Haley Schubert Campaign Finance Report 3CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT (Photocopy version) CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT (All of the j' in Hfs report is public ;n - formoti ) I e, Name of candidate, cofnrr-ee or cclrporat�on 7P public 'Ie t Name' C-1f9ce souk' or ba lot., que.-t-,�onbla'A6-tiw- Dos-r,ct Tipe of Candidate report Penod of tine covered by report report Campaign commmee- report Association or corporation repot °rom IIA) Final report CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Glue the total for all contr�mons received during the peniodof time covered bythAsreport_ cont rm-utionssktuicl be listed byt,�pe (marwrw or in-knd: rather ti-tincontribluto,. Soeenote oncontnbutionlimits onthe back ofM-s form. L;Se 3 -separate sheet to itemize all con!Tibution-q from a n e source that exzeeded 110oduhn-.the calendar year This 'tern zam-n rmnt include name, aodre:Es, employer oroccawtioP0 If -employed amount wit - date ft r t >—Iipse -.0 ntr but i C, I: 37,30 TOTAL CASH -ON- HiAND S �q I- IN-PND + 5 T,Q T AL AIAOUNT RE CE IV ED -730-- DISBURSEMENTS Include the amount, date and p-irpose for al d-sbursemerts made during the period of time covered by repo;-,. Attach sciditional sheets f necessar, i ire P urc-ose IbNq COL, ,7- TOTAL A'rounr Pi q, 7g7 CORPORATE PROJECT EXPENDITURES '-Orpor-dVons MU st i:t ary media project or copo—ate message project for wini-ch cortriburt'40n(s) or expenditures, iota I nwre than 5200. Submit a separate report for each project. Attach additional sheets fnecessary_ P-,,cAjec* tale or description C"Cre puw--,e Name and Addres-S Expe,,7df*Ure G, of qec;p, ent Con,riotit,4if7 l Amtyjrt TOTAL I certify that thAs As a ful- and true slaternert-.;�Ie-&. Z4-A] 111101gmo S ore Date P'i-n-lec Nan 61il )XP+ Telephone Ernai Oifw.-ai -able, 1�10 r L'4 .Address-:2W`?, f�lo *W r VO V. 931.7 Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State 2020 Campaign Manual 65 Date Name Address Employer Type Amount 24-Oct Jill Novitzke Money 30 24-Oct Carver County Republican! P.O. Box 5 Chanhassen, MN Money 500 24-Oct Renee Williams 9291 Kiowa Trail Chanhassen, MN Retired Money 100 24-Oct Danielle Bame 611 N 104 St Wauwatosa, WI Target Money 100