01-10-24 MINChanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
6:00 pm
January 10, 2024
Members Present: Kristin Fulkerson, Greg Hawks, Scot Lacek, Scott Grefe, Ryan Farnan, Billy
Cripe, Kaisa Buckholz
Members Absent: Leslie Elhadi
Staff Present: Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resources Specialist and Laurie Hokkanen, City
Visitors: Judy Harder, Resident
December minutes were approved as amended.
Civic Campus Update
Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager gave a presentation about plans for the new Civic Campus. Ms.
Hokkanen touched on the locations of the amenities and where the new City Hall will be located.
Develop Work Plan for 2024
Dates on the 2024 work plan were updated. It was decided that the work plan will be brought up
at the end of each meeting so members can add agenda items accordingly.
Review and Develop 2024 Media Calendar
Commissioner Cripe will write four social media posts for February and Commissioner
Buckholz will write four social media posts for March. The posts will focus on the theme of the
year which is aquatic and terrestrial invasive species. Members will sign up to write social media
posts in future meetings.
Select Arbor Day Poster Contest Theme
Commissioners discussed different ideas for the theme as well as the history of the Arbor Day
poster contest. The theme for this year’s poster contest will be “Trees are Terrific…in all Shapes
and Sizes.” Other ideas discussed will be saved and used in subsequent years.
Trivia Event Planning
Environmental Trivia Night details were discussed and members volunteered for specific tasks at
the event on February 20, 2024, at the Chanhassen Brewery.
Visitor Presentations:
Resident Judy Harder asked the commission if they were interested in an outreach opportunity
working with residents planting trees. The commission said they were interested and look
forward to receiving more information about the program.
Advertisement Posted for Openings on Environmental Commission
Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resources Specialist reminded the commission that there are three
positions on the Environmental Commission available.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15.