02-14-24 EC Agenda and Packet AGENDA CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2024 FOUNTAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of January 10, 2024 Environmental Commission Minutes VISITOR PRESENTATIONS DISCUSSION ITEMS Minnesota Native Landscaping Law Invasive Species Management Application Arbor Day Planning- Developing Activities Partner with Chanhassen High School for Earth Day Event Promote Earth Hour Finalize Trivia Night Details COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS ADJOURNMENT UPCOMING ITEMS AND EVENTS 1 Environmental Commission Item February 14, 2024 Subject Approval of January 10, 2024 Environmental Commission Minutes Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Prepared By Jenny Potter, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Environmental Commission Minutes dated January 10, 2024 2 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) 6:00 pm January 10, 2024 Members Present:Kristin Fulkerson, Greg Hawks, Scot Lacek, Scott Grefe, Ryan Farnan, Billy Cripe, Kaisa Buckholz Members Absent: Leslie Elhadi Staff Present: Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resources Specialist and Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Visitors: Judy Harder, Resident Minutes December minutes were approved as amended. Civic Campus Update Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager gave a presentation about plans for the new Civic Campus. Ms. Hokkanen touched on the locations of the amenities and where the new City Hall will be located. Develop Work Plan for 2024 Dates on the 2024 work plan were updated. It was decided that the work plan will be brought up at the end of each meeting so members can add agenda items accordingly. Review and Develop 2024 Media Calendar Commissioner Cripe will write four social media posts for February and Commissioner Buckholz will write four social media posts for March. The posts will focus on the theme of the year which is aquatic and terrestrial invasive species. Members will sign up to write social media posts in future meetings. Select Arbor Day Poster Contest Theme Commissioners discussed different ideas for the theme as well as the history of the Arbor Day poster contest. The theme for this year’s poster contest will be “Trees are Terrific…in all Shapes and Sizes.” Other ideas discussed will be saved and used in subsequent years. 3 Trivia Event Planning Environmental Trivia Night details were discussed and members volunteered for specific tasks at the event on February 20, 2024, at the Chanhassen Brewery. Visitor Presentations: Resident Judy Harder asked the commission if they were interested in an outreach opportunity working with residents planting trees. The commission said they were interested and look forward to receiving more information about the program. Advertisement Posted for Openings on Environmental Commission Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resources Specialist reminded the commission that there are three positions on the Environmental Commission available. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:15. 4 Environmental Commission Item February 14, 2024 Subject Minnesota Native Landscaping Law Section DISCUSSION ITEMS Prepared By Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resource Specialist The state of Minnesota passed a new law that requires municipalities to allow property owners and occupants to install and maintain managed natural landscapes. A managed natural landscape can include native or nonnative grasses, wildflowers, forbs, shrubs or trees. The Environmental Commission will discuss this new law. MN Native Landscape Law 5 Environmental Commission Item February 14, 2024 Subject Invasive Species Management Application Section DISCUSSION ITEMS Prepared By Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resource Specialist Vegetation Management Permit Application Form 2024v1.1edits 6 1 of 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM SECTION ONE: APPLICANT INFORMATION SECTION TWO: PROPERTY INFORMATION SECTION THREE: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: Property Owner: City of Chanhassen Applicant Homeowners Association (HOA) This form is for approval of projects that include removal and/or addition of vegetation (such as trees, invasive species, etc.) within conservation easements, on City-owned property, within shoreland areas, or on private property where a management plan is required/advised. Address: Address of Property (if different from applicant address): (Street, City, State, & Zip) (Street, City, State, & Zip) Phone: Email: Email (if HOA): Phone (if HOA): Will this project be preformed by any party other than the applicant? (If no, leave blank and move on to section four) Yes No Contractor Name: Phone: Email: 7 2 of 3 VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Property Restrictions: City Property Conservation Easement Shoreland Area Drainage & Utility Easement I don’t know.NoneBluff/Steep Slopes Road Right-of-Way Project Description: At this time, do you think there will be future phases for this project? (If yes, please include details in the project description) Yes No SECTION FOUR: PROJECT INFORMATION Project Type(s): Invasive Species Removal Tree Removal Shoreland Restoration Rain Garden Construction Other Proposed Start Date:Proposed Completion Date: Is herbicide use proposed? (If yes, please include details in the project description) Yes No 8 3 of 3 VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM SECTION SIX: NOTICE AND SIGNATURE Applicant: Aspiducipis simaximus eius ant, et experum, occum nulla es recto ex et ommo bea im non repudam ad moles eium sit lia ius et quos quia porro cus, se eum et, qui rerit, optatqu iasperessit veliqui nimus ma commolorror sam comnis exero odipiti nullabor aspit, et, offic te cor atur? Nis serciam faccab il in eturibusam, qui dic tet ratur, a dolupti con nit estempo rectiberum volessitate voloribus esto inisqui conem quis explique nem libus excerfe rnatibus, officil in eum verum endam est, omnihic illuptati sum, con nonseditis quunt utempere ma voloris dit fuga. Idit voloressint landisimo eata dolupta quatur? Qui tem sum faccaecatis sitaqui aerfereius. Expernam, ut autes doles et atiost mil is enimet, sum etus dolum quam laboratis molore modipienimus ea Signature:Date: SECTION FIVE: ATTACHMENTS The following documents must be submitted along with the application: Project Map Plant List 9