NOVEMBER 28, 2023
Chair Vasatka called the meeting to order at 5:59 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Vasatka, Chair; Heather Markert, Vice Chair; Dan Eidsmo; Matt
Kutz; Jim Peck; Rob Swanson; and Youth Commissioner Nischay Pattanashetty.
STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation
Manager; Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor; Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Markert seconded
to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously
with a vote of 7 to 0.
Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, reminded the Park and Recreation Commission
the next meeting will be moved to December 12 and will be followed by a holiday social.
1. Civic Campus Project Update
Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager, shared updated renderings of the Civic Campus Project,
including images of City Hall and different park amenities. Ms. Hokkanen mentioned the design
of the band shell is still under consideration.
Commissioner Kutz asked if the band shell area was flat or gradually declined. Ms. Hokkanen
shared it is flat because it can be used for ice skating in the winter, but the back area has some
terraced seating for individuals to place lawn chairs.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – November 28, 2023
Ms. Hokkanen shared there was a lot of pavement during the design process and there has been a
move to restore green space. There will be a public open house for individuals to look at these
renderings. The first bid packages go out in late December, with the goal of construction for
certain areas to start in May 2024 and finalize in 2026.
Commissioner Peck inquired about the projected cost. Ms. Hokkanen stated $33 million. This
estimate could change if an elevator was installed. There were cost estimates of $300,000 to
$900,000 for this elevator. Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, shared the elevator
would be located on the southside of the parking ramp.
Chair Vasatka asked if the pickleball space was too close to the concert space and if the noise
would disrupt concerts. Mr. Ruegemer stated if there were acoustic panels or screening they
could install, they would consider it. Ms. Hokkanen shared that individuals questioned whether
to switch the pickleball courts with the skatepark, but both areas produce noise.
Chair Vasatka questioned whether the park building would be rentable. Mr. Ruegemer shared
this option remains to be explored but is dependent on the finalized designs.
Commissioner Markert asked if there was anything else slated in the park building space. Ms.
Hokkanen stated there would be a large lobby to be used for a warming area during skating. The
building space has been scaled back due to budgetary concerns, but she did not have a finalized
floor plan. There will be one large room, bathrooms, a storage closet, and concessions.
Chair Vasatka asked about the size of the park building. Mr. Ruegemer said the building was
scaled back from 4000 square feet to 2000 square feet.
Commissioner Markert inquired if there was a continuous path around the park and whether
there would be an opportunity to rent rollerblades. Ms. Hokkanen appreciated the suggestion and
will add the idea to the list.
Chair Vasatka asked about the irrigation opportunity and storm water usage. Ms. Hokkanen
provided an update that there is a storm water study in process, but she is not entitled to speak on
this information at the time.
Commissioner Markert questioned whether the building and park area would be lit up at night.
Ms. Hokkanen shared it would be and they would use LED lights.
Commissioner Kutz inquired whether there would be drinking fountains. Ms. Hokkanen shared
individuals could enter the building to access water but would continue to consider additional
water options.
2. Wildlife Management Plan Development
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – November 28, 2023
Mr. Ruegemer shared the wildlife management plan, and focused specifically on deer population
management, property protection, and vehicle safety. He reviewed the process to develop the
plan. He addressed potential downfalls to the plan. Mr. Ruegemer detailed the population
management process, which includes bait stations and professional sharp shooters with silencers
to dispose of the deer in the evening between January and April.
Commissioner Kutz asked whether the population management process would be published in
the paper. Mr. Ruegemer confirmed the plan would be publicly shared and there would be public
meetings prior to the adoption of the wildlife management plan.
Commissioner Peck asked if the wildlife management plan would be a People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals Issue or a general safety issue. Chair Vasatka pointed out this is the
United States Department of Agriculture and Department of Natural Resources recommendation.
Commissioner Eidsmo asked whether this plan would be implemented in Spring 2024. Mr.
Ruegemer shared they need to determine population counts and then file a permit to determine
eligibility, so it would be implemented January 2025.
Commissioner Eidsmo noted the state has encountered chronic wasting disease in the deer
population and inquired about whether this would be considered. Mr. Ruegemer stated
Chanhassen is not in a chronic wasting disease zone.
Mr. Ruegemer shared the action steps would be to adopt the plan, including the goals and
measures; obtain a permit; and notify residents of population reduction. Chanhassen will not
focus on goose or turkey management reduction.
Commissioner Kutz said there are hunters that hunt in Chanhassen who will be upset by this
management plan. Mr. Ruegemer stated to hunt in Chanhassen, individuals need to be on ten-
acre parcels, so there are limited opportunities to hunt in the city.
Commissioner Swanson asked about the placement of the bait station. Mr. Ruegemer shared it
would likely be on public property, but if it were on private property, the city would need to
receive property owner permission.
Commissioner Kutz shared the project seems costly and wondered whether there was data
available already regarding vehicle accidents with deer.
Chair Vasatka asked what the Department of Natural Resources considered to be suitable habitat
in the deer population count. Mr. Ruegemer shared an example of Eden Prairies’ map to
demonstrate the process for the population count.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – November 28, 2023
Commissioner Swanson asked for clarification of the numbers provided on the map. Mr.
Ruegemer stated the numbers reflect the deer in the specific location. There would be a similar
map produced for Chanhassen after a flyover is completed.
Commissioner Markert appreciated the city setting up a framework for this process.
Chair Vasatka asked whether the plan considered recommendations on deer feeding. Mr.
Ruegemer communicated this could be something to implement and consider and other cities
have a feeding ban.
Commissioner Eidsmo shared he has not seen many deer throughout Chanhassen and wondered
about the population in the city. Mr. Ruegemer confirmed a portion of the plan was to determine
the deer population count.
Mr. Ruegemer shared the current practices for goose management, which includes water quality
testing and frequent beach cleaning. Chair Vasatka asked when a goose management plan would
be implemented. Mr. Ruegemer shared the plan provides options for goose management.
Commissioner Markert asked for the standards that would indicate a problem with the goose
population. Mr. Ruegemer shared if geese became a nuisance, the plan would provide an avenue
for citizens to help control the population. The plan would allow different associations to address
geese populations.
Commissioner Eidsmo asked if there was any hunting availability within Chanhassen. Mr.
Ruegemer stated there would be very few options. Commissioner Markert asked about the rules
for bow hunting. Bow hunters are required to have ten-acres available to hunt deer.
Commissioner Swanson questioned whether coyotes or other nuisance animals were considered
in the wildlife management plan. Mr. Ruegemer shared other nuisance animals, including
beavers and coyotes, are not currently listed but could be implemented in the future.
1. Halloween Party Evaluation
Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager, shared the Halloween Party was a record-breaking event.
She reviewed the activities provided during the party. The most popular activities included trick-
or-treating and carnival games.
Student volunteers helped at the party. Chair Eidsmo asked about how to establish the volunteer
process. Commissioner Markert suggested providing an announcement to each High School to
receive more volunteers.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – November 28, 2023
Chair Vasatka asked about the investment in advertising in the Villager. Ms. Tandon would like
to see data from multiple events in the Villager to better understand advertising’s effectiveness.
Commissioner Kutz asked if there would be electronic signs throughout the city for
advertisement purposes. Ms. Tandon shared they considered purchasing a portable electronic
sign, but the cost was significant. Mr. Ruegemer stated they reviewed multiple electronic sign
options, but the cost was too high. The public works department is purchasing signs similar to
this and can be used for community events as well.
Commissioner Markert shared an A-frame sign that is not always out for advertising catches her
eyes more often. Ms. Tandon stated many of the A-frame signs are only put out for significant
2. Tree Lighting Ceremony & Holiday Events Preview
Ms. Tandon shared Santa’s Workshop would be displayed throughout the holiday season. There
is also a Letters to Santa mailbox for children and families. She shared that submissions are open
for the annual gingerbread house decorating contest. There will be additional holiday events,
including the holiday boutique, tree lighting with live reindeer, tour of lights, and the 55+
holiday party.
Chair Vasatka shared the QR code on the website for the tree lighting was not working. Ms.
Tandon will fix the QR code. Commissioner Swanson appreciated the tour of lights the last few
3. Picnic Reservation Fee Update
Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor, considered the picnic reservation opportunities and
provided a report with charts to determine the feasibility of a half-day rental option. He shared
staff would need an hour of transition time to allow for half-day rentals. There would be
obstacles with maintenance staff providing transitions for these half-day rentals. Based on the
data and duration of picnics, there would be less value in providing half-day rentals. Staff does
not recommend half-day rental options for summer 2023.
Chair Vasatka thanked Mr. Czech for the data and analysis. He requested there be a question
about interest in half-day rentals in the surveys for summer 2023. Commissioner Swanson asked
if there was a lot of interest in half-day rentals. Mr. Czech will continue to collect data for future
Commissioner Kutz observed there is a bare spot near Lake Ann Park near the north of field
three. He asked whether the space could be utilized for another rental. Mr. Ruegemer shared the
challenge for this location would be parking.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – November 28, 2023
Commissioner Eidsmo moved, Commissioner Swanson seconded to adjourn the meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and
Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer
Park and Recreation Director