95-02 CITY OF CHAN'HASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Date Motion By 1995 ResolufionNo. ~-95 Ma~nn Seconde~ By Robbins RESOL~ON APPROVING THE ~ FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 4; DELETING CERTAIN PROPERTIES FROM DOWNTOWN TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the Ci~ of Chanhassen (the "Authority") and the City Council of the City of Chanhasscn (the "city") approved a redevelopment project for the downtown Chanhassen mca (the "Project") and adopted a redevelopment plan and tax increment financing plan for same on November 29, 1977 and December 19, 1977, respectively (collectively, the "Project Plans"). 1.02. Due to changes in the nature and extent of public and private hnpmvements to be constructed or increases the area included wi~in the Project, the Project Plans have been the subject of numerous modifications since their adoption in 1977. 1.03. In light of recent redevelopment proposals and the limited duration of the downtown tax increment financing district, it has been determined to remove selected properties from the downtown tax increment financing district (the "Deleted Properties") and to include them in a new tax increment district, to be called Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 CTIF District No. 4"). 1.04. In response to these ,changes, the Authority and the City have authorized the preparation of a plan (the "Plan") for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 which is contained in a document entitled "Tax Increment Financing Plan, Tax Increnzmt Financing District No. 4" dated May 22, 1995 and on file with the Authority. Section 2. Deletion of Propea'fies; Approval of TIF District No. 4. 2.01. The Deleted Properties are hereby removed from the downtown Chanhassen TIF district. The Deleted Properties are identified by P.LN. on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. RHB88408 CH130-40 1 2.02. The Authority finds that the objectives of the Authority and the City of encouraging development and redevelopment within the Project will be advanced by adoption of the Plan for TIF District No. 4. 2.03. The Plan is hereby approved and adopted by the Authority. Section 3. Further Proceedings. 3.01. The Authority hereby authorizes the Executive Director to notify Carver County regarding the Deleted Properties and request that the county auditor delete the original mx capacity of the Deleted Properties for the downtown Chanhassen TIF district. 3.02. It is noted that copies of the Plan have been transmimxl to the board of Independent School District No. 112 and the board of comn'dssioners of Carver County for review and comment and that said public bodies have been notified of the hearing to be held on the Plan by the City. 3.03. The Authority requests the City to hold a public hearing on the Plan pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 469.175, subd. 3 as soon hereafter as is practicable and recommends that the Plan be approved by the City. Adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota this ~.1315h day of I~ay ,1995. ATrEST: Secretary RIiB88408 CH130-40 2 EXHI#IT A The Deleted Properties are as follows: 25-118-00-10 25-118-00-20 25-130-07-00 25-195-00-20 25-195-00-21 25-119-00-30 25-119-00-40 25-195-00-30 25-272-00-30 25-272-00-20 25-272-00-10 CH130-40 ~