EDA 1995 06 22FILE COPY
THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1995, 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of May 18, 1995 Minutes.
Anyone wishing to address the HILA may do so at this time.
3. City Center Park Designs, Fred Hoisington, Hoisington-Koegler Group.
Consider Approval of Landscaping Plan for Outlot A; Perkins, Taco Bell
and Boston Market Sites.
5. Consider Approval of Settlement Agreement, Apple Valley Red-E-Mix.
Consider Changing the Paths for the Pedestrian Bridge from Bituminous
to Concrete.
7. Approval of Bills.
8. Update on West 79th Street Project.
MAY 18, 1995
Chairman Boyle called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRF~ENT; Charlie Robbins, Mike Mason, Don Chmiel, Gary Boyle and Jun
I~TAFF PRI~ENT~ Todd Gerhardt, Asst. Executive Director
Gerhardt: This meeting is to consider approval of TIF District No. 4. About 6 to 8 months
ago Brad and his group made a presentation to the lIRA in regards to redeveloping what was
the bowling center, the old Instant Webb building and tho Frontier building. At that time, and
still is, this group has the interest from a movie theater to redevelop what is the old portion of
the Instant Webb building into a 6 bay movie theater. With that como to find out that Russ
would consider...old Filly's portion and moving all of his operation over into that facility.
With this development, because of tho grades and everything back behind that building, there
needs to be some...done to give some handicap accessibility to both facilities from the south
side. The proposal is also to improve the bowling center element to make that a little more
cashflow for the owner is to convert a portion of that facility into retail. So they're proposed
to...square foot of retail in between the movie theater and what is Filly's. Also included is the
redevelopment on the Frontier building. It used to be a dance area in there. In years past it's
used to be the lumber yard and now a...not appropriate use for the downtown area. ...but with
this, that would also get a new facade and boardwalk area and a substantial amount of
parking lot improvements in that area which are gravel base...redeveloped into a larger
parking lot. The assistance that our group is looking for is to TIF District No. 4 to reimburse
developers their cost of putting in the boardwalk system, facade improvements and parking lot
improvements. Those estimated costs today are $1,460,000.00. The facade improvements are
$690,000.00. The boardwalk area is $470,000.00 and the parking lot is approximately
$300,000.00. With that, the increment generated off of this site would then be rebated or
allocated back to the three different owners. The owners of the bowling center, the owners of
the movie theater and then of course the owners of the Frontier building and that money will
be allocated back to those three entities based on a percentage of the improvements that each
of the three takes on for parking lot improvements, facade improvements and boardwalk
improvements...percentages broke down. This would be a pay as you go program and they
would upfront the costs. They would have to look at financing to put the facade in, to build
parking lot improvements and to build a boardwalk. So they would have to find financing for
the $1,460,000.00. And then over time the improvements that they would make to the
exterior of the building and then of course the interior improvements, Pauly's restaurant, the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - May 1 It, 1995
improvements that would go on the retail, improvements that go along with the movie theater
and then the interior improvements that would go along the Frontier building. The dollars or
additional taxes generated from those improvements then would be allocated back to the
redevelopers, the three redevelopers, plus interest of 9% because if we were to sell bonds to
make the improvements, we would...interest. But they're going out and finding financing, so
they would look to recapture their interest costs in getting financing. So over a 17 year
period they would capture tho increment generated off that redevelopment needed to meet that
interest and principle payments on $1,460,000.00. And that is highlighted in the tax
increment cashflow. I handed out new ones. Updated ones. There's a couple of errors on
the other ones. The other thing that has occurred since this was presented to the City Council
and I sent out a copy to all HRA members of that. There was a...when you create a district
like this. The State is quite...in creating these districts so when you do that you lose both aid
and the local government aid that we receive is half homestead agricultural credit. This
cashflow analysis shows that we can pay off the three redevelopers at 10% interest over 17,
by the year 2017 and not lose the local government aid cost. And how you...local
government aid loss is that you would...charge 10% administrative fee that you would take off
of the first increment that would be generated. And that increment, you put it in the bank and
draw 4% on it, you would have enough money there to offset any of the losses that occur on
page 2. I put a...X on there. You have...28.32%. On that column, the year 2002 is when
this would kick in. When you start losing local government aid, and that's $1,940.00. And
then down to 2017 is when the percentages increase each year of loss in local government
aid. But if you look at the administrative of 10%, you notice you're capturing that in year
1997. So if you put that $9,500.00 in the bank and then it slowly goes up to $20,961.00 from
interest earned on that money and the $10,000.00 you receive in those years offsets any losses
that you see starting in 2002 up to 2017. And there's a little bit of...2018, then you start
seeing a loss. The $10,961.00 that you get in the interest earning on the money has been
there, cannot catch up to the percentages of the loss in what was going to be made. As to the
creation of tho district, you would have to decertify the parcels that are already there now. So
that means taking those parcels out of the current tax increment district and then creating a
new district. Thus having whatever value they have today. So the base value would be as it
is today. So in doing so the base tax capacity, which is that first column, means $129,048.00
would go to the School District, to the County, to the City and the other jurisdictions. That's
the base value. So those parcels that are within the district, the base value is established.
That dollar amount would then be distributed back to those entities. The increment that
would bo captured up and above that dollar amount is tho net tax increment amount. Those
would be the dollars that you would take back to the redevelopers. So the total principle
amount of the net tax increment as we go back to the redevelopers is $1,569,146.00. That's
the present value, total under net tax increment...When you add 9% interest over that time,
that is the total up and above that $3,919,615.00. So that's the principle and interest up above
there. Around the year starting at 1997 to the year 2017. The next page that shows tax
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - May 18, 1995
increment projects cashflows. This shows the increments generated from each of the projects
and you've got 7 projects which will create taxes. The first one will be the conference center.
We talked about a restaurant going in the old Animal Fair building. Right now it's the
hotel's, the hotel has a need for meeting room space so they haven't decided if they're going
to use the existing building there or tear it down and turn that into conference room space.
There's a bigger need for the hotel in conference room space than there is for a restaurant.
They can work out arrangements with other... The conference room space would create
approximately $19,000.00 a year in increment. The hotel would create, you've got to add,
there's 2 units in here so you add $9,789.00 twice. It gives you approximately $19,000.00.
And then the hotel would create approximately about $87,000.00 a year in increment per year.
The retail element, you notice there's a one year delay. We just do not think that they can
complete the Frontier building this year so we've delayed that one year but after that is
renovated and then they've added retail to the Frontier building, they would produce
approximately $29,000.00 in increment a year. The bowling alley...would see approximately
$48,000.00 in increment a year and the movie theater portion would create approximately
$35,000.00 a year in increment. And then the next column shows payments to the conference
center and hotel. The conference center and hotel would bo a typical HRA deal of 3 years.
All they need is 3 years worth of increments to offset their costs in getting the facility's
cashflow...their basis. So you see in parenthesis there is deducting those dollar amounts for
the hotel and conference center payments that we make to them. And then the increment
coming from the hotel and conference center would be percentagely broken out and given to
the movie theater people, the Frontier building and the bowling center based on percentages
of their improvements costs of the $1,460,000.00... And then the last page just shows the... In
the plan we've got two changes that occurred since the plan was developed and I kind of
highlighted those changes. In the plan it called for...improvements of $45,000.00 and land
acquisition of $210,000.00. What we've done now is that we've, to make things simpler,
they're going to continue to pay off public improvements that are levied against the hotel and
conference room and that we would give land write down directly to the conference center
and hotel people so instead of...approximately $45,000.00 to $55,000.00 worth of assessments
that are currently levied. So they would just continue to pay those on their taxes. And that
we would then directly give them a 3 year subsidy and plan write down. So the dollar
amounts would change for $59,000.00 is 3 years worth of increment that would go to the
conference center development and then the hotel would receive 3 years of increment which,
totals $230,000.00 for land write down. So those two numbers staff would ask, if you
authorize and approve this plan, that you modify those numbers...With that, I'm open to any
questions that you may have.
Bohn: On the Pauly Drive, would that be improved then?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - May 1 g, 1995
Gerhardt: At this point, Pauly Drive would bo extended to serve the parking lot. There's a
real question there, if Pauly Drive should go all the way across. Right now it would not go
all the way through. It would serve the parking lot area`
Bohn: Would it go behind the Frontier building?
Brad $ohnson: To those buildings.
Bohn: Would it go behind, all the way through behind or just up to?
Brad Johnson: Up to the parking lot.
Bohn: So it wouldn't go behind the Frontier building at all then?
Brad Johnson: Not Pauly's. The parking lot. The new parking lot.
Bohn: So if we ever want to put it through, we'd have to take the parking lot, part of the
parking lot then, right?
Gerhardt: Well, as a part of this, one of the things we can negotiate is taking an easement for
it and whenever we...second phase behind the Dinner Theater that, in working with them in
redeveloping that. Then we could punch the road all the way through.
Bohn: I think it'd be a good idea.
Boyle: A good idea what, Jim? To do it now or do it later?
Bohn: No, get the easement so that we can do it so we don't have to fight to try and get a
road through there later on.
Boyle: Would it make sense to do the road now?
Gerhardt: To do the road now means you'd have to go in and acquire what is the scene shop
and what is the little mill shop back there. The cabinet shop and the Dinner Theater people
and Bloombergs at this point don't know how they want to redevelop that area. They don't
know what the future is of the Dinner Theater. At this point, with the movie theater people...
You have to find a home for Russ. Bowling center. People are interested in trying to
renovate their space to make it a little more economical. So at this point we wanted to do
what was Phase I and get that section of the problem resolved and then you've got a 5 year
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - May 18, 1995
window there that you can modify this plan to incorporate whatever the future needs of the
Dinner Theater might be back there.
Boyle: Charlie, do you have any questions? Issues.
Robbins: Yeah, some. At the last meeting we had looked at, the person who was here
discussing doing some traffic reconfigurafion and so on. With that in mind, what changes
again would be necessary on Market? That's one question. Okay. Next question is on the
handout, which is also contained in the tm.st agreement, regarding parcels to be acquired
within TIF. It reads, to buy and resale at a reduced cost. Maybe you might want to highlight
on that. Is that a question? And that was it.
Gerhardt: Traffc.
Robbins: Meaning would we have to redo the roads twice. That's the question.
Gerhardt: ...and the applicants here are aware that they will have tO. go through city site plan
approval and as a part of the city site plan approval, they will probably ave to provide some
sort of traffic analysis. You know what are the counts. Maybe on the parking and those types
of things. So with that, I don't know if Strgar can do it or the in-house staff can determine if
a light is warranted or if a turn lane is needed but I'm sure we'll have to do a traffic count in
this area. And the biggest problem probably will be when the movie theater lets out. And
we're going to need feedback from the movie theater people and how they plan on dispersing
traffic off this site and not having all the theaters open at once. You know, they'll all be at
different times I would hope but that's a good point.
Boyle: So we should probably hold off on any changes to Market Square until we find out
what that is.
Gerhardt: Right.
Robbins: And the one question also was, with the numbers and the dollars and the
allocations, are those binding because we've had before, other developers that have come back
to us later and wanted to readjust some dollars to get increased money.
Gerhardt: Well, with every project you come up with your best estimates of how you're
going to do this and your best estimate is good when you start taking bids and I can't sit here
and tell you that $1,460,000.00 is, that they won't come back and ask for more. But that's
your choice at that time, if you want to give them more or not give them more. But until
they receive their bids, you know this is the number that we're working with on this and...
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - May 18, 1995
special project in trying to renovato a facility and put a facade, similar to...like this on that
wall. And Truman...it can be done and that it will expand... You really never know when you
get these estimates in how hungry the market is.
Robbins: And then also, would you also comment on parcels to be acquired within the TIF.
Gerhardt: On parcels, you know these are some projects now that the HRA might typically
do like you've done over by tho Riv. You built the parking lot over there and you put
sidewalks in in the downtown area. You could do that on this project but the problem that
you get into is the facade and cities and HRA's cannot build facades for buildings. So with
this, how you get the money back to the developers to meet the intent of the law...land write
down and when you do the land write down, you have to have a transfer of title. So that's
where, whatever land you should have in the...it would be that purchase price...$1,460,O00.O0,
or what the cost of the improvements will be.
Bohn: If you were walking over to the theater, movie theater, or even the Frontier
development where the old lumber store was, is there going to be a sidewalk over there?
And how would you get from the street in there? Without walking through the parking lot.
Gerhardt: Well that's one of the things that has been put into the numbers is that we would
expect that the current parking lot as it is today, and the developer's...but that the Planning
Commission and City Council are going to require some type of canopy trees in the parking
lot so with the canopy trees in the parking lot...bring in something that involves pedestrian
walkways along the street lines or other landscaped areas... This plan does not show how the
parking lots will be laid out. All we know is we've got a pretty good idea of how many
parking stalls we need but we haven't laid out how that parking lot would be...as a part of the
site plan approval...
Bohn: Will we have a say in site plan approval?
Gerhardt: Yes, we can bring them back to you.
Boyle: Anything else Sim?
Bohn: No.
Boyle: Don, your turn.
Chmiel: No I've had, Todd has answered some of my questions. The one that I had was tax
increment revenues for taxes payable in the current calendar year and he went through that
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - May 18, 1995
and explained that. The only other one that I might have, on those administrative expenses.
On that total. Who gets those dollars? The $50,000.00.
Gerhardt: It was just an estimate that we came up with. It's...time in developing the plan.
It's Sid Inman's time doing cashflow analysis. It may be any Fred Hoisington's time in
putting a parking lot analysis together that we feel comfortable that their numbers are correct.
Chmiel: Okay, so it's just a ballpark figure that you put in?
Gerhardt: Yes. It's typically 10% of whatever...
Chmiel: For that land acquisition and facade improvements, that $690,000.00. That probably
is just half of that price. As you have on the first page.
Gerhardt: The whole land write down allowance will be the $1,460,000.00.
Chmiel: Okay. That's it.
Gerhardt: If it's not clear, that's how it should read.
Chmiel: Yeah, that's what I. That's it.
Boyle: Mike.
Mason: Correct me if I'm wrong but we're doing no more or less than we've done for any
other TIF district. Give or take.
Gerhardt: No. You're doing substantially more than what you~,e done before. Our previous
deals are typically 3 years. 3 years or the hotel will receive a typical 3 year policy. The
conference center will receive typical 3 year policy. But the movie theater and the bowling
center and the Frontier are substantially going to receive more because you*re dealing with
physical redevelopment costs. Typically what you would do is go in there. Buy the property.
Tear the building down and then sell the land back to a developer. In this case we are trying
to retrofit the existing facilities and changing them from what I will call is an industrial
looking building and warehouse space into retail type of facility. Now if you were to look at
what I'll say is a Brook*s, the apartment building and the first and second phase of the
Medical Arts, those are not typical 3 year deals. You spent a lot of money going in there,
buying the old Hanus facility. Relocating people and correcting soils and putting in parking
lot improvements. If you were to amortize all of those costs and trying to do those in 3
year...you wouldn't have what you have there today.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority - May 18, 1995
Mason: No. No, my questions have been answered. I'm ready to make a motion.
Boyle: I think most of mine have too. There's no risk of setting precedent on this thing.
Mason: Every time we do something we might set precedent but.
Boyle: I mean that risk is there. We have to.
Mason: Just because you say yes to something now...
(Taping of the meeting ended at this point in the discussion.)
Mason moved, Robbins seconded that the HRA approve a resolution creating Tax Increment
Financing District No. 4 and adopting the Tax Increment Financing Plan as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carded.
Robbins moved, Mason seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
cmaied. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
Asst. Executive Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director
DATE: June 16, 1995
Presentation by Fred Hoisington Regarding City Center Park Designs
For the past six months, staff has been workin
hall. The plans include the removal of
Approximately two years ago the I-IRA
Aschman regarding the redevelopment of
Fred Hoisington to take those concepts
expansion. Mr. Hoisington will be pre
and to receive the HRA's feedback
expansion project.
the city council on an expansion to city
and redevelopment of the old bank
concepts prepared by Barton-
into a park. Staff has now asked
into the proposed city hall
meeting to present altea'nafives
be included in the city hall
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director
DATE: June 16, 1995
Consider Approval of the Landscape Plan for Ouflot A; Perkins, Taco Bell and
Boston Market Sites
Attached please fred a memo from Jill
recommendations for a landscape plan for
objectives of keeping overall project costs
of the advantages of having a Forestry
design skills and understands which plant
The plan calls for installation of 77
.stry Intern outlining her
This plan takes into account the HRA's
maintenance to a minimum. One
staff is that she also has landscape
the least amount of maintenance.
evergreens and 145 shrubs.
As to the costs of implementing this
do this work. Staff will present
for the work is approximately
landscapers for proposals to
evening. StatTs estimate
Staff will solicit
with the plan and
award the bid.
the proposed landscape plan,
if the HRA is in agreement
implement the project and
Memo from Jill Sinclair, Forestry~ d~]li~~~-
Landscape Plan/Material List
Est. Quantity Species Unit Price Bid Amount
15 Crusader Hawthorn $ $
13 Japanese Tree Lilac $ $
6 Princess Kay Plum $ $
8 Amnr Maple $ $
6 Profusion Crab $ $
7 Donald Wyman Crab $ $
3 Indian Magic Crab $ $
15 Austrian Pine $ $
4 Black Hills Spruce $ $
20 Compact American $ $
30 Dwarf Bush-honeysuckle $ $
40 Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac $ $
15 lsanti Dogwood $ $
40 Henry Hudson Rosa Rugosa $ $
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director
June 16, 1995
Consider Approval of Settlement Agreement with Apple Valley Red-E-Mix
Attached please f'md a letter from Gary Fuchs
Apple Valley Red-E-Mix (AVR) settlement
which was the amount of the city's appraisal.
AVR has submitted claims for other
Staff agrees with Mr. Fuchs that the
would recommend that the HRA
then be forwarded to AVR.
City Attorney's office, regarding the
paid AVR $420,000 in 1992-93,
this was not the final settlement and
in Mr. Fuchs' letter.
of $530,000 is reasonable and
The balance of $110,000 would
Attorneys at Law
Thomas ]. Campbell
Roger N. Knutson
Thomas M. Scott
Gars' G. Fuchs
James R. Walston
Elliott B. Knetsch
(612) 452-5000
Fax (612) 452-5550
June 7, 1995
Andrea Mcl2k~well Poehler
Matthew K. Brokl
Marguerite M. McCarron
George T. Stephenson
Mr. Don Ashworth
Chanhassen City Hall
690 Coulter Drive, Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Ci~ of Chanhassen vs. Apple Valley Red-E-Mix
Dear Mr. Ashworth: ~ //tAr'~ /,,., 9',~ .- 5o3 .
As you will recall, in 1992 the City commenced condemnation of the former Apple Valley
Red-E-Mix parcel that is located on the east end of the City's downtown area. We went through
many hearings and disputes with AVR in the proceeding, including a mini-trial on AVR's claim
that the City was liable to pay AVR for the value of its lost business in addition to the value of
the real estate. We were successful in the Carver County District Court in obtaining a ruling
that AVR loss of going concern value was not compensable in the condemnation proceeding.
We also went through a process of testing the soils on the AVR site, finding some
contamination from underground tanks and verifying removal of the tanks and decontamination
of the soil. The testing was at City expense. The removal and verification of clean up by the
Pollution Control Agency was at AVR's expense.
In October, 1993, AVR agreed to vacate the property in return for the City's payment
of the amount of the City's appraisal for damages. By law, the City is required to pay the
amount of its own appraisal to obtain possession of the property. In November, 1993, the City
paid AVR $420,000, the amount of the City's appraisal for damages. The City's appraisal of
$420,000 was for the real estate and improvements thereon, minus an estimated $40,000 for
removal of the buildings that were deemed to be of no value.
This case has been relatively dormant for several month~ now. AVR has made a claim
that they are entitled to compensation for a significant amount of additional adjacent property
that AVR claims it now owns because it has been using that property for over 20 years as part
of its operation. The Court ordered AVR to have a survey done to determine the exact legal
description of that additional property and AVR has not done so. That is the basic reason for
the extensive nonaction in this file.
Suite 317 · Eagandale Office Center · 1380 Corporate Center Curve · Eagan, MN 55121
Mr. Don Ashworth
June 7, 1995
Page 2
AVR's appraisal for damages is $690,000. That amount does not include the chim of
loss of going concern value which AVR claims to be in the area of $2 million. While the
Carver County District Court has ruled that AVR is not entitled to any compensation for loss
of going concern value, that District Court decision is still subject to appeal once the rest of the
condemnation proceeding is concluded.
Through negotiations with AVR's attorney, I have reached a settlement proposal to
recommend to the City Council. The entire matter can be settled for a total payment to AVR
of $$30,000. Since $420,(X)0 has already been paid, settlement would require payment of an
additional $110,000. That total amount would include all d_~m~ges, all claims for loss of going
concern value, all interest that would be due, all costs and disbursements that could be claimed
by AVR and all other claims AVR may have for damages of any kind.
I recommend that the City Council review and then approve the settlement at $530,000.
Payment of that amount would be equal to approximately $6.80 per square foot, based on AVR's
site alone, or approximately $4.95 per square foot based on AVR's claim to ownership of
additional property. Given the cost of proceeding with the condemnation, the potential risk
involved in the loss of going concern value claim, the interest that would be due to AVR at the
end of that long process, and all the other costs that would be involved, I believe the settlement
at $530,000 is reasonable and is in the best interest of the City. I recommend that the Council
approve that settlement.
I request that you place the matter on the City Council's agenda for its review. If you,
or any Council member, has any questions or requires further explanation, please feel free to
contact me.
Very truly yours,
B · r ~~
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director .~_
DATE: June 16, 1995
Consider Changing the Paths for the Pedestrian Bridge from Bituminous to
This past winter, staff informed the HRA that
contract for the trail work on each side of the
because of MnDOT's requirements in biddin
deal with the bridge. Since this time, staff
process a change order to extend the
with the existing paths in the area.
provide us with the necessary
for this work is approximately $10,3:
between bituminous and concrete
ft.). It has been a policy of the
life expectancy and minimal
to install concrete
would have to enter into a separate
bridge. The reason for this is
and the work performed can only
MnDOT and asked if we could
each side of the bridge to match up
process our request and will
change order. The estimated cost
i0 per sq. fi). The difference
0 (4,140 sq. ft. x $1.33 per sq.
possible because of longer
Staff would reco'~~' ...... "~ tion of
concrete trails on ~:~i~ of the pedestrian bridge b~ed on the itemized~ount
included in the original bid~*
1. Trail area to be installed.
J, iii
Dale, 06/08/95
Znvoice Invoice Invoice Pay Znvoice l~z~viotte
~mmb~r P. eEeren~e D~2e Due Dale Pti ~eeion ~mcam~ ~a~m~nt
m mmmmmmmm m
mmmmmmmm mmmmm m mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmm mmmmmmm memmmmmmm mmmemem
Vendor: BA~AgC BARTC~ ABC~M~N ~.
00117144 05/23/95
06/13/95 9 000292 3102.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 3102.31
~'eZ~:~Z- ~z 3102.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 3102.31
06&g& 04/30/95 06/13/95 9 000291
Vendor Subtotal z 355.57
C]tM]CNU CAMPBELL, 321I]T8(~, SCOTT & FUCk8, P .
05/31/95 06/13/95 9 000289
Vend~r 8ubtolel:
o~ ~,~/,~,,~,,- ~;a.
06/05/95 06/13/95 9 000289
Vend~r Bub~o~al,
~ ~OLN~8 & GRP, V~R
355.5? 0.00 0.00 0.00 355.5?
0.00 0.00 0.00 355.5?
693.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 693.62
693.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 693.62
19.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.50
19.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.50
06/13/95 9 000312 1602.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1602.50
06/13/95 9 000312 ?0.?5 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?8.?5
06/13/95 9 000312 1.~72.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 1272.18
Vemdg~z' 8UbtOtal~ 2953.&3 0.00 0.00 0.00 2953.43
pl,~ o'~/¥,.,,,,.,P/ /~.,,.~ /e,~,.~/,,.~.., /~,-,~-., Co,.-.h ;~,'/~-~
05/01/95 06/13/95 9 000312 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Page: 2
Date: 06/0?/95
City of Chanhaemen
Invoice Re~ister
Open Invoices, Current and Htm~ory Files, Due Date 06/13/95 to 06/13/95
Active Invoices, Ordered by Vendor #
Bession~ 000000 to 000325
Invoice Invoice Pay Invoice Previous Discount A~Juetment ~
Reference Date Due Date Pti Session Amount ~ayment Taken Taken Balance
Vendor Subtotal: 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00
05/25/95 06/13/95 i 000289 20.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.45
Vendor Bub~otal I 20.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.45
05/15/95 06/13/95 i 000314 16796.00 0.00 O. O0 0.00 16796. O0
Vendor Subtotal: 16796. O0 0. O0 O. O0 O. O0 16796. O0
Grand Total:
24000.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 24000.88
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director
DATE: June 16, 1995
Update on West 79th Street Pro'
I was hoping to have a purchase agreement
consideration, but due to continued ne
was not able to complete the agreement. I
July meeting. Attached is a preliminary
feedback on the design at Thursday's
plan for
and Tires Plus for the HRA's
attorneys vacation sche~ales, staff
that we will have:a conclusion by our
entire site and I would welcome
Proposed Site Plan
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