Lucy Rehm Campaign Finance Report 3t! a a v z a E z CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT (Alf of the information in this report is public information) Name of candidate, committee or corporation "GL4 Rc6vi 4Y- CL rAA h-U seol C�-` �JC�tunC" Office sought or ballot question C�la•►1 1'1Q-5S` rs e,+-V CDLAr)U } District Type of Candidate report Period of time covered by report: report ✓ Campaign committee report Association or corporation report from t 0 to Final report CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Give the total for all contributions received during the period of time covered by this report. Contributions should be listed by type (money or in -kind) rather than contributor. See note on contribution limits on the back of this form. Use a separate sheet to itemize all contributions from a single source that exceeded $100 during the calendar year. This itemization must include name, address, employer or occupation if self-employed, amount and date for these contributions. CASH $ I y Q -0o TOTAL CASH -ON -HAND $ i 0 "1 _ I IN -KIND + TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED : $ 140 U D DISBURSEMENTS Include the amount, date and purpose for all disbursements made during the period of time covered by report. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Dater -- Purpose Amount t TOTAL Lf �(p • I CORPORATE PROJECT EXPENDITURES Corporations must list any media project or corporate message project for which contribution(s) or expenditures) total more than $200, Submit a separate report for each project. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Project title or description Date purpose Name and Address Expenditure or of Recipient Contribution _ Amount -� — TOTAL certify that this is a full and true statement. Signature Darte 6rz: us-�e�,51 f �a-CL�nrL Printed Name LAC_L-1 ��t"11- Telephone Email (if available) p o . Address Disbursements Purpose Amount ($) Date Paypal Processing Fees" 20.16 8/24-10/29/2020 Seven Corners Printing 435.94 11/12/2020 Total 456.1 The sum of all processing fees taken from donations given via Paypal from 8/24 to 10/29/2020 Contributions Name Address City State Zip Amount ($) Date Type Employer Ehsa P Rollier - - - 25 10/26/2020 Check - Ellen K Bean 3129 Mulligan Lane Chaska Minnesota 55318 100 10/26/2020 Check Retired Ann Sharp - - - 15 10/29/2020 Paypal - Total 140