Administrative Section ADMINISTRA TIVE SECTION CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markel Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administrallon Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.22W60 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us -;J.:~( ~~ May 18,2007 Ms. Lynn Amal St. Hubert's Catholic Community 8201 Main Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Lynn: Thank you for contacting the City of Chanhassen regarding your Summer Stretch program. We welcome the opportunity to work with you and the children of St. Hubert's Church and School. It is our understanding that approximately 16 children in grades 6, 7 and 8 will be participating each day. City staff met to discuss potential projects for your group and arrived the following project schedule. Thursday, June ~8th - City Center Park "Spru The group' . s end the morning sprucing up Ci the 4th of Ju ark mai and Brad M assignments. mulching, k in preparation for harlie Eiler drat Some pe to glue roun that the water natural resourc not apply here. Lo Natural Resources Technic! and lead you out to the sele e - out and Krista Torgeson, rt's to review the program The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, Quality schools, a Channing downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Ms. Lynn Arnal May 18, 2007 Page 2 Thursday, July 26th-Lake Susan Park Trail Clean Up The Lake Susan to Rice Marsh Lake trail is one of the most widely utilized segments of pedestrian trail in the city. The trail provides direct access for St. Hubert's Church and School to some of the city's most spectacular natural resources. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director will meet the group at school at 9:30 a.m. to lead the group on an adventuresome clean-up hike of the trail leading from the school to Lake Susan Park. We will return to the school using the sidewalk along Lake Drive - cleaning up along the way. Some students should wear knee high boots to permit clean-up of the lakeshore of Lake Susan. Again thank you for your commitment to completing service projects within the community. We hope these projects sound exciting - we look forward to working with you! Sincerely, ~ h{/$~ Jdfkinclair Environmental Resources Specialist Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director Water Resources Coordinator ~s~T~r:Ir- Natural Resources Technician cf2oLo, & u~ Charlie Eiler Park Maintenance Brad Morse Park Maintenance G:\park\th\St. Hubert's Summer Stretch. doc Chanhassen Senior Center Volume 42 elOS 7700 Market Blvd., P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1125 Summer 2007 Coordi nator's Corner by Sue ~i11 The month of May was filled with numerous activities, events. and celebrations as the Senior Center celebrated 15 wonderful years. Old and new friends gathered for talks of days gone by,shared stories and reminisced as they stroll down memory lane. We remembered old. friends and welcomed new friends. What a wonderfUl month we had. I would like to thank everyone that helped make our 15th Anniver- sary celebrations 50 wonderful. Please stop in or call the Senior Center to pick up your com- memorative gift, if you haven't done 50 already. Chanhassen Senior.Center--15 Years Strong ...Still Growing and Going. I . .", II '" '1; Barkus Parade Join us on Saturday, August 11 for a morning of fun and entertainment. Come and enjoy the parade and buy some wonderful homemade goodies from our Senior Center booth. We will have fresh baked goods, hot coffee, lemonade and our beautiful greeting cards. Special.Events Lake Minnetorika History Ladies Tea Luncheon & Presentation & Breakfast 1920's Style Show Join us for breakfast and a presentation on the history of Lake . Minnetonka, 1855-2000. Presenter Leo Meloche has authored 5 books on this subject and will share his stories and pictures of the big lake's rich history. Monday, July 30, 9 a.m. $4 Registration/Payment. Deadline: Monday, July 23 . /2Fishing Outing All are welcome (m~n and women) for this FREE and exciting event sponsored by the Men's aub. We will meet at 8:45 a.m. to carpool to the Headla's at 6870 Minnewashta Pkwy. for a moming of fishing. Please bring your own tackle for pan fishing and P.F.D. life jacket if you have one. Extra lifejaCkets and tackle will be available for those that need it. Men'S aub will provide bait, guide service,. cold drinks, and prizes for the longest and shortest catch. Monday, June 18,9 a.m. - 12 noon RSVP by Wednesday, June 13 Join us for a delicious Tea Luncheon and a style show from the 1920's. The 1920's were the most daring decade for both men and women alike, revolution- ized the fashion world. With the arrival of the "jazz age" and prohibition, women's skirts rose scandalously to the knees and they cut their hair short in the boyish bob. Floating Georgette crepe and beading were quite popular and we will see these in many forms. The show contains plenty of classic "flapper" dresses that surely must have been worn to dance the Charleston. Special thanks to Hair for Guys and Dolls for their support of this event. Wednesday,. August 1,12 noon $12 Resldents/$13 NOll-Residents Registration/Payment Deadline: Wednesday, July 18 .Chanhassen- Day at the Arboretum On Friday, August 17, Chanhassen residents are admitted free. A reception with Peter Olin and Mayor Tom Furlong begins at 10 a.m. with various other programs throughout the day. Dinner & Concert In The Park Grab your lawn chairs and join us at Oty Center Park for a delidous picnic dinner and an evening of music under the stars. We11 start the night off with a chicken ., dinner and then enjoy Cyril Paul in the City Center Park. ~ Thursday,JuIy. .26,5:30 p.m. ~.. _ W;tl~ $8 Residents/$9 Non-Residents ,~~ , Registration/Payment Deadline: Friday, Jlily 13 .. - ' ONE DAY TRIPS Summer Pops Orchestra Concert Enjoy beautiful music, beautiful scenery, andJots of fun as we travel to the historic Nicollet Island pavillion for a special summer concert by the Minneapolis Pops Orches- tra. Before the music begins we'll have coffee, punch and donuts. . You may even win a door prize. After the concert, we11 have lunch at Pracna on Main...a historic dining saloon built in 1890. A choice of 3 entrees: shaved turkey on rye sandwich topped with Swiss cheese and cranberry creme cheese; homemade meatloaf sandwich smothered with mushroom gravy; ora grilled chicken salad topped with mandarin oranges, cranberries, roasted walnuts and warm cranberry bacon balsamic vinaigrette (entrees are served with a cup of tomato cognac soup) and vanilla ice cream topped with hot fudge and caramel. Wednesday, July 11, 9:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. $32 (Indudes perfonnance, transportation & lunch) Code No: 6073.104 Registration/Payment Deadline: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 Eagan GardenTour Lake Minnetonka Boat Cruise We begin with a garden of "Scherer" dellgh--visiting the home.gardens of the Scherer family which Includes over 50,000 robust annuals and perennials. Following our self-guided tour of these beautiful gardens, we will lunch at AI Baker's. Lunch includes a choice of: tuna melt, club melt, taco salad, cheeseburger or deli stacker. All aboard! The next whistle stop is Lutz's Backyard Railroad Garden. In this unique garden setting, a model train careens around beautiful foliage. Lastly, a short tour of the City of Eagan and a scenic stop at Eagan's Central Park for a cool treat. Tuesday, July 24 9:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. .$30 (lndUde&transportation, tour & lunch) COde No: 6073.105 Registration/Payment Deadline: Tuesday, July 10 We will cruise for 2 hours on the luxuri- ous motoryacht, Paradise Destiny II. This c1imate-controlled boat includes f1oor-to-ceiling windows, a large open-air deck, and an elegant patio deck. The boat's captain will provide narration on some of the gorgeous Excelsior homes and lake Minnetonka history. We will dine on croissant sandwiches, fresh fruit, chips, cookies and non.,alcohollc beverages. We will have time to enjoy historic downtown Excelsior. Thursday, August 23 10:30 a.m. - 2:15p.m. $48 (Indudes transportation, . cruise & lunch) $40 (Indudesaulse and. lunch) Code No: 6073.106 Registration/Payment Deadline: Tuesday,Ju 9 Registration Policy: All trip payments are due on or before the registration deadline. Registration cannot be confirmed until payment is made. Payment may be made via our website, by check, cash, or VIsa/MasterCard. Make checks payable to the aty of Chanhassen. Registrations should be mailed to or dropped off at the Chanhassen Senior Center, 7700 Market Blvd., P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317. No refunds are made for cancellation (after the registration date) unless the trip Is cancelled by the Senior Center. Ei------.II ------ ~ EXTENDED TRIPS There's still time to plan your summer vacation and join us on one of the following trips. Flyers are avaiiable in the Senior Center with more detailed information, or you can request a COP} by calling the Senior Center. Canadian Rockies Trip highlights: Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center, Fort Mandan, BoVII Falls, Banff and Jasper National Parks, Columbia Ice-field, Columbia Sno- Coach, Cominco's Floral Gardens, Glacier National Park, Going-To- The- Sun Road and Plains Indian Museum. July 18-26 2 people (lor 2 beds) $1200 Folklorama Winnipeg, Manitoba Trip highlights: Pacldlewheel River Rouge dinner cruise, City tour of Winnipeg, Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba Museum, Forks Markets, Royal canadial Mint, Folklorama activities for 2 nights. August 7-10 2 people, lor 2 beds $550 (Meals Induded: 3 dinners) . Pacific Northwest Trip highlights: 13 outstanding mea~ 2 nights in downtown Seattle, lunch a the Space Needle, 2 nights in Vancouver & sights, 3 nights In VlCtori and sight-seeing, overnight stay at Rosario Resort on Oreas Island, San Jean Island Cruise and Butchart Gardens, Victoria Be. A passport Is needed for this tril August 20-28 or August 29-September 2 $2299 (indudes roundtrip airfare from MSP) Lunchtime Lyrics &. Twilight Toons Come enjoy our Lunchtime Lyrics & Twilight Tunes concert series this summer! The performances will take place at Oty Center Park (south of Oty Hall) in downtown Chanhassen. There will be a variety of music styles to enjoy. Bring your lawn chair and join us for this FREE concert series! June 21, 7-8 pm Teddy Bear Band (Children's) June 28, 12-1 pm Will Hale & Growth Spurt Band (Children's) June 28, 7-8 pm MN Valley Band (Marches, Broadway) July 12, 7-8 pm Big Spud paddy & Guinnes Aires (Celtic) July 19, 7-8 pm Jazz on the Prairie Big Band (Jazz) July 26,12-1 pm The Blue Drifters (Bluegrass) July 26, 7-8 pm Cyril Paul (Reggae/Caribbean) August 2, 7-8 pm Eden Prairie Community Band (Big Band Music) c SSES Defensive Driving The Senior Center offers an 8-hour defensive driVing.. class.~ ..' for those who have . - never taken the class and a 4-hour re- fresher course for those who have. Participants receive an insurance discount certificate after class comple- tion. Classes are held at the Senior Center and the coSt is $14 per person. Make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Pre-registriittion is required and is due 5 days prior to start date. Register on the City website or stop by City Hall or the Senior Center to pick up a registration form, Phone registrations are not accepted. For more information or to have a registration form mailed to you, call the Senior Center at 952-227-1125. 8-HourCourse Wednesdays, July 11 &. 18 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Code: 6073.108 4-Hour Refresher Course Friday, July 13, 8:30 - 12:30 p.m. Code: 6073.110 Tues., August 14, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. Code: 6073.111 Grandparents Rights, Yi~itation & Custody Join us for a panel discussion on what issues face grandparents and questions relating to rights, custody and visitation. Wednesday, July 25 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. This workshop is sponsored by the MN Regional Legal Services. There is no cost, but pre-registration is required by July 16. The Underground Railroad - A True Story This presentation is one person's story of courage and justice emanating from America's history during a period when the Underground Railroad was opera- tional. It is based on a true story, set in the author's hometown of Zanesville, Ohio. The lecture is based on the book, Passages by Lucy V. Hulme. Tuesday, August 7, 2:00 p.m. $3 (indudes presentation and refreshments) Payment/Registration Deadline: Monday, July 30 Line Dancing Join us for this fun and easy-to-Iearn class and a chance to get some great exercise. In this class you will learn new steps while also refining basic steps, movements and techniques. Wednesdays, July 18- Aug. 19 10:00-11:00 a.m. $32 Residents/$34 Non-Residents payment/Registration Deadline: Monday, July 9 Code 6073.119 Line Dandng Classes are held at the Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Boulevard seniorCent.er "....:.. Golf Club ~, Meet every Wednesday at Red Oak Golf Course in Mound. Tee times begin at 8:58 a.m. This year we will play once a month at a different course. Call the Senior Center for more information. Call 952-227-1125 for more information on any of these offerings. SENIOR CENTER HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY, 9 A.M.-4 P.M. . Mondays Men's Club (1st &. 3rd) .................... 9:00 -10:30 a.m. Women's Club (2nd &. 4th) ............... 9:30 -11:00a.m. Sr. Advisory Board (1st) ................ 9:30 ~ 11:00 a.m. Bridge ............................................ 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. Recyded Greeting Cards (3rd) ........... 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Book Oub(4th)................................. 1:00 -.2:30 p.m. Tuesdays FootCare Clinic (1st) ................ .8:15 a.m. -12:15 p.m. Health Insurance Assistance (2nd) ...... 9:00 -11:00 a.m. CHAN-o-Iaires ......................... Resumes in September Wednesdays Woodcarving ................................... 9:00 -11:30 a.m. Birag::>............................................. 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. Thursdays CardOub (500 &. Hand &. Foot) .......... 1:00- 4:30 p.m. Fridays Sr. Commission (3rd) .......................10:00 -11:30 a.m. Woodcarving ....................................9:00 -11:30 a.m. CitlJ 01 Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen,MN 55317 '. r "'" Recycled Greeting Card Shop! The Recycled Greeting Card Shop' is now open. Beautiful hand-crafted recycled greeting cards are now available for purchase for just 50 cents. at the senior center. Where else can you find such a bargain? We are always in need of your used gre~ting cards for this program. Please drop them off at the Senior Center, as-is, and they will be turned into beautiful works of art!. -.... ~ Mailing List To remove your name from the newsletter mailing list or to update your mailing information, please call the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227~1125. For more infonnation about the Senior Center or programs offered in this newsl~r, can the Senior Center at 952-227-1125. Presort Standard US Postage Paid Chanhassen, MN Pennit No. 14 CHASKA COMMUNITY HOCKEY ASSOCIATION RECEIVED MAY 1 7 2007 May 11,2007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1.1.1..1.1...11....111...111......11.1..11...1.1..11...1.11..1 Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen City Adm PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317-0147 Dear Todd: The Chaska Community Hockey Association, CCHA has recently formed a booster club for the purpose of organizing support for youth hockey in our communities. The mission of the Chaska Hockey Booster Club is to be the liaison between the local business community and the Chaska Community Hockey Association players and parents. We are a non profit organization with the principle goal of providing financial support for youth hockey players in the Chaska, Chanhassen, Victoria and Carver communities. We accomplish this with the support of dedicated parents that have strong ties to the local business community and a passion for supporting youth hockey. We are writing this letter to inform local business leaders about our organization and the various sponsorship opportunities that exist for your company to join many other local companies by becoming a Chaska Youth Hockey Booster. There are over 560 youth in our community that participate in the CCHA program and that number is growing every year. The families of those players are dedicated in their support for youth hockey and as such support the businesses that support the association. The CCHA this past season implemented a "buy local" policy and has made where ever possible to buy our goods and services from local businesses, we have a budget of nearly $500,000 of which the large majority was spent within our community. In addition CCHA hosted events bring thousands of people annually into our community and support our local businesses when they are at these events. The enclosed is a list of the various ways in which your company may join the growing list Chaska Hockey Boosters. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you personally or over the phone to discuss in further detail how your company can get involved with Chaska Youth Hockey and the rewards it will bring to your business. Sincerely, Reed Moormeier Director of Fundraising Chaska Community Hockey Association 2394 WESTON RIDGE COURT. CHASKA, MN . 55318 PHONE: 952.221.7581. FAX: 952.216.0044 49273-LT The CCHA Booster Club Sponsorship Opportunities (In date order) Golf Scramble: Held annually the 3rd Monday in July at Deer Run Golf Club in Victoria, this is a great way for your business to entertain a few clients, support youth hockey and have a great time. There are many sponsorship packages available for this event, one of the most popular being our introductory Corporate Sponsorship for $750 which includes a foursome in the Scramble, a Hole Sponsorship and Membership in the Chaska Hockey Booster Club. A $1,000 value! Dasher Boards: The CCHA has just reached a new agreement with the Chaska Community Center for sale of Dasher Board advertising on the main arena which hosts hundreds of youth games in addition to all Chaska High School Boys and Girls home games. Standard pricing for ads on Dasher Boards across District 6 and the Lake Conference is a 3 year agreement at $1,000 per year plus $400 for the production of the ad. We are offering a one-time introductory price of $500 per year for a 3 year agreement plus $400 for the ad production we expect them to be sold out by the start of the season so if you are interested contact us this spring! Sponsor a Youth Hockey Team-: For the 2007~08 season the CeHA will be seTIing team sponsorships for upper level (squirt and higher) teams, $500 gets your name on the back of the jerseys and banner on the teams home page as well as a banner on the CCHA Booster Club website. Brick City Classic: The states premier tournament for Boys "c" Level Hockey Teams is hosted annually by the CCHA, in 2007 it will be Thanksgiving weekend. For the first time we are looking for a Presenting Sponsor for this event, which will include having the Tournament Named after your business, large Presenting Sponsor banner, name and logo on program cover and event clothing sold during the tournament. This event keeps the Community Center Rinks full for three days and is a great way to showcase your company to families from all across Minnesota. Hawk Awards: The CCHA has been a member of S.K.A.T.E. (Skaters Keep Achieving Through Education) program the recognizes all upper level youth hockey that maintain a 3.0 or higher grade point average. As the popularity of youth hockey has increased we have had the pleasure to recognize more student athletes each year. We have had great support for this program in the past by KleinBank, Gemini Sports Apparel and The Sondra Tarr Agency, please consider joining them in providing additional support for this great recognition program for our players that achieve in the classroom as well as on the ice. Carver Cup: The highlight of the season for our young players is The Carver Cup, this is the end of the season tournament for our mini-mite, mite and U8 hockey players. Like the Brick City Classic for thelirst time waare_looking for a Presenting5ponsor for this Even4 which will include having the Tournament Named after your business, large Presenting Sponsor banner, name and logo on program cover and event clothing sold during the tournament. This event runs for three days and is a great way to showcase your company to the families of over 200 entry level hockey players General Support Donations: If one of these plans doesn't fit your budget but you would like to support youth hockey, a general donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated. If you would like more information about the CCHA please check the box on the attached form and a CCHA Booster Club member will contact you to answer any questions you may have. 49273-ClB CC:H:.A SPONSORS:H:IP FOR1V.I Price Quantitv Total D CCHA Golf Scramble Hole Sponsor $250 D CCHA Golf Scramble Foursome $600 D CCHA Golf Scramble Foursome & Hole Sponsor $750 D Dasher Board Advertising - 3 years $1,900 D CCHA Team Sponsor $500 0 BriclLCit)' Classic Tournament Sponsor $2.000 D Hawk Awards (S.K.A.T.E. Program) misc D Carver Cup - Mite/Mini-Mite/U8 Jamboree Sponsor $2,000 D General Support Donation misc Total $ D I'd like to know more, please contact me For More Information Contact Reed Moormeier Phone: 952-221-7581 E-mail: Fundraising@ChaskaHockey.org Company Contact Return form to: Mike Halsne, CCHA Booster Club Treasurer 436 Oak Hill Road Chaska, MN55318 Or Fax to: 952-216-0044 Address City ST Zip Phone Payment Method D VISA Card Number Exp date D MasterCard 0 Discover Name on Card D Check D Bill Us Signature 49273-F _CARVER COUNTY Health. Partnership Making Carver County A Healthy Place To Live And Work Senior Commission PARKS & RECREATION DESIGN TEAM - VISION, DESIRED OUTCOMES AND STRATEGIES- FINAL DRAFT VISION STATEMENT - Carver County supports a well coordinated, affordable, readily accessible park and recreational opportunities/services offering mental, physical and social interaction that is consistently available to persons of all ages. DESIRED OUTCOMES: 1.) Increase awareness and education outreaches and opportunities. Metric: Carver County Quality of Life Survey 2.) List and review barriers to utilization of parks and recreational programs. Metric: Carver County Quality of Life Survey 3.) Foster consistency, coordination and collaboration among local Parks and Recreation departments whenever feasible. Metric: Carver County Quality of Life Survey 4.) Implement existing technology applications. Metric: Carver County Quality of Life Survey 5.) Consider Countywide Parks and Recreation sponsored events*, taking into consideration reach, appeal, special-population and age-specific activities. Metric: Carver County Quality of Life Survey Park Rae DT Vision Strategies Outcomes.doc 1 STRA TEGIES: 1.) Outcome . A generic "Senior-Friendly" symbol will denote events that offer transportation and other "senior-friendly" amenities (the criteria for this designation still need to be determined and ideally will be consistent across all Design Teams). Example: "Geared For Seniors" . Support concept of one-stop information resource center/office on aging as a service for seniors which raises awareness of opportunities for seniors and is coordinated in cooperation with existing senior programs both in and out of the county. 2.) Outcome ./ Lack of awareness ./ Lack of senior indusivity in programming ~(age 55)-7 ./ Transportation needs ./ Location/proximity ./ Connectivity/community connectedness ./ Social ./ Fear/unknowns ./ Cultural diversities ./ Ageism ./ Money concerns . Prioritize above list #1. Need for Increased Awareness and Public Education #2. Need for inclusive programming and activities #3. Need to address fear/unknowns/money concerns . Propose strategies to address top three (3) priorities as identified above Priority #1. Awareness and Public Education - Support recreation services providers witWn the county to improve awareness. Where possible, collaborate on public awareness opportunities through: · Internet · Bulk mail . Various sites within community Local Cable TV Signage Press release Specialty flyer mailed directly to seniors HealthlPrevention programs such as "Silver Sneakers" . Link clinics to health promotions Build awareness/advocacy through County Long Term Care Coordinators and Public Health Distribute information through churches and faith communities Distribute information through local Senior Commissions . . . . . . . . Priority #2. Inclusive activities · Address Hearing & Sight impairments . Support and develop opportunities for physically challenged · Address language barriers Park Rec DT Vision Strategies Outcomes.doc 2 Priority #3. FearlUnknownIMoney Concerns - Encourage recreational service providers to: . Consider free trial activities · Consider providing staff resources . Offer discount coupons · Keep programs to minimum cost . Consider portable programming, e.g., Waconia · Consider public/private partnerships Parks & Recreation brings programs to children · Consider sponsored programs who are hospital patients at Ridgeview Medical . Be aware of poverty level statistics and Center income guidelines/eligibility · Consider value-added dual branding "buddy up" concept 3.) Outcome . Increased effectiveness of parks and recreational programming countywide -/ J oint programming -/ Cross-bulletin (brochure) communication . Addressing complexities of system of resident and non-resident participation 4.) Outcome . Awareness building and education, interdepartmental coordination and registration, et al. . Post information and opportunities on Carver County website . Develop capacity for and encourage electronic registration . Develop capacity for advance information regarding upcoming events to be sent electronically to consumers 5.) Outcome . Brainstorm possible ideas . Potential Site: Waconia . Event Ideas: · Marathon(s) · Triathlon . 4th of July Fireworks Displays · 5K Run · Senior Games (see attached) * Note: Countywide Sheriff's Fishing Event is currently held annually Park Rec DT Vision Strategies Outcomes.doc 3 ICARVER COUNTY Health Partnership Making Carver Coun~ A Healthy Place To Live And Work Senior Commission Master Plan on Aging Design Team Presentation of Draft Outcomes and Strategies June 14,2008,8:45 -11:30 a.m. Chanhassen Recreation Center 8:45 Check-in and Continental Breakfast 9:00 Welcome & Introductions Bob Roepke, Chair, Senior Commission 9:10 Presentation & Discussion of Draft Report by Team 1. Home & Community-Based Sevices 2. Health & Long-Term Care 3. Housing & Adaptive Reuse of Housing 4. Transportation & Mobility 5. Civic Engagement and V olunteerism 10:10 Break 10:20 Presentation & Discussion Continued 6. Parks & Recreation 7. Education & Learning 8. Safety 11:00 Breakout - Moving Forward, Steps to Implementation 11 :20 Recognition and Thanks to Design Team Chairs and Members ... ..., , CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 7700 MARKET BLVD. RECEIVED P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JUN 1 8 2007 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer~ITYOFCHANHASSEN PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional)S~ .+kt~v~ Sti'\uo L- Picnic Facility tAla.. ~U.~W1 Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure for reserving picnic 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 2 3 4 5 Was facility clean 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations 2 3 4 5 Overall impression of facility 2 3 4 5 Comments: ii'Ll btU~ OWlS Wfn Uj;11~ 1;1 1l1j;~ SlVlf-,t'fj. What did you like most about your picnic facility: JhLll/cJ/I hktil ~1t p(~^4 jiOtAJ1r) tV'lJ. ~ SrOH -+rJj . (Evaluation Form continued on other side) .. What amenities would y~u like added? A dJHt1tl1~I~AJlIIJ What improvements could be made to better the facility? Adtiunu" (J. drC4'\" t'Y\1_:f1fuVl~'j1 /V\ Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 7700 MARKET BLVD. RECEIVED P.O. BOX 147 JUN 1 8 Z007 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry RuegemerylTYOF CHANHASSEN PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional)]hL ~od~ ~ic Facility L.t1/<.L Su san Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure for reserving picnic Q 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 @ 3 4 5 Was facility clean CD 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. CD 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations G) 2 3 4 5 Overall impression of facility G) 2 3 4 5 Comments: (Evaluation Form continued on other side) ~'.. .. What amenities would you like added? What improvements could be made to better the facility? Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? $ Coul.Aj,(j-Yek' CiVlj ~s;.W! ~--(e...r~ Was y'~ PMmpr ,'", ~jm~l. Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CITY OF CHANHASSEN June 18,2007 Lake Ann Park Ballfield and Picnic Shelter 2007 Project Schedule April 25, 2007 April 26, 2007 May 16, 2007 June 8, 2007 June 20, 2007 June 25, 2007 June 26, 2007 July 23, 2007 July 26, 2007 August 1, 2007 October 31, 2007 Nov. 30,2007 Kick-off Meeting/Collection of Data from Chanhassen (2-foot contour to topography and electrical drawings)/Site visit Begin Preparation of Base Map Schedule Survey Work Begin Research and Design Meet with City staff to discuss Preliminary Design Submit 90% Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate for review Submit 100% Plans and Specifications Submit plans & specifications to City Council via administrative packet Submit plans & specifications to Park & Recreation Commission via administrative packet City Council Awards Contract Preconstruction Meeting Construction Begins Construction Complete for Ballfield Lighting Construction Complete for Picnic Shelter FLE: f':'Und..... _.allIIdIIgIll1-GlQ.11BD lDfIKI aMR.dog LA'ItIlre 1 ICAl!: 40 1lI.1&'IIE:.u.,,1llIl7. a:wp. 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