Project Description_LUAProject Descripon · ID: 25-11-90-030: Chanhassen Lodging, LLC (Parking) · ID: 25-11-90-010: Chanhassen Lodging, LLC (Hotel/Parking) · ID: 25-11-90-040: Chanhassen Lodging, LLC (Parking) · ID: 25-11-80-020: Chanhassen Lodging, LLC (Hotel/Parking) · ID: 25-11-80-010: Chanhassen Lodging, LLC (High Timber Lounge) · ID: 25-44-60-011: Chanhassen Lodging, LLC (Sliver west of Theater) · ID: 25-28-30-010: Chanhassen Lodging, LLC (Theater) Required Applicaons: · Preliminary Plat · Final Plat (later) · Site Plan · Vacaon of Easements Urban Design: The development site sits within a super-block bounded by 78th Street to the north, Market Boulevard to the west, Market Street to the south and Great Plains Boulevard to the east. This block, measuring 670’ north to south and over ¼ mile east to west is unbroken by any roads. Several parcels have no frontage on a public right of way and rely on access easements through adjacent parcels. The large amount of grade change from north to south further inhibits access through the superblock. One of the primary urban design goals of the proposed development is to provide more legible connecons through the site. Toward that goal, the development is split into two buildings separated by an extension of Laredo Drive to the southern boundary of the development site. This extension of Laredo Drive will be sloped to the maximum praccable extent in order to facilitat e a future further extension of Laredo south to Market Street, if and when the property to the south is redeveloped. Within the two buildings, spaces at the street level are organized to minimize the visual impact of automobiles and promote walkability. Retail spaces and residenal support spaces line 78 th Street and the Laredo Drive extension. Walk-up townhomes line the west side of the West Building. Structured parking is located behind these acve uses at stree t level and below grade. Below a 51-stall surface parking lot in the northwest corner will be underground stormwater tanks. Sidewalks will line all streets, and planted boulevards with canopy trees will be provided wherever possible, both to provide shade for pedestrians and to create a buffer between the street and sidewalk. All retail spaces will have their primary entrances facing the street. Customers will park either in the northwest surface lot or within the street-level structures parking garage in the west building. Two paseos allow pedestrian access from the customer parking area to 78th Street and the business entrances. The retail space on the corner of 78th and Market is designed to house a restaurant including a covered, outdoor dining terrace facing the corner and the new City Hall building. Architecture: The development team’s design goal is to create an architecture suited to a mixed use downtown. Along 78th Street, the retail spaces are expressed in one- and two-story volumes. The upper floors of housing are stepped back from this retail base. The West Building is the larger of the two buildings and has more than 300’ of frontage along 78th Street, similar in scale to the length of a tradional city block. The massing of the building is sculpted into several disnct volumes that help evoke the idea of a tradional town center made up of individual buildings that have accreted over me. The two larg est recesses in the façade coincide with the paseos that provide pedestrian connecons from the custome r parking to 78th Street. These recesses help provide way-finding to the paseos. Several upper-story step backs contribute to a varied cornice line. The West Building features a large, west-facing outdoor recreaonal terrace along Market Boulevard. An addional amenity space occurs at the upper level o f the building affording views toward the Civic Center Campus. The East Building is oriented toward Laredo Drive and is set back from 78th Street, aligned with Aldi and The Venue. This setback serves to maintain exisng traffic paGerns, namely the connecon of the Aldi parking lot to Laredo Drive. Stormwater tanks serving the enre development sit below this parking lot . Similar to the West Building, The north elevaon of the East Building is composed of a one-story base of commercial storefronts, with several stories of housing above that are stepped back from the base. A strategic upper story step back on the north façade accommodates an upper-level terrace and club room that face north and west. Due to the grade change across the site, the East Building’s underground parking is gradually revealed toward the south and on the south façade, the parking is lined with four walk-up flats with generous paos. Parking: In an effort to develop a compact, pedestrian-focused, vercally-mixed-use community in the Downtown Mixed use character area, the development team is endeavoring to make the most efficient use of parking stalls both within the redevelopment parcels and among several adjacent parcels that have an effecve surplus of under-ulized parking. The propo sed plan provides 467 stalls (of which 406 are enclosed) on the development sites. In addion to t hese on-site stalls, there are several legal agreements in place that allow the Cinema (East Building) parcel rights to parking stalls on adjacent properes. The Chanhassen municipal code provides t hat for mixed use projects, parking requirements shall be determined by the city based on the uses. A parking demand study is being prepared to calculate the parking demand of the enre project, taking into account differing peak mes generated by different uses. Listed below are the off-site parking resources the development team proposes to use in order to sasfy the development’s required parking: · 25 surface stalls south of the “cinema parcel” (East Building): o An exisng easement (Doc # A387167) allows the cine ma parcel unrestricted use of 25 stalls. We propose to use these stalls for residents of the East Building. · 103 enclosed stalls in the Southwest Transit parking garage: o An exisng easement (Doc #A662708) gives The Venue and Cinema parcels access to 103 stalls in the SW Transit parking facility but restricts use to weekends and weekday nights between 6:00 pm and 2:00 am the following morning. This me restricon doesn’t allow these stalls to be effecvely used for resident parking but the allowable mes correspond closely with the typical peak use of guests of residents. The development team proposes to use 37 of these stalls toward the combined 65 required guest stalls for The Venue and East Building. · The “cinema parcel” has rights to park in the enre parking lot south of The Venue, but overnight parking is restricted.