CAS-30_2061 WEST 65TH STREET METES & BOUNDS SUBDIVISION (2)I _ _ .` .. . .•:. • .� __ ,,. r �� . . 1 f : . . �4 -�.m f a , r Vo I �r r U 1 USA K 6 .� � ba�lz���'� ��,� 5 .� a r �� �I �-�1�� rrt"A � A �5 Sau-E 1, p -,Q ) A S-�r lM f 0 F, IbbV� glq_gI►o 5-lut4 11 p-, 5-zrm G :A :r•- N&M-4: age � r i m V da Ji Y CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, duly appointed and acting Deputy Clerk for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Resolution No. 2014-78 "A Resolution Approving Metes and Bounds Subdivision Creating Two Parcels at 2061 West 65' Street" adopted by the Chanhassen City Council on November 24, 2014 with the original copy now on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 24th day of November, 2014. IWC . -=_I1. f 1/3415 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: November 24, 2014 RESOLUTION NO: 2014-78 MOTION BY: Ernst SECONDED BY: McDonald A RESOLUTION APPROVING A METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION CREATING TWO PARCELS AT 2061 WEST 65TH STREET WHEREAS, John J. and Kimberly E. Corey have requested a subdivision of the property into two lots of 15,165 square feet and 15,159 square feet; and WHEREAS, the Chanhassen City Council held a public hearing on November 24, 2014, and found the plan consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the metes and bounds subdivision of 2061 West 65rd Street (Planning Case #2014-30) for John J. and Kimberly E. Corey for property legally described as Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition, Carver County, Minnesota, subject to the following conditions: Building 1. The existing structure on proposed Parcel 2 must be provided with sanitary sewer connection — permit required. 2. Properties must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 3. Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Site on proposed Parcel 1 must be properly discontinued and abandoned — permit required. Engineering 1. The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 2. A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of the existing cul-de-sac within the property and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. 3. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall pay the $45 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision) plus $10/parcel. 4. Prior to recording the subdivision a $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored. The security can be released when the city determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. 5. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for the new lot, a portion of which shall be collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: Water: 1 unit x $1,886/unit = $1,886 Sewer: 1 unit x $664/unit = $664 6. If the final subdivision submittals are received after 2014, all fees shall be recalculated based on the rates in effect at that time. 7. The remaining 70% of the sanitary sewer and water hookup fees must be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. 8. A plumbing permit is required for the private storm sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city storm sewer manhole. 9. On Parcel 1, the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (iii) is a slab -on -grade home. Based on Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations, the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the ground elevation of the soil boring. The developer must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater; the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (i). Environmental Resource Specialist 1. Tree protection fencing will be required around any preserved trees. It shall be installed prior to grading and located at the drip lines of the trees. 2. Parcel 1 is required to have one tree planted in the front yard. Parks Park fees of $5,800.00 shall be paid for each new single-family lot prior to the recording of the property deed. Plannine Deeds shall submitted to the city for review and recorded at Carver County for the two parcels. 2. A building permit shall not be issued unless all soil corrections have been completed as indicated in the attached exhibits titled "Subsurface Soil Investigation" dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014. Water Resource Coordinator 1. Total surface water management fees due prior to recording the property deed are $1,914.55. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 24h day November of 2014. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Clerk/Manager YES NO Furlong None Ernst Laufenburger McDonald Tjornhom Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor ABSENT None Interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc Patrick J Hines, PE 8167 1001° St S Cottage Grove MN 55016 (612)414-5770 25 October 2014 Mr James Rudos 14846 Timber Hill Road Minnetonka MN 55345 Re: Subsurface Soil Investigation Proposed Single Family Residence W of 2061 W 656 St, Chanhassen, Minn CITYOFCHANHASSEN RECEIVED NOV 0 4 2014 CHANHA%EN PLANNING DENT In accordance with your authorization, I have completed the above referenced investigation to determine site suitability for the proposed construction. A summary of my findings together with boring logs and my conclusions and recommendations are presented in the enclosed report. I found, as you already have been briefed, more than usual problems with the site. There is a total of 5'/4'& 6'/4 at the locations of Boring I & Probe IA, respectively, of unsuitable soil in the form of topsoil fill, general and varying fill, and buried original humus. Below at first is a low sand content lean clay, generally dark in color, saturated, very soft to soft (w/ depth). It is "normally consolidated" (consolidated enough to only support its own weight, not additional weight of fill soils or structures above). The overburdening fill has not been inplace long enough to force further consolidation. The moisture content test in this material indicated nearly 42%, high for a lean clay. This material extends only from 5'/4 to 7' in Boring 1, but from 6'/4 to 8'/2' in Probe IA. The first 9" of this material in Probe I is very soft and is a borderline marl material. All of the aforementioned materials are unsuitable for structure support should be removed. I do acknowledge that excavators are often reluctant to excavate further once the buried organic soil is cleared, so understandings should be inplace at the time of gathering bids. Base soil below at first is a lean clay, a little sandy, dark gray, saturated, rather soft to medium. It has inclusions of a poorly graded (biased finer grained) sand with a few fines, also dark gray, saturated, loose to firm. Deepest soil, commencing at I Pin Boring 1, is a lean clay, rather sandy, dark gray, low gravel content, medium. Theses materials are glacial rill. The sand inclusions in the upper portion are glacial outwash. All of these base mineral soils are suitable for residential construction, with conditions. Refusal to auger advancement was not encountered by boring termination depth of 23', indicating lack of bedrock to this level. Very importantly, groundwater was found in the main Boring at 1.8' (elev 961/4±). It is aquifer groundwater, but marginally so. It appears to be contained primarily in the sand inclusions at 7'+. But it also is coming from the upper soft and very soft clay, possibly from SCANNED Mr James Rudos 25 October 2014 Page 2 the lower organic soil. Proper construction on the site (removing the softer lean clay, promoting good site drainage) will mitigate some of this. Thus, water found presently can be regarded as a maximum level. Slab grade of the proposed residence should be set in accordance with City requirements utilizing this level. I recommend complete removal of all unsuitable soil which is likely to be the fill and buried organic soil as encountered plus the overly soft clay found in both the boring and probe. While this amounts only to another 1 I/4 in the vicinity of Boring 1, it is another 2'+ in the vicinity of Probe IA. As indicated, excavators may be reluctant to excavate below organic soil level, but it is necessary (see longer discussion in the report). It is so important that full time inspection of the excavation by a soils engineer may be necessary. Of course, other zones of unsuitable soil not represented by the boring and probe could still be encountered due to the nature of small volume random sampling. Any other depths or zones of unsuitable soil should be removed as well. You could lower footings somewhat so that you have to provide less oversizing and not stray onto the neighbor's property. But footings here should not be lowered so much as to rest directly upon the suitable base soil as it is only marginally suitable. You need a little fill (2' is recommended) to spread footing loads out with depth. Footings maybe generally designed allowing the usual 2000 psf foundation bearing capacity, which will likely result in normal strip or pad footings. Special attention is again drawn to the advisory that excavations be examined by the Soils Engineer to verify soil boring results and to document adequacy of site preparation. Again this is very important as how much soft/very soft clay must be removed will require a high degree of field judgment. Fill, as used, should be tested for compaction adequacy. Soil correction should not be abated below slabs in any manner (ie, do not let the excavator try to "trench around" slab areas). Thank you for the opportunity to have been of service. If you have any questions on this, or if I can be of assistance in any additional capacity, do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, 4JHmVes ECHNICAL ENGINEERING, Inc a 'ck President enclosures PIVSC SOIL. BORING LOG I ;,, '-A"' ` `+ `',- ' , Patrick J Hines,, PE 8167 100th St S 1 Cottage Grove MN 55016 +cvFvaeu gingie camuKesiaence PROJECT: West of 2061 W 6ith St y Chanhassen, Minn _ LOG OF BORING NO: DEPTH SURFACE ELEVATION: 95.1 SAMPLE LAB 3 OTHER TESTS IN GEOLOGY N WS FEET DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION TYPE R W DE L.L. (LEAN CLAY; variably sandy, Organic (OL P L set 1 Black, w/ tr's mineral Soil, Topsoil + N FIA 1 very moist, loose to firm Fill .IYFFTT z 2t �t u 1 u, some14MI: sandy, Pred Dark Gray (CL) w/ a:little Organic• Soil, tr Fill elevj2 CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING IItUD LEVE HA Q Oct 16:29 7 ' None w/ grave moist to very moist loose to firm 3.8' ?4 Oct 13:51 5' 1.8' 14.35 i 3 .LEAN CLAY, rather silty, Organic (OL) Buried 3}' 3 RA 5I1' I t" Black, w/ small roots, tr's undecom- Humus 4 posed vegetation, saturated, rather ` borderline Sapric Peat in soft 5 er ortion 5.756C l lighter, less or anic, w/ de th im M , a tt a y, ery arkto Lacustrine Y 4 HA 41.9 1Dark Gray (CL), ve�_soft to S.Oft (w/ 1cd r,�R Deposit a , depth) Pooh ygra a re ne gr, w med, tr Fs)-;' w/ a few fines, Dark Gray Glacial Y 5 HA 8- (SP) -,-saturated, loose to firm Till, w/ putwash 1 Y 6 FA 25.6 banded w/ LEAN CLAY, a little sandy, inclusion 9 - Dark Gray (CL), saturated, rather soft soft to medium @ 8}'+ 10 more bands of clay, less of sand, w/ depth 11 LEAN CLAY, rather sandy, Dark Gray Glacial N 7 FA 12 (CL), w/ a little gravel Till saturated, saturated, medium 13 I 16 PAI WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS { DATE I nm j S��'PLED DEPTM CASING DE PTN CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING IItUD LEVE WATER LEVEL Q Oct 16:29 7 ' None 3.8' ?4 Oct 13:51 5' 1.8' 14.35 to 23' 6j' 3}' 15:20 5I1' I 2.1' N 1 8 1 FA DRILLING DATA 7}' 8/13 I BreeJ Clear, CrewChief. _ DH _ Method: 3" Hand 6 4" Power Flight* Augers *Mobile B-31 Drill Rig on Dodger Wagon CaMeWed: 23 October Boring Com Dieted: 24 October 2014 J . I*rrBclt J >tf+ffln; WK PROJECT: 3V1L nValav LSUV (continued) LOG OF BORING NO: 8167 100th St S CottPg. r. mip MN R5016, DEPTH SURFACE ELEVATION: 98.1 SAMPLE LAB i OTHER TESTS IN GEOLOGY N WB L L FEET DESCRIPTIONANDCLASSIFICATION ff TYPE R W DE L: L: LEAN CLAY, rather sandy, Dark Gray (CL Glacial N 9 FA 22 w/ tr to a little gravel Till saturated, medium End of Boring - No Refusal 24 Bore hole void backfilled w/ native 25 cuttings mixed w/ Bentonite on 24 October 2014 27 Probe 1A - Elev - 97.8 2 0-61' Topsoil Fill, Fill.(Sl.iess 29 than Boring 1), Buried Humus 61'-7' Lean Clay, possibly Marl, i 30 Gray. saturated, very soft �j �`` 7'-8}' Lean Clay, rather silty, Dark �'""- -31 e I. • T1 pry' saturated, vgry_softttto soft i 8}'-10}' Lean Cla}R. w/ band inclusions, 32 'Dark_GYay, saturated, soft to i medium I 331 Probe put down by power flight auger method on 24 October 2014 S ummedr. -` _ 3 ately backfilled w/ native cuttings mixed w/ Bentonite 3 I t 3 I I 37 3S 4( 41 42 43 441 45� 461 i Probe 1A Elev a 9 Z 0 Boring No 1 Elev — 98.1 W 66th Street BEECH MARS: Top nut fire hydrant on south side of street, approz all , east line eatended:.of • "parent" lot; EleVA& 100.00 (azhitEary) LOCATIONS OF Patrick .J Hines, PE SOIL BORINGS 8167 lOptb`$tS Cottage Grovpy MN 55046 . . SCALE: 1" m 201 DRAWN BY PH DATE: 24 Oct 2014 Proposed Single -612 -414'.6.7,7.0. Family Residence West of 2061 W 66th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota Client: James Rudos Minnetonka, Minn FROM : INTERSTflTE GEOTECHNICRL ENG PHONE NO. : 651 769 2467 Interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc Patrick J Hints, PE 8167 100'^ St 5 Cv%a6c Gro" MN 55016 (612)414.5770 13 November 2014 Mr James Rudos 14846 Timberhill Road Minnetonka MN 55345 Re: Subsurface Soil Investigation Proposed Single Family Residence W of 2061 W 65th St, Chanhassen, Minn Nov. 13 2014 11:05PI P2 This is in response to your contact of recent regarding groundwater on this project. As you know, I investigated the lot last month and issued a report dated 25 October 2014.1 found a total of 7 & 8'/2 of unsuitable soil at the locations of Boring 1 & Probe 1A, respectively, in the form of topsoil fill, general and varying fill, buried original humus and overly soft clay or marl. First suitable base soil is a loose to farm sand or a soft to medium lean clay. I recommended removing these materials andplaeing controlled fill, noting that you will have to seriously control groundwater in the process. Regarding groundwater, I found it very high on this site - at a stabilized level of 1.8'. As I understand it, The City of Chanhassen has asked if this water level will change as a result of site correction. I used as a stabilized water level the 1.8' found a day after the hand auger phase was completed. I had encountered water while drilling and did achieve the base granular soil that first day. When I did the power auger phase, water was creeping up to nearly the same level a few hours later, so I felt that the 1.8' is valid. I believe that, when you correct this lot, controlling groundwater, and cornpacting fill, most likely granular, the groundwaterwill soon rebound to its original level - 1.8' as found in my boring. If you construct ordinary and good site drainage on your finished project, groundwater will not be affected by any artificial recharge the result of your activities. If you have any additional questions on this, or if I can be of assistance in any additional capacity, do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, INTERSTATE G)✓OTECHN71INEERING, Inc �w ,, 1 FFSEBY GFRs I E ? i'•iT !;±S Q O I , D! l OR ENS @*i '(i1 4!�P r ,l (i'rn �•r7G -.�V !n aepY�G Bp P:-_ til 1• 'a f` �i ter:.:;1 r., .:.c wa b�;J:,, iel � D:::COT "R`. 5;-> t'_ 7D 714,E i I 1 , A OU",Y UC-24BFD MOFESSIOhAL Patrick J Hines, PE i izttse a N Utl = THE LAWS OF T tic STATE OF WINNESOTA President bi STATE e o't ZA 0� �r �2 a H/SC ����ssi"�a. ° - (;"k DATE: 13 l�ov '(Y MINWESOTA RE6, h0, P �s r0NR4 ..ts a 0 The contents of this file have been scanned. Do not add anything to it unless it has been scanned. Chanhassen is a Community for Lite -Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow December 2, 2014 CITY OF CgANgASSEN Mr. James Brudos — JMBC 14846 Timber Hills Road 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Minnetonka, MN 55345_ Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Metes and Bounds Subdivision Administration Planning Case #2014-30 Phone: 952.2271100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Dear Mr. E N4eux > Building Inspections This letter is to confirm that on November 24, 2014 the Chanhassen City Council Phone: 952.227.1180 approved a metes and bounds subdivision dividing Lot 3, Block 1, Moline's Addition Fax: 952.227.1190 into Parcels 1 and 2, Block 1. The approval is subject to the following conditions: Engineering Buildine Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 1. The existing structure on proposed Parcel 2 must be provided with sanitary sewer Fim m connection — permit required. Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax:952.2271110 2. Properties must be provided with separate sewer and water services. Park & Recreation 3. Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Site on proposed Parcel 1 must be Phone: 952.227.1120 properly discontinued and abandoned — permit required. Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center Engineering 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 1 • The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Fax: 952.227.1404 Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. Planning & Natural Resources 2. A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.2271110 the existingcul-de-sac within the property p pertY and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. Pub901 P works 7901 Park Place 3. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall a the $45 GIS fee: $25 g P� pay Phone: 952.227.1300 (subdivision) plus $10/parcel. Fax: 952.227.1310 4. Prior to recording the subdivision a $10,000 security must be provided to ensure senior Crater that the street is restored. The security can be released when the city determines Phone: 952.227.1125 that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. Fax: 952.227.1110 5. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for the new lot, a portion of which shall website be collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Water: 1 unit x $1,886/unit = $1,886 Sewer: 1 unit x $664/unit = $664 SCANNED Chanhassen is a Community for Lite -Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Mr. James Brudos — JMBC Metes & Bounds Subdivision — Planning Case 2014-30 December 2, 2014 Page 2 6. If the final subdivision submittals are received after 2014, all fees shall be recalculated based on the rates in effect at that time. 7. The remaining 70% of the sanitary sewer and water hookup fees must be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. 8. A plumbing permit is required for the private storm sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city storm sewer manhole. 9. On Parcel 1, the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (iii) is a slab -on -grade home. Based on Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations, the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the ground elevation of the soil boring. The developer must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater; the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 1840 (4) 2 (i). Environmental Resource Specialist 1. Tree protection fencing will be required around any preserved trees. It shall be installed prior to grading and located at the drip lines of the trees. 2. Parcel 1 is required to have one tree planted in the ftont yard. Parks 1. Park fees of $5,800.00 shall be paid for each new single-family lot prior to the recording of the property deed. Plannine 1. Deeds shall submitted to the city for review and recorded at Carver County for the two parcels. 2. A building permit shall not be issued unless all soil corrections have been completed as indicated in the attached exhibits titled "Subsurface Soil Investigation" dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014. Water Resource Coordinator 1. Total surface water management fees due prior to recording the property deed are $1,914.55. Mr. James Brudos — JMBC Metes & Bounds Subdivision — Planning Case 2014-30 December 2, 2014 Page 3 Fees and escrows must be submitted to the city as well as the required deeds for recording with Carver County. Also, legal descriptions of all easements must be submitted in order for the City Attorney's office to draft easements as detailed in the Engineering conditions of approval. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1134 or saliaMaki.chanhassen mn us Sincerely, Sharmeen Jaff Senior Planner Enclosure c: Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator Jerry Mohn, Building Official 9:tplant2014 planning casest2014-30 2061 west 65th street metes & bomds'appmval lettmdm y r � CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: November 24.2014 RESOLUTION NO: 2014-78 MOTION BY: Ernst SECONDED BY: McDonald A RESOLUTION APPROVING A METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION CREATING TWO PARCELS AT 2061 WEST 65TH STREET WHEREAS, John J. and Kimberly E. Corey have requested a subdivision of the property into two lots of 15,165 square feet and 15,159 square feet; and WHEREAS, the Chanhassen City Council held a public hearing on November 24, 2014, and found the plan consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the metes and bounds subdivision of 2061 West 65`d Street (Planning Case #2014-30) for John J. and Kimberly E. Corey for property legally described as Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition, Carver County, Minnesota, subject to the following conditions: Building The existing structure on proposed Parcel 2 must be provided with sanitary sewer connection — permit required. 2. Properties must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 3. Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Site on proposed Parcel 1 must be properly discontinued and abandoned — permit required. Engineering 1. The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 2. A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of the existing cul-de-sac within the property and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. 3. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall pay the $45 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision) plus $10/parcel. 0 4. Prior to recording the subdivision a $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the sheet is restored. The security can be released when the city determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. 5. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for the new lot, a portion of which shall be collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: Water: 1 unit x $1,886/unit = $1,886 Sewer: 1 unit x $664/unit = $664 6. If the final subdivision submittals are received after 2014, all fees shall be recalculated based on the rates in effect at that time. 7. The remaining 70% of the sanitary sewer and water hookup fees must be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. 8. A plumbing permit is required for the private storm sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city storm sewer manhole. 9. On Parcel 1, the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (iii) is a slab -on -grade home. Based on Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations, the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the ground elevation of the soil boring. The developer must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater, the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (i). Environmental Resource ecialist 1. Tree protection fencing will be required around any preserved trees. It shall be installed prior to grading and located at the drip lines of the trees. 2. Parcel 1 is required to have one tree planted in the front yard. Parks 1. Park fees of $5,800.00 shall be paid for each new single-family lot prior to the recording of the property deed. Planning 1. Deeds shall submitted to the city for review and recorded at Carver County for the two parcels. 2. A building permit shall not be issued unless all soil corrections have been completed as indicated in the attached exhibits titled "Subsurface Soil Investigation" dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014. 2 A r • 0 Water Resource Coordinator 1. Total surface water management fees due prior to recording the property deed are $1,914.55. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 24'h day November of 2014. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Clerk/Manager YES NO Furlong None Ernst Laufenburger McDonald Tjornhom Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor ABSENT None Ifirstate Geotechnical Engineerhonc Patrick J Hines, PE 816710016 St S Cottage Grove MN 55016 (612) 414-5770 25 October 2014 Mr James Rudos 14846 Timber Hill Road Minnetonka MN 55345 Re: Subsurface Soil Investigation Proposed Single Family Residence W of 2061 W 650'St, Chanhassen, Minn CITYOFCHANHASSEt! RECEIVED NOV 0 4 2014 rHANHAMN PLANNING DFP)' In accordance with your authorization, I have completed the above referenced investigation to determine site suitability for the proposed construction. A summary of my findings together with boring logs and my conclusions and recommendations are presented in the enclosed report. I found, as you already have been briefed, more than usual problems with the site. There is a total of 53/4 & 6'/4 at the locations of Boring 1 & Probe 1 A, respectively, of unsuitable soil in the form of topsoil fill, general and varying fill, and buried original humus. Below at first is a low sand content lean clay, generally dark in color, saturated, very soft to soft (w/ depth). It is "normally consolidated" (consolidated enough to only support its own weight, not additional weight of fill soils or structures above). The overburdening fill has not been inplace long enough to force further consolidation. The moisture content test in this material indicated nearly 42%, high for a lean clay. This material extends only from 51/4 to 7' in Boring 1, but from 04 to 83/2'in Probe IA. The first 9" of this material in Probe IA is very soft and is a borderline marl material. All of the aforementioned materials are unsuitable for structure support should be removed. I do acknowledge that excavators are often reluctant to excavate further once the buried organic soil is cleared, so understandings should be inplace at the time of gathering bids. Base soil below at first is a lean clay, a little sandy, dark gray, saturated, rather soft to medium. It has inclusions of a poorly graded (biased finer grained) sand with a few fines, also dark gray, saturated, loose to firm. Deepest soil, commencing at I Fin Boring 1, is a lean clay, rather sandy, dark gray, low gravel content, medium. Theses materials are glacial till. The sand inclusions in the upper portion are glacial outwash. All of these base mineral soils are suitable for residential construction, with conditions. Refusal to auger advancement was not encountered by boring termination depth of 23', indicating lack of bedrock to this level. Very importantly, groundwater was found in the main Boring at 1.8' (elev 96'/4±). It is aquifer groundwater, but marginally so. It appears to be contained primarily in the sand inclusions at 7'+. But it also is coming from the upper soft and very soft clay, possibly from SCANNED Mr James Rudos • • 25 October 2014 Page 2 the lower organic soil. Proper construction on the site (removing the softer lean clay, promoting good site drainage) will mitigate some of this. Thus, water found presently can be regarded as a maximum level. Slab grade of the proposed residence should be set in accordance with City requirements utilizing this level. I recommend complete removal of all unsuitable soil which is likely to be the fill and buried organic soil as encountered plus the overly soft clay found in both the boring and probe. While this amounts only to another V/4 in the vicinity of Boring 1, it is another 2'+ in the vicinity of Probe 1A. As indicated, excavators may be reluctant to excavate below organic soil level, but it is necessary (see longer discussion in the report). It is so important that full time inspection of the excavation by a soils engineer may be necessary. Of course, other zones of unsuitable soil not represented by the boring and probe could still be encountered due to the nature of small volume random sampling. Any other depths or zones of unsuitable soil should be removed as well. You could lower footings somewhat so that you have to provide less oversizing and not stray onto the neighbor's property. But footings here should not be lowered so much as to rest directly upon the suitable base soil as it is only marginally suitable. You need a little fill (2' is recommended) to spread footing loads out with depth. Footings maybe generally designed allowing the usual 2000 psf foundation bearing capacity, which will likely result in normal strip or pad footings. Special attention is again drawn to the advisory that excavations be examined by the Soils Engineer to verify soil boring results and to document adequacy of site preparation. Again this is very important as how much soft/very soft clay must be removed will require a high degree of field judgment. Fill, as used, should be tested for compaction adequacy. Soil correction should not be abated below slabs in any manner (ie, do not let the excavator try to "trench around" slab areas). Thank you for the opportunity to have been of service. If you have any questions on this, or if I can be of assistance in any additional capacity, do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, STATE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, Inc a 'ck J Hmes, PE President enclosures pHISC SOIL BORING LOG Patrick J Hines, PH 0 8167 100th St S Cottage Grove MN 55016 Proposed Single Family Residence PROJECT: West of 2061 W f3th St Chanhassen Minn LOG OF BORING NO: - 1 H SURFACE ELEVATION: 98.1 SAMPLE LAB d OTHER TESTS T DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION GEOLOGY N yyg j� TYPE IN L L LEAN CLAY, variably sandy, g Or anic (OL F Topsoil1 R DE. P•L• set � Black, w/ tr s mineral Soil, Fill - �` very moist, loose to firm i sandy somMat , Dark Gray (GL) CLAY2} Fill(elee' w/ a -little W/ t +)2 HA moist to ve moist, loose to fine 3 LEAN CLAY, rather silty, Orgaaic (OL) Buried 3 aA lc to Black, w/ small roots, tr's-undecom- Humus 4 Posed vegetation, saturated, rather I borderline Sapric Peat in soft I j 5 er ortion 5.75 sl lighter, less organic, w/ depth I 6 LEAN C Y, a tt a sen y, ery ar to 1DarkYGray (CL), Lacustrine Y 4 HA 41.9 very soft_ tp" pgft (w/ Deposit de th)7, Poo r graded pre ne gr, w Imed, tr cs), w/ a few fines, Dark Gray Glacial Till, Y 5 HA 8/13 (SP);'saturated, loose to firm w/ Outwash Y 6 FA 25.6 i banded w/ LEAN CLAY, a little sandy, i inclusion 9.-I Dark Gray (CL), saturated, rather soft soft to medium @ 8}'+ 10 more bands of clay, less of sand, w/ depth 11 LEAN CLAY, rather sandy, Dark Gray Glacial N 7 FA 12 (CL), w/ a little gravel Till saturated, medium 13� I I I 14 I 15 N 8 FA 16 17= 18 1 19- 92021 20- 21- I SW OI +Breezy -5 mpt (ronrinupri (24ti) 70c F± y Glear,� on ext gbper) WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS DRILLING DATA er• (370°Ft, DATE T1Y SAMPLED j DEPT" U.SiNG DEPTH CAVEIN DEPTH DRILLING MUD LEVE WATER LEVEL Crew Chief. pH 23 Oct 16:29 7 ' None 3.8' Method: 3" Hand S 4" Power Flight* Augers *Mobile B-31 Drill Rig on Dodge Power Wagon C®eoced: 23 Octo er Boring Completed: 24 October 2014 24 Oct,! 13:51 5' 1.8' " 14:35 to 23' 6 31t �'_ 15:20 5}' 2 1r J Fats IrJc l ffiw� >� • OVLL DUKIA ; LUV (continued) • 8167 100th St S Cottage r�Vp ATN 95016' Proposed Single Family Residence PROJECT: West of 2061 65th St. Chanhassen, Minn LOG OF BORING NO: 1 DEPTH SURFACE ELEVATION:98 1 SAMPLE LAB A OTHER TESTS IN GEOLOGY N WS L L FEET DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION /% TYPE R W DE P.L. LEAN CLAY, rather sandy, Dark Gray (CL Glacial N 9 FA 22 w/ tr to a little gravel Till saturated, medium End of Boring - No Refusal I 24 Bore hole void backfilled w/ native 25 cuttings mixed w/ Bentonite on 24 I October 2014 26 21 Probe 1A - Elev - 97.8 j 2 0-6}' Topsoil Fill, Fill_(Si.less I r than Boring 1), Buried Humus 29 6}r_T Lean Clay, i' arl Gray, saturated, veryasoft ,y 30 �j 7'-8}' Lean Clay, rather silty, Dark i saturated, vpoftto soft 8}'-10}' Lean Clay. w/ band inclusio- s, 32 Darksaturated, soft to medium 33Probe put down by power flight auger J method on 24 October 2014 6 ummed«- 34 ately backfilled w/ native cuttings mixed w/ Bentonite 3 I t 31 a 3 41 I 42 43 4 M W 66th Street Li CLLL. 4a . L u S Minnetonka, Minn BENCH MARS: Top nut fire hydrant on south side of street, approz on east line eatendeCof "parent" lot; E16'a 100.00 (arbitEn9) Patrick j Hines. PE I 8167 lOQth $t- S Cottage. Grove; MN 550.6 , Proposed Single '612 -4-14,'.670: Family Residence West of 2061 W 66th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota FROM : INTERSTATE OEOTECHNICANG PHONE NO. : 651 769 2467 10 Nov. 13 2014 11:05AM P2 Interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc Patrick J Hines, PE $167100'^ St S CaltW OMve MN 55016 (612) 414-5770 13 November 2014 Mr James Rudos 14846 Timberhill Road Minnetonka MN 55345 Re: Subsurface Soil investigation Proposed Single Family Residence W of 2061 W 65th St, Chanhassen, Minn This is in response to your contact of recent regarding groundwater on this project. As you know, I investigated the lot last month and issued a report dated 25 October 2014.1 found a total of 7 & 8'/2 of unsuitable soil at the locations of Boring 1 & Probe IA, respectively, in the form of topsoil fill, general and varying fill, buried original humus and overly soft clay or marl. First suitable base soil is a loose to fim sand or a soft to medium lean clay. I recommended removing these materials and placing controlled fill, noting that you will have to seriously control groundwater in the process. Regarding groundwater, I found it very high on this site - at a stabilized level of 1.8'. As I understand it, The City of Chanhassen has asked if this water level will change as a result of site correction. I used as a stabilized water level the 1.8' found a day after the hand auger phase was completed. I bad encountered water while drilling and did achieve the base granular soil that first day. When I did the power auger phase, water was creeping up to nearly the same level a few hours later, so I felt that the 1.8' is valid. I believe that, when you correct this lot, controlling groundwater, and compacting fill, most likely granular, the groundwaterwill soon rebound to its original level - 1.8' as found in my boring. If you construct ordinary and good site drainage on your finished project, groundwater will not be affected by any artificial recharge the result of your activities. If you have any additional questions on this, or if I earl be of assistance in any additional capacity, do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, I=RSTATE G)iOTECHN INEERIN.q Inc V ���cx J. x�y 1 t?EjR�E�3Y C,�i liFl s I'ATTt?; (PL^ :• S?FC!F!CA 04 OR LU 0 t;<-0 v<,V NG Fit RE�'OF 1:Tr++.: �l,�i':•^: D �2i'i 01E On U�=J'.i�'o� DIRECT v trc; N /'.:5 THIN I AN A 0L _Y LIC- :,3EO PRO:ESS 10NAL President Patrick J Hines, PE t20a6 z Nam UiI "3 THc LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA � b� STI4TE PIUSCto AL a pr. DATE l3 ddv '(tF MINNESOTA REG, NO, 1?Z86 J CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION IN RE: Application of John J. and Kimberly E. Corey for Subdivision approval. On November 24, 2014 the Chanhassen City Council met at it's regularly scheduled meeting to _ consider the application of John J. and Kimberly E. Corey for a metes and bounds subdivision approval to create two lots. The City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The City Council heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single -Family Residential District, RSF. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition. 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this subdivision ordinance; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: SCANNED 1) Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2) Lack of adequate roads. 3) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4) Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. 5. The planning report #2014-30 dated November 24, 2014, prepared by Sharmeen Al-Jaff, et al, is incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council approves the metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 240' day of November, 2014. Cy'./:\�I:I:��.�11►[�41I1K� 111►CN111 -qft BYayor M 2 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 major month of July that was our big swing for, or I'm sorry June. That was the big swing for this year but we seem to be falling now in line with more general call responses that we see for the season. Seasonal stuff. Kate. And then where we're sitting right now with projected we should be at around 624 calls for the year if we stay on pace for where we're at right now which again is an upswing from last year's 573. Then the last one. This probably isn't as easy for the general to see out here but on your screen we're still running about 42 percent of medicals for this year, which is pretty consistent with the years that we've had for the past 5. For the training this last month, we worked a lot with our medical again. One of the things that we started working with was health and fitness. The highest rate of fire fighter death is due to cardiac and I'm pretty proud of our group over there. We've got a very fit group. We take it very seriously and we're actually starting tomorrow, or Wednesday we're all being assessed. There's 22 of the 48 volunteers that are stepping up to do a fitness competition with the Chaska Fire Department so health strategies is coming in. They're going to do a pretty extensive assessment. We run through an 8 week fitness program and our goal is to beat the Chaska Fire Department with improving our BMI. Improving our respiratory function and the health strategies is actually getting pretty prominent in the fire service of understanding the fire fighter and those are the types of things that we need to do as far as what physically makes up this group and what are our risks and that's one of the categories I don't want Chanhassen in is a line of duty death related to some kind of cardiac incident so I'm pretty proud of our group with over half of them voluntarily being part of this program and they'd better win because I'm sure Chief Weibe's going to be all over me if he doesn't. The other thing that I'd like to talk about with the public that are watching is ice safety. We have been out several times now with, luckily this go around has just been with animal rescues on the ice. The ice is not safe. We need at least a good 2 to 4 solid inches of ice for anyone to walk on it so I know folks are interested in getting out there and doing some fishing. If you put yourself at risk, if my crew's got to show up, you put a lot of people at risk to get you out of there. The water's not safe. We've got this warm temperatures and then it gets cold again and it's just, you know a couple weeks of cold weather just isn't going to do it so stay off the ice. Keep your animals off the ice so you don't feel compelled to go in when they break through and we can all have a successful winter without being in the paper for the wrong reasons so that deals with our vehicles. Anybody out on the ice and anybody that walks, we've got a lot of wonderful lakes in our area so if you can keep your animals on, keep them off the ice for right now so we don't have to do any rescues that would be much appreciated. That's all I have Mayor and council. Mayor Furlong: Good. Thank you Chief. Any questions for Chief Johnson? No, very good. Thank you. Appreciate the update. Chief Don Johnson: Thank you. PUBLIC HEARING: REOUEST FOR A METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION OF A 0.69 ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS, LOCATED AT 2061 WEST 65TH STREET, APPLICANTS/OWNERS: JOHN AND KIMBERLY COREY. Mayor Furlong: We'll start with a staff report. Give council an opportunity to ask some questions of staff. We'll hear from the applicant. Probably some more questions and then have 4 SCANNED 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 a public hearing as well before any action is considered so why don't we start with a staff report please. Ms. Aanenson. Kate Aanenson: Thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. As you indicated this is a metes and bounds subdivision and is requiring a public hearing before the City Council. The City Council can approve a metes and bounds subdivision of one lot into two if it's inside the sewered area, which this is and both lots meet the minimum requirements and has street frontage and follows the subdivision requirements, which this does. So again the public hearing is being held in front of the City Council rather than the Planning Commission. Again the subject site is on West 65th Street. Access off of Galpin Boulevard. This is the existing condition. There's one home on the lot right now. This kind of gives you a purview of the neighborhood right here on West 65t' Street. A little bit larger lots. Over the minimum 15,000. So the existing conditions on the site, again there's one home on the site. There is a septic mound site on the property and then there is also a low area found on the property. The existing home would stay as it is and both homes would get access off of West 65' Street. The subdivision itself, the Moline Subdivision was filed with Carver County in December of 1969. The existing home was built in 1981. Did want to point out too that the septic system would be removed then as part of the subdivision construction and also that that low area, as we've determined there will be I'm sure some discussion from the neighbors on that but that it's not a pond. It's just a lower area on the site. So the subdivision itself as required in the subdivision regulations, both lots have to meet the requirements of the city ordinance which both do as far as minimum lot area. 15,000 square feet and the existing home would meet the impervious surface requirements. Can't exceed 25 percent and this is at 24 percent so Parcel 1, which would be the new lot is 15,165 square feet and Parcel 2 would be the 15,159 square feet. Again both parcels meeting the frontage requirement and the lot area requirement. I did want to point out, there's been some discussion on this regarding the grading itself and utilities on the site and for this you can see on this area up in here, the street itself. The portion of the street behind the cul-de-sac has been vacated, although it's still shown on the records. Either property owners on either side would have to request that so the easement, this area here, there's a condition that's addressed in the staff report that talks about the developer would propose a 10 foot front yard and a 5 foot side yard drainage and utility easement and that we also grant an easement over this area for public purposes. And that would be recorded with the subdivision itself So the proposed street subdivision adjacent to West 65' Street is a 20 foot wide public street within a 60 foot right-of-way without curb or gutter and this street was constructed in 1979. Was overlaid in 2013. The current standard for new streets in Chanhassen is 31 feet wide with curb and gutter and staff is not recommending that the developer install curb and gutter along this property frontage since the remainder of the street was not reconstructed that way so it'd follow the existing conditions that are already in the neighborhood. So the proposed grading for the site would be that the surface water drainage from the back to the front. Getting therefore, getting the water itself to the front of the street and the existing Parcel 2 with the existing home would not be altered. This would just be for the new home which is Parcel 1 would be the new home so again the grading, bring it to the stormwater in the front. So the other issue then with the grading is that there's evidence of high ground water in this area. Originally when this application came in we did recommend that the applicant, based on the subdivision requirements that they needed to identify that it is a buildable lot because we have a requirement of building the lowest level 3 feet above the ordinary high water mark so they went back and had this engineered and so what they found is that the • 9 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 infiltration into the sanitary sewer manhole in the area, the infiltration was abated with the street project so that was changed. The site investigation performed was also, indicated mottled soils about 18 inches below the surface and mottled soils are indicative of periodic soil saturation. And also that the investigation indicated water present during the borings rising to 2 feet below the surface. So as part of the Parcel 1 requirements, again by subdivision that they be 3 feet above is that they would have to grade up some of the poor soils and then fill those and again to get that build up that lot in order to get the 3 feet above the ordinary high water mark. So they've submitted plans to do that. Now this would take place when the owner would buy the home. The applicant for this subdivision is not doing that now so we want to make sure that that's in the chain of title and requirements so anyone buying the lot would know what they would need to do in order to make this lot buildable. But because this is a subdivision there were fees that would need to be paid at the time of subdivision so the fees for sewer connections and some of the park and trail fees would have to be paid at this time but anybody working on that lot would want to build would then take the extra step. Again it would be a slab on grade as is Parcel 2. The existing home is also slab on grade. Would have to be built that way and do the soil remediation to make sure it meets what we've identified as the conditions of approval. So with that we are recommending approval. Creating the two lots into one. Adopting of the Findings of Fact and there is a resolution so I'd be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Mayor Furlong: Thank you Ms. Aanenson. Appreciate the report. Questions for staff. Can you explain just a little bit about some of the soil corrections? The water level I think reading through the report was a little less than 2 feet below current grade so would there be removal of existing soils, replacement and then additional soils so that the slab is then 3 feet above the water? Is that I mean an engineering requirements? Kate Aanenson: Yeah, I'm going to let Paul answer that. Mayor Furlong: Yeah, that's fine. Thank you. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. So the soils report recommends removal and remediation of approximately 7 feet of soil in some of these areas. Just because of the perch ground water conditions that we're fording and just for structural support of the foundation as well so that's one of the main challenges out here is getting the soils corrected prior to construction. Mayor Furlong: In order for it to be a buildable? Paul Oehme: In order for it to be a buildable lot, yeah. So this is again this is just a preliminary plan right now but we're anticipating that the lot would have to have drain file surrounding the property too get our 3 foot separation as well and build that, build the lot up just a little bit from his existing elevation as well. Mayor Furlong: And can you just clarify, in the recommended conditions, is this under the engineering section I believe? Possibly condition 9 under Engineering. • 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Paul Oehme: Okay. Mayor Furlong: Where it talks about the Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations. Paul Oehme: If I can find it. Okay. Mayor Furlong: And I guess I just want to clarify, this condition talks about that minimum separation of 3 feet. It doesn't necessarily talk about soil corrections. Is that currently not part of our ordinance or would that be part of the requirement before the permit would be issued? How does that become part of the conditions here? Paul Oehme: That would be part of the building permit typically and investigation or inspection by city staff to make sure that the soils that are unsuitable for foundations would be removed. Mayor Furlong: And is that typically part of a building permit? Does that happen everywhere in the city? Kate Aanenson: I would say it's not uncommon that they do, we require a soils report. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Kate Aanenson: Especially if there's been corrected soils so there'll be a note on that lot that a soils report is required. Mayor Furlong: Okay, so that will go into the file and be part of the conditions here. Is the soils corrections somewhere in the conditions already Ms. Aanenson or? It talks about observations but then it seems to speak to a requirement that it be 3 feet. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. The ordinance does require 3 feet. Mayor Furlong: Right. Kate Aanenson: So I think what we're, the 7 foot was based on the Geotechnical report so. Mayor Furlong: So I guess the question is, is 9 complete enough to also deal with the soil corrections to engineering's satisfaction. Kate Aanenson: I think because it references the Geotechnical report. Paul Oehme: Right and it has to meet our ordinance so once they submit final plans, you know we'll make sure that it meets our ordinance and the soils are addressed at that time. Mayor Furlong: And does our ordinance address correct soils? Is that part of, is it already in our ordinance? Therefore it doesn't need to be in here. 7 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Paul Oehme: Right. There has to be structural review of what the soils that are out there are necessarily strong enough to support the foundation of a proposed building. Mayor Furlong: Of what they're proposing. PaulOehme: Exactly. Mayor Furlong: Okay. So our ordinances in the building permit already look at that so we don't need an additional condition. Kate Aanenson: Right. The ordinance says you have to be 3 feet above the ordinary high water mark. Mayor Furlong: Understand. Kate Aanenson: In order to do that they have to correct the soils. Because they've corrected the soils, therefore they need to do a soils report. Mayor Furlong: Okay. And that's all going to be in the file and track with this parcel? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Alright. Other questions anybody may have? Councilman Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Thank you Mr. Mayor. Paul, can you speak to, or Kate. You identified a low area near the, I'm going to call it the southwest, right? So do I understand correctly that you're proposing grading that would take all the water flow from the back of the lot, that would be the southern portion of the lot to the north side of the lot, is that correct? Kate Aanenson: That's my understanding from the grading plan. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay so, okay. And where will that, will that water, where does the water go now? Does it just accumulate in the back of the lot and does it go east towards Galpin? Does it go west towards the back of the cul-de-sac? Paul Oehme: I think a lot of it flows to the south right now but with the drain tile that are being proposed, there is additional catch basins along the edge of the property line to catch some of that water so it more or less flows to the north. Councihnan Laufenburger: So then it would go into. Paul Oehme: Into the. Councilman Laufenburger: Into the storm sewer which is along. • 9 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Paul Oehme: Right, there's a drain tile. Councilman Laufenburger: Along 65`h. Paul Oehme: Along 651, right. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Alright. So what about surface water? Surface water doesn't go to 65`h right now does it? Paul Oehme: Not, well some of it does but I think a majority of it flows to the south, yeah. Councilman Laufenburger: So when you raise, when you change that grading level more surface water will go to the street on 65`h, is that correct? Paul Oehme: That's correct. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. And is that acceptable? Paul Oehme: That's typically the way house pads are designed. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Todd Gerhardt: There's a catch basin next to the driveway. Kate Aanenson: Right. Paul Oehme: Right. Todd Gerhardt: The pink line. Councilman Laufenburger: Got it, okay. Thank you Mr. Mayor. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Any other questions for staff at this time? Okay, thank you. I'd like to hear from the applicant. Councilman Laufenburger: Oh wait, I do have one more. Mayor Furlong: Oh, okay. Councilman Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Yeah Kate there was something about trees. Trees are planned to be saved, is that correct? Kate Aanenson: That's correct. 0 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Councilman Laufenburger: And is that also in a, like a development contract or a subdivision contract that would require that certain trees stay? How do we know that they're going to comply with that? Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Typically what we do before a permit is issued is that they put tree protection and that is one of the conditions in here. Be required around preserved trees and then typically we inspect those before grading begins. Councilman Laufenburger: Yep, okay. Kate Aanenson: And also if this was a new lot, vacant lot then we require at least one tree in the front yard and so, and that's what we're requesting on this one too because as we talked about they're bringing in some fill and grading that we try to save one tree in the front yard too. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Kate Aanenson: And those are conditions. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Thank you Mr. Mayor. Mayor Furlong: Certainly. I'd like to hear from the applicant now. If they have anything they'd like to share with the council. Good evening. James Brudos: Good evening Mayor, City Council. My name is James Brudos and I reside in Minnetonka. Just to go over as far as the drainage issues on that lot. Currently they, someone said that it drains to the south. Most of it seems to stay within that lot because of the soil conditions which is mostly clay based which is somewhat impervious so right now as it sits it's acting as a pool. So that's why I believe the water table's a little bit artificially high and with the remedies that we have in place with the proposed drainage plan, that would pretty much direct all the water flow where it should go. Away from the homes, inbetween the homes and towards the street where there is already a storm drain in place as well as a neighbor installed drain tile so. Mayor Furlong: Keep going. James Brudos: So hopefully that answers it for the. Mayor Furlong: Okay. James Brudos: Any other questions? Mayor Furlong: Any questions at this point? No. Okay, thank you. James Brudos: Sure. Mayor Furlong: At this time we'll open up a public hearing and invite all interested parties to come forward and provide comment on this matter. If you'd like to speak, I invite you to come 10 0 • Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 forward to the podium. Please state your name and address for the record. Good evening sir. Please come forward. Terry Atherton: Hello. Mayor Furlong: Good evening. Terry Atherton: My name's Terry Atherton. I live across the street from this development project. Mayor Furlong: What's your address Mr. Atherton? Terry Atherton: Sorry? Mayor Furlong: Your address. Your street address. Terry Atherton: Oh, 2082 West 65`s Street. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Terry Atherton: I think most all of us that live up there know that there's a high water table because our sump pumps run every spring and sometimes they run for 2 or 3 months. I have a below ground electrical transformer in my front yard and I can watch the level of the water go up and down as Lake Minnetonka goes up and down. And to just give you a few facts from my background. I bought the house in 1977 and in '79 or '80 the City condemned 12 out of the 17 septic systems on Murray Hill and during that from like June, well actually May until October our septic systems were essentially dead. My own family we had, flushed our toilets once a day and we took showers at my mother-in-law's over in Minnetonka but I'm just trying to show you how much water there is up there and I don't believe the water is coming from rain or down spouts or whatever. I believe it's coming from the aquifers underneath the ground from Minnetonka because like this last, well I'll back up. We, in '78 or '79 we petitioned the City to put in sewer systems and so by the next year we all had sewer systems so we were pretty happy about that. But this last spring in June when we had all the rain I watched the water come up on that transformer and of course it just kind of laid in my front yard until almost August before it started to drop down but was well above the transformer and it was flush with the ground. Now kind of funny story. When I bought the house I went down to put, drill a hole in the ground for the mailbox. I dug down about 2 feet and I thought, I could hear a gurgling. Just like that the hole filled up with water and you could actually stand on the end of that cul-de-sac and, which is like a trampoline. Go up and down. But in the 90's the City brought in, I don't know how many trucks it was for fill over the asphalt that, and it's pretty solid now. Getting back to this last June, I've got a sump pump in the back of my house but the water was coming in on all four sides of my house. From the garage. From the back and two places in the front. And so I ended up redoing my tile system in the front and hopefully that that will work that out but it was actually kind of a nightmare. I spent 3 nights. 3 days with a shop vac pumping water out of the basement and the first night I got up every hour to do this because the water level was coming up. I had to move all my furniture and everything else out into the garage. And then the next 11 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 day I was down to 2 hours. I could sleep. The next night it was 3 hours I could sleep but from there on the water levels started to go down a little bit but that's all with Minnetonka when they had a no wake zone. So I don't know, this is all facts. Speculation as to what might happen if they build a new house on there but I'm speculating that it's going to affect our water system. Be worst than what it is. So I urge you not to accept this proposal. Mayor Furlong: Alright, thank you Mr. Atherton. Mr. Oehme, any thoughts or comments or based upon the engineering report that was done with regard to what effect, based upon the proposed soil corrections and separation of the water with a slab on grade home on this proposed lot, what that might, how that might affect the neighboring properties? Paul Oehme: Sure. The geotechnical report didn't speak to how it would affect or potentially affect surrounding neighbors but what the geotechnical report did say is, you know if you correct the soils. Put sandier material in the lot for the house pad and surrounding the building itself. Include in the drain tile that was proposed as well by the developer, that system would artificially lower the ground water in this particular lot to get our 3 foot separation so. I don't think it would affect surrounding neighbors. Mayor Furlong: And I guess that's the question. Is it artificially lowering it by taking it off the property into the storm sewer system or pushing it onto the neighbor's property? Paul Oehme: No, we're talking ground water here so it'd be lowering the ground water on this particular site and discharging that ground water into the tile that's on 65'" Street. Mayor Furlong: So taking the ground water, lowering the level on this lot and actually removing it from the area. Paul Oehme: Correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Alright. Thank you. Terry Atherton: Thank you. Mayor Furlong: Please. Chris Jerdee: My name is Chris Jerdee. I live on 2081 West 65" Street, which is the property just to the west there. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Chris Jerdee: I'm not, I can sit and talk about the, I've only been here for 4 years. The rest of these guys have lived here, they're original owners of these homes but you said, somebody said that it's not actually a duck pond behind the house. Well it might not technically be but between the months of April and June, this year all the way into August, it was a pond. The water was up to my knees. My dog, I have an 80 pound lab who would spend, she would go swim in this water. There is, this is not just your typical water problem. The water stands there. There's 12 0 • Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 standing water on the border just to the cast of my property pretty much all spring into, well into the summer and there has been for the 4 years I've lived here. Obviously this year was much worst. I actually have installed some drain tile. Had a contractor do it rather. From the south side of my lot out to the catch basin in the road there's two. I was actually going to pay to put one in the property in question here when the previous owner was there but the new owner didn't want me to do that. I was going to just try to help get some, get rid of some of the water. This is just surface water. Rain water. I didn't end up doing that because he didn't want me to do that so, so that's part of the issue I think. I think the bigger issue for me is, I have moved into this space 4 years ago because every lot, I think somebody mentioned it right at the beginning. Every lot on this street is three-quarters of an acre roughly. Some a little bigger. Some a little smaller. I think this lot in question is one of the smaller ones and when you take a current lot, split it in half and now you have two homes on this street that have lots half the size of pretty much every other house on the road. I guess I'm kind of wondering what that's going to do to my property value. The neighboring property values and then what happens is, I don't want to do this because I bought the lot because I like the size of it. What if all of the houses on the end of the property, or the cul-de-sac there decide that we want to split our lots too? Now we've got 8 homes on the end of a cul-de-sac that as far as I heard, I'm not an expert here, is already an undersized road. What happens? Are there safety issues? Again I don't want to do that. This is all hypothetical but if we approve this one then who's to say that years from now we don't have 8 homes stacked on the end of this cul-de-sac so. That's all I have. Thanks. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you John Favorite: Mayor, council, John Favorite. I live at 2080 65th Street West. Directly across the street from the property we're talking about here and I'd like to know from I guess it's an engineering question. The owner behind this property to the south, there is actually a, it's a gully and it's part of the, part of the wetland area that was showed earlier. You can't just jack the back of this lot up because it meets another lot on the south side. There's actually like a creek. Well it was kind of creek when I first moved in there so I don't, I'm trying to understand how you can jack the back of the lot up and get the water to drain to the front when they don't own the, you can't match into the other person's property. I'm trying to understand what, what the engineering is behind that. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Oehme, do you want to respond to that question? Paul Oehme: Sure. Mayor Furlong: How do you do it? Paul Oehme: So the whole lot is going to be re -graded so I believe that the low point that's on the property where it holds a lot of water is going to be re -graded out and try to get the water redirected to the north onto 65th street. So and maybe the developer can address that a little bit more too. James Brudos: Now? 13 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Mayor Furlong: Sure, if you don't mind. James Brudos: Yeah. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Favorite is that okay? Stay here if you have more comments to make. John Favorite: Yeah, I will. I will. Mayor Furlong: Let's get an answer to this question first. James Brudos: Most of the grading is going to be filling in that little spot which is within the confines of that lot that we're trying to subdivide. In addition to that running from the, let's see. The south side to the north. Mayor Furlong: Nann, could we get the overhead view please? Excuse me for interrupting. James Brudos: Okay. It's going to be running to the street by virtue of the slope itself and in addition to that we're going to have drain tile around the whole perimeter of the lot to direct the water to the storm drain so I don't know how it could have standing water from that. Mayor Furlong: So you're going to be adding, adding fill. Adding soils to the site. James Brudos: Correct. Mayor Furlong: Digging out, replacing plus adding on top of that. James Brudos: Correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. And then with the additional soils, direct the drainage out towards the street. Towards West 65th. James Brudos: Correct. As well as putting a drain tile around the perimeter of the lot itself. Mayor Furlong: Okay. James Brudos: Which is above and beyond in my opinion. But just to suffice and remediate any possible standing water. Mayor Furlong: Okay. John Favorite: Okay. I have a question then. Does anybody know what the elevations are behind there where the lot ends and where the resident behind their lot starts? What those elevations are? Could you. Paul Oehme: And 1064 and then the back yard it looks like it's going to be 1061 or so. Right in this area. 1061. 14 • • Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 John Favorite: So her water's going to hit that. Paul Oehme: Yep. John Favorite: Her water's going to hit that and carry? Paul Oehme: Carry to the north, right. John Favorite: To the street. Okay. I can't imagine that happening but they were fortunate because that's the driest the lot had ever been. The gentleman was able to get out there with his boring truck and, to take his samples and I've been stuck on every part of that lot with every piece of equipment I've ever owned because the prior owner was a good friend of mine. I was always trying to help him out but so there's a ton of hydrostatic pressure there that is in my opinion more than, more than just a slope issue. I wish we could look into it further. I don't know how, you know what else we can do there. But then I'm with Chris. The neighbor, this isn't the first time someone's tried to subdivide in there. I have been down there years ago and I was told that, and I understood. I was told that whoever divides that first would have to pay for concrete curb and making the cul-de-sac a legal sized cul-de-sac. They would shoulder those costs. So then I decided not to do it and I wanted, and after being there a little bit I thought you know I'm not going to fight that. I like a nice big lot. I like a nice big yard but that was the main driver there and if that happened, because like Chris says that's a concern of mine too. If you start getting 8 houses. We go from 4 houses on the bubble there to 8. I mean we can't, you can't tum a garbage truck around there anyway right now. So the point that the City Engineering prior to Paul being there was that it was a safety issue so someone would have to make it, take that on and make that a legal sized cul-de-sac. Apparently that doesn't apply anymore but I have notes from when I went down there and then Bernie, the prior owner. I went down there with him and he was told the same thing. Mayor Furlong: When was that? John Favorite: This was about 10 years ago. 10-12 years ago but what's changed since then? I mean the street's the same size so the argument was that you know, hey you can't do it unless you improve, make all these improvements because you can't get around in there so for me if everybody's comfortable with the fire safety thing there, fine. You know like I said you can't, more people living there, I don't know 4 cars per home. How many in the street? I don't know. I guess I'd like that to be looked at further if we could. You know are we looking down the road? In other words I wish the fire chief was here to look ahead and say okay, it's okay now but like what if everybody else does that and all of sudden you've got 8. Are things going to change? You're going to have to change something. We can't do it all in that undersized cul-de- sac. Mayor Furlong: Ms. Aanenson, can you respond to those comments or questions? Kate Aanenson: Well some of those are directed to engineering but whether or not a lot can further subdivide would depend on whether or not they would meet the requirements of IR 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 providing an additional 15,000 square foot lot so it really depends on where you house sits on the lot. In this circumstance, the way it fits is that there is additional 15,000. Somebody else may be able to but some of the other lots, they have accessory structures or large garages. Mayor Furlong: Which would have to be removed. Kate Aanenson: Right, yeah. So I'm not sure that the configuration of their lots would allow for. Mayor Furlong: Does that make sense Mr. Favorite? John Favorite: Yeah it does. I know mine would with some minor alterations. That's why I went down there. I've been doing this kind of thing for, we built. I work for a company. We built most the roads in Chanhassen in the 70's and 80's so I was familiar with what went on there and that's why I understood what engineering was saying about you know you start getting this it's undersized. You get a little bigger you're going to have to do this. Like I said I didn't want to shoulder the cost but in theory everyone could, everybody could come up with, with a minimum square footage like that, that's on the end of that bubble. In theory. They could. So then what? I mean in fact if I would have made those improvements to that cul-de-sac this lot wouldn't have met the minimum requirements so back then had I taken that on, this lot wouldn't have even met those requirements. So I guess but the big thing for me is looking down the road. Is what's good for the goose good for the gander? We're getting close to the holiday but is everything else, is everybody else there could to have the same, same opportunity? Mayor Furlong: Well and I think Ms. Aanenson, I guess the subdivision ordinance speaks to what, what are the requirements for a subdivision correct? Kate Aanenson: That's correct. Mayor Furlong: So. John Favorite: Without improvement. Okay without street improvement. Kate Aanenson: I'm not going to, I'll let the City Engineer address that. John Favorite: I mean I guess I'd like to have. Mayor Furlong: No, and I don't know what conversation you had again so. John Favorite: No, no, sure. Paul's he's been, everyone was great down there. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Oehme, your thoughts. Paul Oehme: It is undersized the cul-de-sac for what our typical standard is right now. I think it's about a 72 foot wide cul-de-sac so it is a little bit narrower than what we'd like to see out here. I think from talking to the fire chief, fire marshal, I think the cul-de-sac works for us. We 16 0 • Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 have other cul-de-sacs like this in the city. They seem to work fine for us so we're not looking to make improvements in this area. Because there would be right-of-way that would have to be acquired to make that happen and additional impacts that at this time we didn't think would be, would be appropriate. We did just recently overlay or redo 65'" Street and so we are comfortable leaving the cul-de-sac the same width at that time so. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Alright. John Favorite: Okay so I guess that satisfies me if I decide to do it, I would assume it would pass for me. I couldn't find another, could anybody name another situation like this? I drove all over the city and I couldn't find one. I looked on the map on the City. Mayor Furlong: When you say a situation like this? John Favorite: Like this where, where there's an undersized cul-de-sac with homes on it like this that are trying to split them off. I couldn't find any. Mayor Furlong: Ms. Aanenson, are you aware of any? John Favorite: With a cul-de-sac this size. Kate Aanenson: I'm guessing Koehnen Circle or any of those so. Paul Oehme: Yeah 1 mean that's. Kate Aanenson: Everything kind of in that northern area right there. John Favorite: What? Kate Aanenson: Koehnen Circle. Some of those up there would be similar situation to the north. John Favorite: Okay well those were slightly larger I thought but you're saying the dimensions are identical? Kate Aanenson: I didn't say that. I said they'd be similar. We have streets that are undersized in other areas of the city. The street width changed. It used to be 50 feet city wide. Back in the 70's and then it really wasn't changed to 60 feet until maybe. Paul Oehme: 80's and 90's. Kate Aanenson: Yeah probably in the 80's so some of the early parts of the city were built with 50 foot wide streets, and we have done extension subdivisions. Mayor Furlong: And that's 50 right-of-way, correct? Kate Aanenson: Right excuse me, right-of-way. Not pavement. 17 • M Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 John Favorite: Right, our street's 25 feet wide. Kate Aanenson: We can talk about Hummingbird. We've got streets that are significantly smaller. Mayor Furlong: Yep. Kate Aanenson: So what we've done to you when we brought those, we've looked at kind of the neighborhood standard. You know we've got that in Carver Beach where they're significantly narrower. We brought those to you. When we do a subdivision on the end of one of those and say this is the existing pattern. We're not going to take at the end of that street, say at 50 feet we're going to put a 60 foot at the end of that. We said that doesn't appear, we're going to stick with that neighborhood standard it's served so far so we do look at those on a case by case basis but yes. We have 50 right-of-way through the older parts of the city. Mayor Furlong: But again the width of the. Kate Aanenson: The pavement width may vary within that right-of-way. Mayor Furlong: The pavement width can be narrower than our current standard. Kate Aanenson: Right because now the pavement width is 31 and I believe it used to be probably closer to 26 probably. Or vary. Mayor Furlong: Well its 25 here. John Favorite: Our's is 25 so like I said I mean. Mayor Furlong: Yeah so at some point that was built. John Favorite: To find an example like this with that size of bubble at the end of it with those dimensions with 8 homes on it, nothing exists that I can. Nothing exists. Mayor Furlong: That's possible. There's, yep. John Favorite: Just I'm just worried about down the vision. Down the road you know, looking ahead. Mayor Furlong: Yep. John Favorite: Just trying to, you know. You know I don't fault, so you meet minimum requirements. You do what you do. I get that. I just, I hope everybody's looking down the road so it's all apples and apples later on too. Mayor Furlong: Okay. 1F] • • Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 John Favorite: That's all I got to say, thanks. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Please. Peg Trager: Hi. Peg Trager at, I'm at 2080 Crestview. Right behind this property. That is my little white house there. So if their land is sloped the other way, built up in the back and mine is coming down the hill to that spot, will the pond be on my side then? Moved to my side because it was there all summer basically. Paul Oehme: Right, no. No, that's not the intent. Peg Trager: My. Paul Oehme: Right you're higher than Lot 1 out here and it's going to be basically filled in and then, so the water won't have an area to stand anymore. It's just going to sheet drain to the north so the puddle won't be. Peg Trager: Why won't it be on my property though because even now when I dig down there in the fall, I planted a bunch of evergreens, you put the shovel in and water is right there. Like you don't even have to water it so it's very, very low on my property too. Paul Oehme: Okay, so again. Peg Trager: But I haven't had the pond. The pond is on other side of the fence. Paul Oehme: Right and the pond is going to go away or that low depression area on Lot 1, the intent is for that to go away. That's the plan. Deb Pittman: Good evening. My name's Deb Pittman. I live at 6500 Galpin. We're actually on the comer of West 65'" and Galpin and my concern is, and you said right out. You have not figured out what this will do to the other homes. Well water runs downhill. We're kind of like at the bottom. Right now we have 3 sump pumps which run also in the winter so we're not just talking top runoff water so what is this going to do I guess to the two properties that are down, well I guess three properties that are down from that? That's kind of like you say they'll dig down and change the soil. Well the water that originally was there, where's it going to go? Paul Oehme: So if you can bring up the plan. Yeah, the plan set so, so the proposal or the plan is to add drain tile. 6 inch drain file along both sides. That's shown here in pink. Drain file along both sides of the property line so any water that's, and it's going to be about 3 feet deep. So any water that's within 3 feet of that pipe, that's where the water is going to go and be discharged into the drain tile that's on 65a' Street. That's why you know we're actually, the plan is to, in my opinion is improving the ground water situation out here because it's lowering, artificially lowering potentially any of the water that's, that would be collected in this area and removing that, discharging it to the city system. So the drain tile basically wraps around the property 19 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 I] Mayor Furlong: Does it run all the way along the, all the borders Paul. I can't see with all the lines here. Paul Oehme: It does. Okay, yep. So it. Todd Gerhardt: Show the catch basins. Paul Oehme: So here's one catch basin. Here's another catch basin. Another catch basin here. Mayor Furlong: And those are actually on the property. Paul Oehme: Those are on the property with, right along the drainage utility easement and then connects into the city system that's right here. Deb Pittman: But what about on the other side? Paul Oehme: Then there's another, this is another drain tile. Here's another catch basin here. Another catch basin right here and they're 2 to 3 feet deep. Deb Pittman: So that supposedly will catch any underground water? Paul Oehme: It will catch both underground water and then also surface water if the catch basins have a grate on top so. Todd Gerhardt: Just 2 feet below the surface. Deb Pittman: It's only going to catch 2 feet below the surface? Paul Oehme: Correct. And that's basically where the ground water table is today. Mayor Furlong: Right. Paul Oehme: Two to three feet. Deb Pittman: Okay. I still think that this is not really being addressed for the issues that area has with not just runoff water but underground water. And I really hate to see this house go in and then all of a sudden the neighbors down from this new house, all of a sudden I've got to put in a fourth sump pump or I get a flooded basement. I mean I don't know I just kind of feel like things just aren't being addressed. How you can change and put in hills and this water's miraculously going to disappear. Paul Oehme: Well the water's not going to disappear. It's going to be directed into the drain tile and re -graded to allow better surface drainage to the north and then onto the street so it's not sitting on the property anymore. It's actually draining out into the street and into the storm sewer system. 20 0 • Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 James Brudos: And away from your house. Paul Oehme: And away from your house. Deb Pittman: Okay. I guess time will tell. Bill Ashenbach: Mr. Mayor, council. My name is Bill Ashenbach at 2041 West 65"' Street and I live right on the east side of the existing home now and my question is that we have a lot of standing water between our two homes because the home that's there now is so close to my home. My garden's probably like 12-15 feet away and this spring my garden was under water all the way around the whole garden and I've got a pretty good sized garden and the water sat there and sat there and sat there. Plus I was thinking if you, if they do bring in and bring the level of the lot up to standard where it's supposed to be, I'm just wondering how that's going to affect the back yard of the existing home because that was under water for a long time. From probably a couple months the whole back yard was under water, okay. And I know if they, I don't know if they're going to raise that land up or not or just the new existing lot they want to sell because, because of the fact that the house was built so close to our side of the lot. It pushed a lot of the water into our yard and all of a sudden we had water problems and we had to put a septic system in our basement after 15 or I think it was 18 years after we moved in there so we've had nothing but our pump running constantly and then this spring and summer when I couldn't get out to the garden because of the water completely around the garden and over into the property next door, where the house is now, it sits there for a long time and my question right now is, they put in some kind of a drainage area now. They cut out a, it's kind of like a ravine that's maybe 3 to 3 feet wide trying to drain the water between my house and their house out to street but if you take a look at the grade, the grade towards the back of our lot to the front of our lot has got to have about, I'm guessing maybe an 8 inch hill to go up so that water's not going anywhere unless they put a, some kind of a drainage system around the whole existing house now because the back of the existing house is really low and I think you're going to, I think Peg's going to have a continuous water problem along that whole back of their lot because she's, if they build the existing lot up, it's just going to push all the water, the ground water's going to go onto the back of her lot so I can't really see how they can really get rid of the situation unless everybody raises the level up so high that it's going to drain towards the street and out into the sewer so, that's my concern. Mayor Furlong: And I appreciate that and I guess the question as you're raising this point sir is, Paul this drain rile you keep talking about is 6 inch so it's, as I envision a 6 inch tube right, underneath the ground. And is that laid in such that, I mean with the rise if you're going, water doesn't go uphill. Bill Ashenbach: No, that's what my point is. Mayor Furlong: So do they bury this drain tile so it's actually going downhill so the drain tile is higher elevation in the back of the lot than it is in the front? 21 M M Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Paul Oehme: That's correct. So it has positive drainage towards the road so it carries the water to the storm sewer system. Mayor Furlong: So when it gets down to the road is that where the City's drain tile is? Paul Oehme: Correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Behind the road. Paul Oehme: Yeah, behind the curb. Mayor Furlong: The curb or as much as you, okay. Bill Ashenbach: But there's still a question as to, because if they raise the level of the yard up and the existing, I mean the lot that they want to sell is still going to push it over to the existing house because that lot is so low behind the house that it's the same level as my house and it's just, when you, unless you're going to raise the whole thing all the way up, all the way across or put in some kind of a drainage system around the whole existing house now and the new lot they want, you're not going to get rid of the water. All you do is just moving it around a little bit is all you're doing because it's basically ground water. I was there when they built that house and we watched them put in 12, what do you call it? They punched 12 holes in there and watched, for the water levels and they instantly all came right up to the top and they stayed there for oh my gosh. Terry Atherton and I watched them and weeks and months the water level stayed right up towards the top of the lots so the water level, it's coming from, it's not coming from anywhere else. It's coming from the bottom on up. That's the way I feel so once again my question is, is how are they going to drain the existing house with the new existing lot? That's the question. Mayor Furlong: And I guess Mr. Oehme, what are the proposals there if any? Paul Oehme: Again you know the house and the drainage is to get the water to sheet drain and to get the water off the property. Again the drain file will handle a lot of the. Mayor Furlong: But I guess to clarify. That's the new lot. Paul Oehme: Right. Mayor Furlong: That's the lot being created. Bill Ashenbach: Right. Paul Oehme: Okay. Mayor Furlong: I hear his question, Mr. Ashenbach's question of the existing house and what would be Lot 2 here, or Parcel 2. It doesn't look like there are any improvements there. Paul Oehme: Right. 22 r 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Mayor Furlong: Why? Paul Oehme: Because the drain, the lot is being raised up a little bit and if you look right on the property line, there's a little bit of gradage here but there's 2 percent positive drainage to the north along the property line there. Plus there is a depression right at this catch basin here to capture a lot of that water before it heads to the east onto the adjacent property so there. Mayor Furlong: So the new lot, new house, that drainage is not going to go to the existing parcel? Paul Oehme: Right. Mayor Furlong: Or Parcel 2. Paul Oehme: That's. Mayor Furlong: That's going to go up to the street. Paul Oehme: Right. We're trying to capture the water as it leaves the property. Try to sheet drain it to the north to this catch basin here. There's a little depression right here to allow all that water to get into that drain tile and then end up into the city system. Bill Ashenbach: Right, well. Mayor Furlong: So the existing home though and parcel, there are no proposed changes there because that's already existing. Paul Oehme: That's already existing. Bill Ashenbach: But what about all the water that lays in the whole back yard? I mean it's as big as, almost as big as this whole room. Mayor Furlong: Of the, of Parcel 2 or behind the existing house? Bill Ashenbach: Behind the existing house. Right, behind the existing house and inbetween their house now and my house is a low area. If you look in my back yard, look at the front, it just kind of goes I don't know what percent grade it is but there's probably a good 6 to 8 inch grade from three-quarters the back of my lot to the street so they're going to have to put in some kind of a drainage system inbetween both of our houses to take care of the whole problem I think because all you're going to do is shift it around. Mayor Furlong: I guess the question would be, that's been existing for a while, correct? I mean since. Bill Ashenbach: You mean the problem's been existing for a while? 23 M Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Mayor Furlong: Yeah. Oh yeah it has nothing's changed there. It's been the way for, we've been there 40 years and it's. Mayor Furlong: So I guess my question would be, is if by subdividing this and creating a new lot and capturing all the water on that new lot so none of it goes to the existing house, therefore goes down to you, what I'm hearing being proposed is all the water for the new lot will be captured there and moved out to the street. Bill Ashenbach: Right and I've got to ... that's going to work. Mayor Furlong: Yep and so it shouldn't add any more water to the existing home or the. Bill Ashenbach: Existing home. Mayor Furlong: Or the parcel too. Bill Ashenbach: Well it's going to have to do something. Well. Mayor Furlong: Well and that's I guess my question Mr. Oehme is, is any of the water from Parcel 1 from an engineering standpoint, is that going to add to whatever currently exists on Parcel 2? Paul Oehme: No I mean the intent is to capture the water as much as we can in the drain tile system before it ends up in Parcel 2. So we're trying to improve as much as we can the grading and the ground water issues on Parcel 1. Parcel 2, that's not part of the proposal right now. Bill Ashenbach: Because I know they put a, when they put the street in I asked them if they would put in a, I don't know what they call it. It's an offshoot for about 8 feet so if we had to we could hook up a drainage pipe between our two houses over to the sewer system and the new owner of course he died and we never got it done so, but. Mayor Furlong: Is the drain tile along West 65`s on both sides or not? Paul Oehme: I believe it is. There's on both the north and south side. Mayor Furlong: So is that available to any resident? Paul Oehme: Yeah we just ask for a permit to hook up to it. Bill Ashenbach: Okay. Well I just wanted to bring it to your attention. Thank you. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Others that would like to speak. Chris Jerdee: Can I speak again? r 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Mayor Furlong: Real quickly. Chris Jerdee: Alright. I guess. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Jerdee correct? Chris Jerdee: Yes, Chris Jerdee again. I live to the west. It sounds like a lot of hopefuls and the intent and a lot of we're hopeful the water's going to drain. The intent is the drain tile's going to drain the water. Who's going to be there to make sure that happens because I live to the west and if this whole lot gets raised up 3 feet I have the same concern that Bill does. Does that water now come onto my property and we're hopeful that that drain tile pushes the water out? I mean being hopeful is great and all but when, and we're going to take a, I read the soil report and I'm no expert. It was online. They're going to have to excavate up to 7 feet of soil where this house is going to sit to put a house on grade, which is pretty rare right? I mean I don't know many people who build a house on grade. On a slab in a half sized lot. It seems like a lot of downside to this and not a whole lot of upside. No one here in the neighborhood, I know this doesn't really weigh into it, is really in favor of this and we're just, we're hopeful that these gentlemen aren't going to do it. Somebody's going to come in and buy it and put the money into this lot. I don't see it happening and I don't understand why it would be approved so I'm going to ask you to not approve this development because there's just too many questions around it. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Oehme what, what verification or Ms. Aanenson as well. What verification that if this is approved by the council tonight that there will be follow through to ensure that's been addressed this evening and what's in the plans will be done? Paul Oehme: Sure. So the developer or builder would have to submit grading plans to the City prior to building so the city staff can review the proposed grading. Mayor Furlong: Do we have ordinances that go with that? Paul Oehme: Absolutely so they'll have to submit all that information. There's security that's submitted in conjunction with those, with those permits as well. Mayor Furlong: Security? Paul Oehme: Yeah security of. Mayor Furlong: A deposit. Paul Oehme: Deposit yeah so, and then the City also has inspectors that come out periodically and a final inspection after the building is completed and grading is complete to verify that it's built per plan. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Ahight, thank you. Anyone else who would like to address the council this evening? `Q 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 John Favorite: Can I have 15 more seconds, sir? Mayor Furlong: Yes. John Favorite: Well I'm just trying to get. Mayor Furlong: No, that's fine Mr. Favorite. Thank you. John Favorite: I'm trying to understand. So this is Parcel 1. You're going to jack the back up 3 feet. Here's the parcel that Mr. Ashenbach's talking about that's always wet. How are you going to stop some of this water from going, where does the slope occur? What happens there? I'm trying to understand that. Do you follow me why that's hard to understand? Mayor Furlong: I do. What I'm hearing from the City Engineer is between the grading and the drain tile system and the catch basins, that's how it's being engineered is to catch the water. John Favorite: Okay, the drain tile is only on one side of the street which is the south side and it's about 14-16 inches underground. Mayor Furlong: Are you talking about the City drain tile? John Favorite: Correct. Mayor Furlong: Yeah. John Favorite: So how do you slope like from let's say Parcel, or Lot 2, how do you slope from Lot 2 to that? From the very back. Mayor Furlong: Can we pull up that picture again? Of the two lots. Two parcels. John Favorite: I'm just trying to understand. Mayor Furlong: No, and that's fine. John Favorite: All the geometry here. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Oehme, drain tile on Lot 1 or Parcel 1 runs along both side boundaries correct? Paul Oehme: Correct. Mayor Furlong: Both side lot lines. John Favorite: So that's like this right here then? Mayor Furlong: That's my understanding. Both sides. 26 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 0 John Favorite: That's interesting, okay. But the ... current home there doesn't have anything. Mayor Furlong: The current home, the conditions exist there exist there today is my understanding so that's not being changed. John Favorite: Okay. I see what you're trying to do but geometry wise it doesn't work out with how low her property is in back and to have this, and her property line's here. Her property is down here so then what happens here? Just... Mayor Furlong: Mr. Oehme. Paul Oehme: Well again, you know the grades tie into the property over here. They're only changing. John Favorite: Just on the comer. Paul Oehme: Well I mean they change right in through here so this is, this area is being raised up to eliminate the low point. Mayor Furlong: Is it already lower than the property to the south? John Favorite: No it is not. Paul Oehme: Well. John Favorite: Just for that, just for that last 10 percent. Paul Oehme: Well just for this comer here I think it's the low point. John Favorite: Just for that last 10 percent. Paul Oehme: Right so. Mayor Furlong: What I heard is that the low area in the southwest portion of this Parcel 1. John Favorite: Yes. Mayor Furlong: Where people said there was water standing, that that's going to be filled in. Is that correct? Paul Oehme: Correct. Mayor Furlong: And then the rest, and then the additional soils will be put on top of that? ixl 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 John Favorite: How do you fill that in? Her's is, so then you're going to be above her, the property to the south. James Brudos: If you look at. John Favorite: Pardon me sir, he's not even the applicant so. Mayor Furlong: He's representing the applicant and if I want him to speak I'll let him speak so ask your question and then we'll try to get an answer for it. John Favorite: I'm just trying to understand how you go from this to not have a slope in the rear yard. Mayor Furlong: Okay, Mr. Oehme. Paul Oehme: So again the house pad is going to be raised up. The water is going to be sheet drained around the building here. This area gets raised up and then redirected along the property lines into the drain tile system so you know this area is being raised up. The house is being, the house elevation is raised but the elevations along the property line remain the same. John Favorite: But a downpour for example or whatever, you get a gusher or one in a hundred storm every 6 years that we get, I mean it's going to shed off the property and onto everybody else's. It has to because it's going to be elevated higher than everybody else. Paul Oehme: Right, it will and that's typical for normal developments. John Favorite: Okay. Alright, thanks. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Brudos, anything you'd like to add? James Brudos: Well if you look at the grading proposal, if you look at the topography and the elevation they'll pretty much stay. You see the lines in the southwestern comer. Mayor Furlong: You're looking at Parcel I now? Southwest corner of Parcel 1. James Brudos: Yes, correct. That represents the topography and it descends from the back of her lot to the back of the Parcel 1 so the elevation change, her elevation is I believe 3 feet higher than the Parcel 1 is in the back of the lot. So there's not going to be a low spot. It's going to be a continual grade down. And it won't be that significant of a grade as well. The areas that are being actually built up is around the foundation to shed water away from the building. So the low points are between the homes where the drain file is located and the drain tile is I believe at its lowest point where it connects to the street on the south side is approximately 5 feet below grade so we've got plenty of slope. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Anyone else who would like to address the council or the public hearing? IN 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Peg Trager: I think it would be nice if somebody. Mayor Furlong: If you could step back up. Peg Trager: Physically see it you know. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Peg Trager: But just see this spot. It's hard to imagine that it's going to all drain towards the street. Especially when I'm behind it. Mayor Furlong: Right. Peg Trager: I don't know. Maybe I'll be just fine with a pond. I'm sure it's going to be there because the way this land is. I don't know. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. John Corey: I'm the owner of Parcel number 2 and Parcel number 1. Mayor Furlong: If you could state your name and address for the record please. John Corey: My name is John Corey. What's the address? 608165"' Street. James Brudos: 2061. Mayor Furlong: Where's your current residence address Mr. Corey? John Corey: 6409 Oxbow Bend, Chanhassen. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. John Corey: We've been working on Parcel number 2 for 4 months now and we haven't had any kind of flooding or water issues with there. We have some good drainage between Parcel number 1 and 2 when it rains. There's some good drainage inbetween the two lots. We had a big rain storm where it rained 24 hours straight. We took a bunch of pictures which we gave you guys the pictures or when we sent in the proposal we showed the pictures. There's no standing water whatsoever. Just in one area next to Parcel 1 where it butts up to the neighbor to the west. His lot is about 2 feet higher than our Parcel 1 where I heard that he had added dirt there anyways to raise his lot and he currently has an ice skating rink there that is probably about a half of a football field and that's obviously going to drain into our lot as well causing it to flood so once we raise the water, or the ground level to be even with his lot we won't have that flooding issue as well. So that's all I have to say. Q9 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Anyone else that would like to address the council on this matter? Actually you've spoken twice sir. Chris Jerdee: Well can I just respond to what he just said? I'm the neighbor to the west. Mayor Furlong: You are the neighbor to the west. I'll give you one minute. Chris Jerdee: Yeah, thanks. Again Chris Jerdee, I live to the west. This problem has been around for 30 years. I've been there for 4. The dirt that's there, I had some landscaping done. They moved some dirt out to level it out. I didn't have a, I don't know how much dirt you think I brought in. There was some brought in to fill low spots. The ice rink, it's actually amusing that we're here talking about an ice rink but I did install drain tile to help get rid of some of the surface water. Mayor Furlong: Good. Chris Jerdce: Not only to the ice rink. More the rain and the snow melt and like I said I tried to put a drain and pay for a drain on the Parcel 1 that he did not want me to install so. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Alright, thank you. Thank you Mr. Jerdee. Anyone else with new comments? Thank you everybody. If nobody else would like to speak, is there a motion to close the public hearing? Councilwoman Ernst: So moved. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilman Laufenburger: Second. Mayor Furlong: Any discussion on the motion to close the public hearing? Hearing none we'll proceed with the vote. Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Laufenburger seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The public hearing was closed. Mayor Furlong: Let's bring it back to council then for discussion and comments or additional questions. If people have questions of staff. I do. Councilman Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Thank you. Paul, you used some terms that I think would be helpful for, it will be helpful for me to understand anyway. You talk about a sheet drain. What does sheet draining mean? Paul Oehme: So basically it's just level ground elevation, a natural slope where the water will drain naturally from Point A to Point B basically. So it's just a laminar flow across a ground. 30 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Councilman Laufenburger: So any water that doesn't go down into the ground and be absorbed, it just goes across the surface slowly. Paul Oehme: Right. Councilman Laufenburger: And it will, the sheet drain essentially you're building kind of an upsidedown saucer, right? So the water just drains towards this tile. Paul Oehme: Correct. CouncilmanLaufenburger: Okay. And you said the tile is how far below the ground, the surface of the ground? Paul Oehme: Anywhere between 2 to 3 feet. Councilman Laufenburger: What is between the tile, this 6 inch pipe? What's between the tile and the surface right above it? Paul Oehme: Between the tile. There's just. Councilman Laufenburger: Dirt or is it gravel? Paul Oehme: Well yeah it's dirt but I believe in this area the soil will be corrected so typically would bring in granular material. Sand and typically would bed the tile in that. Councilman Laufenburger: So it would make sense then this sheet, this saucer that we're building, potentially building, the water would go towards the edges and then it would essentially fall through this gravel or rock or something and it would go straight down to the tile. Paul Oehme: Correct. Councilman Laufenburger: Two feet. Paul Oehme: Yeah, two feet. Councilman Laufenburger: What about water that is below the drain tile? What does that do? Paul Oehme: Yeah so I mean, if there's water below the tile it's not going to be able to get into the tile but if the water table raises to a certain elevation above the tile, invert or top of the tile, that water, the tile will be perforated so the water will have ability to go into that tile at that point in time. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay so the notion here, in my mind I'm thinking, this drain tile does not exist today is that correct? Paul Oehme: Correct. 31 • • Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. So this drain tile and the gravel potentially above it is really creating kind of the edge of a pool. So any water that's in there, it's not going to be able to go outside of the pool. It's going to go to the edge of the pool and then go into the drain tile. Paul Oehme: Right. Correct. So anything that's, any soils that are corrected, replacing the clay with a granular material, a sand or whatever, that water will be fixed into that site. Into that excavation area and we're the, any water that would end up in that location will be able to be discharged or removed by the tile. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. And the water that is doing this natural drainage today, if it's not going into a drain tile, it's going to a low point and those points appear to be the southwest comer of the property and potentially the southeast over towards Parcel 2, is that correct? Paul Oebme: Right. Right Councilman Laufenburger: And some of it goes to Ms. Trager's property on the south, right? Paul Oehme: Well I think Ms. Trager's property, most of that water drains from her property onto Parcel 1. Councilman Laufenburger: Onto Parcel 1. Paul Oehme: Parcel 1 and then eventually onto Parcel 2 so we're, again with this proposal we're trying to eliminate that low point on Parcel 1. There would be some, again some drainage that would end up going, all the drainage would end up going to the north but there, again there would be some drainage that would end up on Parcel 2 but we're trying to capture as much of the water on Parcel 1. Directing it into the drain tile and then heading north before it ends upon Parcel 2. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Next question. This is a proposed grading and none of this will occur until and unless a building permit is pulled, is that correct? Paul Oehme: That's correct. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay so any expense associated with this grading and tiling plan, this will not be incurred by either the developer or a builder until such time that a permit is pulled. Paul Oehme: Yeah, I mean that's, Kate can answer that but. Councilman Laufenburger: Is that correct Kate? Paul Oehme: We have to have a building permit and approved plans before they can start construction. 32 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Alright, so let's talk more about the, can you tell me is there tile, is there planned tile on the south end of this parcel? Paul Oehme: There is not. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay so I'm looking at, what I'm looking at right now is just below and to the left of the letter P. It looks like there's a catch basin. That's the beginning of the tile on the west side of the property. Paul Oehme: That's correct. Councilman Laufenburger: And then straight east of the L there's a catch basin. So from there all the way over to the lower left there's no drain tile there. Paul Oehme: Right and again that's sheet draining. Councilman Laufenburger: That's sheet draining and the sheet draining would be towards both the west and the east side of the property. Paul Oehme: Right. A lot of the water's going to get directed into the catch basins. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Let's talk about soil corrections. Seven feet, that's 7 feet vertical right? Paul Oehme: Correct. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. So you're going to request that the soil corrections occur 5 feet below the current water table? Paul Oehme: Right. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Paul Oehme: And again the soil engineer took soil borings out here. I don't know there's a couple. Councilman Laufenburger: This is the geotechnical report. Paul Oehme: The geotechnical report so they took several borings out here. We have to verify that just to make sure that you know it's not 8 feet in some areas so we definitely have to be out there and make sure that all the soils are taken out that are unsuitable. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. And so you take out the mottled soil, I think is the way Kate described it, and that would be clay, right? Paul Oehme: Right. Right. 33 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Councilman Laufenburger: Including the septic system. How deep is the septic system, do we know? Paul Oehme: Oh, I don't know. Typically about 5 to 8 feet. Five to 6 feet down. Councilman Laufenburger: So essentially, and by the way the soil corrections will it occur over all 15,165 square feet of this parcel? Paul Oehme: No, it's mainly addressing the foundation soil corrections underneath the house pad. There is some, again there is some soil corrections a little bit outside of the house pad but a majority of it is, will be dealt with for the house pad. Councilman Laufenburger: So this is to give a strong footing if you will for the house pad so that it doesn't. Paul Oehme: Move. Councilman Laufenburger: So it doesn't move. Good, okay. I think that's all I have for now. Thank you. Mayor Furlong: Alright, thank you. Any additional questions? Councilwoman Ernst: I have one quick question. Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Ernst. Councilwoman Ernst: So Paul you said that there is no drain tile on the south side of the property, correct? Paul Oehme: Correct. Councilwoman Ernst: Is there a catch basin on the south side? Paul Oehme: Well there's one on the west side, the southwest side, and there's one on the southeast side. Councilwoman Ernst: Okay. Paul Oehme: Along the property line but there's not on the south end of the property line itself. Todd Gerhardt: Paul show her the one with 61.5 topography is in the middle and then half the lot is to drain to the one catch basin. Paul Oehme: Right, to this one. KL! 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Todd Gerhardt: And then the other half is to the other. It's like a foot lower where each of those catch basins are than the 1061.5. Paul Oehme: Right. So the area here is depressed to capture some of that water from the back yards and direct it in the catch basins. Todd Gerhardt: So sheet drain. Paul Oehme: Yep. Mayor Furlong: So those catch basins are at the surface but they're lower than the elevation of the back of the lot? Paul Oehme: Right, correct. So it's, again it's going to sheet drain from the back yard and end up in this catch basin and the grading along the property line is such that it's 2 percent to the north. There's another depression here at this catch basin to capture that water that's on the side of the house and then the drain tile ends up to the north so, and then all the property will drain to the street on the north side of the house. Mayor Furlong: Any other questions at this time? Councilwoman Ernst: Well I'm just wondering if it would make sense to do anything on the south side of the house in addition to what we've already talked about. Paul Oehme: Well we could talk to the developer or the contractor about that. I don't know if they would be running out of grade in terms of trying to get the, any more drain file out here but that's something we can discuss. I mean we're eliminating the, we're eliminating the low point, the depression here. We're capturing as much of the water in these catch basins. I don't know how much more, adding another catch basin to the south will help. Councilwoman Ernst: And that's my question. If we do something there is it going to help? I don't. Paul Oehme: I don't think it will because we have two catch basins here already and we're capturing a majority of the water that ends up in this back yard already. Councilwoman Ernst: Okay, thank you. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Councilman Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Yeah, yeah. Paul there's a, the discussion from the neighbors, I think maybe it brought into question whether or not your plan would work. Have we done anything like this or have developers done anything like this? This drain tile around the perimeter of a lot in the past. 35 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Paul Oehme: Oh I think we have and that's maybe a key question too but I know we've required drain file in the past for certain hard or more difficult lots so. Councilman Laufenburger: Is there anything, this seems like, and I'm not an engineer but this seems like just an engineering problem that you plan for and you execute on, is that correct? Paul Oehme: Yeah, I mean we're comfortable with the design moving forward. Kate Aanenson: I would give the closest example to this is the one we recently approved which was the Knoblauch subdivision, which had, we came through off of West 86' Street. Councilman Laufenburger: The Mission Hills area? Kate Aanenson: Yep. Came through that. Mayor Furlong: Sixteen lots. Kate Aanenson: Yeah, came through that. Yeah, the 16 lots and we had them do some soil investigation on that and those, we did a PUD on that one. Some smaller lots and that's also a cul-de-sac on the end of that and so. Todd Gerhardt: Settlers West. Lakeside all have rear yard drainage systems where catch basins to take the stormwater off the homes. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Where they're adjacent to a bluff or where there were challenges, yep. So those were engineered to make sure we had positive flow to the street as opposed to the over the bluff. Councilman Laufenburger: I just have one more question Kate. Is there anything about request for subdivision that requires either a variance or, anything that would require our approval for a deviation in order for this subdivision to occur? Kate Aanenson: No, when it originally came in we felt that under the subdivision regulations we didn't have enough information to address the drainage issues. Based on the geotechnical report that we did, again that's engineering and we do sometimes this on other subdivisions that based on that we've addressed those as conditions of approval. That based on that it would meet the subdivision regulations without variance. Just conditions of approval. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Councilwoman Ernst question. Councilwoman Ernst: So and this point is for Paul but Paul if, I mean we want to make sure that this is the right thing to do if we move forward with it but my question really is, after this is done, who's going to monitor it to make sure? I mean I don't want us spending a lot of time out there. Tbat's the purpose of us going through this whole process but how do we, how do we make sure that it's working like it's supposed to? M, 0 Chanhassen City Council —November 24, 2014 Paul Oehme: So what's being proposed is a private system so it connects into the city's system but you know we're going to be monitoring it and making sure that the plan is built per plan so after that you know it's up to the property owner of Parcel 1 to make sure that the catch basins are cleaned out on a regular basis and they're not clogged and that there's no debris in the tile so it's functioning properly. Councilwoman Ernst: And do we have that as a requirement somewhere where that's the responsibility of that homeowner? Paul Oehme: Well it's again it's a private system so it's, it's part of the development plan that that's their responsibility to maintain those systems. Just like a water service or sanitary sewer service. Councilwoman Ernst: Okay. Mayor Furlong: If there are no more questions, thoughts. Comments. By members of the council. Mr. McDonald. Councilman McDonald: Comments at this point? Mayor Furlong: I think so, unless there are additional questions let's move onto comments and see where we go. Councilman McDonald: Well I mean I've listened to all of this and yeah it is an engineering problem. It does sound as though we have a solution. Whether it works or not, if I were living on the street I guess I'd be a little skeptical too but you know we do have some experience with this. We've come a long ways in this city in dealing with water problems and I think we've learned a lot as to how to control water on certain lots. We've gotten a lot better so I have confidence in the engineering plan. The only other thing that I looked at is does it meet the code requirements and it does. Based upon all of that I see no reason not to vote for it. Again I understand your concerns about the water but you're not the only area in town that's had concerns about water and we've managed to address those in other areas. And I do think you know we had the thing the last council meeting about monitoring systems and everything and we agreed at that point, it's up to the individual owners. I mean they live in the neighborhood. They understand the importance of the system. It's their responsibility to take care of that. It's not the City's. We approve a plan that we believe will work. It's up to them to make sure that it continues to work, or if not to fix it so based upon all of that, I see no reason not to vote for it. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Other comments. Councilwoman Tjomhom. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yeah I also see, I see no reason not to vote for it. I think tonight we had a healthy discussion regarding water and drainage and obviously there's still some anticipation as to what the future will hold if this improvements do actually come to fruition and they're put in place. I feel confident saying that staff feels confident that they have engineered something that should alleviate the problems and it sounds to me like the water problem is coming from, it's coming up. It's not the rain water coming down. It's coming up from the 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 ground and so hopefully putting drain tiles in and changing the elevation will alleviate some of that pressure that now is there on that lot and maybe the rest of your lots also. It does seem to meet all the requirements to be, have a lot split and so I too will just be supporting what staff has put in front of us. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Other comments. Councilwoman Ernst. Councilwoman Ernst: Yeah so obviously the applicant has met the ordinance requirements in terms of the 24 percent impervious surface, the setbacks as well as the street and utility requirements. My concern really comes to the drainage issue obviously and my point was really not to make sure that the City was going to monitor the water problem but to make sure that we had that documented somewhere where the developer or the owner's responsible for that. So based on what we have in front of us today I would support this project. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Mr. Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Thank you Mr. Mayor. I think that it was good to hear the citizens talk about what your concerns are and I understand your concerns about the water because you're sharing examples of what's happening with your own property. Mr. Atherton you talked about water in your basement. Boy I'm very sympathetic to that. I've had water in my basement in some of my homes and it's difficult to deal with it. If that was an alert for what might happen with the property owner in Parcel 1, well he's not going to have a basement. He or she's not going to have a basement so that's going to be, that issue will be resolved. But I think there's a kind of an underlying thing here that we need to not forget and that is that the property owner has rights to use his property, his or her property in accordance with what's available to him and it seems to me because there's you know all the setbacks are met. All of the lot sizes. The building footprint. All of those things are met. We can't stand in the way of that property owner exercising his rights, just as any of the other property owners on West 65's or even on Crestview. They have rights to use their land as they choose to as long as they follow the guidelines. I think that there's something underneath all of this though that is kind of getting in the way of this neighborhood accepting this and that is, you know I said this a couple weeks ago or maybe a month ago that you know we can have ordinances to affect setback and we can have an ordinance to affect you know property lines and stuff like that but we don't have any ordinances for neighborhood harmony and I'm thinking that maybe we should explore some of those a little bit. I will vote in support of this subdivision. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. I think the, I appreciate the comments everybody made tonight and the concerns clearly water. Ground water problems have been an issue for a long time in this neighborhood, as they are in other parts of the city. This subdivision isn't going to correct all of that. There's no expectation I don't think on anybody's part that it would. As was mentioned I think a couple of council members here, one of our jobs is to make sure when somebody comes in for a request that they're following the law. That they're following the ordinances and those are rules that are consistent for everybody so everybody plays by the same rules. One of the questions that came up tonight was what about all the neighbors? I mean if this is the first one, what about the other ones and let's plan ahead. And a very valid question and I think the answer that I would have to that is that if the other properties follow the same rules then they should M 0 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 receive the same result and if that result is that you know as we look at these, the first question is, is the proposal meeting our ordinances? For all situations we talk about the dimensions of the property and the proposed setbacks for a possible house. Impervious surface coverage. Those are all there and we deal with a few metes and bounds subdivisions on an annual basis. This is not the first one that we work with but they come and usually they don't have with them the added I'll call baggage of a high water table and water problems that this one obviously has. That this neighborhood has and in those cases, to my recollection we don't require drain tile. We don't require grading plans necessarily. It's fairly straight forward. If they meet the definitions we approve it. Here I think, and I'll give credit to the residents for raising the issue and staff for dealing with the issue, it's something more than just simple lines on a map. Lines on a parcel. Are the dimensions correct? Are the setbacks correct? Is the impervious coverage correct? One of the challenges is to make sure that the change the new lot doesn't create negative effects on the neighboring property owners. I think that is part of, from an ordinance standpoint and driving water from one parcel to another parcel would certainly create a negative effect and I think here what's, what's been clear to me is that the engineering staff at the city and the experts that were retained by the property owner have said there's a water problem there and here are ways to correct the water problem. Water is a problem when you don't want it there. When you need it, want it and it's not there, then it's also a problem but that's a drought and that's a different deal. We don't have that here. So by designing and engineering a plan that will address the problem of the water on this newly created parcel. It's not going to fix the existing parcel, Parcel 2. It's not going to fix other problems in the neighborhood. Drain file systems might be the solution there for those that are interested in doing that but I think here the conditions in the report that are being recommended I think are appropriate. While they add extra burden and extra costs to the property owner they do so in a way to minimize the negative impact that this subdivision would otherwise likely have on the neighboring property so I think that's appropriate to do that. And the question was how do we know that these are going to happen? The answer I think is what I was expected to here and that's through the permit and the inspection process. If anybody's built a house, put an addition on, sought a permit to do that. Everybody does that I know Kate every time that they add an addition or do an improvement to their house they get a permit but if they do that they'll know that inspectors come out and that's just part of that process and whatever that is, and in this case there'll be additional inspections with regard to the site preparation. With regard to the grading plan and making sure that the drainage system is installed correctly and to plan so I think those are the checks and balances to make sure it's installed correctly and is going to do what it intends to do. So I think from that standpoint the rules are there so that as Mr. Laufenburger said, each of us who own property in the city, we have private property rights and as a government body we need to protect those but we need to do it in a way so that somebody exercising their private property rights, in this case to subdivide, doesn't impose a negative effect on the neighbors and I think that check, that balance there is with the engineering plan for the drainage system is to prevent that so I think from that standpoint the subdivision, it does meet the ordinance for approval. I think we should approve it and also including the conditions to prevent the negative effects on neighboring properties because of the subdivision and have the inspection department and engineering department make sure, the planning department make sure that eventually when a house is built on this new parcel that it's done correctly and that the plan is followed so for that reason I would suggest and encourage the council to support this plan. If there are any other comments, I'd be happy to entertain them or certainly entertain a motion. Councilwoman Ernst. 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Councilwoman Ernst: I wasn't there. Councilwoman Tjomhom: It's right there. Councilwoman Ernst: Oh sorry. Mayor Furlong: That's okay. Councilwoman Ernst: Chanhassen, I make a motion that Chanhassen City Council approve a resolution approving a metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots subject to the conditions of the staff report and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilman McDonald: Second. Mayor Furlong: Motion's been made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Hearing none we'll proceed with the vote. Resolution #2014-78: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman McDonald seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves a metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots subject to the following conditions and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision: Buildine The existing structure on proposed Parcel l must be provided with sanitary sewer connection — permit required. 2. Properties must be provided with separate sewer and water services. Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Site on proposed Parcel 1 must be properly discontinued and abandoned — permit required. EnEineerina The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 2. A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of the existing cul-de-sac within the property and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall pay the $45 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision) plus $10/parcel. 40 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 4. Prior to recording the subdivision a $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored. The security can be released when the City determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. 5. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for the new lot, a portion of which shall be collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: Water: 1 unit x $1,886/unit = $1,886 Sewer: 1 unit x $664/unit = $664 6. If the final subdivision submittals are received after 2014, all fees shall be recalculated based on the rates in effect at that time. The remaining 70% of the sanitary sewer and water hookup fees must be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. 8. A plumbing permit is required for the private stone sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city storm sewer manhole. 9. On Parcel 1, the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18-40(4)2(iii) is a slab -on -grade home. Based on the Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations, the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the ground elevation of the soil boring. The developer must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater; the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 18-40(4)2(1). Environmental Resource Specialist Tree protection fencing will be required around any preserved trees. It shall be installed prior to grading and located at the drip lines of the trees. 2. Parcel 1 is required to have one tree planted in the front yard. Parks Park fees of $5,800 shall be paid for each new single-family lot prior to the recording of the property deed. Plannin¢ Deeds shall be submitted to the City for review and recorded at Carver County for the two parcels. 2. A building permit shall not be issued unless all soil corrections have been completed as indicated in the attached exhibits titled "Subsurface Soil Investigation" dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014. 41 0 Chanhassen City Council — November 24, 2014 Water Resources Coordinator Total surface water management fees due prior to recording the property deed are $1,914.55. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. AWARD OF BID FOR HIGHOVER BOULDER WALL REPAIR AND APPROVE Mayor Furlong: Let's start with a staff report on this item. Mr. Oehme, is that you? Paul Oehme: Yes it is. Mayor Furlong: Okay, great. Thank you everyone. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. This is again to consider approval of bid for reconstructing a boulder wall that had failed in June of this year so just a little background about this area. The Highover development was approved by the City Council in 1997 along with the boulder wall. The boulder wall was constructed with the development. Originally the wall was designed and planned for, for a future trail which is shown here. On this plan, this is the retaining walls as they are. The outlot, which is right here, which most of the boulder wall is on, was also planned for that trail. But since the development was approved there is no future plans for that trail to be installed. Most of the wall again was constructed within the City right-of-way or again on the outlot, and this Highover Homeowners Association maintains. Mows and maintains this outlot for the city. It's kind of an entry monument to their neighborhood so. On June 19's of this year we did have one of the, a significant rain event and prior to that this spring and into the early part of summer was one of the wettest years the City of Chanhassen has on record. Soils around the wall became very saturated and loose and the soil strength was significantly reduced because of that soil moisture in the wall. In the soil in back of the wall became unstructural and very weak at that time. Portions of the wall, the portion of the wall that did fail was main section right in the middle of where the, or a large section of the wall did fail but the City did come back and have to remove or knock down a significant amount more of the wall because that wall was, was starting to move and slough off as well so for safety reasons the City decided to knock that portion of the wall down as well. The City also did meet with FEMA representatives and the wall is eligible for FEMA funding as well based upon the rain event that took place in June of 19 of this year. So the proposed reconstruction plan is shown here. The City's responsible for, we feel addressing the portion of the wall that sits within our city right-of-way along Highover Drive and then on the outlot. A portion of the wall that is on private property we have recommended that that portion of the wall be paid for either by the homeowners association or the private party. Property owner that's adjacent to the wall. Staff did lead the effort in terms of surveying and geotechnical and design work to get the project moving. We have met with the property owner and HOA and they both proposed to pay for that portion of the wall outside of the right-of-way and the outlot. This is just a cross section of what the new wall would look like. Right now there's clay material that's in back of the wall. That 42 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.2271160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone. 952 227.1120 Fax: 952 227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.2271400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax 952 227,1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.2271310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner DATE: November 24, 2014 0Ar� SUBJ: Moline's Addition Metes and Bounds Subdivision Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition -Planning Case #2014-30 PROPOSED MOTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves a metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots subject to the conditions of the staff report and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision." City Council approval requires a majority vote of City Council present. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is requesting metes and bounds subdivision approval to divide 30,324 square feet into two lots. City council may approve a metes and bounds subdivision of a lot into two lots inside the urban services area if both resulting lots meet the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance and abut an existing public street, pursuant to Section 18-37 (b) of the Chanhassen City Code. PROPOSAL SUMMARY Request for a metes and bounds subdivision of 30,324 square feet (0.69 acres) into two (2) lots on property zoned Single -Family Residential (RSF) and legally described as Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition (2061 West 65h Street). Applicant: JMBC — James Brudos 14846 Timber Hills Road Minnetonka, MN 55345 (612)855-4949 Jmbrudoscompany@junail.com Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow SCANNED `. Todd Gerhardt • • 2061 West 65fl' Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 2 of 8 Owner: John Corey 6409 Oxbow Bend Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612)221-8923 Coreyonel994@gmail.com The site contains a single-family home which is proposed to remain. Access to the site is gained via West 65U' Street. The site contains a low area along the southwest corner of the property. There is a septic mound west of the existing single-family home that is proposed to be removed. There are some mature trees on the site. The majority of the trees are proposed to remain undisturbed. L 4 West 65th Street Lot 3 ,- C•. � BLOCK Todd Gerhardt 0 • 2061 West 65's Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 3 of 8 The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property and locate a single-family home on the westerly portion of the site. The proposed subdivision meets city ordinance requirements and staff is recommending approval subject to the conditions of this staff report. The Moline's Addition plat was filed with Carver County on December 29, 1969. The existing home was built in 1981. No other records exist. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article XII, "RSF"' Single -Family Residential District LAND USE: Residential Low Density (1.2 — 4.0 units per net acre) SUBDIVISION REVIEW The applicant is requesting a metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots. The net density of the development is 2.8 units per acre. Both parcels meet all the lot area, width and depth requirements. Parcel 2, which contains a single-family home, will have a total hard surface coverage of 24%. The city code allows up to 25%. The existing structure meets all required setback requirements. EASEMENTS MOLINE'S ADDITION The developer proposes 10 -foot front and rear yard and 5 -foot side yard drainage and utility easements on each lot, as shown on the plans. The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. Todd Gerhardt • • 2061 West 65th Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 4 of 8 A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of the existing cul- de-sac within the property and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall pay the $45 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision) plus $10/parcel. STREETS The proposed subdivision is adjacent to West 65th Street, a 25 -foot wide public street within a 60 -foot wide right of way without curb and gutter. This street was constructed in 1979 and was overlaid in 2013. The current standard for new streets within Chanhassen is 31 feet wide with curb and gutter. Staff does not recommend that the developer install curb and gutter along the property frontage since the remainder of the roadway would remain a rural section. UTILITIES There is one sewer and one water service within West 65th Street that provides service to the existing home. The developer proposes to install a new sewer service to the existing home. Prior to recording the subdivision, a $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored. The security can be released when the city determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. A new water service will be installed to service the proposed lot. The water main is outside of the street, therefore, there will be no street restoration required with this installation. Based on the property file in the Building Department the well servicing the existing home was sealed in 2011. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for the new lot, a portion of which shall be collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: Water: 1 unit x $1,886/unit = $1,886 Sewer: 1 unit x $664/unit = $664 The remainder of the water and sewer hookup fees shall be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. GRADING & EROSION CONTROL Surface water currently drains from the back to the front of the property. The developer proposes grading on Parcel 1; Parcel 2 with the existing home will not be altered. The developer will install a private storm sewer system on the Parcel 1 and grade the property so that surface runoff will not leave the site. The proposed private storm sewer system will connect to the city storm sewer in front of Parcel 1. A plumbing permit is required for the private storm sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city storm sewer manhole. 0 0 Todd Gerhardt 2061 West 65`s Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 5 of 8 There is evidence of high groundwater conditions in the area: Infiltration into a sanitary sewer manhole in the area. The infiltration was abated with the 2013 street project. 2. Site investigation performed in 1980 by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. (attached) indicated mottled soils on the property 18 inches below the surface. Mottled soils are indicative of periodic soil saturation. 3. Site investigation performed in 1981 by Subterranean Engineering, Inc. (attached) indicating presence of water during borehole drilling, rising to 2.6 feet below the ground surface. 4. Site investigation performed by Interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc on October 25, 2014. On Parcel 1 the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (iii) is a slab - on -grade home. Based on Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations, the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the ground elevation of the soil boring. The developer must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater; the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (i). Interstate Geotechnical Engineering recommendations include removal of some of the material found on the site and placement of controlled fill. On November 13, 2014 Interstate Geotechnical Engineering provided a follow-up letter with a professional opinion that the groundwater elevation will return to its original level after the soil corrections are completed on the lot. PARKS AND RECREATION The proposed subdivision is located within an area that is in the municipal park service boundaries of Pheasant Hill Park and the Minnetonka Middle School West Campus. The property has access to the city's comprehensive trail system located on Galpin Boulevard. In lieu of parkland dedication or trail construction, the development shall pay full park fees in force for the one new lot at the time of subdivision approval. Parks fees for 2014 are $5,800.00 per single-family lot. LANDSCAPING AND TREE PRESERVATION The applicant did not submit tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations. Estimated calculations are as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands).....................30,324 SF Baseline canopy coverage..........................................26% or 8,160 SF Minimum canopy coverage allowed ..........................30% or 9,097 SF Proposed tree preservation.........................................25% or 7,720 SF �. Todd Gerhardt 2061 West 65th Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 6 of 8 The applicant does not meet minimum canopy coverage allowed; therefore, the difference between the baseline and proposed tree preservation is multiplied by 1.2 to calculate the required replacement plantings: Difference in canopy coverage ..................................1,377 SF Multiplier...................................................................1.2 Total replacement .......................................................1,652 SF Total number of trees to be planted ...........................1 tree The total number of trees required for the development is one. There are no bufferyard requirements for this subdivision. MISCELLANEOUS A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits can be issued. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. COMPLIANCE TABLE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends City Council approve the subdivision creating two lots subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Buildine The existing structure on proposed Parcel 2 must be provided with sanitary sewer connection — permit required. 2. Properties must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 3. Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Site on proposed Parcel l must be properly discontinued and abandoned — permit required. Areas . ft Width ft Depth ft Setbacks Code 15,000 90 125 Front /Rear 30' Sides 10' Parcell 15,165 97.50 155.5 30/30/10/10 Parcell 15,159 97.50 155.5 30/30/10/10 Total 30,324 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends City Council approve the subdivision creating two lots subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Buildine The existing structure on proposed Parcel 2 must be provided with sanitary sewer connection — permit required. 2. Properties must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 3. Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Site on proposed Parcel l must be properly discontinued and abandoned — permit required. Todd Gerhardt 0 2061 West 650' Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 7 of 8 Enpneerine The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 2. A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of the existing cul-de-sac within the property and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. 3. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall pay the $45 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision) plus $10/parcel. 4. Prior to recording the subdivision a $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored. The security can be released when the city determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. 5. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for the new lot, a portion of which shall be collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: Water: 1 unit x $1,886/unit = $1,886 Sewer: 1 unit x $664/unit = $664 6. If the final subdivision submittals are received after 2014, all fees shall be recalculated based on the rates in effect at that time. 7. The remaining 70% of the sanitary sewer and water hookup fees must be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. 8. A plumbing permit is required for the private storm sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city storm sewer manhole. 9. On Parcel 1, the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (iii) is a slab -on -grade home. Based on Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations, the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the ground elevation of the soil boring. The developer must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater; the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (i). Environmental Resource Specialist 1. Tree protection fencing will be required around any preserved trees. It shall be installed prior to grading and located at the drip lines of the trees. 2. Parcel 1 is required to have one tree planted in the front yard. Todd Gerhardt • 2061 West 65h Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 8 of 8 Parks 1. Park fees of $5,800.00 shall be paid for each new single-family lot prior to the recording of the property deed. Plannine Deeds shall submitted to the city for review and recorded at Carver County for the two parcels. 2. A building permit shall not be issued unless all soil corrections have been completed as indicated in the attached exhibits titled "Subsurface Soil Investigation" dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014. Water Resource Coordinator 1. Total surface water management fees due prior to recording the property deed are $1,914.55. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision. 2. Resolution with attachments. 3. Development Review Application. 4. Reduced Copy Existing Conditions Survey. 5. Reduced Copy Lot Split Exhibit. 6. Reduced Copy Grading & Erosion Control Plan. 7. Reduced Copy Utility Plan. 8. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List. 9. Soil Percolation report from Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. dated September 2, 1980. 10. Soil Investigation report from Subterranean Engineering, Inc. dated June 29, 1981. 11. Subsurface Soil Investigation Letters from Patrick J. Hines, PE, President of Interstate Geotechnical Engineering Inc. dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014. 12. Correspondence from: a. Chris Jerdee dated September 26, 2014. b. Terry Atherton dated October 27, 2014 c. Bill and Judy Ashenbach dated October 29, 2014 g:\plan\2014 planning cases\2014-30 2061 west 65th street metes & bowds\slaff report2Aoc FROM 0 INTERSTATE GEOTECHNICAL ENG PHONE NO. : 651 769 2467 interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc Patrick J Hines, PE 8167 100' St S CottW Grove MN 55016 (612) 414-5770 FAC iMILE COVER SHEET DATE: 13 November 14 FAX #: 227, 1 19U Proposed S' ann y Residence RE: W of 2061 W _ m St. Chanhasen.Minn FROM: Patrick J Hines, PE NUMBER OF PAGES (Including this cover sheet): 2 Nov. 13 2014 11:05AM P1 Please call (612) 414.5770 if you did not receive acceptable quality of transmission or if any pages are missing. Comments: Letter regarding groundwater on the above site, sent as per request of my client. pH aE�E�vE° � I g 2014 �p INS scwsv Affidavit of Publication Southwest Newspapers State of Minnesota) )SS. ) CITY OF CHANHASSEN County of Carver CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC ING Laurie A. Hartmann, beingdulyswom, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized PLANNING CASE NO. 201430 agent of the publisher of the e newspapers known the Chaska Herad and the Chanhassen Vil- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lager and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: that the Chanhassen City Council will hold a public hearing on (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal Monday, November 24, 2014, at newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02, 331 A.07, and other applicable laws, as 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers amended. in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 �N Market Blvd. The purpose of thi; (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No. hearingistommidera requestfm was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said a metes and bounds subdivision Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of of a.69 -acre parcel into two (2) lot the newspaper specified. Printed below is a co of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Residential (RSF) and locates property zoned Single Family inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being ptthie kind and size of type used in the composition Re at 2061 West 65th Street (Lot 3, and publication of the Notice: Block 2, Moline's Addition, PIE, 25-5350070). Applicant/Owner abcdefghijklmnopqrstupVXyz John & Kimberly Corey A plan showing thea available `VVV Vw G't of the proposal is available for public review on the City's RY web site at www.ci.chanhassen. LaurieA. Hartmann mn.us/2014-30 or at City Hall during regular business hours All interested persons are invitee to attend this public hearing Subscribed and sworn before me on and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner this Lday of I (J C�, 014 Email: mbaffLci.chanhassen. mn.us Phone: 952-227-1139 (Published in the Chanhasser JYMkiE JEl4�iirETTE BARK Villager on Thursday, November 13, 2014: No. 4047) C NG�ARY "r I: AUC- M NNESCTA INa"',lb lit IAYCGNOSIONDPRES01(911.8 RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $31.20 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter ................................. $31.20 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter ............................................... $12.59 per column inch SCANNED 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Pi AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on October 21, 2014, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Postponement of Public Hearing for 2061 West 65'h Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision - Planning Case 2014-30 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in'an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. W -11A,14 Subscribed and sworn to before me thi�,2day of �1- 12014. 3° ;3 KIM T. MEUWISSEN Notary Public -Minnesota ', . My Commisson Exppres Jan 31. 2016 Notary Pu is 9 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF POSTPONED PUBLIC HEARING Dear Property Owner: On October 16, 2014, the City of Chanhassen mailed a public hearing notice to you regarding the following proposal: • Request for a Metes and Bounds Subdivision of a 0.69 -acre parcel into two (2) lots on property zoned Single Family Residential (RSF) and located at 2061 West 65th Street (location map on reverse) — Planning Case No. 2014-30. The public hearing was originally scheduled for October 27, 2014; however, it has been postponed. You will receive a notice when the item has been rescheduled. If you have questions regarding this proposal, contact Sharmeen AI-Jaff at 952-227-1134 or by email at saliaff(a)ci.chanhassen.mn.us, or visit the project web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2014-30 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF POSTPONED PUBLIC HEARING Dear Property Owner: On October 16, 2014, the City of Chanhassen mailed a public hearing notice to you regarding the following proposal: Request for a Metes and Bounds Subdivision of a 0.69 -acre parcel into two (2) lots on property zoned Single Family Residential (RSF) and located at 2061 West 65th Street (location map on reverse) — Planning Case No. 2014-30. The public hearing was originally scheduled for October 27, 2014; however, it has been postponed. You will receive a notice when the item has been rescheduled. If you have questions regarding this proposal, contact Sharmeen AI-Jaff at 952-227-1134 or by email at saliaffa_ci.chanhassen.mn.us, or visit the project web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2014-30 0 BERNARD C JR & SANDRA BENZ 2061 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9006 CASEY C MCDANIEL 2020 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9005 CRAIG R & CATHERINE JOHNSON 2071 MELODY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8888 DORIS L NIKOLAI TRUST PO BOX 1461 SHERWOOD, OR 97140-1461 JOHN J & JUNE A HAMSHER 2081 MELODY HILL EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8888 KATHERINE MARIE ANTOINETTE FOR 6486 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8994 PAUL S TUNGSETH 2051 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8008 ROBERT M & LINDA M PETERSON 2040 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9005 WILLIAM C & JUDITH J ASHENBACH 2041 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9006 BRUCE A & JEAN A MATTSON 2020 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8007 CHARLES R & BEVERLY J JACKSON 2110 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8009 CYNTHIA A BODIN 2061 MELODY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8888 DOUGLAS E & MARY K JOHNSON REV 6474 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8994 JOHN J & LYNNETTE J DELUCA 6484 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8994 MICHAEL J STACHOWSKI 2050 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8007 PEGGY LOU TRAGER 2080 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8007 STEVEN S & LORI A ABBLETT 2081 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8008 0 CAROL ASLESEN CHILD 6482 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8994 CHRISTOPHER M JERDEE 2081 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9006 DANA F NICHOLSON 6500 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9013 GARY A NYBERG 6410 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8018 JOHN THOMAS FAVORITE II 2080 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9005 NANCY H LIBERG REV TRUST 3543 LILAC LN MINNETONKA, MN 55345-1024 RICHARD & BARBARA D ATHERTON 2082 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9005 TIMOTHY P & HEIDI S LARKIN 2150 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8009 11 CITY OF CHANHASSEN • AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on October 16, 2014, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for 2061 West 65" Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision — Planning Case 2014-30 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. D 44 1 Kaz J. Engel ar t, Depu Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4�e day of C)L, nb.r- 2014. Notary ma---� SCANNEt Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen City Council Meeting When is the Monday, October 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. public City Hall Council Chambers hearing: 7700 Market Boulevard Request for a Metes and Bounds Subdivision of a Proposal: 0.69 -acre parcel into two (2) lots on property zoned Single Family Residential (RSF) Planning Case No. 2014-30 Applicant: John & Kimberly Core Address/ 2061 West 65th Street Location of A location map is on the reverse side of this Proposal: notice. This public hearing gives the neighborhood an opportunity to comment on the proposal. During the meeting, the Mayor will lead the public hearing What through the following steps: happens at the 1. Staff will summarize the request. meeting: 2• The applicant may comment on the request. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Council discusses the request. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2014-30. If you wish to Questions talk to someone about this project, please contact & Sharmeen AI-Jaff by email at Comments: saliaff(a)ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952- 227-1134. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the City Council. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 16, 2014. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen City Council Meeting When is the Monday, October 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. public City Hall Council Chambers hearing: 7700 Market Boulevard Request for a Metes and Bounds Subdivision of a Proposal: 0.69 -acre parcel into two (2) lots on property zoned Single Family Residential (RSF) Planning Case No. 2014-30 Applicant: John & Kimberly Core Address/ 2061 West 65th Street Location of A location map is on the reverse side of this Proposal: notice. This public hearing gives the neighborhood an opportunity to comment on the proposal. During the meeting, the Mayor will lead the public hearing What through the following steps: happens at the 1. Staff will summarize the request. meeting: 2• The applicant may comment on the request. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Council discusses the request. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, • please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2014-30. If you wish to Questions talk to someone about this project, please contact & Sharmeen AI-Jaff by email at Comments: saliaff(a)ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952- 227-1134. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the City Council. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 16, 2014. BERNARD C JR & SANDRA BENZ 2061 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9006 CASEY C MCDANIEL 2020 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9005 CRAIG R & CATHERINE JOHNSON 2071 MELODY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8888 DORIS L NIKOLAI TRUST PO BOX 1461 SHERWOOD, OR 97140-1461 JOHN J & JUNE A HAMSHER 2081 MELODY HILL EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8888 KATHERINE MARIE ANTOINETTE FOR 6486 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8994 PAUL S TUNGSETH 2051 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8008 ROBERT M & LINDA M PETERSON 2040 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9005 WILLIAM C & JUDITH J ASHENBACH 2041 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9006 • 0 BRUCE A & JEAN A MATTSON CAROL ASLESEN CHILD 2020 CRESTVIEW DR 6482 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8007 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8994 CHARLES R & BEVERLY J JACKSON CHRISTOPHER M JERDEE 2110 CRESTVIEW DR 2081 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8009 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9006 CYNTHIA A BODIN DANA F NICHOLSON 2061 MELODY HILL RD 6500 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8888 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9013 DOUGLAS E & MARY K JOHNSON GARY A NYBERG REV 6410 GALPIN BLVD 6474 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8018 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8994 JOHN J & LYNNETTE J DELUCA JOHN THOMAS FAVORITE II 6484 MURRAY HILL RD 2080 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8994 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9005 MICHAEL J STACHOWSKI NANCY H LI BERG REV TRUST 2050 CRESTVIEW DR 3543 LILAC LN EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8007 MINNETONKA, MN 55345-1024 PEGGY LOU TRAGER RICHARD & BARBARA D ATHERTON 2080 CRESTVIEW DR 2082 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8007 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9005 STEVEN S & LORI AABBLETT TIMOTHY P & HEIDI S LARKIN 2081 CRESTVIEW DR 2150 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8008 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8009 0 • iq -3o Affidavit of Publication Southwest Newspapers State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Carver ) RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... 531.20 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter ................................. S31.20 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter ............................................... $12.59 per column inch SCANNED Laurie A. Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Vil- CITY OF CHANHASSEN lager and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal NOTICE OF PUBLIC newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as HEARING PLANNING CASE NO. 2014-30 amended. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN (J Q (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identthed as No.( 2 a/ that the Chanhassen City Council Will hold a public hearing was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said on Monday, October 27 2014, at 7:00 Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of P.M. in the Council Chambers the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of type used in the composition in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd. The purpose of this and publication of the Notice: hearing is to considerarequestfor a metes and bounds subdivision attcdefghijklmnopgrstu z of a.6&acre parcel into two(2)1ots property zoned Single Farm] Re Residential ( and located "'—r a..i 65th at 2061 West 05th Street (Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition, PID Laurie A. Hartmann 25-5350070). Applicant/Owner: John & Kimberly Corey. A Plan showing the location of the proposal is available Subscribed and sworn before me on for Public review on the City's web site at www.ci.chanhassen. mn.us/2014-30 or City h at Hall during regular business hours thisday ofr. 2014 All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearinl and express their opinions with JYMME JEANNE17E BARK respect to this proposal. NOTARY PLLO - MINNESOTA Sharmeen AlJaff, Senior ift C9MIMA4310ti EXF RE501/31re Planner Email: saliaif@ci.cha diassen. No is mn.ue Phone: 952-227-1134 (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on Thursday, October I6 2014: No 4029) RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... 531.20 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter ................................. S31.20 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter ............................................... $12.59 per column inch SCANNED 0 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING CASE NO. 2014-30 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, August 25, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a request for a metes and bounds subdivision of a .69 -acre parcel into two (2) lots on property zoned Single Family Residential (RSF) and located at 2061 West 65`s Street (Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition, PID 25-5350070). Applicant/Owner: John & Kimberly Corey. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review on the City's web site at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2014-30 or at City Hall during regular business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner Email: saliaMci.chanhassen.mmus Phone: 952-227-1134 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on October 16, 2014) SCANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1130 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 *CITY OF CHANgASSEN AGENCY REVIEW REQUEST LAND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Please review and respond no later than the review response deadline Date: September 29, 2014 Agency Review Response Deadline: October 16, 2014 Date Application Filed: September 26, 2014 Contact: Contact Phone: Contact Email: Sharmeen AI-Jaff 952-227-1134 saljaff@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Senior Planner ❑ Victoria Planning Commission Date: City Council Date: 60 -Day Review Period Deadline: at 7:00 p.m. October 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. November 25, 2014 Application: Request for for a metes & bounds subdivision of a .69 -acre parcel into two (2) lots on property zoned Single Family Residential (RSF) and located at 2061 West 651' Street (Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition, PID 25-5350070). Applicant/Owner John & Kimberly Corey. In order for staff to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. City Departments: Federal Agencies ❑ Attorney ❑ Army Corps of Engineers ® Building Official ❑ US Fish & Wildlife ® Engineer ❑ Victoria ® Fire Marshal Watershed Districts: ® ® Forester Park Director El CarverCountyWMO ® Water Resources ❑ Lower River ® ah Minneha Creek Carver County Agencies: ❑ Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek ❑ Community Development ❑ Engineer ❑ Environmental Services ❑ Historical Society ❑ Parks ❑ Soil & Water Conservation District State Agencies: ❑ Board of Water & Soil Resources ❑ Health ❑ Historical Society ❑ Natural Resources -Forestry ❑ Natural Resources -Hydrology ❑ Pollution Control ❑ Transportation Utilities: ® Cable TV — Mediacom ❑ Electric — Minnesota Valley ® Electric — Xcel Energy ❑ Magellan Pipeline ® Natural Gas — CenterPoint Energy ® Phone — CenturyLink Adjacent Cities: ❑ Chaska ❑ Eden Prairie ❑ Jackson Township ❑ Minnetonka ❑ Shorewood ❑ Victoria Adjacent Counties: ❑ Hennepin ❑ Scott School Districts: ❑ Eastern Carver County 112 ❑ Minnetonka 276 Other Agencies: ❑ Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority ❑ MN Landscape Arboretum ❑ SouthWest Transit ❑ TC&W Railroad SCANNED CITY OF CHANHASSEN • • P 0 BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 09/26/2014 2:26 PM Receipt No. 00263971 CLERK: AshleyM PAYEE: John or Kimberly Corey 6409 Oxbow Bend Chanhassen MN 55317- 2061 West 65th Street Planning Case 2014-30 --------------------------- ------------- Subdivision 400.00 Sign Rent 200.00 Recording Fees 150.00 GIS List 72.00 Total Cash Check 6108 Change 822.00 0.00 822.00 0.00 SCANNED 2061 West 65th Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision - Planning Case 2014-30 $400.00 Subdivision (metes & bounds) $200.00 Notification Sign $72.00 Property Owners List $150.00 Escrow for filing fees (Site Plan Agreement/Variance) $822.00 TOTAL $822.00 Less Check 6108 from John Corey $0.00 BALANCE >CHNNEI Property Card Taxpayer Information Taxpayer Name JOHN J COREY KIMBERLY E COREY Mailing Address 6409 OXBOW BND CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9135 Property Address Address 2061 65TH ST W City EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 Parcel ID Number 255350070 Parcel Information Uses Res 1 unit GIS Acres 0.69 Tax Acres Plat MOLINE'S ADDITION Lot 003 Block 002 Tax Description Building Style MULTI LEVEL Year Built 1981 Building Information Finished Sq Ft 1146 Bedrooms Other Garage Y Miscellaneous Information Bathrooms k1 1.50 School District Watershed District Homestead Green Acres Ag Preserve 0276 WS 062 MINNEHAHA CREEK Y N N Assessor Information Estimated Market Value 2013 Values 2014 Values Last Sale (Payable 2014) (Payable 2015) Land $84,800.00 $97,600.00 Date of Sale 07/31/2014 Building $106,000.00 $124,200.00 Sale Value $232,500.00 Total $190,800.00 $221800,00 Qualified/ Q Unqualified Disclaimer. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Carver County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretation. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this service acknowledges that the County shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County from any and all claims brought by User, CARVER its employees or agents. or third parties which arise out of the users access or use of data provided. COUNTY Friday, September 26. 2014 Carver County, MN Page 1 of 1 SCANNED N.. (G NOV 0 6 214 CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss COUNTY OF CARVPR I, Karen J. P:ny •�-hu.�!l., duly oppcinted, qualified_ and acting Deputy Clerk for the -*.ity of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have• cipared the foregoing copy of igel dt, Deputy Clerl r SCANNED Resolution u,._:_. entitled "Partial Vacation of the Westerly 140 Fent ci' 4,..r. 65t.h Street .is Shown on the Plat of Moline's Additior, with the origi,i,i_ :C^ v, Plow cin file in my office, and have found the same to — , a aRC= correct copy thereof and as approved by the - City Count;'. ` Witness my _; t_icia.:_ c,ra! at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 27th_ r,. une _ 19 83 igel dt, Deputy Clerl r SCANNED CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION DATE: September 20, 1482 RESOLUTION NO: 82-55 MOTION BY: Mayor Hamilton SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN: Geving PARTIAL VACATION OF THE WESTERLY .140 FELT OF WEST 65TI1 STREET AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF MOLINE'S ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen has received a petition from the ownurs of Lot 4, 151.ock L and J.,A 4, ULuck 2, Moline Addition to vacate the portion (it right-of-way of West 65th Street which lies west of the exJ.:;ttny at the terminus of the road- way_described as: That part of 65th Street as dedicated in the recorded plat of MOLINE'S ADDITION, lying westerly o1 the westerly arc of a circle having a radius of 50.00 feet. The center of said circle is the point of intersection of the center line of .. said 65th Street a-+' the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 3, Block 1 Ot said plat. WHEREAS, a public :'v>_aring was held on said petition on September 20, 1982, a1•. WHEREAS, sal_:? public hearing was preceded by two weeks published and posted notice as required by Section 412.851 of Minnesota Stat ties, and WHEREAS, there is no public interest to be served by the con- tinued public ownership of that portion of the above-described right-of-way, and WHEREAS, the City is not now using any portion of the above described right-of-way ror any of the purposes set forth in Minnesota Statutes ir52.358, Subd. 7, and it is unlikely that it will so use said right-of-way in the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that any and all of that por- tion of West 65th Street_ described as follows: That part of 65th Street as dedicated in the recorded plat of MOLINE'S ADDITION, lying westeriv of the westerly arc of a circle havinq a radius of 50.00 feet. The center of said circle is the point of inter:=c`ion of the center line of said 65th Street and the outlwily extension of the west line of Lot 3, nlocK 1 in said plat is hereby vacate -j. -714 0 0 Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen this 20th day of September, 1982. ATTEST: t a Don Ashworth, City Clerk/Menzger YES NO Hamilton None Neveaux Geviug swolulo I IIar. n a lz;/ T omas L. Hamilton, Mayor ,ABSENT None - P. • 6 • 21 F a0 (Q z aeo , MELODY HILL -- 31 - - 4Pi 0' _ 20 � 19 p CO LOGIEN Sr4PKs Q CTf ND• 10017 a —_ r 4°K 27 T ion 2. vasa/c�, I M�1..iN S 1 GEOROC A JACKSON I: CONS f RU,. rIUN, INC. +r -"J-• i-"._ J BK 161, a 359 B 361 ' —_ ` Jr<e 416.9 7 606] Ifo u n _ I 133.6 • i zn owl. :� E J MATT'.JN r_ o 4 I JAMES , 1514 bUGH 'AOI_ J. WUI_f 1� rr'^ :,I wy OK 6z,P 533 1r BK 115, P Pv, ISP, n >n +Iry -n 11 •, 510 L �o_ X1)6 v ,tmm �, 150 5j6° RLRESTVIEW ONIVF Nau- -10 I >.v z0 w saT^oz w Se6•f) w :� S619Pr, 6°26' . 130' 666 P 11 R�LL1N�5 STREET w s1 " - I 31 E 567°15 PA I33 r11q :� D.W. NIKOLAIw Ip JAMS- BIKLER I y �n BK ff,P 529 z06-- 116 9 - PK 113, P 30.1 BK b3, P 10 8NO 31 - 959.5.. -- ESS _q i . ! :X97 31j _ .S• A `CLARK NICHOLSON, JR ,66 66 BK 62, P 5 DOCUMENT NO. OFFICE OF C0U1NTY RECORDER STATE 01- MINNESOTA i COUNTY OF CARVER This istocertifythatthisdocumentwas C� filed in this office on then day of A.D. at_9-_'dQo'cl0,-k_!L_M, and was duly recorded in Booz ,?jg_ of�n_Page_iv �=�Jy County Recofeer S � by ti