Specifications 6-11-07 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOX HILL GRADING DRAINAGE EROSION CONTROL SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM SEWER STREET SURF ACING CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA 1 o SPRING HOMES ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 5300 S. CO. RD. 101 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 952 474 7964 JOB NO. 20070199 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JUN 11 2007 Cf'lANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that these specifications were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registere .onal Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ~ Date: (,/7/07 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS FOX HILL GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER AND STREET SURFACING CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Advance Job No. 070119 TITLE PAGE & CERTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS BIDDING REQUIREMENTS Supplementary Instructions to Bidders Bid Form Affidavit of Non Collusion CONTRACT FORMS Standard Form of Agreement Performance Bond Form Payment Bond Form CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract Supplementary General Conditions SPECIFICATIONS Part 1 - Special Conditions (General) Part 2 - Special Conditions (Technical) 2007 EDITION OF THE CITY OF CHANHASEN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL PLATES C.E.A.M. STANDARD UTILTIY SPECIFICATIONS (On File with the Engineer) MnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION (On File with the Engineer) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS ALL ITEMS AND PAGES LISTED UNDER THE TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOVE. IT IS THE BIDDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THAT ALL NECESSARY PAGES ARE INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: The Standard Form ofInstructions to Bidders shall apply except as modified hereinafter. 1. CONTRACTOR'S UNDERSTANDING: It is understood and agreed that the contractor has completely familiarized himself with the drawings, specifications, type, nature and location of the work site, materials required both as to quality and quantity, equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the execution of the work, all local and general conditions affecting the work, and all other matters which can affect the work under this contract. No consideration will be given for failure to make sufficient examination or investigation. 2. EXPLANATION TO BIDDERS AND ADDENDA: Neither the Owners or the Engineer will give verbal answers to inquiries regarding the meaning of drawings and specifications, or verbal instructions previous to the award of the contract. Any explanation desired by bidders must be requested from the ENGINEER in writing, and if explanation is necessary, a reply will be made in the form of an addendum, a copy of which will be forwarded to each bidder who has received a set of contract documents. All addenda issued to bidders prior to the date of receipt of proposals shall become a part of the contract documents, and all proposals are to include work therein described. Each proposal submitted shall list all addenda by number which have been received prior to the time scheduled for receipt of proposals. 3. PROPOSALS: All proposals shall be submitted on the forms furnished by the OWNER. All information, lump sums, and unit prices requested shall be completely filled out by typewriter or ink. All corporation bids shall bear the official seal of the corporation. Proposals may be rejected if they indicate any omissions, alteration of form, additions not requested, conditional bids, irregularities or prices that are obviously unbalanced. A proposal may be withdrawn without prejudice to the bidder by written request prior to the hour of the letting. Such withdrawn proposals may be resubmitted at any time prior to the time set for opening all proposals. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities and irregularities in the bidding. 4. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: The Owner may request the bidders to submit information necessary to satisfy the Owner that the bidder is adequately prepared to fulfill the contract. Such information may include past performance records, lists of available personnel, plant, equipment, financial statements, or any other pertinent information. I I I BID SHEET Location: I Fox Hill subdivision Chanhassen, Minnesota BID ITEM NO. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1 Construct Manhole 2 8" SDR 35 Sanitary Sewer main at 8' deep 3 8" x 4" PVC Wyes 4 4" PVC Pipe Sewer SDR 26 Service Pipe 5 Granular bedding DESCRIPTION I I I I I I I I I I I I WATER SYSTEM 6 Connect to 8" Watermain with tapping sleeve & valve 7 6" CI. 52 D.I.P. Watermain (Class 52 - Includes Polywrap) 8 Fire Hydrant w. 6" Valve and Box 9 1 1/4" Corporation stop 10 1 1/4" Curb Stop and Box 11 Thrust blocks 12 1 1/4" Type K Copper Pipe STORM SEWER SYSTEM 13 Storm Manhole and connect to exiting CB 14 2' X 3' Catch basins 15 12" RCP Class 5 at 4' deep 16 12" PVC Storm line at 4' deep 17 4" PVC Drain line at 4 - 6' deep 18 Infiltration area and outlet 19 Subgrade drains 20 Cleaning & Maintenance STREETS 21 Surmountable curb and gutter 22 Select granular fill 24" 23 Crushed aggregate base 12" 24 Tack coat 25 Bituminous binder course 2" 26 Bituminous wear course 1.5" EROSION CONTROL 27 Silt fence 28 Rock construction entrance 75' per City detail plate SITE RESTORATION 29 Sod behind curb 30 Mulch & seed by hydro spray SITE GRADING 31 Demo of existing structures 32 Clearing & grubbing 33 Subcut of streets, distribute per grading plan, balances I I STREET LIGHTS & SIGNS 34 Street lights 35 Stop sign 36 Fire lane signs 37 Street sign, private roadway I I 2.00 EACH 218.00 LF 3.00 EACH 129.00 LF 3.00 TONS Total Sanitary Sewer System 1.00 EACH 274.00 LF 1.00 EACH 3.00 EACH 3.00 EACH 4.00 EACH 97.00 LF Total Water System 1.00 LS 2.00 EACH 27.00 LF 93.00 LF 385.00 LF 1.00 LS 578.00 LF 1.00 LS Total Storm Sewer System 578.00 LF 1160.00 TONS 640.00 TONS 40.00 GAL 29.60 TONS 22.20 TONS Total Streets 1060.00 LF 1.00 LS Total Erosion Control 330.00 SY 1.50 Acre Total Site Restoration 1.00 LS 1.00 LS 653.00 CY Total Site Grading 3.00 EACH 1.00 EACH 6.00 EACH 1.00 EACH Total Lights & Signs TOTAL BID EXTENSION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contractors Name Phone: BID FORM FOX HILL GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER AND STREET SURFACING CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA BIDS TO BE SUBMITTED BY: THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: 10SPRING, INC. 7925 Stone Creek Drive, Suite 120 Chanhassen, MN 55317 1. The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated on this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid security. This Bid will remain subject to acceptance for 30 days after the day of Bid opening. BIDDER will sign and submit the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within fifteen days after the date of OWNER'S Notice to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, BIDDER represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: a. BIDDER has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda DATE NUMBER b. BIDDER has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. BIDDER has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities sat or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by BIDDER in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. d. BIDDER has correlated the results of any observations, examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. e. BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that it has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER. f. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over OWNER. 4. BIDDER will complete the Work for the prices shown in the BID SHEET. Quantities are not guaranteed. Final payment will be based on actual quantities. 5. BIDDER agrees that the Work will be substantially complete and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions on or before the dates indicated in the Agreement. BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work on time. 6. The following documents are attached to and made a condition ofthis BID: a. A tabulation of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations required to be identified in this Bid. b. Affidavit of Non-Collusion 7. Communications concerning this Bid which are defined in the General Conditions of the Construction Contract included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Business Address: Phone No: A Joint Venture (Name) (Address) (Name) (Address) (Each joint venturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above). STATE OF COUNTY OF I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION I hereby swear (or affirm) under the penalty of perjury: 1) That I am the Bidder (if the bidder is an individual), a Partner in the bidder (ifthe bidder is a partnership) or an Officer or Employee of the Bidder corporation having authority to sign on its behalf (if the bidder is a corporation); 2) That the attached bid or bids have been arrived at by the Bidder individually and have been submitted without collusion with, and without any agreement, understanding or planned common course of action with any other vendor of materials, supplies, equipment or services described in the invitation to bid designed to limit individual bidding or competition; 3) That the contents ofthe bid or bids have not been communicated by the bidder or its employees or agents to any person not an employee or agent ofthe bidder or its surety on any bond furnished with the bid or bids, and will not be communicated to any such person, prior to any official opening of the bid or bids; and 4) That I have fully informed myself regarding the accuracy ofthe statements made in this affidavit. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ day of , 20 Bidder: Firm making bid or bids OFFICIAL TITLE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACT FORMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EJCDC STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR ON THE BASIS OF A STIPULATED PRICE THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the _ day of in the year 2007 by and between 10SPRINC, INC. (hereinafter called OWNER) and (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration ofthe mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: FOX HILL GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STOM SEWER AND STREET SURFACING. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The Project has been designed by Advance Surveying & Engineering Co. who is hereinafter called ENGINEER. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIME 3.1 The work shall be substantially completed on or before and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions on or before 3.2 Liquidated Damages - OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence and that OWNER will suffer financial loss ifthe Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 3.1 above, plus any extentions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) the OWNER will deduct from any monies due or coming due to the CONTRACTOR the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for Substantial Completion until the work is substantially complete. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I After Substantial Completion, if CONTRACTOR shall neglect, refuse or fail to complete the remaining work within the Contract Time or any extension thereof granted by OWNER, the OWNER, will deduct from any monies due or coming due to the CONTRACTOR, the amount of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds at the unit prices as shown on the attached Contractor's Bid multiplied by the final quantities determined in accordance with the General Conditions. ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1 Progress Payments - OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR'S Applications for Payment as recommended by the ENGINEER, on our about the first Monday of the month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress ofthe Work measured by the schedule of values established in the General Conditions (and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed) or, in the event there is no schedule of values, as provided in the General Requirements. 5.1.1 Prior to fmal completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payment previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with the General Conditions. 95% of the Work completed as provided for in the Specifications 0% of material and equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in the General Conditions). 5.2 Final Payment - Upon final completion and acceptance ofthe Work by the City, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by the ENGINEER. ARTICLE 6. INTEREST All moneys not paid when due as provided in the General Conditions shall bear interest at the rate of 1 percent per month. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ARTICLE 7. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 7.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 7.2 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information of data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7.3 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of any such observations, examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7.4 CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 8. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between the OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the following: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.1 This Agreement 8.2 General Conditions 8.3 Supplementary General Conditions 8.4 Specifications bearing the title: SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOX HILL and consisting of two parts, Special Conditions General, and Special Conditions Technical. 8.5 Drawings consisting of sheets numbered I through 6, inclusive bearing the title: CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR FOX HILL 8.6 Addenda number to 8.7 CONTRACTOR'S bid marked Exhibit "A". 8.8 The following which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: All Written Amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 of the General Conditions. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 8. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in the General Conditions. ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOUS 9 .1 Terms used in this Agreement which are identified in Article 1 of the General Conditions will have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 9.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically, but without limitation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 9.3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. IN WINTESS WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed this Agreement in triplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective on ,20_ CONTRACTOR OWNER By By (CORPORATE SEAL) (CORPORATE SEAL) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attest Address for giving notices: (If OWNER is a public body, attach evidence of authority to sign and resolution or other documents authorizing execution of Agreement.) Attest Address for giving notices: License No. Agent for service of process: (If CONTRACTOR is a corporation, Attach evidence of authority to sign.) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND Any singular reference to the Contractor. Surety. Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): SURETY (Name and Principal Place of Business) OWNER: 10SPRING, INC. 7925 Stone Creek Drive, Suite 120 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: Amount: Description: FOX HILL CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA BOND Date (Not earlier than Const. Contract Date): Amount: Modification to this Bid Form: CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corp. Seal) Signature: Name and Title: CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corp. Seal) Signature: Name and Title: SURETY Company: Signature: Name and Title: (Corp. Seal) SURETY Company: Signature: Name and Title: (Corp. Seal) I 1. The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner for the performance of the Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. If the Contractor performs the Construction Contract, the Surety and the Contractor shall have no obligation under this Bond, except to participate in conferences as provided in Subparagraph 3.1. 3. If there is no Owner Default, the Surely's obligation under this Bond shall arise after: 3.1The Owner has notified the Contractor and the Surety at its address described in Paragraph 10 below, that the Owner is considering declaring a Contractor Default and has requested and attempted to arrange a conference with the contractor and the surety to be held not later than fifteen days after receipt of such notice to discuss methods of performing the Construction Contract If the Owner, the Contractor and the Surety agree, the Contractor shall be allowed a reasonable time to perform the Construction Contract, but such an agreement shall not waive the Owner's right, if any, subsequenUy to declare a Contractor Default; and 3.2The Owner has declared a Contract Default and formally terminat- ed the Contractor's right to complete the contract Such Contractor Default shall not be declared earlier than twenty days after the Contractor and the Surety have received notice as provided in Subparagraph 3.1; and 3.3The Owner has agreed to pay the Balance of the Contract Price to the Surety in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract or to a contractor selected to perform the Construction Contract in accordance with the terms of the contract with the Owner. 4. When the Owner has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 3, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surely's expense take one of the following actions: 4.1 Arrange for the Contractor, with consent of the Owner, to perform and complete the Construction Contract; or 4.2Undertake to perform and complete the Construction Contract itself, through its agents or through independent contractors; or 4.30btain bids or negotiated proposals from qualified contractors acceptable to the Owner for a contract for performance and completion of the Construction Contract, arrange for a contract to be prepared for execution by the Owner and the contractor selected with the Owner's concurrence, to be secured with performance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds issued on the Construction Contract, and pay to the Owner the amount of damages as described in Paragraph 6 in excess of the Balance of the Contract Price incurred by the Owner resulting from the Contractor's default; or 4.4Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: 1. After investigation, determine the amount for which it may be liable to the Owner and, as soon as practicable after the amount is determined, tender payment therefore to the Owner; or I 2. Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Owner citing reasons therefor. 5. If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Paragraph 4 with reasonable promptness, the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond fifteen days after receipt of an additional written notice from I the Owner to the Surety demanding that the Surety perform its obligations under this Bond, and the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. If the Surety proceeds as provided In Subparagraph 4.4, and the Owner refuses the payment tendered or I the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part, without further notice the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. I I I I I I I I I I I I 6. After the Owner has terminated the Contractor's right to complete the Construction Contract, and if the Surety elects to act under Subparagraph 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 above, then the responsibilities of the Surety to the Owner shall not be greater than those of the Contractor under the Construction Contract, and the responsibilities of the Owner to the Surety shall not be greater than those of the Owner under the Construction Contract To the limit of the amount of this Bond, but subject to commitment by the Owner of the Balance of the Contract Price to mitigation of costs and damages on the Construction Contract, the Surety is obligated without duplication for: 6.1 The responsibilities of the Contractor for correction of defective work and completion of the Construction Contract; 6.2Additionallegal, design professional and delay costs resulting from the Contractor's Default, and resulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4; and 6.3Liquidated damages, or if no liquidated damages are specified in the Construction Contract, actual damages caused by delayed performance or non-performance of the Contractor. 7. The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Construction Contract, and the Balance of the Contract Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated obligations. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the Owner or its heirs, executors, administrators, or successors. 8. The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, inClUding changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. 9. Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located and shall be instituted within two years after Contractor Default or within two years after the Contractor ceased working or within two years after the Surety refuses or fails to perform its obligations under this Bond, whichever occurs first If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 10. Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the signature page. 11. When this Bond has been fumished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. 12. Definitions. 12.1 Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract after all proper adjustments have been made, Including allowance to the Contractor of any amounts received or to be received by the Owner in settlement of insurance or other claims for damages to which the Contract is entitled, reduced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Construction Contract 12.2 Construction Contract The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the signature page, including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 12.3 Contractor Default: Failure of the Contractor, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to perform or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract 12.4 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Contractor as required by the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. I (FOR INFORMATION ONLY - Name, Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or other party): I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT BOND Any singular reference to the Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): SURETY (Name and Principal Place of Business) OWNER: 10SPRING, INC. 7925 Stone Creek Drive, Suite 120 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: Amount: Description: FOX HILL CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA BOND Date (Not earlier than Const. Contract Date): Amount: Modification to this Bid Form: CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corp. Seal) Signature: Name and Title: CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corp. Seal) Signature: Name and Title: SURETY Company: Signature: Name and Title: (Corp. Seal) SURETY Company: Signature: Name and Title: (Corp. Seal) I 1. The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner to pay for labor, materials and equipment furnished for use in the performance of the Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. With respect to the Owner, this obligation shall be null and void if the Contractor: 2.1 Promptly makes payment, directly or indirectly, for all sums due Claimants, and 2.2Defends, indemnifies and holds harmless the Owner from claims, demands, liens or suits by any person or entity whose claim, demand, lien or suit is for payment for labor, materials or equipment fumished for use in the performance of the Construction Contract, provided the Owner has promptly notified the Contractor and the Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) of any claims, demands, liens or suits and tendered defense of such claims, demands, liens or suits to the Contractor and the Surety, and provided there is no Owner Default. 3. With respect to Claimants, this obligation shall be null and void if the Contractor promptly makes payment, directly or indirectly, for all sums due. 4. The Surety shall have no obligation to Claimants under this Bond ur,tiI: 4.1 Claimants who are employed by or have a direct contract with the Contractor have given notice to the Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and, with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim. 4.2Claimants who do not have a direct contract with the Contractor: 1. Have fumished written notice to the Contractor and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, within 90 days after having last performed labor or last furnished materials or equipment included in the claim stating, with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or performed: and 2. Have either received a rejection in whole or in part from the Contractor, or not received within 30 days of furnishing the above notice any communication from the Contractor by which the Contractor has indicated the claim will be paid directly or indirectly; and 3. Not haVing been paid within the above 30 days, have sent a written notice to the Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) and sent a copy or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and enclosing a copy of the previous written notice fumished to the Contractor. 5. If a notice required by Paragraph 4 is given by the Owner to the Contractor or to the Surety, that is sufficient compliance. I 6. When the Claimant has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 4, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surely's expense take the following actions: 6.1 Send an answer to the Claimant, with a copy to the Owner, within 45 days after receipt of the claim, stating the amounts that are undisputed and that basis for Challenging any amounts that are disputed. 6.2Pay or arrange for payment of any undisputed amounts. 7. The Surely's total obligation shall not exceed the amount of this I Bond, and the amount of this Bond shall be credited for any payments made in good faith by the Surety. 8. Amounts owed by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract shall be used for the performance of the I Construction Contract and to satisfy claims, if any, under any Construction Performance Bond. By the Contractor furnishing and the Owner accepting this Bond, they agree that all funds earned by the Contractor in the performance of the Construction I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contract are dedicated to satisfy obligations of the Contractor and the Surety under this Bond, subject to the Owner's priority to use the funds for the completion of the work. 9. The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner, Claimants or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Construction Contract. The Owner shall not be liable for payment of any costs or expenses of any claimant under this Bond, and shall have under this Bond no obligations to make payments to, give notices on behalf of, or otherwise have obligations to Claimants under this Bond. 10. The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. 11. No suit or action shall be commenced by a Claimant under this Bond other than in a court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located, or after the expiration of one year from the date (1) on which the Claimant gave the notice required by Subparagraph 4.1 or Clause 4.2 (iii), or (2) on which the last labor or service was performed by anyone or the last materials or equipment were furnished by anyone under the Construction Contract, whichever of (1) or (2) first occurs. If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 12. Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the signature page. Actual receipt of notice by Surety, the Owner or the Contractor, however accomplished, shall be sufficient compliance as of the date received at the address shown on the signature page. 13. When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in the Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted here from and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is, that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. 14. Upon request by any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of this Bond, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a copy of this Bond or shall permit a copy to be made. 15. DEFINITIONS 15.1 Claimant: An individual or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor or with a subcontractor of the Contractor to furnish labor, materials or equipment for use in the performance of the Contract. The intent of this Bond shall be to include without limitation in the terms "labor, materials or equipment" that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental equipment used in the Construction Contract, architectural and engineering services required for performance of the work of the Contractor and the Contracfs subcontractors, and all other items for which a mechanic's lien may be asserted in the jurisdiction where the labor, materials or equipment were fumished. 15.2 Construction Contract: The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the signature page, inclUding all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 15.3 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Contractor as required by the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. I (FOR INFORMATION ONLY - Name, Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or other party): I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (GENERAL) FOX HILL GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER AND STREET SURFACING TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.01 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 1.02 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1.03 SUMMARY OF THE WORK 1.04 LOCATION 1.05 SPECIFICATIONS WInCH APPLY 1.06 TIME OF COMPLETION 1.07 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 1.08 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE 1.09 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO BEGIN WORK 1.10 ORDER OF CONSTRUCTION 1.11 DUST AND NOISE CONTROL 1.12 TESTING OF WORK 1.13 MEASUREMENTS 1.14 MUNICIPAL WATER AND SEWER 1.15 SITE MAINTENANCE AND CLEAN UP I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (GENERAL) 1.01 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 1.01.1 See Section 1.05 ofthe Special Conditions (General) for a listing of specifications which apply to this Project. Copies of all specifications mentioned herein are on file in the office of Advance Surveying & Engineering Co., 5300 S. County Road 101, Minnetonka, MN 55345. 1.02 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1.02.1 Project Name: FOX HILL GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, SANITARY SEWER, W ATERMAIN, STORM SEWER AND STREET SURFACING 1.02.2 Owner: 10SPRlNG HOMES, INC. 7925 Stone Creek Drive, Suite 120 Chanhassen, MN 55317 1.02.3 Project Engineer: Advance Surveying & Engineering Co. 5300 S. County Road 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 (952) 4747964 FAX: (952) 401 1375 1.03 SUMMARY OF THE WORK: Briefly and without force and effect upon the Contract Documents the Work of the Contract can be summarized as follows: 1.03 .1 Work under this Contract 1. Demolition of existing buildings. 2. Grading and erosion control. 3. Sanitary sewer installation. 4. Watermain installation. 5. Storm Sewer installation. 6. Street construction. 1.03.2 Work performed prior to work under this Contract: 1. None. 1.03.3 Work performed concurrently with work under this Contract: 1. None 1.03.4 Work to be performed subsequent to the Work under this Contract: 1. Building construction I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Underground utilities i.e. telephone, gas, electric and cable TV 3. Landscaping 1.04 LOCATION: The project is locatd within the City of Chanhassen, in the area shown on the drawings. Work shall be confined to areas where the Owner has right of entry or construction easements. 1.05 SPECIFICATIONS WHICH APPLY: Except as modified herein the following specifications shall apply and are, where applicable, hereby included by reference: The Standard Utilities Specification for Watermain and service Line Installation and Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Installation, prepared and published by the City Engineers Association of Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, 1988 Edition, and all subsequent supplements, shall apply where reference is made to them by special mention to MnDOT Section. City of Chanhassen Standard Specification and Detail Plates, 2007 Edition 1.06 TIME OF COMPLETION: The work shall be substantially completed on or before , and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions on or before 1.07 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: A sum in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per calendar day sustained by the OWNER shall be retained fr~m the amount of compensation due the CONTRACTOR for each calendar day beyond the completion date and a sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150) per calendar day sustained by the OWNER shall be retained from the amount of compensation due the CONTRACTOR for each calendar day beyond the final completion date listed in paragraph 1.06 of the Special Conditions (General) that any work described in the contract documents remain uncompleted. This amount will be assessed as liquidated damages for delay (not as a penalty). 1.08 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: Prior to the beginning of any work under this contract, the Engineer will notify the Contractor of the time and place for a Pre-Construction Conference. This meeting will be held for the purpose of coordinating the work with those involved in the project, to discuss construction needs and procedures, to determine the schedule of work and to finalize other administrative details. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.09 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO BEGIN WORK: It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to make any and all notifications of his intention to begin the work. These notifications shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the City of Chanhassen, private utility companies, and residences which will be affected by his operation. 1.10 ORDER OF CONSTRUCTION: The Engineer shall have the right to require that certain segments of work shall be completed prior to other segments to improve coordination with other Contractors, or meet the needs of the Owner. This requirement may be imposed either before or during the work and shall not be the basis for a claim for additional compensation. 1.11 DUST AND NOISE CONTROL: The Contractor shall confine his hours of operation to between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Under emergency conditions, this limitation may be waived with the written consent of the Engineer in conjunction with qualified local authority. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for sweeping, cleaning or applying water to control dust and maintain cleanliness in existing streets during the life of the CONTRACT. All dust control and maintenance measures shall be incidental to the project and no direct compensation will be made for such measures. 1.12 TESTING OF WORK: Unless otherwise specified, density compaction testing shall be paid for by the OWNER, the additional coat of retesting due to failure of any earlier test shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. All other testing shall be paid for by the CONTRACTOR. 1.13 MEASUREMENT AND TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP TOLERANCES: Before ordering any material or doing any work, the Contractor shall verify all measurements and shall be responsible for the same. No extra charge or compensation will be allowed on account of differences between actual dimensions and measurements indicated on the drawings. Any difference which may be found whall be submitted to the Engineer for consideration before proceeding with the work. U.S. Standard Measures will be used in the measurement of all work acceptably completed and such measurements will be used as a basis for the computation of the quantities of work performed. Linear measurements will be taken horizontally on work except structures which will be measured accoding to the neat lines shown on the plans or as ordered. Where work is to be paid for by units of length, area, volume or weight, only the net amount of work actually done, as it shall appear in the finished work and measured as hereinafter specified shall be paid for. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.14 MUNICIP AL WATER AND SEWER: The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for receiving water form public or private sources and secure necessary permits and pay regular charges. Water is not to be obtained from hydrants. 1.15 SITE MAINTENANCE AND CLEAN UP: The CONTRACTOR shall clean and keep clean from waste, materials or refuse resulting from his operations, the site of work and adjacent streets. Equipment not usable on the work shall be promptly removed and the adjacent premises maintained in a neat and orderly conditions at all times. Upon completion of the work and before acceptance and final payment will be made, the CONTRACTOR shall remove from the streets and adjacent property, all surplus and discarded materials, equipment, rubbish and temporary structures; restore in an acceptable manner all property, both public and private, which has been damaged during the prosecution ofthe work; and shall leave the site in a neat and presentable condition. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (TECHNICAL) FOX HILL GRADING DRAINAGE EROSION CONTROL SANITARY SEWER W A TERMAIN STORM SEWER STREET SURFACING CHA~SSEN,NITNNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS PARAGRAPH NO. DESCRIPTION 02000 02050 02100 02101 02112 02211 02350 02357 02506 02531 02575 02611 02621 General- ADVANCE Demolition Grading Clearing & Grubbing Subgrade Preparation Aggregate Base-MnDOT Plant Mixed Bituminous Pavement-MnDOT Bituminous Tack Coat-MnDOT Structure Adjustment-MnDOT Concrete Curbing -MnDOT Turf Establishment-MnDOT Water Mains and Services - CHANHASSEN Sewer Mains and Services - CHANHASSEN PAGE NO. 2 3 3 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 02000 - GENERAL - ADVANCE This work shall be done in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Transportation's "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction" (referenced 'MnDOT') 2000 Edition and any amendments thereto, and the "Standard Utilities Specifications for Water Main and Service Line Installation and Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Installation" (referenced "CEAM") as published by the City Engineers Association of Minnesota, latest edition or as modified herein. The numbering system used herein corresponds to the numbering system used in the above named specifications with the exception that a "0" has been added preceding the 5 digit number. Each contractor shall have a copy of the standard utility specifications referred to in these specifications. Wherever any surface improvement such as pavement, curbing, pedestrian walks, fencing or turf have been removed, damaged or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor's operations, they shall be repaired or replaced in kind and structure to the pre-existing condition or better. Each item of restoration work shall be done as soon as practical after completion of installation and backfilling operations on each section of pipeline. In the absence of specific payment provisions, as separate BID items, the restoration work shall be compensated as part of the work required under those BID items with necessitated the destruction and replacement or repair, and there will be no separate payment therefore. If separate pay items are provided of restoration work, only that portion of the repair or reconstruction which was necessitated by the Contract work will be measured for payment. Any improvements removed or damaged unnecessarily shall be replaced or repaired by the CONTRACTOR at his expense. A proper foundation shall be prepared before reconstructing concrete or bituminous improvements. Unless otherwise directed, granular material shall be placed to a depth of at least four (4) inches under all concrete and twelve inches under all bituminous items. No direct compensation will be made for furnishing and placing this material even though such course was not part of the original construction. Existing concrete and bituminous surfaces at the trench wall shall be sawed or cut with a cutting wheel to form a neat edge in a straight line before surfaces are to be restored. Sawing or cutting may be accomplished as a part of the removal or prior to restoration at the option of the CONTRACTOR. However, all surface edges shall be inspected prior to restoration. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02050 - DEMOLITION PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION The work generally consists of, but is not limited to, the demolition and removal of the following: 1. Home 2. Foundations 3. Concrete Pads 4. Sheds 5. Retaining Walls 6. Miscellaneous Debris 7. Septic System (tanks to be removed from the site) It is the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to visit the site to determine the actual quantities. 1.02 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Holes left as a result of demolition and removal shall be backfilled with a material approved by the Engineer and compacted per the specifications. 02100 - GRADING 02100.1 - DESCRIPTION: This work generally consists of erosion control installation, and all required excavation, dewatering, back-filling, compacting and grading to transform the existing grades to the proposed grades referenced to herein. The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for determining quantities of fill and waste materials to be handled, and for amount of grading to be done in order to completely perform all work required as indicated on the drawings. Cost of importing fill or exporting waste materials shall be incidental to the contract. MATERIALS: Silt fence shall be per details on plans. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: Excavate to the lines, grades and slopes shown on the drawings and as specified. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Prior to the placement of fill, the Soils Engineer shall inspect and approve the bottom of each excavation. Once approved, in writing, the exposed surfaces shall be scarified to a depth of not less than 6 inches and then compacted to a t least 95% of Modified Proctor Density. Before placing embankment on a slope steeper than 4 horizontally to 1 vertically (4:1), the Contractor shall, at his option: (a) flatten the existing slope to the extent that it will not be steeper than 4 to 1; or (b) construct steps in the slope, with the back surface being as nearly vertical as practicable and with the horizontal cuts being made as close together as the slope permits, but with no step being less than 10 feet in width. Deposit approved fill in uniform layers not exceeding eight (8) inches thickness. Compact each layer with approved methods and equipment. The fill material, when being compacted, shall contain the moisture content necessary for the required compacti90n as designated by the Soils Engineer. The moisture shall be uniform throughout each layer. Scarify, remove, recompact or otherwise rectify all soft or yielding areas resulting from construction operations, rain or other sources at no additional cost to the Owner. Provide compaction to meet or exceed the following percentages of Modified Proctor Density (ASTM DI557): 1. 95% for engineered fill. 2. 95% for backfill within upper 3 feet of pavement subgrades. 3. 90% for balance of site. Place erosion control devices as required by local regulation pnor to commencement of earthwork operations. All erosion control devices shall remain in place until other means of permanent control such as turf establishment and paving has taken place or been installed or constructed. It shall be the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to maintain these devices throughout their temporary life and to remove them when so instructed by the Engineer. This maintenance and removal shall be considered incidental to the contract and no additional compensation shall be made therefore. BASIS OF PAYMENT: The bid price for grading shall be compensation in full for all excavating, filling, dewatering, importing material or exporting waste material as necessary to transform the exiting grades to the proposed grades. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Silt fence shall be paid for at 75% of the contract unit price per linear foot, which includes all labor, excavation, and materials necessary to install pre-assembled silt fence. Payment for the remaining 25% of the contract unit price includes the removal of the silt fence upon the completion of the contract work. All materials, once removed, become the property of the CONTRACTOR. No adjustment in unit price will be allowed should this quantity be exceeded, reduced or deleted. Hay bales shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a per each basis. The contract unit price shall include all labor, excavation and materials necessary to furnish and install the hay bales. Nor adjustement in unit prices will be allowed should this quantity be exceeded, reduced, or deleted. 02101- CLEARING AND GRUBBING DESCRIPTION: This work shall consist of removing and disposing of the trees, shrubs, brush, stumps, roots, windfalls, and other plant life, including dead and decayed matter, tht exist within the construction area and which are not specifically designated to remain. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: The Engineer will establish the construction limits within which the clearing and grubbing operations are to be confined, and will designate those trees, shrubs, and other vegetation that is to be preserved. The CONTRACTOR shall protect that which is to remain and shall conduct all clearing and grubbing operations in a manner that will not damage or jeopardize the surrounding plant life and property. All timber, stumps, roots and other debris or byproducts resulting from the clearing and grubbing operations shall be disposed of by the Contractor off-site. If any wood is run through a chipping machine, the wood chips shall be recovered and disposed of to the satisfaction of the Engineer. BASIS OF PAYMENT: Clearing and grubbing will be paid for at a lump sum price. 02112 - SUBGRADE PREPARATION 02112.1 - DESCRIPTION: This work shall consist of minor excavation and embankment and shaping and compacting the street sub grade following utility construction and prior to placing the aggregate base course thereon. 02112.3 - CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: The street and boulevard areas within the right-of-way will be rough graded to within 0.10 feet of plan subgrade elevation. Following the utility construction within the street area, the subgrade shall be prepared by the CONTRACTOR according to MnDOT 2112. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The prepared sub grade shall be test rolled in accordance with MnDOT 2111 at no additional compensation prior to the placement of the aggregate base course. 02112.4 - METHOD OF MEASUREMENT: Subgrade preparation will be measured by length in road stations of 100 feet, along the center line of the roadbed. 02112.5 - BASIS OF PAYMENT: Payment for subgrade preparation shall be per road station as specified in MnDOT 2112.501. 02211- AGGREGATE BASE - MnDOT 02211.2 - MATERIALS: The aggregate base shall be Class 5 100% crushed quarry stone meeting the requirements ofMnDOT 3138. 02211.3 - CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: Compaction shall be obtained by the Ordinary Compaction Method to a minimum of 100% of the Standard Proctor Density. Density tests will be taken by the Owner to verify the compaction efforts. The aggregate base shall be test rolled in accordance with MnDOT 2111 at no additional compensation prior to the placement of the bituminous. 0211.5 - BASIS OF PAYMENT: The bid price for aggregate base - Class 5 shall be compensation in full for all material, hauling, placement, compaction and compaction water. Measurements for payment for aggregate base shall be in per square yard with an allowance of one foot of material behind the curb. 02350 - PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - MnDOT 02350.2 - MATERIALS: Base Course - Type #31BBB50000Y. Wear Course - Type #41 WEA50055Y 02350.3 - CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: Compaction shall be obtained by the Maximum Density Method. Joints matching old bituminous mats shall be saw cut, straight and uniform. 02350.9 - BASIS OF PAYMENT: Payment will be made on a square yard basis. The total compacted thickness (base course plus wear course) shall not be less than the plan thickness. In the event that the installed is less than plan, the CONTRACTOR shall be required to overlay the entire road segment. The minimum overlay thickness shall be 0.75" - Thickness to be determined by obtaining core samples. Failed core samples shall be paid for by the Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02357 - BITUMINOUS TACK COAT - MnDOT 02357.2 - MATERIALS: Bituminous material for the tack coat shall be MC250-800 as per MnDOT Spec. 3151. 02357.5 - BASIS OF PAYMENT: Payment of bituminous material for tack coat will be on the actual volume used, converted from application temperature to 60 Degrees Fahrenheit at the unit price bid per gallon. Sweeping bituminous mat prior to applying tack coat will be considered incidental to the work and no additional compensation will be allowed. 02506 - STRUCTURE ADJUSTMENT - MnDOT No payment will be made for structure adjustment for structures installed under this contract or under previous contracts, including multiple adjustments to suit blacktop lifts. 02531 - CONCRETE CURBING AND DRIVEWAY APRONS - MnDOT 02531.2 - MATERIALS: Prior to placing of any concrete, the ready-mix plant shall submit to the Engineer a letter from an approved testing laboratory that the aggregates and the proportions meet the requirements of these specifications. After the concrete is finished and "broomed", the contractor shall spray it with a spray membrane curing compound conforming to MnDOT specifications, Section 3754. Concrete used for all curb and gutter shall meet the requirements of MnDOT Section 2461.3 for slip form mix no. 3A22 and for manual placement no. 3A32. The Engineer shall take such samples as he deems necessary to determine the quality of the concrete. Compression tests of cylinders shall show not less than 3,900 psi at 28 days. The contractor shall provide for suitable storage at the site. The owner shall transport the cylinders and bear the cost of testing at an approved laboratory. 02531.3 - CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: Design of curb and gutter will be as indicated on the plans. Each concrete batch shall be tested for air content prior to placement at no cost to the contractor. Curb machines may be used provided they are capable of meeting tolerance specifications for workmanship and finish. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The membrane curing method will be allowed with the minimum rate of application being one gallon per 124 square feet of surface area. Contraction joints for curb and gutter will not require sealing. It shall be the responsibility of this contractor to backfill the curb and shape the boulevard areas. A minimum of 4 inches of topsoil is required in the boulevard area. 02531.5 - BASIS OF PAYMENT: The basis of payment for concrete curb and gutter will be at the Contract unit price per lineal foot of curb and gutter constructed in place as measured along the gutter lines, with no additional payment made where it is required to drop the curb for driveway entrances. The Contract unit price per lineal foot shall include all necessary excavation, joints, protective coating and tampered backfill. Payment shall be limited to 80% of the actual footage installed until all curbing has been backfilled and the topsoil placed. Measurement will be made along the curb and gutter with no deduction for catch basins. The backfilling of curb and gutter and shaping of the boulevard areas shall be incidental to the unit price per lineal foot of curb and gutter. No additional payment will be made for the use of curing compounds. No joint sealing will be required. 02575 - TURF ESTABLISHMENT - MnDOT The work shall consist of establishing herbaceous ground cover on designated areas. It shall include tilling, fertilizing, seeding, sodding, mulching, and other work specified. Turf establishment shall proceed as soon as possible after the graded areas have been topsoiled and finish graded, without unnecessary delay before undesirable weed growth or soil erosion occurs. A minimum topsoil depth of 4" shall be established from onsite salvage and borrow operations. Immediately prior to sowing seed or placing sod the soil shall be loosened to a depth of 3 inches. Large rocks, clods, debris, and undesirable weeds shall be removed; other vegetation shall be disked into the soil, cleared, or chopped up. Areas to be sodded shall be prepared reasonably smooth, moist, with evenly textured foundation. Washouts shall be filled prior to soil loosening, fill shall be compacted to uniformity of adjacent materials. Seeding and sodding shall not be performed on inadequately prepared soils. \( , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours prior to seeding so that proper inspection can be scheduled for the days of application of fertilizer, seed, and mulch. Fertilizer shall be placed prior to sodding and within 48 hour prior to seeding. Seed mixture shall be sown by means of mechanical or hydro spreading of the seeds at a rate of 85 pounds per acre in accordance with MnDOT 3876. All seedbed areas shall have the seedbed firmed after seeding and prior to mulching. The soil firming shall be done with a drag, cultipacker, or other approved soil firming equipment. On slopes too steep to operate mechanical equipment, the seed shall be covered by hand raking or other approved means, wherever feasible, prior to mulching. Soil firming or seed covering shall be accomplished immediately after seeding. Seeding shall always precede mulching. Type I mulch, straw, or hay, shall be applied at a rate of 2 tons per acre. Approximately 10% of the soil surface shall show through the mulch. Mulch shall be spread by mechanical means which provides a uniform distribution. Lightly mulched areas shall be remulched and heavily mulched areas shall have excess removed. Within 10 feet of roadways, the Contractor shall .seed and immediately firm the seedbed, mulch, and anchor the mulch as a continuous operation. All other areas shall be mulched within 24 hours of seeding. Anchoring Type I mulch shall be with a disk, clod buster, or other approved equipment. Anchoring shall take place immediately after placement of mulch and shall anchor the mulch by punching into the soil approximately 2 to 3 inches; disks shall not exceed 8 inch spacing. Sod shall generally be placed at right angles to water flow. Joints between the sod and in place improvements, such as curbs, walks, and existing turf, shall abut tightly and shall be such that drainage will be conducted over the surface. Elsewhere, the outside edges of the sodded areas shall be rolled in or baked flush with soil and thoroughly compacted to form a flush surface. Immediately after completing the sod placement, the sod shall be watered and comprsssed into the underlying soil by rolling or tamping. The initial watering and rolling or tamping shall be sufficient to provide firm contact and bond between the sod and underlying soil and provide a smooth, even surface free of humps and depressions, but in no case shall the sod be excessively compacted. In dry periods, areas to be sodded may require watering prior to sod placement. l.) , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall be responsible for successful establishment of sod and will be required to replace and repair that which becomes displaced or damaged due to lack of proper care or protection during the maintenance period. Pegging on steep slopes and ditches shall be done as necessary. When wood fiber blankets are used, the upgrade end of each blanket strip shall be buried at least 6 inches in a vertical slot in the soil, with the soil being pressed firmly against the embedded blanket. Bales of straw or hay when used as ditch checks or diversions around inlets or on slopes shall be placed on edge, fibers vertical and twine horizontal, and either cut into the soil 3" or bermed on the upstream side with 3" of earth fill. Each bale shall be anchored with 2-2"X 2" wooden stakes driven through the bale and at least 1 0" into the ground. Sod shall be maintained by the Contractor for at least 30 growing days prior to final inspection and acceptance. A "growing day" is defined as any calendar day exclusive to those days from June 10 to August 10 and from November 1 to May 5. During the maintenance period, all sod which dries out, is damaged, or displaced, or infected with weeds, shall promptly be replaced with new sod and maintained for at least 30 growing days after replacement. Seeding shall be inspected for acceptance at least 30 growing days after acceptable planting. Areas with no sign of or insufficient growth as determined by the Engineer, shall be reseeded and remulched by the Contractor at his own expense. Dormant seeding may be allowed in certain cases with special written permission of the Engineer. 02575.2 - MATERIALS: Seed shall be Mixture 250 applied at a rate of 70 pounds per acre. Fertilizer shall be applied at a rate of 200# of 24-12-24 per acre. Mulch shall be Type 1 with disc anchoring. Any imported topsoil that is to be used shall be tested to insure suitability. If in the Engineer's opinion the topsoil proposed is unacceptable, another source must be found. Topsoil shall be salvaged, stripping or borrow topsoil from on-site sources shall be considered incidental to seeding. The Contractor shall use Topsoil Borrow MnDOT Specification 3877, from an off-site source only after topsoil from on-site sources are expended. Topsoil salvage or borrowed from properties adjacent to the project shall be considered on-site sources. Topsoil shall be placed to a 6" depth on all areas to receive seed. Sod shall be lawn and boulevard type and installed in accordance with MnDOT. Otto Job No. 2-04- SC"[-fO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02575.5 - BASIS OF PAYMENT: Payment shall be made per acre for seeding, mulching and fertilizer and includes 6" of topsoil. Sod will be paid for on a per square yard installed basis, and shall include 6" of topsoil. If sufficient topsoil is unavailable due to the Contractor's negligence in salvaging existing topsoil, it shall be his responsibility to acquire such elsewhere. Due to the NPDES permit requirements, restoration work will likely require multiple trips to the site throughout construction. No additional compensation will be allowed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2005 WATER MAIN SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.00 S COPE.................,.... .................... ....... ......... ...... I......... ....., .......... .... " ..... ... .... ...... ...... ............ I..... 1 1.01 General................................ ......... ...................... ............. ............. .................................... 1 1. 02 Work Included....................................................... ...... .............. .................... .................. 1 1.03 Location of the Work. ............................ ................ .................................. ........................ 1 1.04 Coordination of Work.. ....... .............. .................... .......................................................... 1 1. 05 Working Hours............................................................................................. ................... 1 1.06 Reference Requirements... ................................. ......... ................ ...... ............. ..... ............ 2 2. 00 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................... 3 2.01 General.................................. ................... .......... ......... ........... ............ ........ ...... ............... .... 3 2.02 Ductile Iron Fittings........ ...................................... ...................................................... ........ 3 2.03 Ductile Iron Pipe......... ........ .................... .......... ...... ............... ............................ ...... ..........3 2.03a Plastic Film Wrap........................ ............ .... .........................................................4 2.04 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC)..... ........... ......... ...................... .............. ........ .....................4 2.05 Resilient Wedge Gate Valves (4" to 18" in diameter) ...................................................... 5 2.06 Butterfly Valves................. ........ .................................................... ..... ............. ...................5 2.07 Valve Boxes....................... ........... ........... ..... ....... ............. .................. .................. .............. 6 2.08 Valve Box Adapters .......... ........;... ........................... .............. ................ ......... ................... 6 2.09 Hydrants...................... ..................... ......... ........... ...................... ...... .................... ........ ...... 6 2.10 Corporation Cocks D .I.P. ............ .......... ........................... .......... ........ ......................... ...... 9 2.11 Curb Stop and Box .............................................................................................................9 2.12 Copper Tubing............ .... ............................. ................. ............. ...... ........ ............... .......... 10 2.13 Service Saddles....................................................................................... ............... ........... 10 2.14 Retainer Glands....................................... ...................................... ........................ ........... 10 2.15 Mechanical Joint Restraints .......................... ................................ ................ ....... ............ 10 2.16 Electrical Conductivity Materials .................................................................................... 11 2.17 Air Relief Manhole.......... ......... .............. ........... ........ .................. ...................... ...... ......... 11 2.18 Air Relief Valves ....... ......... ...... ............ .......... ...... ........... .......... ................. ...................... 11 2.19 Concrete................ ............... ............................... ................ .............................. ................ 11 2.20 Soil Materials..................................................................................................... ............... 12 2.20a Normal "Fill Material".................................................................. .......... ..........; 12 2.20b Crushed Rock................ ......... ........... ...... ...... ...... ................ .................... ........... 12 2.21 Insulation.......................... ..... ...................... .... ......................... ......................................... 12 3.00 INSPECTION AND TESTING OF MATERIALS............................................................... 13 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.01 Shop Inspections and Testing.. ........ ...... ............. ........ ....................................... .............. 13 3.02 Field Inspection and Testing......... ..... ..... .......... ........................................... ...... ............. 13 3.03 Disposition of Defective MateriaL................... ...... ................................... ...... ............... 13 3.04 Concrete Test Cylinders..................................... .............................. ............................... 13 4.00 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR MATERIALS ............................................. 14 4.01 Material Furnished by Contractor .................................... ........ ....................................... 14 4.02 Material Furnished by the Owner ................................................................................... 14 4.03 Replacement of Damaged Material....................................... ...................... ................... 14 4.04 Responsibility for Safe Storage.................................................................................. ..... 14 5.00 MATERIAL HANDLING, ALIGNMENT AND GRADE.................................................. 15 5.01 Material Handling............................... ...................... .............................................. ......... 15 5.02 Pipe Alignment and Grades ............................................................................................ 15 5.03 Deviation with Engineer's Consent ................................................................................. 16 5.04 Deviations Occasioned by Other Utility Structures ....................................................... 16 6. 00 BLANK ........ ......... .... ...... .... I....... .... ............ ...... ......... ....... ......... ....... ............. ....... .... .... ............ ... 1 7 7 .00 EXCAVATION AND TRENCH PREPARATION .............................................................. 18 7.01 General.................................................................................... ..................... .................... 18 7.02 Trench Width and Description ........................................................................................ 18 7.03 Pipe Bedding.................. ................................ ...... ............. .............. .................................. 19 7.04 Pipe Foundation in Poor Soil.......................................................................................... 19 7.05 Pipe Clearance in Rock ............. ................. ....... ......... ............ .......... ............ ..... .............. 19 7.06 Braced and Sheeted Trenches ........... .............................................................................. 19 7.07 Piling of Excavated Material.............................................................................. ............. 20 7.08 Barricades, Guards and Safety Provisions...................................................................... 20 7.09 Traffic and Utility Controls ..................... ................ ................... .......................... ........... 20 7.10 Private Property Protection............................... .................................................. ............ 20 7.11 Tunneling, Jacking, Boring or Excavation Other Than Open Trench........................... 20 7.12 Railroad and Highway Crossings.................................................................................... 20 7.13 Interruption of Water Service... ......... ............................. ........ ............ ............. ................ 21 8.00 PIPE LA YIN G ............................................................................................................................ 22 8.01 Installation of Water Main and Appurtenances.............................................................. 22 8.02 Laying of Pipe and Fittings....................... ..... ............. ................................. ..... .............. 22 8.03 Jointing of Pipe and Fittings.... ............................. ........................................ ........ ........... 22 8.04 Setting Hydrants.............................................................................................................. 23 8.05 Conductivity................................................................ ..................................................... 23 8.06 Sewer Crossings................... .......................... ................................................................. 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.07 Valves, Boxes, Manholes, Vaults and Fittings............................................................... 24 8.08 Building Services. .................... ........... ......................... ................ .................................... 24 9.00 BA C KFIL I.IN G ................. ............. .............. ................................... .................................. ........ 25 9.01 General.................. ......................... ................................. .......................................... ....... 25 9.02 Backfill Procedure at Pipe Zone ..................................................................................... 25 9.03 Backfill Procedure Above the Pipe Zone ....................................................................... 25 9.04 Disposal of Excess Materials and Debris ....................................................................... 26 9.05 Fill Material.................................. ....... .................... ........... ............................................. 26 9.06 Density Tests................... ..................... ...... .................................... .................................. 26 10.00 TESTING AND DISINFECTING MAINS .......................................................................... 27 10.01 Pressure Testing........................................ ................................. ................. ............. ...... 27 10.02 Disinfecting Mains. ..... ................. ...... ............. ...... .......... ........ ...................................... 28 10.03 Electrical Conductivity Test.................. ........................................................................ 28 10.04 Trace Wire Test - PVC Water Main ............................................................................. 29 11.00 SURFACE RESTORATION, CLEANUP AND GUARANTEE....................................... 30 11.01 Restoration of Surface.. ............... ......... ....... ............................................. .............. ........ 30 11.02 Dust Control During Construction................................................................................. 30 11.03 Mailbox Restoration....... .............. ........................... ........ .......... .......... ...... ....... ........ ...... 30 11.04 Maintenance of Streets Until Surfaced .......................................................................... 30 11.05 Clean Up ........ ............................... .............................. .............. ...... ................. ............... 30 11.06 Guarantee.................................... ................................................................. ................... 30 11.07 Failure to Replace Defective Parts................................................................................. 31 12.00 TURF ESTABLISHMENT ..................................................................................................... 32 12.01 General............................................................................................................... ............. 32 13.00 METH on OF PAYMENT ...................................................................................................... 33 13.01 Water Main Pipe............................................................................................................. 33 13.02 Ducti Ie Iron Fittings....................................................................................................... 33 13.03 Hydrants.......................................................................................................................... 33 13. 04 Valves and Boxes................................ ............. .......... .................................................... 33 13.05 Copper Water Service Pipe........... .................. ...................... ............................ ............. 33 13.06 Corporation Cocks............................. ........................ ..................................................... 34 13.07 Service Saddles.................................. ........... ........... ....................................................... 34 13.08 Curb Stops and Boxes .... ...... ....... ............... ............. ............. ...... ........................... .......... 34 13.09 Air Relief Manholes.............................................................. ......................................... 34 13.10 Piling......... ............................................... ................... ....... ............................................. 34 13.11 Special Conditions.................................... ....................................... ................. .............. 34 11I IV I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13.12 Special Sections............... .... ........... ............ ........ ....... ............... ........................... ........... 34 13.13 Sheeting Ordered Left in Place.... ......... .................... ............................ ........... .............. 34 13 .14 Jacking....... .................... ........................................ ........ ................................... ......... ..... 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1.00 - SCOPE 1.01 GENERAL It is the intent of these detailed specification requirements to provide the requirements for water main construction in the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. 1.02 WORK INCLUDED The contractor shall, unless specified otherwise, furnish all material, equipment, tools and labor necessary to do the work required under his contract and unload, haul and distribute all pipe, castings, fittings, valves, hydrants, and accessories. The contractor shall also remove any street surfacing as required; excavate the trenches and pits to the required dimensions; construct and maintain all bridges for traffic control; sheet, brace and support the adjoining ground or structures where necessary; handle all drainage or ground water; provide barricades, guards and warning lights; lay and test the pipe, castings, fittings, valves, hydrants, and accessories, backfill and consolidate the trenches and pits; maintain the street or other surface over the trench until surface restoration; restore the roadway surface unless otherwise stipulated; remove surplus excavated material; and clean the site of the work. Installation shall include a six (6') foot witness post when the gate valve is located outside the traveled roadway. Attached to the witness post shall be a "GV" sign installed perpendicular to the roadway. The sign shall be made of aluminum with 3M brand or equal engineering grade reflective sheeting. The contractor shall also furnish all equipment, tools, labor and materials required to rearrange sewers, conduits, ducts, pipes or other structures encountered in the installation of the work. All the above work to completely construct the water main facilities shall be done in strict accordance with the project's contract documents to which these specifications are a part thereof. 1.03 LOCATION OF THE WORK The location of this work is as shown on the plans. 1.04 COORDINATION OF WORK .f The contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory coordination of the construction of the water main facilities with other construction and activities in the area affected. Delays in work resulting from lack of such harmony shall not in any way be a cause for extra compensation by any of the parties. 1.05 WORKING HOURS Refer to Section 7.02 ofthe General Conditions. 1.06 REFERENCE REQUIREMENTS 1 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In the specification requirements, reference is made to "MnDOT Specifications" which shall mean the "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction" of the Minnesota Department of Transportation 2000 Edition and all subsequent amendments, and City Engineers Association "Standard Utilities Specifications" for Water main and Service Line Installation and Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Installation, 1999 Edition, and all subsequent amendments shall apply. I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 2.00 - MATERIALS 2.0 I GENERAL The materials used in this work shall be all new, and conform to the requirements for class, kind, size and materials as specified below. All materials permanently incorporated in the work shall be made in America in accordance with Minnesota State Statute 16B.I0l PREFERENCE FOR AMERICAN-MADE MATERIALS. The contractor shall submit in writing a list of materials showing the manufacturer designation of all materials. This list must be approved by the engineer. 2.02 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS Ductile iron fittings shall have mechanical joints and shall be Class 350 for sizes up to and including twelve inches (12") in diameter and shall conform to AW.W.A Specification C153, covering compact fittings. Ductile iron fittings shall be paid per ductile iron body weights. Mechanical joints shall conform to AW.W.A Specification Clll, latest revision, with gaskets. Gaskets shall be made from vulcanized crude rubber compound. All surfaces shall be smooth, free from imperfections and free from porosity. Conductivity straps shall be furnished and installed in accordance with Section 2.15. All fittings shall be tar coated on the outside and cement lined on the inside, and furnished with all solid stainless steel nuts and bolts and spray-coated with a bituminous coal tar supplied by the manufacturer. Cement mortar lining shall be in accordance with AW.W.A Specification C104, latest version. 2.03 DUCTILE IRON PIPE (DIP) Ductile iron pipe shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 150 pounds per square inch and shall conform to the applicable dimensions and tolerances of AW.W.A. Specification C151, latest revision, for ductile iron pipe. Fittings shall be ductile iron and shall meet the requirements as specified in Section 2.02. All ductile iron pipe shall be cement lined and the maximum deflection of the pipe shall not exceed 2% of the pipe diameter to prevent cracking ofthe lining. Weighing scales may be required, as specified in Section 2.02, to verifY weight of pipe. Nominal thickness of wall for ductile iron pipe shall be as follows: Size 6" 8" 10" 12" Class Pipe Class 52 Class 52 Class 52 Class 52 Thickness Inches 0.31 0.31 0.35 0.37 3 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 30" 36" 42" Class 51 Class 51 Class 51 Class 51 Class 51 Class 51 Class 51 Class 51 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.41 0.43 0.48 0.53 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pipe walls shall be of a thickness to support 2Y2 full threads for the size of service necessary of Standard Corporation stop threads as specified by AW.W.A C800. A service saddle shall be used when the corporation stop exceeds the size listed in the following for each diameter of water main. Water Main Size 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" and larger Maximum Corp Size Without Saddle 3/4" lW' lY2" 2" 2" All ductile iron pipe shall be marked "DUCTILE IRON" in large letters. The nominal wall thickness shall be plainly marked on each piece of pipe. 2.03a Plastic Film Wrap. An approved plastic fIlm wrap for protection of ductile iron pipe shall be provided at all locations. The wrap shall be the "tube" type having 8-mil thickness. A two (2) inch wide polyethylene adhesive tape shall be used to secure the tube of film to the pipe. The unit bid price per lineal foot shall include the cost of furnishing and installing the plastic wrap and shall be compensation in full regardless of the size ofthe pipe to be protected. 2.04 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC). Polyvinyl chloride pressure pipe (pYC) for water main shall conform to A.W.W.A C900 for pipe sizes 4" to 8". All pipe shall have a minimum dimension ratio (DR) of 18 corresponding to a working pressure of 150 PSI for PYC type 1120 pipe. Laying lengths shall be 20 feet (+1") for all sizes. PYC pipe larger than 8" diameter will not be allowed. Joints. The bell shall consist of an integral wall section with a factory-installed, solid cross-section elastometric ring which meets the requirements of ASTM F-477. The bell section shall be designed to be at least as hydrostatically strong as the pipe wall and meet the requirements of AW.W.A C900 for sizes 4" to 8". The pipe shall be manufactured to cast iron or ductile iron outside dimensions in accordance with AW.W.A C900. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fittings. Fittings shall be ductile iron, having a minimum working pressure rating of 150 PSI and shall conform to the requirements of AW.W.A ClIO (ANSI A21.1O) or AW.W.A Cl53 (ANSI 21.53) Ductile Iron Compact Fittings. Valves, tees, crosses, hydrant barrels or any other ductile iron fitting shall be wrapped with a flat sheet or split length polyethylene tube by passing the sheet under the appurtenance and bringing it up around the body. Make seams by bringing the edges of the polyethylene sheet together, folding over twice and taping down. All buried nuts and bolts shall be solid stainless steel and spray-coated with a bituminous coal tar supplied by the manufacturer. Restraints. Restraints for C900 pipe shall be Ebba Iron Mega-Lug Series 2000 PV or approved equal. All restrains shall be spray-coated with a bituminous coal tar supplied by the manufacturer. Trace Wire. Trace wire shall be laid with all PVC water main and shall be #12 copper-insulated and rated for underground service. The trace wire shall be connected to all fire hydrants by wrapping three times around the hydrant barrels just below the break off flange and continue back down to the main line. Splicing trace wire shall be accomplished by twisting the two ends and heat shrink wrapping the splice. Splicing shall not be more frequent than one splice per 250 feet; wire nut splices are not allowed. Trace wire to be laid below all pipe, fittings and hydrants. Service Saddles. All services shall be installed as per Section 2.13 with double strap. Pipe Bedding Material. Pipe bedding material shall be in accordance with Section 7.02 of the Sanitary Sewer Specifications and shall be installed as per Standard Plate No. 2203 of these specifications. Pipe bedding material shall be considered incidental to the pipe installation. 2.05 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES (4" TO 18" IN DIAMETER) Gate valves shall be resilient wedge type, manufactured to meet all applicable requirements of AW.W.A. Standard for Resilient Sealed Gate Valves C515-80. Valves shall have non-rising stems, opening in a counterclockwise direction. Valves shall be .furnished with all exterior solid stainless steel nuts and bolts and spray-coated with a bituminous coal tar supplied by the manufacturer. Cast iron wedge shall have sealing surfaces of the wedge permanently bonded with resilient material to meet ASTM tests for rubber to metal bond STM 429-73. Valves shall have full epoxy coating on the inside, such as Mueller Series 2360 with full epoxy coating on the exterior of valve, or approved equal. Payment shall be at the bid unit price stated on the proposal and shall include all miscellaneous items associated with the work. Valves shall be provided with a two-inch (2") square operating nut and shall open m a cOlmterclockwise direction. 2.06 BUITERFL Y V ALVES Butterfly valves shall be located as shown on the plans positioned as shown on the standard plates and be constructed for buried service. Bodies shall be of cast iron with mechanical joint to fit ductile iron pipe and be furnished with all solid stainless steel nuts and bolts. Valve bearings shall be of nylon or permanently lubricated bronze. The rubber seat shall be permanently bonded to the body. 5 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The shaft shall be 304 stainless steel with a disc Ni-resist Type 1 with polished edge. The operator shall be constructed and sealed for buried or submerged service. This unit shall be equipped with an A.W.W.A. two-inch (2") square operating nut, and open in a counterclockwise direction. The valve and operator assembly and all components shall be equal or exceed all recognized standards and shall be Heruy Pratt "Groundhog", Dresser 450, Kennedy or American, or approved equal. Minimum requirements for butterfly valves shall conform to A. W. W.A. C504, latest revision. Valves shall be furnished with all exterior stainless steel nuts and bolts and spray-coated with a bituminous coal tar supplied by the manufacturer. 2.07 VALVE BOXES Valve boxes shall be cast iron of the three piece type suitable for a depth of7Y2 feet of cover over the top of the pipe or to a depth as shown on the plans. For valves buried to a depth greater than 8 feet from the top of operating nut to the top of the finished grade, the valve box shall be equipped with a riser rod in a length when connected to the operating nut is 6" below the top of the finished grade. Boxes shall be 5 W' diameter, bases may be round or oval and length adjustment shall be screw type. Valve boxes shall be Tyler 6860 G, Mueller HI0361 or Bibby-Ste.-Croix or approved equal as shown on City Standard Plate No. 1006. Drop covers on valve boxes shall bear the word "water" on the top. 2.08 VALVE BOX ADAPTERS Valve box adapters shall be installed on all gate valves and butterfly valves as manufactured by Adapter, Inc. or approved equal. Payment for said adapters shall be considered incidental to the price of gate valves or butterfly valves. 2.09 HYDRANTS Fire hydrants purchased or installed shall meet or exceed all applicable requirements and tests of ANSI and the latest revisions of A WW A Standard C502. Fire hydrants shall meet all test requirements and be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Fire hydrants shall meet all test requirements and have full approval of Factory Mutual. Fire hydrants shall meet the following requirements. Fire hydrants shall be rated for a working pressure of250 Psig. (1825 kPa). Fire hydrants shall be of the compression type, opening against the pressure and closing with the pressure. Fire hydrants shall have a minimum 5Y4" main valve opening and a minimum inside lower/upper barrel diameter (J.D.) of 7" to assure maximum flow performance. Pressure loss at 1,000 GPM shall not exceed the following value. 4Y2" Pumper Nozzle: 2.50 psi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fire hydrants shall be three-way in design, having one 4~" pumper nozzle and two 2~" hose nozzle(s). Nozzle thread typc shall be national standard fire coupling screw threads. Nozzlcs shall thread counterclockwise into hydrant barrel utilizing "0" ring seals. A suitable nozzle lock shall be in place to prevent inadvertent nozzle removal. The bonnet assembly shall provide an oil reservoir and lubrication system that automatically circulates lubricant to all stem threads and bearing surfaces each time the hydrant is operated. This lubrication system shall be sealed from the waterway and any external contaminants by use of"o" ring seals. An anti-friction washer shall be in place above the thrust collar to further minimize operating torque. The oil reservoir shall be factory filled with a low viscosity, FDA approved non-toxic oil lubricant that will remain fluid through a temperature range of -600 F to + I 500 F. The operating nut shall be a one-piece design, manufactured of ASTM B-584 bronze. It shall be national standard pentagon in shape and the nut dimensions shall be measuring 1~" from point to flat. The operating nut shall be affixed to the bonnet by means of an ASTM B-584 bronze hold down nut. The hold down nut shall be threaded into the bonnet in such a manner as to prevent accidental disengagement during the opening cycle of the hydrant. The use of Allen head set screws as a means of retention is unacceptable. A resilient weather seal shall be incorporated into the hold down nut for the purpose of protecting the operating mechanism from the elements. The direction of the opening shall be counter-clockwise and an arrow shall be cast on the bonnet flange to indicate the specified opening direction. Thc hydrant bonnet shall be attached to the upper barrel by not less than eight bolts and nuts and sealed by an "0" ring. Hydrants shall be a "traffic-model" having upper and lower barrels joined at the ground line by a separate and breakable "swivel" flange providing 3600 rotation of upper barrel for proper nozzle facing. This flange shall employ not less than eight bolts. The safety flange segmcnts shall be located under thc uppcr barrel flange to prevent the segments from faIling into the lower barrel when the hydrant is struck. The pressure seal between the barrels shall provide not less than 18" . of clearance from the centerline ofthe lowest nozzle to the ground. The operating stem shall consist of two pieces not less than I W' diameter (excluding threaded or machined areas) and shall be connected by a stainless steel safety coupling. The safety coupling shall have an integral internal stop to prevent the coupling from sliding down into the lower barrel when the hydrant is struck. Screws, pins, bolts, or fasteners used in conjunction with the stem couplings shall also be stainless steel. The top of the lower stem shall be recessed 2" below the face of the safety flange to prevent water hammer in the event of a "drive over" where a vehicle tire might accidentally depress the main valve. The lower barrel shall be an integrally cast unit. The use ofthreaded on or mechanically attach cd flanges is deemed unacceptable. The hydrant bury depth shall be 7.0' of cover over the 7 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I hydrant service and clearly marked on the hydrant lower barrel for 8.0' bury unless otherwise speci fied. All buried bolts and nuts shall be solid stainless steel and spray-coated with a bituminous coal tar supplied by the manufacturer. Composition of the main valve shall be a molded rubber having a durometer hardness of95 +/- 5 and shall be reversible in design to provide a spare in place. Plastic (polyurethane) main valves are unacceptable. The main valve shall have a cross section not less than 1 If. Hydrants shall be equipped with two (2) drain valves that drain the barrel when the hydrant is closed and seal shut when the hydrant is opened. These drain valves shall be an integral part of the one piece bronze upper valve plate. They shall operate without the use of springs, toggles, tubes, levers or other intricate synchronizing mechanisms. The upper valve place, seat ring and drain ring (she bushing) must be ASTM B-584 bronze and work in conjunction to form an all bronze drain way. A minimum of two (2) internal and two (2) external drain openings are required. Drains ported through an iron shoe must be bronze lined. The bronze seat ring shall thread into a bronze drain ring (or shoe bushing) providing a bronze- to-bronze connection. Seat rings shall be "0" ring pressure sealed. The shoe inlet size and connection type shall be MJ having ample blocking pads for sturdy setting and the MJ connection must have two strapping lugs to secure the hydrant to piping. A minimum of six solid stainless steel bolts and nuts are required to fasten the shoe to the lower barrel. The interior of the shoe including the lower valve plate and stem cap nut shall have a protection coating that meets the requirements of A WW A C-550. If a stem cap nut is utilized, a stainless steel lock washer or similar non-corrosive device that will prevent the cap nut from backing off during normal use must lock it in place. Hydrants shall be warranted by the manufacturer against defects in materials or workmanship for a period often years (10) from the date of manufacture. The manufacturing facility for the hydrant must have current ISO certification. Hydrants shall be Mueller Super Centurion 250 or approved equal. All hydrants shall be given one additional coat of paint after installation. All abraded surfaces shall be cleaned prior to application of the [mal field coat. The field coat of paint shall be per the manufacturer's specifications. All painted surfaces shall be warranted for a period of two years from the time the City accepts the public utility improvements. In the event the hydrant paint is not in satisfactory condition at the end of the warranty period, the entire hydrant shall be prepared (scraping, sanding) and repainted in accordance with these specifications. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Any hydrant that is extended 6" or more shall be supplied with an extra-heavy operating rod from the base to top of hydrant. All hydrant installations shall include a location marker as shown on Detail Plate No. 1004. Immediately after installing or relocating a fire hydrant, it must be securely covered by the contractor with a plastic bag to indicate it is "out of service", The plastic bag may only be removed for testing purposes by a city representative. Upon approval of all testing (hydro, bacteria, flush and conductivity) and city acceptance, the Chanhassen Utility Department will open the gate valve, remove the plastic bag and flush the hydrant. **PLEASE NOTE: The Utility Department requires a 48-hour advance notice to schedule turning on or off water lines. 2.10 CORPORA nON COCKS D.I.P. All corporation cocks shall conform to AW.W.A Standards with AW.W.A threaded inlet and AW.W.A. copper service pipe outlet. Minimum size corporation cocks shall be I" xl" and shall be installed with saddles on all 6" and smaller D.I.P. water mains (3/4" xl" corporations are not allowed). Corporation cocks shall be Mueller #HI5000, Ford F 600 or approved equal. 2.11 CURB STOP AND BOX Curb stop shall be Minneapolis pattern for copper service pipe inlet and outlet, with an inverted key, and shall be Mueller Company Mark II Oriseal #H-15154, Ford B22-333M, B22-444M or approved equal. The stop box shall be an extension type with stationary rod Minneapolis, pattern base and a 1-1/4" upper section. Boxes shall have a 12" adjustment with a 8-foot length when fully extended. Stop boxes shall be Mueller Company #H-I 0300 Series, Ford EM2-80-56-75R or approved equal. Curb stops shall be tied to definable landmarks such as manholes, catch basins, gate valves, hydrants and building comers. Swing ties shall be no longer than 100 feet in length between tie points. Property comers, trees, power poles, light poles, telephone or utility boxes are not acceptable ties. This record shall be turned over the engineer for his records at time intervals specified by the engmeer. The lid shall be Mueller #89375 or equal. 2.12 COPPER TIJBING 9 Federal Specification ASTM Specification A WW A Specification WW-T-799 Type K B-88-62 Type K C-800-55 Type K I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copper tubing shall comply with the following and shall be manufactured in the United States of America: One-inch (1 ") seamless copper service lines shall be of minimum size for all water service, except where specified by City of Chanhassen in high-pressure water areas or where there are other unusual circumstances. 2.13 SERVICE SADDLES All service connections to PVC pipe shall be stainless steel, double strap and bolt (minimum) service saddles. Service saddles shall have stainless steel washers between the nut and the plastic washer to equalize tightening stress. Rubber tapered gaskets shall be required to resist circumferential and longitudinal forces along with O-ring or flat gaskets for hydraulic seal. Saddle bolts shall be tightened to the manufacturer's recommended tightness as verified with a torque wrench. Bolt tightness shall be rechecked after the pipe tap is complete. All services shall be pressure tested with the main line and shall be Romac Style 304, Ford style FS 303, Cascade CSC-2, Smith Blair 371- 372 or approved equal. For use on Ductile Iron Pipe, service saddles shall be provided for all services larger than those specified in Article 2.03 and shall be Ford iron service saddles, style F202, zinc plated double ~traps, rubber gaskets and standard thread pattern as per A.W.W.A. C800 or approved equal. 2.14 RETAINER GLANDS All retainer glands shall be ductile iron with set screws being solid stainless steel and spray-coated with a bituminous coal tar supplied by the manufacturer, similar to American Double-X mechanical joint retainer glands or approved equal and shall be capable of withstanding torque of not less 80- foot pounds. 2.15 MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINTS Mechanical joint restraints shall be manufactured of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536-80 with ductile iron restraining devices heat treated to a minimum hardness of370 GHN. The mechanical joint restraint shall have a working pressure of at least 250 psi and shall be MegaLug manufactured by EBAA IRON, INC. or approved equal. Restraints for C900 PVC shall be Ebba IRON Mega-Lug Series 2000 PV or approved equal. All mechanical joint restraints shall be spray-coated with a bituminous coal tar supplied by the manufacturer. 2.16 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY MA TERlALS 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All joints on ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be connected with an electrical conducting copper strap, clips or cable designed and tested to withstand 400 amps. 2.17 AIR RELIEF MANHOLES Air relief manholes shall be constructed using pre-cast sections conforming to ASTM Specification C478 according to the standard plate. The standard manhole casting shall be NEENAH R-I740B with self-sealing lid or approved equal as shown on the standard plate and shall have two concealed pick holes. The minimum allowable weight shall be 380 pounds. Lettering on the manhole castings shall be as shown on the standard plate. All castings shall conform to the requirements and dimensions shown on the drawings. All covers must fit closely in the rings in any and all positions and, when placed in the rings, must fit the ring solidly in all positions so that there will be no rocking from pressure applied on any point of the cover. 2.18 AIR RELIEF VALVES Air relief valves shall be Crispex Universal air valves manufactured by Multiplex Manufacturing Company or approved equal. The valve shall be furnished with a I" inlet, a I" shut-off valve (ball valve), a backflow check valve and all other accessories needed as per Standard Detail Plate No. 1006. . An operating instructions and maintenance manual shall be included with the valve. 2.19 CONCRETE Concrete to be used shall be composed of a mixture of fme and coarse aggregate and a Portland Hydraulic Cement conforming to the ASTM Specification designation C-I50, Type I, with the proper water-cement ratio to obtain a compressive strength not less than 3,000 pounds per square inch in 28 days. The fine aggregate for concrete shall be composed of a clean washed sand of hard, sharp, durable particles. Coarse aggregate for concrete shall be composed of a gravel uniformly graded three-fourth inch (3/4") maximum size to #4 sieve. Coarse aggregate shall be composed of hard durable particles free of shale, chert, flat or elongated pieces. Fine and coarse aggregate shall confonn to the A.S.T.M. Specification for Concrete Aggregates, Designation C-33. Mixing water shall be suitable for drinking purposes, containing no acids, alkalis, oils or other deleterious materials. Concrete shall be mixed in a mechanically operated mixer so controlled that the drum shall operate a minute and one-half after all materials including water are in the drum. Concrete mixtures shall conform to MnDOT Specification 2461. The slump shall not exceed four inches (4") plus or minus one inch (1 "). II 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.20 SOIL MATERIALS 2.20a Normal "Fill Material'''' Is defined under the backfilling Section No. 9.05 2.20b Crushed Rock The material shall consist of durable crushed quarry rock of which 100% passes a 2" sieve and of which 95% is retained on a #4 sieve size. It shall not contain soil overburden, sod, roots, plants, and other organic matter, or any other materials considered objectionable by the engineer. 2.21 INSULATION Pipe wrapped insulation shall be three (3) inches of DOW Styrofoam FB brand plastic foam, or approved equal, wrapped around the entire pipe, pipe joints and bends for those areas designated on the plans. The insulation shall be installed with bands as per the manufacturer's specification. Sheet insulation shall be two-inch thick, four-feet wide Thermco Blue Dot Styrene, or approved equal, foam waterproof insulation. Sheets shall be centered on the pipe and installed above or below the pipe in accordance with typical Detail Plate No. 2204. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 3.00 - INSPECTION AND TESTING OF MATERIALS 3.01 SHOP INSPECTIONS AND TESTING All materials furnished by the contractor are subject at the discretion of the engineer, to inspection and/or testing by accepted methods at the plant of the manufacturer. This inspection and/or testing is to be made at the cost of the owner. The material supplier shall provide the city with copies of test results on materials that are furnished to the contractor. 3.02 FIELD INSPECTION AND TESTING All materials furnished by or for the contractor for incorporation into the work under contract shall, at the discretion of the engineer, be subject to inspection and/or testing by methods acceptable to the engmeer. 3.03 DISPOSITION OF DEFECTIVE MATERIAL All material found during the process of inspecting and testing to be defective, or defective material encountered at any time during the progress of the work, will be rejected by the engineer and the contractor shall promptly remove from the site all such material. 3.04 CONCRETE TEST CYLINDERS On all types of concrete construction, up to 4 test cylinders may be taken from each section of the structure cast in one operation. The project engineer or authorized representative shall, within 4 days oftheir origin, deliver all cylinders to an approved testing laboratory. The actual cost of testing shall be paid by the owner. I3 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 4.00 - CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR MATERIALS 4.01 MA TERlAL FURNISHED BY CONTRACTOR The contractor shall be responsible for all material furnished by him, and heshall replace at his own expense all such material that is found to be defective in manufacture or that has become damaged in handling after delivery by the manufacturer. This shall include the furnishing of all material and labor required for the replacement of installed material discovered defective prior to the final acceptance of the work, or during the warranty period ofthe work. 4.02 MATERIAL FURNISHED BY THE OWNER The contractor's responsibility for material furnished by the owner shall begin at the point of delivery by the manufacturer, or owner, and upon acceptance of the material by the contractor. The contractor shall examine all material furnished by the owner at the time and place of delivery and shall reject all defective material. The point of delivery shall be stated in the "Special Provisions". 4.03 REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED MATERIAL Any material furnished by the owner that becomes damaged after acceptance by the contractor shall be replaced by the contractor at his own expense. 4.04 RESPONSffiILITY FOR SAFE STORAGE The contractor shall be responsible for the safe storage of material furnished by or to him, and accepted by him, and intended for the work, until it has been incorporated in the completed project. The interior of all pipe, fittings, and other accessories shall be kept free from dirt and foreign matter at all times. Valves and hydrants shall be drained and stored in a manner that will protect them from damage and freezing. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 5.00 - MATERIAL HANDLING, ALIGNMENT AND GRADE 5.01 MATERIAL HANDLING Pipe and other accessories shall, unless otherwise directed in the special provisions, be unloaded at the point of delivery, hauled to and distributed at the site of the project by the contractor. They shall at all times be handled with care to avoid damage. In distributing the material at the site, each piece shall be unloaded opposite or near the place where it is to be laid in the trench. Pipe shall be so handled such that the coating and lining will not be damaged. If, however, any part of the lining or coating is damaged, the repair shall be made by the contractor at his expense in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. 5.02 PIPE ALIGNMENT AND GRADES All pipe shall be laid and maintained to the required lines and grades; with hydrants, valves and fittings at the required locations; and with joints centered and drawn "home"; and with all valve and hydrant stems plumb. The owner will furnish line and grade stakes necessary for the work. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to preserve these stakes from loss or displacement. The engineer may order replaced any stakes he deems necessary for the proper protection of the work. Any replacements shall be at the contractor's expense. All pipes shall be laid to the depth shown on the contract drawings. The contractor shall satisfactorily maintain the specified cover. If additional bends are required where not shown on the drawings to maintain alignment around curves, the contractor shall provide the required number and be compensated at the unit price as proposed on the bid form. The following is the maximum allowable joint deflection for the cast iron pipe. A.W.W.A. C-600 TABLE 1 & 2 - SUMMARY (20' Pipe Length - except as noted) Maximum Allowable Deflections (inches) Pipe Size 4 6 8 12 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 Mechanical Joint 31"* 27"* 20" 22" 15" 12" 12" 10" 10" 9" 8" 8" Push-on Joint 21 " 21 " 21" 21" 12" 12" 12" 12" 8" 8" 8" 8" *18' length 5.03 DEVIATION WITH ENGINEER'S CONSENT 15 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I No deviation shall be made from the required line or grade except with the written consent of the engmeer. 5.04 DEVIATIONS OCCASIONED BY OTHER UTILITY STRUCTURES Wherever existing utility structures or branch connections leading to main sewers or to main drains or other conduits, ducts, pipe or structures present obstructions to the grade and alignment of the pipe, they shall be permanently supported, removed, relocated or reconstructed by the contractor through cooperation with the owner of the utility, structure or obstruction involved. In those instances where their relocation or reconstruction is impracticable, a deviation from the grade will be ordered and the change shall be made in the manner directed with extra compensation allowed therefore at unit prices, if applicable. 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 7.00 - EXCA V A TION AND TRENCH PREP ARA TION 7.01 GENERAL The trench shall be so dug that the pipe can be laid to the alignment and depth required and shall be excavated only so far in advance of pipe laying as the engineer shall specify. The trench shall be so braced and drained that the workmen may work therein safely and efficiently. All trenches shall be sheeted and braced as per Chapter 66: Trench bracing of the Minnesota Regulations Relating to Industrial Safety to a safe angle of repose. Such angle of repose shall be no less than the repose required by the Accident Prevention Division of the Minnesota State Industrial Commission or the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), whichever is more restrictive. It is essential that the discharge of any required trench dewatering pumps be conducted to natural public drainage channels, drains or storm sewers. All trenches shall be excavated so that the pipe may be laid accurately to grade with a minimum of 7Yz feet of earth cover over the top of the water mains, unless otherwise noted on the drawings. All utility installations under existing "collector" roads or newly constructed (less than 5 years old) residential streets must be jacked or directional bored as appropriate. No open trenching will be allowed. 7.02 TRENCH WIDTH AND DESCRIPTION The trench width, at the top of the trench, may vary depending on the depth of the excavation and the nature of excavated material encountered. All trenches shall be constructed in strict accordance with requirements prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). The trench width at pipe grade shall be ample to permit the proper laying and jointing of the pipe and fittings and for proper backfilling and compaction. The maximum width of trench at the top of the pipe shall be not greater than the outside diameter of the pipe plus four feet. The trench shall have a bottom conforming to the grade to which the pipe is to be laid. The pipe shall be laid upon sound soil, cut true and even so that the barrel of the pipe will have a bearing for its full length. If the excavation is inadvertently made below the bottom conforming to grade, it shall be backfilled with well tamped pit run sand or fine gravel or other material as approved by the engineer at no additional expense to the owner. Bell holes shall be dug at the ends of each length of pipe to permit proper jointing. Excavations for manholes and other structures shall have one foot minimum clearance on all sides. The trench shall be kept free from water until the joints have been completed. 7.03 PIPE BEDDING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I When using ductile iron pipe and existing soil conditions are not acceptable for backfill and/or compaction in the pipe zone, pipe bedding and backfill shall be used as shown on standard plate #2201. Otherwise, backfill as shown on standard plate #2202 may be used. When using PVC pressure pipe bedding and backfill shall be accomplished as per Section 7.02 of the sanitary sewer specifications and standard detail plate #2203. 7.04 PIPE FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL When the bottom at subgrade is soft and in the opinion of the engineer cannot adequately support the pipe, a further depth and/or width shall be excavated and refilled to pipe foundation grade with approved material and thoroughly compacted as shown on standard detail plate nos. 2203 and 2203A; or other approved means, such as piling, shall be adopted to assure a firm foundation for the pipe with extra compensation allowed the contractor as provided elsewhere in these specifications. The contractor shall furnish, drive, and place piling if ordered by the engineer. Piles shall be driven in exact position at locations determined by the engineer. The contractor at his own expense must replace piles not correctly positioned at the completion of driving. 7.05 PIPE CLEARANCE IN ROCK Large stones shall be removed to provide a clearance of at least twelve inches (12") below outside barrel of the pipe, valves, or fittings, and to a clear width of 12" on each side of all pipe and appurtenances for pipe 16" or less in diameter; for pipes larger than 16", a clearance of 18" below and clear width of 9" on each side of pipe shall be provided. Adequate clearance for properly jointing pipe laid in rock trenches shall be provided at bell holes. 7.06 BRACED AND SHEETED TRENCHES The contractor shall adequately brace and sheet excavations wherever necessary to prevent caving or damage to nearby property. The cost of this temporary sheeting and bracing, unless provided for otherwise, shall be considered as part of the excavation costs without additional compensation to the contractor. Trench sheeting shall remain in place until pipe has been laid, tested for defects and repaired if necessary, and the earth around it compacted to a depth of one foot over the top of the pipe. Sheeting, bracing, etc. placed in the "pipe zone" (that part of the trench below a distance of one foot [I '] above the top of the pipe) shall not be removed without the written permission or written order of the engineer; that sheeting thereby left in place shall be paid for at the unit price bid. Sheeting ordered left in place by the engineer in writing shall be paid for at the unit price bid. The contractor may also leave in place, at his own expense, to be embedded in the backfill of the trench any sheeting or bracing in addition to that ordered left in place by the engineer for the purpose of preventing injury or damage to persons, corporations, or property whether public or private, for which the contractor under the terms ofthis contract is liable. 7.07 PILING OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL 19 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that will not endanger the work and that will avoid obstructing sidewalks and driveways. Gutters shall be kept clear or other satisfactory provisions made for street drainage. 7.08 BARRICADES, GUARDS AND SAFETY PROVISIONS To protect persons from injury and to avoid property damage, adequate barricades, construction signs, flashing lights, and guards as required shall be placed and maintained during the progress of the construction work and until it is safe for traffic to use the highway. All material piles, equipment and pipe which may serve as obstructions to traffic shall be enclosed by fences or barricades and shall be protected by proper lights when the visibility is poor. The rules and regulations of the local authorities respecting safety provisions shall be observed. 7.09 TRAFFIC AND UTILITY CONTROLS Excavations for pipe laying operations shall be conducted in a manner to cause the least interruption to traffic. Where traffic must cross open trenches, the contractor shall provide suitable bridges at street intersections and driveways. The contractor shall post, where directed by the engineer, suitable signs indicating that a street is closed and necessary detour signs for the proper maintenance of traffic. Hydrants under pressure, valve pit covers, valve boxes, curb stop boxes, or other utility controls shall be left unobstructed and accessible during the construction period. 7.1 0 PRIVATE PROPERTY PROTECTION Trees, fences, poles and all other private property shall be protected unless their removal is authorized; and any property damage shall be satisfactorily restored by the contractor, or adequate compensation therefore shall be the responsibility ofthe contractor. 7.11 TUNNELING, JACKING, BORING OR EXCAVATION OTHER THAN OPEN TRENCH Where pipe cannot be placed by open trench excavation, the method for placing and payment therefore shall be stated in the special provisions. 7.12 RAILROAD AND HIGHWAY CROSSINGS When any railroad is crossed, all precautionary construction measures required by the railroad shall be followed. See Special Provisions or Detail Drawings. The contractor shall be responsible for securing necessary crossing permits. Before any construction is started, the successful bidder shall meet with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, County Highway Department, Railroad Maintenance Engineer, and the Consulting Engineers where applicable to determine the construction procedure to be followed, methods of rerouting traffic, placing of barricades, flares, signs, flagmen, etc., and methods of preventing damage to the highway or railroad. If required by the railroad or highway department, the contractor shall deposit with them a certified check in an amount sufficient to cover the required repair work. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.13 INTERRUPTION OF WATER SERVICE No intemlPtion of water service will be allowed unless approved by the city engineer. The contractor will be required to provide temporary water service whenever possible. If an interruption in water service is approved, all consumers affected by the operation shall be notified by the contractor at least 48 hours before the operation and be advised of the probable time when service will be restored. All valves and hydrants that are required to be opened or closed shall be operated only by the Chanhassen Utility Department. The contractor shall notifY the Chanhassen Utility Superintendent 48 hours in advance to request opening or closing of all gate valves and hydrants. 21 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ SECTION 8.00 - PIPE LAYING 8.01 TNST ALLA TION OF WATER MAIN AND APPURTENANCES Proper implements, tools and facilities satisfactory to the engineer shall be provided and used by the contractor for the safe and convenient prosecution of the work. Pipe and other materials shall be unloaded and distributed on the job in a manner approved by the engineer. In no case shall materials be thrown or dumped from the truck. All materials unloaded in an unsatisfactory manner shall be rejected and work shall be stopped until such materials have been examined by the inspector and approved. The contractor shall furnish the necessary assistance in such examination of materials. Water main materials shall be carefully lowered into trench piece by piece by means of a derrick, ropes or other suitable tools or equipment, in such a manner as to prevent damage to materials and protective coatings and lining. Under no circumstances shall water main materials be dumped into the trench. 8.02 LAYING OF PIPE AND FITTINGS Before lowering and while suspended, the pipe and fittings shall be inspected for defects to detect any cracks. Any defective, damaged or unsound material shall be rejected. All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and fittings before it is lowered into its position in the trench, and shall be kept clean by approved means during and after laying. All openings along the line of the main shall be securely closed as directed, and in the suspension of work at any time, suitable stoppers shall be placed to prevent earth or other substances from entering the main. No pipe shall be laid in water or when the trench conditions are unsuitable for such work, except by written permission ofthe engineers. 8.03 JOINTING OF PIPE AND FITTINGS Ductile Iron - Jointing of mechanical joint pipe, push-on joint pipe, and fittings shall be done in accordance with AW.W.A Section 9b and 9c of AW.W.A Specification C600, latest revision. Mega-lugs shall be used to secure all mechanical joint pipe and fittings. When pipes are cut in the field, the cut or straight end shall have all sharp or rough edges removed before assembly. pye - The bell shall consist of an integral wall section with a factory-installed, solid cross-section elastometric ring which meets the requirements of ASTM F-477. The bell section shaIl be designed to be at least as hydrostatically strong as the pipe wall and meet the requirements of AW.W.A. C900 for sizes 4" to 8". The pipe shall be manufactured to cast iron or ductile iron outside dimensions in accordance with AW.W.A C900. PYC Pipe larger than 8" diameter will not be aIlowed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fittings shall be ductile iron, having a minimum working pressure rating of ISO PSI and shall conform to the requirements of AW.W.A Cl IO (ANSI A2I.IO) or AW.W.A CI53 (ANSI 21.53) Ductile Iron Compact Fittings. Valves, tees, crosses, hydrant barrels or any other ductile iron fitting shall be furnished with solid stainless steel nuts and bolts and shall be wrapped with a flat sheet or split length polyethylene tube by passing the sheet under the appurtenance and bringing it up around the body. Make seams by bringing the edges of the polyethylene sheet together, folding over twice and taping down. Restraints for C900 PVC pipe shall, per Section 2.15, be Ebba Iron Mega-Lug Series 2000 PV or approved equal. 8.04 SETTING HYDRANTS Hydrants shall be placed in locations as staked by the engineer. All hydrants shall be supported on an 18" x 18" x 5" solid concrete block or equal concrete base. Each hydrant shall be tied as shown on the detail drawings. After each hydrant has been set, there shall be placed around the base of the hydrant, not less than one (1) cubic yard of gravel or cmshed rock from which all fine material has been removed. A layer of polyethylene, minimum 4 mil thickness, shall be carefully placed over the rock to prevent the backfill from entering the voids in the drain rock. All hydrants must be maintained in a plumb position during the backfilling operation. 8.05 CONDUCTIVITY When using D.I.P. conductivity shall be provided throughout the water system by use of copper straps or approved conductive gaskets with copper inserts. All mechanical joint fittings shall be equipped with copper straps. Lead tipped gaskets will not be approved for conductivity. Copper jumper straps between sections of pipe shall be not less than 1/16" x 3/4" strap boIted to shop welded pipe straps of the same size. Bolts shall be 5/16" diameter bronze. For all locations where shop welded straps are not available, field welds shall be made using the Cadweld method with size 32 cartridge. Each field weld shall be properly made after filing the surface of the pipe to a clean bare metal over the entire area of the weld. Straps boIted to mechanical joint fittings shall be not less than 1/16" x 1-1/2". All straps shall be securely fastened and backfill placed so as to not damage the conductivity. 8.06 SEWER CROSSINGS Water mains crossing sanitary sewers shall be laid to provide a separation of at least 18" between the bottom of the water main and the top of the sewer. When local conditions prevent a vertical separation as described, the following constmction shall be used: (a) Sewers passing over or under water mains shall be constructed of materials equal to water main standards of construction. 23 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (b) A length of water pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing so that the joints will be equidistant and as far as possible from the sewer. 8.07 VALVES, BOXES, MANHOLES, V AUL TS AND FITTINGS Valves and fittings shall be placed where shown on the plans or as designated by the engineer. Jointing shall be done as previously specified herein. Unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings, cast iron valve boxes shall be installed with all gate valves eighteen inches (18") or smaller and all butterfly valves. Valve boxes shall be firmly supported with a valve box adapter to maintain centered and plumb alignment over the wrench nut ofthe valve, with box cover three-quarter inch (3/4") below the surface ofthe finished pavement or at such other level as may be directed by the engineer. All bends, tees, hydrants and plugs shall be securely braced against undisturbed soil using pre-cast concrete block or poured-in-place concrete thrust blocks. The method of anchorage must be reviewed and approved by the engineer prior to backfilling. In addition, Mega-lugs shall be installed at all bends. 8.08 BUILDING SERVICES Curb stops and boxes shall be installed as shown on~ the standard plates. The curb stop and box shall be located 9' inside of the property, unless specified otherwise. Corporation stops shall be tapped into the main only when full of water under pressure. No taps shall be made into a dry pipe. Corporation stops shall be turned into the pipe until tight and shall not be turned back to facilitate having the operating nut on the toP. The copper service lines as placed between the water mains and the curb boxes shall have a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover except at the goose neck which shall have 6~ feet minimum cover. Therefore, service lines must be placed (incidental to the project) beneath any obstruction which would prohibit the required cover if the service line was placed on top of said obstruction. The method oftunneling under an obstruction shall be approved by the engineer. Each curb box shall be marked by a steel fence posts located two feet behind the curb box cover. The top 6 inches of the steel fence post shall be painted blue. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9.00 - BACKFILLING 9.01 GENERAL All excavation in trenches shall be backfilled to the original ground surface or to such grades as specified or shown on the plans. The backfilling shall begin as soon as practicable after the pipe has been placed. Prior to any backfilling, the excavation shall be cleaned of all trash, debris, organic material, and other undesirable material. 9.02 BACKFILL PROCEDURE AT PIPE ZONE Backfilling and compacting shall be done as thoroughly as possible so as to prevent after settlement. Depositing of the backfill shall be done so the shock of faIling material will not injure the pipe or structures. Grading over and around all parts of the work shall be done as directed by the engineer. All water main pipe shall be installed in accordance with Standard Detail Plate No. 2203A and bedded in a granular material meeting the requirements ofMnDOT specification 3140.2A Granular Borrow in which all shall pass a three-quarters inch (3/4") sieve and not more than 20% shall pass a #200 sieve. Embedment materials shall be compacted in six-inch (6") lifts to a point twelve inches (12") above the pipe and to a density of at least 95% of standard proctor density as described by ASTM methods D698. All embedment materials shall be tested for compliance with the above specification and test results shall be supplied to the Engineer. If materials are purchased, weight slips should also be provided. 9.03 BACKFILL PROCEDURE ABOVE THE PIPE ZONE Unless otherwise specified, suitable backfill material shall be furnished an the following backfill procedures shall apply and be used above the "pipe zone" to either the existing surface elevation or design grade, as specified, with the cost of such considered incidental to the installation of the pipe unless specified for a particular section of the project by the special provisions and/or plans, or allowed in writing by the engineer, and a unit price has been established. All trenches shall be backfilled to obtain the necessary compaction, with the lift thickness as required, dependent upon type of roller. The backfill material shall be compacted to 95% of the standard moisture density relationship of soils (ASTM D698-70) except the top three feet (3') of the trench which shall be compacted to 100% density. Moisture content of these soils shall be within a range of:t: 3% of optimum moisture content. Ifthe existing moisture content of the" backfill material below three feet of subgrade is greater than 3 percentage points above the optimum moisture content, the soil shall be compacted to a minimum density of 3 pounds per cubic feet less than the standard Proctor curve at that moisture content. At no time shall the density be less than 90 percent of the standard Proctor density. This modification of the compaction specification shall at no time be used or applied to the upper 3 feet of the subgrade or the aggregate base. In the event the contractor fails to meet these compaction requirements, corrective measures such as spreading/discing/farming, etc. shall be implemented or the contractor may elect to replace backfill with a more suitable material taken from another source. All ofthese corrective measures shall be at the contractor's expense. 25 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Any settlement greater than one inch (l ") as measured with a string line from one edge of the settlement to the other within the warranty period of this contract shall be considered failure of the mechanical compaction and all street surfaces, driveways, boulevard and ditch areas shall be repaired by the contractor at no cost to the city. Under state or county highways and road, the contractor shall obtain the necessary permits at his expense after commencing and type of work upon a state or county highway or roadway. All such work, especially backfilling, shall conform to state and county standards and specifications. 9.04 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIALS AND DEBRIS Unless otherwise specified, excavated material either not suitable or not required for fill material shall be disposed of by the contractor outside of the right-of-way at his expense in any manner he may elect subject to the provisions of the following paragraph. Before dumping such materials or debris on a private or public land, the contractor must obtain from the owner of such land written permission for such dumping and a waiver of all claims against the owner for any damage to such land which may result therefrom together with all permits required by law for such dumping. A copy of such permission, waiver of claims and permits shall be filed with the engineer before said disposal is made. In addition, be advised City Ordinance may require the property owner apply and receive a grading permit prior to any earthwork activities commencing. 9.05 FILL MATERIAL Normal, allowable "fill material" used in backfilling outside of the pipe encasement shall be sand, gravel, or clay, free from pieces of rock, concrete or clay lumps more than one-third cubic foot in volume, roots, stumps, organic soil, vegetation, tin cans, rubbish, frozen materials, and similar articles and substances whose presence in the backfill would cause excessive settlement. In that portion of the backfill which is within six inches (6") of a road sub grade, there shall be no stones which will be retained on a three-inch (3") sieve. 9.06 DENSITY TESTS Density tests will b~ performed by an approved soils testing firm at various locations and depths throughout the project as directed by the engineer. The contractor shall cooperate fully and provide assistance as necessary to complete these tests with no additional compensation being made to the contractor. A minimum of one test at an elevation approximately two feet above the top of pipe , one test in the top three feet and one test at an intermediate elevation per 100 feet of pipe. A minimun1 of 50% ofthe individual water and sewer service trenches shall be tested at elevations listed above. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 10.00 - TESTING AND DISINFECTING MAINS 10.01 PRESSURE TESTING All water main including fittings, valves, services and hydrants shall be tested in accordance with and shall meet the requirements set forth in American Water Works Association (A.W.W.A.) Specifications C600, latest revision. The contractor shall have the option of using an alternative testing procedure as identified below: After the pipe has been laid including fittings, valves, hydrants, and service and the line has been backfilled in accordance with these specifications, all newly laid pipe, or any valved section thereof, unless otherwise directed by the engineer, shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch. The duration of each such test shall be two (2) hours. The allowable pressure drop shall not exceed one (1) PSI in the said two (2) hour period. Each valved section of pipe shall be slowly filled with water and the specified test pressure, measured at the lowest point of elevation, shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a satisfactory manner. The pump, pipe connection, gauges and all necessary apparatus shall be furnished by the contractor. Gauges and measuring devices must meet with the approval of the engineer and the necessary pipe taps made as directed. Before applying the specified test pressure, all air shall be expelled from pipe. To accomplish this, taps shall be made, if necessary, at points of highest elevations, and afterward tightly plugged. Each valved section shall be subjected to the pressure test and, if required, the leakage test prescribed herein. Testing for the two hour duration shall be with hydrants closed, and valves on hydrant leads and dead end water lines open. Once this portion of the test is completed, the valve on the hydrant leads and dead end water lines shall be closed, and hydrants opened. The specified test pressure shall be applied, and the test repeated for 15 minutes to establish the condition of the hydrant lead valves. This shall apply to both the pressure and leakage test. When tying into existing water main system, the contractor shall be responsible for pressure testing from the point of starting the new water main and including all newly constructed pipe and valves. If the contractor elects to test the existing water main, the City will not be responsible for any testing costs if the existing water main is the cause of any failing tests. Any cracked .or defective pipes, fittings, valves or hydrants discovered in consequence of the pressure test shall be removed and replaced by the contractor with sound material in the manner provided and the shall be repeated until satisfactory to the engineer. The pressure gauge for the tests shall be an Ashcroft Model 1082 with a 4Y2-inch dial face with one (1) psi increments or approved equal. 10.02 DISINFECTING MAINS 27 28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I After completion of the installation and testing, the contractor shall disinfect the new pipe, valves and fittings as described in AW.W.A Specification No. C651-86 which supersedes AW.W.A. Standard C601, by use of the continuous feed method. The contractor may elect to use the tablet method which is generally described as follows: The contractor shall place hypochlorite tablets in each section of pipe and also in hydrants, hydrant branches and other appurtenances during construction. The tablets shall be attached to the top of the pipe with an adhesive of hot tar or "Permatex" No.2 gasket cement, or other approved material. When the installation has been completed, the main shall be filled (after a 48-hour notice and receiving permission from the City's Utility Superintendent or his assigned representative) with water at a velocity of less than one foot (1 ') per second. This water shall remain in the pipe for at least 24 hours. After the 24 hour retention period, the heavily chlorinated water shall be flushed from the main until the chlorine concentration in the water leaving the main is less than 1 ppm. Tests are required to determine chlorine residual at the end ofthe 24-hour retention period and after flushing to ascertain that the heavily cWorinated water has been removed from the pipeline. At the end of the 24-hour retention period, the main shall contain not less than 10 ppm cWorine prior to placing the main in service. The contractor shall contact the Chanhassen Utility Superintendent for collection and testing of water samples. The contractor shall notify the Utility Superintendent 48 hours in advance to request such operation. All costs associated with testing shall be the responsibility of the contractor. The water main shall remain turned off until passing bacterial test results are received by the City.- The City Utility Department will then turn on the water system for public use. The number of tablets required per 18-foot length of pipe based on three and three quarters (3-3/4) grain available chlorine per tablet is as follows: Diameter No. of Tablets Diameter No. of Tablets 4" 1 16" 9 6" 2 18" 12 8" 3 20" 14 10" 4 24" 20 12" 5 Only fresh disinfectants shall be used and the main filled with water and flushed not later than one week after the disinfectant has been added. The water (containing chlorine) shall be left in the pipe, being disinfected, for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours. 10.03 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTNITY TEST Conductivity test shall be performed on all D.I.P. mains after they have been pressure tested and are full of water at normal operating pressure. A direct current of350 amps shall be passed through the line for five minutes. Current flow shall be measured continuously on a suitable ampmeter and shall remain steady without interruption or excessive fluctuation throughout the period. Insufficient I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I current or wide fluctuations of ammeter needle shall be evidence of defective conductivity which shall be isolated, corrected and retested. The connection for the conductivity shall be made either to a gate valve or to the hydrant barrel. COImections shall not be made to any operating mechanism of the hydrant. Acceptable equipment for the test shall be arc welding machines with adequate sized cables to cany the test current without voltage drop or overheating. Conductivity test shall be carried out in the presence of the engineer or his duly authorized agent. Caution shall be exercised at all times when working with electrical equipment and wires during the conductivity test. 10.04 TRACE WIRE TEST - PVC WATER MAIN The contractor shall perform a conductivity test on all trace wire prior to the acceptance of the water system. This test may be performed by either hiring an acceptable underground utility locating firm to physically locate the trace wire in the presence of a city representative or via low voltage circuit completed with the use of a suitable voltage source and meter to ensure continuity of the trace wire. In the event that a closed clamp circuit cannot be completed or difficulties with the locating or test arise, the cause shall be isolated and corrected. Thereafter, the section in which the defective test occurred shall be re-tested as a unit and shall meet the requirements. 29 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 11.00 - SURFACE RESTORATION, CLEANUP AND GUARANTEE 1l.01 RESTORATION OF SURFACE All surfaces disturbed during the construction period including adjacent streets used to access the site, whether caused by actual excavation, deposition of excavated material, or by the construction equipment, shall be returned to its original conditions or better. Exceptions to the above, if any, or special instructions pertaining to any particular section of the project will be outlined in the "Special Provisions". Any excess dirt shall be removed by the contractor in accordance with Section 9.04 of these specifications. 11.02 DUST CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION The contractor shall at his own expense maintain dust control as necessary and in a manner satisfactory to the engineer until final acceptance of the project or until restoration has been completed. 11.03 MAILBOX RESTORATION The contractor, at his expense, shall replace and restore mailboxes disturbed by the work. 11.04 MAINTENANCE OF STREETS UNTIL SURFACED After backfilling according to the above specifications, the contractor shall maintain the streets as required and blade as necessary to provide a passable surface for traffic until the surfacing is completed or to the date of [mal acceptance. 11.05 CLEAN UP Surplus pipe material, tools, and temporary structures shall be removed by the contractor, and all dirt and/or rubbish caused by his operations and excess earth from excavations shall be hauled to a dump provided by the contractor, and the construction site shall be left in a condition satisfactory to the engmeer. 11.06 GUARANTEE The contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship and materials which may develop in any part of the entire installation furnished by him and upon written notice from the engineer shall immediately replace and make good, without expense to the owner, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of same, during the warranty period as prescribed by the conditions of the contract. 11.07 FAILURE TO REPLACE DEFECTIVE PARTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Should the contractor fail to make good the defective parts within a period of thirty (30) days of such notification, after written notice has been given him, the owner may replace these parts, charging the expense of the same to the contractor. 31 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 12.00 - TURF ESTABLISHMENT 12.01 GENERAL All turf establishment shall be in accordance with Section 4.14, Turf Establishment, of the street specifications which is included as part ofthis standard specification. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 13.00 - METHOD OF PAYMENT The work shall be measured and the compensation determined in the following manner: 13.01 WATER MAIN PIPE Water main pipe will be paid for at the contract price per lineal foot for each diameter of pipe furnished, which shall include the cost of furnishing the pipe, rubber gasket, joints, insulation and other material and of delivering, handling, laying, trenching, backfilling, testing, disinfecting, and all material or work necessary to install the pipe complete in place at the depth above specified. The length of the pipe for which payment is made shall be the actual overall length measured along the axis of the pipe without regard to intervening valves or specials. Lengths of branches will be measured from the centers of connecting pipes to center of valves or hydrants. All lengths will be measured in a horizontal plain unless the grade of the pipe is more than 15%. 13.02 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS Ductile iron fittings and specials will be paid for at the contract unit price per pound for the ductile iron standard weight of the fittings and specials installed on the basis of body weight only. 13.03 HYDRANTS Hydrants will be paid for at the contract unit price per hydrant installed complete with drainage pit, gravel, concrete base, and bracing. Hydrant extensions will be paid for at the contract unit price per lineal foot, where specified by the engineer. The unit price for the hydrant does not include the auxiliary hydrant valve which shall be paid for under another item of these specifications, unless they are combined in the bid proposal. 13.04 VALVES AND BOXES Valves, boxes, and valve adapters (including extensions or valve stem risers) will be paid for at the contract unit price bid for each size valve and box furnished and installed complete. 13.05 COPPER WATER SERVICE PIPE Copper water service pipe will be paid for at the contract unit price per lineal foot, for each diameter of pipe furnished, measured from the centerline of pipe to the centerline of curb box. The unit price shall include all pipe, fittings, laying, excavation, backfilling, insulating and testing. 13.06 CORPORATION COCKS 33 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Corporation cocks will be paid for at the contract unit price for each size furnished and installed and shall include the saddle where required and the tap or connection to the water main. 13.07 SERVICE SADDLES Service saddles shall be considered incidental to the corporation cocks as per section 14.06. 13.08 CURB STOPS AND BOXES Curb stops, boxes and extensions will be paid for at the contract unit price for each size furnished and installed and shall include necessary fill when required. 13.09 AIR RELIEF MANHOLES Air relief manholes will be paid for at the contract unit price per manhole installed complete as detailed including corporation cock. 13.10 PILING Piling up to 20 feet long including caps shall be paid for at the contract unit price for each single pile bent in place. No additional payment will be made for cradles. Any piling required over 20 feet in length shall be paid for as excess length of piling. Cut off lengths will not be paid. Double pile bents shall be paid for according to the length of each individual pile. There shall be no additional compensation for lumber or hardware used to tie the piles together. 13.11 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Material used for refilling to pipe foundation grade to assure firm foundation for pipe shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton in place. No foundation material will be paid for that is installed without the knowledge or consent of the engineer nor will payment be made for rock installed only for dewatering purposes. Payment shall include cost of excavation and placement. 13.12 SPECIAL SECTIONS Special sections will be paid for at the contract price on a lump sum basis for all work and material necessary for the complete installation of construction. 13.13 SHEETING ORDERED LEFT IN PLACE Sheeting ordered left in place shall be paid for at the contract unit price per 1000 board feet. 13.14 JACKING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Payment for jacking will be paid for at the contract unit price per lineal foot. Water main used in jacking will be paid separately at bid unit prices for that diameter water main. 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2005 SANITARY AND STORM SEWER SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTI ON 1.00 seo PE .............................................................................................................. 1 1.01 General...................................................................................................................... 1 1. 02 Work Included................................................................ .......................................... 1 1. 03 Location 0 f Work...................................................................................................... 1 1.04 Coordination of Work..... ....... .......... ......... ....... .... ........ .................. ........................... I 1. 05 Working Hours.......................................................................................................... 1 1.06 Reference Requirements ...... .... ........................... ............. ............. .............. .......... .... 1 S ECTI 0 N 2. 00 MATERIALS. ...... ............. ....... .......... .................... ....... .................... ........... .... 2 2.01 General...................................................................................................................... 2 2.02 Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) ......... ................ ........ ................ ............... .............. 2 2.03 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) .............. ........ ......... .............................. .... ..........2 2.04 Comlgated Metal Pipe (CMP) ............ ..... ....................... ..... ........... .................. ........ 3 2.05 Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings (CIP).............................................................................. 3 2.06 Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP)...... .... ............... ........ .... ..... ............. ............ ....... ....... ............. 3 2.07 Polyvinyl Chloride Sewer Pipe (PVC) ..................................................................... 3 2.08 Steel Casing Pipe for Jacking-Boring ....................................................................... 3 2. 09 Jointing Material........................... .......................... ~.................. ............................... 4 2.09a Reinforced Concrete Pipe ....... ......... ....... ................ .................. ............. ...... 4 2.09b Corrugated Metal Pipe ............ ................ ......... ............................ ....... ......... 4 2.09c High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) ..............................................................4 2.09d Ductile Iron Pipe....................................... .................... .............................. 4 2.0ge Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVe) and Fittings................................................ 4 2.10 Manholes and Catch Basins ............................. ......................................................... 4 2.11 Manhole and Catch Basin - Frames and Covers....................................................... 5 2.12 Manhole Steps........................................................................................................... 6 2.13 Mortar.. ........... .......... .......... ....... .......... ................ ................................ ............. ........ 6 2.14 Internal I & I Barrier................................................................................................. 6 2.15 Pre-cast Segmental Block ......................................................................................... 7 2.16 Concrete......................... ...... ......... ................ ......................................... .......... ... ...... 7 2.17 Steel Reinforcing Bars .............................................................................................. 7 2.18 Soil Materials... ........~.......... ................. ................................. ........ ............... ............. 7 2 .18a Normal "Fill Material" ................................................................................. 7 2.18b Select Granular Material.............................................................................. 7 2.18c Granular Borrow Fill Material..................................................................... 7 2.18d Class 5 Aggregate ........................................................................................ 7 2.18e Crushed Rock ............................................................................................... 7 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.18 f Pit Run Gravel... ... ................. ..... .... ....... .... .............. ..................... ................ 8 2.18 g Coarse Filter Aggregate............................. .................................................. 8 2.18h Rock Stabilization............................... ......................................................... 8 2.18i Lightweight Aggregate........ ......................... ................ ................... ............. 8 2.19 Subsurface Draintile ................................................................................................... 8 SECTION 3.00 INSPECTION AND TESTING OF MATERIALS...................................... 9 3.01 Shop Inspections and Testing .................................................................................. 9 3.02 Field Inspection and Testing ............... ...... .......................... ...... .......... ..................... 9 3.03 Disposition of Defective Materia!......... ............. ......... .......... ............ ..... .................. 9 3.04 Concrete Test Cylinders.... ............. ..... ..... .............. .................................................. 9 SECTION 4.00 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR MATERIALS..................... 10 4.01 Material Furnished by Contractor... ........... ........ ........ ...... ........ .............. ...... ............ 10 4.02 Material Furnished by the Owner ............................................................................ 10 4.03 Replacement of Damaged Material.................. ....... .... .................... ......... ..... .......... 10 4.04 Responsibility for Safe Storage ............................................................................... 10 SECTION 5.00 MATERIAL HANDLING, ALIGNMENT AND GRADE ......................... 11 5.01 Material Handling.................................................................................................... 11 5.02 Pipe Alignment and Grade ...... ............. ....... ................. .................. .......................... 11 5.03 Deviation with Engineer's Consent.......................................................................... 11 SECTION 6.00 UNDERGROUND SURFACE AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES................ 12 6.01 Existing Utilities...................................................................................................... 12 6.02 Subsurface Exploration ...... ... ...... ... ... ................. ........ ...... ..... ... .......... .... .............. .... 12 6.03 Overhead Utilities and Obstructions.. ....... ......................................... ........ .............. 12 SECTION 7.00 EXCAVATION AND TRENCH PREPARATION ..................................... 13 7.01 General............................ .................. ........ ............... .......... ......... ..... ........... ............. 13 7.02 Pipe Bedding........ ............... ...................... ......... ..... ...................... ......... .................. 13 7.03 Trench Width and Description............................... .................................................. 14 7.04 Correcting Faulty Grade........ ................... ..... .......................................................... 14 7.05 Pipe Foundation in Poor Soil................................................................................... 15 7.06 Pipe Foundation in Rock....... ................. ........... .......................................... ............. 15 7.07 Braced and Sheeted Trenches .................................................................................. 15 7.08 Piling of Excavated Material........... ..... .......... ......................... ............. ................... 15 7.09 Barricades, Guards and Safety Provisions ............................................................... 16 7.10 Traffic and Utility Controls ............ ................... .............. ........ ....... ...... ................... 16 7 .11 Private Property Protection................................ ...................................................... 16 7.12 Tunneling, Jacking, Boring or Excavation Other Than Open Trench ..................... 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.13 Railroad and Highway Crossings ............................................................................ 16 SECTION 8.00 I.A YIN G OF PIPE .......................................................................................... 17 8.01 Trcnch Prcparation............................... ........... ......................................................... 17 8.02 Type, Size and Class of Pipe ................................................................................... 17 8.03 Class of Bedding...................... ...................... ........ ................. ..... ............................ 17 8.04 Cleaning Pipe............................................. ........................................ ...................... I 7 8.05 Layi ng Pipe ............................................ ............ ........................ ......... ....... .............. I 7 8.06 Grade Control............ .......... ........................... ........... .......... .... ........... ..................... 17 SECTION 9.00 PIPE JOINTING ............................................................................................. 19 9.01 General........................................................................... ............................ .............. 19 9.02 Pipe Joints ................................... ................ ............................................................. 19 SECTION 10.00 HOUSE CONNECTIONS, WYES .............................................................. 20 10.01 General.............................................. ..................................................................... 20 10.02 Record and Location of Service Connections........................................................ 20 SECTION 11.00 SANITARY SEWER LEAKAGE TESTING............................................. 21 11.01 General.. . ..... . .......... . .. . .. .. .. ... . ... .... ... .. .................... .. .. . ....... ... .. .. ... " . . ....... .. ....... .. ... ... 21 11.02 Sanitary Sewer Leakage Testing............................................................................ 21 11.03 Air Test Method..................................................................................................... 21 11.04 Hydrostatic Test Method ....................................................................................... 22 11.05 Deflection Test....................................................................................................... 23 11.06 Test Failure and Remedy ....................................................................................... 23 SECTION 12.00 SETTING MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS...................................... 24 12.0 I General..... ..... ..................... ......... ............. .................. .............................. .............. 24 12.02 Location................................................................................................................. 24 12.03 Type of Construction.............;............................................................................... 24 12.04 Construction Details .............................................................................................. 24 12.05 Adjusting Rings and Blocks .................................................................................. 24 12.06 Waterproofing and Precast Section Joint Construction ......................................... 24 12.07 Lifting Holes.. ....................................... .... ......................... .................................... 24 12.08 Mahhole and Catch Basin Base ............................................................................. 25 12.09 Manhole Drop Sections.... .................................................. ................... ................ 25 .SECTI 0 N 13.00 BA CKFILLIN G ................................................................ ........... ................. 26 13.01 General.... ................................................ ............................................................... 26 11l IV I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13.02 Backfill Procedure at Pipe Zone ............................................................................ 26 13.03 Backfill Procedure above the Pipe Zone................................................................ 26 13.03 a Type I ........ ................ ................. ............... ............................................... 26 13.03 b Type 11.............. .... .... .......... ... ..... ..... ............... .................. ................... ..... 27 13.04 Disposal of Excess Materials and Debris .............................................................. 27 13.05 Fill Material............... ........... .... .......... ...... ............. ................. ....... .... .... ........ ........ 27 13.06 Density Tests.......................................................................................................... 27 13. 07 Test Rolling............................................... ...................................... ....................... 28 SECTION 14.00 SURFACE RESTORATION, CLEANUP AND GUARANTEE.............. 29 14.01 Restoration of Surface .............. ................... ..... ........ .................................. ........... 29 14.02 Dust Control During Construction... .......... ............... ..................... ..... .......... ......... 29 14.03 Mailbox Restoration ............. .......... ............... .................................. ...................... 29 14.04 Maintenance of Streets Until Surfaced ...... ......... .......... .......... ........ ......... ........ ...... 29 14.05 Cleaning Up . ....... ............ ............. ................... ......... .............. .......... ............... ....... 29 14.06 Guarantee.. .......... ..... ....................................................................... ....................... 29 14.07 Failure to Replace Defective Parts......................................................................... 30 SECTION 15.00 TURF ESTABLISHMENT ........................................................................... 31 15.01 General.. ............. .................. ............. ........ ................ ..................................... ........ 31 SECTION 16.00 OPEN DITCH CONSTRUCTION...................................................;.......... 32 16.01 General................................................................................................................... 32 16.02 Excavation............................................................................................................. 32 16. 03 Waste Banks........................................................................................................... 32 16.04 Obstructions.................................................... ....................................................... 32 16.05 Silt Removal......... ................... ..... ............ ...... .............. ....................... .............. ..... 32 SECTION 17.00 RIPRAP AND EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS .............................. 34 17.01 General.... ................. ................. ..... .................................... .......................... .......... 34 17.02 Riprap Materials ........... .......... .......... ........... ............... ..... ................... ......... .......... 34 17.02a Class or Size of Hand Placed and Grouted Riprap ..................................34 17.02b Size of Rock Versus Weight.................................................................... 34 17.03 Random Riprap .. ............................. .......... .................... ......................................... 34 17.04 Hand Placed Riprap ............................................................................................... 34 17.05 Grouted Riprap ..... ........... ........ ...... .......... ..... ............ ............................................. 34 17.06 Erosion Control........ ...... ................... ....... .............................................................. 35 17.07 Filter Blanket Material... ...... .............. ...... ...... ........ ................................................ 35 17.08 Liner Material........................................................................................................ 35 SECTI ON 18.00 FO RCEMAIN .......................................................................... ... .................. 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 18.01 Ductile Iron Pipe ................. .......... .............. ....... .... ................. ............... ..... ........... 36 18.02 Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure Pipe ..........................................................................37 18.03 Air and Vacuum Valves......................................................................................... 37 18.04 Air Relief Manhole ........ ....... ........ ...... ........ .................... ............ ....... .................... 37 18.05 Pipe Installation ................. ................. ...................................................... ............. 37 18.06 Laying Pipe ..... ............... ....... ............... ....... ...... ....... ................ ...... ......... ............... 38 18.07 Testing F orcernains................ ........... ...... ................................................... ............ 38 SECTION 19.00 TELEVISION INSPECTION ...................................................................... 40 SECTION 20.00 METHOD OF PAyMENT........................................................................... 42 20.01 Sewer Pipe............................................. ................................................................ 42 20.02 Cast Iron Pipe or Ductile Iron Pipe in Lieu of Other Sewer Pipe.......................... 42 20.03 Manholes................ .......................... ...................................................................... 42 20.03a. Drop Section for Drop Manholes............................................................ 42 20.04 Wyes, Tees and Special Fittings ............................................................................ 42 20.05 Catch Basins .... ...................................................................................................... 43 20.06 Flared End Sections in Place ................................................................................. 43 20.07 Piling...................................................................................................................... 43 20.08 Foundation Material..... '" ...... .... ............... ......... ........ ......... ..... ..... ........ ..... ......... .... 43 20.09 Special Sections .......... ..... ......... ...... ....... ........ ............. ...................... ..................... 43 20.1 0 Piling Foundation for Manholes ............................................................................ 43 20.11 Sheeting Ordered in Place...................................................................................... 43 20.12 Jacking.......................... ................ ....... ........... .............................. ........ ................. 44 20.13 Incidental Items...................... ............. ...................................... ... ........ .................. 44 20.14 Television Inspection............................................................................................. 44 20.15 Subsurface Draintile .................. .................. ................ .................. ...... ........ ........... .44 v I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1.00 - SCOPE 1.01 GENERAL It is the intent of these specification requirements to provide the requirements for sanitary and storm sewer construction in the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. 1.02 WORK INCLUDED The contractor shall, unless specified otherwise, furnish all materials, equipment, tools and labor necessary to do the work required under his contract and unload, haul and distribute all pipe, castings, fittings, manholes and accessories. The contractor shall also remove any street surfacing as required; excavate the trenches and pits to the required dimensions; construct and maintain all bridges for traffic control; sheet, brace and support the adjoining ground or structures where necessary; handle all drainage or ground water; provide barricades, guards and warning lights; lay and test the pipe, castings, fittings, manholes and accessories, backfill and consolidate the trenches and pits; maintain the street or other surface over the trench until surface restoration; restore the roadway surface unless otherwise stipulated; remove surplus excavated material; and clean the site of the work. The contractor shall also furnish all equipment, tools, labor and materials required to rearrange sewers, conduits, ducts, pipes or other structures encountered in the installation of the work. All the above work to completely construct the sewer facilities shall be done in strict accordance with the project's contract documents to which these specifications are a part thereof. 1.03 LOCATION OF WORK The location of this work is as shown on the plans. 1.04 COORDINATION OF WORK The contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory coordination of the construction of the sewer facilities with other construction and activities in the area affected. Del~ys in work resulting from lack of such harmony shall not in any way be a cause for extra compensation by any ofthe parties. 1.05 WORKING HOURS Refer to Section 7.02 of the General Conditions. 1.06 REFERENCE REQUIREMENTS In the specification requirements, reference is made to "MnDOT Specifications" which shall mean the "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction" of the Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2000 Edition, and all subsequent amendments, and City Engineers Association "Standard Utilities Specifications" for Watermain and Service Line Installation and Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Installation, 1999 Edition, and all subsequent amendments shall apply. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 2.00 - MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL The materials used in this work shall be all new, and conform to the requirements for class, kind, size and material as specified below. All materials permanently incorporated in the work shall be made in America in accordance with Minnesota State Statute 16B.IOI PREFERENCE FOR AMERICAN-MADE MATERIALS. The contractor shall submit in writing a list of materials showing the manufacturer and designation of all materials. This list must be approved by the engmeer. 2.02 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (RCP) Reinforced concrete pipe and fittings including bends, tee sections and specials shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipe, ASTM Designation C76 Wall B with circular reinforcing for the class of pipe specified. Pipe required for piling shall be reinforced concrete pipe furnished in eight-foot (8') lengths and shall be of special design in accordance with Section 10, ASTM Designation C76, latest revision. Concrete pipe to be jacked shall be Class V or greater. Reinforced concrete pipe less than 15" will not be allowed. Concrete pipe bends called for on the plans shall be 7'ho pipe bends with a 4'-0" center line laying length and a 30.5' radius of curve, and with wall thicknesses and steel reinforcing in accordance with ASTM Specifications C76. The bends shall be of the same pipe class as the pipe on either side of the bend. 2.03 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) A. HDPE smooth interior, dual-walled pipe may be used for storm sewer sizes up to and including 18 inches in diameter, EXCEPT for paved street areas and the last three pipe of lines into ponds or ditches. Pipe to be N-12 as manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems or approved equal. B. General Requirements: ASTM F894 & AASHTO M-294 (Type S) C. Materials: PE plastic compound meeting the requirements of Type III, Class C, Category 5, Grade P-34 as defined in ASTM Dl248 with an established hydrostatic design basis (HDB) of not less than 1250 psi for water at 73.48F determined in accordance with ASTM D2837. D. Each pipe shall be identified with the manufacturer's name, trade name or trademark and code from plant location, machine, and date of manufacture; nominal pipe size, in inches; the Ring Stiffuess Constant Classification and ASTM F894. E. No polyethylene fittings (tees, elbows, flared-end sections, etc.) will be allowed. Flared-end sections are required to be reinforced concrete pipe. Bell-to-bell pipe couplers must be water tight, non-cleated with an o-ring gasket. 2 Nominal Casing Size 12 14 16 18 20 Outside Diameter (Inches) 12-3/4 14 16 18 20 Minimum Shell Thickness (Inches) 0.250 0.282 0.282 0.312 0.343 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.04 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CMP) Corrugated metal pipe materials shall conform to the following MnlDOT Specifications: Corrugated Aluminum Pipe Corrugated Steel Pipe Corrugated Structural Plate Spec. 3225 Spec. 3226 Spec. 3231 2.05 CAST IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS (CIP) Cast iron fittings shall be Class 250 for sizes up to and including 12" and Class 150 for sizes 14" and larger. Fittings shall conform to the requirements of A WW A Specification C 11 O. Ductile Iron Fittings shall have mechanical joints and shall be Class 350 for sizes up to and including 12" diameter and shall conform to A WW A Specification C153, covering compact fittings. All pipe and fittings shall be cement-lined inside and tar-coated outside. 2.06 DUCTILE IRON PIPE (DIP) Ductile iron pipe shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 150 pounds per square inch and shall conform to the applicable dimensions, weights and tolerances of Federal Specification WW-P-421b for cast iron pipe. Ductile iron shall be Grade 60-42-10 with 40/90 metal strength and shall be tested in accordance with ASTM Specification A339-55. All pipe shall be cement-lined inside and tar-coated outside. The class of ductile iron pipe shall be as specified by the engineer. 2.07 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE SEWER PIPE (PVC) Polyvinyl chloride sewer pipe shall be produced by a continuous extrusion process using Type 1, Grade 1 material, material as defmed in the latest revision of ASTM Specification D-1784. The design, dimensions and wall thickness shall conform to ASTM Standard Specifications D-3034, SDR 35. In cuts deeper than 16' in clay soils, SDR 26 pipe, wyes, and fittings shall be used. 2.08 STEEL CASING PIPE FOR JACKING-BORING Steel casing pipe for jacking-boring shall conform to ASTM Designation A252, Grade 2 or ASTM Designation A139, Grade B. The casing pipe shall have minimum thickness as follows: 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 22 24 26 28 . 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 0.375 0.403 0.438 0.469 0.469 0.500 0.532 0.532 0.532 0.563 0.563 2.09 JOINTING MA TERlAL The jointing material for each type of pipe specified here before shall be as follows: 2.09A Reinforced Concrete Pipe. Reinforced concrete pipe joints shall be Type R-4, and the gasket shall be circular in cross section. The joint shall be constructed in accordance with ASTM C-36I. 2.09B Corrugated Metal Pipe. Corrugated metal pipe joints shall employ coupling bands as per MnDOT Specification 3226. 2.09C High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). Joints shall conform to ASTM D3212. Joints shall be push-on type only with the bell-end grooved to receive a gasket. Elastomeric seal (gasket) shall have a basic polymer of synthetic rubber conforming to ASTM F477 and be factory installed and chemically bonded to the bell-end of the pipe. Natural, field installed rubber gaskets will not be accepted. Joints must provide a water tight connection. 2.09D Ductile Iron Pipe. Ductile iron pipe joints shall be of the push-on type which comply with A WW A Specification C-lll, latest revision. If used as a pressure line, an electrical contact must be provided through every joint. 2.09E Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC) and Fittings. Polyvinyl chloride pipe joints shall be the bell and spigot type using solvent cement supplied by the pipe manufacturer and applied according to his instructions. Rubber gasketed push-on type joints are permitted only on mainline (lateral) sewer lines. Typical sanitary house services shall be SDR 26, solvent, non-gasketed weld joints. 2.10 MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS Manholes and catch basins shall be constructed using precast sections conforming to ASTM Specification C-478. Manhole section joints shall be Type R-4. Sanitary sewer manholes shall be supplied with pre-formed inverts and flexible sleeve connections for all lateral lines 15" in diameter or less unless otherwise noted on the construction plans. The flexible connection shall be an interface boot as manufactured by Elk River Concrete, or Kore-N-Seal Boot as manufactured by North Star Concrete or equal. No speed crete will be allowed for manhole sealing. Precast joints shall be sealed using "Cretex" internal manhole joint seals or equal in high ground water areas. 4 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Where shown on the detail plates or drawings, manholes may be built using blocks laid up on full mortar beds and vertical joints shall be completely filled with mortar. The base of the unit shall be shaped to form a smooth transition section from inlet to outlet either formed directly in the concrete or built up of brickwork and mortar or by running a half section of pipe through the manhole. 2.11 MANHOLE AND CATCH BASIN - FRAMES AND COVERS Cast iron for both manholes and catch basin frames and covers shall be of the best grade of cast iron, free from all injurious defects and flaws, and shall conform to the following specifications: Federal AA-I-652, ASTM A48-56, AASHO MI05-49 and ASA 6.25101948. The standard manhole casting shall be M.C.I. #309 or Neenah #R-1642 with "self-sealing" lids and two concealed pick holes as shown on standard plate #2101, or approved equal. The minimum total allowable weight shall be 380 pounds. All castings shall be adjusted in accordance with standard detail plate #2110 prior to acceptance by the City of any utilities on the project. Adjusting rings shall be precast concrete or HDPE rings as manufactured by Ladtech, Inc. or approved equal. HDPE adjusting ring sealant shall be a butyl caulk as manufactured by Ladtech sealant or approved equal and shall be installed as per the manufacturer's specifications. Cast iron or ductile iron cover risers shall be Neenah Foundry No. R-1979 or Ess Brothers & Sons, Inc. with 2" rise or approved equal. To ensure positive adherence: 1. Grind or scrape and wire brush the surfaces to be bonded. It is very important to have a clean surface - free of tar, dirt, rust, and foreign materials. For multiple installations, an air compressor along with an air driven grinder and an air blow gun is highly recommended for faster installations. 2. Before applying EBS Super Glue, observe the surface to make sure it is not water saturated (use rags to dry if needed). A damp surface is OK. Locate a standard caulking gun and apply a minimum of a 3/8" bead of EBS Super Glue 360 degrees around the top edge of frame. 3. Using a spray bottle, lightly mist the 3/8" bead of EBS Super Glue with water. This will ensure proper adhesion and curing. EBS Super Glue will cure in 8-24 hours depending on outside air temperature. Ifpossible, keep traffic offbonding area for a minimum of eight (8) hours. Lettering on the manhole castings shall be as shown on the standard plate. Storm sewer inlet castings shall be Neenah Foundry No. R-3290-L as shown on the standard plates. All castings shall conform to the requirements and dimensions shown on the drawings. All covers must fit closely in the rings in any and all positions and, when placed in the rings, must fit the ring solidly in all positions so that there will be no rocking from pressure applied on any point of the cover. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. 12 MANHOLE STEPS All manhole steps shall confoml to Neenah Foundry Step No. R- I 9811 in dimension and strength. Manhole steps shall be spaced 16" on center on the downstream face of the manhole unless specified otherwise. Cast iron manhole steps shall be manufactured from high test metal having a minimum tensile strength of 35,000 pounds per square inch. Aluminum. Aluminum manhole steps of a design similar to the cast iron steps specified may be used. Aluminum manhole steps shall be made of Apex Temalloy No.5 aluminum alloy. Plastic. Copolymer Polypropylene plastic manhole steps (PSI-PF) may be used or equal. 2.13 MORTAR Mortar shall consist of a mixture of one part Portland Hydraulic Cement and two parts of clean washed sand by volume. The quantity of water in the mixture shall be sufficient to produce a stiff workable mortar, but in no case shall exceed five-and-one-half (5Y2) gallons of water per sack of cement. Sand shall conform to ASTM C-144. Portland cement shaIl conform to ASTM C-150. 2.14 I & I BARRIERS An I & I barrier as manufactured by Strike Products, Cannon Falls, MN or approved equal shall be supplied for all sanitary sewer manholes. The I & I barriers shall be a u.v. stabilized low-density polyethylene meeting the latest ASTM standards for low-density polyethylene materials. The I & I barrier shall be equipped with a drip edge to direct water to the outside of the manhole. Ram-neck or material as recommended by the manufacturer shall be used to seal the I & I barrier to the concrete manhole cone top. The I & I barrier shall be 18" tall by W' thick wall and cut to fit on site. All costs for furnishing I & I Barriers shall be included in the unit price bid for sanitary manholes. 2. I 5 PRE-CAST SEGMENTAL BLOCK 8" pre-cast segmental radial block may be used for the lower portion of manhole over large diameter pipe and for shallow manholes and catch basins. Concrete used in the manufacturing of these blocks G I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I shall conform to the requirements of ASTM "Specifications for Concrete & Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins & Manholes", Serial Designation C-139. The exterior of all block manholes shall be plastered with one-half inch (W') of mortar. 2.16 CONCRETE Concrete to be used shall be composed of a mixture of fine and coarse aggregate and a Portland Hydraulic Cement conforming to the ASTM Specification Designation C-150, Type 1, with the proper water-cement ratio to obtain a compressive strength of not less than 3,000 pounds per square inch in 28 days. The fine aggregate for concrete shall be composed of a clean washed sand of hard, sharp, durable particles. Coarse aggregate for concrete shall be composed of a gravel uniformly graded 3/4" maximum size to #4 sieve. Coarse aggregate shall be composed of hard durable particles free of shale, chert, flat or elongated pieces. Mixing water shall be suitable for drinking purposes, containing no acids, alkalis, oils or other deleterious materials. Concrete shall be mixed in a mechanically operated mixer so controlled that the drum shall operate a minute and one-half after all materials including water are in the drum. 2.17 STEEL REINFORCING BARS Steel reinforcing bars shall be deformed steel bars for concrete reinforcement to conformance with ASTM Designation A-305 and ASTM Designation A-15 Intermediate Grade Billet Steel. 2.18 SOIL MATERIALS 2.18A Normal "Fill Material. Is defined under the Sewer Specification No. 13.05. 2.18B Select Granular Material. MnDOT Specification 3149.2B shall be used for select granular material as shown and specified under the pipe bedding classification or an equivalent natural granular soil (100% passing a %" sieve and maximum oflO% passing a #200 sieve); 2.l8C Granular Borrow Fill Material. MnDOT Specification 3149.2A shall be used for granular borrow material as shown and specified under the pipe bedding classification or an equivalent natural granular soil (100% passing a %" sieve and a maximum of20% passing a #200 sieve); 2.18D Class 5 Aggregate. Class 5 crushed aggregate shall be in conformance with MnDOT Specification 3138. 2.18E Crushed Rock. The material shall consist of durable crushed quarry rock of which 100% passes a two-inch (2") sieve and of which 95% is retained on a #4 sieve size. It shall not contain soil overburden, sod, roots, plants, and other organic matter, or any other materials considered objectionable by the engineer. 2.18F Pit Run Gravel. The material shall consist of sound, durable particles of gravel and sand with which may be included limited amounts of fine soil particles as binding material, and of which 100% passes a two-inch (2") sieve and of which 90% is retained on the #200 sieve size. It shall not contain sod, roots, plants and other organic matter, or any other objectionable materials. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. I 8G Coarse Filter Aggregate. Coarse granular pipe bedding material shall be a well-graded crushed rock or pea gravel and shall meet the requirements ofMnDOT Specification 3149.2H of which 100% passes a one-inch (I") sieve and a maximum of 10% passes a #4 sieve. It shall not contain sod, roots, plants and other organic matter, or any other objectionable materials. 2. I 8H Rock Stabilization. Rock stabilization shall consist of three-fourth inch (3/4") minus rock installed in the trench bottom at the discretion of the engineer. 2.181 Lightweight Aggregate. Lightweight aggregate shall consist of an aggregate having a density of 48 to 54 pounds per cubic foot installed in the trench bottom at the direction of the engineer. 2.19 SUBSURFACE DRAINTILE Subsurface drains shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of MnDOT 2502 and in accordance with the City's standard detail plate nos. 5232 and 5233 whichever is applicable. This drain is intended to collect and discharge infiltration that may accumulate in the bottom of granular backfilled subcuts. Subsurface drain pipe shall be 4-inch perforated PVC, Corrugated PE, or dual wall, smooth interior corrugated PE pipe, MnDOT 3278. To prevent infiltration of fine filter aggregate into the perforated pipe, it shall be wrapped with geotextile, MnDOT 3733, Type I. Trench backfill shall be Coarse Filter Aggregate, MnDOT 3149.2H. Subcut drains shall connect directly to permanent drainage structures (catch basins). Connections to drainage structures shall be incidental work and shall meet the approval ofthe Engineer. Pipe shall generally be placed according to the standard details, but other configurations may be approved by the Engineer to accomplish the desired results. Unless otherwise specified, drain grades shall conform to subcut grades having positive drainage throughout the line to the drainage structure (no high or low points). When draintile outlets exceed 100 feet, cleanouts shall be provided at I DO-foot intervals and at the upper end of the pipe as per standard Detail Plate No. 5234. The Contractor shall place 4-inch perforated PE pipe in the bottom of the subcut according to the design typical. The coarse filter aggregate and at least 12 inches of subcut backfill shall be placed above the pipe before any compactive effort is applied. Perforations shall be laid down. Connections to drainage structures shall be composed of angle fittings not to exceed 22-112 degrees. Openings in structures to receive the fitting shall be fabricated at the plant or core drilled in the field. The use of jackhammers or sledge hammering will not be allowed. 8 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 3.00 - INSPECTION AND TESTING OF MATERIALS 3.01 SHOP INSPECTIONS AND TESTING All materials furnished by the contractor are subject, at the discretion of the engineer, to inspection and/or testing by accepted methods at the plant of the manufacturer. This inspection and/or testing is to be made at the cost ofthe Owner. The material supplier shall provide the City with copies oftest results on materials that are furnished to the contractor. 3.02 FIELD INSPECTION AND TESTING All materials furnished by or for the contractor for incorporation into the work under contract shall, at the discretion of the engineer, be subject to inspection and/or testing by methods acceptable to the engineer and at the expense of the contractor. 3.03 DISPOSITION OF DEFECTIVE MATERIAL All material found during the process of inspecting and testing to be defective, or defective material encountered at any time during the progress of the work, will be rejected by the engineer and the contractor shall promptly remove from the site all such material. 3.04 CONCRETE TEST CYLINDERS The contractor shall furnish without charge all concrete samples needed for concrete test cylinders, slump tests, air entertainment tests, and any other tests ordered by the engineer On all types of concrete construction, up to 4 test cylinders may be taken from each section of the structure cast in one pouring operation. The actual cost of testing shall be paid by the owner! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 4.00 - CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR MATERIALS 4.01 MATERIAL FURNISHED BY CONTRACTOR The contractor shall be responsible for all material furnished, and shall replace at his own expense all such material that is found to be defective in manufacture or that has become damaged in handling after delivery by the manufacturer. This shall include the furnishing of all material and labor required for the replacement of installed material discovered defective prior to the final acceptance of the work or during the warranty period. 4.02 MATERIAL FURNISHED BY THE OWNER The contractor's responsibility for material furnished by the owner shall begin at the point of delivery by the manufacturer, or owner, and upon acceptance of the material by the contractor. The contractor shall examine all material furnished by the owner at the time and place of delivery and shall reject all defective material. The point of delivery shall be stated in the special provisions. 4.03 REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED MATERIAL Any material furnished by the owner that becomes damaged after acceptance by the contractor shall be replaced by the contractor at his own expense. 4.04 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFE STORAGE The contractor shall be responsible for the safe storage of material furnished by or to him, and accepted by him, and intended for the work, until it has been incorporated in the completed project. The interior of all pipe, fittings, and other accessories shall be kept free from dirt and foreign matter at all times. 10 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 5.00 - MATERIAL HANDLING, ALIGNMENT AND GRADE 5.01 MATERIAL HANDLING Pipe and other accessories shall, unless otherwise directed in the special provisions, be unloaded at the point of delivery, hauled to and distributed at the site of the project by the contractor. They shall at all times be handled with care to avoid damage. In distributing the material at the site, each piece shall be unloaded opposite or near the place where it is to be laid in the trench. Any adjustments to pipe lengths including R.c.P. shall be accomplished by the use of a saw or cutting device. The use of hammers or mauls will not be permitted. Pipe shall be so handled that the coating and lining will not be damaged. If, however, any part of the lining or coating is damaged, the repair shall be made by the contractor at his expense in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. 5.02 PIPE ALIGNMENT AND GRADE All pipe shall be laid and maintained to the required lines and grades, with manholes, catch basins and fittings at the required locations. The owner will furnish one set of line and grade stakes necessary for the work. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to preserve these stakes from loss or displacement. The engineer may order replaced any stakes he deems necessary for the proper prosecution of the work. Any replacements shall be at the contractor's expense. All pipes shall be laid to the grade shown on the contract drawings. 5.03 DEVIATION WITH ENGINEER'S CONSENT No deviation shall be made from the required line or grade except with the written consent of the engmeer. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 6.00 - UNDERGROUND SURFACE AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES G.Ol EXISTING UTILITIES Existing water and sewer mains, and other underground utilities, are shown on the plans only by general location. The owner does not guarantee the locations as shown on the plans, and the contractor shall be solely responsible for verifying the exact location of each of these utilities, without additional compensation. Prior to the start of any construction, the contractor shall notify all utility companies having utilities in the project area. The contractor shall have sole responsibility for providing temporary support and for protecting and maintaining all existing utilities in the project area during the entire period of construction, including but not limited to the period of excavation, backfill and compaction. In carrying out this responsibility, the contractor shall exercise particular care, whenever gas mains or other utility lines are crossed, to provide compacted backfill or other stable support for such lines to prevent any detrimental displacement, rupture or other failure. 6.02 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION It shall be the contractor's responsibility to determine and verify the location of existing pipes, valves or other underground structures as necessary to progress with the work with no additional compensation allowed. The engineer shall make all known records available. All known utilities are designated on the plans in a general way only as stated above. 6.03 OVERHEAD UTILITIES AND OBSTRUCTIONS Overhead utilities, poles, etc. shall be protected against damages by the contractor and if damaged by the contractor, shall be replaced by him. Should it become necessary during the progress of the work to remove or relocate existing poles, overhead utilities and obstructions, the contractor shall cause the same to be done at no expense to the owner unless otherwise provided for in the special provisions. This requirement is not intended to allow utility companies to charge for expenses incurred for work performed where their utilities lie within the street right-of-way or dedicated easement. It wiIJ be the duty ofthe contractor to visit the site and make exact determination ofthe existence of any such facilities prior to the submission of his bid. 12 7.01 GENERAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 7.00- EXCAVATION AND TRENCH PREPARATION The trench shall be so dug that the pipe can be laid to the alignment and depth required and shall be excavated only so far in advance of pipe laying as the Engineer shall specify. The trench shall be so braced and drained that the workmen may work wherein safely and efficiently. All trenches shall be sheeted and braced as per Chapter Sixty-Six: Trench bracing of the Minnesota Regulations relating to industrial safety to a safe angle of repose. Such angle of repose shall be no less than that repose required by the Accident Prevention Division of the Minnesota State Industrial Commission or the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), whichever is more restrictive. It is essential that the discharge of any required trench dewatering pumps be conducted to natural public drainage channels, drains or storm sewers. All utility installations under existing "collector" roads or newly constructed (less than 5 years old) residential streets shall be jacked or directional bored as appropriate. No open trenching will be allowed. 7.02 PIPE BEDDING Pipe bedding as shown on the standard plates shall be used as directed on the plans or specified in the special provision. PVC, HOPE, and ABS pipe shall be bedded in accordance with the specifications described below. Any special bedding shall be in accordance with the special proVIsIOns. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC) - All PVC pipe shall be installed and bedded in accordance with ASTM Specification D-2321, "Recommended Practice for Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe." Embedment materials shall be in. accordance with MnDOT specification 3149.2B as shown on standard plate #2203. These materials shall all pass a three- quarter inch (3/4") sieve and not more than 10% shall pass a #200 sieve. Embedment materials shall be compacted in six-inch (6") lifts to a point twelve inches (12") above the pipe and to a density of at least 95% of standard proctor density as described by ASTM methods D698. All embedment materials shall be tested for compliance with the above specification and test results shall be supplied to the Engineer. If materials are purchased, weight slips should also be provided. The contractor shall check for excess deflection in all portions of the PVC sanitary sewer line after placement of the backfill materials in the trench. The deflection will be checked by means of a Mandrel prior to final acceptance of the sanitary sewer line and after 30 days of its installation, whichever is the greater. The owner reserves the right to measure pipe deflection at any time during the warranty period. Deflections greater than 5% of the inside diameter of the pipe shall be considered failure of the bedding procedure. The test shall be performed without using mechanical pulling devices. The contractor shall be required to re-excavate the trench, recompact the backfill material and restore the surface at no additional compensation with the re-Iaid pipe meeting the 5% requirement. An air pressure retest to be performed if applicable. 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) - All HDPE pipe shall be installed and bedded in accordance with ASTM Specification 0-2321, "Recommended Practice for Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe." Embedment materials shall be in accordance with MnDOT specification 3l49.2B as shown on standard plate #2203. These materials shall all pass a three- quarter inch (3/4") sieve and not more than 10% shall pass a #200 sieve. Embedment materials shall be compacted in six-inch (6") lifts to a point twelve inches (12") above the pipe and to a density of at least 95% of standard proctor density as described by ASTM methods D698. All embedment materials shall be tested for compliance with the above specification and test results shall be supplied to the Engineer. If materials are purchased, weight slips should also be provided. The contractor shall check for excess deflection in all portions of the HDPE storm sewer line after placement of the backfill materials in the trench. The deflection will be checked by means of a visual, lamping inspection prior to final acceptance of the storm sewer line and after installation is complete. The owner reserves the right to measure pipe deflection at any time during the warranty period. Deflections greater than 5% of the inside diameter of the pipe shall be considered failure of the bedding procedure. The test shall be performed without using mechanical pulling devices. The contractor shall . be required to re-excavate the trench, recompact the backfill material and restore the surface at no additional compensation with the re-Iaid pipe meeting the 5% requirement. Reinforced Concrete mCP) or Ductile Iron (DIP) - When existing soil conditions are not acceptable for backfill and/or compaction in the pipe zone, pipe bedding and backfill shall be used as shown on standard plate #2201. Otherwise, backfill as shown on standard plate #2202 may be used. 7.03 TRENCH WIDTH AND DESCRIPTION The trench width at the top of the excavation may vary depending upon the depth of the trench and the nature of material encountered. However, the maximum allowable width of trench shall be in strict accordance with Section 2503.3B MnDOT Specifications. The width of the trench shall also be kept at a minimum to prevent excess destruction of the existing street or highway pavement. For trench width at the top of pipe greater than specified in the paragraph above, the contractor may propose alternate strength of pipe to depth of cover relationships other than those listed on the form of proposal, or shown on the plans. Such proposals must be submitted to the engineer for approval in writing and with pertinent pipe strength and soil weight data at least 14 days prior to the desired construction date. No extra compensation shall be allowed for any increase in material or construction costs created by alternate plans. 7.04 CORRECTING FAULTY GRADE Any part of the trench excavated below grade shall be corrected with approved material and thoroughly compacted without additional compensation to the contractor. 7.05 PIPE FOUNDA nON IN POOR SOIL When the bottom at subgrade is soft and in the opinion of the engineer cannot adequately support the pipe, a further depth and/or width shall be excavated and refilled to pipe foundation grade with 14 7.06 PIPE FOUNDATION IN ROCK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I approved material and thoroughly compacted; or other approved means, such as piling, shall be adopted to assure a firm foundation for the pipe with extra compensation allowed the contractor as provided elsewhere in these specifications. The contractor shall furnish, drive, and place piling if ordered by the engineer. Piles shall be driven in exact position at locations determined by the engineer. The contractor at his own expense must replace piles not correctly positioned at the completion of driving. The space between the bottom of the trench and rock and the bottom of the pipe shall be backfilled with granular base material thoroughly tamped. Generally speaking the material from the trench excavation, other than rock or boulders, shall be considered suitable material. No additional compensation for placing or tamping this material shall be allowed. However, in the event that additional material must be hauled in, the hauling of the suitable granular material for the pipe bed shall be paid for on a weight basis when ordered by the engineer. Weight slips shall be delivered to the engineer daily. 7.07 BRACED AND SHEETED TRENCHES The contractor shall adequately brace and sheet excavations wherever necessary to prevent caving or damage to nearby property. The cost of this temporary sheeting and bracing, unless provided for otherwise, shall be considered as part of the excavation costs without additional compensation to the contractor. Trench sheeting shall remain in place until pipe has been laid, tested for defects and repaired if necessary, and the earth around it compacted to a depth of one foot (1 ') over the top of the pipe. Sheeting, bracing, etc. placed in the "pipe zone", that part of the trench below a distance of one foot (1 ') above the top of the pipe, shall not be removed without the written permission or written order of the engineer; that sheeting thereby left in place shall be paid for at the unit price bid. Sheeting ordered left in place by the engineer in writing shall be paid for at the unit price bid. The contractor may also leave in place, at his own expense, to be embedded in the backfill of the trench, any sheeting or bracing in addition to that ordered left in place by the engineer for the purpose of preventing injury or damage to persons, corporations, or property, whether public or private, for which the contractor under the terms ofthis contract is liable. 7.08 PILING OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that will not endanger the work and that will avoid obstructing sidewalks and driveways. Gutters shall be kept clear or other satisfactory provisions made for street drainage. 7.09 BARRICADES. GUARDS AND SAFETY PROVISIONS To protect persons from injury and to avoid property damage, adequate barricades, construction signs, torches, flashers, and guards as required shall be placed and maintained during the progress of the construction work and until it is safe for traffic to use the highway. All material piles, equipment 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and pipe which may serve as obstructions to traffic shall be enclosed by fences or barricades and shall be protected by proper lights when the visibility is poor. The rules and regulations of the local authorities respecting safety provisions shall be observed. 7.10 TRAFFIC AND UTILITY CONTROLS Excavations for pipe laying oper~tions shall be conducted in a manner to cause the least interruption to traffic. Where traffic must cross open trenches, the contractor shall provide suitable bridges at street intersections and driveways. The contractor shall post, where directed by the engineer, suitable signs indicating that a street is closed and necessary detour signs for the proper maintenance of traffic. Hydrants under pressure, valve pit covers, valve boxes, curb stop boxes, fire or police call boxes, or other utility controls shall be left unobstructed and accessible during the construction period. 7.11 PRIVATE PROPERTY PROTECTION Trees, fences, poles and all other private property shall be protected unless their removal is authorized; and any property damage shall be satisfactorily restored by the contractor, or adequate compensation therefore shall be the responsibility of the contractor. 7.12 TUNNELING, JACKING, BORING OR EXCAVATION OTHER THAN OPEN TRENCH Where pipe cannot be placed by open trench excavation, the method for placing and payment therefore shall be stated in the special provisions. 7.13 RAILROAD AND HIGHWAY CROSSINGS When any railroad is crossed, all precautionary construction measures required by the railroad shall be followed. See special provisions or detail drawings. The contractor shall be responsible for the securing of necessary crossing permits. Before any construction is started, the successful bidder shall meet with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, County Highway Department, Railroad Maintenance Engineer, and the consulting engineers to determine the construction procedure to be followed, methods of rerouting traffic, placing of barricades, flares, signs, flagmen, etc., and methods of preventing damage to the highway or railroad. If required by the railroad or highway department, the contractor shall deposit with them a certified check in the amount specified by them to cover the required repair work. 16 8.01 TRENCH PREPARATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 8.00 - LAYING OF PIPE Prior to the laying of the pipe, the trench shall be excavated and prepared in accordance with the previous specifications and the class of bedding specified. 8.02 TYPE, SIZE AND CLASS OF PIPE The type, size and class of pipe installed shall be in conformance with that specified on the bid proposal, plans and/or detail plates. 8.03 CLASS OF BEDDING The class of bedding shall be in conformance with that specified on the plans or Standard Plates. 8.04 CLEANING PIPE All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe before it is lowered into its position in the trench, and it shall be kept clean by approved means during and after laying. The outside of the tongue or spigot end of the pipe shall be wire brushed and wiped clean and dry and free from oil and grease before the pipe is laid. 8.05 LAYING PIPE The contractor shall plug the pipe under construction at any existing manhole until the system is finaled. Pipe laying shall proceed with the tongue or spigot ends pointed in the direction of flow. The laying of pipe shall conform to the class of bedding specified. Pipe shall not be laid in water or when the trench conditions are up.suitable for such work except by written permission of the engineer. The excavation of trenches shall be fully completed a sufficient distance in advance of the pipe laying and the exposed ends of all pipe shall be fully protected with a board or approved stopper to prevent earth or other substances from entering the pipe. The interior of the sewer shall be carefully cleaned from all dirt, cement, or superfluous material of every description as the work progresses. If necessary, pipe shall be thoroughly flushed at the completion of the work at the expense of the contractor as directed by the engineer. 8.06 GRADE CONTROL The contractor shall maintain the line and grade of the pipe in the trench by means of the laser or batter board method. Not less than two boards ahead and one board behind the working point may be set at any time, as each new board is set, it shall be visually checked with the preceding boards. If the boards have been correctly set and the error is yet apparent, the engineer shall be notified immediately so that the staking may be checked. The boards shall be level at all times and located far enough from the trench so that subsidence of the ground adjacent to the trench will not effect their position. The chalk lines shall be kept taut and 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I shall be set at a minimum distance of five feet (5') apart. A laser beam may also be used to maintain line and grade. 18 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9.00 - PIPE JOINTING 9.01 GENERAL Joints for concrete pipe shall be made by wiping the joints clean, applying the manufacturer's recommended lubricant compound over the entire joint surface and then inserting the spigot end into the bell with sufficient force to properly seal the pipes. Joints for poly-vinyl chloride pipe on mainline (lateral) sewer lines shall be made by the use of a solvent cement or push-on rubber gaskets. Fernco fittings will not be allowed. Typical residential or commercial sanitary services shall be solvent weld joints. All jointing procedures shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the pipe manufacturer. 9.02 PIPE JOINTS Pipe joints shall be made using the materials specified under Section 2.00. All sliding surfaces of the joint shall be cleaned and lubricated immediately before the pipe is brought home. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 10.00 - HOUSE CONNECTIONS, WYES 10.01 GENERAL As indicated on the plans and detail plates, six-inch (6") wyes shall be installed for building connections at such intervals as the size of the lots may demand. Where the depth of the trench exceeds sixteen (16') feet, the contractor shall use a riser, and shall be extended to a minimum of nine (9') feet below the surface at a point nine (9') feet behind the property line (see standard plate No. 2001), or as shown on the plan for the invert of sewer services. No Fernco fittings will be allowed. Sewer service material including pipe, wyes and fittings shall be SDR 26. The joints and bedding shall be made as previously specified. The tops of all risers and openings to wye and/or tee branches shall be capped by solventweld plug to prevent any water from entering the service until the connection is placed in service. 10.02 RECORD AND LOCATION OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS It shall be the duty of the contractor to keep an accurate record of service connections as to location, depth to top of riser, type of connection provided, etc. Location shall be made in respect to the nearest manhole center downgrade from the service. Curb stops shall be tied to definable landmarks such as manholes, catch basins, gate valves, hydrants and building comers. The length of ties shall be no longer than 100 feet between tie points. If a permanent structure is not available within the 100-foot length, a third tie point of not more than 150 feet shall be supplied. Property comers, trees, power poles, light poles, telephone or utility boxes are not acceptable ties. This record shall be turned over to the engineer for his records at time intervals specified by the engineer. At the end of all house connections, the contractor shall furnish and set a two-inch by two-inch (2"x2") wooden marker stake set vertically to two feet (2') above the ground surface. In areas of newly platted land where the houses have not yet been built on the lots serviced, the contractor shall furnish and set steel fence posts securely wired to the two-inch by two-inch (2"x2") and allowed to extend three feet (3') to four feet (4') above the ground surface. The two-inch by two-inch (2"x2") wooden marker stake shall extend from the invert of the service stub to two feet (2') above the ground surface. If the sanitary sewer service is accompanied by a water service in the same trench then the six foot (6') steel fence post may be deleted. 20 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 11.00 - SANITARY SEWER LEAKAGE TESTING 1l.01 GENERAL Disposition of abandoned facilities and reconnection of existing facilities shall be as provided for in the Plans, Specifications, and Special Provisions. 11.02 SANITARY SEWER LEAKAGE TESTING All sanitary sewer lines, including service connections, shall be substantially watertight and shall be tested for excessive leakage upon completion and before connections are made to the service by Others. Each test section of the sewer shall be subjected to exfiltration testing, either by hydrostatic or air test method as described below and at the Contractor's option. The requirements set forth for maximum leakage shall be met as a condition for acceptance of the sewer section represented by the test. If the ground water level is greater than three feet above the invert elevation of the upper manhole and the Engineer so approves, infiltration testing may be allowed in lieu of the exfiltration testing, in which case the allowable leakage shall be the same as would be allowed for the Hydrostatic Test. All testing shall be performed by the Contractor without any direct compensation being made therefore, and the Contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment and materials, including plugs and standpipes as required. 11.03 AIR TEST METHOD The sewer pipe section under test shall be clean at the time of testing but the pipe may be wetted. Pneumatic balls shall be used to plug the pipe ends at manholes. Low pressure air shall be introduced into the plugged line until the internal air pressure reaches 4.0 psi greater than the average back pressure of any ground water pressure that may submerge the pipe. At least two minutes shall be allowed for the air temperature to stabilize before readings are taken and the timing started. During this time the Contractor shall check all plugs with soap solution to detect plug leakage. If plugs are found to leak, air shall be bled off, the plugs shall be retightened, and the air shall be reintroduced into the line. The sewer section under test will be accepted as having passed the air leakage test if it does not lose air at a rate to cause the pressure to drop from 3.6 to 3.0 psi in less time than one-half minute per inch in diameter of the pipe tested. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pipe Diameter in Inches Minutes 4 2.0 6 3.0 8 4.0 10 5.0 12 6.0 IS 7.5 18 9.0 21 10.5 11.04 HYDROSTATIC TEST METHOD After bulkheading the test section, the pipe shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure produced by a head of water at a depth of three feet above the invert elevation of the sewer at the manhole of the test section. In areas where ground water exists, this head of water shall be three feet above the existing water table. The water head shall be maintained for a period of one hour during which time it will be presumed that full absorption of the pipe body has taken place, and thereafter for an extended period of one hour the water head shall be maintained as the test period. During the one hour test period, the measured water loss within the test section, including service stubs, shall not exceed the Maximum Allowable Loss (in Gallons Per Hour per 100 Feet of Pipe) given below for the applicable Main Sewer Diameter. Main Sewer Diameter Maximum Allowable Loss* (In Inches) (In Gallons Per Hour Per 100 Feet) 6 0.5 8 0.6 10 0.8 12 1.0 15 1.2 18 1.4 21 1.7 24 & Larger 1.9 *Based on 100 Gallons Per Day Per Pipe Diameter Inch Per Mile 22 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If measurements indicate exfiItration within a test action section is not greater than the allowable maximum, the section will be accepted as passing the test. II.OS DEFLECTION TEST Deflection tests shall be performed on all plastic gravity sanitary sewer pipes. The test shall be conducted after the sewer trench has been backfilled to the desired finished grade and has been in place for 30 days. The deflection test shall be performed by pulling a rigid ball or pointed mandrel through the pipe without the aid of mechanical pulling devices. The ball or mandrel shall have a minimum diameter equal to 95% of the actual inside diameter of the pipe. The maximum allowable deflection shall not exceed five percent of the pipe's internal diameter. The time of the test, method of testing, and the equipment to be used for the test shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The contractor shall check for excess deflection in all portions of the PVC sanitary sewer line after placement of the backfill materials in the trench. The deflection will be checked by means of a Mandrel prior to final acceptance of the sanitary sewer line or after 30 days of its installation, whichever is the greater. The owner reserves the right to measure pipe deflection at any time during the warranty period. Deflections greater than 5% of the inside diameter of the pipe shall be considered failure of the bedding procedure. The test shall be performed without using mechanical pulling devices. The contractor shall be required to re-excavate the trench, recompact the backfill material and restore the surface at no additional compensation with the re-Iaid pipe meeting the 5% requirement. An air pressure retest to be performed if applicable. All testing shall be performed by the Contractor at his expense without any direct compensation being made therefore, and he shall furnish all necessary equipment and materials required. 11.06 TEST FAILURE AND REMEDY In the event of test failure on any test section, testing shall be continued until all leakage has been detected and corrected to meet the requirements. All repair work shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. Introduction of sealant substances by means of the test water will not be pennitted. Unsatisfactory repairs or test results may result in an order to remove and replace pipe as the Engineer considers necessary for test confonnance. All repair and replacement work shall be at the Contractor's expense. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 12.00 - SETTING MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS 12.01 GENERAL Manholes and catch basins shall be set and jointed to the line in the manner specified for laying and jointing pipe. . 12.02 LOCATION Manholes and catch basins shall be located as shown on the plan or as directed by the engineer. 12.03 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Wherever possible, and unless otherwise specified, the manholes and catch basins shall be constructed of precast sections. Where standard sections cannot be used, sections may be constructed of brick, block concrete, or a combination of such materials. Unless otherwise specified, the manholes and catch basins if necessary shall be constructed with steps in accordance with the standard plate of this specification. 12.04 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS The details of construction of each individual structure shall conform to the drawings and specifications as designated. Frames and covers shall be set to the designated elevation in a full mortar bed. the bottom of all manholes shall be constructed of half section of equivalent size pipe shaped to conform to the inlet and outlet pipe so as to allow a free, uninterrupted flow. 12.05 ADJUSTING RINGS AND BLOCKS A minimum of two 2" rings and a maximum of three 4" adjusting rings shall be provided between the cast iron cover frame and the top concrete mallhole section. The rings shall be two inches (2") and/or four inches (4") in thickness and be grouted between rings. In lieu of using more than 2-2" rings a 4" ring shall be substituted I 2.06 WATERPROOFING AND PRECAST SECTION JOINT CONSTRUCTION Manholes and catch basins shall be constructed in such a manner that they are waterproof. Joints between manhole sections shall be made using confined O-ring rubber gaskets as specified previously. 12.07 LIFTING HOLES Not more than two (2) lifting holes will be allowed in any precast manhole section. All lifting holes shall be plugged with non-shrinking mortar to ensure a waterproof installation. 12.08 MANHOLE AND CATCH BASIN BASE 24 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Concrete base shall be of size and depth as shown on the drawings. Concrete used shall have a 28-day compressive strength of at least 3,000 pounds per square inch. Precast base must be placed on a minimum of six inches (6") of granular material which has been thoroughly compacted and leveled off across the entire width of the base. Where the foundation is unstable, the engineer may order the contractor to install manholes on piling. Manhole base reinforcement and timber piles shall be as shown on the drawings. 12.09 MANHOLE DROP SECTIONS Manhole drop sections shall be constructed where shown on the plans according to the detail drawings. No inside drops shall be allowed unless the structure in which the inside drop is to be constructed is a minimum of72" in diameter. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 13.00 - BACKFILLING 13.01 GENERAL All excavation in trenches shall be backfilled to the original ground surface or to such grades as specified or shown on the plans. The backfilling shall begin as soon as practicable after the pipe has been placed. Prior to any backfilling, the excavation shall be cleaned of all trash, debris, organic material and other undesirable material. 13.02 BACKFILL PROCEDURE AT PIPE ZONE Backfilling and compacting shall be done as thoroughly as possible so as to prevent after settlement. Depositing of the backfill shall be done so the shock of falling material will not injure the pipe or structures. Grading over and around all parts of the work shall be done as directed by the engineer. Bedding material as specified in Sewer Specification 7.02 or other suitable material as determined by the engineer, free from rocks and boulders, shall be deposited in the trench simultaneously on both sides of the pipe for the full width of the trench to a height above the top ofthe pipe as specified shovel placed and hand tamped to fill completely all spaces under and adjacent to the pipe. In the event that natural, suitable, granular material is not encountered during the normal excavation of the trench, or when the material encountered is determined unsuitable by the engineer, for backfilling around the pipe as required above; the contractor shall provide and place such approved material obtainable from other sources. (This procedure and specification is applicable to all sanitary sewer and storm sewer installations.) 13.03 BACKFILL PROCEDURE ABOVE THE PIPE ZONE Unless otherwise specified, suitable backfill material shall be furnished and the following backfill procedures shall apply and be used above the "pipe zone" to either the existing surface elevation or design grade, as specified, with the cost of such considered incidental to the installation of the pipe unless specified for a particular section of the project by the special provisions and/or plans, or allowed in writing by the engineer, and a unit price has been established. 13.03A Tvpe 1. The trench shall be backfilled to obtain the necessary compaction, with the lift thickness as required, dependent upon type of roller. The backfill material shall be compacted to 95% of the standard moisture density relationship of soils (ASTM D698-70) except the top three feet (3') of the trench which shall be compacted to 100% density. The moisture contents of these backfill materials shall be within a range of:f: 3% of optimum moisture content. If the existing moisture content of the backfill material below three feet of subgrade is greater than 3 percentage points above the optimum moisture content, the soil shall be compacted to a minimum density of 3 pounds per cubic feet less than the standard Proctor curve at that moisture content. At no time shall the density be less than 90 percent of the standard Proctor density. This modification ofthe compaction specification shall at no time be used or applied to the upper 3 feet of the subgrade or the aggregate base. In the event the contractor fails to meet these compaction requirements, corrective measures such as spreading/discing/farming, etc. shall be undertaken or the Contractor may elect to backfill with a more suitable material taken from another source. All of these corrective measures shall be at the Contractor's expense. 26 , . 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Any settlements greater than one inch (I If) as measured with a string line from one edge of the settlement to the other within the warranty period of this contract shall be considered fc'lilure of the mechanical compaction and all street surfaces, driveways, boulevard and ditch areas shall be repaired by the contractor at no cost to the City. 13.03B Type II. Under state or county highways and road, the contractor shall obtain the necessary permits at his expense after commencing any type of work upon a state or county highway or roadway. All such work, especially backfilling, shall conform to state and county standards and specifications. 13.04 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIALS AND DEBRIS Unless otherwise specified, excavated material either not suitable or not required for fill material shall be disposed of by the contractor outside of the right-of-way at his expense in any manner he may elect subject to the provisions of the following paragraph. Before dumping such materials or debris on a private or public land, the contractor must obtain from the owner of such land written permission for such dumping and a waiver of all claims against the owner for any damage to such land which may result therefore together with all permits required by law for such dumping. A copy of such permission, waiver of claims and permit shall be filed with the engineer before said disposal is made. 13.05 FILL MATERIAL Normal, allowable "fill material" used in backfilling outside of the pipe zone encasement shall be sand, gravel, or clay free from pieces of rock, concrete or clay lumps more than 1/3 cubic foot in volume, roots, stumps, organic soil, vegetation, tin cans, rubbish, froz~n materials, and similar articles and substances whose presence in the backfill would cause excessive settlement. In that portion of the backfill which is within six inches (6") of a road sub grade, there shall be no stones which will be retained on a three-inch (3") sieve. 13.06 DENSITY TESTS Density tests will be performed by an approved soils testing firm at various locations and depths throughout the project as directed by the engineer: The contractor shall cooperate fully and provide assistance as necessary to complete these tests with no additional compensation being made to the contractor. A minimum of one test at an elevation approximately two feet above the top of pipe, one test in the top three feet and one test at an intermediate elevation per 100 feet of pipe. A minimum of50% of the individual water and sewer service trenches shall be tested at elevations listed above. 13.07 TEST ROLLING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Test rolling when requested by the engineer shall be in accordance with MnDOT Specification 2111 except as modified herein under Sections 1.03 and 1.04 Subgrade Preparation & Correction of the Street Construction Specifications. 28 14.01 RESTORATION OF SURFACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 14.00 - SURFACE RESTORATION, CLEANUP AND GUARANTEE All surfaces disturbed during the construction period, including adjacent streets used to access the project, whether caused by actual excavation, deposition of excavated material, or by the construction equipment, shall be returned to its original conditions or better. Exceptions to the above, if any, or special instructions pertaining to any particular section of the project will be outlined in the special provisions. Any excess dirt shall be removed by the contractor in accordance with Section 13.04 of these specifications. 14.02 DUST CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION The contractor shall at his own expense maintain dust control as necessary and in a manner satisfactory to the engineer until fmal acceptance of the project or until restoration has been completed. 14.03 MAILBOX RESTORATION The contractor, at his expense, shall replace and restore mailboxes disturbed by the work. 14.04 MAINTENANCE OF STREETS UNTIL SURFACED After backfilling according to the above specifications, the contractor shall maintain the streets as required and blade as necessary to provide a passable surface for traffic until the surfacing is completed or to the date of fmal acceptance. 14.05 CLEANING UP Surplus pipe material, tools, and temporary structures shall be removed by the contractor, and all dirt and/or rubbish caused by his operations and excess earth from excavations shall be hauled to a dump provided by the contractor, and the construction site shall be left in a condition satisfactory to the engmeer. 14.06 GUARANTEE The contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship and materials which may be developed in any part of the entire installation furnished by him and upon written notice from the engineer shall immediately replace and make good, without expense to the owner, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of same, during the two-year period as prescribed in the conditions of the contract. 14.07 FAILURE TO REPLACE DEFECTIVE PARTS 29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Should the contractor fail to make good the defective parts within a period of 30 days of such notification, after written notice has been given him, the owner may replace these parts, charging the expense of same to the contractor. 30 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 17.00 - RIPRAP AND EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS 17.01 GENERAL The contractor shall furnish and install riprap as designated by the plans or as directed by the engineer to prevent the possibility of erosion. 17.02 RIPRAP MATERIALS. 'The riprap material shall conform to Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications 3601. The stone shall be durable field or quarry stone of approved quality, sound, hard, and free from seams, cracks or other structural defects. Unless otherwise specified, the stone may be round, flat, or other shapes in between. 17.02AClass or Size of Hand Placed and Grouted Riprapl7.02a Class or Size of Hand Placed and Grouted Riprap. The individual stones, except those used for chinking, shall not weigh less than 50 pounds each. 17.02B Size of Rock Versus Weight17.02b Size of Rock Versus Weight. As a guide, the following table is included which compares the approximate average diameter with the various weights of round stone. Of course, flat stones of an equivalent weight would have a greater diameter. Weight Average Weight Average (Lbs.) Diameter (Lbs.) Diameter (Inches) (Inches) 10 6 150 15 30 9 180 16 50 10 250 18 80 12 300 19 110 14 400 21 17.03 RANDOM RIPRAP This work shall conform to MnDOT Specification 2511. 17.04 HAND PLACED RIPRAP This work shall conform to MnDOT Specification 2511. 17.05 GROUTED RIPRAP Tins work shall conform to MoDOT Specification 2511. 17.06 EROSION CONTROL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The contractor shall install and maintain fabric fences, conforming to special provIsions or as approved by the City Engineer or other appropriate erosion control materials at all storm sewer outlets and other potential erosion problem areas along lakes, streams or ponds as noted on the plans or as directed by the engineer. 17.07 FILTER BLANKET MATERIAL Filter blanket material shall conform to MnDOT Specification 3601.B, and shall be placed beneath the riprap material at each storm sewer outlet. 17.08 LINER MATERIAL Erosion control liner material shall be placed beneath the filter blanket material at each storm sewer outlet as described on the standard plate. The liner shall be staff permeaIiner plastic filter material #MI195, or equal. 34 a. Examine starting and ending doghouses for quality of mortar work. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 19.00 - TELEVISION INSPECTION A. Televising shall be performed on all newly constructed gravity sanitary sewer lines after successful leak testing has been completed and accepted. B. Format - The video will be submitted in a DVD format with both audio and video. A bound report document shall accompany all videos. C. Camera - The camera will be self-propelled and will have the ability to tilt up and down and pan left to right. Camera must provide crisp color images. D. Line Requirements: I. All lines shall be jetted and vacuumed so that all debris has been removed prior to televising. 2. Small quantity of water is to be introduced into the line prior to televising. Amount shall be determined by the Engineer and coordinated with the City's Water and Sewer Department. The amount of water shall be sufficient enough to distinguish any sags or alignment problems with the pipe. 3. A fan/vacuum shall be utilized if steam given off by the sanitary sewer affects the camera visibility. 4. Each run will consist of a starting and ending MH number, line size and type, direction offlow, and a zero reading on the counter at center of the starting manhole. 5. Clear audio shall be used to describe items mentioned above as well as any defects found in the line. Defective items shall include but not be limited to, separated or misaligned joints, leaks, cracks, mineral deposits, debris, roots, and abandoned servIces. 6. Each servicewye shall be examined using the pan and tilt feature. 7. The video camera operator shall type into the video the station (distance), wye location and either the left or right side of the pipe and any problems they notice while televising the sewer lines. 8. Manhole requirements: b. While at the bottom of the manhole, the camera will examine all joints as high as it can see around the entire manhole circumference. Joints shall be examined for infiltration and excessive gaps. 9. All outside drops shall be noted and visually examined looking down from the top. 39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. Report requirements: 1. The location shall be given. Included are the city in which the work was performed, the street name (if applicable), and manhole labels corresponding to the engineer's plan. 2. Identify the pipe type and size, average joint length, and total televised line length. 3. Provide starting and ending manhole depths to the nearest 0.5'. 4. List the direction of flow. 5. Identify the service wyes. Include the location relative to the zero starting point, the side (left of right), and the clockwise position of the wye (i.e. 10:00). Note any problems associated with the service wye. 6. Clearly note the location and type of any problem or defect encountered in the line. 40 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 20.00 - METHOD OF PAYMENT The work shall be measured and the compensation determined in the following manner: 20.01 SEWER PIPE Sewer pipe shall be paid for at the contract price per lineal foot, which shall include the cost of furnishing all pipe, pipe bend sections, jointing material, bedding material and other material and of delivering, handling, laying, dewatering, trenching, sheeting and backfilling, testing, restoring of the surface, necessary permits, and all material or work necessary to install the pipe complete in place at the depth specified. The length of pipe for which payment is made shall be the actual overall length measured along the axis of the pipe to the centerline of the manhole. Lengths of branches will be measured from the centers of connecting manholes to the center of manhole: All lengths will be measured in a horizontal plane unless the grade of the pipe is more than 15%. The depth of cut for payment shall-be defined as the distance between the invert of the pipe at a particular point and the intersection of a vertical or plumb line extended from the said point to the point of intersection of the line with the ground surface as it exists at time of construction. 20.02 CAST IRON PIPE OR DUCTILE IRON PIPE IN LIEU OF OTIffiR SEWER PIPE C.I.P. or D.I.P. not shown on the plans but placed upon direction of engineer in lieu of other sewer pipe shall be paid for as sewer pipe in accordance with Section 20.01 above plus the contract unit price per lineal fODt bid as "Additional cost per fDDt for substituting eLP. Dr D.LP. in lieu of other sewer pipe" as listed on the proposal form for the diameter of pipe furnished. 20.03 MANHOLES The standard manhDles and drop manhDles shall be paid for at the contract unit price which shall include the CDst Df furnishing all pipe, tees, hDrseshoes, precast seCtiDns, sewer block, concrete slabs, adjusting rings, mDrtar, castings, chimney seals, water proofing, jDinting and Dther material and Df delivering, handling, excavating, sheeting, backfilling, dewatering, restDring Df the surface and all material Dr wDrk necessary to' install the units cDmplete in place at the depth specified for the depth of 0-8 feet plus an additional payment at the cDntract unit price per lineal foot Df depth greater than eight feet (8'). ManhDles shall be measured from the invert Dfthe sewer to the tDp Dfthe CDver. 20.03A Drop Section for Drop ManhDles21.03a. DrDP Section for Drop ManhDles. The risers for drop manholes consist ofD.I.P. including pipe support and all appurtenances will be paid for at the contract unit price per lineal foot. Length of riser shall be computed as distance from tee invert to invert Dflowest pipe entering manhDle. 20.04 WYES. TEES AND SPECIAL FITTINGS Wyes, tees and special fittings shall be cDnsidered incidental to' the watermain cDnstruction and nO' additiDnal cDmpensatiDn will be allowed. 20.05 CATCH BASINS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Catch basins will be paid for at the contract unit price, including base and casting. 20.06 FLARED-END SECTIONS IN PLACE End sections will be paid for at the contract unit price for each size furnished and shall include placing costs and trash guard Riprap materials will be paid at the contract unit price. Flared end sections will not be included in the lineal footage of pipe being measured. 20.07 PILING Piling up to 20 feet long including caps shall be paid for at the contract unit price for each single pile bent in place. No additional payment will be made for cradles. Any piling required over 20 feet in length shall be paid for as excess length of piling. Payment will not be made for cut off lengths. Double pile bents shall be paid for according to the length of each individual pile. There shall be no additional compensation for lumber or hardware used to tie the piles together. 20.08 FOUNDATION MATERIAL Material used for refilling to pipe foundation grade to assure firm foundation for pipe shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton in place. Payment shall include cost of excavation and placement. 20.09 SPECIAL SECTIONS Special sections will be paid for at the contract price on a lump sum basis for all work and material necessary for the complete installation or construction. 20.10 PILING FOUNDATION FOR MANHOLES Payment for "Piling Foundation for Manholes" will be paid at the unit price bid and shall include steel reinforcement ofthe base, together with four (4) 20-foot piles each. Piling over 20 feet in length will be paid at the contract unit price per linear foot for each foot of length over 20 feet driven in place below cut-off. 20.11 SHEETING ORDERED IN PLACE Sheeting ordered left in place shall be paid for at the contract unit price per 1000 board feet. 20.12 JACKlNG 42 43 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Payment for jacking will be paid for at the contract unit price per lineal foot. Sewer used in jacking will be paid at the bid unit price for that diameter sewer in the 0-8' cut category or as otherwise specified. 20.131NCIDENTAL ITEMS The cost of all material and labor required to complete this project as specified as shown on the plans, but not specifically included as a pay item, shall be incidental to the various unit prices bid. 20.14 TELEVISION INSPECTION Payment for televising of sanitary and/or storm sewer lines will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot. 20.15 SUBSURFACE DRAINTILE Measurement will be made by the length of furnished and satisfactorily installed Subsurface Draintile approved by the Engineer. Payment will be made at the contract bid price per linear foot which shall be full compensation for trenching, fabric wrapped PE pipe and installation, cIeanouts, aggregate backfill, cap, fittings, compaction, connecting to catch basins/manholes, and all other associated work. / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.01 Engineer's Responsibility and Authority ..........................................................................15 5.02 Intent of Plans and Specifications ..................................................................................... 16 5.03 Shop Drawings.................. .......... ...... ............ ........................ ...... ............... ................. ...... 16 5.04 Dimensions ...... ....................... ................. .......... ........ .... ............ ....................... ........... ...... 16 5.05 Models..................................... .................................................... ...... .............. .......... ......... 16 5.06 Adequacy of Plans and Specifications .............................................................................. 16 5.07 Conflict......... ........................ ....... ............ ...... .................. ........ ............. .............................. 16 5.08 Discrepancies in Plans....... .... ........................ .......... ............... ...................... ....... .............. 17 5.09 Separate Contracts. .............. ................. ......... .......... ..... ............ .......... ......... .......... ....... ..... 17 5.10 Plans and Specifications at Job Site.................................................................................. 17 5.11 Moving of Public and Private Utilities .............................................................................18 5.12 Protection of Existing Improvements or Utilities............................................................. 18 5.13 Damage to Existing Improvements or Utilities ................................................................19 5.14 Monuments and Stakes....... .................. ......... ......................... ...... ........... .......... ................ 20 5.15 Inspectors ......... .................... .......... ........... ................ ......................... ................................ 21 5.16 Examination of Completed Work .....................................................................................21 5.17 Owner's Right to Correct Deficiencies .............................................................................21 5.18 Traffic Control and Maintenance...................................................................................... 21 5.19 Traffic Control Within and Abutting the Project .............................................................22 5.20 Removal of Construction Equipment, Tools & Supplies.................................................23 5.21 Suspension of Work by Engineer ..................................................................................... 23 5.22 Suspension of Work by Owner ............. ............ .............. ......... .............. ........................... 23 5.23 Arbitration... ...... ....... ...... ...... .... ...... .............. ............ ...... .......... ..... .......... .......... .... .............24 SECTION 6.00 - CONTROL OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSIllP 6.01 Quality of Equipment and Materials............... ........ ........... ................ ......... ...................... 25 6. 02 Testing................................................................................................................................ 25 6. 03 Use of Premises................................................................................................................. 25 6.04 Storage of Materials ... ................. ........... ........... ...... ........ .... ...... ...... .... .... .... ... .............. ..... 26 6.05 Manufacturer's Directions ... .......... ....... ..... .... ...... .... ..... .......... ...... .... ........ ........... .... ..........26 6.06 Rej ected Work and Materials............. ...... ................... ........ .............. ....... ......... ................ 26 6.07 Materials Furnished by the Owner......... ..... ......................... ...... ........ ...... ......................... 27 6.08 Materials Furnished by the Contractor .............................................................................27 SECTION 7.00- LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC 7.01 Insurance........ ................................. ............. ...... ............................ ................... ...... ...........28 7. 02 Working Hours .......................... ..... ........................ ............................. ....... .............. .........29 7.03 Drug and Alcohol Testing......... .......... ............ ......................... ............. ......... .......... ......... 30 7 .04 Water.......... ..... .......... ............ .... ......... ........ ................................... ........ .... ............ ........ .....30 7.05 Noise Elimination.... ................. ........... ................ ................. ................... ........... :.............. 30 7.06 Patents...................................... ..... ................................... .............................. .................... 30 II TABLE OF CONTENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 200S GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 1.00 - DEFINITIONS ..... .......... ......... .......... ....................................................................... 1 SECTION 2.00 - BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS 2.01 Qualifications of Bidders................................................................................ ..................... 5 2.02 Contract Docwnent Interpretations................. ............ .... .......... ........... ...................... ...... ...6 2.03 Interpretation of Quantities in Bid Schedule ...................................................................... 7 2.04 Site Investigation ......................... ....................................................................................... 7 2.05 Submission of Proposal........ ............ ........... ............... .... .......... .... .................. ..................... 8 2.06 Proposal Guaranty. ............... ..... ................... .......... ............ ........ ........ ...... ..... ...................... 8 2.07 Affidavit ofN on-co llusion .................................................................................................. 8 2.08 Withdrawal of Proposals ... .... ................ .... ..... ......,......... ...... ........ ........ ............................... 8 SECTION 3.00 - AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 3.01 Evaluation of Proposals ..... .......... .................... ....................... ........ ...... ...............................9 3.02 Contract Award and Execution ................................... ................................... .....................9 3.03 Proposal Alternates. ...... .............. ........ .............. ........... .......... ..................... .................. ..... 10 3.04 Contract Security & Guaranty................. ................ .......... ..... .............. ............................. 10 3.05 Preconstruction Conference ......... ........ ......... ....... .......... ....... .................. ....... ............. ...... 1 I 3.06 Failure to Execute Contract........... .................... ....................................................... ......... 11 SECTION 4.00 - SCOPE OF WORK 4.01 Additional Instructions ....... ........................... ................ ..... .......... ............................... ...... 13 4.02 Changes or Alterations in the Work.................................................................................. 13 4.03 Oral Agreements. ............ .... ..................... ..................... ...... ......... ...................... ................ 13 4.04 Interpretations and Change Orders ...................................................................................14 4.05 Salvage................ .............. ..................... ...... ............. ....................................... .................. 14 4.06 Fossils....... ........................ ............... ...... ............ ...... ..... .................... ........ .............. ...... ...... 14 4.07 Cleanup ......... ........... ................. ......... ................................................. .......... ...... ............... 14 SECTION 5.00 - CONTROL OF WORK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.07 Privileges of Contractor in Streets, Rights-of-Way and Easements................................30 7.08 Discrimination on Account of Race, Creed or Color .......................................................3 I 7.09 Safety............................................... ...................... .... ............ ....... ................ .... .... ......... .....31 7.10 Sanitary Provisions................................................. ........ ..................... ............. ....... ..........31 7.11 Railroad Crossings.......................................... ...... .................................... .........................32 7.12 Use of Explosives .......... ......... ................. ..... .......... ....... .................. ......... ....... ........ ..........32 7 .13 Private Property........ ...... ............ ...... ....... ....... ..................... ................... ....... ............... ..... 32 7.14 Right to Use Improvement ................................................................................................ 32 7.15 Contractor's Responsibilities ....... ........ .......... ........... ..................... .......... ..........................32 7.16 Lands by Owner............. ......... ........... .................... ......... ........ ..... ..... .;.. ....... ...... ................33 7.17 Lands by Contractor........ ........ ........... ............... .............. ............ ......... ........ ...... ...... .........33 SECTION 8.00 - PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 8.01 Subcontracts....................................................................................................................... 35 8.02 Contractor's Superintendent ............... .... ........... ....................... ........... .......... ........ ........ ....35 8.03 Contractor's Employees.. ......... .............. .......... ..... .................................... ........ ................. 35 8.04 Injunctions................. ........ ...... .... ........ ....... ...... .......... .......... ...... ........ ....... .... .... ....... .......... 36 8.05 Rights of Various Interests ............. ...... .......... ........ .............................. ...... ....... ................36 8.06 Work During an Emergency... .... ...... .......... ........... ............ .... ................................. .......... 36 8.07 Delays & Extension of Contract Time.................................................. .................... ........ 36 8.08 Construction Schedule & Liquidated Damages ...............................................................37 8.09 Owner's Right to Terminate Contract & Complete the Work .........................................38 8.10 Contractor's Right to Terminate Contract......................................................................... 39 SECTION 9.00 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 9.01 Measurement..... ................ ...... .... .......... ......... .... ........ ...... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........ ......... 40 9.02 Scope of Payment ... ....... ......... ........................... ...... .............. ...... ............ ................... ....... 40 9.03 Payment for Extra Work.................. ...... ...... ............ ...... ....................... ...... ...... ........ ......... 40 9.04 Progress Payments, Retained Percentage. .................................... .......... ........ ..................42 9.05 Engineer's Action on Request for Payment......................................................................43 9.06 Owner's Action on an Approved Request for Payment ...................................................43 9.07 Payment for Work by the Owner ................................................ ...................................... 43 9.08 Payment for Uncorrected Work............. ........ ...... ..................................... ........................ 43 9.09 Payment for Rejected Work and Materials....................................................................... 43 9.10 Payment for Work Suspended by the Owner ................................................................... 44 9.11 Payment for Work Following Owner's Termination of the Contract .............................. 44 9.12 Payment for Work Terminated by the Contractor............................................................44 9.13 Release of Liens....... .......... ...................................... .......... ..... ......................... ...... .............44 9.14 Acceptance and Final Payment ......................................................................................... 44 9.15 Termination of Contractor's Responsibility............................ .......................................... 45 9.16 Correction of Faulty Work After Final Payment.............................................................. 45 9.17 Failure to Pay for Labor and Materials.............................................................................45 III I 9.18 Contract Docwnents .......................................................................................................... 46 I 9 .19 As-Built Requirements .. .... ........ ............... ........ .......... ................ ........ ...... .........................61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IV I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1.00 - DEFINITIONS 1.01 GENERAL: For the purposes of the Contract DocumentS and any documents or instruments dealing with the construction, operations governed by these documents, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. 1.02 ADDENDUM: A supplement to the proposal form as originally issued or printed, covering additions, corrections, or changes in the bidding conditions for the advertised work, that is issued by the Contracting Authority to prospective bidders prior to the date set for opening of proposals. 1.03 BID: The written offer or copy thereof of a bidder to perform the work described by the Contract Documents when made out and submitted on the prescribed bid form properly signed and guaranteed. 1.04 BIDDER: An individual, finn, partnership or corporation, or combination thereof, submitting a bid for the work contemplated and acting directly or through a duly authorized representative. 1.05 CALENDAR DAY: Every day shown on the calendar. 1.06 CHANGE ORDER: A written order to the Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the work within the general scope ofthe Contract Documents, or authorizing an adjustment in the contract price or time of completion. 1.07 CONTRACT: The written agreement between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor setting forth their obligations, including, but not limited to, the performance of the work, the furnishing oflabor and materials, the basis of payment, and other requirements contained in the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents consist of the following: (1) Legal and Procedural Documents (a) Advertisement for Bids (b) Information for Bidders (c) Bid (d) Proposal Guaranty ( e) Contract (1) Performance Bond (g) Payment Bond (h) Affidavit of Non-Collusion (i) Certificate oflnsurance (j) Notice of Award (k) Notice to Proceed (2) Special Provisions (3) Specifications G-1 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 (4) General Conditions I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (5) Plans (6) Addenda (7) Supplemental Agreements & Change Orders PERFORMANCE BOND: The Contractor's Performance Bond required by the Contract Documents. PAYMENT BOND: The Contractor's Payment Bond required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACT PRICE: The total moneys payable to the Contractor under the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR: The person, firm or corporation with whom the Owner has executed the contract agreement. DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING: Refers to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) drug use and alcohol testing rules published February 15, 1994, which apply to persons required to have a commercial drivers license (CDL). CITY ENGINEER: The City of Chanhassen's employee in charge of overseeing all capital projects and engineering matters. ENGINEER: The duly authorized engineering representative of the Owner, acting directly or through his designated representatives who have been delegated the responsibility for engineering project administration. FIELD ORDER: A written order affecting a change in the work not involving an adjustment in the contract price or an extension of the contract time, issued by the Engineer to the Contractor during construction. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY: A governmental unit other than the Owner having jurisdiction of the premises. INSPECTOR: An authorized representative of the Engineer, assigned to make any or all necessary inspections of the work performed and the materials furnished by the Contractor. LABORATORY: The testing laboratory of the Owner or any other testing laboratory which may be designated by the Owner. NOTICE OF A WARD: The written notice of the acceptance of the bid issued by the Owner to the successful bidder. G-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 NOTICE TO PROCEED: The written notice issued by the Owner to the Contractor authorizing him to proceed with the work and establishing the date of commencement of the work. OWNER: A private, public or quasi-public body or authority, corporation, association, partnership, or individual for whom the work is to be performed. PLANS: The official drawings, plans, profiles, typical cross sections and supplemental drawings, or reproductions thereof, prepared by the Engineer, which show the location, character, dimensions and details of work to be performed. AIl such drawings, as listed elsewhere in the Contract Documents, are a part of the plans whether attached to the Contract Documents or separate therefrom. PROJECT: The undertaking to be performed as provided in the Contract Documents. PROPOSAL FORM: The approved form on which the contracting authority requires bids to be prepared and submitted for the work. PROPOSAL GUARANTY: The security furnished with a bid to guarantee that the bidder will enter into the Contract ifthe bid is accepted. SHOP DRAWINGS: AIl drawings, diagrams, framework plans, falsework plans, erection plans, illustrations, brochures, schedules and other data which are prepared by the Contractor, a subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor, which illustrate how specific portions of the work shall be fabricated or installed. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Contract requirements specific to the project which are not otherwise thoroughly or satisfactorily detailed and set forth in the detail specifications or plans. SPECIFICATIONS: The directions, provisions, and requirements contained herein, together with all written agreements made or to be made pertaining to the method and manner of perfonning the work, or to the quantities and qualities of materials to be furnished under the contract. SUBCONTRACTOR: An individual, firm, or corporation to whom the contractor sublets part of the Contract. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: That date as certified by the Engineer when the construction of the project or a specified part thereof is sufficiently completed, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so that the project or specified part can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended. SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS: Modifications to generate conditions required by a local, state or federal agency for participation in the project and approved by the agency in writing prior to inclusion in the Contract Documents. G-3 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 SUPPLIER: Any person, or organization who supplies materials or equipment for the work, including that fabricated to a special design, but who does not perform labor at the site. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SURETY: The person, firm, or corporation who executes the proposal guaranty or the contract bond. TIME OF COMPLETION: The date set in Contract Documents for completion of the work; or number of working or calendar days after notice to proceed set out in Contract Documents (See also Section 8.07 of the General Conditions). WORK: The furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and other incidentals necessary or convenient to the successful completion of the project and the canying out of all duties and obligations imposed by the contract upon the Contractor. WORKING DAYS: Any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday or State recognized Legal Holidays, when weather conditions or the results of weather conditions will allow the Contractor to pursue, for two hours between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. with the normal working force, any item or items of work which would be in progress at that time. G-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 2.00 - BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS 2.01 QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: Ifrequested, bidders must present satisfactory evidence that they are familiar with the class of work specified, and that they are provided with the necessary capital, tools, machinery and other equipment necessary to conduct the work and complete the improvement within the time specified in the proposal, in a good and workmanlike manner and to the entire satisfaction of the Owner. The Owner will review the qualifications and experience of bidders after bids are opened and before a contract is awarded, to determine if the bidder is "responsible." A "responsible" bidder is a bidder qualified to do the work. This will be determined by assessing the bidder's skill, resources, experience, successful performance of similar contracts (on time and on budget), and all other matters bearing upon the likelihood that the contract will be successfully completed. In all cases where a bidder is unknown or where there are any questions about the qualifications of the bidder, the following information may be required of the apparent low bidder: 1. Identify all similar public projects in which you were the contractor. If you have had more than five such contracts, list only the last five contracts, and as to each contract identified, provide the following information: Project Description: Date: Contact Person at City/County/State: Were change orders in excess of 5% requested? If yes, explain the circumstances. Were liquidated damages assessed? If yes, explain the circumstances. Was the project completed on schedule? Ifno, explain the circumstances. 2. Describe all construction arbitration claims and any construction or project litigation in which you have been a party in the last five years. 3. Identify all public projects you have had with the City of Chanhassen in the last five years. 4. In the last five years, has a bonding company ever refused to issue you a performance bond? If yes, explain the circumstances. 5. In the last five years, have any claims been filed against a performance or G-5 G-G I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I payment bond that you have provided a public entity? If yes, explain the circumstances. 6. In the last five years, has your firm or any of its owners or employees been fined by a federal or state agency for a contract or workplace matter (such as wage or hour or safety violations), or debarred under Part 29, Title 49 CFR or any other law from submitting bids on public projects? If yes, explain the circumstances. 7. In the last five years, has your firm or any of its owners or employees been charged or convicted of a crime involving the awarding, bidding or performance of a government contract? If yes, provide full details. The bidder agrees that they are fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of any proposed subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them, as they are for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by them. Failure on the part of any bidder to carry out previous contracts satisfactorily, or lack of experience or equipment necessary for the satisfactory completion of the project, may be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. 2.02 CONTRACT DOCUMENT INTERPRETATIONS:' All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction ofthe project shall apply to the contract throughout, and the Contractor shall be responsible for familiarizing themselves with all permits, bond and other requirements for the work to be performed. All work shall be performed in accordance with the most recent version of the City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. In the event a work item is not addressed in the Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates, the most recent version of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications shall govern. Whenever reference is made to the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, the word "Owner" shall be substituted for "State" and "Department" where appropriate and the word "Engineer" is understood to refer to the engineer for the Owner. The City ofChanhassen Standard Plates included as part of these Specifications take precedence over the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Plates in all instances of conflict. If any person contemplating the submitting of a bid for a proposed contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the plans, specifications or other proposed Contract Documents, they may submit to the Engineer a written request for an interpretation thereof at least three days prior to the scheduled bid opening. The persons submitting the request will be responsible for prompt delivery to the Engineer. Any interpretation of the proposed documents shall be made by addendum, duly numbered and dated. A copy of such addendum will be sent I I I I I I I I I 2.03 I I I 2.04 I I I I I 2.05 I I certified mail, return receipt requested, when there are five mail delivery days before the bid opening to each prospective bidder who had received a set of documents prior to the date of the addendum, and each bidder shall acknowledge receipt of that addendum on their proposal form. Addenda will not be mailed within five mail delivery days of the bid opening. Plan holders will be asked to pick up materials at the Engineer's office or when available, can receive the materials via facsimile. Such addendum will be attached to all documents issued after the date of the addendum and shall remain a part thereof. The Owner and Engineer will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretation. The Owner reserves the right to modifY the plans, specifications, special provisions, or proposal at any time prior to bids being opened, in accordance with the procedures for issuance of an addendum. All proposals shall be made and received with the express understanding that the Bidder accepts the terms and conditions contained in these instructions and the plans and specifications, forms of contract and bond, and any other Contract Documents referred to herein. If, after the bids have been delivered to the Owner, any difference of opinion shall arise as to the true intent or meaning of any part of the specifications, the decision of the Engineer shall be final, conclusive, and binding on all parties. INTERPRETATION OF OUANTITIES IN BID SCHEDULE: The schedule of quantities is approximate only and is assumed solely for the purpose of comparing bids. The quantities on which payment will be made to the Contractor are to be determined by measurements of the work actually performed by the Contractor as specified in the Contract Documents. SITE INVESTIGATION: Each bidder must satisfY themselves and form their own opinions by personal examination of the location and ground of the proposed work, and by such other means as they may desire, as to the actual conditions and requirements of the work, including the materials to be excavated; must make their own interpretations and satisfY themselves by their own investigations and research regarding all conditions affecting the work to be done and the labor and materials needed, and shall make their sole reliance thereon. Any information or data furnished by the Owner or its representatives is for the convenience of any bidder and is not guaranteed. The bidder shall thoroughly examine and familiarize themselves with the Drawings, Special Provisions, and all other Contract Documents. The Contractor, by the execution of the contract, shall accept all responsibility for having examined the site and acquainted themselves with the conditions there existing and the conditions of the contract. The Owner will be justified in rejecting any claim based upon the contractor's lack of proper examination of the site conditions and legal obligations of the contract after execution ofthe contract. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL: Sealed bids will be received by the Owner up to the date and hour as specified in the Advertisement for Bids at the office of the G-7 G-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Owner or as otherwise specified. Bids received after the time specified shall be returned unopened. All bids must be in ink upon the bid form included in the Specifications with a given price for each item and aggregate amount for the work, and must be signed and acknowledged by the bidder in accordance with the directions on the bid form. If a separate proposal form is provided, this separate form is to be submitted, not the form bound into the specification book. In order to ensure consideration, the bid shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Owner and clearly marked as to the time and date of bid opening, the name of the project, and name and address of bidder. 2.06 PROPOSAL GUARANTY: Each bid shall be accompanied by a Proposal Guaranty in the form of a money order, certified check or bid bond, payable to the order of the owner in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by the Proposal Guaranty. In case alternate bids are called for, one Proposal Guaranty in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of the highest bid alternative will be sufficient for all bids. As soon as the bids have been tabulated, all Proposal Guarantees shall be returned to the bidders, except those of the three lowest responsible bidders, which shall be returned after the agreement is executed and the required bonds and insurance received, approved, and accepted by the Owner. 2.07 AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION: Each bidder shall submit with his proposal, an affidavit of non-collusion, signed by one of the officers of the firm and notarized. The Affidavit to be used is bound into these Contract Documents. A sample affidavit is included in the attachments. 2.08 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS: Any bid may be withdrawn or modified prior to the schedule time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof. After the time set for opening of the bids, no bidder may, without the consent of the Owner, withdraw their bid or claim extra compensation or damages for any error or omission made by said bidder in preparing their bid, for a period of 60 days. Bid guarantees may be held by the Owner for said 60 days until all of the bids submitted have been canvassed, a contract awarded and executed, and the required bonds and insurance furnished and approved. Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and the bidder. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 3.00 - AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 3.01 EY ALUATION OF PROPOSALS: The bids from each responsible bidder will be considered on the basis of the amounts as shown on the bid form, and awarded to the lowcst bidder determined by correctly adding the products resulting from correctly multiplying the quantities statcd by the unit prices bid therefore, and as otherwise described in the Spccial Provisions when alternate bids are included in the proposal form. The prices are to include the furnishing of all materials, all labor and services necessary or proper for the completion of work, except such as ~ay be otherwise expressly provided in the Contract Documents. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid deemed in the best interest of the Owner. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any bid which is incomplete, obscure, or irregular may be rejected; any bid having erasures or corrections in the price sheet may be rejected; any bid which omits an amount on anyone or more items in the price sheet may be rejected; any bid in which unit prices are obviously unbalanced may be rejected; any bid accompanied by an insufficient or irregular bid bond may be rejected; any bid which omits acknowledgment ofthe receipt of addenda may be rejected. The Owner may make such investigations as deemed necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Agreement and to complete the work contemplated therein. All bids shall be subject to review and approval of the Owner. 3.02 CONTRACT A WARD AND EXECUTION: Following acceptance of the bid by the Owner, a "Notice of Award" letter will be mailed to the Contractor together with the prepared contract agreements for signature and return. The Notice of Award letter will specify that the Contractor also submit affidavits or copies of insurance coverage, a payment bond and a performance bond. No contract will be executed until the required affidavits and bond are submitted and have been approved as to form by the Owner. The performance bond and payment bond shall each be in the amount of 1 00 percent of the contract price with a corporate surety approved by the Owner. Attomeys-in- fact who sign bid bonds or performance bonds must file with each bond a certified and effective dated copy of their power of attorney. For purposes of the agreement, affidavit of insurance, the payment bond, and performance bond, the contract amount is the bid amount accepted by the Owner. The final amount of the contract shall be determined by summation of multiplying and summing the resulting product of the final measured quantities of the various G-9 G-lO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I items actually constructed and installed by the unit prices stated therefore, in the manner prescribed in the specification. The party to whom the contract is awarded will be required to execute the Agreement, obtain the affidavits, the payment bond, and the performance bond, and return them to the Engineer within 10 calendar days from the date when Notice of Award is delivered to the bidder. In case of failure of the bidder to complete these items, the Owner may at their option consider the bidder in default, in which case the bid guaranty accompanying the proposal shall become the property of the Owner. The Owner within 10 calendar days of receipt of acceptable performance and payment bonds, affidavits and Agreement signed by the bidder to whom the Agreement was awarded shall sign the Agreement and return to the bidder an executed duplicate of the Agreement. Should the Owner not execute the Agreement within such period, the bidder may by written notice withdraw their signed Agreement. Such notice of withdrawal shall be effective upon receipt of the notice by the Owner. A notice to proceed shall be issued within 10 calendar days of the execution of the Agreement by the Owner. Should there be reasons why the Notice to Proceed cannot be issued within such period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and Contractor. If the Notice to Proceed has not been issued within the 10 calendar day period or within the period mutually agreed upon, the Contractor may terminate the Agreement without further liability on the part of either party. The Notice of Award letter is not an order to proceed. The Contractor will have no authority to perform work under this contract until all Contract Documents as indicated above are properly completed and placed on file at the Owner's Offices and a Notice to Proceed is issued by the Owner. A Notice to Proceed with the work under this project will be sent to the Contractor upon satisfaction of the above-indicated requirements and after a preconstruction conference is held. 3.03 PROPOSAL ALTERNATES: When a project includes a bid alternate, all bidders are required to submit pricing for said alternate as a part of their bid. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the individual items included as a part of the bid alternate. The Owner-accepted bid alternate items' prices will be considered as part of the low bid determination for contract award. If all alternates are rejected, the lowest base bid submitted will be considered the low bid for purposes of contract award. 3.04 CONTRACT SECURITY & GUARANTY: The successful bidder shall be required to furnish the Owner with a performance bond and payment bond in the form required by law, each in an amount of one hundred (100%) percent of the contract amount, based on the lump sum or the anticipated quantities and unit prices, as determined by the Engineer. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.05 3.06 The bonds shall guarantee the proper prosecution and completion of the work by the successful bidder; and shall further guarantee the prompt payment by the successful bidder or all persons or firms furnishing labor, tools, materials and supplies for the work. Upon completion of said work, an acceptable and separate 100% maintenance bond shall be furnished to guarantee the quality of material and workmanship of said work for a period of two years from the date of final acceptance by the City. The Contractor may not release the surety company on this 100% maintenance bond until a written release of said 100% maintenance bond is given by the Owner. When a period of two years has elapsed after the date of the acceptance of the work by the Owner and if upon inspection by the Owner the work is found in good condition the maintenance bond shall be released. If it is found by the inspection after two years use that some ofthe work and some of the materials are defective, such work or materials shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor, and only when the Contractor has properly replaced and repaired such defective work and/or materials will the Owner then release the 100% maintenance bond. In the event that the Contractor fails to meet the time obligations of the initial maintenance bond and requests an extension of time, a $1,000 escrow will be required to offset additional costs incurred by the Owner to administrate the maintenance bond extension. PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: Prior to the start of any work there shall be a pre-construction conference arranged by the Engineer. Representatives of the Owner, Engineer, Developer, Contractor, Subcontractor, Project Foreman, and Utility Companies shall be notified to be present at this meeting. The Contractor's project superintendent shall be familiar with all phases of the work to be executed and shall oversee the work during its progress. The project superintendent shall represent the Contractor, and communications and directions given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. The Contractor's list of subcontractors and suppliers shall be submitted and reviewed along with scheduling, materials (including bituminous mix design), material sources, proposed haul routes, construction methods, desired materials substitutions, and any other information necessary for the orderly execution of the work. FAILURE TO EXECUTE CONTRACT: Failure on the part of the successful bidder to execute the Contract, furnish an acceptable bond, or comply with any other requirements imposed precedent to the Contract, within the time allowed, shall be considered just cause for cancellation of the award and forfeiture of the Proposal Guaranty, not as a penalty, but in liquidation of damages sustained. Award may then be made to the next lowest responsible bidder, or the work may be re-advertised or otherwise performed at the discretion ofthe Owner. G-l I G-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 4.00 - SCOPE OF WORK 4.01 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS. If the instructions and plans are not sufficiently clear to permit the Contractor to proceed with the work, the Engineer shall, upon the request of the Contractor, furnish additional written instruction, together with additional drawings as may be necessary. When such request is made by the Contractor, it must be in ample time to permit the preparation ofthe instructions and drawings by the Engineer before the construction of the work covered by them is undertaken. Such additional instructions and drawings shall be consistent with the Contract Documents and shall have the same force and effect as if contained in the original Contract Documents. For the purpose of avoiding delays in the preparation of such additional instructions and. drawings, the Engineer and the Contractor shall jointly prepare a schedule showing the time for the commencement of the work to be included in them and the time the Contractor shall furnish the necessary shop drawings which may be necessary for their preparation. The Contractor shall do no work without proper drawings or instructions and shall replace any work not in accordance with such drawings and instructions at no additional cost. 4.02 CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS IN TIIE WORK: The Owner, without invalidating. the contract, may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work; the contract sum being adjusted according to the respective unit bid prices. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract, except that any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at the time of ordering such change. If the Contractor claims that any instructions by drawings or otherwise issued after . the date of the contract involved extra cost under the contract, the Engineer shall be given written notice thereof within seven days, after the receipt of such instructions, and in any event before proceeding to execute the work, except emergency endangering life or property, and the procedure shall then be as provided for elsewhere herein for changes in the work. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. In giving instructions, the Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work, not involving extra cost, and not inconsistent with the purposes of the work but otherwise (except in an emergency endangering life or property) no extra work or change shall be made unless in pursuance of a written order by the Engineer. 4.03 ORAL AGREEMENTS: No oral order, objection, claim or notice by any party to the others shall affect or modify any of the tenns or obligations contained in any of the contract documents, and none of the provisions of the Contract Documents shall be held to be waived or modified by reason of any act whatsoever, other than by a definitely agreed waiver or modification thereof in writing, signed by the parties to be bound or by the representatives of the parties authorized to enter into such a waiver or modification, and no evidence shall be introduced in any proceeding of any other waiver or modification. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 INTERPRETATIONS AND CHANGE ORDERS: No oral interpretation shall be made to the Contractor as to the meaning of any of the Contract Docwnents or to modify any of the provisions of the Contract Documents. Every request for an interpretation shall be made in writing and addressed and forwarded to the Engineer. The Owner will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretation of the plans and specifications. If unforeseen conditions require a change in the dimensions of a structure, location of underground pipes, or major variations of a similar nature from the original plans, necessitating exceeding the reasonable limits defined above, or being of the nature of a substantial departure from the original plans, such change shall be covered by a change order. The change order is to set forth in complete detail the nature of the change and reasons therefor. The compensation to be paid the Contractor and whether it is an addition or a reduction with respect to the original contract costs is also to be covered in detail. Should additional or supplemental drawings be required, they will be furnished by the Engineer. SALVAGE: Unless otherwise indicated on the plans or in the Special Provisions, all castings, pipe and any other material taken from the work shall be the property of the Contractor. FOSSILS: If any fossils, treasure or other unusual or valuable geological formations are found in the progress of excavating, such fossils, treasure or samples of geological formations shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor and the Contractor shall restrict or suspend operations in the immediate area of the discovery and shall immediately notifY the Engineer of the discovery. The suspension of work for a period not to exceed 72 hours shall be allowed without claim by the Contractor for any damages as a result thereof. These items shall become the property of the state or federal agency concerned with their preservation and study. CLEANUP: The Contractor shall, at no cost to the Owner, clean up and remove all refuse and unused materials of any kind resulting from the work. Upon failure to do so within 72 hours after request by the Engineer, the work may be done by the Owner and cost thereof be charged to the Contractor and deducted from the final estimate. G-I3 G-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 5.00 - CONTROL OF 'VORK 5.01 ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY: The Engineer is responsible for the general supervision and direction of the inspection. The Engineer will decide all questions regarding: (a) Quality and acceptability of materials furnished and work performed. (b) Manner of performance and rate of progress of the work. (c) Interpretation of the Plans, Specifications, and Special Provisions. (d) Measurement, control of quantities, and the amount of an deductions or adjustments to be made in payment. (e) Acceptable fulfillment of all Contract Provisions on the part of the Contractor. The Engineer is not responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor's superintendent or employees. The Engineer shall, within a reasonable time after receiving written notification, make decisions in writing on all claims of the Owner or the Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents. All such decisions of the Engineer shall be final, except where time or financial considerations are involved, in which case, the decision is subject to arbitration (if less than $10,000) as per these general conditions. Any dispute over $10,000 shall be settled in Carver County District Court. Failure to condemn any inferior material or work at the time of its use or construction shall not be construed as an acceptance of the same, but the Contractor shall upon notice from the Engineer at any time prior to the final acceptance of the improvement irrimediately tear out, remove and properly reconstruct, at no cost to the Owner, any portion of this improvement which the Engineer may decide to be defective and the Contractor will be held wholly responsible for the safety, proper construction and perfection of the entire improvement until the same has been finally accepted and paid for by the Owner. The Engineer will make final inspection of all work included in the contract or any portion thereof, as soon as practicable after notification by the Contractor that such work is nearing completion. If such work is not acceptable to the Engineer at the time of the inspection, the Contractor will be advised in writing as to the particular defects to be remedied before such work can be accepted. If, within a period of ten days after such notification, the Contractor has not taken steps to speedily complete the work as directed, the Engineer may, without further notice and without in any way impairing the contract, make such other arrangements as deemed necessary to I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 i have such work completed in a satisfactory manner without regard to remaining contract completion time. The cost of completing such work shall be deducted from any moneys due, or which may become due the Contractor on the contract. INTENT OF PLANS AND SPECIFICA TrONS: The intent of the plans and specifications is that the Contractor furnish all labor and materials, equipment and transportation necessary for the proper execution of the work unless specifically noted otherwise. The Contractor shall do all the work shown on the plans and described in the specifications and all incidental work necessary to complete the project in an acceptable manner and to fully complete the work or project, ready for use, occupancy and operation of the Owner. It is further the intention of the plans and specifications to set forth requirements of performance, type of equipment and structures, and standards of materials and construction, to require new material and equipment unless otherwise indicated and to require complete performance of the work without specific reference to any minor component part. It is not intended, however, that materials or work not covered by the specifications shall be supplied unless distinctly so noted. Materials or work described in words, which so applied have a well known technical or trade meaning, shall be held to refer to such recognized standards. All work shall be completed in accordance with the specifications and plans, and in compliance with applicable laws of Federal, State and local governments. SHOP DRAWINGS: The Contractor shall, upon request, submit shop drawings in quadruplicate for the approval of the Engineer. DIMENSIONS: Figured dimensions on the plans will be used in preference to scaling the drawings. Where the work of the Contractor is affected by finish dimensions or manufacturer's equipment, these shall be determined by the Contractor at the site, and he shall assume the responsibility therefore. MODELS: All models prepared for this work, in accordance with requirements of plans and specifications, shall become the property ofthe Owner at the completion of the work. ADEQUACY OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The complete requirements of the work to be performed under the contract shall be set forth in plans and specifications to be supplied by the Owner through the Engineer or by the Engineer as representative of the Owner. CONFLICT: In the case of a conflict of meaning between any of the terms of the Contract Documents, the provisions of the doclUTIent listed first below over those of a document listed later: I. Contract Agreement Fonn 2. Special Provisions 3. Plans G-l5 G-16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Specifications 5. General Conditions 6. Bid 7. Bid Form Special provisions and detail plans are intended to modify and prevail over standard plans and specifications. 5.08 DISCREPANCIES IN PLANS: The drawings, specifications, and other parts of the plans are intended to complement one another. Anything shown on the drawings but not mentioned in the specifications, or vice versa, or anything not expressly set forth in either but which is reasonably implied, shall be furnished as though specifically shown and mentioned in both without any extra charge. Should anything be omitted from the drawings and necessary to the proper construction of the work herein described, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to notify the Engineer prior to beginning work; and in the event of the Contractor failing to give such notice, the Contractor shall make good any damage or defect in work caused thereby, without extra charge to the owner. . Questions as to meaning of plans and specifications shall be interpreted by the Engineer, whose decisions shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. (See also Section 5.01 of these General Conditions.) The Engineer will provide the Contractor with such information as may be required to show revised or additional details of construction. The Engineer will provide full information when errors or omissions in the plans and specifications are discovered. Any work done by the Contractor, after discovery of such discrepancies, errors or omissions and prior to a decision by the Engineer, shall be done at the Contractor's risk. 5.09 SEPARATE CONTRACTS: The Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with this work. The Contractor shall afford other Contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work and shall properly connect and coordinate the work with that of other contractors. If any part of the Contractor's work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any other Contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the Engineer any defects in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. Failure to so inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of the other Contractor's work. To insure the proper execution of the work, the Contractor shall measure work already in place and shall at once report to the Engineer any discrepancy between the executed work and the drawings. 5.10 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AT JOB SITE: One complete set of all plans and specifications shall be maintained by the Contractor at the job site and shall be available to the Engineer at all times. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.11 5.12 The Owner retains the right of access to all plans, specifications and drawings. MOVING OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES: The Owner will give reasonable notice to all affected utility companies of the potential necessity of movement of their installations prior to commencement of the work. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate the work with the utility companies. It is provided that no utility, private or public, shall be moved to accommodate the Contractor's equipment or the method of operation when such utility does not conflict with the installation of the improvement under construction unless the costs of such removal shall be at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify the proper representatives of any public utility, corporation, and company or individual, not less than 48 hours in advance of any work which might damage or interfere with the operation of their or his property along or adjacent to the work. PROTECTION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS AND UTILITIES: Prior to construction, the Contractor shall obtain field locations or other assistance as may be required to determine the existence and location of gas main and other private utilities as well as public utilities of the City, County, or State which may be underground or overhead within street and highway right of way or within easements and which may be interfered with under this contract. In cases where the alignment, as shown on the plans, coincides with the existing location of either an overhead or underground privately owned utility so that, in the opinion of the Engineer, the relocation of said utility is required to complete the installation, the Owner shall provide for such relocation unless specified otherwise in the Special Provisions. Existing underground, surface or overhead structures are not necessarily shown on the plans. Those shown are only approximate and no responsibility is assumed by the Owner or the Engineer for the accuracy of location. The Contractor shall make such investigations as are necessary to determine the extent to which existing structures may interfere with the work contemplated under this contract. The sizes, locations and depths of such structures as are shown on the plans and profiles are only approximate and the Contractor shall verifY the accuracy of the information given. The Contractor shall support and protect by timbers or otherwise, all pipes, conduits, poles, wires or other apparatus which may be in any way affected by the work. At all shaft sites and on all open cut work, the Contractor shall provide and maintain free access to fire hydrants, water and gas valves, manholes and similar facilities. Gutters and waterways shall be kept open or other satisfactory provisions made for the removal of the storm water. G-17 G-18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall provide as incidental to the work all methods for adequately draining the work and shall assume full responsibility and liability for damage to any persons or property resulting from such damage. No trees shall be cut except upon the specific authority of the Engineer. Trees adjacent to the work shall be protected from all damage by the construction operations. Storm and sanitary sewers must be carefully protected from any sand or debris and any such deposition caused by the Contractor's operations must be removed from the manholes and pipes by the Contractor. Prior to construction commencement, the Contractor shall notifY the Owner and conduct an inspection of potentially affected existing public utilities noting conditions such as sand in manholes or damaged valve boxes prior to the Contractor's construction. Once construction has commenced it will be assumed that all damage to surface and underground installations not previously noted has been caused by the Contractor's operations. The Contractor will be responsible to make the necessary corrections and/or repairs. 5.13 DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS OR UTILITIES: If, through the Contractor's operations, any of said pipes, conduits, poles, wires, or apparatus should be damaged, they shall be repaired by the authorities having control of same, and the expense of such repairs shall be charged to the Contractor. The Contractor shall indemnifY and save the Owner and Engineer harmless from claims for any damage done to any street or other public property; or to any private property by reason of breaking of any water pipe, sewer or gas pipe, electric conduit, or other utility by or through the Contractor's negligence. The Contractor shall restore, or have restored at his own cost and expense, such property to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injUl)' was done, by repairing, rebuilding, or otherwise restoring as may be directed, or shall make good such damage from injUl)' in a manner acceptable to the Owner or the Engineer. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to restore such property or make good such damage or injury, the Engineer may, upon 48 hours written notice under ordinary circumstances and without notice when a nuisance or hazardous condition results, proceed to repair, rebuild, or otherwise restore such property as may be determined necessary, and the cost thereof will be deducted from any moneys due to the Contractor under this contract and if not so deducted, the Contractor will be obligated to forth with reimburse the Owner for the cost thereof. The Contractor shall indemnifY and save the Owner and Engineer harmless from claims brought for or on account of any damage, maintenance, removal or replacement, or relocation of mains, conduits, pipes, wires, cables or other such structures of private utility ftrms or corporations, whether underground or overhead, that may be caused or required by the Contractor during the time the work is in progress. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.14 The Contractor shall not claim or be entitled to receive compensation for any damages sustained by reason of the inaccuracy or the omission of any of the information given on the drawings, relative to the surface, overhead, or underground structures or by reason ofthe Contractor's failure to properly protect and to maintain such structures. The Contractor is to exercise extreme care in crossing or working adjacent to all utilities and shall be responsible to protect and maintain their operation during the time the work is in progress. The Contractor shall restore, at no cost to the Owner, any public structures such as watermains, water connections and appurtenances, sewers, manholes, catch basins and sewer connections which are damaged or injured in any way by his acts. No trees shall be removed without permission of the Engineer. No compensation will be paid for cutting down, removing and disposing of shrubs. Any trees or shrubs deemed savable will be field located by the Engineer and shall be fully protected by this Contractor during construction. Any trees removed or damaged by the Contractor, which were deemed savable by the Engineer, will be replaced at the Contractor's expense with a new tree as near in size and kind as possible, but never larger than 6" in diameter as measured 2 feet above the ground surface. All trimming of trees has to be approved by the Engineer. All trees damaged during construction shall be trimmed and repaired. The following procedures shall be adhered to when constructing utilities near trees. a. Cut roots cleanly. b. Backfill trench as soon as possible; do not leave the roots exposed to air. c. No equipment or construction materials shall be stored beneath a tree's drip line. d. Clean up around trees immediately after construction. MONUMENTS AND STAKES: The Contractor shall not disturb any monuments or stakes found on the line of this improvement until ordered by the Engineer. The Engineer will furnish and set all new monuments or stakes required along the line of this improvement, but the Contractor will be responsible for their protection. In case any monument or stake is disturbed by the Contractor without orders from the Engineer, the Contractor will be charged with cost of the survey and other work required to relocate the same. Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall give the Engineer five working days written notice when he requires the services of the Engineer for laying out any portion of the work is required. After the start of construction, the Contractor shall G-19 G-20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I give the Engineer 48 hours notice, not including Saturday or Sunday, when he requires the services of the Engineer for laying out any portion of the work is required. 5.15 INSPECTORS: Inspectors may be appointed by the Engineer or Owner subject to approval by the City Engineer to see that the work is performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. Inspector qualifications shall be submitted in writing to the City Engineer. 5.16 EXAMINA nON OF COMPLETED WORK: At the request of the Engineer, the Contractor at any time before acceptance of the work shall remove or uncover such portions of the finished work as requested. After examination, the Contractor shall restore said portions of the work to the standard required by the specifications. Should the work thus exposed or examined prove acceptable, the uncovering or removing, and the replacing of the covering or making good of the parts removed shall be paid for as extra work, in accordance with requirements of Section 9.03 of the General Conditions; but should the work so exposed or examined prove unacceptable, the uncovering, removing and replacing shall be at the Contractor's expense. 5.17 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CORRECT DEFICIENCIES: If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provision of this contract, the Owner after ten days' written notice to the Contractor may, without prejudice to any other remedy, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due the Contractor. 5.18 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE (A) Maintenance of Traffic: The Contractor is responsible for maintenance, control, and safeguarding of traffic within and immediately abutting the project as further outlined herein, and as may otherwise by provided in the Special Conditions. The Contractor is responsible for maintenance, control, and safeguarding of traffic on all detours. The Owner reserves the right to select any detour routes and will coordinate with other governmental agenCIes. (B) Street Closures or Partial Closures: Streets may be closed to through traffic but shall not be closed to traffic until such closure has been approved by the Owner. Street closures shall be made in such a manner as to provide for maximum public safety and public convenience. They shall be opened to through traffic at such times as the work has been completed, or as the Owner may direct. (C) Existing Traffic Signs and Facilities: The Contractor will make all necessary adjustments to traffic signals and traffic signal activators at no cost to the Owner. Existing traffic and street name signs which will interfere with construction will be removed by the Contractor as required by the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.19 construction schedule. Upon completion of the project, the Contractor shall reset all such signs. (D) Detours & Haul Routes: Contractors shall plan haul routes utilizing State Tnmk Highways and County State Aid Highways. Any requests to use City streets as haul routes shall be made in writing to the Engineer. The Engineer shall have the final decision to approve or disapprove haul route requests and impose road damage penalties as necessary. (E) Local and Emergency Traffic: Local traffic shall be provided access to private properties at the end of each day, except during some urgent stages of construction when it is impracticable to carry on the construction and maintain access simultaneously, such as for the placing of bituminous pavement, placing and curing of Portland cement concrete, and utility excavations which prohibit safe travel of vehicular traffic. Emergency traffic such as police, fire and disaster units shall be provided reasonable access at all times. The Contractor shall notify the Owner 48 hours prior to proposed partial blockage or closure of any street or public right of way and shall place all necessary warning signs and provide all necessary flaggers. The Contractor shall notify the police/fire department 48 hours prior to the proposed blockage or closure of any street or public right of way. (F) Protection of Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic: The Contractor shall take every precaution to protect pedestrian and vehicular traffic. (G) Restriction of Parking: Where parking is a hazard to through traffic or to the construction work, it shall be restricted either entirely or during the time when it creates a hazard. Signs for this purpose will be furnished and placed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall maintain the signs if they are used on any street which is directly involved in the construction work. If the no parking signs are to be used beyond the confines of the work area, such as another street being used as a detour, the signs will be the responsibility of the Contractor. (H) Flaggers: The Contractor shall furnish at his own expense all flaggers. TRAFFIC CONTROL WITHIN AND ABUTTING THE PROJECT: The Contractor shaU place and maintain aU signs, barricades and warning lights within the limits of the project on all streets, alleys and driveways entering the project so that approaching traffic will turn right or left on existing undisturbed streets before reaching the warning signs and barriers immediately abutting the project. Barricades shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall assume responsibility for signs and traffic control devices beyond the limits herein before described. G-21 G-22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.20 REMOVAL OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND SUPPLIES: At the termination of this contract, before acceptance of the work by the Owner, the Contractor shall remove all equipment, tools and supplies from the property of the Owner. Should the Contractor fail to remove such equipment, tools and supplies, the Owner shall have the right to remove them. 5.21 SUSPENSION OF WORK BY ENGINEER: When, in the judgment of the Engineer, unfavorable weather or any other condition makes it impractical to perform work in accordance with the contract, or should the Contractor fail to comply with the provisions of the contract or the requirements of the specifications, the Engineer may issue to the Contractor a written order to immediately suspend work and upon receipt of such notice, on that part of the contract work specified in said written order. When conditions are again favorable for prosecution of the work, the Engineer will issue to the Contractor a written order to resume the suspended work. Orders to suspend work will not be written for intermittent shutdowns due to weather conditions unless the suspension of work is to be for a period of time exceeding five working days. The Contractor shall be responsible for preventing any damage or unreasonable deterioration of the work during the time it is closed down. Suspension of the work by the Engineer is not grounds for claims by the Contractor for damages or extra compensation. Inspectors shall have authority to suspend all or a portion of the work which is not being properly performed and, subject to the final decision of the Engineer, to condemn and reject defective work and materials. Inspectors shall have authority to permit deviation from the plans and specifications and to suspend work as required for conformance with the plans and specifications. If requested by the Contractor, the suspension order will be given in writing. Inspectors shall not act as foremen or perform other duties for the Contractor. 5.22 SUSPENSION OF WORK BY OWNER: The Owner may at any time suspend the work, or any part thereof, by giving ten day's notice to the Contractor in writing. This work shall be resmned by the Contractor within ten days after the date fixed in a supplemental written notice from the Owner to the Contractor to do so. If the work, or any part thereof, shall be stopped by the notice in writing aforesaid, and if the Owner does not give a supplemental notice in writing to the Contractor to resmne work at a date within a year of the date fixed in the written notice to suspend, then the Contractor may abandon that portion of the work so suspended, and he will be entitled to the estimates and payments for all work done on the portions so abandoned, if any. If suspension of all or part of the work, which is subsequently resmned, causes additional expenses not due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor, the Owner shall reimburse the Contractor for additional expense incurred due to suspension of the work. Claims for such compensation, with complete substantiating records, shall be filed with the Owner within ten days after the date or order to resmne work in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.23 order to receive consideration. This paragraph shall not be construed as entitling the Contractor to compensation for delays due to inclement weather, failure to furnish additional surety or sureties specified herein, for supervision made at the request of the Contractor, or for any other delay provided for in the Contract Documents. ARBITRATION: Should there be a dispute about any matter involving the decision of the Engineer which is subject to arbitration (less than $ I 0,000), the dispute shall be promptly submitted to arbitration upon demand by either party to the Contract (see Section 5.01 of the General Conditions). The Contractor shall not delay the work because arbitration proceedings are pending unless he shall have written permission from the Engineer or Owner is given and such delay shall not extend beyond the time when the arbitrators shall have opportunity to determine whether the work shall continue or be suspended pending decision by the arbitrators of such a dispute. Any demand for arbitration shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the Engineer and any adverse party either by personal delivery or by registered mail addressed to the last known address of each within ten days of receipt of the Engineer's decision, and in no event after final payment has been made and accepted, subject, however, to any express stipulation to the contrary in the Contract Documents. Should the Engineer fail within a reasonable period to make a decision, a demand for arbitration may then be made as if the Engineer's decision had been rendered against the party demanding arbitration. No one shall be qualified to act as an arbitrator who has, directly or indirectly, any financial interest in the contract or who has any business or family relationship with the Owner, the Contractor, or the Engineer. Each arbitrator selected shall be qualified by experience and knowledge of the work involved in the matter to be submitted to arbitration. Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Uniform Arbitration Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 572, and the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. G-23 0-24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 6.00 - CONTROL OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 6.01 QUALITY OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: In order to establish standards of quality, the Engineer has, in the detailed specifications, referred to certain products by name and catalog number. This procedure is not to be construed as eliminating from competition other products of equal or better quality by other manufacturers where fully suitable in design. Whenever in these specifications, a material or article is specified by using the specific description or name of proprietary product, or name of a manufacturer or vendor, rather than by using descriptive detail or substance and function, any article which will perform the duties imposed adequately and to the same effectiveness as determined by the Engineer will be acceptable as a substitute in lieu of the material or articles so specified. Only materials conforming to the requirements of these specifications shall be used in the work. The source of any material shall not be changed at any time without the written approval of the Engineer. The Contractor may be required at any time to furnish a complete statement of the original, composition and manufacturer of any or all materials required in the work, or to submit samples ofthe same. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and material shall be of good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials or tools used in the work. All materials, supplies and articles furnished shall, whenever so specified, and otherwise wherever practicable, be the standard stock products of recognized reputable manufacturers. The Contractor shall furnish a complete list of proposed desired substitutions, together with such engineering and catalog data as the Engineer may require. List and information must be submitted prior to submittal of first progress payment estimate. The Contractor shall abide by the Engineer's judgment when proposed substitute materials or items of equipment are judged to be unacceptable and shall furnish the specified material or item of equipment in such case. All proposals for substitutions shall be submitted in writing by the Contractor and not by individual trades or material suppliers. The Engineer will approve or disapprove proposed substitutions in writing within a reasonable time. No substitute materials shall be used unless so approved in writing. 6.02 TESTING: All testing of materials and workmanship shall be conducted by a reputable and qualified firm totally independent of the contractor and owner. 6.03 USE OF PREMISES: The Contractor shall confine equipment, storage of materials and operation of work to the limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits, easements I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.04 6.05 6.06 or direction of the Engineer, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with said equipment and materials. STORAGE OF MATERIALS: Materials shall be stored so as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work and such materials, even though approved before storage, shall be subject to testing and must meet the requirement of these specifications at the time it is proposed to use them in the work. Materials shall be stored in a safe manner that will facilitate inspection. The portion of the right of way not required for public travel may, with the consent of the Engineer, be used for storage purposes, and for the placing of the Contractor's plant and equipment; but any additional space required; unless otherwise stipulated, shall be provided by the Contractor at no cost to the owner. From the commencement of the work until the completion of the same, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the care of the work covered by this contract and for the materials delivered at the site intended to be used in the work and all injury or damage to the same from whatever cause, shall be made good at the Contractor's expense before the [mal estimate is made. The Contractor shall provide suitable means of protection for and shall protect all material intended to be used in the work and all work in progress as well as completed work. AIl necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent injury or damage to work in progress of construction by flood, freezing or from inclemency's of the weather at any and all times and only approved methods shall be used for this pUIpose. MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS: Manufactured articles, material and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the manufacturer unless herein specified to the contrary. REJECTED WORK AND MATERIALS: All materials which do not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents are not equal to samples approved by the Engineer, or are in any way unsatisfactory or unsuited to the puzpose for which they are intended, shall be rejected and shall be removed immediately from the Project, unless otherwise permitted. No materials which have been rejected - the defects on which have been corrected or removed - shall be used until approval has been given. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and materials within a reasonable time fixed by written notice, the Owner may remove them and may store the materials at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the expense of such removal within ten days thereafter, the Owner may, upon ten days' written notice, sell such materials at auction or at private sale and shall account for the net proceeds thereof, after deducting all the costs and expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all materials condemned by the Engineer as failing to conform to the contract, whether incoIporated in the work or not and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re-execute the work in accordance with the Contract Documents without expense to the Owner and shall bear the expense of making good all work of the other contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. G-25 G-26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Work done contrary to or regardless of the instructions of the Engineer, work done without lines, grade or cross stakes and grades shown on the plans or as given by the Engineer, or any deviation made from the plans and specifications without written authority will be considered unauthorized and at the expense of the Contractor and will not be measured or paid for by the Owner. Any and all work so done may be ordered removed and replaced immediately at the Contractor's expense. 6.07 MATERIALS FURNISHED BY THE OWNER: Materials specifically indicated will be furnished by the Owner. The fact that the Owner is to furnish material is conclusive evidence of its acceptability for the pmpose intended, and the Contractor may continue to use it until otherwise directed. The Contractor shall notifY the Engineer upon discovering any defect in materials furnished by the Owner. Materials furnished by the Owner, which are not of local occurrence, will be provided at locations listed on plans or in specifications. After receipt of the material the Contractor shall be responsible for material loss or damage, including that caused by third parties. 6.08 MATERIALS FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR: All materials used in the work shall meet the requirements of the respective plans and specifications. All materials not otherwise specificaIly indicated shaIl be furnished by the Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 7.00 - LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC 7.01 INSURANCE: The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until all insurance required under the Contract Documents has been obtained and until copies of certificates thereof are submitted to the Owner; the Contractor shall not allow any subcontractor to commence work until the insurance required of such subcontractor has been obtained and copies of policies and certificates submitted to the Owner. During the term of this contract, the Contractor shall maintain such insurance as will protect the Contractor from claims as set forth below which may arise out of or from the Contractor's operations under the contract, whether such operations be by the Contractor, or by a subcontractor, or sub-subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be held liable: (a) For claims arising under any Worlanen's Compensation, Employers Liability, or any similar employee benefit. (b) For claims because of bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death of any person or persons other than his employees, and for claims because of damage to or destruction of property of others resulting therefrom, including loss of use thereof. Such insurance shall be written for amounts not less than the following as respects subparagraph (a) above: W orlanen's Compensation... .............. ........ ........... ....... ........ ......... ........ Statutory Employers Liability................................................. $500,000 Each Occurrence and as respects subparagraph (b): Bodily Injury and Property Damage with a Combined Single Limit of Liability of$2,000,000 Each Occurrence of Bodily Injury General & Automobile............................................... $1,000,000 Each Person General & Automobile....................................... $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Property Damage General & Automobile....................................... $1,000,000 Each Occurrence General................. ........................ .................................. $ 1,000,000 Aggregate The insurance referred to in subparagraph (b) above shall be written under the Compr~hensivc General and Comprehensive Automobile Liability policy forms, including coverage for all owned, hired, and non-owned automobiles. The Contractor G-27 G-28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I has the option to provide the limits of liability as set out above by a combination of the above described policy forms and an Umbrella Excess Liability policy. It is a condition of the contract that the policy or policies afford coverage for damage to property of others arising out of the perils of explosion, collapse, and damage to underground facilities, and it is a further condition that the policy or policies afford the same limits of liability as set out in "Contractor's Responsibilities" of the General Conditions. All responsibility for payment of any sums resulting from any deductible provision, corridors, or self-insured retention conditions or the policy or policies shall remain with the Contractor. It is a condition of the contract that the policy or policies waive any and all governmental immunity as a defense in any action brought against the insured or any other party to the contract. All insurance policies and certificates shall be submitted prior to the execution of the contract and shall be subject to the approval of the Owner. Approval of the insurance by the Owner shall not in any way relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor hereunder, and it is expressly understood that the OwnerlEngineer do not in any way represent that the above specified insurance or limits of liability are sufficient or adequate to protect the Contractor's interests or liabilities. Evidence of the above required insurance shall be furnished on a Certificate of Insurance form satisfactory to the Owner. Copies of all certificates evidencing such insurance shall be filed with the Owner. The certificates shall be executed by the insurer and shall expressly stipulate that the policies are non-cancelable prior to expiration of the contract period, unless ten days' notice in writing to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner. Certificates for liability policies must show that the City and Engineer are additional insureds. 7.02 WORKING HOURS: The normal working hours under this contract shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, and from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays with no construction including equipment maintenance or repairs allowed outside the normal working hours or on Sundays or any recognized legal holidays. Any construction operations including the operation of internal combustion engines for used for construction or dewatering purposes beyond the above specified working hours will require City Council approval. Under emergency conditions, this limitation may be waived by the consent of the City Engineer. Any approved work performed after dark shall be adequately illuminated. The Contractor expressly agrees to be responsible for, and to pay the Owner for the inspector's hours and expenses for all inspection work required past the daily I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 working hours, on weekends and legal holidays. The hourly man-hour rates will be in conformance with Engineer's current fee schedule. Overtime work is 1.5 times the hourly rate. Payment to the owner shall be made by deductions to the contractor's progress or final payments. DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING: All contractors and their subcontractors shall provide the City, prior to conducting any work, written verification of compliance with the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) drug use and alcohol testing rules published February 15, 1994, which apply to persons required to have a commercial drivers license (CDL). WATER: The Contractor shall make all arrangements with the City's Utility Superintendent for obtaining any water which may be needed for the construction. No water may be taken from any City hydrants unless authorized in writing by the Utility Superintendent. Failure to obtain City authorization will result in prosecution and fines within the limits of city ordinance. NOISE ELIMINATION: The Contractor shall eliminate noise to as great an extent as possible at all times. Air compressing plants shall be equipped with silencers and the exhausts of all gasoline motors or other power equipment shall be provided with mufflers. PATENTS: All fees or royalties for patented invention, equipment, or arrangements that may be used in any manner connected with the construction or erection of the work, or any part thereof, shall be included in the price mentioned in the contract. PRIVILEGES OF CONTRACTOR IN STREETS. RIGHTS-OF- WAY AND EASEMENTS: For the performance of the contract, the Contractor will be permitted to occupy such portions of streets or alleys, or other public places, or other rights-of-way, as shown on the plans or as permitted by the Engineer. A reasonable amount of tools, materials and equipment for construction pmposes may be stored in such space, but not more than is necessary to avoid delays in construction. Excavated and waste materials shall be piled or stacked in such a way as not to interfere with spaces that may be designated to be left free and unobstructed, nor inconvenience occupants of adjoining property. Other Contractors of the Owner may, for all purposes required by their contracts, enter upon the work and premises used by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall give to other Contractors of the Owner all reasonable facilities and assistance for the completion of adjoining work. Any additional ground desired by the Contractor for sole use shall be acquired by the Contractor at not cost to the Owner. Also, all maintenance and restoration costs shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Where the work encroaches upon any right of way of any railway or state or county highway, the Owner shall apply for the necessary permits and the Contractor shall secure, pay the cost of all fees and provide bonds as required at no additional compensation. Where railway tracks or such highway are to be crossed, the Contractor shall observe all the regulations and instructions of the railway company and highway department as to methods of doing the work, or precautions for safety G-29 G-30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I of property and the public. All negotiations with the railway company and highway department, except the right-of-way, shall be made by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. The Contractor will not be paid direct compensation for such railway or highway crossing, unless so provided in the Special Conditions and Proposal. 7.08 DISCRIMINATION ON ACCOUNT OF RACE, CREED, OR COLOR: The Contractor agrees that the provisions of State Statutes are as much a part of this contract as if fully set foith herein. 7.09 SAFETY: Precautions shall be exercised at all times by the Contractor for the protection of persons, employees and property. The safety provisions of applicable laws and local building and construction codes shall be observed. The Contractor is solely responsible for the safety, proper construction and protection of the entire work until the same has been finally accepted and paid for by the Owner. The Contractor is responsible for conducting all work in compliance with the requirements of applicable state and federal laws, and the rules and regulations of such governmental agencies having jurisdiction over such operations. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing and maintaining at no additional cost to the Owner and on a 24-hour basis, all necessary safeguards such as temporary ladders, guard rails, protective fencing, shoring, bracing, dewatering, watchpersons, warning signs or signals, barricades and night lights at all unsafe places at or near the work. Provisions shall be made to prevent vehicles, pedestrians, and livestock from falling into open trenches or being otherwise harmed as a result of the work. Excavation in or adjacent to public streets or alleys in which water stands more than one foot deep shall be securely barricaded with snow fence so as to prevent access by small children at all times work is not being carried on at the site of excavation. Barricades shall be painted in a color that will be visible at night. From sunset to sunrise, the Contractor shall furnish and maintain at least two lights at each barricade. A sufficient number of barricades shall be erected to keep vehicles from being driven on or into any work under construction. The Contractor shall furnish watchpersons in sufficient numbers to protect the work. The Contractor shall in all cases maintain safe passageways at all road crossings, crosswalks and street intersections, and shall do all other things necessary to prevent accident or loss of any kind. 7.10 SANITARY PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall provide and maintain in a neat and sanitary condition such accommodations for the use of employees as may be necessary to comply with the requirements and regulations of the governmental agency having jurisdiction thereover. No public nuisance shall be permitted. Suitable sanitary conveniences for the use of all persons employed on the work, properly screened from public observation, shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 RAILROAD CROSSINGS: Wherever a project is being constructed beneath, at grade or above railroad track, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to contact the railroad company prior to constructing such crossings and to proceed with the construction as approved by the railroad company. The Contractor shall comply with all construction and additional insurance requirements of the railroad company. The Contractor shall hold the Owner and Engineer harmless from any and all damages resulting from operations in the construction at such crossings. USE OF EXPLOSIVES: Blasting will not be permitted in any case without specific authorization by the Owner, and then only under such restrictions as maybe required by the proper authorities. If it is necessary to use explosives in the performance of the work, the Contractor shall take out permits and comply with all the laws, ordinances and regulations governing same. The Contractor shall fully protect all completed works as well as all overhead, surface or underground structures and shall be liable for any damage done to the work or to other structures on public or private property and injuries sustained by persons, by reason of the use of explosives in the operations. Explosives shall be handled, used and fired only by qualified people. All firing shall be done by electricity. All explosive supplies shall be safely stored and protected in an approved manner. All such storage places shall be marked clearly "DANGEROUS EXPLOSIVES". Caps or other exploders shall not be stored at the place where dynamite or other explosives are stored. PRIVATE PROPERTY: The Contractor shall not enter upon private property for any purpose without having previously obtained written pennission from the property owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of, and shall use every precaution to prevent damage to all trees, shrubbery, plants, lawns, sprinkler systems, fences, culverts, bridges, pavements, driveways, sidewalks, etc.; all water, sewer and gas lines; all conduits; all overhead pole lines or appurtenances thereof; and all other public or private property along or adjacent to the work. RIGHT TO USE IMPROVEMENT: The Owner shall have the right to open to traffic or public use any portion of this improvement prior to the final completion of the whole work, but the use of any part or portion of this improvement by the Owner, by the public, or by any person or party, shall not be construed as acceptance of any portion of the work prior to the time of final completion and acceptance of the entire improvement. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES: The Contractor shall furnish all necessary machinery, tools, labor and material for every character required, and shall fully complete the work in accordance with the plan, specifications, and detail drawings, for the prices bid. All equipment to be used must be approved by the Engineer prior to starting the work. The Contractor shall perform the entire work under the contract and assume the responsibility for and risk of all damages to the work or to property adjacent to or on the line of said work. The Contractor shall have charge of and be responsible for the entire project until its completion and acceptance. This includes the responsibility to maintain all stages of work in a safe and suitable condition at all G-31 G-32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I times, including nights, weekends, and holidays. The Contractor shall make observations of the work during such periods as are necessary to insure proper care of the work. The Contractor is liable for any defects which may appear or be discovered before the final payment herein specified. The Contractor shall designate one person who shall have charge of the job and to whom the inspector may communicate. Whenever the Contractor is not present on the work, communications will be given to the superintendent or foreman in immediate charge ofthe work. Communications received shall be strictly obeyed. The Contractor shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Engineer, schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work, with dates at which the Contractor will start the several parts of the work, and estimated dates of completion of the several parties. In accordance with the contract agreement, the Contractor and associated sureties shall indemnify the Owner and any and all of its officers, Engineers, and employees from any claims and demands or losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses of every nature and description, whether direct or indirect, because of the performance of this contract, including all injuries to workers or persons other than workers and for all property damages. The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner against any such loss or any liability of any nature, whether direct or indirect, and the Owner reserves the right to deduct from any money due the Contractor the amount of any judgment or claims therefor. The obligations of the Contractor do not extend to the liability of the consultant or Engineer, the consultant's agents or employees arising out of the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, designs or specifications which are certified by the Engineer. The approval of the above documents by the Engineer shall be subject to the conditions, limitations and exceptions stated on such documents and in contract documents. No approval of any document by the Engineer shall be implied. The Engineer shall not be deemed to have approved any document unless such document bears the Engineer's certificate or seal. 7.16 LANDS BY OWNER: Where the work passes over or through private property, the Owner will secure right of way or easement. The Contractor shall not receive any extra compensation or be entitled to any extra payment because of delay on the part of the Owner in obtaining right of way or easement. 7.17 LANDS BY CONTRACTOR: Any additional land and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or for storage of materials shall be provided by the Contractor with no liability to the Owner. The Contractor shall confme equipment and storage of materials and activities of workers to those areas described in the plans and specifications and such additional areas which may be provided as approved by the Engineer. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 8.00 - PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 8.01 SUBCONTRACTS: At the time specified by the Contract Documents or when requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit-in writing to the Owner for approval the names of the subcontractors proposed for the work. Subcontractors may not be changed except at the request of and with the approval of the Owner. The Contractor is responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of all employees and subcontractors hired by the Contractor. The Contract documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual relation between any subcontractor and the Owner. The Contractor agrees to bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor agrees to be bound by the terms of the Contract Documents as far as applicable to the subcontractor's portion of the work; including the following provisions of this section. The Contractor agrees to be bound to the subcontractor by all the obligations that the Owner assumes to the Contractor under the terms of said documents, and by all the provisions thereof affording remedies and redress to the Contractor from the Owner. The Contractor shall not assign, sublet, subcontract or transfer more than 50% ofthe total contract cost excluding "specialty items" without the written consent of the Owner. Any such assignment, subletting, or transfer shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of the responsibilities assumed under the contract, bonds, and guaranty. For convenience of reference and to facilitate the letting of contracts and subcontracts, the specifications are separated into title sections. Such separations shall not, however, operate to make the.Engineer an arbiter to establish limits to the contracts between Contractor and subcontractor. 8.02 CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT: A qualified superintendent shall be in control of the work at all times and give efficient supervision to the work until its completion. The superintendent shall have full authority to act in behalf of the Contractor, and all directions given to the superintendent shall be considered given to the Contractor. The Engineer's instructions may be confirmed in writing and shall be so confirmed upon written request of the Contractor. . 8.03 CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES: Incompetent or incorrigible employees shall be dismissed from the project by the Contractor or his representative when requested by the Engineer, and such persons shall not again be permitted to return to the project without the written consent ofthe Engineer. The foreman or other persons directing the work shall be competent, sober, and reliable, and shall extend every facility to the Engineer to enable to proper execution of the Engineer's duties, and shall furnish such help as may be necessary to facilitate the inspection of materials. G-33 G-34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.04 INJUNCTIONS: Ifby reason of any court proceedings, instituted by any third party or by the Owner affecting, directly or indirectly, the construction or completion of any portion or portions of this improvement, the Contractor or the Owner shall be unable to construct or complete any other portion or portions thereof, the Contractor shall, and does hereby waive any and all claims for damages because of such inability to complete the improvement as completed and file the final estimate thereon as provided for in the full completion of other improvements in the Owner, and the Contractor shall accept in full payment of the work upon said improvement, and as a cancellation of the contract thereof, a sum of money determined in strict accordance with the Contractor's proposal for the contract, on the basis of the work actually completed up to the time of stopping thereof. 8.05 RIGHTS OF V ARIOUS INTEREST: Wherever work being done by the Owner's forces or by other Contractors is contiguous to work covered by this contract, the respective rights of the various interests involved shall be established by the Engineer, to secure the completion of the various portions of the work in general harmony. 8.06 WORK DURING AN EMERGENCY: The Contractor shall perform any work and shall furnish and install any materials and equipment necessary during an emergency endangering life or property. In all cases, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the emergency as soon as practicable, but shall not wait for instructions before proceeding to properly protect both life and property. In cases where the Contractor cannot or does not meet the emergency, the Owner may take appropriate action to protect life and safety. 8.07 DELAYS AND EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: The Contractor herewith specifically waives claims for damages for any hindrance, delay, or change of sequencing. The Contractor will, in lieu thereof, be granted extensions of time for which liquidated damages will not be claimed by the Owner for the following causes: A delay caused the Contractor by any suit or other legal action against the Owner will entitle the Contractor to an equivalent extension oftime unless the period of such delay exceeds 90 days. When such period is exceeded, the Owner will, upon request by the Contractor in writing, either terminate the contract, or grant a further extension of time, whichever as may at that time appear most desirable to both parties. If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any act of neglect of the Owner or the Engineer or any employees of either, or by any other Contractor employed by the Owner, or by strike, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties, or other causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by any cause which, in the opinion of the Engineer, shall justify the delay, then the time 'of completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Engineer may decide. No such extension shall be made for delay occurring more than seven days before claim therefore is made in writing to the Engineer. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.08 Shutdowns due to improper work, or otherwise due the Contractor's operation, are not cause for extension oftime. If during the term of this contract, the volume of the specified work, measured in dollars, is increased over the total value shown in the Contractor's proposal at the time the award of contract is made, the Contractor will be granted an extension proportionately equal to the increase in the total value. Should unforeseen conditions require the performance under an extra work order, the work more complex or dif- ficult than that originally specified and shown on the plans, and such work, in the Contractor's opinion, requires more time to execute than the proportional increase in dollar value, the Contractor shall state to the Engineer, in writing, prior to the performance of such work, his estimate of the added time required for such work. The Owner will, if such estimate be reasonable, allow an added extension of time equal to the difference between the total time required and the proportional increase in the dollar value ofthe work. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: After being awarded the contract, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval a bar chart progress schedule which will insure the completion of the project within the time specified. The date of beginning and the time for completion of the work are essential conditions of the Contract Documents and the work embraced shall be commenced on the date specified in the notice to proceed and shall be completed on the date specified in the special provisions. The Contractor will proceed with the work at such rate of progress to insure full completion within the contract time. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the contract time for the completion of the work described herein is a reasonable time, taking into consideration the average climatic and economic conditions and other factors prevailing in the locality of the work. If the Contractor shall fail to satisfactorily complete any portion of work under this contract by the specified completion date, the Owner shall deduct from the payments due the Contractor liquidated damages for each and every calendar day that the work remains uncompleted beyond the completion date. Due to the difficulty in precisely determining Owner's damages for late completion, the Contractor will be assessed a daily charge, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages to compensate Owner for the additional costs caused by the delay. Contractor agrees that the daily amount of liquidated damages is a reasonable estimate of Owner's damages for late completion. In addition, the Contractor shall pay the inspector's hours, travel, and any other associated costs for all inspection work required past the completion date. G-35 G-36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If such payments due the Contractor are less than the amount of such liquidated damages, said damages shall be deducted from any other moneys due or to become due the Contractor, and in case such damages shall exceed the amount of all moneys due to the Contractor, then the Contractor or the surety shall pay the balance to the Owner. SCHEDULE OF LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Original Contract Amount Charge Per Calendar Dav From More Than To and IndudiDl! $0 $500,000 $600 $500,000 $1,000,000 $650 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $700 $2,000,000 --- $800 8.09 OWNER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT AND COMPLETE THE WORK: The Owner has the right to terminate the employment of the Contractor for any of the following reasons: (1) The Contractor is adjudged bankrupt, makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or becomes insolvent; (2) Failure of Contractor to supply adequate properly skilled workmen or proper materials; (3) Failure of Contractor to make prompt payment to subcontractor for material or labor; (4) Persistent and continuing disregard of laws, ordinances, or proper instructions of the Engineer; (5) Assignment of work without permission of the Owner; (6) Abandonment of the work by Contractor; (7) Failure to meet the work progress schedule set forth in the contract; Termination of the contract shall be preceded by seven days written notice by the Owner to the Contractor and the surety stating the ground for tennination and the measures if any which must be taken to assure compliance with the contract. The contract shall be terminated at the expiration of such seven day period unless the Owner shall withdraw its notice of termination. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.10 Upon termination of the contract by the Owner, the Owner may complete the work required by the contract by whatever means deemed expedient, including requiring the Contractor's surety to complete the work. The taking over of the work by the Owner upon contract termination shall not affect the right of the Owner to recover liquidated damages from the Contractor or the surety for failure to complete contract. In the event that the Contractor involuntarily abandons the work, fails or refuses to complete the work embodied in the contract or fails to pay just claims for labor or material, the Owner reserves the right to charge against the Contractor all extra legal, engineering, or other costs resulting from such abandonment, failure or refusal. _ Legal costs will include the Owner's cost of prosecuting or defending any suit in connection with such abandonment, failure or refusal, and nonpayment of claims wherein the Owner is made codefendant, and the Contractor agrees to pay all such costs, including reasonable attorney's fees. When the Owner assumes control of the work under the contract pursuant to termination, the Owner may take possession of the work and all material, tools, and equipment therein belonging to the Contractor and may use the same to complete the work at Contractor's expense. Upon contract termination, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is fInished. If the unpaid balance of the contract price exceeds the expense of fmishing the work, including compensation for additional managerial and administrative services, the excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense exceeds the unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. The expenses incurred by the Owner as herein provided and the damages incurred through the Contractor's default shall be certifIed by the Engineer and Owner. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT: The Contractor may terminate contract upon ten days' written notice to the Owner and the Engineer for any of the following reas9ns: (1) If an order of any court or other public authority caused the work to be stopped or suspended for a period of 90 days through no act of fault of the Contractor or his employees. (2) If the Owner should fail to act upon any request for payment, in the manner set forth in the General Conditions, within 45 days after its approval by the Engineer. (3) If the Owner should fail to pay the Contractor any sum within 45 days after its award by arbitrators. G-37 G-38 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9.00 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 9.01 MEASUREMENT: The determination of pay quantities or work perfonned under this contract will be made by the Engineer based upon the lines, grades, and cross sections given, or measurements made by designated Inspectors. All items will be computed based upon the units in the bid forms. 9.02 SCOPE OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall accept the compensation, as provided in the contract, in full payment for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to the completed work and for performing all work contemplated and embraced under the contract; also for loss or damage arising from the nature of the work, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties which may be encountered during the prosecution of the work until the [mal acceptance by the Owner, and for all risks of every description connected with the prosecution of the work; also for all expenses incurred in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance ofthe work as herein specified; and for completing the work according to the plans and specifications. Neither the payment of any estimate nor of any retained percentage shall relieve the Contractor of any obligation to make good any defective work or material. The unit contract prices for the various bid items of the contract shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools and all things of whatsoever nature required for the complete incorporation of the item into the work the same as though the item were to read "In Place", unless the plans and Special Provisions shall provide otherwise. 9.03 PAYMENT FOR EXTRA WORK: Adjustments, if any, in the amounts to be paid the Contractor by reason of any change, addition, or deduction, shall be determined .by one or more of the following methods: (A) FOR ITEMS COVERED BY THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The Owner reserves the right to increase or decrease any of the quantities shown. In the event the actual quantities differ more than 25% of the original contract an10unt, an equitable revision of the unit price shall be made when requested by either the Owner or the Contractor. This 25 percent limit does not apply to items specifically excluded or listed as optional by the Owner, nor to minor contract items, (items amounting to ten percent or less of the total contract). (B) FOR ITEMS NOT COVERED BY THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: If the Engineer orders, in writing, the perfonnance of any work not covered by the plans or included in the specifications, and for which no item in the contract is provided, and for which no unit price or lump sum basis can be agreed upon, then such extra work shall be done on a cost-plus-percentage basis of payment as follows: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for all costs incurred in doing the work and shall receive an additional payment of 5% of all such cost to cover his indirect overhead costs, plus 10% of all cost, including indirect overhead as his fee. 2. The term "Cost" shall mean the total sum of the labor, materials and equipment costs as defined in the following. (A) LABOR The Contractor shall be compensated for the actual rate of wages paid and health and welfare benefits documented on the payroll for the actual time spent by the laborers and the foreman in performing the Force Account work. Unless already included in the wage rates paid, the Contractor shall also receive the actual labor-related costs incurred by reason of subsistence and travel allowance, pension funds, or other fringe benefits provided those payments are required through an employment contract or collective bargaining agreement applicable to the classes oflabor employed in the work. (B) MATERIALS For all m~terials accepted by the Engineer and pemianently installed in the work, the actual cost of the material (including transportation charges paid by the Contractor) will be paid. (C) EQUIPMENT Rental rates for equipment to be used in the force account work shall be established prior to use of the equipment in the work. The rental rates will be paid for the actual time the machinery and equipment are in operation on the Force Account work. 3. Each day the Contractor's representative and the Engineer shall compare and reconcile the records of labor, materials and equipment used in the Force Account Work. 4. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with duplicate itemized statements of the cost for Force Account work, consisting of the following. (A) Payroll for laborers and foreman. (B) Quantities of materials, prices, extensions and transportation costs paid by the Contractor. Statements shall be accompanied by paid receipted invoices for materials used, including transportation charges paid by the contractor. If materials used in the Force Account work are not G-39 G-40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I specifically purchased but are taken from the Contractor's stock, and affidavit shall be fumished certifying that the materials were taken from stock, that the quantity claimed was actually used, and that the price and transportation costs claimed are the Contractor's actual costs. After receipt of statements and invoices, the Engineer will prepare a change order which will be submitted to the Contractor for verification and signature. 5. Monthly payments for force account work will be issued once each month for all work completed to the end of the preceding month. Claims for extra work not ordered in writing by the Engineer will not be allowed. 9.04 PROGRESS PAYMENTS, RETAINED PERCENTAGE: Monthly payment will be issued once each month for all work completed to the end of the preceding month. Progress estimates shall be prepared by the Engineer as accurately as the available information will permit but the only estimate that is binding will be the fmal estimate. Before the fmal estimate is prepared, all quantities will be reviewed and rechecked. Progress payments will be made in cash or equivalent. The Owner will retain 5% of the total amount owing the Contractor until 90% or more of the contract has been completed. At that time such portions of the retained percentage will be released in an amount which the Engineer determines is not required to protect the Owner's interest in completion of the contract. Monthly estimates may include 95% of the value of acceptable materials required in the construction, which have been delivered to the site or for which acceptable provisions have been made for preservation and storage. Such materials when so paid for by the Owner shall become the property of the Owner, and in the event of the default on the part of the Contractor, the Owner may use or cause to be used such materials in construction of the work provided for in the contract. The amount paid by the Owner for materials shall reduce estimates due the Contractor as the material is used in the work. The Owner may withhold, in addition to retained percentages, from payment to the Contractor such an amount or amounts as may be necessary to cover: (1) Defective work not remedied. (2) Claims for labor or materials furnished the Contractor or subcontractor, or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims. (3) Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to subcontractors or for material or labor. (4) Amounts necessary to msure that an overpayment on the total contract amount will not occur. (5) Evidence of damage to another contractor or private property. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 The Owner may disburse and shall have the right to act as agent for the Contractor in disbursing such funds as have been withheld pursuant to this paragraph to the party or parties who are entitled to payment therefrom but the Owner assumes no obligation to make such disbursement. The Owner will render to the Contractor a proper accounting of all such funds disbursed. ENGINEER'S ACTION ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT: Within ten days of sub- mission of any request for payment by the Contractor, the Engineer shall: (I) Approve the request for payment as submitted; or (2) Approve such other amount as the Engineer shall decide is due the Contractor, informing the Contractor in writing of the reasons for approving the amended amount; or (3) Withhold the request for payment, informing the Contractor in writing of the reasons for withholding it. OWNER'S ACTION ON AN APPROVED REQUEST FOR PAYMENT: Within 30 days from the date of approval of a request for payment by the Engineer, the Owner shall: (1) Pay the request for payment as approved, or (2) Pay such other amount as the Owner shall decide is due the Contractor, informing the Contractor and the Engineer in writing of the reasons for paying the amended amount; or (3) Withhold payment informing the Contractor and the Engineer of the reasons for withholding payment. PAYMENT FOR WORK BY THE OWNER: The cost of the work performed by the Owner in removing construction equipment, tools and supplies and correcting deficiencies in accordance with the General Conditions shall be paid by the Contractor. PAYMENT FOR UNCORRECTED WORK: Should the Engineer direct the Contractor not to correct work that has been damaged or that was not performed in accordance with the contract documents, an equitable deduction from the contract amount shall be made to compensate the Owner for the uncorrected work. PAYMENT FOR REJECTED WORK AND MATERIALS: The removal of work and materials rejected and the re-execution of acceptable work by the Contractor shall be at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall pay the cost of replacing the work of other contractors destroyed or damaged by the removal of the rejected work or materials and the subsequent replacement of acceptable work. GAl G-42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Removal of the rejccted work or materials and storage of matcrials by the Owner in accordance with the General Conditions shall be paid by the Contractor within 30 days after written notice to pay is given by the Owner. If the Contractor does not pay the expenses of such removal and after ten day's written notice being given of the Owner's intent to sell the materials, the Owner may sell the materials at auction or at private sale and shal I pay to the Contractor the net proceeds thercfrom after deducting all the costs and expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor. 9.10 PAYMENT FOR WORK SUSPENDED BY THE OWNER: If the work or any part thereof shall be suspended by the Owner and abandoned by the Contractor as provided in the General Conditions, the Contractor will then be entitled to payment for all work performed on the portions so abandoned and nothing additional for the uncompleted portion of the work such as overhead, expenses, and anticipated profit. 9.11 PAYMENT FOR WORK FOLLOWING OWNER'S TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT: Upon termination of the contract by the Owner no further payments shall be due the Contractor until the work is completed. If the unpaid balance of the contract amount shall cxceed the cost of completing the work including all overhead costs, the excess shall exceed the unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. The cost incurred by the Owner as herein provided, and the damage incurred through the Contractor's default, shall be certified by the Owner and approved by the Engineer. 9.12 PAYMENT FOR WORK TERMINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR: Upon termination of the contract by the Contractor, the Contractor shall recover payment from the Owner for work performed. 9.13 RELEASE OF LIENS: Before fmal payment is made to the Contractor for the work, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a complete release of allliens arising out of this contract or in receipt in full in lieu thereof and in either case, an affidavit that the releases and receipt include all the labor and material for which a lien could be filed; but the Contractor may, if any subcontractor refuses to furnish a release, a lien or receipt in full, furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner which will indemnify the Owner against any lien. If any lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made to the Contractor, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all money that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such a lien, including all costs and a reasonable attorney's fee. 9.14 ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT: When the Contractor shall have completed the work in accordance with the terms of the contract documents, the Engineer shall certify acceptance to the Owner and approval of the Contractor's final request for payment, which shall be the contract amount plus previous payments made. The Contractor shall furnish a two-year maintenance bond and a notarized certificate that all debts for labor, materials, and equipment incurred in connection with the work, have been fully paid, following which the Owner shall accept the work and release the Contractor except as to the conditions of the Maintenance Bond and legal rights of the Owner, requiring guaranties, and correction of faulty work I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9.15 9.16 9.17 after final payment, and shall authorize payment of the Contractor's final request for payment. The Contractor must allow sufficient time between time of completion of the work and approval of the final request for payment for the Engineer to assemble and check the necessary data. The approval of a request for a fmal progress payment by the Engineer and the making of a fmal or progress payment to the Contractor does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty material or workmanship and the Owner by such payment does not waive any claims of overpayment resulting from mathematical error, unauthorized work, or from any other cause. Final payment will not be made until the Contractor furnishes a certificate showing compliance with State Statutes requiring withholding of State Income Taxes. TERMINATION OF CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY: The contract will be considered complete when all work has been finished, the final inspection made by the Engineer, and the project accepted in writing by the Owner. The Contractor's responsibility shall then cease, except as set forth in the maintenance bond, as required by the guaranty period. CORRECTION OF FAULTY WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT: The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship and materials which may develop in any part of the entire installation furnished by the Contractor. 'Upon written notice by the Engineer the Contractor shall immediately replace and make good without expense to the Owner any such faulty part of the parts and damage done by reason of same, during the guarantee period of two years, or as specified, from the date of final payment approval or the installation of all work. Should the Contractor fail to make good the defective parts within a period of 30 days of such notification, after written notice has been given, the Owner may replace these parts, charging the expense of same to the Contractor. FAILURE TO PAY FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS: Pursuant to Minn. Stat. g 471.25, Subd. 4a, the contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the contractor's receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The contractor must pay interest of 1 Y2 percent per month or any part of a month to the subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance ofless than $100.00, the contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. A subcontractor who prevails in a civil action to collect interest penalties from the contractor shall be awarded its costs and disbursements, including attorney's fees, incurred in bringing the action. If, at any time, the Contractor fails to pay the subcontractor or the laborers employed upon the work, or fails to pay for the material used herein, the Owner may withhold from the money which may be due the Contractor under this agreement such amount or amounts as may be necessary for the payment of the subcontractors, laborers, or materials, and may, acting as agent for the Contractor, apply the same to such payments and deduct the same from the final estimate ofthe Contractor. G-43 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS 1. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 1.1 Complete sets of the Bidding Documents in the number and for the deposit sum stated in the Advertisement for Bids may be obtained from 1.2 Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither Owner nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 1.3 Owner and Engineer in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. 2. QUALIFICA TrONS OF BIDDERS. To demonstrate qualifications to perform the work, each Bidder must be prepared to submit within five days of Owner's request written evidence offmancial data, and previous experience. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in the State where the Project is located, or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the Contract. 3. EXAMINA TION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 3.1 Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder must (a) examine the Contract Documents thorougWy, (b) visit the site to familiarize himselflherself with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the work, (c) familiarize himselti'herselfwith Federal, State, and Local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the work, and (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents. 3.2 Reference is made to the Special Provisions for the identification of those reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent ppysical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the work which have been relied upon by Engineer in preparing the Drawings and Specifications. Copies of such reports are bound with the Specifications. These reports are not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness, nor are they a part of the Contract Documents. Before submitting hislher Bid, each Bidder will, at hislher own expense, make such additional investigations and tests as the Bidder may deem necessary to determine hislher Bid for performance of the work in accordance with the time, price, and other temlS and conditions of the Contract Documents. 3.3 On request, Owner will provide each Bidder access to the site to conduct such investigations and tests as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of his /her Bid. 3.4 The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by the Bidder that he/she has complied with every requirement of this Article 3 and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance of the work. INTERPRETATIONS. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents shall be submitted to Engineer in writing. Replies will be issued by Addenda mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by Engineer as having received the Bidding Documents. Questions received less than four days prior to the date for opening of Bids will not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. G-45 I I 5. BID SECURITY 5.1 Bid security shall be made payable to the Owner, in an amount as stated in the Advertisement for Bids of the Bidder's maximum Bid price, and in the form of a certified or bank check or a Bid Bond, issued by a Surety, meeting the requirements of paragraph 2.06 of the General Conditions. I 5.2 The Bid Security of the three lowest Bidders will be retained until the successful Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required Contract Security, whereupon it will be returned; if the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required Contract Security within 15 days of the Notice of Award. Owner may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of any Bidder whom Owner believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award (generally the second and third low Bidder) may be retained by the Owner until the earlier of the seventh day after the "effective date of the Agreement" (which term is defmed in the General Conditions) by Owner to Contractor and the required Contract Security is furnished or the sixty-frrst day after the Bid opening. Bid security of other Bidders will be returned within seven days of the Bid opening. I I I I 6. CONTRACT TIME. The number of days within which, or the date by which, the work is to be completed (the Contract time) is set forth in the Bid Form and will be included in the Special Provisions. I 7. LIQillDA TED DAMAGES. Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the General Conditions, paragraph 8.08. I 8. SUBCONTRACTORS. ETC. 8.2 8.1 If the Bid Proposal or Supplementary Conditions require the identity of certain subcontractors and other persons and organizations to be submitted to Owner in advance of the Notice of A ward, the apparent Successful Bidder, and any other Bidder so requests, will within seven days after the day of the Bid Opening submit to Owner a list of all subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material and equipment) proposed for those portions of the work as to which such identification is so required. Such list shall be accompanied by an experience statement with pertinent information as to similar projects and other evidence of qualification of each such subcontractor, person and organization ifrequested by Owner. If Owner or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any proposed subcontractor, other person or organization, either may before giving the Notice of A ward request the apparent Successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid price. If the apparent successful Bidder declines to make any such substitution, the Contract shall not be awarded to such Bidder, but his/her declining to make any such substitution will not constitute grounds for sacrificing his/her Bid Security. Any subcontractor, other person or organization so listed and to whom Owner or Engineer does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to Owner and Engineer. I I I I I In contracts where the Contract Price is on the basis of Cost-of-the-Work Plus a Fee, the apparent Successful Bidder, prior to the Notice of Award shall identify in writing to Owner those portions of the work that such Bidder proposes to subcontract and after the Notice of Award may only subcontract other portions of the work with Owner's written consent. I I 8.3 No Contractor shall be required to employ any subcontractor, other person or organization against whom he/she has reasonable objection. 9. BID FORM 9.1 I One Bid Form is attached hereto and is provided to each Bidder requesting Bid Documents. Additional copies may be obtained from the Engineer. I G-46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12. I 13. 9.2 Bid Fonns must be completed in ink or by typewriter. The Bid Price of each item on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of a conflict, words wiII take precedence. 9.3 Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice- president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal must be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the signature. 9.4 Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and be signed by a partner, whose title must appear under the signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 9.5 AII names must be typed or printed below the signature. 9.6 'DlC Bid shaII contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda (the number of which shaII be filled in on the Bid Form). 9.7 The address to which communications regarding the Bid are to be directed must be shown. 10. SUBMISSION OF BIDS. Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid or Advertisement for Bids and shall be included in an opaque sealed envelope, marked with the Project title and name and address of the Bidder and accompanied by the Bid Security and other required documents. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face thereof. Bids arriving at the designated place after the designated time will be returned to the Bidder unopened. 11. MODIFICA nON AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 11.1 Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in the manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 11.2 If, within twenty-four hours after Bids are opened, any Bidder files a duly signed written notice with Owner and promptly thereafter demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner that there was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation ofhislher Bid, that Bidder may withdraw his/her Bid and the Bid Security will be returned. Thereafter, that Bidder will be disqualified from further bidding on the work. OPENING OF BIDS. When Bids are opened publicly, they will be read aloud and an abstract of the amounts of the base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available after the opening of Bids BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN. All Bids shall remain open for sixty days after the day of the Bid opening, but Owner may, in his/her sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid Security prior to that date. I 14. AWARD OF CONTRACT I I I I 14.1 Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities and to negotiate Contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, non-responsive or conditional Bids. The quantities shown on the Bid Form are estimated and are furnished only as a basis to prepare a Bid and to determine the lowest Bidder. The Bid Price shall be determined by multiplying the unit price bid per item times the estimated quantity per item. The sum total of all Bid Prices shall be the Contract Price and the basis for detennining the lowest Bid. Discrepancies between words and figures in a unit price bid will be resolved to harmonize with the Bid Price. If neither the words or figures in the unit price harmonize with the Bid Price, the words will be used as the unit price bid. 14.2 In evaluating Bids, Owner shaII consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and alternates and unit prices if requested in G-47 I the Bid Fonns. It is Owner's intent to accept alternates (if any are accepted) in the order in which they are listed in the Bid form but Owner may accept them in any order or combination. I 14.3 Owner may consider the qualifications and experience of subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material or equipment) proposed for those portions of the work as to which the identity of subcontractors and other persons and organizations must be submitted as provided in the Supplementary Conditions. Operating costs, maintenance considerations, performance data and guarantee of materials and equipment may also be considered by Owner. I I 14.4 Owner may conduct such investigations as helshe deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial' ability of the Bidders, proposed subcontractors and other persons and organizations to do the work in accordance with the Contract Documents to Owner's satisfaction within the prescribed time. I I 14.5 Owner reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder who does not pass any such evaluation to Owner's satisfaction. I 14.6 If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest Bidder whose evaluation by Owner indicates to Owner that the award will be in the best interests of the Project. I 14.7 If the Contract is to be awarded, Owner will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within sixty days after the date of the Bid opening or other specified date. I 15. PERFORMANCE AND OTHER BONDS. Paragraph 3.04 of the General Conditions set forth Owner's requirements as to performance and other Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to Owner, it shall be accompanied by the required Contract Security. I 16. SIGNING OF AGREEMENT. When Owner gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by at least three unsigned counterparts of the Agreement and all other Contract Documents. Within fifteen days thereafter, Contractor shall sign and deliver at least three counterparts of the Agreement to Owner with all other Contract Documents attached. Within ten days thereafter, Owner will deliver all fully signed counterparts to Contractor. Engineer will identify those portions of the Contract Documents not fully signed by Owner and Contractor and such identification shall be binding on all parties. I I 17. SPECIAL LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. Special Legal Requirements, ifany, will be included in the Special Provisions. I END OF DOCUMENT I I I I I G-48 I