Recorded permanent easement parcel Bt? Document Number: T 2292Ii.7 Torrens Certifrcate:,14061.0 Filed and/or Reorded on Mar 22,2024 2:43 PM Office of the County Recorder/Reglstrar of Tltles Carver County, Minneota lGaren Lewis, Registrar of Titles Deputy DL Document Recording Fees $ 46.00 DocumcntTofg,l $ 46.00 Requesting Party: CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Pages: 5 This cover page has been added to thls document by Carver County Land Records and is now an official part of this recorded document (Reserved for rec or ding) GRANT OF PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PURPOSES RICHARD J. BROWN, widowed and not remarried, ("Grantor"), in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the CITY OF CHANIIASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, the Grantee, hereinafter referred to as the "City", its successors and assigns, forever, a perrnanent easement for public drainage and utility purposes over, on, across, under and through the land situated in the County of Carver, State of Minnesota, as legally described on the attached Exhibit'oA" and depicted on the attached Exhibit "B" (the "Easement Property"). INCLUDING the rights of the City, its contractors, agents, servants, and assigns, to enter upon the Easement Property at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair, and maintain said public drainage and utility systems over, across, on, under, and through the Easement Property, together with the right to grade, level, fill, drain, pave, and excavate the Easement Property, and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth, and other obstructions interfering with the location, construction, and maintenance of said public drainage and utility systems. 227940v1 The above-named Grantor, for himself, his successors and assigns, does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that he is well seized in fee title of the Easement Property; that he has the sole right to grant and convey the easement to the City; that there are no unrecorded interests in the Easement Property; and he will indemniff and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor hereto has signed this easement this 3L dav of Octnkr ,2023. G By: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) cor.rNrY o, Qoqlt r. \'"' ^ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 0Cf0bq, - ,2023,by Richard J. Brown, widowed and not remarried. day of JENNIFER ANN POTTER Notary Public'Minnesota My Commlsslon Exdrct &n 31' 2027- THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSoN Professional As s ociatio n Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (65 l) 452-5000 AMP/mew xl 22'7940v1 EXHIBIT'6A' TO GRANT OF PERMANENT EASEMENT Easement leeal description The northerly, easterly and westerly 5 feet and the southerly 10 feot of the following described parcel: The easterly 90 feet of Lot 4, Minnewashta Park, Craver County, Minnesota. 227940v1 EXHIBIT 66B" TO GRANT OF PERMANENT EASEMENT i*ii,iiliiiiiigiE;EiE iiiitl:*isliir I iii$ilfl *ff-iiiiff iiiliiiru lffiiiiiril}$i ili}iiiiiii$ d / ';: \*"*'ll \ l[ i*lirliii;i ffi/**'1*$ffi f,'liiifiliili J'^ l; Hi$u & i' ;ii}l fln:--&#ffiffi l$ /,' i',I," g i: ft:' t .,'i+M#$* , '$'-'-o* t{$lt** ". I I J t I Jit-I , '!E /'" * -it{.**L !}t*"1 li v cnF ti H $H &it * Fn a( i, r+ l.tlilll H sl,. li t IIHI }BH F$ xE H fE sI li pi{>,il:H -, $ { x ,F'ffii t ilfli,!t g> i< i (-> *rB illg ; iilil$ 22'7940v1