CAS-43_HIGHCREST MEADOWS (AKA YOBERRY FARM)KJOLH�(Tui AUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Providing Sound, Balanced, Canpehenwe Natural Resanoe Solutions Letter of Transmittal TO: NAME COMPANY Project Description Lod Haak City of Chanhassen Youngquist, Weathers, and Wirtz Properties CC: Steve Johnston Landform Engineedng FROM: NAME DATE Copies Description Kelly Dlouhy 11/1/04 1(2) Wetiand Delineation Report ❑ FYI 0 For Your Review ❑ Please Reply ❑ As We Discussed • Comments: Enclosed are the non -wetland determination reports and the wetland delineation report for Wirtz Addition, Weathers Property, and Youngquist Properties respectively. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952401-8757, Fare 952401-8798 SCANNEu 1 jOLHA G ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Pro, idinq.Yowut Bal nncrd. Curoprrhnn.sit c Natural Rrsourer Solutions Youngquist Property Chanhassen, Minnesota Wetland Delineation Report Prepared for Landform Engineering by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. (KES Project No. 2004-084) October 29, 2004 WAMD • • • • • • Youngquist Property • • Chanhassen, Minnesota Wetland Delineation Report • • I. INTRODUCTION • • The Youngquist property on was examined on May 26, 2004 for the presence and extent of • wetland. The site was located in the NE '/, of Section 9, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, • City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota • The approximately 50 -acre site was east of and adjacent to County Highway No.41, north of • Longacres Drive, and west of Harrison Hill Trial with an unnamed property boundary to the • north (Figure 1). Adjacent land use consisted of single-family homes on all sides. • At the time of the delineation the site included a single-family home surrounded by lawn and • trees at the northwest comer of the property. The northern portion of the site was mostly wooded • and the south half fallow cropland. A drainageway flowed from within the woods at the • northwest comer, southeast through the site, and off of the property at the east edge (Figure 2). II. METHODS Wetlands were identified using Routine Determination methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Waterways Experiment Station, 1987) as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Atypical situations methodology was applied to cropped and ditched areas of the site. Wetland boundaries were identified as the upper -most extent of wetlands, which met criteria for hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and wetland hydrology. Wetland -upland boundaries were marked with pin flags and subsequently located by Landform Engineering Company by using standard land survey methods. Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company reviewed surveyed wetland boundaries for accuracy. Soils, vegetation, and hydrology were documented at representative locations along the wetland - upland boundary. Plant species dominance was estimated based on the percent aerial or basal coverage visually estimated within a 30 -foot radius for the tree and shrub layers and a 5 -foot radius for the herbaceous layer within the community type being sampled. Soils were characterized to a minimum depth of 18-20 inches utilizing Munsell Soil Color Charts and standard soil texturing methodology. • • • • • Plants were identified using standard regional plant keys. Taxonomy was based on the Manual • of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, Ed 2 (New York • Botanical Garden, 1991). Indicator status of plant species was taken from the National List of • Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: 1988 Minnesota (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1988). • • III. RESULTS • • Review of Soils NWL DNR and FSA Information The National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI) (Excelsior and Shakopee Quadrangles, U.S. Fish • & Wildlife Service, 1991) showed four PEMC, and one PSS IC/PEMC wetland on the site • (Figure 3). • The Soil Survey of Carver County, Minnesota (Sheet 23, USDA, 1989) showed the following • soil types on the site: Lester Kilkenny loam, Lester -Kilkenny clay loams, Kilkenny -Lester loams, • Hamel loam, Palms muck, and Terril loam (Figure 4). Hamel loam and Palms muck are hydric soils indicative of wetland conditions when undrained. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The DNR Protected Waters Map, Carver County (Minnesota DNR, 1984) indicated no DNR Protected Wetlands, Waterways, or Waters within or -adjacent to the subject property (Figure 5). Wetland Determinations and Delineations Potential wetlands were evaluated in greater detail during field observations. Five wetlands were identified and delineated on the subject site (Appendix A). Corresponding data forms are included in Appendix B. The following description of the wetlands and surrounding upland reflects field conditions observed at the time of the delineation. At that time, vegetation was actively growing, and temperatures were in the 70's. Hydrology was assumed to be typical of spring. Wetland 1 was a Type 1 (PEMAd) wetland at the north edge of the site. The overflow outlet from a stormwater pond off of the property to the north drained into the north edge of Wetland 1. Wetland one subsequently drained southeast through an approximately 1 -foot deep, and two -foot wide intermittent drainage into Wetland 2. Dominant vegetation within Wetland I consisted of reed canary grass, spotted touch-me-not, and box elder, with lesser amounts of stinging nettle, garlic mustard, wood nettle, sedge, giant goldenrod, and green ash. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were dark brown, faintly mottled clay loam to 10 inches, underlain by gray, faintly mottled clay loam to 24 inches depth. The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 12 inches below the soil surface. Adjacent upland consisted of deciduous woods dominated by common buckthorn, garlic mustard, and box elder with lesser amounts of green ash, American elm, and common blue violet. Upland soils were dark brown loam to 20 inches, underlain by light brown, faintly mottled fine sandy clay to 24 inches depth. No primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. • • • • The delineated boundary followed a change in topography and plant communities. The wetland • corresponded to an NWI-mapped PEMC wetland and an area of mapped hydric soil (Hamel • loam). • • Wetland 2 was a Type 1 (PFOIAd/PEMAd) basin southeast of Wetland 1. The wetland drained southeast via an 18 -inch culvert under a field road and then through an intermittent channel into • Wetland 3. The northwest portion of the wetland lay within the woods and was dominated by • green ash, reed canary grass, and spotted touch-me-not. The southeast portion of the wetland was in the open and was dominated by reed canary grass with scattered American elm, willow, • hackbeny, and common buckthorn. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were brown, distinctly mottled silty clay loam to 20 inches, underlain by gray, faintly mottled silty clay loam to 24 inches depth. The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 14 • inches below the soil surface. Secondary indicators of wetland hydrology included mapped • hydric soils, topographic position, and the FAC -Neutral test. • Adjacent upland consisted of areas of woods and fallow field. Wooded areas were dominated by • common buckthorn, sugar maple, and bur oak with lesser amounts of green ash, American elm, box elder, hackberry, Virginia creeper, honeysuckle, and red oak. Open areas were dominated • by quack grass, with lesser amounts of Canada goldenrod, common dandelion, Kentucky bluegrass, curly dock, and box elder seedlings. Upland soils were brown, faintly mottled sitly • clay loam to 12 inches, underlain by gray clay loam to 24 inches depth. No primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. • • The delineated boundary followed a change in plant community and topography. The wetland • corresponded to an NWI-mapped PEMC wetland and an area of mapped hydric soil (Hamel • loam). Wetland 3 was a Type 1 (PFOIAd/PEMAd) wetland that drained east, off of the subject • property. Dominant vegetation consisted of green ash, reed canary grass, American elm, and • common buckthorn with lesser amounts of eastern cottonwood, Jack-in-the-pulpit, box elder, and • quaking aspen. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were gray, distinctly mottled silty clay loam to 12 inches, underlain by light gray, faintly mottled silty clay loam to 24 inches depth. • The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 6 inches below the soil • surface. Adjacent upland consisted of an open meadow with a narrow patch of woods along the channel that drained into the wetland. The wooded area was dominated by common buckthorn. • Dominant vegetation in open areas consisted of quackgrass, Canada goldenrod, horseweed, sow thistle, white sweet clover with lesser amounts of box elder seedlings, foxtail, common • dandelion, leafy spurge, and Canada thistle. Upland soils were brown silty clay loam to 16 • inches, underlain by gray, faintly mottled silty clay loam to 24 inches depth. Free water was • observed 20 inches below the soil surface, otherwise, no indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. • • • • • • 4 • The delineated boundary followed a change in plant community and topography. The wetland corresponded to an NWI-mapped PEMC wetland and an area of mapped hydric soil (Hamel loam). Weiland 4 was a Type 3 (PEMC/PEMA) wetland at the southeast comer of the property that extended south off of the site. Dominant vegetation consisted of cattail, reed canary grass, American elm, and ash. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were dark gray, distinctly mottled silt loam to 12 inches, underlain by light gray, distinctly mottled silt loam to 24 inches depth. The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 12 inches below the soil surface. Adjacent upland consisted of a low berm dominated by common buckthorn adjacent to the north edge of the wetland, but was otherwise fallow cropland. Dominant vegetation in the fallow field consisted of quackgrass and green foxtail with lesser amounts of Canada goldenrod, barnyard grass, Canada thistle, Kentucky bluegrass, curly dock, common dandelion, and box elder seedlings. Upland soils were brown silt loam to 20 inches, underlain by light brown silt loam to 24 inches depth. No primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. The delineated boundary followed a distinct change in topography and plant community. The wetland corresponded to an NWI-mapped PEMC wetland but was mapped with non -hydric soil (Lester Kilkenny and Kilkenny -Lester). Weiland S was a Type 3 (PEMC/A/PSS 1 C/A) wetland at the south edge of the site that extended south, off of the property. Dominant vegetation consisted of sedge and cattail with lesser amounts of reed canary grass, willow, stinging nettle, common buckthorn, American elm, and green ash. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were dark gray distinctly mottled silt loam to 10 inches, underlain by tight gray, distinctly mottled silt loam to 24 inches depth. The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 10 inches below the soil surface. Adjacent upland consisted of a steep wooded slopes dominated by common buckthorn with lesser amounts of green ash, American ehn, black cherry, Jack-in-the-pulpit, and bedstraw. Upland soils were brown silt loam to 20 inches, underlain by light brown, silt loam to 24 inches depth. No primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. The delineated boundary followed a distinct change in topography and plant communities. The wetland corresponded to an NWI-mapped PSS IC/PEMC wetland and an area of mapped hydric soil (Palms muck). IV. SUMMARY The Youngquist Property was inspected on May 27, 2004 for the presence and extent of wetland. • The NWI-map showed four PEMC and one PSS IC/PEMC wetlands on the subject property. • The soil survey indicated Palms muck and Hamel loam as hydric soils present on the site. • No DNR Protected Wetlands. Waterways. or Waters were indicated within or adjacent to the property. • Three Type 1 and two Type 3 wetlands were delineated on the site. V. CERTIFICATION OF DELINEATION The procedures utilized in the described delineation are based on the COE 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Both the delineation and report were conducted in compliance with regulatory standards in place at the time the work was completed. All site boundaries indicated on figures within this report are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. Delineation Completed by: Report Completed by: Reviewed Kelly Dlouhv, Wetland Ecologist Kelly Dlouhv Date: Mark Kjolhaug, Professional Wetland Scientist No. 000845 7 Youngquist Property Wetland Delineation Report Figures: • Figure 1 — Site Location Map • Figure 2 — Aerial Photograph • Figure 3 —NWI Map • Figure 4 — Soil Survey Map • Figure 5 — DNR Protected Waters Map Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product s r �a sup on '° � � � r an I Leke L� chwd� a 'l LA"A 6 Perk f a ®i1101 MmosoR . A nuxvM. Figure 1- Site Location Youngquist Property (IES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota KjomAucENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN No Scale y�v Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 2 — Aerial Photograph Youngquist Property (IES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota KjOLHAUG TN 1 inch — 455 feet J ENVIRONMEN'T'AL SERVICES COMPANY �w �+v Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 3 — NWI Map Youngquist Property (IES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota _�_ KiOLMUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN 1 inch — 7555 feet Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. KE Site Location Of $ KCS Nz ocz 3C� Vd':��� "! co i�l L L 9 S t ,e u- 1 KC2, KD2, KE2-Lester-Kilkenny loams, 6 to 12%/ 12 to 18, and 18 to 25% slopes (eroded) HM -Hamel loam NC3, ND3, NE3-Lester-Kilkenny clay loam, 6 to 12, 12 to 18%, and 18 to 25% slopes (severely eroded) PM -Palms muck KD -Lester -Kilkenny loams, 12 to 18% slopes TB-Tetril loam, 0 to 6"/a slopes KB -Kilkenny -Lester loams, 2 to 6% slopes Figure 4 — Soil Map Youngquist Property (IES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota t _�^ I LJOL.L AUG ENVIRONMENTA _ SERVICES COMPANY +N Scale: 1 inch — 480 feet Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. S 23 w c Zl 1TiW . i10R[WIIOD k' X. •' a "�yY • LAM LY 4 • f Site Location I • lP i rraon ko M 1MVw11► Of •+ Atli *A YID 1 K � N , T C 5 YoA \ NSOT• • �l Figure 5 — DNR Map Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota Kj(' T T r �HA TT TN 1 inch � 3000 feet jOLG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY �r.r Youngquist Property Wetland Delineation Report Appendix A: Survey Drawing L 0 1 P9 n 8 marsro-w 494.44 c' v K R 1 YOBERRY FARMS, LLC 7109e NEQLM Euvsaprt�na my IiORB rItELWANMY SUBMITTAL NOVEMMM)OL2004 "Mu YOBERRY FARMS CHANHASSEN. MN T:;; LANDFORM MINNEAPOLIS PKVENIX i2o Pill /PmmI I I iw wmmmw sum IN CIA Nin my 44,11 f g Jo O r37 98rz"d W. L 0 1 P9 n 8 marsro-w 494.44 c' v K R 1 YOBERRY FARMS, LLC 7109e NEQLM Euvsaprt�na my IiORB rItELWANMY SUBMITTAL NOVEMMM)OL2004 "Mu YOBERRY FARMS CHANHASSEN. MN T:;; LANDFORM MINNEAPOLIS PKVENIX i2o Pill /PmmI I I iw wmmmw sum IN CIA Youngquist Property Wetland Delineation Report Appendix B: Data Forms �. T T 1CJ0I NAUG ENVIRONMENTAL- SERVICES COMPANY Investigator(s): Basin/Area ID: Sample Pt ID: / - SOILS NIA Mapped Soil Type: JA1 LL v.,• � :MatriI�Fieldrs 'Dep7�&Histic ' the abund.lcori{Fasf x>•�,�> �'�'��Teidure; Stcy�u tc.:�,- �'Y- zc) L,-Tiptrated Sorl, Depth e' ) in. — L rpth- Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC -Neutral Test - _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain: of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A -all sous, S =sany so F = loamy 6 clayey soils) sol _ A9,10.1-2 cmMuck _ S6. Stripped Matrix_FS!�Lidr Dark Surface �6. Redox Dark Surface _ 'Epipedoa _ Sl. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mudry Material F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7• Depleted Dark Surface _ Histic _ ogen Sulfide _ S3. Murly PeaVPeat S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ _ _ F3. Depleted MatrixF8. Redox Depressions _ fied LayersS5. Sandy Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface _ Hydric Soil? NdtJo Undetermined Remarks: Remarks: I1/ In e�Z wA Mapped Soil Type: - in.)-'- Matrix Color - Mottle Colors- -- " ` 'Mottle abund:/contrast ' _ 'Texture, -Structure, etc::' zc) L,-Tiptrated Sorl, Depth e' ) in. — L rpth- Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC -Neutral Test - _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain: Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A - all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy 6 clayey soils) _ Al. Histosol _ A9,10.1-2 cmMuck _ S6. Stripped Matrix _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material F5. Thick Dark Surface F6. Redox Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon A3. Black Histic _ Sl. Sandy Mucky Material S3. Mulley Peat/Peat _ _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _F2. _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _ _ A5. Stratified Layers _ S5. Sandy Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? Yes o Undetermined Remarks: HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT- wetalde Upside _wA run may Y ." IT!V dated, Depth _ in. _ Oxidized Root Channels L,-Tiptrated Sorl, Depth e' ) in. _ Water -Stained Leaves ater in borehole, Depth in. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC -Neutral Test - _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain: _ inundated, Depth — _ Saturated Soil, Depth _ _ Water in borehole, Depth _ Water Marks, Height _ _ Drift Lines Sediment Deposits wA in. Oxidized Root Channels in. Water -Stained Leaves in. _ Mapped HydneSoil, Deptmsion in. _ FAC Neutral Test Topographic Position Other -Explain No Assumed -Explain: Undetermined - Explain: yes 0 Assumed -Explain: Undetermined -Explain: 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952401-8757, FaX 952.401-8798 Project/Site ���V/S?� VEGETATION SARAN F P(HNT- f side _ Up side WA Sample Pant ID / _ Species` Y tratuover s . (rdStatus 1 O Cover.;'r Ind.`Status`> V S T Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes H V S f.* H V S No 6 5 Yes No V S T Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes a>, V S T Distance from Wetland Edoe f C f r43 V S T 2- V S T / - H V S T Remarks' % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: �j 7 - -- V S T Z H V S T jd H V S T H V S T _ % Dominants j>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter. Remarks: cnMol F onIPIT_ dAe �n side WA Species' - Stratu"m_ x O Cover.;'r Ind.`Status`> _ )'ps � Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes H V S No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes H V S No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Yes No Remarks: ft. N/A Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes Is the area a wetland? Yes 110' Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edoe !/ft. N/A V S T 2- H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks' % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: �j 7 SAMPLE POINT-etside Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? - Weiland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edoe WETLAND DETERMINATION _ Up side _ NIA )'ps No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes > No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Yes No Remarks: ft. N/A SAMPLE POINT- Wetside Upside NIA Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes �o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes Is the area a wetland? Yes 110' Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edoe !/ft. N/A COMMUNITY SUMMAKY Wetland Communi T o/ Upland Community Type: Overall Dominant Overall Dominant b Vegetation: / _ f Vegetation -A _ r 4 ,_z. Remarks: Remarks: Page 2 KJoT.HAUG ENVIRONMEN I4T. SERcnCES COMPANY Project/Site: OZ/�!o i 5 Date: Investigator(s): C&/-e2y /a BasiNArea ID: /,J Z JT Z Sample Pt. ID: SOILS AI eauot a tarutdr- 1 un side _ WA Mapped Soil Type' C SDeptfi in.)� :Mainz Colony ottle`Coiors= '-Mottle':abun'dlco_ ritrast '=-,_ Teittu're, Structure, efc_l-- _ Water -Stained Leaves _ ater in borehole, Depth in. l KJoT.HAUG ENVIRONMEN I4T. SERcnCES COMPANY Project/Site: OZ/�!o i 5 Date: Investigator(s): C&/-e2y /a BasiNArea ID: /,J Z JT Z Sample Pt. ID: SOILS AI eauot a tarutdr- 1 un side _ WA Mapped Soil Type' C SDeptfi in.)� :Mainz Colony ottle`Coiors= '-Mottle':abun'dlco_ ritrast '=-,_ Teittu're, Structure, efc_l-- _ Water -Stained Leaves _ ater in borehole, Depth in. 5, G , CCS _ FAC -Neutral Test ez tcJ -- C _ Other -Explain: Field Indicators of Hydric Solis (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A - an was, S = sandy was, F = toany a clayey soils) _ Al. Histosol _ A9,10.1-2 cmMuck _ S6. Stripped Matrix _ F5. pedDark Surface Redox Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon _ Sl. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material . F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A3. Black Histic _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ 3. Mutiy Peat/Peat S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F2. Lommy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ _ F8. Redox Depressions —A5- Stratified Lay S5. Sandy Redox _F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? es No Undetermined Remarks: cauet c orvur_ u,... -,.,., io WA Mapped Soil Type: / QS1ci' - Kr /KCNi=y De th' in. . ,-` _Matrix Color ; `-Mottle Colors - =-= . ' Mottle abund.1contrast -" �' 'Texture; -Structure, etc: �: -- - Water -Stained Leaves _ ater in borehole, Depth in. _ Mapped Hydric Sal, Depression , CCS _ FAC -Neutral Test _ Drift Lines -- C _ Other -Explain: Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A= all soils, S= sandy soils, F - bamy & clayey soils) Al. Histosoi A9,10. 1-2 cm. Muck S6. Stripped Matrix _ F5 'dc Dark Surface _ _ A2. Histic Ep4mdon _ _S1. Sandy Mucky Material _ _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material Redox Dark Surface F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A3. Black Hisde_ _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S3. Mucky PeatTeat _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _ A5. Stratified Lay S5 Sandy Redox ' _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? es _No Undetermined Remarks: HYDROLOGY cauct o ontMr- / 11 ciYIA _ Inundated, Depth in. _ Oxidized Root Channels Saturated Soil, Depthin. Water -Stained Leaves _ ater in borehole, Depth in. _ Mapped Hydric Sal, Depression _ Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC -Neutral Test _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain: _ Inundated, Depth in. _ Oxidized Root Channels _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. _ WaterStamed Leaves _ Water in borehole, Depth —m. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC Neutral Test _ _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Otba -Explain No Assumed -Explain: Undetermined - Explain: 0 Assumed -Explain: Undetermined -Explain: 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952401-8757, Fac 952401-8798 Proiect/Site Sample Pant ID VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT- wetside Up side WA Species, �4° :._ y .. `iStretum x„,IdCover .•f ,Irid:`$tat us A/� V S T V V H V S T 1 it H V S T S T H V S T V H V S T Yes H V S T S T H V S T H V H V S T Distance from Wetland Edge H V S T S T H V S T Remarks: % DominalrLs (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter SAMPI F PnINiT- Wet side i iClo side raA Species [ fut[a �nv"loCover =: `Ind;Status Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes V V _-AC S T S T G/ 1 it V S T ✓l o V S T - Yes V S T Yes H V S T Distance from Wetland Edge H V S T — H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks: %Dominants (>20%s Cover) FAC or Wetter: d SAMPLE POINT- side Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge SAMPLE POINT- wet side WETLAND DETERMINATION ft. Upside _NIA No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes No Remarks: Up side _ NIA n^RARNI IRI ITv CI IRA NA A ov Upland Community Type: Ga Wetland Community T % Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes _---ATo Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓l o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes ✓ 0 oes an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes lo Is the area a wetland? Yes Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge =ft NIA — n^RARNI IRI ITv CI IRA NA A ov Page 2 Upland Community Type: Ga Wetland Community T % Overall Dominant Vegetation: 4< / Overall Dominant Ve tion: ae-' Remarks: Remarks: Page 2 • ` ,-�� aa- r T�v • hJIDT•NAUG ZrNVIItONMENTAI-SER'V=CES COMPANY Project/Site:.F STS Date: -Z(9 Investigator(s): /L`fLI1U9( fz Basin/Area ID: /fj f yy ,))h Sample Pt. ID: SOILS cAue, c oniur_ I ww/ we U. side NIA Mapped Soil Type: , Matri'x'�Color .,Y% C ; £_-�tMottle'-'abund166fit asf< -Texture, Sfruc'ture, efc/ °.: Texture, Structure, etc: -.- - Water -Stained Leaves ,C _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression / f _ b nu ,.r,� f, >Aj F7Fieldlndicators _ Other -Explain of Hydric Solis (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A - an sous, s = sandy sons, F = tomny a clayey sons) ol A9,10.1-2 em Muck S6. Stripped Matrix _ F5. Thick Dark Surface F6. Redox Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon _ Sl. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material F2. Loamy Gleyed Matra F7. leted Dark Surface _ A3. Black Histic _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S3. Mucky Peat/Peat S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ _ _ F3. Depleted Matrix �edox Depressions _ _ A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface _ S5. - y Redox Hydric Soil? No Undetermined Remarks: o Undetermined .., e-.a.vL, - wA Maimed Soil Type: 'De th' in. -> - =.Matrix Color-CMottle Colors'-- - _'-Mottle abu'nd:/coini -- -- ' °.: Texture, Structure, etc: -.- - Water -Stained Leaves star in borehole, Depth _� in. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ Water Marks, Height in. f _ b Drift Lines ,.r,� f, >Aj _ Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain Field Indicators of Hydric Solis (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A= all soils, S = candy sous, F = loamy a clayey sons) _ Al. Histwol _ A9,10. 1-2 on Muck _ S6. Stripped Matra _ F5. Thick Dark Surface F6. Redox Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedoc _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A3. Blade Histic _ A4. Hydrogen. Sulfide _ S3. Mucky Peat/Peat _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix - F2. Loamy Gleyed Matra _ _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _ A5. Stratified Layers _ S5. - y Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? Yes o Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- ✓ wetside Primary Hydrologylndicators Inuphated, Depth in. ,.6 t ated Soil, Depth = is ater in borehole, Depth --La- in. _ Water Marks, Height ill- Drift sDrift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainaee Patterns Ciampi F Prll%IT- ulm side HYDROLOGY Up side NIA Oiddized Root Channels _ Water -Stained Leaves Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ FAC -Neutral Test - _ Topographic Position _ Other -Explain: side WA Inundated, Depth in. _ Oxidized Root Channels _ _ s soil, Depth ia. Water -Stained Leaves star in borehole, Depth _� in. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC -Neutral Test Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain No Assumed - Explain: Undetermined - Explain: 0 Assumed - Explain: Undetermined - Explain: I /_ l --�?.r '1 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Flinnesota 55331, Phone: 952401.8757, Fax 952401-8798 Project/Site T / firo 2u Is r� VEGETATION CAuol P PnUdT_ V Wef ciAo. uo side NIA Sample Pant ID S eaes: T r CANPI F Pn11UT_ Wn1 elAo / ;,Stratum. -Ind.iStatus i U/� rrGGt H V S Remarks: u�y H V S 2 ✓ Gdli/"r1 / 7 7- V S T / H V S c . V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H y§T H V S T Remarks: % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: U. side NIA is m Stratu; %Cover ;Ind.'Stattis' Species" _ hail H V S Tpr h �� H V S T - / V S T Z ' V S T / V S T r V S T r V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or W� WETLAND DETERMINATION CAMPI F PnINT_ i / wet c'Ae Nnsida NIA Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge SAMPLE POINT. Wet side Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge ft. P side No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? __Yes No Remarks: NIA Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes Yes ''- Does an Atypical Situation Exist? __Yes fy Yes o / Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Yes No Remarks: ft. !�/ %a a e 11611? 0 IIIA AA ADV Page 2 U )and Community T : Wetland Community T I i1', - Overall Dominant Vegetation: - Li" 'r '=-, Overall Dominant Vegetation: 90 : XT{/ � C� Remarks: Remarks: Page 2 PrgecVSile / Sampie Fant w VEGETATION •gym. C DIVNT_ NW ddn UD side WA 5 eaes'msE Strtum °fCoveF friatus Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes,✓/o V S T o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _ Yes rJCce T boas an Atypical Situation Exst? Yes - - V S V S T T Distance from Wetland Edge H V Sa-� Z n T H V S T r .c H V T T H V S T Remarks °/ Dominants (>2(% cover) FAC or Wetter: <r V S T V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks: % Dominants (>20e/ Cover) FAC or Wetter: ,c, CAMPI F PrMMT- Wet side D side WA - SAMPLE POINT- Wetside Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? /s the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge WETLAND DETERMINATION Upside NIA Y� No Does an Atypical Situation E)i___-Yes _Yes /Ye/s No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes �S e� NNo Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes o Remarks: ;�= ft N/A SAMPLE POINT- Wet side a NIA Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes,✓/o V S T C o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _ Yes V S T boas an Atypical Situation Exst? Yes - - V S V S T T Distance from Wetland Edge G ft. H V S T - H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks °/ Dominants (>2(% cover) FAC or Wetter: SAMPLE POINT- Wetside Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? /s the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge WETLAND DETERMINATION Upside NIA Y� No Does an Atypical Situation E)i___-Yes _Yes /Ye/s No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes �S e� NNo Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes o Remarks: ;�= ft N/A SAMPLE POINT- Wet side a NIA Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes,✓/o Dces an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _ Yes Hydric,Soils Present? Yesrv0 boas an Atypical Situation Exst? Yes . is the area a wetland? Yes i �►!a' Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge G ft. NIA [111-17m, I Remarks: COMMUN Page 2 r=tiit ­Xl 6t uC R ►Y� J- JOIJL4 JG F1g7 C).NME: -v-. SERVICES COMPANY Project/Site: Sl F / Date: G Investigator(s): L Basirt/Area ID: Sample PL ID: SOILS c wager 0^I&rr_ 1 �,... un side WA Mapped Soil Type:�,%'l'Tt De th in:. ^_AAatrixColdr, L=AAotilecolors .M'r '"Texfure;Structure;etc; `-- de A /F /Y u / (� f ` u !i Depth in. rated to borehole, Depth=m. _ Water Marks, Height in. _ Drift Lines Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA March 1998. (A - all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy i clayey soils) _ Al. Histosol _ A2. Histic Epipedoo A9,10.1-2 on Muck Sl. Study Mucky Material S6. Stripped Matrix F5 do Dark Surfs �� Fl. Loamy Mucky Material ox Dark Surface _ _ A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat T_ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ _ _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _ A5. Stratified Lay S5. Sandy Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ Hydric Soil? es No Undetermined Re rks: _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface ceaaor c orour_ we. ¢ue uo side _ WA Mapped Soil Type: X/�.,�L/ Depth in. -: : Matrix Color -';Mottle Colors -' Mottle abund./contrast ' '-: Texture, Structure, etc. de Primary Hydrology Indicators Inundated, Depth in. Sod, Depth in. rated to borehole, Depth=m. _ Water Marks, Height in. _ Drift Lines Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A - all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy b clayey soils) Al. Flistosoi A9,10.1-2 on Muck S6. Stripped Matrix _ F5. Thick Dark Surface _ A2. FFistic Epipedoa _ Sl. Sandy Mucky Material _ _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material _ F6. Redox Dark Surface _ A3. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky Peat/Peat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ _ S4. Sandy Glryed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8, Redox Depressions _ A5. Stratified Layers _ S5. Sandy Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? _Yes o Undetermined Remarks: HYDROLOGY Upside WA Oxidized Root Channels _ Water -Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ FAC -Neutral Test Topographic Position Other -Explain: SAMPLE POINT- Wet side ✓Uo sWe WA No Assumed -Explain: Undetermined - Explain: rPrimary Hydrology Indicators :Seconda V KV-drology Indicators (2 re .) ." Wetland H droIo ? - =Inundated, Depth in. _ Oxidized Root Channels _yeses Saturated SOLI, Depth in. _ Water -Stained Leaves _ Water in borehole, Depth —11L _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _Assumed -Explain: Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC Neutral Test _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Undetermined - Explain: _ Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain Drainage Patterns '' Dr 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnmm 55331, Phme: 952401-8757, Fu 952401.8798 SAMPLE POINT- de Primary Hydrology Indicators Inundated, Depth in. Sod, Depth in. rated to borehole, Depth=m. _ Water Marks, Height in. _ Drift Lines Sediment Deposits HYDROLOGY Upside WA Oxidized Root Channels _ Water -Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ FAC -Neutral Test Topographic Position Other -Explain: SAMPLE POINT- Wet side ✓Uo sWe WA No Assumed -Explain: Undetermined - Explain: rPrimary Hydrology Indicators :Seconda V KV-drology Indicators (2 re .) ." Wetland H droIo ? - =Inundated, Depth in. _ Oxidized Root Channels _yeses Saturated SOLI, Depth in. _ Water -Stained Leaves _ Water in borehole, Depth —11L _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _Assumed -Explain: Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC Neutral Test _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Undetermined - Explain: _ Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain Drainage Patterns '' Dr 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnmm 55331, Phme: 952401-8757, Fu 952401.8798 %QT.NA-Ll �j ENVII�ONMENTAi-SER'%=CES COMPANY r jectf e; fpjr /- Yew/ G�� ; — esbgator(s): it',PJl64siri/Area ID: 7Lrt utl Si Sample Pt ID: S'/ SOILS u..aw NIA Mapped Soil Type: �i9ZLYl z M'4e2 :MaliizColor:MottleColorsz.�---,r Mottle ab .,-. _ 'tii'zture, Structure, etc_ -' "Mottle aburidJeohtrast'':'. -- -.Texture,-Structure,--etc.' - - 'I AM Water in borehole, Depth _ in. m-. %QT.NA-Ll �j ENVII�ONMENTAi-SER'%=CES COMPANY r jectf e; fpjr /- Yew/ G�� ; — esbgator(s): it',PJl64siri/Area ID: 7Lrt utl Si Sample Pt ID: S'/ SOILS u..aw NIA Mapped Soil Type: �i9ZLYl z M'4e2 :MaliizColor:MottleColorsz.�---,r Mottle ab .,-. _ 'tii'zture, Structure, etc_ -' "Mottle aburidJeohtrast'':'. -- -.Texture,-Structure,--etc.' - - 'I .. Water in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ _ Water Marks, Height m. _ FAC Neutral Test _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position Field Indicators of Hydric Solis (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A- all soils, s - sandy sons, F loamy a clayey soils) _ Al. Histosol A2. Histic Epipedon _ A9,10. 1-2 cm Muck Sl. Sandy Mucky Material _ S6. Stripped Matrix _ F5. Thick Dark Surface _ Fl- Loamy Mucky Material _ F6. Redox bark Surface _ A3. Black Histic _ _ S3. MuckyPeat/Peat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface Depressions A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3- Depleted ed Matrix � _ A5. Stratified Lay _ S5. Sandy Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface _ Hydric Soil? es _No Undetermined Remarks: a aunt c D"MY_ wit. Siwe ,XIn side WA Mapped Soil Type: C �'"k -/1/' Depth in.- ,-'_Matrix Color. - Mottle Colors -' "Mottle aburidJeohtrast'':'. -- -.Texture,-Structure,--etc.' - - 'I _ WaterStamed Leaves Water in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ _ Water Marks, Height m. _ FAC Neutral Test _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other -Explain Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A - all soils, S - sandy soils, F a loamy R clayey soils) Al. Histmol A9,10. 1-2 em Muck S6. Stripped Matrix _ F5. Thick Dark Surface _ _ A2. Histic Epipedon S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material _, F6. Redox Dark Surface _ _ A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ _ _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _S4. S y Gleyed Matrix _ _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ FS. Redox Depressions S5. dy Redox ' _ A5. Stratified Layers —S 52 _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? Yes o Undetermined Remarks: HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT- wet side Up side WA —Inundated, Depth in.am aatm _jated Soil, Depth = in. d0ater m borehole, Depth /T5 in. _ Water Marks, Height in. _ Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns SAMPLE PO NT. wet side _ Oxidized Root Channels _ WaterStained Leaves Mapped Hydric Soft, Depression _ FAC Neutral Test Topographic Position other -Explain: side WA Inundated, Depth in. _ Oxidized Root Channels _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. _ WaterStamed Leaves Water in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ _ Water Marks, Height m. _ FAC Neutral Test _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other -Explain _ No _ Assumed -Explain: Undetermined - Explain: o Assumed -Explain: Undetermined - Explain: 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax 952401-8798 Project/Site '/ z —_ ✓f� VEGETATION SAMPI F P(xNT- ✓ W.tside _ Up side NSA Sample Pant ID 5- S sties`.;$StrAturni t d over,.. .ind.:Status H V S T d i.s ¢ V S T f V S T H V "VS Remarks: %Dominants (>20%Cover) FAC or Wetter: SAMPI FPOINT- Wet side ✓ Upside NIA S ecies" - Stratum% x%'Cover Ind: Status Wetland Hydrology Present? V ! ,,� Hydric Soils Present? �G. es H V S Does an Atypical Situation E)dst? _Yes Is the area a wetland? as H V S tV Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge ft. H V S T ! ACS H V S T .t' /7 H V S T / H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or in Remarks: ,,,, WETLAND DETERMINATION 'AUDI F Pnlu•r_ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present?�fes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ,,� Hydric Soils Present? �G. es No Does an Atypical Situation E)dst? _Yes Is the area a wetland? as No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge ft. N/A N/A RAMPI F PnINT_ Wet side o side N/A Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Dces an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Nom� Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes ✓No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes /s the area a wetland? YY �0 Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge a' ft. N/A COMMUNITY SUMMARY Wetland Community T Upland Commmu Type: Overall Dominant Overall Dominant C Vegetation: , % Ve tion: L% Remarks: Remarks: Page 2 u T ��HAUTT L joLG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Prat idin,G .Sntotd. Balanced. C'umprehc'em8'e Natural Ra:wurce Sofwiuns Wirtz Addition Chanhassen, Minnesota Wetland Determination Report Prepared for Landform Engineering by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. (KES Project No. 2004-210) October 29, 2004 0"KNED JLKJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Providing Sound Roland, Comprchnuiw Mahral Rmurm Soluelau Memorandum Date: October 29, 2004 To: Lori Haak, City of Chanhassen Cc: Steven Johnston, Landform Engineering From: Kelly Dlouhy, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Re: Wirtz Addition, Chanhassen, MN— Wetland Determination On September 29, 2004, I examined the Wirtz Addition in Chanhassen, Minnesota (Figure 1) for the presence of wetlands in accordance with the methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Waterways Experiment Station, 1987) as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. The approximately 3 -acre site (Figure 2) was located in the NE '/. of Section 9, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota The property lies east of State Highway 41, north of Longacres Drive, west of Harrison Hill Trail, with an unnamed property boundary to the north. At the time of the field visit, the parcel consisted of a vacant lot with a gravel drive that extended from the southwest to the northeast comers of the site (Figure 3). Most of the site was wooded with the exception of an opening in the southeast portion of the site. The property was surrounded by a residential development on all sides, except to the south, which consisted of a large -lot single-family home and fallow cropland. Wetland Determination A review of standard mapping resources including the Soil Survey of Carver County, Minnesota (USDA, 1989) and the National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI) (Shakopee Quadrangle, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1989) was conducted prior to the site visit. The subject property was located in an area mapped with Lester -Kilkenny loam and Terril loam, neither of which are hydric soils (Figure 4). The NWI map showed no wetlands on the site (Figure 5). 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 Wooded areas on the property were dominated by common buckthorn trees and seedlings, and lesser amounts of Kentucky bluegrass, green ash, honey locust, and Eastern red cedar. Open areas were dominated by Kentucky bluegrass and Canada goldenrod with lesser amounts of smooth sumac, Canada thistle, and Virginia creeper. Soils were generally brown clay loam to 16 inches, underlain by light brown, clay loam to 24 inches depth. Based on my site assessment and review of standard mapping resources, there were no areas on the Wirtz Addition that met the jurisdictional definition of a wetland in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. On October 22, 2004, Lori Haak with the Cite of Chanhassen reviewed the Wirtz Addition and confirmed that no wetlands are present on the site. Please call me if you have questions regarding this determination. Wirtz Addition Wetland Determination Report Figures: • Figure 1 — Site Location Map • Figure 2 — Site Boundary • Figure 3 — Aerial Photograph • Figure 4 — Soil Survey Map • Figure 5 — NWI Map Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 1- Site Location Wirtz Addition (KES No. 2004210) Chanhassen, Minnesota ��� KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN No Scale n WIRk / I , I , , TI N T-- , . % �.. SW37-46 Lx8r�1�9 78 27.4149.78 ED 5-1 A SL A PWRL a N8r37*"'W O Offilm IT --"v lz Q11.40 YOBERRY FARMS, LLC 710XL'BJ."NEKIM mr alON®11 X, IN FKEMINAKYOUVUMAL NO�MMOL=4 YOBERRY FARMS �iw KAN. MN at WMA LANDFORM LANDFORM a 0 120 ��URE 2 A SW37-46 Lx8r�1�9 78 27.4149.78 ED 5-1 A SL A PWRL a N8r37*"'W O Offilm IT --"v lz Q11.40 YOBERRY FARMS, LLC 710XL'BJ."NEKIM mr alON®11 X, IN FKEMINAKYOUVUMAL NO�MMOL=4 YOBERRY FARMS �iw KAN. MN at WMA LANDFORM LANDFORM a 0 120 ��URE 2 Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 3 — Aerial Photograph _u- KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY �r Wirtz Addition (IES No. 2004-210) Chanhassen, Minnesota TN 1 inch — 350 feet Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 4 — Soil Map Kj(joLHAUG' T u�TT�r _�- ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Wirtz Addition (KES No. 2004-210) Chanhassen, Minnesota TN Scale: 1 inch — 420 feet Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 5 — NWI Map � Kj(' T u�TT�r _�- JOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY �v Wirtz Addition (IES No. 2004-210) Chanhassen, Minnesota TN 1 inch — 925 feet Wirtz Addition Wetland Determination Report Appendix A: Data Forms _F JOLHAUG.ENVIR.ONMEN-TAT - SERVICES COMPANY Investigator(s): Basin/Area ID: SAMPLE POINT. Wet side Sample Pt. ID: SOILS Up skis WA Mapped Soil Type: 'Depth (im) : -: ,_'7Matrix-Color , - 3.'Mottle Colors _ � _ "Mottle' abuitd1dontrast - ° _ - ; - .Texture, Structure, etc. --' - �3 Saturated Soil, Depth' --in.. -_ WaterStainedLeaves Water in borehole, Depth _ m- _ Mapped Hyc Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC -Neutral T� - _ _ Drift Lures _ Topographic Position Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A - all soles, s - sandy soils, F = loamy a Clayey 50113) Al. Histosol A9,10.1-2 can Muck S6, Stripped Matrix _ F5. Thick Dark Surface _ _ A2. Iiis[ic Epipedon Sl. Sandy Mucky Material _JFI. Loamy Mucky Material _ F6. Redox Dark Surface _ _ A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat '_ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ _ _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gl Matrix _ F3. DepletedMatrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _ A5. Stratified Layers _ S5.Redox low _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? _Yes j No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- Wet side _ Up side KA Mapped Soil Type: DeptfijIrQ Matrix Color Mottle Colors "Mottle-abund./contrast.-- -: Texture, Structure, etc. Oxidized Root Channels Saturated Soil, Depth' --in.. -_ WaterStainedLeaves Water in borehole, Depth _ m- _ Mapped Hyc Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC -Neutral T� - _ _ Drift Lures _ Topographic Position Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA; March 1998. (A - an solls, s = sandy sous. F = loamy a clayey solid _ Al. Histosol _ A9,10. 1-2 cm Muck _ S6. -' Matrix _F5. Thick Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedcn _ Sl. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material _ F6. Redox Dark Surface _ A3. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky Peat/Peat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix-_ _ _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface 8: _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _FRedo_x Depressions _ A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox ' _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? _Yes No Undetermined Remarks: HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT- Wet side Up side r WA Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary'H d ology Indicators f2 req.) Wetland H drology? - _ Inundated, Depth in. Oxidized Root Channels Yes-= Saturated Sod, Depth in. _ Water -Stained Leaves -),z No _ Water in borehole, Depth _ in, _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ Assumed -Explain _ Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC Neutral Test _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Undetermined -Explain: Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain: Drainage Part= SAMPLE POINT- Wet side Upside WA Primary Hydrology Indicators I.Secondary-Hydrology Indicators_ (2 Iaundate��Deptlz _ In. Oxidized Root Channels Saturated Soil, Depth' --in.. -_ WaterStainedLeaves Water in borehole, Depth _ m- _ Mapped Hyc Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height in. _ FAC -Neutral T� - _ _ Drift Lures _ Topographic Position Sediment Deposits _ Other -Explain Yes No Assumed-Explam: -Undetermined - Explain: 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952401-8757, Fez 952401-8798 PrcyecUSite /Q Jf%:7-�j11Dlf/DSample Point ID VEGETATION i SAMPLE POINT- wet side Up side Species Stratum % Cover Ind. Status H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks: _m .. %Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: SAMPLE POINT- Wet side _ Up side WA Species` Stratum % Cover Ind. Status H V S T H V S T H V S T JH V S T H T H V S H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks: I% Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Is the area a wetland? Yes Distance from Wetland Edge ft. /No/Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes �oes an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes o remarks SAMPLE POINT- Wet side up side NtA Hydrophytic alio resent? Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes _ No ° Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes _ --No--0oes_an_Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Is the area a wetland? Yes No Remarks - -- - _ Distance from Wetland Edge ft. NIA-' — rnMMUNETY SUMMARY WeT2tEj mi T Upland CommuniType: Overall Dominant Overall Dominant Vegetation: ``_._ V etation:- Remarks: — Remarks: Page 2 KjO��((TT vv��TT��rr LHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Providing Sound. Bal ..imt Cm prehensire Natural Resm,me Solutions Weathers Property Chanhassen, Minnesota Wetland Determination Report Prepared for Landform Engineering by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. (KES Project No. 2004-147) October 29, 2004 SCANNED � T v�Tr/�r KJoLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY P,.dirg Sowd. Bdanrd. Comp,.V au Natural Romeo So4u w Memorandum Date: October 29, 2004 To: Lori Haak, City of Chanhassen Cc: Steven Johnston, Landform Engineering From: Kelly Dlouhy, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Re: Weathers Property, Chanhassen, MN— Wetland Determination On August 9, 2004, I examined the Weathers Property in Chanhassen, Minnesota (Figure 1) for the presence of wetlands in accordance with the methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Waterways Experiment Station, 1987) as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. The approximately 5 -acre site (Figure 2) was located in the NE '/, of Section 9, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. The property lies east of State Highway 41, north of Longacres Drive, and west of Sunflint Trail, with an unnamed property boundary to the north. At the time of the field visit, the parcel consisted of a single-family home surrounded by lawn at the northwest comer of the property and an outbuilding at the northeast comer (Figure 3). Otherwise the property was wooded slopes with small grassy openings scattered throughout. The property was surrounded by a residential development on all sides, except to the north, which consisted of a large -lot single-family home and fallow cropland. Wetland Determination A review of standard mapping resources including the Soil Survey of Carver County, Minnesota (USDA, 1989) and the National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI) (Shakopee Quadrangle, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1989) was conducted prior to the site visit. The subject property was located in an area mapped with Lester -Kilkenny loam, Lester -Kilkenny clay loam, and Hamel loam (Figure 4). Hamel loam is a hydric soil indicative of wetland conditions, however only a small area of Hamel was present at the far southeast comer of the site. The NWI map showed no wetlands on the site (Figure 5). 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 • • • • A wooded area at the northeast comer of the property included common buckthorn as the • dominant with lesser amounts of American elm, smooth brome, and Virginia creeper. Open • areas were dominated by smooth brome, Canada goldenrod, and Kentucky bluegrass with lesser amounts of common plantain, black-eyed Susan, Virginia creeper, and reed canary grass. Other portions of the slope consisted scattered patches of American elm, smooth sumac, Siberian ehn, green ash, and Eastern red cedar. Soils were generally brown, fine sandy clay loam to 8 inches, underlain by light brown, fine sandy clay loam to 24 inches depth. • The far southeast edge of the property was mapped with a small lobe of Hamel loam, a hydric soil. This area consisted of patches of reed canary grass and Canada goldenrod as the understory • to smooth sumac and American elm. Immediately adjacent and down-slope from this area were tennis courts and a playground area surrounded by lawn. Although some hydrophytic plant • species were present in this area, it did not appear that wetland hydrology would be maintained, • upland plants dominated, and no indications of wetland hydrology were observed at the time of the site visit. Based on my site assessment and review of standard mapping resources, there were no areas on the Weathers Property that met the jurisdictional definition of a wetland in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. On October 22, 2004, Lori Haak with r the City of Chanhassen reviewed the Weathers Property and confirmed that no wetlands are present on the site. Please call me if you have questions regarding this determination. • • • • • A • • • • Weathers Property Wetland Determination Report Figures: • Figure 1 — Site Location Map • Figure 2 — Site Boundary • Figure 3 — Aerial Photograph • Figure 4 — Soil Survey Map • Figure 5 —NWI Map Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. J� �i r ._Q .. Site Location --' �y � � -.,- � � � a L*ke �` m 41 v a f �{ LakPare Am M i \ a 200 MamM CM.A onmwW. Figure 1- Site Location Weatbers Property (IES No. 2004-147) Chanhassen, Minnesota _ 4 joLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN No Scale Sol • WEATHRS PROPERTY -0 , • • • Pam a 121U40 T YOBERRY FARMS, U 1125 HAMTINE RW, Ex,M9MI01=1 to 2- Irl 0 Sol • WEATHRS PROPERTY -0 , • • • Pam a 121U40 T YOBERRY FARMS, U 1125 HAMTINE RW, Ex,M9MI01=1 to 2- Irl FRFUMNAKYSUOLMAL NOW�M)K2W4 YOBERRY FARMS CMANHA EN. MN Ott& *00- LANDFORM nnewln none 0 w 320 W FEEr c 1 Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 3 — Aerial Photograph Weathers Property (IES No. 2004147) Chanhassen, Minnesota K j(jOL' � r��HA rT G ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN 1 inch — 310 feet ��v Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not consritute an official survey product. Figure 4 — Soil Mai) Weathers Property (KES No. 2004-147) Chanhassen, Minnesota T u � T i�rHAUGENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN Scale: 1 inch — 420 feet KJQL ►w Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 5 — NWI Map Weathers Property (KES No. 2004-147) Chanhassen, Minnesota KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN 1 inch — 925 feet �w 1�� Weathers Property Wetland Determination Report Appendix A: Data Forms KJoL.HAUG ENVIRONMEN'T'pT SERVICES COMPANY Investigator(s): BasiNArea ID: S�uTffFOG SOILS CAeeor a orvarr_ ,ale) er.l= U. side Sample Pt ID: /- tUA Mapped Soil Type: '-0e th m. ',F:?eJVlatix:Color =,-+'Mottle Colors - -Mottle "abund[Icoittrast z..ettture,`Structure, efc-- - ': Texture, Structure, etc. ___WAte-Stained Leaves Water in borehole, Depth —in. _ Mapped Hydric Sot�Heptessio�__ _ Water Marks, Height is _ FAC Neutral Test 1_ _ c _ Topographic Position _ Sediment Deposits Other -Explain Field indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, Manu 1998. (A = all soils, S = Sandy was, F = loamy a clayey wits) _ Al. Histosol _ A9,10.1 2 cmMuck S6. Stripped Matrix _ F5. Thiele Dark Surface F6. Redox Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon _ Sl. Sandy Mucky Material _=�.�'1- Loamy Markt' Material _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A3. Blade Histic A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S3. Mucky Peat/Peat _ e,4. Sand eyed Matrix _ _ _ F3. Depleted Matrix _F8. Redox Depressions _ _ A5. Stratified Layers _ S5. dy Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? _Yes o Undetermined Remarks: eauor F D"lM we. ted= Un side WA Mapped Soil Depth ' Matrix Color _. _ - - Motile Colors --' -'Motile-abundacontrast � '- ': Texture, Structure, etc. ___WAte-Stained Leaves Water in borehole, Depth —in. _ Mapped Hydric Sot�Heptessio�__ _ Water Marks, Height is _ FAC Neutral Test 1_ _ _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Sediment Deposits Other -Explain Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 199. soils, S = sandy soils, F - loamy b clayey soils) _ Al. ffmtosol _ A9,10. 1-2 cm Murk _ S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedma _ Sl. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky ox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky Peat/Peat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7.eD letedDark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Dept _ A5. Stratified Layers _ S5. Sandy Redox _ F4- Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? _Yes _No Undetermined Remarks: HYDROLOGY SAMPI F POINT - Wet side UD side Inundated, Depth in. _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. _ Water in borehole, Depth —in. _ Wata Marks, Height in. Drift Lines —_ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns _ Oxidized Root Channels _ Water -Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ FAC Neutral Test Topographic Position Other -Explain: SAMPLF POINT. Wat Sit. Uo side MIA _ yes Assumed -Explain: Undetermined -Explain: Sa,nndiry Hvdraloav Indicators f2 rea.) -'-'Wetland Hydrology? Inundated, Depth in. _ Oxidized Root Channels _ Saturated So Dep ___WAte-Stained Leaves Water in borehole, Depth —in. _ Mapped Hydric Sot�Heptessio�__ _ Water Marks, Height is _ FAC Neutral Test 1_ _ _ Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Sediment Deposits Other -Explain Yes _ No Assumed -Explain: ---Un'determined - Explain: 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952401-8757, Fez 952-401-8798 /J Prcject/Sde N ,00r-7 VEGETATION SAMPI F PnINT_ Woe calx un aide seroe Paint ID — Species Stratum % Cover Ind. Status �. V S T Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Remarks: r H V T Z Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? H V S D V S T C /C� Hydric Soils Present? Yes No' V S T r. - H V S T Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge H V S T NIA H V S T H V S T Remarks: e, _ % Dominants j>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: .. tJ /7� SAMPLE POINT- wet side lip side NIA Sp cies Stratum % Cover Ind. Status H V S UT H V S H V S H V S H V S _ H V S H�V_S H V S H V S T H V S T Remarks: I% Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT- Wet side upside NIA Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Welland Hydrdogy Present? Yes ,,.�o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes _y,GtGo Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes /s the area a wetland? Yes ��'l'e/� Remarks: Distance from Welland Edge ft. J/imrLc Wet sp8 Upland Corrnnuni T : Yl7 G vJ up 94e Overall Dominant Y tion: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Remarks: No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes n Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes No' Does an Atypic Exist? _Yes Is the area a wetland? Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge ft. NIA r_r%UUI IIJITY SI IMMGRY Wetland Community T Upland Corrnnuni T : Yl7 G vJ Overall Dominant Vegetation: Overall Dominant Y tion: Remarks: Remarks: Page 2 A,/ r 0 The contents of this file have been scanned. Do not add anything to V t unless it has been scanned. . • RECEIVED MAY 11 2005 �9 Xcel Energy-., April 19, 2005 Chuck Alcon Alcon Associates 6138 76" Lane Lorette, MN 55357 ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT YobeM FFarm Line 0734 NEIA SETA, Sec. 04 Tl 16, R23, Carver County File: 2005.036 Dear Chuck: Cert Mail CITY OF CHANHASSEN 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1993 Our Transmission Engineers have reviewed the Preliminary plans for Yoberry Farm subdivision encroachment request submitted January 6, 2005. The encroachment is acceptable to Xcel Energy under the following conditions: Project Description This project consists of development of a residential subdivision, Yobeny Farms, 3rd Addition along 69kV transmission Line 0734. The east side of the development abuts our transmission easements. (1) Grade change around structure location. Fill around or above wood pole foundations is not permitted. The grade around the structures must provide for surface water runoff — no surface water ponding around structures will be permitted. Any cost related to the adjustment of Xcel Energy's facilities will be at the requestor's expense. (2) Grade change within easement. WDC f The ground elevation within the easement shall not be increased above tw feet mean sea level, 1929 adjustment or above the existing or proposed grade. Stockpiling of soil and/or material within the easement will not be permitted. Grading shall be in accordance with Landform drawing C3.1, December 20, 2004. (3) Clearances to equipment and workers. A working clearance of 20 feet between the electrical conductors and any cranes or digging equipment used in or near the easement, or a clearance of 20 feet to the physical proximity of workers must be maintained at all times. In addition, any construction near the transmission line(s) shall comply with all OSHA Safety Clearances. If this clearance cannot Pagel of 3 geANNEo 0 0 Page 2 April 19, 1005 be maintained, the contractor or developer must arrange for a line outage by calling Xcel Energy's System Control department (Steve Rollin 612/330-2875). At least two weeks advanced notice must be provided in order to schedule a line outage. There is a fee of approximately $350.00 per day, per outage, for this service. This fee must be paid prior to outage. The preceding (two) paragraph(s) must be included in a prominent location on the plan sets provided to contractors. (4) Landscaping within the easement. Detailed plans for landscaping (including light standards) must be submitted to Xcel Energy for review and approval. Generally shorter varieties of trees and shrubs 15 feet or less mature height may be considered. If planting is permitted, the line's voltage and the tree's mature height and the distance from the line must be considered. For maintenance purposes there shall be no planting with 15 feet of structure sites. Please substitute another lower growing specie for the Two (2) White Ash trees on the back of Lot B of Landform Landscaping drawing L2.1, December 20, 2004. (5) Building on easements. There shall be no permanent or temporary building allowed within the easement area (6) Fuel and refueling on easements. There shall be no fuel tanks stored or refueling of vehicles and equipment within the easement. (7) Streetlights and signs on easements. If there are to be streetlights, signboards, identification signs or any other type of non - building structure within the easement, detailed plans must be submitted to Xcel Energy for review and approval to verify compliance with electrical code clearances. It is the express condition of this consent that all other terms and conditions of that certain easement granted by Randolph Herman on September 1, 1953 and recorded on May 10, 1954 in Book 57 page 306 as Document No. 85871 shall remain in full force and effect. To acknowledge receipt of and agreement with the terms of this consent, prior to the commencement of any activities, please sign this letter and return it to me by fax. Fax signatures are accepted to expedite this process. If this signed agreement is not received back within 15 days of the date of this agreement, it will be presumed that you are not in agreement with its content and this agreement will be considered null and void, the file will be closed and your request will need to be resubmitted. 0 Page 3 April 19, 2005 Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation. Since y; Edwin O. Trapp Sr. Right of Way Agent Siting and Land Rights 612-330-6956 1.715.852.5418 (fax) cc: Dave Berklund Dave Rockwell/JPL NH: 104760-6 Str: 60 0 ACCEPTED: By �, y . Its 0 DATE November 19, 2004 CASE # 04-43 PROJECT Yoberry Farm WATER QUALITY WATER QUANTITY SV;W FEE WORKSHEET Site Area in Acres Outlot B, Yoberry Farm Outlot C, Yoberry Farm Outlot A, Yoberry Farm 2nd Outlot A, Yoberry Farm 3rd Assessable area MG) zl I[WN MIM 14 M1V I CO) zI FEES I4 y 30.50 (1.83) (2.06) (0.12) (0.39) 26.10 Rate per Acre Acres Total $ 1,028.00 26.10 $ 26,830.80 Rate per Acre Acres Total $ 2,545.00 26.10 $ 66,424.50 CREDITS ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE Storm water pond acre 0 $ 1,028.00 $ - Outlet structure each 2.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 1) x.000.00 SWMP FEE $ 93,255.30 SWNT CREDITS $ 5,000.00 TOTAL SWMP FEE $ 88,255.30 SCANNED I 11 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard • P.O. Box 147 • Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name of Applicant: Younguuist Property Project Location: 25.48 acres in the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 9, TI 16N, R23W in Chanhassen. MN Type of Application (check one): Date of Decision: October 22,2004 0 Delineation Decision ❑ Exemption Decision ❑ No Loss Decision ❑ Replacement Plan Decision ❑ Banking Plan Decision Findings and Conclusions On November 20, 2004 the applicant submitted a wetland delineation of the above site. The wetland boundary map by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company dated October 20, 2004 illustrates approximate jurisdictional wetland boundaries verified on- site by City staff on October 22, 2004. A survey of wetland boundaries has neither been received nor verified. CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: Title: ater Resources Coordinator Date: October 25, 2004 GOM M 0 0 [Insert List Name and Address of Local Government Unit Here]City of Chanhassen - 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 - Chanhassen. MN 55317 Name of Applicant: Youngquist Property Application Number: n/a Type of Application (check one): Date of Decision: October 25, 2004 Check One: ®Approved List of Addressees: [Landowner] Youngquist Property ❑ Exemption Decision ❑ No Loss Decision ❑ Replacement Plan Decision ❑ Banking Plan Decision ® Wetland Type/Boundary Decision ❑ Approved with conditions ❑ Denied [Members of Technical Evaluation Panel] Chip Hentges, Carver SWCD Brad Wozney, BWSR [Watershed District or Watershed Management Organization (If Applicable)] Bob Obermeyer, Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District [Department of Natural Resources Regional Office] Julie Ekman, Area Hydrologist DNR Wetlands Coordinator @ Ecological Services Section 500 Lafayette Road, Box 25 St. Paul, MN 55155 Corp of Engineers Project Manager @ Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District ATTN: CO -R, 190 Fifth Street East St. Paul, MN 55101-1638 [Individual members of the public who requested a copy, summary only] Kelley Dlouhy, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Youngquist Delin Notice - Page 1 of 2 (October 2004) E 0 You are hereby notified that the decision of the Local Government Unit on the above - referenced application was made on the date stated above. A copy of the Local Government Unit's Findings and Conclusions is attached. Pursuant to Minn. R. 8420.0250 any appeal of the decision must be commenced by mailing a petition for appeal to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the mailing of this Notice. COVE UNIT] October 25.2004 Si afore Date Water Resources Coordinator Title - Page 2of2 Youngquist Delin Notice (October 2004) [Insert List Name and Address of Local Government Unit Here]City of Chanhassen - 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 - Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name of Applicant: Youngquist Pronertv Application Number: n/a Type of Application (check one): Date of Decision: October 25, 2004 Check One: ®Approved List of Addressees: [Landowner] Youngquist Property ❑ Exemption Decision ❑ No Loss Decision ❑ Replacement Plan Decision ❑ Banking Plan Decision ® Wetland Type/Boundary Decision ❑ Approved with conditions ❑ Denied [Members of Technical Evaluation Panel] Chip Hentges, Carver SWCD Brad Wozney, BWSR [Watershed District or Watershed Management Organization (If Applicable)] Bob Obermeyer, Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District [Department of Natural Resources Regional Office] Julie Ekman, Area Hydrologist DNR Wetlands Coordinator @ Ecological Services Section 500 Lafayette Road, Box 25 St. Paul, MN 55155 Corp of Engineers Project Manager @ Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District ATTN: CO -R, 190 Fifth Street East St. Paul, MN 55101-1638 [Individual members of the public who requested a copy, summary only] Kelley Dlouhy, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Youngquist Delin Notice -Page I of 2 (October 2004) 0 0 You are hereby notified that the decision of the Local Government Unit on the above - referenced application was made on the date stated above. A copy of the Local Government Unit's Findings and Conclusions is attached. Pursuant to Minn. R. 8420.0250 any appeal of the decision must be commenced by mailing a petition for appeal to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the mailing of this Notice. GOVE UNIT] October 25 2004 Si ature Date Water Resources Coordinator Title - Page 2 of 2 Youngquist Delin Notice (October 2004) 10/19/2004 2117 9524018798 • FaX KJOLHAUG • PAGE 01/07 .l IJOL UG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY ftVM ,g s"Mx adored cc� N WWft omce sdAkns r0: NAME COMPANY FAX NUMBER Lori Haak City of Chanhassen 952-227-1935 Ix: IWOM: NAME DATE A of pages (induding this Page) Keny Dlouhy 10/21Y2004 7 :7 FYI ❑ For Your Review 11 Comme11t8: O Ptws ILsFIy H As 11re Dlsawd 'attached are the data sheets for the Youngquist Property wetland delineation. I have jeneral notes on the Wirtz Addition and Weathers property, but no data sheets since I here were no wetlands. F=riday would work for me to review those sites, how about 10:00 am? Let me know if you need anything else. 26105 Mid Rose Line, 8horewDod, Minnesota 55331, Phone 952401-8757, Fac 952401.8799 SCANNED 10/19/2004 21:17 ' Ili�� Frojecubt e; lnvesbgaG',r(s): Baslri/Are.) ID; 9524018798KJOLHAUG PAGE 02/07 KJol HAUL 0 - Sample Pt- ID: / - SOILS SAMPLE F DINT- _L��,Td. Up side _WA Mapped Sa T,yp@z SAMPLE I DINT. Wet sJdaUp �.' _N/A Mapped Soil Type: se'/ MONAW, ' M0 &, y if/ ? T6 10,W, 3y ­ b).� t-1 (7 Mapped Hydric SoD.Deptession 1/,4Z Fr A)& FAC-Neutrai Tcst _ Drift Arles Topographic position Un4gWanined-Explain: T—eldindic,'ttors of Hydric Soils; (Midwest Region) 1JSD-% Naunch ISO. (Aftau solls, 5 = sandy gsltq, r - wanmy& cirley sons) Al. Hi: nsol A9,10.1-7 m Muck S6. S*ped Matrix F ca �RZ;6ox=SS7711CC S 1. Sandy Mooky MabmCisi 31. 3 andy Mucky Material — Fl. Lo" Mucky Material 6AW _A2.M:jcEpipcdon A3. B1:.* Matic S3. MuckyPeattlDcar F2. Loamy Gloyed Nish-& _F7. Depleted Dark Surface — A4. H] drogeD SulfidB S4. Sandy Oleyed Matrix _l?3• Depleted Matrix F8. RadoorDepr"sions —A5. So ati&d Layers S5. Sandy Redox _N. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric _._�Undetadrnlnecl Remarks: SAMPLE I DINT. Wet sJdaUp �.' _N/A Mapped Soil Type: se'/ HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT -Wet aide Upside _NIA Dwffi in, Oxidized Root Charmels arurated Soil, Depth in. 4 Watu-StainodLeavas 77Z�ah ( in boreh&&,Depth in. Mapped Hydric Sc4, Depression Went r Marks, 144ta k FAC -Neutral Test I Drift Lines TopographioPositicla Scdi -rut Deposits Other -Explain: SMPLE I DINT- —Wetaldo 4'� �P'161 _WA No Assumed - Explain: Undeterrabcd - Eqlaiw Inum.ate(L Depth _ in. Oxidized Root Channels y Sent :ted sod,Dcoh hL Water -Stained Leaves L' -Z W4V;'idboreh0IC,VVtb _ it- Mapped Hydric SoD.Deptession 7 —Waki-Morka, Reight in. FAC-Neutrai Tcst _ Drift Arles Topographic position Un4gWanined-Explain: Field lndk ntors of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, Momh 1998. (A ft an sons, a . sandy sons, F z loamy & plitygy sons) Al. Maosol A9,10.1.2 craMuck S6. Stripped Matrix — F5. Thick Dark SurfacC — — _A2.1]1'!;ticrzpipedM _ S 1. Sandy Mooky MabmCisi Fl. Loamy Mucky matmial — F6. Rcdox Dark Surface _A3 'BlIck Histic S3. mocicy peat/ped F2. Loamy CAeW Matrix — F7. DepletedDark Suflhce paS AC R-drogen. sumd S4. Sandy Cloyed Matrix F3. Depicted Matrix — 178, Redox Depressions A5. Statifled Layers 35. Sandy Redox: F4_ Depleted BelowDark Surface Hydric Soli? _Yes—:�e _._�Undetadrnlnecl Remarks: HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT -Wet aide Upside _NIA Dwffi in, Oxidized Root Charmels arurated Soil, Depth in. 4 Watu-StainodLeavas 77Z�ah ( in boreh&&,Depth in. Mapped Hydric Sc4, Depression Went r Marks, 144ta k FAC -Neutral Test I Drift Lines TopographioPositicla Scdi -rut Deposits Other -Explain: SMPLE I DINT- —Wetaldo 4'� �P'161 _WA No Assumed - Explain: Undeterrabcd - Eqlaiw Inum.ate(L Depth _ in. Oxidized Root Channels y Sent :ted sod,Dcoh hL Water -Stained Leaves L' -Z W4V;'idboreh0IC,VVtb _ it- Mapped Hydric SoD.Deptession Assumed - Explain: —Waki-Morka, Reight in. FAC-Neutrai Tcst _ Drift Arles Topographic position Un4gWanined-Explain: — So& eat Deposits Other -Explain Dray ago Patterns - — .. )V) 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Mindesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax 952-401-9798 10/19/2004 21:17 9524018798 Kjai-i4 G VEGETATION SAMPL : POINT- —t; a Ilde Up SMO --WA Sample Pant PAGE 03/07 c� s .,. • h...�h4�p''i t > . f" %«' . 'd�rti .M ndfaCGs Pf,,/.�,s ���ti -v s T n. H V S 10 S _Yes 4V S T 2. V S T 2 FI V S T ' r V S T Cf R r V S T / aide NIA V S T No Does an Atypical Situation Exist 1 Ldi� V S T t Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes W V S T _Yes , arta a weNand7 H V S T FT 2: re /7,fcl H V S T Rema *s: % Dominants (x-20% cover) FAC or. Wo ter: SAMPLJ:: POINT- T Vint sidetip elda NIA +�7-G'i:s.�/an �'�..'.'�' �.. 're �:,: e-.9. �' :'�M°n�F�S.. 8 •,.a .moi. t(AxU tilt �i - O�.i ryry.�33[I"i SAMPLI POINT- e<tilde /Ua H V S Gtj H v s Hf V T Yes H V S� ..: H V S _Yes 4V S T 2. "Yae� H V S T FI V S T ' es H V s T Rema ICS: % Dominants (520% Cover) FAC or Wetter: WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLI POINT- e<tilde Up tilde NIA ra �phytic Vegetation Presenl7No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes :md Hydrology Present? // Yds^ No Does en Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ic, Soils Present? L "Yae� No Does an Atypical Situarion Exist?:a area a wetland) es No Remarks: 'ice from Wetland Edge ft. N/A SAMPUE I POINT- VM sideUp aide NIA Hyl, phytic Vegetal on Present? Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist .nd Hydrology Present? Yes t Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes �:, Soils Present? Yes _�M6 Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes , arta a weNand7 Yes __Yes __ANv-' Remarks: COMMUNITY Overall Remarks: Page 2 10/19/2004 21:17 9524018798 KJOLHAUG PAGE 04/07 5W o II KJOLH.AUG COMPjkW E :e: p7/,t)(o ' / S Date:M(s): P4gample Pt ID: a ID: ,dJ L r Z� 77 SOILS SAMPLE POINT- taetslde Upsldc WA MappeaSoilType: SAMPLE POINT- Wat tldc pslda _WA Mapped Soil Type: -�, .,, - . DA tli' Ir• -? .i;�.`iNtifrix �OIOr a:,;? `.`?"MdCtl'es Colof:i.`.. otlfrgs>: KX„"^-' e � „ aq'C€xtrlre, StniEtu(ie, etc, w-. /D v ezI&Yn - Drift -.roes _ Topographic Position linden, j ad -Explain: �1/ `Other-13xp1a(tc Field Indic storm of Hydric Solis (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A . an colla, S = sandy soar, F = taamy i clayey sails) F. loamy s Clayey sous) A9,10.1-2 as Mark , S6. Stripped Mahv F5. Dori Surface _y A2.H:;tieEpipedon 91. Sandy Mucky Matcrial F1. LoamMucky Material K. Red0xDarkSnrfa:a A3. Black Histic 3. Mucky PeatiPeat F2. Loamy GI eyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. FT;,dtogea Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gicyeci Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _A5. St atUied S5. SandyRcdox _ N. Depleted Below Dark Surface Remarks: Hydric Se i17 e5 NO Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- Wat tldc pslda _WA Mapped Soil Type: -�, .,, - . DA tli' Ir• -? .i;�.`iNtifrix �OIOr a:,;? `.`?"MdCtl'es Colof:i.`.. •^'s„�y"d•IYtoide abuntl:fCtitlti'' �" a �. �}.w$'. ' KX„"^-' e � „ aq'C€xtrlre, StniEtu(ie, etc, w-. ` WaterStamed Leaves No Mapped hydric Son, Depression Assumed -Explain: _ Were -Marta, Height in. _ FAC-NwtralTest - Drift -.roes _ Topographic Position linden, j ad -Explain: Sed-n,entDeposits Drair;ute Patterns `Other-13xp1a(tc Field Indic atorm of Hydric Solis (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A= an tout, S =sandy sons, F. loamy s Clayey sous) _Al. FL ntosol _ A2. RAW1pipcdon _ A9,10.1-2 em Muck _31. S�dy Mucky Material _ S6. Stripped Matrix FS Dark Surface _ F1. Loamy Mucky Material �`de Redox Dark Surface A3. Bt,ok Mric _ 33, Mucky ?cat/Peat `F2. Loamy Wryed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4, Hi drogeu Sulfide �-,,, 84. Seedy Glcycd Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Rcdox Depressions _„ A5. St ratified La _.__ 35. S..ndy Redox - _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface HydricSoil? Yes __No Undetermined Remarks: HYDROLOGY SAMPLE P DINT- wet side Up two WA - loon .steel, Depth is Oxidized Root Channels Slum non Soil, Depth in. ate , in borehole, Depth in. ` WaterStamed Leaves No Mapped hydric Son, Depression Assumed -Explain: _ Were -Marta, Height in. _ FAC-NwtralTest - Drift -.roes _ Topographic Position linden, j ad -Explain: Sed-n,entDeposits Drair;ute Patterns `Other-13xp1a(tc Resent d t"Neem_ _. That tiled, Depth m Oxidized Root Channel. Y SaWr,ted Soil, Depth in. Wator Stained Leaves Wee in borehole, Depth n- Mapped Hydric Soil. Deptession _ Assumed - Explain: _ Wate Marls, Height in. _ FAC -Neutral Test 'Dritt:.iaes „_ Topographic Position iJndeterramcd- Explain: _ Sedm'(atDeposits Other -Explain Dna) !rPattems /UU GG✓�'r�/l ]`il �9 // 26105 Wild Roes 1-ene- Shorewood, btiotlegota 55331, Phena: 952.40I-8757, Paz 952401-3798 10/19/2004 21:17 9524018798 KJOL.HALIG PnMeGlS�t : 4411/S 7' • _ Smnple Paint tr0Z — VEGETATION SAMPLE 1?04NT- WetsltlC Up side WA PAGE 05/07 i Nr�t"`- i Yes H V S T H V S T H V S T H V 5 T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remat Its: °h Dominants (>20°� Cover) FAC or Wotter• SAMPLE POINT- Wetetde �slde _NSA SAMPLE POINT- Nhatnlde E ::phytic Vegetation Present? nd Hydrology Present? Soils Present? area a vmVand? nce from Wetland Edge SAMPLE POINT. Wetelde WETLAND DETERMINATION =1 Upalde _WA Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes No Does an Atypical Situation E)dst? Yes Y9es No Remarks: 5 ft. NIA NM Hydn: phytic Vegetation Present? Yes .. o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Wetland Hydrology Present? - Yes � Does an Atypical Situation E:dst? Yes S T v/ cdnG i5 �• V S T - G/ • i �/�' V S T ��� V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remat its; % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAG or Wetter: SAMPLE POINT- Nhatnlde E ::phytic Vegetation Present? nd Hydrology Present? Soils Present? area a vmVand? nce from Wetland Edge SAMPLE POINT. Wetelde WETLAND DETERMINATION =1 Upalde _WA Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes No Does an Atypical Situation E)dst? Yes Y9es No Remarks: 5 ft. NIA NM Hydn: phytic Vegetation Present? Yes .. o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Wetland Hydrology Present? - Yes � Does an Atypical Situation E:dst? Yes Hydri::.Soils Present? Yes �/Does an Atypical Situation E:dst?_Yes Is 1b.. area a wetland? Yes "o Remarks: Dista ice from Wetland Edge ft. N/A COMMUNITY SUMMARY / _.a ' I a w wrow, Page 2 10/19/2004 21:17 9524018798 KJOLHAUG PAGE 06/07 - / Up Side —WA lis. Kfo_L UG £N VT1ZdNMlEN Y •IETWICES Cf}MPAWN i Project/S ;e: Y — Date: -Z(o Invesliga' ar(s): /L ouy#a . BasirdArca ID: Sample Pt. ID: SOILS SAMPLE POINT- wet alae Up side WA Mapped Son Type:_ & U=ftil; is %s.....e . a.'.rniliJ.o755's...b"ft1E:a6t5[jeo fi?' ;edit .. .i:.:"`•i,r:`: HYDROLOGY - / Up Side —WA E? ma .• IL •. _ bt tted, Depth ..^uL Soil, Depth � ia. Field Indic mors of Hydriio Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A =all Bolls. S = sandy soaB, F = loamy a c4yey aoita) —Al.Ratosol —A8,10.12cmMuck S6. Stripped. Matrix F5. Thick DsrkSurface _AIR-itic Epipedon S1. Sandy Muck), Material Fl. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dick Surface _A3. Blndr Histie S3, Madry Pcat/Fcat �S4.SandyGlcyedMattx wF2, Loamy Glcyed Matrix F7. Depicted Dark Surface _A4.H,•drogemSolfidc — Sandy Mucky Material _F3.DepletedMatint oxnepressions _ AS. St ati5ed Layers S5. Sandy Redox _ 1174. Depleted Below Dark Surfam Hydric Sair? No ,.,_,Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- watsldeUP am. WA Mapped Soil Type: �S�llgCvw .'e7e`-th' Il' -� c "v'M24i'ix Cobra [ �?'3ytd$f Colors ';) ;"' ';tMotild'ib-itrJa46 ra§t,31 :Y .'^'teittu`i'E. St"rj7otuYe, rata". -X :`; 6 HYDROLOGY SAMPLE F HINT- wet a de Up Side —WA E? ma .• F •. _ bt tted, Depth ..^uL Soil, Depth � ia. _ Oxidized Root Channels - .ted �inborchole,Depth(�in. Field Indic utors of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1898. (A a act sous, S =candy sons, F = loamy a clayey salla) —Al. FB .tosol _ A9,10. 1-2 ero Muck S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface _A2. M -tie EpipedonS1. — Sandy Mucky Material ^ _ FI. Loma Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surfuee A3.81 .ak liistic S3, Mucky Peat/peat ^ _ F2. Lomuy Cloyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hj drogcn Sulfide _ S4, Sandy Gleyed Matnbc _F3. Depleted Matrix_� F8. RedmeDepressions AS. Ser edified Layers ^-, S5. y Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface MAW Hydric So 17 ,_Yes o Undetermined Remarks: Satur :ed Sox Depth in. 261DS Wild Rose Lanc, Shorewood. Minnem,oft 55331, Phoac: 952-401.8757, Fax: 952.403.8798 HYDROLOGY SAMPLE F HINT- wet a de Up Side —WA E? ma .• •. _ bt tted, Depth ..^uL Soil, Depth � ia. _ Oxidized Root Channels - .ted �inborchole,Depth(�in. Water-Stamed Leaves No - MappedBydricSotDepM"iou Assumed -Explain Marks, Height in. FAC-Icutral Test use L Topographic position Undetermined-F-VTa n imt Deposita Otbar-fix bur.-� Patterns SAMPLE PANT- wet,laa p Bide � WA Y f i MAW —Imund..led, Depen io. C)mdized Root Channels Satur :ed Sox Depth in. water -Stained Leaves o y In borehole, Depth _Z.4) m. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depres%m Assumed -Explain: _ Water !dada, Height in- Teat I at _FAC-Nwtral _ TopogWhicPosition Undetcmincd-Explain: Sedimft —Sedim.;xt Deposits Other -Explain . Dmins,.;�ePatterns /i7 F/2,00 261DS Wild Rose Lanc, Shorewood. Minnem,oft 55331, Phoac: 952-401.8757, Fax: 952.403.8798 10/19/2004 211:17�/e 95224018798 KJOLHAUG � VEGETATION SAMPLE. POINT- ✓ Wetslde up sills WA Sample Point PAGE 07/07 WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE:PONT- LWgtside 'Up MI& NIA Hydn Watk. :ihytic vegetation Present? rd Hydrology Present? Y� �Y�w No —No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation F)dst? Yes – _ Yea es No No Does an Atypical Situation Exst? Yes Remarks: Dista ice from Welland Edge _ ft. _N/A NIA V S T 2 V S T VST H V S T H V S T H V S T Rental its: - % Dominards (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE:PONT- LWgtside 'Up MI& NIA Hydn Watk. :ihytic vegetation Present? rd Hydrology Present? Y� �Y�w No —No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation F)dst? Yes Hydrl:; Soils Present? Is tin: area a wotfand? Yea es No No Does an Atypical Situation Exst? Yes Remarks: Dista ice from Welland Edge _ ft. _N/A NIA SAMPLE POINT- Wet old* IJ land CO : ao*1 #im pnldo WA ahytic Vegetation Present? Yes d Hydrology Present? Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation 6dst?Yes ;Soils Present? E Yes No/ Does an Atypical SRuatlon Exist? area a wetland? Yes _Yes =0 Remarks: oe from Wetland Edge ft. NIA r0flARA11NITV CI IMMARV Wetland :gtattntmity x IJ land CO : ao*1 #im Oc�erall ::>ominant Ve2etati:m -- L Overall Dominant V etation Lk,/CT/!d7 Remark : Remarks: Page 2 0 0 Haak, Lori From: kelly [keldlou @yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, October 18,20G4 2:32 PM To: Haak, Lori Subject: Wetland delienation reviews -Chanhassen El El El El 5 i telocyoungquistaerialyoungquist-etwiyoungquist-eta;oilyoungquist-eta doc (122 KB... tal.doc (24... Am (407 K.. Am (677 ... Lori, I'm having some work e-mail troubles at the moment so I opted to send this informaiton to you via another address. I have attached a site location map, aerial photograph, NWI-map, and soil survey of three sites in Chanhassen. They are referred to as the Youngquist Property, Weathers Property, and the Wirtz Addition on the aerial photograph. All of the sites were completed before 9/15/04. 1 flagged 3 wetlands on the YOngquist property, and there wer no wetlands on the other two parcels. I have completed reports for all of the sites but do not yet have the survey for any of them so I have not yet printed an submitted them. I ask that you review the information as we are seeking approval of the wetland delienation. Please contact me when you plan to visit the sites or if you have any questions. You can response to this address at the moment or call me at the number below. Sincerely, Kelly Dlouhy Kjolhaug Environmental Services 26105 Wild Rose Lane Shorewood, MN 55331 Phone: 952-401-8757 Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today! http://vote.yahoo.com SCANNED 11 Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. ira%, Sta evoetl Murray St Site Location 00at —� 1 7 ,- Herman r Field Pw% ` i HRIPark Lafre9bhnerasAh Lake Marwwa a RegionalP tr x.41 117'. T dnBcbO?g- rtr - _ pwHwrsaen _ - t u: Lake HMI Park APKW 42 �19�.1Lylzler �7l7d -- e 6200, M Soh. Corp_ A ngF mne o- Figure 1 - Site Location Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota ,L KJOLi AuG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN No Scale �r 0 Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. 0 Figure 2 — Aerial Photograph Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota ±Nt� '�(' i LiA T��r TN 1 inch - 545 feet l IJOLHAuG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY 0 Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approiCmates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 3 — NWI Map Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY +N 1 inch - 945 feet Vr 11 Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. 0 Figure 2 — Aerial Photograph Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota Kj('JOLHAUT ��TT G ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN 1 inch - 545 feet �r Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. K E?. m Wirtz Addition ( cy" Youngquist Property l r �.LJ* Im 1t�x KS ryh IVD KD 0.4 Weathers Property IF m KC2, KD2, KE2-Lester-Kilkenny loams, 6 to 12%,12 to 18, and 18 to 25% slopes (eroded) HM -Hamel loam NC3, ND3, NE3-Lester-Kilkenny clay loam, 6 to 12, 12 to 18%, and 18 to 25% slopes (severely eroded) PM -Palms muck KD -Lester -Kilkenny loams, 12 to 18% slopes TB-Terril loam, 0 to 6% slopes KB -Kilkenny -Lester loams, 2 to 6% slopes Figure 4 — Soil Map Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) &t� Chanhassen, Minnesota _u- KJOLHAUGENMONMENTALSEMCES COMPANY +N Scale: 1 inch - 630 feet �.r�r Examples of Rear Lot L iinesn close proximity to Streets in Chanhassen , 0 0 Double frontage lots with frontage on two (2) parallel streets or reverse frontage shall not be permitted except where lots back on an arterial or collector street. Such lots shall have an additional depth of at least ten (10) feet to accommodate vegetative screening along the back lot line. Wherever possible, structures on double frontage lots should face the front of existing structures across the street. If this cannot be achieved, then such lots shall have an additional depth of ten (10) feet to accommodate vegetation screening along the back lot line. 13' way / Right -of THE WOOD5 AT LONGACRES LOT 5 I �+I 75' 37' Dar Property Line PUTLOT ice, I , i 0 0 uo191 M `i , ,4 r Rp _ Via• � _.--�-" =�- ' . k KNOB HILL ! , ti + 1 t POMTE N air 0 YOBERRY FARMS NORTH CUL-DE-SAC OPTION 36 HOMES ENTER/EXIT TO HIGHOVER 21 HOMES ENTER/EXIT TO LONGACRES City Issues/Comments- N'Hood- o Larger % (63%) of traffic exits via Highover N'hood o Less Hunter Drive Traffic from southern homes o Less HOA issues i.e.park trespassing 0 Can maximize use of Temp Hgy 41 access only with additional work o NE cul-de-sac remains the same 0 • Technical - o San Sewer- Still eliminates LS o Watermain- Still looped o New Water Facility- City can still place new water line from West to East o Trails -s L;✓�¢�4,..z' o Grading - o Variances -4a s S:$ a (io o Cul-de-sac- Longer and er i e 86 homes Developer Issues/Comments- o N'Hood- o More closely aligned to Highover in terms of architecture and price points o More homes in Minnetonka schools o Can maximize temp access Hwy 41 for development construction o Will still have separate HOA o S o Technical - o Tot Lot- Still in place and accessible from both sections o S o S o S bVj • 2i6- '� YOBERRY FARMS SOUTH CUL-DE-SAC OPTION 36 HOMES ENTER/EXIT TO LONGACRES 21 HOMES ENTER/EXIT TO HIGHOVER City Issues/Comments- • N'Hood- o Larger % (63%) of traffic exits via Longacres N'hood o More potential Hunter Drive Traffic from southern homes o More HOA issues i.e. park trespassing o Can maximize use of Temp Hwy 41 access 0 • Technical - o San Sewer- Still eliminates LS o Watermain- Still looped o New Water Facility- City can still place new water line from West to East o Trails- o Grading- jz o Variances- O 8 jd-Q o Cul-de-sac- Shorter and services homes L�J/ Developer Issues/Comments- o N'Hood- o More closely aligned to Highover in terms of architecture and price points o Less homes in Minnetonka schools o Can maximize temp access Hwy 41 for development construction o Will still offer Longacre park annual membership as a voluntary option. o S o Technical- 0 0 1. Issues a. The proposed Development exceeds the capacity of a local road on the proposed Highover-Drive / Gunflint Trail through -street. Finding: Per the City of Chanhassen's Transportation portion of the Comprehensive Plan, a residential street can be expected to safely handle 1000 trips/day. An engineering guideline for the amount of traffic generated from a residential lot is approx. 10 trips/day. This means that most residential streets can handle traffic from 100 lots. Currently, there are 51 lots from Highover that must use Highover Dr. and there are 9 lots that access Gunflint Trail. It can be logically assumed that not all of the 58 proposed lots from Yoberry will exit the site to the north. With this assumption, there is no way that the number of lots using either Highover Dr. or Gunflint Trail will approach the 100 lot maximum. As for street width, in the City of Chanhassen the street width is defined or measured from the back of the concrete curb on one side of the street to the back of the concrete curb on the other side of the street. A review of the City as -built plans for both exist. Hunter Dr. and Gunflint Trail show that the streets are 31 -feet wide from back-to-back of curb. This meets the current City code requirement for local street widths. b. The direct connection of the Highover and Longacres neighborhoods as proposed conflicts with the City Code requirement of discouraging through -traffic on a local street. (18-57) a & j (a) Streets shall be dedicated on the plat to the public. The location and design of streets shall consider existing and planned streets, reasonable traffic circulation, topographic conditions, runoff of stormwater, public convenience and safety and the proposed land uses of property to be served. (j) The alignment shall discourage through traffic. Finding: The issue here is the idea of through or, more precisely, cut -through traffic on a local street. My interpretation of what the code is trying to discourage is the use of local streets as an easy or enticing cut -through route to avoid certain traffic control devices (ie. signals, stop signs, etc.). I don't believe the code means to discourage the connection of local streets to serve local, residential traffic. That is what the Hunter Dr./Gunflint Trail connection will be doing through the Yoberry development. In my professional engineering opinion, I doubt that traffic on Lake Lucy Road to the north will tum down a winding residential street with a stop sign and a tee -intersection (which Hunter Dr. will have) to go south to TH 5 instead of simply taking either TH 41 or Galpin Blvd. Either of these latter roads is a much more direct route and has a faster speed limit than the local street, Hunter Dr. SCMNO 0 0 Staff studied the access issue to the subject property (Yoberry Farms) concurrently with Longacres and Highover Subdivisions as required by section 18-57 (a). Streets were planned in a fashion to accommodate future planned streets (the extension of Highover Drive and Gunflint Trail). Also, to meet the requirement specified in section 18-57 0), the streets were aligned to provide traffic calming measures. No straight street alignments. In reviewing the Highover staff report dated July 14, 1997, staff found the following language: "In reviewing this plat, staff also had to look at access to the property to the south. While these property owners (the Harveys (currently David Hurrell) own the parcel located southwest of the subject site and the Youngquists own the land located south of the subject site) are not ready to develop or subdivide at this time, they have been asked to give consideration as to how their property will be developed. Staff wanted to ensure that they are not land locked. Highover Drive will be stubbed to the northern property line of the Harvey's parcel. When they are ready to develop, the street will extend through the Harvey's property to the Youngquist site and will eventually hook up with Longacres Drive" A corresponding condition was placed in the development contract which read: "Temporary cul-de-sacs will be required at the ends of Highover Drive and Highover Trail. Traffic barricades shall also be installed with a sign indicating "'Phis street shall be extended in the future". A condition will also be placed in the development contract to notify future property owners of the street extension." Highover Drive As -Built Plans Showing a 31 foot Back of Curb to Back of Curb Cross Section In reviewing the Longacres PUD staff report dated May 4, 1994, staff found the following language: "The major thoroughfare, Longacres Drive, is designated as an easttwest collector street providing future connection from Trunk Highway 41 to Galpin Boulevard. This segment of roadway is also listed on the City's MSA system. The applicant has submitted detailed street construction plans to MnDOT's State Aid office for review and approval. It is necessary to receive at least preliminary approval on the street alignment from MnDOT prior to having the final plat approved and recorded at the County. Staff believes that the street alignment will meet the State's design criteria; however, should the State request a modification the applicant should be required to comply with their requirements." A corresponding condition was placed in the development contract which read: "The applicant shall construct a 36 -foot wide gutter -to -gutter urban street section along Street A. The remaining streets may be constructed to City urban standards (31 -foot wide back-to-back)." In reviewing the Longacres 4w Addition staff report dated May 7, 1997, staff found the following language: 94' RC •/M M*1 WAW T2.0 C.Y. a8 W RM 27B.O CY. ELM _1 ROTE 28 PES -8 COIPACTIM E DE YMD IJFM TIVER 5PE45. &L 1 EOR URGER 5 EIS �I (95% S PPOC ) EXCA ATT UB UA11TS NOT 10 S11N-ft EXCEED M R7_1 EXCEED ORNRMZ ! UT JTY -,,, FASEYMT. 95 To' PROME 2 TE1pOPMY BA. CM_M-SAC ! FNB WPB O STA ]W / STREET U T °I� 3_ ' STM -89 p� SUAMWRTMLE LU1B ! W11FA OUT PULE MQ 5=1 1 ®-e CMBi BIT. CU20/EERY SOREi UONT S STREET lO ROLO DAMMFtMIA C11N1AGE M STREET. 9 -TYPE A BARB B W/SCR 4 BP%CAINC '1185 1RFET 'MLL BE f%AJOED N NIME CURB a PAiE NT TO BE E% M IN HE NAeiE P 3 ELECT10CAE PNhI EM MET MFLE HIGHOVER DRIVE Highover Drive As -Built Plans Showing a 31 foot Back of Curb to Back of Curb Cross Section In reviewing the Longacres PUD staff report dated May 4, 1994, staff found the following language: "The major thoroughfare, Longacres Drive, is designated as an easttwest collector street providing future connection from Trunk Highway 41 to Galpin Boulevard. This segment of roadway is also listed on the City's MSA system. The applicant has submitted detailed street construction plans to MnDOT's State Aid office for review and approval. It is necessary to receive at least preliminary approval on the street alignment from MnDOT prior to having the final plat approved and recorded at the County. Staff believes that the street alignment will meet the State's design criteria; however, should the State request a modification the applicant should be required to comply with their requirements." A corresponding condition was placed in the development contract which read: "The applicant shall construct a 36 -foot wide gutter -to -gutter urban street section along Street A. The remaining streets may be constructed to City urban standards (31 -foot wide back-to-back)." In reviewing the Longacres 4w Addition staff report dated May 7, 1997, staff found the following language: 0 0 "With this phase, Gunflint Trail is also being constructed north of Longacres Drive to provide a future connection to the property to the north. A temporary turnaround will not be required on Gunflint Trail due to the length of the street. Barricades with a sign indicating "This Street Shall be Extended in the Future" will be installed at the end of Gunflint Trail. A condition will also be placed in the development contract to notify future homeowners of the street extension." A corresponding condition was placed in the development contract which read: "Gunflint Trail is a temporary dead end street which will be extended in the future when the adjacent parcel develops." Gunflint Trail As -Built Plans Showing a 31 foot Back of Curb to Back of Curb Cross Section c. In several respects, the proposed development fails to adequately mitigate negative impact on the surrounding properties, as required by the City Code. Sharmeen d. In seeking to crowd as many residential lots as possible into the parcels, the proposed development requires dramatic alteration of the topography and vegetation, contrary to Municipal Code Section 18-39(f). Matt and Sharmeen provide finding Finding: As previously stated in the staff report, we believe the developer is doing the best job he can to blend in with the exist. topography especially when one considers the many site restraints or touchdown elevation points that the site must meet, ie. two exist. street connections, exist. home sites, and wetland edges. The city has establThe findings necessary for city council approval of the preliminary plat and the final plat shall be as follows: (1) The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; BEGINSTA. 0+37.91 -- -- Gunflint Trail As -Built Plans Showing a 31 foot Back of Curb to Back of Curb Cross Section c. In several respects, the proposed development fails to adequately mitigate negative impact on the surrounding properties, as required by the City Code. Sharmeen d. In seeking to crowd as many residential lots as possible into the parcels, the proposed development requires dramatic alteration of the topography and vegetation, contrary to Municipal Code Section 18-39(f). Matt and Sharmeen provide finding Finding: As previously stated in the staff report, we believe the developer is doing the best job he can to blend in with the exist. topography especially when one considers the many site restraints or touchdown elevation points that the site must meet, ie. two exist. street connections, exist. home sites, and wetland edges. The city has establThe findings necessary for city council approval of the preliminary plat and the final plat shall be as follows: (1) The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; 0 0 (2) The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; (3) The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and stormwater drainage are suitable for the proposed development; (4) The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; (5) The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; (6) The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; (7) The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: a. Lack of adequate stormwater drainage. b. Lack of dedicated and improved public streets. c. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems or no ISTS (individual sewer treatment system). d. Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. (g) The city shall notify the applicant of the city council's action, stating the conditions of approval or reasons for disapproval. (h) An applicant may at his own risk, apply to process the preliminary and final plats simultaneously. 2. Solutions a. Pursue access on Highway 41. b. Two cul-de-sacs. c. Road behind Harrison Hill Trail. d. Construction traffic off of 41. e. Less grading, tree removal and more open space. \ 0011, LCC< I ,� /�D ;lo, \ ^CUT CT42 E3 r -------------tt------ r- - / � / I6 / I /E3L0C< 12 / I / I I / I / �-- -j L----------- J -------+68------------ / / I /O 1 i\ / 1 � 221------� o ------- --- 117 1 \ ,1 YOBEQQY FA211 2ND ADDITION LOT BLOCK AREA _ I I _I_ 2 0.13 AG IB,9R 5F. 035 AC. (6.105 5F) 2 2 042 AC. 18,1% SFi_ 1 3 0.35 AC. 15,040 S F 2 _ 3 0.35 AC. IS 12 SFL- 3 OOTLOT A 3 _ _, QiI AC. IK0355f1 036 A6 16E96 SFL 0 LOT B 017 2415F)-- - ] LOTS TOTAL AREA 2.24 AC. (OL69 SF. 1 -Z 10 3300660 I SCALE IN FEET LAYOUT EXHIBIT YOBERKY FARM 750440113 SCANNED 9 -FEB -05 E •