mantra that they've been brought up with as far as safety and perpetuate that inside of a culture as a company. Undestad: Okay, good. Thank you. Chris Schutrop: Absolutely. Any other questions I can answer for the council? Madsen: I have a question. Chris Schutrop: Yes ma'am. Madsen: So do you carry liability insurance in the event of, if there's any issues that could occur? Chris Schutrop: Yep we carry a couple different policies. So first of which is a range liability policy. So that covers specifically shooting and then secondarily we have our general liability policy which you know someone rolls and ankle outside you know and you know whatever happens we have that so we sort of have two fold a policy sort of protecting us from that piece there. Madsen: Okay, thank you. Chris Schutrop: Absolutely, you're welcome. Any other questions? Weick: Anything else? Any other piece of information you want to share? Jeff Berends: If there's no more questions I guess that's it. Weick: Good, okay. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. At this time we will open the public hearing portion tonight so anyone wishing to come forward, please come forward to the podium. State your name and address and your comment on the issue. Seeing nobody come forward we will close the public hearing portion of the hearing. Are there any comments or further questions from councilmembcrs. Commission members. Hokkanen: No. I think that they've put a good plan together addressing safety and noise and that's going to be what most people are concerned about and I think they've explained everything and that it will be. I'm very satisfied with that. 11 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 Weick: And noise sounds like it's something that can be monitored ongoing through the conditional use permit so I think that would certainly please any neighbors that might potentially have issues down the road. Hokkanen: I agree. Tietz: The conditions of approval seem to be quite lengthy but in response to and follow up to Mark's question, now does the City have the ability to pull the permit of use if there are any problems and issues? Generous: We always have the ability to void a conditional use permit, yes. If they violate the conditions of approval. It does have to go back to City Council but it can be done. And we, as part of this process we did involve law enforcement as a part of their review and they didn't really have any concerns with it. They thought it was a good use. Something that they need. Tietz: Yeah would Carver County, would our sheriffs department use the facility? Generous: I don't know as a unit they would but I know individuals will. Tietz: Okay. Weick: Any other thoughts? I certainly would entertain a motion. Undestad: I'll make a motion that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the conditional use permit subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Weick: We have a motion. Do we have a second? Hokkanen: Second. Weick: We have a motion and a second. Undestad moved, Hokkanen seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for an indoor gun range on Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2"d Addition, subject to the f6flowing conditions and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation: Permits must be obtained for the construction of, alteration of, or occupancy use changes to any buildings on the site. 12 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 2. The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. 3. The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. Chapter 87A. 4. The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. 5. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. 6. Firearms shall not be stored onthe premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. 7. On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. 8. Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. 9. The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. 10. On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. 11. An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 12. The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. 13. Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. 13 0 0 Chanhassen Planning Commission — October 6, 2015 14. In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. 15. The gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. 16. If additional parking is required, a plan must be submitted showing the proposed parking expansion, including the existing and proposed grading and any necessary storm sewer improvements. This plan would also be subject to review and approval from the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. Ali voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Weick: The item number 2015-22 passes unanimously 5 to 0. The Planning Commission, it will be reviewed on October 26,2015 in front of the City Council. At that time if you wish to follow this item that would be the place to follow it. That is the only item we have to review this evening. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Weick: Would someone like to note? Generous: Mr. Chairman. Weick: Yes. Generous: There is one modification on page 21 of the Planning Commission staff report. Commissioner Aller's said wheat from chaff instead of wheat from shaft so it was a correction in the. Weick: In the Minutes? Generous: Yes in the Minutes. Weick: So noted. Can we have an approval of the Minutes at this point? Commissioner Tietz noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the PI mung Commission meeting dated September 15, 2015 with a change on page 21, changing "Wheat from shaft" to "wheat from chaff". COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS. None. 14 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING CASE NO. 2015-22 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a request for a Conditional Use Permit to permit a 15,000 square -foot indoor gun range (Stock and Barrel) on property zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) and located at 18832 Lake Drive East (Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2nd Addition). Applicant: Grindstone Construction Services. Owner: CSM Investors, Inc. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review on the City's web site at www.ci.chanhassen.nm.us/2015-22 or at City Hall during regular business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Robert Generous, AICP, Senior Planner Email: bizenerous(a)ci.chanhassen.mn.us Phone: 952-227-1131 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on September 24, 2015) SCANW-0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1130 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 * CITY OF CHMASSEN AGENCY REVIEW REQUEST LAND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Please review and respond no later than the review response deadline Agency Review Request Date: September 9, 2015 Agency Review Response Deadline: September 24, 2015 Date Application Filed: September 4, 2015 Contact: Contact Phone: Contact Email: Robert Generous, AICP 952-227-1131 bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Senior Planner Building Official Planning Commission Date: City Council Date: 60 -Day Review Period Deadline: October 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. October 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. November 3, 2015 Request for a Conditional Use Permit to permit a 15,000 square -foot indoor firing range on property zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) and located at 18832 Lale Drive East (Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen East Business Center 2nd Addition) TW_ ai__ Planning Case: 2015-22 -22 eb V e. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2015 In order for staff to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. City Departments: Federal Agencies: Ad*acent Cities: Attorney [I Army Corps of Engineers F� Chaska Building Official El US Fish & Wildlife El Eden Prairie Engineer El Jackson Township Fire Marshal Watershed Districts: El Minnetonka El El Forester Park Director El Carver County WMO El Shorewood Victoria El Water Resources F Lower MN River Z Law Enforcement F1 Minnehaha Creek Ad*acent Counties: El Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Carver County kqencies- Utilities: El F Hennepin Scott El Community Development El Cable TV Mediacom El Engineer El — Electric Minnesota Valley School Districts: E) Environmental Services — El Historical Society F1 Electric — Xcel Energy El Eastern Carver County 112 Parks F1 Magellan Pipeline 0 Minnetonka 276 Soil & Water Conservation District [I Natural Gas — CenterPoint Energy El Phone — CenturyLink Other Agencies: State Agencies: El Hennepin County Regional Railroad Board of Water & Soil Resources Authority Health MN Landscape Arboretum El Historical Society Southwest Transit El Natural Resources -Forestry TC&W Railroad El Natural Resources -Hydrology Pollution Control Transportation SCANNED 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN P 0 BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 09/09/2015 3:29 PM Receipt No. 00294476 CLERK: AshleyM PAYEE: Stock and Barrel Indoor Firing Range Cup- Planning Case 2015-22 ------------------------------------------------------- Conditional Use Permit 425.00 Sign Rent 200.00 Recording Fees 50.00 ----------- Total 675.00 Cash 0.00 Check 675.00 ----------- Change 0.00 SCANNED 0 INDOOR FIRING RANGE CUP - PLANNING CASE 2015-22 $425.00 Conditional Use Permit $200.00 Notification Sign $50.00 Escrow for filing fees (Variance) $675.00 TOTAL $675.00 Less Stock and Barrel Check $0.00 BALANCE REMAINING TO BE PAID 0 _ i, � Nir� � � 0 u7Y OF CHANHASSEN C;520 15 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard SEP 0 4 ?J& VJTV JJU VUAJJUAQVM Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 CHANHASSEN PLANNIN APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Date: L)q-(A- PC Date: 10 - t? - 1 -5 CC Date: 16 - ;D�- I C; 60 -Day Review Date: 11-3-15 (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) El Comprehensive Plan Amendment.. ....................... $600 [I Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... $100 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) El Single -Family Residence ................................ $325 21 All Others ..... . ............... ........................ ........ <:]� El Interim Use Permit (IUP) E:1 In conjunction with Single -Family Residence.. $325 El All Others ........................................ ...... ......... $425 El Rezoning (REZ) El Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750 0 Minor Amendment to existing PUD ........... ..... $100 0 All Others .......................... ......... .................... $500 El Sign Plan Review ................................................... $150 El Site Plan Review (SPR) El Administrative .................................................. $100 El Commercial/industrial Districts*. ..... ............... $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: thousand square feet) 'Include number of existin employees: *Include number of new employees: 77771500 E] Residential Districts ..................................... Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) E-] Subdivision (SUB) F Create 3 lots or less ........................................ $300 E] Create over 3 lots ....................... $600 + $15 per lot (— lots) Metes & Bounds (2 lots) ...... ........................ ­ $300 E] Consolidate Lots .............................................. $150 E] Lot Line Adjustment. ........................................ $150 E] Final Plat .......................................................... $700 (includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* *Additional escrow may be required for other applications through the development contract. 0 Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC) ........ $300 (Additional recording fees may apply) Variance (VAR) ............................ ....... .. ............ $200 [J Welland Alteration Permit (WAP) Single -Family Residence ............................... $150 AllOthers ....................................................... $275 El Zoning Appeal ...... ............................................... $100 El Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) ................. $500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, Fh—oappropriate fee shall be charged for each application. ED Notification Sign (City to install and remove) ..................................... .............. ..................... . ..... ...... . . .... ..... ........... 40> Z Property owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre -application meeting) ........... . .... .................. - $3 per address (�a addresses) )( 4 j � *(, ID, Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) .......................... .................................. . .. ... (ikper document 21 Conditional Use Permit El Interim Use Permit [:] Site Plan Agreement D Vacation E] Variance El Wetand Alteration Permit El Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) 0 Easements(_ easements) TOTAL FEE: $675.00 Description of Proposal: Indoor Gun Range Property Address or Location: Chanhassen East 1118832 Lake Drive East Parcel#:. 1811622220004 . Legal Description:— Total Acreage: 4.33 Wetlands Present? Present Zoninq: Industrial Office Park District (IOP) Present Land Use Designation: Officelindustrial Existing Use of Property. Office Warehouse Z Check box is separate narrative is attached. Chanhassen East Business Center 2nd Addition Lot 1 Block 1 El Yes 0 No Requested Zoning: Industrial Office Park District (IOP) Requested Land Use Designation: OfficelIndustral SCANNED 0 0 Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, 1, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Grindstone Construction Services Contact: Jeff Berends Address: 300 Railroad Ave. Ste, 300 Phone: (763) 972-2804 City/State/Zip: Delano, MN. 55328 Cell: (612) 839-3063 Email: I . a gr n stonecs.com Fax: Signature: Date: 9/4/15 -as U PROPERTY OWNER: In �signing this application I property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I cert1y that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct, Name: CSM Investors, Inc. Contact: Brad Kittleson Address: 500 Washington Avenue South Suite 3000 Phone: (612) 395-7080 City/State/Zip: e�� Minneapolis, MN 55415 Cell: (651) 323-8525 Email: _Zi�kitHeson@csmcorp.net Fax: Signature, Date: 9/3/15 This a ica must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by �ltv applicc� Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: Fax: Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? *Other Contact Information: 0 Property Owner Via: El Email 2 Mailed Paper Copy Name: Chris Schutrop R1 Applicant Via: Email 0 Mailed Paper COPY Address: El Engineer Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: El Other* Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy Email: chris.schutropftmail.Gom INSTRUCTIONS 0 APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing (required). SuBmrr F:OR�M] SCANNED 0 City of Chanhassen Planning Department 7700 Market Blvd. Chanhassen, MN. 55337 Subject: Indoor Gun Range To Whom It May Concern; 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 0 4 2015 CHANHASM"NINGDEPT September 4, 2015 We propose to construct a welcoming, high-end, highly safe Indoor Firing Range with storefront and classrooms in Industrial Zoned Chanhassen. Our facility will use state of the art construction techniques to safely accommodate the indoor discharge of firearms, including advanced air filtration that will meet or exceed EPA standards, advanced soundproofing, the best and safest backstop and armor technology available, and a full reclamation system that ensures no lead is left on the range. Therefore: we request to apply for a Use Permit, pursuant to the City Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20-298.5 to construct an Indoor Firing Range. We know that the people of the southwest metro already have keen interest in firearms. Gander Mountain has built the largest gun store in Minnesota here, and there are many other gun stores and firearms -related businesses. We want to provide a safe, comfortable location for the diverse and vibrant community of shooters, already in the area, to come and further their education and skill. The primary and ultimate purpose of a firing range is training and practice, the result of which are safe and discerning gun owners. We're not bringing guns or shooters to Chanhassen, but we do seek to create responsible, safe firearms enthusiasts out of our clientele. We wish to do more than merely arm citizens, as the existing stores do; we wish to convey the deep and abiding love of law, civic responsibility, and ongoing practice to our guests, and to become the ambassadors to the fun and exciting world of shooting sports. Respectfully, Chris Schutrop S r-, tAN N F 1� 0 qSM PROPERTIES Date:8/31/2015 To: Leif Aronsen Cc: Jason Meyer Andy McIntosh From: Scott Moe CSM Properties VP Leasing & Development Direct #612.395.7081 smoe@csmcorp.net 0 Memo C17YUCHWHASSE0 MCIFIVED SEP 0 4 2015 CHANHASENPLAN"GOEP1 Regarding: Stock & Barrel at Chanhassen As is said, "The devil is in the details," however, as we understand the use & space design today we are enthusiastic about having them in our complex. Regarding parking: the property has 142 surface stalls, shared in common amongst the tenants. Given Stock & Barrel's evening and weekend primary use, 40 stalls is doable if they occupy 15,000 sf. I would encourage Stock & Barrel to take the next steps with the City and CSM and let's see if we can get this one over the finish line. Best Regards. SCANNED KI Total SF Gun Range Sf Classrooms SF Retail Other General Use Areas Lounge Areas Restrooms Break Areas Gun Cleaning Vault Safe Simulator Office A" 15,048 5,265 1,094 2,787 5,092 Zl\t� (r C S'tATCSk0,V1 AE wit z S r- L vfj CITY OFCHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 0 4 2015 CHANHASSEN PLANNING L)FPT S13Cjf'r"O"T M1 CF(C-vo 700/0 of 'V010,46. Sr) SCANNED 0 Sec. 20-298.5. - Gun range, indoor. (1) The gun range shall not be located on any lot adjacent to an existing residential district. (2) The gun range when established shall not be located within 1,000 lineal feet, measured from building to building, of an establishment licensed to dispense intoxicating or nonintoxicating liquor. Indoor gun ranges shall not sell or dispense intoxicating liquors, nor shall they be in a building which contains a business that sells or dispenses nonintoxicating or intoxicating liquors. (3) The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. (4) The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. ch. 87A. (5) The building and method of operation shall conform to the applicable Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, and OSHA standards for indoor ventilation, emission into the atmosphere, indoor sound levels, lead containment and outside noise standards. (6) The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. (7) No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. (8) Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. (9) On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. (10) Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. (11) The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. (12) On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. (13) An outside security plan for the general grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. (14) The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. (15) SCANNED Minors shall not be allowed ifte range unless accompanied by an4?dult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. (16) In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. (17) In multi -tenant buildings, the gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. (Ord. No. 527, § 2, 8-22-11) Parcel Man Scale: 1 " ft 100 ft 18-116-22-22-0004 A -T -B: Abstract lu: Print Date: 9/9/2015 Owner Csm Investors Inc Name: Parcel 18780LakeDrE Address: Chanhassen, MIN 55317 Property Industrial -Non Preferred Type: Home- stead: Non -Homestead Parcel 4.33 acres Area: 188,485 sq ft Market $2,400,000 Total: Tax $89,334.82 Total: (Payable: 2015) Sale Price: Sale Date: Safe Code: This map is a compilation of data from various sources and 'is furnished "AS IS" with no representation or warranty expressed or Implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. COPYRIGHT 0 HENNEPIN COUNTY 2015 SCANNED