DECEMBER 12, 2023
Chair Vasatka called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Vasatka, Chair; Dan Eidsmo; Matt Kutz; Jim Peck; Rob
Swanson; Scott Pharis; and, Youth Commissioner Nischay Pattanashetty.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Heather Markert, Vice Chair.
STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Adam Beers, Park
Superintendent; Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager; Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor; Jodi
Sarles, Rec Center Manager; and Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded
to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously
with a vote of 7 to 0.
Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, stated they hosted the Civic Campus Open House
on December 12.
1. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated October 24, 2023
Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to approve the minutes of the
Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated October 24, 2023 as presented. All voted
in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
2. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated November 28, 2023
Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Swanson seconded to approve the minutes of
the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated November 28, 2023 as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – December 12, 2023
1. 2023 Year in Review Presentation
Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager, shared photos that provided a representation of different
Park and Recreation events throughout 2023. Ms. Tandon thanked the Park and Recreation
Commission and staff for the support and guidance for these programs.
Chair Vasatka appreciated all the smiles throughout the presentation. He thanked Ms. Tandon for
the presentation.
1. Recreation Center Quarterly Update
Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager, shared part-time positions available at the recreation center.
Ms. Sarles shared various recreation center updates, including replacement dumbbells and racks.
Older equipment was shared with the Fire Department. She reviewed larger recreation center
events throughout the quarter.
Chair Vasatka asked how numbers for the Kids Night Out compared with the expectations. Ms.
Sarles stated there was a maximum of 30 people. This program will continue in the future.
Commissioner Kutz inquired about how the recreation center promoted the event. Ms. Sarles
answered through the website, a monthly newsletter, and social media.
Chair Vasatka asked how the numbers of the boutiques compared with past events. Ms. Sarles
shared that the Artisan Fair was stronger than in the past. The Holiday Boutique attendance was
not as strong, and it is a difficult time of year for events.
2. Park Maintenance Quarterly Report
Adam Beers, Park Superintendent, stated the Park Maintenance completed the 2023 CIP Park
Projects. There will be minor restoration on turf to complete in the spring. Lake Susan Baseball
Field was finalized and has new topsoil and turf, along with regrading to assist with water issues.
The Park Maintenance collaborated with the Forestry Department to create a small-scale bare
root tree nursery. Chair Vasatka asked about the price comparison. Mr. Beers stated the bareroot
trees are around $40 to $50, while a mature tree would have been $300 to $500. There are a
variety of trees included in this nursery.
Mr. Beers shared they will work on repairs for docks, paddleboats, and fishing piers. Park
Maintenance will complete tree and trail maintenance throughout the winter. He stated ice rink
and warming house openings will be delayed due to the warmer weather.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – December 12, 2023
Chair Vasatka asked if there was a collaboration with the street department for plowing. Mr.
Beers answered this collaboration would be continued throughout the winter.
Commissioner Swanson thanked Mr. Beers for the work on the Sugar Bush playground
Commissioner Pharis asked if the warmer weather impacted the budget. Mr. Beers stated there is
savings with the overtime budget, especially with less time needed for snow plowing. Jerry
Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, shared that the maintenance completed now will help
with spring maintenance.
3. Tree Lighting Ceremony Review
Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager, announced that there was record turnout at the tree lighting
ceremony on December 2. All refreshments provided for the event were used, which shows the
success of the event. She shared there were live reindeer, caroling, a gingerbread display, a Toys
for Tots donation station, and Santa Claus. Ms. Tandon encouraged individuals to vote for the
Tour of Lights contestants on the Facebook page.
Chair Vasatka asked where the tree lighting ceremony would take place next year with the Civic
Campus updates. Ms. Tandon stated the location for next year is uncertain, but the staff is
researching options.
4. Senior Center Quarterly Report
Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator, shared an overview of the events hosted by the
Senior Center in the fall. She gave details about the 55+ Expo at the Recreation Center, which
provided free trial classes and instruction on hands-free CPR. There were four trips throughout
the fall with 104 participants from Chanhassen. The Senior Center hosted various events,
including Oktoberfest, the Pancake Breakfast, and the Holiday Celebration.
Finally, there are ongoing programs including free technology help. The grant funding for this
program stops in March. Commissioner Pharis asked how much funding was needed for the free
technology program. Ms. Blazanin stated between $12,000 to $18,000 to provide management,
training, and volunteers.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – December 12, 2023
Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and
Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.
Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer
Park and Recreation Director