95-04HOUSENG AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ~ CITY OF CIIANI~SEN, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 4-95 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING RF~OLUTION NO. 3-95 AND APPROVING AND AUTItORIZING ~ EXECUTION OF A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH ~ CARVER COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AU'IltORITY AND Tmr~ CITY OF CHA_N]IASSEN, MINNESOTA IN SUPPORT OF ~ ISSUANCE OF HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT GROSS REVENUE BONDS (~SEN APARTMENTS PROJECT) SERIES 1995A AND HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (CITY OF CHAN-BASSEN, MINNESOTA UNI,1M]TED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION -- CHANHASSEN APARTMENTS PROJECT) SERIES 1995B BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Commi~ioners of The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Chanhasse~ Minnesota (the "Authority") as follows: 1. The Carver County Homing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Issuer"), a public body corporate and politic, organized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001 through 469.047 (the "Act") proposes to issue its Homing and Development Gross Revenue Bonds (Chaahassen Apartments Project) Series 1995A (the "Series A Bonds") in the aggregate principal amount not exceeding $725,000 and its Housing and Development Revenue Bonds (City of Clmnha.q.sen, Minnesota Unlimited Tax General Obligation -- Chanhassen Apartments Project) Series 1995B in the aggregate principal amount not exceeding of $4,131,542 (the "Series B Bonds" and together with the Series A Bonds, the "Bonds") to finance an approximately 65-unit multifamily housing facility for senior citizens of low and moderate income (the "Project"), which constitutes a qualified housing development project as defmec~l in the Act. 2. By Resolution No. 3-95 (the "Joint Powers Resolution"), the Board of Commissioners has previously found and determined, among other things, that it is in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota (the "City") that the Issuer issue the' Bonds for the purpose of acq~ and commJcting the Project, and approved the execution and delivery of a Joint Powers Agreement (the "Joint Powers Agreement") among the Authority, the City and the Issuer providing for (i) a contribution by the City to the debt service reserve fund created under an Indenture of Trust to be executed in connection with the Bonds, and (ii) the pledge of certain amounts from the Authority's and the Issuer's annual tax levies to support the operations of the Project and the annual debt service on the Bonds. 3. Financial projections prepared by the Issuer's financial advisor (the "Financial Advisor") indicate that the amount of the annual tax levy contemplated by the Joint Powers Agreement in the form approved by the Joint Powers Resolution must be increased to induce the 341014.3 sale of the Bonds at a favorable interest rate and to provide additional security for the Bonds and operations of the Project; . 4. To induce the sale of the Bonds and to provide additional security for the Bonds and the operations of the Project, the Authority hereby approves the modification to the Joint Powers Agreement to increase the annual tax levy pledged by the Authority. Subject to such modification, the Authority hereby ratifies and confirm.q Resolution No. 3-[15 , and approves such further modifications to the Joint Powers Agreement which, in the opinion of the Financial Advisor and the Chair and the Secretary of the Authority shall be necessary or desirable to further the public purposes herein SlX,'cified. The Chair and the Secretary of the Authority are hereby directed and authorized to execute and deliver said Agreement, as modified, on behalf of the Authority. ADOPTED: August ~ 1995 Attest: Execut±ve D±~ecto~ 341014.3