03-26-2024 PRC Agenda Packet A.6:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER B.ROLL CALL C.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners may postpone or remove items at this time. Commissioners may discuss adding items to a future agenda during Commissioner Member Presentations. D.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review prior to consideration. F.APPROVAL OF MINUTES F.1 Meeting Minutes: February 28, 2024 G.GENERAL BUSINESS G.1 Receive 2023 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report H.REPORTS H.1 2023-2024 Ice Rink Season Evaluation H.2 Recreation Center Quarterly Update H.3 Park Maintenance Quarterly Update H.4 Senior Center Quarterly Report AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2024 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 H.5 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Preview I.COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS J.COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS K.ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET L.ADJOURNMENT 2 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 26, 2024 Item Meeting Minutes: February 28, 2024 Item No:F.1 Agenda Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist SUGGESTED ACTION Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated February 28, 2024. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated February 28, 2024. ATTACHMENTS Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated February 28, 2024 3 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 28, 2024 Chair Vasatka called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Vasatka, Chair; Heather Markert, Vice Chair; Dan Eidsmo; Matt Kutz; Jim Peck; Scott Pharis; and, Youth Commissioner Nischay Pattanashetty. MEMBERS ABSENT: Rob Swanson. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resource Specialist; Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor; Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager. PUBLIC PRESENT: Mike Leisen, Judy Harder. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Pharis seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, recognized Chair Don Vasatka for his commitment to the Environmental Commission and the Park and Recreation Commission. He stated the city has benefitted from Mr. Vasatka’s leadership and Mr. Ruegemer thanked him for committing his time to serving the city. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: 1. Invasive Species Management Application Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resource Specialist, shared about her work within the city including forestry projects, Arbor Day, recycling events, Nomadic Gnomes, and the gravel bed program. She spoke about the invasive species management application and explained that Chanhassen residents have shown interest in removing invasive species from city property. However, vegetation management on city property can only take place if it’s approved prior to work being done. The City of Eden Prairie has a similar program, which was used as a guide in putting together the application for the City of Chanhassen. In response to the desire to improve public land by removing invasive species, staff is implementing a process where residents can apply and submit their plan online. 4 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – February 28, 2024 2 Commissioner Markert asked about the communication process for the public to educate and increase awareness that the application is required. Ms. Marsh replied they are keeping it small in the beginning. It will be on the website and in general people know that they cannot remove invasive species from public property and will call the city. At that time they will be directed to the application. A site visit will also be a part of the program to help identify invasive species versus other types of vegetation or native species. Mr. Ruegemer noted the city has been receiving a lot of feedback from the public about buckthorn and people asking what they can do about it, which is prompting this documentation process. Chair Vasatka noted he emailed the city about buckthorn the previous fall in the city property near his house, noting many ash trees that will be removed with only buckthorn remaining. Commissioner Eidsmo asked if this is only related to buckthorn, as he noticed on the form it also spoke about trees. He also asked regarding Home Owners Associations (HOAs) which have their own rules, how will that be addressed? Ms. Marsh replied the tree removal language piggy-backs off the Park and Recreation Department documentation regarding tree removal on private property that may need to be accessed by public property. Regarding HOAs, the city would want to keep this in mind if the HOA is next to city property. Mr. Ruegemer shared more about the HOAs noting the city would be giving them an avenue to take care of things on their property, or “creating a path” to access and get some action done in the areas of their purview within the HOA. Chair Vasatka asked if people can determine a plant is a buckthorn when it does not have leaves. Ms. Marsh replied she can identify buckthorn in different seasons, however, that is a concern with residents, which is why a site visit is required to identify invasive species. Informational; no action required. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated January 23, 2024 Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to approve the minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated January 23, 2024 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. 5 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – February 28, 2024 3 GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. Lake Ann Lifeguard Update Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor, provided an update on lifeguards at Lake Ann Beach, noting the City Council adopted the Park and Recreation Commission’s recommendation of a modified in-house schedule. Depending on staffing, the City Council is open to which days would be staffed; it will be fine-tuned as applications come in and they understand staffing availability. Positions were posted the previous week for lifeguard positions and a Lifeguard Coordinator position. They are currently working with the communications team to help get the word out about the position openings. If the city doesn’t have enough staff by April 1, the city will proceed with a beach monitor position rather than a full lifeguard position. Commissioner Eidsmo noted Carver County announced that they will not have lifeguards and he asked if that was part of the discussion with the City Council. Mr. Czech replied the official announcement came out after the City Council met, but they were aware that it was coming and was included in the data regarding comparable cities. Informational; no action required. REPORTS: None. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Vasatka shared that this will be his final meeting and thanked staff and his fellow Commissioners, noting it has been an enjoyable three years and he is excited about the progress they have made and about what will happen next. Commissioner Markert moved, Commissioner Peck seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer Park and Recreation Director 6 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 26, 2024 Item Receive 2023 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report Item No:G.1 Agenda Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager SUGGESTED ACTION The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council receive and approve the 2023 Park & Recreation Annual Report. SUMMARY The 2023 Park & Recreation Annual Report identifies accomplishments and information relating to all divisions within the Park & Recreation department. The information is used to evaluate performance in order to deliver quality programs, facilities, and customer service to the Chanhassen community. The majority of the financial information included in this report should be substantially accurate. However, the economic data used in this report from the city's General Ledger Accounting System is unaudited when this report is published and could be subject to adjustments up to the final issuance date of the city's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). 2023 highlights are listed below. New in 2023 55+ arts programming grew, with the Chanhassen Senior Center introducing 13 new programs serving 87 participants. Seven hundred patrons enjoyed performances from the Chan-o-laires and Minneapolis LeaguAires choir groups, and 27 patrons took part in 5 Mah Jongg 101 for Beginners classes. The Chanhassen Recreation Center hosted a Garden Tool Swap on May 6 and a Kids' Night Out program on December 8. Forty people dropped off over 150 garden tools as part of the swap, and 20 kids enjoyed games, activities, and a pizza dinner as part of Kids' Night Out. Chanhassen's special events were highlighted, with Minneapolis artist Adam Turman's artwork celebrating the 40th anniversary of the 4th of July Celebration. A free salsa dancing lesson was offered to over 400 patrons as part of the annual Summer Concert Series at City Center Park. 7 Park, Trail, & Facility Projects Ongoing work was done on the Lake Ann Park Preserve Project, including plan adjustments, permitting work, and project funding research. Over $400,000 in grant funding was received in 2023 to go toward the completion of the project. Dividing wall partitions and six air handlers were replaced at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. The Lake Susan Park baseball field underwent a total reconstruction. Playground equipment at South Lotus Lake Park and Sugarbush Park were replaced. Facilities 10,275 recorded picnic shelter patrons 5,293 recorded ice rink users $40,332.11 in Lake Ann Concession and Boat Rental revenue Community Events 10 community events were hosted with over 80,000 attendees ages birth-99 1,000+ volunteer hours Senior Center 11,000+ cumulative participants served, over 2,000 more than 2022 6,450 meals delivered to homebound patrons 3,482 participants took part in trips, parties, classes & programs Over 9,000 cups of coffee served Recreation Center 25,000+ patrons served, over 5,000 more than 2022 227 youth activities and 106 adult activities 4,831.25 non-billable hours valued at $112,932.50 Youth Programs 300+ programs with 4,600+ cumulative participants 697 Rec Center Sports participants 709 Dance for Fun participants 701 Summer Discovery & Lake Ann Camp participants Adult Programs 1,358 Rec Center adult program participants 14 adult softball teams with 196 adult participants Adaptive Recreation 157 hours of inclusion support logged 22 adaptive recreation participants Park Maintenance Maintained 70 miles of pedestrian trails and sidewalks Maintained 28 parks & 14 preserves Provided support for 10 special events and 15,000+ hours of athletic games & practices Partners & Sponsors Maintained 144 partnerships & sponsorships that involve all divisions of our department 8 BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends for the City Council to receive and approve the 2023 Park & Recreation Annual Report. ATTACHMENTS Parks & Recreation Annual Report 2023 9 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1100 2023PARKS &RECREATIONANNUAL REPORT 10 2 CONTENTS 3 4 5 6 8 14 16 18 20 23 24 25 26 ELECTED OFFICIALS & STAFF FAST FACTS NEW IN 2023 PARK, TRAIL, & FACILITY PROJECTS FACILITIES COMMUNITY EVENTS SENIOR CENTER RECREATION CENTER YOUTH PROGRAMS ADULT PROGRAMS ADAPTIVE RECREATION PARK MAINTENANCE PARTNERS & SPONSORS 11 3 OUR MISSION ELECTED OFFICIALS & STAFF MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION PARKS & RECREATION MAINTENANCE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Elise Ryan, Mayor Haley Schubert, Councilmember Josh Kimber, Councilmember Mark von Oven, Councilmember Jerry McDonald, Councilmember Karl Tsuchiya, Chair (Jan-Mar) Heather Markert, Vice Chair Don Vasatka, Commissioner, Chair (Apr-Dec) Matt Kutz, Commissioner Jim Peck, Commissioner Dan Eidsmo, Commissioner Scott Fischer, Commissioner (Jan-Mar) Rob Swanson, Commissioner (Apr-Dec) Scott Pharis, Commissioner (Apr-Dec) Alexandra Jerdee, Youth Commissioner (Jan-Aug) Nischay Pattanashetty, Youth Commissioner (Sept-Dec) Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator Adam Beers, Park Superintendent Gary Berg, Park Foreman Rob Heinen, Park Operator II Jason Koehnen, Park Operator II John Wickenhauser, Park Operator II (Jan) Josh Hargrove, Park Operator I Kyle Brazil, Park Operator I Nick Jacobson, Park Operator I Ryan Fossen, Park Operator I (May - Oct) Nick Kopp, Park Operator I (Dec.) “The City of Chanhassen emphasizes parks, open space, trails, and recreation. The Parks & Recreation department strives to maintain and enhance the quality of life for Chanhassen residents through quality recreation programs, community events, trails, and facilities in the community. Chanhassen is a community for life, providing for today and planning for tomorrow.” **The majority of the financial information included in this report should be substantially accurate. However, the economic data used in this report from the city’s General Ledger Accounting System is unaudited when this report is published and could be subject to adjustments up to the final issuance date of the city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). City Council term year 2023 12 FAST FACTS 10 COMMUNITY EVENTS 80,000+ SPECIAL EVENT ATTENDEES 11,000+ SENIOR CENTER PARTICIPANTS 25,000+ RECREATION CENTER VISITORS 30 PARKS 70 MILES OF TRAILS 23 PICNIC SHELTERS 1 RECREATION CENTER 1 SENIOR CENTER 144 PARTNERSHIPS 13 FULL-TIME STAFF 65 PART-TIME & SEASONAL STAFF 15,000+ HOURS OF ATHLETIC GAMES & PRACTICES 500+ PROGRAMS OFFERED 4 13 5 NEW IN 2023 Garden Tool Swap In partnership with Carver County Environmental Services, the first annual Garden Tool Swap was held at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Twenty volunteers from Boy scout Troop 220, the Chaska, Chanhassen, & Minnetonka High School Key Clubs, and Green Corps took part in the event. Over 40 people dropped off 157 garden tools as part of the swap, and items remaining after the swap were brought to the Reuse Center to give away. Saturday, May 6 OVER 40 ATTENDEES arTiST parTnerShip: 4Th of July CelebraTion To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the annual 4th of July Celebration, Minneapolis-based artist Adam Turman was commissioned to design the 2023 event logo. The logo was featured in event branding and commemorative merchandise, and showcased the soul of the 4th of July event and Chanhassen community. Tandem KayaK aT laKe ann After the successful addition of a tandem kayak to the Lake Ann Park watercraft rental operation in 2022, a canoe was replaced with a second new tandem kayak in 2023. This second tandem kayak saw 26 rentals and generated $645 in revenue. KidS’ niGhT ouT Twenty kids aged 5-12 enjoyed an evening of activities at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Kids’ Night activities featured gym games, crafts, a movie, and a pizza dinner. Friday, December 8 55+ arTS proGramminG GrowS in 2023 Art, learning, and music programming at the Senior Center took center stage in 2023, with new classes and programs designed to increase music appreciation, game skills, and artistic talents. Classes and events included: »1 - Intergenerational Summer Acrylic Painting (6 participants) »1 - Holiday Centerpiece Workshop (14 participants) »3 - Natural Dye Scarf Making (9 participants) »5 - Mah Jongg 101 for Beginners (27 participants) »8 - Pencil Art and Drawing (57 participants) »21 - Community choir Performances featuring the Chan-o-laires (620 attendees) and Minneapolis LeaguAires (80 attendees) SalSa danCinG leSSon As part of the annual Summer Concert Series, a free salsa dancing lesson was offered in partnership with a performance by local Twin Cities salsa band, Salsa del Soul. Over 400 people attended the performance and salsa dance. Thursday, July 20 OVER 400 ATTENDEES 14 6 PARK, TRAIL, & FACILITY PROJECTS LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE PROJECT: ONGOING WORK Beginning with the concept park plan developed in 2018, the city is fulfilling a fifty-year plan to preserve the forests and wetlands located between Lake Ann and Lake Lucy. Ongoing work was completed on this project in 2023, including concept plan adjustments, permitting work, and project funding research. Great River Greening: $158,000 (invasive species removal) Minnesota DNR: $250,000 (local trail connection) Grant funding received in 2023: $408,000 CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER WALL PARTITION & AIR HANDLER REPLACEMENT Dividing wall partitions in the community rooms and six air handlers were replaced at the Chanhassen Recreation Center in 2023. The wall replacement project was completed on April 28, 2023, which allowed for more versatile use of the Rec Center community Space. Six air handlers were replaced at the Rec Center and Bluff Creek Elementary building between June 10 and June 30, which allowed for more efficient cooling of the Rec Center space. WALL PARTITIONS: $34,066.70 AIR HANDLERS: $32,145.00 (City portion) 15 SOUTH LOTUS LAKE PARK SOUTH LOTUS LAKE PARK 7 2023 PARK & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) PARK EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: $190,000 »The Park Equipment Replacement Fund was established in 2019 as an annual fund to replace park amenities that are no longer serviceable. 2023 projects included a total reconstruct of the Lake Susan Park baseball field and new playground equipment at both South Lotus Lake Park and Sugarbush Park. SUGARBUSH PARK 16 8 FACILITIES The City of Chanhassen offers quality active and passive recreation opportunities by providing a variety of recreational spaces for people of all ages to enjoy in every season. 70 Miles of Trail 30 Parks 29 Playgrounds 6 Community Parks 24 Neighborhood Parks 14 Preserves 1 Senior Center 1 Recreation Center 445 Acres of Park Space 25 Basketball Courts 4 Sand Volleyball Courts 5 Youth/Adult Baseball Fields 693 Acres of Open Space 16 Tennis Courts 20 Soccer Fields 3 Adult Softball Fields 10 Fishing Piers 23 Picnic Shelters 10 Pickleball Courts 20 Youth Baseball/Softball Fields 5 Public Beaches 5 Boat Launches 11 Seasonal Ice Rinks 5 Sledding Hills 1 Skate Park 1 Disc Golf Course 17 9 SENIOR CENTER 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD Dedicated in 1992, the Senior Center provides educational and social activities, trips, and meeting spaces for active older adults ages 55+. The center includes two kitchenettes, a large group gathering and dining space, the Maple Corner for smaller groups and events, and a large workshop for wood carving projects. CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER 2310 COULTER BOULEVARD Built in 1995, the Chanhassen Recreation Center is a year- round facility that hosts over 25,000 patrons annually. Facilities at the Recreation Center include a single- court gymnasium, fitness center, dance studio, meeting and party rooms, a conference room, two hockey rinks (winter), family rink (winter), warming house, tennis courts, pickleball courts, ball fields, and soccer fields. The Recreation Center hosts a wide variety of adult, senior, and youth programming and city-sponsored and external special events. SKATE PARK AT CITY CENTER PARK SNOWMELT-LATE FALL (WEATHER DEPENDENT) The Skate Park at City Center Park is open snowmelt through late fall and hosts over 5,000 users annually. The facility provides a variety of permanent obstacles no larger than 48 inches for skateboards, scooters, bicycles, and in-line skates. The Skate Park was initially constructed in 1999 and was most recently refurbished in 2003. 18 10 COMMUNITY PARKS LAKE ANN PARK 1456 weST 78Th STreeT Amenities include two picnic shelters, six ballfields, one soccer field, one tennis court, one sand volleyball court, two playgrounds, a fishing pier, a swimming beach, non- motorized boat access, seasonal watercraft rentals & concessions, grills, picnic tables, and an internal trail system. »Lake Ann Park hosts various special events and programs, including February Festival, the 4th of July celebration, the annual senior picnic, adult softball leagues, and youth athletic games, practices & tournaments. LAKE SUSAN PARK 903 laKe drive Amenities include one picnic shelter, one ballfield, two tennis courts, one basketball court, two sand volleyball courts, one playground, a fishing pier, boat access, grills, and picnic tables. BANDIMERE PARK 9405 GreaT plainS boulevard Amenities include three ballfields, three soccer fields, one seasonal hockey rink, one seasonal family skating rink, a disc golf course, a playground, grills, picnic tables, and an internal trail system. CITY CENTER PARK 7700 marKeT boulevard Amenities include four ballfields, five soccer fields, four tennis courts, three basketball courts, one seasonal hockey rink, one seasonal family skating rink, one playground, the Skate Park, and the City Center Park Plaza. »City Center Park hosts various special events and programs, including the 4th of July Celebration, Summer Concert Series sponsored by Old National Bank, and the Chanhassen Farmers’ Market. Chanhassen City Hall, the Senior Center, and the Chanhassen Library are also located here. CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER 2310 CoulTer boulevard Amenities include a single-court gymnasium, fitness center, dance studio, meeting and party rooms, conference room, two outdoor hockey rinks (winter), family outdoor rink (winter), warming house, two tennis courts, six pickleball courts, ball fields, and soccer fields. »The Chanhassen Recreation Center hosts a wide variety of city programs and events including the Barnyard Boogie, Halloween Party, 55+ Senior Expo, and more. SOUTH LOTUS LAKE PARK 7610 SouTh Shore dr Amenities include one basketball court, two tennis courts, one playground, picnic shelter, sledding hill, dock, and boat access. 101 212 Powers Blvd.5 Ma r k e t B l v d .Powers Blvd.Lyman Blvd. 19 11 OUTDOOR ICE RINKS & WARMING HOUSES *reCreaTion CenTer (1 family, 2 hoCKey) *roundhouSe parK (1 family) +CiTy CenTer parK ( 1 family, 1 hoCKey) +n. loTuS laKe parK (1 family, 1 hoCKey) +bandimere parK (1 family, 1 hoCKey) pioneer paSS parK (1 family) 5,293 SKaTerS DECEMBER 27, 2022 – FEBRUARY 21, 2023 *DENOTES PERMANENT WARMING HOUSE; + DENOTES TEMPORARY WARMING HOUSEEXPENSES: $37,249.41Seasonal attendant wages, rink maintenance, and temporary warming houses. Daily Operating Cost: $653.50 There are five beaches in Chanhassen: Lake Ann Park, Greenwood Shores Park, Carver Beach Park, Roundhouse Park, and Minnewashta Park (operated by Carver County Parks). In 2023, lifeguards were on duty at Lake Ann Park from June 3 – August 13 from 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. daily. However, due to a national lifeguard shortage hours were shortened and some days went unstaffed during the end of the season. laKe ann parK 1456 W 78TH ST. Lifeguards on Duty: June 5 - August 15; 9AM - 6PM Daily Greenwood ShoreS parK 7110 UTICA LN. Located on Lake Ann Carver beaCh parK 6891 LOTUS TRL. Located on Lotus Lake roundhouSe parK 3950 KINGS RD. Located on Lake Minnewashta laKe minnewaShTa reGional parK 6900 HAZELTINE BLVD. Operated by Carver County Parks Temporary outdoor skating rinks are flooded seasonally on asphalt and grass surfaces at six Chanhassen parks: the Chanhassen Recreation Center, City Center, North Lotus Lake, Bandimere, Roundhouse, and Pioneer Pass Park. Permanent or temporary warming houses are provided at most rink locations (all but Pioneer Pass Park). In 2023, 21 rink attendants were hired on a seasonal basis to supervise the rinks and warming houses. 2023 LAKE ANN CONTRACT LIFEGUARD EXPENSES: $34,066.70 BEACHES 20 12 LAKE ANN PARK WATERCRAFT RENTAL & CONCESSIONS The Lake Ann concession stand offers concessions & watercraft rentals to patrons at Lake Ann Park, Memorial Day through mid-August. Watercraft rental options include: »Paddleboards »Paddleboats »Canoes »Kayaks (single & tandem) »Rowboats 32 Canoe and Kayak rental racks are available at Lake Ann and Lotus Lake and can be rented from April through October. BOAT RENTAL RACKS Total Boat Rentals Revenue Concessions & Rental Expenses Total Profit 1,363 $1,732.25 $40,332.11 $25,844.56 $14,487.55 Concessions & Rental Revenue 21 13 The City of Chanhassen has 23 picnic shelters: three at community parks that can be rented and 19 neighborhood shelters available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Lakeside Pavilion and Klingelhutz Pavilion are at Lake Ann Park, and the Lake Susan Picnic Shelter is at Lake Susan Park. Both community and neighborhood picnic shelters are used to host city programs and special events. PICNIC SHELTERS Revenue $16,335 10,275 USERS 116 RENTALS 0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 2014 $17,200 $15,200 $16,600 $16,400 $3,080 $15,445 $19,357 $15,200 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 $19,456 2023 $16,335 RENTAL REVENUEKlingelhutz Pavilion - 38 Lakeside Pavilion - 40 Lake Susan Pavilion - 38 2023 Pavilion Reservations 116 Total Reservations 22 14 COMMUNITY EVENTS february feSTival The 30th annual outdoor winter festival and ice fishing contest was canceled due to inconsistent ice conditions on Lake Ann. Saturday, February 4, 2023 (Canceled) 0 ATTENDEES EXPENSES: $3,853.19 eaSTer eGG Candy hunT This event includes a candy and egg hunt, a coloring contest, and a visit from the Easter bunny. Saturday, April 8, 2023 2,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $5,220.00 | EXPENSES: $2,255.72 memorial day Ceremony IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CHANHASSEN AMERICAN LEGION POST 580 Presented by the Chanhassen American Legion Post 580 and the City of Chanhassen, the Memorial Day Ceremony honors soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our country’s freedom. Monday, May 29, 2023 500 ATTENDEES EXPENSES: $2,703.22 Summer ConCerT SerieS In this three-month series, nine bands from various genres perform free evening concerts in City Center Park. Attendees can also enjoy concessions, a food truck, or a beverage from Chanhassen Brewing Company. Thursdays, June 8 - August 10, 2023 2,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $3,938.98 | EXPENSES: $6,164.70 4Th of July CelebraTion This three-day festival includes over 30 activities and performances including carnival rides, live music, family activities, food vendors, a street dance, parade, fireworks display, and more. Special thanks to the Rotary Club of Chanhassen for presenting the beer garden, food vendors, classic car show, and parade as part of the celebration. Sunday - Tuesday, July 2, 3, & 4, 2023 OVER 70,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $31,748.87 | EXPENSES: $115,495.39 TOTALEXPENSES: $203,205.03 General Expenses: $138,205.03 Full-Time Wage (Est.): $65,000 Revenue: $50,796.95 BY THE NUMBERS »10 community events »80,000+ attendees ages birth-99 »1,000+ volunteer hours barnyard booGie CO-HOSTED WITH VICTORIA PARKS & RECREATION An evening of barnyard-themed family fun including a petting zoo, dance, crafts, games, and refreshments. Friday, September 15, 2023 284 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $1,988.00 | EXPENSES: $1,232.11 23 15 holiday bouTiquehalloween parTy Tree liGhTinG CeremonyarTiSan fair Handcrafted and commercial items are featured in this annual holiday shopping event. A total of $35 in cash and 176 pounds of food donations were collected for Bountiful Basket Food Shelf as part of this event. A delightfully spooky night filled with trick-or-treating, carnival games, activities, live entertainment, and refreshments for children and their families. This event features bonfires, carolers, refreshments, live reindeer, a visit from Santa, and marks the official lighting of the holiday lights at City Center Park. Kicking off the holiday shopping season, local artisans sell handcrafted items. $223 in cash and 394 pounds of food donations were collected for PROP Food Shelf as part of this event. Saturday, December 2, 2023 OVER 400 ATTENDEES | 34 EXHIBITORS REVENUE: $1,215.00 | EXPENSES: $375.00 Saturday, October 28, 2023 1,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $3,120 | EXPENSES: $3,820.60 Saturday, December 2, 2023 900 ATTENDEES EXPENSES: $2,305.10 Saturday, November 4, 2023 OVER 500 ATTENDEES | 36 EXHIBITORS REVENUE: $1,261.00 COMMUNITY EVENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM In 2023, 38 local businesses contributed to the annual Community Events Sponsorship program, generously donating $39,016.70 towards Chanhassen’s Community Events. The entire Chanhassen community is grateful to our community event sponsors for making these events possible! CashDonations $23,100 DonatedMerchandise $15,916.70 LocalBusinesses 38 24 16 SENIOR CENTER The Chanhassen Senior Center is a community engagement facility that offers programs, trips, meals, activities, education, and wellness services for patrons 55 and older. The Senior Center is staffed by one full-time coordinator. 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD NO ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE VOLUNTEERS GRANTS & DONATIONS The Senior Center relies on over 100 volunteers to maintain quality programming. Volunteer coordinators run weekly and monthly groups. Volunteer leaders and commissioners devote time to special events. Local government and non-profit agencies provide free, valuable information and resources during educational outreach and individual meetings with patrons. »Created in 2021, The Martha Walker Memorial Fund provides scholarships for patrons deterred from enjoying fee-based programs and trips due to financial strains. In 2023, $377 in donations allowed 24 patrons to receive partial or full scholarships to participate in programs, classes, and adventure trips. »Local senior housing sites and businesses provide resources and snacks for various programs and events. Annual sponsorship donations totaled $1,355 in addition to supply costs from The Chanhassen Lions Club, Nicolet Bank, and The American Legion Post 580 allowing for free and low-cost programs for all participants. Including wages Memorials, sponsorship, & scholarship donations Program & registration fees, room use & supply fees, memorials, sponsorship, scholarship donations, & partnership reimbursement TOTAL PROGRAMEXPENSES: $41,395Total Program Operating Expenses: $139,743 GRANTS & DONATIONS: $1,732 Total Program Revenue: $52,917 BY THE NUMBERS »11,072 cumulative participants in 2023 TIMELY HELP HIGHLIGHTS Helping patrons with timely resources was a top priority in 2023 as patrons sought out tech help, tax assistance, foot care, and aging in place resources. »Senior Community Services (SCS) provided technology help and workshops on digital safety, streaming services, and managing devices. SCS volunteers gave 25 hours of free individual tech assistance for 47 clients and educational classes drew in 86 attendees. »AARP Volunteers prepared and filed income taxes at no cost for 47 clients. »Age-Well Specialist Pat Lauria presented an in-depth, two-part workshop on aging well in place, financial stability, legal help, right-sizing, and available resources. 78 people were in attendance. »2023 Medicare changes created an increased need for Foot Care. Partnering with local nurses, we provided 225 low cost, individual foot care sessions marking a 68% increase in services from 2022. »6,450 meals delivered to homebound patrons »795 miles traveled on 15 andventure trips. »3,482 taking part in trips, parties, classes & programs »Over 9,000 cups of coffee served »Over 2,680 phone calls fielded 25 17 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAMMING advenTure day TripS Theater shows, concerts, Twins games, museum tours, boat excursions, and exploring other cities. 824 PARTICIPANTS | 15 TRIPS SpeCial evenTS & CelebraTionS Holiday themed parties, meals & entertainment, 55+ Senior Expo, Annual Picnic, Mayor’s Dinner, Veteran’s Breakfast, and Ladies’ Luncheon. 1,047 PARTICIPANTS | 11 EVENTS lifelonG learninG, ClaSSeS, & SpeaKerS Lunch & Learn, Pencil Drawing, Painting, Scarf Art, Mah Jongg, Woodcarving Instruction, Coffee & Conversation Groups, History Presentations, Tech Ed, British History, Music, Travel Shows, and Free Movie Days. 744 PARTICIPANTS | 18 EVENTS Chan-o-laireS Choir Representing Chanhassen, this 55+ singing group performs at various special events, care homes, and retirement communities throughout the year. 35 ACTIVE MEMBERS healTh & wellneSS, reSourCe aSSiSTanCe, & aGe well eduCaTion Tax assistance, tech help, Medicare updates, foot care clinics, vaccination clinic, Age Well workshops, health insurance counseling, caregiver support services, and yoga classes. 638 CLIENTS | 19 OUTREACH & EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS 229 ADULT LEARNERS | 14 CLASSES 55+ alive driver SafeTy CourSe Participants sharpen their skills and improve upon their road knowledge, earning a 10% discount on car insurance. weeKly & monThly Game & SoCial GroupS 6,156 CUMULATIVE ATTENDANCE | 15 GROUPS BINGO, Bridge, Cribbage, Mah-jongg, Scrabble, Dominoes, Woodcarving, Music & Art Groups, and Volunteer Corps. mealS proGram wiTh Cap aGenCy 3,600 MEALS DELIVERED | 475 VOLUNTEER HOURS Nutritious meals were delivered by volunteers to homebound Chanhassen seniors. 26 18 RECREATION CENTER The Chanhassen Recreation Center is a multi-purpose facility that allows for a wide range of sports and fitness activities, tournaments, leisure programs, meetings, classes, and events. It also serves as a site for critical information, registrations, and events for many of the city’s parks and recreation programs. Facilities at the Recreation Center include a single-court gymnasium, fitness center, dance studio, meeting and party rooms, a conference room, two outdoor hockey rinks (winter), family outdoor rink (winter), warming house, tennis courts, pickleball courts, ball fields, and soccer fields. 2310 COULTER BOULEVARD NO ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE adulT aCTiviTieS Physical, mind, & body classes, and leisure activities are offered at the Recreation Center, including Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Fit for Life, and pickleball lessons. 652 PARTICIPANTS | 106 ACTIVITIES fiTneSS CenTer & open Gym The Chanhassen Recreation Center fitness room, open gym, & open pickleball are available on a drop-in basis, with no membership required. Through partnerships with the Renew Active, Silver & Fit, and Silver Sneakers programs, free access is available to Medicare participants through their insurance. OVER 15,000 VISITS youTh aCTiviTieS The Chanhassen Recreation Center offers a wide variety of youth programming, including the Recreation Center Sports program for kids ages 3-6, Dance for Fun program for ages 0-adult, Go Gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do, and more. 1,879 PARTICIPANTS | 227 ACTIVITIES perSonal TraininG Contracted certified personal trainers offer high-quality, customizable personal training sessions. 218 SESSIONS TOTALEXPENSES: $439,930.22 Staff time, contractual services, materials & supplies State grants, food concessions, fitness, dance, preschool activities, room rentals, personal training, youth activities Revenue: $296,343.25 BY THE NUMBERS »Over 25,000 annual patrons • 697 Rec Sports participants • 709 Dance for Fun participants »343 programs & events »2,600 hours of athletic games & practices »4,831.25 non-billable hours »$112,932.50 value of non-billable hours renTalS During typical years, the Chanhassen Recreation Center has a variety of spaces available for public reservation: four meeting rooms, one conference room, one gymnasium, and a studio fitness center. During 2023, rental spaces and reservations were limited due to capital improvement projects and construction delays. 27 19 SpeCial evenT venue The Chanhassen Recreation Center hosts a wide variety of city & community organization sponsored events throughout the year, including: »Artisan Fair »Barnyard Boogie »Bluff Creek Elementary Concerts & Carnival »Chanhassen Community Day »Community Shred Event »Dance for Fun Showcase »Garden Tool Swap »Halloween Party »Holiday Boutique »Public Open Houses for Engineering, Parks, & Pavement Management Departments »Sweetheart Dance »U.S. Naval Academy Picnic »55+ Senior Expo CommuniTy day 150 ATTENDEES The Chanhassen Recreation Center hosted a free open house to share activities and trial classes with the community. The event featured a bounce house, game stations, a food truck, musical petting zoo from Bach to Rock, and hosted 150 community members. aThleTiC field & rinK uSaGe In 2023, there were 2,600 permitted hours of athletic games, practices, and tournaments held by local youth athletic associations on the Recreation Center’s ballfields, soccer fields, and ice skating rinks. 2023 Recreation Center Non-Billable Hours Value $112,932.50 City of Chanhassen - $104,816.25 Carver County - $640.00 District 112 - $5,277.50 National Weather Service - $200.00 U.S. Naval Academy - $360.00 Community Organizations - $1,468.75 Minnetonka Schools - $170.00 2023 Recreation Center Expenses $439,930.22 Personnel Services - 286,290.43 Operating Services - 153,639.79 2023 Recreation Center Revenue $296,343.25 Personal Training - $7,831.59Room Rental - $31,253.51 Dance Costume Fees - $13,440.30Fitness - $72,905.33 Concessions - $164.06 Dance Program Fees - $75,296.07 Dance Competition Fees - $20,453.71 Preschool Activities- $11,752.23Adult Activities- $34,611.00 Youth Activities - $28,635.45 28 20 YOUTH PROGRAMS Chanhassen’s Parks and Recreation youth programs aim to develop and enhance the quality of life for ages birth-17 physically, socially, and emotionally through traditional playground programs, sports, and social events. ChanhaSSen reC CenTer SporTS Small fry SporTS lil’ STar SporTS The Rec Center Sports program provides affordable recreational youth sports programs that teach children the fundamentals of various sports in a positive and stress-free environment. These include Small Fry Sports and Lil’ Star Sports. Small Fry Sports offers three-week programs designed to provide 3 & 4 year olds the opportunity to develop large motor skills & learn about sports. Lil’ Star Sports offers 5 & 6 year olds six-week programs that focus on skill development, teamwork, & sportsmanship. EXPENSES: $35,273.44 | REVENUE: $32,751.16 697 PARTICIPANTS | 5 STAFF 399 PARTICIPANTS | 20 SESSIONS 298 PARTICIPANTS | 18 SESSIONS TOTALEXPENSES: $242,719.76TotalRevenue: $201,098.56 BY THE NUMBERS »300+ programs »4,600+ participants »Age birth-17 29 21 danCe for fun The Dance for Fun program completed its 26th year at the Chanhassen Recreation Center in 2023. Classes offer dance instruction in a supportive setting focusing on self-esteem and personal development. Styles include Parent/Tot, Ballet/Creative Movement, Ballet/Tap, Jazz, Jazz/Lyrical, Pre-Pointe/Pointe, Hip Hop, and Competitive Teams. Chanhassen Recreation Center 96 CLASSES | 709 DANCERS; 3 STAFF Safe KidS 101 & babySiTTinG TraininG Both the Safe Kids 101 and Babysitting Training certification programs offer older children and teens the opportunity to develop responsibility and gain applicable life skills. A total of 80 children and teens received their Babysitter and Safe Kids certifications in 2023. Chanhassen Recreation Center 80 CERTIFICATIONS reC CenTer youTh proGramS The Chanhassen Recreation Center provides a wide variety of additional programming options for youth, including the Go Gymnastics program, Tae Kwon Do program, day camp programs, and special events. 726 PARTICIPANTS | 70 PROGRAMS EXPENSES: $28,943.90 Revenue: $40,387.68 EXPENSES: $93,876.90 Revenue: $109,190.08 30 22 Includes seasonal staff wages Summer diSCovery playGround proGram laKe ann advenTure Camp SpeCial evenTS Teen volunTeer proGram The Summer Discovery Playground Program is offered at 11 park locations weekly for 7-weeks during the summer. Participants ages 4-12 enjoy activities, games, sports, and crafts, led by seasonal staff and volunteers. Lake Ann Adventure Camp comprises three one-week camp sessions that include outdoor games, adventures, activities, crafts, cooking, and more, led by seasonal staff and volunteers. The Parks & Recreation Department presents some special events specifically geared towards youth, such as the Easter Egg Candy Hunt, Royal Ball, Sweetheart Dance, Barnyard Boogie, and Halloween Party. The summer Teen Volunteer Program provides teens, ages 13-16, the opportunity to grow in leadership and responsibility by volunteering at youth programs, sports classes, special events, park projects, and more. 450 PARTICIPANTS; 14 STAFF 14 SESSIONS, 2 AGE GROUPS 251 PARTICIPANTS; 18 STAFF 3 SESSIONS 2,000+ PARTICIPANTS 18 VOLUNTEERS 1,073.50 VOLUNTEER HOURS EXPENSES: $39,626.20 Includes seasonal staff wages Revenue: $34,078.00 EXPENSES: $27,766.44 Revenue: $43,906.00 31 23 ADULT PROGRAMS Chanhassen Parks and Recreation aims to enhance the overall physical and recreational needs of our adult community by providing opportunities for positive competition and social interaction via various facilities, athletic, and class activities. adulT ClaSSeS The Chanhassen Recreation Center offers physical, mind, & body classes, and leisure activities, including Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Fit for Life, pickleball lessons, and bicycle repair. Chanhassen Recreation Center 1,358 PARTICIPANTS | 103 PROGRAMS adulT SofTball The adult softball program offers a summer and fall league to adults in Chanhassen and the surrounding areas. Games are played at the Lake Ann ballfields on Thursday evenings during the summer and fall. 196 PARTICIPANTS | 14 TEAMS EXPENSES: $6,805.16 Includes supplies, contracted staff time, & full-time wagesRevenue: $9,918.50 Senior CenTer proGramS The Chanhassen Senior Center offers a wide variety of activities for active older adults 55+ and seniors, weekly and monthly social and game groups, trips, large group special events, outdoor summer classes, lifelong learning, educational speakers, health assisstance clinics, emotional wellness support, financial education classes, and drivers safety courses. Senior Center 11,072 PARTICIPANTS | 90+ PROGRAMS EXPENSES: $22,955.70 Revenue: $34,611.00 32 24 ADAPTIVE RECREATION Chanhassen’s adaptive recreation program is a cooperative effort between the City of Chanhassen, Reach for Resources, and the cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Chaska, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, Plymouth, and St. Louis Park. Reach for Resources provides programs specifically designed for individuals with disabilities, including social clubs, athletic leagues, special events, holiday parties, and dances. Reach for Resources also provides inclusion support at no cost to the participating children or adults in any Chanhassen Parks & Recreation programs and inclusion training to Chanhassen Parks & Recreation seasonal staff at the beginning of each summer camp season. TOTALEXPENSES: $11,839.09 PROVIDED BY 157 HOURS OF INCLUSION SUPPORT 22 ADAPTIVE RECREATION PARTICIPANTS 33 25 PARK MAINTENANCE The City of Chanhassen’s Park Maintenance department provides safe, clean, and beautiful city parks and facilities along with high-quality leisure activities for all Chanhassen residents and visitors to enjoy. 8 FULL TIME STAFF 18 SUMMER SEASONAL STAFF winTer mainTenanCe Summer mainTenanCe SNOWPLOWING TRAILS & SIDEWALKS »Snow is cleared from 70 miles of public trails, 12 miles of downtown sidewalks, sidewalk & stairways at 10 public buildings, six public parking lots, & 15 park parking lots. SKATING RINK FLOODING & MAINTENANCE »Outdoor skating rinks are flooded on grass (family rink) & asphalt (hockey rink) bases as soon as air temperatures & ground frost allow. Two flood trucks run 24-hours a day for approximately 10- days to build the initial ice base. Once built, rinks are swept & flooded Monday through Saturday as needed. TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL »Regular tree & brush trimming takes place during the winter, with easier access to trails & less damage to the surrounding area. TURF MOWING »Parks are mowed once per week »Athletic fields are mowed twice per week. FERTILIZING »Athletic fields only are fertilized in May, September, & October. BALLFIELD GROOMING »Community park ballfields are groomed daily, & neighborhood fields are groomed weekly. TRAIL SWEEPING »Occurs after snow & ice melt. All trails are swept three times; two additional times for wooded trails. GARBAGE PICKUP »Occurs daily for larger parks & twice per week for neighborhood parks. BEACH MAINTENANCE »Beaches are checked daily, & groomed daily during peak times & twice during off-peak times. Aquatic vegetation control is used at Greenwood Shores, Carver Beach, Roundhouse, & Lake Ann Parks to control vegetation in the swimming, picnic, & boat rental areas. PICNIC PAVILIONS »Community pavilions are cleaned daily May 15-August 15, & neighborhood shelters are cleaned twice per week. Neighborhood shelters cleaned as needed after August 15. FACILITY INSTALLATION REMOVAL Aeration System (Lake Susan)Feb. 1 March 20 Baseball/Softball Bases April 1 Oct. 15 Portable Toilets April 1 Oct. 26 Volleyball Nets April 15 Oct. 15 Tennis Nets April 1 Nov. 15 Pickleball Nets April 1 Nov. 15 Soccer Goals/Nets April 1 Nov. 1 Fishing Piers April 15 Nov. 1 Docks April 15 Nov. 1 Picnic Shelters April 15 Oct. 15 Lake Ann Ball Field Concession April 15 Oct.15 Irrigation Systems April 15 Oct. 15 Swimming Buoys May 1 Sept. 20 Holiday Lights 1st Saturday in December Jan. 15 34 26 PARTNERS The City of Chanhassen’s Parks & Recreation Department partnered with 144 organizations, nonprofits, and clubs on various activities and events in 2023. Our partners provide programming, volunteers, financial support, access to facilities, event support, and more to make our programs possible. Thank you to all of our partners and all you do for the Chanhassen community! Partners listed alphabetically & include area of partnership. OVER 130 PARTNERS 3rd Lair Skate Park - 4th of July AARP - Volunteer Speakers and tax assistance (Senior Center) American Legion Auxiliary 580- Annual Senior Center Pancake Breakfast; Memorial Day; community events American Legion Post 580 - Memorial Day; community events American Red Cross - Community Blood Drives A Better Society - Senior Center Automotive Unlimited - February Festival; Community events Benedictine Care (Shakopee) - Senior Center special events Bjorn Cycle - Community programs Bluff Creek Elementary - Chan Rec Center facility partnership for school day activities, interviews, & events ACT on Alzheimer’s Team - Senior Center support BuyChanhassen - Tree Lighting; community events Cabin Fever Sporting Goods - February Festival; 4th of July Carver County AAA - 55+ Senior Expo CAP Agency - Meals on Wheels Carver County - Park and trail projects; Chan Rec Center facility partnership for Public Health and Sheriff Department meetings; Garden Tool Swap Brown’s Tire & Auto - Community events Brian Reister, State Farm Insurance - Community events Carver County Health and Human Services - Support for Aging Well programming Carver County Parks - Youth & family programs ACTA MN - Youth Programs Berne Scale - February Festival Blizzard Ski & Snowboard Club - Youth programs Bongards Premium Cheese - Community events Boys and Girls of Scout Troop 330 - February Festival Buffalo Wild Wings-Chanhassen - 55+ Senior Expo Carver County Adult Protection - 55+ Senior Expo Carver County Public Health - 55+ Senior Expo; Senior Center Carver County Veterans Services - 55+ Senior Expo Carver County Sheriff’s Office - Community events Be Well Chiropractic - Easter Egg Candy Hunt; Halloween Party Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Chanhassen - 4th of July Boba Tonka Bubble Tea - Concessions Carver County 4-H - 4th of July Bach to Rock - Recreation Center Community Day Carver County Mounted Posse - Barnyard Boogie 35 27 Chanhassen Lion’s Club - Senior Picnic; February Festival Chanhassen Red Birds - Facility partnerships Chanhassen Students Today, Leaders Forever - Halloween Party Chaska High School Key Club - February Festival Chick-fil-A Chanhassen - Community events City of Chaska: The Lodge - Program & trip partnerships for older adults City of Victoria - Co-host of Barnyard Boogie; youth programs Cub Foods of Chanhassen - 55+ Senior Expo Chuck & Don’s - Bone Adventure Culver’s Chanhassen - Community events Dugout Club/CAA - Baseball facilities Eastern Carver County Schools - Joint facility partnership; elections; 4th of July Eden Prairie High School Key Club - Community events; Senior Center Eastern Carver County Schools Community Education - Recreation Center facility partnership for training & Star graduation, meetings, concerts & events Chanhassen Dental - Community events Chanhassen Dinner Theatres - Community events Chanhassen Farmers’ Market - Summer farmers’ market Chanhassen Fire Department - Community events Chanhassen Library & Carver County Library System - All ages programming Chanhassen High School - Year-round facility partnership; Rec Center facility partnership for debate team Chanhassen High School Key Club - Community events Chanhassen Chiropratic - Community events Chanhassen Historical Society - Senior Center C.H.I. Companies - February Festival Children of Tomorrow Learning Centers - Community events Commission on Aging Members - Senior Center; 4th of July Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar - Community events Eden Trace Corp. - Community events Encore - Senior Center Go Gymnastics - Youth Programs Grey Duck Outdoors - Watercraft rentals Chanhassen Brewing Company - Summer Concert Series CFC Athletics - Community events Clam Outdoors - February Festival Future Anglers of Minnesota - February Festival IWCO - 4th of July Christine Pedretti - Mind Body Program  36 28 Park Dental Eden Prairie - Community events Pizzaioli - Community events Old National Bank - Summer Concert series Power Systems AHS - Community events REACH for Resources - Adaptive Recreation programs Minnetonka School Districts - Rec Center facility partnership for elementary retreats Peak Heating & Cooling - Community events Nicolet National Bank Chanhassen - February Festival; community events; Senior Center Landmark Tours - Travel education Love Inc. of ECC & Furnishare of Chanhassen - 55+ Senior Expo; Senior Center Lunds & Byerly’s Chanhassen - Community events McDonald’s - Community events Mathnasium Chanhassen - Community events Living Christ Lutheran Church - Tree Lighting McPhail Center for Music - Virtual Music History programs (Senior Center) Metropolitan Supply - Community events Merlin’s Ace Hardware - February Festival Minnesota Twins - 4th of July Minnetonka Community Education & Services - Rec Center facility partnership for Tour de Tonka & Fall de Tonka Lakewinds Food Co-Op - 55+ Senior Expo Leeann Chin - 55+ Senior Expo; community events Music Together Lakeside - Family programs Potbelly Sandwiches-Chanhassen - 55+ Senior Expo kiddywampus Chanhassen - Easter; 4th of July; Halloween Party Kwik Trip - 55+ Senior Expo J&R Complete Auto Repair - Concert Series; Community events Senior Community Services - Caregiver support services Scouting Groups - Park projects; Senior Center Rotary Club of Chanhassen - February Festival; 4th of July Roberts Automatic Products - Community events Ridgeview - Community events; Senior Center Riley Crossing Senior Living - Senior Center special events Riley Purgetory Bluff Creek Watershed District - February Festival Renew Active - Rec Center access program Jersey Mike’s-Chanhassen - 55+ Senior Expo Premier Pool & Spa - Community events Jake Freeland- Tech classes for Seniors Jasper’s Guide Service- Youth fishing programs Humanity Alliance - Senior Center Senja Inc. - Tai Chi Programs Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society - Bunny Yoga 37 29 Silver Sneakers - Recreation Center access program Southwest Transit - Tree Lighting; Senior Center program transportation Shakopee Parks & Recreation - Senior Center program collaborations Southwest Publishing - 4th of July Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce - 4th of July; Tree Lighting Skyhawks Sports - Youth programs Southwest Christian High School - Park projects The Garden by the Woods - Community events The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center - Tree Lighting; community events Tonka Serves - Community events Turbo Nails - Community events U.S. Naval Academy - Recreation Center facility partnership for sendoff picnic V. Clayton & Associates - Community events Wink Family Eye Care - Community events Xcel Energy - Community events Work Experience Program - Rec Center Work program partnership Waytek - Community events West Metro Warriors - Rec Center facility partnership; Special Olympics MN Subway Chanhassen - Senior Center Events Summerwood - Senior Center Target Chanhassen - 55+ Senior Expo Traci Preciado, Pemberton Homes Realty - 4th of July; Halloween Party Trellis - Senior Center We CAB - Senior Center Vexilar - February Festival Sentence to Serve (Adults) - Park projects Shakopee Heritage Society - Local History speaker United Health Care - Recreation Center access program Silver & Fit, Active & Fit - Recreation Center access program Sophia Martin - Community Art Program 38 30 SPONSORS With the help and contributions of these businesses and organizations, the City of Chanhassen can offer special events including February Festival, the Easter Egg Candy Hunt, 4th of July Celebration, and Halloween Party. Logo indicates sponsor contributions of $1,000+ GREEN LEAF CORPORATE »Ridgeview BUSINESS »Brown’s Tire & Auto »Chanhassen Chiropractic »Chanhassen Dental »Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar »Power Systems AHS »Premier Pool & Spa »Xcel Energy CONTRIBUTING CORPORATE »Leeann Chin »Waytek Inc. BUSINESS »Be Well Chiropractic »Brian Reister State Farm Insurance »CFC Athletics »Code Ninjas »Metropolitan Supply »Peak Heating & Cooling, Inc. »Roberts Automatic Products Inc. »Traci Preciado, Pemberton Homes Realty »Turbo Nails of Chanhassen »Huber Funeral Home »Bertas Funeral Home »Winslow Monument SILVER LEAF CORPORATE »IWCO »Old National Bank PURPLE LEAF CORPORATE »Chanhassen Dinner Theatres BUSINESS »Automotive Unlimited »Bongards Premium Cheese »Chanhassen American Legion Post 580 »Chick-fil-A Chanhassen & Eden Prairie »Children of Tomorrow Learning Centers »Culver’s Chanhassen »Eden Trace Corp »J&R Complete Auto Repair »kiddywampus »Lunds & Byerlys Chanhassen »Mathnasium of Chanhassen West »Merlin’s Ace Hardware »Nicolet National Bank »Pizzaioli »Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce »The Garden By The Woods »The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center »Wink Family Eye Care INDIVIDUAL »Vernelle Clayton 952.445.6555 39 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 26, 2024 Item 2023-2024 Ice Rink Season Evaluation Item No:H.1 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY This year's ice skating rink season ran from Wednesday, January 17 - Thursday, January 25. Maintenance crews worked diligently to flood rinks when the weather allowed in mid-January, but another warm spell closed warming houses for the season shortly after. Warming houses were open for 9 total days during the 2024 season. Roughly 858 participants were recorded during supervised hours. Warming houses were available at City Center Park, Chanhassen Recreation Center, and Bandimere Park. Due to the warm weather, staff suspended rink operations at North Lotus Lake Park for the 2023- 24 season. However, staff intends for North Lotus Lake Park to return to normal operations in the 2024- 25 season. Two locations that were not scheduled to have a warming house, Roundhouse Park & Pioneer Pass Park, also did not have rinks flooded this season. Staff intends for these to return as normal in 2024-25. Warming house trailers were rented from Mobile Mini for City Center Park and Bandimere Park. 2023-2024 Recorded Participants *For monitored rinks January Total City Center 204 204 Rec Center 454 454 North Lotus Closed for 2024 Season Closed for 2024 Season 40 Bandimere 200 200 Total Usage 858 858 A total of 11 rink attendants were hired on a part-time/seasonal basis to staff the warming houses. Rink attendant wages totaled $2,278.51 with a total of 169 hours worked. Expenses: Amount: Temporary and Seasonal Wages: $ 2,278.51 Warming House Rentals: $ 1,890.00 Rink Maintenance: $ 6,908.99 TOTAL: $ 11,077.50 BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 23-24 Ice Rink Season Overview Ice Skating Rink History 41 December January February Rink Totals City Center 0 204 0 204 Rec Center 0 454 0 454 North Lotus 0 0 0 0 Bandimere 0 200 0 200 Totals 0 858 0 858 Year Total 858 City Center Rec Center North Lotus Bandimere Totals Monday 51 82 0 60 193 Tuesday 38 101 0 17 156 Wednesday 45 81 0 40 166 Thursday 18 57 0 0 75 Friday 8 6 0 7 21 Saturday 26 64 0 49 139 Sunday 18 63 0 27 108 Totals 204 454 0 200 858 Year Total 858 During our 2023-24 season, our rinks saw 858 skaters during staffed hours. Our warming houses opened on Wednesday, January 17 and were open for 9 days. Bandimere Park warming house opened on Friday, January 19. An unusually warm winter caused a drastically shortened season compared to normal years. For the short period we were open, skaters utilizing the facilities showed lots of gratitude for us making an effort to open. The Chanhassen Rec Center remained our most popular location, hosting 53% of skaters. Rink Usage by Month 2023-24 Ice Rink Season Overview Rink Usage Totals Rink Usage by Day 42 Weekday City Center Rec Center North Lotus Bandimere Totals 10:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 11:00 AM 0 0 0 5 5 12:00 PM 6 6 0 4 16 1:00 PM 7 16 0 13 36 2:00 PM 2 15 0 16 33 3:00 PM 0 9 0 6 15 4:00 PM 22 16 0 3 41 5:00 PM 17 90 0 11 118 6:00 PM 57 84 0 15 156 7:00 PM 35 55 0 44 134 8:00 PM 14 36 0 7 57 Totals 160 327 0 124 611        Saturday City Center Rec Center North Lotus Bandimere Totals 10:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 11:00 AM 0 0 0 2 2 12:00 PM 2 0 0 4 6 1:00 PM 5 0 0 2 7 2:00 PM 6 12 0 11 29 3:00 PM 6 17 0 11 34 4:00 PM 5 8 0 3 16 5:00 PM 1 8 0 2 11 6:00 PM 0 3 0 4 7 7:00 PM 1 7 0 2 10 8:00 PM 0 9 0 8 17 Totals 26 64 0 49 139        Sunday City Center Rec Center North Lotus Bandimere Totals 1:00 PM 2 4 0 0 6 2:00 PM 3 19 0 3 25 3:00 PM 0 17 0 4 21 4:00 PM 3 8 0 2 13 5:00 PM 9 13 0 9 31 6:00 PM 1 2 0 9 12 Totals 18 63 0 27 108     Year Total 858 Rink Usage by Time 43 2022 - 2023 Historical Rink Data 2021 - 2022 2023 - 2024 (North Lotus closed due to late start of season) 44 Historical Rink Data (Continued) 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 (COVID - No Warming Houses, Lights Only 45 Year Open CloseDays ClosedDays OpenSeasonal WagesWarming House RentalsMaintenance CostTotal Cost Cost/Day1982‐83 Dec. 17, 1982 Feb. 16, 1983 n/a 621983‐84 Dec. 22, 1983 Feb. 21, 1984 n/a 621984‐85 Dec. 25, 1984 Feb. 19, 1985 n/a 571985‐86 Dec. 20, 1985 Feb. 18, 1986 n/a 611986‐87 Dec. 18, 1986 Feb. 7, 1987 n/a 521987‐88 Dec. 19, 1987 Feb. 15, 1988 n/a 591988‐89 Dec. 9, 1988 March 8, 1989 n/a 901989‐90 Dec. 16, 1989 Feb. 8, 1990 n/a 551990‐91 Dec. 21, 1990 Feb. 2, 1991 n/a 441991‐92 Dec. 21, 1991 Jan. 29, 1992 n/a 40Ice Skating Rink History46 Year Open CloseDays ClosedDays OpenSeasonal WagesWarming House RentalsMaintenance CostTotal Cost Cost/Day1992‐93 Dec. 19, 1992 Feb. 12, 1993 n/a 561993‐94 Dec. 27, 1993 Feb. 18, 1994 n/a 541994‐95 Dec. 16, 1994 Feb. 17, 1995 n/a 641995‐95 Dec. 16, 1995 Feb. 19, 1996 n/a 661996‐97 Dec. 23, 1996 Feb. 19, 1997 n/a 591997‐98 Jan. 12, 1998 Feb. 9, 1998 n/a 291998‐99 Dec. 26, 1998 Feb. 10, 1999 n/a 47 n/a n/a $18,212.27$18,212.27$387.501999‐00 Dec. 23, 1999 Feb. 20, 2000 n/a 60 n/a n/a $27,914.63$27,914.63$465.242000‐01 Dec. 15, 2000 March 6, 2001 n/a 82 $15,143.05 n/a $34,743.16$49,886.21$608.372001‐02 Dec. 29, 2001 Feb. 13, 2002 n/a 47 $5,519.25n/a$16,814.30$22,333.55$475.182002‐03 Jan. 12, 2003 March 12, 2003 n/a 60 $11,534.90 n/a $23,409.47$34,944.37$582.4147 Year Open CloseDays ClosedDays OpenSeasonal WagesWarming House RentalsMaintenance CostTotal Cost Cost/Day2003‐04 Jan. 1, 2004 Feb. 19, 2004 n/a 50 n/a n/a $18,382.01$18,382.01$367.642004‐05 Dec. 24, 2004 Feb. 14, 2005 n/a 53 $6,333.13 n/a $22,818.55$29,151.68$550.032005‐06 Dec. 16, 2005 Feb. 27, 2006 18 54 $10,572.64 $2,797.77 $32,501.45$45,871.86$849.482006‐07 Jan. 15, 2007 Feb. 22, 2007 5 34 $6,325.33 $2,390.52 $26,109.76$34,825.61$1,024.282007‐08 Dec. 14, 2007 March 11, 2008 7 83 $15,422.69 $3,283.41 $40,461.09$59,167.19$712.862008‐09 Dec. 18, 2008 March 2, 2009 12 62 $12,818.75 $1,685.22 $39,710.38$54,214.35$874.432009‐10 Dec. 18, 2009 Feb. 28, 2010 5 67 $11,842.63 $2,840.57 $38,359.02$53,042.22$791.672010‐11 Dec. 17, 2010 Feb. 21, 2011 17 50 $8,963.94 $2,991.07 $32,256.99$44,212.00$884.242011‐12 Dec. 24, 2011 Feb. 15, 2012 27 28 $5,015.88 $3,028.76 $12,092.00$20,136.64$719.172012‐13 Dec. 24, 2012 Feb. 28, 2013 8 59 $9,843.69 $2,897.75 $32,113.76$44,855.20$760.262013‐14 Dec. 13, 2013 Feb. 20, 2014 8 60 $11,394.56 $3,461.78 $30,420.03$45,276.37$754.6148 Year Open CloseDays ClosedDays OpenSeasonal WagesWarming House RentalsMaintenance CostTotal Cost Cost/Day2014‐15 Jan. 1, 2015 March 3, 2015 5 62 $9,900.00 $3,526.00 $29,212.86$42,638.86$687.722015‐16 Jan. 6, 2016 Feb. 19, 2016 4 40 $8,053.75 $3,452.00 $19,076.56$30,592.31$764.812016‐17 Dec. 20, 2015 Feb. 13 2017 8 47 $11,624.51 $5,358.00 $13,449.58$30,432.08$647.492017‐18 Dec. 22, 2017 Mar. 1, 2018 9 61 $17,904.88 $6,019.45 $19,118.00$43,043.33$705.612018‐19 Dec. 14, 2018 Mar. 9, 2019 19 67 $19,203.50 $8,557.78 $18,087.50$45,848.78$684.212019‐20 Dec. 17, 2019 Feb. 22, 2020 6 62 $19,719.69 $6,060.88 $18,000.72$43,781.29$706.152020‐21 Jan. 11, 2021 Mar. 1, 2021 5 45 $1,135.03 $0.00 $9,335.20$10,470.23$232.672021‐22 Dec. 30, 2021 Feb. 28, 2022 4 58 $16,676.13 $5,760.00 $22,921.36$45,357.49$782.032022‐23 Dec. 27, 2022 Feb. 21, 2023 7 50 $17,065.56 $6,321.00 $13,862.85$37,249.41$744.992023‐24 Jan. 17, 2024 Jan. 26, 2024 0 9 $2,278.51 $1,890.00 $6,908.99$11,077.50$1,230.8349 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 26, 2024 Item Recreation Center Quarterly Update Item No:H.2 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY Facility Updates In June 2024, the Chanhassen Senior Center will temporarily move to the Chanhassen Recreation Center during the Civic Campus construction. The Recreation Center will be expanding the kitchenettes, senior parking spaces, and creating storage space in preparation for this move. Program Updates Dance for Fun The Spring dance session is underway preparing for the May 5-6 recital. Our 11 competition dance teams participated in the DX Dance Competition in March. The teams earned 12 high golds, 9 platinum, and 1 platinum elite award, as well as a special choreography award for the program. The dancers were fantastic and will next compete at the Bravo Competition in Burnsville in April. Rec Center Sports Sessions of Floor Hockey, Basketball, and Soccer have already run in 2024. Soccer and T-ball are next. Kids Night continues to be a strong event; 31 youth participated in the February event. Royal Ball On January 26, this was hosted at Lions Park Pavilion in Victoria. Anna and Elsa welcomed 100 guests for story time, crafts, photo booth, games, Chick-fil-A dinner, and dancing. Key Club members from the local high schools volunteered to assist with the fun. Super Hero Party 50 On March 10, this event was held at the Victoria Recreation Center. Families came dressed as their favorite super heroes for a night of fun. There were 3 bounce houses, an obstacle course, mask and cape-making stations, snacks, and a dance. We had 10 student volunteers helping and 205 people in attendance. Charcoal & Acrylic Painting Led by local artist, Sophia Martin, students ages 11+ learn to blend charcoal and acrylic mediums. Students complete the class with a framed, finished work of art. Each month a different design is instructed. Eight students have participated in the classes this year. Fit for Life Kaye Benson leads an exercise program designed for adults 55+. Our first 2024 session of Fit for Life has 9 people registered for the full session and 112 class drop-ins to date. This popular class receives great reviews. Participants find the social aspect as important as the exercise. Pickleball Lessons Five 90-minute learn-to-play classes have been offered in 2024. There have been 41 participants. Each session includes a 3-visit pass to return to the Rec Center to play. As sessions fill quickly, classes are added as space and instructor availability allow. Starting in April, there will be a Beyond Beginner Pickleball class offered which will provide more shot and strategy instruction. Upcoming Recreation Center Events Garden Tool Swap with Carver County Saturday, April 27, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Chan Rec Center. Fit for Life Free Trial Class May 2, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Dance for Fun Recital May 4-5, at Chanhassen High School BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Garden Tool Swap flyer 51 Please do not bring chemicals (fertilizer, pesticides, etc.) mower, power tools, plants, broken items, used soil or dirt, or any items too large to carry. April 27 | 10AM - 12PM CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER This free event allows gardeners and yard owners to exchange tools, equipment, and materials. All items are given and taken freely. Tools and items are not for sale. Offered in partnership with Carver County Environmental Services GARDEN TOOL SWAP 52 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 26, 2024 Item Park Maintenance Quarterly Update Item No:H.3 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Adam Beers, Park Superintendent SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY With another winter season coming to an end here is a brief update of what the park maintenance staff has been working on and what is coming up. Maintenance crews have completed all routine maintenance work on our small equipment fleet, which includes all mowers, weed whips, backpack blowers, etc. Warm temperatures have allowed staff to get out into the field and start our spring preparations. As the warm weather continues, crews have been busy with facility start-ups much earlier than in normal years. The skate park has been cleaned and is getting a ton of use. All tennis/pickleball nets have been deployed for the season; it's been great to see residents out and using the park system. With very little snow accumulation throughout the winter crews have been able to spend time pruning and clearing trees throughout the park system, primarily focused on community parks and high-priority trail sections. Staff has been working with the local baseball/softball associations to prioritize field projects that will improve playability and safety for user groups. Maintenance staff has started to build covered dugouts at Lake Ann Park, starting with fields 4, 5, and 6 this spring, and plan to complete fields 1, 2, and 3 this fall. Last fall staff constructed a bare-root tree nursery located at the Lake Ann Park maintenance building as a test program. Fifteen bare-root trees were installed throughout the park system and will be closely monitored this spring. Thus far, the program has worked well, and we are 53 currently working with the city forester to expand this program in the future. Staff has been working closely with the watershed district to make modifications to the Lake Susan Park water reuse system/filtration system. Peterson Companies was hired as the contractor to complete the project and will be starting in early May. This project will allow the phosphorus to be removed from the water before it enters Lake Susan, as well as irrigating the baseball field with stormwater, eliminating the need to use city water for irrigation. Park Foreman, Gary Berg has been working to hire seasonal staff for the upcoming 2024 season. Typically, 18-20 crew members are hired each season. The Park maintenance team is looking forward to a great 2024 season and look forward to seeing all of you out in the park system! BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 54 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 26, 2024 Item Senior Center Quarterly Report Item No:H.4 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY As Jodi Sarles also reports, during Phase 1 of the new Civic Campus construction the Senior Center will temporarily move its programs to the Recreation Center. This is necessary due to parking constraints and safety concerns. Jodi and I will continue discussions and planning for the use of Recreation Center space, as well as creating updated kitchenettes to accommodate the Senior Center programs. The city's communications team is creating a media and information campaign to inform our patrons and city residents of the shift. We will get this word out mid-to-late April, with a move-over date of either the last week in May or the first week in June. I have already been forewarning our current patrons of the impending move. Some Senior Center groups will remain in place at our current location, such as the woodcarving team and other small groups of five or less as we see fit. Mary will have a temporary office space set up at the Recreation Center, as well as her current office space at City Hall for use as needed. Senior Center programs and events have been more successful than usual this winter due to the warmer weather, which makes it easier for our patrons to get here. Here are some highlights from the first quarter of 2024 as we managed a cumulative participation of over 2000 patrons. 88 participated in bus trips (in partnership with Chaska Lodge), including The Charles Schulz exhibit at MN History Museum, and a 50's & 60's Musical Review and Lunch in St. Michael. 358 attended six special events, including a Valentine's Day Luncheon, Luck o' The Irish Lunch, Leap Day Party, and three large group speaker and musical events with Chaska Lodge (Fiddler on the Roof, The LeagueAires Chorale, and "Name That Town" with Doug Ohman.) 103 took part in art-focused Life Long Learning Classes and Educational Speakers, including Travelogues with Steve and Barb Pieh, and Historical Talks given by David Jones. Watercolor 55 Pencil continues to be a popular offering. 61 completed their 4-Hour Defensive Driver Safety class to maintain their 10% car insurance discount. 1,012 continued to participate in weekly game and gathering groups, such as Bridge, Bingo, Movies, Cribbage, Woodcarving, Dominoes, Music, and Chan-o-laires Choir. 132 took advantage of Health and Wellness programs, including Foot Care, Tax Help, Health Insurance Counseling, and Seated Yoga. 90 meals on average are delivered to home-bound seniors each week through a partnership with CAP Agency. 172 attended monthly discussion groups, such as Coffee with the Cops, Tech Help, Great British History Discussions, and Caregiver Support. In 2024, the Senior Center Coordinator began a new role of also moderating and managing the City of Chanhassen's Commission on Aging (COA). The COA's eight-member team meets on the third Friday of each month, with goals and objectives that support Chanhassen as an age-friendly city for life. Many of the COA's goals can be met through our Senior Center programming, but they also collaborate and partner with local organizations and agencies such as the Chanhassen Library, Carver County CDA, Carver County Health and Human Services, and Senior Community Services. The COA is also responsible for organizing and running the annual Bingo event for the 4th of July Celebration. Visitors are always welcome to attend COA meetings. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS March 2024 calendar LeagueAires Concert Flyer Chanhassen Commission On Aging Strategic Plan Final draft 2024 Fiddler on the Roof 56 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 67891011121314151617181920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Friday 26 February 27 28 29 1March 8am-4pm Footcare with Laura, appts only 9:00amMusic Jam Practice - cancelled 10am Cribbage Play 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga, REC Center 3 4 5 6 7 8 9:00am Music Jam Practice - violins 10am Cribbage Play 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga, REC Center 10 11 12 13 14 15 9:00am Music Jam Practice - violins 10am Cribbage Play 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga - REC Center 17 18 19 20 Happy Spring! 21 22 9:00amMusic Jam Practice - violins 10am Cribbage Play 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga, REC Center 24 25 26 27 28 29 9:00amMusic Jam Practice - violins 10am Cribbage Play 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga, REC Center 30 10:00am Guitar Groupies 12:30pm Party Bridge 12:30pm Chan-o-laires Choir 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch 10am-Noon Artists Hangout 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos 23 10:00am Guitar Groupies 12:30pm Party Bridge 12:30pm Chan-o-laires Choir 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch 10am-Noon Artists Hangout 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos 16 10am Guitar Groupies, drop in players group. 12:30pm Party Bridge 12:30pm Chan-o-laires Choir 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch l0-11:30am Colored Pencil Class #6 10:00am Coffee with the Cops. Free 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos 9 Presidential Primary Polling - Set Up Day Today's Senior Center Programs are Cancelled Presidential Primary Polling Site Today's Senior Center Programs are Cancelled 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch 10-11:30am Colored Pencil Class #5 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos 2 For Home Deliverd Meals: CAP Agency 952- 442-5078 *Free Medicare Help 1-800-333-2433 online at trellisconnects.org *Caregiver & Home Support Call SCS: 952-541-1019 Seniorcommunity.org Register for classes, events, trips at: Chan Senior Center, The Chan REC Center, or online at www.chanhassenmn.gov 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp - Help available for learning / Homeschool Teens welcome! 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch 10-11:30am Colored Pencil Class #4 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos March 2024 April '24 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Chanhassen Senior Center 10am Documentary Shackelton & The 1914 Antarctica Survival Story Open Hours: 8:30am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday 952.227.1124 mblazanin@chanhassenMN.gov 7700 Market Blvd, Chanhassen, MN 55317 1:30-3:30pm Caregiver Support Group , with SCS Social Worker Call 612.868.6720 for more informaton. FREE 1 -4pm Personal Tech Help. Appts only 10am -Noon Speaker/discussion: Great British History with Terry Kubista -Free with $2 suggested Donaton for Coffee/treats 2-4:30pm Thursday Theater Oppenheimer. Free. Donations accepted for snacks/beverages. Walk ins welcome. 9:30-10:30am Spring Centerpiece Craft. $10. Pre-Register at Chan Sr. Center or online www.chanhassenmn.gov. 952 -227-1124. Space limited. 10-11:30am Class: Mah Jongg for Beginners. #1. 3:30pm Historian, Dave Jones on Lindberg: Triumphs and Tragedies. $5, pre register or walk ins welcome. 1-4pm Personal Tech Help. Appts only 10-11:30am Concert: Sharing the Joy of Music! At the Chan REC Center FREE coffee/treats 2pm Travelogue with Steve & Barb Pieh Peru & The Amazon -$3. Dessert/coffee 12:45-5pm Fiddler on the Roof Dessert Theater. Chaska Lodge. Sold out 10-11:30am Class: Mah Jongg #2. 10-11:30am Class: Mah Jongg. #3. 10-11:30am Class: Mah Jongg #4. 10-11:30am Class: Mah Jongg #5. 11am-1pm Luck o' the Irish Party with musician Tony Garry Noon: Baked Potato bar lunch. $12 pre - registration required 10-4:00pm Day Trip: Le Musique, 50's/60's Musical Review. Sold out. Wait list available. 9am-2pm AARP Free Tax Help, Appointments REQUIRED, 957-227-1124 8:30am-12:30pm 55+ Alive Defensive Driver Refresher Class. $28. Registration required. 57 13 CITY OF CHANHASSEN |SPRING 2024SPRING 2024 | CITY OF CHANHASSEN 12 SENIORS Gather Groups at the Center Dessert Theatre: CVFT’s Fiddler on the Roof Saturday, March 9 | 12:45-5 PM Enjoy a delightful dessert at The Lodge in Chaska prior to the show. Presented by our local Chaska Valley Family Theatre. Age 55+ » $16 » Registration deadline February 20 » Chaska Lodge » Transportation on your own Free Tech Help Every second & fourth Tuesday | 1-4 PM | Senior Community Services Get 1:1 tech help to learn or troubleshoot on your smartphone and laptop. Age 60+ » Free » Senior Center » Appointments required » 952.227.1124 Medicare Insurance Counseling Every second Thursday | 9 AM-12 PM 1:1 assistance to understand Medicare options. Age 60+ » Free » Senior Center » Appointment required seven days in advance. Call 800.333.2433 or the Senior Center for scheduling. Caregiver Support Services Every first Thursday | 1:30-3:30 PM Senior Community Services hosts a support group helping caregivers share experiences, challenges, coping strategies, and humor. Free » Senior Center » Walk ins welcome » 612.868.6720 Thursday Theater Big screen hits | Free | Every third Thursday | 2 PM Call or check the website for movie titles and details. Snacks & beverages will be available. Donuts & Documentaries Free | Every last Tuesday | 10 AM Each month, enjoy a new fascinating story about historical figures and events. Coffee & treats. 55+ Alive Defensive Driver Classes A 4 hour refresher every year saves 10% on car insurance. Offered in partnership with the Minnesota Safety Council. $28 » Senior Center » Deadline five days prior to class » Call or check the website for times, dates, and more information. Monthly Foot Care Clinic With a registered nurse The foot clinic includes complete toenail and skin care with an RN assessment—options for 20 or 40 minute sessions. Age 55+ » $45-55 » No walk ins » For appointments, call 952.227.1124 Spring Centerpiece Craft Wednesday, March 20 | $10 Call to pre-register A Lunch & 50's/60's Musical Review Monday, March 18 | 10 AM-4 PM Start with lunch at Clive’s Roadhouse in Rogers, then over to the Le Musique Room, St. Michael, for a celebration of Roy Orbison, the Everly Brothers, Patsy Cline, and Bobby Darin. $87, all inclusive » Registration deadline February 15 » Bus leaves from Chanhassen Recreation Center Colored Pencil Sketching Thursdays, February 8-March 14 | 10-11:30 AM Draw out your inner artist for a lifetime of creativity. Age 18+ » $69 for beginners (supplies included) | $49 for intermediate (bring your own supplies) » Senior Center » Registration deadline February 1 Watercolor Pencil Painting Thursdays | April 4-May 16 | 10 AM-12 PM | No class May 9 Instructor Anne Beckman helps you master color and techniques for creating unique art. All initial supplies included. Age 18+ » $85 » Senior Center » Registration deadline March 25 » Allsupplies included Mah Jongg for Beginners Fridays March 1-April 5 | 10-11:30 AM This six week session teaches everything you need to know. Age 40+ » $69 » Senior Center » Includes official game card. » Registration deadline February 23 Weekly Programs Mondays Guitar Groupies | 10 AM-12 PM Party Bridge | 12:30-3:30 PM Wednesdays Mah Jongg | 9 AM & 1 PM Woodcarving | 9-11:30 AM Quarter BINGO | 12:30-3:30 PM Fridays Cribbage | 10 AM-12 PM Seated Yoga | 12:30-1:30 PM Chanhassen Recreation Center $49/six-session punch card Thursdays Artist Workgroup | 10 AM-12 PM Mexican Train Dominoes | 2-4 PM Tuesdays Chan-o-Laires | 12:30-3 PM Great British History Lessons Free | Every third Tuesday | 10 AM Monthly discussions on British history & lore presented by Terry Kubista. Help & Wellness Come to Learn Treasure Island Casino Tuesday, April 16 | 8:15 AM-4 PM Round-trip motor coach transportation is included, along with a $20 slot play on a casino card and a $5 food coupon. Age 55+ » $30 » Registration Deadline April 9 » Bus leaves from Chanhassen Recreation Center Come From Away - Ordway Theater On 9/11, the world stopped. On 9/12, their stories moved us all. Thursday, June 13 | 12:30-5:30 PM Winner of Best New Broadway Musical in 2020. Come From Away is the remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded passengers and a small town in Newfoundland that welcomed them. A breathtaking story and a visual staging masterpiece. $93 includes transportation, show, taxes/fees, and bus snacks. Accessible seating » Registration deadline May 1 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS55+ ACTIVE ADULTSTo register, stop in or sign up online at ChanhassenMN.gov/Seniors. Unless noted otherwise, program registration deadlines are 7-days before classes start. To receive programming & event updates, sign up for our e-newsletter by contacting mblazanin@chanhassenmn.gov or go online to ChanhassenMN.gov. For Active Older Adults: 55+ Chanhassen Senior Center S E NIO R C ENTERNE SSAHNAHCFOYTIC Travelogues with the Piehs Friday, February 9 | 2 PM | Antarctica Friday, March 8 | 2 PM | The Amazing Amazon, Peru Local adventurers Steve and Barb Pieh share their spectacular photos and stories to share the world with you! Age 55+ » $3 at the door » Senior Center » Coffee & dessert Charles Schulz & MN History Center Wednesday, February 28 | 9:15 AM- 2:15 PM Explore Schulz’s personal history and artistic talent, including a short guided tour of the Minnesota’s Greatest Generation exhibit. Fajita buffet lunch after at Joseph’s Grill in St. Paul. Age 55+ » $74, all inclusive Registration deadline February 8 » Bus leaves from Chanhassen Recreation Center Coffee with the Cops Enjoy coffee, treats, and updates with local deputies | 10 AM Thursdays, February 8, March 14, April 11. Soup, Salad, & Song with Mike Henry Tuesday, May 7 | 10:30 AM-12:15 PM | Moments to Remember Part 1 Get lost in the sounds of the decades with Mike Henry and his multi-media music show. After, enjoy delicious soup, salad, rolls, and dessert. $10 » Senior Center » Registration deadline May 1 David Jones Historical Presentations Thursday, February 22 | 3 PM | JFK Assassination: The Mystery & Legend Tuesday, March 26 | 3:30 PM | Charles Lindbergh: Triumph & Tragedy Tuesday, April 23 | 10 AM | Mount Rushmore: Carving of an Icon Local history speaker David Jones presents American history in an interesting and well-researched style. Come smart, leave smarter! $5 per class » Senior Center » Coffee & dessert » Registration required Celebrate! Valentines Day Luncheon Wednesday, February 14 | 11 AM-1 PM Mike Henry returns to entertain with his amazing tribute to music and love on the big screen. Enjoy Mike’s nostalgic lookback, followed by a delicious pasta meal - and choco- late, of course! Age 55+ » $14 » Senior Center » Registration deadline February 10 Leap, Lunch, & Learn Thursday, February 29 | 11 AM-1 PM Jump back into leap year history with a little Bingo, a little trivia, prizes, food, and fun. Then enjoy lunch: “Leap Frog Soup” (tastes a lot like chicken), salad and dessert. $10 » Senior Center » Registration deadline February 19 Luck o’ the Irish Luncheon Thursday, March 14 | 11 AM-1 PM Come celebrate with the music of Tony Gerry, followed by a delicious baked potato bar (with all the toppins’), dessert, and beverages. $12 » Senior Center » Registration deadline March 7 Two Museums & A Meal Thursday, May 9 | 9 AM-4:30 PM It's an art cruise of sorts! First, we'll head to the Minneapolis Institute of Art for a private guided tour. Then to Christos for a classic Greek lunch, followed by a guided tour of the Museum of Russian Art. $87, all inclusive » Registration deadline April 29 Located lower level at City Hall | 7700 Market Boulevard | Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM | 952.227.1124 Day Trips & Adventures Free AARP Tax Assistance Fridays, March 22, April 5, April 12 Volunteers provide simple tax help and online filing. No walk ins » Appointments required » 952.227.1124 Minneapolis Women’s Chorale (LeagueAires) The Joy of Song | Monday, March 11 | 10-11:30 AM A fun, energetic performance filled with harmony, variety, and all the memorable music you know and love. Beverages & muffins start at 10 a.m., and the show is 10:30–11:15 a.m. Free » Chanhassen Recreation Center 58 SHARING THE JOY OF MUSIC Monday, March 11th, 2024 10am muffins/coffee; 10:30-11:30am Show Chan REC Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd FREE! walk-ins are always welcome, but pre-registration encouraged. Call 952-227-1124 for more information; register at the Senior Center, REC Center or online at www.chanhassenmn.gov Join us for this inspiring, musical trip to lift your spirits and warm your heart; with hot melodies featuring music by Dolly Parton, Cyndi Lauper, Joni Mitchell, Aretha Franklin & Carole King. You'll adventure on a classic "American Road Trip" along Route 66 with memorable "tune-stops" along the way, finishing up with Patriotic Tributes and Audience Sing-A-Longs. The Minneapolis Junior LeagueAires Choir is a fabulous women's song-and-dance performance group with 57 years of experience! We guarantee to put a smile on your face and a song in your heart! 59 CHANHASSEN COMMISSION ON AGING STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC AREA: HOUSING Goal: Expand connections to the Senior Housing Community and promote the options available for older adults in Chanhassen. Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Commission members will continue to be informed about housing needs and preferences of those aged 55 and over in Chanhassen. Commission members will advocate for and educate community members regarding future market rate and affordable housing needs, including providing educational resources. Maintain an updated Chanhassen Resource Guide Stay Connected with local Senior Housing management via consistent communication. Offer educational classes on renovating homes and available services related to aging well in place. Focus on engaging with one CDA project annually or bi-annually. AARP, Carver County, Neighboring Cities, Carver County CDA, Habitat for Humanity, Chanhassen Library, Senior Center, Commission on Aging. All Commission Members All Commission Members Commission on Aging Liaison Senior Center Coordinator Assigned Commissioners on Aging Members Ongoing Ongoing Action Plan 2024 1. Provide ongoing resource updates and recommendations to staff to maintain an age friendly/easily navigable Senior Center website 2. Learn about Trails Edge project – Carver Co. CDA City of Chanhassen Communications Dept. staff Senior Center Coordinator Carver County Health, Carver County CDA Assigned Commissioners on Aging Members Senior Center Coordinator Commission on Aging Liaison Ongoing 60 STRATEGIC AREA: TRANSPORTATION AND MOBILITY Goal: Create a higher quality of life in Chanhassen by increasing and enhancing the mobility options for aging adults. Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Monitor, enhance, and promote existing resources that facilitate mobility within the community. All Commission Members 2024 Action Plan 1. Host an informational Session for all transportation options for Seniors. The session will provide information on enrollment and the types of services they provide. 2. Accessibility (sidewalks, street crossings, highway crossings, bike crossings) 3. Advertise and promote the available transit options through the Chanhassen Connection and the City’s Senior Center page on the Website, and other available resources. Southwest Transit Prime & Prime MD WeCAB Carver County Public Health, MNDOT, Chanhassen Public Works staff Chanhassen Library, Senior Center, Commission on Aging. Senior Center Coordinator Senior Center Coordinator Commission on Aging Liaison Ongoing Ongoing 61 STRATEGIC AREA: INFORMATION, EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Goal: Maximize the use of local media, networks and other systems to inform people about the resources that are available to them to support health and wellbeing of older adults by providing relevant programs for aging adults to meet the changing needs. Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Commission members will support and participate in activities that foster greater understanding and interaction on various relevant topics; promote different generational cohorts. Monitor the long-term demographic changes that may affect the quality of life in Chanhassen. Schools, Chanhassen Library, Senior Center, Commission on Aging, Local Businesses, Chanhassen Library. . All Commission members Ongoing 2024 Action Plan 1. Proactively participate and support appropriate programs that provide relevant information to seniors. 2. Continue working with Schools and have Senior Commissioners participate as needed. 3. Promote and increase number of youth and women participating in Wood Carving at the Senior Center. 4. Promote intergenerational programs (e.g. Book Clubs, Grandparent and Me, Strive, Technology Assistance) events. 5. Support the submission of monthly articles, press releases and public service announcements in the Chanhassen Villager with the intent of highlighting Aging Well initiatives/education and active adult programs/events in Chanhassen. Senior center, Community Education, Home School Coops, Recreational Center, Local Businesses, Chanhassen Library. City Admin, Chanhassen Villager Editor and writing staff. City Communications Dept. - Assigned Commissioners on Aging Members. - Senior Center Coordinator. - Commission on Aging Liaison . Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing 62 STRATEGIC AREA: OPPORTUNITIES FOR PEOPLE TO INTERACT Goal: Improve overall mental and physical health, quality of life, and reduce isolation of aging adults in (community) Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Commission members will collaborate with other community organizations to expand, enhance, and promote opportunities for aging adults and their caregivers in Chanhassen to interact, connect and be fully engaged in the community Senior Center Schools Recreational Center Nonprofit Organizations Transportation Services Library Carver County Faith Communities All Commission members Ongoing 2024 Action Plan 1. Recommend, offer, and participate in programs to enhance overall mental and physical health for seniors, including but not limited to: - Nutrition - Fitness - Meditation, mindfulness, - Financial assistance - Caregiver support - Health and Wellness services: Foot care, Tax Assistance, Brain Health - Arts, Entertainment, and Travel - Recreational Activities Senior Center Local Schools Chan Recreational Center Chaska Lodge Local Nonprofit and Civic Organizations WeCab/SW Prime Library Carver Co. Public Health Faith Communities All Commission members or Commission members as assigned per task Ongoing 63 STRATEGIC AREA: MAINTAIN AND FOSTER A SENSE OF SAFETY AND SECURITY FOR SENIORS Goal: Enhance Safety and Security. Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Commission members will collaborate with other community organizations to expand, enhance, and promote opportunities for aging adults in Chanhassen to interact and be fully engaged in the community Senior Center All Commission Members Ongoing 2024 Action Plan The Senior Center offers regular safety and education seminars on: 1. General Senior Safety 2. Scams/Internet Safety/Technology 3. Dementia Care 4. Financial Exploitation 5. Driving Safety 6. Home Safety and Falls Prevention 7. Transportation and Travel 8. Adult protection and Aging Well in Place 9. Local, County and State Senior Services resources City Council Mayor Other City Commissions Carver County Deputies Fire Department MN Safety Council MN Board on Aging Trellis Sr Community Services Park and Rec staff/leaders All Commission Members or Commissioners assigned per topic/task Ongoing 64 65 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 26, 2024 Item Easter Egg Candy Hunt Preview Item No:H.5 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY The City of Chanhassen's Annual Easter Egg Candy Hunt is held each year at City Center Park and typically draws between 600-900 kids and their families. The 2024 hunt will be held on Saturday, March 30, at 9 a.m. (Wave 1) and 10 a.m. (Wave 2). Kids ages 12 & under will hunt for candy and eggs in three different age categories: 4 & under, 5-7, and 8-12. Each participant will receive a bag for gathering candy and eggs, and will have the opportunity to find special eggs that are redeemable for prizes. Participants will also be able to take a photo with the Easter Bunny. Tickets are $6/child; accompanying adults are free. Online pre-registration is strongly encouraged for participants and day-of registration will be available at the event. Special thanks to the Chanhassen Fire Department and the Chanhassen, Chaska, and Eden Prairie High School Key Clubs for supporting and volunteering at this event. Thanks also to event sponsors kiddywampus, Mathnasium of Chanhassen West, Be Well Chiropractic, and Kiddie Academy in Chanhassen for donating prizes and supplies to the Easter event. The Easter Egg Coloring Contest is running now through Sunday, March 31. Entry forms are available online at chanhassenmn.gov/easter, at Chanhassen City Hall, and at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Kids ages 0-12 can submit their entry in those same places as well, or bring them to the Easter Egg Candy Hunt. Prize baskets, generously donated by community event sponsor kiddywampus in Chanhassen, will be awarded to winners by age category, age 3 & under through age 12. Participation in the coloring contest is free. BACKGROUND 66 DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 2024 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Flyer 67 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Details Hunt for candy in three different age categories! Each participant will receive a bag for gathering candy and eggs, as well as the chance to find special eggs that are redeemable for prizes. Bring your camera for an eggstra- special photo with the Easter Bunny. The Candy Hunt is held rain or shine at City Center Park, North of Chanhassen City Hall at 7700 Market Boulevard. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, and closes Friday, March 29. Day-of registration will be available. Register online at ChanhassenMN.gov/Easter Easter ColoringContest Rules Easter Contest coloring pages are available at City Hall, the Chanhassen Recreation Center, and at ChanhassenMN.gov/Easter Completed entries may be dropped off at Chanhassen City Hall, the Chanhassen Recreation Center (by 3:00 p.m. Friday, March 29), brought to the Egg Hunt, or submitted online (by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, March 31) to the above link. Ages 12 and under. FREE! A Very Special Thank You To Our Egg-Cellent Sponsors! Logos pictured indicate community sponsor contributions of $1,000+ AGES 12 & UNDER | $6 PER CHILD Want to become a sponsor? Visit us at ChanhassenMN.gov/Sponsorship COLORINGCONTEST TOO! PURPLE LEAF Business: Automotive Unlimited; Bongards Premium Cheese; Chanhassen American Legion Post 580; Chick-fil-A Chanhassen & Eden Prairie; Christian Brothers Automotive; Eden Trace Corp; J&R Complete Auto Repair; kiddywampus; Lunds & Byerly’s Chanhassen; Mathnasium of Chanhassen West; Merlin’s Ace Hardware; Nicolet National Bank; Pizzaioli; Riley Crossing Senior Living; South Lake Agency Inc.; The Garden By The Woods; The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center; and Wink Family Eye Care Individual: Jim Peck, Parks Commissioner; Vernelle Clayton SILVER LEAF Corporate: Old National Bank GREEN LEAF Corporate: Ridgeview Business: Brown’s Tire & Auto; Chanhassen Chiropractic; Chanhassen Dental; Houlihan’s Restaurant and Bar; Metropolitan Supply; Power Systems; and Xcel Energy CONTRIBUTING Corporate: Waytek Inc. Business: Chanhassen Dinner Theatres; CFC Athletics; Kiddie Academy Chanhassen; Leeann Chin; Peak Heating and Cooling; Tono Pizzeria & Cheesesteaks; and Turbo Nails of Chanhassen POST580 GRAB YOURCRAYONS &HAVE FUN! City of Chanhassen’s 41st AnnualEASTER EGG CANDY HUNT Saturday, March 30 | City Center Park Wave 1: 9:00 a.m. | Wave 2: 10:00 a.m. 952.445.6555 68 Chanhassen Easter Egg Candy Hunt Coloring Contest Prizes awarded in separate age categories. Pictures are judged on originality and neatness. Artists may use crayons, pencils, ink, markers, glitter, etc. Completed coloring entries may be dropped off at City Hall or the Chanhassen Recreation Center by 3:00 p.m., FRIDAY, MARCH 29, be brought to the Easter Egg Candy Hunt, or submitted online by 11:59 p.m. ON SUNDAY, MARCH 31 at ChanhassenMN.gov/Easter. Chanhassen City Hall • 7700 Market Blvd. • 952.227.1100 • Chanhassen Recreation Center • 2310 Coulter Blvd. • 952.227.1400 Name:Email:Age: 69