EDA 1994 07 21 AGENDA ....... HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMRNT AUTHORITY THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1994, 7..30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY IlAI.I., 6~0 COULTER DRIVE ~ALL TO ORDER 1. Election of Officers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. Approval of June 23, 1994. vIsrroR PRESENTATIONS Anyone wishing to address the HRA may do so at this time. OLD BUSINESS 3~ Update on the Contract with the Medical Arts Limited Partnership regarding the second phase of the project. e Presentation by Michael Sckroeder on the proposed Entry Monuments. Update on Vision 2002 process. 6. Update on 1994 Goals. NEW BUSINESS 7. Approval of Bills. HRA PRESENTATIONS CITY OF J 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Todd Oerha~t, Asst. City Manag~ DATE: July 1:5, 1994 SUBJ: Election of Officer~ According to the HRA by-laws, the are each elected to one year terms. and Sec~tary of the Authority The City Council at their June 27, 1994 term. The HRA cra'rant positions nm held Chairman Vice Chainmn Secretary RECOMMENDATION Jim Bolm ~ Charles RObbins Mi~ ~n ..g -.'~-m" ' · . _ ~.. · :r- ff.'l' ' .~.. '= · . Jim Bohn for another 5 year Staff reconunends the HRA elect a C~airman, term to expire on May 31, --~ · . '-.i '-.: ':-_:,~?i~..-"~~ ','...,.....:. 1-'. ..... -.. ~. ='.... Secreutry for a one yea~ CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Todd Gerhardt, Asst. City Manager DATE: July 15, 1994 ~ ~, SUBJ: Minutes of June 23, 1994 l~:'~ The minutes for the June 23 meeting were~t " include them in the next HRA packet for~oval.~.;.. .~?...',- · · :. in time for the packet. St~ff will CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 5,5317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 TO: FROM: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Todd Gerhardt, Asst. City Manager DATE: July 15, 1994 SUBJ: Update on the Second Phase of the Medical Art's Project At our last meeting, staff requested additional time to meet with the Medical Arts Partnership to discuss the terms of the private redevelopme~..'agreement. Staff met with the partnership on July 7, 1994 to discuss the future developm~ (_ .of Phase H and a general understanding of the terms of the Private Redevelopment A_ .~~ The results of our meeting were very amiable on both sides and came to the folloW§ c~.__ lusion with the parmership: 1. Chanhassen Medical Arts Limi~l ~p~ exercised its option to purchase on June 23, 1994. Thus they must cl~_~ on the ~ no law than June 22, 1995 based on the existing agreemcnt..~}r 2. The Partnership would have..~oi~e year from the (no later than June 22, 19.96):~ · ..-, .~' .. ,...-.- .. 3. The city/HRA, at their 'expense, must complete the Phase I line--the old ' sen Lawn and Sports site 78th Street to the propmy over by January' l, e closing to build the new facilit~ - ~~ v~ficulm' ~ from W~st The current purchase price is $100,2.e,0. Staff h ~ the purchase to $139,280 to .rdl~.~ the current market value and_.~.~ isessments paid by the ttRA to date. The ~~:~.~~~j~~J~- Thc HRA end thc Parmership enter ~..~tzree year special assessment reduction program with thc HRA assuming the ~ special assessments of $90,000 conditioned upon: That the parmership agree to a minimum market value of $500,~ that will produce $30,000 per year in new taxes. HRA July 15, 1994 Page 2 That the new facility be completed by January 1, 1995. If not completed, the partnership waives its right to be assessed for $15,000 for taxes payable in 1996 and if the building is not completed by January 1, 1996, the partnership again waives its right to be assessed an additional $15,000 for taxes payable in 1997. If the facility is not constructed by June 22, 1996, the agreement would be void. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the HRA modify the private redevelopment agreement to include the conditions as listed above and direct the HRA attorney to prepare the necessary documents. CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P,O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Todd Gerhardt, Asst. City Manager DATE: July 1:5, 1994 SUBJ: Presentation by Michael Schroeder on the proposed Entry Monmmmts One of the HRA's goals this year was to dev ' entry monumenfflandscape plan for Powers Boulevard~arget site, Market Boul t 79th Street, and the old Taco Shop/ Red-E-Mix sites. Staff would like the present several alternative landscape plans each feedback from the HRA on thc design Commission and City Council for their ~jtnments and ~ . · .- /~.' · night to have Michael Schroeder areas. Stuff will be looking for and pass it on to the Planning ITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Housing and Redevelopmeat Authority FROM: Todd G-erSt, Asst. City Manager DATE: July 15, 1994 SUBJ: Update on Vision 2002 A h ~ ~ ttac ed or your review is a preliminary draft~..~.~t~e newsletta' that is proposed to be mailed out to all Chanhassen residents in the early p ~a~.': ~-~,...~, ugust (see Attac~t #1). The Ad Hoc Committee has reviewed the letter and has ~ f~:i,a variety of changes (see Attaclunent g2). Staff felt it was important to get the ~'s in~t on the proposed article before the final print draft is completed. Staff will tak~::your ~nts at Thursday night's meeting. --';":' ~....(. ATTACHMENTS Newsletter dm~ ~:(~:-~ Ad Hoc Committ~ minut~ ' .. II City of Charthassen Vision 2002 Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes 7-11-94 The Ad Hoc Vision 2002 Committee met for the seventh time on Thursday, July 7, 1994, to review the first draft of the Vision 2002 Newsletter. Members of the Ad Hoc Committee present are included on the attached attendance sheet. The following comments were made relative to the Newsletter: · The graphics do not read well. · The dates of photos should be identified. · Herb Bloomberg and Russ Pauly may have old street view and aerial photos. · Icons that should be used to identify the character of downtown may include St. Hubert's Church, Medical Arts Building, the Riviera, Market Square, Country Suites and Target. · Use some other part of the Dinner Theater for identification. · Consider a view from the west showing rooflines. · The bank should also be considered as an icon. · A question was asked "what do we hope the newsletter will accomplish?" It was explained that the City would like maximum coverage and understanding of the Vision 2002 Plan as possible. It is, therefore, intending to send the Newsletter to every household in the City and follow it up with a telephone survey to sample public opinion about the Plan. ' · It was suggested that a response card be included with the Newsletter to allow anyone who wishes to respond. It was suggested that the response be very simple to encourage use of the card. · It was suggested that a note be included to "please read and save the Newsletter." · The process illustration should have the word "process" above it. · There should be a statement under the finance section that says "things won't be built unless there is money to pay for them." · It was suggested that the City Council and Planning Commission temper the public's reaction to Vision 2002 proposals. In other words, in addition to public participation, the experts views should be considered. · Maps should have street names. · A comment should be included that the Plan is not cast in concrete but will take many years to accomplish. · Only groups who have participated in the process, not individuals, should be included under the credits section. · There should be more clarification as to what is existing and what is proposed on the concept plan. · There should also be a description or definition of "concept plan" and what it means. · Some further clarification of ~e landscaping intent should be included to suggest that it is not intended to block views to retail. · There should be some modification of the design guideline which deals with having front-doors on the street. · Extraordinary standards relating to historic preservation should be included along with a description for the Pony/Pauly/Pri~.rnus or historic district site. · There should be a statement which indicates that the Plan can still change and that it has not already bccn adopted by the City. · Under funding there should be some provided for historic preservation. Fred Hoisington indicated that he had received a call from Joe Betz earlier in the day expressing the following concerns: · There is still confusion in the use of terms including "Center", "Downtown", "Community Center", "City Commons", "City Center", "Downtown District". · Joe indicated that it might be appropriate to expand the use of City Commons to the entire downtown. · He furthered suggested that after the next edit the newsletter be reviewed by objective third parties before it is actually put into use. · He furthered suggested that only groups, not individuals, be credited with involvement in the process. A tentative schedule was discussed calling for the City Council to review a newsletter draft on August 16, 1994 and, thereafter, the document would be printed and mailed. The community survey, by Decision Resources, will be completed in September. Though July 28 was considered as the next meeting date for the Ad Hoc Committee it would seem more appropriate to have such a meeting on August 4 to allow one additional week for the document to be mailed to Ad Hoc Members to review before meeting. Unless there is a major concern, the next meeting date will ]~ Thur~lay, August 4, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. $mruner 199~ Chanhassen Vision 2002 Importance of a Focus a series of bedru~ms th~ bear little m~u dnn a polMnl pbc~ Io ns:, and a plaeu f(z in4vaey. A city can also tm a styicd si hous~ wilh bcxlro(m~, a kk:dm~ a family nxxn. or p(mildy a wotboom. Tolmh~r Ihms ~ pn~d~ fnnily. widdn th. in4v.~ hum modd. They uu e.pntud-- I foem and dvk Idmlily for [bMr smldmtL Thnn idanu emablJih a cinm' f(x civk: activity dnmslh a downiown or a poutbly · c....,..--.~"y Cm~T. Chinhimm fl,. Ih muM! of lB cky wkh a foem. I~ b ~sdy Messed wiih a hiskx4nl cenl~ of d,-- cxnnmtmity cmmz which k no nMd ID cn~ ~, artificial an~, It abudy hns its cenut in a .mm. it Im in 'fandiy m~n' where .c:ivity can focus on cumin;miry ami civic life. whln,u fandly mcudxts can c(min)- inl a Ionl idmiky. This kb~y .enus Io fosl~ civk: Izid~ fM dlnso Mio Itu members od' tho fmnfly, h b abo ic~s as a iflnMmlj-t,4-M h lbo mam(m4M of ks vbim wbo mey MH Tids abH]ly k) Mptum Jim iln~Matinn of b(Xh family and imsts k dm runson ~ domiown k ~ its why c~.~dtim Ioday am mrivin8 to csu~a ant~r ftr civic K~ivi~y. Ludd]y. in Chubmsm. h fon~ was cruami by th~ History of Downtown Slenlfimm evenu which draped ~ dm.b~ b City,s downlown k a bkmd o~ the new and lbo okL B~lh now and osdy yeah inolude tho dodlcatlon ~ Its flf~ olmfl~ S"kd rmmvmd bulldlnp ix~'Ms ~ ~ sa'vicm for r~sl6mu Hubert's k, 1865; b ~ of b vJUqo tn 1196, ssMklnS s~x~ fnod md emmulnrns~ public sorvk~ (peuviomJy piaflod m Saint Hubm'tus In 1887 by the ndlibus and flnanohl imtlmtlom, in~ofesaloml offl~m, and Prancbcnn B~); tho c~estna:tkm of tb Villap lhll onammrchl emblbhrnmU wMch make thk city cenur afl Foundations for a Plan topthfr in a publia mmthl t~ .et a emmm fat' Ihdr n.w knowbdp to ruld. [bo mulim of a plan that would ndb~ pelad in a paxmH thai dnflnod a vkioa md I set d ~uidlnl [Ms vkhn and to crdt a plan [bat truly "fin' (]mnhmmn. commut~ty in tho public mmtlnp, and tho charm:tm' and opp~x~tie, peumud by th. ubtins dowuu~n. It d~pe, these hf~ tmo a phn the ntllzns ~ ~ks or Chnhmm~ msidenu. A ofnmunity swvey wUl provide a a.itiod "obook" h. b phn's "fit'* to ~en. The step fn b pruam wRI oma. over lbs m~t severtl weeb. The opinlonf of a wido mmpb of Ounhamen residents will ~, h neede end binu o~ the peolde oont~nue ;o be U, Chin ~ ~bo Career cen ~ the focus that b so kniMmnt fo~ a ommnunhy liko Chanhusen end tho phn w~l luaramee tho vlskm shred by the conununlty f(r htr [~ ,~ ' ' ., Jr · PYdq"mldl . ' ~ r~ "Peckd" Pm.ks ml~m mmnd m ___?j-j,,~-u~ml~ iD mmmm~ d-- imrlmr $m~m~ o~ ~ '/hay m pimoaf mi. fni~ib d"d m~k~ d imm thru h mm ,,~ mt i th3~m orimblb q)um ~ m~vim~ ummrm Lo im~ h, m omm~m$ dowmowu Io0mdm widb ///*~ Cit)' H. mli/Librnry/Senlors Center //,,~ Post Omce ///~-~ CIt.¥ Commons ,.,,~ Commercial Developm~t mvalhblllty of dM lind, iud Ihe conlnzl In which IbeOo Prb~ief u~fn~r ~c~ u flhnrs tot d~e plmml~ decbJoaf City Commonf Marklnl b omw of downtown Cbmlmsm h b City Cmn. mon~, wldc~ ~ mn expeded ~ 14~. LJbr~, Smlm Cir~er mhd a publio op4n tye~L It lbs mx tbs mnflumm of tho major pab thmulh tim Cmtg md hm n re)nj pmeem oa Wast side of City ilali end b ndlhborboods thai swmund d~o CSmur. h mmbfnln8 thru fscilb, Clly Commom beoomm b omm' p~ece to~ community focb~ recmmLIonll mhd clvi~ mctJvll~ af weft spaces while mslnttinfnl maximun flafldllty to ncoxnmodmo b charism h tho ways be f~diilbs Opm~L Pedestrian Ways A vhal public sp~m, Ilko C3~nim~n% ~ mn~ bo creaked ~4d~ut hvtnl pooplo on tho strmL Pudmtrtan wwys, d~vdoped to oonMc:t ~ m of b ~mm., wUl m i tml~ whh tb m~mobb srd mlf~u ~11 of doqr~fowu. C~m~I phm- mint will allow peopb to mmo to bo ~mur. pm4t d~tr mn and pedmu4an mwodt dom no( stop et tbs edlm or lbo ~mn~r-- it n~n~ beyond do~ t~ ttnk w~ tbs ndlbbOd~ ~ Senior HousinI W"nllm oppotmnltbs mtlst fur~ mulLl-I~ndly bouslnI Into LI~ ~mtar, ~dar boudnl is · critlcml dement u it mllowu smlor ~f'--' to bo m metlve Imrt of b dowulowu m~ Stalin, HounJnJ msd olbsr nndlJ*f~tmlJy bmaslnj _ rr _.~,,~unkbs hw~ b#n Inusmad wbh tbs ndlhbmlxx~ d~ mum~und b C:m&sr, ~ ot oomJuut~ eduk eduomlm, the publlo IJt~ry, Ibopid~ runmwJnn nmi mlwtalnmmit hOOds wOi bo Iwovklsd wllhln eMy walkinl dlslanee of homo. Entortalnment Tho Dhmr ~namar ts tho bulMInl Mock for the Entmalnmmt C~. It wUl bsmme a plato wheru nllht-Umo actlvky wtll be dudal,~ dray. 71tomttrufnmmt um wtU ~ mn~murmand, vsrlous d~sOnatlom without t~umlnl ~o tlulr ctn. Um for tho Post Office Tho (~asnha~ml PMt Offlm b alrusdy In neod of addltioeal lisP/lira cuffunt level of sa~lc~ snd there Is no potential for mqmmlou on b cssym~ sit& Tha nsw sita fnr Itm Prat Office dmuld j~wido a prmmo on lbs umln s(rem, trbwlnl du Post Offlm to m~ain m vhal pm of d~ r'~,~ h folfilb m pefl ord~ mill ndedf of Chanlnmm mldmu, mrd should pubik: hcllJl~, b. should ~ m Imblk: opm qmce u · psrt of Ila deveblanent The C3ty may noaf to Ismd~mmm ora m sim m mm Ihmt m immt ofP~m mmlnm te W mn ibcr~Uoa Center A mntw for fismfly t~ locatad nm~ ttm m~ft odle of tho dowutown wuntm m mndJor nnd a vlaual fbcus for Csmar m ms]l as Ibllns dowmoum snd ~ha nsw ~ sdmoL Thb alament u IdmLlfled by b ln~m b m m lmpoflanl hu[Minl Idodr of b vkiml fro' b C~tw, hlfllitn4 m M4d for m tinnily lalhrinl md nctlvlty pbos h tb mmmunlty. WhUe lm enct chm'm:~r bM not btam ddbsd. Ix b mmnfd dasx d~ Rmudon ~ ~1 fadlkbf orlmad to f~smfly mnmlm nemb. Senior Hotulns ~ ConuTlerclml Development ~,,~w,~~C°mmunlty J. 8 Cmcept pith for tho Cmer (Indudlnf 'l¥1ndl hcflll Commerclnl Devdopment q~4 'Vision Guiding ~in~pl~ for the Do~to~ ~f~p~~~ Mb~h~~t a inm Jut d~ dm,,n~ o~ raimon kl ohmm~, nd noqnbn dit a ~ )d da, dowmown b M oonddw k ~ k Mdd] Chmlmnn'e downtown b n.m~ k k mddmdion (/ Ih M md Imflt mvlmnnml; k b b ~ dM Patterns, Networks end Spaces: Broad Conelderatlora for the downtown Form · compri ~nt~r by creating or eomplt, tln~ r.o:m thr~uihout th. d.wntown. slinlflcint buildin~ w groves of fttu. · Build ~ all fort ~mwl d inulin, om or ri. mm groNms of trees to fill a t~meL · Foc:m ~C~ Hall u thn ~nam' of tM down- · Cu~ai~ a public ~tt~-- a City Ctnrm~ -- In downtown -~ Hiihway ~ and th~ downtown Itsdr. throulh th. d~wntown. walkways tl~ m safe and uay to acem. th~ downtown, upec~ly at publi~ buildinp, ~ within · flw minm ~ end locked pn4t~ aful bemem the ~citw~k and the. front ck)oa of bulidinsL nm'th of ~t,/RaIL ~ · Kron[ rdaflou,hlp betw.,n l~lldlnp .nd the [trier. · Plac:t Ixllld~p to addreu tho ,trier K) th.~ 't I~u~ a portion of the "~t' of thn bulldin~ ~.ad~J the ~ ~' pstklnl st sma snd tut of bulldlnp. tl~, ~ ped~trlnn ways u a part of the · Provide emrlu to buildlnp that m:cmmx~ Site, Form and Detail: The "Fine Grsln' oF the downtown Creme a distinct downtawn dbtrfct through the forms orthe m'chftectnre nd the shape ortlm vegetation. · Conttrua~ ~ ~ f, ~ with ,h,' Iclle, tenre, color, mltm'bb lnd the,unx,d~ bundinp. * COmider lbo mnou~ or solid well to wlndaw bnvl~ trrvded ~ . C~nu~ n~ In:fldinp wgh a ~ -.~4 pi~ of Marketing Pfiofities/Punding ~%ndinl f'or me~ of the lC~oJec~ ~ in ibp pisn is cuflutly available er kal been khndrmd. SpenffloaUy, Tax property in f~rom of city hll and thus m~u that cl~ hall dona hivn a "ptusen~ o~ mttn slre~'. Thb wUl also usuru land for futL~o nddltknf (IncludinS · new wins to be paid for by TIF funds). Other ~mts ablo to be funded by TI~ lnclud~ the d~tnoUtk~ of tho Pau]yA~x~y/ er~y frmm~enu. Pund~S IS thn flrrt lbH of the city hil ~ 1994.) Next Steps A mm3ber of chllensm will bo cncmmtofl~d if the City to carry out this plm'mtn$ ~1: · Tho phn is Ionj-mn~e In rmturo and will not be abJe to bo implemented ovm'fll~ht. * ltin~n~/al ruotr~ a~ limited and will require the extablir~fmmt of pdor/ties hied tm public suppufl. , The public will ne~d to play a oontlnutnS rulo in tho implementation pt'ocea if it ia to provMe mJpptrt for plan bnplem~t, tim. · Tnts is a principb, hnd cona~ plan whi~ will mqulm j~odic hl~c~rumion. 'rJu cJly will need Io ftrlvn to keep dm Irincipiom alive If it is to ~uat~ · dowmown which ~ clvk: pelde and unity. · TIM concept cailm for downtown m become an ~ bsly compect, pedestrhn f~'kmdly ~ over ~ 'f'nh nnuleua, wnt bo fri:dlowed up whh m lelq:dmm swvey to a ~y seloriod sample of City ru. Mfmu. of tho survey will be to demmioo ih dnlrse to wlddnh the plan is abJe to b SUl~ by tho publt~, h du oveot you · ru caUed, plsue trim m fow mmnems to mviow d,h docu. f~ down~ Chnlumm. Mailing lal l