EDA 1994 05 19 AGENDA HOUSING & REDE~P~ AUTHORITY THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1994, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HAL1., 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF Mn~tYrES 1. Approval of March 31, 1994 Minut~ VISITOR PRF~ENTATIONS Anyone wishing to address the lIRA may do so at this time. OLD BUSINESS e Reject Bids on the I-Ianus Facih'ty RooL Consider Change Order to Hanus Facility Upgr~_ding aggregate base and to haul dirt for pedestrian bridge. 4. Review Scnior Housing Proposals. 5. Entry Monuments. Consider Modifying the Redevelopment Agreermot with Ryan Construction on Outlot B, Retail Addition. e Consider approving purchase agreement for the south touchdown area for the pedestrian bridge. NEW BUSINESS Se o 10. Review Archi~ Style for Outlot A and Lot 4, in Market Square. Public ~g regarding thc Land Sale of Owdot A and Lot 4, Mad~ Square. Approval of Bills. · HRA PRESENTATIONS CHANHA$$EN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING MARCH 31, 1994 Chairman Bohn called the meeting to order at 7:30 pan. MEMBERS PRF~ENT; Jim Bohn; Don Chmiel, Mike Mason, and Gary Boyle MEMBERS ABSENT: Charlie Robbins STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Asst. Executive Director APPROVAL OF bIINUTES: Bohn moved, Boyle seconded to approve the Minu~s of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting dated February 24, 1994 as presented. All voted in favor, except Chmiel and Mason who abstained, and the motion carried. VIS~QR PRESENTATIONS: None. Gerhardt: Mr. Chairman, if we could just add that one item that I handed out. The I-IRA Presentations portion of the agenda. Chmiel: As item number Gerhardt: Yeah. Mason: We can't act on this tonight can we? Gerhardt: You can. I mean it should have been on the agenda and he would like to know an answer tonight because he wants to executive the redevelopment agreement. Mason: Well, I understand that but if somebody were to look at this agenda and then see that this was approved, they would say but. It wasa't on the agenda and I dian't want it to happen and I wanted to have my say in it. Gerhardt: That's your prerogative. If you want to put it until the next month, it's. Chmiel: Why don't we put that down for lIRA Presentation. Geflmrdt: Sure. Mike's point was that it's not on the agenda... Chmiel: Right No, and I agree with that Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Gerhardt: And it was my fault that it didn't get placed on the agenda. When the agenda went out I forgot all about it. Charlie called me this week and said...and I went oh oh. That's where I started off saying I forgot. Boyle: Which is a different word for overlooked. Gerhardt: Yeah. Mason: I think he overlooked it. I don't think he forgot. I mean I heard you say overlooked. Gerhardt: Karen told me I couldn't say forgot. I had to use something else so how about overlooked. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RUSS PAULY'S LEASE. Gerhardt: Mr. Chairman, HRA members. Included in your pack are two leases. One for a one year term and a second one for a two year term. Russ and I have been swapping messages and haven't gotten to each other here in the last two weeks. We met approximately 3 weeks ago and sat down and had a good talk however we never did come to a determination on the square footage. I told Russ that I had to come somewhere between $4.75 and $6.00 I felt, which was the market rate rent based on an opinion from Roman Roos. And from that I told him that I would send him two leases and that he could look at them and get back to me. So as it stands tonight, staff is proposing a one year lease at $4.75 a square foot and a two year lease at $6.00. Bohn: I thought we already voted on 18 months. Gerhardt: We, after one, part of our discussions with Russ was that we run with the length of the liquor license so he's going to get a liquor license for a full year. How do you rebate 2, 3 months, 4 months worth of liquor license back so we started out with the full second Chrniel: Couldn't you just prorate that and put it over a 24 month period, or a 12 month period when you're paying for it and just deduct whatever's left of the 6 months. That's sort of simple. Gerhardt: You probably could do that. You could probably prorate it back. We just thought it would be simpler to go from May 1 to the next May type lease agreement. The additional 4 months isn't going to make or break anything so. We just thought we'd nm with the terms Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 of the liquor license and not get into prorating. But if you wish to go with the 18 months. I remember last time we were just negotiating 2 years down to 18 months. Bohn: Wc ended up with 18 months is what wc voled on. Gerhardt: At that time. Bohn: But the only thing we didn't come to a conclusion on is what the amount of the lease would be. Gerhardt: That's correct If you want to see it for 18 months, we can do that. Boyle: Todd, just for clarification. One year, if the one year lease is signed, then it's $4.75 a square foot. But if it's elected to go, as I understand it, ff Russ elects to go 2 years, then it's $6.00 a square foot. Am I correct? Gerhardt: That's correct Russ felt that ff it's a shorter period of time, that he should pay less and if it's a longer period of time, he would be willing to pay more and we agreed with him in those statements so that's why you see the two difference in rents. Boyle: Russ, are you in agreement with these? Russ Pauly: Not with the dollar amounts, no. For a number of reasom. Boyle: Maybe we should hear from you. Russ Pauly: My name is Russ Pauly. I live at 1031 Carver Beach Road in Chanhassen and I represent Pauly's Bar and Reset. As Todd said, we had discussions that pertained to the amount of the dollar, or the dollar amounts of the lease. That was discussed with Roman Roos and as he said, it's fair market value. A number of things that don't pertain I don't think to fair market value are you know condition of the existing buildings. The way they are fight now. As far as roof and upkeep and what have you, those are all things that I would do as the renter. Basically though what Roman had said, some_ of that makes sense but the City doesn't want to make any investment in the building and I don't thinir that's really what ~hey need to do. But on the other hand I don't think I should have to pay fair mazket value if I'm going to be the one that fixes the roof. If I'm going to be the one that psints the building and you know. The City doesn't want to pay fire insurance on the building. They want the rent but they don't want to take the other responsibilities that go along wilh renting a building. And I don't think maybe they should be in that business but the fact is that, if I'm going to pay fair market rate, then that's what I should get is a fair deal when it comes to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 lease you know. And basically when we had our discussions on the rent, my feelings were that there should be some give and take. Basically what Roman Roos came up with is where the city stands and they haven't budged a nickel so you know, I wld Todd. I said well there's got to be some area there where we can reach agreement and they never did, in our two discussions, they never came back with a counter offer or anyflfing so I don't know, we're just kind of stuck and I thought at this point, I'm not going to sign a lease agreement for something I don't feel is fair. Initially when we talked about the possibility of having a 2 year lease as opposed to a one year lease, it would make sense. If I could lock something in for 2 years, I'd be wiIliug to pay a little extra but on the other hand you know, if it's going to be a one year deal or an 18 month deal you know now, I don't know where we stand as far as that situation. The HRA said an 18 month deal and the city's point of view was that they would just extend it to a 2 year deal to run concurrently with our liquor license. And given these changes I don't know really where the HRA stands on that... Like I said Todd and I hadn't been able to work anything out. As far as the lease agreement you know it has some value to the city. They aren't going to have to do anything with the property. If they have no plans to do anything as far as development. You know we're going to take care of the building. We're in business and it wouldn't be to my advantage to let the exterior go down the drain. To let the roof and the structural part of it go down the drain so I'm going to maintain it from that perspective...and I don't want to have to pay prime rate if I'm going to do these things. The conditions of the buildings aren't that bad. A lot of it is physicai stuff. I have plans to paint the exterior of the building again this summer you know but there again that's at my cost. I'm not asking the city to do it but on the other hand, if they're going to rent the building to me, you know Like I said, I think there should be some consideration you know if I'm going to do that type of upkeep with the building. That's over and above normal lease agreements. We did have a fire there last October and you know I didn't even call the city to find out if they had building insurance because I'm not in there to harass them or go after things like that and there again, in the lease agreements that they sent me, you know they don't plan on carrying fire insurance on the building, which isn't typical of a lease agreement. You carry your insurance on your business equipment and intea'ior features and whoever is leasing you the building carries the insurance on the building. Another thing in consideration, I don't think the city has taken fully into consideration the fact that you know I probably wouldn't be here if I was in the Kermy's building right now. I'd be remodeling that and be ready to move in probably 2 months. So it's kind of a situation where I'm stuck because if I want to stay in business at this point, I have to stay in my location where I'm at fight now. It just isn't physically or financially possible to do anything at this point. Some of the other businesses that have been given consideration, you know I had a little chat with Bernie Hanson from Chan Lawn and Sport and they were in there building for I think roughly a year you know after they were to vacate it and he was paying $300.00 a month on a 5,000 square foot building. Well that's only 60 cents a square foot you know. I wld Todd, I said well I'll pay you $3.00 a square foot you know. Somewhere inbetween $3.00 and $4.7/5 and Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 they just, they wouldn't budge so I guess at this point I'm just, I'm here to see what the HRA's thoughts are on it. I know what the advantages are to keeping me there because you know we do pay our taxes. We pay a considerable amount in license fees and utili~ and parking lot rnalnumance and we're never delinquent on any, you know haven't been in the 60 years we've been in business in Chanhassen so I just think there should be a little consideration given from that point of view. Or from my point of view. I guess that's alL Thank you. Bolm: Thank you Russ. Mike. Mason: Well, not being here last month I know for s fact that Coundl voted and felt very strongly that thc lease should only go 12 months. Council, that was a very slrong message from Council and I happen to concur with that. $o therein, there's already some problems here as far as I'm concerned. The comment that the City isn't budging I have a little ~uble with considering the fact that it's my understanding from Mr. Roos that he says market value was $4.?5 to $6.00. So what I'm hearing is the city is giving low end to what market value is in the city right now, is that right Todd? Gerhardt: Ah yeah. Mason: I ~ give or take. Gerhardt: Roman went with the special conditions that go along with thl, rent. He said that the market for that special condition should come in between $4.75 and $6.00. The true market for a building lilre this is between $6.00 and $10.00. If you're out in the true mar~t. Mason: This is according to Roman, right. So L you know with those things, I .have, I'm happy with the direction staff is taking m~d then I don't know that I-IRA should be involved in negotiating rents anyway. I think if we stick our fingers in this_ then what's to prevent everybody that has any kind of lease with the city to come knocking at our doorstep. Bohn: They don't aH own property. Mason: Well I understand that but there are a nnmbcr of tenants in the city that property is owncd by the city that will certainly have the oppartmfity, ff we start giving figures lo staff and telling them that this is what we want to see, well I think we're opening up a can of worms that I quite honestly don't want to open. So I cerlainly don't want to see this go to years. I can tell you that right now. So I guess that's where I'm at right now. Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Boyle: Mike, why does Council and yourself feel that 2 years is, why do yo not want to see it go 2 years7 Mason: Well because I think there's, well for one thing, like I said and I know Dick's in the audience and Don is here too. Council wanted it to go a year because it's time to start looking at other things. Boyle: But we have nothing planned and we know it takes a long time to get something done, is that correct? Chmiel: No. No. There were some things that were discussed at that time. In fact that evening meeting I brought that up as well. That potentially we need something within the city for kids. I was looking for something as a youth center and I had been looking at that building for a long time. And I was the one that brought up the fact that we should have a year extension to give Russ that additional year because I thought with the fact that he was really getting shot down over at Kenny's, that that would at least give him an opportunity to move forward within 6 months to a year to find another location and put that business back in use. Boyle: I guess I kind of like the idea that at least it's creating some revenue for a year or two if we have nothing else going. Chmiel: Well that's part of it I think that there's going to be, there's sort of a lack of communication between HRA and back to Council and or vice versa and I don't know, how did this come up with the additional 18 months? Or to 2 years. Bohn: Well if he was going to put any money into the building and maintain the building and operate the building, a year really wasn't sufficient. Mason: Why not? Boyle: It's kind of like a compromise between a one year and two year I think is where it really came out. Mason: Well Council wanted to go with 6 months to be honest with you and they were Boyle: That was never brought up at our last meeting. Mason: Well yeah. Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Chmiel: And that's why I was son of surprised when I did read these Minu~ that nothing was mentioned of that fact. Discussion at Council. Mason: Well I believe Todd, in the HRA Minutes Todd did say that Council wanted, and I'll check it but I believe you made a comment about the Coundl wanting a year lease.. Gerhardt: They askexi me where the one year came from and I said that that was the direction from City Council. Boyle: One year though, not 6 months. Mason: Well right. Right. Oh 6 months was discussed and we vol~! on a year. I mean he wouldn't have had any reason to say we wanted 6 montl~ Boyle: Mike, in regards to your comment about setting a precedent and other people coming and asking for the same type of breaks or whatever. I would guess that may be the case if it's property owned by HRA but if it's not owned by HRA then I don't think that's going to happen. So I don't really personally put much weight on that one. Mason: Well that's fine you know and as I'm re-reading some Minutes here, Roos says rents are from $6.00 to $10.00. He did go on to make some comments that because of, I don't remember what it was but 3% should be taken off because of a management fee or some this, that and the other thing and he ended up with $4.75. It seems to me if market rates in the city are $6.00 to $10.00, I don't know why we'd want to go lower than $4.75 to tell you the Boyle: If HRA voted at our last meeting for 18 months, does that have to.come up again far another vote then? I mean is this not now made policy? Gerhardt: That's a good legal question on Robert's Rules of Order that I do not. Mason: What was your question again? Boyle: HRA voted, and the majority was here, and approved an 18 month extension on Russ' lease. Why are we discussing something different at this time? Gerhardt: I'm trying to think here. Over the last two weeks, when Russ and I met you know as part of our negotiations, he made a comment that he would be willing to pay more for a longer lease. Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Boyle: But more than what we haven't determined yet, fight? Gerhardt: Right. Boyle: Okay. Gerhardt: And with that he also said you know, I'm not going to pay for a full year's liquor license you know and I did not ask Karen if you could prorate it or that. He said it would be nice if he could run it with the term of the liquor license and that made sense to both Russ and I when we talked about it. And instead of going with the 18 months you know we suggested the 2 years. So that's where the 2 year came from. Now if you want us to modify that back down to the 18 months, I will look at seeing ff we can't prorate liquor licenses and give a rebate back. I still do not know if you can do that. So that's why I went with the 2 years. And as to can you rescind your decision of a month ago. I would think you could if you've got a majority but you can always change your mind as long as both parties agree to it. Mason: Well because this happened at Council and the meeting that I was not at, and I'm not saying I'm going to do that. Because I wasn't there, well whoever isn't there according to our City Attorney, does have the fight to make a motion to reconsider the vote. Now ff it fails for lack of a second, that's fine. But that can be done. But it has to be done tonight. I mean it's a one shot deal. After this it's a done deal. Boyle: But that would have to come from the City Attorney, is that correct? Mason: No. Either Don or myself, or I could make a motion if I wanted to asking to reconsider the vote. Chmiel: It can be done because neither of us were here. Boyle: Okay. Chmiel: That just son of surprised me that all of a sudden it takes a diff~t complexity from what it was at one time to moving it ahead. The additional, either 6 months or 12 more months. When I did have a hard time to get Council to really move ahead even with granting a one year extension. They wanted to go just strictly a 6 month period and I kept saying, well let's look at this. Boyle: Well I don't know Don. Who has the final say in it7 Does Council or does HRA7 . Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Chrnic~ I think because it's an I-IRA project, HRA has that ability. Boyle: So we can take Council's recommendation but because HRA owns it, it's HRA's final say on it, right? Mason: That's true. Boyle: And three people on the HRA voted and agreed to 18 months, is that correct7 Chrniel: Yeah. But there wasn't any of the discussion from our side of which has been brought out now. Boyle: Tonight, okay. Chmiel: And that may have changed the complexity of the final vote. Maybe. It could have been still a 3 and 2 or 4 and 1. 4 or 5 is it depending. Boyle: Well I guess my mind hasn't changed and I think the consideration, I flfiuk the fact that Russ has been very patient and kept the building up. Is willing to put revenue in. Has been there for quito some time. How long has it been Russ since. Russ Pauly: Our 60th Anniversary will be Memadal Day of this year. Boyle: How long has it been since HR owned the pwpeny? Russ Pauly: Since they've owned the ~? Boyle: Yes. Russ Pauly: It will be 4 years. Boyle: 4 years. So he's asked for an ~on. He's willing to pay some rent for the extension. I believe the consideration should be given and the consideration should be fair and I believe the 18 months tlmt we voted on was a fair consideration and at $4.75 a squm~ foot at 18 months is reasonable. That's my opinion- Provialng we can pramte the liquor Chmiel: Yeah. And if there's any ramifications to that. Todd will find that out. Bohn: Don? Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Chmieh Well I guess I have interject~:l some of my ideas and thoughts as to what I basically have felt. There's a lot of, well there was some consensus on the Council that when the HRA purchased the building and paid off the total amount of dollars for that facility, plus the other things that they had taken into consideration by contract with the lease agreement. That was all in due respect to what was being discussed for total payment, if I remember, and I think even Russ has indicated that and Todd has, both. But there comes a time when there's a facility there and we're looking at, and there isn't anything right now concrete for that particular comer. When we brought up the year extension at Council, I thought that year was something where Russ would probably want to move on with finding a site within the community and putting something back in. And that's where I saw the opportunity to move ahead with that for a youth center for the time being. Not a permanent situation by any stretch of the imagination. Because we've got so many, I've been losing my voice for the last week. We have so many kids within this community that need a place to go. A place to be and I thought there was a perfect opportunity for us to move ahead with that kind of a location. And I've had a lot of parents and even non-parents who indicated that they would be willing to assist with this. In fact I left some of that stuff at home. I forgot to bring it but I think some of the things should have been brought out by what Council has said and what was discussed and I really do. Six more months to me is not going to make any difference. If Russ finds a place that's going to be to his liking. But I'm not sure that even after 18 months that he may even proceed with that. But that's going to be his call. Not anybody else's. It's a lot of money to put into a facility and it's a popular spot. I've been there many times. My sons frequent it every once in a while and it's a good place for people to meet. But I just think that there's just been some miscomrnunications between Council back to HRA or vice versa. Even to find somethiug out and how this came about number one is what I really didn't understand. How this came up again for this discussion. And how it got on the last agenda and of course I wasn't here either so. Bohn: I wasn't aware of the (5 month thing. I honestly I wasn't. I thought we went to a year and then (5 months over a year was no big deal. Another (5 months, it makes it easy for him to operate and get things going and buying another place, I thought well. But the 6 months thing never came into. I don't think we even discussed 6 months. Mason: Well no. The reason I brought that up is to just lay some ground work for HRA to know where Council is coming frorrL I mean we all agreed to a year. The first thing that was thrown out as (5 months and for a while it looked like it was going to go 6 months. But Don, and I agreed with him that come on. 6 months wasn't a very realistic amount of time to get anything moving. So no, I wouldn't necessarily expect you folks would have known that. You know ff I could interject one more thing here which I think is a bigger picture than what Russ is going through right now. Richard asked that we have an HRA update at City Council meetings, which would be our last meeting of the month. And we concluded that we thought 10 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 that was a pretty good idea and I wondered if maybe. Bohn: It should be vica versa. Mason: I was just going to say lira. I think that would be a real good idea for eider Don or myself to give a Council update on, obviously not on everything but on issues that perlain to HRA. You know an item at the end of the agenda or whatever. Bohn: Also with the Planning Commiss/on Mason: Well. Chmiel: No, we're talking just about these two. Mason: But I think that's a good thing to go for in the future but I think, I'd like to see that added to both the liRA and the Council agenda. Chmiel: We do have people at thc Council meetings from Planning Commission. There's a representative there all the time. And the reason we have that is, in the event there's some discussion that goes back and forth, that's when we can bring them into the discussion to update us and rv~ire, us reatly aware as to what's there. Mason: Getting back to the an'rent issue at hand here. I don't have any intention of rehashing that issue. I mcan at this point I agree. Thc difference ~ 12 months and 18 months isn't that big a deal. And I agree with what Gary said about the 18 months at $4.75, assuming we can work out some sort of pwml~ schedule with thc liquor license. Sure. Absolutely. Boyle: Don, do we have any idea what it might cost to revmnp the pwpeny to convert it to a teen center? What the cost might be? Has anybody looked into the cost that it might involve to make that? Chmiel: No. It's too early in the game to even. Boyle: That was just an idea. So ~ally the only really issue here of shortening the amount of time that Russ would like to have his lease ~ is to convert the pwpa~ to a teen center and that's really the purpose for City Council wanting a shorter lease period, am I Chrniel: No. I don't even think the teen portion was redly the con_~id_ewation behind it at all 11 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 It was just a thought that I had on it that I threw out and there was probably hardly any discussion in regard to it. Other than the information I got back from people who were.here that thought that that would be a good idea. Boyle: Then why would City Council have any objection? I mean let me r~hrase that. Why would they want to shorten the lease? Chmiel: Well it was that some members on Council dlcha't quite '~ going any more than 6 month and as Mike has said, and I have said, and 1'11 reiterate it again, we felt that that wasn't justifiable and I felt that he should have at least a full given year. Boyle: Okay. Bohn: Another reason why we thought about the 18 months too is it takes, to get something done, from the time we concept it, to get it done, it takes 18 months. Not like the Byerly's but so many projects we've worked on, it seems like to get something done, it takes 1 or 2 years at least. And the way, from what I understand, did you talk to A1 Klingelhutz last night about the library? He is bound and determined to get the library on Pauly's property as soon as possible. Of course he doesn't own it and he's not on the library board anymore. Boyle: Does he own the building behind there? Bolm: Yeah, he owns half of it. Chmiel: I'm not convinced yet that that might be the location for it either. Boyle: Todd, did anytt~g come out of the meeting last, excuse me Tuesday night on the ad hoc committee on Vision 2002 that might shed light on anything here that would affect that property? Gerhardt: Well, I think they made real good progress. They were ready to lay out I think two alternative sites for the library. And unfommately it got late into the evening and I told Fred, let's close up the tents and go home and resehedule this thing. But they're at that point right now of trying to either narrow it down to I or 2 spots. Boyle: Is this property one of the spots7 Gerhardt: Yes. Boyle: Okay. 12 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Gerhardt: But they're just a recommending body to the overall group and the overall group is going to meet on the 19th again. That's our final vision and get input back. Boyle: The 19th of April7 Gerhardt: Yes. Boyle: If that pr~ was selected as the site for a library, in your best estimate, how long do you think it would take before a libraxy could, I mean everything could be done and the library consmicted on that property? And I know that's a tough question. Gerhardt: Oh, I would say probably they probably wouldn't recommend construction until the following spring. By the time you go through the government process of going through planning and that's a 2 year process in itself. And then doing land specifications and bi_'ddin§ is another 3 months. You may be able to do it yet this fall if you get stm'ted right now. Boyle: But thc odds of that are pretty slim are they not? Gerhardt: Yeah. I can demo a building...are about 3 weeks. Bohn: Can we have a motion on. Boyle: I'll make a motion that we do an 18 month lease at $4.75 a square foot pwviding the liquor license can be prorated for the second year to 6 months. Bohn: Do I have a second? Mason: Yes you do. Second. Bohn: No discussion? I have one q~on. If Russ would find a place to move to before the ~ is up. Like he finds a place in a year and he wants out of his lease. Gerhardt: He's bound by the terms of that lease. He can always come back and ask you guys to relinquish that right but he's botmd by the terms of the lease. Mason: Well I don't think we're that hard nosed. At least I hope not. I mean if that were to happen, I wouldn't have any uouble with that. Gexhardt: You can put right into the lease saying that Russ can leave at any time he wants. 13 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 · Chrniel: I think that would probably be a good condition to have contained in there. Unless you see for some reason. Gerhardt: Or he can come back and ask you too. We can write it in there. Roman would say that's worth money. Bohn: Who paid Roman7 Gerhardt: ...good representation. Mason: I can't imagine there's anybody on HRA that would have a problem with that. But I'm only speaking for myself. Boyle moved, Mason seconded that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority approve an 18 month lease for Russ Pauly at a rate of $4.75 per square foot provided the liquor can be prorated the second year. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDER LEASE EXTENSION FOR DON KALLESTAD FOR THE PONY EXPRESS BAR SITE. Gerhardt: Mr. Chairman and HRA members. At our last HRA meeting Mr. Kallestad made a Visitors Presentation to you asking for an extension to his lease at the Pony Express Bar. As staff reviewed the file on this we also felt that Mr. Kaliestad had the same terms that Mr. Pauly and Mr. Pryzmus had. That was not the case. His term for his lease ended September 15th, 1991. From that he has received an extension for the last 2 years from that agreement. Staff has also had some concerns over the last approximate year and a half, two years. Staff has had to send notice to Mr. Kallestad several times for payment of rent. We went up to the fifth hour of litigation to try to get rent out of Mr. Kallestad. Finally on that 24th hour he came to terms on a payment schedule that we meet Mr. Kallestad's level. Mr. Kallestad is also delinquent on utility bills and it's staff recommendation that you do not extend the lease or give him 90 day notice to vacate and that he also pay all delinquent utility charges from that. Mr. Kallestad is here ff you want to hear his side. Bohn: Mr. Kallestad? Mr. Katlestad: Thank you gentlemen for hearing me. I jointed the businessmen in Charthassen in 1980 when I purchased the Pony Express Bar. At the time I was working for Wilson Learning Corporation when I applied for my license and I was welcomed to 14 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - M~h 31, 1994 Chanhassen by a couple of very interesting circumstances that normally don't happen to other people I guess but they did happen to me. My first check on my ledger goes out for $500.00 to the City of Chanhassen for the investigational fee, which they investigate my background to insure that I'm ethical and not connect~ to the mob and things ~ this for getting my liquor license. But I was told by Mr. Russ Larson at the time that it was $2,000.00, even though Section 36B, which if you look up in your records from 1980 sta~ very definitely Minnesota resident, $500.00. I can show you these things...if you don't believe me but they're ~'ue. I didn't n~nlre any tronble because I wanted to join the city and Russ Lin'son snid, if you want a liquor license, it's $2,000.00. He looked me in the eye and I said Russ, it's $500.00. Look fight here. He wouldn't even look. He ~ it's $2,000.00 to get a liquor license, welcome to Chanhassen. Now, when I came up with my application I was employ~ at Wilson Learning Corporation as n Mnnnger of Client Services. I wn~ formerly a Vice- President of KaHestad Laboratories producing trnnsphmts...I was gunrant~ed the Vice Presidency within 6 months at Wilson Learning but I was told by the City of ~, which is not in any other ordinances, that I must vncate my job and work the premises full time. That they would not give n liquor license to an nbsentee owner, which is not in the ordinance but it was one that they felt they had to do because they had ~'ouble with the prior owner. This is, I thought it over and I thought about fighting it nnd that my fights were being violated but I went along with it because then, and I tried to get along with the person. I worked it for nil the years. I never had a citation nt Pony Exp~ss Bar. I hronght it from $185,000.00 gross to $750,000.00 gross by 1987, which is when I was notified that they were taking my property my eminent domain but not my building. Tnk~ aH my property which I had about 65 parking plnces of my own, which met nil the city ordinances for taking of property. When the negotiations began, the city would not work with me. I could not get any replies from the attorney. The City Mnnager would not reply. We could not get any deals going. We could not get any arbitration going to wozk out n de, al on the eminent domain thing. Finally Judge Reilly ordered the City Mnnager of Chanhassen in the court under contempt of court to negotiate with me or he was going to find him in contempt of court This is not unusual for how I've been de~t with the City of Chan. I don't know what it is that I've done to get this kind of ~t but I was held up. I had to get, pny extra legal expenses to date. We had a jury already ~itting there. By the time he came down to begin his negotiations, the jury had been ~ A lot of wnsl~ money on the city's pnrt. A lot of wasted money on my pnrt, to the tune of about $35,000.00 and I was tokl nt that time that if I went through with it, that th~ would appeal any decision made and they would appeal it all the why to Supreme Court nnd I could look at another $50,000.00. Another 2 years of lost time. I wouldn't get all my money so I was forced into settling for that deal So I think that they begin the consUuction. They cut me off on aH four ~ for almost a year. Some of my employees couldn't even get into work because they were aH four sides. Russ Pauly also went through a lot of problems going through it. They've been there longer and I was a little younger and I had just invest~ in some more things and upgrading the 15 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 kitchen and things like that so that year hurt me a great deal. I came back in 1989 and made me an offer for the remaining part of the building. I was in no position to say no. Even though I was not given anything at all for the business itself, which I had raised to a considerable level. I wasn't given much time to think about it and my pockets are thin from all the hard times with all the construction that went on. So aside from that, I went through that. I had 2 years to put together another thing. In 1991 I had 3 heart attacks. Attributed a lot of it to the stress and things like that. I'm not laying any blame because my health problems are my own. I took 2 years to get back on my feet. I was a diabetic and I didn't know it and I got into all these problems which I've since gotten out of. I had to file bankruptcy in 1993 as a result of all these things. So...when I came into Chanhassen I was a rich man. I had properties and everything else. I worked here for 10 years and now I'm broke. I have a wife. A 2 year old child and we live there. My wife has a job. We're trying to work our way out of it. I've been working with the Department of Rehabilitation down in Shakopee since August of 1993. I send out 20-2~ resumes a week. It's a hard market but I anticipate I will be able to succeed shortly and we have, we're optimistic on that. So I'm asking you gentlemen to be a little gracious to us. To allow us to extend our time in there a little bit. We have a dog and a cat, a 2 year old little girl. My wife and myself. The downstairs does not lend itself to do anything because it's all screwed up. It's different levels and it's an old bar and it's dark and you can't put offices in there without extensive remodeling and you can't do any commercial things because it's limited in the lease that there can't be anything with high density parking. So the downstairs is just used for storage. We pay all the taxes on it so the city's not out anything. We take care of all the repairs. I just put $800.00 into the furnace 3 months ago rebuilding the furnace. Every time I try to find out from the city how long it will be it was a nebulous answer. No one really knowing for sure how long we'd be able to stay. It's a very short time period for us to get all our ducks in a row. We have all our...possessions. We have no place to go. We're trying to get back on our feet and we'd like to stay maybe until fall if we could. Give us time to find a place and to get our things moved and get back. I really, I commend the city for a lot of things that they're doing but I don't feel that I've really been treated very fairly down at that end. I never did get a dollar for my business. I didn't get any monies for moving or anything. For relocating and I just kind of need a fair shake from you gentlemen and if you could see it in your wisdom and your hearts to extend this until the end of the summertime into the fall sometime, it would really be appreciated by myself and my family. If you have any questions...can answer therrr Bohn: No. Thank you. Todd, I don't remember that wasn't a bar when we bought that building was it? They were operating still? Gerhardt: Yeah. The lower level was operated as a bar and the upper level was owned by... Just a little history on that. Gary and Mike weren't on the I-IR at that point but when we 16 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 were looking at starting the downtown redevelopment, we met with the Pony and Pryzmus and Pauly's and the HRA did not want to go in there and buy those businesses. We tried to work with them and put in some new facades and assisting tbem in trying to redevelop it. I think Fred or BRW worked on at least 3 or 4 alternatives to try to renovate that area and the feedback that we received from those three owners was, we want to be bought out. We do not want to put any money into these building~ That's why we moved ahead with the condemnation. Boyle: Has the upkeep of the bailalng been good? Gerhardt: I. Boyle: Is it deteriorating in any way? Oerhardt: Not that I'm aware of. I mean the building haau't been pain~l. It's in it's original condition when we bought it exterior wise. So I would say that Don has met the obligation of the lease. Boyle: Todd, if HRA was to direct staff to preimre the necessar~ papers, ew, to begin a 90 day advance written notice to evacuate the property, how long would it take to do the papers, etc7 When would the 90 days probably start7 Would it be May 1st or ~une 1st or effective immediately or? Gerhardt: That's whatever you would like to see. I mean we could probably get notice to them tomorrow. If you want to see it be out 90 days. It's got to be from the first of the month. If he doesn't get it tomorrow, it's going to have to be pushed back to next month. Boyle: Okay. Chmiel: I would like to see this go flh~uEh probably in a 6 month period and give him that oppommity to find something rather than the 90 days wr/~en notice, h's just something I feel to a point where I understand what he's saying. Some of the situations ocamed and ~re given problems. I think the city ~ have a little bit of bend in their aspect and extend that to 180 days. Boyle: For humanitarian reasons I have no l~roblem at all with 180 days. Bohn: Mike. Mason: That's fine. 17 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 , Bohn: You need that as a motion, don't you? Gerhardt: If you want, that's frae. I hear your direction. I think Don hears what you're saying and I will continue to work with Don and helping him in his transition. We have a list of apartments and any other things he may need. .. share that with him. Bohn: Okay. That would be 6 months. What would be the last day then of the lease? Mason: October 31st. (3erhardt: End of September. Boyle: That's assuming you could have it effective April 1st, which is tomorrow. That's counting April. Gerhardt: Well you only need to give him 30 days notice so I counted...It's your call. If you want it to be October 1, September 1, you know. Chmiel: I think if you use that last day of September, which I think probably will give you enough time. Mason: To October 1. Bohn: Yeah, and you don't have to move in the snow. Don Kallestad: Thank you very much gentlemen. UPDATE ON VISION 2002. Gerhardt: As some of you are aware, we met with the ad hoc committee this last Tuesday evening. It's a good group. It's a committed group of people that's really...real interested in how the downtown is going to lay out. We get a lot of feedback from them. They get some real interesting conversations and...enjoy gathering some real interesting information... and talking about the media and the libraries and one of the interesting things that they came up with is the possibility of maybe running a commuter line on the existing railroad tracks out here as a pet project. To see if it would work. People would ride the train to downtown Minneapolis. See if the railroad would allow things like that to happen so it's a free thi~ldr~g group and at this time I'd kind of like to have Fred give you an update on all the f'mdings of that committee. 18 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Chmiel: Just a quick question. You're talking the railroad over by TH 1017 Gerhardt: No, the active one. Chmiel: Oh the active one. Gerhardt~ They've taken out the uacks in southern Chan already. Chmiel: Oh they have? Gerhardt: Yeah. Those tracks are gone. Boyle: Where is thi.~ Todd? Gerhardt: The active line I think is the railroad company...the one that goes through Chauhassen, NAen Prairie and down through St. Louis Padc and then W downtown Minneapolis. Sony asked a question of could there be a commuter train that would nm, just a normal one. lust to take people from C~anhassea and to pick them up along the way into downtown Minneapolis. And see if people would use it as a project. It tweaked my interest and I'm going to look into it more. Bohn: Somebody even brought up a thing about a dinner train. Gerhardt: There is a dinner train that has contacted us that's in~ in coming in for one week a year to run a line. Boyle: I like the idea of the commuter train. Bohn: Well there was one that was going out west of here wasn't there?- Like I said at that meeting...he takes a commu~r train every day into work in downtown Chicago. He says it's chenper to tnke the train than paying the toll to get in and then paying for the pariring and he has a cup of coffee and a roll and reads the paper on the train going to work. His office is 2 blocks from the railroad depot. Mason: Once again Chan could be on the cutting edge hcre...You're right. You're right. Sorry Richard Fred Hoisington: I just want you to know we did miss Dick and the Mayor sad so forth at our meeting this last week. 19 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Chmieh I understand that. I'm happy I wasn't there. Fred Hoisington: It was, that was really rather kind. There was one testy moment or two in the session. The meeting went very well throughout the early part of the process. The future paper was very well received. The only real disagreement was that Al does know a great deal about libraries and has been involved with this one for a long time with Carver County and he did tend to disagree that we would see thc substantial change in libraries that will occur over the next 10 years. But really nobody was willirtg to say we ought to change. It's totally wrong. At least it was pointed in that direction that it appeared to be realistic. We presented also sort of a framework land use plan which is pretty consistent with what the Highway 5 corridor is coming up with and with what's there today as far as the background of land use. What seems to be reasonable while agreed to by the commi~. I don't think we have any problem. We really didn't have much difficulty until we got to the very end. When we began talking about the facilities themselves. The library. The post office. Seniors housing and those kinds of things and a community center, which maybe is just a bad term to be using but every time it's raised, well here's what happens Don. At the second town meeting the suggestion came from the group. I didn't make it up. You didn't make it up. It came from the group made out of 12 groups saying that a community center ought to be...an element in the city center. So I've been slruggling with this group and simply telling them that I don't have any Latitude to change that. The group told me that we should have a community center and that's the term that was predominantly used. There was a little bit I guess of misconstruing what I was saying because of the impression was that I was supporting the community center on the frontier site, which I was not. We agreed during the course of the evening to quit thinking about that...get rid of it. You tell me differently. I'll listen to you but for all intensive purposes, that one was resolved and probably will not, no longer pursue it. Otherwise direct us on the frontier site. I think here's the bottom line and I think it's a very legitimate thing on the part of the group. There arc lots of strong opinions there and I think there was a lot of good discussion taking pLace but to their credit, they were saying we need a little bit more information and what we need is to have at least some description of what these facilities would be. What their sizes would be and what the capabilities of the various sites that we talked about would be to accept them. And what we've done today is to prepare that background information. We'll be mailing that out to them tomorrow and so they should be able, we believe, on the 12th of April, which is another additional meeting which we want all of you to attend, if you can possibly do that. To reach agreement on facilities. The next focus group session is April 19th. We had hoped to have a general public meeting on I think May 4th...I mean the general public meeting after that Todd. Another week or two after a focus group session. So with that I fully expect that you will have some decisions in the very near term and something that can be recommended to thc larger group on thc 19th. 2O Housing and Redevdopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Boyle: You co~ted Fred about on the 19th was the committee meeting and then after that was a focus group meeting on what... (There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.) Chmiel: Is there any way that we can move something out from April into May7 Fred Hoisington: Which one are you having a problem with Don? Chmiel: The 19th. I think we have matings every ni~,,ht. Mason: Council has a couple meetings already with 3 nights. Chmiel: 3, there's 4 right now. There's 5. Gerhardt: ...but it is a Tuesday and it's not the Tuesday for the Pm'k and Rec. Mason: We've got at least 7 meetings that month. Chmiel: Yeah, and that doesn't count Council meetings. Mason: Or HRA. Gerhardt: I don't see any problem pushing this back into May. Move the 19th meeting into May? Fred Hoisington: I wouldn't see any problem with that Todd. If we could push it like the 3rd or 10th. Would that be a little more acceptable time? Gerhardt: Hopefully not the Tuesday after a Council meeting. Mason: Well it'd be May 3rd then. Om~l: We don't have a meet/ng on May 2nd. We have it on the 9th so. Mason: The 3rd would be better for Council. Oer~dt: Does that woflc for Jim and Gary7 Bohn: The 19th meeting would be on the 3rd of May7 21 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Gerhardt: We're not going to meet on the 19th. It would be May 3rd. Bohn: Yeah. The 19th meeting will be moved to the 3rd of May. Gerhardt: Right. Chrniel: So that's a 7:30 meeting? Bohn: 7:00 wasn't it? Gerhardt: 7:00. Mason: You know if I could, I'd make a comment more than a question. I think we need to understand, and I hope the people on Vision 2002, just like I'm not sure the people on the Highway 5 Task Force did understand. That it's all part of the process and recommendations come out but nothing's etched in stone. And I know from being on both sides of those kinds of committees, that you get pretty fired up in a group like that and you think, by God. This is what's going to happen but ultimately that committee doesn't have that authority. You know and I'm not directing any of this at you Fred. But I am already feeling some heat from the Highway :5 Task Force. You know they made one recommendation and Council essentially said, at this point we don't like it. And the way things are set up for city government and this, that and the other thing, I mean we've got to go through the process. They don't have to. And I just, I think maybe that's something that should be brought up from time to time. Fred Hoisington: Michael, we are bringing that up from time to time. It was brought up, especially in the ad hoc committee because we want to make sure that first of all the sense of the large group is what comes through...Don suggested there's going to be more to watch what was happening than provide some additional input. So I don't think they have any notion of...We'll have to remind, because we don't meet often in the bigger group...we're proces~g something through them but really you folks on the City Council have the ultimate responsibility. So we'll continue to remind them of that. Mason: Okay, and that's not to say we don't listen because I quite honestly I think we do but it's such a different position to be in. Just for what it's worth. Gerhardt: We're blaming Don for it. Mason: The Mayor? Well as long as you don't blame Council. 22 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Chmiel: No Ashwor& Mason: Oh Ashworth. Oh okay. Richard Wing: Here's the other...for instance the Highway 5. The facts are that Highway $, the northern route, was voted on by almost every single person on that commi~ including myself, I'm not aware of anybody that did not vote on the northern route, It wasn't a partial vote, It was almost unanimous, Mason: Oh Richard that's not true. Richard Wing: No, if you go back. h was almost a unanimous vo~ The only choice was where the crossovers occurred. That's where the disagreement occtnred. There wasn't a quarter of that group that went with thc southern mute. It was almost unanimous Mike, if we go back. Now that I've had a chance to go look back into it, it was almost a unanimous vote for the northern mute. But what happened is then all this work is done and all this input is done and we have to start to reinvent the wheel That's why I said let's get this thing through the Planning Commission because why reinvent the wheel there because it's got to go to Council. Well all this information on land use and zoning, etc, etc...back to Council so we can make a reasonable decision...at the Planning Conmfission one day and said well why would they do this, this and this. Well you haven't been at 15 meetings? How can you discuss it? We're kind of at that so anyway, to get away from that because that's invJevant. I ~ we'll have to discuss that. With your group now, that's done all this wozk and it's going to be carrying it back to the Council and HRA. How do we transmit all that work, all those ideas and not have to start it all over again and reinvent the wheel at the Council and the HRA level? It's really unfortunate that these decisions are made and they're sound decisions and then we just throw them, I mean we have l0 minutes to do what they dia over 3 or 4 meetings. Mason: But see therein lies the problem, h's not a decision. It's a recommendation. And I think. Richard Wing: But why was the recommendation made? Mason: And I think that's, I think you know we're talking here about some_ commmzication problems and I think, because those, none of those bodies are decision making bodies. They're recommendations. And maybe that's where some of that comes in. Boyle: Mike, I think that they realize that. I think the nd hoc committee and the task force in general, the focus groups excuse ~ stnrmt with the underslauding that they were Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 assembled to try to come up with some good ideas and recommendations to assist the City Council and HRA in how we develop it and getting more input. Mason: Gary, I'm not. I think maybe I'm getting taken, I'm not saying that people aren't thiob/ug that. I just want to make sure that people remember that. Because you start taking ownership because I know, like I said from being on the other side of that, you start taking ownership in something like that and it's like, what do you mean you're going to you know. And I just think we all need to be real up front about it I guess is what I'm saying and I don't, yeah. Chmiel: The same thing was brought up basically to Council too. Is that we're going to move ahead with everything we're talking about but we don't know how much that damn thing's going to cost us and that's one of the most important factors. That's what I brought up at Council. We've got to know what it is. I'm not going to move on anything and I'm going to say this is the way to go. I need some hard figures to come up with a conclusion. Richard Wing: But see we didn't even have enough figures to come up with a conclusion even for the south route... Chmiel: I know that. That's why I was asking. Richard Wing: And I'm not being at all cdt/cal. Mason: Right. No, I understand that. Richard Wing: You guys favored the south route all along but for other reasons I think...I wanted to just comment just as it pertains to what we're doing downtown here on this 18 months. When the Council went for 6 months to a year part of it is, and correct me if I'm not wrong here, if I'm fight or wrong here. But I think our reasoning on Russ' year was that we decided that land use was going to come to a halt. That there was a lot of pressure that night at Council. Half the people said we don't want the bar. We don't want it to move. And so we gave them 6 months to a year to really be fair but the problem was to close it out. We own it. Let's shut it down. Let's take it over. Let's get going on it. We didn't want to extend it out for an extended period of time. Based on that's the end of the liquor license for that location. That's what I remember kind of what happened. So then when it went to 18 months I say whoa. We own it. We want to shut it down. We want to get on. Even if we close it down and it's empty but we want to get on with it even though there's no decision. I'm appalled at what happened here and I would disagree with what you decided. But this library shown at this comer, this really intrigues me because I really strongly support the Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 HRA getting whoever, Mark Senn and some of the other people. What's his nmne, it doesn't matter. The civic center concept where the post office and city hall and lilmlry all create a community here and a central point rather than start spreading them out...it's a great spot for the library down there in a way with the designs and Jeff Farmnkes came in and said...but on the other hand, I sort of like _this concept with the civic center staying kind of close to downtown. And that means the library isn't across the sueet on the Market Square property. It's got to be a walkable. .. so I'm dying to see what this group comes up with and I don't know if that has been discussed with this group. That theory or concept of a, what's the word. Boyle: A city center. Richard Wing: A civic center...is there any direction for that? Boyle: Oh I _think it's very strong. C~rhardt: One stop government shopping. Fred Hoisington: I don't'think so. What we determined about the City Hall site is, that it does have limits and that you cannot put all the things on here. And that was one of the things that ad hoc committee needed to know because if everything could go here. Of course you could let everything in here but what we determined was, that you'd have to have a million 6 worth of underground parking in order to be able to accommodate it. You can't do much with a million 6 worth of underground parking except park in it. And so I think, and I don't want to put words in their mouths but I think we will resolve thaL The only concern I had is that the library may end up going down there on the Pony/Pauly/Pty'nnus. However, my feeling at this point is based on fumre...that it really needs to go here without question and we'll try to at least lay that out. Whether they accept it or not is a diffcn~t matter. Boyle: Well I feel very positive that the real purpose that the focus group and the ad hoc committee was formed was to get a group of citizens in the city of Ctumhassen together to give ideas. Recommendations. A lot of minds that show interest in the ~TmmuRity, to help. Again I repeat, to City Council and HRA, ideas on how to do it. And when it's done, at least it's not 5 or 6 or 10 people making the derision. You've got the majority out there all upset. You mighL You might come close to getting some agreement within the community as to what happens. Bohn: I don't think it's I-IRA's job to say where the post office or where anything goes. Boyle: Oh no. I agree. Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Chrniel: There for a while Gary, I was the guy who said, let's involve these people and I made that happen and a couple different times at the meetings I sat back and I sort of said, oh Sesus, what did I do this for. I really did. But yet it's still good because you're getting that input. Mason: That's what government is all about. Boyle: It's extremely frustrating but the botwm tine, when it's all over, I think we'll be glad we did it. Chmiel: Well that's the whole thing. Mason: And what the gentleman, what Councilman Wing is ~lidng about. About re/nventing the wheel. You know if nothing else, what Highway 5 does, what SWMP does, what Vision 2002 does, is it gets the ball rolling. You know at least it gets things off of dead center. Even if it just irritates the hell out of everybody, something comes out of it and then SO. Gerhardt: When I started introducing Fred, I mean I came out with some posifive...and you're going to get some rubbings in those things but the thing on the railroad and there were some really good ideas. I really liked it...There were some neat ideas of how to use the back side of the Dinner Theatre. You know people are starting to really envision that back side of the Dinner Theatre being an entertainment area. They're talking about movie theaters. They're talking about indoor playgrounds... Bohn: That's why I talked about the end of Pauly's lease because Vernelle's been wor~ng with Russ, trying to get Russ to move over there. Rk:hard Wing: Move where? Bohn: Behind the Dinner Theatre. Chmiel: Well thank you. Mason: ~ Fred. Bohn: Thank you. ,UPDATE ON MARKET SOUARE. 26 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Gerhardt: h got tabled. Mason: It was 12:30 when that one got tabled. Chmiel: It was only 1:00 when we finally got done. Mason: Oh it was 1:00 when we left and how many itrms did we still have left lo go? Chrniel: 5. It was a heavy agenda. Mason: Well there was a lot of imporlm~t stuff and it needed to happen but Wendy's wasn't getting talked about. Gerhardt: I do not think Council delayed that whole action...They had some real situations to talk about Byerly's sign took a little long. Mason: Far longer than it should have. Chrniel: Charlie talked too long. Oh sorry Charlie. Mason: No, we can't hang this one on Charlie. Gerhardt: But it's going back to City Council in 2 weeks as unfinished business and the agenda's being established that that i~n will be discussed. Mason: And it will be a real small and short ag~la. C_m'hardt: No. It's getting bigger. Everybody's saying I've got to be on it. I've got to be on it. I'm going oh boy. We'll see what gets deleted. Chmiel: Being that I have a big hand, I've got to really look at that thing v~ry closely for Monday night because I had some... Gerhardt: So this is only part of the planning report that went out. I took all the Minut~ and things like that It's just too thick to provide everything for you. If you want to come up to City Hall and I'll give you the whole file on it ff you want to review it any more but I thought it gave you a good feel for how ~hings have be~ going and the options that are available. So if you want... Bohn: We won't know anything about, until it comes back from City Council anyway. Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 UPDATE ON THE HANUS FACILITY ROOF~ Gerhardt: Staff received a phone call about 2-3 weeks ago from Gary Kirt. Prior to that I think Gary had talked to Fred and Tim Stefan regarding the detailed plans and wondering, can a roof really cost $50,000.00 or not. And after reviewing those and talking to a couple roofers and he realized that the best time to do that roof is now. He's in agreement with what the HRA has planned for this area and is willing to contribute $50,000.00 to the roof. Staff is recommending that you put the roof on. I think it helps us in the bidding of the project and they need a new roof. I have received a couple of complaints. We are now property managers of that facility and every tenant in there has a leak. Some have it really bad so that needs a new roof. Mason: Absentee landlords. Gerhardt: Well, I did it. I'm the new slum lord. I pushed them off. Boyle: Well ff he's willing to kick in $50,000.00 and we're estimating 50. Bids have not been put out I take it. We can put bids out and more than likely it will be in that neighborhood anyway, right? Or close. Gerhardt: Army... And the architect on this project is the guy that's in the newspaper today...the Mason: That's a neat deal. That's a slick deal. Boyle: Do we need a motion on this? Gerhardt: Ah yes. Chmiel: It looks like we have a recommendation yes. Gerhardt: ...we have that already. It's to include in the specifications the reroofing of the building. Chmiel: Yeah, as it reads here. Staff recommend the HRA direct staff to include re-roofing as part of the overall improvements in the Hanus facility with the condition that Gary Kin submit a check to the City of Chanhassen in the amount of $$0,000.00 no later than 2 weeks after the date of the HRA's approval. Boyle: I'd second that. 28 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Bohn: It's been moved and seconded. Discu~on. Chmiel moved, Boyle seconded that the URA direct staff to include re-roofing as part of the overall impFovements in the Hanus facility with the condition that Gary Kirt submit n check to the City of Chanhamen in the amount of $S0,(~.00 no later than 2 weeks after the date of the URA's approval All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. CONSmER GIVING THE TENANTS OF THE PRYZMUS BUILDING NOTI/~E TQ VACATE THE BUILDING AND ASSET IN RELOCATION. Gerhardt: Another building that has a roof problem. Right now you have over there is an upper floor, a rental space that has four, one bedroom ap~ts. And below it you have one tenant, Mr. Black...well dig~ng consultant company and he had some very hnpormnt files in there on well specifications and he called me probably every other week about leaks in the buikiing and I've sent our custodian over there to look at it. He's afraid to go on the roof. He will not go on the roof alone because he's afraid that it would not ~ him_ And there are also some code violations as you can see from Mark Littfin's memo and those are ~nly fire cedes. Kirchman has, our building official has not provided an offi~ letter of building code violations. The tenants are aware that the liRA owns this building. They're aware that the lease runs up the end of May and they know that the time is shm't. Chmiel: There's no relocation costs involved with that is tim'e? Gerhardt: Yes. There is. Chmiel: All those in place Gerhardt: They're all in place. And we unfortunately did not get out of that and it's not like an individual business like Pauly's and Pony where you can include relocation as part of the acquisition. This was a rental bnilding and you have to deal with each of the rental ~umts on relocation and assist them in trying to find relocation mmeplace else with ~ or greater rent and pay for the/r moving expenses. Mason: We do have to pay for their moving ~t: Yes. 29 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Boyle: Within a certain radius or something. Gerhardt: Right. Bohn: The tenant that's on the main floor is, you said is a what? The tenant on the main floor is who? Gerhardt: Barchoff. I'm trying to think of. Jack. Jack Barchoff. Bohn: I thought that was an architectural firm in there the time we bought that building. Gerhardt: Insurance and. Bohn: Yeah, Schneid~'s out. Gerhardt: He's been there a long time. Richard Wing: Jim... Todd, just out of curiosity. Everything you've talked about tonight has been complex. Why hasn't staff recommended or HRA simply said, it's torch time? Te, m~ate the leases and level it. Clean it up and get out of there. I mean we have fire hazards and resident hazards and security in buildings and lease problems with trouble collecting rent...out of it. Why don't you simply level it and put some pine trees on the comer? Gerhardt: Well from the feedback I got from the HRA tonight is that you know, we prepare plans and specifications. If it's your wish to see those two buildings down, the Pony and Pryzmus buildings, you know we can still get good bids for demolition as soon as Mr. Kallestad moves out October 1. I mean we could be ia there October 2nd and get started with demolition of that entire area. Boyle: I think that's an excellent idea. I really do. I think I asked this before Todd but are they 3 separate buildings? Gerhardt: Yes. Boyle: Okay. If the Pryzmus building is vacated in 90 days, I ~ could, would it make sense, I mean that evidentally is unsafe. Could we move with demolitioning it first or would that leave. I guess that wouldn't make sense. It's got to be done, yeah. Both at the same time. 30 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Chmiel: Rather than taking one off. Mason: It sure would be nice on the 1st of October to have those bulldozers ready and you'd have it within a week right? Mason: You're quoted. Boyle: I heard a week. Gerhardt: But we could, October 2nd. If you wanted to do that, I'll start plans and specs and bidding. Boyle: Okay, we'll give you 10 days then. Bohn: If we have the people out of the Pryzmus building, what are we going to do to prevent somebody torching it7 Not on purpose necessm'ily but it's going to be a vacant building. (lerhardt: I'm sure the Fire I~partment's going to have some training in there so I would say, between now and the time we torch it. Or we won't torch it. We'll demo it but they're going to want to practice. They'll fill it up with artificial smoke and the guys will crawl around in there. I'm sure they'd love to play around in there. But we'll just secure it. We'll board up the windows and lock all the doors and watch it for the next 6 months. Boyle: I'd like to make a motion that the lIRA direct staff to prepare the necessary notices to all the tenants that they have 90 days to vacam the property and to assist with the relocation processes. And begin getting bids for demolition of the two buildings. Mason: Second. Bohn: It's been nxrved and seconded. Discussion. Mason: Well I just thinking rea] quickly that maybe flmre should be some kind of something in there about Mr. Kallestad. If he can get out of there before 6 months. Chmiel: I think we move that in the event that he does, yeah. Boyle: We could move faster than this. 31 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Boyle moved, Mason seconded that the HRA direct staff to prepare the necessary notices to ali the tenants of the Pryzmus building that they have 90 days to vacate the property and to assist with the relocation processes and to begin getting bids for demolition of the two buildings. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF BILLS. Chmiel moved, Mason seconded to approve the Housing and Redevelopment Authority account payables as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. HRA PRESENTATIONS; Bohn: Request for park and trail dedication. Gerhardt: Mr. Ch~, 2 weeks ago I had discussion with Charlie James and he asked to be placed on the HRA agenda to request HRA assistance in helping offset the increase in park and trail dedication fees for 1992 to 1994. I have to apologize. I did overlook adding him to the agenda and I understand your policy in not taking action on items that are not on the agenda but in this case I really feel strongly that you are not setting a precedence. I mean I should have had him on there but that's your decision tonight As to Mr. James' request, over the past year, raw land values in Chanlaassen have gone up dramatically. With the expansion of the sewer and water, the MUSA area, and incorporating those lands west of downtown Chanhassen, we've seen a dramatic increase in developable land and the price of that. The City Council, recognizing this, took action to raise park and trail dedication fees to give us the capabilities to go in and buy parkland. The demands for parkland and trying to meet those in the community have been a long struggle of the City Council, particularly up in the Minnewashta area and also the installation of trails throughout Chanhassen. The demands for those dollars and what thc city receives is great So in recognition of those increases, the Council did substantially increase park and uail dedication fees. However, through our negotiations we never really took that into account with Mr. James. We gave information to Mr. ]'ames in '93 when he came in the past 8 months we've been working with him. He did his budget based on '93 park and trail dedication fees in hopes that he would have started grading in thc early part of December, November on his site and he would pull a building permit at that time. However circumstances and how he would construct his building wouldn't allow him to do that. And staff feels strongly that in our negotiations we did use the '93 benchmarks. I guess at this time I'd like to introduce Charlie James so he can give his insight on how he feels this process may have come about. Bohn: Mr. James. Charlie James: I guess I'm somewhat embarrassed to be here with my fin cup. I guess 32 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 basically we were a victim of a co-mmsition period in preparing our budget and negotiating our lease with Byerly's and putting our numbers together for the bank and so forth and so on. We called thc city last year and we got ali the info on what the gmm~ts were going to cost. What thc sac charges were going to be. What the wac charges were going to be and what all the development fees were going to be and we had all that out on a spread sheet. And we subsequently awarded the contract to Kraus Anderson and that's being, the conuact is being broken up between Kraus Anderson St. Paul Division and their West Division. And when they came in with the contract for me to sign they had all new numlx~ on that part of the contract and I said there had to be some mistake. I said that wasn't what had been represented to me. So I called the city and foond out that within a week or two of us getting approval that they had raised all these fees and we weren't told that they were eminent. And as I said, we had negotiated our lease and economic terms based on these old figures and so, I guess we're trying to seek a little more reba~ of the taxes we're going to be paying on this project for this siumfion. Gerhardt: In negotiations with everybody in this community, we've always said that, you know they always say well, is that tax increment. Are you going to pay for park and trail dedication fees and we've always said no. And I continue to believe that you would not be setting a precedence ff you should happen to grant Charlie his credit tonight. This is his one that, and we feel that the park and trail dedication fees as they're outlined, or the credit would be, but we feel that through our negotiations with Charlic, that he should receive some type of credit for this. It's just a matter of cirom~tauces that he was 2 weeks late in pulling up a building permit. Do not give him full crediL He's still going to pay $52,~.~.0.00 in pm'k and Uail dedication fees and all we're saying is that ff he did take advantage of thc increment coming off of his site to assist that overage. Charlie James: I guess just one other point that I forgot to mention. We're only talking here about Lot 4 and we don't have au issue with paying the new park and trail fees on whatever we bring in on Lots 1, 2 and 3, which constitute a little over 5 acres. So when that happens, we'U work those numbers into whatever our budget is at that time for whatever project we'll do. Gerhardt Well that's good because then... Boyle: I guess that leads to the question, is that the only alternative then? I mean is there another option of absorbing the $26220.00 di~ercnce? Gcflmrdc Charlic could pay it is the other option. Boyle: No, that wasn't what I was getting to. Rather than TIF...we go that direction. I mean Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 that's the most logical way. Chmieh You can't feel sorry for most of them but in this particular case, you know and I can understand some of these things that happen. The timeframe of it change and you put all your facts and figures down and it's going as a go project Gerhardt: What Gary's talking about, is there any other dollars out in the community or in other programs. The metro area just doesn't receive any of those. Chaska's filing for some... and it's unbelievable how much hoop jumping and politicking that you have to do for $100,000.00. I mean you're going to spend more than the benefit. Charlie James: I guess the other thing is that I will be writing thc check for $78,600.00 this year but we won't be getting, we'll be getting that money paid back in three installments starting in 1996 so I guess we're going to wait a while to get. Boyle: Oh I didn't understand that but, well this is kind of... Bolm: Mike. Mason: Well, I mean if. Well I don't know. I don't have any quibble at all with what Charlie is saying here. I mean I wonder what happens to somebody that, I nman if this were to happen to somebody building a deck, what would happen? Well on something that would be related to park dedication fees. Gerhardt: They would have to pay it, you know. And if all the increases on all the new lots as they come in...just like everybody else is going to increase the price of their lots to make up that overage you know. And if we don't grant Charlie the $26,000.00, Charlie will have to look at trying to make it up through rents against the little tenants. He's already negotiated the lease with Byerly's so the smaller tenants in the building will have to pick up those additional costs and put it back against the project. Boyle: You said the time frame, I mean a 2-3 weeks, whatever. I mean this is kind of, I have no problem at all with it. The $26,220.00 difference. I have no problem. With Charlie's request. As Mr. James' requested. Bohn: Don. Chrniel: Well I think I mentioned before. This is, he was working with us in good faith to move along. I'm not one to readily give up anything as far as the respective developers and builders within the community because that's part of the game. But unfortunately in this one, 34 Housing and Redevelopment Authadty - March 31, 1994 where you are just a short time over a 2 week period, it mslre-~ me sit back and think about why should this really take place, even though that permit was not issued. I don't have any real problem. I really don't. Charlie lames: Another thing Mr. Mayor, excuse me but I just want to say that the conditions of the permit were that we c~ the well. That we pmnp the septic'sysle~ and that I post a letter of cre~t I think it was for around ~[0,0(~.00 and I did all those things in November. We just. I did everything that was necessary. Chmiel: Except thc issuance of the b~ilttln§ permit which is, moving thc permit is the thing that...gets it goin§ and yeah, I had understood that you had done those things as well. Gerhardt: In most cases I mean, you know throughout the downtown, I m Charlie you know, we typically go in and demo the bnildings and cap the wells and we aid it over on Town Square and throughout the. The Hanus building. I mean there's several wells back there. The old Hanus building. Mason: Charlie, can I ask you a question? How important is this for you to have this wnight as opposed to next month? Well. Charlie lames: Oh okay. Well the reason we're here wnight is because the TIF a~reement is an agreement to our lease with Byerly's and that's han~g out there. And we need that so we can deliver the whole thing to the bank. That's a requisite before they'll fired that so I'm already person~y guaranteeing payrramt for sp~ constructional seal and things .that have had to be pre-o~ered but I haven't, but the bank isn't going to fund or reimburse me for those things until they've got this lease in their hands and I can't give them the lease because Exhibit F to the lease is the. Mason: Sure. Sure. Okay. Charlie James: So that's kind of why this all came about and what we need to do, I believe the mechanism is simply to increase the amount of. We're not creating an obligation- Is that right Todd? I ~ how does that work? It's, they inav, ase the amount on one thing but not the other and it doesn't ~ a binding obligation on the part of the city. It's just that it's there and the money will be paid, right? Mason: Well then okay. I guess I want to ~k the Chairm~ or Todd or whoever how we can work around the fact that this isn't on the agenda tonight. Gerhardt: The only thing that I can lead to it is that I forgot to put it on- He had made the Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 request to be on and he had talked to Don about it. That's the only thing I can come up Boyle: I think with that statement in the Minutes, it would probably preclude any future reu'ibufion to that. Don't you Don? Charlie James: I guess I did have, as soon as this issue came up in January, I did have immediate meetings with the staff and there were alternatives discussed and so forth and so on and it was decided that probably the liRA was the appropriaie venue for this. Gerhardt: If I could add one more thing. Our April meeting is not one that you're going to be taking action on. It's the goals session with Council. So I'm not scheduling any items for that so we're going to meet in April, you'll have to establish a special meeting time. If you would like to do that, you know if you want to meet again to do this one item. Otherwise he would have to wait until May. Bohn: Let's get it over with. Mason: Well that's fine. I guess I'm a little worried about some fallout. Gerhardt: Well I appreciate that. Sometimes when you put these under Visitor Presentations you get...feedback where you gentlemen are sitting on and it gives us some more time to think about these issues. So I can appreciate it. Boyle: I don't think we should hold Mr. James up because of an honest oversight. Bohn: Do I have a motion? Mason: I will move that the prior redevelopment agreement between liRA and Mr. James should be modified to reflect a $26,220.00 credit for park and ~rail dedication fees. Bohn: Second? Boyle: Second. Bohn: Discussion. Mason moved, Boyle seconded that the prior redevelopment agreement between HRA and Mr. James should be modified to reflect a $26~20.00 credit for park and trail dedication fees. Ali voted in favor and the motion carded unanimously. 36 Housing and Redevelopment Authority - March 31, 1994 Mason moved, Boyle seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Don Ashworth Ex~'utivc ~ l~~l by N~nn Oph~n 37 OITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 ~ORANDUM Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Directar DATE: May 10, 1994 SUBJ: Reject Bids on the Hanus Remodeling Project Staff' was very disappointed in the bids we .... on the Hanus Building Rea~3de~iag project. The low bid was $282,000 and the a~..~'s estimam was $148,550, a di~mce of $133,4:50. ~" Staff still has not had enough time I~ sit d0~~ and ~ out how we might go about trying to accomplish this project and still stay within the bud.get guidelin~ However, at this point, the HRA should reject aH bids received ..~.~,'"May $, 1994~: and direct staff to look at other · . ;'-': ~:~'= Attaint _:.:.:;--.'~- .~:-i'.: ~ ': . BID RESULTS HANUS BUILDING REMODELING May 5, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. Bidder Watson Forsb~rg Co. Ad~l~ndum Bid Bond 1,2, 3 10% Bi~ Amount $282,000.00 2. Laraway Roofing, Inc. 1, 2, 3 10% $340,965.00 3. Loeffel Engst Corp. 1,2,3 10% $325,000.00 Total construction cost estimate $148,550.00 ITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 ~OP. AND~ Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Todd Coerhardt, Assistant Executive Director ~,~ DATE: May 10, 1994 SUBJ: Consider Change Order to I-Ianus Facility .-. Attached to this memo is a letter from Michael .._ outlining two pro~sed change orders for the I-Ianus facility parking lots and servi~..~:'ro~ and thc hauling of fin ~ for the embankment at the north end of the ~!hrid~. (Attachment #1). In proposal number one, stuff is requesting tl~..-' t the HRA' :increase the depth of both the aggregam base from 9" to 12" and the depth of thc M~ous fr0~....3" to 3~". Staff is reconm-gnding this change to comply with the city's stnfldnrds for stre~.~-]~onsmicfion. The total cost for the proposed upgrade would be appro~ $11,673.00. .--.~. The second proposal is calling for lt~ contractor, Buck's =.. ktop, to haul ~ill rnatcrial from the Byerly's site to the north end of ~ pedeslrian tn'idge. Tine l~on staff is requesting this change is that the north embankment must be raised to follow th~cight requirements of MnDOT. Using Buck's Blacktop has 'the following advantages to this 2. Cost savings for both parties in using the ~~'~~ project 3. Using trait bids already receiv_.ed on the Hanus project for silted" The possibility of using 450 of ~~.~.~. '.~ ~'pproves proposal #1 at no charge. . 5. Using just one contractor to do all the both projects, The total cost for this proposed upgrade would be appmxlmn_te_.ly $17,397,00. HRA May 10, 1994 Page 2 Recommendation Staff recommends the HRA direct staff to process two change orders as follows: 1. Upgrading the depth of the aggregate base and the thickness of the bituminous to meet city standards and at a cost of approximately $11,673. 2. The construction of the embankment at the north end of the pedestrian bridge at a cost of approximately $17,397. Attachment 1. L~tter from Michael Schroexier dated May 6, 1994. :' ';" 1994 ,,,,.~ ::. y-. May6, 1994 Mr. Todd Cmahardt City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhnssen, Minnesota 55317 RE: Site Improvements for the Hanus Building: Proposals for Changes to the Work I have received proposals for additional work at the Hanus Building from Buck Blacktop, Inc. Both proposal were requested at the pm-c6ns~on meeting held earlier thi~ wee~ The first proposal would increase the .depth o~f'a~gate ba~ i'n I~V~ ~ from 9" to 12" and the depth of biLnminous wear course:ft0m'3" t'o 3-i/2". :The ad~'ti~nal ~,ost to the'Contract would be approximately $11,673, based on the foll'b~ing~ .............. 678 tons aggregate base (equal to 3" depth) 159 tons bituminous wear course (eoual to 1/'2" denth~ - _ - Total Cost $2,100 $5,0S5 $11,637 The final cost of this work would be based on the actual amount of material used, so costs may vary. Acceptance of this proposal would result in a pavement throughout the Hanus Building site that complies with the City's standards for street consmmfion. The second pan of the Contractor's proposal would cover the construction of the embankmeat at the north end of the pedestrian bridge. The proposal"assom~. ' thai'bo~w m-t_~fl' would be obtained from the'City at file Byerly's si~ ~at"no:c.z~t'~'fl~ c0ri~5;'ana that appm~im,tely 3,500 cubic yards would be required (based on Contractor estimates). The cost for this work would be appro:dmnt~ly $17,397~'based On the following:' ' " ' .... LmdUse/Envitmmmtxl · P .hnning/Design , 7300 Metro Boule~d / Suite 525 · Mintmpdis, Minnesota 55439 · (612) 835-9960 · ~ (612) 835-3160 Mr, Todd C-erha~t May 6, Pag~ 2 825 linear feet erosion control silt fence Remove trees Load 3,500 cubic yards common borrow Haul 3,500 cubic yards common borrow Plac~ 3.500 cubic yards common borrow Total Cost $2,062 $460 $2,625 $4,375 $7.875 $17,397 ba~ed on Contract unit prices based on Contractor proposal dat~ 5/5/94 based on Contractor propos~ dated 5/5/94 based on Conuactor proposal dated 5/5194 based on Contractor proposal dated 5/5/94 The final cost of this work would be based on the actual amount of material used, so costs may vary. If excess material can be obtained from work at the Hanus Building, it would be placed as a part of the embankment at no charge, thereby reducing the amount of borrow material reqtfized and the cost of constructing the embankment. Also, acceptance of the first proposal described in this letter would result in approximately 450 cubic yards of embankment material which would be placed at no charge, and the overall costs would be reduced. Acceptance of this proposal would expedite construction of the embankment at the north end of the pedestrian bridge and eliminate conflicts between construction at the I-Ianus site and the pedestrian bridge site. Please review these costs and let me know if the City wishes to accept either proposal. I will prepare change orders to the Contract for construction for the Hanus Building as required. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Michael Schroeder, RLA CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MF_.MO~~ Housing and ~elopmgat Authority FROM: Don Ashwonl~ Bxecufive Dizecmr DATE: May 11, 1994 SUBI: Senior Housing On Monday evening, the city council acted to ~:~he next senior housing work session for the third Monday in June - June 20 (5:30 p.r~). ~~ with the direction from our last work session, I would anticipate that a ~:.from Dakota County will be present in June m discuss projects that they have can-ie~...;but in'~'~akota County and their succes~silures. I woukl also anticipate ti~. ~tarious ~s will be available as to units that No action is required. ._~" "~:' CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM Housing and R~l~/~opm~t Authority FROM: Todd C-crhardt~ Assistant P~xccutive Director~' DATE: May 10, 1994 SUBJ': Update on Entry Monuments Attached you will find a memo from Don Ash~ I~ the May~r and City Council outlining the background and history of entry monumen~ $..~mff had Michael Schroeder give the City Council a presentation to updatr them on somi~'"pasi:~ffn projects that th~ ~ had undertaken over the years. ~;,":-"~-*.~ The City Council then discussed among ~ves them'sc that they would like m see the entry monuments proceed. They felt tlC. f/he project sli .ould be concentrated on three ~.~.,. ~. · the old Taco Shop in~ · Market Boulevard and Highway 5, and ~. · County Road 17 and Hwy. 5 · a feature At the Market Boulevn~d ~~.~~t _ ~ ~t~l to ~ee watl or atgn mon~ unless it could be done tastefully and not very ~.~ Th~ also noted thnt this intn3ecfion was ~._..~ enlrance to the downtown~.~nd;/hould be designed Staff would like to open this item up for I~~on and comments. ' Al~chn~n~ 1. Memo from Don Ashworth dated May 4, 1994. CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MBMORANDUM TO: FROM: Mayor and City Council Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: May 4, 1994 SUBJ: Entry Monuments On Wednesday I received a call from Colleen stating that she felt Monday evening's meeting should be relatively short and would provide the oppommity to tackle one or more of the pending work session items. As we have scheduled Bill Morrish and Barry Warner to be here on May 16, accelerating that item is not possible. Similarly, the gateway entries are an item which are influenced not only the corridor study, but also the Vision 2002 process. However, in discussing this item with Fred Hoisington~ we thought that providing the council with background of what had been completed to date and some of the tentative thoughts in regards to the entryways would be a good idea. Again, the presentation will be rather sketchy and will be more of an attempt to determine whether the' general course we are stat~g to travel seems reasonable w the counciL ~-.... ,,(': ... - . .' ~.~_.." ·. .. ... [Note - The following excerpt is repeated from the memorandum "Set Special Meeting . · , .... . · ....._ .~.~.........~,, .--..- .- .._:_-,~_.....-:_.~ .... ~,':'-::'__~./.-. ~,_-':~,× .-----..-?_-,:-,~.~-..~" .. ..~,. ..,,.,- .... ....-~,:._....:~.,,,/_.-....:,....:..-,.;.:.~...;:.:;:..: ~.- ...,--- -.,+~ - ,,.~';'"'"'~*~.~'-"'"'-'~'?~ '."- . ' ........... .- ..... . · - -- l '~-.:~:..".'..",..~., .:- -~ ~,. .,... ' .... . ~ ....= ~ .~-.'.,~ · .': . ~.... _ . . Dates".] ITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM Housing and Redevelopm~t Authority FROM: Don Ashworth, Executive Director DATE: May 11, 1994 SUB1: Development Agreement, Ryan Construction As lhe HRA is aware, a tentative sgreament ~ the HRA and Ryan Conslrucfion was authorized approxima~y one year ago. The 1~~ delay occurred as a result of desiring to ensure that the proposed development of ~ ~~ would confum~ with the work efforts of the Highway 5 Task Force. It was nddifio~y deln~ in thnt the planning commission fi~lt that the five lot configuration was too dcnsc..~!i:~ thnt'~..dgn~cant buffer areas should be established to the south, west, and the nc~?0f thc ~sed development. These actions ' reduced the buildable from five lots to ,~..":~current conff~on of three lots. However, in has virtually vanished. In fact, staff~y believes ti~less than one-third ~ Ryan's HRA of ensuring tha~ the city ~:~eimlmrsed its full costs?mcun~ in purchssing Ihe property. The sgre~nent also lias the full costs of as~ .. ses~ ($102,000) over both Ouflot A (lrrope~ being sold to Ryan) as well as Ouflo~ B are being ~i~.~ouped from ~ three buildable lms even though the scUml asses. ~~~-~~~:Is less titan $70,000. I~ should contract 15 significantly less thnn typicak Le, 1½ years incremen~ ~--'"~:'agreernent of 3 years. . . .. Approval of the attached development agreem~t is~r~C~ · L CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVI~)PMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1N AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN RYAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, INC. a M~n~sota eo~po~'ation I I i This document was drafted by: Holmes & Graven, Chartered 470 Pillsbu~,r Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 J~D49227 CB130-25 Section 1.1. Section 2.1. Section 2.2. Section 3.1. Section 3.2. Section 3.3. Section 3.4. Section 4.1. Section 4.2. Section 5.1. Section 5.2. Section 6.1. Section 6.9.. Section 6.3. Section 6.4. Section 6.5. Section 6.6. Section 6.7. Section 6.8. SIGNATURES TESTIMONIALS SCHEDULE A TABLE OF CONTENTS Definitions ........................... 3 ARTICL~ H Representatiens and Waemn~ Representations by the Authority .............. 5 Representations by the Redeveloper ............. 6 Status of Peoper~y .......... 7 Conditions Precedent ;o'(~o]~;e~e' o'f P~operty . [ [ . . . 7 Purchase l>rice ......................... 8 Closin~ ......................... · · · · ARTICI~ IV Public Assistance Consteuction of the ]M'ln'iml.tm Improvements ......... 10 Fora of Public Assistance ................... 10 ARTICLE V Tax Tax Increment Ce~tificetion .................. Real lh, operty Taxes; Spe_,~nl Assessments .......... 12' ARTI&.~ VI Additional Eqt~_~! Employment Oppor~atnity ................ 13 Restzdctions on Use .......... Provisions Not Merged ~t[h I~' [ [ i.. ~ [ .... [.. ~ 13 Notices and Demands ...................... 13 Disclaimer of Relationships .................. Coven_~ts Runnin~ with the Land . ' ........ ' . . . 13 Modifications .......................... 13 Counterparts .......................... 13 REDEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0~D49227 C~3.30-25 j. CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made on or as of the day of , 1994, by and between THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN (hereinafter referred to as the "Authority") and RYAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, INC., a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Redeveloper"), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Authority was created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001-.047 (the "Act") and was authorized to transact business and exercise its powers by a resolution of the City Council of the City of Chanhassen (hereinafter the "City") pursuant to Section 489.003 (formerly Section 482.425) of the Act; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of the objectives of the Act, the Authority has engaged in carrying out a redevelopment project known as the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Chanhassen Redevelopment Area (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") in an area (hereinafter referred to as the "Project Area") located in the City; and WHEREAS, as of the date of this Agreement there has been prepared and approved by the Authority and the City Council of the City a redevelopment plan for' the project (which Plan is hereinafter referred to as the "Redevelopment Plan"); and' WHEREAS, in order to finance, in part, the public redevelopment costs of the Project the Authority and City have created a Tax Increment District for the Downtown Chanhassen Redevelopment Area (the "Tax Increment District"); and WHEREAS, there has been presented by the Redeveloper to the City and the Authority for their consideration a proposal for the development of a retail facility within the Project on property located within the Tax Increment District; and WHEREAS, the Authority has reviewed the Redeveloper's development proposal and has determined that such proposal ff completed would serve to accomplish the goals and objectives for which the Project and the Tax Increment District were created; and WHEREAS, in order to achieve the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan the Authority will acquire certain real property in the Project Area, more particularly described in Schedule A annexed hereto and made a paFt hereof (which propm-ty as so described is hereinafter referred to as the "Redevelopment Property"), and is prepared to convey the Redevelopment Property to the Redeveloper in order to bring about redevelopment in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and this Agreement; and · WHEREAS, in order to achieve the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan the Authority has determined to provide aid and assistance to the Redevelopment Property as hereunder provided; and WHEREAS, the Authority intends to fund such aid and assistance by using tax increments generated from the Redevelopment Property and the improvements to be constructed thereon; and J~D4g227 ' c~3o-25 1 WHEREAS, the Authority believes that the redevelopment of the Px~Ject A~ea pursuant to this Agreement, and fulfillment ~ener~dly of th~, Agt~mment, a~e in the vital and best interests of the City and the health, safet~r, morals, and welfar~ of its r~stdents, and in accord with the public purposes and p?ovistons of the applicable state and local laws and ~equfrements unde~ which the Pr~ect has been undm-taken and is heine assisted. NOW, THEREFORE, in conside?ation of the pr~es and the mutual oblt~tions of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covens.t and a~ree with the othe~ as follows: u"BD49227 CZ1130-2g ARTICr.~ I Def~,,~tions Section 1.1. Definitions. In this Agreement, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: "Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001-489.047 (formerly Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411-462.711), as amended. "Agreement" means this Agreement, as the same may be from time to time modified, amended, or supplemented. "Assessed Market Value" or "Assessed Market Valuation" means the market value of real property as determined by the county assessor of the county in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.11 (or as finally adjusted by the assessor, board of equalization, commissioner of revenue, or any court). "Authority" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, or any successor or assignee. "City" means the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation and statutory city according to the laws of the State of Minnesota. "Closing" means the completion of the transaction contemplated in this Agreement between the parties hereto. "Construction Plans" means the plans, specifications, drawings and related documents on the construction work to be performed by the Redeveloper on the Redevelopment Property which shall be at least as detailed as the plans required to be submitted to the building inspector of the City. "Development Contract" means the Development Contract for installation of public improvements between the City and the Redeveloper. "Minimum Improvements" means the improvements described in the Construction Plans. "Plat" means the plat for Chanhassen Retail Addition. "Project" means Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Redevelopment Area. "Project Area" means the real property located within the boundaries of the Project. "Purchase Price" means the total amount of money to be paid by the Redeveloper for the Redevelopment Property. "Redeveloper" means Ryan Construction Company of Minnesota, Inc., a Minnesota corporation. A ,.TJ~49227 "Redevelopment Property" means the real proper~ to be deeded to the Redeveloper , a le~d description of which propert~ is contained on the attached Schedule A. "Redevelopment Plan" means the plat fop the Downtown ChA-h--sen Redevelopment Area as amended as of the date of this AL~reement. "Tax Increment" means that portion of the ~ prope~y taxes paid with respect to the Tax Increment District which is remitted to the Authorit~ u tax increment pursuant to the Tax Increment Act. "Tax Increment Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174-. 179, as the same may be Amended f~om time to t~me. "Tax Increment District' m_~vms the Authority's Tax Increment District for the Downtown Chanhassen Redevelopment Area as A~ended as of the date of tht~ ~ment. "Termination Date" means the date when the Authority has paid the full amount due under the terms of this A~reem~t And the Limited Revenue Tax Increment Note. "Tax Offi_~_~l" m_~- any city or county assessor; county auditor; city, county or state board of equalization, the commissioner of revenue of the state, any state or federal district court, the tax court of the state, or the State Supreme Court~. "Title Company" means the Old Republic NationAl Title Insurance Company. "Unavoidable Delays" means delays which are the dtr~t ~ult of acts of God, unforeseen adveree weather conditions, flr~ or other casualty to the Minimum Improvements, liti~ation commenced by tht~l pa_,~es which, by injunction or other stmtlAv Judie~A! action causes delays, acts of any federal, state or local ~over~mantel unit (other than the Authority in enfor~[ng its r~hts under th~s A~r~mxmt), Authority defaults as to the Redeveloper's dela:fs, Redeveloper defaults as to the Authority's delays, or other mattere which are not witht, the control of the Redeveloper as to the Redeveloper's delay, s or not within the control of the Authority as to the Authority's delays. ,T~D49227 ' ARTICLE II Representations and Warranties Section 2.1. Representations by the Authority. The Authority makes the following representations as the basis for the undertaking on its part herein contained: (a) The Authority has the right, power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations according to this Agreement and all other documents to be executed by the Authority pursuant hereto. The Authority will in ~ood faith and within the limits of its leLml authority undertake all appropriate actions to provide or obtain from the City Council or other entities the required approvals in order to complete the transaction contemplated according to this Agreement. The Authority assures the Redeveloper that the individuals who execute this Agreement and all other documents executed by the Authority or on behalf of the Autho~-lty are duly authorized to sign the same on behalf of the Authority and to bind the Autho~'lty thereto. (b) The Project is a "redevelopment project" withfn the meaning of the Act and was created, adopted and approved in accordance with the terms of the Act. (c) The Tax Increment District is a "redevelopment tax increment flnancin~- district", which was created, adopted, certified and approved pursuant to the Tax- Increment Act. (d) Subject to satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Authority will convey the Redevelopment Property to the Redeveloper for development in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. (e) Neither the Authority, nor, to the best of the Authority's knowledge, any entity or person has, at any time (i) "released" or actively or passively consented to the "release" or "threatened release" of any Hazardous Substance (as defined below) on or under or that would affect the environmental condition of the Redevelopment Property; or (ii) taken any action in "response" to a "release" in connection with the Redevelopment Property; or (iff) other~vtse engaged in any activity or omitted to take any action which could subject 'the Authority or Redeveloper to claims for intentional or negligent torts, strict or absolute liability, either pursuant to statute or common law, in connection with Hazardous Substances (as defined below) located in or on the Redevelopment Property, includtn~ the generating, transporting, treating, storage, or manufacture of any Hazardous Substance (as defined below). The terms set within quotation marks above shall have the meaning given to them in the Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. ! 9601 et seq., as amended ("CERCLA") and any state environmental laws. "Hazardous Substances" means hazardous waste, toxic substances, formaldehyde, urea, polychlortnated, btphenyls, asbestos, petroleum, natuz~l gas, synthetic gas usable as fuel or mixtures thereof, any mater~aJ~ related to any of the foregoing, and substances defined as "hazardous substances", "toxic substances", "hazardous waste", "pollutant", or "contaminant" in CERCLA 42 U. S.C. ! 9601 et seq., the Resource Conservation and Recove~, Act as amended, the Hazardous Materiais Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. ! 1801 et seq., the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. ! 1251 et seq., any state laws regarding enviro~mentai matters, or any regulations promulgated pursuant to any of the foregotn~ statutes. u'BD49227 , (f) The Authority does not know of any wells on the Redevelopment Pl'opel~ within the II!_c~ntn~ of _.~tnnesota Statutes, Section 10SI. Section 2. represents that: Representations by the Redevelo~r. The Redeveloper (a) The Redeveloper has the right, power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations aceozdin~ to tb!~ Ag?esment. (b) If the Redevelopment P~oper~ is conveyed to Redeveloper, it will construct the Minimum Improvements, and will do so in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Redevelopment plan and all local, state and federal laws and zoning, building code and public health laws and regulations. (c) If constructed, the __~tntmum Imprevements will be constructed at a cost to Redeveloper of not less than $ inclusive of the value of the Redevelopment Property. Whether or not the Redeveloper constructs the Minimum Improvements, the Redeveloper agrees to the terms and conditions of the Deficiency Agreement attached hereto as Schedule C. (d) The Redeveloper has received no notice or communication f~m any local, state or federal official that the activities of the Redeveloper or the Authority in the l>roJect Area may be or will be in violation of any environmental law or regulation. The Redeveloper is aware of no facts the existence of which would callse- it to be in violation of any local, state or federal enviro-mental law, reg,,lntion or- review procedure. In the event that the Authority is required to take any action to obtain any necessary permits or apprevals With respect to the Redevelopment Proper~ under any local, state or federal enviro~-~ntal law or regulation, the Redeveloper will cooperate With the Authority in co,,-ection With such action. (e) If the Redeveloper eonstmicts the Minimum Improvements, it will do so in accordance With all applicable local, state or federal energy conservation laws or (f) Neither the execution and deliver7 of thts Agreement, the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor the fult'fllment of or compliallce with the terms and conditions of this Agreement is prevented, limited by or conflicts with or results in a breach of, the terms, conditions or previsions of m~y restriction or any evidences of indebtedness, e4greement or tnstmunent of any evidences of indebtedness, agreement or lnstmunent of whatever nature to which the Redeveloper is now a ~ or by which it is bound, or constitutes a default under Any off the foregoing. u'~D4g~27 auo-zs 8 ARTICLF. III Sale and Pu~.hase Section 3.1. Status of Property. Subject to satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Agreement the Authority will convey the Redevelopment Property to Redeveloper by quit claim deed. Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Conveyance of Property. (a) The Authority's obll~ation to convey the Redevelopment Property shall be subject to satisfaction, or waiver in writing by the Authority, of all of the following conditions precedent: (i) The Redeveloper not being in default under the terms of this Agreement; (fl) The Redeveloper having secured all governmental per,nits and approvals, necessary to be obtained in order to permit conveyance of the Redevelopment Property to Redeveloper. A (iff) The Redeveloper shall have submitted to the ~uthority A evidence A ~:..':::°:x°:':':~°:°:':":°:':"":"'~~~:':"':~'x°~:'::°::" ..:.::o:.~.x.o:...::~:::.:.:..o~ :~:>::~:~ .:~.~:.o.~-o::~.-.:~:.....~:~... ,,.~::.~..6 .. :... ..~ ...~..~...:. · ~4 .. ~ ......:::~:~...::.::..:.:.::x?.....:.::..::~i:.:::°:!:::.::f:::i::...?......x::`:.~:i:!:.~.i:~:.::....::.....~2:~: .... -'";~:.-~:.~-°'~:.:..~ :....:~.¥::~"':':.'.~:%'~ .. '~%' . ,ox ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .......... ...:.:.:.-::::;:::::s:.:o '~z:':~..::::.:.:.~d~i~- ~:~i.....'?-:~-:..~: ........ :.:...;... o:~ .. .... . ........ :.~ . -.:'- '!:!'!:'- . ......... ! .$. -':o ~., :.' .~::..~: x (iv) The Redeveloper shall have submitted to the Authority and the Authority shall have approved Construction Plans for the Minimum Improvements pursuant to Section 4.2 of this Agreement; ............... .(~) ..... .T...~e......C...ity having approved a plat for the Redevelopment Property ~~repared at Redeveloper s expense, provided, however, i~i'~'~'~i~91i~'shall, at its expense, provide Redeveloper with a survey of the Redevelopment Property; (vi) The Redeveloper havin~ entered into such aEreements and contracts as ate tequited by the City dealing with the constz-uction of roadways and related improvements within the boundaries of the Redevelopment Property~.'~ ^ In the event that all of the above conditions precedent have not been satisfied or waived in wrlt~g by the Authority within 12 months following the date of this AE~ement, the Authority may Etve the Redeveloper ten (10) days written notice of such defaults. If the Redeveloper does not cure the defaults wlth~ the ten day period, this AEreement shall be null and void, and neither the Authority or Redeveloper shall have any obliEation or liability to the other hereunder. (b) The Redeveloper's oblJLmtton to purchase the Redevelopment PToperty shall be subject to satisfaction, or waiver in writing by the Redeveloper of all of the following conditions ptecedent: JBD49227 (31130-25 7 (il (ii) The City havin~ caused to be constructed the newly ~ ?Sth Street adjacent to the Redevelopment l>rope~, and demolished and removed the portion of existing 78th Street which c~oeses the Redevelopment Property. In the event that all of the above conditions precedent have not been satisfied or waived in writing by the Redeveloper vdthtn 12 months following the date of this Agreement, the Redeveloper rosy give the Authority written notice of such defaults. If the Authority does not cure the defaults within ten days from the date of such notice, this Agreement shall be null and void and neither the Redeveloper or Authority sbsli have Any obliLmtion or liability to the other het~tmder. Section 3.3. Puz~J~lse Price. The purchase price for the Redevelopment Proper~ shall be Four Dollars ($4: 00) per square fo~_t pa~ble in ces~ The Rede..ve....l~.~.t...~~t~~cres o,r ~ (~) square ree~. ~ns exac~ in a form acoeptable to the Authority and Redeveloper. Section 3.4. Closing. (a) Within three (3) days after satisfaction and/or waiver of all of the- conditions contains_ d in Section 3.2 of this Agreement, the Authority shall convey the Redevelopment l~x-ty to the Redeveloper ~ the execution and deltvm'y of its quit clstm deed and all other doc~ments reasonably ~equtred by Redevelope? And the Title Company. This Closing shall be at a location designated by the Authority. If the Closing has not taken place on o? before 13 months following the date of this Agt~mment, either party may declare this'Z~ment null and void, where upon each party shall be relieved of all obligations hereunder. (b) The Redeveloper shai!.~~~.o.....n..~0f the Redevelopment Pr~pm-ty upon execution and deliverwy A ~~~~~by the Authority at Closing. (e) The Authority shall furnish to the Redeveloper a con~nttment (to be paid for by the Authority) for the issuance of an ALTA owner's policy of title insurance Form B-19 the ($ ? ~ and marketable title to the .Redevelopment ~x*ty, free of any and all exceptions to title. A The Redevelope? ShAll have 30 days f~om the x~ipt of the Commitment to furnish the Authority with the Redeveiope?'s written obJectto~ to rifle. The Authority agrees to px~ceed in good faith and with all due ~ce to attempt to cure the objections made by the Redevelope? and to do so prio? to the date of closing as provided in Section 3.4(a). If such objections _o~__nn'ot be outed prio? to such date and are not waived by Redevelope?, tht~ agreement shall be null And void ~nd the pax-ties shall be relieved of any liability o? obligat~n hereunde?. (d) The Authority shall pay at closing any general real estate taxes levied against the Redevelopment Propex-ty due and payable fo? all yeare prto? to the yea~ of closing. The real estate taxes payable in the year of closing and any payable in the year of closing of previously levied spe~A1 assessments levied a~alnst C~.30-3B 8 the Redevelopment ~operty will be pro-rated between the Authority and the Redeveloper as of the date of closing. Except as provided herein, the Redeveloper will pay all real estate taxes levied ai~tnst the Redevelopment Proper~y together with all unpaid installments of special assessments and any future special usessmente payable in subsequent years. The payment of m~J estate taxes by the Redeveloper includes any mud estate taxes levied against the Redevelopment Prope~y upon its change in assessment classification from "Green Acres" a~rtcultur~l pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.111 to commercial pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.13. The A ~:.i~shall A pay any defem-ed real estate taxes or special assessments cause'd '1~'~"~[~ '*'Green Acres" classification of the Redevelopment Property. (e) The Authority sbsll pay at Closing: (i) State deed tax; (fi) All costs of obtaining and updating the abstract to the Redevelopment Property, including name searches, Jud~nent searches, tax searches, bankruptcy searches, and prope~,ty inspection fees; (iff) Recording fees for com~ective instruments ~qufl~d to remove :~ ~..~:..:...::. -....~ :.~:~<...~.:.::: ?.'.: . ~. w/..~..~?. · encumbrances and place marketable title in A ~~mme, (iv) (v) The cost to record this Agreement; All real estate tax obli~tions due at closing; and (vi) Platting and survey costs; (vii) Title insurance commitment fees; (g) The Redeveloper shall pay at Closing: (i) All recording fees an~ cha~...s other than the State deed tax ~~......t...0..... the filing of the A ~::i? ~'*'":' ':F~" '~'~''':':''%''':¥' '~:'~"'" :"" ~:~ '"'" ::'*~'~'~:"" ~:':':'"":'~':'~"~'"~'~"~'"'"' ":': '~?' '" ~::'": .... ~'" '"' (ii) Title insurance premiums; (iff) The Closing fee charged by the title company, if any; (iv) The cost of recording the A ~~and (v) The cost of recording the Development Contract. ~BD&g227 C~130-2-~ Section 4.1. Constmiction of the .l~tntmnm Improvements. Subject to the reruns and conditions of t_htn AK~nent, the~.R~develqp~e~__at~!~s to ~p~~e the Redevelopment Proper~y and to construct ' . · Improvements on the Redevelopment Prope nstmic~n pl_an~.A Section 4.2. Fomn of Public Assistance. In o~der to facdlitate the flnanalal feasibility of the redevelopment of the Redevelopment l~t-ty and in conatdemtion for the Redeveloperts f, lftHment of its covenants and obliEations under th~ AKt~ement, the Authority will provide to the Redeveloper a paymant of spe~A! assessments from the tax incroments toKether with a la, d wrttedown payment to be paid as he~_~_t-after provided. The public assistance will be payable by the Authority as indicated below. (a) Special Assessment Write-Off. The Authority ~ to provide a write- off of spe~A! assessments to be assesse~the Redevelopment P!~e,E-}~.f_or public improvements in the amount of A [~~~[~~Dolla~ (A ~). The write-off of special assessments is ~e'd"b~"the Authortty's coll~-'~tion of th~ torsi ann~nl tS.X increment Eenemted by the Redevelopment Prope~ and Minimum Improvements for a ~-yea~ period as described in pa~ph 6 and usin~ a portion thereof to pay for the spec/al assessment write-off. (b) Allocation of Tax Increment Publie Assistance. The allocation of the tax increment public assistance to be provided by the Authority to the Redeveloper pursuant to Section 4.2(a) above is estimated as follows: Total A Yea~ Estimated Annual Assessment Payable Tax Increment Write-Off 199 0 --- (x) A (x) A (x) A which the tax increment is not Kt~a~r A ~i?'/ktual to --~ . ..... [. ...................... ~the Redeveloper a~rees to pay the differ~nce between the actual tax increment amount and (Y) to the Authority as a deficiency witht~ thtety (~0) days of r~etpt of written notice from the Authority. ~-~o-~s 10 u"BD49227 C~:].30-25 ARTICr.~ V Tax Incx~m~t Section 5.1. Tax Increment Certification. The Authority has established the Tax Increment District pursuant to the Tax Increment Act. Section 5.2. Real Pr~erty Taxes~ Spe~A! Assessments. The Redeveloper shall pay, in acco?dance with Section 3.4(e) herein, all ad valorem taxeB and assessments on the Redevelopment P?opex-ty which aec payable subsequent to elosh~ on the sale of the Redevelopment Peope~. This is a corporate obli~tton of the Redeveloper which shall continue even if the Redeveloper sells the Redevelopment Prope~, unless the Redevelope? is released of its obli~tions under this AKreement. A C]~J0-35 ARTICLE VI Additional Provisions Section 8.1. Ec~u~l Em~3loyment O13~3ormntt¥:: .The t..-............ . ....~..........: ~.:::~:.:.:-~'-'.:~ ..... . ..-..... -... '~ . .,:. .'~ .~. ~- . .. ~ - .~:.-~ its successors ~d assi~, ~es t~ ~~t ~ comply ~th ~ app~ble'~~~ Section 8.2. Restrictions on Use. The Redeveloper agrees for itself, and its successors and assigns, and every s'uccessor in interest to the Redevelopment Property, or any part thereof, that the Redeveloper, and such successors and assigns, shall devote the Redevelopment Property to, and only to and in accordance with, the land use rei~ulations of the City of Chanhassen. Section 8.3. P~ovisions Not M.erl~ed With Deed. None of the provisions of this Agreement are intended to or shall be merged by reason of any deed transfem'lng any interest in the Redevelopment Property. Section 6.4. Notices and Demands. Except as othemvtse expressly provided in this AL~eement, a notice, demand, or other communication under the A~eement or the Redevelopment Deed by either paTt7 to the other shall be sufficiently ~lven or delivered only ff it is dispatched by rel~lstered or cez~Lifled marl, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered personally; and (a) in the case of the Redeveloper, is addressed to or delivered personally to the Redeveloper at 700 International Centre, 900 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55402, Attention: Bill McHale; and (b) in the case of the Authority, is addressed to or delivered personally to the Authority at 690 Coulter Drive, Box 147, Chanlmssen, Minnesota 55317, or at such other address with respect to either such patty as that patty may, from time to time, designate in writing and forward to the other as provided in this Section. Section 8.5. Disclaimer of Relationships. The Redeveloper acknowledges that nothing contained in this Agreement nor any act by the Authority or the Redeveloper shall be deemed or construed by the Redeveloper or by any third person to create any relationship of thtrd-pa~ty beneflciar~r, principal and a~ent, limited or general pa~ner, or Joint venture between the Authority and the Redeveloper. Section 6.6. Covenants Runntn~ with the .L~nd. The tet~ns and provisions of this A~eement shall be deemed to be covenants running with the Redevelopment Property and shall be binding upon any successors or assti'ns of the Redeveloper and any future owners or encumbrances of the Redevelopment l>rope~. Section 6.7. Modffications. This AL~'eement may be modified solely throu~ w~tten amendments hereto executed by the Redeveloper and the AuthoritT. Section 8.8. Counte~arts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 0~D49227 ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority has caused this A~l~ement to be executed in its corporate ~Ame by its duly authorized officer~ and sealed with its corporate seal; and the Redevelope~ has caused tht~ Agreement to be executed in its corporate name as of the date first above written. (SEAL) THE HOUSING AND REDEV~O~ - AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASS~, MINNESOTA By: And Its Acting Cha~per~n Its Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF CARVER ) On tl~s day of , A ~~before me, a Notar~ Public within and for said county, appeared and to me personally known, who being by me duly swo~n, did say that they arm r~speetively the Acting Cha~wperson and Executive Director of The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of ChAnl~Ansen, Minnesota, a public body, oorpomte and politic, known as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chs. l~ssen, under the laws of the State of ~nnnsota, on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Notary Public 0~49~27 cm~o-~s 14 REDEVELOPER: RYAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, INC By: Its Attested By: Its STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER The forego_~g instrument was acknowledged before me ~this day of , A ~~i"by end , the and ~'~':::'~:~N C~T-'~-~CT--'~-~'~ 'COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, INC., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public ,.TB~49227 (m3o-~s 15 8Ct[];DUT..,E A REDEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: [To be supplied p~,lo~, to execatl:ion] ,',-',~o-~ A-1 CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMO~UM FROM: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director DATE: May 10, 1994 SUBI: Consider Approving Purchase Agreernem for South End of the Pedestrian Bridge Attached for the HRA's consideration is a ~:agreement with M~n Development Company for the southerly embankment for ,t~'."~ bridge (see A_n~_chmen_ t #1). The purchase agreement calls for the HRA to pay:.'$3.2~ ~i:.square foot for approximately 26,000 square feet at a total purchase price of $84,,..~."8.00 (~i;Attachment F2). Staff would reco~ that the HRA ~e the p .-. agrecm~t as drafted and direct staff to schedule a closing. ---.. · 1. Purchase agreement ': ~:~. 2. Location map "~... ....... .~-. -.. ~. ~,;~-. -.. ;,. -~. -- : :....- · . :..:'-.~.~-~,~5-~-;-.~.- 'x._..~..~r...:_~--~ - . . . ... ·. . .<.--; ._'?- - · ':.'..':.,::' :.~:?.-...:~ ..... -~,.~.-,~,. ~..~.~~::'~ ~ ~. .,.._~.~ .,_....... "'"' ': -;£:-;J" r~-~_~.%+.~:r~J; ....... REAL ESTATE PURCHASE A~REEMENT THIS A~REEMENT (the "Agreement") made and entered into this day of , 1994, by and between the CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota, with offices at 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 (referred to herein as the "Buyer"), and MORTENSON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, with offices at 700 Meadow Lane North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 (the "Seller"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein, it is hereby mutually agreed by Seller and Buyer as follows: SECTION 1. BALE AND PURCHASE OF LAND 1.1) Seller shall sell to Buyer and Buyer shall purchase from Seller, upon the terms and conditions hereof, the following property (all collectively referred to as the "Subject Property"): 1.1.1) The land in Carver County, Chanhassen (the "City"), Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit "A" to be attached hereto and incorporated herein, together with all right, title, and interest in and to any roads or alleys adjoining or servicing such land, rights-of-way, or easements appurtenant thereto, and in and to any ditch, water, or riparian rights and claims appurtenant thereto, and to any unpaid award with respect thereto. SECTION 2. PURCHASE ~RICE 2.1) The purchase price for the Subject Property (the "Purchase Price") shall be in a dollar amount equal to Three and 1Z052 3/30/94 28/100 Dollars ($3.28) per square foot and shall be payable by Buyer to Seller as follows: 2.1.1) Eighty Four Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Eight Dollars ($84,788.00) by check on the date of closing, which shall be on or before May 3, 1994. 2.1.2) Seller and Buyer agree the size of the Subject Property is 25,850 square feet. Upon receipt of final survey on a form acceptable to Buyer, the total square footage of the Subject Property shall be determined by Seller and Buyer. Upon such determination, Seller and Buyer shall adjust the Purchase Price in order that the sum paid by Buyer to Seller equals Three and 28/100 Dollars ($3.28) per square foot for the purchase of the Subject Property. SECTION 3. TITLE MATTERS 3.1) Seller, at its own expense, shall furnish to Buyer within twenty (20) days hereof a current commitment for the issuance of a 1987/1990 ALTA Form B owner's policy.of title insurance (the "Commitment") issued by Title Company acceptable to Buyer ("Title") in the amount of Eighty Four Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Eight Dollars ($84,788.00), committing to insure that Buyer will have good and marketable title to the Subject Property, subject only to standard exceptions to title, and to matters to which Buyer may consent in writing. 3.2) In the event any exceptions are listed in the Commitment for title insurance (except standard exceptions and matters which are consented to by Buyer), if the same results from any voluntary action by the Seller, the Seller shall promptly cause the exception to be removed. With regard to any other exceptions, if the Seller fails to remove the same within the time allowed for closing on the Subject Property, the Buyer 12052 2 3/30/94 4.3) to Buyer: shall have the right to terminate this Agreement or proceed to close and remove exceptions and credit the cost for removing the same against the Purchase Price provided such costs do not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). BECTION 4. CLOSING 4.1) The closing (the "Closing") shall be at a location designated by Buyer, and shall occur on May 3, 1994 (the "Closing Date"). 4.2) On the Closing Date, Seller shall deliver to Buyer possession of the Subject Property. Until possession is delivered to Buyer, Seller shall not remove any dirt, trees, shrubs, or other natural growth, except as to keep the Subject Property in a neat and orderly condition. On the Closing Date, Seller shall execute and deliver 4.3.1) A duly executed warranty deed, free from all exceptions to title except for standard exceptions to title and matters to which Buyer consents in writing. 4.3.2) A customary affidavit that there are no unsatisfied judgments of record, no actions pending in any state or federal courts, no tax liens, and no bankruptcy proceeding filed against Seller, and no labor has or materials have been furnished to the Subject Property for which payment has not been made, and that to the best of .Seller's knowledge there are no unrecorded interests relating to the Subject Property. 4.3.3) A certificate executed by Seller certifying that all representations and warranties of Seller contained in this Agreement are true and correct as of the Closing Date. 4.4) Seller shall pay at Closing all the general real estate taxes levied against the Subject Property due and payable 12052 for all years prior to the year of closing, together with any unpaid installments of special assessments due therewith ("Taxes"), and any Taxes deferred. Seller shall pay all installments for special assessments due in the year of closing affecting the Subject Property and other lands (Tax Parcel 25.3451110) when the same become due. General real estate taxes and the 1994 installment for special assessments levied against the Subject Property due in the year of Closing shall be prorated to the Date of Closing and shall be apportioned between Buyer and Seller based upon the size percentage of the Subject Property to the entire 4.86+ acre site consisting of the Subject Property and other lands within the Tax Parcel 25.3451110. The remaining unpaid balance of special assessments for street improvements shall be prorated between Buyer and Seller based upon the foregoing size percentage formula. Seller shall be credited for such prorated amounts at closing, it being understood that Seller shall pay the remaining balance of said assessments when the same are due. 4.5) Seller shall pay at-Closing: 4.5.1) state deed tax; 4.5.2) all costs of obtaining and updating the abstract to the Subject Property, including name searches, tax searches, bankruptcy searches, and property inspection fees; 4.5.3) title insurance commitment fees; and 4.5.4) recording fees for corrective instruments required to remove encumbrances and place marketable title in Buyer's name. 4.6) Buyer shall pay at Closing: 1:'052 4 3/3O194 4.6.1) all recording fees and charges relating to the filing of the deed described in Section 4.3.1; 4.6.2) title insurance premiums; 4.6.3) survey costs for the survey required in Section 2.1.2; and 4.6.4) any. the closing fee charged by the title company, SECTION 5. COVENANTS, REPRES~NT%TIONS, AND W~RRANTIES OF SELLER 5.1) Seller, as an inducement to Buyer to enter into this Agreement, and as part of the consideration therefor, represents, warrants, and covenants with Buyer and its successors and assigns that: 5.1.1) There are no leases, options, purchase agreements, rights to redeem, tenancy agreements, or rights of occupancy, written or verbal, and no person or party has, or will have any rights of adverse possession, regarding the Subject Property; 5.1.2) Seller will maintain in force insurance against public liability from such risk and to such limits as in accordance with prudent business practice and suitable to the Subject Property from the date hereof to the Closing Date; 5.1.3) Seller has made no independent environmental investigation of the Subject Property and can make no representations as to actions of previous owners. The Seller has not received any written notice related to environmental issues at the Subject Property. Seller has not done the following: i) "released" or actively or passively consented to the "release" or "threatened release" of any Hazardous Substance (as defined below) from any "facility" or "vessel" located on or used in connection with the Subject Property; or · ii) taken any action in "response" to a "release" in connection with the Subject Property; or iii) otherwise engaged in any activity or omitted to take any action which could subject Seller 12052 5 or Buyer to claims for intentional or negligent torts, strict or absolute liability, either pursuant to statute or common law, in connection with Hazardous Substances (as defined below) located in or on the Subject Property, including the generating, transporting, treating, storage, or manufacture of any Hazardous Substance (as defined below). The terms set within quotation marks above shall have the meaning given to them in the Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 9601 et seq., as amended ("CERCLA") and any state environmental laws. "Hazardous Substances" means hazardous waste, toxic substances, formaldehyde, urea, polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos, petroleum, natural gas, Synthetic gas usable for fuel or mixtures thereof, any materials related to any of the foregoing, and substances defined as "hazardous substances", "toxic substances", "hazardous waste", "pollutant", or "contaminant" in CERCLA, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act as amended, 41 U.S.C. Sec. 9601 et seq., the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Sec. 1801 et seq., the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. Sec. 1251 et seq., any state laws regarding environmental matters, or any regulations promulgated pursuant to any of the foregoing statutes. Seller shall indemnify Buyer, its successors and assigns, against, and shall hold Buyer, its successors and assigns, harmless from, any and all losses, liabilities, claims, fines, penalties, forfeitures, damages, administrative orders, consent agreements-and orders, and the costs and expenses incident thereto, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, consultants' fees and laboratory fees, which may at any time be imposed upon, incurred by or awarded against Buyer as a result of or in connection with the breach of any of the above representations and warranties, whether such breach is discovered before or after closing. Each of the above representations and warranties shall survive the closing. Consummation of this Agreement by Buyer with knowledge of any such breach by Seller shall not constitute a waiver or release by Buyer of any claims arising out of or in connection with such breach; 5.1.4) Seller is unaware of any wells located upon the Subject Property; 5.1.5) Seller has waived its rights under 42 U.S.C. § 4651 pertaining to real property acquisition practices and agrees to execute any further documents that the Federal Government may require in order to affectively waive Seller's rights under 42 U.S.C. § 4651. 12052 6 3~30~4 5.2) The covenants, representations, and warranties contained in Section 5 shall be deemed to benefit Buyer and its successors and assigns and shall survive any termination or expiration of this Purchase Agreement or the giving of the Deed. All of Seller's covenants, representations and warranties in this Agreement shall be true as of the date hereof (and shall be a condition precedent to the performance of Buyer's obligations hereunder) and as of the Closing Date. If Buyer discovers that any such covenant, representation, or warranty is not true, Buyer may elect prior to closing, in addition to any of its other rights and remedies, to cancel this Agreement, or Buyer may postpone the Closing Date up to ninety (90) days to allow time for correction. Buyer shall not be deemed to have waived any claims for breach of warranty if Buyer consummates the transaction set forth in this Agreement with the knowledge that one or more of Seller's warranties are false. 5.3) Seller is, or by Closing will be, the sole owner of fee simple absolute title to the Subject Property, has all requisite power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and the documents listed in Section 4 above. SECTION 6. INVESTIG~TIONAND TESTING 6.1) Buyer and its agents shall have the right, at its sole option, to enter the Subject Property without charge and at all reasonable times, to perform such engineering and environmental investigation and tests as Buyer may reasonably deem appropriate. If Buyer investigates and tests the Subject Property pursuant to 1~05~ 7 3/30/94 this section, Buyer shall pay all costs and expenses of such investigation and testing and shall hold Seller harmless from all costs and liabilities arising out of Buyer's activities. If the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement is not closed, Buyer shall repair and restore any damage to the Subject Property caused by Buyer's engineering and environmental investigation or testing, at Buyer's expense, and shall return the Subject Property to substantially the same condition as existed prior to such entry. SECTION 7. CONTINGENCIES 7.1) The obligations of Buyer under this Agreement are contingent upon each of the following (the "Contingencies"): 7.1.1) The representations and warranties of Seller set forth in Section 5 of this Agreement must be true as of the date of this Agreement and on the Closing Date. 7.1.2) Buyer shall have determined on or before the Closing Date, that it is satisfied, in its sole discretion, with the results of and matters disclosed by any engineering or environmental investigation or testing of the Subject Property. If either of the Contingencies have not been satisfied on or before the Closing Date, then Buyer may, at Buyer's option, terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Seller on or before the Closing Date. The Contingencies are for the sole and exclusive benefit of Buyer, and Buyer shall have the right to waive the Contingencies by givingwritten notice to Seller. · 12052 8 SECTION 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1) The covenants and representations set forth in this Agreement shall survive the Closing of this transaction. 8.2) Buyer agrees that the parcel of land located adjacent to and west of the Subject Property (currently owned by Seller) shall not be assessed for a traffic signal in the event such traffic signal is warranted by increased auto or pedestrian traffic resulting from the construction of a pedestrian bridge landing upon the Subject Property. 8.3) Buyer and Seller warrant that neither party has been represented by a real estate broker in this transaction and that no brokerage fees are due any party as a result of this transaction. 8.4) Any notice, demand, or request which may be permitted, required or desired to be given in connection herewith shall be in writing and sent by certified mail, hand delivery, overnight mail service such as Federal Express, or Western Union telegram or other form of telegraphic communication, directed to Seller or Buyer. Any notice shall be deemed effective when delivered to the party to whom it is directed. Unless other addresses are given in writing, notices shall be sent to Seller or Buyer at the applicable address stated on the first page of this Agreement. 8.5) Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement. Where any date or time prescribed by this Agreement falls on a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday, such date or time shall automatically be extended to the next normal business day. l~OS~ 9 3/30/¢4 8.6) Each party hereto shall promptly, on the request of the other party, have acknowledged and delivered to the other party any and all further instruments and assurances reasonably requested or appropriate to evidence or give effect to the provisions of this Agreement. 8.7) This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Subject Property and all prior agreements, understandings, or negotiations between the parties are hereby revoked and superseded hereby. No representations, warranties, inducements, or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties, except as expressly set forth herein, or in other contemporaneous written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed, modified or rescinded, except by a written agreement signed by both parties hereto. 8.8) If Buyer defaults under any of the terms hereof, then Seller shall have the right to pursue any remedies which are available to Seller at law or in equity, including without limitation, specific performance, damages (including attorney's fees) and to the cancellation of this Agreement. 8.9) If Seller defaults under any of the terms hereof, including, without limitation, the delivery of marketable title to the Subject Property as set forth in Section 4 hereof, and any of Seller's representations, covenants, and warranties in Section · 5 hereof, then Buyer shall have the right to pursue remedies which are available to Buyer at law or in equity, including lao~a 10 3/]0/94 without limitation, specific performance, damages (including attorney's fees) and to the cancellation of this Agreement. 8.10) If any provision of this Agreement is declared void or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, which shall otherwise remain in full force and effect. 8.11) Failure of any party to exercise any right or option arising out of a breach of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any right or option with respect to any subsequent or different breach, or the continuance of any existing breach. 8.12) This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 8.13) This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8.14) At Buyer's request, a memorandum of this Agreement shall be executed by Buyer and Seller and filed of record in Carver County, Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. BUYER: SELLER: CHANHASSEN HOUSING MORTENSON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: By: Don Ashworth Executive Director By: By: Chairperson Its ' Its 12052 1 1 3/30/94 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1994, by Don Ashworth and by , respectively the Executive Director and Chairperson of the CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, on its behalf. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1994, by and , the and of MORTENSON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, SCOTT & FUCHS, P.A. 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: (612) 452-5000 JRW 12 3/30/94 EXHIBIT "Ata to REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY: That part of Lot 1, Block 6, Hidden Valley described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1; thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line of said Lot i a distance of 394.88 feet; thence Southeasterly, deflection angle left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 105.00 feet; thence easterly, deflection angle left 51 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds to the easterly line of said Lot 1; thence Northeasterly along said easterly line to the point of beginning. 1;~052 13 3/30/94 · ! ITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P,O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 ~ORANDUM TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authori~ FROM: Todd Gcdm~t, As~/stant Executive Director '~.. DATE: May 10, 1994 SUBJ: Review Architecumtl Style of Wendy's and the Offi~ Center for Mafl~t As you may already know, the proposed Wend~-~S '~d offi~ facility were xvviewed extensively by thc planning commission and citY call/nell. To suggest _dramntlc architectmal changes to either of these facilities may cause. :'~on~on between the two bodies. I have ~'~.. ~. ~tach~! the ¢ondifion~ of apl~'ov~l $1aff would r~,~'m~nd ~l~rov~l of tl~~ ~xl m'chi~ Styl~ and th~ tl~ HRA limit ~s r~wi~w to it~n~ ~ch ~ color, ..I~)~I~S Attachn~nt~ -~'."?'" -. :.'. . . ~.~.: CoCOons of · . .r-, ,~... .....: ~:- .~,-.;~,..~.p_~__~-~-- · 2. Election ph~.. ~.'..' .'.:......:..-..,.~x.;~~~;,.~~~'~ CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 May 3, 1994 Mrs. Vernelle Clayton Lotus Realty Services, Inc. P. O. Box 235 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Vemelle: On April 11, 1994, the City Council moved m approve the Sim Plan for Ectina Realty and Wendy's (#89-2 PUD) as shown on the site plan dated March 10, 1994, subject to the following conditions: . Re e The northerly access to the shopping center from Market Boulevard should be widened to 16 feet wide face-to-face over the easterly 100 feet of the site. In addition, the northerly radius should be expanded to ~0 feet to improve turning movements into the shopping center. "No parking" signs shall be placed along the east curb line of the parking lot at the west elevation of the retail building. In addition, "no parking" signs shall be placed along the east curb line of the drivemp window lane to Wendy's. . .. ?- The applicant shall work with the city in resolving final placement of the sidewalk along West 78th Street along with the landscaping. Landscaping other than the city's boulevard trees shall be prohibited ,within the city's right-or-.way, or trail easement area. The construction plans shall be revised to show impact to the existing Sidewalk'along Market Boulevard. Any/all damaged sidewalk as a result of construction activities on the site ,.~-. .~.' ~.~ The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the city and provide the necessary financial seoffity to guarantee, compliance with the conditions of approval. 4. The applicant shall grant the city the necessary landscape and sidewalk easements along West ?8th Street. 5. The applicant shall incorporate the City's Best Management Practice I-IandSook to control ® ® ® off-site tracking. Constn~ access points shall be lknited to the interior paddng lot and not on West 78th Street and Mm'ket Boulevard. After the storm sewer installation and prior to pavin~ the pndcina ~ the storm ~ tn~ (car. h basins) sha~ be drain~e syst~ The applicant must obtain a sign permit pttar to erecting any stgna~ on site. One monument identification sign is proposed at the nonbeas~itly corner of the site. This location is in conflict with the existing NSP unnsfotmen and franc connol box, as well following ctitcrin: be Thc he~t of the monmncnt ~ shall not exceed 12'10" (the hel~t of the existing Market Square sign). The si~n shall contain no more than 41 square feet of sign area per face. shopping center. The applicant Js proposing the sign design to be identical to the existing Market Squa~ monument ~ign~. The owner of each monument ~ign ~ be ~ble for i~ ~on, repair, Only one wall mounted sign ts shown on the western elevagon of Wendy's building. Wall mounted signs tnust meet the fonowlng criteria as identified in the plan: The letters and logos shah be ~ to 30 inches in height and nmst be lighled. All individual letters and losos comt~hing each st~n shall have a minimum depth of five inches and shall be conmucted with st translucent facin~ ove~ neon tube illumination. ,~ revised_ land .s~_oine D!~n ~,_n_ ~ broua~ ~bec~r_~ to the ~W Council addtessinn the ~outhern ~)rtion of the site. A berm shall be tncotlx~eed into the plan to screen the u'ash location from views. 'me applicant shall provide sta~ with a drafted cost estimate guarantees must be posted prior to bntldi~ lermit ismance, Approval of thc site plan is continscnt upon thc replat approval from Outlot A to Lot 1, Block 1, Market Square 2nd Addition. · . 10. Stop signs shall be placed at the exit points of Wendy's and Edina Realty's parking lots. ll. Submit revised utility plans to reflect a fire hydrant location between the Wendy's and the retail office building. 12. The Fire Marshal will provide information regarding placement of "No Parking Fire Lane" signage at the time of building permit application. 13. Thc office~etail building must be fire sprinklered pursuant to Chapter 38 Minnesota State Building Code. 14. Submit radius turn dimensions to Fire Marshal and City Engineer for approval pursuant to 1991 UFC Sec. 10-204(c). 15. The plans shall be revised clarifying the applicant's responsibility for relocating the NSP transformers and installing the balance of the 6 foot wide concrete sidewalk along Market Boulevard to the comer of West 78th Street The city's tr~c comroller shall be left in phce. The applicant and staff working out something with the brick tones that staff feels meets more of the intent of tying the surrounding buildings together as far as the tan and gray tones. Leaving the dark roof but using the shake shingles that are on the market that are basically an asphalt shingle but are shaped like wood shake shin~les. 17. Staff review Wendy's drive thru traffic circulation. The City Council also moved to approve the repht of Outlot A, Market Square to Lot 1, Block 1, Market Square 2nd Addition as shown on the plat with the following conditions: le Park and trail dedication fees shall be paid to the city pursuant to the city ordinances and City Council resolutions at the rate then in force upon building permit application. 2. Provide the following easements: 8,. Standard drainage and utility easements around the perimeter of the lot (10' on along Market Boulevard). b. Cross access easements need to be provided over the northeas~ly driveway." Condition #8 of the site plan review must be met prior to recording of the plat Two mylar copies of the final plat should be submitted to our office for signatures, along with all required financial securities. A 1"=200' and 1 "=500' scale mylar reductions of the final plat should also be submitted. Should you have any questions, please feel fi~ to contact me. $in~y, . Sharmin Al-laSt' Planner H ¢: Dave H~ Asst. City Engineer Steve Kirclmmn, Building ~ e,,-N W LOT 2 LOT ~ . 7 I T H I T R E'E..1 LOT 4 I I I I' / t MARKET SQUARE EXISTING PARKING LOT CONFIGURATION ~1) uJ !! z II W. t, , i_J 0 CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM Housing and Redevelopn~t Authority FROM: Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director DATE: May 10, 1994 SUBJ: Public Hearing on Land Sale of Outlot A and Lot 4, Mafl~ Square Under' Minnesota Statutes, the HRA must hold blic hearing when se/ling public lands~ Thc HRA should open the public hearing and ~~."~t public conmlents regarding the proposed land sale of Outlot A and Lot 4, BI~ 1, .~.~ arket Square to Bloomberg Companies (Attachment #1). After the public has finishe~l~ their ~X)~ts, the HRA should dose rite public heating. ,~:"-" ~%. If the HRA is in agreement to go ahead ~.~.~'~ the resale~ Ouflot A and Lot 4, Block 1, Market Square to Bloomberg Compani..~ based on the ~eem~ you should direct staff ~o execute the agreem~t and schedule..the""closing (see A~/g2). The terms of this agreement call for Bloomberg Co~s to pay the HRA~$2.50 a square foot and pay aH the assessments against the two lots./'."!The total estima~ purc ~"~ price is appro~y $200,000, not including special assessments. %. .-. ~_.. Map/public hearing notice. AlP'cement, ' -" ~:'---,--:i'~~_~ ' "" ' ' ' "r' ' "~"~"-'~'-'-~' __._/ LOT 2 . \ W LOT $ 7 I T I T R E'E.,1 LOT4 MARKET SQUARE EXISTING PARKING LOT CONFIGURATION CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA NOTICE ~F PUBLIC HEARING INVOLVING SALE OF LAND FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at 7:30 p.m. on May 19, 1994, the Chanhas~ Housing and Redevelopment Authority will hold a public hearing pursuant w Minm,-sota Statutes Section 469.029 con~g the sale of land, to wit: Outlot A and Lot 4, Block 1, Market Square to Bloomberg Companies, Inc. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at Chanhassen City HaH, 690 Coulter Drive. Anyone wishing to give testimony or provide written information concewlng the above referenced sale should be present at the hearing and will be hearcL Don Ashwotth, City Ocrk/Manag~ Phone: 937-1900 ext. 110 0:~~ in the Chanhassen ViUager on lVlay .5, 1994) · EXHIBIT TO REAL ESTATE OPTION AGREEMENT REAL ESTATE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") made and entered into this day of , 1992, by and between HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY INAND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota, with offices at 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, Minnesota (referred to herein as the "Seller"), and BLOOMBERG COMPANIES INCORPORATED, a Minnesota corporation (the "Buyer"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein, and of the Earnest Money (as defined herein) paid by Buyer, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, it is hereby mutually agreed by Seller and Buyer as follows: SECTION 1. SALE AND PURCHASE OF L~ND 1.1) Seller shall sell to Buyer and Buyer shall purchase from Seller, upon the terms and conditions hereof, the following property or a part thereof as described in Section 2 of this Agreement (all collectively referred to as the "subject property"): · 1.1.1) The land in Carver County, Chanhassen (the "City"), Minnesota, described on the attached Exhibit "A", together with all right, title, and interest in and to any roads or alleys adjoining or servicing such land, rights- of-way, or easements appurtenant thereto, and in and to any ditch, water, or riparian rights and claims appurtenant thereto, and to any unpaid award with respect thereto (the "Land"); 02/27/92 1.1.2) Any improvements located on the Land (the . Improvements" ) ~ 1.1.3) Ail rents, leases, contract rights, causes of action, permits, licenses, and other rights relating to the Land and Improvements (the "Contract Rights")~ and 1.1.4) All right, title, and interest of Seller in and to any plans, specifications, surveys, studies, reports, renderings, or drawings pertaining to the Land and Improvements, including environmental, marketing and related matters (the "Drawings").' SECTION 2. PURCNASE OF PART OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY/PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT BY BUYER 2.1) Buyer may elect to purchase all or .part of the subject property. If part but not all of the subject property is purchased, any subdivision of the subject property must be consistent with the City of Chanhassents subdivision and zoning ordinances. 2.2) If the Buyer elects to purchase part of the subject property, then an Exhibit "B" shall be prepared by Buyer and attached to this Agreement at the time Buyer signs this Agreement describing the part of the subject property being purchased. 2.3) Any proposed development of the subject property by Buyer shall be subject to the approval of Seller. In determining the appropriateness of any such proposed development, the Seller shall take into account the proposed use of the subject property, the design of the proposed development, the architecture and construction of any proposed structures, the proposed access routes, parking availability and proposed signage. If the proposed development is unacceptable to Seller due to any of the foregoing factors and the proposed development is denied by -2- 4.3) On the Closing Date, Seller shall execute and deliver to Buyer: 4.3.1) A limited warranty deed; 4.3.2) A customary affidavit that there are no unsatisfied Judgments of record, no actions pending in any state or federal courts, no tax liens, and no bankruptcy proceeding filed against Seller, and no labor has or materials have been furnished to the subject property for which payment has not been made, and that to the best of Seller's knowledge there are no unrecorded interests relating to the subject property, except to any interest relating to the property described in subparagraph 3.1(c) above; 4.3.3) An abstract of title to the subject property if the subject property is abstract or the Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title if the subject property is registered. 4.4) Buyer shall pay any of the general real estate taxes levied against the subject property due and payable in the year of Closing and prior years, together with any unpaid installments of special assessments due therewith ("Taxes"), and any Taxes deferred. 4.5) At Closing, Buyer shall pay in full or assume all unpaid pending and levied special assessments against the subject property. 4.6) Buyer shall pay all Closing costs including but not limited to: state deed tax; recording fees for corrective instruments, if required, to place title in Buyer's name; all recording charges and fees relating to the filing of the Deed. SECTION 5. . COVEN;~qTSe REPRESENT~TIONS~ ;~I~D W~~IES 5.1) Seller makes no warranties or representations concerning the subject property. The property is sold "AS IS". -4- BECTION 6, MIBCELLJ~NEOUB 6.1) Buyer hereby indemnifies Seller for any claim, cost, or damage related to any brokerage fee due because of this Agreement. 6.2) Any notice, demand, or request which may be permitted, required or desired to be given in connection herewith shall be in writing and sent by certified mail, hand delivery, overnight mail service such as Federal Express, or Western Union telegram or other form of telegraphic communication, directed to Seller or Buyer. Any notice shall be deemed effective when delivered to the party to whom it is directed. Unless other addresses are given in writing, notices shall be sent to Seller or Buyer at the applicable address stated on the first page of this Agreement with a copy of any notice to Buyer also delivered to Roger N. Knutson, Campbell, Knutson, Scott & Fuchs, P.A., 317 Eagandale Office Center, 1380 Corporate Center Curve, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. 6.3) Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement. Where any date or time prescribed by this Agreement falls on a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday, such date or time shall automatically be extended to the next normal business day. 6.4) Each party hereto shall promptly, on the request of the other party, have acknowledged and delivered to the other party any and all further instruments and assurances reasonably requested or appropriate to evidence or give effect to the provisions of this Agreement. -5- 6.5) This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject property and all prior agreements, understandings, or negotiations between the parties are hereby revoked and superseded hereby. No representations, warranties, inducements, or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties, except as expressIy set forth herein, or in other contemporaneous written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed, modified or rescinded, except by a written agreement signed by both parties hereto. Seller and Buyer shall have the right to modify, amend, or cancel this Agreement without the consent or approval of any real estate broker or agent. Under no circumstances, including, without limitation, any default(s) of Seller and/or Buyer under this Agreement, will= (a) any real estate broker or agent be entitled to any commission (or any portion of the Earnest Money) unless the Closing actually occurs, or to any notice under this Agreement~ or (b) Buyer have any liability and/or obligation for payment of any commission or other compensation to any real estate broker or agent regarding this Agreement. 6.6) If Buyer defaults under any of the terms hereof, then Seller shall have the right, in addition to whatever other remedies are available to Seller at law or in equity, including without limitation, specific performance, damages, including · attorneyts fees, to cancellation of this Agreement. -6- 6.7) If Seller defaults under any of the terms hereof, then Buyer shall have the right, in addition to whatever other remedies are available to Buyer at law or in equity, including without limitation, specific performance, damages, including attorneyts fees, to cancellation of this Agreement. 6.8) If any provision of this Agreement is declared void or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, which shall otherwise remain in full force and effect. 6.9) Failure of any party to exercise any right or option arising out of a breach of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any right or option with respect to any subsequent or different breach, or the continuance of any existing breach. ! 6.10) This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 6.11) This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 6.12) At Buyerts request, a memorandum of this Agreement shall be executed by Buyer and Seller and filed of record in Carver County, Minnesota. 6.13) Seller hereby irrevocably authorizes Buyer to make all necessary inquiries with and applications to the City or'other governmental authorities, as Buyer may. require. · -7- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. SELLER: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN BUYER: BLOOMBERG COMPANIES INCORPORATED BY: AND Its Chairperson Don Ashworth, City Manager BY: Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( SS. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ., 19 , by and by Don Ashworth, respectively the Chairperson and Executive Director of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, a public body under the laws of the State of Minnesota, on its behalf. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 19 , by the of Bloomberg Companies Incorporated, a Minnesota corporation, on its behalf. NOTARY PUBLIC -8- DRAFTED BY = Campbell, Knutson, Scott & Fuchs, P.A. 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corgorate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 (61~-) 45~--5000 -9- EXHIBIT "A" to REAL ESTATE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT Outlot A, Market Square, Carver County, Minnesota AND Lot 4, Block 1, Market Square, Carver County, Minnesota CHANHASSEN H. R · A. CHECK · AHOUNT 04504g 045053 2 CHANHASSEN H. R . A. 46.22 100.00 208.22 GflEC~( · 054711 054712 054713 054714 054715 054716 TOTAL OF CHANHASSEN H . R . A , CHECK R 054852 054853 O54854 O54855 054858 AHOUNT 2,321.71 247.73 122.10 25.05 AHOUN T 14.72 302.58 5,840.17 1,293.32 110.24 S 7,509.03 AROUNT A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 04-11-94 PAGE CNANHASSEN H.R.A. CHECk· 054205 0S4212 054Z21 · CHANHASEEN H.#.A. · CKECK· AROUNT 0S4111 014111 OliO00 ll,2ll. O0 0SI001 B2I,HI.I! 0lBO02 81.41 005003 080004 OSSOOS I 1 CLA I RANT PURPOSE - FRANK IE' I FEES, SERVICE OOV'T TRAININ~ SERVICE TRAVEL & TRAINING NECEIIARY EXPENOITUREI IlNCE LAST CQUNCIL FIrE'INS A O C O U N T S P A Y A B L · 04-11-04 PAGE 2 OL A I RANT ·UR POS · B~W, INC. FEEl, SERVICE 3,253.18 213.00 6,900.43 CNECXI I1~ I TTEN 0CHECXS TOTAL 7.106.15 A C C O U N T · P A Y A B L E 04-25-04 CLA I HANT PURPOSE DONALD ASI'MORTH CAHPBELL, KNUTSON HOISINQTON KOEGLER GROUP JULEE GUARVE-PETERSON SW SUBURBAN PUBLIINING CHECK8 · WR I TTEN A O O · U N T · · A Y A · L · 0~-00-04 PA4E CLA I HAUT' ·UR·lEE 36.00 151 .oB 1ll .28 MBELL, KNUTION FEES, LEGAL OITY OF OHANHASSEN UTILITIEI FElT I VAL POOOi TRAVEL B 'IRA I N I Ne AND-SALES TAX C~I PUI~I'iAIES HOLFEI & GRAVEN FEEl, LEGAL LOFFLER BUSINEll IYITEJ~ OFFICE EQUIPflENT AND-SALE8 TAX O~ PURCHASEI PAGE I TRAVEL & TRAININO FEES, LEGAL FEES, SERVICE FEES, SERVICE PRINTING AND PUBLISHING I.li HA~LINE UHIVERIITY TRAVEL · TRAINING HOLPEI & ~RAVEN FEEl, LEGAL 8ENIIBLE ~ USE TRAVEL · TRAININ~ A O O O U N T S P A Y A · L E 0B-0l-O4 PAM OLA I RANT PURPOSE 121.00 10.00 JMM FEQ~AN 11GHE~CITOTAL 176,412.0! BUSINESS ESIENTIAL· IN~ 8UPPLIIO, 0FFIM AND-SALES TAX QM PURCHASE OARVER OOUNTY TREAILI~R OTI~R ACGUISITIOff OOIT8 QAAVER O0UNTY TREAI4JRER OTI~R AOGUISITION OO8T8 OITY OF QHANHAII~I ~ AIEEIlHENT PAY~IT~ QHAIJCA BUll. DIN OENTER REP.& HAINT.- Bi. De · eND FEITIVA/,. POOD4 TRAV~. · TIAININe AMD-BALE· TAX Mi IK/RCI4AI~S TOOl ILqU'IAROT TRAVEL · TRAININe TIIAVEL · TRAINIM