CAS-31_HIDDEN CREEK MEADOWS (7)N The contents of this file have been scanned. Do not add anything to V t unless it has been scanned. 5/2005 13:27 FAX 952 897 3534 WILKERSON & REGNA WILKEMON & HEGNA, P.L.L.P. ONE CORPORATE CENTER III, SUITE 300 7300 METRO BOULEVARD EDINA, hIINNESOTA 55439-2302 TELEPHONE: (952) 897-1707 FAX: (952) 897-3534 EMAIL: JBERG@vnLKERSONHEGNA COM FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET Please deliver the following pages: TO: Allison Moris FAX NUMBER: 952-227-1170 COMPANY: City of Chanhassen RE: Hidden Creek Meadows FROM: Joann K Berg, paralegal DATE: September 15, 2005 OUR FILE: 23539 Total number of pages including this page: — Q001 MESSAGE: Attached is the Declaration that Minnehaha Creek Watershed District is requiring to assure that the 42 inch culvert to be located under Pipewood Lane is properly maintained before they will issue a Watershed Permit for Hidden Creek Meadows. Also, attached is a draft of the Quit Claim Deed to the City for the Outlots where the culvert is to be located. Watershed develo DDestrict nt plans call for said Outlots to be conveyed to the City. I am trying tcontact to determine whether the Declaration should come from D&G of Chanhassen or from the City of Chanhassen. At any rate, since the City will, in the end, be responsible for the maintenance required by the terms of the Declaration, we want to be sure the terms are acceptable to the City. Joann. cc: Gary Wilkerson f S P1ec�se Cc..tt me- In h is CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The document(s) accompanying this fax contain confirecipiended nfovm atio woke not legally privileged The information is intended only for the use of the intended��on or the taking of any action in the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, ry to the mended recipient named above reliance on the contents of this telecopied information except i a direct deliv immediately by telephone to arrange for is strictly prohibited. if you have received this fax in error, p notify the return of the original documents to us. 09/15/2005 13:27 FAX 952 897 3534 WILKERSON & HEGNA QUIT CLAIM DEED Limited Liability Company to Corporation No delingaeot taxes and tramfa entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( ) not requited Ca ffkate of Real Estate Value No. 20_ County Auditor BY Do" STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ Date: 12005 x002 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, D&G of Chanhassen, a limited liability company under the laws of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby conveys and quit claims to the City of Chanhassen, a municipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota, Grantee, real property in Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Outlots A and B, Hidden Creek Meadows, Carver County, Minnesota together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. Total consideration is less than $500.00. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) D&G of Chanhassen, a Minnesota limited liability company By: Dean Carlson, Chief Manager T%P fnrPonina inctniment wac acknowledeed before me this day of 200_ by`� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 200_ bye z Dean'Carlson, the Chief Manager of D&G of Chanhassen, a limited liability company under the laws of the Minnesota, on behalf of said entity, Grantor. TmI is NSTRur NT WAs DRAFTED BY: WILKERSON & HEGNA, PLLP Suite 300 One Corporate Center 7300 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 Notary Pub ' c Tax Statements for the real property described in this instrument should be sent to: 09/15/2005 13:27 FAX 952 897 3534 WILKERSON & HEGNA 2003 [maintain 3" top margin] DECLARATION THIS DECLARATION ("Declaration') is made this day of 200 by , ("Declarant"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of real property within the City of County, Minnesota, platted and legally described as: [Insert legal land description] (the "Property") and no one other than Declarant, [name additional parties executing declaration of Consent and Subordination], has any right, title or interest in the Property; and WHEREAS, the Property constitutes the entirety of the land to which Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Permit # 05-373 applies; and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to subject the Property to certain conditions and restrictions imposed by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District as a condition to issuance of their Permit #05-373 for the mutual benefit of the owners of the Property. WHEREAS, MCWD Rule G provides that a declaration stating terms for maintenance of hydraulic capacity as approved by the District shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder before activity under the MCWD permit commences. The maintenance agreement shall specify methods, schedule and responsible parties for maintenance. NOW, THEREFORE: 09/15/2005 13:27 FAX 952 897 3534 WILKERSON & REGNA _ Z004 1. The property owner shall inspect the grit chambers, sump catch basins, sump manholes, outlet structures, culverts, outfall structures or other stormwater facilities for the project in the spring and fall of each year. The property owner shall remove all sediment and debris during the inspections such that the stormwater facilities operate as designed and permitted. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant makes this Declaration and hereby declares that this Declaration shall constitute convenants to run with the Property in perpetuity, and further declares that the Property shall be owned, used, occupied, and conveyed subject to the convenants, restrictions, easements, charges and liens set forth in this Declaration, all of which shall be binding on all persons owning or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Property, and their heirs, successors, personal representatives, and assigns. 1. Culvert Maintenance. The 42 inch culvert located under Pipewood Lane as identified on the site plan for the Property attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment A, shall be maintained by the Declarant in perpetuity 2. The recitals set forth above are expressly incorporated herein- IN erein IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this instrument the day and year first set forth STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) DECLARANT: By: [name and representative capacity, if applicable] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 200 by Notary Public 2 day of 09/15/2005 13:27 FAX 952 897 3534 WILKERSON & HEGNA Z005 This Instrument Was Drafted By: 99/15/2005 13:28 FAX 952 897 3534 WILKERSON & HEGNA IA006 CONSENT AND SUBORDINATION a Minnesota corporation, the holder of a mortgage dated [filed for record with the County Recorder] County, Minnesota on as Document No. , hereby consents to the recording of the attached Declaration and agrees that its rights in the property affected by the Declaration shall be subordinated thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, a Minnesota corporation, has caused this Consent and Subordination to be executed this day of [notary acknowledgement] a Minnesota corporation 4 09/15/2005 13:28 FAX 952 897 3534 WILKERSON & REGNA U007 ATTACHMENT B STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE These terms apply to the stormwater facilities constructed Pursuant to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit application number 05-373. WHEREAS, application has been made for a permit from the MCWD pursuant to MCWD Rule N, Stormwater Management; and WHEREAS, the property that is the subject of the permit is legally described in the Declaration into which property to these maintenance Attachment requirements apply are as fo facilities on the lows: 42" RCP WHEREAS, MCWD Rule G provides that a declaration or other recordable instrument stating terms for maintenance of hydraulic and navigational capacity and approved by the District shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder or registrar before activity under the MCWD permit commences NOW, THEREFORE: 1, The property owner shall inspect the culvert under Pipewood Lane shown on the attached site plan and referenced m the declaration as Attachment A in the spring and fall of each year. The property owner shall remove all sediment and debris during the inspections such that the culvert operate as designed and permitted. 2. Violation of the inspection and/or maintenance Provisions of this Agreement is a violation of the MCWD Permit for the project for which the MCWD may take action against the property owner. 5. "property owner" as used in this Attachment means the owner of the property on which is located the stormwater facility to which the obligations herein apply. Attachment B to Form Declaration CBH 8-00 rev 8-01 'I OCT -07-2005 14;38 From;DEANCARL PARTNERS 9529748396 9522271110 m FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: FAX 4: ZZ �I%\< PHONE: ri 'Your 7820 Terrey Pine Court, Eden Prairie MN 55347 E -Mail: car] sonpartners�cbburnet com lrj-s[u)cbbumet.com Return Fax: 952-974-8396 <<.a �LD.�ienan Carlson ls�on �—-�--995522te-=a99;4'®t94374«175 logesr o IF 9. - Debbie Sllafer 952-949-4754 Jennifer Johnson 952-949-4824 Number of Pages (including cover) 1f all pages are not received please call the sender direct y. P.1 cjl BUF:NET {CANNEu OCT -07-2005 14:38 FroT;DERNCARLSONPARTNERS IUi VS/LUU5 12:48 FAS 851 9�j5p 9529748396 T :9522271110 P.2 CANON CO DIV 6 Q001 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL HEADER SWEET w . aLn: eye wmen.n..pe o ob=. t O v^ 2_ COMMAND! OFFICE - NAME/ OFFICE - OFFICE TELEPHONE NO. FAX NO. -F- _ SY 9OLmtuTOVOAVCwwif.f �U70vON2o�»m./ TO Q.0 . Q 52 9 L{4- y71 `? 52-c/7 - 63 CH W F'4�sSSz n1 CLA551PICATI ON PREtEOENCE NO. PAGES DATETIME MONTH YEAR RELEASER'S 91G TUBE - /fAoyrturg da. - %T........ 3n In OCT -07-2005 14:38 Frvm:DERNCARL50NPRRTNERS 9529748396 ­'ai<vua 12:47 VAX 651 2990030 CANON CO DIY ReFLY TO ATTEPMON OF: Operations Regulatory (2005-5643-JJY) T9522271110 P.3 6 0002 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY sT. PAUL OIST(tICT, CORPS OF ENIGMEERS 1010 FIFTH -"REEr EAST ST. PAUr. IRR W01 -163a October 5. 2005 Mr. Dean Carlson D & G of Chanhassen, LLC 7820 Terrey Pine Court Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55347 Dear N 4r. Carlson: We have reviewed your permit application to discharge fill or dredged material in 0.13 acre (5,756 square feet) of jurisdictional wetland/waterway as part of the construction of the Hidden Creek residential development. The project also includes creation of 0.17 acre of wetland, about 0.5 acre of upland buyer, and a storm water pond as compensatory mitigation. The project site is in the NE 1/4 of Section 6 and the NW 1/4 Sec. 5, T. 116 N., EL 23 W., City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota The decimal degree coordinates for this site are Latitude 44.8680, longitude -93.6230. The authorized work is shown on the enclosed drawings labeled 2005-5643-JJY, I of 6 through 6 of 6, hereby incCtporated as part of this letter of permission_ This authorization is issued under the provisions of OP/LOP-98-MN (MN LOP -13). This action is based upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers and under the provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). The authorization is subject to the enclosed special, general, and standard conditions. The special conditions require the creation and maintenance of the 0.17 acre of on-site wetland, 0.5 acie of upland buffer, and the storm water pond. The time limit for completing this authorized work ends two years from the date of this letter. If your project will require off-site fill material that is not obtained from a licensed commercial facility, you must notify us at least five working days before start of work. A cultural resources survey may be required if a licensed commercial facility is not used. This Fcderal authorization does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state or local authorizations required by law_ Hyou disagree with the enclosed jurisdictional determination, you may provide new information- Please follow the directions in Section D of the enclosed Notification of Administrative Appeal Options and Process and Request for Appeal. OCT -07-2005 14:36 From;DERNCARL NPRRTNERS 9529748396 30/45/2005 12:47 PAX 551 29 30 CANON CO DIV ' I CFMYP-OP-R (2005 -5643 -JJ Y) -2- T'9522271110 P.4 a 003 If this: letter of permission is not acceptable and you would like to appeal the permit decision, please follow the directions in Section A of the enclosed Notification of Administrative Appeal Options and Process and Regwost for Appeal. The decision regarding this action is based on information found in the administrative record, which documents the District's decision-making process, the basis for the decision, and the final decision. If you have any questions, contact Mr. Joseph Yam in our office at (651) 290-5362. In any correspondence or inquiries, please refer to the Regulatory number shown above. Sincerely, Enclosures 2CT-07-2005 14:38 From:DEANCRRLSONPRRTNERS 952974e396 9522271110 F.5 -' -. ---- +r leu UO4 t 44U CANON CO DIYif 0004 CEMvP-OP-R_fm C+�I lnfoo, yon. As a gerreml rule, as discharges of fill or dredged material into any —hand or water are- require a SetYion 404 pem,a trona ate Core- of Engineers. Penson, proposing such WOrk shoUtd espadalty nota than, in ALL rg9ea InGgdulg the non-mpurflPg general Permits, . GP)LOP,e8au1N requires that ad—nIa, inpacft on water and Watterd resturos be amnok ed and minirti¢ad in the n 4111Um Godent Practical. Discharges that woad adversely affect Federal endangam, Plant Or I n rnsl SPec ss or certain 0,11,1 or archaeoiogmAl resources. or MatyYOukd impinge or abrogate mserved Native Ameriere treaty rights ncluding, but not Irml1w too rosofved water rights and treaty fishing and nuntlng rights, are not sliglble far auhwnfzatlOn under GP/LOP-ga-,UN. The St. Paul DIiM V VA" SHe (htb'//ivarvv mup_utare.anrny,miq Wdl contain information mat's helpful for aPPlicerda. 1. The time limit for cermPietMg wank aWryOr¢ed by the GP pmv4lans Of Gp)LOP_S"N eros open the rvq inarWn dere Of GPA_OP-,BfdN. The ti,a I" ser cO"FU"-g work Mlth su d by Me LOP Pray®iens tannin ends upon the espirehon data of GPA_OF,9"N or bve yeas after the date of the Corps outhodxarinn of the worts undarGP/LOP.ga-MN, whkh,,,r OCCUR later. If you final that you need roof, time to OOmpleft the auhmptxad a, ivty, submit your mqueM for a time extension to this office for cOnaideraticn at scan Mate Menthe tfa/Om the ® ation date is roach". 2_ YoUntusimainaainme,ectNlty a -Mon' ed by 13P/1 -0p -11"N in good Condition and in c omamrence with the terms and conditions Of this permlt. You are nor'c"WOq or this requirement C you abandon the Permitted activity. although You may make ■ good faith transfer to a third party- Should you wish to orese, to maintain the aumorizad aCavily or should YOU desire W abandon it without s good falnm transfer. You must obtain e madifiwhon of Me, para( from this OMba. vundeh may requlre restoration .1M. area. GP/LOP-98-MN CONDITIONS 9. Ir you di c cr Wry pmvlously unknown hulderic Or srdl reolegieal nenaMa while iCGMmplidhing the ettivlty audhormed by Gla&OP438-ksN, you must immedlsa0q stop wenn and notify this office of wired you have found- We will In"niete this Federel and state coordination requited to deinrWho if the Melsina ""at a move) ry effort W If the ,uta s eligible for Rating in the National 12egistar Of HWOdO Places. 4. YOU must BROW rwmsaM ti,,,e from this Office to Impel the suthorced aeavity at any t Mc, deemed neesssary to ensure that It Is being or »as been aocornpruhed In acconlancs With the terns and conditions Of GP/LOP-90-MN. 5. Refer tp to GP/LAP-0a-MN Standard Condib." at the errs of this document Further Information: 1- COnpreylOnrU AuVlp6iq: YOU haus been authorized W unmrtaue Me activity desanbe0 above pursuant to 3erbon 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). 2. Limits of this authortzetion. a GP/LOP-VITUN dean not obviate Me need to obtain other rederal, Moo, or fecal &u fiorre required by asmv. b. GP/1-OP-95-MN does not gram any property rights or cxch rve pdvlag". Q GPA Cts -98 -MN does not auvrorize any injury W the property or nghta Of others. CL GPA_0P-9WMN Bees not authorize kltarference rvth any acbting Or pmpq"d Federal project 3. Ll,nib of Federal Liabliry. In eoth0bu rng WOrK, the Federei Government does not assume any liability, bimuding for the ferbMng: s_ Dernages to the po"Itu d project or uses Maroof as a resah of alter penMffed or unparmhoad aUu iims Or Isom natural doses. b_ Damages to the permitted project" uses Hereof as a resu6 W oufTBM or Marra aChrAfies undeftakan try or on behalf of Me untied Sbtes In the public inb ms C Damages to paraara property. "to other permitted Or vnparmiaad rrcrivitias or structures caused by the eCUvlty sgtgdzed by this Poona. Page 1 of 3 d. Desgn «conudsuG)on defficienctm sasoraata0 with the Permuted wok. e. Damage claims asseGaled With any future Modification. suspenale, or naveeodon of This pemnit b. Ref lice on Applicant, Data: The determination of the office that a Ware of this permh Is not contrary to Inn public interest was made In mriance on Me rnlonnatlon you provided. 5. Reevaivaoon of Permit Oanrsion. This Office may raavakata ds deetaion on this Ifarmrt st any tear the cirounfMencea warrent Circumstances that could requirea ma,oluertlon include, but are not limited to. the following: a_ You fail 10 Oompy with the terms and conditions of this psmniL b. The Infomnation provided by you in support of your ponnit application prov,l W new been false, inranpleto, or inaccurate (see 4 safe"). u. Significant clew information surfaces "Mein this OfBcce did not consider in reaching the OrIQINil public inlene-st decision. Such a reevaluatlon may mull in a datedninalion that it b appropriate to use the Suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained In 33 CFR 325.7 orrnfomamem procedures such as those cantalned in 33 CFR 325.4 and 326.5. The referenced enloncergnt Procedures provide for the issuance of an edmlNslratfve order requiring you to comply Wfth the fames and conditions of your perm6 and for hue irafiation of bgsl Mellon where appropriate. You will be required m pay for any conecbve M0,05u016 Ordered by this office, and IT You fail to canply with such direetNe, this offses may in certain situations (such as those speclged In 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the cams eve rnmsure, by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. S. Ek aionar Geaerel oohditinn 1., above, este Niahas a tins limit for the r4xnpMhon of the adrvity authorized by the permit_ UrYesa there are oirGmnstarnrs=a requiring altar a prompt cornpleaon of the autherl2ad ad'Nay or a reevalaaon of the puhsc Wrest decision, the Corps Will neurally give favorabb comfier ens, to a request for an extension of this bre fmrl_ OCT -07-2005 14;38 From;DEANCARLSONPRRTNERS 9529748396 10/06/2006 12:47 PAI 851 29 30N CO DIY arandand Q,onditiaa4 In addition to the preceding general conditions. GPA_OP-90-MN authodza tions one subjeCt to the fallowing ,,od" condatons, as applicable. Those conditions must be satisfied for any GPlt.op-qe aulhOrbzahon, both GPe and Lops. Includnne the nen-reppNng t;Ps, to be valid - 1. Cpmo_ISnea Cereacafl� uoderal LOP authorizations of GPA oP-98 MN aulhonaabons the penmatosr must subrO n a comPgartM certifiCanOn to the St Paul District within 30 days of cwnpleaon of the Wort, The Olatdct will Include a cartifican n tort, with rs D.M fizatlon letters. Penmhb!es may also obtain this form by contacting the SL Paul District. Tris mquremsnt does not apply re GP authorizations under GP(LOP-98-l+lN. 2. Cbaa-bvcase eandition . -rho acW}(y, must Wmpy With ..Y spedal condifione which may have been added by the DW ict or by a state, tnlbe, , the U.S. Environmental ProtenUon Agency Or id section 401 water gpalay carbficafiOn or -Onalatency determination under the Coastal lone Management A.Y. Such conditions will be specifically ideno,d in any LOP issued for this PrgcoL 3. NifthialdoV6e,upeneine, Discharges of dredged ur fill material int, Waters of the Unded States most Ian Renin, , or avolded to the maximum extent Practicable, unless the Dlatrict approves a compensation plan Met No District ftW"ires a more bernTcai to this envimmmcnt than minirnwation w avoidance meanues. A. atelcyYrhhai We@r eyLr, - uri,otion err I mrd mmwoernant (C2Ar1 cnnaiawn dairairrol"ampm Some GPILOP-9&110111,1 aulhoriietions may not be valid unless and until an Individual Section 401 Water quality cartlgo"r,, orM COnsurt.ncy detennhnatiori is obtaetad from w waived by the apprupriale agency. If this condition applies. It Will be so noted in the District letter of permission. 3. evhmbre Matwrfal. No di hags or dredged or fill material may consist , ,loeultable material (a.a., (rash. debr(a, tlf bodies, asphall, Oto-,) and metedal discharged mint be free from toxle Pollutants In tpldo amounts (see Seaton 307 of the Clean Waller Act). 6. P^oar mandernianoe. Any sbvcrWe or flll aumarls00 shall be property Inointsined. i ciuding maintanands to 9nsom public 62". 7. Erosion amd JUILIOn c.ntr 1. AWaVrinie eroaloh and Iiia tin controls MU" be usad and Maintained n effective operating co dNon during construction. and all exposed soil and ether tits. as wee as any Wont Detour this Ordinary high water Mark must be permanently stabilized at the earliest praCpmblo date. Work shauld be done In sccem no WIN state -approved, published praOeoes, such as defined in MinnesOi Pollution Control Agency Docufnert, PUCTECTING WATER OUALrTY IN URBAN AREAS; 1=2 MANAGEMENT PRACTICPS FOR MINNESOTA B. illannoval of taeroorery BA& Any temporary fila must be removed In thea entirety and trio affected areas hetumed to their preealating elevation. 9. Esdanaehed 3ovclas_ a_ No aQNly u auMoHzod Which a gkzy to Jeopardize the conturt<ed existence of a thmwtanetl or endangered apeolas w a speelas proposed for such designation, M dontl(led under the Federal Endangered Spaob Act orwtnie h a t!" to destroy w adversey mori y the critical habitat of such leagues_ Non-federal parmjBcee "I notly the District if any listed spades w cdVCAt habhat might be shunted or Is in the wickiity of the project. and Shall not begin yank or, the acWitty untg natlf ed by the D ouletthat the requirements of the Endangered Spoeies Ail have boon 6atlallad and lhet Me activity Is..M."zed, b. AUMgn2ittlon a an activity under GP(LOP-0e does not authorize the take of a threatened pr endangered wont. as dented underthe Federal Endangen el Species Ari In the absence of separate authorization (a W.. on ESA Section 10 Permit. a M6,logicel Opinion with Incidental Lake provisions, etc.) tram the U.S. Fish and Wldafe Sar,7o. or the Natbmad Marine Fiaherlse Service, both lethal and con-4eMal talar of pmteaod npeeles are in variation of the End.rWr o Spedsa AcL Irdwrnahon Page 2 of 3 9522271110 P.6 005 an the location of threatened and andsheered specu s and their cntical habhat can be obtained di -ray from the Offices tithe U.S. Fish and Wi Nitre Service and National Marine Fisheries Service an U., world wide web pages on the Imemet a If it b."ll epperfnt Mat a Federally asmd ondangered plant or anima) species Will be affeders by Worth aatrlof Qd by Ihvs permit, work moat be stopped arvmedlwety and the St Paul District of the Corps of Engineers must be contacted for further Instrutioo, 10. Hlsf«i0 pno rtloa.pollural resaur�. No acthviry, wh" may affect historic properties listed, or eligible for tlating, in the National Register of Historic Plarxs IS authorMad, until the District has compiled with the provisions of 33 CFR Part 325, Appendix C. The pmapecuve pon.m a most Include noulvdon to the District in free penult apphuati n a the oulhorixed acfnay may erect any historic pmpeNes Ilsfoo, determined to be, efiaible, or vdnich the prospective pemhitiree has mason to bellove may be eligible for heti., on the National Register of Historic Plate, and shall not begin the activity until nofiiied by the District that the me miremonis of the National Historic preservation Act have been Satisfied and mat Ih0 acd dy is authortaed. Infa-1,11 on W the bcadon and axism a of historlc resou.zs on be Obtalned from the State HbdoriC Pmservatian Office and the National Register of fiercer, Pleces. 11. Su ina areas. Discharges in spawning arcus during spewnvrg seasons must be avoided to the maxanum extent practicable. 12 Obstruction Qf high flows. To the rneainum edam preuticable, discharged must not pannonenty restrict or Impede the passage of normal or cxpeoted high flow, or "use, ace relocation of the water (Unlsea the primary purpose of the nit is to bnpoune weirs). 13. Advarx effecC from Impoundments. r the discharge creates an Impourdmerd of water, adrrorsa enerb on the aquatiC syste eased by Me aocebrated pawa,a Of Water 1ad(ar Me melnedon Of ala fl ' shall be minbn¢ed to the maximum extent practiwhle. OCT -07-2005 14:39 FromhDEHNCRRLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 10/05/2005 12:47 FAX 651 2930 C pN CO DIF i 10. piste rI~ brkqonc areas. DiSCh ar s Into breeding areas tar m(getory Waterlawl must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. la. Navimtlon. Ne activity may cause, man) than a minimal adverse effect on navigation_ Is. Aonsrl C UN movements, No OUiyky may substantially disrupt the movermanl of 010" species of aquatic life erdgenous to Me Waterbody, induhng these sPOCfas, which normally Migrate;hrough bre area. unless me acW*YS Orlini purpose le to impWn, water. 17- AgMigMenf_ Heavy equiRnem warking In wetlands must be placed ae mats, or other measuroa must be taken to minimize sail diSWrt mm 16- Tribal Hunts, No activity Or hs Operaucrh mrey i,Pmge or abrogate rese"Od treaty rights, lnr udm., but not limited to, MS -Med wafer rights ea treaty fishing and hunting rights. 19. Mid artd 3climi, Rivers- RIO activity may naeu, kr a chu pa rant Of the National Wad amid Scenic River System; or in a river, affidagy designated by Co grana as a •study river" far Possible induslon in the syatsen. while the river in in an omcial study steles; anless the aporoPtafu Federal agency. With dinou maeagemerR Mgporaibil ty for SyHt aver. Ras delerrrined In wrung that the proposed activity wth nal adversely effect the Wild and Soenle River d—umirtion. or emdy Stales. Information on Wild and Sol Rivers may be obtained from me appmpriam Federal land managenem agency in the area (e.g.. National Park Service, U.S. Forest 3ervimi Bureau at land Msnagemani, US. FlSR and hMdlta SOMIM.) i 20. N9_a, rigs AUa11N smnderds. All work or cfiz h areas to a vralarmad,, rani fing from permitted ,nstNObn aetvithes, particularly hydmurc dredging. must meet appllosbk: Federal. State. abllool water gwidy and effluent standards W a wrdInuing hays. 21. PfewMtlLe rraeiSYra'a. MOa S must be sdo4Rb N praverd Potential Pollutants Irom ordering the wetarcourse' Construction materials and debts, including Nola. dl, and other liquid subxlhe ass, will lint oe stored in the!construction area in a manner that iwould all. them to enter the waferrmurse sa in reauk or spillage, natural mnaff. W flooding. II. n1g22i i sites 6 dredged m excavated material Is plamtl on an upland disposal sight (above the ordinary high -waiter marc), the ase must be "=rely diked or r,onlained by soma other acceplaCb method that prevents the rcNm of prtrahtielty poliWrg materials tn,the wom course by Surface runoff w by:eaciring. T1s cortainniment area, whether bullhead or upland disposal sight must be fully completed pkar to me placement of airy dredged material. 22. Erosionc«`trQL Upon canplation of earmwark operators, a1 exposed Wopes, fills; and distahrued crass must be given sumxdern prate Won by appropriate means such as Landscaping, or planting and malnbaming vegetative t er, to prevent subsequent rmsbn. Coffer deme shall he ConstnKAed and maintained 00 ea to prevent.rosin info me water. If Barthel material Is used for coffer Cam OOMtnrrAon, sheet Poing, rQreP er• eyrttJ* cover must be uSad1 b prevent dem eroalw u. Suitable lilt material. AN fill (arcludntg riPren. if authollzed under Shia permit; must conslet er syllable material free from toxic palh b is In WW then bate quantities. In addrhan, roll or fill jnetariai used for acOvff*. dependent upon this parrrle slid atitainad by "ortratton must either be obtained from nsdcting quarries or, if a new, bonrnv she is Opened up to obtain on materia( the State Hisbric Pwearvaacn 016cor (SliPO) must be notified prhar to the ase or the new arta. Evia. achis consultation with the 3OF3 T�:9522271110 P.7 16 0 006 SHPO Will be forwarded to the St Paul Disbrl Of9m- 2a. !fa RSiO11rGC9. It WlblRl, archaeological, or historic alresoaril are UMMMW during acbvltkm aumarized by tots pommy work roust be Stopped immediately and the state Historic Reservation Omear must to conlactcd for further Instruction 26.vilaW Intekestacdvmes. An Itwaslgalion must be made to Idemify water Intakes pr other activitles that may be alledtod by embedded suites and turbidity i luMlid ee eabsed by work In me watert urse- Sufficient nodrb nest be given oo N9 awdOne Of property where the amvities,would take plum to allow them W prepare for any Changes in water quarry. 27. Svilf sontinaencv elan. A oonthlgency plan must be formulated Mat would be OHOetive in Che event of a spill. This requirement Is hamoularty appllt4ble in operations cwoNing Me handling of petroleum Produce. "a Split of any potential pollutem should moo" it is the responsibility of the p endintes to remove such material. to minimize any contamination mialting horn m's spill, and to immediately notify the Seta Dirty Cifhcer at 1-600-422- U798 and the U S_ Coast Guard at telephone number 1-8 6 24 !M)02. 21L Ovherceoutramr:nts. No Corps OPN_OP•9aWIN Whorizstion elkninstss tree nota for other local. &tate a Federal authorizations, Including but not Amend to National Pollutahe Oiec barge Elknlhatinn System (NPUES) or State Disposal System (SDS) Permits the Mknnesoto Pollution Control Agency. 29. Sun eetain 401 Cerflrroellen cemoditora. The Malne9ola Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) has Certified GPILOP-96-NHi on the Condition that actiVlteS are ea dulled In accordance with all applicable proveiora of Minnesota Rule 7001.0150, ..bp _ 3. As required by Federal reguebom, this tan liacn is khcorpolated es a mndhion of GP/LOP-96-MN OCT-07-2OOS 14:39 F,om:DERNCRRLSONPRRTNERS 9529748396 30/05/2005 12:47 PAX 851 0 CANON CO DIV T'9S22271110 P.8 16 0007 Spacial Coaditioas: Letter of Pei'nie9lon MVP-2005-5643-JJY (Hidden Creek SLegidential Devel_mm=mnt) 1. Total direct and indirect jurisdictional wetland impacts (including fill, grading, excavation, and potential drainage) authorized by this letter of permission are limited to the 0.13 acre (5,756 square feet)of jurisdictional wetland shown on the enclosed drawings (labeled 2005-5643-JJY, 1 of 6 through 6 of 6). You shall coordinate any proposed additional wetland or water impact with the Cozpe of Engineers, including any temporary wetland impacts, to determine whether it involves any additional regulated impact that requires further permit review. You shall also submit annual monitoring reports, as outlined below. 2_ You shall insure that none of the work performed to construct, operate, or maintain this project (including preparatory work, staging, site clean-up, and mitigation work) causes impacts (including non -jurisdictional impacts such as drainage or non -point source sedimentation) to other waters or wetlands beyond those impacts expressly allowed by this (or a subsequent) Corps permit. Prior to initiating any physical work on the project site, the wetland areas tbat are to remain undisturbed shall be clearly marked in the field so that the boundaries are visible to equipment operators. For example, you may use appropriate signage and orange construction fencing, silt fencing, or continuous strands of flagging to mark the boundaries. 3. You are responsible for ineuring that whoever performs, supervises, or oversees any portion the physical work associated with the construction of the project hag a copy of, is familiar with, and complies with all the terms and conditions of this permit. 6. within one week of commencement of any work authorized by this Permit. you shall advise the Corps of Engineers in writing at the following address: fit. Paul District, Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory branch (Attention: 2005-5643-JJY), 190 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1638. This notification shall include the date that the authorized activity will commence and the name and telephone number of all contractors or other persons performing the work. You shall provide a copy of this permit and drawings to the contractor. This Copy shall be made available to any Corps representative during inspections of the project site. You shall send all iother notifications and reports required by this permit to the aadregs listed in this condltion- 5. The minimum required compensatory mitigation for the 0.13 acre of authorized wetland fill shall be to provide at least 0.17 acre of new or fully restored wetland, including primarily (at least O.1 acre) wet meadow (Type 2 wetland) and eballow marsh (Type 3 wetland) with water depths that do not ordinarily exceed 6 inches, and to Provide at least 0.5 acre of upland buffer, as shown on the enclosed Plan snd'as outlined in the performance standards below. You shall construct this compensatory mitigation by implementing the mitigatipn plan outlined in this permit and shown on the enclosed ans pl. OCT -07-2005 14;39 From;DERNCaRLSONPRRTNERS 10/05/2005 12:48 FAX 831 20 30 i_ 9529748396 T'9522271110 P.9 CANON CO DIY 16 0008 special Conditions: Letter of permission MVP-2005-5643-.7ar (Hidden Creak Residential Deve1copmant) (Continued) 6. You shall also protect the wetlands and other waters on the site by establishing upland buffers where feasible and by filtering collected runoff through the storm water pond, as shown on the encloaed plans, before discharging it into any compensatory mitigation area required by this permit or into any natural wetland_ 7. Wherever native black topsoil is absent from the excavation in any new wetland creation mitigation area, you shall line the excavated area with clean soil that is free of reed canary grass, Purple loosestrife seeds, and other noxious plants_ The majority of this material shall be clean black soil. You may use clean upland soil for this purpose. You shall regrade areas that do not meet these criteria within the .5 -year monitoring period following construction, or provide comparable, additional compensatory mitigation, at the direction of the Corps of Engineers. 8. To prevent the spread of purple loosestrife, reed canary grass, and other invasive species, you shall ensure that equipment used in the grading of any wetland or compensatory mitigation area shall be free of loosestrife and reed car+ary grass before being used and that it shall be cleaned before being moved to another work site. Wash water shall not be discharged into any wetland or water. To prevent the spread of purple loosestrife and reed canary grass on the is dturbed' areas in and adjacent to the wetlands, you shall use equipment that is tree of contamination from loosestrife and reed canary grass seeds or plants. You shall seed disturbed wetland areas above the normal water line, plus any exposed bottom or mudflat areas visible at the time of seeding, with an appropriate native aeed.. mixture (such as MNDOT 25H, 26B, and MMOT 310 plus the MNDOT Wet sorbs Mix), with needs measured as Pure Live Seed, and a fast-growing annual cover crop (such as Regreen, annual ryegrass, winter wheat, or oats)_ Suffer areae and adjacent disturbed upland should be seeded with an appropriate upland aced mix (such as MNDOT Seed Mix 350 or equivalent). only clean straw (not hay) should be used an mulch and as bale checks or bale erosion control barriers. 9. The compensatory mitigation sites, including the buffer, shall be completed prior to or concurrently with the corietruotion o£ the authorized project, and all earthwork, construction, and planting on the mitigation sites shall be completed no later then 30 days after the work jauthOrtzed by this permit is completed - 10 - ompleted_ 10. The wetlands and upland buffer areas used for compensatory mitigation shall bft protected in perpetuity by covenants or conservation easement or other land use restrictions acceptable to the District Engineer that prohibit incompatible uses. The covenants shall be 'reviewed and approved by the District Engineer, the approved covenants shall be recorded within 90 days of the completion of the project, and a certified copy of the recorded covenants shall be returned to =his office. OCT -07-2005 14;39 From;DERNCRRLSONPRRTNERS 9529740396 10/05/2005 12:46 FAX 653 2930 CANON CO DIY 9522271110 P.10 6 QD008 5peoial conditions: Cartes of peragaion MVP-2005-5643-JJY (Hidden Creels Residential DavaleP=ent) (Continued) 11. A wetlaald professional, hired at the permittee's expense, shall conduct at least two inspections of the compensatory mitigation sites (during construction and at the completion of construction) to ensure that construction complies with the plan design. Any deviations in the plan shall be coordinated with and approved by the Corps of Engineers prior to implementation. 12. The wet Meadow and marsh wetland compensatory Mitigation sites shall meet the following Success Criteria: a. Hydrology (1) Fresh (Wet) Meadows. Hydrology shall consist of saturation at or within 12 inches of the surface for a minimum of 30 consecutive days, or two periods of 15 consecutive days, during the growing season (late April -early October) under normal to wetter than normal conditions (70 percent of years based on most recent 30 - year record of precipitation). Inundation during the growing season shall not occur except following the 10 -year frequency or greater storm/flood event. The depth of inundation shall be 6 inches or less and the duration of any inundation event shall be less than 15 days. An exception can be made for sites with hummocky microtopography -- hollows between hummocks can have standing water depths of up to 6 inches for extended duration. (2) Shallow Marshes_ Hydrology shall consist of saturation to the surface, to inundation by up to 6 inches of water, for a minimum of 60 consecutive days or two periods of 30 consecutive days or four periods of 15 consecutive days, during the growing season under normal to wetter than normal conditions (70 percent of years based on most recent 30 -year record of precipitation). During the growing season, inundation by up to le inches of water following the 2 -year or greater storm/flood event is permissible provided that the duration does not exceed 30 days (e.g., water depth drops from 18 Inches to 6 inches within the 30 days). (3) The remainder of the created wetland shall meet the minimum criteria described above for wet meadows but shall generally not be inundated with greater than 3 feet of water for more than 30 days during the growing season. b. vegetation: (1) Upland Buffer. The upland buffer shall achieve at least 90 percent aerial coverage with vegetation, at the and of the 5 -year monitoring period. Invasive plant species shall not exceed the Percentages outlined below in (3). OCT -07-2005 14:39 From:DERNCRRLSONPRRTNERS 10/00/2005 12:48 FAd 851 28 30__ �1 9529748396 Ty 9522271110 P.11 CANON CO DIY 6 Q010 Spacial Conditions: Letter of Permission MVP-2005-5643-47JY (Hidden Creek Residential Development) (Com+_m hued) (2) Wetland COmmuni.tie9: The created wetland shall achieve at least 75 percent coverage with vegetation at the end of the 5 -year monitoring period. More than 50 percent of all plant species within the wetland communities of the created shall be facultative (FAC) or wetter (FACW or CBL), excluding FAC-. (3) COntr01 Of Invasive and/or Non -Native specleel Control of invasive and/or non-native plant species shall be carried out for five full growing seasons in the created wetland and upland buffer areas. Control shall consist of mowing, burning, disking, mulching, b!ocontrol, and/or herbicide treatments. By the third growing season, any areas one-quarter acre in size or larger that have greater than 50 percent areal cover of invasive and/or non-native species shall be treated (e.g., herbicide) and/or cleared (a_g., disked) and then reseeded. Follow-up control of invasive and/or non- native species sball be implemented as stated above. At the end of the fifth growing season, the vegetative community shall not contain greater than 5 percent areal cover of invasive and/or non-native Species including: reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinaeea), Canada thistle (Cirsium arven6e), bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare), smooth brOme grass (Bromum inermis), giant �ragweed (ambrosia trlEl da), common ragweed (Ambrosia artemialltolia), quack grass (Elytrigla rep -ns) black locust (Robinla pseudoacacia), sweet clovers (Melilotus alba and M. 0£f1C.inali.$), non-native honeysuckles (e.g., Lonlcera x bella), and non-native buckthorns (Rhamnus cathartica and R. frangula)_ The mitigation sites shall have no purple loosestrife (Lythrum sali.ceria) present at the end of the monitoring period. Failure to meet any of the above criteria shall extend the permittee's responsibility for monitoring and control of invasive/non-native species within the compensation sites_ c, you shall establish and maintain a minimum of 0.17 acres of created on-aite wetland (including a minimum of 0.1 acre of wet meadow wetland and shallow marsh, as outline above) at the end of the 5 -year {lost -construction monitoring period, as determined by a wetland del ideation and survey of the mitigation sites that you shall conduct and submit to the Corps during the final year of monitoring. 13. You shall prepare and submit mitigation ukonito-Ing reports that address the preceding performance standards and that meet the other following requirements: a. Aaaua.l mitigation monitoring reports shall be submitted on the status of the mitigation_ Unless another schedule is agreed upon by the corps of Engineers, the reports shall be submitted by December 31 following each of the first five growing seasons after completion of the mitigation, work_ The reports shall be forwarded to the St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch (Attention: 2005-5643-.TJY), 190 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 551D1-1638. 1 4 OCT -07-2005 14:40 From;DERNCRRLSONPRRTNERS 10/05/2005 12.48 A_051 2903 0 9529740396 T�:9522271110 P.12 CANON CO DIV 16 ® 011 Special Conditions= getter of Pesaission BE" -2005 -5643 -.Tay (Hidden Creek 1:esidential Development) (coatinued) b. The reports shall, at a minimum, include the Following information: (1) A11 plant species along with their percent cover, identified using standard plots and/or transects, with at least one representative plot/transect in each plant community within the mitigation site including upland buffers. Sn addition, the Presence, location and percent cover of invasive and/or non-native species, such as purple looseszrlfe and common buckthorn, in any of Plant communities shall be noted. (2) vegetation cover maps at an appropriate scale shall be submitted for each reported growing season. (3) Photographs showing all repressntative areas of the mitigation site taken at least once each reported growing season during the period of July 1 to September 30. Photographs shall be taken from a height of approximately 5 to 6 feet from at least one location per acre. Photos shall be taken from the same reference Point and direction of view each reporting year. (4) Surface water and groundwater elevations in representative areas (e.g,,at least one sample point in each plant community) recorded at least once each week for the £lrst 1C weeks of each growing seseon, thereafter taken monthly for the remainder of each growing season. The location of each monitoring site shall be shown on a plan view of the site. C. An as -built report shall be Submitted within 30 days of the completion of construction_ This report will summarize the construction activities, describe any changes to the original plan, describe any corrective actions needed, and provide an as -built survey showing 1 -foot elevation contours or spot elevations. This survey shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor and certified by the licensed surveyor or by a registered professional engineer to conform to the design plans and specifications. d. A wetland delineation of the compensatory mitigation sites using the 19a7 Corps of Engineers wetlands Dellneation Manual and guidance 'shall be submitted with the 5 -year monitoring report. This delineation shall be prepared by a wetland professional and surveyed and certified by a licensed surveyor or by a registered professional engineerito conform to the design plans and specifications. 1 14. No other project -related dredging, excavation, grading, fill, or vegetation removal (except for removal of nuisance species such as Purple 1posestrife, reed canary grass, and buckthorn) in the remaining wetlands acid wetland restoration areas shall be performed without specific written appraval from the Corps of Engineers. OCT -07-2005 14:40 F,.m:DERNCPRLSONPRRTNERS 952974e396 10/05/2005 12:48 FAX851 SlIgM30 CANON CO DIV6 9D 9522271110 P.13 012 Speaiai conditions= Lett: of Peri scion 24NP-2005-5643-JJT (8i.dd.an creels Residential DeveloISM r1t) (Ccntinnad) Additional plantings of native trees and shrubs or other native plants may be made in the wetlands on the project site without any approvals from the Corps of Engineers. 15. You shall place all excess material remaining after project construction on upland, except for material moved on site in accordance with authorized gradiug and topdressing. You shall notify the corps of Engineers of the location o£ any oft -site placement areas for the excess material before these areas are used. 16. If you plan to obtain fill material from a Bite other than the project site shown on the enclosed plans or from an existing, licensed commercial facility, you shall notify this office at least 5 working days before using the borrow site. This office may require a cultural resources review, survey, and additional work if you identify a site that may contain archaeological, historical, or other cultural resources. 17 The Corps may, at any time during the $-year monitoring period, re ire removal, treatment, or management of undesirable animal ecies, including physical removal, live trapping, confining wires or nets, are. le. 1f the performance criteria outlined above or other conditions of this permit are not met at any time during the monitoring period, the permittee shall provide the corps with a proposal detailing corrective actions and/or maintenance actions proposed (if any) and an implementation schedule for those actions. The permittee shall implement the necessary corrective measures following review and approval/modification of those measures by the Corps. upon completion of corrective measures, the permittee shall provide a written summary of the work to the Corps. Additional remedial actions may be required if the corrective measures do not result in satisfaction of the performance criteria during the next growing season. , 19. The permittee shall assume all liability far accomplishing corrective work should the District Engineer determine that the compensatory mitigation has not been completed satisfactorily. Remedial work may include regrading and/or replanting the mitigation site. This responsibility shall extend for a period of 5 years beginning upon completion of mitigation site construction. 20. Refer to Standard Conditions attachment OCT -07-2005 14;40 From 9529748396 CANON CO DIV 110 P.14 10001 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL HEADER SHEET Par.W aaa 1u wM 3Yt1: k --- � - LOMNIAwIpI OFFlLQ FROM- _ NAME/ OFFICE SYMBOL OFFICE TELEPHO NO /AUTO 'OA&CVm J PAX NO. l (AUMVrW/C...) USS- J oG� �, �SI-2Yo-5362 GSI 2go ��3 TO: o �►,,a( 1 . �5� 9(fq-y-7l q5z-q-2q- r3 rlA C1A5$9FI CATIONPq ECEDEWCE NO. PAGES OATETIMS fln udmv 6-,& MONTH YEAR IFIELFASER'S SIG TV RE I REMARKS n �7 F2�•w �,�JG S ��-- �� t2M �> Spores BBIOW Far Comm�rnla�(" Cen �� p� '�' 3n MA OCT -07 lui D/209b 12:50 FAX 651 2040330 CANnw en nry -2005 14;40 Fr Om;DERNCARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 Ty9522271110 P.15 u UTMZOner t5 UTM NOrlhin9: 4070749 UTM E.ting: 450792 atmte: Wlinnpa.f, runty: Can COUNT' TO uhq: 116 RenOe: Sectbn: X990009 COng—i9 81 District 2702 Arbon 101AVP-2005.5643y7JY-1 Desafpppn: Comments: ee9111 Date:6/8/2006 L&dlUde_ 44.8884625643515 Lon9n+gC: -93.6231364726464 Weterahap: 6aiWine: M�Ildien: V!5(:,:S 7-e pt. -D/ "tC1 ® 002 2Ov5"— S'643 --44y, / o, r, 0CT-07-2005 14.41 From:DEANCRRLSONPRRTNERS lOiOS/2003 1Y:50 FAI _BS�,�B� 9529748396 Ty9522271110 P.16 CANON CO DIV 6 0 004 OCT -07-2005 14:41 FrOm:DERNCRRLSONPFIRTNERS 9529748396 T'952227111O P.17 1O/06/$0O6 .12:50 $g3O CANON CO DIV • 005 Uri fl II I I -------.•� �•+. i ' is , / / ./ /-/ ,\t`� "r _ l � Z R p `!a . :iie-Ll e 5 OCT -07-2005 14:41 From:DERNCRRLSONPRRTNERS 952974839E Lu/Up/LVU5 12:50 FAX 051 2900 CANON CO DIV y 9522271110 P. le a006 I I I 1 y . -------- 1 �, v §d�3F13s0«€° fig M r OCT -07-2005 14;41 From;DEANCRRLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 10/05/2005 12:31 FAX 051 2920 CANON CO DIY rpe 1 504 a� 1 952227111O F.19 6 kO007 Ic $1.14 1 ts�1 1 e9 1tS s E0 rte 11 53 t i 3 all c. e�1 1 1. iC 1 1 Ig E i E 1 Q •• E 11;1 .11 �s.S ... 6.. n i1 OCT -07-2005 14;42 From;DEPIWARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 T9522271110 10/05/2005 12:51 FAX 651 2930 CANON CO DIV • JURISDICI7UNAL DETERMINATION U.S. Army Corps of fngino-rs DISTRICT OFFICE: St. Paul Diahia FII$ NIRiMZR: 211055643J3Y PROJECT LOCATION IN FORhIATIONt Slate: Minnesota County: Carver Center earadifulAw of lite (Ia[imdc/Ipnginfde)- 44,8$801-93.6230 ADPrettlmate size of are► (pmcel) teviewod, including uptmtds: 10 eves. Name of nearest waterway; Unfilled tributary Name Ofwatershcd: Lower Minnesota River JURISDICTIONAL 13"ERMINrATIUN Completed: Desktop detramination Date September S. 2005 Site ,Wt(s) I DaeCs): F. 2F1 U006 Revised 8/13;04 Jariidietional DetarmYoatiao (3D): M Preltmieualy JD - Based on available bdb nxdW.❑ lhere appear to be (or) ❑ there appear to be no'lvaters of the United Slat=- and/or "navigable W1treI3 ofthe United States" on the project: site. A preliminary ID is not appralebic (Rcfc cncc 33 Citi pot 331). MAppemrod M - An approved ID Is eli appealable action (Reference 33 (7rR pan 331). Check all due apply. (What's are "navi8/ble wafers of the United StUnS" (ss defined by 33 CFR pan 329 and associated gWdanU) within the reviewed arse. Approximate size ofj,-sdlcdmW area; Warn! ore'lw>mvs of the United Stares" (as defined by 33 CFA pan 328 and associated guidance) within the reviewed area. AAPlproairrwtesiaofjurisdiedcoa)araw 3 y�a7,Aere ars "0r0/g084. teen-navignb(e. (Mn -stare waters or Wetlanaar within the reviewed ales. eCininn supported by SWANCC/Migratary Bird Rule Inlbrrna so Sheet for Dettordradon of No Juiadwlion BASIS OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: A. Waters defired wader 33 CFIt part 329 as "oavisable seaters Ofthe United States': ® The presence of waters that arc subject to the ebb and flow of Ne tide and/or are presently used, or have been used in the past, or may be ssiseeptible for use to hanaeort interarare a, foreign eommerec. IL Watera defiued udder 33 CFR part 3283(&) as `tiwaters of the Uaiaid States': C 1) The prCsenee of watery, which arc xmrrcntly used, or wane used in Me past, or truly be cu saeptiblc to use in intctstac Or foreign eOrmneren, Including all watotn which are subjewt at the ebb and Bow Of the tide. (2) The presenea of intersima waters including bntsstate w Wends'. (3) The plesmce of oyer wtttrle such as intrastate lakes, nvers, streams (mcludiog int mittent streams), mudfiats, sandflats, wetlauds, sloughs, prairie potholes, wer mcadowr, phos lakcs, or rndural ponds, the use, aegredallon or destruction of which could affcet interstate commerce Including any such waters (check all that apply): Q (1) wttia h are or OOUM be used by hn,,,s ,e or foreign tra dors for recreational or other purposes. Q GO from which fish or shelbrasb are or eould be taken and sold in internist: or foreign commerce. ❑ (iii) which are or could be need for industrial purposes by Industries In Interstate soman cc:. (4) Impocndrneaus of Walser Otherwise defined as wafers of the US. (5) 7h6 P�Oo Oft tributary In a weer Identified in (1)- (4) above. (6) The prsee nce of terrttnviat .- (n The presence of wWands adjassme to other wakes of the US, ccocpt for those wetlands adjacent to other wetlands. Rationale for the Hasa of JurisdiHfonsl Determination (appllts to any boats eaeeled above). Iffheju,tsdicoona/ water or WeUaad earner usaffa na-+gable ware, ojrhe Unfrad Stator, dascrfbe carneecfion(eJ to the dawnstreatn nevfgable waters. IfB(!) or B(3) it farad as the Bads oJ'Jurydfetion. doearswnr naviBabllfry anWO, INsrrtala eoramerer eonnecr:ar. (:.e., direaar rile eowd(uonr, irc111011rt8 why Out waterbody 4 navigable and/or haw etre da afzon ajtke wasrbedy rould offere fnrerrrefe erjar/gn cwn,aerar0. /f B(J, 4.5 or 0 v used fir rhe Baro eJ'Jevbdfertoa, daaurnerp rhe mrfa ..1. ed,a make fhc Oceermaaarion. jB(7J bused fir the Baru ojJe.Ntdmtfon, daceemenr the ruriorale &sed fO stoles ary'acsncy deterewlwtton.The fiflected wetland is adjacent to aO unnamed tributary that is part Of system (Minneha us Creek watershed) that drains to the Mississippi River, a aavigablc water of the United Staten. OCT -07-2005 14;42 From;DERNCARLSONPRRTNERS 9529748396 9522271110 P.21 10/05/2005 12:51 PAZ 951 2950 CANON CO AIV of soil ❑ dostrscriooftcrrcnrw vcgoatloo 0009 FR.E NtTbWER: Lateral Er@nt ofJorli dictinadv ; (Ren¢; 33 CFR IN Ordiunary puts 328 and 329) High Water Markindica by ❑ clear, natural lbw impressed on the bank Fllgh Tide Lineindicaiedby: ❑ ❑ the prr_sencc of flair and debris ❑ changes in the rhnaetn er oil orscum line along shore object, ❑ fine shell or debns e ePOails (Fot'eshorc) of soil ❑ dostrscriooftcrrcnrw vcgoatloo ❑ Physical ouOkings/charootimsucs ❑ ddal ❑ shelving gages oe a ❑ r ❑ other: PF Mean Nigh Wats Mak bu8caced is, ❑survey to svailabic danno; ❑physical markings: El vegeun-on llne-Vehangcs in vegeulion I, oWcthmd boundaries, ss shown M One attached wetland delineation map and/or in a delmcstion repos prrpacd by Wetland and Wildlife Conartting Hama For Not Asserting Jurisdkbon: ®"Ree roviewed area consists entirely of uplands. Urs Unable to confirm me PrOSCMe ofwatas in 33 CFR pat 328(a)(1. 2, or 4-7F)_ htemdquou declined rp approve jnrisdietIM OM the basis 01`33 CFR part 328.3(aX3). The Corps teas made a caNC-SPecific determination dna 1110 fbibvring waters presrnt onthe Site ox onl Wa M of Lha United Slates. ❑ Weroa vearmmt syslams, including trel3mant Ponds or logon., pursvan[ m 33 CFR Dart 328.3. ❑ Atlfieialty irrlgptcd occas. Which would taVeft to upland ifthc brigrudon ceased_ Artificial lakes and ponds Created by atlivattng and/or diking dry land m collect and retain water and which are usod Gcclusivaly for Mich purpose, W stock waterinp, irrigation, seining basins, or rice growing. Artificial reflecting or swimming POOLE W other SmaU ornamental bodies of water crtaiDd by awvWng and/or diking dry land In retain water fm Primarily ecinninle reasons. ❑ Water -filled dcpressic ear crc od in dry Land incidental m conabyetion ouivity and Pits cx®vated In dry land for the Purpose Of Obtaining Ml, sand, or Sprawl unless and wfil the "n8 micn or oscavajion operation is abandoned and the resuLting body ofwatQ nrcctr dee definition ofwasen ofthe United Subs found at 33 CFA 328.3(x), 0 Isolated, MMIS en wetland with no neo us tu intersinre, rnrnmeree. ❑❑ Prior converted cMPIWd, as determined by the Namral Raaou(OaS COnsa Mion Scr�ice. Explain rationale Non -tidal drainage or irrigation ditches a[oavarcd rah dry land. F.xplaun r uonalc. ❑ Oumv (OxPlain): DATA REVIEWED PORJURSIDICT C,NAL DETERMINATION (Mark all Coat apply): MMaps, Plaau, plot m plat sobmiticd by w oo behalf of One golloant Data Sheets Prcpacd/Mbmitted by Or on behalf of the applicant ® This Off'M concurs with the dclineadon report- dated 2004. prepared by (company): Wetland and Wildlife C "%Ejtjog, Inc ❑ This W100 does not conour with the delineation report, darn p repared by (company): Data sheets PmPwcd by the Corps. Corps• navigable waters• Emile,_ US. Geological Survry Hydrplogic Atlas: U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Mbyte Topographic me"; U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Historic quadrangles: U,S_ Gcologlol Survey 15 Mlmlte Flincric quadvanglca: USDA Natural Rraourcu COaservadon Service Soil Survey: National wetlands inventory maps: Stat.tLocal wedand inventory maps; FBMA/Y1RM mnpe (Mup Name & Date): 100-yrxr Floodplain Elevation is: (NG VD) Aerial Photographs (Noma A Dmc): ober photographs (Dace)_ Advanced Idcntiheatir n Wctliod maps. Sib visi1fdo9uinhulion ccaduetea on: Appiicabldrupporung rasa law: Afa -� ••••�••�••�"• •• �.orps vcu.rraa uurcMlon marav In/MMWY)V.e_OQ.wamcs of by Phy[IC VegelatioR hydnC ppilY and wetland hydrvlp{p•). ''TTc term •atljacea" masse bordering conri6aoRr, or rlelflrbpring_ Wetlands zepuatcd from other waters Of WeUS. by ilia-reffi daces a twtiers, nvwral ITYpr irenns. beam dtpta� and the like arc Yap ifIECCRL OCT -07-2005 14;42 Pr.T;DERNCRRLSONPRRTNERS lu/05/2005 12:51 FAX 651 2950 9529748396 9522271110 P.22 CANON CO DIV ®010 • ...-�I��.iZ`'�tiL���1�I �'�.tA'pwFsi:,'�`); �rQt`BOYZ A£'PF,rLI �N.4 ANi3 . - j l File Number: 2005-5643 APPhcant: D & G of c -ti mh. -h, LL.0 -JJY Due: Oct 5, 2005 Attached is: See Section below X INITIAL PROFF1aRED PER (Staniland permit or Letter of Permission) A PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard PMr& Or Leser of Permission) B PERMIT' DjENIAL C X APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERh•IIh7ATION D LQv1INARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following idemifim your tights and options regarding an adminvtradve appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at htip:tiusace.ar=y.mil/ulWfuncT!om/cw/cccwo/reg or Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A. INIT7 PROFERRED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and retum it to the district engiueer for final aurbodration. If you received a I -Auer Of Permission (Lop), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your s' turc on the Standard Permit ora ;.��e of the LOP means that tuns Durrair, incl you accept the permit a lb entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the including its terms and ooadidoms, and approve jurisdittlthnal determinatona associated with the permit. OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Stmdtvd or LOP) because of certain terms and condition therein, you may request that rbc permit be modified accordingly- You mart complete Section 11 of this fbrm end rcu— the form to The district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of thla notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt ofyour letter, the district engineer will ,val,wme your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the Pe+mtt to addreas some of Your objections, or (o) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for Your reconsideration, at indicated in Section B below - B. PROFFERED PERMLT: Yon may accept or appeal the permit- • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, You may sign the Permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you remTod a Letter of Permission (LOP), You may accept the LOP and your walk is autborlwd. Yom signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LAP means that you accept the permit in in cetlrety, and waive all rights to appeal the Permit, mchtrdirg its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional detaminatlans associated with the permit- • APPF_AL: If you rboose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certam terms and conditions therein, you may ePpoal the declined permit under the Corps of E b Administrative Appeal Process by Completing Section II of this forru and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by tho division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C. PERMIT DENIM.: Yon may appeal the denlal of a permit tinder the Corps of F�grecers Admioise atve Appeal Process by wmPlertM Section hI of this form and sending the form to the divlafon engi>cs. This form most be received by the dMaion engineer within ti0 days of tie date of this notice. p APPROVED information. TIONAL DE'I'EIt11ZIIdwTION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the trate Of this notice, means that you aCCept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rigtrts to appeal The approved M. APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved M under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division enginccr. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the dare of this notice. Fh- PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which lnay the appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you tmay Provide new information for further consideration by the Corps t0 reevaluate the JD. OCT -07-2005 14:42 From:DERNCRR NPRRTNERS 9529748396 tui U3i2U05 12:51 FAX 651 29W 50 CANON Co DIV CEMVP-OP-R (2005 -5643 -IM -2- 9522271110 P.23 ® 011 .S��cTt?QCFi� :, ..$d. 'oi"©B: CZl'CtN'.715R3:3I1F6� 'H.T:.1:;=". •,:; :.,;y ..--- REASONS FOR APPFA]'_ OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections t0 an initial Proffered permit in clear Concise statements. You may attach additional Information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administ alive record) ADDITIONAL INFORM11 ATION: the appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal coafereece " or nee ting, and any srrpplenttmral information that'he review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide ad oral information to clarify the location of information that is already in [he administrative record. i?�ITlT•OR:C70N�FA - EFQ$,,QU£S['IORfi;OR ]t�R?i�i4Y7G1A17 '...:: ,'.. .: , If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you Appeal Process you may contact: nlay also contact: Joseph J. Yanta Division Engineer U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Iieguiatory Braneb c/o Martha S. Chieply, Appeal Review Office 190 Fifth Street East, CEMVD Saint Paul, MN 55101-1638 P. O. Box so Telephone (651) 29IY5362 vidk burg, MS 39181-0080Telephone (601) 634-5820 RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any govcrnmrat consultants, to conduct investigations of the pmject airy during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day nOfim of any investigation, sire and will have the oppomnity to participate in all site investigations. Date: Telephone number: Stgnarum of appellant or agent, 5015, -4841.707200, 5018, -4744.793069, 5021, -4749.873216, 5022, -4805.279204, 5036, -3806.293236, 5039, -4186.134784, 5044, -4853.520932, 5045, -4250.755422, 5047, -4250.2985X7, 5052, -4244.012800, 5053, -4260.888000, 5054, -3852.673470, 5093, -4822.713175, 5283, -4646.808499, 5610, -4747.899992, 5611, -4743.474616, 5612, -4750.439452, 5613, _4740.564060, 5614, -4N9.357853, 5615, -4718.316205, 5616, -4719.116443, 5617, -4712.286394, 5618, -4707.931257, 5619, -4697.358839, 5620, -4706.124783, 5621, -4717.863588, 5622, -4719.636967, 5623, -4722.904876, 5624, -4738.533157, 5625, -4730.636620, 5626, -4735.950521, 5627, -4734.659146, 5628, -4736.924354, 5629, -4703.127363, 5630, -4701.138996, 5631, -4683.412372, 5632, -4664.912414, 5633, -4700.410259, 5634, -4703.564463, 5635, -4711.704245, 5636, -4718.497009, 5637, -4735.964484, 5638, -4743.979952, 5639, -4742.772706, 5640, -4717.644433, 5641, -4709.012181, 5642, -4706.886424, 5643, -4705.064651, 5644, -4700.919129, 5645, -4663.155032, 5646, -4633.529102, 5647, -4632.027927, 5648, -4623.980175, 5649, -4651.787958, 5650, -4663.260654, 5651, -4706.457272, 5652, -4708.019807, 5653, -4710.670450, 5654, -4681.433116, 5655, -4671.280629, 5656, -4675.809761, 5657, -4673.100287, • -7198.816071, -8184.721885, -8771.348462, -8919.214783, -7797.838638, -8224.943761, -7226.489069, -7219.306303, -7234.280011, -7767.060500, -7766.618900, -7766.145029, -8853.117807, -8722.016945, -8773.448727, -8761.403012, -8759.153596, -8740.220136, -8732.498160, -8736.421137. -8702.971628, -8694.711556, -8679.738804, -8677.256465, -8673.659830, -8667.172007, -8689.652282, -8655.137044, -8651.090129, -8663.078148, -8635.575876, -8625.445503, -8620.775369, -8614.247906, -8601.187328, -8620.535328, -8630.645115, -8596.702024, -8584.046702, -8597.107358, -8604.389305, -8609.276330, -8643.485986, -8638.014973, -8628.884913, -8624.121502, -8589.899807, -8600.646124, -8562.797724, -8569.728525, -8554.755637, -8535.981479, -8521.908550, -8510.343684, -8497.927980, 40 70829.ASC 949.540000,cp5015 tnh 940.899976,ip fd 944.533281,ip fd 958.044378,cp5022 ip set 972.240000,cp5036 ip set 967.600000,cp5039 ip set 946.710256,ip fd 964.510000,cp5045 tnh 961.011275,ip fd 956.872500,pe ip fd 957.560200,1in ip fd 967.745956,ip fd 946.969890,cim fd 959.779979,CPSPK 944.143074,be 8" 943.445887,be 10" 943.963385,be 12" 943.232006, be 10" twin 943.068572,be 12" 944.911271,be 16" twin 944.765303,be 20" 944.732591,be 12" 944.470413,be 10" 943.797566,be 20" 943.588383,be 8" 943.927205,maple 24" 943.492187,maple 18" 943.459267,maple 12" 942.289923,be 14" 942.585311,be 8" 942.762976,be 24" 942.786440,be 10" 942.427603,be 18" 944.117163,be 12" 944.177953,be 24" 944.491805,be 16" quad 946.168772,ironwood 14" 943.716722,be 14" 943.344445,be 14" 943.035740,be 14" 942.702799,be 8" 942.099038,oak 28" 941.570362,be 8" 941.982640,be 12" 942.207669,tree 10" 942.921328,be 18" 943.500711,be 12" 943.588023,be 8" 943.746425,be 14" 945.967186,be 20" 948.908410,be 26" 949.461683,be 30" 949.542711,be 12" 945.863487,be 20" 945.424597,tree 18" 942.494272,be 12" 942.838521,be 12" 942.164770,oak 36" 942.429508,spruce 10" 943.130488,spruce 12" 942.286141,spruce 12" 942.501024,spruce 10" Page 1 5658, -4660.720246, 5659, -4662.102852, 5660, -4662.007237, 5661, -4656.891603, 5662, -4672.779373, 5663, -4659.753821, 5664, -4652.096435, 5665, -4643.832038, 5666, -4633.614743, 5667, -4620.110158, 5668, -4633.791978, 5669, -4637.614053, 5670, -4647.483871, 5671, -4598.517870, 5672, -4609.418676, 5673, -4592.894502, 5674, -4590.687442, 5675, -4592.875847, 5676, -4584.913761, 5677, -4577.928806, 5678, -4564.608617, 5679, -4558.855890, 5680, -4566.541827, 5681, -4569.047271, 5682, -4746.370403, 5683, -4747.846516, 5684, -4723.009332, 5685, -4721.428321, 5686, -4737.305553, 5687, -4748.840369, 5688, -4749.261842, 5689, -4741.739295, 5690, -4753.545030, 5691, -4747.151948, 5692, -4724.825113, 5693, -4718.814916, 5694, -4706.800861, 5695, -4700.641429, 5696, -4691.959131, 5697, -4679.648362, 5698, -4665.622012, 5699, -4674.498275, 5700, -4661.432311, 5701, -4667.906522, 5702, -4514.559041, 5703, -4540.584357, 5704, -4518.685701, 5705, -4555.396867, 5706, -4533.828853, 5707, -4529.354269, 5708, -4528.589135, 5709, -4524.651353, 5710, -4522.885157, 5711, -4516.624968, 5712, -4517.066674, 5713, -4511.139022, 5714, -4500.525552, 5715, -4489.833072, 5716, -4491.825524, 5717, -4474.190425, 5718, -4708.626338, 5719, -4715.743974, 0 -8499.871568, -8513.059385, -8526.418181, -8544.225318, -8563.496422, -8560.094456, -8568.788105, -8576.712931, -8568.071200, -8560.476147, -8546.566312, -8546.813966, -8515.757333, -8581.659401, -8597.367370, -8590.077758, -8582.400894, -8579.287513, -8567.593999, -8560.432249, -8560.350908, -8549.833026, -8550.524449, -8552.778203, -8532.022382, -8496.818795, -8505.885114, -8458.537388, -8462.773798, -8471.215132, -8462.036307, -8454.437074, -8439.566109, -8436.525328, -8424.989473, -8419.312515, -8435.165043, -8456.598974, -8472.678540, -8489.293888, -8484.812205, -8471.433166, -8469.573479, -8452.863239, -8414.106539, -8450.981978, -8466.164587, -8545.678795, -8528.806535, -8526.923770, -8522.355857, -8517.395578, -8506.632934, -8501.986122, -8498.033756, -8487.385713, -8473.919823, -8461.953271, -8463.329286, -8447.067085, -8378.045263, -8358.570287, 0 70829.ASC 943.881495,birch 16" 943.778165,spruce 12" 943.950851,birch 12" 944.119876,fruit tree 10" 943.643926,spruce 10" 944.009382,spruce 12" 944.672110,spruce 12" 945.824061,spruce 10" 947.148077,pine 20" 948.678765, pine 28" 946.324657,cedar 10" 945.241019,be 8" 944.753699,pine 8" 952.491667,be 18" 950.222902,be 12" 954.339635,be 18" twin 953.306583, maple 10" 952.946631,be 8" 953.254393,be 8" 954.423443,be 20" 955.418249,be 8" 955.404279,tree 10" 954.699327,be 10" 954.789924,be 12" 940.072811,be 12" 940.005134,be 12" 940.213420,basswood 24"quad 939.297799,be 20" 942.164844,be 12" 941.944545,maple 8" 942.890720,be 10" 942.437433,be 12" 945.284308,be 12" twin 942.852725,be 12" 942.203076,basswood 16" 941.794094,basswood 12" 938.805135,be 14" 939.677499,maple 8" twin 941.285331,willow 48" 941.653132,spruce 12" 942.620600,spruce 12" 941.822328,spruce 12" 942.913476,spruce 14" 941.930879,spruce 12" 952.605753,spruce 16"twin 951.327265,tree 16" 953.998407,basswood 24" 955.787544,tree 10" 956.636063,be 14" 956.840561,be 20" 956.613047,maple 8"twin 956.522225,maple 12" 956.178717,maple 18" 956.511478,oak 14" 956.374489,be 8" 956.332552,be 8" 956.254696,be 14" 957.016193,maple 12" 956.798465,be 10" 957.917732,be 8" 942.799214,oak 40" 943.437782,be 12" Page 2 5720, -4693.198170, 5721, -4685.005898, 5722, -4685.917597, 5723, -4687.931224, 5724, -4679.529173, 5725, -4681.971259, 5726, -4685.799762, 5727, -4694.560116, 5728, -4723.831060, 5729, -4690.270938, 5730, -4689.364025, 5731, -4673.441731, 5732, -4657.843601, 5733, -4639.235984, 5734, -4647.537318, 5735, -4648.706075, 5736, -4643.576827, 5737, -4648.267683, 5738, -4662.212922, 5739, -4657.263070, 5740, -4659.229771, 5741, -4647.565993, 5742, -4631.748342, 5743, -4622.385072, 5744, -4573.320382, 5745, -4563.723261, 5746, -4563.723261, 5747, -4574.996223, 5748, -4495.005944, 5749, -4507.126772, 5750, -4489.724807, 5751, -4494.330267, 5752, -4492.203239, 5753, -4463.936842, 5754, -4754.487644, 5755, -4732.801751, 5756, -4724.604977, 5757, -4721.239377, 5758, -4706.962994, 5759, -4678.606639, 5760, -4680.336230, 5761, -4675.043840, 5762, -4675.116669, 5763, -4697.922928, 5764, -4730.883260, 5765, -4723.450332, 5766, -4655.919906, 5767, -4644.571198, 5768, -4634.261919, 5769, -4621.219752, 5770, -4627.800736, 5771, -4615.489746, 5772, -4607.513957, 5773, -4456.415065, 5774, -4448.119573, 5775, -4447.647494, 5776, -4448.651225, 5777, -4439.009159, 5778, -4416.346977, 5779, -4409.601456, 5780, -4426.329514, 5781, -4415.606289, 0 -8387.652453, -8381.138774, -8367.180433, -8349.747868, -8342.701114, -8327.943114, -8314.877624, -8313.513065, -8310.887581, -8293.306457, -8301.678087, -8307.367851, -8317.516190, -8321.137949, -8321.453340, -8338.344617, -8357.011459, -8366.983628, -8420.315419, -8430.149897, -8435.541634, -8456.343673, -8461.550736, -8347.626570, -8333.549592, -8327.022367, -8327.022367, -8314.342275, -8347.364915, -8322.203225, -8289.963427, -8272.590951, -8214.019421, -8185.112328, -8218.541685, -8202.038067, -8208.263657, -8219.294087, -8225.471621, -8230.913751, -8218.484556, -8216.749134, -8220.127132, -8246.549559, -8246.786703, -8279.082379, -8253.764309, -8279.282050, -8293.723144, -8301.806662, -8304.550461, -8314.919760, -8205.162734, -8429.112456, -8429.623505, -8423.430286, -8414.632025, -8413.431118, -8399.679287, -8391.497749, -8381.777619, -8372.973467, 0 70829.ASC 939.415032,be 20" 939.581542,be 8" 939.606303,be 8" 941.519202,maple 16" 940.349499,be 20" 939.911619,be 20" 939.891371,be 24" 941.383966,be 10" 944.983413,be 12" 940.092407,be 12" 940.365644,be 12" 940.516572,be 8"tri 941.279071,willow 18" 942.398154,willow 30" 941.952478,be 941.621839,be 941.547709,elm 20" 941.355436,elm 8" 941.878201,elm 8" 942.246155,be 10" 942.051517,elm 8" 943.168130,elm 8" 944.462238,be 10"twin 942.652204,fruit tree 18" 945.937081,oak 22" 946.209464,oak 22" 946.209464,oak 16" 945.882736,fruit tree 18" 948.612982,cedar 10" 948.822920,ash 10" 951.661551,fruit tree 10" 951.057132,fruit tree 10" 951.098360,spruce 16" 951.934985,birch 12" 942.376925,be 18" 942.187337,be 12" twin 939.184253,be 12" 939.190610,be 12" 941.037561,be 12" 941.862557,tree 18" 941.394091,be 12" 942.268137,be 14" 942.094409,be 12" 939.344725,be 14" 950.442422,be 12" 943.842274,be 14" 942.319486,be 18" 942.515421,ash 10" 942.671720,elm 10" 943.137450,ash 8" 942.732115,ash 8" 943.329513,ash 8" 944.319149,elm 10"twin 958.147606,be 12" 958.211645,be 12" twin 958.253364,be 12" twin 958.377760,be 12" twin 959.069130,be 10" 959.476557,oak 10" 959.580808,maple 8" 958.651949,maple 14"twin 958.621863,oak 10" Page 3 5782, -4398.765900, 5783, -4396.862235, 5784, -4414.327087, 5785, -4387.573163, 5786, -4380.822722, 5787, -4370.592032, 5788, -4380.593942, 5789, -4367.137662, 5790, -4347.895763, 5791, -4398.410995, 5792, -4385.400583, 5793, -4410.499278, 5794, -4410.626161, 5795, -4400.770013, 5796, -4360.573160, 5797, -4346.984848, 5798, -4369.801582, 5799, -4378.052008, 5800, -4280.432771, 5801, -4277.408006, 5802, -4261.672763, 5803, -4084.865011, 5804, -4087.626752, 5805, -4096.303294, 5806, -4099.670590, 5807, -4102.793391, 5808, -4106.002399, 5809, -4108.375205, 5810, -4112.056308, 5811, -4115.436109, 5812, -4118.179016, 5813, -4120.387603, 5814, -4124.387508, 5815, -4126.345921, 5816, -4129.697122, 5817, -4133.023877, 5818, -4139.404267, 5819, -4141.851739, 5820, -4145.497087, 5821, -4146.547569, 5822, -4151.195810, 5823, -4154.109647, 5824, -4157.062033, 5825, -4160.614645, 5826, -4163.320825, 5827, -4166.460513, 5828, -4169.075362, 5829, -4172.168888, 5830, -4178.659654, 5831, -4181.357640, 5832, -4185.079000, 5833, -4187.745792, 5834, -4190.489915, 5835, -4194.211556, 5836, -4196.876133, 5837, -4200.168266, 5838, -4202.964108, 5839, -4191.988931, 5840, -4205.840226, 5841, -4208.947147, 5842, -4212.694519, 5843, -4212.437499, 0 -8372.065714, -8359.074718, -8335.590180, -8348.117023, -8347.445201, -8332.280714, -8327.298957, -8300.375472, -8325.818704, -8270.664290, -8259.967472, -8247.280448, -8237.584659, -8226.155004, -8232.098270, -8234.940022, -8202.855247, -8201.527863, -8242.606446, -8234.981151, -8205.160921, -8018.195168, -8021.968489, -8032.306034, -8035.514044, -8039.639349, -8042.367455, -8045.794770, -8048.975228, -8052.426028, -8055.643988, -8058.856344, -8062.149678, -8066.816077, -8069.278593, -8072.934851, -8079.933279, -8083.366258, -8086.751660, -8089.755050, -8093.267870, -8096.212641, -8099.495071, -8103.206473, -8106.030723, -8109.381335, -8112.888393, -8116.310177, -8123.136156, -8126.757473, -8129.962087, -8133.846928, -8136.575604, -8140.190463, -8142.746470, -8146.550657, -8150.379647, -8147.897109, -8153.636350, -8157.138978, -8160.763337, -8106.019759, I�i 70829.nsC 959.873560,maple 36" 959.286717,maple 30" 956.880577,maple 36" 959.508230,maple 24" 959.486298,maple 18" 959.379209,maple 18" 958.049390,maple 18" 957.601197,maple 36" 959.638656,w nd 26 8" pines 955.448256,maple 24" 955.131945,maple 28" 954.671930,maple 26" 954.926406,maple 30" 954.668782,maple 36" 955.987639,maple 36" 958.260248,maple 36" 956.482758,maple 36" 956.411642,maple 36" 961.957111,e nd 26 8" pines 962.908681,birch 12"quad 962.952277,tree 12"quad 970.404514,pine 12" 970.814427,pine 14" 970.583317,pine 12" 970.560530,pine 14" 970.574756,pine 10" 970.808045,pine 10" 970.905675,pine 12" 971.008076,pine 12" 970.948720,pine 14" 971.070966,pine 8" 970.995081,pine 10" 971.142846,pine 12" 971.277227,pine 12" 971.375469,pine 14" 971.232035,pine 12" 971.328765,pine 10" 971.368402,pine 14" 971.187370,pine 8" 971.039713,pine 12" 971.150713,pine 12" 971.010833,pine 12" 971.012352,pine 12" 970.565099,pine 10" 970.593456, pine 12" 970.405205,pine 12" 970.304894,pine 12" 970.211731,pine 12" 969.485429,pine 10" 969.408631,pine 10" 969.089948,pine 12" 968.827867,pine 12" 968.458127,pine 8" 968.241852,pine 12" 968.356008,pine 16" 967.910791,pine 8" 967.792122,pine 12" 968.868244,maple 16" 967.644125,pine 12" 967.224485, pine 12" 967.134315,pine 12" 966.799226,spruce Page 4 5844, -4194.321227, 5845, -4146.379639, 5846, -4160.330261, 5847, -4180.682861, 5848, -4202.470952, 5849, -4225.813639, 5850, -4243.370682, 5851, -4159.701920, 5852, -4168.959646, 5853, -4147.229376, 5854, -4272.749952, 5855, -4267.445282, 5856, -4299.726459, 5857, -4298.527872, 5858, -4349.311183, 5859, -4363.089681, 5860, -4367.383511, 5861, -4366.485184, 5862, -4362.408570, 5863, -4382.400348, 5864, -4392.547003, 5865, -4394.900726, 5866, -4397.599151, 5867, -4395.191110, 5868, -4399.252362, 5869, -4393.532775, 5870, -4443.840907, 5871, -4442.753887, 5872, -4439.897251, 5873, -4435.147784, 5874, -4441.998035, 5875, -4435.857998, 5876, -4442.623784, 5877, -4438.540892, 5878, -4434.521585, 5879, -4420.580995, 5880, -4416.643977, 5881, -4430.558649, 5882, -4430.565511, 5883, -4407.373585, 5884, -4403.716469, 5885, -4395.838559, 5886, -4395.074062, 5887, -4400.696486, 5888, -4395.198226, 5889, -4387.663099, 5890, -4380.268629, 5891, -4382.285381, 5892, -4370.583641, 5893, -4356.083559, 5894, -4351.539681, 5895, -4337.011047, 5896, -4331.255426, 5897, -4327.102819, 5898, -4317.821565, 5899, -4306.924043, 5900, -4305.120220, 5901, -4290.320691, 5902, -4303.468255, 5903, -4290.370308, 5904, -4300.021292, 5905, -4309.576035, 0 -8119.601897, -8068.579760, -8064.826579, -8067.698437, -8065.539975, -8057.235432, -8044.644204, -8029.422334, -8017.632813, -8008.458374, -7976.302379, -8000.509952, -7988.085240, -7993.924456, -7989.422084, -7983.313283, -7983.308728, -7989.406835, -7987.438977, -7991.734363, -7985.572417, -7981.749492, -7985.013364, -7991.180534, -8006.191174, -8006.025479, -8028.535776, -8028.294153, -8028.204775, -8029.768797, -8091.874735, -8108.970350, -8109.982221, -8112.502195, -8114.141627, -8104.789306, -8093.105594, -8091.375570, -8089.486926, -8088.637975, -8093.723472, -8112.692493, -8108.608399, -8095.836378, -8095.685597, -8095.532241, -8100.356648, -8111.863881, -8097.331245, -8098.646889, -8099.020036, -8098.460623, -8099.575455, -8100.308851, -8106.312360, -8101.335483, -8100.471405, -8110.993907, -8113.933480, -8128.725395, -8126.976835, -8124.303275, 70829.A5C 967.932103,maple 14" 970.364482,elm 14" 968.798408,birch 16" 968.616058,maple 20" 966.305321,maple 18" 964.517551,maple 22" 962.592107,tree 22" 965.117770,birch 16" 963.877033,ash 24" 963.700000,spruce 14" 957.414943,maple 18" 959.433203,elm 30" 956.792375,spruce 14" 956.973615,cedar 8" 955.339630,cedar 8"quad 954.986329,spruce 16" 954.777934,spruce 10" 954.793002,cedar 8" 954.792179,cedar 8" 954.221368,spruce 10" 953.778402,cedar 8" 953.752418,spruce 10" 953.559566,cedar 8"tri 953.700138,spruce 12" 954.192207,spruce 14" 954.283181,spruce 14" 952.090234,pine 10" 952.237679, pine 8" 952.161335,pine 8" 952.161215,spruce 16" 952.078844,mapPle 10" 952.803851,ash 10" 952.812430,be 12" 952.821099,be 12" 952.973595,be 10" 952.920887,be 12" 952.853479,birch 8"twin 952.853375,birch 8"twin 952.886846,be 12" 953.826492,be 10" 954.041306,birch 12" 954.001332,be 12" 954.811153,be 14" 954.778477,birch 8"twin 954.773131,birch 10" 955.647478,birch 8"twin 955.662608,ash 12" 955.889066, maple 10" 957.269126,birch 8" 957.794819,birch 8"twin 958.139082,birch 8"twin 958.640008,birch 8"quad 958.668539,birch 10, twin 958.593706,birch 8"twin 960.010622,maple 8" 960.029661,be 10"twin 960.033936,birch 8"tri 961.104665,be 12" 960.802727,be 12" 961.158529,maple 8" 961.159444,be 12" tri 960.524648,tree 10" Page 5 5906, -4312.946012, 5907, -4328.463595, 5908, -4334.171546, 5909, -4340.886860, 5910, -4347.581251, 5911, -4348.471553, 5912,-4361.790231, 5913, -4361.720705, 5914, -4338.150698, 5915, -4390.498965, 5916, -4384.512724, 5917, -4499.358865, 5918, -4496.176101, 5919, -4512.328459, 5920, -4516.993919, 5921, -4528.204211, 5922, -4528.869216, 5923, -4534.783927, 5924, -4540.325037, 5925, -4557.819415, 5926, -4553.024592, 5927, -4546.295421, 5928, -4541.154383, 5929, -4535.020940, 5930, -4530.395498, 5931, -4527.426828, 5932, -4558.472466, 5933, -4565.598983, 5934, -4563.306478, 5935, -4594.881116, 5936, -4596.020831, 5937, -4595.549779, 5938, -4594.748849, 5939, -4593.824894, 5940, -4594.382299, 5941, -4592.742573, 5942, -4592.339336, 5943, -4592.177575, 5944, -4605.369597, 5945, -4592.217789, 5946, -4591.397296, 5947, -4590.565416, 5948, -4590.956346, 5949, -4589.803756, 5950, -4590.168387, 5951, -4589.152765, 5952, -4587.723679, 5953, -4602.699948, 5954, -4588.660989, 5955, -4585.897101, 5956, -4585.502916, 5957, -4587.099787, 5958, -4586.307151, 5959, -4585.727078, 5960, -4584.738029, 5961, -4591.962032, 5962, -4594.286065, 5963, -4592.389938, 5964, -4558.339320, 5965, -4591.979497, 5966, -4586.142639, 5967, -4584.989342, 0 -8126.922674, -8126.533371, -8122.802895, -8124.778891, -8124.122132, -8119.243979, -8121.866255, -8120.677143, -8058.751978, -8043.230315, -8042.823729, -8049.064977, -8060.218732, -8069.324508, -8075.365649, -8068.329356, -8073.957000, -8073.476921, -8072.994647, -8065.189583, -8083.058373, -8078.898264, -8078.495442, -8085.559606, -8090.420629, -8114.207367, -8094.821595, -8122.561103, -8170.070256, -8156.269502, -8149.510257, -8142.707735, -8130.459893, -8123.414309, -8118.043956, -8113.178331, -8106.878967, -8101.144521, -8100.597967, -8089.887076, -8083.498682, -8078.703729, -8065.528282, -8060.161293, -8054.182143, -8047.866735, -8042.714076, -8065.480025, -8030.100265, -8025.505577, -8012.926891, -8017.593811, -8005.916062, -8000.145184, -7994.478397, -8004.161933, -8027.359849, -7996.382588, -7918.456896, -7996.993030, -8000.129110, -7994.181055, 70829.ASC 960.566388,be 12" 958.801286,poplar 20" 958.837183,be 12" 958.837183,be 12" 958.361006,be 10" 958.392969,be 12" 957.936202,maple 8" 957.894977,be 8" 958.056682,spruce 10" 954.902668,spruce 12" 954.899993,spruce 8" 950.671903,maple 16" 950.507272,maple 16" 950.829749,maple 10" 951.038989,maple 10" 951.398553,maple 12" 951.621082,maple 8" 951.727884,maple 12" 951.920929,maple 8" 953.112307,maple 18" 951.033672,maple 12" 951.148870,maple 10" 951.288289,maple 10" 950.567146,maple 10" 950.198151,maple 10" 948.063294,maple 12" 949.804656,maple 12" 947.837005,ash 12" 945.387721,maple 8" 945.329624,maple 16" 945.510819,maple 12"quad 945.890187,maple 18" 946.199180,maple 24" 946.563152,maple 10" 946.819472,maple 24" 947.912065,maple 24" 947.868075,maple 16" 948.131643,maple 12" 947.813678,maple 12" 949.088813,maple 18" 949.290879,maple 20" 949.880852,maple 8" 950.402969,maple 26" 950.883469,maple 12" 951.167919,maple 20" 951.182229,maple 28" 951.317057,maple 28" 949.409052,maple 12" 950.993076,maple 10"tri 951.313761,maple 28" 950.578817,maple 14" 950.550648,maple 28" 950.179271,maple 8"tri 950.444214,maple 14"tri 950.466861,maple 24" 949.254500,maple 10" 950.129628,maple 8" 949.579719,maple 8" 951.448232,TR 949.514666,maple 8" 950.533050,maple 14"tri 950.748607,maple 24" Page 6 5968, -4585.963361, 5969, -4591.951424, 5970, -4583.800351, 5971, -4584.581665, 5972, -4591.154045, 5973, -4583.401148, 5974, -4590.337257, 5975, -4588.223438, 5976, -4581.783684, 5977, -4588.896289, 5978, -4595.419589, 5979, -4595.892719, 5980, -4694.301743, 5981, -4694.541223, 5982, -4677.476819, 5983, -4671.323899, 5984, -4675.489839, 5985, -4670.788491, 5986, -4671.926138, 5987, -4669.384318, 5988, -4645.812183, S989, -4645.220640, 5990, -4601.393239, 5991, -4586.646845, 5992, -4582.042363, 5993, -4578.480247, 5994, -4578.282407, 5995, -4570.214510, 5996, -4566.211151, 5997, -4563.201045, 5998, -4559.689285, 5999, -4557.480496, 6000, -4548.164959, 6001, -4546.485900, 6002, -4540.909124, 6003, -4535.155570, 6004, -4532.954130, 6005, -4527.344316, 6006, -4530.910696, 6007, -4526.020865, 6008, -4521.816286, 6009, -4517.464339, 6010, -4516.730350, 6011, -4576.068484, 6012, -4572.176219, 6013, -4573.506459, 6014, -4572.604262, 6015, -4558.729069, 6016, -4556.645511, 6017, -4538.994772, 6018, -4529.130557, 6019, -4526.228485, 6020, -4516.805515, 6021, -4508.117517, 6022, -4498.597958, 6023, -4496.112110, 6024, -4493.873074, 6025, -4493.482366, 6026, -4502.343272, 6027, -4518.831807, 6028, -4528.251149, 6029, -4484.665448, 0 -7988.119076, -7990.900514, -7981.519505, -7975.985308, -7978.831534, -7970.226343, -7960.178517, -7954.703997, -7946.112516, -7947.931191, -7951.186033, -7963.965414, -8145.915063, -8139.305439, -8047.142646, -7966.254721, -7962.232037, -7951.043878, -7876.390007, -7863.256750, -7822.634262, -7815.429487, -7768.256131, -7769.241593, -7768.540651, -7768.910951, -7762.497801, -7759.192199, -7762.366890, -7766.627474, -7770.021017, -7762.658606, -7769.577122, -7762.416804, -7761.858098, -7767.150883, -7774.226140, -7766.982549, -7760.036178, -7767.866463, -7765.914176, -7763.130030, -7761.136526, -7727.680815, -7724.945832, -7722.473448, -7702.644742, -7708.532208, -7703.897902, -7687.416616, -7688.588206, -7685.693695, -7686.583336, -7689.139135, -7680.015827, -7675.271808, -7661.811898, -7657.718756, -7642.210242, -7633.750159, -7629.776670, -7688.834283, • 70829.ASC 951.133195,maple 24" 949.749338,maple 10" 950.220323,maple 18" 950.412941,maple 14" 949.660599,maple 8" 949.836829,maple 16" 949.991764,maple 36" 950.030438,maple 22" 950.911347,maple 40" 950.030726,maple 8" 949.008882,maple 12" 948.536304,maple 8" 942.763657,be 12" 942.850755,be 16" 942.787442,be 14" 943.781132,be 12" 943.436821,be 12" 943.907568,maple 14" 943.630905,be 16" twin 943.260047,be 8" 943.981816,be 12" tri 943.950337,be 16" 944.611196,be 16"tri 944.653453,be 12" 945.916927,be 14"twin 946.436342,be 12" tri 945.476902,be 12" 946.630273,be 10" 946.734030,be 14" 946.660702,tree 12" 947.199176,tree 16" 947.164622,be 14" 947.745125,be 8" 947.464441,tree 8" 948.143834,tree 14" 949.794057,tree 12" 949.490567,tree 8" 949.889555,tree 14" 948.598361,tree 8" 950.339994,tree 8" 950.079472,be 12" 950.174438,be 12" 949.628640,be 10"twin 943.574293,be 10" 944.214489,be 10" 943.708169,be 14" 943.165275,be 12" 945.763151,be 12" 945.725314,be 16"tri 946.476654,be 24" 946.878468,be 14"twin 945.543158,be 12" 947.213400,be 14"twin 947.734686,be 14"twin 947.797036,be 14" 947.718893,be 12" 948.240386,be 10"twin 948.750813,be 12" twin 947.900494,be 14"twin 946.905806,willow 12" 943.724947,willow 14" 948.675319,be 14" Page 7 6030, -4484.053280, 6031, -4200.623615, 6032, -4222.514438, 6033, -4241.230296, 6034, -4244.210714, 6035, -4198.573271, 6036, -4208.303656, 6037, -4217.256490, 6038, -4233.696596, 6039, -4268.703928, 6040, -4270.322682, 6041, -4267.531635, 6042, -4272.264159, 6043, -4284.894844, 6044, -4315.829746, 6045, -4313.770049, 6046, -4338.168054, 6047, -4318.079685, 6048, -4347.905602, 6049, -4358.802785, 6050, -4358.468564, 6051, -4366.564094, 6052, -4376.936846, 6053, -4381.456204, 6054, -4422.797584, 6055, -4446.469426, 6056, -4452.095189, 6057, -4452.924241, 6058, -4446.077971, 6059, -4455.155277, 6060, -4420.589114, 6061, -4414.217257, 6062, -4407.427969, 6063, -4415.590827, 6064, -4400.090130, 6065, -4421.363011, 6066, -4462.767745, 6067, -4487.477778, 6068, -4486.691849, 6069, -4484.460508, 6070, -4473.811142, 6071, -4466.820508, 6072, -4527.497890, 6073, -4522.048746, 6074, -4462.488570, 6075, -4463.518249, 6076, -4520.954372, 6077, -4515.225184, 6078, -4508.789126, 6079, -4507.533047, 6080, -4385.684493, 6081, -4379.938728, 6082, -4360.535373, 6083, -4343.616030, 6084, -4349.853868, 6085, -4320.452515, 6086, -4091.491013, 6087, -4184.686981, 6088, -4161.390141, 6089, -4159.089651, 6090, -4126.430783, 6091, -4136.221428, LI -7699.136194, -7975.362507, -7977.211146, -7980.268580, -7979.550667, -7945.874266, -7935.185772, -7924.551469, -7936.064692, -7916.924923, -7917.070832, -7903.015630, -7903.815131, -7874.359919, -7878.414880, -7855.292417, -7837.719221, -7783.795288, -7764.924388, -7801.916464, -7831.052763, -7860.141584, -7860.149628, -7786.622414, -7803.385469, -7797.044594, -7809.952851, -7829.324984, -7846.250457, -7858.275876, -7845.024194, -7818.020635, -7848.257026, -7856.602729, -7868.012020, -7883.169122, -7892.840616, -7825.130719, -7808.582291, -7792.042639, -7791.501732, -7799.854834, -7864.597226, -7892.950029, -7929.796992, -7931.183891, -7969.679335, -7968.824476, -8007.796815, -8009.342049, -7948.218365, -7972.064197, -7973.358894, -7973.625079, -7950.727776, -7976.285363, -7958.527155, -7922.447878, -7936.319484, -7953.387659, -7963.958302, -7977.986263, 70829.a5C 951.479332,be 12" tri 962.695440,oak 14" 961.927169,maple 30" 959.989716,maple 16" 960.025935,maple 16"twin 957.433042,ash 8" 956.954650,tree 20" 956.594763,balsam 12" 956.693242,balsam 12" 954.983992,tree 10" 954.752713,ash 8"tri 955.271187,tree 8" 954.450659,ash 8" 955.187063,maple 24" 954.560003,ash 18" 955.874517,maple 30" 955.634048,maple 28" 957.932165,maple 30" 957.334046,tree 18" 957.352773,maple 30" 956.723505,maple 26" 955.142139,birch 10"twin 956.071380,maple 24" 957.868992, maple 40" 958.181192,birch 12" 957.290666,balsam 12" 956.893906,birch 16" 956.202817,balsam 16" 954.668770,tree 12" 953.471758, ppine 16" 956.078114,balsam 16" 958.389016,fruit tree 18" 957.077357,balsam 14" 955.602589,balsam 12" 955.638923,oak 30" 953.688233,maple 36" 951.320877,tree 20" 954.136032,oak 24" 954.045682,oak 14"twin 953.347648,oak 14"twin 958.400000,birch 8" 955.263898,birch 8"twin 952.251603,tree 20" 951.106325,tree 20" 950.441819,elm 14" 950.410251,maple 8"tri 952.105673,maple 12" 952.022670,maple 12"quad 951.293770,maple 12" 950.967534,maple 12" 953.181209,fruit tree 18" 953.963840,birch 12" 954.572047,fruit tree 10" 955.272559,maple 8" 954.442698, mapple 16" 956.350535,oak 16" 964.853489,TR 958.772684,balsam 14" 961.459705,fruit tree 16" 962.334661,balsam 16" 965.066372,basswood 24"twin 964.667351,spruce 20" Page 8 6092, -4172.054076, 6093, -4173.826998, 6094, -4174.847063, 6095, -4120.183375, 6096, -4082.651113, 6097, -4079.553592, 6098, -4072.806681, 6099, -4066.553504, 6100, -4059.304299, 6101, -4060.611222, 6102, -4066.897764, 6103, -4059.894445, 6104, -4053.322580, 6105, -4053.259917, 6106, -4042.640488, 6107, -4046.481920, 6108, -4040.666517, 6109, -4039.607989, 6110, -4039.973069, 6111, -4034.140694, 6112, -4033.161810, 6113, -4027.042598, 6114, -4026.827418, 6115, -4019.811832, 6116, -4018.704667, 6117, -4012.347084, 6118, -4006.205735, 6119, -4005.586049, 6120, -3999.315027, 6121, -3997.316894, 6122, -3990.385600, 6123, -3990.897401, 6124, -3984.631551, 6125, -3984.039424, 6126, -3977.783100, 6127, -3979.706598, 6128, -3971.892010, 6129, -3972.774889, 6130, -3966.440294, 6131, -3959.608962, 6132, -3959.478111, 6133, -3952.057335, 6134, -3944.306603, 6135, -3944.972967, 6136, -3938.238104, 6137, -3937.647632, 6138, -3931.340409, 6139, -3928.894096, 6140, -3925.082854, 6141, -3918.311253, 6142, -3918.641380, 6143, -3911.414213, 6144, -3894.752882, 6145, -3897.941919, 6146, -3960.373651, 6147, -3968.962079, 6148, -3987.879163, 6149, -3968.334845, 6150, -3980.304343, 6151, -3979.657996, 6152, -3995.634250, 6153, -4011.086559, 0 -7976.475942, -7993.759085, -8003.127627, -8014.989835, -8009.811610, -8005.571118, -7993.158156, -7992.210200, -7993.751100, -7985.467189, -7985.898610, -7979.398002, -7977.754518, -7972.012769, -7972.952813, -7964.129371, -7964.793161, -7958.350354, -7965.013085, -7958.377600, -7951.615443, -7950.272317, -7944.422956, -7945.098885, -7936.386902, -7939.199376, -7933.342896, -7927.284336, -7926.453254, -7918.938149, -7918.625448, -7912.501164, -7913.932990, -7906.901978, -7907.354634, -7899.084848, -7901.589093, -7890.074510, -7893.538615, -7885.389391, -7877.588138, -7880.081852, -7872.026930, -7862.624232, -7863.654411, -7855.699185, -7849.260706, -7845.935572, -7842.145110, -7842.375439, -7835.774140, -7834.433099, -7791.217293, -7796.909116, -7811.236772, -7804.345586, -7821.209021, -7829.343146, -7832.922540, -7849.199899, -7865.794924, -7851.055158, 0 70829.ASC 962.494391,cedar 10" 963.307347,cedar 8"quad 963.705679,cedar 10. twin 967.722661,oak 36" 969.167797,birch 8" 969.087420,spruce 12" 968.285225,spruce 12" 968.625859,spruce 12" 969.273413,ash 8" 968.239663,spruce 12" 968.090708,spruce 10" 968.016857,spruce 10" 967.801856,spruce 12" 967.696120,spruce 10" 968.401610,ash 8" 967.599991,spruce 12" 967.537266,spruce 14" 967.271393,spruce 10" 967.644320,spruce 14" 967.229151,spruce 10" 967.087185,spruce 10" 967.582353,spruce 10" 967.133773,spruce 16" 967.188729,spruce 12" 967.492989,spruce 10" 965.454531,spruce 12" 965.724950,spruce 16" 965.845826,spruce 12" 965.623528,spruce 12" 965.707702,spruce 12" 965.794999,spruce 14" 965.698675,spruce 12" 965.668349,spruce 14" 965.789645,spruce 14" 965.749035,spruce 10" 965.694956,spruce 14" 965.941586,spruce 10" 965.880160,spruce 12" 965.921405,spruce 14" 965.894524,spruce 16" 965.780594,spruce 12" 965.778882,spruce 14" 965.672135,spruce 12" 965.599361,spruce 14" 965.549909,spruce 12" 965.643513,spruce 10" 965.638570,spruce 12" 965.667808,spruce 14" 965.658181,spruce 10" 965.804222,spruce 12" 965.880199,spruce 14" 966.170983, spruce 16" 967.271559,be 10" 967.408351,be 10" 963.116681,spruce 14" 962.265721,spruce 12" 961.997863,spruce 18" 963.028269,spruce 14" 964.015275,spruce 14" 964.162090,spruce 14" 963.925899,spruce 18" 962.685452,spruce 18" Page 9 6154, -4028.789732, 6155, -4023.379817, 6156, -4040.971874, 6157, -4053.991466, 6158, -4056.431235, 6159, -4059.495466, 6160, -4068.756317, 6161, -4071.762863, 6162, -4075.335984, 6163, -4079.008648, 6164, -4101.822723, 6165, -4102.143137, 6166, -4099.354696, 6167, -4100.345369, 6168, -4100.299425, 6169, -4098.273179, 6170, -4100.787963, 6171, -4086.566552, 6172, -4084.805238, 6173, -4083.247304, 6174, -4079.420072, 6175, -4078.393007, 6176, -4073.092416, 6177, -4072.942065, 6178, -4069.144204, 6179, -4075.244894, 6180, -4077.926171, 6181, -4080.034420, 6182, -4081.549307, 6183, -4084.027637, 6184, -4080.263037, 6185, -4070.457197, 6186, -4107.473493, 6187, -4123.294053, 6188, -4128.651750, 6189, -4129.813235, 6190, -4148.193460, 6191, -4156.421963, 6192, -4158.926693, 6193, -4173.015938, 6194, -4190.946639, 6195, -4203.390096, 6196, -4239.017565, 6197, -4214.018026, 6198, -4265.653347, 6199, -4272.324384, 6200, -4282.549418, 6201, -4265.901882, 6202, -4224.156800, 6203, -4215.885658, 6204, -4206.627860, 6205, -4196.229461, 6206, -4195.602675, 6207, -4171.887075, 6208, -4166.550387, 6209, -4144.584087, 6210, -4128.269812, 6211, -4130.499409, 6212, -4140.971741, 6213, -4130.372134, 6214, -4155.334486, 6215, -4153.261424, n u -7862.629200, -7886.560642, -7899.113248, -7912.506006, -7907.217741, -7919.179872, -7919.582379, -7922.456875, -7927.143279, -7930.235224, -7907.652185, -7906.179291, -7903.405436, -7903.554480, -7898.556469, -7895.266737, -7893.809007, -7886.534138, -7885.580515, -7883.143821, -7880.235416, -7877.144583, -7876.606242, -7872.666759, -7870.691555, -7868.388237, -7870.889295, -7873.801590, -7876.219785, -7878.443911, -7869.978291, -7852.201328, -7847.150019, -7802.868572, -7832.677800, -7836.426044, -7841.000493, -7848.282168, -7871.239318, -7880.001820, -7867.685215, -7891.773425, -7836.299268, -7841.012399, -7848.879193, -7841.617998, -7841.916204, -7835.139713, -7798.566183, -7794.629178, -7785.280253, -7803.080785, -7795.002275, -7814.797940, -7815.773385, -7795.342367, -7882.307869, -7890.934546, -7904.600833, -7911.329303, -7855.423977, -7854.891721, E 70829.ASC 961.797612,spruce 24" 962.902742,spruce 18" 962.404283,spruce 16"twin 962.560443,spruce 14" 962.012947,spruce 18" 962.463475,spruce 10" 962.464268,spruce 16" 962.773203,spruce 8" 962.869176,spruce 16" 962.863337,spruce 12" 960.004619,be 10" 960.115296,pine 8" 960.077018,pine 8" 960.083859,maple 10" 959.674166,pine 8" 959.390544,ppine 8" 959.388171, be 8" 959.629349,maple 8" 959.451890,pine 8" 959.443644,pine 8" 959.358704,pine 8" 959.150265,maple 8" 959.273442,maple 10" 959.210346, ppine 8" 959.062051,be 8"twin 958.936415,be 8" 959.170763,pine 8" 959.049865,pine 8" 959.072979,pine 8" 958.943530, gine 8" 958.348340,be 8" 958.620839,ash 8" 957.457860,oak 12" 955.328693,be 12" 956.004342,be 14" 956.104095,be 12" twin 954.560848,be 10" 954.393570,willow 24" 955.232067,be 12" 955.231556,ash 18" 954.295052,willow 22"quad 955.178075,basswood 16"twin 955.624404,spruce 14" 954.375307,be 8" 955.870466,spruce 12" 956.635253,maple 18" 956. 306840, fruit tree 10" 956.696350,spruce 12" 955.947284,spruce 14" 955.306515, maple 10" 955.228368,be 12" 954.907139,ash 8" 955.054363,be 12" 953.786691,willow 12"twin 953.774366,willow 12" 953.928405,cottonwood 30" 957.348600,oak 12" 957.779465,oak 16" 959.001507,tree 8" 960.023463,tree 8" 954.888525,elm 8" 954.818520,be 8" Page 10 6216, -4151.515720, 6217, -4286.882439, 6218, -4260.089333, 6219, -4257.480853, 6220, -4271.926992, 6221, -4291.044568, 6222, -4336.055250, 6223, -4338.857459, 6224, -4339.009422, 6225, -4346.297416, 6226, -4375.145830, 6227, -4408.752959, 6228, -4417.266848, 6229, -4431.353109, 6230, -4430.631959, 6231, -4435.778328, 6232, -4456.590194, 6233, -4455.705261, 6234, -4461.642478, 6235, -4465.625461, 6236, -4472.065540, 6237, -4480.331866, 6238, -4477.304804, 6239, -4486.227347, 6240, -4497.944283, 6241, -4506.743363, 6242, -4504.427332, 6243, -4475.341983, 6244, -4470.475137, 6245, -4469.284485, 6246, -4469.557800, 6247, -4451.034115, 6248, -4444.226249, 6249, -4444.012050, 6250, -4445.614228, 6251, -4450.856014, 6252, -4461.054398, 6253, -4465.618210, 6254, -4398.555045, 6255, -4394.644230, 6256, -4371.405920, 6257, -4334.822466, 6258, -4438.389821, 6259, -4557.161584, 6260, -4521.528420, 6261, -4491.437256, 6262, -4485.741528, 6263, -4446.280566, 6264, -4453.591867, 6265, -4439.761596, 6266, -4433.075261, 6267, -4419.386002, 6268, -4416.234671, 6269, -4410.800411, 6270, -4415.100801, 6271, -4422.994466, 6272, -4423.534016, 6273, -4405.747009, 6274, -4389.183210, 6275, -4379.163353, 6276, -4375.261519, 6277, -4355.396530, L -7853.805576, -7764.937388, -7742.719632, -7709.745427, -7702.174615, -7715.416714, -7765.279865, -7765.095408, -7766.090024, -7765.843666, -7767.496559, -7768.723365, -7765.866186, -7768.017958, -7768.207179, -7767.599250, -7763.202080, -7758.237147, -7761.424606, -7762.876868, -7762.247070, -7767.214677, -7761.504868, -7761.893973, -7768.681859, -7765.183400, -7763.649365, -7698.440496, -7697.405654, -7702.424706, -7698.348926, -7698.620531, -7706.377606, -7700.517454, -7689.370011, -7680.958592, -7654.694591, -7660.798839, -7696.165887, -7702.540098, -7703.926178, -7722.971886, -7416.346137, -7532.394506, -7549.395005, -7564.093376, -7554.677687, -7581.489763, -7569.362074, -7555.643366, -7545.194729, -7530.457835, -7539.680525, -7559.880664, -7568.628083, -7575.634057, -7577.767420, -7560.862301, -7541.883689, -7582.820875, -7555.176715, -7561.818353, • 70829.ASC 954.786782,be 8"twin 958.001551,oak 12" 958.240827,maple 36"toppod 957.810358,maple 30" 958.388978,maple 30" 958.358683,maple 26" 957.290875,elm 18" 957.555376,be 10" 957.617252,maple 8" 957.748278,tree 20" 957.157578,tree 12"twin 957.001959,tree 10" 956.874487,tree 12"twin 956.745133,maple 8" 956.749535,tree 12" 957.244968,tree 12" 955.728374,be 8" 955.358529,maple 10" 955.314758,be 8" 955.506541,be 10"twin 954.688648,be 8" 955.041562,tree 8" 953.858853,be 10" 953.075881,be 10" 953.478402,tree 14" 952.409979,be 12" 952.512315,be 12" 952.882930,be 10" 953.164739,be 14" 952.670739,tree 12" 953.121895,be 10" 954.269175,be 10"twin 954.471708,be 10" 954.610778,tree 12" 955.489915,maple 14" 956.200370,tree 14" 952.172725,be 20" 953.522659,basswood 12"twin 956.846777,be 16" 956.964824,tree 14" 957.531285,tree 10" 957.423615,ash 12" 949.740574,ash 16" 944.587525,willow 12"clump 946.252166,ash 10" 947.505788,mapple 18" 947.347308,ash 8" 948.804183,be 10" 948.972667,ash 10" 948.600625,ash 8"twin 948.651192,popplar 12" 948.973527,ash 8" 949.714829,ash 8" 949.980283,be 8" 950.066596,be 8" 950.009791,be 8" 950.048602,be 8" 950.951740,be 12" 950.517444,be 8"twin 953.215311,be 14" 952.436114,be 8" 953.545745,be 10"twin Page 11 0 0 70829.ASC 6278, -4347.829150, -7566.025398, 953.945377,be 12" 6279, -4337.940118, -7572.568890, 954.750225,be 8" 6280, -4335.741795, -7571.373557, 954.566888,ash 8" 6281, -4319.619628, -7574.184825, 955.894469,tree 14" 6282, -4309.648246, -7490.406256, 952.978816,ash 8" 6283, -4310.778311, -7475.156352, 953.139726,ash 8" 6284, -4268.216624, -7445.398510, 954.075022,be 12" twin 6285, -4238.129464, -7518.639925, 956.741649,be 8" 6286, -4265.356255, -7557.744505, 954.839840,oak 16" 6287, -4263.040260, -7611.751098, 959.694995,oak 12" 6288, -4279.275707, -7592.377238, 958.630515,tree 16" 6289, -4289.724611, -7595.914236, 958.851833,cedar 24" 6290, -4315.135785, -7593.713923, 957.320600,cedar 24" 6291, -4381.115649, -7582.816644, 953.814015,be 18" 6292, -4390.010493, -7612.041082, 954.530600,be 8" 6293, -4386.575797, -7627.535578, 954.585521,be 18" 6294, -4401.096073, -7631.815634, 954.021037,be 12" 6295, -4410.365837, -7643.990037, 955.110187,be 12" 6296, -4433.578917, -7644.597876, 953.038891, maple 10" 6297, -4449.639233, -7637.052155, 950.967622,be 8" Page 12 0 0 4. Improvements. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water system C. Storm Water Drainage System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading/Restoration H. Underground Utilities (e.g. gas, electric, telephone, CATV) I. Setting of Lot and Block Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Landscaping L. Erosion Control 5. Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all required improvements by November 15, 2005. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. 6. Security. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Contract, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit in the form attached hereto, from a bank acceptable to the City, or cash escrow ("security") for $951.323.92. The amount of the security was calculated as 110% of the following: Site Grading/Restoration $ 370,550.00 5'S* Sanitary Sewer $ 54,195.00.z. 5 41 S' Watermain $ 54,305.00: 5LI Wof Storm Sewer, Drainage System, including cleaning and maintenances $ 75,517.00 G8 7 Streets $ 192.717.93 = 142 ll'1 Street lights and signs 00.00 Erosion control $ 18,665.00 Engineering, surveying, and inspection � $41 140.00 Landscaping $ 48,250.00 3 c182.5D r TOTAL COST OF PUBLIC HYIPROVEMENTS $ 864.839.93 SCANNED SP -2 0 E CITY OF CHANHASSEN HIDDEN CREEK MEADOWS PROJECT NO. 05-12 BREAKDOWN OF ADMINISTRATION FEES - 6/7/05 Estimated Total Cost of Public Improvements $ 816,589.93 3% of Public Improvement Costs (up to $500,000) $ 15,000.00 2% of Public Improvement Costs (over $500,000) $ 6,331.80 Street Lighting Charge (for electricity) 4 Light(s) @ $300.00 $ 1,200.00 Final Plat Process (Attorney Fee for Review and Recording of $ 450.00 Plat and Development Contract) Recording Fees a. Development Contract $ 50.00 b. Plat Filing $ 50.00 c. Road Way Easement $ 50.00 Park Fee 17 Lots x 4000 $ 68,000.00 ' Surface Water Management Fee $ 30,049.00 GIS Fee ($25/plat and $10/parcel) $ 235.00 I TOTAL ADMINISTRATION FEES $ 121,415.80 Hidden Creek MeadowsTEE.As SCANNED 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Mr. Gary Carlson 3831 West 62nd Street Excelsior, MN 55331 Re: Subdivision #88-2 Dear Mr. Carlson: This is to confirm that on June 27, 1988, the City Council approved the final plat for Minnewashta Meadows as shown on the plan stamped "Received June 13, 1988" with the following con- ditions: 1. The applicant adjust the 50 foot roadway easement off of Meadow Court to be consistent with what was approved on the preliminary plat to be approved by the City Engineer. 2. The applicant provide the necessary drainage easement on Lots 9 and 10 to be approved by the City Engineer. 3. The two sheds on Lot 14, Block 1 and the street right-of-way and the small one story single family residence on Lot 15, Block 1, shall be removed prior to completion of site improvements (i.e., street construction and installation of utilities). The demolition debris from the home and shed shall be trucked off the site and disposed of properly. 4. A 20 foot trail easement shall be provided along the west side of Church Road and park and trail dedication fees shall be required. 5. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and provide the necessary financial sureties as part of this agreement for completion of the improvements. Attached is a list of what is required prior to filing of the final plat. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely Jo Ann Olsen Assistant City Planner &CAMMEO �.-..� Y`OF SHOREW0 LM + 1 y 't — 520.65 P \S7 ,b I Q B L®QK z � 4` 13 1 ✓ � i I ry �, 5 y' SO srRE£T N i ! ICA EM ENT vv A lqOO 6� Ln S , 7 3 , I `i N \ 3O 3o itO 1 IA :�-� BLOCK ,I w • 20 �� 1 :TS $ a \ 1 20' y SCANNED 22 � Y" Vtionr r� u HARD COVER SQUARE FOOTAGE: HOUSE = 2325 S.F. DRIVEWAY = 1067 S.F. WALK = 132 S.F. 144 S.F.P TOTAL HARD COVER = 3834 S.F. TOTAL LOT AREA = 15712 S.F. HARD COVER = 247 LANDSCAPING = 76% CITY OF CHANHASSEN "mc"w,— MAY 1 0 2004 ENGINEERING DEFT. G SANITARY OSEIWR M. 95/ 9vodb 0 FENCING AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN ANDIOQ. CERTIRCATE OF SURVEY PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND MAINTAIN UNTIL LOT IS FULLY VEGETATED; DURING WINTER CONSTRUCTION STAKED HAY SALES MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF FENCING 3 9560 ?jo e�O gait � \ r�9 nl \ ! n M I I 9� 954 I 9 DRIVE PROPOSED RESIDENCE GGGGGGTTTTTT ,( al Too s DRAINAGE h TILI A✓ME^ If �iA -104.31— 944.3E p\PPRO�ED BY�D DEPT: E DATES` II Cy DVT,+'l; I� SCANNED • WOODY LOVE ASTER ROAD SITES CONCEPT SITE PLAN 100 SCALE CHANHASSEN SITE SITE CONCEPT / / / 5 /- 6 r , � %• 9 10 c I Ifs` OUTLOT MA Fix I EDG[ WETIMD422 �/- I ~IA � =I nrrna � aunrcrura � rLANNtHS p SOIL VESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES $ 89'3312" W 10580 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 1 MINNETONKA, MN 55305 x 944.5 180. 76' 952-548-7801 FAX: 952-548-9085 w .schoellmadw x m o 0 ADDRESS 4090 Pipewood Court�i 943° x !ox 9 4.4 �`— DRAINAGE & UTILITY Permit # 2004-00534 �* EASEMENT PER PLAT / DESCRIPTION 0.q;h Oso+ A� /\esA x 9419 �$ x 941.J Lot 1, Block 2, HIDDEN CREEK OF CHANHASSEN, Carver County, 1192�J�I94�O4I� 8 ! 4 ' I 4 942, 2JLOT/x 1 47Minnesota. 944.2 6io /s ,\Cb VACANT o° .0 7 0 941.1 FOUND CIM 9454 I�jl ze` 0 %x92 x 94 95°.4-e �, !9 0�I?J ••j'7 1 94Z2 ,O /,y0 x 9420 ©9v PIPEWOOD °� + x 9484 To\�, / COURT MANHOLE x /° ASBUILT SURVEY N CURB 'COMM _ RISERS o S 47%843" E /� \\� 11.HARD COVER CALCULATION 77 HOUSE =3192 SO. FT. 30 0 15 30 60 DRIVEWAY =924 SQ. FT. SIDEWALK =118 SO. FT. LOT =24,695 SO. FT. (567 Ac) HARD COVER SQUARE OTAGE: HOUSE = 2,616 S.F. DRIVEWAY = 819 S.F. WALK = 128 S.F. PORCH = 73 S.F. CANT = 32 S.F. TOTAL HARD COVER = 3,668 S.F. TOTAL LOT AREA = 18,982 S.F. HARD COVER= 19% _ LANDSCAPING = 81% AREA OF ROAD = 2,741 S.F. qk 9 O d' d POND 1 µoJl.- 939.62 i 4s9,o {yore We.+ -----_�),9?9.Y --jig. CITY of CHA% AUG I I INSPEaloks in — — (— —�_—DRAINAGE & � S/ � Tov �Rot�- X950, 5 O E / 947,31 / o ME 941,4 0 !x,.53A*T-le 1, BLOCK 6, HIDDEN CREEK OF CHANHASSEN —�— = TY EASEMENT 5 944,> I 944.i � F _ 17'8 I N \, N i G 11 '2o,,o' 953,0 1 1 \ ery/CC `4 1 ati'C � c�Re R� a 'TDP 953.26 X 054.16 urvey is certified only to the above named person or persons at to subsequent owners, mortgages or title insurers. nly easements shown are from plats of record of information provided by client. / 100ing dimensions and floor elevotions must be verified by client. 'eby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under firect supervision, and that I am a duly Registered Land syor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signed eyed by us this 6th day of May 20 04 Milton E. Hyland, Min , eg. I SCANNED -STONEWOOD DESIGN I BUILD LLC Jeffrey P. Gustafson 04 1 1 ! I'll 952.471.0584 t•�.J 1 / CELL 612.296.6768 F X 9 5 2. 4 7 1. 0 6 3 9 Jeff Stonewood Design Build.com S TONEWOOD CHANHASSEN SI TE SITE CONCEPT SCAL 72 / Ed Seo. I v 422 I II .��o�ue .� ��'] / / / Ed Seo. I v 422 I II .��o�ue .� ��'] on 7 • 8CANNED 50"IMR0. 0 9 on 7 • 8CANNED 50"IMR0. 0 6 0 SWW FEE WORKSHEET DATE June 6, 2005 FILE NO. 0431 PROJECT Hidden Creek Meadows Site Area in Acres 19.24 Outlot A (Wetland) -6.43 Outlot E (Wetland) -0.87 Assessable area 11.94 WATER QUALITY WATER QUANTITY ZONING CLASSIFICATION RSF FEES Rate per Acre Acres Total $ 1,093.00 11.94 $ 13,050.42 Rate per Acre Acres Total $ 2,705.00 11.94 $ 32,297.70 1141101110M ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT 50% TOTAL PRICE PRICE Storm water pond acre 23.42 $ 1,093.00 0.50 $ 12,799.03 Outlet structure each 1.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $15,299.03 SWMP FEE $ 45,348.12 SWMP CREDITS $ 15,299.03 TOTAL SWMP FEE $ 30,049.09 SCANNED • BID PROPOSAL (PRELIMINARY) PROJECT. HIDDEN CREEK MEADOWS LOCATION: CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA DEVELOPER: D & G OF CHANHASSEN GRADING COMMON EXCAVATION SUSCUT EXCAVATION (Muck Methods) EXPORT BUILDING DEMOLITION CLEAR & GRUB SUBTOTAL GRADING EROSION CONTROL SILT FENCE SEED & MULCH SUBTOTAL EROSION CONTROL SANITARY SEWER 8" PVC SEWER, 12-14' DEPTH 8"X 4" WYE 4" PVC SANITARY SERVICES 4" 1/8 BENDS FLUSHING CONNECTION - COMPLETE CONNECT TO EXIST. SAN.(CORE DRILL) ABANDON UNUSED EXIST, SEPTIC SYSTEM SAW CUT & REMOVE BIT, RESTORE IN KIND STABILIZATION ROCK SUBTOTAL SANITARY SEWER WATER 6" DIP WATER MAIN 8" DIP WATER MAIN FIRE HYDRANT W/VALVE FITTINGS 6" GATE VALVE & BOX 1" TYPE K COPPER SERVICE 1" CORP 1" CURB STOP & BOX CONNECT TO EXIST, 8" WM SAWCUT & REMOVE EXIST BIT. RESTORE IN-KIND 8" PLUG INSTALLED SUBTOTAL WATER FORM ► �i gin glak ILI'r_rr�• C.Y. 57000 grS15-: �Go ZS C.Y, 10000 0, 9f 7i95Za' C.Y. 20000 4 L.S. 1 __5/36 L.S. 1 9S0Z,, 5�0 ✓ L.F. 4500 3% I /S3y4 ACRE 7.0� 33 L.F. EACH L.F. EACH EACH EACH EACH L.S. TON L.F, L.F. EACH LBS. EACH L.F. EACH EACH EACH L.S. EACH 1 of 2 1370 20 600 20 0 1 0 0 275 1500 0 3 1500 3 600 20 20 2 1 d S -Z /95.aa .54 3DS.00 � CITY OF RECEIVED SSEN MAY 2 5 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT •DANNlD 0 April 27, 2005 CITY OF CIIMSEN Mr. Dean Carlson May 25, 2005 Paul, Lori, Jill: Please review the conditions of approval for the plat to determine which have been met, which are still applicable and which need to be modified. This 7700 Market Boulevard D & G of Chanhassen, LLC item is scheduled for the June PO Box 147 7820 Terrey Pine Court 13, 2005 City Council meeting. I Chanhassen, MN 55317 Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Administration Preliminary plat approval for a subdivision with a variance for a flag lot, plans Phone: 952.227 1100 Re: Preliminary Plat Approval — Hidden Creek Meadows Fax: 952.2271110 Planning Case #04-31 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Dear Dean: Fax: 952 227.1190 1. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections scuoue The City of Chanhassen • A growing communitywith clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. On April 25, 2005, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Preliminary plat approval for a subdivision with a variance for a flag lot, plans prepared by Ryan Engineering, dated August 20, 2004, revised October 14, 2004 and Finance January 14, 2005, subject to the following conditions: Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 1. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Park & Recreation Division before building permits will be issued. Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 2 Demolition permits must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the Recreation Center site. 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 3. Separate sewer and water services must be provided each lot. Planning & 4. Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a registered Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 structural engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Fax:952.227.1110 5. The sauna on Oudot B must be removed. Public World 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 6. Outlots A and B shall be dedicated to the City. Fax: 952.227.1310 7. No burning permits will be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 must either be removed from site or chipped. Fax: 952 227.1110 8. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be Web SRO installed. Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and waw.o.chanhassennn.us during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. Temporary street signs shall be installed on each street intersection when construction of new roadways allows passage by vehicles. Pursuant to 2002 Minnesota Fire Code Section 501.4. scuoue The City of Chanhassen • A growing communitywith clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Mr. Dean Carlson • • April 27, 2005 Hidden Creek Meadows Page 2 9. A 20 -foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. 10. Full park fees shall be collected at the rate in force at the time of final plat for 17 single-family residential lots. 11. The grading on Lots 10-12, Block 2 shall be revised to avoid grading within the wetland. 12. The applicant shall create a five-year maintenance and monitoring plan for new wetland construction to ensure proposed wetland functions and values are obtained and non-native vegetation does not encroach into the mitigation area. The monitoring plan shall include the preparation of annual reports as required by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. 13. Wetland buffer widths of 16.5 feet to 20.0 feet shall be maintained around all wetlands on-site. All structures shall maintain a 40 -foot setback from wetland buffer edge. Wetland buffers and wetland buffer setbacks shall be shown on the grading plan. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and signed in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and will pay the City $20 per sign. 14. The applicant shall develop detailed plans (including an erosion and sediment control plan) for the installation of the culvert at Pipewood Lane. A winter installation of this culvert is preferable. A professionally engineered temporary diversion of the stream through a stable channel during culvert installation is an acceptable alternative. 15. The applicant shall demonstrate that the installation of the 42" proposed culvert at Pipewood Lane will not cause water to back up through the existing 4' by 6' culvert under Highway 7 to the south side of Highway 7 in 10 and 100 -year storms. 16. All structures shall maintain a minimum 50 -foot setback from the ordinary high water level of the creek. 17. The applicant shall submit calculations to ensure that the pond is sufficient to provide water quality treatment to NURP standards for storm water from the development. 18. The proposed storm water pond shall be designed to accommodate storm water from the upstream areas of the MC -A2.6 subwatershed. 19. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3:1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year-round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: • Mr. Dean Carlson April 27, 2005 Hidden Creek Meadows Page 3 0 Type of Slope Time (mwdmmn time ao area n remain mvegetated when area is not active) being worked) Steeper than 3:1 7 Days 10:1 to 3:1 14 Days Flatter than 10:1 21 Days These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other man made systems that discharge to a surface water. 20. Daily scraping and sweeping of public streets shall be completed anytime construction site soil, mud, silt or rock is tracked or washed onto paved surfaces or streets that would allow tracked materials or residuals of that material to enter the storm water conveyance system. 21. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is $45,348. 22. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, United States Army Corps of Engineers) and comply with their conditions of approval. 23. Prior to final plat approval, a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota must sign all plans. 24. Prior to final platting, storm sewer design data with a drainage map will need to be submitted for staff review. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10 -year, 24-hour storm event. The pond is required to be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. Drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100 -year flood level. The minimum utility easement width shall be 20 feet wide. 25. Type II silt fence must be used adjacent to all ponds and wetlands. In addition, an erosion control blanket is required for the steep slopes along the north property line of the site. The applicant should be aware that any off-site grading would require an easement from the appropriate property owner. 26. The remaining utility assessment due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is $25,477.05. In addition, the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges will be applicable for each of the new lots. The 2005 trunk utility hookup charges are $1,458 per unit for sanitary sewer and $2,955 per unit for water. Each of these charges is based on the number of SAC units calculated by the Metropolitan Council. 27. Public utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest editions of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to Mr. Dean Carlson • • April 27, 2005 Hidden Creek Meadows Page 4 enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, MNDOT, Department of Health, etc. 28. Show all of the existing and proposed easements on the plans. 29. Show all of the existing utilities on the plans. 30. The proposed development is required to meet the existing storm water runoff rates for the 10 - and 100 -year, 24-hour storm events. 31. The walk -out elevation of the proposed homes must be a minimum of 3 feet higher than the adjacent pond or wetland high -water -level. 32. Show the proposed storm manhole rim and invert elevations on the utility plan. 33. Show all emergency overflow elevations on the grading plan. 34. The existing temporary pavement turnaround for Pipewood Lane just south of this site must be removed when Pipewood Lane is extended. Any disturbed area must be sodded and restored. 35. The retaining wall in the rearyard of Lot 7, Block 1 must be 20 feet off the back of the building pad. 36. Revise the rearyard grading of Lot 9, Block 1 to prevent trapping water behind the curb. Either a catch basin will need to be added or the area will have to be re -graded with a minimum slope of 2% to drain from the rearyard to the street. 37. The existing gravel road known as Cartway Lane must be connected to the proposed cul-de-sac at the eastern border of the site. 38. The existing culvert across the street from Lot 9, Block 2 be connected to the storm sewer for Pipewood Lane. 39. A minimum of two overstory trees shall be required in the front yard setback area of each lot. 40. Tree protection fencing is required around all trees proposed to be saved. Any tree lost will be replaced at a rate of 2:1 diameter inches. 41. The applicant shall confirm the tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations. A total of 193 trees will be required to be planted unless otherwise noted. 42. The following trees are required on each lot as shown on the landscape plan dated 1/14/05: 0 0 Mr. Dean Carlson April 27, 2005 Hidden Creek Meadows Page 5 Lot Front yard Rear and Lot 1, Block 1 2 6 Lot 2, Block 1 2 3 Lot 3, Block 1 2 3 Lot 4, Block 1 2 3 Lot 5, Block 1 2 3 Lot 6, Block 1 2 4 Lot 7, Block 1 2 5 Lot 8, Block 1 2 6 Lot 9, Block 1 2 2 Lot 1, Block 2 2 4, 3 sick yard Lot 2, Block 2 2 2 Lot 3, Block 2 2 4 Lot 4, Block 2 2 2 Lot 5, Block 2 2 2 Lot 6, Block 2 2 2 Lot 7, Block 2 2 4 Lot 8, Block 2 2 3 Lot 9, Block 2 2 4 Lot 10, Block 2 2 4 Lot 11, Block 2 2 5 Lot 12, Block 2 2 1 Oudot A 30 (buffer plantin s included in total) Oudot B 9 43. A landscape plan with a plant schedule that specifies the proposed quantities of each species shall be submitted to the city prior to final plat approval. 44. The developer shall responsible for planting any trees located in the rear or side yards as shown on the landscape plan dated 1/14/05. 45. The applicant shall plant only species adaptable to wet sites near the wetland boundary edge. 46. Tree preservation fencing shall be installed at the dripline of the tree saved on Lot 6, Block 2 prior to any grading. 47. Any plantings occurring on Outlots A or B be field located and no existing vegetation shall be removed or compromised for the planting of new trees. 48. The applicant shall install landscaping at the end of the Pipewood Lane and along the east boundary of Lot 12, Block 2 around the cul-de-sac. Evergreens and ornamentals shall be installed so as to reduce headlight glare and buffer views of the street from the existing homes. A minimum of 9 evergreens and 3 ornamentals shall be planted along the cul-de-sac and along the east side of the flag lot maintaining planting density of the cul-de-sac along the east border. 0 0 Mr. Dean Carlson April 27, 2005 Hidden Creek Meadows Page 6 49. The applicant shall remove Colorado blue spruce from the plant schedule and replace it with white fir or a species of pine. 50. The grading limits shown on the grading plan for Lot 2, Block 2, shall remain as is and the developer shall adapt to the existing plan as necessary to preserve a small group of maples 12" and larger. 51. Temporary rock fords should not be used; and crossing the stream with flowing water and no established stable crossing must be avoided. No work shall take place in the creek between the dates of March 15'h to June 15`s to minimize sediment impacts to spawning fish species. 52. MN DOT category 3 erosion blanket and seed should be applied to exposed creek slopes near / around Pipewood Lane within 24 hours of final grade. 53. Following stormwater inlet installation Wimco-type (or equal) inlet sediment controls should be installed and regularly maintained. 54. Following street and utility installation, Chanhassen -specification Type -I silt fence or other approved perimeter sediment control is needed for all positive slopes curbside. 55. The silt fence proposed across the existing and proposed Pipewood Lane is not practical due to site access needs. 56. The applicant will work with staff to resolve the access issues on Cartway Lane. 57. The cul-de-sac right-of-way shall be shifted to the west 10 feet and the neck for lot 12 shall be extended along the east side of the cul-de-sac to provide area outside of the right-of-way for the recommended landscaping. A public easement for drainage, roadway, and utility purposes must be dedicated over the northern 43.5 feet of Lot 12, Block 2." And, Wetland Alteration Permit, plans prepared by Ryan Engineering, dated August 20, 2004, revised October 14, 2004 and January 14, 2005, subject to the following conditions: 1. The grading on Lots 10-12, Block 2 shall be revised to avoid grading within the wetland. 2. The applicant shall submit a five-year maintenance and monitoring plan for new wetland construction to ensure proposed wetland functions and values are obtained and non-native vegetation does not encroach into the mitigation area. The monitoring plan shall include the preparation of annual reports as required by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. 3. Wetland buffer widths of 16.5 feet to 20.0 feet shall be maintained around all wetlands on-site. All structures shall maintain a 40 -foot setback from wetland buffer edge. Wetland buffers and wetland buffer setbacks shall be shown on the grading plan. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and signed in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and will pay the City $20 per sign. Mr. Dean Carlson April 27, 2005 Hidden Creek Meadows Page 7 4. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, and storm water infrastructure. Easements shall be at least 20 feet in width to allow access for inspection and maintenance. 5. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3:1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year-round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: Type of Slope Time (maximum time an area can remain unvegetated when area is not active( being worked) Stee r than 3:1 7 Days 10:1 to 3:1 14 Days Flatter than 10:1 21 Days These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other man made systems that discharge to a surface water. 6. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, United States Army Corps of Engineers) and comply with their conditions of approval." Final plat documents must be submitted to the city three weeks prior to the City Council meeting in which you wish to have your final plat approved. Enclosed is the list of items required for submittal for final plat approval. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (952) 227-1131. Sincerely, Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Enclosure ec: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator Matt Saam, Assistant City Engineer Steve Torell, Building Official g:lplan\2004 planning rase5\04-31 - hidden seek meadows\appmval letterAm HENNEPIN COUNTY REGIONAL RAILROAD AUTHORITY 417 North Fifth Street, Suite 320, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1362 (612) 348-9260 FAX: (612) 348-9710 February 16, 2005 Dean Carlson, President D & G of Chanhassen, LLC 7820 Terrey Pine County v Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Re: Hidden Creek Meadows Development in Chanhassen Dear Mr. Carlson: The Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority (HCRRA) owns the Hopkins to Victoria Corridor that is adjacent to the above referenced development. HCRRA worked with the Hennepin County Surveyors last summer to install signs along this corridor to identify its property boundaries. The signs are located approximately every 200 feet, so there are several signs adjacent to the development property. I have also enclosed a HCRRA property map of this area to demonstrate that our corridor is100 feet wide in this area. In addition to the signs, you can approximately locate the property boundary by measuring 50 feet from the centerline of the Three Rivers Park District recreational trail located on our corridor. Please respect this property line during construction and afterwards. Do not drive, park, or store equipment or materials, or remove vegetation from the corridor without prior written approval from HCRRA. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 612-348-2691. Sincerely, Jessica Galatz J Property Management Specialist Enclosure (1) cc: Bob Generous, City of Chanhassen BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Peter McLaughlin Linda Koblick Mark Stenglein Gail Dorfman Mike Opat Randy Johnson Penny Steele Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer SCANNED Q WCOUNTY REGIONAL RAILROAD PROPERTY MAP NO. PLEASANT �Qr \ '•O MINNI nF ACRES ACRE§ I 3 • SHEET 5 OF 22 SHEET, AUTHORITY =C.RD=C-.NC. 5404251 S.W. 1/4 OF N.E.1/4 /��";��,•• i a ---i ASTER aF,!et;c Roar I,; s U O O�iY . 1-V.� 4•,.I f,� .1p. I ly n 0 o..aw . Nr Stu .e..l .v, iT s s Y a�1• i r--I L_j CARVER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 0 ����n9 ca,` 219 East Frontage Road a 1946 Waconia, MN 55387 a m Phone: 952-442-5101 O%ty So Fax: 952-442-5497 htto://www.co.ca"er.mn.us/SWCD/SWCD mainhtmt Mission Statement: To provide leadership in conservation and teach stewardship of the soil, water, and related resources through a balanced, cooperative program that protects, restores, and improves those resources. February 15, 2005 Robert Generous, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Hidden Creek Meadows Mr. Generous: The SWCD has taken the opportunity to review the 21 -lot subdivision Hidden Creek Meadows. The plan reviewed is dated 08/20/04 with revisions on 1/28/05. Please review and consider the following comments and suggestions regarding some options for creek protection, erosion control and sediment controls. Creek Protection Option 1: A phasing plan for the creek crossing is highly recommended. If it is plausible, the culvert and crossing should be constructed from the existing Pipewood Lane side. It appears on the plan the existing creek bed is north of the proposed culvert. Erosion and sediment controls should be installed temporarily during construction to protect the creek. Once the culvert is in and erosion controls applied, the creek could be diverted through the culvert and work could continue to the north. If site access is needed during this creek crossing phase it is recommended to gain access from the existing access driveways from north if possible. Option 2: A temporary creek diversion with temporary erosion blanket (TIN DOT category 4 or 5) or a temporary pipe could be constructed to divert the creek to the north or south of the proposed crossing. While the creek is temporarily diverted, the crossing could be constructed and stabilized prior to rerouting the stream through the permanent culvert. Temporary rock fords should not be used; and crossing the stream with flowing water and no established stable crossing must be avoided. Additionally, no work should take place in the creek between the dates of March 15th to June 151h to minimize sediment impacts to spawning fish species. Erosion Control 1. MN DOT category 3 erosion blanket and seed should be applied to exposed creek slopes near / around Pipewood Lane within 24 hours of final grade. 2. Riprap, appropriately sized, should be installed at flared end outlets for energy dissipation with underlying gravel base or geotextile fabric. AN EQUAL OPPORTUMTY EMPLOYER SCANNED Sediment Control 1. Following stormwater inlet installation Wimco-type (or equal) inlet sediment controls should be installed and regularly maintained. 2. Following street and utility installation, Chanhassen -specification Type -1 silt fence or other approved perimeter sediment control is needed for all positive slopes curbside. 3. The proposed temporary rock exit pad may or may not be functional depending on the phasing or temporary creek crossing practice chosen. If an alternative site access is allowed, a temporary rock exit pad will be needed in that location as well. The rock exit pad is a high - maintenance control. Multiple applications of rock will likely be needed. Geotextile fabric installed under the rock helps promote the controls effectiveness and lifespan. 4. Alterations / deletions to the proposed silt fence are needed in the following areas: - The silt fence proposed north of Block One does not appear to be needed for sediment control as it is on top of a hill. - The silt fence proposed across the existing and proposed Pipewood Lane is not practical due to site access needs. - Silt fence must not be used through the creek / concentrated flow areas of the site. The silt fence should wrap up and around the culvert flared ends adjacent to Pipewood Lane. If there are any questions or if I can be of further assistance please contact the SWCD office. Sincerely, Aaron Mlynek Aaron Mlynek, CPESC Urban Conservation Technician c. Lori Haak, City of Chanhassen (email) Planning & Natural Resources The existing site drains to a wetland along the south side of the parcel. Under CITY OF MEMORANDUM CIIMNSENTO: Bob Generous, Senior Planner 7100 Marketmevam 14 PO Boa 147 FROM: Matt Saam, Assistant City Engineer Chanhassen, MN 55317 will be required to meet the existing stormwater runoff rates for the 10- and 100 -year, Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 February 7, 2005 AdministrationDATE: the existing drainage pattern of the wetland on the site through the use of a storm Phone: 952.227.1100 sewer culvert. Where the proposed street has bisected the wetland, the culvert will Fax: 952.227.1110 SUBJ: Preliminary Plat Review for Hidden Creek Meadows LUR No. 04-16 Building Inspections culvert must be a minimum size of 36 -inches in diameter to facilitate proper drainage Phone: 952.227.1180 through the site. The developer is proposing a 42 -inch diameter culvert under the Fax: 952.227.1190 road, which exceeds the minimum size requirement. By oversizing the culvert, the Upon review of the plans dated January 14, 2005, prepared by Ryan Engineering, I Engineering offer the following comments: Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 The plans propose to grade about 75% of the site for the 21 new house pads, proposed street ending with a cul-de-sac, and a storm water pond. The proposed grading will Park & Recreation prepare the site for full basement, lookout, and walkout -type dwellings. The plan Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 652.227.1110 a retaining wall in the back and of Lot 7, Block 1. It appears the wall will proposes g Y PP Recreation Center be approximately six feet in height. The applicant should be aware that any retaining 2310 Coulter Boulevard wall over 4 feet will require a building permit and must be designed by a Minnesota Phone: 952.227.1400 Registered Professional Structural Engineer. Also, the retaining wall must be 20 feet Fax: 952.221.1404 off the back of the building pad to provide adequate area for a backyard and deck. Planning & Natural Resources The existing site drains to a wetland along the south side of the parcel. Under P:52.221.11102.22z11300 Fax: Fax:952 developed conditions, the street, front yards and most of the house roofs and rear yard drainage will be conveyed via storm sewer to a proposed storm water pond for Public Works treatment prior to discharging to the existing wetland. The proposed development 1591 Park Rosa will be required to meet the existing stormwater runoff rates for the 10- and 100 -year, Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 24-hour storm events. The applicant has done a good job of attempting to preserve the existing drainage pattern of the wetland on the site through the use of a storm Senior Center sewer culvert. Where the proposed street has bisected the wetland, the culvert will Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 act as a conduit and allow the water to flow as it would under existing conditions. According to the City's Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP), the proposed Web site culvert must be a minimum size of 36 -inches in diameter to facilitate proper drainage www..ci.chanhassen.mn.us through the site. The developer is proposing a 42 -inch diameter culvert under the road, which exceeds the minimum size requirement. By oversizing the culvert, the developer is being conservative and helping to ensure that the drainage will flow freely through the site. There is an area in the rear yard of Lot 9, Block 1 that will need to be revised to prevent trapping water behind the curb. Either a catch basin will need to be added or the area will have to be regraded with a minimum slope of 2% to drain from the The City of Chanhassen • A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. 0 Bob Generous February 7, 2005 Page 2 rearyard to the street. Also, staff recommends that the existing culvert across the street from Lot 9, Block 2 be incorporated into the storm sewer for Pipewood Lane. Staff has received drainage calculations for the development and only minor revisions are necessary. The proposed pond is required to be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10 -year, 24-hour storm event. Drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including the pond, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100 -year flood level. The minimum utility easement width must be 20 feet wide. To help address concerns raised at the initial Public Hearing for this development, the applicant has submitted a drainage exhibit for the area in and around the development. This exhibit shows topography and critical HWL (high water level) elevations for the ponds and wetlands on the development site and upstream/downstream of the site. The HWL of the wetlands on the exhibit are from the City's SWMP plan. Most importantly, the exhibit shows the HWL of the wetland on the south side of TH 7. This wetland is upstream of the development site and was one of the areas of concern raised by the public at the last Public Hearing. The exhibit lists the HWL of the wetland as 943.4 which, based on the topography on the exhibit, is 4+ feet lower than any of the adjacent homes. In order for any of these homes to flood, the stormwater in the wetland would have to rise up past elevation 948 which would also begin to flood Minnewashta Parkway. The applicant has included silt fence around the grading perimeter. Adjacent to the pond and wetlands, silt fence type H must be used. A 75 -foot minimum rock construction entrance has been shown at the street entrance to the site. In addition, an erosion control blanket will be required for the steep slopes along the north property line of the site. The applicant should be aware that any off-site grading will require an easement from the appropriate property owner. All disturbed areas must be sodded or seeded and mulched within two weeks of grading completion. UTILITIES Municipal sewer and water service is available to the site from existing mains, which run along the eastern property line and from Pipewood Lane on the southwest corner of the parcel. The applicant is proposing to extend sewer and water lines along the proposed streets to service the proposed lots. The watermain will be looped through the site to avoid stagnant water issues. According to the City's Finance Department records, there is a remaining assessment balance of $25,477.05 on the parcel. This balance is required to be paid at the time of final plat recording. Since the developer will be responsible for extending lateral sewer and water mains, the sanitary sewer and water connection charges will be waived. However, the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges will still be applicable for each lot. The 2005 trunk hookup charge is $1,458 for sanitary sewer 0 0 Bob Generous February 7, 2005 Page 3 and $2,955 for watermain. Each of these charges is based on the number of SAC units calculated by the Metropolitan Council. Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance. Public utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications must be submitted at the time of final plat for staff review. The applicant is required to finance all of the proposed improvements. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and to supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, Department of Health, MnDOT, etc. STREETS The plans propose to extend Pipewood Lane, as the main road, approximately 1300 feet within the site. The public streets are shown within a 60 -foot right-of-way, as per City ordinance along with street pavement widths of 31 -feet back-to-back and a 45.5 - foot radius on the cul-de-sac. Due to the long length of the proposed cul-de-sac and the practice of having two connections into/out of developments, staff is recommending that the existing gravel road known as Cartway Lane be connected to the proposed cul-de-sac at the eastern border of the site. This will be an interim connection until the properties to the north develop and Cartway Lane is vacated. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Prior to final plat approval, a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota must sign all plans. 2. Prior to final platting, stone sewer design data with a drainage map will need to be submitted for staff review. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10 - year, 24-hour storm event. The pond is required to be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. Drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100 -year flood level. The minimum utility easement width shall be 20 feet wide. Type H silt fence must be used adjacent to all ponds and wetlands. In addition, an erosion control blanket is required for the steep slopes along the north property line of the site. The applicant should be aware that any off-site grading would require an easement from the appropriate property owner. All disturbed areas must be sodded or seeded and mulched within two weeks of grading completion. 0 0 Bob Generous February 7, 2005 Page 4 4. The remaining utility assessment due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is $25,477.05. In addition, the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges will be applicable for each of the new lots. The 2005 trunk utility hookup charges are $1,458 per unit for sanitary sewer and $2,955 per unit for water. Each of these charges is based on the number of SAC units calculated by the Metropolitan Council. 5. Public utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest editions of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, MNDOT, Department of Health, etc. 6. A registered structural engineer must design any retaining walls in excess of four feet in height. This will also require a building permit. 7. Show all of the existing and proposed easements on the plans. 8. Show all of the existing utilities on the plans. 9. The proposed development is required to meet the existing storm water runoff rates for the 10- and 100 -year, 24-hour storm events. 10. The walk -out elevation of the proposed homes must be a minimum of 3 feet higher than the adjacent pond or wetland high -water -level. 11. Show the proposed storm manhole rim and invert elevations on the utility plan. 12. Show all emergency overflow elevations on the grading plan. 13. The existing temporary pavement turnaround for Pipewood Lane just south of this site must be removed when Pipewood Lane is extended. Any disturbed area must be sodded and restored. 14. The retaining wall in the rearyard of Lot 7, Block 1 must be 20 feet off the back of the building pad. 15. Revise the rearyard grading of Lot 9, Block 1 to prevent trapping water behind the curb. Either a catch basin will need to be added or the area will have to be regraded with a minimum slope of 2% to drain from the rearyard to the street. 0 0 Bob Generous February 7, 2005 Page 5 16. The existing gravel road known as Cartway Lane must be connected to the proposed cul-de-sac at the eastern border of the site. 17. The existing culvert across the street from Lot 9, Block 2 be connected to the storm sewer for Pipewood Lane. c: Paul Oehme, Public Works Director/City Engineer Mak Sweidan, Engineer gAeng\projects\hidden creek m dowskevised ppr.dm City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 OR (952)227-1100 Date: January 21, 2005 To: Development Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department By: Robert Generous, Senior Planner Subject: Hidden Creek Meadows - Subdivision approval for a 21 -lot subdivision with Variances. The development proposal includes a Wetland Alteration Permit to permit the crossing of a creek and wetland with a public street. The site is 19.2 acres zoned Single -Family Residential, RSF, located at the ends of Pipewood Lane and Cartway Lane north of Highway 7. Applicant: D & G of Chanhassen, LLC. Planning Case: 04-31 The above described application for approval of a land development proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on October 15, 2004. The plans were revised and received January 21, 2005. The 60 -day review period has been extended to February 28, 2005. In order for us to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on February 15, 2005 at 7:00 p.m in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your comments by no later than February 4, 2005. You may also appear at the Planning Commission meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. City Departments a. City Engineer b. City Attorney c. City Park Director d. Fire Marshal e. Building Official E Water Resources Coordinator g. Forester 2. Watershed District Engineer 3. Carver Soil & Water Conservation District 4. MN Dept. of Transportation 5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6. CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco 7. MN Dept. of Natural Resources 8. Telephone Company (Qwest or United) 9. Electric Company (Xcel Energy or MN Valley) 11. U. S. Fish and Wildlife 12. Carver County a. Engineer b. Environmental Services 13. City of Shorewood 14. SCANNED 0 0 Generous, Bob From: Saam, Matt Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 3:30 PM To: pryan@ryanengineering.com Cc: Generous, Bob; Haak, Lori Subject: Hidden Creek Meadows Perry, To better assist in explaining how the drainage works on this project, the City would like to have you draft up a profile view of the drainage from the south side of TH 7, thru the Hidden Creek Meadows site, and thru the Hidden Creek site. The point of this is to show how much elevation change there is and how area on the north side of TH 7 would need to flood out before any of the exist, properties on the south side of TH 7 would be impacted. We would like this submitted with your revised plans for the Planning Commission meeting. Prior to submitting this though, we'd like to get together and take a look at it or you could e-mail it to us to make sure we're on the same page. Thanks, Matt Saam, P.E. Asst. City Engineer - Chanhassen, MN SCANNED 41N0ES,,J o Minnesota Dtoment of Transportation pMetropolitan District n m�o Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville MN 55113-3174 November 17, 2004 Mr. Robert Generous City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Hidden Creek Meadows Mn/DOT Review # PO4-107 North of TH 7 between Pipewood and Cartway Chanhassen, Carver County Control Section: 1004 Dear Mr. Generous: RECEIVED NOV 18 2004 CITY OF CHANHASSEN The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has reviewed the above referenced plat in compliance with Minnesota Statute 505.03, subdivision 2, Plats. Before any further development, please address the following issues: • We recommend that the existing gravel road, Cartway Lane, stay open until such time as other access is developed, as shown on the plans as "Possible Future Right of Way." The opening would be off of the northeast end of the cul de sac shown which is just north of lot 12 block two. • To accommodate future TH 7 traffic, the access from Pipewood Curve to TH 7 may be restricted in the future to either a right tum in and right turn out only, or a complete removal of the access. This would be similar to the traffic control measures that had to be instituted on TH 7, east of TH 41, as traffic volumes increased on that section of the highway. Please call Paul Kachelmyer, TH 7 Manager, at 651-582-1298 if you have any questions about this issue. • The plat does not adequately identify Trunk Highway 7 right of way. The final plat should identify the right of way by reference to the appropriate plat(s) and in place monuments. The offset dimension from the TH 7 centerline to the edge of the plat should also be identified. Please direct questions concerning these issues to John Isackson (651- 582-1273) in Mn/DOT's Right of Way section. • The right of way map indicates that a permit was secured to change the course of the creek. If a permanent channel change was secured, it needs to be shown on the plat. • Please send a copy of the final plat for Mn/DOT review to the following address: David Torfm Mn/DOT — Metro West Surveys 2055 N. Lilac Drive Golden Valley, MN 55422 Phone: (763) 797-3113 An equal opportunity employer M M • Any use of or work within Mn/DOT right of way requires a permit. Permit forms are available from Mn/DOT's utility website at www.dot.state.mn.us/tecgW/utility . Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Keith Van Wagner (651-582- 1443), or Buck Craig (651-582-1447) of MnDOT's Metro Permits Section. Mn/DOTs policy is to assist local governments in promoting compatibility between land use and highways. Residential uses located adjacent to highways often result in complaints about traffic noise. Traffic noise from this highway could exceed noise standards established by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Minnesota Rule 7030.0030 states that municipalities are responsible for taking all reasonable measures to prevent land use activities listed in the MPCA's Noise Area Classification (NAC) where the establishment of the land use would result in violations of established noise standards. Mn/DOT policy regarding development adjacent to existing highways prohibits the expenditure of highway funds for noise mitigation measures in such areas. The project proposer should assess the noise situation and take the action deemed necessary to minimise the impact of any highway noise. If you have any questions regarding Mn/DOT's noise policy please contact Peter Wasko in our Design section at (651) 582- 1293. More information is needed to determine whether a Mn/DOT drainage permit will be required for the project. The plans show drainage to an existing storm sewer network. If this network drains to MnDOT right of way, a drainage permit will be required. Current drainage rates to Mn/DOT right of way must be maintained and applications for a drainage permit should include hydrologic computations for 10 and 100 year storms, drainage area maps and any other relevant information for pre and post construction conditions. Please contact Thomas Mitchell at Mn/DOT Water Resources Engineering (651-634-2403) or (thomas.mitchell(a)dot.state.mn.us) with any questions regarding drainage permits. • As our request, could you please send an electronic .pdf file copy of your plan submittal for our record keeping purposes to mM.Jackson _,dot.state.mn.us Please refer to Mn/DOT Review 004-107 when emailing the .pdf file. As a reminder, please address all initial future correspondence for development activity such as plats and site plans to: Development Review Coordinator Mn/DOT - Metro Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Mn/DOT document submittal guidelines require three (3) complete copies of plats and two (2) copies of other review documents including site plans. Failure to provide three (3) copies of a 0 plat and/or two (2) copies of other review documents will make a submittal incomplete and delay Mn/DOT's 30 -day review and response process to development proposals. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation in providing the necessary number of copies, as this will prevent us from having to delay and/or return incomplete submittals. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 651-582-1724, or Tod Sherman at 651- 582-1548. Sincerely, i Mary E. Jac on Intermediate Planner Copy: Roger Gustafson, Carver County D & G of Chanhassen, LLC. Ryan Engineering Staff has received drainage calculations for the development and only minor revisions are necessary. The proposed pond is required to be designed to National SCAWft Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10 -year, 24-hour storm event. Drainage and utility easements will The City of Chanhassen • A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a champing downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. CITY OF MEMORANDUM CHMNSENTO: Bob Generous, Senior Planner n90 Boulevard FROM: Mak Sweidan, Engineer PCMarket Box14 PO Box 14 ` Chanhassen, MN 55317 DATE: November 8, 2004 Administration Phone: 952.221.1100 Fax 952227 1110 SUBJ: Preliminary Plat Review for Hidden Creek Meadows LUR No. 04-16 Building Inspections Phone. 952.227 1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Upon review of the plans dated October 15, 2004, prepared by Ryan Engineering, Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 I offer the following comments: Fax: 952.227.1170 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 The plans propose to grade about 75% of the site for the 23 new house pads, proposed street ending with a cul-de-sac, and a storm water pond. The proposed Park & Recreation grading will prepare the site for full basement, lookout, and walkout -type Phone. 952.227,1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 dwellings. The plan proposes a retaining wall in the back yard of Lot 8, Block 1. Recreation center It appears the wall will be some six to eight feet in height. The applicant should 2310 Coulter Boulevard be aware that any retaining wall over 4 feet will require a building permit and Phone: 952,227.14W must be designed by a Minnesota Registered Professional Structural Engineer. Fax: 952.227.1404 Also, the retaining wall must be 20 feet off the back of the building pad to provide Planning & adequate area for a backyard and deck. Natural Resources PFax:955227.1110 The existing site drains to a wetland along the south side of the parcel. Under Fax: ss2.221.mo developed conditions, the street, front yards and most of the house roofs and rear Public works yard drainage will be conveyed via storm sewer to a proposed storm water pond 591 Park Road for treatment prior to discharging to the existing wetland. The proposed Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 development will be required to meet the existing stormwater runoff rates for the 10- and 100 -year, 24-hour storm events. The applicant has done a good job of Senior center attempting to preserve the existing drainage pattern of the wetland on the site Phone. 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 through the use of a storm sewer culvert. Where the proposed street has bisected the wetland, the culvert will act as a conduit and allow the water to flow as it Web sae would under existing conditions. There is an area in the rear yard of Lot 10, www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Block 1 that will need to be revised to prevent trapping water behind the curb. Also, staff recommends that storm sewer and catch basins be added in Pipewood Lane between Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 to capture and treat additional site runoff prior to it flowing off-site. Staff has received drainage calculations for the development and only minor revisions are necessary. The proposed pond is required to be designed to National SCAWft Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10 -year, 24-hour storm event. Drainage and utility easements will The City of Chanhassen • A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a champing downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. 0 Bob Generous November 8, 2004 Page 2 need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including the pond, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100 -year flood level. The minimum utility easement width must be 20 feet wide. The applicant has included silt fence around the grading perimeter. Adjacent to the pond and wetlands, silt fence type H must be used. A 75 -foot minimum rock construction entrance must be added to the entrance that will be accessed during construction. In addition, an erosion control blanket will be required for the steep slopes along the north property line of the site. The applicant should be aware that any off-site grading will require an easement from the appropriate property owner. All disturbed areas must be sodded or seeded and mulched within two weeks of grading completion. UTILITIES Municipal sewer and water service is available to the site from existing mains, which run along the eastern property line and from Pipewood Lane on the southwest corner of the parcel. The applicant is proposing to extend sewer and water lines along the proposed streets to service the proposed lots. The watermain will be looped through the site to avoid stagnant water issues. According to the City's Finance Department records, there is a remaining assessment balance of $25,477.05 on the parcel. This balance is required to be paid at the time of final plat recording. Since the developer will be responsible for extending lateral sewer and water mains, the sanitary sewer and water connection charges will be waived. However, the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges will still be applicable for each lot. The 2004 trunk hookup charge is $1,458 for sanitary sewer and $2,814 for watermain. Each of these charges is based on the number of SAC units calculated by the Metropolitan Council. Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance. Public utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications must be submitted at the time of final plat for staff review. The applicant is required to finance all of the proposed improvements. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and to supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, Department of Health, MnDOT, etc. 0 Bob Generous November 8, 2004 Page 3 STREETS The plans propose to extend Pipewood Lane, as the main road, approximately 1300 feet within the site. The public streets are shown within a 60 -foot right-of- way, as per City ordinance along with street pavement widths of 31 -feet back-to- back and a 45.5 -foot radius on the cul-de-sac. Staff is concerned with the tight curb radius on the cul-de-sacs. In order to accommodate emergency fire vehicles, the curb radius must be a minimum of 30 feet. Due to the long length of the proposed cul-de-sac and the practice of having two connections into/out of developments, staff is recommending that the existing gravel road known as Cartway Lane be connected to the proposed cul-de-sac at the eastern border of the site. This will be an interim connection until the properties to the north develop and Cartway Lane is vacated. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Prior to final plat approval, a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota must sign all plans. 2. Prior to final platting, storm sewer design data with a drainage map will need to be submitted for staff review. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10 -year, 24-hour storm event. The pond is required to be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. Drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100 -year flood level. The minimum utility easement width shall be 20 feet wide. 3. Type II silt fence must be used adjacent to all ponds and wetlands. A 75 -foot minimum rock construction entrance must be added to the entrance that will be accessed during construction. In addition, an erosion control blanket is required for the steep slopes along the north property line of the site. The applicant should be aware that any off-site grading would require an easement from the appropriate property owner. All disturbed areas must be sodded or seeded and mulched within two weeks of grading completion. 4. The remaining utility assessment due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is $25,477.05. In addition, the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges will be applicable for each of the new lots. The 2004 trunk utility hookup charges are $1,458 per unit for sanitary sewer and $2,814 per unit for water. Each of these charges is based on the number of SAC units calculated by the Metropolitan Council. 5. Public utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest editions of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. 0 Bob Generous November 8, 2004 Page 4 Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, NINDOT, Department of Health, etc. 6. A registered structural engineer must design any retaining walls in excess of four feet in height. This will also require a building permit. 7. Show all of the existing and proposed easements on the plans. 8. Show all of the existing utilities on the plans. 9. The proposed development is required to meet the existing storm water runoff rates for the 10- and 100 -year, 24-hour storm events. 10. The walk -out elevation of the proposed homes must be a minimum of 3 feet higher than the adjacent pond or wetland high -water -level. 11. Revise the plans to show a 30 -foot minimum curb radius on the cul-de-sacs. 12. On the utility plan a. Show the proposed storm manhole rim and invert elevations. b. Show the proposed culvert invert elevations. c. Add a note "any connection to existing structures must be core drilled." 13. On the grading plan: a. Show the benchmark used for the site survey. b. Show all emergency overflow elevations. c. Show all proposed contour elevations. d. Show the location of the 75 -foot rock construction entrance. e. Show the retaining wall top and bottom elevations. f. Show the proposed NWL and HWL of the pond. 14. On the plat sheet revise the street right-of-way adjacent to Cartway Lane from 33.5 ft to 43.5 ft. 15. The existing temporary pavement turnaround for Pipewood Lane just south of this site must be removed when Pipewood Lane is extended. Any disturbed area must be sodded and restored. 16. The retaining wall in the rearyard of Lot 8, Block 1 must be 20 feet off the back of the building pad. 0 Bob Generous November 8, 2004 Page 5 17. Add storm sewer and catch basins in Pipewood Lane between Lots 1 and 2. 18. Revise the rearyard grading of Lot 10, Block 1 to prevent trapping water behind the curb. 19. The existing gravel road known as Cartway Lane must be connected to the proposed cul-de-sac at the eastern border of the site. c: Paul Oehme, Public Works Director/City Engineer Matt Saam, Assistant City Engineer. gAeng\projectsVddden creek r dows\ppndoc Message • Generous, Bob From: Haak, Lori Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 3:52 PM To: Generous, Bob Subject: FW: Hidden Creek Meadows -----Original Message ----- From: Renae Clark [mailto:rclark@minnehahacreek.org] Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 10:41 AM To: Haak, Lori Subject: Hidden Creek Meadows Lori, Page 1 of 1 The District has received a set of plans for review and comment for the above mentioned project. Our comments are as follows: • 35 -foot wetland buffer is required • Stormwater management requirements are runoff rate control (rates for the 1, 10, and 100 year events may not increase) and best management practices which are permanent in nature and good for water quality. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Renae Clark District Technician 18202 Minnetonka Blvd. Deephaven, MN 55391 Ph. 952-471-0590 Fx.952-471-0682 SCANNED 11/30/2004 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 The proposed Hidden Creek Meadows is located very near Cathcart Park. 0 0 Cathcart Park is a neighborhood park owned by the City of Shorewood, but MEMORANDUM CITY OF Finance Phone: 952.2271140 the park is provided by the proposed sidewalk connection along Pipewood Lane CHANHASSEN TO: Bob Generous, Senior Planner 7700 Market Boulevard FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director PO Box 147 Fax: 9522271110 Chanhassen, MN 55317 DATE: October 21, 2004 Administration 1591 Park Road Phone. 952.227.1100 SUBJ: Proposed Hidden Creek Meadows Park and Recreation Far: 952227.1110 Conditions of Approval Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 The proposed Hidden Creek Meadows is located very near Cathcart Park. Fax: 952.227.1170 Cathcart Park is a neighborhood park owned by the City of Shorewood, but Phone: 952 .227.1400 located within the corporate boundaries of Chanhassen. Convenient access to Finance Phone: 952.2271140 the park is provided by the proposed sidewalk connection along Pipewood Lane Fax 952,227.1110 connecting with Cartway Lane. No parkland dedication is recommended as a Planning & of this plat. Full park fees shall be collected at the rate in force at the Park a Recreationcondition Phone. 952.227 1120 time of final plat. Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952 .227.1400 This property abuts the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority Light Fax:952.227.1404 Rail Transit Corridor. Currently this corridor is managed by Three Rivers Park Planning & District as a regional trail with an aggregate surface. Access to the trail from Batumi Resources P Hidden Creek Meadows is provided Y proposed b the ro osed sidewalk connections to Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 9522271110 Pipewood Court and Cartway Lane. No additional trail construction is recommended as a condition of this plat. Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.2271125 Fax 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhasseo.mn.us VICANNtau The City o1 Chanhassen • A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Park & Recreation Planning Case: 04-31 Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.2271110 I have reviewed the proposed subdivision of the above project. In order to comply with Recreation Center the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division, I have the following fire 2310 Coulter Boulevard code or city ordinance/policy requirements. The plan review was based on the available Phone:Fax: 2.227.144110 information submitted at this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted, the Fax: 952.221.1404 appropriate code or policy items will be addressed. Planning & NaturPhone: Resources 130 1. No burning permits will be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952 227.1110 must either be removed from site or chipped. Public works 2. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be 591 Park Road Phone: 952227.1300 CITY OF Fax: 952.227.1310 during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of CHONSEN protection are provided. Temporary street signs shall be installed on each street Senior comer Phone: 952.227.1125 7700 Market Boulevard MEMORANDUM PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 TO: Robert Generous, Senior Planner Administration Phone: 952,227.110o FROM: Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal Fax: 952.2271110 Building Inspections DATE: October 19, 2004 Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1190 SUBJ: Hidden Creek Meadows Subdivision approval for a 23 lot subdivision with variances. The development proposal includes a wetland alteration Engineering Phone: 952.227.1100 permit to permit the crossing of a creek and wetland with a public street. Fax: 952.227.1170 The site is 19.2 acres zoned single family residential, RSF, located at the ends of Pipewood Lane and Cartway Lane, north of Highway 7. Finance Phone: 952227.1140 Applicant DNG of Chanhassen LLC. Fax 952.2271110 Park & Recreation Planning Case: 04-31 Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.2271110 I have reviewed the proposed subdivision of the above project. In order to comply with Recreation Center the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division, I have the following fire 2310 Coulter Boulevard code or city ordinance/policy requirements. The plan review was based on the available Phone:Fax: 2.227.144110 information submitted at this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted, the Fax: 952.221.1404 appropriate code or policy items will be addressed. Planning & NaturPhone: Resources 130 1. No burning permits will be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952 227.1110 must either be removed from site or chipped. Public works 2. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be 591 Park Road Phone: 952227.1300 installed. Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable nor to and P P Fax: 952.227.1310 during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. Temporary street signs shall be installed on each street Senior comer Phone: 952.227.1125 intersection when construction of new roadways passage allows by vehicles. g Fax: 952.227.1110 Pursuant to 2002 Minnesota Fire Code Section 501.4. wen site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us � 3. A 20 -foot clear ace must be maintained around fire hydrants, lamps, i.e., street ls, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. gAsafetyVnI�p1rev04-31 eICANNED The City of Chanhassen • A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Date: October 18, 2004 To: Development Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department By: Robert Generous, Senior Planner Subject: Hidden Creek Meadows - Subdivision approval for a 23 -lot subdivision with Variances. The development proposal includes a Wetland Alteration Permit to permit the crossing of a creek and wetland with a public street. The site is 19.2 acres zoned Single -Family Residential, RSF, located at the ends of Pipewood Lane and Cartway Lane north of Highway 7. Applicant: D & G of Chanhassen, LLC. Planning Case: 04-31 The above described application for approval of a land development proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on October 15, 2004. The 60day review period ends December 14, 2004. In order for us to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on November 16, 2004 at 7:00 p.m in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your comments by no later than November 3, 2004. You may also appear at the Planning Commission meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. City Departments a. City Engineer b. City Attorney c. City Park Director d. Fire Marshal e. Building Official L Water Resources Coordinator g. Forester 2. Watershed District Engineer 3. Carver Soil & Water Conservation District 4. MN Dept of Transportation 5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6. CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco 7. MN Dept of Natural Resources 8. Telephone Company (Qwest or United) 9. Electric Company (Xcel Energy or MN Valley) 10. Medicom 11. U. S. Fish and Wildlife 12. Carver County a. Engineer b. Environmental Services 13. City of Shorewood 14. City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 aTI OF (952)227-1100 CBMSEN Date: October 18, 2004 To: Development Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department By: Robert Generous, Senior Planner Subject: Hidden Creek Meadows - Subdivision approval for a 23 -lot subdivision with Variances. The development proposal includes a Wetland Alteration Permit to permit the crossing of a creek and wetland with a public street. The site is 19.2 acres zoned Single -Family Residential, RSF, located at the ends of Pipewood Lane and Cartway Lane north of Highway 7. Applicant: D & G of Chanhassen, LLC. Planning Case: 04-31 The above described application for approval of a land development proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on October 15, 2004. The 60day review period ends December 14, 2004. In order for us to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on November 16, 2004 at 7:00 p.m in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your comments by no later than November 3, 2004. You may also appear at the Planning Commission meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. City Departments a. City Engineer b. City Attorney c. City Park Director d. Fire Marshal e. Building Official L Water Resources Coordinator g. Forester 2. Watershed District Engineer 3. Carver Soil & Water Conservation District 4. MN Dept of Transportation 5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6. CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco 7. MN Dept of Natural Resources 8. Telephone Company (Qwest or United) 9. Electric Company (Xcel Energy or MN Valley) 10. Medicom 11. U. S. Fish and Wildlife 12. Carver County a. Engineer b. Environmental Services 13. City of Shorewood 14.