CAS-31_HIDDEN CREEK MEADOWS (2)A 0 The contents of this file have been scanned. Do not add anything to it unless it has been scanned. • r' L. SCANNED 0 ' V r V Z m e i n n D D4 -<n T e z �' n v m= z to <Z mx Z C On e cn G1 O N A C i T Z v p z F N J • 0 m CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JAN 2 i 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Hydraulic Grade Line of Creek Not to Scale 525' EXIS77NG 42' CULVERT AT PIPEWOOD COURT 125' PROPOSED 42" CULVERT AT PIPEWOOD LANE 980' HWY.. 7 939.85 EX. 4x 6' BOX CULVERT Hidden Creek Meadows Chanhassen, MN Ryan Engineering LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SCANNED I V I T \ a I 4 � \ I M O \ o I I < Y I 1 � L � j I I 1 I I 1 [ j I i I \ �11 i. I V I T \ a I 4 � \ I M O \ o I I < Y I 1 � L � j I I 1 I I 1 [ j I i I 01 r g e \ \ s f t2� f � $fR ► ANA�XAAM D OUTIOT B \m /�\\ \ '" f y i yT4j;y ......All . �a I I � 77-t� k p T _ fig Nil Ifla / rl \ D q I7 Z-----, J------------------------ - - �I L------ p----' r,, u lip b Z o N i trill "-�� tlSif€R 1RA HIM EER en 41 al 191 It Al i)l 8 h 14,''$14,10,11 11 Al p Ana:i 4 a E 8 a f i F IN MIX 11,10 gg 44 nt a 0 a 4a p L °u ---- I F-1 I � I I I I I I I I I � gg 44 nt a 0 a 4a p L 9�R 21 �ai! a G a pEpi21OE as §aY 44 €CQI i 42 5 34 °u ---- I F-1 I � I I I I I I I I I � Exhibit "A" Hidden Creek Meadows D & G of Chanhassen, LLC. LOT AREA DATA SINGLE FAM. DEVELOPMENT AREA 19.243 +/— AC LOT NUMBER AREA LOT NUMBER AREA BLOCK 1 1 46.024 BLOCK 2 1 22.451 2 19,742 2 16,139 J 15,071 3 17,054 4 15.079 4 17,959 CUTLOT A 17,157 5 15,066 5 13,562 OUTLOT B 4,175 6 15094 6 17,045 OUTLOT C 47,572 7 15,101 7 21,328 OUTLOT D 214164 8 15109 8 22,463 PUBLIC ROW 77,772 9 15116 9 22.755 10 15124 10 21,930 11 21,100 12 20270 Total BLOCK 1 & 2 478,330 13 57,718 Avg. BLOCK 1 h 2 20.797 DEVELOPMENT DATA ZONING. EXISTING ZONING: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ZONING: LOW DENSITY RESIOENRAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION . All that aovilan of of the Northeast Ouart of the Northeast Ouarter of Section, 6, Township 116, North of Range 23 West, lying South of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Companys right of way as now esloblished, Carver Counly Minnesota. Records of Corwr County Abstract Property Property Address: 4001 Aster Trail, Chanhassen, MN 55331 AND That port or Lot 8, Schnids Acre Tracts, ping north of o westerly extension across said Lot B of the south line of Lot 6. SMmids Acre Tracts; t ther with an easement far drivewoy purposes over and across the east 50 feet of that port of lot 8, lying northerly of a line parallel with and distant 16.5 feet soufhedy of o weste/yy extension of the said south line of said Lot 6 across said Lot 8, Schmid. Acre Tracts. Property Address. 3921 Aster Troll, Chanhassen, MN 55,131 AND That port of Lot 8, Schmid's acre Tracts, lying south of o westerly extension across said Lot 6 of the south line of Lot 6, SMmids Acre Tracts. estobilshed, Cower County, Minnesota. Records of Caner County Abstract Property Property Address 39J1 Aster Trod, Chanhassen. MN 55331 AND Lot 7, SMmids Arte TI -11 according to the rete,deo' plot thereof on Ise and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds. Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract Property Property Address: 6301 Cartway Lon, Chanhassen, MN 55J31 SCANNED e a am M c � v Vm V4 0 v m .0 or m K� oz cn�m 7 �m-c M 0 0 4 OD n S O C, 8 n § n n z m nT z n z cr <Z m o om r m m v Z p ti G y I, 1 i I F r Zsm_J ..r �f f II • pw i3�p � i r Zsm_J ..r �f ` pit I t t'� r Zsm_J ..r tt � R �l44� ` pit I r Zsm_J 9 ..r �, Ie1i11R Glillll .,,., .�. 1118111:, MUNI H111I� r �IIu111H pit 9 J, JFrr- ,s pit R ,s pit F"I�f� R pit F"I�f� !� � | • > . � �■ ( | ,i ■ | \,--� f � i��■ | � � - ■§�.��|�|� � � 'WTI, &#I $ . ! � � ] • . ,| | Jill| ,! ,; | • i��■ | � � - ■§�.��|�|� � � 'WTI, &#I $ . ! � � ] • . � � 'WTI, &#I $ . ! � � \ f F � �q � � . � � . v ? �� � \\ \ \ � -t- ■ � �, 3 . Z ■ | \ % � ] • . ,| | Jill| ,! ,; | -t- ■ � �, 3 . Z ■ | \ % -t- I § 1 . ,| | Jill| ,! ,; | -t- I ] & | I §© /§ c �§ �■ � z , 4 ,| Jill| ,! ,; | • ] & | I §© /§ c �§ �■ � z , Mmommm 2 N�A►� \FSI, 11,U U (malt" r'I li r%WA9. aSM Ile 1,11' 0 q 11 111 ■■■■NONE . ■■NENOON mom mom F ■■■■ono■ ■h;, mono■ 4... ■ ■E�I�LIE'■■E■■■■ Wal■■m■■■tl ■E■I'WIMM■■■■■■ ■■O►'■loll■■■■■UNNOMMEM ■ ■■■IIo!In�l■■■■■m ■ ■■N■■■ ■■rlh�ll■1■■m■■■ ■■■EI lIIIQWME■■■ \.�. mN■�I�%iiWARVIE■■■ Em�I;..I X11■■■■■ 1 � 0 1l I131m■■■■ ■m■aio1l`ilI■■m■■ 0 RNME■■■ : I i! ■■ ■■IN16J1N■■■■ �I- ■■■■Io COME ■■■ �li� 0ooFiNt1■I■■■■■ ■■■rlmlll■I■■■■■ ■■■mlm11011■■■■ WERNME ■EE■Ilonimffi■■■m ■EE■IIE!■III■I■■■■ �! o■ELI■■U■■■■■ ' mom ■NONE ■mom ■■■■■■■■■■■■ mom MEMEME m■mm■■■■■E■E ■■NNNI■©N■ Ile 1,11' 0 q 11 111 F is Alf if F 2004 RfNE BKfIE�G NC. • • eoar� eY • — � — —1— — — — 1 I 1 1 � / ce. mrrr nw / I I G vro v.wo. i o� d« r.w rr... I LEGEND % / --'927— FAe= CWMM • GF)IOIES Ffr.1NG "VEY YCIIGYENT —927— A10PCED WIEIAa6 ® GF11G1ES Ell4lNG SANRMT YNFA NMNOIE 02"M !OT OEVA W ii OElg16 uOrT PqE ,,,p. �'/ �� % — — — — — — - -Y_ S-Ot" SR O GE1a116 PCMER PqE is �� , —1— 1MaR OEN016 �G 5 U / 1110• W/VM.K p GENOiES ExRIHG 1EIFPNWE 80X / \ / / �4— S1fRY aEN4R LFN MS EAa1NG rREE �'}� CE2lGTES BRV91 uW / I 1 TREE LEGEND a.. ea e� e. eoar� eY DM � / ce. mrrr nw ru..ow G vro v.wo. o� d« r.w rr... i cccl <It 112 \ Jim NX 'Y w 4r \E r �+ _ j 1 FPS i i � i 0 W 120' Im Rya vne Engineering LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street ExceMor, MN 55331 (952) 3OD-5" wvry.n�rrYpwn IQV.oVY sYY Viol Yiu Vu� ala w+ qua �an a ur mr Rr a Nva Hidden Creek Meadows Chanhassen, MN for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC Eden Prairie, MN vrohrr na. Oy/ra Or..ig Nvnr tlaaaR,na-Pr.-osc a... ey fEA a. xe By PW Oarc YaNw asaaans VKW PW far com"mo rued For D•Ir cnePWc DSOF r DW*PMA 140 Existing Conditions Vm. P � G \E r �+ _ j 1 FPS i i � i 0 W 120' Im Rya vne Engineering LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street ExceMor, MN 55331 (952) 3OD-5" wvry.n�rrYpwn IQV.oVY sYY Viol Yiu Vu� ala w+ qua �an a ur mr Rr a Nva Hidden Creek Meadows Chanhassen, MN for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC Eden Prairie, MN vrohrr na. Oy/ra Or..ig Nvnr tlaaaR,na-Pr.-osc a... ey fEA a. xe By PW Oarc YaNw asaaans VKW PW far com"mo rued For D•Ir cnePWc DSOF r DW*PMA 140 Existing Conditions Vm. 0 204 WAN ENW&EeILi ELC • LOT AREA DATA • I SN" FAIL LC1IIfPldr NFA nuT ♦/- A LOr NL1H1P AIEA LOT MAMA AREA • Hidden Creek Meadows' HpN i I 1 24 1490!" 900r f I I ZL 1l. S 14Ne J 11.WeO.T 4 14924 4 14 m for e 14m4 4 14"ae / e Ilefe a 11,2% p/40T A 27R Inn / 1 1.%" 1 21.re1 Q T9 ]1,912 R loT( Na .;245 a 224n H.19A: AOr e.ne ae.o ey 40TY 9 2I,73 / IT •W191 TOG! dIXa 1 ! 1 4]9.21] AqN 1!2 21%4 / I DEVELOPMENT DATA • / /M1 I yy / � Y zowxx ' / E]1911N0 zwvc Lor /xamrr AE41E119N PRLi0.4D 2LWIINL LON Di0191Y FY90OIILLL / / I LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' 8 J "Ae.oacr w/�t owner nro•rr AedWsr aor A.er nW1. ao+.®4 LN ssv1 � /� I j / I �Nt o/ Lee 4S06 $Mr,IfA Aa. TI/Ig ,vN e/ c �Mr afW,.ia eva+..d0 Ler a of ft M IYw e/ {Na Aw 1 •M or ewnr,t b y�� / evcr M .sf JYN e/ Mot Yst W bt 4 r)•p eu'rMlr eI a 9re f� MN�af LLIM t M.fy e/ aem1rI� ner,.b a M..eN .eeM Ar w da �r a ma .m Lee 4 Sen, ANW 1Gvuh /nnO/. O,rNreerL W ssvr C P mee 9Ne er LN sdrnb' �. Tivch rrn9 .eWM w e 4wrenr artNuln ovm mN toe a er MW d I M Ur e/ toe 4 I Ase Ti¢h t �< y OnmN/,Wq Cam Canty L/LWwWm / �l Ity eAM r ,mn Arlr net. 2rMw4 MI1 Suit aC # AND15 �elwer�re. /M. era /+ro.ry 4 \ 04 / it 3 ki \ 4 \ I I I I 1 I I / I I / 1 I 1 , I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I OUTLOT N 0 OUTLOT A / B.,. rS/P 156' \ A C R E / I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I liaiB I E I I I 1 Chanhassen, MN 1 1 I I CARMAr S19"1 uAr /calx. r _I m for D&Gof I —IOD'— - Chanhassen, LLC --j r —IDM_ °A I I i� R loT( Na Nearx,m-oT.-aaLu a $ ae.o ey Z a� e�- I tsl V oer. 8 9I / l 10 aI I +« WMIXWsWAomori o/Nw LbOtl Ar4w WI/os M Qr CmmsiL Twq I � 5 J J\II 'I K Im J L is =JJ OUTLOT N 0 OUTLOT A / B.,. rS/P 156' \ A C R E / T E liaiB Meadows Chanhassen, MN r _I m for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC E..wr Eden Prairie, MN I I i� R loT( Na Nearx,m-oT.-aaLu a $ ae.o ey Z a� e�- I V oer. � NE CMWER C THE S4 1/4 X 111E NE 1/4 Or SEC. S. T. 118 N.. R. 23 W. i -/ SELTON ME BEIWFIII F' / SE4 M S NID a l C OUTLOT C \ 4 T R A C T S Ryan !ring LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Wee1 Excelsior, MN 55= (957) 380-5000 W...yrmyr.MeeeW, ivM ae1 M M Alll, I tl4 I.o+W�a w I 12 Woued FW -.+s, 041. o II I Preliminary Y�� X Plat 1Y P-2 T W 120' 1 W Hidden Creek Meadows Chanhassen, MN r _I for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC E..wr Eden Prairie, MN I I i� R loT( Na Nearx,m-oT.-aaLu a $ ae.o ey I a� e�- I oer. � axa/a RIWnpI I +« WMIXWsWAomori o/Nw LbOtl Ar4w WI/os M Qr CmmsiL I � 5 I 12 Woued FW -.+s, 041. o II I Preliminary Y�� X Plat 1Y P-2 T W 120' 1 W 0 204 RYAN BIUeffMQ NC • BUILDING DATA REFER ro M0I1£CTURAL DRAM fOP E CT WLeA'NO Dfd V n SITE DATA LEGEND f - 6R655 9TF MEA W3E1W RIO? a MMS 87,W1et ALT .91E MEA 7auw � SITE DENSITY M EER 11 SWZE M.Y DAE) LWIIS OV I124 AC - to all/AC rR05T T 9N3E-FAIRr ORf][IVC LWl1s OV 17-V AC - I. as/AC Ifr SETBACKS P r YA avow ROWJ ,p' 9.1E YARDS 10' RFAR YAROW yr GENERAL UTILITY NOTES DE fAWm R! SNAII. WWFY ALL E)OSIWIO COI[RT10\6 PRIOY ro waIR1.CTRw AEp NOTFY DE OMPER Of AMY WFFIaDAMS ALL WIRE 91 W CQVSINUCRD N ACCOPDA/ILE Mm WE ON sTAWDARD 9ETAETU a PROECr SPEOFlGT LW AS hp"NEIEm +AEta OI ERe WD)ED, W M VEO N W MOT£ NOT[ ALL MAPFJWAL; LriSIAUCROv 1EdWILR.ES ARe IESOiO 9L11/. OE' WOWII ID DE Im Ea 6 nE STANDARD DI n vEW=W faE MR/ER MW AM SarW,z TAME NJfAW TqW ANO s TARP S ANO sroer QUER NSTAW WY ITE OTY nRoamaAG ASATOA W ,WL- AND ro 11E MSTAWa1lID SPEOM.IDOW EDP I Mr OV ISIFY/CDOe E D r. CES ntA' soon !ODOR, aalaa 11E LLdeNT ADOENaAL TIE MNIR =R SNAIL IE w DE NEOE r PETa m FTF ALL MORW WIME tK DE PRWERN NWIS QF MOL PIAN RR EXACT XM LOCADM. SEF 9TE PIAN fOR l MT OIIFIN(Md QRNTf EWMY IOCAD ro Q FM' ENNADD Mm DE AR R=.. TmEr EYRnNO NIERr LOG t E1 EV. P ro Q1iVI,C COVSIRYICDO4 DE MRIER SFRWCE 9w IE NSTAr m WW A YW W T.5 fr. W Lti1ER All. S=&` QMFR FWiE 9x11- E O.t55 J LIEt35 ODERWQ MOIID. DE Q NDdC WALL O TACT 'OWER STAM ONE GAIL' il)R / ira UMW LLCAD P ro UWN NJTALL .. / ANY DONEDDaW ro EFISINO sm1IDT N/JT w QW QPA M SEMER MD WATER skAWQS ro EE PROWLMD FOR a,, Lor. / glaoT -- / / / - ............ i TTYMJL R M ENVELOPE C.l it / 2 O Ni I I 2 I11 SI i� I 2 R;, W • EN1r. EEEYAIM S U W N ALTAlRa4M2 Nm on rf auwusQN Hoar NR1R YANA4FApf PLM Mp N Q9,RZIPT MIM TIE MRTER9ED OrJDMCT AND am DuaI.ErANr / I I I I I 1 / i I 1 I n Engineering / LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street FICelow. MN $$331 (952) 3so-5000 / / OAF / vMe, aNry.a w. ea. wRvm. � �� / ,gene Pgveyn.ur .T 1 > � nMn..IEy�.e.aa.as 1 F4 I m�. a rwsu I I I I RyYbotY. x. I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I � FAaf/ED aelETar Y roTWIN 0" v Hidden Creek I I Meadows I I Chanhassen, MN ca -Talar c e D M .41J� A for � w E REQ-Jr.i _' \`• — -as ..� - - - DdcGof -------------- C hanha ssen LLC - - -__ - Eden Prairie, MN W101-7 71 8 I I - - I P.oper Nn. TI OI}fa OaN'S ,vane PM OOWWOOP Eaao-atyna-pW-Soap By -1-_- '8_____________________ _______� 09TLOT C a2DM R.�vvr, o/E/DA PWT cWR C.WOW& M05 P Qr canml8 19e Sw oats D- p1w Re M =mn Preliminary Site and Utility Plan P-3 LEGEND EUMM sarRay s..s —a— sANTARr � ►— M EER WATER — 1 — IIID. W/VA w SIDR11 QYER NWE. W/VAL\£ 1 —F JIpN QWER —ems —oa— TTYMJL R M ENVELOPE C.l it / 2 O Ni I I 2 I11 SI i� I 2 R;, W • EN1r. EEEYAIM S U W N ALTAlRa4M2 Nm on rf auwusQN Hoar NR1R YANA4FApf PLM Mp N Q9,RZIPT MIM TIE MRTER9ED OrJDMCT AND am DuaI.ErANr / I I I I I 1 / i I 1 I n Engineering / LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street FICelow. MN $$331 (952) 3so-5000 / / OAF / vMe, aNry.a w. ea. wRvm. � �� / ,gene Pgveyn.ur .T 1 > � nMn..IEy�.e.aa.as 1 F4 I m�. a rwsu I I I I RyYbotY. x. I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I � FAaf/ED aelETar Y roTWIN 0" v Hidden Creek I I Meadows I I Chanhassen, MN ca -Talar c e D M .41J� A for � w E REQ-Jr.i _' \`• — -as ..� - - - DdcGof -------------- C hanha ssen LLC - - -__ - Eden Prairie, MN W101-7 71 8 I I - - I P.oper Nn. TI OI}fa OaN'S ,vane PM OOWWOOP Eaao-atyna-pW-Soap By -1-_- '8_____________________ _______� 09TLOT C a2DM R.�vvr, o/E/DA PWT cWR C.WOW& M05 P Qr canml8 19e Sw oats D- p1w Re M =mn Preliminary Site and Utility Plan P-3 c m a WM 91CAMEEFIINQ NC • GENERAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES QI/IRACIM MAU a VTMT QPIEP. STALE 'OLE CN L' R UWTY LXAI AT Mf-4TheWa 7W ebViR40R14 SULL N IE LOMD AND O AWW a [MSIWO UTWT AAO WWTRAACPMIAOASC AfLELARW.tE.S AWIQMY IEOONY.EFES AAO fM-1flAVHYY PNOKR ro GE GSMI VAAM. WRE ALL C6VIp.NS AW SOT p AMPS AE SNYW M FleWSED SLWEA TIER HADES LE{E55 9gxN OOERYIE. REPER M PAWRE V AW TM OETAMED SOT AIX14 al" P ENTAQ$ AMD 1ER=AL LI.WVE R ATINL ALL SCT EFAxF SHALL E W PUQ PPo TO YMRAOM W FARIHOCML AAO SIULL. BE YAWTAAY?D WM Y RAE M TR8R0 COlt1P 6 ESTA L&CM AT MpH TYLE Ir SHALL E AEWQED. TosMARY PQVUK GEES MAreAtE; Va. REQ,IED ar TK aTr .s1ALL E WarRru TO >E wAOWf THE COVMACTM SAU LW A ROOM' LWSM1COaV ERIRAWLE A2Wp'WO TO TIE OETAAS ALL SMEEM p5/LEMD WLN/IO YaBs/P IIQAES IYAT E CCEANV AT DC END E EAQV IIOPAIVO DAY. IME QNTRACIM SHALL WSW PMIr/1E W M" 6 NANTAYIEO E IME S AT ALL )Y6 QMTRACRIP SHALL E RESPO6 FW IEriYRARY UTCHES PASIM W ORIW M A RFNYC'D M NSUE PMR1P MAM WN A PaSOWI!' C M/CiML LDII /VI/i5 N MUDINYS M dAfDM' PA6S YUST E PM)1LED WM OYE MAtOR ALL AREAS aSR,ROED AS A MSVLr E COVS/RUCDW SHALL E bEED1ARIY REST[1ED WM SEm AAV a5C 1111L M IIOOp-i1OER al,y/(ET M SLIO M A(SaW.1ACE WTN ]f,F MMg1ED PCN6 W11N IWO IIEET6 LHOV 69pFDW a EAOH ACRWTY M AQY?%14ACE WM ]NE a1Y5 EST YAMAOEIENT PRA0T MANAiJ6L MIAL OISRAYim AREA - I7.12 AL ♦/- MTAL FRG -0.® PRO ECT AWA - I9.24 AG P/- LEGEND NOIES DE)Ia111rR1 PFRIEJS WSr E MTAlI1ED PRIM ro DE31Q/islblc Asir stM,cnWEs w tE sTE ALL aENED TThE2 AAp SM95 YLLST E RE]gWD ERrYI SIE OP aMOPm. RENCEMENT WETLAND NOTES ]Ir. P'wwee ieNeCe'P01f .sfAaf! b PIaMI.W ro Yq a.cawt.e bvn nm-rsIMO neo- tM erNeF9 wr/we. n M. POM1ar or M. paw' w .v. lM Wtof rn. npam,nt mffm e b P'oPw.a to M e.bfwl.! ro w IswfM or M1vn e to la hd,w Dsb. llyd aoa n Mot tw.oa n» fr P'aab maw Ue s,wwrof mvtaq'. lAb fqd ew mnr bun .ws Wf[h w AJyA a9'Mb mrront d. w M. M. ARs 1M WC*M t rapbcefrrt wtbM Mt Do fee0e0 .IM 1 T sW mb ail moJM1N (v 1b vqv t) ouvdq ro M. NTS jp A* m..IM dAw muWA w d .ben tx ro Wr Va.rY WM oppapate madlhery (o u.FP o meuM Mot ae.Hr uM faW WwM tahfb mofsMa to M..dV'..0 d reN w a Arm o/ M1/a'e.wBF9} IM eP'Tb hrfla Y to M PnPa.W aro / ...AV F a .br,b wY u.Fa N,OOT wrB mM tSA > a1nb. / ff o // W A w U Batton L TD' L5'LT L 10' L lary L TD' U' L51 / 'ter T.r eQl 4141 T'1 a , / REPLACII11111!IIT WETLAND tlCT10N/ / % / / / v lHE t" I�\ , i . - -- ' I 7r %Lj ,tug�MElm M �.LS Ll `.\I I n III II N It I I ( I — 937 — PFOO]4p con6xa s,wTNrr gAEn—a— aT 1V1LE WATER — HY(). W/V&W —1 E%ISRNo 9 T ELEVAR sisal 3WFR —Ga— yy PW6VgO IDOT UEVAT I� $ TMY SENFA —O- 815.5 ENISIm ROaI ELEVARDI WATER — O NAGE 6WnC WY11. W/VAL.W q QW SEECSo11RFE 510101 SEMFA —«— /" (PROTECT pMelO MSIMA;IOW) WEN WtTINN IE0111FD - S,TS! x I.a6 - s NOIES DE)Ia111rR1 PFRIEJS WSr E MTAlI1ED PRIM ro DE31Q/islblc Asir stM,cnWEs w tE sTE ALL aENED TThE2 AAp SM95 YLLST E RE]gWD ERrYI SIE OP aMOPm. RENCEMENT WETLAND NOTES ]Ir. P'wwee ieNeCe'P01f .sfAaf! b PIaMI.W ro Yq a.cawt.e bvn nm-rsIMO neo- tM erNeF9 wr/we. n M. POM1ar or M. paw' w .v. lM Wtof rn. npam,nt mffm e b P'oPw.a to M e.bfwl.! ro w IswfM or M1vn e to la hd,w Dsb. llyd aoa n Mot tw.oa n» fr P'aab maw Ue s,wwrof mvtaq'. lAb fqd ew mnr bun .ws Wf[h w AJyA a9'Mb mrront d. w M. M. ARs 1M WC*M t rapbcefrrt wtbM Mt Do fee0e0 .IM 1 T sW mb ail moJM1N (v 1b vqv t) ouvdq ro M. NTS jp A* m..IM dAw muWA w d .ben tx ro Wr Va.rY WM oppapate madlhery (o u.FP o meuM Mot ae.Hr uM faW WwM tahfb mofsMa to M..dV'..0 d reN w a Arm o/ M1/a'e.wBF9} IM eP'Tb hrfla Y to M PnPa.W aro / ...AV F a .br,b wY u.Fa N,OOT wrB mM tSA > a1nb. / ff o // W A w U Batton L TD' L5'LT L 10' L lary L TD' U' L51 / 'ter T.r eQl 4141 T'1 a , / REPLACII11111!IIT WETLAND tlCT10N/ / % / / / v lHE t" I�\ , i . - -- ' I 7r %Lj ,tug�MElm M �.LS Ll `.\I I n III II N It 9 WRIT!,* 1-0-M10211170 ----------0., -----1 T OT C� `\ \ I 'E'er i 1 Rya Engineering SND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 380-5000 vwWryer,n�rr..egew, Irbrcr mtlM1 tlnt tlr. Y^. 3mWtllm. a,.n yarm vn ens I m e err njM.f E^iy. uw tlw kn d an SW / Mi.mm Rrj/+. ILL or. Hidden Creek Meadows 1 Chanhassen, MN for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC Eden Prairie, MN E. t Mn avid Ram. r.3da° ey MA PW Y/EO/M R.MWvir W/W01PWTm Oa1Mb 1/11/65 PW C21 CdWYWb IYYYd r4 Dets IdWFW.f: DWS �i9eR Preliminary Grading Plan I I ( I / I I ( I i WETLAND REPLACEMENT CALCULATIONS / I fVID WERAIYI - 67W s / / TOTAL Fllim Wf1LN0 � S,T66 3 / / fERACEJp1T REQAim 21 5.758 a R X11 4 ID =x/ 1sr 1:1 AND a aWD 1:1 REg1EED ro BE HEW �0 /" / WEN WtTINN IE0111FD - S,TS! x I.a6 - s 17,10 FlL1ID (NEA A 1.25) m) / aEAEED MEILARU � 7.4A 4 / TOTAL WEw wE1LA1D AREA - >,aao s (1W.0q fE]I,YY110 75x E 'DO I:1 WAY E Sf6� AREA CE PU1eWG / WNAWK NEA EQ11tm - 5,n6 a an - 4.317 S 9 WRIT!,* 1-0-M10211170 ----------0., -----1 T OT C� `\ \ I 'E'er i 1 Rya Engineering SND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 380-5000 vwWryer,n�rr..egew, Irbrcr mtlM1 tlnt tlr. Y^. 3mWtllm. a,.n yarm vn ens I m e err njM.f E^iy. uw tlw kn d an SW / Mi.mm Rrj/+. ILL or. Hidden Creek Meadows 1 Chanhassen, MN for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC Eden Prairie, MN E. t Mn avid Ram. r.3da° ey MA PW Y/EO/M R.MWvir W/W01PWTm Oa1Mb 1/11/65 PW C21 CdWYWb IYYYd r4 Dets IdWFW.f: DWS �i9eR Preliminary Grading Plan ® 2O6 MAN 0I0MR304 NC. • PLANT LIST WI.R. 01. MNN�xAE Ya +� W mfFRWf MEf N MVE M 1UIIAl1¢ ) BB n I.WW¢ nNn m xuWr � sW.Rrx vATYoa Ar amalx ura �iT m m YuvmYwc'r"` a iT w rr �F CS NOTES: BwIIp wox puxi Avrax4n, TE glfypgp IQSA\E$ W( yq! ro 91BSIINIE 11E Ap'hE 1q[5 W1MM ME Y1E CATH IxM vWm APwwrA Dw rN¢ aTr ar wrxusvA TK mt:,.s awRn W x aAWv UMI AV.4Ii1lY W 11E 9NIG 6 10y AL Wtll ➢YE A RM 91M1 BE pIWTIFIl T1E6 WST ff fT01 M IPNVrm USIV rE9.) SlfflS (vrervm¢ awl sa TRF3 RSIWIATm u u.) W .00 rxWl pE-9Wp (1/>) a nW TWfS YAr a flpl IN! O[ (1) lIQ 9fR2 TVS 9IML WY S Awl/ Al IFASr Tl0.wtrbE_n.Wyxp fJ111G uW W WUY Ci M1E-AIOLMC-xNf-NOI C.4/Ell. W! 1m nux TW9In (ml Pmmlr as nc n® 9UY1 E coma [b.{R Nam 9IM1 ANA/G s.VEN (11 s¢T Mn 9wl E A rrY 6 9 (6) RE! N Ippl. WE%s 91NA W: u9z n,.T uW AIW NmowuE ro TIW 9Y Ulurne sora a TK 9N NW MM SWNl S iMIY CERli4➢ xURYFY STOQ AS C61ED AM CWIXNID BY 19aE9u SiANIE ;<lb5 16Y Tq(Ag116G1, 11C qµ 1f4T ACi. X927— Ei95M0 CONTOURS —1127-- PRaNM WNTWRS `ar EN9TN0 SPOT D AT —a— Smltary Sew —I— WATER —CO— M. W/VALVE S10RN SEWER REQUIRED TREE CANOPY COVERAGE CALC. roTAi EnsTNc aRwv GJ.FRAOE ax SITE - 9z 0 BASEME TREE CANOPY COVERAGE CALC. MT& RAT NEA - B.Tg1083 W - X0.5023 rENETT. T Pur m,e663 W sF BRIISN/OEE CD19U4E . 250.6513 W (E%CWONC Ml�LAIDS) TREE CANOPY COKRAQ 51.]X3 W (9S E)0511N0 GOVERN E) (BASED ON FIID OliSFRVATNXi ff NTRO%. M OF BRUSH AREAS ARE TREES) REQUIRED TREE CANOPY COVERAGE CALC. roTAi EnsTNc aRwv GJ.FRAOE ax SITE - 9z REWOEO CMOPY C019iA4E (LOW ()ENS. RES101) REPE.ACENENT RE'0119ER TMLET CMOPY - Ea51ND C.NTOPY X URANO MEA UMIM) BY 1 (2SS-9% - 15X) IOX % 571,!06/1089 - 64 iFEES RLS E165TINC WVEANE (91Q % 1.2 (PENALTt) OnOF➢ 1089 Sy]X 13/1089 - S] IRFFS 57 IID T TOTAL REE REA.AmIEHT RE9WED - 141 / QN pG 6 REP A ID ANO/d TRMSPIARTED C TREE INgG1E5 REPIAC[D AND/Ot 11EM CONE. 1NFE l/ L TREES R ACED - 150 • DENOIES FWND 6UREY WONUEENT ® DENOTES E)MSTNO SANTARY SEIAER uNWIaE 9 DENOTES UG T ME 4 DF]IOIES.POWFJi E'OlE DENOTES FJUSINc SIfAY aIER NNINCLE yp OpIOTES Ensma 1FIFPEIME BOT( yl{( OQxOTES sPEpIEN TREE DENOTES BRUSH LINE I I l I { o ) I) i I tl 2It ,1 1 l �it 1 G 4 6 / OUTLOT A � P G --I-- - ------ - 1-----I-----------------------� Oy1TEOT-�J I I 1 / 1 1 / / I i / 1 / 1 ' 1 1 I I I I I I I I I E Ryan Engineering LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake street Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 380-5000 WWW -rOr *-WVp am abdl wt.Y tlwl Rs PT. #/hn� ae<t .n.ra. aN mai .e c ar R3. a u�m Hidden Creek Meadows Chanhassen, MN for D & G of Chanhassen, LLC Eden Prairie, MN Ro ' N. aged a +Ir A� Ntlo-dt7d-p�9bp - � N, ao mecAn B, AN .a:,,.Y2aN6 R. 5/5to4 Por CN CwprA 9E yW05 FW CRY COMM"* 19wud-- er lad FFM PWAM DeEiQ, fllM6W F96dDp TEND ree Replacement and Landscape Plan PAa P-5 Hydrau9c Grade L we of Creek Rya Engineen_ng 434 Lake Street Excelsior. MN 55331 (952) 380-5000 wxw ry anm�B��L'�9=w^• nerdy M:N Out Mn pn.griavui n �zvl a P4#ei. Lyme m unx m. iyy � � tlr aea N ere 'Aak m Mevrtwlu 59^^ve negsimlvn Nn Hidden Creek Meadows Chanhassen. MN for D&G of Chanhassen. LLC Eden Prairie. MN ' c: Yowmq Na++e GLG Snacked 2v PhtR V27/o9 I_saued Fx Oats Schernatie Dee --. Deakyt Development preimery Review ._ :Tet Fevi w .^,NneVvcf�cn Area Drainage Graphic Faye D_. 3 "m eK*IEFOXX W, - ]<'>— EJ0SIHO WNTOJRS • OFN016 EpMD 4R1ET Y0IIIY T ���%— PY0Po3D CdT0Ut5 ® 0fl1olE5 E>dtl,YO SAIRARY 3`AFIt YANIaE 'K, EASIPIG SPOT E ARN n OFHOIES UWT vac o aENolEs Povrn ccl>: �— smrtary sa.s —1 — MATEA % 0FN016 EIOSTMG SIWI gKX YAXHIXc M/VA w Q DD Om DO511ND 1F1EP11O1E BOx —�— ST0p11 SEwJi owoTEs oanYn cw+aaEa, mE[ m O Om DOSTYO 1PEc 0EYOm IMs trrlE I I I 1 1 1 / , ! ,t'774 1 iii a/ f ii J i l i I i i1 2 I`t it _J r / �iL L� `A t It Maw 0P'fL0T C 40 �' O W, 12V gym' Rya Engineering LANDDEVELOPM SERVICES 434 Lake Street Etceldo , MN 55331 (952) 38[-5000 aMq alry CiN 1tit PST 9�Im riYn�atl Uiol m Y.Y r Yom. Hidden Creek I Meadows Chanhassen, MN for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC Eden Prairie, MN as deems PM e/zaa ar:m. Nwa rwa Wa•u,d wiYon Ewwd For DaW klrMe D loan ..w Wal RrAw :wuY Uon Existin Conditions Plan 0 0 =Ie wM Msu mW I 0 o a&M o zan, ,o I4.1 io LOT AREA DATA Ir }asn Iz am )old K R z CITY OFCHANHASSEN / IJ J.,nq Aq e S n.Y') M/! aL1 P.M7 RECEIVED s,rzc rAl,. ocw.m r Iersi / 10, M R A A LO) Mwefe MG DEVELOPMENT DATA 1 .ass, z Q" ' I ) ).,e) C24" OCT5 2004 ! ,Son MON � Iaen / iaOA ruosrcc eaell: ,ow ovisrrr ncmurw 1;0.W / s sox s ISI, s a I IAM, wn.t A Msm GNNHASSEN PLANNING DEPT n,ur ) mass LEGAL DESCRIPTION e rs.xs a zgAl nelc .or eaon _ o a&M o zan, ,o I4.1 io Ir }asn Iz am )old K R z / IJ J.,nq Aq e S n.Y') M/! aL1 P.M7 / / DEVELOPMENT DATA / / ruosrcc eaell: ,ow ovisrrr ncmurw /waxo :w.v m mvrr) u9rcnnA, / LEGAL DESCRIPTION / w / /. rA= 00. a� o,.l tl w x,.wr weed d s.ls. a r...wp na rldo tl sM 5! LauY RaF.N Lbrw�l'o NPI tl a .e. / a1.1M,e LLI� C4Fb MrNa� M' '�"'dI em Adm ma a�dFan w swr / 9 sM aW I{ sdW. AT mrAa ,/Fy ..'e. tl....eeNr we.rm m� .ds ,w e a a. • Yw ✓ W 0. > b. IrYf 1.9.M✓ ✓b w m.nwl b J...p, pdp.r .Y eN / / j t wn.al w No .af JO MN tl MI pse ./ KK 4 IJFe Iwe+l) M . an psy/ tlq dW gdsit 0.! /wl s ° 'M.m� v¢01 •w W a adm aw W a swwi .w. msla / IL Ir errMSiU°/i 10 wMwue,��nhse"is lrFe ..,en ✓e Perry ee.�.w ..r rsWetlY /r� a1mY.a �y � tsew nlmb 1e.rdc } AFwlr Asd.i !u, A.I� n.t manaew ri siin / a.r �� _ — b 7 / - Lot ). ed..la AT r�vc� .CNWp b IM i.eW�1 plpf Niro/ m a. eN d n.mf F IM MI[. / .a' (t d tl0..e. rnfix,,lv r wlre! A�.fix,,co'n.r L. awn®.. ser ss.ul /0+*5 � �' 6 / /1t6 y 6 7 / 0 K `y 4/ c / 4 BOCK by it /a 3 A 3 44 0 I I I I I I I I / / / / y / V 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 u I I 8 1 9 1 10 1 it 2 2. w 1 OUMOT / / I / A N A C R E rE maw ' 0 --- — G1 , z JoI — cis \ fL $F 1116 M. R1]3 R 4 W 1 W1/. V` ` 09TLOT C w...aoeo. I w...m,ii svw n 1 T .4 A c r s IT p®w IAND�S WPM 434 Lake 81reet Excobbr, UN 66331 (960 3105000 y.iYti Y�w•aF+ wdden Creek Meadows Cha111f sm% MN for D&GOI Chanhasmi, LLC Eden Prairle, MN 0.4e DaW stlrlleee X Preliminary Plat .eee P-2 0 2W4 MAN 91oee8414a M BUILDING DATA aEtEx ro �averccnna awrws tat a�a anpc taaiaslau SITE DATA cans � aaFE alaaw� armor m molrs nlJt! IE1 SIrE AREA laAdeY>: SITE DENSITY W m.ac- ruleuhc um as lac, ne - Im AWc � SETBACKS ramrr Am &;slat flee) 3v Smr ralme re' acw Yuma zW 0 LEGEND , nmla y+.r s.r --a— eoeosm sanEtwr aEEtm —►— mum Who —I— MA •/V.1WL mail aE1Et —ea— Im W/V W — 1 +F svel 1WIEFt —�-- W / / / 2 5 2 0 lilt �♦��N / f llI- Ii I I— — — --- ♦ e I;I� ♦ II 1 / N.I / 1 3 2 \\\/ 9 01A0 7 E 1 1 / 1 I I 1 / � I � I / � r , r / / r / , a I 4 I 1 � I t 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I SmE11pl.Y Fg3DNeCCRIAMM l0 .11'B -a 11WpMr I BIIN CQOQ'iF f C Be nV \ WE �l®Yt -t73 __......_.._. 1 P� 16e R. awMa IER/dl3 ditEA [ —b R. rEIlN10 31aaCa O �. OUTLOT I A P _ Oy1TLOT C \ i Rya Engineering U () DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street E:celelo , IAN 55331 (952) 380-5000 ip1 q ppM Or n a Wm mr �gar.e aywr alar a. m ✓ ur moi. a rm..i. Hidden Creek CMeadows ChanhaBsen, MN for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC Eden Prairie, MN cola amaP Ra.m. M a� nn ter. epmror R.Mums iJnsn>. PR ch Ca11.1Orb Preliminary Site and Utility Plan P=3 1 � WETLAND REPLACEMENT CALCULATIONS GENERAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES r , aim rE,,Ala _ ILM-1E / CONIRAC>OR 9WL COYTACT 4YPrMn WAIT 'OE CVL'JW? IVXIN COG AT 631-151-Wp4 / I roTI1 fi1FD I�£1LAMo - SrSG s WCal MACRM 9WL MDRfY MF COCA IA:6I .MO DEYAnV2 OP E.1 W UMTIE6 AID / 1 / / REP�AQIpIi REpARm - 2:1 11.512 V / IST 1:1 ANO 25x 6216) 1:1 IEQ1Rm TO BE NEW MEILND roPOIRAPIN.V 1E.1116E1• M1N AE OMF16 ALD fE1D-HRiY PRAF ro CCNSiM.C11W. M / NEW METI.VID PEpR1m - 5.'lY a 1.25 - J.t YS g cwlRAcrox 9+AIL nNmumr Nom n,F o.1s.EEx � ANr b3TAEPAIMLS [R vANunays - �/ // (AIWA rum .1.231 AU COWUM A SPOT � AiXkLS ANE sraw ro PLr9(D A ACE/Q/r OUO[S LN6T 910MI OTI[Rw.SE /STET! ro PAHV6 PLAN fOR L1ElMm SPOT E A11friS tJtAOE / CREATm YEILAAD - Z1m3 IFTncv. pLeLF LVDeIAIgL �" �\ / -- AU 5LT PLA¢ PMON M xnAiK11• ff EN1nRlDef Mo 91µL H �. � ' roTAI NEVI MElL4D AIEI. - I,A20 W (tOJOfj VANTA MIX MASE TLE M QV GD COLFx R 6A8IDEA Ar MLYII W Ir 9MLL tE NELOHIA _ TLi1]PARY FaD Q DMI , IL MA= EIC. AFOIIED 6Y TE O 91µL W N T& M 111E CpVIIPACipP 9N(L U9: A NW( L9`LSIMICIIaV FNiRANlE ALLO®MD ro TIE OElAAS ALL $iNQ-1$ l LkSTA® gI41C XaOIIIO NpM 0 I:1 WAY M VIIE 4EAlLLD Ar W M Cr E MRCaO W Y. RFMNNWC ]ax Cf 2ND SLNEACE AREA 6 317 V 6 /'`\\`\ I R AINND MEA REq - 5.]56 a (IM A.JI) Y IIIE Cp11R.ICRN 9WL N9.K PO9T1F aPANAfL AWNIAaFD PRCN E AT ALL )a6 1 cir.•mAcme 9+AIL x E PCR xaPaeNRr alocc PSIAN' Wonyx Lows x[arvm ro 2I9.NE PNOaFx aPAeLAAQ' plBM^ mmscnLx LON PpN15 N R0.101Nn OR M.r1YA: PROS / % \ 1 1 MI6! SE PMTIOED MM A PO9TK C1/nLOR / \ I ALL AR£AS OS/NIOED AS A �TW Oa WISIRICIKW A 0.e NULIDA RLY NS1Ot.D MM OP SOD AID p.51: LNILOm Q IIOf.ID-fL atAWQT N AOCp MM IAF A/ W 4RJ1{p q,yLS MIIM' )YO MSXs UPW C0101ClDY � EACv ACTx1Y N ACC�3MNL£ NM nE OM uANAmotT PRACnCE IUIICIBDiO1C / �� 1 I n)!AL PSTM9`D AREA - 11.12 Af I/- roTAI PROPO9D PRLLECT NEA - 10.N ALHS I I LEOEBD / 1 ' --9?>•— Ex6INc allTaua E>45ffi �� / � � / �� \ ``\j -J_-- —i1�7— PRaPasn CONTOURS sAnrARr s.Wxn—a— _ ; i`-� MM aE)51NG SPOT E1iVATxN HM \% \ ` NtWOSE1D 4 T ELEYATRN SNRARY 815.5 E1J9IED ELDDR ELEVATION rAIFTt OR/•MALE D6ECTON XY6 r/VAL1f �--y i \ o SNSM1CANi TIES Sitlel SEINx —AM— /ii % � - ' \\ \ \� \\\ � chb@, aWO . \ 41 y OCc �\ I 4 - `\ /`M"`R'.LinNIIM' OUTLOT \�\ O \ \ o ANI \ l iFA IN WMAND =1 ! • ��i �/ O �;>\ \`:Ii) J% I II ,� O TLOC T \. �N' Ir - i 1--t--:��' u / ! _t_ \. `� \ \ / i I I r \\ i j %, � `� � ��� o' ev 1 160• RyaIEngineering LAND UEVELOPMENTSEA K 434 Lake Street Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 380-5000 rJ6�w1 M 1 an � � �d aKrr V.1M 4 % ti ]M I IYM. Hidden Creek Meadows Chanhassen. MN for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC Eden Prairie, MN ProACI ANa Mm->r.ap.aeA no PYI b:e M2oM6 Ns.bma U/6/ON Prr CM cwwr L6U6E For cWW Id16n1Yp Dn10 Preliminary Grading Plan 5 N 0 2006 MAN BXOEEFW 9a:. • / • — ; - — —1— — — _ • PLANT LIST' BASELPE TREE CANOPY COVERAGE CALC. ) I 1 I a Iwwe En ro w,ol M roars r r TOTAE PIAT aaEa 65B,166f 9 / 1 AERN - 256,5O2t SE ; 1 vur MEA - 571.e66: sr / r ® BfiU6N/INEE COKawd:. 25a661t 6E (ExIxu N MET S) !!moi .rnx ""ir��T i-iT uW�i rREE CN)OpY coVFAWt slM 2 SF (6x Exl M cO�ME W r^�°"x,..xaaa. �i� p= (easTo ox EIDn cesE9vanp, or MP9ox zox o< 69usN ureas ME r9Ecs> NOTES xtm ua x.91r AVAIAEIIx. M El¢aVl Esme M wwT // ��� / / ro s16an1vE M Aw1x 1E611TNx x sxa c.T,.mN .T9 REQLRRED TREE CANOPY COVERAGE CALL. IRa .Maa'/!t 1RY M OM1 fF ONM1A7.b1 M ll�, sVNFO EL E !.l® �1e1 .1VA4,E(M1 M M � 6 ]OOt 1i .OI l.E a VINI 9141E 91fYT1ia // / � / / 9m Nor E r1WY M .wwra vm v odwwlE arm KT snu avT � 0.ft ro & I;xw.) - 221A (NwdmiE x111, ra 6m 6l9yATm As wWq w rraa T1vx ac-1Nw OP) a M ,m wr E xd rxr as Il) lEc srtaa REPEAOE 7 aE0 . TExs 9w1 Iw1xf IT r.:, T4A1traEqulf __. 4x1'FM Aw a,r E TaROEE CANOPY- Ex sS CANOPY x UPLU6) MEA OfiDEO SY 1 2SS-9x rWY s aE-A1FOEqulr-xw CMYex (- 16� 16% x 5)1.666/IOW - w us ua1 Mxn (m) Eam r I x 1EEs 91x1 E A M w W aNlu eaa 91x1 .114.1E Eq+ In rm .9d 9ULL E w .rug 51.7r G c 2/1( aplOxfD (9%) % 1.2 (PENALT) O(1gD 1069 a m W Em M IpO1L MT& Y 1.2/1069 - 57 M6 aWl E Ila9 IwT x¢ x[ /Mpp11E W 1( Sa (OPnS law a 1[ 9R xD TOTK i9EE I6:PlACEYDIT fiEgllllEp .111 Ma 9WL E 16a t9Tdm xlxSWx sWd As Edm uo dream sx 1amu/ ,/ ` 1 I StA1VE EClla,a 1a.. Iwaa 1seL M Mag Es Acr. � NdG,ES 9tPu(sn AHD/dl iRAII$PIANTm TREE ,9 I WpGTES RETUCFD AI10/OR GV N. MEE TRFS RFU®. Ml LEGEND i� ` i / • / / —� I 1 _-9Z)-- E)oS,NO C01liW16 • OFIaIEl En1Ao salEr NdaA,Drr q" / � Y--�'--..� I I �J�—� PROP03D CONi0.n6 m DElglE3 E]061R1O SwTARt' SE6Ea ILV6IGE / � / / , ; \�\1 `J���- Ycl EfES1M6 S T E A1KN d OE1101E5 "T POU: • / , —rI �\\ Tom-_' I �� \ _``� o dno,Es PoaEx POLE / __ —I— urER S9.r '; tEN0,E9 Exittalc sTda, 5E9EA aMNdc 1 / � � I Y-''+��\ —1� M. N/VAL1£ p EE)g1ES F)OS1NG TEIFRIdIE Box / i �..— sraRa sE1EER �-- OdOrES fiENOIES F)l61NG 906DCIXI 1RFE (t7♦•) /J /' / — - ` - - /-`—:_� � - ! I \ g i 7` 0 o 11 ti t vi � /(` \;``\x�\�\'� / / I !� m I i I 1 I i f I � 3 ILr � e i\t �� � \\ '� �� '•a ���1t h v i 1 'j21 � .�y —7 io JJIAJ RyEngina eering IANO DEYTLO EM SERVICES 434 Lake SW"t Excelaor, MN 553;11 (952) 380-5000 vnx+r s'as a r el+..ax9.1 iy1.10 L1y,w rsr 6r ti a r M � IirM. Hidden Creek Meadows Chanhassen, MN for D&Gof Chanhassen, LLC Eden Prairie, MN Aak* aw Abd am„ a Ekvy ao PW aw/w xV6/01 Por Ch CElmwi W6 d For Dab k,1ER.m o911p. iW Feller .b�MNctlm Tree Replacement and Landscape Plan P-5 0 0 The contents of this file have been scanned. Do not add anything to it unless it has been scanned. Message Page 1 of 2 • 41 Aanenson, Kate From: Tom Furlong [tfurlong@apexfsi.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:08 PM To: Gerhardt, Todd; Aanenson, Kate Subject: FW: Hidden Creek Meadows (Planning Case 04-31) Todd & Kate, Thought you would want to be aware of this. We can talk later. Tom -----Original Message ----- From: Keith Paap [mailto:keith@paap.us] Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:50 AM To: tfurlong@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Cc: btjornhom@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; slabatt@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; blundquist@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; cpeterson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; frances@paap.us Subject: Hidden Creek Meadows (Planning Case 04-31) Dear Members of the City Council, Although you have already met and approved the preliminary plat for the development at Hidden Creek Meadows at last night's council meeting (4/25), 1 would like to provide some additional input and would appreciate your feedback on how the situation can be improved while the development continues to move forward. I am attaching the information I was able to pull from the city's web site. Unfortunately it is a relatively large file and my apologies for the size but I wanted to make sure you had it available since my comments relate to this document. My address is 4001 Pipewood Lane. This puts me at the beginning of Pipewood Lane that is being extended for this development. We signed our papers to purchase the property in April of 2004 and moved in late summer of last year. The planning commission provided hearings for public input last winter on a couple occasions. Unfortunately I was not notified of these hearings and did not know they were proceeding. I checked with the city just last week on this and was told we were not notified due to the fact that they pull peoples names from the county and it did not show us as new owners at that time. (In fact they said the records still did not show us as owners.) I can tell you the county assessor knows we live here! However, that's not apparently where the city pulls their information. At the time I called, I spoke with Bob Generous on this project and he let me know that is was going before the city council this week. However he also informed me that it would just be for the council's review and this would not be an opportunity for public input. This came as yet another disappointment as I chose instead to watch the meeting on cable access and watched the floor be opened for public input. I am definitely not against this development. I was expecting some type of development in this area and simply consider it normal growth. My primary concern has to do with access to MN Hwy 7 from the development. This will bring this development to somewhere between 50-60 lots that will have only one access to Hwy 7. This could become problematic considering the high percentage of traffic (95-99%) that turns left (east). I was told (during phone call with Bob Generous) that the connection to Cartway Lane provides the secondary access to the development that is needed and that this would be plowed and could be used. However in last night's council meeting this was presented as "emergency vehicle only" access which leaves all traffic going out the one exit to Hwy 7. You will also see in the attachment that Mn/DOT has also expressed concern on the traffic levels accessing Hwy 7 from this development. (Memo from Mn/DOT is found at approximately p.80 in the attachment.) The letter 4/26/2005 Message Page 2 of 2 r� • • indicates that access may be restricted in the future to only a right tum in and right turn out of the development. Given that there are no good areas for a U -Turn along Hwy 7 west of this development, this would mean traffic would begin to use other neighborhoods to make the switch from westbound to eastbound. Mn/DOT also points out the need to keep the access to Cartway Lane open as access with no mention of restriction access to emergency vehicles. The lack of a formal secondary access also means that there will be no other access for construction traffic down this long cul-de-sac other than directly in front of the existing homes on Pipewood Lane. Safety is of concern since I have two children (currently age 5 and 7) as well as a young child at our neighbors home. I look forward to your feedback and hope there is still time to improve this development going forward. I moved from Minnetonka where I lived along Hwy 101 and have worked with the City of Minnetonka and Hennepin County on their expansion plans for 101. In that situation, the working dialog was excellent even to the point of having Lee Gustafson and the Hennepin County right of way agents walk the lot and go over in detail plans and options going forward. I am somewhat dismayed at the difference in the value of public input that I have seen so far. Even the public input provided at last night's council meeting was simply shown as concern but in the end just bypassed as "unfortunate". I'm hoping this will improve going forward. Keith Paap 4001 Pipewood Lane Chanhassen, MN 55331-7761 keith@paao.us (email) 952.470.1776 (home) 612.600.4646 (cell) Instant Messaging keithpaap (yahoo - includes webcam) keithpaap (aim) keithpaao@hotmail.com (msn) 4/26/2005 Page 1 of 1 Aanenson, Kate From: jljewison jjljewison@mchsi.com] Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 7:53 PM To: City Council Cc: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Hidden Creek Meadows proposed development Believe it is important to bring a more recent issue with the Hidden Creek Meadows proposed development to the Council's attention. The current proposal was developed with a cul-de-sac to the west of our property to avoid connecting the proposed Pipewood Lane to the Meadow Court cul-de-sac via the north side of our property. After further research, we have found that an easement for a road does not exist to allow this connection. According to our abstract and the Meadow Court plat registered with the county, there is only a 50 It drainage and utility easement. We discussed this issue with Engineer Matt Saam on Monday, March 28, in my attempt to clarify how a connecting road would even be possible. After he reviewed the Meadow Court plat, he also agreed that an easement for a road does not exist and stated that it must have been overlooked in the proposal. Based on this new information, we would like to restate the issues that we have raised multiple times before with this development. Minor changes have been made to the proposed development by the Planning Commission and Staff but we don't feel that our concerns have been fully addressed since the City Code has not been followed. 1. Our property does not have a road easement on the north side so it cannot be considered a comer lot. Also, our property does not touch Cartway Lane, which could constitute an existing double frontage. The proposed development creates a double frontage situation that is not allowed under Section 18-60g of the City Code since neither the proposed Pipewood Lane, nor the existing Meadow Lane, the road exiting our development, are arterial or collector streets. As defined in the Code, double frontage lots are only permitted where the lots are on an arterial or collector street. Neither street meets the definition of arterial or collector streets under the Code. A variance is necessary for the double frontage in this proposal and that has not yet been requested for this development. 2. Staff has recommended that 10 feet be allowed between our property and the proposed cul-de-sac right-of-way to accommodate vegetative screening. While we appreciate this recommendation, this still does not comply with City Code, and as a result, does not resolve the double frontage issue that exists with this proposal. In the recently approved Yoberry development, lots with double frontage were provided with an additional 13 feet between the property line and the street right-of-way and also given 130 feet from the back of the houses to the street right-of-way. If the proposed development will be approved despite the City Code infractions, the Council should add a provision for an additional distance of at least 130 feet from the back of our house to the cul-de-sac right-of-way as provided in the Yoberry development. To resolve the double frontage issue, our solution is that Lot 11 in the proposed development be removed, the cul-de-sac be moved further west and Lot 12 be extended to the northern boundary. This would eliminate the variance for the flag lot and remove the need for a variance for the double frontage. Yes, this recommendation would reduce the number of proposed homes by one and extend the size of Lot 12, but it would be compliant with City Code and is respectful of our rights and privacy as existing home owners. We hope that the Council will seriously consider and will address these issues at the April 25th City Council meeting. Jeff and Lisa Jewison 3842 Meadow Court 4/25/2005 Generous, Bob From: Steve Lillehaug [slillehaug@ci.edina.mn.us] Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 3:57 PM To: Generous, Bob Cc: jeffjewison@cargill.com; Steve Lillehaug Subject: FW: Hidden Creek Meadows development Hello Bob. Below is an e-mail from Jeff and Lisa Jewison regarding the referenced development. I was present for the let but not the 2nd meeting but am pretty up -to -par on this development. I think the Jewisons hit it right on the head. I am a strong advocate of being very sensitive to existing homes that border proposed developments. Yes, we as residents should expect development in Chanhassen when we border un -developed land. However, reasonable development that follows City Ordinance is necessary to protect our expectations. Sometimes variances are needed to get a better development but not at the expense of negatively impacting our existing residents to only maximize development to make a project more cost effective. It is my strong opinion that if a variance is granted, there should be a trade off - this might mean losing lot 11 and pushing the cul-de-sac further west as the Jewisons suggest. Yes, the screening at the end of the cul-de-sac helps and I appreciate staff's efforts on that- but, its just not good enough for a resident who still would have to deal with the double frontage, which, in this case appears to be directly against City Code_ If pushing the cul-de-sac further to the west means the loss of a lot or two - that is what it is. The non -double frontage argument doesn't hold much water with me - technicalities aside - its double frontage and its not on a collector or arterial. The Jewison's spell it out very well below. It shouldn't be allowed. Same thing on the Yo - Berry Farms development - the double frontage should absolutely not be allowed - there are always other feasible options and maximizing the number of lots should not be the governing factor. The prudent action to take is to mitigate the double frontage as suggested by the Jewisons. Bob, I appreciate your serious review of this issue and please forward this e-mail to the City Council for consideration in approval of the development. Thanks. Steve Lillehaug. -----Original Message ----- From: Jeff_Jewison@cargill.com[mailto:Jeff_Jewison@cargill.com] Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 8:40 AM To: Steve Lillehaug Subject: Hidden Creek Meadows development Hi Steve, This is a long email, but we feel a lot was missed in the review of this proposal, specifically related to the cul-de-sac behind our house and the right-of-way to the North of our house. But first of all, we do sincerely appreciate you taking the time to listen to our concerns over the past couple months. However, we strongly believe the Planning Commission, staff, and developer overlooked very important items in Chanhassen's city code "Article III, Section 18-60.G", which addresses design standards of new development lots - specifically, double -frontage. Based on our research of city code and a discussion with an attorney, there are issues. Not sure why, but various items in the city code are completely being ignored, and we are being taken advantage of unfairly. Article III, Section 18-60.G" states: 1 SCANNED r 0 "Double frontage lots with frontage on two parallel streets or reverse frontage shall not be permitted except where lots back on an arterial or collector street. Such lots shall have an additional depth of at least ten feet to accommodate vegetative screening along the back lot line. Wherever possible, structures on double frontage lots should face the front of existing structures across the street. If this cannot be achieved, then such lots shall have an additional depth of ten feet to accommodate vegetation screening along the back lot line." There is another case (# 03-3 SUB 03-1 VAC, originally from 9/2/03) involving double - frontage issue, and there was a variance required in that one. It is interesting to note, that it was only eligible for a variance request because it was deemed that Frontier Trail (the original frontage road on the east) acts as a collector street. Also, our case is MUCH more significant because we will now have cul-de-sacs bordering our entire front AND back yards. The second frontage in the other case only involved a small portion of the property touching Great Plains Blvd, and in reality it was always that way but is now a technically because of a right-of-way being removed. In our situation, neither Pipewood nor Meadow CT can be considered an arterial or collector street based on the definitions in the General Provisions of the city code. Neither Pipewood or Meadow CT was "designed to carry large values of traffic between various sectors of the city, county or beyond" and neither is a "street that carries traffic from minor streets to arterial streets." They are not "through -streets". Also, in Article III, Section 18-57, street minimums, the collector street requires an 80 ft right-of-way while arterial streets have a 100 ft minimum. Pipewood is 60 ft and Meadow Court is 50 ft. Even if the proposal is eligible for a variance, which it clearly is not, to approve it, ALL of the following conditions must exist ("Section 18-22") we added our comments in CAPS: 1) The hardship is not a mere inconvenience - FAILED, IT IS A BIG INCONVENIENCE. 2) The hardship is caused by the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the land - FAILED, IT IS GREED TRYING TO FIT AS MANY LOTS ON THE LAND AS POSSIBLE. 3) The condition or conditions upon which the request is based are unique and not generally applicable to other property - FAILED, THERE IS NOTHING UNIQUE HERE, THE DEVELOPER NST WANTS TO SQUEEZE EXTRA LOTS IN THERE AND IS FORCED TO ADD A CUL-DE-SAC AS A TERMINATOR FOR PIPEWOOD. 4) The granting of a variance will not be substantially detrimental to the public welfare and is in accord with the purpose and intent of this chapter, the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan - MAYBE (GRANTING THE VARIANCE WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE, JUST OUR PROPERTY VALUE) To sum up this issue: The proposal is violating city code "Article III, Section 18-60.F, G' and is not eligible for a variance. Plus, it only allows for a 14.5 ft right-of-way around the cul-de-sac when at least an additional 20 ft (beyond the 14.5 ft) would be required for the combination of the double -frontage and back -to -side lots ... and that is only if the adjacent streets qualify for the exception (which would then require a variance). We also wanted to bring this point up again since it became an invalid excuse at the last meeting: "Cartway Lane" does not constitute an "existing double -frontage" since it does not even touch our property. It borders our neighbor's property, but not ours. It was brought up that the variance is not needed because there is already double -frontage - this is FALSE. The next issue is the right-of-way to the North of our house to connect Pipewood to Meadow CT. The developer was threatening to use that to connect to Meadow CT if the proposed 2 cul ,de -sac was not acceptable. Our neighbor's house is right on the easement line and our house is only 15 ft off the right-of-way. A 30 ft setback is required, and therefore, both of our houses would have to be removed. This is not a valid argument, nor a practical option. Plus, it is not possible since the easement is a 50 foot right-of-way, which is below the minimum requirement per "Article III, Section 18-57" which states 60 ft. A "Private Street" has a minimum of 30-40 ft but Meadow Court is not a private street per the definition in the General Provisions of the code. In light of this information, it appears that the alternatives are as follows: 1. Remove Lot 11 and push the cul-de-sac even further west. This would eliminate the double -frontage as well as eliminate the need for the variance on the flag lot. To keep a buildable area for Lot 10, would somehow need to push the wetland setbacks further south (possibly by extending the wetlands into some of the area previously occupied by lot 11). 2. Remove Lots 10 and 12 and push the cul-de-sac further west and re -draw the lines for Lot 11. This also would eliminate the double -frontage and the flag lot. To summarize: The developer's proposal would: - Require a variance for the flag lot, but would be in violation of city code regarding the double -frontage. - Cause significant negative impact to the value of our property (Article III, Section 18- 60.F). o We would have two "front yards" as defined by the double -frontage. o Our second front yard (formerly our back yard), would be bordered by a cul-de-sac, driveway, and a SIDE yard of another property (also addressed in "Article III, Section 18- 60.G"). Our proposals would: - Be in accordance with city code. - NOT require any variances. - Cause the least negative impact to the value of our home and neighbors' homes. - Reduce drainage problems from the North by removing additional homes and grading, as well as additional buffer for existing homes and drainage. - Still provide the ability to connect Cartway Lane to the new cul-de-sac. - Still provide a good connection to Pipewood from the North (W 62nd St.) with the next phase of development. - STILL give the developer and the city a lot of money! Not sure what you have found to this point, but we are still reading through the city code and current and past cases to ensure things are treated appropriately. We will provide more info when we have it. However, it is extremely clear that this proposal has significant problems and should not have been approved. We would appreciate your feedback on these issues and proposals. Thanks again! Jeff and Lisa Jewison 3 Page 1 of 2 Generous, Bob From: Steve Lillehaug [slillehaug@ci.edina.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 3:11 PM To: debbieturneroriginals@msn.com; Dan Keefe; jmcdonald@mcdonald-rud.com; Kurt Papke; Rich Slagle; Uli Sacchet; Generous, Bob; Aanenson, Kate; AI-Jaff, Sharmeen Subject: February 15, 2005 Planning Commission meeting Good afternoon all. I will not be able to attend tonight's meeting.... Below are comments I received. Please consider them as part of your review and recommendation. Also, it is my strong opinion that the developer should definitely go the extra steps to mitigate the negative impacts as Jeff and Lisa describe. 1 trust that staff will work with the developer to ensure the specifics are designed properly as well as constructed as approved to meet all requirements. Thanks. Steve Steve, Thank you for your email referring to the Hidden Creek Meadows development on the February 15th agenda. After reviewing the materials on the website, here are our questions and concerns. Planting of Trees: We appreciate the staff recommending that trees be planted around the cul-de-sac. However, we still have these questions and concerns. 1. What is the minimum height of the trees that will be planted? How will that height compare to the height of our house? We are concerned that we will still have headlights shining in the windows of the top level of our house. 2. How far apart will the trees be planted? Will the headlights still shine between the trees? Would seem that, even with the number of trees noted, it will still result in a loss of privacy in our backyard. With a hot tub in our backyard, privacy is a key driver to our home's value - both when we purchased it as well as sales value. We would appreciate it if more trees could be designated along the entire eastern border of + the development to minimize the loss of privacy of the existing development to the east, specifically a thicker border between our lot and the cul-de-sac as well as the flag lot driveway that will run behind our backyard. V� j II2'f � ✓L�"' __ -- 11 O�✓l! MIn�.Y JA' 3. When will the trees be planted ... when the development is done? or could they be planted sooner to provide some privacy during the W� development process? 5 4. Who determines the location that the trees are planted to promote the /,,(J G h most privacy? "Around the cul-de-sac" as written in the materials is �( somewhat vague. �� Lam( 5. There is a discrepancy in the number of trees proposed by the developer and the number proposed by the staff (141 vs. 193 trees). Who �- p 1-I, monitors this afterwards to ensure that the developer met the r 1 requirements of the city? Drainage: Based on the materials, it appears that the drainage issue has been set aside and disregarded by the developer. Someone should be responsible and that responsibility should be designated upfront, before approval, to ensure that the wetland alteration will not affect the existing homeowners surrounding the area in question. Once the area is developed and water issues arise, then it's too late. Some areas just are not meant to be altered. 1. Does the "5 -year wetland maintenance and monitoring plan for new 2/15/2005 wetland construction" apply to drainage problems or just the areas where wetlands have been moved? 2. The materials state 'applicant should develop detailed plans for the installation of the culvert at Pipewood Lane.' Shouldn'tthis be done before approval? 3. Although the minimum is 36", is the proposed 42" culvert enough to handle the drainage from the existing homes to the North and East, the park to the North and the new houses planned for development? Even with the warm day on Saturday and rain on Sunday, ours and the neighbor's backyards are saturated and have water standing in them - it is bad enough already and it could get much worse. Flag Lot: The materials reference the variance requirements for the flag lot. It is a little unclear in the document, but if the variance is to encourage the natural features, then a flag lot shouldn't be approved. By adding a house on the flag lot, it only discourages the natural features from the adjacent existing homes and prevents them from enjoying the wetlands. The flag lot takes away from the natural features of the land. Both the flag lot and lot 11 encroach on the privacy of the existing homeowners by having a side lot to back lot design. Lots 11 and 12 shouldn't be approved and the other lots should be made wider to protect the privacy of the existing homes. However, at a minimum, the side lot setbacks on lots 11 and 12 should be increased to equal the setbacks of the front of a house given the side lot to back lot design. As mentioned above, more trees should be designated along the entire eastern border. Gate at Cartway Lane: 1. Don't believe there was a reference in the materials to having a break -away gate where Cartway Lane connects to the cul-de-sac on the east end. This was proposed by the public at the last meeting. We are concerned about the additional traffic that may occur without that gate. Many residential roads in our area already are used as shortcuts between Highway 7 and Smithtown Road to the North (and to and from the elementary school). Without a gate, the gravel road, Cartway Lane, also will become a shortcut and take on more traffic than originally was intended. With so much being proposed with these wetlands (seems like the developer is trying to force a square peg into a round hole), will the new houses be built on soft ground? I know there are ways to build up the land and grading, but how effective is that? I've heard many horrow stories of houses built on former wetlands. We appreciate the willingness of the Planning Commission to answer our questions, to hear our concerns and to make an informed decision. Jeff and Lisa Jewison 2/15/2005 • Page 2 of 2 Page I of 2 Generous, Bob From: Steve Lillehaug [slillehaug@ci.edina.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 3:11 PM To: debbieturneroriginals@msn.com; Dan Keefe; jmcdonald@mcdonald-rud.com; Kurt Papke; Rich Slagle; Uli Sacchet; Generous, Bob; Aanenson, Kate; AI Jaff, Sharmeen Subject: February 15, 2005 Planning Commission meeting Good afternoon all. I will not be able to attend tonight's meeting.... Below are comments I received. Please consider them as part of your review and recommendation. Also, it is my strong opinion that the developer should definitely go the extra steps to mitigate the negative impacts as Jeff and Lisa describe. I trust that staff will work with the developer to ensure the specifics are designed properly as well as constructed as approved to meet all requirements. Thanks. Steve Steve, Thank you for your email referring to the Hidden Creek Meadows development on the February 15th agenda. After reviewing the materials on the website, here are our questions and concerns. Planting of Trees: We appreciate the staff recommending that trees be planted around the cul-de-sac. However, we still have these questions and concerns. 1. What is the minimum height of the trees that will be planted? How will that height compare to the height of our house? We are concerned that we will still have headlights shining in the windows of the top level of our house. 2. How far apart will the trees be planted? Will the headlights still shine between the trees? Would seem that, even with the number of trees noted, it will still result in a loss of privacy in our backyard. With a hot tub in our backyard, privacy is a key driver to our home's value - both when we purchased it as well as sales value. We would appreciate it if more trees could be designated along the entire eastern border of the development to minimize the loss of privacy of the existing development to the east, specifically a thicker border between our lot and the cul-de-sac as well as the flag lot driveway that will run behind our backyard. 3. When will the trees be planted ... when the development is done? or could they be planted sooner to provide some privacy during the development process? 4. Who determines the location that the trees are planted to promote the most privacy? "Around the cul-de-sac" as written in the materials is somewhat vague. 5. There is a discrepancy in the number of trees proposed by the developer and the number proposed by the staff (141 vs. 193 trees). Who monitors this afterwards to ensure that the developer met the requirements of the city? Drainage: Based on the materials, it appears that the drainage issue has been set aside and disregarded by the developer. Someone should be responsible and that responsibility should be designated upfront, before approval, to ensure that the wetland alteration will not affect the existing homeowners surrounding the area in question. Once the area is developed and water issues arise, then it's too late. Some areas just are not meant to be altered. 1. Does the °5 -year wetland maintenance and monitoring plan for new SCANNED 2/17/2005 1% 0 wetland construction" apply to drainage problems or just the areas where wetlands have been moved? 2. The materials state "applicant should develop detailed plans for the installation of the culvert at Pipewood Lane." Shouldn't this be done before approval? 3. Although the minimum is 36", is the proposed 42" culvert enough to handle the drainage from the existing homes to the North and East, the park to the North and the new houses planned for development? Even with the warm day on Saturday and rain on Sunday, ours and the neighbor's backyards are saturated and have water standing in them - it is bad enough already and it could get much worse. Flag Lot: The materials reference the variance requirements for the flag lot. It is a little unclear in the document, but if the variance is to encourage the natural features, then a flag lot shouldn't be approved. By adding a house on the flag lot, it only discourages the natural features from the adjacent existing homes and prevents them from enjoying the wetlands. The flag lot takes away from the natural features of the land. Both the flag lot and lot 11 encroach on the privacy of the existing homeowners by having a side lot to back lot design. Lots 11 and 12 shouldn't be approved and the other lots should be made wider to protect the privacy of the existing homes. However, at a minimum, the side lot setbacks on lots 11 and 12 should be increased to equal the setbacks of the front of a house given the side lot to back lot design. As mentioned above, more trees should be designated along the entire eastern border. Gate at Cartway Lane: 1. Don't believe there was a reference in the materials to having a break -away gate where Cartway Lane connects to the cul-de-sac on the east end. This was proposed by the public at the last meeting. We are concerned about the additional traffic that may occur without that gate. Many residential roads in our area already are used as shortcuts between Highway 7 and Smithtown Road to the North (and to and from the elementary school). Without a gate, the gravel road, Cartway Lane, also will become a shortcut and take on more traffic than originally was intended. With so much being proposed with these wetlands (seems like the developer is trying to force a square peg into a round hole), will the new houses be built on soft ground? I know there are ways to build up the land and grading, but how effective is that? I've heard many horrow stories of houses built on former wetlands. We appreciate the willingness of the Planning Commission to answer our questions, to hear our concerns and to make an informed decision. Jeff and Lisa Jewison 2/17/2005 Page 2 of 2 Generous, Bob From: Jeff_Jewison@cargill.com Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:19 AM To: Generous, Bob Subject: 23 -lot sub -div proposal, planning file: 04-31 My wife and I live at 3842 Meadow CT, Chanhassen, and are VERY disappointed to hear of this proposal behind our house. The wetlands that are being replaced with this new development were the primary reason we purchased the house. We were told they were •protected• wetlands and could not be developed. Apparently "protected" doesn't mean much if there is enough money involved. We see deer and other wildlife out there nearly every day looking out our windows and from our deck. This development will significantly impact the value of our house in a negative way (both market value and personal value). There is a BIG difference between having a property that looks out to wetlands and a property that looks out to an obnoxiously large, cookie - cutout house and cul-de-sac. Besides these general concerns, here are specific concerns we have with the plans: - The plans call for a cul-de-sac on the northeast corner of the development which borders our backyard. As if this development isn't going to lower the value of our property enough; who in their right mind wants to buy a house with a cul-de-sac bordering their front yard AND their backyard? Does there really HAVE to be a cul-de-sac back there? - Drainage / runoff - runoff from existing properties drains into those wetlands. Depending on how much that land is built up, the new development runoff may go into our yard or at best, prevent the runoff from our yards from draining properly and cause an accumulation. - The properties are slated to run north and south which also puts a house very close to our backyard (instead of having our back yard border another property's backyard). This is an obvious attempt to cram as many units onto this land as possible without any regard to property values, privacy, and ambiance. Again, if this development ABSOLUTELY MUST proceed, we should at least be compensated for the reduction in our property value. There is a BIG difference between having a property that looks out to wetlands and a property that looks out to an obnoxiously large, cookie - cutout house and bordered by cul-de-sacs in the front and back. Quite frankly and honestly, we would have NEVER purchased this property if we new there could be a development back there. Please take this into consideration when approving this proposal and we plan on attending the public hearing. We think it is a bad idea in general, but at a minimum, the specific Plans are terrible - it's all about getting as much money as possible from a little chunk of land. regards ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jeff Jewison, Senior IT Business Analyst Cargill's Corporate Financial Reporting (CFR) Mpls, MN - USA Office Center, M/S 5 phone 952-742-7973, fax 952 -742-5231 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I