95-01 CITY OF CHANI-IASSEN . . -. . CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, ~SOTA DATE: April 20. 1995 RESOLUTION NO: 1-95 MOTION BY: J30hn SECONDED BY: Mason A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A ~PE,c.~ B'~Ir TAX PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUES, SECTION ~69.033, SUBD~Si~0N 6 WHEREAS, the Chanhassen Homing and Rede¢~l~Pment XUt~bfity (the "A. uthofity") Was duly created, is validly existing and has all powers t/,f'_..-a municip~ housing and rbxteve!opment authority under the provisions of the Municipal Ho~ing and Redevelopment Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, Section 469.033, Subdiv~iion 6, of ~e A¢~permits the Ahth6~.'.tY to levy and collect a special benefit levy in the mount of .0131 i~reent 6~' taxable m~k~t V~ in the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES0~,VJ~D by thi~. fioard of commissioners of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority: . There is hereby levied, subj~t to the ~appro. v. al of_ ~he City Coihidil of the City, a special benefit levy pursuant to. M.,!.nn '~e~0-i~.. §~S sectii3ii 469.0~3fi, Subdivision 6, in the amount equal to the less~? of a 16{ry fit ~ rote of .0131 .peru.. ent bf taxable market value in the City, of $ ...... with l'~pect to taxes payfibl~ in calendar year 1996. . Staff of the Authority are hereby authorized an~i directed to seek tile approval by resolution of the City Council of the City of Chanhassen the levy of special benefit taxes in 1996 an.d...futur~..yea~' anit ~ hike silch i3ther actions as are necessary to levy and certify such levy. Passed and adopted by the C~s'eii ~0us'in~ 'anal Redex;elopm~nt AUthority thi~ 20th day of April, 1994. ATTEST: Executive Director Ch~personX~.~ Boyle Robbins Chmi~l Mason Bolm Nol~ Noll~