MARCH 19, 1992
Vice Chairman Bohn called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m..
MEMBERS PRESENT: 3ira Bohn, Tom Workman and Don Chmiel
MEMBERS ABSENT: Clark Horn and Charlie Robbing
STAFF PRESENT= Don Ashworth, Executive Director; Todd Gerhardt, Asst.
Executive Director; and Paul Krauss, Planning Director
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Workman m6ved', Chmiel'seconded to approve the Minutes
of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting dated February 20, 1992
as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Gerhardt: Vice Chairman, HRA members. Included in your packet is the
public hearing notice. The first thing is for the HRA to take action in
opening the public hearing to take some comments on the sale of the
property with 70,000 square feet of land to Americana Bank. After taking
citizen comment, I'd like to have you close the hearing and if there are no
ob3ections, staff is recommending that you pass the attached resolution
selling the westerly 70,000 square feet to Americana Community Bank.
Workman: Do we need to move to open the public hearing?
Bohn: Yeah.
Workman: I would so move.
Chmiel: Second.
Workman moved, Chmiel seconded to open the public hearing on the sale of
HRA property to Americana Community Bank. All voted in favor and the -
motion carried.
Bohn: And close the public hearing?
Chmiel: No, if there's anyone here for any comments maybe.
8ohn: Anybody any comments? If not, we'll close it.
Workman moved, Chmiel seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in
favor and the motion carried. The public hearing was closed.
Chmiel: I'd like to make a recommendation, the-approval of the attached
resolution we have attached authorization, attachment for authorizing the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
March 19, 1992 - Page 2
HRA to sell the westerly 70,000 square feet of Lot 1, Block 1 Crossroad
Plaza Addition.
Workman: Second.
Chmiel: I think we've gone over this Mr. Chair several different times and
we've had the Americana people in to our meetings and have gone through the
reviews as such. That's the reason why it probably didn't take much-
discussion today to accomplish this.
Chmiel moved, Workman seconded to approve the resolution (Attachment #4)
authorizing the HRA to sell the westerly 70,000 sQ. ft. of Lot l, Block
Crossroads Plaza Addition. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Krauss: I think you'll remember we first came to you last fall with the
idea of one day building a senior cen'ter and what you told us why don't you
3ust do it right now. We took you at your word and really have been
working very diligently for a good number of months to refine the plans,
develop a bid spec sheet and go out for bids on that. What we found though
is we've gotten some very favorable bids. We promised we would use a sharp
pencil on these plans and try to economize it. The original cost estimates
for this was in the ballpark of $175,000.00. Now that included some
$12,000.00 to $15,000.00 for furnishings but that was the initial cost
estimate. We then brought in EOS to do the refined architectural plans for
us and their original estimate was also in that ballpark at about
$170,000.00. About $150,000.00 or so, $155,000.00 of which would have been
construction. We did, when we put out the bids, we did. hope that given the
somewhat favorable bidding climate that we may do pretty well. In fact I
think we did a lot better than we probably had a right to expect. We got
the low bid for the construction at $132,200.00 which I hope you'll agree
is a pretty good bargain in this day and age for what we're getting. I
think the Council has had the opportunity to review the plans. Just
briefly, we're looking at a center that is designed as multi-purpose as
possible. It has a large room big enough to accommodate the Chanhassen
Senior Club so you can seat 45-50 people at card tables. The room is able
to be split in half so that you can have several activities going on at the
same time. There is a serving kitchen. There's new bathrooms. There's a
vestibule matching this vestibule built onto that side of the building
which will be used for coats initially but it really fits in well with the
overall plans to expand City Hall at some point in the future, it will fit
in well with the city center park as well when that happens. And we did
try again to do this with the eye of being reasonable from a cost
standpoint. I should also nots that everything that's been done here is
done with an eye to not wasting any money at all should one day the library
move out and the senior center expand. Everything is expandable. You're
basically talking about moving a few walls to get access to that space. You
don't lose the investment that you're putting in. We have, I think you can
see most of my Senior Commission is sitting behind me. They've been
working really overtime on all this and they've really been a source of
inspiration and energy on it. I expect they're going to be pushing us
right along to get this thing built and open in a expeditious manner. The
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
March 19, 1992 - Page 3
HRA doesn't specifically need to vote on this allocation. The Council I
gather has to official approve that and that's on the agenda for Monday.
This is by way of a presentation to make you comfortable with it and
respond to any questions you might have. With that, if you have any
specific questions, we have Bert Haglund the architect who's here tonight
who can review things with you. Did you want Bert to go through it?
Chmiel: I think Bert's probably already gone through it last time and a
couple other times and I don't know.
Bohn: Yeah, I agree.
Chmiel: But that's up to the Chair position.
Gerhardt: Unfortunately we didn't have the other two HRA members here
tonight. Basically we were bringing Bert in to update Jim. I know Jim's
been active and I think Charlie and Clark had an opportunity to see the
final construction plan and keeping them aware of...
Chmiel: Right. And I think the women have probably seen everything that
is being proposed per se in our agreement with what has been proposed,
unless someone has some specific discussions they'd like to make on it or
state their opinions as to what has been done. If there'are none, I'd say
we should just proceed and send this then to Council.
Bohn: I agree. Thank you for coming.
Krauss: And the bids were a nice surprise.
Chmiel: Yeah. It's good to see that we dropped about another $18,000.00
on that part of it.
Bohn: This will be open June 12th?
Krauss: That's what we're shooting for. Is that still the date Bert? I
know it's in June sometime.
Bert Haglund: Our last schedule we had used 12 as the substantial
completion date, yes.
Chmiel: And the...ceremony is when?
Krauss: Well we've been talking about the potential, iT everybody's in
agreement with it, of trying to have it open in the middle of 3une but
having a grand opening in conjunction with July 4th. It's'going to be out
in front anyway.
Montgomery: We'd like to thank you all on behalf of our commission...
Gerhardt: ...We met with Mark Lundgren, the Carver County ~uditor today
and they're working with the School District...calculations. Right now the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
March 19, i992 - Page 4
County's computer system can't, isn't programmed to make that calculation
...and coming up with some type of settlement... With the redevelopment
district we've been approached by both the County and the School District
and we talked about closing the district out early in the 1995 timeframe
and we made representations of both of those and we'll look at that as we
get closer and closer each year...
Bohn: Before we go to approve bills, is Brad 3ohnson here to talk about
the update of Market Square?
Brad 3ohnson: Yeah. I actually came here to, you weren't around here for
the end of the deal.
Bohn: No I wasn't.
Brad Johnson: We had a little award that we gave out and C.harlie Robbins
and 3ames Bohn...your award so I'd like to give you the book. It's really
something with preservance. You have to read it all... That's for you and
then Charlie will get one too whenever I catch up with him. But thank you
guys. It looks like it's moving along.
Chmiel: Little bit of dirt moving.
Brad 3ohnson: Little bit? It will really be moving {omorrow. It's going
along real good.
Bohn: Any surprises in there?
Brad Johnson: No. We don't have any dead bodies...
Bohn: How are the old grain elevators in there?
Chmiel: Now that we're done with that particular project, we would hate
like beck, as far as we're concerned, we would hate like beck to not see
your smiling face at these HRA meetings.
Brad Johnson: Well I'll figure out something...I'm a little bit worn out.
right now though. But we'll be back. Thank you. Tell Charlie I'm looking
for him. Did you know Charlie's Rookie of the Year in his 3ob? He was
named Rookie of the Year at TCF. Charlie the Rookie. We've got a real
good response...
Workman: So moved.
Chmiel: I will second with discussion.
Bohn: It's been moved and seconded. We'll have discussion.
Chmiel: I've discussed it already.
and dry.
I didn't want it to look like it's cut
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
March 19, 1992 - Page 5
Workman moved, Chmiel seconded to approve the HRA bills. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Chmiel moved, Norkman seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor
and the motion carried. The meeting Nas ad3ourned at 7:50 p.m..
Submitted by Don Ashworth
Executive Director
prepared by Nann Opheim