01-23-2024 PRC Agenda Packet A.6:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER B.ROLL CALL C.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners may postpone or remove items at this time. Commissioners may discuss adding items to a future agenda during Commissioner Member Presentations. D.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review prior to consideration. F.APPROVAL OF MINUTES F.1 Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2023 G.GENERAL BUSINESS G.1 Lake Ann Lifeguards H.REPORTS H.1 2024 February Festival Preview H.2 Lake Ann Park Preserve Update I.COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS J.COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2024 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 K.ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET L.ADJOURNMENT 2 Park & Recreation Commission Item January 23, 2024 Item Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2023 Item No:F.1 Agenda Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist SUGGESTED ACTION Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated December 12, 2023. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated December 12, 2023. ATTACHMENTS Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated December 12, 2023 3 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 2023 Chair Vasatka called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Vasatka, Chair; Dan Eidsmo; Matt Kutz; Jim Peck; Rob Swanson; Scott Pharis; and, Youth Commissioner Nischay Pattanashetty. MEMBERS ABSENT: Heather Markert, Vice Chair. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Adam Beers, Park Superintendent; Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager; Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor; Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager; and Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, stated they hosted the Civic Campus Open House on December 12. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated October 24, 2023 Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to approve the minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated October 24, 2023 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. 2. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated November 28, 2023 Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Swanson seconded to approve the minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated November 28, 2023 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. 4 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – December 12, 2023 2 GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. 2023 Year in Review Presentation Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager, shared photos that provided a representation of different Park and Recreation events throughout 2023. Ms. Tandon thanked the Park and Recreation Commission and staff for the support and guidance for these programs. Chair Vasatka appreciated all the smiles throughout the presentation. He thanked Ms. Tandon for the presentation. REPORTS: 1. Recreation Center Quarterly Update Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager, shared part-time positions available at the recreation center. Ms. Sarles shared various recreation center updates, including replacement dumbbells and racks. Older equipment was shared with the Fire Department. She reviewed larger recreation center events throughout the quarter. Chair Vasatka asked how numbers for the Kids Night Out compared with the expectations. Ms. Sarles stated there was a maximum of 30 people. This program will continue in the future. Commissioner Kutz inquired about how the recreation center promoted the event. Ms. Sarles answered through the website, a monthly newsletter, and social media. Chair Vasatka asked how the numbers of the boutiques compared with past events. Ms. Sarles shared that the Artisan Fair was stronger than in the past. The Holiday Boutique attendance was not as strong, and it is a difficult time of year for events. 2. Park Maintenance Quarterly Report Adam Beers, Park Superintendent, stated the Park Maintenance completed the 2023 CIP Park Projects. There will be minor restoration on turf to complete in the spring. Lake Susan Baseball Field was finalized and has new topsoil and turf, along with regrading to assist with water issues. The Park Maintenance collaborated with the Forestry Department to create a small-scale bare root tree nursery. Chair Vasatka asked about the price comparison. Mr. Beers stated the bareroot trees are around $40 to $50, while a mature tree would have been $300 to $500. There are a variety of trees included in this nursery. Mr. Beers shared they will work on repairs for docks, paddleboats, and fishing piers. Park Maintenance will complete tree and trail maintenance throughout the winter. He stated ice rink and warming house openings will be delayed due to the warmer weather. 5 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – December 12, 2023 3 Chair Vasatka asked if there was a collaboration with the street department for plowing. Mr. Beers answered this collaboration would be continued throughout the winter. Commissioner Swanson thanked Mr. Beers for the work on the Sugar Bush playground installation. Commissioner Pharis asked if the warmer weather impacted the budget. Mr. Beers stated there is savings with the overtime budget, especially with less time needed for snow plowing. Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, shared that the maintenance completed now will help with spring maintenance. 3. Tree Lighting Ceremony Review Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager, announced that there was record turnout at the tree lighting ceremony on December 2. All refreshments provided for the event were used, which shows the success of the event. She shared there were live reindeer, caroling, a gingerbread display, a Toys for Tots donation station, and Santa Claus. Ms. Tandon encouraged individuals to vote for the Tour of Lights contestants on the Facebook page. Chair Vasatka asked where the tree lighting ceremony would take place next year with the Civic Campus updates. Ms. Tandon stated the location for next year is uncertain, but the staff is researching options. 4. Senior Center Quarterly Report Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator, shared an overview of the events hosted by the Senior Center in the fall. She gave details about the 55+ Expo at the Recreation Center, which provided free trial classes and instruction on hands-free CPR. There were four trips throughout the fall with 104 participants from Chanhassen. The Senior Center hosted various events, including Oktoberfest, the Pancake Breakfast, and the Holiday Celebration. Finally, there are ongoing programs including free technology help. The grant funding for this program stops in March. Commissioner Pharis asked how much funding was needed for the free technology program. Ms. Blazanin stated between $12,000 to $18,000 to provide management, training, and volunteers. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: None. 6 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – December 12, 2023 4 ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m. Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer Park and Recreation Director 7 Park & Recreation Commission Item January 23, 2024 Item Lake Ann Lifeguards Item No:G.1 Agenda Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor SUGGESTED ACTION Staff recommends that the Park and Recreation Commission make a motion to recommend one of the suggested options to City Council. SUMMARY Since the 1970's, the city has contracted with Minnetonka Public Schools Aquatics Department to staff lifeguards during the summer months at Lake Ann Beach. Minnetonka Public Schools informed staff that they are no longer able to provide lifeguard services, and that our existing contract is terminated. The termination of the contract was a result of inadequate professional liability through Minnetonka Public Schools insurance carrier. Minnetonka Aquatics has stated the district is not pursuing additional coverage, so these services will not be available in future years. BACKGROUND With the termination of our current lifeguard contract, staff has looked into numerous service options for Lake Ann Beach moving forward. Potential contracted service agreements, in-house lifeguards, non- lifeguard staff, and non-staffed beach scenarios were researched. While researching potential contracted service agreements, the same issue regarding professional liability insurance proved to be an issue. Staff was unable to find an outside organization that was interested in providing a contracted service that was similar to our past agreement with Minnetonka Public Schools. After consulting with a number of local cities and counties, staff developed four options of service for Lake Ann Beach with an anticipated amount of expense for each. Option #1: No staffed lifeguards or beach monitor. Total Expense: $2,000 8 Option #2: Beach Monitor on staff from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Total Expense: $10,909.35 Option #3: Closed every Monday during the season and open one less hour per day (in-house staff, open 62 days during the season from 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.) Total Expense: $39,550.30 Option #4: Same service level as years prior (in-house staff, open 72 days during the season from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) Total Expense: $47,323.71 DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Park and Recreation Commission make a motion to recommend one of the suggested options to City Council. ATTACHMENTS Lifeguard Flashvote Results Lake Ann Lifeguard Expense Breakdown Lake Ann Lifeguard Presentation 9 Survey Results: Lake Ann Park  Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of City of Chanhassen to the FlashVote community for Chanhassen, MN. These FlashVote results are shared with local officials 466 Total Participants 454 of 696 initially invited (65%) 12 others Margin of error: ± 5% Applied Filter: Crosstab for "Lake Ann Park" Q0 Participants for filter: 466 Started: Dec 6, 2023 11:06am CST Ended: Dec 8, 2023 11:07am CST Target Participants: All Chanhassen Q1 In the last few years, about how often have you or your family visited the Lake Ann Park swimming beach? (466 responses by ) Q2 When have you typically visited Lake Ann Park swimming beach? (You can choose up to THREE, if any) (300 responses by ) Respo nse Time (hours) 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931333537394143454749 Haven’t visited it Once to four times a summer 1/2 0 %2 5%5 0 %7 5 %1 00% H aven’t visited it O nce to four times a summer Five times or more a summer N ot Sure 10 0 .0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 10 0 .0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 10 0 .0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 10 0 .0 % Percent Options Haven’t visited it (142) Once to four times a summer (233) Five times or more a summer (85) Not Sure (6) Haven’t visited it 100.0% (142) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) Once to four times a summer 0.0% (0) 100.0% (233) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) Five times or more a summer 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (85) 0.0% (0) Not Sure 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (6) 10 Options Haven’t visited it (1) Once to four times a summer (219) Five times or more a summer (77) Not Sure (3)Options Haven’t visited it (1) Once to four times a summer (219) Five times or more a summer (77) Not Sure (3) Weekdays in the morning (before 11am) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 10.5% (23) 20.8% (16) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample Weekdays during the day (11am-6pm) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 47.0% (103) 51.9% (40) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample Weekdays in the evening (after 6pm) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 24.2% (53) 44.2% (34) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample Weekends in the morning (before 11am) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 14.6% (32) 18.2% (14) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample Weekends during the day (11am-6pm) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 50.2% (110) 55.8% (43) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample Weekends in the evening (after 6pm) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 7.3% (16) 18.2% (14) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample Other: Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 5.5% (12) 3.9% (3) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 11 None We visit Lake Ann Park many times a month, but not to swim. Do not visit the beach We don't use the beach. Don't visit the swimming beach Really can't remember the times, we just swing in as we have a bit of time, to take a walk. I've lived in Chan for 25 years, I have never gone to the Lake Ann Park swimming beach. Varies random Haven’t visited it Once to four times a summer 1/2 0%20%40%60% Weekdays in the morning (before 11am) Weekdays during the day (11am-6pm) Weekdays in the evening (after 6pm) Weekends in the morning (before 11am) Weekends during the day (11am-6pm) Weekends in the evening (after 6pm) O ther: Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample 10.5% 47.0% 24.2% 14.6% 50.2% 7.3% 5.5% 20.8% 51.9% 44.2% 18.2% 55.8% 18.2% 3.9% Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Percent beachvisit time park never swim use lake ann varies spend almostballfields kids youngarea fourth july livedchan 25 years gone specific really remember swing bit take walk month random 12 varies Do not use Have never been to the beach. None Never don't visit the beach, spend almost all the time at the ballfields or park when kids were young No specific time Do not visit the beach area Fourth of july Q3 If there were no lifeguards present at the Lake Ann Park swimming beach, would that change whether you or your family go in the water? (312 responses by ) Options Haven’t visited it (2) Once to four times a summer (225) Five times or more a summer (81) Not Sure (4) Don't go in the water anyway, so no difference Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 11.6% (26) 3.7% (3) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample No, we would still go in the same amount Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 58.7% (132) 77.8% (63) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample Yes, might go in somewhat less often Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 20.4% (46) 11.1% (9) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample Yes, would not go in without a lifeguard there Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 4.0% (9) 3.7% (3) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample Not Sure Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 5.3% (12) 3.7% (3) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 13 Q4 Which of the following are TRUE for you, if any? (Choose all that apply, if any) (420 responses by ) Haven’t visited it Once to four times a summer 1/2 0 %2 0%4 0%60%80% Don't go in the water anyway, so no... N o, we would still go in the same amount Yes, might go in somewhat less often Yes, would not go in without a... N ot Sure Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e 11 .6% 58 .7 % 2 0 .4 % 4.0% 5 .3 % 3 .7% 77 .8 % 1 1 .1 % 3 .7% 3 .7% Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e Re s u l ts no t sho wn t o pr o t e ct t he a n o n ym i t y o f sma ll s a m pl e Percent Options Haven’t visited it (129) Once to four times a summer (214) Five times or more a summer (74) Not Sure (3) I wouldn’t go in the water without lifeguards on duty 14.7% (19) 7.0% (15) 2.7% (2) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample I would go in the water without lifeguards on duty 51.9% (67) 63.1% (135) 77.0% (57) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample I would be concerned about others going in without lifeguards on duty 34.1% (44) 57.0% (122) 36.5% (27) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample I wouldn’t be concerned about others going in without lifeguards on duty 27.1% (35) 10.3% (22) 31.1% (23) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample I wouldn’t use the amenities on land there (beach, watercraft rentals, playground, picnic tables) without lifeguards on duty 8.5% (11) 3.7% (8) 5.4% (4) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 14 Haven’t visited it Once to four times a summer 1/2 0%20%40%60%80% I wouldn’t go in the water without... I would go in the water without... I would be concerned about others... I wouldn’t be concerned about others... I wouldn’t use the amenities on land... I would use the amenities on land... It would be ok to not have lifeguards... It would not be ok to not have... I think: 14.7% 51.9% 34.1% 27.1% 8.5% 59.7% 41.1% 24.8% 9.3% 7.0% 63.1% 57.0% 10.3% 3.7% 59.3% 28.0% 28.5% 15.0% 2.7% 77.0% 36.5% 31.1% 5.4% 63.5% 39.2% 25.7% 9.5% Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Results not shown to protect the anonymi ty of small sample Percent Options Haven’t visited it (129) Once to four times a summer (214) Five times or more a summer (74) Not Sure (3) I would use the amenities on land there (beach, waterfcraft rentals, playground, picnic tables) without lifeguards on duty 59.7% (77) 59.3% (127) 63.5% (47) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample It would be ok to not have lifeguards at the beach 41.1% (53) 28.0% (60) 39.2% (29) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample It would not be ok to not have lifeguards at the beach 24.8% (32) 28.5% (61) 25.7% (19) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample I think:9.3% (12) 15.0% (32) 9.5% (7) Results not shown to protect the anonymity of small sample 15 We need lifeguards Removing lifeguards is putting people in harm. I'd paddle on the water w/o lifeguards but as an EMT I want lifeguards on duty as much as possible Peak times in the summer should have a lifeguard. I'm OK with no lifeguards if it means keeping access to the beach and amenities. There should be lifeguards at the beach during core days/times. What does Minnewashta Park do? We need lifeguards!, I have three young children and soon to be a fourth. Lifeguards are important to protect my family They should at least have lifeguards during the lake ann camp since there is an increase of kids. Lifeguards deter people from doing potentially dangerous activities. I feel lifeguards also help curb bad behavior. Inflateables go in the water when they leave. It would be a tragedy for the community if Lake Ann was associated with a fatal drowning. When I had little kids I really felt safer with guards on duty. Some people might need them. I would swim either way Lifeguards are important I don't have an opinion about beach safety at Lake Anne with or without lifeguards. as long as there is a sign reminding people they are swimming at their own risk, i think it's fine. Lifefuards help to keep order at the beach, they are a presents of authority. There should be lifeguards at some set times, especially on the weekend. I would go in the water but only waist deep, would not go further or allow children any further We should be a community that cares about the welfare of its residents I would be unlikely to allow my teenagers to swim without me there if no lifeguards on duty. From what I remember its not in very good condition It's a bad idea if we care about residents and visitors. Too many drownings If my kids were younger I would definitely want a lifeguard on duty The swimming area should be roped off, and an 18+ year old with kids. Have lifeguard 3 hours Sa/Sun lifeguardkidsbeachwater peopledutywithout importantlake swim need youngguard ann day times ok safety life drowned go think allowchildren want use inflatable like adult prefer good past help bad behavior community care residentshours keep post threecanoe risk sign make teen protect family year 16 Have never been to the beach. If my kids were young I would not take them without lifeguards, but ok as adults Having a lifeguard on duty would make me comfortable allowing my teen to use the beach, canoes, etc As an adult I would be ok without lifeguards but I would prefer to bring my kids to a place with ki The water is very stagnant and concerns me For the safety if young kids, a life guard is important. water safety is a big deal. I’d still like the presence of security walk the There are a lot of older kids that may want to use the beach equipment that having a lifeguard thee Limited lifeguards on duty with the schedule well posted. The lifeguards provide an extra level of protection. watercraft shld require a waiver of liability b/c they are used far away from lifeguard Must post clear signs stating no lifeguards on the beach.... Would there be some type of supervision? I'm thinking behaviors of teens Life guards on certain days or at certain times of day would be preferable to having none at all. Have not several people drowned in Lake Ann over the past years? That lake has a sketchy history. Lifeguards are needed when water craft rentals are available People can decide their risk and act accordingly. Having one makes it simpler for young families. Life Guards are important My son was a lifeguard at LA Beach and saved three kids that fell out of their canoe. Its a good id Past encounters with lifeguards with my small children had not been pleasant. I would not miss them Just hire another lifeguard for longer hours and thru Labor Day. Too many kids are there in groups of friends without parents and lifeguards would be important I think there should be lifeguards, though it doesn’t hamper my personal intent to swim Add an inflatable course like shady oak! I wouldn't go in the water due to the quality of the water Q5 Any other comments or suggestions about Lake Ann Park or having lifeguards there? (96 responses by ) 17 Most people that use it seem to have small kids, and with that in mind, I think lifeguards are necessary! There should be lifeguards if there is swimmmig It does provide a sense of safety knowing there are life guards, with all the little kids in the water. I would also worry that older kids (pre-teens and teens) would see a lack of life guards as a free pass to engage in unsafe and inappropriate behaviors. For the majority of families in and around Chanhassen, I'm guessing lifeguards would be a big plus. I am widowed, 67, and only visit Lake Ann when family is in town which is infrequent. Great if you can get them, if not, people should be responsible for themselves and their kids. Safety should always be a top priority and lifeguards save lives. We don’t use it much with grown kids but can’t imagine feeling safe as a parent of young kids without at least some lifeguard hours With the amount of families and kids who use the beach, it would feel unsafe to not have life guards You should not restrict use of the beach/park if lifeguards are absent. Prefer lifeguards as precaution for water situations, but also to help maintain a “supervisor” presence. Beyond swimming…we LOVE this park! So well-kept, great for paddle sports, walking on trails or in woods! Is there some now? My children learned to swim with floaties on their arms, and using small blown up rings. They learned at Minnewashta Beach before there were lifeguards there. It was more fun than not being able to use the floaties. While our family visits and utilizes Lake Ann without lifeguards it makes sense generally to have lifeguards during peak times with lots of smaller kids present. Noon to six. I think this covers a lot of people and when there are lots of folks that’s when things are more likely to happen. Rental craft is not as important re lifeguards. I don’t feel I’m being watched and so the lifeguards are unlikely to notice trouble to call it in. My kids can barely swim, so we would never allow them in the water without us. But when we are there with them, we rarely put ourselves in a dangerous position. The geese have ruined that swim area I am fine with not having lifeguards at Lake Ann. Just post that no lifeguards are on duty. When my children were small, it would have been important to me to have lifeguards on duty. Lifeguards provide for a safer experience. However, it is the parents' primary responsibility to monitor their children or grandchildren (in my case). They also enforce park regulations to make the park experience safe and pleasant for all peole. Can we change the name of the park to "Prince Park at Lake Ann"?????? If you're making budget cuts, do it elsewhere. Public safety is important. lifeguardbeach lakeusekids thinkpark children family people ann need without swim parent duty youngguard safetylife important also water go great chanhassen safe cut feel area goodsummersee help visit city swimmers love small adult like lot put nice public necessary keep 18 For myself, I don't care. But for families with young children, and groups (,I go there with a large group), it is very helpful. I prefer life guards but would still use the area if none present. We need lifeguards. Please encourage our Chanhassen boys and girls swim team to get their lifeguard and WSI certification. It is a wonderful summer job that needs good strong swimmers that enjoy the water, the outdoors and children Too many parents or other”responsible “ adults do not watch their children at all while they are at Lake Ann. They sit on the beach chat with companions, sit on their phones or otherwise not pay attention to the children in the water who may or may not be able to swim. Likewise, we want to be able to enjoy the beach without feeling like we should watch out for other people’s children. Chanhassen has a lovely park. We should be putting the splash pad here and not in the city hall area. Our park is a treasure for young and old alike. It show's Chanhassen cares. They are needed during lake ann camp to give parents comfort in sending their children. Lake Ann needs lifeguards. It shouldn't even be questioned. I don't use the beach now but will soon as my grandchild gets older. The beach must have a lifeguard or security officer because there are always people who are unresponsible or disrespectful of others. Get rid of the mulch in the playground area It gets dragged over to the beach With so many families with small children swimming it would not be a safe environment if there were no life guards. With the increase in kayaking and paddleboarding, and decrease in boat use, there arent enough spots by the boat launch for regular vehicles and too many reserved for trailers. There should be lifeguards on duty when there are children in the water. We use the trails around the lake also that are accessible. Chanhassen is fortunate to have a number of beautiful parks with nice public amenities. I think supervision is necessary for public safety and the protection of our public property. I think lifeguards are a nice perk, but ultimately it's up to you and your family to be safe. Busy summer weekends probably warrant lifeguards just based on the number of users. I don't think there would be much need for them during the weekdays. Lifeguard presence could have positive impact on behavior, but it would be hard to measure Who enforces the no dog rule? Get rid of the lifeguards at lake Ann and move them to the city pool…oh wait, Chanhassen refuses to have one of those Overall, Lake Ann is a great facility. I don’t think they are needed Wishing rentals were open later in the summer months- closes at 6pm and I like to rent paddleboards, but often only get 45 mins. I think it’s great that Chanhassen has a beach that has lifeguards on duty for those families who are not secure swimmers. Too many "safety breaks", and they are too long. We have cut our visit short there because of them, or decided on a different beach altogether. Why would you not have lifeguards at a public beach? Not only a liability issue but it provides summer jobs. Cost? I’m sure the city could cut back somewhere and find the funds. Families deserve a safe breach. Would love to see no motorized boats allowed. Focus on accessibility and continued use for kayaks, canoes, paddle boards and training use for triathlons/athletes. Keep fishing a priority… for non motorized use. I think it is critically important to have lifeguards at Lake Ann Park beach. I would not be in favor of a public beach without a lifeguard present. I think lifeguards are very important when young children are swimming. It is nice to have because they enforce rules if there are unsupervised teens, sometimes summer groups (camps) with kids use it and good to have extra eyes on everything. It is nice to have someone there during busy times, but isn't necessary during slow times. No lifeguards are needed. Parents should parent. Nope I'd definitely prefer lifeguards for Lake Ann Park on the weekend. Especially with having younger kids that aren't fully capable swimmers yet. If lifeguards need to be cut during the week days, I would be okay with it. 19 Lifeguards are needed on afternoons/early evenings. Lifeguards are necessary to protect against unsafe or undesired (rowdy, unruly) behavior. My family and I are comfortable using without but I think it's worth the cost to have it staffed with a lifeguard. At minimum, it should be the same level of oversight as other smaller nearby lakes (which have lifeguards), else it would devolve. Good survey My children are older and good swimmers. I would feel differently if they were younger, but lifeguards are a good safety measure and would be better for all people at the beach. I can’t even imagine why you are asking this. This is a popular park/lake with lots of little kids. I think the lifeguards are absolutely needed. I am an adult and I mostly SUP at the lake so I’m not concerned about myself but I am worried about the kids in the community. Do NOT remove the lifeguards. Improve the bathrooms. Need indoor bathrooms by the baseball and soccer fields I think because of the large amount of families with young children swimming in Lake Ann, Lifeguards are important. They help not only with safety, but people following rules and behaving. No Why take away lifeguards? Can we not afford to employ 17-18 year olds for 3 months? There are too many deaths at nearby lakes from people who can't swim. Bad idea for residents and visitors to Chanhassen. I would like to see progress on building out the walking trails in the woods which will be of great benefit to residents I think there should be paid lifeguards at Lake Ann. Too many people over estimate their swimming abilities and too many parents do not accompany their children in to the water, no matter how shallow.. Please think of ways to keep the parking lots safer from theft. The parking lots are not at all visible from the playground or beach. We love Lake Ann. We rent canoes and Kayaks and will go to the beach. My kids are grown now but when they were young I would have wanted there to be lifeguards. Or if they were going with friends I would not want to have them go without lifeguards Although it's challenging to find and finance life guards it's the safest way to protect swimmers as well as those using the other water activities. I see parents that are distracted by their phones or in conversations with their friends. I think having a life guard on duty would help keep the littles safe. We are ok without, but it is a nice employment opportunity for young people I love sitting in my car and gazing at the lake while I sip coffee. I think that having lifeguards on duty is generally better, but I don't see it as a deal breaker. I don't have kids though, and I would think that parent's opinions matter more here. It is a great service to our community to have a beach, lifeguard and concessions in our local park! Because Chan has so many young family's, it would a really good idea to have a lifeguard on duty during peak usage. For youth who go the beach in summer (biking, running, etc) I would hope there would be lifeguards! I wouldn't let me small children (in years to come) go to the beach without and adult if there were no lifeguards. Finish the trail around the lake! Geese poop is out of control and is a deterrent to one of my kids wanting to go into the beach. How do we clean up/control better? I am fine with my family. I would be concerned for others without parental supervision getting in a situation that puts the community responsible for trying to help I'm ok without lifeguards, but young families with kids should have them. They can't cost very much to have. Cut $ elsewhere and have lifeguards. I like there being some type of supervision. Without supervision, I see it turning into a big party and people not taking care of the space (trash, disrespectful language/behaviors, etc...) Lifeguards are important for this beach. My opinion is that I would rather not have the lifeguards at the beach. As a parent, I'm monitoring my children already so it's not needed. Lifeguards are important for any swimming beach or pool. 20 Although I have the beach by the Round House Park to visit, I feel if you put a life guard at one park beach, will you do that for all the beaches? Also it might be hard to staff! Would this also put liability on the City if something happens with a life guard on duty? If there was a life guard provided previously, and the beach is well used, I could support continuing the service. I think it's a great community resource with lifeguards. Economically, I would not open the concessions unless there were athletic events it would draw people to those concessions. I would also consider soliciting vendors to operate concessions contiguous to the athletic fields. The size and application of the existing facilities may not be economically sound. The winter months draw a bigger crowd. Maybe would be a good idea just to keep it open during the winter. Leave the smaller concession opportunities for athletics to local vendors. Another time, a raccoon got on the beach, and was scaring the mothers and kids. Everyone was running. My son was able to deter and finally remove. Everyone on the beach clapped for him and the other guard. Yeah, stop cutting corners, or even considering it. What you are asking is if as a society, we're willing to die by 1000 cuts, while the billionnaire next door hires private lifeguards for their children. Is there a reason not to have Lifeguards? I believe lifeguards are essential, though posted shorter hours maybe acceptable to the general residents. Especially with all the families that use or may consider using Lake Anne Park, that have young children or grandchildren we should offer lifeguards. Have heard from Friends about hardcore illegal drugs being sold and used by teenagers at this park. Was told not to let my kids go to this park alone. They need lifeguards. There are too many little kids running around to not the have safety of lifeguards Assuming accurate activity logs have been kept to report incidents over recent years, I would suggest making a data driven decision. If the amount of incidents resulting in a positive outcome due to the intervention of a lifeguard are high, there should be strong consideration for a replacement. If not, we can probably go without them. Plenty of other TC swimming lakes/beaches don't have them. I am an infrequent visitor, more often visiting the beach in the fall/spring as part of a hike. I think lifeguards create a sense of community and safety and contribute to the beach being accessible to a wider range of people. It is inclusive. The city should have Lifeguards on Duty.. I think it is up to the adults to watch their kids. If there are kids there without adult supervision then it is their responsibility to stay safe. I do however think that the beach needs a staff member there for in case of any unexpected emergencies or questions people have. You absoutely need lifeguards there. Most similar set ups in the area (Eden prairie, Chaska) have them. I know it's really hard to find help, but I've noticed we have a lot of new to swimming people moving to this area. It's a risk. As long as the swimming area is designated by buoys or ropes, it would be fine. We use Lake Minnewashta beach, usually before or after the life guards are on duty. Never a problem. Additional survey reports (c) Copyright 2013-2023 Governance Sciences Group, Inc., Patent pending 21 Option #1: No Staffed Lifeguards or Beach Monitor With no lifeguards or staff on duty, signage would need to be increased throughout the parking lot and beach area to make visitors aware. Staff estimates this cost to be at roughly $2,000. Option #2: Beach Monitor on staff from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Lake Ann Lifeguard Expense Breakdown 22 Option #3: Closed every Monday during the season and open one less hour per day 23 Option #4: Same service level as years prior 24 Lake Ann Lifeguards Park & Recreation Commission January 23, 2024 25 Contractor Services City Obligations Qualified and Red Cross certified personnel Provides an appropriate number of lifeguards on duty at all times according to industry standards Provides lifeguard staff with ongoing in-service training during the summer season Provides supervision of lifeguard personnel Provides all necessary safety equipment for lifeguard services including; rescue tubes, first aid kits, reaching pole, and rescue board Provide a clean and well- maintained beach and beach area Provide defined swimming boundaries Provide clean restrooms and lifeguard station Provide a working telephone (or paid cellular service) Provide and maintain lifeguard chairs and megaphone Lake Ann Lifeguard History Began contracting lifeguards with Minnetonka Public Schools Aquatics Department in the early 1970's Moved to a standardized 2-year contract model in 2007 Since 2013, lifeguards have been staffed from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily Lifeguards have typically been on duty from early-June through mid-August Recent years have seen an increase in expense due to higher operating costs from Minnetonka Aquatics Due to a national lifeguard shortage, the beach has also gone unstaffed for a number of days in recent years 26 Termination of Contract Contract terminated October 3, 2023 Effective immediately Result of inadequate professional liability coverage through Minnetonka Public Schools insurance carrier District not pursuing additional coverage Services not an option in future years 2024 Lifeguard Services Budget: $40,000 27 FlashVote is a tool that provides scientific survey results. Scientific results mean that the findings of the survey can be extrapolated to the general population of Chanhassen within the margin of error. FlashVote surveys are scientific because: Large numbers of responses (250-600) are gathered1. Users are registered, meaning group responses are not self-selected based on topic2. Data collection is unbiased, through quality control of questions and answers3. Lake Ann Lifeguard Survey December 6 - December 8, 2023 466 responses l 65% participation rate 5 questions 28 Q1: In the last few years, about how often have you or your family visited the Lake Ann Park swimming beach? Takeaway: 68.1% have visited at least once/summer Asked all surveyed 29 Q2: When have you typically visited Lake Ann Park swimming beach? (you can choose up to THREE, if any) Takeaway: Peak time is 11am-6pm on weekdays & weekends Asked only beach users 30 Q3: If there were no lifeguards present at the Lake Ann Park swimming beach, would that change whether you or your family go into the water? Takeaways: 73.6% would not have use impacted 21.4% would have use impacted 17.1% would swim somewhat less often 4.3% would not swim Asked only beach users 31 Q4: Which of the following are TRUE for you, if any? Takeaways: 60.3% would go in the water w/o lifeguards on duty 45.2% would be concerned about others going in the water w/o a lifeguard on duty 34.1%: Lifeguards are not a necessity 25.7%: Lifeguards are a necessity Comments: Safety of children [5] Curb negative behavior [5] Asked all surveyed 32 Asked all surveyed Q5: Any other comments or suggestions about Lake Ann Park or having lifeguards there? Takeaways: 88 of 466 participants answered Q5 (19%) 57% of comments in support of lifeguards 36% cited safety of others 18% cited undesirable beach behaviors 10% of comments neutral or opposed to lifeguards 33% of comments unrelated to lifeguards 33 Overview of Options Option #1: No staffed lifeguards or beach monitor. Option #2: No lifeguards, but staff a “beach monitor” during the normal season. Staffed 72 days, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Option #3: Staff lifeguards in-house Tuesday - Sunday while opening one hour later than years prior. Beach unstaffed Monday’s. Open 62 days, 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Option #4: Staff lifeguards in-house while maintaining the same level of service as years prior. Open 72 days, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Contracted services were researched, but staff were unable to find a willing partner. Inquiries were made to local cities that have in-house lifeguards in place, Lifetime Fitness, and USA Management Lifeguard Services with no success. At this time, there are no viable options for a contracted service. 34 No staffed lifeguards or beach monitor. Total Expense: $2,000 Option #1 Considerations: Increased beach & parking lot signage necessary No additional liability with appropriate signage “Warning - No lifeguard on duty” “Children must not swim without an adult in attendance.” Other cities trending towards unguarded beaches Staff estimates that roughly $2,000 would be needed to provide adequate updated signage along beach & parking lot to notify residents there is no staff on duty. 35 Examples Three Rivers Park District Chanhassen: Roundhouse Beach, Carver Beach, & Greenwood Shores Beach Bloomington: Bush Lake Beach Formerly supplied in-house lifeguards, ended service in 2020 Formerly supplied customer service representative but have ended service Prior Lake: Sandpoint Beach & Watzl’s Beach Formerly supplied in-house lifeguards but have ended services Sandpoint Beach ending facility attendant services in 2024 Burnsville: Crystal Beach Concessions & watercraft rental operation Anoka County Formerly supplied in-house lifeguards at 3 beaches, ended services around 2010 36 No lifeguards, but staff a Beach Monitor during the normal season. Staffed 72 days, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Total Expense: $10,909.35 $119.89 per day $17.13 per hour $29,090.65 under 2024 budget Creates a new seasonal position of a Beach Monitor Responsible for general supervision of the beach Enforces general beach policies (glass, inflatables, pets in beach area, etc.) Answers questions from the public Collects hourly beach attendance Stationed with AED and throwable in event of emergency Option #2 Considerations: Provides some level of service to park and beach users Provides an answer to worries of poor behavior from FlashVote responses Numerous cities have implemented a similar position but have retracted in recent years as they felt it wasn’t needed Could potentially be combined with concessions position If half-day picnic rentals are a consideration in future years, this position could be considered a “park attendant” and assist in picnic transitions 37 City Examples Beaches with “beach monitor” or “facility attendant”: Blaine: Lakeside Commons Park Implemented in 2009 when beach facility opened Position is classified as a “Park Attendant” Staff rotate between parking, boathouse, beach, and concessions Beach monitor has a life ring & AED Fire department leads training for CPR, First Aid, & AED Minnetonka is looking into the option if there is a staffing shortage Bloomington & Prior Lake have had a similar position in the past but have recently eliminated it Both cities stated they didn’t feel it was worthwhile and the beach monitor didn’t have enough to do to stay busy 38 Staff lifeguards in-house Tuesday - Sunday while opening one hour later than years prior with the beach unstaffed Monday’s. Open 62 days, 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Total Expense: $39,550.30 $471.78 per day $67.40 per hour $449.70 under 2024 budget Creates a new seasonal full-time position for a Lifeguard Coordinator (included in total expense budget) 30 hours of hands-on lifeguarding per week 10 hours of administrative time per week Duties include scheduling, training, beach reports, staff performance reviews, etc. Option #3 Considerations: Provides slightly lower level of lifeguard service than years prior Estimated expense is near 2024 budget Provides service during the peak hours and days of use In-house lifeguards is a complex operation Certifications, in-service hours, trainings, etc. are mandatory Many cities that offer in-house lifeguards have a full-time, year round Recreation Supervisor of Aquatics that also runs an indoor facility 39 Staff lifeguards in-house while maintaining the same level of service as years prior. Open 72 days, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Total Expense: $47,323.71 $513.22 per day $73.46 per hour $7,323.71 over 2024 budget Creates a new seasonal full-time position for a Lifeguard Coordinator (included in total expense budget) 30 hours of hands-on lifeguarding per week 10 hours of administrative time per week Duties include scheduling, training, beach reports, staff performance reviews, etc. Option #4 Considerations: Provides the same level of service as years prior Estimated expense is over 2024 budget Days and hours can be modified to fulfill budget needs In-house lifeguards is a complex operation Certifications, in-service hours, trainings, etc. are mandatory Many cities that offer in-house lifeguards have a full-time, year round Recreation Supervisor of Aquatics 40 City Examples Beaches with lifeguards: Minnetonka: Shady Oak Beach Employ nearly 60 lifeguards Charge gate fee for beach admittance Beaches with no gate fee are not staffed Largest challenge is staffing Reduced hours in 2022 due to staffing shortage Developing plans if they don’t have enough guards for future years Eden Prairie: Round Lake & Lake Riley Lifeguards are staffed in-house along with their indoor aquatic facility Beaches are open to all for free Have considered removing guards from Round lake due to water quality issues in recent years Chaska: Clayhole Swimming Beach Lifeguards are staffed in-house along with their indoor aquatic facility Ramsey County Previously guarded 6 beaches and 1 waterpark, currently guard 1 beach and 1 waterpark 41 Discussion & Questions Option #1: No staffed lifeguards or beach monitor. Estimated Expense: $2,000 Option #2: No lifeguards, but staff a “Beach Monitor” during the normal season. Staffed 72 days, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Estimated Expense: $8,909.35 Option #3: Staff lifeguards in-house Tuesday - Sunday while opening one hour later than years prior with the beach unstaffed Monday’s. Open 62 days, 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Estimated Expense: $39,550.30 Option #4: Staff lifeguards in-house while maintaining the same level of service as years prior. Open 72 days, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Estimated Expense: $47,323.71 2024 Lifeguard Services Budget: $40,000 42 Park & Recreation Commission Item January 23, 2024 Item 2024 February Festival Preview Item No:H.1 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY Staff will provide an update on the status of the 31st annual February Festival. BACKGROUND The metro area has experienced unseasonably warm weather in December 2023 and January 2024, resulting in open water on Lake Ann as of Friday, January 19. DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 43 Park & Recreation Commission Item January 23, 2024 Item Lake Ann Park Preserve Update Item No:H.2 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY Staff will provide an update regarding the status of the Lake Ann Park Preserve. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 44