1992 04 23CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVEIX)PMENT AU'II-IOR1TY REG~ MEETING APRIL 23, 1992 Cha/rman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:45 p_m_, MEMBERS PRESENT: Clark Horn, Don Chmlol, Tom Workman, Jim Bolm and Charlio Robbing M~MBER ABSENT:. none STAFF PRF~EN'I~. Don Ashworth, Executive Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Cbmiel moved, Bohn seconded to approve the minut~ of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting dated March 19, 1992, as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. VISITOR PRESENTATION: none OLD BUSINESS: UPDATE ON HOTRL EXPANSION. CONFERENCE CENTER RRDEVELOP _MF-NT OF ~ BA_C~_ OF TH~ DINN17R THFATRE Don Ashworth began thi,~ segment of the liRA meeting by identifying the variety of factors that have warranted a new look on the south side of West 78th Street. Mr. A~hworth expldned that the hotel is interested in exp~on, the bowling center is in a financially vulnerable position, the scene shop is interested in moving to the Frontier building or elsewhere in downtown Chanhassen and the Child's PLay Theater may have an interest in downtown Chanhassen if unsu~ in meeting its objectives in downtown Hopldm, Mr. Ashworth then asked Fred Hoisington to present the pre 'hminao' south side plan, Mr. Hoisington presented three scenarios for the redevelopment of the south side of West 78th Street, indicating that it could be an entertainment/recreafion/comrmmity center, a retail center, or an industrial/commercial center. He went on to present an entertainment/recreation center concept including existing condition~ Phase I improvements and future improvements which would ultimately include an integrated convention/conference center, an adult recreation center, hotel expansion, a restaurant, a new scene shop, an office/parking ramp development, and interconnected walkways. Mr. Ashworth then asked for comments from Bloomherg Properties, Dinner Theater and County Suites Hotel representatives. Mr. Clayton Johnr~on of Bloomberg Properties indicated that they wi.~h to eliminate undesirable uses on the south side of West 78th Street, and upgrade existing retail space so that there is a desire to expand the scene shop and that the Bloomberg interests are willing Housing Redevopment Authority Page 2 to invest $1 million to $1.5 million in hotel expansion and a new restaumnL Mr. Johnson indicated that the hotel is in nexd of meeting space, and that they are interested in upgrading store fronts and signage including the rear of the exis~ Frontier building,. Mr. - .Johnson also exp~ that Bloomberg Properties would like to lease a portion of the City building to the Dinner Theater scene shop for warehousing purposes. He went on to explain that they would like to replat the property into three parcels including the Dinner Theater parcel, the Frontier parcel, and the hotel parcel Mr..Johnson offered that it is urgent that the scene shop move into the Frontier building by June 1. The other point of urgency is the hotel expansion where the addition of 28 rooms will be dependent on how the HRA deah with the old Instant Web/City bufldin~ A Country Suites Hotel representative then indicated that they would like to get started as soon as posdble with hotel expandon, that a restaurant will be needed, that the hotel is in need of meeting room fadlities, and that the existing Filty's facih'ty is a serious problem for the hotel operation. He then went on to explain that they have had 3,000 room nights in the last six months, mostly attn'butable to the business park, and that there is a growing demand for hotel rooms in Chanhassen. Mr..Jim .Jude of the Dinner Theater also explained that there is some urgency on their part to u_filize or seek to find new space for the scene shop and the warehousing of scenery. Chairman Clark Horn asked each of the HRA Members to comment on the plan proposal The comments were as follows: Tom Workman exp~ed that he agrees with the plan but that a minimum of three gymnasiums should be provided. Mayor Don Chmiel asked who would pay for the road and inquired as to how many years the HRA is willing to keep the present TIF District in place. He strongly expressed an interest in project aesthetics and how this wlTll look from TH 5. He was very sutvporfive of the overall concept and expr~ the opinion that the City is in need of meeting rooms. Charlie Robbins indicated that he liked the plan, does not like the prospect of losing the bowling center, likes the proposal to ex. nd the street to Great Plains Boulevard but expr~ concern over whether there is sufficient parking to accommodate the development. Mr. Ashworth asked Mr. Hoisington if parking had been calculated, and Mr. Ho'~ngton exp~ed that that ~ll needs to be done. Hous/ng Redevelopment Authority April 23, 1992 Page 3 Clark Horn expressed the opinion that the concept is good and that perhaps it is time to revisit the comm, nity center concept. He indicated that he feeh the road must be extended and that he likes the concept of an enterta/nment center at this location. After considerable disam~on, the HRA Commi~ion unanimously approved the concept and authorized the City Manager to proceed with the development of a plan. NEW BUSINESS: CONSIDF. R APPROVAI. OF A PRIVATE RI~EVELOP~ AGREF.~ WITH BLOOMBI~RG COMPANI~ FOR Tl-m __CHANHAS~.N DINNER THFA'IRE Robblns moved, Bohn seconded to approve the Private Redevelopment Agreement with Bloomberg Companies and their request for $351~00 in special asse~_~ment assistance. All voted in favor and the motion caxried. CONSIDER APPROVP, I. OF A PRIVATE RI~DEVi~.IOP~ AGR~EMHNT_ WrTH BLOOMBERG COMPANIF. S FOR THE O113 INSTANT WI~.I~I BUll.DING Robbins moved, Bohn seconded to approve the Private Redevelopment Agreement with Bloomberg Companies and their request for $60,461.00 in special assessment assistance. All voted in favor and the motion carded. APPROVAL OF BILLS Workman moved, _Chmlel seconded for approve the liRA bills. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Chmiel moved, Bohn seconded to adjourn the meetin& All voted in favor and the motion carriexL Respectfully Submitted, Todd Gerhardt Assistant Executive Director