Recorded Quit Claim Deed Parcel Ai'\ Document N umber: T 22S1256 Torrens Certifi cate : 44062.0 Cancelled Certificate: 40534.0 Filed and/or Recorded on Mar 22,2024 2:43 PM Office of the County Recorder/Registrar of Titles Carver County, Minnesota lGaren Lewis, Registrar of Titles Cq6talCampos, Auditor Mary Kaye Wahl, Treasurer Deputy DL Certificate of Real Estate Value Not Required PID: 25.5150060 No delinquent taxes Transfur entered Current year taxes paid Document Recording Fees $ 0.00 DxumentTobl $ 0.00 Requesting Party: C,AMPBELL KNUTSON PA Page: 5 NOTES BALANCE OF 25.5150030 I 2 ot 2 This cover page has been added to this document by Carver County Land Records and is now an official part of this recorded document QUIT CLAIM DEED lndividual(s) to lndividual(s) Mlnnesota Unlform Conveyancing Blanks Form 10.3.1 (2018) eCRV number: DEEDTMoUE: $ I b5 DATE: MARCH1,2024 (rnortilldayileil) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDEMTION, RICHARD J. BROWN, A SINGLE MAN (l*sut rcno anl nuid slalrc olerh &ardor) ("Gtantor"), hereby conveys and quitclaims to RICHARD J. BRO\^N, A SINGLE MAN (insqt na,ne oleilh @anlee) ("Grantee'), as t^L^^L^-..^-^t^-t E tenantsincommon, ffnorehanoneGranl*lsnamedabotnatdeltlprnoboxlschqkedorbothbwesarechecked,ILnecx onv one Dox.)E joint tenants, ,lt s conwyucc is made lo lhe named Granleos os lonarls in commofl.) realproperty in CARVER County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: Lot 4, Minnewashta Park, Carver County, Minnesota, except the easterly 90 feel thereof. Consideration for this transaction is less than $500.00 Check here if all or part of the described real propefty is Reglslered (Torren$ a together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, PEel ot2 City CIerk's Certification Pursuant to M.S. 272.162 The undensigned hereby certifies: (Check one of fte following:) That City subdivision regulations do not apply to ftis inshument. That he subdivision of land affected by ffris instument has been approved by Sre goveming body of fie City of Chanhassen. That municipal restrictions on frre filing and recording of tris insfument have been waived by a resolution of the goveming body of fie City of Chanhassen. That ttris insbument does not comply with municipal suMivision resfrictions and he affected land and its assessed valuation should not be divided by the County Auditor. printeJruame: {m MU^r^liss/J4 Page2ol2 Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks Form 10,3,1 E tr Check applicable box: I me Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. A well disclosure certificate accompanies lhis documenl or has been eleglr.o,ryqally filed, (lf el.ectronically lilqd, inie{ V1DC number:i j.) I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and number of wells on the descilbed real property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certifi cate. RICHARD J. (slgnoltno) (slsnatne) State of Minnesota, County of OARVER 1 This instrument was acknowledged before me on MARCH / , 2024 , by RICHARD J. BROWN, A SINGLE MAN (nontildaytle$) (insal naneaN nallal slalus ol e*h Gn,@ (Stamp) AMY K. WEIDMAN Notary Puuic-Minnesota fry Commldon B9kss Jrn 31' 2027 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DMFTED BY: (insed,wno aN addtoss) JEFFREY A. OLSON, PLLC 7831 GLENROYROAD SUITE 240 EDINA, MN 55439 952-835-4709 TAX STATEMENTS FOR THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE SENT TO: (insf,l legd nafl1d aN /esidardal o. Ousii,sss ad&ex ot Granlae) RICHARD J. BROWN 2630 ORCHARD LANE EXCELSTOR, MN 55331-7804 Current taxes on parcel split described withln paid asot&ttfrr ?'7lLdilatel Kaaren Lewis Carver County.flecorder ay {sr}) .Deputr- Tifle(andKnk): Ncrvvl' ?-lct i c Mycommissionexrn*, W EiiEEIEiIEflEflE f,*iflx s g EEIEE g e EEiIEEFggE$E ETFE rsri t$sriE{ Ei: friaFEii 13g Altl.aE: A-"E eEil gE6F F A E'B BSHE E 5 € E EEiiEsi FE$f,EAFIEEE aitr[[l! EE$f rEEiigiIEEEE gF;IFlIgeEE ;lu 8tEeb HIE EIEEtsFtz EIBfit2 213 b I6 E U ! 2 o FciI d E f;zi o $wi _'/;'\ria'v:l ;\ey,lu;offi'G fr',I*Z@::-V/ffi ililg iiliir ililrigEi$ilE iIB$ EIEEBl Fr EFI} iit I AEE? il {i EE$Ed!qFl6'i ffiiiiigflu'iiigiil ii$ ililIi'ii'i iru '_a 1 ; dtAgs E *Cce! FIE gtB-:q. .?f tE 8R :qFk- E8 6Exd I I I II I I f .--!s -----s-L_.._--.-_ ...-. _l_---- lq Ere'I d h ! d ts8agt$ a t99B* o c I :aE I !;9E E g 9NN ^ ! l h:;eiL - o o@odo'P p FpppF I t nrnna E q =EEEr I5!=g E s t lio lx ae $-EE lg! E ilsf; r rlE OB<t# : N t itBilEi t I e9g9Lr r irii >tesFfq: E ;lg fi'lsli8tEili 'iiilttii 7--.ffi=J t RH lE FR xH lE EE EE ln >: s>,i o-il< _( sJ EFJd() 8(D